June - Two Rivers Jeep Club
June - Two Rivers Jeep Club
Two Rivers Tracker A publication of the Two Rivers Jeep Club, Pittsfield, Illinois Volume 7, Issue 3 June 2004 Safari 2004 The 2004 Safari is now history – and what a time it was! Rain Thursday and Friday – slippage, winching, mud, more slippage….but by Saturday morning we had a perfect day for wheelin’. This turned out to be one of our best events so far with a lot of fun on the trails and during the raffles. We collected over $3500 for charity with $1000 being donated to Pleasant Hill Summer Recreation Saturday night. Pike County Matters and The Senior Center will also share in the proceeds. Various write ups for the Safari are included in this newsletter. Thanks to all who took the time to gather the photos and write. And thanks to all those who volunteered and helped to make this an enjoyable time for all. Be sure to also check out the list of almost 100 vendors that donated to the raffle this year. Besides the Safari, there were a number of other major events this spring. Included in this newsletter is an article about the Ag day that TRJC sponsored. This was a great success; the kids enjoyed it almost as much as Walt, who gave a radio interview! There’s also an article about the Advanced Recovery and Rescue Course. This involved TRJC members, New Canton and Pleasant Hill Volunteer Fire Departments and the Air-Evac helicopter team from Quincy. Based on this training, we’re already changing the way we will handle trail emergencies. During this summer there are a number of other major events, capped off by the BLAST in August. Details on most of these are also found elsewhere in this newsletter. Sat. June 19: Board Meeting Sat. June 19: Father’s Day Run Sun. July 4: 4th of July Parade Two Rivers Tracker Sat. July 24: Sat. Aug 7: Aug. 19-21: June 2004 Trail Building Trail Building & Board Meeting 6th Annual 4x4 BLAST Page 1 Ah! Sunday morning By Rick Culberson Ahh! Sunday morning, it’s all over! I look at the clock. It’s 5:00 am. Oh No! I forgot the trail signs. So I get up and to the Legion I go only to fine out someone had taken care of me. Thanks! I think I know who helped. Well I’m up so I may as well head home. Back to the Motel Pike to leave the key and on the road again. I’m lucky I only have a two hour drive to think of all the mistakes I made over the weekend, but very glad it is over. Now to have a little time to do things around the house and to the Jeep. Much to my surprise, setting on the table with the mail, is registration for the Blast. Oh well, so much for time to work on the Jeep; my wife said the house WILL get done. As a first time coordinator, I had a lot of fun. It helps when you have good people taking care of all the things that have to be done. I don’t know if this would be possible without the help of all of you members that helped. Dave Christensen and Graham McNeill were the backbone of the work - making sure the registrations forms were made (and mailed,) answering seemingly thousands of questions that I had, supporting me when I thought everyone was against me and trying to make me have “the big one.” John Toumbs took care of the rodeo, and I didn’t even have to do a thing. He had everything under control. Tony and Andrea Prochaska did a wonderful job on the sign-up and registration, Tony’s a little hard to get a hold of, but what can you say about people who still get the job done when they are working the hours they do.. Garry Shadwick and the tech crew did a wonderful job,. They had one complaint: one of the tech crew told a Bronco owner to get his Jeep out of the way. Boy did he take offense at that! Tim Miller was the clean-up coordinator, and did a very good job. I can not find any of the banners to be used for the Blast. He keeps saying, “You told me to clean it up.” I bet if I go to his shop I can find all the banners I need for the Blast. Dennis Wencel, Rick Miller, Kris Priessnitz, and Bridget Fugett ran their feet off selling raffle tickets. I still think it may have been fixed the way the same people kept winning on Friday. J Kris, Bridget and Ardis Lozenski again did an excellent job contacting vendors, and getting over $20,000 of raffle prizes. We all owe these folks a very big thank you for the excellent job they did. This is the last year that Kris and Bridget want to do this, so we are looking for help. I still have a little magic up my sleeve and hope the girls I talked to will step up and take over. They will need help, and if you are interested please contact me. We all need to support them. Without many vendors we would not have the excellent raffle we had. Two Rivers Tracker June 2004 Page 2 We all owe the City of Pittsfield, and Pike County a big “THANK YOU” for allowing us into their town. They put up with a lot any time you have that many people trying to find rooms, campgrounds, and meals. Try to remember they have to order extra for us and try to figure out how much we will buy. Also we need to thank the people who run the Legion, Bowling Alley, Sears, and John Wood Community College for the use of their parking lots. Finding a place to line up 250 Jeeps and generic Jeep vehicles (that’s for you Bronco owners) is a nightmare. If we could only do it in one place. And last but not least, we have to give the landowners a big “THANK YOU VERY MUCH!” If we did not have these people I don’t know were we would wheel! The Safari was a success, and I guess I will start to look toward the Blast since the registration packet is sitting in front of me. I just wanted to give a big “THANK YOU” to all of the members who went out of there way to make the Safari a success, whether it was working during the Safari or just cleaning trails during a work weekend. And if I left anyone out, my apologies. There were over 60 people who helped and over 200 tasks that needed to be done so I’m sure I missed someone somewhere. If we did not have the membership with people who care, the Safari and Blast would not be here for us to enjoy. But the burden of these events fall on the same people each year, so I ask all of the members of Two Rivers Jeep Club to do something to help me out with the Safari and Blast. Please tell all your friends that Jeep about us, and try to get them to join the club so we will have new members to help with the events. Well back to painting the house before I get into to much trouble. Just remember, we need your help to keep Two Rivers Jeep Club the #1 club that it is. Try to find new members to help with the events and to have new people to help on the trails. Oh by the way, being the coordinator was not all bad. I got to run on six different trails over the weekend. I had the video photographer with me, so any one who did not get a video or DVD ordered, let me know and I can give you T.J.s number so you can order one. Well thanks to all, and hope to see you at the Blast. Rick Culberson, 2004 Safari and BLAST Coordinator Although it looked tempting for years (prior as a Jamboree), due to the travel distance, this was our first Safari. What an excellent event it was; well organized with friendly personnel every step of the way making it a pleasurable experience. Day one was on the Mossy Mountain trail that had numerous challenges magnified by the recent rains. Day two we stepped up to Black Oak Run, a 2+ trail that was made more difficult with the wet weather. That was a little more than the 31/10.5’s on our ’95 Cherokee could muster requiring us to take three by-passes. This trail was quite impressive with one obstacle after another. Some events/trails may have a couple major challenges on an otherwise so-so ride, but, this one seemed to have one right after anoth er. Congratulations on a well run event. Bob & Sharon Piper Hamilton, Ohio Two Rivers Tracker June 2004 Page 3 The week of May 25, Pike and surrounding counties received extensive storm damage and were declared disaster areas. Hundreds of trees in Pittsfield have been damaged and one member who went there a few days later said "It looks like a war zone!" Several houses were also destroyed in the storm that had 75 mph sustained winds. Several of our trails have been damaged and will require maintenance before the BLAST. Information on additional work weekends will be sent as soon as an assessment has been made. Trail guides should check their trails as soon as possible and coordinate clean up efforts with Doug Maxheimer. 2004 Ag and Conservation Field Day By Walt Gilbert Over 650 fifth grade students attended the Fifth Annual Ag and Conservation Field Day held at the University of Illinois Orr Ag Research Center/John Wood Community College Perry campus sponsored entirely by Two Rivers. Present from The Club were O.R. Freesen, Alan Grady, Hayward Ball, Doug Maxheimer, Tim "T.J." Haeussler, and Walt Gilbert. There were a total of 25 hands-on sessions, ranging from forestry to bats and farm safety, for the students who came from 11 school districts in four counties. Though rains came at the conclusion of the event, ideal weather prevailed during the morning and early afternoon. Quotes from Brad Smith, Resource Conservationist, Pike County Soil and Water Conservation District: "Without the support of the Two Rivers Jeep Club, we wouldn't be having this event today. The state funds for programs such as this have dried up and we were unable to secure grant funds for the program this year." According to Smith, the field day is to make students aware of where food comes from, and to instill good conservation practices. Smith said he and the schools are indebted to the Two Rivers Jeep Club for its valuable contribution which allowed the field day activities to take place. Each class enjoyed having pictures taken on OR's yellow Jeep. Five Jeeps were on display during the event, and all were well explored by the students. Several teachers commented on the display and thanked club members for sponsoring the event. Welcome New Members ! Charles Ater III - Winchester, IL - 99 WJ, 89 YJ James A Peek - Jacksonville, IL - 91 YJ Dave and Eleni Cimino, Manhattan, IL - 95 XJ, 85 CJ7 Andy Percy, Macomb, IL - 01 XJ Shane Garver, Decatur, IL - 79 CJ7 Two Rivers Tracker June 2004 Page 4 Advanced Recovery and Training Course The Advanced Recovery and Rescue Class was also a success. Over 40 Trail Guides, helpers and members showed up on a cold rainy day. We almost cancelled the scenarios with the Fire Departments and Air-Evac but the weather got a little better in the afternoon. We had a lot of issues and things that went wrong, but we learned much. The biggest problem was calling 911, getting a cell site in Missouri, and finding the Pike County, MO, dispatch was unable to notify Pike County, IL. As a result, we are asking TRJC members to call the Pike County (Illinois) Sheriff's Office number (217-285-4471) and NOT to use 911 in an emergency. As part of the exercise, the New Canton and Pleasant Hill Fire Departments responded as did the Air-Evac helicopter from Quincy. The rescue drill went without a hitch once the call was made to the Pike County, IL, Sheriff's Department. Afterwards we had a debriefing with the rescue teams and learned much about what we could do differently. The 30 or so responders also agreed this was an excellent exercise. We then had a nice warm meal and finished the day knowing we had made a major impact on the folks that attended the drill. After the drill was done we carried Tim, one of our victims, over to a tree, stood him up on the backboard and took photos. Thanks Carey (victim #1) and Tim (victim #2), and thanks to all who attended and participated. Two Rivers Jeep Club would like to thank all those who participated in the rescue drill on May 1, especially the Pleasant Hill and New Canton Fire Departments, the Pike County Sheriff’s department and the Air Evac Lifeteam. The response time was excellent and the care and professionalism of everyone who participated in this drill was outstanding. With two major events coming up this spring and summer, Two Rivers will be drawing over 1000 people to Pittsfield and Pike County. While it is our hope that there will be no incidents, we have confidence that any of the Pike County emergency services would be able to more than adequately respond and deal with any situation. We also wish to thank the Rockport Off-Road Park for the use of their facilities for this training exercise. Again, thanks to all who participated in this drill – and thanks to all those emergency services in Pike County that spend their time training and preparing to protect and serve the public when they are needed. Two Rivers Tracker June 2004 Page 5 The Trail of Life By Chief I hope all of you who attended the Safari enjoyed the time spent in beautiful Pike County. It amazes me that even when we were standing in the rain on Friday morning, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. There is just something about being with good people, sharing a common interest that seems to take the edge off of less than desirable conditions. And could we of had a better weather day than Saturday? I think not. Nothing like a little sunshine. Congratulations to Rick and all who helped him in producing a class event. Well, as I have limited information to pass along, I do have a post-Safari experience I would like to share with you - nothing to do with JEEPING, just life. Upon my return home, as I pulled up to my driveway entrance, planning my attempt to back the truck and trailer up the 150' long perennial challenge, I noticed my wheeled garbage dumpster was missing. Now this is not your average Ace hardware wheeled dumpster, but a bona fide industrial grade garbage container. We have had it since we built the house in 1987. It has become like part of the family, carrying away memories of family events, my failed attempts at inventing genius and broken Jeep parts. Thinking my son, who watched the house while we were gone moved it to the back of the house, I continued my process of backing up the lane. Once I managed to get everything in its assigned parking place, I noticed the dumpster was not behind the house. No way! Somebody has stolen my trusted dumpster. Talk about feeling violated. Who steals garbage dumpsters? My first thoughts of loss were then transformed into a vengeance. I am a trained arson investigator; I have been involved in successful stakeouts catching arsonists in the very act. I have tracked down arsonists from mere bits of evidence left in the ashes of their dirty work. I watch CSI every week for crying out loud! They can't get away with this! I approached the crime scene, careful not to disturb any evidence. Then there it was, tracks in the grass from my dumpster and tire marks on the road where the perpetrators sped away with the dumpster. I knew I could identify my dumpster because back during the raccoon wars, (another story), the little critters left their foot prints on the side of the container during a night time raid after walking on a freshly painted walkway. To make a long story shorter, and in an attempt not to divulge any investigation techniques, after a drive around the area, I located my dumpster, in front of a residence where a city police officer lives. Now what? Surely he did not steal my dumpster. I approached his house to confront him when a neighbor approached me and asked. "Did you hear those kids running up and down the road last night pulling that dumpster behind their car?" she asked. "Well, no, I was out of town, but that is my dumpster and I am taking it with me," I replied. "That's okay, Steve (the police officer) wondered where it came from." So my dumpster was recovered and even though I didn't discover who the culprits were, I still felt a sense of justice. Funny thing how something as unimportant as a garbage dumpster can mean so much to a sense of well being. I 'm sure there is a lesson here, I'm still working on that. Congratulations: Ed and Lisa Leech have been blessed to receive a referral to a little girl who was born on October 22, 2003 in Seoul City, South Korea. Her Korean name is Jin Mee Ha and her new name is Maleena Ha Leech. Congratulations Ed and Lisa. Two Rivers Tracker June 2004 Page 6 Surgeries: Billy Walston is recuperating from his recent back surgery. He is doing well and able to be at the Legion hall to spread his sunshine during the Safari. Carl Redecker will be having neck and back surgery in the future. More to come on that. Condolences: Our sympathy and prayers to Janet and Carey Levoy. Janet's mother, recently passed away. Our sympathy and prayers to Lee and Tammy Ator, Lee's father recently passed away. Please send any information you would like in the Trail of Life to: chief351hfpd@msn.com 217-423-2917 Words of wisdom: Sometimes the majority only means the fools are on the same side. See ya on the trail, Chief TRJC Jackets My apologies to Chad and Fran. They prepared an insert for this newsletter with information on the new TRJC jackets and I find, with only an hour before I send this to the printer, that I can’t open the file. I’ll put this in for now and next time we’ll have the official ad. Attention all TRJC club members. We will be ordering jackets as requested by some members. They will be on a preorder and prepay basis. Here are the details: The jackets are a quilt lined, weather-resistant. They will have a slightly different logo rather than the Illinois outline. It is like a mountain or rock design (having the letters TRJC in it) with a Jeep crawling over it. The "mountain" will be outlined in black and the Jeep will be red and it will be centered on the back. We will have Two Rivers Jeep Club printed on the front with an option to have your name printed on the opposite chest. The Jackets will be available in the following sizes and colors: Youth S(6/8) - XL(18/20), Adults S - 3XL navy/light gold/white, black/maroon/white, black/dark green/white, black/royal blue/white, black/purple/white, black/scarlet/white, black/light gold/white, and black/orange/white The cost for youth jackets is $65 and adult jackets are $75. You may call orders to Frannie Suhre at 217-742-9818 or email to suhresp@myhtn.net Two Rivers Tracker June 2004 Page 7 The Electric Slide Backwards By Elmo The 2004 4x4 Safari started out a little wet this year. On the way to Pittsfield Thursday, we drove through some fairly strong rain storms. There was enough water coming down to get into the tail lights of my trailer and break both bulbs. The good part was by the time we arrived in Pittsfield the rains had subsided and allowed a great time checking in vehicles and playing on the ramp checking out how much flex we have built into our toys. Garry of GDS 4x4 won the competition in one of the classes with his monster Jeep. Friday morning found us starting out in the rain after the great breakfast served by the American Legion. We had our driver’s meeting in the hall due to continuing rains. I lead the Mongo trail now along with my tail gunner, Todd. As I drove to the trail, I was praying for the rain to let up so we could enjoy our day a little more and sure enough it did ! We had the pleasure of having the Team Plesko with us on Friday and as legend has it, we had a great time. The Electric Slide Backwards happened about the fourth uphill into our trail. (This was after lunch just to give you an idea of how much the rain soaked hills slowed down movement.) As I attempted to lead our group up, I found the only way to the top was going to be via winch cable, as had been the way most of the uphills had been done that day. I had just successfully winched about ¾ of the way to the top where it was determined the need to reset the pull point. Jerry decided he would move the tree saver to another tree when my Jeep began a backwards downhill decent with Jerry trying without success to anchor the hook end of my winch cable with only his feet dug into the slippery mud. As my Jeep slid backwards, with all four wheels locked, (courtesy of my foot on the brakes) Jerry proceeded part of the way down the hill dancing as he tried to hold my 4000 pound plus Jeep from sliding. Thanks Jerry for the valiant effort, but as you can imagine it didn’t work.. After using two winches to get the remaining vehicles out of the valley, we proceeded to another down hill section by the old Ford truck cab. I could not believe how fast you can go down hill with the brakes on. The REAL Jim Plesko thought it was quite the ride, too. Something about his seat puckering under him. I was very fortunate as I only bounced a little bit of my right front fender off the tree at the bottom. The REAL Jim Plesko bounded off the same tree with his right front tire with no damage. By the time the fourth vehicle came down, it was somewhat of a controlled slide as opposed to the seat puckering ride of the first few. Saturday brought us better weather and the Bronco gang. Those guys aren’t afraid of anything. My winch had bit the big one from the day before and Todd was leading the trail. Only a few minutes into the trail found us once again winching up hills. The good part was we could at least have some control of our down hill travel as opposed to the Friday. The Bronco guys were fairly well entertained by my imitation of a turtle on one of the hills where I decided it would be better to go through “a brush pile” instead of sliding off into a stump. After all, I had the momentum and the traction - just not the right direction. Well it turns out the pile of brush was covering a downed tree about 2 feet in diameter. Fortunately, I didn’t break any thing doing my little wheel stand over the tree, but, once I landed there, I sat TURTLED. Thank you to all our sponsors for our third annual Safari 4x4, with a special thanks to Tom and Debbie and the Rockport Off-Road park. Two Rivers Tracker June 2004 Page 8 County Line Trail By Rita Friday's County Line Trail was guided by Pete Niles and Randy Bullard who did a GREAT JOB. Our group consisted of Wranglers, TJs, a Scrambler & a Suzuki Sidekick. Everyone had a great time. Becky had an encounter in the BIG hole by the creek. (Now cordoned off with orange hazard tape!) James saved a snapping turtle from the mud pit - - a career with the Crocodile Hunter awaits him! Stephen's TJ tire was cut by a tree root and the tire was changed in record time. A clogged carburetor jet was no problem for super mechanics Lars & Brent. Tom's new Rubicon was a streak of yellow as he slid down the hill into the bottom of the embankment. Gary was the winch-martyr, helping lots of us up the slick hills. Lee & Barb's TJ won the muddiest jeep award for County Line Trail. No injuries or major damage occurred. Everyone was extremely helpful, patient, and had a great attitude! "Oh What A Beautiful Day!" An awesome, wonderful experience - we highly recommend it. My Comments By Dave Christensen Since 1999, this was the 8th public event that TRJC has sponsored and also the 8th major event where I’ve had the opportunity to see our club pull together and provide an event that is great fun but also benefits the entire community. “It’s the people!” Allen Merritt, the writer/photographer for Off-Road Adventures Magazine who rode with me for the two days, couldn’t get over what a great group of people we have here and how much this was like Moab in its early days, before it grew. He was impressed with the camaraderie, the fun and the way we show Pike County how much we appreciate their land. We’ve got something to be proud of – but we also need your help. Each year many of the same folks put in untold hours to make these events happen – but they are getting tired and need a break. Please, we need folks to think, now, about helping for next year’s events. You all have an opportunity with the BLAST coming up. Let Rick Culberson, our coordinator, know that you’d be willing to help next year and he’ll match you up with the folks that are working the BLAST, so you can get some training before next year. Please, if we are to continue these events, we will need new volunteers to come forward. We’re losing some key folks who need a little rest. Without their coordination, we’ll be hard pressed to put on the events next year. Please, if you are willing to help, let Rick know now. Our website, www.trjc.com has hundreds of photos of the Safari, but some of you aren’t online. We can’t put all the photos in the newsletter, but on the next page is a montage of this year’s Safari. Two Rivers Tracker June 2004 Page 9 Two Rivers Tracker June 2004 Page 10 2004 Safari and Blast Sponsors Thanks to the dedication of the Fugett, Priessnitz and the Lozenski families, we had almost 100 sponsors this year and over $10,000 in prizes for each event. Please thank these folks for their hard work. They put in hundreds of hours begging folks to sponsor us. And also, please patronize these sponsors – and thank them for their support of the Safari and the Blast. 4 Plus 4WD Books.com 4 Wheel Drive Hardware 4 Wheel Parts Advance Adapters Advanced Air Systems Aston Enterprise (TN) Ayerco BF Goodrich Beard Seats/Red Art Best Systems Car Wash Best Top Blue Bell Club Brickyard Grill Borgeson Universal Brewer Science Bushwacker Cabela's Catalog California Duster Carl's Cardinal Inn Café Classic Tube Collins Bros. Jeep Corner Pantry CTM Racing CT Jeep Body Parts Crane High Clearance Daystar Products Extreme O utback Products Farm & Home Supply G.D.S. 4x4 Drivetrain Giovanni's Pizza Green Acres Motel Girots Garage Hardee's Harold Motors Harpoles Heartland Lodge Heckethorn Products High Impact Hi-Lift Jack Holley Hopewell Views and Hunting Club and Lodge Husky Liners Ice House Inn Illinois Four Wheel Drive Assn. Two Rivers Tracker Interco Tires-Swampers James Duff JC Whitney KN Replacement filter Klune-V Leatherman M.O.R.E. Map Gear Mastercraft Racing Products Mile marker Motel Pike NAPA Auto Parts Neal Tire - Pittsfield Oasis Off Road Off-Road Motorsports Oitker Ford Painless Performance Performace Gear & Axle Pike County Chamber of Commerce Pine Lakes Resort Pittsfield Tire & Auto Pizza Hut Pheasant Run Resort Predator 4 Wheel Drive Quadratec Red Dome Inn Refreshment Services Pepsi Rockport Off Road Park Rocky Mountain Suspension Save-A-Lot Shell Valley SkyJacker Susp. LA Summit Racing Superlift Suspensions Tera Flex Tiny Bits of Silver TJ Video Tim Miller Tops 4 Less Toumbs Repair Tuffy Security Warn West Coast Differentials Wisconsin Off Road June 2004 Page 11 Bloopie of the Month By Bill How do you scare the hell out of 10 grown men at exactly same time??? Have your Ma roll her Jeep three times at the Superlift off road park . JULY 4TH PARTY AND PARADE July 4, all TRJC members are invited to attend a parade in Mokena, followed by a picnic and car crushing event. Here are the details: Meet at Bill Zoetvelt’s in Mokena, 12 noon The parade will start at 1 PM, we’re the 12th entry Afterwards there will be a picnic followed by car crushing (this has always been an awesome event) Bring your cameras Bring your water guns For more details , directions, and questions : contact Bill at 708-205-0040 or email: scremngepn@aol.com Two Rivers Tracker June 2004 Page 12 2004 Board Members and Responsibilities Board Members President Vice President Secretary/Treasurer O. R. Freesen Lee Ator Graham McNeill Jim Catt Walt Gilbert Bob Lyerla Tim Miller Hamer Tate Gary Williams Tom Wombles Board Member oryellow@hotmail.com madbrit@jeepingoffroad.com jumpercatt@aol.com waltpj@big-river.net rcat9@msn.com jeepnwidow@home.com gwilliam@adams.net twombles@adams.net 217-754-3505 217-437-5221 630-416-6625 815-469-1484 573-324-6464 708-479-6541 217-875-2680 217-833-2861 217-285-4750 217-437-4361 Responsibilities Illini 4x4 Safari & Blast Promotional Items Trail Leadership & Maintenance Public Relations, Newsletter, Web Page Rick Culberson Chad & Fran Suhre rick1@consolidated.net suhresp@myhtn.net 217-562-4145 217-742-9818 Doug Maxheimer drmaxheimer@netzero.net 217-287-7470 Dave Christensen davec@millenicom.com 630-393-3314 TRJC Web Page: Club e-mail: Club phone: http://www.trjc.com/ trjc@trjc.com 630-717-5337 (JEEP) Membership: Annual membership in Two Rivers Jeep Club runs from January 1 through December 31. First time memberships accepted after June 1 will be applied to the following year. Annual Membership dues are to be paid by October 1st each year with a 30 day grace period. Membership fees are $60.00 for members who have participated in two work events (or equivalent) in the past year and $120 for first year new members or those who have not met the work requirement. Landowners are given a complimentary membership. Newsletter Deadlines: This newsletter is published 6 times a year (February, April, June, August, October, and December.) All articles and photos are due by the 15th of the month before the newsletter will be published. Newsletter Article Submission All articles and photos should be submitted to the appropriate columnist listed below. If you’re not sure who to send it to, you can always send it directly to the newsletter coordinator. Photos can be black and white or color with a description of what, where and when. Put your name on the back of the photo when submitting. All photos will be returned to the owner. Scanned photos, in any reasonable graphics format (medium to high-resolution), will also be accepted. (Low resolution photos do not print well.) Scanned photos may be sent directly to davec@millenicom.com Column Bloopie Blurb Classifieds Club Affiliations UFWDA/ILFWDA Club Events Jeep/Member Spotlight Social Coordinator Trip Reporter Columnist e-mail Phone Bill Zoetvelt ScremnGepn@aol.com 708-479-9600 Dave Christensen Tony Prochaska Steve Gambrill Dave Christensen davec@millenicom.com Sparky@aans.org chief351hfpd@email.msn.com davec@millenicom.com 630-393-3314 815-436-0722 217-423-4144 630-393-3314 Next Newsletter Deadline: July 15 Two Rivers Tracker June 2004 Page 13 Two Rivers Jeep Club C/O Graham McNeill 28W117 Countryview Drive Naperville IL 60564
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