Great Turnout for the BHS Alumni Golf Tourney


Great Turnout for the BHS Alumni Golf Tourney
Volume 12
Winter 2003
Great Turnout for the BHS Alumni Golf Tourney
We can’t say enough about our annual golf
tournament, held in June. First and foremost,
we’d like to congratulate all of the winning
teams! Our first-place women’s team consisted
of Tobi Craft Lessee ’59, Phyllis Pearlstein
Breslof ’64, Isobel Nathanson Bertman ’53 and
Eleanor Soble Oshry ’54. The first-place men’s
team included Leo Conrad ’66, Joe Grady ’66,
Jack Kirrane ’46, David Heavey ’92 and Joe
Gully, Jr. ’99. Our first-place masters team
(those graduating more than 40 years ago)
included Tom Norris ’53, Kevin Griffin ’53,
Steve Murphy ’53 and John Norris ’55.
The senior’s team (those graduating more than
50 years ago), included Tom McCarthy ’50, Dick
Higgins ’52, Jack Diamond ’48 and
Bob Murphy ’50.
From left to right: Joe Grady ’66, Jack Kirrane ’46, Leo
Conrad ’66, Joe Gulley Jr. ’99 and David Heavey ’92.
From left to right: Tobi Craft Lessee ’59, Phyllis
Pearlstein Breslof ’64, Isobel Nathanson Bertman ’53
and Eleanor Soble Oshry ’54
The second-place men’s team included Mike
Clebnik ’77, Rick Diamond ’78, Robert Bossman
’76 and Dave Bossman ’79.Third-place finishers
were Carl Ship ’70, Jim McMahon ’70,
Bob Lynch ’70, Andy Steverman ’70 and
Paul Buckley ’54.
We also recognized lots of individual accomplishments. The longest drive winners were
Peter Blumenthal ’61 and Helena Grady Kelley
’57. Closest to the pin winners were Peter
Blumenthal ‘61, John O’Dea ’86, Jack Diamond
’48 and Carl Ship ’70. Female winners of the
closest to the pin contest were Brenda Moran
’65 (who did it twice!), Cathy Stack Grundstrom ’63 and Phyllis Pearlstein Breslof ’64.
continued on page 10
BHS for Life: Show Your Commitment
Congratulations to our growing list of
alumni life members. We’re so thrilled
that many of you are demonstrating your
commitment to the alumni association by
choosing this fantastic option.
Here’s how it works: To become a life
member of the BHS Alumni Association, all
you have to do is pay a one-time fee of $300.
That’s all!
As a life member, you will be supporting
our volunteer organization in a meaningful
and important way. Plus, you’ll never be
asked to pay dues again!
Why not join the life members alumni
group? Simply check off this option on the
form on page 11. Remember, your donation
is tax-deductible. Thank you in advance for
your support!
BHS Alumni Association Profile: Susan Taymore Fox ’67
By Marcy Clebnik Kornreich ’74,
Newsletter Editor
Ask Susan Taymore Fox ’67
why she has been so active with the
Brookline High Alumni Association
and she pauses thoughtfully.“I
always wanted to give something
back,” she explains.“I loved high
She laughs and adds,“Plus, it’s
where I met Roger!” Roger Fox
’64, was a high school senior when
Susan was a starry-eyed freshman.
They started out as friends, and
often fixed each other up with
others.“We would double and then
drop the other people off and go
to Jack and Marian’s and just talk
for hours,” she recalls. (For the uninitiated, Jack and Marian’s was “the”
place to go in Coolidge Corner for
Susan Taymore Fox ’67 and her husband Roger Fox ’64, both have great memories
a late-night snack and if you would
about their years at Brookline High School.
“double” it meant you were going
on a double date with another couwork to the Alumni Association and
there, on the same street where she
ple.) “We started out as friends first
is well known in the group for her
grew up.“At Baker School, Heidi and
and that’s probably why we’re still
upbeat personality, infectious laugh,
David both had some of the same
together today,” she says.
boundless energy and ability to get
teachers I did,” she says.
Whatever the reason for her inter- right to the point, without offending
After high school, she went on to
est in the BHS Alumni Association,
or hurting anyone’s feelings.
Mass Bay Community College and
her dedication is legendary.As one
In addition, Susan has been the
began her career at the Brookline
of the original founding members of driving force behind the Class of ’67 Savings Bank as “the original
the group, Susan
reunions, most
go-fer…I did everything from
played an interecently
running errands to working as a
Ordered to stay off her feet
gral role in the
up the committeller,” she recalls.While her friends
for eight weeks, “by the end
high school’s
tee for the 35th
were out buying Beatles albums,
of the sixth week, I was so
sesquicentennireunion last year
Susan was grooving to the sounds of
al celebration
the Platters and groups from the late
bored…I couldn’t wait to get
and early efforts
‘50s. She and Roger turned their
back to work,” she notes.
at locating alumSusan, one of
friendship into a relationship when
ni, establishing
three sisters who she was a senior in high school; they
the organization and obtaining
all graduated from the high school,
were married in 1969. Daughter
space at the high school. She has
Heidi, born in 1971, is now married
(Roberta Taymore Lander, who
rarely missed a meeting of the Alumlives in Brookline, is class of ’58 and
and living in New Jersey with sons
ni Association, and has served as sec- Phyllis Taymore Yaffe, who
Max, 6, and Jake, 2 and 1/2; son
retary since its inception (“I had no
moved to Needham, is class of ’61),
David, born in 1974, is a court
idea this was a ‘secretary for life’
grew up in Brookline and simply
officer in Dedham and lives at
position,” she says with a laugh.) She never left. She and Roger raised
has dedicated countless hours of
their children Heidi and David
Susan went back to work in 1981,
continued on page 10
All Day With Conan O’Brien
Hundreds of Alums and Students Get Up Close and Personal
The 21st Centur y Fund of
Brookline High School recently
held its third annual Distinguished Alumni Award Gala on
Saturday November 15th at the
high school. This year’s event,
headed by honorar y chair
Red Sox general manager
Theo Epstein ’91, honored late
night talk show host Conan
O’Brien ’81.
O’Brien’s visit attracted a great
deal of local media attention to
the school for both an afternoon
program and the evening gala.
In the afternoon, alums from
the ‘70s and ‘80s were invited to
a special luncheon and program
with O’Brien, headed up by
honorary chair Lew Schneider
’79 (writer and executive
producer of “Everybody Loves
Raymond”). Participants, including alums and hundreds of
current students, viewed a video
of some of the best moments
from O’Brien’s show,“Late Night
with Conan O’Brien.”
O’Brien also engaged in a
lively question and answer
session with the audience, often
talking with fondness and humor
about his days at Brookline High
That evening, a gala black tie
dinner and live auction were
held at the high school, hosted
by master of ceremonies Lew
Schneider. At press time, it was
reported that $75,000 had been
raised at the auction, which
attracted more than 400 attendees. In addition, a major and
significant gift was announced
by BHS alum Robert Kraft ’59.
The Brookline High School
21st Century Fund is dedicated
to raising funds to support innovative programs at BHS, and to
disseminating successful program ideas to high schools
nationwide. The Board of Directors of the Fund includes Brookline citizens, BHS alums, parents,
teachers and administrators, as
well as members of the Brookline School Committee.
From left to right: Lew Schneider '79;Wendy Gordon '67, parent Fran Hoy, Conan O'Brien '81, Robert Kraft '59.
Alumni News
1920 – 1929
Sister Dorothy Hart ‘38 retired
Donald Wright ’41 passed away
Mary Toner Johnson ’22 may have
from teaching this year and is now
living in Fontbonne Convent in
Stewart Dalzell ’39 has been retired
for 20 years and is enjoying his 4
children and 9 grandchildren.
Norrie MacPhee ’39 visited with
classmates Frances Woodlock
Cooke ’39 in Maine; Dotty
Blanchard Powers ’42 when she
was here from LA; Arne Frye ’40
at the funeral of Jim Drohen ’40.
Phil Shir ’39 reports that he
and three other BHS ’39-ers sat
together at their BU 60th reunion:
two locals, Owen Carle and Bernie
Hershberg, and Al Goldsmith, who
made a special trip up from Florida
for the occasion.They expect to be
together at their 65 th and are
buying green bananas!!
Mel Wolf ’39 reports that he
attended his 60th Harvard reunion
along with BHS ’39 classmates
Dick Sisson, Bob Ulin , and Rev.
Nat Page Lauriat (who officiated
at the annual memorial service).
Gabe Freedman ’38 also attended
the same reunion as a member of
Harvard ’43.
in September, in West Roxbury,
he was 80.
been one of the oldest living alumni. Her son Bob Johnson ’54 sadly
reports that his mother Mary died
at the age of 99.
1930 –1939
We are sad to report the death of
Chester Litman ’31. He and his
wife recently celebrated their 66th
wedding anniversary. Chet, a great
scholar and athlete, kept active in
recent years by volunteering in
local schools and often wrote to us
about the importance of his Brookline educational experience. Our
condolences to his family.
Elizabeth Cameron Baker ’34 is
hanging in and active.
Arthur E. Allen ’35 believes he’s
one of the few alumni of the
Putterham School which closed
about 1923. He’d like to hear from
other Putterham alumni.
H. Bruce Ehrmann ’35 reports that
he attended a fine BHS reunion in
Sarasota, Florida.
Harriet Gurwitz Suvalle ’36
celebrated her 62 nd wedding
anniversary at a brunch with 30
friends and family!
Stanley S. Bloom ’37 is alive and
well and living in Florida.
Melvin R. Fincke ’37 has not found
alumni in the Phoenix area, but
there is a Yale Club!
Mary Maginnis French ’37 is still
running her dance studio and
teaching ballroom dance. Mary’s
husband passed away four years
ago. She spends the winters in
Florida, teaching dance there as
well. She has 2 children and 5
Russell Greenbaum ’37 passed
away last March, the day after his
82nd birthday. Russell was active on
the Sagamore at BHS and wrote
speeches for the Navy.
1940 – 1949
Myron Slobodkin ’40 and his wife
Ina Saxe Slobodkin ’41 live in
Florida where Mike is president of
their 1000-unit condo complex.
They have added identical twin
boys to their grandchildren and
Stanton R. Kelley ’41 is still working full time as a recreation officer
at Norfolk Prison and staying above
the “Frost Line”…81 years young!
Martin “Mickey” Lally ’41 reports
sadly on the loss of his daughter
Lisa Marie Lally ’71, suddenly of a
brain hemorrhage. Mickey is doing
well after major heart surgery last
Marilyn Bronstein Corkin ’42
and her husband are enjoying
retirement spending six months in
Falmouth and six in Florida. They
have 4 children, 7 grandchildren
and a great-granddaughter and
will be celebrating their 55 th
anniversary in December.
E. Ir ene Miller Lally ’42 sadly
reports that her brother James F.
Miller ’43 suffered a stroke and her
longtime friend Stanley Muir ’42,
official timekeeper for the Celtics,
died last June.
Marcia Wolper Barrabee ’44
recently visited her longtime friend
and classmate Suzanne Simons in
New Mexico.
Sarah Fine Bronstein ’44 worked
part-time and enjoys political
Jacqeuline McNeilly Freese ’44 is
looking forward to the 60th reunion
next year. She has 6 children and
17 grandchildren who visit often.
Marie Wright O’Donnell ’44
sadly reports that her brother
Donald Wright ’41, passed away in
Fay Abrams Wilgoren ’44 wants
to remind her classmates that it
has been 60 years since they graduated. Anyone interested in a 60th
reunion should call 617-469-0162.
Paulette Knox Harwood ’45 is in
her 44th year teaching dance, even
after hip replacement surgery!
Jay Rosenfield ’45 and his wife
Barbara Mann Rosenfield ’48 are
alive and well, creaky, but still
vertical. Jay’s sister, Joan Rosenfield
Eliachar ’49 passed away last
November – wonderful active
woman, greatly missed by all. Jay
and Barbara enjoy many visits at
their lake home from children and
Carl I. Hoyer ’47 retired as vice
Phyllis Shecter Gottfried ’51 and
president of Amica Insurance after
42 years. Carl is celebrating 42
years of marriage and has 4
children and 11 grandchildren.
In addition to being a retired
Captain of the Naval Reserve, he
held many community positions in
E. Greenwich, RI.
Mark E. Mason ’47 received
the 2003 Arts and Science
Distinguished Alumni Award from
Washington University. Fellow
classmate of BHS and Washington
University, Bob Glashow ’47,
attended the ceremony as well.
Mark has 4 children and 8 grandchildren.
John K. Conners ’48 does
volunteer work at The Banner
Medical Center ER in Arizona.
Aida Kabatznick Press ’44 recently
visited her sister, Esther
Kabatznick Alpert ‘48 , and her
classmate Janice Berg Schulman,
in California.
Ann Flanagan Arthur ’49 sends
greetings to all from San Diego,
California where she is staying
husband Herb relocated to Oregon
to be closer to their son Eric and
his family. Happily, this newsletter
was responsible for Phyllis and
Robert A. Weiss ’57 is still involved
with his NASCAR racing team,
and working part-time as a
merchandiser. Robert also does
volunteer work.
Roberta Fogel Gover man ’51
getting together after 40 years!
Connie A. Regolino ’52 reports
that the Anne E. Regolino (’71)
Memorial Library was dedicated at
the Dedham Institute for Savings
on March 28, 2003, which would
have been Anne’s 50 th birthday.
Among Anne’s many interests was
a love of reading.
Ben Adler ’54 reports he is retired
but is busy with consulting and his
Steven Davidson ’54 and his wife
Honey Golder Davidson ’55 live in
Lake Worth, Florida. They have 2
children and 3 grandchildren.
Alvan Levenson ’54 and wife
Dorothy welcome a new baby!
Alvan’s 4th novel, written under the
pseudonym Harry Elliot, is Jackals
Alan Marcovitz ’54 just retired after
33 years teaching computer
engineering at Florida Atlantic
University. He is now working on
the 2nd edition of his textbook and
enjoying his 5 grandchildren.
Edith Berger Kaplan ’55 was
hoping to read some news from her
old friend Elaine Stoll Bril l…
Edith and her husband Arthur
Kaplan ’50 will be in Boston next
June for Arthur’s 50th MIT reunion.
Helyn Levine Adler ’56 has settled
in Maryland after traveling around
the world.
Bruce H. Segal ’56 has been
assisting with sports media
communications since retiring as
a judge in the metropolitan
Washington, D.C. area.
Betsy Stone Troilo ’56 and her
husband Bernie are enjoying
retirement; they just purchased
an RV and would love to see
is retired and living in Natick,
spending time volunteering,
gardening and reading. Edie enjoys
her grandsons and children.
Joan Moskovitz Druckman ’58 and
her husband are enjoying their 3
children and 5 grandchildren. Joan
still tutors and reports she was an
extra in A Beautiful Mind, 4th row
on the right in the audience scene!
Davida Park Gilmor e ’58 is
happily retired and enjoys
volunteer work and being a
grandma five times. She and her
husband travel quite a bit, just
returned from China!
Marjorie Cherry Minkin ’58 has
been exhibiting her paintings
nationally and internationally. She
has an exhibit at Mirrabelle in West
Newton. Marjorie will do a sound
and visual exhibit, in NYC with son
Mike Gordon, bass player for the
band Phish.
Elaine Simmons Lyons ’58 and
husband Joey celebrated their 40th
anniversary in May. They have 3
children and 8 grandchildren.
Elaine is an administrative assistant
for a pharmaceutical company and
former member of American Ballet
Midge Conry Forsythe ’59 and
husband Russ are retired
educators, Midge from the Seekonk
schools and Russ from good
old BHS! They’re grateful for
good health and the opportunity
to travel.
David Jacobs ’59 welcomed his
first grandchild in April, Carter
Matthew Jacobs. David is thrilled
his daughter is back in the area
after teaching for 5 years in
Vermont. David’s web-site is:
1950 – 1959
Ronald Glickman ’50 works for
Home Depot both in West Roxbury
and in Delray Beach, Florida in the
winter. Drop by and say hello!
Roberta Wolf Byer ’50 has 9
great-grandchildren! She enjoys
summers in New York and winters
in Florida and is in the antique
Sandra Goose Allen ’51 will once
again be judging the prestigious
Westminster Kennel Club Dog
Show in February 2004.
Sugar man
relocated to Hilton Head, South
Carolina after 60 years in the
Boston area, but comes back to the
Cape during the summer. Anne has
two children and 5 grandchildren.
Peter C. Rollins ’59 announces the
publication of two books: The West
Wing and Hollywood’s White
House. See for details.
Edna Selig Aronson ’59 and
her husband Steve have 2
granddaughters, and are enjoying
life in Florida.
1960 – 1969
Geila Shore Aronson ’60 and
husband Martin Aronson ’57, live
in Sharon, MA. Geila just retired
from teaching.
Dena Richmond Schlesinger ’61
has been married for 37 years to
her husband, Richard. She has two
daughters who are attorneys and
whom are married to attorneys!
They have two grandchildren.
Meryl Oxman Cohen ’62 and
husband Mel celebrated their 20th
anniversary. Their son Michael is
currently a freshman at DePaul
Sandra L. Berry ’63 has been living
in Florida for the past 6 years,
where she volunteers with
children at risk. She has a daughter
and 4 grandchildren
Gary Labourene ’64 and wife Linda
are moving back to Massachusetts
after living in Florida for 10 years.
They became first-time grandparents last December.
Linda Ann Syatt Pope ’65 lives in
Ithaca, NY. Her oldest daughter
Sarah just graduated from Clark
University where her son Sam is
a sophomore. Linda would love
to hear from old friends:
Jason Grossman ’66 is now
affiliated with Carol Brenner Realty
as a real estate broker.
Sandra Straberg ’66 is married
with 2 sons and lives in Southern
California where she is an
assistant superintendent of
Educational Services.
Paula Abrams Wilson ’66 and her
husband Gary just celebrated their
25 th wedding anniversary! Paula
plays the harp at the Ritz Carlton
in San Francisco, and enjoys
showing her English Bull Terrier.
Susan Taymore Fox ’67 says all the
hard work she and her committee
put into organizing the 35 th
Roberts House ’67 reunion was
worth it!
We are sad to report the death
of Larry Piatelli ’69 . Larr y was
inducted into the BHS Athletic Hall
of Fame in 2001. Our condolences
to his family.
Eileen Hughes ’79 just started
1970 –1979
John Foit ’82 and his wife Jennifer
recently celebrated the first birthday of their daughter Kathr yn
Rose. John currently works in the
entertainment industry and lives in
the L.A. area.
Michele Breen O’Connor has
welcomed a new baby. John
Francis joins sister Elle 5, and
Christopher 2.
Renee Solari ’88 is enjoying
working at a Solar Electric
Company in California where she
is still active in sports.
Elyse Aronson Yanoff ’70 and her
husband are opening “Pizzapalooza” in Brookline. Their
first Pizzapalooza location is
in Newton.
It has been reported that
Stephen Finley ’72 died when
piloting a Cessna 206 alone
when it crashed in Alaska. Steve
lived in Hopewell, NJ. Our
condolences to his family.
Adam Altman ’76 is an eye surgeon
in Pennsylvania where he lives
with his wife and 2 sons. He’d
like to hear from classmates:
Kevin Keaveney ’76 is a computer
systems engineer. He remarried his
longtime sweetheart after being
apart 17 years
Robert W. Shectman’s ’77, wife
Sylvia and their twin daughters
appeared on the May ’03 cover of
Money Magazine!
Betsey Rubinstein Kamm ’78 is
the executive director of the
Cleveland Psychoanalytic Center.
She lives in Euclid, Ohio with
husband Stephen and two cats!
Marvina Wilkes ’78 had dinner
with classmates CarolAnn Evans
Baer ’78 and Billy Pearson ’78, to
talk about plans for their 25 th
her eighth year as outreach
coordinator for the PBS Children’s
series “Arthur” and is working on a
Lynda Ritter ’79 is still working for
the Brookline Public Schools, but
has transferred from BHS to Town
Hall. She is now the secretary to
the assistant superintendent of
Student Ser vices. Lynda’s kids
attend Lawrence School. Lynda is
also the wonderful person who
inputs the BHS Alumni News each
issue.Thanks, Lynda!
1980 – 1989
1990 – 1999
Sara Eisenberg Bleier ’91 has been
married for 4 years to Josh Bleier
and just had their first child, Kayla.
Sara is a real estate developer
in NYC.
Matthew Snover ’96 graduated
from Washington University and is
a doctoral student at the University
of Maryland. Matthew is engaged
to be married in June!
Arden Myer ’97 lives near Chicago
and works for Medline Industries
as a product manager.
2000 – 2003
Louis Weinstein ’02 was cast in
the latest Robert Altman film, The
Company. It should be released in
Can You Tell Me?
We often get questions from our members about our policies regarding the use of alumni information.We also get questions from readers about our alumni news section…how do we decide what to
publish? What kinds of information can be shared in this section?
WEB SITE: First and foremost, the only way anyone can access information about specific alumni
is by first filling out a form (available on our web site), giving us a United States postal address for our
records and verification purposes only. Once we have verified that the applicant is a bona fide BHS
grad, that person is then allowed to establish a user name and password.We absolutely DO NOT
publish residence addresses on our web site.
We do a careful job of ensuring that your privacy is protected, while at the same time creating a way
for you to receive timely information about class reunions and other BHS activities.
ALUMNI NEWS: We LOVE hearing from alumni and welcome you to write us with news about you,
your family, your career, accomplishments and your memories of your times at BHS. Please note, however, that we only publish news from alumni who pay their annual dues (a mere $15 a year, what a
deal!).With more than 15,000 alumni who want to keep in touch, our space is limited.What a great
incentive to pay your dues right now…send them in with your news and we’ll be happy to publish
your info in our next newsletter.
Members of the Class of 1961 came from far and wide to attend their 42nd reunion in October.
(Thanks to photographer David Jacobs ’59, who is happy to come to your reunion and take
photos at no charge to your class, only those who buy prints from him. His Web site is or you can call him at (781) 784-8401)
This is the Information Age!
By Dr. Robert Weintraub
BHS Headmaster
At the beginning of the school year,
I am greeted by a lot of information
that tells us who we are and how we
are doing. Here’s a sliver of the information that I’d like to share with the
members of the Alumni Association.
We began the 2003-2004 school
year with 1,925 students among the
largest 15 high schools in Massachusetts. Fourteen percent of our students
are Asian-American; ten percent of our
students are African-American; and six
percent of our students are Hispanic.
Seventy-six nations are represented in
our school and 57 different languages
are spoken in the homes of Brookline
High students. Thirty-nine percent of
our students speak English as their second language or as one of two languages learned early in life. In a demographic analysis of all communities in
Massachusetts, there are six categories
based on variables such as family
income, education levels of parents,
and primary languages spoken in the
home. The categories are: very advantaged, advantaged, upper middle, lower
middle, disadvantaged and very disadvantaged. Brookline is in the upper
middle category. Newton is an advantaged community; Wellesley, Weston
and Wayland are very advantaged communities.
The heart of Brookline High is the
classroom. Class size is the most important academic variable because teachers must be able to address the individual needs of their students and
grade/correct their papers with care
and in a timely manner. (If a teacher
has 100 students and spends 15 minutes per week on each student’s paper,
this translates into 25 hours of work!)
The average class at Brookline High is
19.8. This is similar to class sizes over
the past 10 years.There are more class-
es this year with larger numbers of students – in the 25 per class range –
because 30 more students enrolled
over the summer than in past years.
Many of these students transferred
from private schools.
Our MCAS scores for the Class of
2005 (today’s 11th graders) arrived in
September. They were the best 11th
grade scores, for all sub-groups of students, since this testing began. Eightytwo percent of our students scored in
the advanced or proficient category in
English/Language Arts. Three percent
(20 students) failed this test. Seventysix percent of our students scored in
the Advanced and Proficient categories
on the Mathematics test. Seven percent
(34 students) failed this test.
“Class size is the
most important academic variable because
teachers must be
able to address the
individual needs of
their students.”
The most recent SAT report – for
the BHS Class of 2003 – shows that
almost every BHS student takes the
test and the scores were the third highest in the school’s history. The average
SAT Verbal score was 564 (an increase
of 24 points over the past five years);
the average SAT Math score was 592
(an increase of 21 points over the past
five years); the combined score was
1156 for all students.
I have often said,“Not every student
can be a National Merit Scholar but
every student, with hard work over
time, can be inducted into the National
Honor Society.” On November 12th,
Dr. Robert Weintraub
approximately 37 percent of the Class
of 2004 (the highest percentage in the
history of our school) will be inducted
into the National Honor Society.
We also have 15 National Merit
Scholars, the eighth highest number
of all public and private high schools
in New England.
Here’s a final nugget from the
research we are conducting through
the Tripod Project. Over 94 percent of
our teachers said they would strongly
advise their friends to send their child
to Brookline High. That is dramatically
different from any of the 20 other high
schools engaged in this research.
Things feel good as the 162nd voyage
of the “Good Ship BHS” is underway.
Solve your gift
giving dilemmas!
Buy BHS Alumni gear
(or hint to someone
that’s what YOU would
like this year)
Check out our great
assortment of shirts,
jackets, sweatshirts, hats
and more…see page 11
Class of 1950
A 55th reunion is planned for
Saturday evening June 25, 2005
at the Holiday Inn Brookline.
Contact: Roz Hozid Komins at
(617) 327-3995.
Class of 1954
A 40th reunion will be held on
Saturday May 29, 2004 at 6 pm
at Anthony’s Pier 4 in Boston. Cost is
$50 per person. Contact: Bob Johnson,
7 Longfellow Rd.,Winchester, MA
01890; (781) 729-8979 or via email at
Class of 1959
Seated left to right: Thomas Kelley ‘31’s award is held and accepted by his
daughter; Barbara Baxter Ward ’65. Standing, left to right: Jerry Varnum ’59,
Richard Moloney ’68. Missing: Inductee Coach Norm Devio.
Where are you going?
In our last issue, we referred to
Jack Kirrane ’47 as the hockey
coach at BHS. Actually, brother Ed
Kirrane ’53 is the BHS hockey
coach. Our apologies for the error!
If you’ve moved recently or
are planning a move, please let
us know. Notify us via mail, fax
(617-713-5110) or email at
Newsletter Editor:
Marcy Kornreich ’74
Send items or article ideas to:
BHS Alumni Association
22 Priscilla Circle
Wellesley, MA 02186
Check your D-code
Look at the last page of this
newsletter. You’ll see a code on the
label starting with the letter “D.” It
will indicate when you’ve last paid
your dues. If it DOES NOT say D-04,
then please pay your dues. Simply
use the form on page 11 and the
envelope included with this
newsletter. Please do it TODAY!
A 45th reunion is planned for
Saturday May 15, 2004
at Lombardo’s in Randolph, MA.
Contact: Carol Glick Webber
(860) 233-4373 or Sam Segel
(413) 782-3596.
Class of 1968
A 35th reunion will be held
November 29, 2004,
at the Hyatt Regency Cambridge.
Contact: Nancy Weinberg at (617)
469-9594 or,
or Sam Lazarus at (617) 916-5970
Class of 1984
A 20th reunion will be held on
Saturday, November 27, 2004
at Maggiano’s Restaurant in the Back
Bay. Time and cost to be announced
soon. If you’re interested in attending
or helping to organize this event,
contact Maya Zaitzevsky at
Golf; continued from page 1
We have many companies and people to thank for
their generous donations. Hole sponsors included the
BHS 21st Century Fund; BHS Alumni Association; BHS
Athletic Department; Class of 1939; Class of 1964, in
memory of Dave Wax ’59, in memory of Sgt. John H.
Moreno USMC, in memory of Larry Ansin ’58 and
Frank Hayes ’58; the Varnum Family; New Balance,
The Village Smokehouse; Holiday Inn, Alan Rachins ’60;
Larry Kaplan ’61; Ray Blue ’43: Elliot Driben ’68; Gerry
Walsh ’59; Dr. Robert Wainer ’59; Brookline Municipal
Credit Union; Stephen F. Rutledge Post #864; Bell-O’Dea
Funeral Home; Brookline Educators Association;
Ellie Rose Fraser ’55, Don Hoostein ’58; Chobee Hoy
Associates; Bill Shander ‘86; Coldwell-Banker; Richard
Heavey ’67; and the Brookline Lodge of Elks #886.
We also want to thank our wonderful raffle donors,
including the BHS Alumni Association; BHS Athletic
Department; Kevin O’Boy ’74 (The Horse and Carriage
Restaurant); Susan Taymore Fox ’67 (The Beauty Connection); Ed Kirrane ’53 (The Icing on the Cake); Mike
Stacy ’64; Sheila Logue Niksa ’62; Elliot Driben ’68; Bob
Carroll ’40; John Murphy ’52; Leo Conrad ’66; Isobel
Nathanson Bertman ’53; Bob Chalmers ’50; Bill
Susan Fox; continued from page 2
working part-time at the family
business, Lander’s Jewelers in the
South Shore Mall in Braintree, MA.
She always made sure to be home
when her kids got home from
school. Now, not only does she continue to work part-time at Lander’s,
but also took on another job eight
years ago at the Beauty Connection
in Coolidge Corner.“I enjoy both
jobs and can’t imagine not working,”
she says.
That dedication was put to the
test last year when she fell on some
ice at a friend’s house and broke her
ankle in three places. Ordered to
stay off her feet for eight weeks,“by
the end of the sixth week, I was so
bored…I couldn’t wait to get back
to work,” she notes.
Now back on track and as busy
as ever working six days a week,
Susan’s life is still hectic and busy.
She and Roger are the quintessential
grandparents and enjoy visiting the
boys or having them come and
The winning Master's team, left to right: Steve Murphy '53, Paul
Buckley '54, Kevin Griffin '53, John Norris '55 and Tom Norris '53.
Bluestein ’58; Bart Adler ’60 (Marty’s Liquors); Theo
Epstein ’91 (Boston Red Sox).
If you didn’t have a chance to participate in this
year’s tournament, you won’t want to miss the 2004
event. You can either create a team or we’ll place you
on one. Just contact Jerry Varnum at
for more information.
spend time in Brookline.Although
she admits she’s cooking less these
days, she looks forward to big family
gatherings on all of the holidays
with her sisters and their families.
Once an avid needle-pointer, she’s
now focusing her free time on
family and friends.
Susan Taymore Fox, has a legendary
fashion sense…and a legendary commitment to the BHS Alumni Association.
Her sense of humor, eye for
fashion and incredible kindness and
compassion are well known in the
Alumni Association. She’s always
available to help out at the annual
Teacher’s Breakfast and has played
an instrumental role in selecting
each year’s alumni awards recipients.
While she’s modest and almost
embarrassed by the idea of this profile, she does have some advice for
today’s high school students: take
advantage of everything school has
to offer, especially the academic
opportunities.“I had a lot of friends
in high school and I had a great
time, but I always had more of an
interest in the social aspect of
school. I was young and foolish,
and I just didn’t appreciate it until
later in life.”
On behalf of everyone in the
Alumni Association, thank you,
Susan for your continued hard
work and long-time dedication to
the organization.
Show your Spirit! Terrific BHS-Wear
and Memorabilia on Sale Now!
No matter who you are shopping for (even if it’s for yourself), we have the perfect gift for the BHS Alumni in your life.
You may use the order form below and indicate the item(s) you would like, along with sizes and quantities. Please make
your checks payable to The BHS Alumni Association.
Name: __________________________________________________ Maiden Name (if applicable): ________________________
Year Graduated: ______________
E-mail Address: ___________________________________________________________
Address (City/State/Zip): ____________________________________________________________________________________
Elementary School: _________________________________________________________________________________________
❍ YES, I want to pay my annual dues ($15) or ❍ become a life member ($300) Use the handy envelope in this newsletter!
Additional donation $__________________(Thank you!)
Yes, I’d like to order: ❍ Dr. Holland’s book ($15)
❍ T-shirt ($15)
❍ Sweatshirt ($28, $32 for XXL)
❍ Cap ($10)
❍ NEW! Wind Shirt ($55) Size (M, L, XL, XXL)
❍ Jacket ($80, 2X $90, 3X $95)
Name request ____________________________________ Size (S, M, L, XL, XXL, XXXL)
❍ Acknowledgement Cards (6 for $10)
❍ BHS Note Cards (6 for $10)
❍ BHS pin ($5)
Yes, I’m interested in volunteering my time to help the Alumni Association (You don’t have to live in the area.)
Yes, I’m including some information about myself for the next “Alumni News”
My News: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Send all responses and make checks out to:
BHS Alumni Association, c/o Mel Wolf ‘39, 1111 Beacon St. Apt. 42, Brookline, MA 02446-5519
Tel: (617) 713-5110 • Fax: (617) 713-5111
If you don’t choose life membership (see the article about this
great opportunity on page 1), we
ask you to pay every fall for the
upcoming year. To determine
whether you’ve paid for 2004, just
check your mailing label on this
newsletter. In the top right-hand
corner of the address, you’ll see a
code with the letter D. If it says D04, this indicates you’ve paid your
dues for this coming year and don’t
need to send payment until the fall.
If your label says anything else (or
nothing at all!) then please send us
payment TODAY.
Did you know that you can pay
for your BHS Alumni Association
Membership right on line? It’s easy,
quick and convenient. We use an
organization called Paypal, and
even if you’re not totally Web savvy,
the instructions are easy to follow.
If not, we’ve included a handy,
dandy envelope in this newsletter
for you to use. If for some reason,
someone else has beaten you to
the punch, simply fill out the form
on page seven and send your $15
dues to: BHS Alumni Assn., c/o Mel
Wolf ’39,Treasurer, 1111 Beacon St.
Apt. 42, Brookline, MA 02446-5519.
Membership is very inexpensive,
considering the fantastic benefits
we provide! And now you have NO
excuse not to pay right away.
The BHS Alumni Association is a
federally tax-exempt corporation
501(c)(3).All dues and funds donated to us are tax-deductible and are
our only source of funding. We’re
an independent corporation,
staffed completely by volunteers.
BHS made a huge impact on your
life…we know that. So please join
us in supporting this worthwhile
organization. Do it today!
Got books?
Got photos?
Do you have any
old books, photos or
Murivians you’d like to
donate to us? Did you
recently attend a class
reunion and would like
to share your photos?
Please send them to us!
And don’t forget…
the BHS Alumni Association is always willing
to help with locating
fellow grads, helping
plan reunions, researching BHS information or
records, etc.!
Brookline High School Alumni Association, Inc.
115 Greenough Street
Brookline, MA 02445-6199
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