News 2 Use 4th Annual Illini 4x4 Safari
News 2 Use 4th Annual Illini 4x4 Safari
Two Rivers Tracker A publication of the Two Rivers Jeep Club, Pittsfield, Illinois Volume 8, Issue 3 April 2005 News 2 Use There’s a lot in this newsletter… a report on the Safari, a listing of upcoming events, a new trail, some great articles, and a resignation. Read on……. 4th Annual Illini 4x4 Safari By Dave Almost $4500 in raffle and ice cream donations were raised for a couple worthy causes. But the highlight may have been the dozen or so vehicles that were invited to Tom Doubet and Mike Rahe’s Spring View Acres. Tom and Mike have been allowing TRJC to wheel on their land as part of the Lakeshore Trail. While the trail has been temporarily closed by another landowner who is logging the land on the other half of the trail, Tom and Mike still invited a continent from the Illinois Department of Agriculture to come out for the day and see what our hobby is all about. We had a Left to right, back row: Tom Doubet, Gib Frier, Mike Rahe and Bob Reese. chance to talk with these folks and Tom and Mike are landowners, Gib and Bob are from the Ag Department. explain how we are a family Front row: Karen Fraase, Delayne Reeves and Lisa Groesch, Ag. Dept. organization that wheels responsibly and helps the communities. We took the 5 members on a short trail ride, much to their enjoyment. In the end, this was a great public relations effort that Tom and Mike set up for us. Not only have they provided food for folks on their trail for many years, not only have they built a shelter for us, they are actively working to show our state officials that our hobby makes a significant economic impact to the Pike County area. Tom and Mike: “Thanks from all of us in Two Rivers and our guests that enjoy the trails on your land!” Two Rivers Tracker April 2005 Page 1 On Saturday evening, several women from the Daughters of the American Revolution made a presentation about a Pike County flag used in the Civil War that was recently found and is in need of restoration. The 34 star flag is unique, in that is has the battles in which it was used written on the stripes and also the names of those who perished in the battles. These names were written on the flag almost 150 years ago! This newly discovered flag is a remarkable piece of Pike County’s history. $7000 is needed to restore the flag, place it in a glass case and have it on permanent display in the Pike County Courthouse. $3500 from the Safari raffle sales have been earmarked to assist in the restoration efforts. The balance of the raffle proceeds, plus another $1000 from our treasury was given to support Ag Day, where over 500 school kids come out to learn about soil conservation and agriculture in the Pike County area. This Ag Day would not have been possible this year with TRJC’s efforts. And by the way, the wheeling was GREAT. Check out the stories that follow in this issue. But before moving on, thanks to Rick Culberson who spent many hours and many headaches coordinating this event. Thanks to Dino and Rachel for all the raffle prizes. Thanks to Graham for his delightful MC-ing. But especially thanks to all of you who volunteered your time and efforts to make this another success. And thanks to all those who came to the event and had fun. This year was a first for me - being on the stage and helping with the prizes. It was my first opportunity to see the look on people’s faces, the smiles, the laughter, the joy when someone won a prize. It made all the hard work, effort and frustration worth every minute! Thanks to all who attended! Upcoming Events June 11 - Saturday: Father’s Day Run and Board Meeting Meet at VFW for breakfast and TRJC Board Meeting at 7:00 AM. 3 trails will leave from the VFW at 9 AM. Dinner will be at the TNT Farm at 6:00 PM The annual Father’s Day Run is hosted by Durrell & Syndy Miller. Bring squirt guns and a smile of fun. Questions: Call Durrell at 630-258–1124 or email July 9 - Saturday: OR’s Night Run Meet at the VFW, 8PM for a night run sponsored by OR. For those out of town, we’ll try to get a day run going also. Check the web site for additional information. Questions: Call OR at 217-473-6033 or email July 30 – Work Weekend and Board Meeting Meet at VFW for breakfast and TRJC Board Meeting at 7:00 AM. Work details will leave from the VFW at 9 AM. August 11 – The 7th Annual 4x4 BLAST Two Rivers Tracker April 2005 Page 2 Ag Day - 2005 By Walt Gilbert Thanks to the financial support of the Two Rivers Jeep Club, some 450 fifth grade students from four Illinois counties enjoyed Ag Day at the Orr Agriculture Research Center near Perry on April 29. Children from Adams, Brown, Pike and Morgan counties gathered at the Ag Center to explore a variety of agriculture related occupations, view demonstrations, and climb on a Jeep or two. Brad Smith, resource conservationist, stated that support from the Two Rivers Jeep Club once again made the Ag Day possible. "Without the financial support of the club, these children would not be able to take part in this Ag Day experience," said Smith. "This field day experience is not only enjoyable for the students and teachers, but it can open doors for occupational choices in the future. The students are also able to see methods of soil conservation, view wildlife and other agricultural related fields." Those helping out were Alan Grady, Don Maxheimer, Dave Jacobs, Mike Phillips and Walt Gilbert. It was a Dark and Stormy Night By Rick CulbersonÆ It was a dark and stormy night. No hold on, wait just a moment, that’s not the way to start this story. So let’s try again. It was late Saturday night and the Safari’s over. Thank God! This puts the second Safari under my belt with the BLAST next. As the coordinator of both events, I would like to THANK the many people who worked their butts off to make the events the success that they are. There are way too many people to name when we start in February opening trails. All the people who show up to clean trails: you folks are great! I want to thank you all for the hours of work and no fun (Ha Ha) you spend cleaning trails. Dave and Graham: a special thanks to you two. I would hate to count the hours you two spend. Like I said, a big thanks to you two. Dino, Deb, and Rachel: you three did spectacular on the raffle. Most of the people got a little something to take home with them, other than body damage. Two Rivers Tracker April 2005 Page 3 This brings up another special thanks to the sponsors. Without our sponsors we would not have the prizes we give away. So please visit and use our sponsors, and tell them you heard of them from Two Rivers Jeep Club. Katherine Ball did a great job with her crew selling raffle tickets. Sales were almost $4000! Don made over $500 with his ice cream sales. Don gets a big thanks for his work and donation to our Christmas basket fund. Tony had such a good crew. I didn’t hear one complaint about registration this year. The Tech team did an outstanding job. I had only one complaint: you guys put a Jeep with a locker only on the 1 rated trails. But then I know who she was and it could have been the driver. (Just kidding.) I know she is a better driver than that. Chad and Frannie you two did one great job. Not only did you have a stand set up to sell our TRJC promotional items, you got the t-shirts for the event, plus picked up and took back everything from the VFW that we needed (raffle tickets, TV, VCR, banners, and a truck load of things.) I still don’t know what the lawn mower was for, or are you trying to keep up with the Tates and have your trail looking better than theirs? Could be The lovely Walt Gilbert with his authentic Safari tree interesting! Right, Hamer? Since Craig gave out the and authentic Safari hat trying to cajole people into taking his trail. trophies for the rodeo, I guess he was in charge. Never did hear, but his crew did a good job on the rodeo. Like I said, there are way too many people to name (American Legion crew, Pittsfield Police, DARE, Lions Club, Jeep washing crews, the people of Pike and Brown Counties, and on and on and on). I also need to thank the Pittsfield Bowling Alley, Sears, and John Woods College for use of their parking lots to stage the many trails we use. Now for the doom and gloom. Last year the Blast did not sell out. This year the Safari did not sell out. If you, as members of the Two Rivers Jeep Club, want to continue having two events a year, we need help. We need you to find people with 4x4s to come and ride on our trails. If every member would sign up, or if they can’t, then find a person down the street or up the street. Anyone with a new Jeep or older Jeep could be invited. They need to know just what their Jeep can do. We would have to turn people away. The people of Pike and Brown Counties rely on us to help support their community. A lot of these people rely on us to spend what little money we have left after fixing our Jeeps. Come on folks, we need your help if we are going to continue being the #1 Jeep Club in the mid-west. That way we keep trails we have and sometimes are offered new land to build trails on. Two Rivers Tracker April 2005 Another happy winner. How could we NOT have another event? Think of the hours of entertainment Chuck will have. Think of the money he will save not replacing axles, transfer cases, tires, and so on. Perhaps he’ll just bring THIS to the next event instead of his Jeep? Page 4 Now let me tell you about my time. Everything went well Thursday night. Like I said, only one complaint about the Tech crew. Of to the motel I go, had a drink or two and then to bed. Friday morning comes early. I go get gas and coffee and a bag of ice, ready for a big day. When we get to the line up, I find out I will be going to a different trail than I planned on. One of the landowners has asked a few State of Illinois Department of Agriculture people out to see what we do. The Department is trying to find way to bring tourism to the state using the land used for agriculture within the state. This was a positive meeting with Jeep rides for those who wanted to go. I think all of the people from the state took a Jeep ride, and boy, did we show them a ride from the smiles on their faces. Thanks, Craig, for not taking them on the rock trail you took us on!!! Then off to Rockport to see if we could find the people on the Atlas trail. I never did find them as I stopped in Pittsfield to check on a few things and never did make it back on the road. After a clean up, off to dinner. That is some good food placed out there by the American Legion folk. I know they work a lot of hours to cook and clean up after us. With a few of the prizes given away Friday night, and me not a winner, it was back to the Pike for a cool one. Sometime during the night someone defiled my Jeep. Me, being the president of the local FAG chapter in Pana, (FAG = Fans Against Gordon - that’s for you NASCAR fans.) On Saturday morning, someone had placed Jeff Gordon stickers all over my Jeep. I couldn’t even see out the windshield. All I have to say about it is, “He bloody well better watch out!” After a quick clean up (my Jeep, not me) it’s off to the Legion for breakfast. I have TJ, the video man, with me today so we are going to try to hit a few trails. If you remember last year I had TJ with me when a massive log jumped up and took out my clutch slave cylinder within about the first 5 minutes of the trail. This year all went well. It’s off to New Salem trail. Got to see Dave Christensen do a cluster and get turned 180° around in a simple mud hole. I thought he was showing off and was going to come up the hill backwards. Then he takes off up the trail the way we came until he could turn around and try it again. At this time about 5 or 6 of us are on the ground laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. Dave came back and this time drove right thought it without spinning a tire. Who knows???? Then it’s off to Susie’s Knob. As we drive thought the creek we join up with the group. Randy takes TJ and me with Dave following up ahead to the video location. On a hill that a two wheel drive could make, I snap both upper control arms on my front axle. Now I don’t know but I think it’s the Video Man jinx. Next time someone else gets TJ and I will follow. Or it could have been the bloody Jeff Gordon stickers, who knows? Dave, Hayward, and I are looking at this breakage and wondering how to get the Jeep off the trail. We try jacking up the front of my Jeep but this will not let the axle turn back around. We then put a jack on the differential and jack it down from the Jeep body. Once it’s down we strap the top of the axle back to the skid plate. Then with the winch cable we pull the top back to the front. Hey, it worked better than the stock upper control arm! So off to the road I go, and guess what? We made it. At this point I said lets take it to town and off we go at about 10 Rick’s TJ --- in better days. to 15 MPH. Look out Pittsfield hear we come! To the motel and on the trailer, just about over. After a clean up, this time me, down to the Legion for supper, and the raffle. Again the food was great, and then to the raffle. We did have a few thank you’s to give out first. If there is anyone that I have forgotten I’m very sorry. I want to thank everyone who helps put on the Safari, and with your good help again we will have a fantastic Blast. Two Rivers Tracker April 2005 Page 5 How not to be a Trail Guide By Elmo There was some hesitation in sign up day when I found out the powers to be had made the Mongo Trail, trail # 13. Yes that would make it Friday the 13th trail. Now, I am not superstitious, but it just didn’t sound good. The good part was the trail sign up only yielded three Jeeps besides Todd and myself, as trail guides. I think the weather made people a little leery of Mongo with all the hills and ravines. Friday morning found us belly up to the great buffet provided by the American Legion’s dedicated and friendly staff. Once we stopped eating, everyone began to look over the array of vehicles assembled for the 4th annual Safari 4x4. The Mongo trail line up had been moved across the street to the parking lot of the Sears store, Thank you, Sears! After the driver’s meeting, we were off to the trail. Just a few miles into the ride out to the trail, I began to feel like something was not right with my Jeep. Since we were headed to the trail via gravel road I just attributed the squirmy feel to the off road tires which tend to lose a little air due to hauling too much dirt around in the beads. At one point in the travel to the trail, the road becomes “paved” that is oil and rock chipped to those of you familiar with this type of pavement. At that point I figured I had better stop and look. Sure enough the left rear set of lug nuts had begun to remove themselves from the vehicle. I remember thinking before I put the Jeep on the trailer, I should run a torque wrench on all the lugs, but there was a phone call, the broken bolt that held on part of the bumper, the broken weld on the spare tire holder, and a myriad of other distractions that needed my attention, so that didn’t happen. As any good trail guide would do we looked at the problem and tried to fix it quick then made the decision to leave me to fix it, while Todd the super trail guide without any breakdowns, continued on to the trail and showed our guests how to run Mongo. All of our guests for the day were very helpful both on the road and on the trail. Randy and his new found Jeeping buddy, Brent, were running a 2004 Rubicon Gold with not a whole lot of modification. But a very capable driver and helper made the run quite enjoyable. Randy hails from Strawn, IL, and Brent is pretty much a local to the jeep club hailing from Mt Sterling, IL. A special thanks to Jess and Kathy from the Decatur area. Jess and Kathy are true die hard 4 wheelers. Jess and Kathy met thru a set up date at Attica. Kathy says it helped that he had a cool truck, a Chevy then but now she wised up and now they play with a ’99 black TJ. Jess has been wheeling since sometime in ‘93 and Kathy since’ 95 or so. They are planning a wedding soon and really would like a Jeep theme of some kind. The special thanks they deserve is for the great pictures, no matter that they show me broken down. Two Rivers Tracker April 2005 Page 6 Last but not least of our guests for the day, Darrell and Trish. Darrell and Trish drove from Indianapolis area (Noblesville) to join our trek into the woods. Darrell and Trish are in the Red ’98 TJ. Darrell just cruised along like there was nothing to our trail. They didn’t give up much personal info, but it looked to me as though they were sandbagging. I think Darrell is really a rock crawler in disguise, because he made everything look to easy. Todd the super trail guide, had no problem keeping up with winch line toting, trail guiding and didn’t even roll his Jeep over for fun this time. He did miss his graduation commencement for becoming an LPN so he could be a trail guide. Thanks and congratulations, Todd, on your achievement. New Salem’s Lost Trail By Rick Culberson It’s been rumored that Abe got lost looking for this trail, so in 2005 Carl (Airborne) and Donnie (Pokey) decided to see if they could find it. What they did find after several weeks of clearing along with the help of other club members is a fun trail that certainly keeps the driver busy. The land this trail is on first belonged to Carl’s family in 1949 and part of it is still owned by Carl and Barb. On this run you won’t just meander through the hills-you’ll go over them and down again and if it’s not too wet, we’ll go back up them. Buck’s Hill is sure to hold a surprise or two and if you ask Carl just who Buck was he might share another of his long-winded tales with you. The “Gun Tree” is still there as is the “Locust Grove” where you’ll experience more twists and turns. Don’t miss “The Point of No Return” either or you might not come back. Carl and Donnie are looking forward to showing you another good time with Two Rivers and hope to see you on “The Lost Trail”. New Members Please welcome the following new members. Make a special effort to welcome them at trail builders and events. New folks can often be overwhelmed by the number of people in our club and we don’t always take the time to welcome new members like we should. Remember what it was like when you were new. Make it YOUR job to make these new people feel at home and a part of the best wheelin’ club in the country! Chad Schroeder, Quincy IL - 02 TJ - Frank Guarnieri, St Peters, MO, - 97 TJ James & Karen Ward, Mt Sterling, IL - 95 YJ Pat & Fred Miller, Decatur, IL - 96 XJ Chad Woodring, Bloomington, IL - 97 TJ Clifford J Siok Jr, Montgomery, IL 03 TJ Two Rivers Tracker April 2005 Page 7 Thanks for the Memories By Graham McNeill By the time you read this I will no longer be the Secretary/Treasurer of the Two Rivers Jeep Club. I am retiring in an attempt to reduce some of the stress in my life. I have not been particularly well this last year and the stress of family and business is taking its toll. The Jeep club is not the stress reliever it is supposed to be. I have had a ton of fun in the club, met so many great people and sincerely hope to continue those relationships for years to come. I had planned to retire from the board last October but was persuaded to stay on. I had intended to get through the membership renewals, and then it was going to be after the directory was printed. I finally settled on the Safari. My logic was that I knew that just about all the major work would be done. I would have a chance to wrap up the Safari finances, process any new memberships that came in right after the event and take care of some of the major duties like the club's insurance renewals, etc. I thought the new secretary and/or treasurer would have a chance to ease into their new duties instead of being slammed with all the work that follows the AGM. I am fully prepared to work with my successor until they are ready to tell me I am no longer needed. The club is in a bit of a low. We need to some excitement and enthusiasm put back into the club. We need some new (or old) members to step up to the plate and kick it in gear just like they did when we started the BLAST. You are out there I know. You don’t have to fill the vacant seat on the board to participate. If you have some ideas just send an e-mail or show up to a meeting or just tell one of the Board Members. We need some volunteers to put some zip back into the Kick Off dinner and help organize the club runs. It doesn’t have to be individuals; it can be groups of members. Does anybody remember those fantastic Halloween night runs? OR Freesen is planning to do a night run soon. Call him if you have any ideas that you think would make a night run even better. To make the BLAST and Safari more successful we need event flyers distributed to all the Jeep dealers in your town and to all the off-road clubs in your area. We need to pull in more new Jeepers. Help get them started in this hobby. Please, give some thought to helping out. Just a few hours of your time each year could make being a member more fulfilling and the club even better. I will be working in Germany and the UK from the 15th to the end of June and away for at least 2 weeks of July but will be still reachable via e-mail during that time if you want to chat and offer any suggestions. I hope to see you soon on the trails, and if Rick will have me, I will run off at the mouth as your event Master of Ceremonies and raffle/auctioneer in August. And that’s that and all about it. Graham McNeill – aka The Mad Brit Two Rivers Tracker April 2005 Page 8 Trail of Life By Chief Every day we find ourselves facing the challenges of the "Trail of Life". Every other month I face the challenge of writing two newsletter columns, one for TRJC, and one for the Illinois Firefighter's Association. Originally both columns were to be a forum to disseminate information about the organization's members and their life's happenings. As time passes, I am finding myself receiving less and less information from members which forces me to reveal some of my most humbling moments as well as some of my triumphs just to fill the column. I will say it was not easy to relate the story of being face to face with a wild and crazed raccoon while standing in my "tighty whities" in my bathroom. I still shudder, thinking of that intruder, with those beady little eyes staring at me like I was his next gourmet dinner. There are still several chapters of the "wars" unwritten. The whole saga is still just too unsettling for me to think about, let alone write about it. I had hopes of some interesting happenings during the Safari on Murphy's Law and there were a few. On Friday, Trail Guide Randy Newport, while in "carburetor alley" demonstrating the amount of air which can be had if the "alley" is driven correctly, got so high he broke off his spare tire holder on the rear of his TJ. This would not be a concern until Saturday when Randy found a sharp rock in the creek and sliced a tire. This was not a problem; we just borrowed a spare from another Jeep and were on our way. Then Randy, whose parents apparently would not let him climb trees while growing up, climbed a tree with his TJ and nearly rolled over backwards right before my very eyes (more gray hair.) Next, a young lad on his first off road experience, managed to get hung up on the very stump which had it's way with Doug Watret's (aka Stumpy) TJ's left front fender during a previous work weekend. We were forced to cut the stump to free the Jeep and then had to make an underwater recovery so we could present the stump to Doug, who proudly placed it in his back seat and vowed it would be taken home and displayed in a place of honor. Other than that, things went uncommonly smooth. Hey, how about that young couple with the new dark blue Cherokee? I think their name was Miller. It doesn't get much better than the Safari weekend. Good friends, good trails and good weather and most of all GOOD FOOD. Finally, let's not be bashful about telling others about our club and events. I am making packets with information about the Blast and the web site and passing them out to all the Jeeps I happen to encounter. If we all did a little more promoting, we would not have any problems filling the Safari or the Blast. • • Our deepest sympathies to Mike (Spanky) Meyers, whose grandmother passed away recently. Our condolences to Shelly and Rick Culberson. Shelly's mother passed away the weekend before the Safari. Words of Wisdom: If you can smile when things go wrong, you have someone in mind to blame. See ya on the Trail Chief Two Rivers Tracker April 2005 Page 9 RRock Rock Crawl Challenge By: Frannie Suhre On May 14th and 15th, several TRJC members took part in the RRock Rock Crawl Challenge at Rockport Off Road Park. These guys put a lot of effort in to making sure their vehicles were ready for the competition and were well worth watching them as they competed. The drivers also took special care of their Jeeps so that they did not have to do major repairs before the Safari. Over the Top Crawlers consisted of our own Tim Miller and Alan Grady. Team Toumbs Repair was comprised of our own John Toumbs and Craig Laurich. Team Smith was our own Frankie Smith with spotter Jordan Gerard. For Team Toumbstone, John Toumbs spotted for Brad Behymer. In the Modified stock class, Tim Miller with the wonderful spotter, Alan Grady, took 2nd place with only 16 points. John Toumbs’ wonderful spotting capabilities took Brad Behymer to 3rd place. Tim Miller then turned around and took 1st place in Modified Stock-Division 2 with only 16 points once again. Looks like Tim and spotter, Alan are consistent with their points if nothing else. Brad and John also took 3rd place in this division. They also had the same number of points as their first division. The Legends class ran on Sunday and had a lot of challenges. They were running much of the same stages that the bigger rigs had run the day before. Everyone put forth a lot of effort! Spotter, Craig Laurich took John Toumbs to 1st place! And, only 1 point behind (what a close competition!) was Alan Grady with Tim Miller as his spotter in 2nd place. Unfortunately luck was not with Frankie Smith, but he did show up ready to compete in the Modified Stock class. At least his day did not last as long as some of the others. He had plenty of time to do repairs to get ready for the Safari. It was very nice to see so many of our club members competing, with several others there watching. We only wish we could have seen more people there cheering them on. All of the drivers and spotters did an excellent job in the competition. Rumor has it that all of these teams will be back at the next Challenge on September 10th and 11th! We hope to see many spectators there! If you get a chance, be sure to ask Alan and Tim about their success, I am sure either one of them would love to tell you all about it! Good job all of you guys; I plan on seeing you again in September, living up to the high expectations that you have set. Two Rivers Tracker April 2005 Page 10 Another “satisfied customer!” This letter was sent to one of our sponsors, thanking them for the their donation. I attended the Illlini 4X4 Safari in Pittsfield put on by Two Rivers Jeep Club. As I walked by the table of prizes I noticed a box with the Attitude Performance decal on it containing a Detroit True Trac posi unit for a Dana 30. My thought was that I could have used a locked front earlier that day. I can't believe my luck as later I won it in the raffle!! I wanted to thank you personally for the generous donation and let you know that the emcee of the event did a good job of letting everyone know about who gave this prize. Thanks for supporting the event, the club, and 4X4 off-roading. Best Regards, Kelly Bumgarner 2005 4th Illinois 4x4 Safari Sponsors 4 Wheel Drive Hardware 4x4 Connection 4x4RockShop Advance Adapters Advanced Air Systems Alloy USA ARB Attitude Performance Badlands Off Road Park Best Systems Car Wash Best Top BF Goodrich Tires Blue Bell Club Borgeson Universal Brewer Science Brickyard Bar + Grill Briggs & Stratton Bushwacker Cabela’s California Duster Cliff's Insane Terrain Crane High Clearance Daystar Discount Jeep Parts Eastwood Automotive Tools Edelbrock Extreme Outback Fabtech Motorsports Two Rivers Tracker G.D.S. 4x4 Drivetrain Giovanni's Pizza Green Acres Motel Griot’s Garage Harpoles Heartland Lodge Heckethorn/Rough Country High Impact High Spirits Liquors Hi-Lift Jack Historic Lincoln Hotel Hopewell Views Hunting Club Husky Liners Ice House Inn Illinois Four Wheel Drive Assn Interco Tires James Duff Jeep of DuPage Jeepers and Creepers JKS Manufacturing K&N Replacement Filters KluneV Mac's 4x4 Products Mickey Thompson Tires Monroe Street Suites Motel Pike NAPA Auto Parts Neal Tire NorthRidge4x4 Nth Degree Mobility April 2005 Oasis Off Road Oitker Ford/Traxxas Old Florence Hotel Guest House Performance Gear & Axle Pine Lakes Resort Pittsfield Tire & Auto Predator 4 Wheel Drive Premier Power Welder Pull Pal Quadratec Red Dome Inn Refreshment Services/Pepsi Rockport Off Road Park Rocky Mountain Suspension Schaumburg Jeep Shell Valley Skyjacker Suspensions Superlift Suspensions Tellico4x4 TeraFlex Tim Miller Electric Tomken Tops4Less TruckNutz Tuffy Security Vortex by D&H Warn Page 11 Two Rivers Jeep Club C/O Graham McNeill 28W117 Countryview Drive Naperville IL 60564
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