place called Calvary - | Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center


place called Calvary - | Flower Pentecostal Heritage Center
BU.. (;OPY
Mrs. O. O. Hun t
57 COurt St .•
i ~hG:J. b\~h~~h I
Deposit , 1-1 . Y.
\Ve arc more
than conquerors t h r 0 ugh
him that loved
; always causeth
I us to triumph
in Christ.
2 Cor. 2:14.
Entered as
Rom. 8.37.
maneT JU'lI~ .?S, 1918, at ~t offiee 'u S.pri,,~fieltl. ~I '. un ,I.'r , '(
~1.1Hh J. 1879.
01 Oct. J, 1917, auth,,",c,J July J, 1918
Publi. hcd weekly by The Co,pel
Publiahing Hou.c, Springfield, Mo.
Xt"l HER
,,} r.,lt p "·,,kd ;n Sec.. 1lOJ,
Sin.. le
$1.00 "
ehrist (9ur eonquering :Reader
c:opiea, Z cent.
yea r in U. S. A.
David J. du Plessis of South Afrtca at the General COllncil in Memphis.
l 1E I.mel sayci\ me and filled
"FatiJt'r, you have no donkcys; YOli han'
with the Iloly Ghost when
I wa~ a lad in my early tee~ls.
only a fcw £(')wl hack h01lle. \\'hat an'
yO!; thillkin~ of f"
.-\nd I started
towards the door greatly worried. But
"l\ol1kt.,\," I'm knO\\:n as till' "donkey"
all 0H'i- South ;\frica. Ii . . nllll.'Une a~ks
me to wnte m) nall1(', and I ~ig-I ~t David
In 1920 T had the opportunity
<ill Pk:.~i:-;. thc), iI111l1t.·diatdy say, "\Vhich
of attending my first big convention. \Ve bdort.' I r('ached the door I heard nw I land ( I reply, "I );\\ id the donkey"
had several thousand believers present father's \'oice, "Comc, David; come Ujl i or I don't mind.
11<:1'<:," and he took me by my car. "Here
from all ovcr South Africa, and from
\ ftcr ilecoming the Lord's "donkey"
two o'clock in the afternoon through till is my little donkcy," he 5<, "which I and !1\-ing for a fl'w months in Johannestwo o'clock the n ext morning thc rooms give for tht., work oi the Lord." So in hur~, I had a 1l0H'! cxpnit'llt.'l' It was
1920 I beCa1l1C the l...ord' s donkey. You all a life of faith then, for there were
were filled with seekers after Christ.
Hundrcds received the Baptism in t hc know it was a littlc donkt.,), which carried no people to guarantce one's support.
Holy Spirit. l.1ow I wa~ il11prc~scd with the Lord It'sus into Jerusalem. and I am
Like. th .... old piom't..'L" in any mOvement,
the reality of our prcclOus faIth. Out- so glad l can serve 11 iOl, nell as a ()llt.' Just Wl'llt mIn gnspd work Ol!' thol1!:!h
standing in my memory
it was a mailer of life
are the great missionary
and (kalil. :'\othi1lg 111almeetings thcy had,
tt.'rt..'d. l'_'~l'l'l dOlllJ.: the
especially one I can
I.ord s \\'111. Onc Sunn evcr fo r get.
day morning I arose to
There was a dear misJll't'lmn: fur lIIt'l'ting, btlt
sionarv frolll the north
g01ll1; thro1lgh
cOllnt;y who got up ancl
trunk I 101ln<l I had no
said, "I can do a lot for
~hirl to Wt'ar. I.ooking
God where I a111, but J
11l 1ll." pockd ... I found I
will have to get more
had Hot a lx:nllY. Like
donkeys," Now donkey!'
the old nurser\' rll\,l1w
werc scarcc and the\'
Ill(' cuphoard ,\"as f)are:
were expensive, and tIle
I \\Tnt to my I:tndlady
dca r brother asked for
and asktd, "Didn't I
four donkey s. Thos('
lim t' a sh in in th('
animals can li ve where
wash?" She rt'plied,
nothing chc can, and
"You put Olll' in hilt it
th ey have wonderful
\\as "0 worn and frankel
pow ers of endurance.
t hat I ha vt' IIn'n lIsinl.!
011(' dear old brother,
it for a floor rag all
w ho has since gone home
w('ek. \r on had hCllcr
to glory, said, "I ha\c
stay in bed for t he day,"
o ne donkcy to gi\'e to the
I went back to ht'd and
Lord." Another brother
told the Lord all ahout
said, " I have two donkit
,\s I pran'd ihere
cys. harness and all,
came a cflllvictioll I
which I will forward
would find a shin, so I
.lfOR.\'ING SUNLIGIIT 01'£1< JERCS..ll.E.\f
right away to your misInokNI ill my trunk
The rl?'1ocrcut f'il.qrim returllS (.yuin o/UI a9(,ill to CIljOY this /,mlOruma 0/ flu'
s ion station." Then my
again, Bllt thr closest ap·
/-101)' Cit.\', ils 'wails, (loII/~'s, spircs and 1101I.utOl's all brm:islted Iruc rmdcr tlrc /ull
father arOse and said, light
proach I could find W;IS
0/ a SIIII/mer morlring. Our t,jrw S/,rrads b,"tu'crll !}lIar/l'd old oljile Irres
"1 have a litt le donkey to u,hidl still gran: the SlierI'd MOIlllt 0/ Oli'l.'es, looki"g west (Yl.'U IIii' /lal/c}' of a large silk handkerchief.
givc to God. and I think the Kidron (jelioshapJlat), al thc stroll9 'wall /,ro/cclillg Mo,mt Morioh /;clzill(i
I did some thinking.
he will pull with numbcr 'Which staluu till' /omolls DOllie of tJu Rock 0" thl' replfted .sill" 0/ Solomoll's Sonlt.' ministers in Soulh
Temp/c, mId upward iI/to Ihl' /lI'llrt 0/ ]rnuo/rlll. The city hers bUll destro)'Nt
th ree. "
A frica wear "dog- colI thought to myscI f, and rcbuilt mOllY times durillg till' ages.
(Continued on Page 4)
.\'M'ember 27, 1937
PlLgr T7l'O
C0he World's c71pproaching erisis
A. H , Argue
Springfield Assembly
In Rev, IG.U- IS J ohn was given a
gllmps(' of what the world is coming ~lP
to. PiCt!lrl' such a scene! Unclean spi rit s Iih frogs l'ntering into the kings of
the earth and gathering the nati ons together for that great hattie of Armageddon. You know, frogs arc heard croakin g their louele st at midni gh t. They
live in stagnant waler. 1t is 1I0t so with
the people of God. Men in sill lo.·e
darkn ess rathn than li ght, but the saints
of God arc Ilot afraid to come to the
light. They desire to walk in the light
that God reveals to tlwJIl. Instead o[
living arotlnd stagnant waltrs, they want
to dr ink o f the living waters auout which
J eSlls spoke: .. J f any man thirst, let
him come lIllt o me, and drink. He that
believeth on me, as the scripture hath
said, Ol1t of his helly shall flow rivers
of livlllg water."
The re arc four kings mentioned in the
book of Daniel. God showed that there
would be four world powers: Babylon,
Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome. Four
beasts are pictured, and the last of these
shall be the last kingdom upon this old
earth before J esus returns. It was to
he diverse from all former kingdoms,
and was to devour the whole earth, so
strong and so powerful. It agrees with
tlte picture of Revelation 16-savage
dcmons en tering into the kings of the
Today we have a shadow of this condition in the world. \Ve hear Ru ssia's
bear growling. \Vc hear the English
lion roaring. \ Vc hear the American
cagle sc reaming. The nation s are preparing for war on a gigantic scale that
amazes liS. The weapons are deadly.
showi ng 11 0 mercy. War breaks out today without a declaration of war. A
great connict is coming, for Jesus sa id
it would , and today the nations are preparing for it.
When in \oVashington a little while ago
I pickcd up a paper. A certain Roman
Catholic priest who had been in touch
with some Communistic teachings and
activities, had been brought to the capitol, and he made a statement that was
widely published. The Communists arc
gatheri ng groups of young men from
fifteen to twenty years of age from the
various nati ons, taking them to Russia,
eduCt1.ting them in anti-Christian programs, then sending them back to their
home-lands to spread their doctrines.
This revol utionary spirit has been in
evidence in every country, especially in
reccnt years when God has been pour-
ing out llis Spirit. \Ve arc amazed at
lhe way this anti-Christian spirit, maniTested in various forms , is sweeping
over th~ world. Millions of people have
been pulled into its ti de, and they have
taken a direct att itud e against God.
O n the other hand, thank God, there
is a great visitation from heaven. God
is coming forth in these days, confi rming
Hi s \Vonl with signs and wonders and
divcrs miracles of the Holy Ghost.
\Vhile the forces of Satan have been
ca llin g young men and women to the
fro nt of their ranks, I look across our
land and see ou r ma ny Bible schools
lilkd with consecrated youth. It is amazIng how, during the last few years,
Bible schools have sprung up, and how
they have been filled to overflowing.
Some claim we have too many students.
I don't believe it. We need more and
more st udents. Bible schoo ls are the
re~ilIlt of the H oly Spiri t's moving among
young mcn and women. Joel said that
God would pour out 11is Spirit upon all
flcsh, and the SOilS and daughters should
prophesy. God has a work for young
people to do in these dosing days. \,yhile
Satan is preparing hi s mighty forces
against God, the Lord J eSlis is also
gathering Hi s followers in readiness for
] li s coming. Young people arc being
called to step up into the front Tanks
for God , and they will have plenty to
There will be desperate battles
ahead, but God has promised to be with
them and has promi sed, "These signs
shall follow them that believe."
Young mcn and women must be fully
equipped to carry the gospel message
forward. ]t is a message of dynamite,
packed full of the power of God. It is
a mcssage that will 110t be void of TeM
su lls. In the world the shadow of a
dreadful climax is already looming before us. We are going to experience
a foretaste, at least, of the terrible endday conditions. This makes the need
more vital and essential for the spreading of the gospel o f our Lord and
Nations are going to be in great
turmoil; they wilt gather around the
promised land; then suddenly the Lord
Himself is going to take a hand in the
conflict. In Zechariah 14 we hear God
saying, "I will gathe r all nations against
Jerusalem to battle; and the city shall
be taken, and the houses rined, and the
women ravished; and half of the city
shall go forth into captivity, and the
residue of the people shall not be cut
off from the city." Then He Himself
shall descend with His army. \\'hen He
stands upon mOlll1t Olivct His saints will
he with Him. ]n that day there will be
plenty of action in the world-tremendous action . The unhelievable preparations for war that arc evident throughout the world today will help to cause that
tremendous action. On ly those who are
armed with the mighty power of God
will be able to cope with lhe powers of
darkness in the days ahead. The L ord
will never forsake His people, however;
today lIe is clothing them with power.
In a time 0 £ great crisis Moses was
called into the mount and God handed
him the tables of slone telling how the
people should live. nut as soO n as their
leader departed, the people brought their
gold and made an image to worship.
\Vhen Moses came down and saw the
trouble, he threw out a challenge: "\Nho
is on the Lord's side, let him come unto
me." The tribe of Levi gathered around
Moses. Every man took his sword, and
three thousand of the Lord 's enemies
were slain. Compare it with the day of
Pentecost, when the followers o[ Jesus
came down from the "mount," the upper
room, filled with the power of God. Men
and women were convicted of sin and
cried out, "What shall we do ?" Peter
to ld them to repent, and three thousand
soul s were saved and added to the church.
·W hat a victory!
Those were not trifling days; they
were days when the whole country was
stirred. Some mocked and some laughed; some accused them of be ing filled
with wine; but God 's power was in
operation. Great multitudes, three thousand, then fl ve thousand, were saved.
Today God is bringing us back to scenes
just like those of Bible days. The pattern has been given us. "Tarry ye in
the city o f Jerusalem until ye be endued
with power from on high." Then jf we
want to know what that would mean,
we turn to the Book of Acts; there we
have the pattern which tells what happens when the saints are filled with the
S pirit. Today He is bringing those
mighty mani festations back among His
!'aints. The Word is being illuminated
by the power of the Spirit, making jt
real and penetrating in the hearts of the
Young men and women today need
something of the spirit of Daniel. He
had a purpose of heart. No matter
what the danger, he obeyed God. He
lived in a time when his people were
overthrown. A new form of government came, but Daniel remai ned true to
his God. Governments are being overthrown today. l\1ussolini walked into
Ethiopia and nobody st irred themselves
much to interfere. A conflict began between Japan and Chi na. We hear Mussolini declare that Germany shou ld get
.\"ot'l'/ 27, 1937
back the pos!)cssions she lost through
the World War. All these things foresha<.low the great climax that is coming,
liut, thank God, those who are under
the precious blood of the Lord Jesus
shall conquer. He will enable us to be
overcomers, and we shall hear Him say,
"Well done, thou good and faithful
servant; enter thou into the joy of thy
Lord," "'hell ~Ioses wellt lip into the
mount, the people thought they would
have a grand time; out when the real
climax came, those who obeyed the challenge of Cod were the ones who went
forth as conquerors,
\Ve look back upon the Jives of those
saints who stood true to Cod in times
of crisis. Some suffered death, out the
glory of Cod was revealed to them, In
the d •• ys in which we are living, we have
the promise, ;'if thou shah believe, thou
shalt sec the glory of God," Cod will
test His people in these days, but they
are times of great opportunity and privilege. God wants us to be f!lled with
the lIoly Ghost. We shall fail if we attempt to go forth in our own strengt h;
we must go forth in the name of the
Lord, Seek the fullness of Cod's blessing. Jf you don't have the Baptism,
sti r yourself and do not stop short until
Cod f!lls YOll as He filled the one hundred and twenty. Humble yourselves
therefore under the mighty hand of
Cod, that lIe may exalt you in due lime
and make your Ii fe count for I lim,
a1aryelous Q)eliyerances
Of a time of backsliding after his
conversion, Richard \"'eaver said: "It
required something more powerful than
visions of hell to save me from my life
of sin, I was still a slave to Satanled capt hIe by the devil at his will. One
night 1 was sparring with a black man in
a boxing saloon, We stood up fOOl to
foot, and I Jet drive, The blow went
home, and the blood ran down his black
face, As I stood there looking at his
blood, the Spirit of God brought that
word to my mind, 'The blood of Jesus
Christ, His Son, cleanseth us from all
sin'; and that other word, 'The same
Lord over all is rich unto alt that call
upon Him'; and that other word, 'For
wilosoc,'er shall call upon the name of
the Lord sha11 be saved.' 'Here, Charlie,'
J said, 'pull off these; never again shall
a pair of boxing gloves be pllt on my
hands.' 1 left that saloon and went home
to my lodgings; and there in my bedrOOTll I poured out my soul to the Lord
and asked Him to heal my backsliding.
in answer He sent me that word, 'I,
e,'en J, am He that blotteth out thy
tran sg ressions for my own sake. and
will not remembe r thy sins.' So He put
a ring on my hand again, and also shoes
Oil my feet."
Mabel Broadbridge, Tsinglao, Chma
I alll going l).lCk to Shanghai as soon as
possible, war or no war, The Lord has
called TIle there and 1 fed lie wants me
to help in the work alllong the homeless and suffering Chinese who have lost
their little all, )'lao), of the Door of
J lope missionaries have returned to
~hangbai. True, they ianded just when
the Japanese were launching a terrific
bombardment; hut God undertook and
got them safely to their destination.
Xow I must give you an account of
se\'eral miracles which have been
wrought by God, Truly our God is
5lill on the throne, and is c.lring for
His OWI1, l31ess lIis matchless ::-\ame,
Some educated Chine~e have recently been saved, Their name is Chow,
Joseph Chow, whom we call Joey, and
:\lal'garct Chow his wife, who is half English and half Chinese. t.larf.,raret received a
wonderful Baptism in the Spirit, anti the
gif~s of tonglles and interpretation, The
night before, when I was condllcting an
English meeting, Joey also received the
llaptisl11, Since being filled, he is an
(Mal, 3:10)
Bachsliding Healed
Hr(lr yl.' tile l'oiu of IiiI.' prOP/ItI,
Spl'(lkilig JdlO1l(Jh's word:
"Bri'19 oll Ihc tithes to lilt' slore/loust,
Ana pr01le JIlt IItrrwilll," sail/l tilt Lord;
"I will o/,m till.' windU'lL'S of ilra'l.'ePi
APid rour 0111 (I blrssillq so frer
There sholl 1101 be room to rWl.'it'C il.
Prove IIIC IIOUl," sailil jchO'lJa/I, "o'id Jrl':'
"8rill9 all Ihe lilhu,"-I/(l'"Je }'e dolU'
YI' who hove grl/dged Hi", 0 dole,
j'e ~t'ho ore III ollrllilig your Weak'II'SS,
IVaifillY )'our /comlO!SS of sOlll;
Ve who arc proyin9 for POtlllr,
Ple(l{fill9 His ill/mill' store,
rl' witll the kry ill yOllr to(krt
Thol O/>l.'IIS Ihe lock of Ihe door.
all IiiI' lilhts 10 Iii .. Siorehouse";
Givl'-lIe holh git1rll to yOII.
'Tis of His DU'II )'1' rtlUnI Hi",
ff'ltell )'t IroVl' brOll.qllt /-fim Ilis dut;
III' who hallt sfackl'd IItlt ill givill9,
TIIOI/glt all His !Jifts ""r /orgol
Sti/l-li o good lhillfl Hr 1t';IItfIO!drtll;
Slill-Ne upbroidl'lh you 'rol.
Olt, 1I1l' riehl'S til God ill Christ JrSluf
TIll' iujil'dll' IrCOSl/fj' of groct,
The I'OflJ{:r lie longs 10 bc givillg,
Ti't jO)' I"at would hoslell apau,
Tltt teoct olld Ih e foitll and till' wisdo,",
T"t liflht ill till' darlmrss thai 1uoits;
OJ., brill', .\'( tlrr tiOri'S to Ihe storrhollu,
For Ihis is llie kl')' 10 till' gales,
- A,mie Johnsoll Flinl
il,lspiratioll to al,l. II.e has a fine positIOIl., HI! and lu~ Wile are wholly given
to God, and are witlll'~~ing- among: their
col~ege frieild~, TIlt')' are Illembers of
a Lollege Club of Cambridge graduates,
Joey had a rcmarkahle experience the
(~~y the heavy bomb fell ncar the large
Smcere Store III l\'anking' Rd., Shanghai,
wllt'll many hundreds were killed, He
was eating lunch in a rc"taurant in the
Sin~ere llui,lding, Suddc,nly he heard
an IIlner VOIce speak to hllll lOUdly and
t'mphatlcally. "'Get under that table: over
there at alice !" J Ie dId as he was tOld,
and an ubtant laler this bomb fell,
~raslllllg through the eeilinK and brlngIng down hea \ly debris, Alit he people
near him were kilkd. but he was safe
under the table, 1\ was the ,"oicc of
God and he was safe Ix'callse he obeyed,
1\1)' own language teacher was crossing Garden Bridge when the Jap.lnese
turned machine guns on thelll, and he
_~aw four killed by his side, but he was
safe bc<:ause he lifted his heart to God,
IIow true is the 91st Ps.llm in the~e
Another man whom we know "cry
\\e~l, and wbo has Ix.-en saved only
tlire? months, was talking to a friend
outSIde the Palace Il mei. The friend
urged him to cOl11e and have coffee'
but he refused, saying he felt withi~
himself that he ought to go home at
Ollce, lIe ran after a bus and just caught
it, and an instant after a ~hel! struck lhe
Palace H otel and evcr}'olle lIe-ar was
killed, including his f ri('nd.
Another else is that of a big bomb
dropped in the grounds of the Olilla Inland Mission, but it did not burst. Yet
another is that of Brother and Sister
B~rllidsen, who belong to the Assemblies of Cod. A homb fell on their
station at Kalgan, It struck the mission
50 hard that it boullced h.1Ck into the
air but did not explode, The result of
this is that all the hinese are turning
to the Lord as they sec that this is a
The Lord has enabled me to do much
work here among the Chinese policemen;. and the Lord definitely saved a
RUSSIan woman while r was talking to
her, Pray for China as you never have
done before,
Tht: only verse in the Bible which
seems to favor the lise of tobacco is found
in the last chapter of Revelation: "He
which is filthy. lei him be filthy still."\\', E, lliedenvolf.
PU!1l' FOllr
X a"cmber 27, 1937
rrC(9he Place . . .
Lilian B. Yeomans, M.D.
COIllt: to till' place which
is called Calvary" J .ul\{' 23 :3.1.
Thank God for th e plat·t· called Cal
\'ary! Thank God for (';n:ry s(mi who
evcr came If) the place called Calvary!
Men are a~king, "When clOt,S life begin?"
The day you cOl11e to Calvary and bow
at the foot o( the Cross. Before that
you are "dead in trespasses and sins."
Prais{~ God that "whosoever will" may
come to Calvary today.
1f you have never come tn Cah'ary,
delay 110 longer. "l'ke as a bird to your
mountain." Calvary is not only the
"sinner's sure retreat" but the sain ts'
hiding place in the ~e days of spir itual
darkness that "may he felt."
The Bride of Christ sings, "Until the
day break, and the shadows flee away.
I will get me to thc mountain of myrrh"
(death) "and to the hill of frankincense."
Song of Solo mon 4 :6. Let u:;; Dill' and
all come to Cah'ary, and beholding the
J .amb of God ~ing with heart and voicc,
"0 C<lInc It't u'> adorc 11 illl,
Chris t, thc Lord 1"
\\'h:lt docs Calvary mcan? [read
once o( a notablc gathering o ( great
scholars, mcn distlllguished for thL'ir 111tel\ect and scholarship, among whom was
the J~iRht 1fouorablc \Vill ial11 Ewart
Gladstone. SOllle one asked the question,
"] r you weI'{' allowed to spend one day
in any period of past history what day
would YOli choose?" Impul sivel y Glad~
stone cril'd, ".-\ day with the Greeks when
Greece was at the height of her glory.
The hUllliin intelll'ct reached it$ zenith
then." Then he "r(,ll1embered Cah-ary"
and hmvillg his head said, "God forgive
me. I spoke ullacivi 5edly. T would ('hoose
before all else n day sitting and h'arl11ng
at the fet't of J{,'-;lIS Christ"
It is vain to ask unspiritual rcpresentatiY<'s uf the illt<:lIectual culture or our
day, or allY other day, for the meaning
of Calvary, for Christ crucified is "unto the Grecks foolishness. But unto them
which arc called, both Jews and Greeks,
Christ the power of God, and the wisdom
of God ." 1 Cor 1:23, 24.
Let uS look to the \Vord of God. under the illumination of the lIoly Spirit
(or the meaning of Calvary.
First: Calvary means the uni\"ersal
condelllnation o( the human race. It is
becall~e "there is none that doeth good,
no, not one," and the whole world found
guilty before God, was under sentence
of death, that the awful tragedy of Calvary was enacted. There was no other
good enough to pay the p rice of si n sO
the ~J essiah died, cut off for sins, but
11111 III' own.
By Illlllseli he purged
our sins and sat c!rJ\\:n on the right hand
of the :'Iajesty on high, b('cause the work
was fillbhed.
Throughout all ('Iemity
we rallsomed~inners will prai-.c 1 J 1m for
the decease 11e "accomplished" at Jeru!'iakm. }\n accomplishment indeed!
Calvary means the cancellatu111 of all the sins of the race and the
h~aling' of all discase, because sins alld
slcklll'SSCS, were laid upon the Lamb of
God and were borne away by Him.
Tlw \'erbs uSNI in the 4th verst' of the
53rrl chapter of Isaiah, yiz. :-"borne,"
Hebrew "Ila"a," and "carried" . . . Hebrew "saba!" are the same used in Isaiah
?3.: I~,. and 11, in speaking of si ns and
Young, author of Young's Concordance, a great Hebraist, translates Isaiah
S3 :4, "Surely our sicknes!'es He hath
borne, and our pains lI e hath carried
In Matthew 8:17 we have the inspired
~.'·al~slatioll of the. Scril?t~re reading,
Ill1n~elf took OUI' Infinllll1CS, and bare
our SIckne ss."
So the conclusion that
Christ bore ou~' sickncsses and pains, as
well as O\ll' :;;IIlS and iniquities, is inevitahle. \'our sicknesses wcre there, in
that awful load, with YaHI' sins.
IVcrc Ihere? No; they ARE TIl ERE.
XC\'cr think of Calvary in the past tense.
C:\LVARY IS TO\V. "In the midst
of lil(' Throne STA).J'DS a Lamb as it
had been slain." Rev. S :6. Calvary is
Nema!. From ev(.. riasting to e\·crlast~
ing. The Lamb was 51ain before the
founda tion of the world. 1 Peter 1 :19.
. I f God's peOI?le realized the evangelizII1g power t)f Divine lIealing th('y would
"c~ntend earnestly (or tlte fai/It once
dehvcred to the saints" instead of only
for a part of it.
Some time ag-o T rece ived a iruer from
a college man, a resident of l\CW York
City . . : \s T did not obtain hi:;; perm ission
to usc it in print I shall not giyc his
name . TTl" i:;; evidently a ren'nt convert
a,~d. full of enthusiasm about the Healing
1ll1l11stry as he was convinced of the existence of God by means of it. He says
that he [cft college all iI/fidel.
He writes, "Few pCC1ple realize the
c\'angelizing power of Divine Healing
hut from the healing of the lame man at
the temple gate S(XX) Jews wCre converted in about five minutes.
"It so stirred Jerusalem that it not
only frig htened the Council that had
crucified Christ two months before, but
it caused the disciples to ask God to
stretch (orth His hands in more signs.
I f one Illiradc was doill~ ~o much what
would a IOl of miracles accnmpli!'>h?"
l)own through tIl<' ministn' of Paul
and ?ilas. and to the presellt (by Di\'ine
Healmg has played an important part
in all re\·ivals. John \Ve~ley records 240
distinct cases of healing ill his meetings,
and Spurgeon had so man)' sick healed
"..·hen he prayed for them that he thought
people would think his Tabernacle was
like the Shrin e at Lourdes, France. That
would not ha\'e bothered Peter when his
shadow was healing the sick, nor Paul
when handkerchiefs f rOI11 his body did
the same.
~[at. 8: 17; Isa. 53:4. 1\11<1 if we call
get the 12S,CXX> blind persons in l\merica,
and the three million lepers in India,
China, Japan, etc., to put them there, it
will result in hundreds of millions belining that lIe who has power to say
"Arise, take up tily bed and walk" has
"power to forgive sins also."
Third: Calvary speaks of ComlllUllio1l
fully restored in Christ. "[ will meet
with thee and commune with thee from
abo\'e the mercy scat," where the Blood
of .-\toncmcnt was sprinkled.
"From evcry stormy wind th:lt hlows,
From cvery swell ing tidc of woes,
Thcrc is a safe, a surc retreat.
Thc Blood bcsprinklcd ~1ercy Scat."
Fourth: Calvary commissions itS to
know nothing among mtn but Jcs us
Christ, and Him crucifle(1, nothing but
There is nothing else to know. Paul
says, "God forbid that 1 ~hould glory
saye in th e Cross of Christ." Gal. 6:14.
There is nothing else in which to glory.
II timan history is a record of wrecks.
Only the Cross 5uni\·C's. Men die and
their ciyilizations perish and follow them
to their graves crying', "~rake room (or
us. \ Ve are dead too."
But the Cross, it standeth
Dcfying evcry blast
(Continucd from Pagc One)
lars" as they arc snmC'tiT11('S callcd and although r had ne\'cr sccn an" (If IllV P('ntc~
co~tal brcthrcn \\·carinl.!' theln,' I dccid;d to ex~
pcriment. I pinncd tilt· handkerchief u11der
my coat so as to CO\'cr my chcst. and I put
my collar all backwards. I went to scn·iccs.
and by holding my slcc\'cs tight at thc wrists
thc peoplc couldn't see that I hac! no ~hirt 011.
and we had wondcrful scn'iccs that da\'. God
must have told somebody of my nced' fo r I
was givcn a tcn-shilling notc (about $2.50).
Next morning I bought a shirt. and I ha\'e
nevcr bccn without onc since.
The Lord has wondcrfu!iy blcsscd Ihi sPcntc~
costal movemcnt. Tn thc carly days therc was
XO'l.'cmbcr 27, 1937
plenty I>f prr~('('lItion, and pcrilap" ~omf: d it
today Wl>uld do liS good. But m,w ur p(:r~C~
cut ion mo~tly C~'IIlt'~ ireml the prilicilMlitic.; ,j
evil. <111(1 may God htlp us to get d~,~tT alta
ch,,,er tr; JeHh "hen Ihrt'atening~ ((lme. 0111
thillt; J 1",(;" about our Illl,.l\{'mcnt is tbat I
ha\-e IIC\'l'r karnt'11 of ally man ')r w("lIlan
who was the "h,under:' The Lutlll'rall~ havc
I.uther, Iht' \ltlh(J{lists have \\\;:;!l-y. and the
Sal\"atinn .-\nllY clailll~ \\'illiam I:,)olh, hUI
thc Pt'Ilteemtal TtlOn.:lllellt ha~ only )~'sus as
its Founder.
\\"hen I left South Africa the thought came
to me. "What am I going t o tell the flC<lple
of Amcr ka ?, The 111)iy Spirit ~aid, "Tell
thcm aOout Jc"u~.'· :-'Iall)" of nur Pl'nte(:'~tal
folks ('X:lit the Perllt'Co"lal l'xpniel1fe rather
than Jl'.~US. The ~I'(lrld docs not IlCt;d 1\:lIlecost it n{'eds Chri~t 1'011 and I as Chri~tiam
lIeed Penteco~t; surely we do' but God wans
us 10 lake /csus to the e;infu l wor ld. Friends.
we mll:-;t Ilray that ~inners might, with tears
of repentance, give their htarts to JeslIe;.
J('St1~ i~ the head of the Chun::h, and we must
exalt IIim. 1 read in Acts 4: "And with g reat
power gave Ihe apuslh;s witness of the rcsurrection c,f the I ,onl J eslls; and great grace
wa~ UJX11I thern."
Again we fw d the ap'stlc
~aying , " 1 determined not to know anything
alTloug you save ) esu<; Christ and H im crucifin!." It was the fi rst clay of the week. Eall)
in the morning a little woman came to the
sepulchre where the Sav iour's body had becl1
huried tl:ree (l:Iys before.
\Vhen she ar~
rived a l the tomb where the body o f her Lord
had heen placed, she found the grave open . The
gl'/~at ~tOrlC wilh which it had becn sa feg uard ~
cd, with the great seal upon it. had been r oJled
away. She wa s dumbfounded and immediately
ran tn the di ~cipks. c rying, "They have taken
away Ihe body of my Lord."
\\'heu the woman told the disciples of her
discovery. Peter and J ohu ran to sec what
had happel1cd. They came to t he grave and
looked insidl'. There they saw the bed where
J e~us had lain, e\"cr)thing irr order. J esus did
no t l'scape fnJtlI the tomb; he simply arose,
ka\'in~ the grave clothes as they were, to
si nk d" WIl togethe r naturally, and was gone,
So of cou r ~e they wondered what on earth
had happult'd to Ilim. Why had He left like
that ?
lie was not in the gra\'e; ne\'eIiheless this
dear woman ~ai d , "I ::1In going to wait here,"
A her a while she IDoked into the to mb, and
there she saw two angels, (llle at the head
and the other at the foot where the body of
JeslIs had lain Th:urk (jod sire did not be~
cOllie frightened or run away saying, "1 have
had a marvelluus \"i~i o ll , a glo rious eXI)Cri ~
ence." She sta)"nl right there, !-orany peopl e
today ;"ire satistied with see ing vision s. I thank
God for the angds, but what you and I lleed
and what the \\ hde world needs is Jeslls.
Angels cannot ';"i\'e yo u. It was not angels who
comforted Ill'r ;"i~ ~he ~tood th er e weeping.
She heard onc of thc angel.. say, "\\'hy weepe:-;I thnl?" She an~\\'cred, "Because they have
taken away my LNd :Irlcl I know not where
they have laid II im:'
\\'hy is Ihere ~orrow in the world today? It
is because ther h:1.\'c taken the Lord out of
the \\orld, su b ~ tituting a form of religion in
which there is 110t the power or the presence
of the living Christ.
The woman did not w:lit long before she
realized that someone was near by. Looking
F'nge Fi .. ·e
aroJlmd ~he qW J(~I1~, hut the w m=..n ,lid "l(ot
rn •.gnilc llim lie a~ketl her. -'\\"'111111, why
'\L'<-'P<'~t th~,u?'
~he th'lUghl lie \\':1" the
gut a mC'IU('trl 100tl'" llf ~aid.
"~!aryl" and 5he kll.·\\" indecd that it Wh her
1.01(1. ~he \\anl\'11 tt) embrace Ilim Lut lIe
~aid, "Toucb me Ill>!. for I :l.In I\(·t yet a~.Tntl
f.:d unto Illy Fatha. hut go to 111~ bathren and
tdl thl·t!1 I have a~cetl(k,1 untn my Father. and
your Father; 011111 t,) Illy {;od and y. 'ur (;.)(j"
So I'll th\' n'surnTti(ln rllorrling a womnn was
the fir~t t., bring to otlll'rs the nl("~~agc of the
ri~ell Chri~t. I arn Io:!ad that in I'ur m .. \·emcnt
the si~h.'r:-; ('.1n :tlso tak(' the g":-;pt,:1 arolllrci the
wlIrJd, They arc arnOllJ.: the first t'l bring the
rnl':-;~aR:e of Ch r i~t to nUlly lamb.
I d~l n"t ba\C to :-;I:\ncl here prl';II:hil1g of
the Chri~t of lire t~'mb, I ;un ~Iad I can speak
of the ).!a"h'r w\:o i" e;tandil1g rilo'(ht in the
millst l)f U~, f.·r I Ie pn,mised to be alway~
with U~. I am Io:lad I can bring thi,. li\'ing
Saviour rig!;1 t,l th~' dl)L.r of en:ry !>il1l:er. and
that rou can too, Jt'su!': lives! lIalldujah I
\\'In'lI the l.ord died on Cal\,:lry [ m'line
there rnu~t han' h(Tn ,,(,me triumphallt ~hl!ut­
iug in hell. lor they th"u~ht they had c(,uquercQ
Ililll. I snrnctimf.:s try to Ilicture jll'! "ltat
ha]1]x'ntd_ For a few TIl'mcnt!': let tI~ Inc;\..: down
\\'e -ee
into the da rkness of 111:\1 I)lt.
Beelzcbub in tire darkll('ss listening to the re~
Ix}rt of Ol1e flf hi$ imps who say~, "\\'e ha\'e
<'ufcet"dcd: Olll' of o ur ~ Jli r i l S got il;{o Judas
and he has betrayed hi s M aster"
Anntlrer illll) comes :lllc\ the de\-il li~ten~
cagerly. "\Ve have succcf.:ded; we han Ihe
prie~ts all st ir red lip and there is a crowd go~
ing after Him w ith torches, ~tick<; and ~tnl1e5.'·
Oh. how they must have shfluled in triumph.
Then another imp erie!':, " \\'e have gotten the
).[aster in a place call ed Gethsemane and H e
is praying to God, but we a re succeeding:'
\11 the ho~ts of hell a re gathering about the
Son of God as H e prays and suffers and
a~onizcs until drolls of blood run from 11 is
,)-)res, "lIe i~ dring." they cry in joy; "blood
is pou ri ng fmlll Him."
PerhallS th('re goes up f rom hell a wail of
disaproi nt nwnt. "1 :\111 afraid we haw lost ,
or the God of h('a"f.:11 has ~en t an angc\ to mini~ter to Jl'~tr~." Strengthcned and comforted, our
ble~~ed l ,orcl moved forward
Then COilles
annther me~5enge r to Sa tan, saying, " ).[aster,
we have gotten I I im before H e rod and Pilate;
wc arc winning,"
\\,hen I think of that day. J can see o nly
the frO~S o n whi('h Christ wa s about to die.
1 sec the wonderful Prophet of N'a7.areth upon
that crtll'l crf)S~ piarr led on Ihe brow of Calvary.
\\'hile the rabble jl!ered and mocked, thl:
Sav iour died, li e w.a~ taken f rom the cros~
and placed in the tl'lllb_ W hat rejoicing 1
hea r among the devil and his followers. "\Ve
havc won! \\'e havc killed the Son of God."
Then :m illll) s;"\ys , "Yes, hm remember He
robbed l.a7arlls frum Death. and He robbed
the little dau!;t-hter of J ainr:-; from Death!"
\\·c learn fr om Rnc1ation that Christ
wrested the key of death from the angel of
dcath. li e unlocked the tombs of many of the
old ~a int 5 and after his re~u rrection they came
forth from the dead, PeOI)le saw 50ll1e of them
on t he ~ tree t s of Jerma1elll again. Jesus lives !
:\nd becau ..e lIe li,'cs, we e;hall live also.
Ever since that morning when ),Iary told
of the risen Chri :-;t , ins tead of going down after
death we go U]), \Ve go to be with the Lord
Jesus, and li e is not lying in the tomb; lie
i.. a5ci'n,k'd on lugb, 1l'!' r"Sf t: iumphant. and
all tlu: w(,rld tOo:i;IY $hOIlI'] ).;m·w that nil
k,ngrr docs the an~d of dt';,dh hold the key.
hut that Jc::>us has pow('r ("',-r dnth
should we be nir:l.i,p Th~ sairlt d~s n"lt die.
he just g!.ocs Mmt. illS L.Jy lIht goes to
~ll'('ll ur:til the rt'51Jrrn·tion at Chrj<,l's rl'turn.
\\'}:CIl 1Ie .'l.5H'lldl'<J, 11(' lilly have 5cars in
lils h:lnd~, a ,,(lund il~ lIis fIde. ilIl,j Ilail~
prill!." in Iii" f~'(·t, but til(") nrc \l('toriNI$ ~ca r :-;
It dtws 11"t Il\.att~'.,. whdlllr y.,a h:w(' in your
hotl~· th(' ~~'ars of ~l1fftring fllr Chri~t; it will
he won,it-riul II} trilln~l'h and ('nkr int.) Cl11ry
in Ihe ~alm: tlshi"n as tlr l' 10)'(1 l'ntcrnl.
Today the ri"l'n Chri-I M;,nds ;Ic;ain in the
lllxious to :-;trl'lll:tht'n
th{l"(' S:lnre nllnf~lrting
word~ Ih.1t I k
51X'\..:e I .. tIl\' di~cill1cs over
11111tl('el1 hUl1drl"(l~ yt'nrs ago, "I\':\o:-{' he unt·)
YNI." Thcy stared ill\\1 lIlar\'..)e,1 ,,\1 I liS reap~
pcararu:c. ''CIIII it be I h~?" tht'y a .. k them~
Yf~, iudn'" it was lit'. and IIr is li\'~
ins:: tntJ.;ly. Ilr l'olllfort'l II'; just as I Ie did
wn('ll }I(' hh':ltlwd up"n tlwm 3m}, "Rccel\e yc the lIoly (~hnst.·' C;lory t,l (;nd '
We have the ~ame prh'ilq::e~ as the di~cii>les
\\'e have lli:-l n'dempli.'n; we h3\'e Ili~ s;U\cti~
ficat ic,n. we lIa"e II is LlcssinJ,f of the out(lOure<l
Holy Ghost wh(lm lie 11a snll t,) lin' with 311
tllOO~(' who hdk\"(' nil H im
aud w(' ha\'c His
"onl~, "I will l'Ollle n!:;~lin.'
mid~t (If 1Iis d:ildn'n,
their ~pirih aud t.) ~:ly
Poor old Thllll1:1s! \\'l1l'l1 k,u. IIIt't the dis~
ciplcs till' fi r st tilllc and ~aili. "Pl';\l"C he untO
rot1." T lrflmas was ail'cllI. \\"hl-n thl'- d is~
ciples told him of the n's(l r h,rti,n Ill' said.
" f will nllt helieve until I tullrh !l im. " To~
day there are thou~ands of sinnc r ~ in the world
\\ho will not 1)('lil'\'e there j .. a risen Chri:-;t
unle~s t lley can f el·1 and l~l1lrh II rm; yl"! lie
is ru'arer to us nnw than H e was It}f)(} years
a~o, fur although lie is II]) in IIC;tH'II, llis
bles't'iI II()I~- Spirit brillg-s I I irn rig),t
ou r Ii\'e~. Thc world wants til 51'\' II im and
feci lIim ill u... lIt, ,,;alks and talk .. wi th ue;
and dt,\,c!up" \\ithin u~ a I"n" j"r Ilirn~df
and for 11 i:-; bks .. ed \\'Illli. Let th &h,·" II illl
to the \\(,d d thn>u~h our lin~, ami kt Ihem
iccl II im in ou r actions ;\nJ wnnls,
So Jc~us went home to gl •. ry at tht· appoint ·
('<.1 lime, alld fivc hundn'll saw lIim go. Tlll'l!
they \\Tllt hal-k to Jt'rllsalt:m, jUq a~ lie ~a id
tbey :-;l1ollld, and tan-it,d a .. li t, Lad (ommanded, At- fir't rwthing" hallPtnt'd. Only ('1 IC
hundred amI l\\('nty l'I,ntinue tn ta r ry, .\~ they
prayed. all in one accord. the Ii oly ( ;ll(N filled
that place, like a mighty wind, It 1\1 uvc ou t
the chaIT and tli(' fire ('OIlS\lIIled it. ,\fler th is
Pet er got on his feet and prt'aeh\'~1 tilt' gospel.
I fe had the nles'age and he prradlcd the ~t'rmoll
thaI h ruu~h t thn'c thllu~alld Ilt'('ple intOl the
wowlcrflll light of sah'ation,
T ooa)' we have fa ult s as P ete r had \\'e arc
tcmpted to find fault with Ol\l' annlhf.:r, God
kllo,,"s all abont nllr faults but IIne:-; n' ,t bI ,the r
about tht'llI; what li e wants is a nm~ccrated
liie. Ptte r wa~ com-erted and he cnn~l'cra t ed hi . .
life tn the I.ord, Ihtll the light of Pentecost
came to him alrd he 1II0"l·rj the wurld. I f a
mall like Peter cou ld arise frum his c\owniall
and ix:come a migllty imtnnnnrt in (;od's hands.
there arc possibilitit's for II' all, I am glad
God docs n(ll require a t('''1 eli o ne',> intellcct,
o r <Ill inSI,el tiorl of 1'lIe\ p.... t r{'t" rtl, but 1 fe
is willing to take a rept·mant sinner, a cl)nse~
crat ed liie, anc! t'\TIl tllllllg-h that per son ex ~
(Conlinued on Page Twenty)
Page Six
Three happy days of fellowship were
spent at the First Assemhly of God Church,
Kansas City, during the missiollary conven lion the latter part of October. Mr. and
Mrs. II. B. Garlock, formerly missionaries
in Africa, arc now in charge of the assembly and are doing everything to develop
miss ionary interest among the people with
the result that the missionary offerings are
steadily increasing and a fine spirit prevails among the people.
There was a nice representation of missionaries from several lands including
Afnea, fndia, and China, the Kentucky
Mountain s, and our Assistant General Superintendent and his wife who not so ve ry
long ago went as good-will missionaries to
Japan. All the missionary messages were
ill ~pirj llg, and during the la st day of the
cOllvention a large number of young people
stood up and offered their lives for service
wherever God might send them.
One of the interesting fcatures of the
convention was the animated messages by
Ollr Brolher Joshua Bang who spoke in
Chinese, while Mrs. Nettie D. Nic hols interpreted.
and gathering up cluos and ~ticks they surrounded Saga's little compound and with
curses and insults were going to thrash
him and drive him and his wife from the
town. I Ie calmly stood oefore them and
said he was willing to sufTer for Christ's
sake. r-..'o one made the first move, so the
tumult quieted somewhat. Then they took
him to the chief to try the matter.
To their great surprise and chagrin the
chief decided in fa .... or of Saga and the
Christian s. though he has 110 interest in
the gospe l message.
Saga has just come in to spend several
days and exchange the customary Massi
salutations relative to the death of our
precious baby boy. .\ s he sat and told uS
of these troubles 'there was such a resigned
spi rit that it warmed our hearts. No signs
of complaint, grumbling, or accusation
against his enemies. lIe said his troubles
wcre almost insignificant compared with
Paul's as he had not yet been beaten with
a whip nor s ticks nor s talled nearly to
dea t h. It was a joy to sit and fellowship
with him in the things of Cbrist. Oh, that
the Lord will raise up more Massi evangelists, and fi ll them with the Spirit as He
has Saga and usc them to His own glory.
- John F. Hall.
'vVe mentioned before some of the troubles
one of Ihe Mossi evangelists i<; having in
Baraga. It was because those who hecame
Christians 110 longer feared to cult ivate thei r
fields all Friday (locusts \\'ould most ce r ·
tainly come, it \\as claimed) and 011 Monday (that would br in g sickne<;s 011 the people).
\Ve mentioned how victory came
through prayer.
Bul not so long ago some of these same
trouble makers saw a C hri stian hoeing on
Friday. They roused other people's anger
Tn a recent letter Mi ss Ada Saycr, who
is one of our nCwer missionaries in Sout hwest China, writes of various cxperiences
in which she has been able to point someone to the Saviour, though still studying
the language and not yet able to speak
fluent[y enough to do much p reaching. She
~ays: "Not long ago an old woman named
Mrs. Tu ng. a worshiper of idols and a deVOtit
Buddhist, had a signal exper ience.
On several occasions she had visited the
XO'l'cmbcr 27, 1937
missionaries. but it seemed as though nothing moved ht:r. She had heard the gospel
preached but never came to a place of
understanding. Much prayer had gone up
to God for her.
"One night },J rs. Tung had a dream. She
saw herself weighted do\\'n witb a tremendous burden. The Lord appeared and
asked if she would like to havc it r emoved,
to \\-hich she replied that she would, for
it was \'ery heavy. It thell rested upon the
ground. The Lord sho\\-ed her that within
the bag were thirty-six different varieties of
sin, but she knew in her dream that her
many sins were forgiven.
"\\'ithoul anyone suggesling it, the next
chapel <;ervice found her there and she has
been attending evcr sil11.:e. As yet she has
not received the fullness of the Spiri t, but
the Lord is working mightily wi th her.
I,ct us pray for her and others.
Pra.yer Chan ges Things
"A short time ago I was greatly encour~
aged by having the opportunity to speak to
to one of the women helpers he re. On
previous occas ions I had asked her if she
was a believer in the Lord , but this evening
she opened her heart and began telling me
all about her troubles, of which 1I10st women
in China have many.
"I do not speak freely in Chinese yet,
but to the best of my abilit y I told her
that we would pr ay and that the Lord would
help her, and change tbe hearts of her
family as well a s her own. She wanted to
pray immediately, so we knelt in praye r
and committed he r to the Lord, after which
I repeatedly read a few Sc ri ptu re s until
s he understood them. As we arose to our
feet how happy and gr atefu l was her expression. Please pray that the seed sown
in her heart may spring forth into a real
knowledge of sins forgiven.
Mi .... ionary Co nvention at the First Aesembly of God Church, Kansas City, Kansas. Left to right: Fint four, H. B. Garlock (putor)
and family, formerly miuionarie, to Gold Coast, We, t Africa; Noel Perkin, Missionary Secretary, with hi, little daughter, France';
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones of French Wed Africa: Mn. Nettie D. Nichol, and Joshua Bang of Central China: Mi .... C. S. Eady
of South India, Mi .... Lydia Vaux of North India: Min Katberine Vogler, Kentucky Mountain worker; and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Vogler, recently returned from abroad, r epr esenting Japan.
XO'l'cmbcr 27, 1937
"Upon another occasion, there was a
young high class Chinese lady, who came
several times a week to hold conversation
with me in Chinese. During that time the
opportunity presented itself to speak to her
about the saving power of God. She could
speak and understand English quite well
so there was no difficulty in telling her why
we do not enjoy the pleasures of the world.
"It has been encouraging to ha \'e these
contacts and I thank God that He is giving
me these hidden away opportunities to wit·
ness for Him. As for language study, I
hope to be able to take the second examina·
tion by this fall. Will you please pray re·
garding the future of our work in South·
west China, that we may go forward as the
Lord leads."
Our China Miu ionaries
Tn a letter received from V. G. Ply mire
this week he writes that they have been
ordered out of Hwangyuan by the American
Consul. At the time they wrote they did
not know just where they were going, but
would keep us informed. They asked that
we pass this word on to their friends for
them. We shall be able to send their re·
mittance to them each month as Ilsual
through a bank in China. Mail, however,
may n?t always get through to them, so
they WIll not always be able to acknowledge
receipt of their offerings promptly to the
contributors. We are sure our Brother and
Sister will appreciate the prayers of their
friends especially ai this trying time.
A cable message has been received from
Mr. and Mrs. George \Vood t hat they have
lef t China and expect to arrive in Seatt le
about the middle of Novembe r.
A note from James Vigna states that they
are back in Kansu where they are going
on with their work, and all is quiet so far
as th e war is concerned.
South India
The temporary meeting place which the
people erect ed in our outstation at 11[111tathorai has been completely demoli shed by
a eye laue, and the landlord refused to let
us have the lot again, so we prayed earnestly and after about a week He opened the
way for us to get a lot for much less rent,
and we have Pllt up a little bui lding on it.
The work is now going all nicely, the people are coming to the Lord one by one, and
we feci that it has paid well to open that
outstation. One man was wonderfully hea led of leprosy through the ministry of the
native worker there, and several have been
delivered of demon possession.
I have a se t of slides on the life of Christ,
and mally people are being moved by the
understanding they are getting of t he love
of Christ and his sufferings. In each meet·
ing some are \\"on for Hil1l.-:\fiss Martha
It has been our privilege fo r the last
several weeks to take groups of believers
out to th e different haciendas. \Ve believe
that the angels in heaven are made to re·
ioice as they look down upon some of those
open-air services.
J\umbers have beell
raising their hands for pra ..,er, and they
knelt on the groun d to seek God. One
night nearly a hundred knelt to pray. \Ve
Page Seven
are not sure how Illuch they received, for
in a country \\here the people have never
kliown anything other than confessing to
the priests it sometimes takes several services before they come through to salvation.
Ho\\e\·er, we can sense a great hunger for
God in these hearts. \Von't you please
remember them in prayer?-~Ir. and ~frs.
P. Jlenry Hall.
South India
\\'e had a very precious service in one of
the stations a week ago, when seven can·
verts were baptized in water following the
morning service.
\Ve marched about a
mile to the tank where the ceremony was
to take place, singing hymns while onc of
the boys beat a drulll. A large crowd of
Hindus gathered to watch, which made it a
fine opportunity to give forth the go'>pel.
Late in the afternoon the Christians gathered for the Communion service. It was
one of the sweetest services I havc e\er
heen in, for the presence of the Lord was
so real.-Miss Mildred Ginll.
;::._----,--_._---------,- _.;,
Every year, beginning about the
first of December, we are reminded
daily through the newspapers and
other advertising that only a few
shopping days remain before Christ·
mas. \Ve should like to remind our
friends that by the time this number
of the Evangel reaches mos t of our
readers, there will remain just about
a week ill whi ch to send in eOIltributions
to our
for what has heen coming in, and
trust that by the end of this month
we shall be able to add a little to
each missionary's remittance as a
token of our love and fellowship and
remembrance of them a t this most
joyous season of the year-CHRIST·
Send all offerings to the Foreign
Missions Department, 336 \Vest Pa·
cine Street, Spring Held, Missouri.
-<>- ,-..-----~---------
. :.
Fiji Isla nds
My short furlough of five months in New
Zealand is now history and pleasant memories . I am glad to be back to our work
again in Fiji, much improved in body, soul,
and spirit. The Lord has bee n blessing in
Illy absence and the work is ill a healthy
condition with new face s in the congrega·
tion.- A. M. He etebry.
\Vonl has just been received fr om :Mrs.
Heeteb ry tha t she has arrived in the United
States for a short furlough. Her address
while home will be 211 Mathilda Avenue ,
Sunnyvale, California .
The last two times we have visited t hc
tOWI1 of Rio Claro, three souls accepted
the Lord as their Sav iou r, and the interest
was good. During street meeting in t he
afternoon persecution began, but the Lord
helped us through. Last Sunday night I
preached in a place where a good church is
already established, and is carried on by a
native Ch ri stian. Four came for salvation.
-Ve rn on L. Fullerton.
The Olaa meeting is a real inspiration and
bles ... ing. .\5 we arrive the children ofte n
greet tiS singing, ·'This world is not my
home," and ··1'111 ,,0 glad I bc1l1ng to Jesus."
\Ve have a light in the street of the camp
and one of the Illen borro\\S henches from
all the neighbors and \\e make a large
circle. Oftell there are more than fifty
in attendancl', alld 110\\ they like to sing.
God is doing iI ddlllitc work in many hearts
and one family is seeking- the Holy Spiri t
Baptism. Thl' I.ord has been Rood to give
us clear nights for our outdoor meetings.
It is often raining when we leave home but
the sky is clear by the time the meeting
begins. One night it began to raill but
everyone sat sti1l and prayed, even the
unsaved alles, and in a very short time the
rain passed \>vcr.-Berniee L. Strickland.
I n respollse 10 a number of inquiries from
ministers and laymen in Oklahoma, Texas,
and Arkamas as to whether George W.
Moncy is a mcmbcr of the General Counci l,
we beg to slate that this brother never has
becn a member of the General Council and
does not hold any credentials from headquarters.
\V(' a l·e informed that George
\v. Malley was formerly a preacher in the
Spiritualist Chu rch, and that while his
divorced wife sti ll lived he was Illarried to
another woman. He visited Springfie ld a
number of occasions alld was received with
the sallie courte~y that would be extended
to anyone who \·isits the headquarters work.
He was never given opportunity to preach
in the Springfield churches so far as we are
aware. This office would have no aUlhority
to give any endorsemellt to his mini st ry and
those churches accepting him lllllst do so on
their OWIl responsibility.
The Executive Committee
J. R. Flower, General Secretary
Related by a missionary: "A ce rtain sis·
ter is just like a ch ild in her simple faith;
she expects Jesus to do everything for her
that is impossible. \·V hen her cow fell into
a deep bo le and was unable to get ou t, she
got in the hole \\·ith the cow, put her arms
under the animal and said: 'Tn the Name of
Jesus, come out of thi s hole!' IlIlmediately
the cow was lift ed up 011 to th e surface of
the pasture.
Il er Jesus does everything
for her."
T he urge of the Spiri t call pass. A revival
swept through the university of Princeton,
New Jersey. Aaron Burr came to the presi·
dent of the university and said: "11.1 r. Prcsi·
dent, I have made up my mind to conside r the
claims of Christ. Now, M r. President, what
would you do?" And the ol d president of the
university gave him this advice, "Burr, if I
were yOu, I would wait until the excitclilellt
of the revival is subsided , and then I would
thillk it out carefully." Aaron Burr bowed
his head a mOIlH.llt, and then he said, "M r.
President, that is exaet!y what I will do."
:Never again did he desire to be a Christian, and he died Christ less.
rayC' Fight
Xo •.'C'ml!cr
PF:"TEC()ST:\L F".':"(;EI.
c7l Pentecostal C9utpouring of Y9hirtyfour
27, 1937
Pas lor P. B. Thompson. IVal erIOl/;". So. DallOla
":\sk of the rain 111 till' time of
the latH'r rain." Zech. 10:1.
Til{' surely has sent hright clouds,
anci giH~n us showers of Latter Hain in
thl'St' Ihe closing- days of thi s dispensation
of grace , and as my mind travels back
J wish to hring to evcry rtacier of th('
E"allg-d a pictur(, of tilt' I..att ('r Rain
outpourilW in my fathcr's church at
?o.Ioorill'acl, ~I innesota, in the IX'ginningof thi .. C(:lllury.
Goe! graciously poured out J [is Spirit
with signs following. Many n:ceiH:d the
glnrioll" Bapti"l11 in the 1 roly Ghost
slwaking" in I)ther tong-lies as the Spirit of
God g~I\"(: utteranc('. At that time we had
1I0t 1ward of allY other plac{'s having n.'
c('in'd a like experience, but later w('
heard of pcople in California and \\'innipeg, Canada, ha\'ing rcceived a likt, pn.'(
ious outpouring of thl' Holy Spi riL.
l'\ow a characteristic of this outpouringof tht' ll oly Spirit of promise was that
wlll'1I many of the older Christians of
that day could not understand Ille
phenomcnal experience that those who
h<'ii('vcd were receiving, God began to rill
the hearts of the children, God's litlJ<o
(lilts, and they began to speak in other
tong ties and prophesy as the Spirit of
God ga\"e them utterance.
Praise God, the spirit of rc\·i,· al wa-;
llIanifl'stnl in every service. Un ..avcd
soub became sin consciolls, and hoth olel
and young began to cry out to God for
It brought consternation. inln
tlu. ' minds of lukewarm and backslidden
church members of other dt'nominations
who,ha\"ing heard of tl~e .pi.l(,lloll1enal Qutpouring of the Holy Spirit, came to sec
and scofT, but, feeling the supernatural
POWl'!' of God manifested, many slayed
to pray. The crowds wcrc so ~reat th?t
it wa .. impossible to take carl' 01 tht:11l III
the church, consequently many wcre on
the outside.
This re\, ival was not con filled to my
fatlll'r's church, hut it spread like a prairie
fm.'. and the lIoly Spirit ht..'g-an.lD ~all
in other churches of the Scandmavlan
Free :'lis-.ion, a small band of Christians
missionary· minded,
throughout this north~v~st.crn part of
?o.linncsota as well as adJOll1lng Statcs.
On the western banks of Lake Geneva
the Christians of thi s early Pelltecostal
outpouring were oftcn assembled in
praycl- in the home of. Ol1e of the early
settlers, where today, 111 answer to the
earnest prayers of the believing saints,
there stands the beautif ul Lake Geneva
Bible Camp that has been such a blessing and inspi ration to everyone who has
COllle within its borders. This beautiful
II) Cod's alJiding presl'ncl' among lIis true
giH'1l IUT Jt was Pondo Land. She did
not n'<lrh Ihis part of Africa for a num-
Latt'r on T remember, the fire of the
Iloly Ghost began to fall in a country
cOllllllllnity in ),finnesota, ~outh\\Tst of
Iktroit I.akes, a lovely coulltry dotted
with IH":luLifuJ lakes of the dean.'st water.
It \\"a-; called Lake Eunice which also was
the name of one of the lakt's. \\"hf:11 th('
older profe:->sing Christians hesitated to
n'cei\"e this fullness of Cod's hlessing.
God poured out His Spirit upon the SO II ~
and d.lughtcrs, and they Iwgan to speak
ill other LOngues and propill'sy, and becamc zealolls for God and were the instru!ll('llts tIlt.' Lord used in bring their 10\'ed
ones to Christ.
011, \"oIHkrful days of hea\elHient re\"i\';d! Ilow the saints of God dwelt in
unit\"! "Jkhold, how good ami how
pka~ant it is fur hr('tiJrell If) (\\\"('"1\ 10g-t·t1wr in unit)'." J\alm 133:1. They
hrought their dinners to church and
staYl'd to pray ,lnd wor .. hip (jod. 15 it
all)' wonder there was a revi\'(ll? 1\1any
tilllt'S in the early m orning hours as they
\\'('0(\('(1 their way homeward from these
gloriolls prayer meetings yOli could hear
them prai .. ing and glorifying the Lord.
I n..'IIIt'lilber, although a boy of only ten.
how en.'ryone living in the direction of
our farm hOllle would shorten the di stance they had to go by passing thro11gh
1\t certain places they
flur pa .. ture.
would SLOp and pray alld praIse Gael.
Ont' of these places evcr since has been
a place of pleasant rememhrances to my
own soul.
it was a large, fiat whi tt'
stolle where thc saints of God would
kned to pray and praise and glori fy till'
Prince of peace.
The missionary spirit was manifested
among the Christians, and God called
Iahorers out into the harvest fields hi)lh
ill this cOlilltry and across the waters!
God called one in our midst, the weakest
as far as the physical was concerned,
and hCllled her complete ly. lIe sent ),Iary
Johnson along with Ida Anderson to the
dark continent of Africa where they nav('
becn laboring faithfully all these years.
one ha"ing had only one fu rlough the
other but two.
j,(:I' of years, hut fmally God olX'ned this
portion of His vineyard for ht:r, and no\\'
for many years she has labored there.
:\1ar)' Johnson and Ida .\ndt:rsol1 set
sail for ..:\ frica in October, 1()()"1. l\ugtlsta
Johnson, the first one to receive the 13aplism with the Holy Spirit in this great
rC\'i\"al, also sailed for Africa, hut after
-;pcnrling a number of years there was
compelkcl 011 account of failing health
to return to America. Sincc then a number of missionaries have been c..~dled to
this field l among them being Standia
Thompson and Florence Bergstrom of
:'loorhead. Miss Bergstrom is now 11rs.
Ephraim Anderson, who was .\fricanborn of Swedi::.h missionary parents.
:\fary Johnson and Ida J\nckrsoll, after
they arrived in Africa, reported that they
did not beliC\'e the heathen Christian~
would understand the Baptism with the
J Joly Spirit, so they did not instruct them
ill the same; but God put them to shame
by baptizing these Kalirs in the Holy
Spirit. They spoke in other tongues,
jU"l as we did in !\Ioorhead. Pra ise God,
it is real as on the day of Pentecost. Our
..islers did not stop to receive any support, but left as soon as they received
Iht'ir farcs to Africa.
:'Ioth('r has galle on to be with Je"Wi, to fl'cci\'e her reward for faithfulness, as h:lVe many others of those
early saints of God. Father, although
he is no\\' eighty-three yc.."1rs of age, is
still tra\"eling in the interest of these
fait h ful missionaries of Pentecostal
truths. Soon he will have preached the
go::.pel of our Lord Jesus Christ for fifty
,·ears. For these past thirty-four years
the Lord has provided for these needs, as
God has poured out Ilis Spirit in my
father's church in !\roorhead. Thus God
honored the faith of those faithful believers ",ith the Latter Rain otupouring
as 011 the day of Pentecost. On flows the
overflowing torrent, and as we look upon
the great l)entecostal outpouring of these
lalter days, surely our hearts fi,lled
\\'ith laughter and our tongues slllging. The Lord has done great t1ungs for
us, whereof we are glad.
iull·gl''''pd camp Mands as a monument
Mary Johnson had a vision of the darkski nn ed Africa ns to whom she was to
minister in South Africa. She saw them
with large horns protruding from thcir
heads. She afterwards found that these
were animal horns of different kinds
made into headgear. A vision was given
he r a lso of the boat in which she was to
sail to ,\frica, and the name of the part
of Africa where she was to labor wa s
(0 Speak Wilh
Forbid No(
\Vhat is the g reatest need of the saint
today? A life of continuous commun ion
with the Lord. \Vhat was the outstanding t hing in the life of Ihe 5011 of God?
His constant communion with Hi s Father.
Sm:ember 27. 1937
The words lie . . poke,lle assures us, were
\. . ords that Ilis Father gave Him; and
In llis prayer to i lis Father in John 17
lie says, "Th~ words tholl gi\'en me
1 have gin.'n tht1l1." The works that
He did He attrihuted all to the Father.
Ile declared, "The Father doeth the
works, I of myself can do nothing:'
:\nd He left a word that, as 1Ie li\'cd by
the Father, in constant cOlllmunion with
the F atlu.:r, so we are to liYe bv llim
III constant communion with 11im, in'
con~tant reliancc upon II im.
\Vhat was the secret of Paul\ ministry? 1Ie li\'ed in constant communion
with his Lord. In 1 Corinthians 1+ he
sho\\'s us how his spirit had constant comtlllll110n with God who is a Spirit. IIe
speab there of the 1II01ll/er in which his
spirit had C{)nstant communion with God.
.\t the beginning of this chapter he shows
tiS, "Hc that spcaketh in an unknown
tonglle spcakcth not unto men but unto
God, for no man und(.'rstandeth him;
howbeit in the Spirit he speakcth myslent'S." i\nd concerning his own COm
IIlUIllOll with (joel in this 1l1\" .... tl'riotls wa\·
he declare-s, "J thank m)' C;Z:HI. I speak i;1
tong-IICs marc than }c all." Spcahing in
an unknown tongue the saint speaks unto (;od who flllly llt1dlT'itand~ the holy
conUlltlllioJl of Ihe one who worships Him
in ~pir it and speaks to T1illl ill words
which the Spi rit gives.
Paul did not dc'spise those words of
Chr i ~t which many de!:>pisc lOday, "These
signs shall follow them that believe
.. they shall speak with new tongues."
H e exercised himsel£ in Ihis manner,
fore-told by the Lord, more than they
all, and it was holy communion with his
holy Lord. And as he communed with
his Lord, his Lord communed with him
and he was edified, he was built up, he
was strengthened in the faith.
He tells the Corinthians that in this
holy exercise he prayed in spi rit. He
prayed in this holy lang uage God had
given him for communion. lie pray~d
with hi s understandi ng also, and he encouraged others to pray with their understanding also. lJe tells them that when
they speak in an unknown longue to pray
that they may interpret, for by this means
others Illay be edified. lIe sang and
worshiped God in psalms. hYlllns, and
!:>piritual songs in spirit in the holy tongue
which God gave, .He likewise worshiped Jl illl in songs with his understanding,
so that his whole being-his whole mind,
his whole heart-would goo out in insoircd songs of praise and wor"hip. Thus
in his quiet hours he worshiped God.
God seeks such worship, and the Son of
God shows us distinctly that they who
worship the Father must worship Him
in spi rit and in truth.
''Vhat does the apostle bid us do? To
follow him as he followcd Christ. As
he lived in this holy, mysterious, but
\'c ry real ('oml11l1nion with the Lord, he
was following the SOil of Cod who liYc<t
in yery real. Yl.'ry ble"''''l'll, and Yery constant communion With IIi ... Falhn. Anet
as the saint t..'ntt'r .. intn this life of hoh'
communion \\llh tile Lord, the I.ord wiil
communicate 10 him till' word ... that he
should speak. The Lord will work ill
him, cnabling him to elf) the works that
He shall choose, t'fllllinnill.t! the word
spoken with ~igns iol1owing as at the
bcginning. The greatt..'r the COlllll1l1l1ioll
the saint has with his Lord, the greater
Will be the power, the grt.'ater will be the
works, and the more powerful will be
the word which Christ 111111S('1£ will COIIfirm.
1t is written concerning twO oi the
saints, that "while thn C01ll1ll11l1l'd together an(1 r<.'asonl'd, Je~. . us IlinJ'iclf drew
near and went with thel11." He Ilimself
will still draw nigh to those who speak
much of Him and speak much to 1Tilll.
He will opt:n lip to their understandint!
His holy \\'ord, and will giyc them a
word in season to speak to hoth c:aint and
. Do not check the speaking- in tongue",
111 your hours ttl the st'l'rtt place where
you go to pray to your Lord. There are
some who would forbid. Thc\" say it
docs not profit. The \\"onl of the Cord
is thi:;, "Forbid not to speak with
tongues." Of old the\' did lIot want children to cOllle nigh to the Lord. But He
greatly desired to ha\'c them and said,
"Forbid thcm nol." Toda\' there arc
many who would discourage this holy
Illeans of communion, hut the Lord':;
\\'ord is, "Forbid them not."
TIe delighted to have the children Hcar Him and
to hear their prattle. For out of the
mouths of babes and sucklings there came
forth praises well pleasing unto Him.
And Ile would not ha\'e modern disciples forbidding His little ones to offer
their prayer and praise in spirit, in
language which the Spirit gives; and
their Spirit-anointed prayer and praise
with their understanding is also a delight
to Him.
Draw nigh unto Him in cOl11l11union.
and He will draw nigh unto you. Fear
not to speak and to si ng to Him in a
language in which He d~lights a nd which
He forbids not. And as you draw nigh
to Him He will ever supply all that YOll
reqllire for you r ministry for Him.-
S. IT . F.
Approaching Revival
" It was in the midnight of the Dark
Ages," says D. M. Panton, ;'that the huge
revival which we call the Reformation,
breaking out in an Augustinian Monastery, convulsed Europe, and changed
the history of the world."
The conditions before the rc\·ival of
'Vesley and 'Vhiteficld ha \·c been thus
descri bed: "Death in the churches, rottenness of public morals, infidelity coming in like a flood."
"B1al'h ... tfllll', tilt" (flllIlIlt'Jltator on the
laws of 1':Jl~land 11lld~'r t;l'orgc III ",a,·:-,
he' wellt tn l'n'n' churdl oi nott" in London. and illl1wl it 111ljlo ....... ihk to <hscover
whl'ther tilt' drrJ.D man was a follown of
ConiuclU~, _\I{lllalllllled or Chri"t.'·
"St), hdnn' titl' rnival of IR57-58, thl'
land", the n:vi"al \"i"ill'c1 wen: those lying
un(kr a pall oi rt'(:kkss waste. an unparallded £eyer for rich('~, deepening
doubt, and alarmill.l! I1I1g"tldlineo.;<;."
"1Ii!'otllril'allv, condition:. of appalling
darkl1t,,,s h,n l' tlot hn'll a~alllst red val,
hut for it ror Hn-ivill is God, by a
mlglu.\· IIprush, saving- the world from its
dll\\"t1.l!radp to htl!."
Tlwl1l:ls C ph:1I1I ha . . written: "God's
rc:,ol1n::e.-. an.' not l'xhaustt'll. \\orll1liness
ha... all hilt l'nglll fed the professing
c1mrrh; rationali . . m bas swt.'"pt like a dnastatlllK tlood through PHr c()lkg("s and
uninr"'itll· . . ; a largol' part oi the professIll.£! Church of Christ has turncd its back
tn tht, l'm·Ill.\· til cO\\anlly, dl' . . pairing d~·
£l'at. Tht· . . l· tll"lH! . . hfJ\n'n-r do not con·
...titutl· ;\ ~itllatioll loCI h;I1"(1 for God.
Ratht:r, thl'\' Cllnstltlth' thl' mighticst caU
to ... imultallt..'OI1S prayl'r l'\"(.'!" Sl'nt forth
to till' tllt:mhns or the hndv uf Chri~t.
Thl'\' an' (;ocl'", chalkngt' tn illtl'rces ... ion!
\lHi. thank (;fJd, Illultitll(k ... arc respond
Ing! Ikar 1);\",lOr, or :-':Iiut uf (~od, do
yOll tk .. pair? :\"Oll' thJ:-', .'·\\'ht·nevl'r p~ll
hear God\ pl'ople pranng, perhaps III
\'oudn liltk prayer Illl't'lillg; Jl('rhaps in
-"Olllt' solitar.'" place in tlw wJlderness;
perhap~ III the de):iolatt' a1l(1 lonely room
of SOUl<.' poor widow, tiwtJ kllow that thl.'
day of Divinl' \'ISltalum is near at hand.
\\'e call1lut tt'll, perhap~, 111 what direction
or in what way the mallift,~tatloJ\ of
God's po\\'cr is to ht! lI1ade, hut we callIIOt douht the gi.'IH:ral fact that it IS approachin~ ...
Then, pray, pray, pray!
.' Pearl of Great Price"
it is a curious cOlllcldcnce that perhaps the linest pearl c1u~ tt..'r eyer discovered consists of nine large, lustrous,
pure white pearls-nine are the exquisite
fruits of the Spirit, borne on thc Crossnaturally joined together ill the form of
a cross an inch in length, \·alued at $50,(XX), and found, ill 1886, ill aile pearloyster off the coast of \Y<,stnn Australia.
The pearl cannot he obtained until the
oyster is dead. The oyster, thrown into
a pit, is left to die a lingering death, and
the pearl is drawll ou t of thc decaying
mass; and the ancients used to say that
the pangs of dying produced the luster of
the pearl.
The pearl is found in the oyster's
gra\·e; the righteousness of Ch rist was
flllished, complete, and rC~ldy for use only
after He was dead; we find it in an empty
grave. For the best p('arls all come from
the Ncar East·· the Rcd Sea and India:
in the Near East is the opell shell in
Joseph's garden wher e we find our Pearl.
Nove11lber 27. 1937
I'(Jq.' T ('11
"International perfidy," aid Lloyd George,
former Premier of Great Britain, recently,
"ha~ become a habit, a 1)()liq. a boa::.!."
FOI~ \\AI~
Senator CaPl)er, in hi!! CII/'I'cr.r' /-nnlll'1
n()tc~ th;lt Congn·"
h;l~ JII"t appropriated
$1,138,000,000 to go 10 th(' army and navy in
preparation for war
Thi.. round<; out four
and (JIIt··half billion wellt hy the United
States for "defen~c" tiurinj.!" the la .. t fiH year~.
A wdl-known writer of Madrid states: "Of
all civil wars the Spani!>h seems to be incomparably the worst.
It ic; murder gone
mad. Cruelty, pers{'("ulion. and revenge arc
rampant, and the brain reels at the sight of
thr app..,lIing things done by I~t.'ople who call
thel1lsrhes human."
Oli\·e Schreiner once wrntt' "The stlldy of
Europe:Ul hi~tory duriuR tlw past centuries
leach('<; us one uniform les:,ol1
that the
n;uiom which have receivcd, and in any way
dealt fairly and mercifully with tit" jew, have
})rospt'red; and that the !lation .. that have torturrd and oppre~sed him h;Wt, written OUt their
own curse."
\Villiant J),nnnn, I)rince of geoloRist~, !laid: "Nothing is more evident in the
history of fossil animals and plants of past
geol ogica l ages than that degeneracy is the
rule rather than the exception: ..
we may
alrno~t say that all thing'l left to themselves
lem/ 10 dtgctlf'ra/l', and only a new breathing
of tlte Almighty Spirit can start them again
on the !lath of advancement"
rrofe~!!o r
Said Ilertzl, founder of the Zi(>tli ... t ~[o\'e­
ment "On the soil of Eretl I rad, where there
now grows so little, there once ~rcw universal
idc;lls And for that reason no one can deny
the ctcrnal bond which exi~b between us and
that land
"If any legal right to land i~ to be recognized. then every ~opl e believing iTt the Bible
II1U<,t recof{nize the rif.:ht to it of the jew."
The fir"t quarter of thi~ century was "the
bloodiest period in all hi'ltory." according to
a ~tudy made of the last 2500 ycar'> by Harvard
University. The study included 902 wars, and
1615 international disturbance~. The war index
for the twentieth century rca(ile<i a tutill eight
times greater than all preceding centuries. According to this study the a\·ef3gl' man of the
131h century 6500 mor(' chances to die in
1m bed than had his descendant'> of the 20th
century. Harvard wa~ aided by many American
and European scholars in thi~ research.
"The National Bible Society of Scotland is
circulating the Scriptures among Touaregs,
Arabs and the. French military forces who
hold the fortified posts in the Sahara," reports ~Vorld Domi'liOIl. "In a recent journey
between Morocco and Tamanra~set in the
Algerian Sahara, 400 copie~. chiefly in French
and Arabic, were sold.
Soldiers in the
Foreign Legion-Russians, Germans, Belgians,
Poles, Swedes and a few Britishers-were eager
to reeei\·e Scriptures ill their own languages.
The. Society is stocking a Bible shOll at Tamanr;l,~set with Bible... in dl necessary languages,
incuding two Gospel<; in the Tifinagh script
of the Tonaregs, the first Scriptures yet translated into that tongue."
.:. -·- -..-·-----CH;;;;;;; HER~;~-------·Ir
YOlll1~ people and even adults enjoy thrilling stOries of those who have conquered. Some have conquered the va"t l'xpanse of the Atlantic and Pacific
ill their daring flights. History records long lists of
those who have dared to conquer, but their records
of valor can lIot he compared with the achieveme nt s
of men li ke Bunyan, )'foody, Luther, Spur~eon, \Vesley,
and \Vhitcfic1d. The~c lIlen fought a fair, clean fight.
They overcame obstacles and temptations. They met
jeers instead of cheers-but they \VON!
You will surely appreciate the~e interesting,
thrilling books. They arc bea ut ifully bound and
the tit les arc staJl1ped in gold.
Price each, 75e. Six book s III neat "Gold-Kraft"
filing case, per le t $4.50, poltpaid.
Note: Ask for our free listing of books. suitable
for children, young people, and adults.
Coltllllent!) a Jewish writer in a Palestine
paper, "1'el"l1ill''I one of the great attractions
for j{'w'> is that you arc with other Jews.
At the feast of Tabernac1e~.
when all Tel
A \·iv is going to ~ynagoguc with palm hranch
and citron, willow and Jlrayin~ shawl. you
can do the same and feel at hOIll{'. \Vhen you
go through the streets on a Saturday ShOP5
afe closed, when you go through on Sunday.
they ;.re open. In the 'bus you meet Jews.
ill Ihc theatre you sit next to jews, in the cafe
you cat with Jews, in the hospital you arc with
jews and it is Jews who carry you to the MOUIll
of Olive~. You do 110t have to be on your
'beH' behaviour for fear of what the nonJew will say."
<. ____
. _S_P_E_L
__P_~B~SHIN~_O_U_S_E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s._P_R_ I_N_C_F_
IELD, MO. '.'
11ark Kagan writes in The DOllm concerlling an interview he had with a Government
enginee r in jerusalem. This official stated that
when the export business in Palestine greatly increased, and instead of eX I)orti ng 25,000
boxes of oranges annually th e total reached
25 million boxes a year, the British government had to fllld a suitable place for a harbor
in order to solve the export problem. Several
places were tried without success. At last
they found they could build a huge harbor in
Haifa, large enough to accommodate the world's
biggest ships. Kagan said to this engineer,
"Do you know that I read in my Bible that
God chose the place for this harbor 3600 years
ago?" "Where? I should like to see the
pas!.age," was the reply. Kagan showed him
Gen. 49:13 where Jacob called his sons,
blessed them, and gave to each his portion.
He blessed Zebulun and said prorhctically:
"Zebulun shall dwell at the ha,·en of the
sea and he shall be for a h;wen of ships." The
Hebrew word "haven of the sea" is "Chaifa"
and that is the name of the harbor, Haifa.
There was no harbor until the last few years
in Zebulun, but now that land ha'l a marvelous
Afte r the \Vorld \Val", in the early years of
the British Mandate for Pale!ltine. a visitor
in that land wrote (quoted ill S ill/do)' School
Times}: "A young Jewish lecturer in biochemistry took me around the little Jewish
Univerc;ity 'let right on top of ).I otttll Zion. He
h"d sacrificed a good po<;t at Berlin University to dig foundations for the Jewish colonies
and carry mortar, and later to lecture to
about fifteen students and do rescarch work
in cotton growing. \Ve came out to the terrace
behind the University and stood where Lord
Balfour stood (they worship I.ord nalfour
with an affection which wOllld. I bclie"e, go
through blood fo r him). The Sllll wa!'; setting
and throwin!:\" back a glow of red li~ht 011 the
wild hills which went tumbling to the Jordan
and to the mountains climbin~ beyond. It was
as though all was lit in a blaze of memory.
'Look: he said. ' that littl e break in tbe hills
righ t opposite!' There it wac;. and at the distance at which we stood it looked about three
inches broad. 'That was where we first came
in under 'Moses I' His face wao; transfigured,
and his eyes lit with that fierce flame of love
, .... hic11 all the winds of the ages ha,·e ne\·er heen
able to blowout." As Da\·id Lloyd George said
in a recent magazine article. "The Red Sea
has always opened its waters at the critical
hour for this l)Crsecuted people."
,\ or'cmber 27, 1937
:ipurgeoll, the princc oi I)reachers, used to
"Preach nothing (jO\\1l but the de\'il, and
nothing up hut Christ."
Another aged saint said that he put Cal~
vinism into his preaching' a~ he put ~ugar
into his tea" \\'c call h;l\'e too llIuch sugar
in tea; but there is a real truth in the
thought that the doctrilles of the Bible iShould
be mcd to sweetcn and 11tH to embitter our
God's truths ilre scattcrt.:d in lli~ Word
like 100'ely flowers in the meadows. In studying Doctrine we gather tllO~e flowers and
bind them in bouqmls 10 adorn (.ur !>piritual
'"Re SlIre you feel what you preach, and
prNch whal yOI1 feel. (;et a n'd-hut heart,
and preach to the hcart."
"Christ said, 'Fccd ~fy sheev"
"Feed ~fy
Some preachers, ho\\ever, pllt thc
food so high that Ileither lambs nnr sheep can
reilt'h it. They !>eem to haw' rcad the text
"f(,t"d my giraffes.' "-Spurgcon
In ROlli" 12: 16 (marg.) \\1.' arc told to
"~I ind lIot high things, but comfn<rllri to them
111,,1 an' Im.,l\'," Let u,., bear thi~ in mind III
pn"paring messages"
You have IIOt obeyed
Christ 's command if there is I\ot something
in Yl>ur discourse which can feed the ~lllalle~t
met most ignorant lamb present
"The build ings in which yOll will preach
were ~rected as monuments to the power of
the doctrines of grace,
Mind you preach
those doctrine!> in them, The doctrines !>ome
preach now would not huild a mouse trap,
ne Iligh Calvary preacht r s""-Spurgeol1
'\1\ intercsting arti;!!;' in New Paleslillc tell!>
of the disco\"cr y of King Solomon's )' Ii nes
"Down in thc south of Pa]('stint'. ;111 ,\nU'rican-Jcwish archrt'(llogi!>t has found traces of
a mining :trca that wa!> worked in the days of
King Solomon and produced the copper anel
bra~, used ~o ex:temi\'ely ill the buildin,!:!; of
the first Temple.
"Doctor Kelson Glueck flew oyer the great
\\-alii Arab.a, the arid plain stretching from
the mount,un,., 01 ~,)uthtrn Edom- -ancient
Petra:a to the sandy Guli ui \kaba It was
acro~s this cOuntry that the clliklren of r~rael
marched from Iheir bondage in Egypt; and
in this corner of the Sin,ai \\ ilderness they
camped and wandered for fn:ty )ear~ before
achieving the conquest of Canaan.
"Profe<;~or Glueck h3" de~criIK.'d the nmains
Hi miner': 'lUt", <of d('bris-coVl'rrd heaps of
"lag and discarded ore, te~tih:uR to the use
In which thi .. district wa~ I)ut ill alltiquil)" It
mmt h3\'e been a busy scene a~ Solomon's
mincn., thcnl"eh'e~ hronzed by thl hurning !'oun
oi this descrt clime, worked in the digging~
and bWlIght forth the bras;; with \\ hicb the
TClllll\e wa~ ornately del'oratt'<!.
"'The J.::"rcat CO»I)('r l'U\llllf}" by bt:lv.(~t:ll SUt.:~
cOlh, (!II(' l.i tllc camps oi thl' wander in,'! I\\chc
triix' .. , and l;:Ziun (;ebcr, which later \\a,., to
1)('(:('111(' St)I"il1"l1'!'o principal "olltil<"rn p. rt. It
i~ dl"~crihcd Jlil"turc'qucl~ as ';I land wi:osc
"\(111('; are in'n, amI out nf who<.e hill .. thou
lI1ayc,l di1! hra<.~.'''
pcop\(' today ~t'e wllat the Scril)Einstein, famed
:ure,., h,l\-e lonl{ foretold.
-cienti:-t, i" quotcd a!> '"yiug' "The political
and ec(,nolll1t: conflieb and clulIpkxities of the
11a,.,l few d('c,ulc .. ha\'(' hro\l.~ht bdore our
cye" dangcr .. which cn'n Ihe dark('~t pe-si
mist of Ihe la"l centur:.' did not dream of," he
"The injunction", of the Billie conCl'rnin/.'( human cnndllCI \Iere Ihcn :-1l"C'cl)ted by b~"'
!ie\er and inrldel alike as self-nil\o:nt Ilt:mands
for in<liyidnab and ~ocietr"
'",\,t today \\t' mu!>t reC(l~nih wilh horrcor
Ihat 11lt'''e pillar" oi ci\"ililcd human existrllc('
ha\'c lost Iheir firmne~ .." ;':ation~ that once
ranh'!l high bow dl'wJI hefore tyrant~ who
dar(' openly to as!>ert: Right is that which
"'Cf\'e~ u.,!
The que!>t for truth for its own
-ake ha~ no justification and is nol to bl:
\rbitrary rule, opprc.,sion, pe r sc~
("utioll of indi\'iduals, f:\ilh" ;m(1 communities
arc upt'l1ly pr acticed in tho~e ("oul1t r ies and
lCC('ptl'd as justifiable (,r ine\'itahle.
""\nd the rest of the worM has slowly
"rown aCCll,tolllcd to Ihese "Y1llIHIl111~ of moral
On~' missc~ the elelllcntary reaction
a~ain~t inju .. tice and for justice that reac~
tinn \\"hidl in tnc Inng' run represents man's
c nly pmttt,tion against relapse into barbarism."
Pagc EIM'ell
\Ir,. { I, I.l'hC'ck, 715 Frallklil1 St.,
l illih)rnia,
"h ,l It'acht"r of the Primal \ cl3~ .. I am
limhng Ih(' ("hih;rl'!1's Teat:her~' Quarterly
\"crr hell,iul and nNil"(' th:u Ih(' dl1ldren
an' n',pondilllo{ to the:: chalk tal"
thertin, a, \htd b:. the ft":'lcht'r \\ t' ,I)lpre·
nail' tht' d,om;:ht1ulne,,, that h"1 been Kivell
to thi di\'~lOn "mil Ill:l\ (;od ('111111111" Itl
h!t--, \,ll1r t"li\ln"
\\ ritt"
Ih'ar Sir
I'k:bt' mail 1I1l' \our rataln,", III ~lI11d:1\
::-;'\"11<'1.1 ~Ul'plil'~. It i~ jlht \\Otul('rful ho,~'
II11r ~
~ i~ Kr{l\\1IlJ.,: III intt"n',.,t ,\1ul "pint
"1I1(t \\~ ht:L!:'l11 takinL! tht, "urpli,", Irtlm
H ur I'uhli·hilll,:' I(ou'o'
It i" a rural \1. I"
i.-hulI. h
\\-t han' had ,h l11gh ,h :-2 111
T'ra~ ior u,
Your,., 111 Hi, ~1"rYht·
S I).: lIl'd \Ir,." :\,'m~ 1).1
I, t ;["Hhl in. \1 i, hi';:,11l
Fnl1l1 l hark .. (>. \\"I"\t-l":l1I11
i~ lbo\
SUn!, I~I dH"~ln, Xe\\ Yllrk.
\\"c ,I' ,I COlllllllitl{'t' hil\t' a pl.ll1 hI ',un-;I"'''
Ihi, 1'11\ I,i JJO,OIlO \\ith tr,ll"t!>, ,uhl'f!i~ill).:
'IIr d1\lrlh, u"in~ n'ruil1 Io{c,,",pt"1 Ilacls ,\hidl
'1;1\\' hi"t",· 1"1'1"110111, "1,!t'l'Il'd h'r th~" \\ork
TIII"'~ arl 10 ht· rpllecl in rl'd \\,l'wd paper,
the rl,lI to t'nllsi,t oi Ihn'l' ditTerl"ut Ir;leb,
IHlt' nil ~:\I\i\tillll, Ollt" IHI 111';111111', "I,d {lilt"
011 FI~'rll,t! SI't"1I1 in.
Indud('d in tlil' (tIll
\1 ill bl' thl' 11alllt' and addr\'" tlf our t'hurdl,
;111([ I""'\l.r\ n<llllt' alld I'htHW !lIl1llh('r
["h t ·
red paper, ,h.8 indlcs, \lill he t\\;"ll"1\ at
("ad I elHl. lIIaki\l~ il 111('11. like ;\ -tick of
Thi,., n'd papcr milk{', till' pack::I.!t' ··tin', "'llreiy t:\'tT~'hotl\" \I,,"ld pick
It 11\1
\\'\' \\ill \\ork in R-rOlllh" a ,;tpl;11II to
(\"l"ry j{r"I1\1, throwing one 111\ t'al h ptll"C"h
11\11 phq'fI ill mail ho"\\"s or hanrlrd to dlil·
dn II ;,\'(' tic them ill hUlld1c~ of SO, '0 W~
elll ku'p aCC"Ol1l1t of ht1\\ lIlan~ art' disIrillll(cd
Tht, n',I-.m 1 am telling ~'1ll1 all thi~ i~
that I helii"\l" :\"\111 l'ould adopt Ih(' plan
il'r \.!"l'ninc: Ira,t .. {lut. So if ,"1'11 arl' in,
Irre"ted" ami ("'n'l under~tancl "{'s:trth nur
phn ;l" <.tated here, I wmild h(" \"I'n' ""illill~ 10 gi\"e you luller lit-tails
N ~. 492, 2\4x7 \, fn.
No. 495 (""low), Sf,. 3' .xI2 In,
c ult oi long and carne t
df"rt ;\on hr('akahk hO\lk~c1Uh of nne .. t
dB t"! "'1('( l. You can't imagine thcir ut·au
Iy ilOTII thi~ meager illuqration.
Til ('Illho
Pair No. I
hri . t in C e th.emane
Pair No. 2- The Good
Pair No.3-The Old Dutch Mill
p" ir No .4 -T he Boy Je. u &
.alhedral arch
a j rail)!" 10 I b( aulilnl 11>1"red "inurl'.
band rtlfHlIltl·11. Fini!ohcd in hronze. Ouler
('II~I'~ Irilllllli d ill gold.
\'cry artistic.
I'n~h, new :end mode rn a'l tomorrow. \\'e
!lllu·\l· 1"'ol,le are tired of Ihc oldra~hiont'd, III avy. ca~t object~ commonly
.old for hOlJk-ctld~
Price SOc per Pair
Framed Art Miniatures of Famous Bible Pictures
Tht, jll'lurc.. arc heautifully Lithographed
'olt·lolll·d, pk,Hill", color .... alld arc reproIlurtinm of tll(, ori:.;inal paintillg~. Eac h pic·
llll't' Irallu't! in g l a,,~.
T he fral1le~ arc fini!>hed
ill "iln'! a!ul ha\"!" IIll·lal hal1j.{ers. ,\11 pic turc!>
arc parknl in n'ry attractivl', colored boxes.
Size 3::I" I .1 inc h e •.
Onkr hy nunrlH.'1
Size 6 ~,, 8 ~
No. 1028 with text
and titll'.
No. 30 1. H ea d o( Christ. N o. 302. Chri.t in
th o T emple. No. 303. Chri. l in G e th.emane.
No. 3M, The Good S h e pherd.
Bleu illg' the Children .
Size 5
No. 7520
No. 305. Chri.t
'b 'lI
\~·~~"i';:,.,r~~:~r;'d~,acc i~
given for the
hlnlter i~ lurni~hcd HI t he, ~))Ic"did for schonl
officI. I, 10 jo(u-c
.• h"1:I,1 give Ihun I,' Ihe chil,lu-n
C.,vcr litle is eml,.,...,.d with I;:e'III<'t'
g"ld Icaf
Sixtyf')lIr t'''lo:e~.
:Hl r.K lln'
P .~3 5~b
amoK ""I' I"
J"wo pageM of
~ uRK r.t('d ;\U!nt:r,'I,hl! ;u .. q uoltd, I\n
II)t aut" ..
1,1 !Ill' l'a~tor, Iht' SUl'criulc·.de; l,
the Teadlu, elC.
Fifty-t wo ~I'acc~
pr"vidt-d lor a diary ,,{ :Ill Su, d.l}'
t"'C"I~, fur .l. ),o:;or:
\tany ~dlll\lfe
flunlall<.ns and "cr~('_ txpre~~i"g the
l!t-re 18
I,ract;, ,,] gift
I'rc<-ioni mcm"t)' rf't,tll of K',lrt .. n
to the
l"hri~tilln. To man y
a Chri~ti:tn heart
these Gift Su"gest i () 1\... will
trut", spcak int( a~
t hc\' do o f C;od'~
(;ift of Life.
~, -----------------------I
Price, 25c each; d oz.. or mo re, a uo rted. 20c each.
I ~ ~ I.
.Q -
I ,..Q; ,.,:
.... "~........
.. ,
r it'
rhi ... a ti rauil"C amI c('I1\'Cl1 ient port
,Iio C(J!lt:ltn~ 3f1 pi(-'cc" ("of Scriptura l
~ tat i(lnl'rY in addition t o a special "r eferl-'lIno" hl<'tt('r.
There arc 2-1 linen fini~h
.. Ill'ch .. izc h: ,:'I. HI;.! ami 1.2 t.-'!1\,e!Ollc!'o to
\\'l' al",\ ind udl' a "<;ampler"
packagc oi {-'mlw"!'ocd Scrip t llrt.' ~cals.
:\cal 11alld-<\r,I\\11 texts are p rint ed in
hn'\\11 ink
Th e p llrtfoiio i .. oi qurd~·.
Ill1ff. I[railleti. cmer ~tock \\ilh '·handI a"tl·Ii" (·(,Iurl'd Jlicture 0 1 ··The (;(\0<1
<';h'phl'rd" aclt.rnillg' it. Handy for trayeler ... :\!akl's an appreciated gift. Try one
your"l'lf P r ice 25c.
No. 474.
3 3~x5%
No. 496- Size 3 H,, 12 Inche., Price
Sunday" A Delight"
ju<;t the
thi n/-! the Junior
and older Primary
chi ldre n \\'i11 en joy.
Fach hook is 9~x
1-11':; inches. conta ining eight pages
cacho P a rt of the
Scripture is given
in \\'ord,. and pictur('~ 10 bc colored
In· tht; children. fill
il1 th e re<;t.
Series No.1
Series No.2
Ie., Price eac h
No. 493, 2 4 x7 1i in,
H o lman No, 2806
S olid Lea the r Bind·
in g-Fluihle Limp
Vest P oc ket Si~e
Z~p(41 2 inches
Mult i Co lo red
iIIu. tration.
Clear Bold Print
Self Pro nouncinr
W o rth 7Sc
39c P o. tpa id
SptC l mtn 01 Ibt Priat
lha t it i1
th::.'u;:::~!",",~,,".~.c.,T·t!Jt- ~urcl:i that is In their
A-<bl'ji , and '.tlt they house.
20 All the bre threa
to tho UllD1litry of the cr~t you. Greet r e ooe
~ int!l )
another wl '.h an hoi,
"6Thatycsubmjtyour- IUu.
4000 ~~,~~~:s T: !EMCC:TS Ii
Ito l man
) ""'64 )
it! to Hi
Stud~', It
InflU ry
.u d t'llcour;&ge~
(} an"'I('r
• Ilt'ns "I' Scrip"
lUre to I('.ldltr
Ind r('adcor a nd
1~ a !i('lIrn~ oi
li,:llI. l\
h ~ IP
for u~e in pul·
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\(1 1(\\.01 ~iit 10 I'fl' tilt 1.1 the Chri ..
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(,r lil1t'l\ Hindil\).', :-'1, jl1l"\ F I~(' • l,o {
'[ I
P '
~_______________________________'_t _____'_'._' ____
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B eautiful L eathe r e tte Plaque of
pi tla' Tt:n l-('Il mandnwllh ,huuld
ha\T a pla{'c llll tlw \\;JUS of cn'r\' home amI
11111111(' (.Aicl'
In lIl"fi('\'t h;lrlll\)n~ \)f ~llior 'ChCll1~· and art
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\ Iw;'\utLiul graim'd lealher ette m a te ri a l is
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tt"d an' prndund in rai:-'l'd effects hy a special
"11~)t -emb{l~~iu~:" p roC(·~s. The letters and h(w·
(il-r an· air~hru:-.hcd wilh gold brol17t', Tht'
hackground l~ hlal.:k. g-il-ing just Ihe r igln
amllun t ot cmltra:-.t fll r {,/TeLt
The frame is
l'lllh()~wd and hand culored.
The .. ilt' ()f this unhreakab le pla tlue is 11.... 15
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nCII" pro(e~s givcs
"llloot h gli .. tcll'
1ll1.!: :-.urfaCl· t hat
ckan .. lih gla~'i.
nca t ly boxed
nges Thing~~~
.~ .
~~,I! ",~.J.:
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PRECIOUSA;::~::~r ;~~:: ro. 20r·-;e~n:t.:.====-~
)'l orocco g ra ined Oc.xibh: bind ing,
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Red. Lett e r E di tio n . Saml' a ~ a ho \'c,
Wi t h Sayin ~s of
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HE book red. No.
R, L
of Jesus 3002
P . $1.50,
O r d e r N o. PIO.
Twelve different de:-.ig ns an d tex t s fo r rewards, allclUlann' lllelll(lri/ill~
Scripture. atten t ion , punctuali t ~, etc. The fart' (If Ih('<'( hu!tull<' i~ of \\ l11te
rdlul~li(1 Pfl'~M'd (,ver tin, t he
d(' ... ij.!lls heing
hright colors.
1-",,(\1 hUll on
lia .. a pin hack for iastl'niul.!: w tlH' cl"thing
In ad(\1Ii('11 10 \hl' thn:c t itks pic~
tun·!1 Ill'rc. then' an' llUl('
oll1l'r .. a .. i(.l l ow~: Bt· of ( ;ood
t 'iln'r, 1.('\ l '~ Do (jood U nto
,\1\. Lpvc Th\' ;\l·ighbor as
Thywl f. j'org;ving One An·
oth(' r. Ove r coming E vil \ \" ith (;ood . Be Ye T hankfu l. Bt' Slrtlllg in the L"rd,
Be Kind One to A nother , an d Judge Not , Set:; of twelve, camlll t he broken,
. _n_. _e_,_.__p__,_;._e__$_'_.2
_5_____________________________________ ~
A S uilable C ift o r P r esent at All T ime.
t;..:nwI::! C,f<ll
Thi:-. pretty lillie hox, contain ing many vcr'~$
<.e~ ~::.::-.":
\\olldcriu l pn1llliscs to Ilis ch ildren, Ius
________ ..'. _
bCl'n Ihl' IIH:am (If ullwld hlc~sing, 10 IhOllsand<;.
,_...:.:....-.::-~.::::......: ..
It 1:'<1\' hc u'ni at th~' dining lable, each person
taking' a card fr' m the hox and reading a prolll '
iv hci(,rt· partakin~ of th,-· m eal. A vcr\, u1Iique
- =-,~_.G
\'.;11' to I('arn tlH.' \\', rli of ( ;od . and a t the :-.amc
--- ~
tim\: 1~'r('i\"(; a :-,plritual hl~·~~ing. A\Jp r (lxilllate l ~
10(1 prom i<;cs in cach box. pr inted o n 'a good g rade colored ca rd ,
The:-.e hoxe" should hE' ill e ve ry hOllll'. and ,-'an he u<,ed in hn,pital~, SIckr ooms, o r in t h c Su nday school class.
Price.: P e r b ox, 35 cents, pos ta ge Z cen t. ; 3 boxes $1.00 po. tare 6Cj
One d01;en boxe6 $3.75, post a ge ZS cen ts.
F'aqt FOllrlrrn
VOl'ember 27, 1937
was one maFrnificicnt figure in gorgeou~
array, but with a quiet thoughtful face_ He
was a graduate of one of our great State
L'lli\"er~itjes and had bt-el1 a professor of
p~ychnlogy in the ..arne imtitutioll.
He had
Deen a football star, and later the coach of
the team, JJ e had married a white girl and
became the father of two fine little children.
But lea\'ing them, he had married an Osage
Indi;m girl, and as I ~aw him dancing about in
"I re("{'ntly visited the
Osage Indian!i in Oklahuma at the time of the
annual celebratioll IIf thrir old-lime war dance,
A dozen rcd-!ikill~ Wl'rr tOnl-toming on a
~lnKle hig drulll while 175 mell, w(}fnen, and
children, arrayed in tht" mo~t elahorate costume!;, with h-athcr~ ;lnd hell~, ' .. t(1I11ped' about
in rhythmic !IIolioll to the I)("ating (Jf the drum
and the w~'ircl intonation... ,1\1I1IIJlg Ihe danc·
By Andre w Murray
gala attire all10ng his Indian friends and companions oi earlier days bis face was written
all o\er with COlllentll1{'nt and Slll)rcme happiness. The 'call of Ihe wild' had been too
much for him; the old Indian nature within
began to assert ibelf, and the pull of the old
life was too strong ior him,"
Unless we give our whole beings 10 Christ,
we .. hall become "conformed to the world,"
\,.IUIllt' I ;l · IFV"ABIOEnf till'
'P.,\\(·r of lilt' BIIIOII
of }\·~II ," a "l'rieo;,
0 1
I)r ~ll1rr;c.l' (klivi r·
l'd In hii ~'onj.(rtya
I i. ,11 during P a\sio n
\ \ t d, <Illd nil other
('''Ill 111 II a 1 11"'111
.,,_.. ,
Wl1ll /I (APITAll
By A. L. Clen
11('rt' art· 14 Hlrring mt'"~~aj.{l·s to youllg
\,('op],. which !o>hou ld h(' appreci<ltcd h~' all
III thi .. hook, b .. J, E dwin Orr, we
han' hi, 'tllr\' of 1(I,O(MI mile .. of miracle!'
10 ~hht'I'W, . This \·Ollllj.{ man has been
almost daring ;IIHI n',kll"'" in hi~ faith
;1' .l IOr("h ht'arcr for (;od,
....... ,,".
, ,,, •• , ..
By Frank Mang.
III (ka r, sim ple and effectivc way the
loll{l\\ing ~\lhj('dS arc tr(';lIed in Ihis
hook' Follow ~ I e; Tempted; ('0111 l!lll n·
Illj.{ \\ith (jot!; (;ethselllanc and {jolgotha;
Rcnin:d l'p Into He;l\"en; etc.
By W . Y_ Fullerton
In til;!; \'olul11c the author gives us a
of SllIdie~ o n t he Promi!'>c, The
Fxperi~·nCl'. The
Fxpre~sioll. and
Practice, 115 pages.
By Lionel B, Fletcher
In tlti, \'0111111(' Iht, <\utlh1r give .. Illes·
~a'~l'~ Ihat arc filii of ri ch ill ... truclion\\ hieh aint at III hlinl.{ voung C hr i!. l ians
By Lionel B, Fletcher
Thc grea t evangciist, Lionel B. Flet ch·
l'r. in Ihi>; \·ohlllu.' ~tirs ctltllll,.;ia~1ll for
lhri", and H i .. came.
By C. H. Spu rgeon
A St'ries of , Iud il" on .. uch str ik ing subject<; as: "To You!" "{ ;od }ust ifi eth the
Ungod ly," "Conn'rnins.:- Deliveran ce fr om
S inning," and nl hers,
By John MacBeath
\ q'ri~', of addrl'S'{'~ hasl'd nn the
rl'i,tll' 10 the Lpl1l·,ianl'o
By Anllrew Murray
\ ,,('l"1t', of acl d n'''c~ lin <: uch s ubject s
as "What the Sniplllrcs T('ach About
thc Hlo\)r! ," "({edl'mplion b)
"( h· al1~in/{ Throu/-:'h II tc Blood," c tc,
Thi, IS a for evangelist ..
;Itl(] Ch ristian worker,"
\\Ith "hidt it deal->
By J, Edwin Orr
"IU,O()() ~ ! ile ... of .\lirOiek in Britain.'·
SOllll' happenings in all~\\t·r I n pra\'cr arc
alJJ1o~t unbelievahle,
By John Bunyan
\ lIC\\ and complete l'dilion of Ihi!.
relig iou . . cJa .. sic,
By C. H. Spurgeon
A series of !'cven sermon!' on Chri~t
the End of the Law, Co nqnero r of Satan,
(J\'ercol1lcr of t he \ Vorld, and o th e rs,
By Joh n MacBeath
Ten chapter .. o n "The R e vealing Face,"
"The Altrac t ive Face," " Th e Resolu t e
Fa ce," "The Stern Face," etc.
A series o f to uchi ng s tu dies on slIch
.. ubjccts as "Christ Died ," "They Blindfolded H im," "The y Bound Ilim," etc.
By D. L. Moody
A . . eri('s of addresses on Ib Source, I t~
:-..'a ttlr c. Its Effect. There are 121 pag(:~.
By Andrew Murray
The ... e c ha pter<; 011 the "'l1rrendered life
rC\'c::d the unsearchable riches o f Chr ist.
They a re \\ ritten with great ,pi r itual
fo rce.
of ?lliraclel'o Through Australia a nd New Zealand .
"Mr. O rr is apparently IIreless.
has an unfailing- con fidence in his mission and l ell s a \·i\·id. mo\·i11g .. t ory,"
~Iile s
X07'cmber '27, 1937
with all its evil. But )ielding to Him, we
shall be "transformed" into His likelll"ss hy
the Spirit of God. Rom. 12:1; 2 CAlr. 3:18.
Happy is the preacher to whom no fact,
turned up in the Lake of Fire, can cry, "You
never told me!" A preacher was once robbed
on the road by a man who had at one time
lived with him as his servant. The man was
arrested and sentenced to punishment; and the
preacher thought he would try to touch his
conscience. "How could you be so base as
to rob your kind old employed" But the
man's reply utterly silenced him. He said,
"You yourself tempted me to commit this of·
fence against the law: for J have often heard
you say, both in public and private, that all
men will enjoy everlasting bliss after death.
and that there is no such thing as eternal
punishment in the next world. You thus
removed my greatest fear.
\Vhy should T
dread the less?"
All old·fashioned revivalists preached the
ITell that is depicted in the Bible, and God
honored their ministry hy giving them souls.
Let us not fail to warn men of the lake of
fire described in the Word.
Page Fi/JrclI
the return of the Jews had not then ~tru ck.
It was ol1ly after the Great War that the
words of the PsalmiSt were fulfilled: "Thou
shalt arise and have mercy upon Zion; for
the time to favor htr, yea, the set time, is
come." Psalm 102 :13.
George T. B. Davis writes in the Christian
H era/d: "This is indeed 'the set time' to
favor Zion. All the world is witnessing the
way in which the God of Israel is helping
forward and is directing the work of rebuilding Palestim: even in troublous times. No
one will deny that the Jews have worked hard
and heroically. But the remarkable re~u1ts
that have been achieved are due first and
lo""'os< to thl lavo, and hl",;ng 01
upon their efforts. The transformation
has taken place in Pale~tine during the
fifteen is ~rhaps unparalleled III
tory in so short a space of time."
Know Your Bible
Popular Guidance Library
the ClrristiOJ~ /lotions ?'
"'The name of God is blasphemed amongthe nation~ by you.' wrote Paul to the J ews
(Romans 2:24). From Israel the honor of God
passed to the so·called 'Christian nations.'
These have. through the centuries. dragged
the term 'Christian' in the very dllst by their
pride and cruelty and selfish ambitions. The
twentieth century has witnessed 110 improvement; 011 the contrary no previous period bas
witnessed such intense hatred and fear ami
jealousy of one another."
"Next year ill J erusalem" has been the
heart-cry of the Jews, especially at Passover
time, throughout the long period of their dis·
pcrsion. 1-1ore than once during the centuries
defmite plans have been made for their return.
In the early days of America's history, the
idea of a Jewish national home in P alestine
found sympathetic support. John Adams. the
second President of the United Stales, wrote
a letter to ?-.Iajor Noah, a prominent American
Jew. heartily commending the project.
Great Britain, Dean Stanley wrote: "The
Jewish race, so wonderfully preserved, may
yet have another stage of national e:xislence
opened to them . T hey may once more obtain
posses ion of thei r native land." The fo remost exponent of the establishment of a
Jewish home in P alestine was the seventh
Earl of Shafteshnry.
In 1823 he pleaded
with various nations to co·operate in the project. saying. "Everything seems ripe for
their return."
"Man proposes. but God disposes." The
I)roject was not accomplished. In the time·
I)icce of God's eternal purposes the hour for
;\ now and improved ('d ii ion of ('ruden's Concordance with features not
found in any pr('vious ('d ition. Printed in largo l easywto-road type. Includes
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and thoroughly revised by tho noted Doctors Peloubct. Regular price $1.50
('ontrti n ~ an introduction to each book of the Bible and 25,000 text
references with explanat iOlls. Referenco is made , verse for verso , to every
portio n of the Old n.nd )lcw rr'('~tamellts. 11llitc<:\ by Rev. C. II. Irwin,
D.D., Ge neral I;;di tor , Hrliv;ious Tract. Society. 575 pages. 32 full-pa/1;e
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All three books will be
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An agnostic was in trouble and a friend suggested that he pray. "How can I pray," the
agnostic an~wNcd. .. ..... hen 1 do not know
whether there is a God or 110t?" Said the
friend. " I f you arc lost in the forest you do
not wait until you find someone before shout·
in~ for hell). But you ~houl to find om if some·
one is there."
Comments a writer in Alliancc IVcrkly: "On.:
of the keenest thrust~ which we h;l\"e observed
for years, was made recelltly by the Emir
Abdullah of Transjon.lania. Tn convc rsa tion
with the Prime Millister of the Turkish govern~
ment, he is reported to have said re~arding
the present disturbed conditions in Christen·
dom. '\Vhy must the Moslem countries always
quarrel ? \Vhy can't they live peaccfu\!y li/(('
T1H~ Pt-::>;TECOSTAf. EVA:-<GEI.
I'aye Sixtt'NI
, 007.'(,IIIbrY
said something like thi~ '" cannot SilY I
am grt:atly anxious, but I ietl that I ou~hl to
decide. If I do not decide for Christ, the
world won't allow me to be hal f -hearted. Here
i!> a te xt which says, 'Beli('ve on the Lord
J('sus Christ, and thuu shah he ~a,'ed' \cu.
16 :3 1. I believe in Jrsus Chr isi. I am no
atheist nor blasphtmcr. I belie\'e all about
I I illl, but I do not feel one bit the OCHer
for it."
)01", MeA'II/'s /"ullmon},
never was bothered with !oeli·righteousnc,ss.
God always made me hone~t enough
to know the blalknc!!iS of my heart, ilud that
if my !olll had Hot hat ched out, the eggs were
all there. I .... <lS big enough and old enough
to do what \\ e ca ll III .scotland " join the
Church," but I know [ had not the great
Qualification for joining thc Church. I knew
lilY Bible well, and the S horter CatechiMn ,
I cou ld say it in my "Ic::q>--un say it yet. J
knew all tht Questions by hea n , and the proof
te.!t tlt, hut I wa~ a~ blind as a bat to them
... 11 I had no light and no peOlee. I wanted
to grl into the light. hut I never could han
stayed to an after-met·ting, so I c.;i.1I sym1);l.lhizc with the l)eOllle who, when a second
melting' i~ mentiolled, r UIl oIT a!o if t he police
wue after them.
I \\:!!> tl}('11 ~ta) I!lg' all through the wttk 111
Ih(' old town of Crccl}f.lck. Evcry Saturday
night I \\alked to (Jur quiet village to spend
the ~abbat h at home with father and mother
and the r("st of thrm. I could never have
~I)\lken ilbout my soul to the mini"ter.
the l1l ini~ter's SO li and , were gre'lI chums.
AlthouJl:h I wa~ only a (IUarryman's son, my
f" th('r hrlongf"d tn the !>Ili ritual ari~tocracy, and
il W.IS no dt:gr;lflation for the minister'!> son
and the Quarryman's ~O ll to "hu nt in couples."
We ust:d to talk tog ether about a lot of things,
and among othf"rs how we could become true
C hristian ~.
We agref"d we would try to find
out. and I wrote one ('veiling to my mini!'iter.
Two or three days pas!led, when the mail
man came round and gave me a letter. ,
looked at the postmark, and ~aw it was lrom
the minister. 1 knew his handwriting. 1 will
never forget reading lllat letter. The !cller
read, "You will never know, unless you
should become a milli"ter yourself, how glad
I am to get such a frank, (1)(:n, honest letter
from you about your ~pirilual condi tion, even
although e\'idently you are all in the dark.
, am glad you have taken Acts 16 :31 as a
challenge text. It is a good one, and I join
comroversy with you the re.
You ~ay you
believe in J esus Christ, but you do not feel
a bit the belter. Now, I wallt to know what
J a lii to believe about you." [ wae, checking
"II (joo's Word by my feelings, and reducing
all ()(,d'~ W ord, no matter what it said, to
the level of my feelings, and , did not sce
that I had no fa ith at all. And the minister
t1incht,'d it when he sa id. "You (Iuote the text
as if it rcad, 'Beli eye on the Lord Jesus Chrie,t,
and you will {eel better,' imtead of 'Believe
on the Lord Jesus Chri~t. and thou shalt be
God says it.
Never mind your
It wa~ likc the lifting of a curtain for me.
and I saw the whole sJliritual I'rogions stand
in an outline hold and clear. No grroat feeling
C':\II1C even then.
It was a case of believing
)c~u~. 110 matter what I felt, or didn't feel.
'ilW I "a~ sa\ed, bUI I didn't hout. PresbyteriilliS don't ~hout. 1 took a \\alk to the
:o.tali'JII, illong to the far rond of the platform.
I remember that morning saying to myself,
"lla!> the stalion been white-\\'ilshed?"
\-ery dingy brick wall, all co\'cr(:d with smoke
and soot irom the engines, looked whiter . It
was not Ihe wall- -it was my mind Ihat was
brightcned. because now, in the Scrilltural
~cnse, 1 knew the Lord as mine.
I came back and sold the tickels. and didn't
~ay anything. And the next morning, when I
awoke, my heart was just like a fire you had
left to burn out overnight, and 1 was as cold
as could be. The devil said, "It's aU a hoa x."
But I got g race to figh t that bailie. The
ministe r sa id I was not to consult my feelings,
and I rallied myself. "Has God's Word altered through the night?" "No!" -' Has Acts
16:31 altered?" "Xo!" "lias the yalue of
Ihe blood of J esus to blot out my sins altered?"
"Xo!" "Then nothing has alte red that
I am rest ing on~nothing but my feel ings."
And you don't need to rest 011 you r feelings
You are saved by trusting the Lord Jesus
Chri~t. Trust in Him with ali your heart and
e,alv<l t ion ie, yours right now.
;\rthur Tylee, who was murdered by
Ih~ Indians of Brazil, on hb return to the
field for the last time was warned by i\ cousin.
"The~e Ilidian~ may kill you."
lIe replied.
"Suppose they do?" "But," she said, "you
are going to give up your life." I [e rClllied,
" I am in the will of God. If li e sces fit
10 let me live to complcte the language, and
to p r ('~ ent the Lord Jesus and His power to
save, I shall be happy. If not, His will b6
done. A grave o/tm spcaks lorflltr thml a lif,."
Study to . how thy.elf approved unto God
Sunday School Teacher Training
COURS E-onty--$3. 00
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A succes sfu l Sunday School. t hat st ro ng
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27, 1937
arc 4R~ mor, t,) foil, w
I Ian: )ou heard
\ud m ... t Jurh s Vr ;!Cld be His
lied withvut hearing {rum the 4,~ m r~ T le
l\.:!>l"n 1Y f 5l'() witllcss~'s is O\'e \\ ,dming
"Til, JiT tfruits f 'turn lIut t~tl." The
Uni'l \\ s jll.. t the (Lr'tir\lit~
I wellt with a iril'nd tlf mine t,) a COI1I"Cntion
The Resurrection
d the ~rC;Lt han, .. t that \\",h C 11ing F\Try
in thl' early da~·s oi Pl' tn:, ~t all' I heard Pa!'tor
Le~~n for December 12. l.e."S(ln Text:
Jew \\\mltl kn,,\\' wh~t the tirsti:ulIs ITW:lrLt.
Paul of Berlin J:!:i\·c a ma .. tnful I1It's~a~c on the
1 C"rintbiam 15.
.\her thc 1'3SS('Hr ka~t tilt' l,ri~·~1 'H,uld gO
\1)" frimd. who had ix't'll inHt'<,urrecti"n.
The Go.rt'" in (I Iwlshd/. Ilerc in this chap(,ut iuh) the hane!>t fLdd and plut·k the f1r~t
oi lubt:rnd{'~i~, wa'>
ter Paul gin'!> us Ih\.: g~I~I"lC1 he preached. the
slwaf oi h'"lrvc:-t aut! wave It unt,) ( iod.
gospel by which till·), oi Cflrin th wcre sayed.
gripped II)" the ml'~~;l!.:e. Every time 1 w<'uld
a It·ul;Irk.lhk pirture of the n slIrredinn and
prOl·id(·d they "kcq) ill Illt!llory" or "hllid iast
meet him he wuuld ~hout out "Je~lIs Jil"es!"
a';Cl'n~i"l1 oi ('lIr bks"l'l.l Jestls.
L,tcr, at till
and in n· ... p... n~(· I wOllld ~hout "Jesu~
to tIll' \\'ord." Thc \Ia~ttr warned us in Hi"
fca .. t of I'cllt~coSt, th(·rc \\ :l~ :( \\;\\'il1l{ up
parahle of the Sower, uf {'vil hinh (kl"{)urin~
rcig-m!" lie who died ttl <:;l,·e now li\·es to
of a further offcr ing of 12 cakl"s baked with
kcep Thi~ I,i,·ing One who com('s to illdwcll
t he seed. \\'e need to hold Idst the \\'nrd~
11,'01\'(,'11, Iypical I,f the dm'dl "f Christ bl'ing
of thc gospt.."1. In Rc\·c1ation In' arc warncd,
u~ is nnw four help,er, whn prumist's IICH'r to
rai~(,tl a kind of lir-tirnih CLLlm~ 1 Hi ~ pf a
"Let no man take thy Cl"t1\\'n." n{·pC:lt harn'.. t frl'm th(' (·:tflh. Thlll
come not slothiul. slack. alld Ian.
I,Lta on in th(' ~'('ar th('f(' ('allte a
but be iullowus oi till'lII who
J.:reat ingatla'rinK ('If the han-est.
through faith and patience in
WEEPINC MAY ENDURE FOR A NIGHT- l'hriq \\;1 the lin.tfruitot of them
herit the prf'mi~e~. ] f )'IllI go to
Ihat 4lePI .\1 Hi~ I"~ m;uJ:!: :111 IhoS('
the Tower of I..~JIldoli. Em::lalHl.
who ~kel) in ('hri,t \\il1 be n,\lr
you will sec the cr"wn jeweh.
rt'lt('d , and 11 tho~e wI I :Ire IIi"
] low they a re guarded! \\'1,' need
and \\hu iore ~Ii\(' \\111 he {'h:mt;{'d
to g uard in Nlr hearts thlt which
.111 (hall'll"' Ynt! 1"'\1; d"uhtk~~
is more than a billion tim{' ... more
b t'n nn a t:;I;n th~t wa, rt'adling
valuable than all the crowlI jewels
a h·nninal. The \"I'llilud. ,r W)('~
that eye r ex isted.
tbr(ol1~h nnd ,ay~. "\11 dlange."
"Christ dird lor ollr sillS." Paul
\\"(' hdi\'\'I' \\T are Vl'ry n{' r the
poin ted back to the Cf(IS~
II i~
\lTmill:11 amI till' WN,J· \\ill ~O"'I I
only message was Christ and l1im
go forth, " .. \11 ('h:ll·t:{·... Hut (lur
crucified, Il is only glory the cros~
rhanl!e \\;11 1)(' nl\ll'h 111,.r(' w"nell-rof Chri sl on which he recognized
fill than ImwinR' frl·1ll 1111e train
him se l f crucified to the world a nd
to annther. It will lit' lii.:(' lill'
marH.'IOlls tran ~fOI 1ll:lIi"n whi('h
the world crucified to him. There
takes plare with the c:Lll'fpillar It
are e.i l cu lt s, like Chri.,t ian
Sciencc, that teach "there i ~ no
\'·C· ,.~~ itself :t .~hroud.
:111 ('xl.raordina ry trall,fnrmat;un
dea th ." John ~aw J e~ u s in the
glnry. who said to him. "I am he
tak,'s 1)laCt'.
It (,()lIIn forth a
DON'T LOOK AT THE UNDERTAKERLHilil'rfly. with til<' m'· ... t m:!~
tha t li\'eth. and was dcad; and.
1';II('('lIt hm' ..;, {III It:-. w.,nd(·riul
behold, I am alil'c for evermore.
-:. c;r;;jo wh~n thi5
Amen; and hal'C the keys of hell
wings. It t.lkn a 1"It'li ..1I IIi time
~or.rUJ1tiDl~ ShtLll
ior this trOLII,f,·nnatioll, hUI the
and of death." If there is no
havfl put Qn
such thing as death. a~ th('~e
gl{l! iml" trall,formal;"11 ,·t whirh
in~Qrrupti';;m ...:md
culti~ts would persuade u ;;. then thc
\Ie n·ad in 1 C"rillthian~ 15 take~
thi5 mortul 5huU
Lord was telling a lie when H c
plan' in a Ill' ,melil. in till" 1\\ illklin~
hQV~ put Qn
declared I [e "wa~ dead." Let H illl
"f an eye,
imrnQrtolity. th'ln
be recknned true and el'('ryone who
"//1 Chri,(I" ii, W nI:llly will he
". i5
'nK re an' ..., ,m{' "ho
contra ciic t ~ 11 im a liar.
He died
SWQllQWlZ.d up In
nnt for J 1is ow n sins hut fo r Oll r",
VI\:T'VRY,I ··;..·.-,, · t('adl that only a !<.c1(·d tl'\\' whn
Frequently rcad P ~a lm 22, th:!t
an' IIlnf{' hol.I' than the n·'t ni the
graphic picture of the crucifixion
II1nnlwr~ e,f tILe
budy \lill Inof Christ ~i\"('n by the ble~ sed
t·aught I1p to lit· \\ ith Chri~\. ;-;\lrl1
110ly Spirit. See what om si n cost the preleave or fo rsake us.
Cnnybea re translates
tl'arhinrr UtaH's sl,i: itllal pride and a P h;Jri"'ai('
qale of mind, 'I'll(' .-\p,,~ tl ~· Iler!:uT..,. "\\"t.
cious Son of Gnd. On tbnt cross lIe bore all
H OTllan~ (): "\\'hat ... hall we- ~ay then?
~hall o/f Ill' l'h;ln~t'd."\ prerioll~ ~i~kr. who
ou r s ; n~. our lllt':LllllesS. Oll r hateiulness; and
we per~ist in ~;n
( ;0<1 fo rbid! We who
W,IS Il'ry llIurh afr'L;el that ~II(' \\'a~ alt"~l'Illl'r
in bearing Ihe'e l Ie became a curse, for it
have died to si n, how can we any longer live
lIl1\\l1rth~· to Ill' t·au~ht lIP tn be with Cbri~t
i" writt en , "Cursed is everyone that hangclh
in sin? \\' he n we were baptized into fellow,,111.'11 1ft· ntunll·( I. n'ad 111i "",rd. ;,\\·c !iball
Oil a tree." But. prai <;e God. since He bore
ship with Chri~t J e m 5, we were hapt ized into
all he ('hangnl." SIlt' ~aid. "Thi~ 'u/I' mn~t in
the penalty of m)' sins lie set me free from
iello\I'<:hip \\ith lIi~ cleath
. W e shared
dude lilt'
Oh. halldujah~" Ihmemhn it i~
them. and belie\·ing on 11 im 1 can rejoice in
Tli ~ Math.
X'ow if we ~harcd t he death
tho ...c "h(! an' "i" ChriJI." I [e .. ay~ to th(,se
the fact that the prcciou blood of Jesus c1 ean5es
of Chri~t. then we believe thal ,('r shalt also
that arc lli~. "\hide ill nH., am[ I in yuu
me from all sin.
silor,· Jli.~ iiI.'."
Il l' gi\l:~ a ~'~l·nm w;L·uing-. "If a m:m abide
"l1l1rit"ti." There wa s 110 question o f the
Fl.', IlIlIIdrl'd .{';tnr,sse·s There i~ 110 fact
n ,I in nl(". hI,' is t';ht forth a'i a hrandl. and
fa('t Ilf Iii" dt'ath, The soldier made everything
in his tNY mort' c\earh· ('~Iahli~hed Ihan that
i... \\ itll'f{'d: ami nwn g,lI hlf thent. ami \'a~t
absolUll"iy sure by pierci ns:: H is side. but H e
of the f(· ... urrect ion of Chri~t. The ,\ postle
thun iut,) the lire, ami tl1(:Y 'In' hUnlul."
wa'i already dead when His side was pierced.
~ hows U~ th:tt the re we re 500 witnes~es. SUjlN.· w ....·t'·I,dlll.ft. The ).la~It'r ill J "lm 5
They laid I [im in a lomb and sealed that
pose a case wcre being- tried in cou rt and 500
tdb u~: "TIll' h·,ur i .. I'ominl{ in whirh all t ha I
tomb and put a guard to \\ atch o\"Cr it lest
witn e~~e~ were bmu~ht to :lflirm a certai n fact.
a rc in Ihc graIT .... hall Iwar h i~ \01((' anel shall
any should COIllC a nd ~ t e al the body. But God
Su p(lO<:e Ihe ('oun we re open for eight hour~
comc forth; they that han' d"lle g'l{l(l. unto
raised ] lim from the dead.
)Ien had not
a day and ea('h witness took t hirlY minutes. il
the rc,urr('Clinn of Ii f\.· . and the'y llut hal"c done
consulted lIim when they put J esus to death,
would t:lkc OH' r thirty days for the judge anrl
evil. unto the r{·"u:·r('l'ti<ln of cbnmatioll." Il c
and God did not consult them when He raised
jury to hear thc ca'e. \\'e can quite beliel"e
w ill call forth those "ho. like J.a7arll .... a re lIis,
H im from the dead.
tllat the judge would put the question to the
"If(' rose agoill the third day." Jesus lives!
jury. "You have heard twelve witnesses. There
(Continucd on Page Twcnty)
n''''urre~:tion of
10.10, -we ha,'e jus t
c1os('d a re vival, wilh Seth Bahner and
RaYlIlond :\lcGhghy, \\'oodston, Kansas,
as evangelists. Two were filled with t he
Spir it, 24 professed to be ~avcd M reclaimed. and the assembly in R('ncral was
edified C. P. 10.1 <+"in , Pa 510 r.
JlF ST EI~ , OKLA. Farl F. Davis has
ju st c10 3 cd a 3 wecks' reviva l. There were
good conversions.
Three received the
Bapti~1l1 in the Holy C hos t, and 14 were
added to the church, God lIlel with us in
power an d the count ry was st irred as neve r
befort. \Ve are building a S·roolll pa rson age with ba~ement, th e basement t o be
uSl'd for class roolUs." E. F. Pi erce, Pastor.
S ILOAt.1 S PRI NGS , ARK.-We arc very
t hankful for the revival just closed. Mrs.
Edith 10.1 urrell , of Springdale, wa s in charge.
A goodly number prayed through to victory
and we had fine crowds. The meeting
c1os("(1 with a Fifth S unday Fellowship
meeting of the Qnrk Sec tion. T h irty-three
Illilli ~ t ers were present and a wonderful
time was rcported.-R. E. Gilliam, Pa stor.
ponTLAND, OnE.- F.vangeli s ts Carl and
Edna Goodwin, of Los Angeles, have ju st
closed the best meet ing we have had in
ollr church since 1 have been t he pastor.
In fa ct, some of Our pcol~ le sa y it was the
b<' r.t II1ceting they have had in seve ral
yea rs. A numbe r have received the Baptism in th e 1Io ly Gho ~ t in th e old-fa shioned
way . and the whole chu rch ha s becn revived .· M . Thomas Draper, Pas tor.
ALTOONA. PA- We ju st dosed a 4
wel' ks' campaign at the First Pentecostal
Chllrch, with real spiritua l refreshings from
the Lord . One received t he Baptism, 2
were saved. The ministry of Evangelists
Marie Griffith and Arlcene McQuillan, both
of Ebensburg, has been a f{odc;end. Interest,
att endance, and membership both in church
and Sun day School arc steadily increas .
jng.- Elwood C. 1 Ioey, Pastor.
KANSA S CITY, MO.-We arc Ln are ·
vi":Li a t th e prese nt time and God is surely
blessing the ch urch.
Several sou ls have
heen sa ved and th e saint s arc full of en ·
In less than 6
thusiallllL and optimi~m.
month .. our Su nd a)' School attendancc has
cOllie up from 24 to around the 100 mark.
\Vhcn we came to the ch urch 5 or 6 months
al::O we fou nd a dillconragc-d people and
nUTlLerous unpaid church ob ligat ions. All
bill" have been paid and th e church has purchallcel a new heating plant. a piano, songbookll. electric fans. and othe r necessary
C(llLipnJcllt. and we :Lre taking care of our
('vangeli"t a nd OlL r ~ inRer s and still have
~ol11e ~urplu...
Dorothv F owler is our ('\'a n~eli ... t. \\'e invite an~:on e pass ing this way
to "top and visit the " Litt lc Church" which
ha c; caught the "i .. io ll . Our object is to
win the lo .. t.- Johll H . \Vaugh. Acting P as tor, 1'\1\1 Gospc1 Tabernacle, 69"3 Prospect.
11 L"~ IB LE, TEXAS-The Lord is grea tly blesloing in this place. Souls are daily
being saved dnd filled with the blessed
Ho ly Spirit. Ou r Sunday School att<"nda nce
has inc reased from an average of 65 to an
average of J 15. in the 5 months that I have
be<,n here. Vve feel and know that SOIllC·
one has been praying and that God has
been listening in.-N. R. Giasullo.
5 11A WAKO, WIS.-.'\bout 26 ministers.
together with sevcral carloads of saint s
from neig hboring assemblies, were in att endance at the Ilome Com ing and Rededi ·
cat ion of t he Gospel T abe r nacle, October
A most gracious timc of fe llowship
was enjoyed by all. H. K. Reed, Shcrburn,
Minn esota, who founded the work here
about 10 years ago and was their first pas·
tor for near ly'" yea rs, brought t wo very
inspiring messages. D. ~I. Carlson, o f Oshkosh, who also pastored here for nearly
5 years and was the writer's predecessor,
proved a great bl essi ng in Tllini~terjng God's
Word. II . E. Rolfe, Mitchell. Sout h Dakota,
Bla nche Brittain, of North Dakota, and
J. A. Cardiff, Dallas, \Visconsiu, a lso s poke.
Seve ral other visiting min isters brought us
bri ef words of greetiug and exhortation.
The occasion also marked the close of the
writer's first year as pastor hcre.
indeed feel like ra ising our "Ebenezer,
Hither to hath the Lord helped us," and
s tanding up and singing the doxology. God
has enabled us to remodel the parsonage
throughou t, and ha s helped us "ilh every
obligation dur ing tile past year. We have
enjoyed gracious revivings. Several have
wept their way through to salvation, and a
few have received th e Baptism in the Holy
Spirit, while many others have been mar·
"clou sly hea led. Twclve new members have
al so beeJl add cd to the church.-R. S. PeterSO il.
27, 1937
GI~Er\OIL\. X, OAK-We just closed
a very successful 4 weeks' rc\·ival, which
was conducted by G. O. Baker's Evangelis·
tic Trio. The church was greatly st irred
and a Jlumber were saved. The old-time
message brought conviction in lh e old-t ime
way. Great hunger was manifested among
new and old Ch ri stians fo r the Baptism in
the Holy Spirit.-Ray Wiley, Pastor.
CALI F.-Evangelist
Earl Larson, of Nebraska, took over the
work here, for which we were very thankful. At that timc thc Su nday School re cord
a ttendance was 17. It has since increased
to 58.
Many precious ~o ul s havo! been
saved and filled with the H oly Ghost. according to Acts 2 :4. T he church has been
se t in o rder, and the C. A.'s have been
organized with a group of Z7, of whom 24
have the Baptism in the Holy Ghost. Brother Larson is going to Live Oak to hold a
reviva l, leaving \Vright No rto n in charge.
- Mary J o nes, Secretary.
EVERETT, MASS.-We have jus t closed
a \'ery successful e"angelistic campaign,
Evangelist and Mrs. J . Earl Do u g l:l ~s, Pittsburgh, Pa., in charge. The anointing o f the
Lord was on our brother and hi s wife as
they brought forth their messages, and
a bout 25 returned to the Lord or found
H im fo r the fir st time. On Su nday nights
the tabernacle was pa cked to it s utmost
capacity of about 450, and many were turned away. Las t night, at the fLrst praye r
meet ing si ncc the campaign closed, o ne of
our s isters came through to the ilaptism
in the Ho ly Ghost.- Wm. J. Mit chell. Pastor.
JEFFERSON CITY. MO.-l n April of
thi s year we accepted the pastorate here,
after having bee n away two years. Since
returning we have remodeled the church
building inside and out. "ve have a very
nice place now, with a seating capacity of
about 300. \Ve have just closed a 4 weeks'
cam paign, with Bob Swanson and Buckie
Ball. of St. Louis, as evangc1ists. A goodly
number were saved, and som e were filled
with the Holy Ghost. Four iollowed the
Lord in baptism, and some catlle into the
church. These boys drew the best crowds
we have ever had and closed with good inter est after the saints had been helped and
refreshe d by the grace of God.
broadrasled nearly every day while here.
- E. F. Sanders, Pa stor.
( HAS. E.
~08INSON··· "YEQ
", ~SOC I"'TI;
MISSlo", .... nv
The Pentecostal £t!ongel is a u.wJdSl pu.blication
ond is the official aryan of th e A5S('mbiks
of God In U. S A.
J. R. FLOWER , ""51 5UPT. AND 5£(DETAI>V
Subscription Roles. $J.OQ ~ fICOr in U. S A.
Canoda, $1.5(); Crool Brilain and 7/6.
&nd all subscriplio1J!j to the Gospel
HOCLSe. 336 W. Padii, St~ Springfield, Mo.. U.
Pili LA DELPI I I A, PA.-Evangeli:.ts George
and Emma Van Dalen JOlles recently concluded a 10 days' revi val at Ilighway Mission Tabernacle, during which the Lord
richly blessed our hearts under the ministry of th ese two Spi rit·fil1f'd workers.
Siste r Jones was inspired of God to bring
us suc h sea rch ing mcssages that all the
saints were moved to cry out mightily to
God for a more holy li fe. Brother Jones
in his min istry drew our attention to the
P entecos tal t~stim o ny and its va lidity in
this present evil age, in spi ring us to pro·
claim faithiully the ble ssed truths of our
The se
workers were used of God to intercst several
new friends to attend, though they were
November 27, 1937
with us only !louch a short time. Sista
story of how her parents became interested in Pentecost through the miraculous
healing of her mother is a message all our
constituency should hear. It stirred our
church more deeply than anything we have
heard for some time. :\ number of souis
responded to the altar calls, and Illalty testitled to definite healings during the campaign.-\V. R. Steelbcrg, Pastor.
J ones'
~~';"~§§§~§§~§~E§§§~ ""§§§'== •
- ....
fl3ack c7lgain
WYNNE, ARK.-The regular Fifth Sun.
day Fellowship Illl:eting of the East Central
Section convened here October 29-31, in
what was considered by lllal1Y to be the
best fellowship meeting we ha\'e eYcr held
in this section. \\'e were tu have so
many attend each night. Elder David Burris, Sta te Supc.:rilltendellt, was with us
throughout. The Spirit of the Lord w as
wonderfully manife!loted in the gifts of the
Spirit, in freed om of worship, and in unity.
The church was graci()u~ly blessed. It was
difficult to find a place to close , as the power of the Spirit was falling in the old-time
way. A wave of glory came down and
the people responded to the Hol y Ghost by
dancing, shouting, and praising Cod.-\\'. S.
Pea rle, Section al Presbyter.
SCRAN TO N, PA.-EvangeJists E. T. and
).1rs. Quanabush, Belmar, N. J., known as
"The Quanabushes," recently held a successful
3 weeks' revival at the Pentecostal Church,
825 Green Ridge S1. The week night attendance was excellen t throughout, and was
climaxed each Sunday night with audiences
that crowded us to the utmost. The ministry
Ot these gifted singing evangelists was both
pleasing a nd effective. A considerable number
professed to be sa\'ed or reclai med, while 16
received the Baptism in the 1foly Ghost with
the Bible evidence of speaking with other
tongues. Previous to Ih is campaign we had
held a series of specia I prayer services and
durillg the Quanabush l11eetings we were able
to cont inue these each morning c..xcept Saturdays and Sundays in the church. \Ve feci
this was a real hclp.-Fred D. D rake, PastOr.
LAK E CH A RLES, LA.-A Southwest
Sect iona l Fellowship Meeting was hel0 here
Novembe r 1. \ Ve were specially g rateful
for th e en thusiasm which was so prevalent,
as thi s was our first fe llowship llIeet ing
since Louisiana ha s become a Dist r ict independent of A rkansas. In the afternoon
a Ch r ist's Ambassadors rally was cond ucted
by th e new Sta te C. A. and S. S. President,
Margare t 11i11er, a nd we were so happy
for the great success with which we met.
The approval and blessing of God seemed
to be upon the en tire service and the
a tm osphere was ftlled with the supernatural
power of heaven. A twilight se rvice was
held in which ou r new Sec tiona l Presbyter,
Chas. Parker. spoke to t1~. The fellowship
meeti ng wa s concluded with an evangelistic
ser vice.-Lee Duhon, P as tor.
Said Jka n Ihlrgon , addressing evolutionists:
" r lea\'e yOLl yOllr first 1>"1.rl'nls in the Zoological g;lrdc.ns; 1 leave mine in the ga rden of
PIIYC ,\'il/rlel"
the &ditor's Bffice
Monday afternoon again, and the editor's office
looks unusually tidy, His desk has been cleared up,
no stray papers in evidenCt, The second conference
over the Chn'st's Ambassador's Herald , has begun,
Brother Pearlma n seems to be having a mental str uggle, lIe was deep ly eng rossed in wr itin g hi s quarterly
lessons when he was pulled into this conference, Ilis
body is present, but his mind seems to be hanging
back over that lesson,
The edito r has just been saying he thought it
would be nice to have, fro m time to time, true stories,
taken from the lives of some of o ur people, Then
by way of illustration he mentioned two of our pas
tors, and told thrilling incidents from their lives,
From the talk wh ich followed , it seems likelv there
will be a story in each issue of the paper- One of
the yo un g people was appointed to get a tory for
the first issue,
The haziness that hun g over the first co nfere nce
seems to be evapora ting, Thin gs are getting down
to co ncrete definiteness, As yet the young people differ over some of the features. And they see m to feel
pretty keenly abou t them , G uess there will have to
be more pray er- There's nothing like prayer to brin g
us into unity,
At an y rate, I judge from all the talk that there
is goin g to be a pretty fin e paper for the young people. The chief aim seems to be to make it a rea l
blessin g to the lives of those who get it- All seem
agreed that every possibl e help must be provided for
'those lead in g C hrist's Ambassadors mee tin gs, o r planning rallies, etc "Hope o ur state offi cers w ill write
to us and give us lots of good sugges tio ns." someo ne
said, "When a soc iety has a parti cularly good meetin g, why co uldn' t the leader send the program to us.
and an outline of the talk. so we co ul d publish it
fo r other societies to use?" was the qu ery of a noth e"
The price of the paper was announced,
in gle
copy, 5c Subscription for one yea r, 60c For twO
years, $ L 00,
"Copy must be brought to my desk by December 1st," the editor sa id. " It must go down to the
linotype men by the 10th. The forem an has pro mised to h ave it printed and mailed out by D ec 22nd.
so that the young people may get it before the last
Sunday of this yea,,"
The bu sy workers pushed back their chairs and
hastened to their desks, And the click. cli ck. click
of typewriters was soon echoin g through the rOo ms.
'l!J!§§§§~~§§§§~'~§§§§': ~§§§§""'~'§§§§~~§§~~
I)CZ!If Twellty
(Continuc-d from Page Sevcnteen)
to \"Ic-rnal communion and f\'l1ow~hip with 11 im
l-oelf, but th t'n' an' Ihn$l' lik,' l>in~ who will
IX' l'It'rnally c< ll-iglWd t" 111(' lakt, CJf fire from
whirh II (Te ii IIU rinal ("(,un of apl)('al. \\'ilh
Ihi ~ in 'I~W liw .\po~tlt· (";111
the "'aillts I'
!olt'dia,tllt s. "he rhi llin·n of I"rae! in the wil
dt'nu55 wrr(' not "'tllla'l in tIll" CI,n·ltaut.
Tht"f f1csJ!i~lCl Ih(' inht'rilancl' ahead. The ill
heritancc \\h ic h lie offt"r i$ a ~dorious one.
Fllfg(·ttill,L:' Iht· thillJ.:"' Ix' hind, kt us prc'-s for
ward fo r lht, prize ahl.':lfl. Our ~Ia!-.tcr CII
n.luragl.:5 u~. "Beholll, I C"ntt: quickly, and my
reward is wilh me" lit- lJim~('1f will be Ihe
!ohil.'hl I f 11 1O~C that love II im, and Iheir exceed.
1111{ gn'at reward.- S. J I F
IIHIST Ot;R ("():,\WL rIH:\G LE,\DER
(Cont in ued frum Pal{e f ive)
pres\l" him<;('1i in a ("fudl.' way the Lord will
fill him with His ~pi rit
It lIll'an., that one wh" IX'lien's fIll the Lord
J(·!.lIi ;md his faith in Ii i... vromi~es wi ll receive
C;(.lfl\ hh:, .. ing lIe will gi\"e such a person the
,piritual revelation, the knnwlt'dg(' of Himself,
Egermeier's Bible Story Book
SIOl'il'~ hy :\Iiss Egpnll4'i('I' han'. IIt'I'li
n('('laill1f'ri as '1' 111'; I~ I ';S'J' "\\' HIT'I'E:\ stOI'I{'li (,f
thpi)' kind fol' ('hilrh'('lI. 'I'hril' g'r(';)1 popularity with
1<'II('II('l's, ('xlwl"ts in (,hill! p:-;~'I'holo~,\', lIlinis\C'I's of
all (i('nOminHI iOIlS , IIlId 1IIII'('lIts have ('AWH'd hundreds
of thOll<';IIIHls of N)piC's to h(' sold.
1 ~1 I 'I'(, from do('trillal dis('IISsiol1s, E~(,I'Il1(>i('I"s ('on·
tnill!; mol'(' RtOl'i('~ alld 11101'(> story IIlntf.'l"ial tlwn
otht,!, hooks of Bihl!' ~tOl'i('s.
CI'I I I·; Hihl(,
Newly Illustrated
Profll !l('lv i11l1lttrnt,'d with O\"l'r ~nn :It'tunl ph otogrnph!ol,
IWllutiful ('olnr f('prociul'lioll!l, :11111 drnwillj:! ... ~('w "t~ltt''',
prillt "d on IIp/'I' ilil glnn,·fTf'(' pnpl'r, oITer Ih(' fini'!'lt p,, ~~ibk in
nihll"lItory illuNlrnti()lI.
Some thing New- Anim ated Maps
WI' OtTN ANL\lA']'I,:n PI('TOHIAI , }'IAPH, ("lutaiu('d ill )Ill oth('r Bihl!' ~ton' book.
Rpl'I'inl!y prcpnr<'l\ lIud drawn fur thill )(I'\\', r £"'i!lN\ ('dition, \'i\"idly pnrlrny iu;portn nt
Bihle l'vents with geogrnphir illm:ttr:lt ion!l- an innovatillll in Bible story·ldling]
Has 234 Fascinating Stories
n,'nil n !lew story ('''('T~' ('\"{'lIiuj:! for nlmollt n Y"n r, I':~('rm('i('r ' s Ilt ori{'S nr£' n('('urnte in
lli flt orklll tldnil (lilt! Jlut the wholl' Bible into OIiC eontinllou!ol, hNl.utifll! Illlr rnti\'{,. 11i('h in
tlr:ulllltit' apwu ! yt"t simply wrilll'n,
STYLE "A"- A LARGE, HANDSOME BOOK- H as 6·15 pag{'s; ~a4 stnricsj !wlf·prol\oullctYIH'; ]7 fult·pn~\', tiPlh,d in, ('olorl'd pi (' tUT('!lj 4 one-I'o lor (full·pa~{') nnimatl'd lll.:IP~;
2nD 011(' ('I,lor I'i(,tlln",; IInilllntl'd (,lid sllt'd!! (If Old 'I'(, .. tnllll·nt nud !\C1I' '['I'st:lllu'nt \\'orlrlsj
hlu l' lillt'lI filliflh (' loth I\'ith titk~ in gold 1('u 1'. C(llor"11 pil'\UT(' (If
"('hri"t B1t'~~ill;; ( '!lildr,' n" nil frnnt. ~I'\\' ('Il!OTI,.1 .iHI·kd, Priee only
lilts ,l;j Jln~I'!I, ill('l\lIlinl-( H-l importallt 1':1/-:,·.., (If f]III'stiollS 011
th t, Rtoril'~; Gn'nt Fa ds nhflllt Ih e Bit ,lt'; Il nll" W,' l: (Jt Our
Bit'!"j Cr(':l.t }'rnyt'r~ lind l':lra!.I'· ... j and many (ltltt'r f,·alun·s
for tl'adiNS of chl.lrl'h find puhlic .!Iehool~, Spl\,lIfli'l for ffllnily
J\I~fl ha'l 8 t.'xtra full pnge animat"il 11\:11''' ill llltll1i '('()lors
lipJlI',l ill. 11;(:1 17 fu\1·l11 _,I.(I' ('/lIon',! pid!" ·I'II. l!";Hlhullds nnd silk
bookm rnk . {'onlain~ th,> sallH' storv
mult.'rinl of Sldl' "A." B(IU1l(1 in ril')1
hhl\", I, .'lIllI'roill (' OI' I'r, gold tilh-s,
Illlimatl,,1 \'1111 ~h.,\,t~.
.\ J,O(lk ffIT a Hfl'lim('. One that
chi\lll"\'l1 cla'rish IITHI gr(>w up with.
Worth its \\"\"i~ht ill ~o!d in the
vnlm.' of it~ illllul'lIl'('. Styl ... "B"
with th{' illlport:lll t [1':\
11Ir,·~ :illd('.\
Co ~ts only
lI ns ull the conlCllts of ::'tyle "n" :Iho\'('. III ;uldilioll ~'nu hero
gt't n b,':lutiful de luxe ('Ovt'r thnt is hund-tintt'll and emhossed .
AI'I1l n l{) ·pnge nrt st.,('ti01l ot UIIU;;U:t\ Holy Land ~('elles rc{'{'nlly
takt.'Il, 'l'lll'Y lire in !'it'pia lon{'~ 011 j"ory (:lIl1me! llll d very aUrlletil'e, Rilk hooklllllrk. lias 73] pages_ This is the finest Bihle
!-;Ion' BO(lk in Allll"ri(·n.
In special gift box-Price .. , ..
No,'CllIhtOr 2i, 1937
anu the calling unto a liie of \'ictory and power
thruug:h the Ba.ptism of the ]July Spirit. We
know that IIc Ii ... ::; qukkcllcd us, and raised uS
up and made us to Sil togc:t1h:r in heavenly
pl.\t:cs in Christ Jesus. \Vhat a glori/,w; rei·
luw,hip is ours.
I am SI) glad J('~us is the hear! of tl:e chu rch.
I all\ glitd H e is the head of the churches in
;\lI1crit:a, in England, in :-;outh Airica, in Can~
.ada. \\'hy? Because t brings ... common
iellow .. hip to all the churches which have only
one h('ad
A110RY, "MISS,-About the first o[ July
Illy wife and I left the Arkansas District
and callle this way lookin g for an open
field of labor. The Lord spoke to a man,
a strange r to us, to give us an old 5OXOO
tent that was in his possession, \Ve worked
it O\'e r and used it for some 6 or 8 weeks,
During this l ime th e re wcre but few saved
and only one, a visiting lady, rece ived the
Baptism in the Holy Ghost. S ix or eight
people wcre baptized in wat er,
\\'e did not have the number of workers
s hould have liked to ha ve had since
this was a new field for Pentecost . A young
lady, },I iss Hazel Kennedy, and her brother,
Mario n Kennedy, of Tupelo, Mi ssissippi,
were all the help we had. \Ve had h eavy go·
ing at the start as some were afra id , be·
cause we were called H oly Rollers and
everything but people. In the midst of
it all G'od spoke to a man (who had at Olle
time been saved) and he talked t o the
m en where he worked and they not only
bought the material for 30 real nice 10
and 12 ft. benches, but also made them.
From thell on God wonderfully moved,
During our meeting there were several
nights when we preached Christ t o a thou*
sand or more people. As it began to ap·
pear that God was moving that way we
spoke of a Sunday SchooL As a result
we have a nice little Sunday School moving on for God.
\Vhen the weather began to change somc*
one spoke of a building, Thc samc Illall
that got the men to give the benches wellt
again t o the same men and others, and
cven though the man is not a Christian as
yet, God has blessed hlln by giving him
favor with the people of the t own in such
a way our church is now open for sen·ices.
Brother Sandlin, our District Su])erintl! n·
dent , is to return here fo r a few nights and
S ister D olly Simms, wife of Ollr pastOr at
Shreveport, and Assistant Supe r intendent of
Louisiana, will be with us.
Our church is 40x60 ft., has two prayer
1'001115, a nice rostrum, and t\\'o Sunday
School rooms, and a nice sized a ud itorium
with all elevated floor, Best of all, it is a!most paid for now. Vole do not as yet even
have a roste r, hut we shall have the con·
ference here the second Tuesday in Feb·
rU:1ry, Council brethren pa ssing lhis way
will filld a welcome,-F. I-I. Colemall.
A Jewish c.orrespondent of the J("1f';sh ClirOIJhlj' ([uot ed the following letler from a Gent ile Australian friend, and voiced agreemcnt
,\ ith it:
"On my way o\'e r from Alexandria We
crossed Palesline, includi ng the hills of J udea.
Honestly. if I were a Jew I should auvocate
5elling the Jewish interest in Palestine to the
Sot'ember 27, 1937
the I>\ace i:> not fit j(>r the jews I
know. <itt a ~!iCl' of fertile territory in .\u:>~
tralia. as large as 1'<I.\c~tine, and use the
to lll1ild a ncw jeru'a\cm.
The jnrs arc: sn practical that I cannot under·
~t'l'ld tllt'11l \\31:ting a rotten place like Pal·
Which word reminds us of Xllm. 14 :36,
"bringing up a slander upon the land."
The answer of the editor was scriptural:
"\\'e were no more free to choose P alestine
for the Jewish national rehabili tation than we
are free to choose a tract of land in \ustralia,
or even in P aradise. History and a Power
grea ter than the practical wisdom of man
settled the choice thousands of years ago."
YORK, P.\ Finl Pe'.tt'C1)~t.11 C'J,ureh, 474 S.
Penl,i' g ~I_: :'\.ov_ ZI· Ik, ~ Jame. \\ \'all ~Ieu".
Cedar DlutT, \·li. Evanleli,t F~IIII1i1 S, \'an Meter,
FOHT ATKI:,\~~. \\I~. ·Go'rel ."seI1\bl~'. :-i-,\'.
; llIauche E. Brill"i:J, E'angeli~t. E (; 1I1a~k
" past..,r
l'ast .. r.
41h St
~II 0.\\1
,\RK 1''':0. k'lfIvl I' and
11."nj ('" "! If .er"lct~. hcgi':n;IIi{ ;';,'V.
.n:! ron·
t'n"'''i Ihrough tl'e 9o-eeK·CIIU. -R. F G,IL:;. , 1';",.
t, r.
JACKSONVILI.E. FL,\ - Fint \ssemhJy ('\ (;, ..1.
14th aud Phoellix Ave,: ;\:')\'. ~.nee. 19: :30_ ll~,I,
lhile)', :'Iobile, .\1:1. E\'an~dist.·(' (arler Garrett.
FALLS, ~IO:,\T ... Go~l'el Taberll:ide. :"lJ
N: No,'. ~I·])t'c. 5; I... uis O. l{yn,,;nll.
Kllnl" .. " a"u Marjorie
Aetmg P"SIOT5.
Nillth St.
Bible Stories for Gifts and Rewards
Childhood Bible Stor ies
Said forme r president Hoover 111 a reccnt
",\ nation is g reat not through dams in its
rivers or its ships on the sea or the deposits
in its banks. It is great by the moral fiber
and character of its citizens. Nations die when
these weaken."
Righteousness, and that alone, exaltcth a
nation. Provo 14 :34.
Ilt'autif,,1 I'i('tnr"~ of Bihle RCf'n .. , lire \I~~d In
f'mbE·l1iElhinlll ''Childhood Bibl,' Storip~,"
for gifts nnd rcwBrd~. Children will treB.ur.' th",,'
e}",rmiugly wrilto'n lind bpllnt,fuUy illUMtrR(I'd f<1"rio·a.
I'nr~nu, h·lI.l·bl·r~ lind friendll ..-hl) 111'1.' H"l'dIlU):,
f(lr juvenil<l lilerntUl'\' that WI!! d • •'('I"1> Ih .. "10;1<1'
n,'li,l;iolll; instincts. 'IItid), I,is iOllll1;inlltion, ",HI f,,~t"r
tn~ love for lJ""uly Will find thlll ell~h 011(' of th"~e
point" bll8 lIeen f\l\1y takl'n IIllo IIceouut in tho'
1'I"'\'lIr;ltioll of thiB unique leriell.
VA.' Nov. 2+- ; J. Vernon
OK)I U LG EE, OKLA.-Nov. 14, for J wecks or
lon g er; F. C. Cornell, Ev:mgelist.-G. W. 1131'11·
castlc, Pastor.
IRVINGTON , N. J .-First Penleccst;1.1 ("hlrch,
58.60 Pai ne Ave.; Nov. 28·l)ec. 19; Ncib I'. Iholll'
sen, E vange1ist.-Jos. R . P o tt er, Pas lor.
AKRON, O.- Pcnte<::ostal Church. N. Howard and
York S ts.; Nov. JO·l)cc. 4 ; T. J. Jones, London,
E ngland, EvangeJist.-C. A. )lcKmncy, Pastor.
WAMPt,;:\I, PA.-Fint P entceostal Church: No,'.
28-, ,\\ "".
I: ",n, E\·angelist.-AHred Dunl'l·Y. ['",
O.- GiJd T id ings
2&-; Raymond DeVito. It alian
Hoover, P Ulor.
'1 % l' 6 im-h('s; :)2 1'1I~I'S, 13
illultrnti<lnK, dl'corRlt',i ('o\·..,r.
dUZI'n, 81.20 (a~1I0rH'd. if de·
dOZCII, eneh, 12c.
For childrclI ~i:< nnd lIe,'en years
B ook 1. Creator and Saviour.
P rotector find Guide.
Book 3. Ood's HOllse ,od Wo r~
shi p.
E""h hunk. ~ i /.p, :> .~ l'6~
indl"~; ;l:! 1':lf,:'('8, I:! colored il·
d ,'<cor:.ted
eO"e r,
I'ril'I'. I·\'r dozen, $1.H
1''' J,,'r.
("._. rt.·o!.
,1'·~lrt·d) ; leu than
do!",', "a.'11 l::;c.
CIIe r5;F.A, M.·\SS.-Fir~t Pentcoost:tl Church. IlJ
Hawt horne St .. near Chelsea Sq.: Dec'. 1 19; J. E~T I
Dougl;lS$, E·.-:mgelist.-!Iel!ry Charlaill, Sc,rcIJ.ry .
?" EW KFNSrNGTON. PA.-1 23O Leishm a n I" ·e.:
De<.:. 5·21.i: Charles M. Sh;lffer Jr .• "Boy Preaeher."
-A . \\ .. Buekley, P.lstor.
PORT .·\RT!lUR. TEX ..\$-Viehburg and 13th
SU., No\,. 16·1)('<:. 6 : E"allg~l i sl and )' I r • . James F..
l1a milJ.- Fn..d Markum. P"stor. 2015 Il th SI.
CERF.S, Ct\LlF.-Glad Ti,iinlil's Church: No\'. 2J.
Dec. 12; J os. Terlini. Ev an geli$t. -E. \\'111. Anderson.
Pil~lo r.
COLo n .\DO
COLO ,-F ull
Chureh. d<)wtl to wn; No\'. 23- ; Christian lIild. Evan·
gelis t. - P e rcy T . Ki ng. P astor. E va ngc lisl.
POPLAR, MONT. - Dec. I, lor 10 Ib,-s or mnre:
,\Iice P odnlehy, E"a llgelis l. - Albcrt ,\. Howell. I'as·
SANTA ANA, CALIF.-Full GO$pel I\ $~mhl y.
1600 W. Jrd St.; Nov. 2J· Dec. 12; )le yer ;Iud ,\I ice
1';111 Dittcr, L'vangel is ts.- Ernest L. Friend, P astor.
hook, ahc 4'A1 x 0 \n('hl'~; 32 T'nf,:'l·~. 13
I-I C<llor.·d illuslrnti"Il~. d,'fU1'.11'·" o,,""'r,
i'ri,·t'. V"r dut,'n, 81.20 I",_,un,d, if th··
• ind) ; (ewer than dozell, CII<:h, 121: .
]o'or child r" n '('\'I!'n lind cight
Book 1. Prayer
Pra. 1811.
Boo k
H el pe r
rrl end.
Boo k 3. D oing His W or k.
L earni ng Hto W !ll.
B oo k
inclu's; ~2 VI\I>"'~, I:! I,('aut if ul
l)icUlnl in colon,
Pnpl'r quarto.
co,·" r .
IH.r d OlClI, $1.80 (a~~ori~d, it
duired) ; le68 thnn d ozen lOIS.
each , 18c.
For chihlr.'1\ ,·ight lind nino }'l'an
B ook 1. Th o Cl ood New •.
B ook
Good WUl to M ~ II .
B oo k S. Christian H eroe..
D o Right.
r,l~ x 7',
Ef\ch hook. lIi1_'"
,t"r!, , f f
inrhe~; :I~ pal:'"
I:olored il1,,~t r,,\ """
l 'ri~,', I'o'r d",.o'll.
CUH'r, IHII"'r.
82.16 (II' ,,,rl. ,I. ;t d.,.iT.·,1
Ih"" dOLI'n, ,·adl, 22c.
Two New Bible Hero Stories
By J . U . ShonkwUer
NORFOLK. VA.-Thank~giving Con"Cl1tio", ?"o\,.
25 ·l)ee. 12; E.vangelist and l\[ T9. E. T. Qu."\ahu~h.
Guy \Y. Duty is pastor.
T,\"I P:\, FLA.-Glad Tidings
1J· Dec. 12: R. G. Cockerel!,
BOltOll, j'astor
book. 1li7.1'.
14 col(lr"d
l'ri('p, lIN
pIIl'l' r
sir.·,i) ; ! IlWer than
For rhildn'n five lind "ill: Yo·.1T. of "g,
B ook I. Our IIeaveuly Father's P rotection.
J esUII tho H elper and Saviour.
B oo k 3. Ood' lI Olfts .
J'n endly llelpe r ll,
B ook
r'or childn'" four lind five yellrS or IIge.
Book 1. Tho JIeavon ly Father' . Care.
B ook
T bo L oving Care of Je lnS,
B ook 3. Loving Obedience.
Boo k
Love Shown by Kindne ss.
LOUtS, ILL-Full ('''~I>e1 Tal>Crnadc,
~ale; N",.
I.'; Shlil'mg
ant! F... thtr \lUI •. Ad,.jpb I'~ter'
l'aJt"r. ::<;It,1 Re,-,~haw .-",~
2t>th ~t., 4t
F'-anjo[di,t~ Jack
ILnd Daniel, two n,",... nibIl' lIe r n Sinry Ronk •.
IIrH'" jU~1 ('orne from Ih., !'n'~8 10 inert'aKc Ih;6 prl'Ml'nl
SeriCR of pOllulnr ~lOri"8 for chi!(lrl'n 10 un bonks in nil.
Thcsc two ne"- "dd,trt>lUl r,',ilTt·~t oUr attcnt.un t"
Ihl' wide r~nGe of llil,licnl tf'aehin", c""Ht'd in 1111 Biblt.l
lI"ro S torie,. E,·cr.'·
of 'h,'~f' At"ri,.~ (,f B iul" he·
roU iA trn., tn thl' \\'"rd ill \,olh narrati"e and .pirit.
Th('y .1wlLken in thl' }'OUIlI:: r,·:,der n d"sir(' to le.ulI
UI(I1'1' of the Book frul\I whi,.h I),,'y ,,1',' tak,·n.
The lI'n \"'"ks n,," ·,,,,,iluhl,· '\r" ,,~ follows' JO·
SEP H , DAVID, MO SES. PAUL, nsus (B ook 1),
Elich book, :12 PQK"~, ~iz~. r,1I1 x to s • illch~s. Price
o[ eac h book in serk~. 1Sc.; p\'r dUZCll, $1.80,
IIllrrlltiv('1 ar.· 1,,1o..'n. Th; i~ in
keel)inl:' wit h Ih., trl'qu{']lII~' ,'x·
Ilr('sued purpose III Ihl' lIuth"r in
the IlreJ)~rlLtioli <If Bil,h' !I,·ru St,)·
rl~H ... to 8(1 "' r it~ t h"1n a~ In klL d
tho·ir r.:a,h·rft to ,·~!.I"r,· ("r th,'I11·
acln. the page. of thu Bible.
Tl"~e 1\\0 new nd ditio na tl'd i·
n', t nU r ILtlention to Ihe widl'
mnl''' of Biblical tell ching covcred
b~' ,h i~ popui:!r se ri es .
Th ose in·
~I,;rin~ ~to ri es of th e Bibl e. lind
il~ ht'rot~ n re Ihl' ri ches ~ herItage
of 1)'" r.1ce. In simpll', fa scinlLting
lanl::na):,(', Ihe :Iuthor has old
t h.·~t'
~tnril'S 1111
thllt the child
m,,:o- ,·~sil~· und,> r ~tll n d them ILnd
nlder penvle tho roug hly appre cia t e
IIn>ffi. Wh ctll"r rClld by the chi!·
dr('1\ or 10 thl'r", Ih e r e i3 the BlLmt.l
thrilling enjoymen t , tho s ume mo r al
IHS'lII. and. mor e important. Iht.l
~ame urge to lea r n mor e of the
.!'look 'J! .books fr om which these
Bihle·school tencht'ra lind work,
erH ClIll lind ""Ihln;.; m"r" npl,ro·
l)rillte lI or mor(' wo r th wild,' to
U6~ liS gift! o r r "wortb.
story i~ COlnJllett.l wilh sil' Hlu. tra·
linnB in ."It culonl, luu hl'auilful
hnrUloni1.;nK co,'l'rft, IlllO ;H,,~tratl'd
and I) rilll ~u by th ll t jlOlllJIllr ofhe t
IIr OC('6R, lind (lon t llin, t be beal of
Ma y,
11 ... 11.
:O; O~J'-Ow;.,
JtJ, Uc:c.
W; Fletnmll
. '1> ..", ..... '
\,\.-(.oOl/el labc:r","1c. 1..:..; W. t.h b
St.; .'0". ~Uot:. 1~,
ad •• , ,.... loI:rL I:.. J.
Uu.a"~L .. -,,, llrvad'.01 \\ I AK .... "y • .;'}--·Uec. 4, 9:W
I. m. v"Y \\.
SJ.;KWt.L.i" .\U,IH
tI'll l'~'I",1 'hllt-mack; fol·
Io wlI'lI t. A. Lo",c""on, No .... .:11-; ICnnllelill and
Mr., IJvn .\I",I~'Ullh, M""'C'"II .... \\uh. -11. I.. liei,Olc.
So\1\ ,\;., 10 .... 10,
F.rot ,\ .....,,1.1) ",i v..J,
....... ,. :L·!k<:, >, E,~,
.... ".<:on
.\1 ... 110) II, lIehn., Hor .. I.. ,
l·a.I" •.
N07.:cmbcr 27, /937
I>()HTLAl\I), OHK-AlumLly 01 Gool Tabemld~1
11$:-; \\. 14th. ,\ ... ~. (\\u\ ~de), i.Xo:..,S, for b
d~TI, L. \\,ukr J"CIIC', k.d"""","" i.:ahf., -".an·
lI<h~I.- '\I. lbowa. Ur~~., I'~O\" ••
LiAT!:. WI,,-\<.I:.Li
VAh.I..A .... U, CAWl'.-t'"., l'c,,_,~1 (..'h ... ch,
Noy. 11·i.X<:. 1.l' H.. rvcy lJ.:1Ih.. n, t. " " l ctUI,
\\ alll8.. .1.'11"'''' "';.. 1<1 .... ' culnc.-.... ::',"ult)' U>UI<e,
Pu .......
lUs:)IONAH\' LO:-;\'~.:-,;·no~
!;.\I.ESIIL.;kIJ. ILL.- .'h",' ~.~ry L"'."cmi,". Occ..
... ~: ,,,cc""II' e;oeh ehlll,.g, -' '.11 :SU"ddY. :-.s.""kcrl'
I', J. Sh~l,u "I I'u .... , \, ... "'<HIe U. !\,ch.,ll .. "d
J, ... I, .... 11""11 ul thl"", all,", .... ,,.,1 I'nl",., M, ... u,,·
.at)' ~rcu.ry.-S. I' Uell. I'all"r, Lal",Iry I'ellle... 1 \ I"ltch, ~ E. ~ulh SI.
J.\~I'\ I (;,\, 1..
lIacl~, 90·\0 168lh
(> 'I'd Tdt...rJanlalCI ,\,'r.);
gch.l. '\'crllO I G,
St. (jU'1 ""tlh 0
.zs....; :";,mrOl!
( u, Paot. r.
COAT£S\'ILL£. P,\ ._Pen1..c,,,,~1 7al>ern.adc, J-'3
Hdrmo"y SI.; Nov. Z5·2S; \\/ •. \Iary I..... cr. Mis·
51'>I'''/y 10 Chi,,,,, Spe<:ial Spukrr. iJec. 1 19: :'olabel
\\ illcll, £vancelill.-Samue! \. \\"e.dlu, I'all.r.
Wt:ST FOHK, ARK.-ourk Stel;",...1 Felk>".bip
.\leclinl, l.Iec. 14. Juk Wrilhl, i'aSlor.-k. l-:. Gil·
I ... m, ::;"ctlc>ual l'rcsbylcr, !:>.L,,':lIn S~ri"" .• ,\.k.
1't.:XI{O, MO._Soulhun Side hllow,hil'
l>te II Scniccs: lII:JO, Z:OO. and 7:.10 .
Carl ,\u,Lut)"
S(:~I'e\HY, Oalcr, Mo.
l>< .. kcl
Standard Bible Story Readers
11<0:..; RI VL'R., .\l!cII.-U"""r ,\lichillan I'tnn,.ula
No.... JO.-.\:iIDfford .\IIdctlo",
t·cll"", •
lI,. LUll .. A. Farta
CEXTrRflURC, O.-Southy;eucrn Oil;/) Fcllowship
Mctti"li. [)c~. 6. S",,::okul: F. F. c.:.uld and 11. L.
To ... h"IOL, also .\\rI. R. I':. KcllO. AIl·da~ mtet"'lI", F. L. W~l1., Secr~\::ory.
uu.. ........
flATON ROUGE, LA.-Fellowlh,p .\Ieeli"g and
(;hurch I)e<l,,,,,'ioll; I·.nl l."urch, Sherwood ,\'c.,
!-I"rth Itigh13"dl Addil,ion; Noy, 29, !:iu"""',lcnd~f\t e. L. T~n"cr, l'rolleiFI Spc:akcr. O'htr 1),",
lroel ofiici~ls expecled. t>;~'lIhb<,tllllC u ... mbfiu alld
h-i~"dl in"il..d.-I'
M Harl. I'a,tor; A. N. IIU'''I,
5,\I.E\t. O. :"i"rthuS! Ohio
Oo/; :"io/tb tJI.",<> .. h Av~.
I)~"."onal ... "ice 10J.., a. ,,,., D. Karl."n, S""ak~r
UU'i""," m«I'''1C 1:30 p,'"
Tablc di<cmsion 2:,'00 p. m .• (;. A. :'olcKinncy in
cha<llCe. !:iubjecl, ,"Why do nN .. me bO"en r>eOl'le
.~«i' .. Ih~
fl~plI .. n on Ih~ Holy (;10,-, .. ,,, )o;,·a ...
,,~li<lic ....... i«. ,,';Ih ,pc:~ial ~puktr, 7:00 p. m._
l.1aude Wuvcr, Sccr~l~ry·Tr .. a~u.~r, 978 ('"n'n St"
Akron, O.
g<>e:",,1 ICllt in II'OOd condi tion
and pr;«d right.-David L . Laughlill, Capulin, N. M .
W,\ NTFD-Small
SIll: btl/)kI . •ubolintiaUy bound In blue a rt nllum ( 1O'I l bk,,"llh tluter l a~krl . In ("n CtlIO T. They an
.... Id~d ftlr d.Lldren from Ilx ttl ~Lflve" ,. ea . 8 tlf a Ke, UtlO O,,~ for child."" <If . " or ""d,'r. ao d 0 11
Hook !;Ix for ehlldr~ n 01 rl~Yfn. Caref .. lLy grad ed (n. ("ath .... ~ in wordlll~, k""L o f 110')' . II . .
of I)"I'~ " .. d ""Iu'e of lILu . naliono, I~co,di", 10 app /o"~d n~ndn.dl.
H bL, 8 10 " \" p r edomillale, will!. """.e 1I0ri,". chil d hood ', poeml. 1)lIlr ioli~ I~ •• on •• a nd '00&"' fOT
IlIti n volet!. Intrndll~l'd wllh ."tIlden l (req\l~n c)' 10 ad d ZUI. I,,'wnr.. . 'HI ,·"rl",)".
Th e pr-ofuoo lIllllt . a t ion., In full color by the d"licat/) olhN " .h,"ng \>roee.". r"Ally ... ,,01 h\l .""" 10
b-e Ipprednud. T I'e world'. b~lt in .aered ".intinga, and b("lIutl(uUy colo,("d ok~ l c t"" ' lI"d uud,u. CI'
pe clall~ m l,d o, an shown In rich colo. on a . u lful. bt"o'whil~ paper , ' Ork
T IIo ."thor. I,Hll e A . t'a.i •. tor )"U T, Ih~ llrSI·,Q-.lld.· crilie l e"eh~r ;11 Ih,. IrainlnlC'lch()ol. College
of .:clUUlion. Ohio Unl~>'r'!ly. ,od r~l'("al,'dlf d~Nrd p.o_ide", of Iho Ohio Eltm~"tl\ry 'I'cach eu'
A.&locllllio". "L , o I nvfd l or m.,,)· run .. ~dilo , 01 ~;Iemrnt"ry :;;und")"lchool IU I>I,liu 1(>. olle of Ih.
la'eCH rclle1ou. publ1.h\"I·hQuU' In the w(}.ld.
NEW A DDR " SS-Sull'an. Mo. "We hny~
ceplcd thc pastora lc hcr~.'"-E a rl ). IInIlC~.
NEW AODHESS-30~ S. Fredonia 51 .. N:tCOIf'
dochel.1"cxu . . . , h",·c accc~Ied Ih e pUlora le hu~."
-0. 1.. DcGu;.:,:" . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
E VRIl lIeli.lIc
1"131\0;5 G. Oi nc, 2.11 F,fth A ... ~. W., C'eSC<>,
lowa-"llulh bunchu (of minislr)". lIul of relerc""cs. T.~.·c1 ak"'c."
R. \'ivian ~'rcdu;~k""nl l4 C1inlon ,\ ,·c., New
i!a'·c". (;onn . -" I'r~3eh • • "'1'. :\IId p13y Ihe ru. I ~',
Hold cr..d~lI1i,,1s will, :"i ew England Di.lncl. Rd·
~re"e~: l.'. E. Voland, Lllchfickl Turllp.k c, lIClha"y,
uW:t .. . ......
EvanleH.' ic ar P asloral
'\Ir. and '\Irs. G. C. "sh~r, 906 S. Mai .. ,
M ,I~crn .
Indul lv..
ALA8AMA. PcrSOllal Offcri nU ~-::===-'
: llc Assembly 01 Cod Chur,,-~
: ...
l 'henix City As&<:mblr of God <-""rch _
I'henl" Cily Gi rard Assembly of God
Slocomb lIurn. ,\ucmbly
A R IZONA. Personal OBedn"l _ _ _ _ _ " ."
A RKANSAS. I'ersonaL O fferi"g. . _ _ _ _ _ " ...
",.ka"su Dis ltici a"d Loui"ana muriel
Dermoll Chrisl "mbalndor O UI
Fordy« Asscmbl~ of God Church
Grai>~,'inc A.umbly of God
Gre<:"wood Allcmbly 01 God S S._._
ilarrison Au~m bly
.. _ .... _____ .
IIa ""na Assembly .. _ . _ . _ . _ _ _ _
l .ot
H Ullig A •• "mUly _.• _ ... ____ ,L... .•. _ _
,. .OCI
Mulberry Anembly _____ "..... __
O$Ccola "Fa;lh lh nd" A nembly of God
Pi nc UluiT Asocmbl y of God ,
CAL IFORNIA . l'c rattn31 Offer illll '
Ualdwin l'ark ,\ uembl~ of God Churd,
llcllici a Trinil~ Ful! Gospel l\hllion
Caru lh... Full (;<apel Tabernacle
Ca.u th ... Full eos",,1 A ucmbly S S
Coll.gc CilY Communi!1 _
t s.cll
Coluu Full Co.pel Oourch __ .
Dinuba )o'irsl P~n l'L Ch .. rch ___
Ounlmu;r Pell!"1 Mission ... )" SocielY
Eo Dah.rslidd Weed P~Icb W M C
Fnsno FlIll eospe l Tat...rnle1~
Fruno 0.'--;01 Ambauadorl
( .of
Gnbam Church of Ihe Full Gospel
l...,hJlOrl Full eospel Assembl),
lIook 1 -T he P rimer (lirat ,,,.d e). EIChly l our·eolor !UullrRliolu; 128 pagel. llIue art ve llu m
elolh. Pric e. 80c.
Book 2- Ru d Gr (leelJn d g r ade). Seventy·lh·e four·colo. illuurallon l; \ .11 ,,_guo Dluo a rt
. .IL" m clolh. Pri ce. 90c.
B ook 3-Slcond R eader (t hird grade ).
lIlue art y~l1" m
cloth. Price. UOc.
B ook ,,_ ThIrd R n d e r (foUrlh grade).
Biue I n
nllum cloth. I'rleo. 96c.
B onk 6--f'ollnh Read e r (lUth g r ade ). )o'ifly,"ille fo.. r ·colo. illu.nllio",; t o:l parn.
I.. m \IlOIlo. P rice. S1.00 .
lIook 6 -Flfth Reader (linh «ud.). Fifty·li,. four·elJlor 1IIuOl"llolI'; :l08 pl,n. Blue 1r1 ,..<lu,.
aIMIL. P r lc., U. OO.
November 27, 1937
lAS An"du Full Gospel Tabernacle _
l.os An"elu Sw~di.h Prayer Group
Manhattan lle;.eh Au~mbly of God _.
Christi",n Wor.k~," G roup ____ i.OI
J'omon" FnU Gospel CIItI$! An,b"uadon
Full Gospel C1,ureh ._____ lOS.U
5an Die/l.., l'e1;!'1 F G..,. Tab S 5 & C A's ._ 1.05.75
V~llejo I'nll Gospel Church _ , __ ,_,_, __
WatsonvIlle Hetllcl Tabern",cle & C :\'5 _ _ 40.95
Willowbrook Chris\ ,\mbus"do..
CO LOR AOO. Personal Offering s
____ as.GO
t:hi ton Assembly 01 God S S _
CONNECT ICUT . l'erso",,1 Offerings
Jj,,,lgel''''' \'oung Ladies Clall
D ELA W ARE. Pcrsonal Offerings
V IST. COLU MBI A. l'cuon,,1 Offe,illgs . _ _ '.00
A"ac<,."" l.I,blc CI~u ._.. _._._____
\\ ,,~hinJo( l on Full Go~J1d ,\nemb]y
FLOR llJ A. I'crson",1 Offcri"gs _
l.i.I"" !lolinc.. Church
__ .
:-,ulphur SI'tlng! Ta1l1i>a ~I •. Zion A of (; C A's 2.00 G.l<dclI Auen,b!)" of God Church
G EORG IA. Pcno"al Offcrings _
___ 1.50
~;""rg,a·S. C"oli"" ])is! Coun at A.]anu _
:;',,,,,,,,,ah First I'ellt'] <"11Urd, ____ .__
IDA H O. l'eu,,,,al OJIering,
Finh Tabernacle ." "" .. ___ .. ____ , _ ,_,_._. _ _ lI.n
:';',luWII Auen,bly of God _.,.__
ILLINOIS. l'<:r$Ona! OITer;ngs __
,\hon ~.d"·3rd. !Street !S S ...
,\Iton Gospel T.,bcrnacle 5 S _,
l!card'town Fir&! I'ent'! ('11Urch _ __ ..... __ 5.011
Hdle";lie Auembly of God Church
C hicago Bethel TemJlle ._.... ,..
l'lHcago lJe.he~da I'enl'l S S
Collinsville C~lvar)" F Gos Ch & S S
Cuba Aucmh]), of Gud ._
J)~ca."r Auemblr of God
Ma,on C;.y ,\»embly 01 God _..
Mo""ds Assembl)" of C ud ______ ..
I<..,b"'$"" (hri,. A",bassadors ___
::>outll I'ekin A~~mbly of God & --5" S
Wood Ili,-cr ,\ssembl)" 01 Cud ,_
INDI ANA. l'elS""al Offcr;"gs
Gary Gospcl Tahern~cle
Indian" (hri,t Ambus,ldors ,..
Indiauai"',lis ltivcrs;de Tabernacle S S
New AlballY Aucmbly of (;od
IO WA . I'e,"o""l Offerings , .. . ,," ... _.-.. ____ , 40.15
Shcnandoah Full Gospel TJbernacle
8 .50
K A NSAS. Peroonal Offcri ngs
Che.opa Assembl)" o f God
" ___ "_"___
Dodge City Asscmbly of God Church
/)odgc Ci.y Christ ,\ mhassadors
2.1 0
Dorrauce A.sembly of God ",. _ ... ____
Gakna Assembly of God Church & C A's
H OIlingl on Assembly of God
Humboldt Auembly of God " __ ,,._
K eHsing. on A of G Church & S S _.____,
~I ediei ue Lodge Assembly of God Ch urch
Osborne Assembly of Cod ._.....
._ 7.50
I'arson, A lScmbly 01 God S S & C A's _. __ .. , 33.32
ilns.ell Assembly of God _. ____ . ______ ZUS
St J oh n Anembly of God S 5
. _ _ .__ . 3.1 8
S. John & Turon Uni.ed Min iona ry Meeting _ 21.45
Traer ,\"embly of God S S "
KE NT UCKY . J>c r $Onal Offering s _ _ _ _ _ lZ.ot
High lJ ridll'e Assembl)" o f God
l\'c"'pOTt Gospd 1'abern"de
LO U IS IANA . H ornbeck Ot rist Am bUl3don
~hre"el)()rt First Assembly of God
MARYLAND . !'usonal Offering .
Potoma c Distri ct Christ Amba ssadors __
MA SS ACHUS ETTS . Pe rsona l Offuings
l.',·cre tt Glad T idi ngs Tabernacle _ _ _ _ ._ 3O.DO
MICHIGAN. Perso"al Offerings _ _ _ _ _ 170.00
llay City Glad Tidi ngs Tahcrna cle
Cold !':""nanncl Chapel Penteeos lal
Detroit Brighlmoor Tabe r nacle
. I M.OO
Detroi t StM o{ Hope T~bern~cle . _". ___
Flinl flive" idc Tabernacle 5 S & C 1\',
Grand H~Jlid~ lI omcacrcs F Gos A uem & C 1\' S L IM
Gram Pent'] Assembly of God
Jackson Old Time Gospel Tabern:\cJe
L~n.i"g A..emJ.>l)" of God 5 5 & C N s
~!ichiJ:an Ch ri s . Amb"sudor.
:'>Iuskegon Full Go.p~l Mi .. ion _
So l-f3ven ,\ of G Miuionar)" lJ~nd
l .CHI
MINN ESOTA . P .. rsonal Offerings .. ._...
&.US Ironto" Tabernacle Church & S S
Fr~. !llu ~ Eanl! (;ospd Tab & S S
&. ICI
'ren ... hg~ Gospel T.,bernade 5 S
:'>li nn eaJlOli s Gospel Tabernacle
3U .DZ
Wel1. GO$pcl Ta be rnacle .. _____ ... _
MI SS ISS IPPI. Perso" al Off~r;ngs ... _. __ ._"
MISSOURI. Pcrsonal Offerings ___ .~ .. _ _ . 201 .99
.... hon Wiser Cl.apel 5 S . _ _ _ _ _ ._.____ 2.1C1
Aurora A.s embly of God ._. _____ .
Ca rt hage Al5embly 01 God & S S _,
Dnenweg Assembly o f God 5 S _ .. _._
E P ra irie F Gospel A oj G S S
Eldorad o Sprinll's A 01 G Church
5 5t
F.l1sinore A. sembly of God Chl1r<:h .__ ... ___
Fomleh A"embly of God &, S S
_.. _ _ _ . $.00
Koahk011Ong '\sembly 01 God .& 5 S _____
M arshall Assembly of God ___ ._~ .. _._ .... __
:o.' exi"" A .. embly of God S S _______ ._ 2.$1
Spri" lI fidd Assembly o f God .. _ _ __ .. _..
Sp ringfietd Ass em bly of God S S ... __ . _ 50.00
Spr~ultfield A 01 G Children's o,urch 4.29
Sptlngfield C n J Studen l '. Mi.s ionary Danrl U 00
S pringfield Commu"i.y Gospel A ssembly
,.. ___ 23:02
~ I Louis ASSembly of God C hHrch
Sullivan As.embl)" of God & C ,\ 's __
W ebb C it )" Assembly of God ....
. __ .
W in field Cah'~ry ,,"sembly o f God 5 5 .___
1t .4Z
Page Twenty- three
M ONTANA . Personal Offn;nl!:'
Andes Cherry Creek Sunday !School
(.,l",nbu" Gospel T abernacle
F<>rl Peck ,\nembly _ _ ..
K"li.pdl e:.lvary Taben,acle
Popiar Chrin Ambanadou
\\"e slb,. A"lembl,. of God S !i
NEBRA S KA. Pusonal Offering.
('rolton ,\osembly of ('.0<1 S S
lIershey l'enl'l S S
l.,,~ington Full G"~I>cl o,urch
M,lbum Knobby Ridge S S
Sid ney Fnll Gn.pel Tabernacle
NEVAOA. F~llon Cah'ary Pe"I'1 Tabernncle
NEW HAMPSH IRE. Per5<>t1al Offeri"s.
West Ca"aan Grace (.."&rel ,h,~",bly
NEW JERSEY. Per sona Offer;"I1'~
Elizabeth Trini~ Pent'l Church
l'er~h Amboy Glad Tidin~. A"embly
s"lcm I'~nn Chu rch Lad,e.' nihle (la ••
Y"nk ... Star of Hope lIible Cla.~
NEW MEXICO. I'er$<)n",l Offering,
Illustrated Black.
face Type
11 .00
lia"erman Auembly "f God Chnrch
l."rdsburg Assembly of G ~1
NEW YO RK. PerlO"a! Oller;"s,
lJ31h !le.hel AuemJ.>lr
Buffalo A.s~mbly 01 (;"d Tabe..,a~le
(om"", 1.""'1( !.Iand Free Go~pel Chur~h
])"ll"n l'el1'·! Chur<:h
F.<rmiJ>",d.I!e GO"I'C'I Church
].""11' Is!"nd Ci.y l'ent'l (;".~I Tabcn,acle
N'ew York Cilt ll~.hel 'h"i<>n
H.-",he'ler Ile.hel Tal>e",,,dc
,, __ ..-___ .
NORTH CAROLINA. An,,; .. \,.~",b1y "f God
\\ ""I'"r Bethel Assemhly "f Go.!
NORTH DAKOTA . 1'.." ,,,.1 Off~ri"If'
Hegan C"lpel Tah~r""cI .. Fell"w~hil' _'lee'i"iC
OH IO. Per..,,,,,,1 Offer;,,):,
Akron Belhel !lunlfar;.,,, 'Ii •• ioll
.\keon !lelhel Temple
,\k ron Kron,my l'~"I'l Church
.-\hon Pent'l (1mrch
Cincin"ati Chr; •• i"" A~<e",bly
tlnd.",d l'e11l'1 Ch""'h
I., .• S
• . If
, ...
141 ."
II .•
IlL ...
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BIBLE No. 107 •
BIBLE No. 107.RL
(Same Bible wilh Words of Christ Printed in Red)
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Type, S ize 5 x 7>1 inches
Outstanding Features
Durable, flexible, attractive bind i ng. Di vinity Circuit (overlapping covers). Tit le
on s ide and back stamped in genuine gold.
Silk headband and marker . Printed from
large, clear , black-face type. Self-Pronouncing. Printed on good Bible paper.
Colored illustr ations. Presenta, -- -Specimen 01 Typ~----, tion page . Valuable Series of
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them: otherwise ye have no rewa rd
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--------------------USE THIS COUPON--------- - - - - -- --GOSPEL PUBLISH I NG HOUSE
336 W. Pacific St., Springfie ld , Mo.
which you are offering. I enclose money order for the correct amount.
Name ..... .
Address .......... ,.
Cuyab!l~ Fall. F G. 'l'tl T"l",rnaci(
Dter I'ark I.:h",I1.l" .:'.s.",bly
E l.;verl".,1 \'CIII'] Lhur~h
Ila .. ,," .. Full \.i"'I,el ~". '"''
~b"I!ld,1 (.1.0,1 l;d'''il Tab 0,\ ( N.!lll' !'erry '\rillny I'enl"l A of c:;.,..1
M.".,lI,m l'''l\it! <.11~1!d
~ew l'hib.ddpb;!I llethd .\ ,,' G
Ohi" llu;,t Amb:usadoTi
Od".d FilII G... wcl L1mrch
Sahll""Ue 1"")'''', Iho,\
Si,]".y 11• .11,.,] ~lLul""
I'",,!'I l'hurd'
OKLAHOMA . 1''''$<>na1 Offem'K'
M"\"""r ,\ ..
Harrisburg Assembly of UO<!
1l011elllo",,, <';bur~h & S S
Irwin I' ell \ '\ <':hurch
.\\.LriClla ;\Iara,,~d,a Chapel
Melcroft Full GO"l'd T~bernacle
New Cu,le I' , .. , l'e11I'1 (hurch
~/:~~on (;1~~II·;Ii:ti~~~~nbt:"~ioG~i·
.'\: S S
l'em'l l'a,lh Mil~'.'"
\\ ,Ihl Jj~rre fi •• ! I'e",' \ Church
\\-il<on L;"i"I: Word T"buna.cle ~ .\"1
)tHODE l SI_AND. 1''''''l nokel I' v ". Tab
SOUT H CARO LI NA. G,eenviUe A of li Ll1
SOU1' H DAKOTA. I'etsonal Offcrings
l-.o,lgentuUl Tabernacle. S S & C A's _
Lead li"sl'cl T3ber"~clc
TENNESS EE. l'cr",mal Offerinl:'
1\.IIo,,,·,l1c t\<s~mhly 01 Guo.!
TEXAS . l'er.oll~1 OtTe n "p
.-\ckcrly IImwn " 01 G S S
,\,1' ,\""ntbly 01 God ..... __
,\zk Ja)' lIird .-\",embl)" ,... _,- .-UrowII" ille A ntmbly of God S S
('a"ad~" Auembly of GO<!
IJallas A uembly of God CI,urch
!Jallal IIn"'~s ~hal"' l Anemhly
1'1 Worl h Polylecbn;c A of G \\' .\1 C
Go",,-"iu Assen,bly of God
Goose (;rcc~ ,\ncmbly of God S S I'< W .\1 C
H ouSlon Gospd T ah<=rnmcle S S
II nU51"" Noro!, Side Ta~rnacle
Je.l", ,\ ssembl)" 0 1 God .. ,,' .. _____ _
K tncdy Fir$1 ,\utmbl)" of GO<! Chnrch ._
LQmc.a ,\. oemb]y of G<-<I ... .,
Leander S;u,dy A n c onbly of GO<!
~la r'llle. ;\ .,emb1y of God Church
~] e<:,uney
Fnll wlpel Church
McCalllcy Fu ll G".pel Chu rc h Jr Uo)"s' Clau
N 1' 1 \\\,,,h n osen lIdgh u A d G
Poct Art hu r F irs l .-\ of G S S
I'or l Ncchrs A.sembly of God Church
(nCM) Rnc"" •• 'lu 1~ rr y A of (; Ch
H"ymo,,,h ,jJJe ,\ •• cmbI1 of God (.l ", rcb
!:iacKIOI':3 A,bly 0 GO<!
5<-1':"" ;>.I agl\olia ! \ill '\ s,«:",bly 01 God
Smilhv ille Assembly (l l God Chnrd, .'I.: S S
S " }'.\er A u t ",bl)" o r God Ch u reb
!;,n;lh. I'e.r),
' M
. O. U
BIxby Lhri.t i\mh"~",,.wr,
,\s~nlbly "I G(~
\.'han,,,,ooll"" '\II<:n,bly of ~'Q<1 l h\lT,1l
('hick;.,!>" Auembl)' of (,uti U",nh
(.Ia,emorc I)anid's llan,\
L,,""nerce A .."n,bl), of G",1 S S
En;,l ('"opel Tabernacle
(",-ar) F"It,-lew
"ml.>ly of li<><I
(;e~' y Auembly 01 God.
. . .·cm",,' .h.c",b!1 01 Go<l S S
Jenks A""ernbl), of God S S _______
K,,,,,.,,,., Antmhly '" G.><l.
~I'","f"rd OlriSI
~[;a"'i Anembly Qf God 5 :i
Mia",; <.;hriOl .... ",.' <ad"u
Morr;son Aut",i,.. 01 (,;<><1
Kurnlan ,\uemb[l of God
No,,·nta Ancmb[y of God S S
Oklahom3 <':il)' Firs l A of G
O ..-aioo .\u~",b[y ".. ,-- -..... ..,
l'~whu.ka A55emhly of GO<! Ll""d,
1'""lIu.ka Christ "mbu5adors
Pa ... nee ,\ • ..,mbl)" of (:00.1 S :i
Ked O~k A.. e",l>l)" <.>1 GO<! U,blc Cia", - Sapulpa June )to.~ ,\nemLl)" C .,\'.
Sayre '\05embly of Go>!! c'-- .
SlIlIw~ler Aucmbl)" of God. 1.31~r' a<:l~ ,
Tn[u liome G"rdc1\5 A of (, 5.S &.t.:. ,\ s
Tnl.a Sprinsdale Assembly of Guo.! S S
Tnl" WUI Uowcn Au~m\'ly
\\ if""n ,\ucmbly of God S S
OREGON . l'erllO",.1 Offerings
...... --."
(oluge Grove Pcnl'[ A ..cmbly 01 GO<!_
Graml Pus F Go. Ch Lad,es ;>.10 .. C"de
l1efll'n~r 1'.nl'l T"h<=rn.1cle
Look"'8111.151 Ite>!"n A of G
Mc~li"",·,lle 1',,11 GOlpel (."
I'orlla"d Go.pel Tah<=rnade
M01-CbuTJ( 1'-,,11 Gt'spd Aue",bly
'--'-'-Salem Ennlldil,ic FlIll Gospel Auc",bly
~t'!inl(fithl Jlull G,,~pd ,\saeonbly _ --"I'ENNS YLVAN IA. l'eu(lna l OtIefU'lIs .-"--,\ho"na \'Ir.1 I'cl1l'l ( hurch
Anila Pe"I'1 Gospel M,...on - - - - ...
liarnuboro No r,h E,,,l Tah<=rnnd~
IIdl..-o.->d l'e",'1 I'1Il! vOlpel MI>~lOn
Ilc thleht111 Gospel Ta~eru,,,de '. --c' --".-;Lhamh<=nhurl\ ll clhC;1 I. elll, I (.1. &: C, ,\ I
l1arka SU'''"'': Penll (I, S S & C ,\.
F..l(lll l'tnl'l Miss""" _ .. ___ _
Freeport . I'ull vOlpel Auemblr
(;Ic,," \{lChey 1'",,1'1 Assembly -.,
ll::::~::~~ I~:~I\I Gl~'~~11;f~~~~':I~les
l UG
' .M
' .M
27, 1937
Sl)("3rm~" "'"e,,,],I), ,f G,,.j Ou"c!>
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,'rtl\l"n Alltmbly of C:,ot!
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V IRG IN I .... . Per"""31 {)fteri"!1<
.\m,,"~,e Fun Go I'd A ... rnhly
ll1uefiehl Firsl l'c"I'1 ('hurch
~, I'aul l'enl'l A ... mbly "I G,d
W .... S HI NGTON. Pen, ".,1 Offerings
Aberdee" C"l\-:or, l'enl'l Te"'I>\~ S ::; -"& I' C aU2
En.ell IIClh"ny S S
lone "utonbly (If God ~ S
Mctaline Fall. Asst",bly of God
Oak lIaroor ~'ull (""r"rc ("hur,'h
~Iltlle FremolLt I'ent I T.lhernacle S ~
10. l e
Sylvan F·,~ 1,la"d Lighlh"noc S S
\\'~ '~I"hee Full Co.pel A!urnhly ,,' God
We"a'chee Full Go'I><:1 A of G S S
\'"k;ma ~'ul1 C.oSI><: Tal><:rn.cle
W ES T VI RGI NI .... . l'er_on31 Offerina-~
.\Ii~mi Assembly of God (l,ur<'h & 5 S
W ISCONS IN. l'orooMI Offerings
Ada",. Go'pel T"I><:r113dc
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(.;"'1"'1 'l"aher" .• c1e
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Ri"hla::d CClller F Gos Ta~rn~de
Tnmaha"'k A ..cmbl)"
C A NA DA . Per1(lllal Offer;11!t~
VanC:<>1,ver Good Shepherd G''"I",I Hnll
FO R EI G N. Penon~1 OffeTinlf~
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