december 2014 - Caldwell Chamber of Commerce
december 2014 - Caldwell Chamber of Commerce
RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PRESORT STD US POSTAGE PAID HUDSON, NC PERMIT #314 1909 Hickory Blvd. • Lenoir, NC 28645 • Business News from the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce • DECEMBER 2014 Chairman’s Corner PAGE 3 A Word From The President PAGE 4 2014 NC Public Power Awards PAGE 5 Gift Ideas At The Caldwell Chamber PAGE 11 Shop Local First Campaign PAGE 14 MONTHLY FEATURES Chamber Calendar.............. Page 12 New Members..................... Page 15 Renewal Members.............. Page 15 The Chamber Matters 2 THE CHAMBER MATTERS Published for the membership by the CALDWELL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1909 Hickory Blvd SE • Lenoir, North Carolina 28645 Phone: (828) 726-0616; fax (828) 726-0385 Chairman of the Board Secretary/Treasurer Anything Office, Inc. Retired Business Executive Vice-Chairman of the Board Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Prestwood Associates Community One Bank Michelle Colvard Ralph Prestwood Janet Winkler Dana Watson Legal Counsel Joseph C. Delk III Views expressed in paid advertising are not necessarily endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce Business: Community Engagement: DIVISION VICE PRESIDENTS Ann Smith, First Citizens Bank Heather Justice, Poly Chem Alloy / Tasz Education & Workforce: Ben Willis, CCC&TI Kimmie Rogers, Reliable Insurance Agency Debbie Eller, Communities In Schools Libby Brown, Caldwell County Schools Tourism: Glenda Wilson, Realty Executives of Lenoir Stephenie Oxford, Narrow The Gap Marketing Membership: Kim Williams, Serv-Pro of Alexander & Caldwell Charlie Downs, Hickory Crawdads Public Relations: Carmela Tomlinson, Paragon Design Group Edward Terry, CCC&TI Administrative: Kim Edmisten, Caldwell UNC Healthcare Suzan Anderson, Robin Nicholson, Benett Brittain, Shirley Orrell, David Deal, John Roby, Seth Eckerd, Grey Scheer, Cynthia Hicks, Sandy Russ, Jim Sponenberg, Dr. John Thuss, Tony McCrosky, BOARD MEMBERS American Red Cross Duke Energy MDI Retired Business Executive Moss-Marlow Building Co. Greer Labs Town of Sawmills Blue Ridge Electric Abigail’s Gifts AllState Ins. - The Russ Agency Certus Bank Retired Business Executive Granite Insurance EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS Terese Almquist, Dr. Ken Boham, Al Bunch, Deborah Murray, Dr. Steve Stone CHAMBER STAFF Deborah Ashley Smith, President / CEO Darin Moretz, Membership Specialist Lois Dula, Visitor Center Specialist Libby Killian, Visitor Center Specialist DECEMBER 2014 DECEMBER 2014 3 THE CHAMBER MATTERS From the Chairman’s Corner... Our First Festival of Tables – A Heartwarming Night! T he Chamber sponsored its first Festival of Tables on Nov. 20 on the stage at the Broyhill Civic Center and it was a big success. The event included dinner and a play with a Christmas theme. Sponsors decorated the tables with festive centerpieces reflecting the season’s colors and beautiful Christmas china. The stage was transformed into a beautiful Christmas display. Sponsors were responsible for filling the eight seats at their table either by selling tickets or inviting guests. Cash prizes were awarded to the best decorated tables in three categories. If folks were not in the Christmas spirit when they arrived or if, like me, they were feeling a little like Scrooge, I believe they left with their hearts a little warmer and a little different perspective on the holidays. The night started with a time for everyone to mingle and enjoy hot cider or wine while voting for their favorite table in one of three categories. Then the main event of the night began, which included a three course dinner and a play titled “Every Woman Needs a Good Dose of Christmas,” written by our very talented Chamber President Deborah AshleySmith and performed by the talented Chamber staff and friends. The Culinary Arts department at Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute prepared the dinner, and as usual they served a delicious meal. It consisted of salad, grilled chicken and salmon with rosemary dill sauce paired with a mix of grilled vegetables and the best red velvet cake with cream cheese mint icing I have ever tasted. Between each course we watched the acts of the play, which unfolded the conflict and resolution of the personal life struggles of three different women. Each was feeling the stress of the holidays due to circumstances that had recently taken place in their lives or that had been building up over time. The play would have all three women finding themselves downtown where a talent show was being held. With each act of the talent show the women find themselves recalling fond memories of the holidays and upon returning home they each received the gifts they needed to change their hearts and remind them to be thankful for the blessings in their lives. It was a truly heartwarming play that had everyone thinking about the things that are really important and forgetting about some of the stresses we place upon ourselves. The night ended with the announcement of the winners for table decoration and they were: Best Spirit of the Holidays SERVPRO of Alexander & Caldwell Counties, Kim Williams Most Creative Prestwood Associates, Ralph and Jane Prestwood Best Representation of “Buy Local” Realty Executives, Glenda Wilson Michelle Colvard The Chamber would like to extend a big “THANK YOU” to all the sponsors: • Anything Office • MSpa Massage Therapy • Blue Ridge Electric • Prestwood Associates • Chambermaids • Realty Executives • Communities in Schools • Servpro of Alexander and Caldwell Co. • Anna Killian • Vintage Bella Antiques We look forward to making this an annual event and hope you will have the opportunity to take part in it next year! Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas to all! BUY LOCAL! Your support of local business helps the entire community. Anything Delivering Quality andOffice Service Since 1936 Next Day Pick Up Available for Local Customers - Next Day Delivery to Business Customers 3x2.5 Stop By and Visit Our New Furniture Showroom BR Electric 3x2.5 ® %OXH5LGJH(0&FRPŇ)LQGXVRQ)DFHERRN 4 THE CHAMBER MATTERS DECEMBER 2014 A Word From The President... Wrapping It Up — 2014 D ecember is not just the month that hosts my favorite day of the year – Christmas, the twelfth month of the calendar year also serves as the fiscal year end for many businesses, including the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce. Closing a business year is not just about the finances, although that is important. It also includes reflection on the current year and planning for the upcoming new year. We, like most businesses, begin the “let’s wrap it up” process long before December 31. I like the wrap it up process for several reasons. Most of all, I like putting the annual accomplishments in writing to share with the membership. It makes me feel proud to know we all unite for the common good of our business community. Our 2014 Annual Report will be distributed at the 95th Chamber Annual Dinner on January 22, 2015 at the J. E. Broyhill Civic Center. A copy will also be included in the February edition of The Chamber Matters. I will look forward to sharing and to your feedback. In the midst of closing out the year, your Chamber has been busy with many important projects. We successfully planned and executed the 2014 Made In Caldwell manufacturing exhibit. The month long showcase of items manufactured in Caldwell received phenomenal reviews. More than 500 students and adults – residents and visitors toured the exhibit. All expressed surprise at how many unique items are made here. We launched the 2014 Shop Local campaign with a newly formatted business expo. The event focused on showcasing businesses and items that could be purchased locally this Christmas season. It was a great success from the perspective of both the vendors and the shoppers. In fact, it was such a sucDeborah cess plans to enhance Ashley the 2015 Shop Local – A Christmas Sampler Smith has already begun. Other features of our 2014 Shop Local campaign include, Join the Movement commitments to spend at least $150 locally between November 20th and December 18th (see form on page 13); and Creation and distribution of a four-page brochure with opportunities to enjoy the Christmas celebrations in Caldwell County (see pages 7 through 10); and Placement of one of Santa’s reindeer with brochures and commitment forms at each municipality and the Caldwell County Offices; and Website, social media, and media promotion of the campaign encouraging everyone to shop local. The Chamber Holiday Sweet Shoppe was a great success, thanks to everyone who attended. Many of the student names were selected from the offerings in the Christmas Gift Box Project (see page 16 for details). Names are still available and we encourage you to consider participation in this project. It has been my pleasure to serve you, our Chamber members, partners and supporters. I consider my fifteen years at the Chamber a blessing and I look forward to even greater successes in 2015. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! MISSION STATEMENT To represent our members and serve as a catalyst for the business community in increasing economic prosperity in Caldwell County. The Chamber does collectively for the businesses of Caldwell County, what they cannot do as individuals. I’m a Chamber Believer ANYTHING OFFICE 309 North Main St., SW • Lenoir, N.C. 828-758-0182 When Service Matters Your Business Source Locally Owned and Operated Since 1936 “Always Answering Chamber the Call” Believers • Trach Care - Specially Trained Care Givers • Ventilator Care - Specially Trained Care Givers 1x10 • Personal Care - Bathing, Dressing, Grooming & Meal Prep • Skilled Care - Pre- & Post-Surgical Care 828-- • 1905 International Blvd. • Hudson, NC 828-728-7300 Bass-Smith Granite Funeral Service 106 South Main St. Granite Falls, North Carolina Telephone: (828) 396-1305 • Fax: (828) 396-1444 Wedding INVITATIONS Up to 20% off Retail Prices Michelle Stissel 828.514.0363 DECEMBER 2014 5 THE CHAMBER MATTERS 2014 NC Public Power Awards of Excellence Announced Twenty-three public power communities across the state received 2014 Public Power Awards of Excellence. The awards honor outstanding efforts in key areas such as creating a competitive business environment, legislative involvement on public power issues, customer service programs and community energy efficiency promotion. The Town of Granite Falls received the following five awards: Competitive Business Environment The Competitive Business Environment award recognizes efforts by the town to create a strong business climate, including economic development planning and community/regional partnering, an online economic development presence and focus on key accounts customers. Energy Efficiency The Energy Efficiency award recognizes efforts by the town with energy-efficient building programs, energy education and energy audits. Financial Stability The Financial Stability award recognizes customer options throughout the billing process, including: equal payment programs, alternate payment methods such as online billing and payment, credit card payments and multiple payment locations. This award also recognizes community partnerships to help customers in need and the implementation of new technology within the electric system. Legislative Involvement The Legislative Involvement award recognizes town staff and officials’ involvement in the legislative process on issues pertaining to public power. The award recognizes town officials actively engaging with their legislative delegation, participation in ElectriCities-sponsored events and involvement in the Public Power Grassroots Network. Ser vice Excellence The Service Excellence award recognizes outstanding efforts by the town to communicate with customers through advertisements, online resources, social media or other community-based methods. The award also addresses emergency communications and community public power celebrations. ElectriCities of North Carolina, Inc. (ElectriCities), North Carolina Municipal Power Agency Number 1 (NCMPA1), North Carolina Eastern Municipal Power Agency (NCEMPA) More than 70 North Carolina public power communities, municipally owned and operated electric systems, serve more than 500,000 residential, commercial and industrial customers in North Carolina. ElectriCities’ members in NC, SC and VA serve more than one million customers. Most have been providing reliable electric service for 100 years or more. ElectriCities is the service organization that provides customer service and safety training, emergency and technical assistance, communications, government relations and legal services to public power communities. ElectriCities provides management services to the state’s two municipal Power Agencies: NCMPA1 and NCEMPA. NCMPA1 has 19 member cities in the western part of North Carolina and NCEMPA has 32 member cities in eastern North Carolina. More information about ElectriCities is available at Follow us on Twitter @ElectriCitiesNC and on Facebook at ElectriCities of NC. CHAMBER Raffle Fairfield Chair has donated a beautiful chair and ottoman to be raffled for the benefit of the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce. The chair is on display at the Chamber/Visitor Information Center. Tickets are $1 each or six for $5. The drawing will be held on Friday, December 19 at 10:00a.m. at the Chamber. The public is welcome to attend. Serv Pro 3x2.5 6 THE CHAMBER MATTERS DECEMBER 2014 I’m a Chamber Believer Googlefest Google hosted the first ever North Carolina Googlefest in late October at the J.E. Broyhill Civic Center in Lenoir. The free 2-day event trained educators, nonprofits, emergency services, senior citizens and small business owners on using Google applications. Hundreds attended Googlefest and had access to Google experts as well as the latest Google technology. Speakers at the event included County Commissioner Clay Bollinger, NC Rep. Edgar Starnes, CCC&TI President Dr. Ken Boham, Caldwell County Schools Superintendent Dr. Steve Stone and N.C. Senator Dan Soucek. Chamber Ask to Come Home. Believers Ask for 1x10 Caldwell Hospice. Lenoir Location - 902 Kirkwood St. Hudson Location - 526 Pine Mountain Road 754-0101 757-5100 • Lenoir CCC&TI and the Foundation of CCC&TI hosted a tree-planting ceremony November 4 on the campus in Hudson. As part of the institution’s ongoing celebration of its 50th anniversary, the co-chairs of this year’s Foundation Annual Fund Drive gathered for the dedication of a lacebark elm planted in their honor. The 2014 Annual Fund Drive co-chairmen are: founding CCC&TI President Dr. Ed Beam, former Board of Trustees Chairman Brent Kincaid, former Board of Trustees Chairman Dr. Don Lackey, current Board of Trustees Chairman Larry Taylor and former Board of Trustees Chairman Hugh Wilson. Present for The tree-planting ceremony were, from left to right, Hugh Wilson, Dr. Ed Beam, Foundation Chairwoman Peg Broyhill, Larry Taylor and Brent Kincaid. 407 Mulberry St., Lenoir 757-5525 There’s No Place Like Home! CALDWELL COUNTY ... Where the High Country Begins JOIN the 2014 Shop Local Movement Make the commitment to become part of the movement to support Caldwell County during the 2014 Christmas Holiday Season and YOU may be the lucky winner of $250 Sign a commitment form agreeing to spend at least $150 locally between November 20 and December 18, 2014 (no proof needed), and you will be automatically entered in the $250 drawing. Prize drawing to be held at 10:00a.m. on Friday, December 19 at the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce. A commitment form can be found at or contact the Chamber at 726-0616 or email SHOP LOCAL FIRST More about our area, things to do and places you must see at or follow us on Facebook at Explore Lenoir & Caldwell County. Holiday Celebrations in the Foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains We would like to invite everyone to spend some of the holiday season with us. With three revitalized and historic downtowns in Lenoir, Granite Falls and Hudson and the convenient Hwy. 321 Corridor there is something to share with everyone. Proud to be the home of painters and sculptors, woodworkers and craftsmen from every niche of life, Caldwell County offers unparalleled gifts accompanied by great food, spirits, friends and the slower pace and love of life that makes communities in western North Carolina so unique. November 20th - Thursday 4 pm-6 pm - Downtown Lenoir LIGHT UP LENOIR 25 trees will be decorated by local students and organizations to light up the downtown Lenoir streets. A visit with Santa along with holiday cookies, hot chocolate and caroling will be offered. For info, contact Michelle at 828-2343230 or e-mail November 20th - Through December - 6 pm through 10 pm -Downtown Lenoir MOTION LIGHT SHOW Experience the dancing motion lights set to your favorite holiday tunes. Located on the stage area in Uptown Lenoir on the Square. November 20th - Thursday, 6:30 pm - J.E. Broyhill Civic Center A CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL OF TABLES AND DINNER THEATER The evening includes a competition of beautifully decorated table settings; a dinner prepared by the JEBCC Catering Group; and, Every Woman Needs a Good Dose of Christmas! Ticketed. Caldwell 726-0616 or visit for more information. November 21st - Friday, 10 am to 2 pm, Caldwell Senior Center CALDWELL SENIOR CENTER CRAFT BAZAAR & BAKE SALE November 22nd- Saturday 8 pm - J.E. Broyhill Civic Center IMPOSSIBILITIES: AN EVENING OF MAGIC, MIND READING AND MAYHEM! It’s a unique experience the whole family will enjoy! For ticket information, contact the Civic Center Box Office at 828-726-2407 or visit November 22nd - Saturday 10 am-4 pm - Lenoir LENOIR DOWNTOWN CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL November 22nd - Saturday 7:30 pm Lenoir High School Auditorium FABULOUS FAMILY FILM Free Birds For info, call 828-757-2187 November 23rd- Wednesday 6:30 pm - Hudson First Baptist HUDSON THANKSGIVING SERVICE All are welcome to participate in the community services for Hudson. Light refreshments and fellowship follow. For info, 828-728-3935. November 24th - Monday 6:15 pm - Downtown Granite Falls FESTIVAL ON THE SQUARE - ANNUAL TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY The festival features bands and choruses from Granite Elementary, Granite Middle and South Caldwell High schools and a community chorus to ring in the Christmas season. Local merchants, churches and civic organizations will serve free coffee, hot chocolate and other treats. Santa Claus will make a special appearance. For info, call 828-396-3131 or November 26th - Wednesday 4 pm –Chapel of Rest NC CHAPEL OF REST THANKSGIVING EVE SERVICE This is a traditional candlelight Thanksgiving Eve service with professional live music! For info, call Liza Plaster at 828-758-0906. Free. 29th - Saturday 10 am - Bolick and Traditions’ Pottery ANNUAL THANKSGIVING KILN OPENING Watch pottery as it’s unloaded into a wood kiln. Pottery items will include face jugs, Santa pottery, candlesticks and Christmas red pottery. Food will be served. For info, call 828-295-6128 or email Free. December 2nd - Tuesday 6 pm - Hudson LIGHT UP HUDSON - A SMALL TOWN CHRISTMAS/TREE LIGHTING December 2nd - Tuesday, 6 pm - Sawmills ANNUAL CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING CEREMONY 4292 Helena Street (at the corner field on Sawmills Schools Rd) December 4th - Thursday, 7:30 pm—J.E. Broyhill Civic Center FOOTHILLS PERFORMING ARTS PRESENTS “BEAUTIFUL STAR: AN APPALACHIAN NATIVITY” Light up Caldwell County! Over 80 trees are decorated by local school children and merchants. These trees line the streets of Caldwell County from November 20th through the New Year! Learn more — much, much more at Even more holiday events in Caldwell County... December 5th - Friday– through December, Caldwell Arts Council SATIE’S HOLIDAY SALE A houseful of hand-crafted, painted gifts for the holiday needs! For info, call 828-754-2486 or December 5th - Friday 6 pm - 8 pm - Lenoir LENOIR DOWNTOWN CHRISTMAS PARADE Come check out the floats, cheer your favorite high school band, see the Winston Salem State Band perform and dance in the streets. For info, call 828-757-4490 December 6th - opening - Old Lenoir High School Gym ALPINE CHRISTMAS VILLAGE This miniature holiday town covered in lights, music and snow is sponsored by College Avenue Baptist Church. Reservations are required. For times for each day please go to December 6th- Saturday 10 am - Sawmills SAWMILLS CHRISTMAS PARADE For info, call 828-396-7903 December 6th- Saturday 12 pm - Granite Falls GRANITE FALLS ROTARY ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARADE For info, call 828-396-3131 December 6th - Saturday 2 pm - Hudson HUDSON CHRISTMAS PARADE For info, call 828-728-8272 December 6th - Saturday 7 pm - The Irish Rose Bed & Breakfast A TASTE OF CHRISTMAS For info, call Caldwell Arts Council 828-754-2486. December 7th - Saturday 7:30 pm - JE Broyhill Civic Center FOOTHILLS PERFORMING ARTS PRESENTS A BEAUTIFUL STAR - AN APPALACHIAN CHRISTMAS For info, call 828-726-2407 or December 7 - Sunday 5 pm - Church of Latter Day Saints 7:00pm—Hudson First Baptist Church PERFORMANCE OF HANDEL’S MESSIAH SHOP LOCAL FIRST! December 12 & 13- Friday and Saturday 6:30 pm Hudson Uptown Building 5TH ANNUAL HOME FOR CHRISTMAS CONCERT December 13th - Saturday 3 pm - James C. Harper School HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS Music crawl begins at 3 pm and concludes at 9 pm. Reservations are required. For info, December 16th - Monday 7 pm - Lenoir High Auditorium FABULOUS FAMILY FUN “Frozen” December 24th - Wednesday 4 pm - Chapel of Rest CHAPEL OF REST CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICE Enjoy the Christmas season at the beautiful Chapel of Rest with professional live music. For info, call 828-758-0906. Additional event information can be found at click on events. A-1 Custom Crafts, Inc. A-1 Termite & Pest Control Abigail’s Gifts Action Allstate Ins. - The Russ Agency American Red Cross American Trade & Loan Ann Stover Bail Bonds Anything Office Anytime Fitness Appalachian Center at Caldwell Appalachian Tire & Auto AT&T Atkins Atwood Security Systems Automated Solutions, LLC Autoworld of Lenoir, LLC Avery Dennison Babb’s Jewelry & Design Baber Turnaround Consulting, LLC Baker Realty Bank of America Barringer Moving & Storage, LLC Bass-Smith Granite Funeral Service Bayada Home Healthcare BB & T BB & T Insurance Services of Morganton BCW Properties Belk #319 Bemis BeoCare, Inc. Bernhardt Furniture Co. Bernhardt Furniture Outlet Betsey’s Ole Country Store & Trout Pond Better Alternatives Blue Moose Coffee Lodge Blue Ridge Community Action, Inc. Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corp. Bob Keen’s Auto Body Repair, Inc. Bold & Beautiful, Inc. Bonnie Mist Car Wash, Inc. Bo’s Bodacious Family Entertainment Brown Mountain Beach Resort Broyhill Furniture Industries Broyhill Investments Bumgarner Camping Center, Inc. Bush & Associates Cajah’s Mountain, Town of Caldwell Animal Hospital Caldwell Arts Council Caldwell Community College & Tech Caldwell Council On Adolescent Health Caldwell County Caldwell County Agriculture Fair Caldwell County Council for Women Caldwell County Economic Development Caldwell County Farmers Market Caldwell County Fraternal Order of Police Caldwell County Habitat for Humanity Caldwell County Home Builders Assoc. Caldwell County Library Caldwell County Pathways Caldwell County Schools Caldwell County Yokefellow Caldwell Heritage Museum Caldwell Hospice & Palliative Care Caldwell Humane Society, Inc. Caldwell Memorial Hospital Foundation Caldwell Opportunities, Inc. Caldwell UNC Health Care Cannon Paint Co. Canteen Vending Corp. Carey’s Auto Shop, Inc. Carolina Base-Pac Carolina Dental Care Center Carolina Distillery Carolina Farm Credit Carolina Orthopedic Specialists Carolina West Wireless Cars Plus Catawba Valley Association of Realtors Catawba Valley Community Foundation Catawba Valley Guardian ad Litem Association CBSA Architects, Inc. Cedar Rock Golf & Country Club Cedar Rock Home Furnishings Central Baptist Church CentriLogic, Inc. CertusBank The 2014 Shop Local Campaign presented by - CALDWELL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE MEMBERS AND CALDWELL COUNTY TOURISM Champion Cleaning Services, LLC Charter Communications Cheeks Grill & Convenient Childforms Clark Tire & Auto - Lenoir Clark Tire & Auto-Granite Falls Classic Fun Carts Clay Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. ClayCo Construction Comfort Inn of Lenoir Communities in Schools Community One Bank ComServ, Inc. Cornerstone Columbarium Cox, John W.,DDS Dentistry Custom Enterprises Of Lenoir D. D. Suddreth Furniture Company Designing Touch Di’lishi Frozen Yogurt Diversified Landscaping, Inc. Domino’s Pizza Dos Amigos Duke Energy Edward Jones Investments - Harper Ave. Edward Jones Investments-Main St. ElectriCities of NC, Inc. Empire Buffet Enloe Insurance Agency Envoy Mortgage Evans Funeral Service & Crematory Exela Pharma Sciences Fairfield Chair Co. Family Resource Center Family Ties Mattress & More Fatz Café First Citizens Bank First Place Ford, Lincoln, Mercury First Presbyterian Church Fithco, Inc. Foothills Bio-Energies Foothills Environmental Foothills Framing Foothills Monument Company Foothills Outdoorsman Association Foothills Pharmacy Foothills Radio Group - News/Talk WJRI 1340 Foothills Regional Airport Authority Foothills Shrine Club Foothills Temporary Employment Forbes Printing Fort Defiance Fowler’s Auto Service Frye Sign Company Full Moon Café & Grille Gamewell, Town of GDS - Republic Services of NC Goodwill Industries of NWNC Google Gotham LLC Grace Ridge Retirement Community Granite Drug Center Granite Falls, Town of Granite Insurance Agency, Inc. Graystone Ophthalmology Assoc. Greater Hickory Classic at Rock Barn Green Mountain Park Resort Greer Laboratories, Inc. Groome, Tuttle, Pike & Blair Guardian Health Services Guns Too Hamby Brothers Concrete, Inc. Hamby Builders, LLC Hayes Chemical Co. Helping Hands Clinic Hibriten Building Supply Company Hickory Crawdads Baseball Hickory Saw & Tool Hickory, City of Hillwinds Inn HomeCare Management Corp. Horizon Dermatology & Aesthetics Horizon Surgical Specialists PA/Horizon Foot & Ankle Howard Brewing Company Hudson, Town of Huffman Finishing Co. Huntley & Sigmon CPA Industrial Brokerage Services Industrial Glass Products, Inc. JAG Publishing James C. Harper School of Performing Arts. Java Joe’s/The Wine Cellar & Bistro JE & Satie Broyhill Senior Center JE Broyhill Civic Center Johnson’s Cable Splicing, LLC Just Save Karen Iverson Therapeutic Massage Kelley’s Sports & Awards Kincaid Furniture Co. Kincaid Insurance Agency Koinonia Retirement Comm. KRG Utility, Inc. Krispy Kreme of Lenoir L. W. Taylor & Development & Construction Lady Bugz Boutique Lake Hickory Veterinary Hosp. Landis Insurance Group Lee, R. E. Accounting Lenoir Building Supply Lenoir Downtown Farmers Market, Inc. Lenoir Golf Club, Inc. Lenoir Healthcare Center Lenoir Military & Government Surplus Lenoir Park Assisted Living Retirement Comm. Lenoir Printing, Inc. Lenoir Service League Lenoir Veterinary Hospital PA Lenoir, City of LifeStore Insurance Lisa Lowman Cosmetics Consultant Lowe’s Companies Luna Cycles Mackie Funeral Home Mackie Furniture Co. Martin Marietta Aggregates Marx Industries, Inc. Master Porta-Jon Service, Inc. McDonald’s Medical Arts Pharmacy Menlo Logistics Merchant Distributors, Inc. Merrill Lynch Moss-Marlow Building Co. Mountain Recycling Myra’s Catering Narrow The Gap Marketing NC Division of Vocational Rehab Nelson Oil Co. NEPTCO News-Topic NICKGREENE.COM, Inc. Norman Enterprises Pace @ Home Papa John’s Pizza Paragon Design Group, Inc. Parsons Carpet Cleaning Patriot Insurance Agency Patterson School Foundation Pencare Specialty Interiors Pendry’s Funeral Home Pennell & Son’s, Inc. Pet Partners Network, Inc. Philmark Office, LLC Piedmont Natural Gas Piper Ridge Subdivision PNC Bank PolyChem Alloy, Inc. Premier Marketing Prestwood Associates, Inc. ProConnect, LLC Quest4Life Wellness Center Realty Executives Realty World/Bollinger & Associates Red Carpet Inn Reliable Insurance Agency, Inc. ResCare HomeCare Richard’s Welding & Repair, Inc. Ricoh USA Ridgeway Inn Robin’s Nest Children’s Advocacy Center Ron’s Heat, AC & Appliance Repair Rose Glen Senior Independent Living RPM Wood Finishings Group, Inc. S & S Accounting Services, LLC Sagebrush Sanders Communication Services Sarah McLean, Independent Designer-Origami Owl Custom Jewelry Sattler Corp Sawmills Farmers Market Association Sawmills, Town of Sealed Air Corporation Servpro Alexander & Caldwell Counties Shelter Home of Caldwell County Sherwin-Williams Paint Co. Shields of Lenoir Six Waterpots Vineyard & Winery Smith, Stevens & Ford, PA Sonic Drive-in Southern Body & Cab Repair, Inc. Southern Comforts Spivey Construction Inc. of Lenoir St. James Episcopal Church Stallings Printing Company Starnes Heating & Air, Inc. Starsteps Dance Center State Farm Insurance - Adam Sterken Steve Strange Insurance Sun Trust Bank-Lenoir Superior Maintenance Sustainable Foothills Suzanne’s Flowers & Patty’s Cakes SW Associates Inc Tarheel Home Furnishings, Inc. Tasz, Inc. Terry’s Apparel The Car Company The Car Lot of Lenoir, LLC The Coves at Round Mountain The Education Foundation The Falls Pediatrics The Floyd Group The Gold Mine Fine Jewelry The Irish Rose Bed & Breakfast The Local Bean Coffee Shop The Marlin Company, Inc. The Property Shop The Real Estate Book The Salvation Army The Village Inns of Blowing Rock Tri-County Marine & Sports Center Tri-County Wireless, Inc. T-Shirt Specialty Twisted Vine Winery United Way of Caldwell County Valley Rental Centers, Inc. Vanderbloemen & White, PA Verdante Bio Energy Village of Cedar Rock Vintage Bella Antiques Vision Design Build Remodel Voya Financial/Richard Hedrick Vulcan Materials Co. W. E. Shaw Furniture Wal-Mart Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Advisors Wen-Bray Heating & Cooling Western Carolina Electrical Supply Western Piedmont Council of Government Wilkie Construction Co. Woodcrest Apartments Woodlands Village YMCA Camp Harrison Individual Member: SAGE DECEMBER 2014 11 THE CHAMBER MATTERS Great Christmas Gift Items Available at the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce I’m a Chamber Believer Call 828-726-0616 for more information. T-Shirts celebrating Madison Bumgarner, our hometown hero are available for purchase and/or order at the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce. SEAFOOD RESTAURANT Family Value Meals • Banquet Facilities 4345 Hickory Blvd., Granite Falls, NC 396-8453 Cars Plus 902 Wilkesboro Blvd. Lenoir, NC 757-9999 757-9999 Chamber Truck Center Believers 758-9929 The cost is $25 plus tax. 1x10 Also CONSIDER CHAMBER CHECKS Boutique Ribbon Cutting The Caldwell Chamber of Commerce was on-hand with the big scissors to officially cut the ribbon to celebrate the opening of Second Bloom Boutique. This retail business located at 101 Willow Street, Lenoir, will offer gently used women’s and junior’s clothing and accessories provided by the community with some unique furniture and home décor pieces. One-hundred percent of the proceeds from Second Bloom Boutique will go to support the programs and operation of the Shelter Home of Caldwell County. The Second Bloom Boutique will also house a Community Outreach Office providing off-site information on services and assistance for victims provided by the Shelter Home of Caldwell County. Since 2000 the Caldwell County Chamber has promoted member businesses through the Chamber Checks program. Chamber Checks are similar to a gift certificate but can be used for goods or services at any Chamber member business. Every check recipient receives a list of Chamber members and information about the redemption process. Annually, the Chamber prepares and distributes thousands of dollars in Chamber Checks. Checks redeemed at local Chamber member businesses. Member businesses enhance the likelihood of receiving Chamber Checks by placing signs encouraging their use. Chamber Checks require no special handling and are deposited in the same manner as any other check. Questions regarding purchasing or redeeming Chamber Checks should be directed to Darin Moretz at 828.726.0616 or BUY LOCAL! Your support of local business helps the entire community. To Advertise Call 758-7381 CLAY INSURANCE & FINANCIAL SERVICES Auto * Home * Life * Business Stephen Clay 521 Harper Ave., S.W. - Lenoir, N. C. 28645 (828) 758-5551 To Advertise Call 758-7381 D.D. Suddreth Furniture Co., Inc. “In Beautiful Downtown Whitnel” 1257 Norwood St. SW, Whitnel 754-6121 Since 1945 & Caldwell ServingServing LenoirLenoir & Caldwell CountyCounty Bob Suddreth, President 12 THE CHAMBER MATTERS DECEMBER 2014 DECEMBER CHAMBER EVENTS 04 10 19 Chamber Member to Member Holiday Invitations Caldwell Women’s Forum, Breakfast Sponsored by CIS, Chamber, 8am December 1, Christmas Open House at Realty Executives, 5 until 7:30pm Chamber Board Luncheon, Chamber, NOON Visit for a current update of Chamber events. Events are often scheduled after the publication deadline of The Chamber Matters. Shop Local Drawing/Fairfield Chair Raffle Drawing, Chamber, 10am 25/26 2014 I’m a Chamber Believer Scott W Murphy, D.M.D., P.A. Andrew Lyons, D.D.S. General Dentist “Total Family Dental Care” Complete, Professional Dental Services For Adults & Children Se Habla Español NEW PATIENTS ALWAYS WELCOME! Care Credit® 433-1223 341 E. Parker Rd. Morganton, NC Chamber Offices Closed Chamber Believers 1x10 Tell Someone — THE CHAMBER MATTERS! Darin Moretz Joins Chamber Staff The Chamber is pleased to introduce Darin Moretz as a new member of the staff. Darin’s official title is membership specialist; however, his duties include working with social media and website management. As with all Chamber staff members, you will see him working most Chamber events. Darin is a retiree of Bank of America Merrill Lynch. Throughout his career with the bank he served as Vice President, primarily within the Global Treasury Services organization. As an International Implementation Manager he managed commercial and large corporate clients across the Southeastern United States, implementing international cash management/treasury products, including the formation of multi-currency global account structures in Europe, the Middle East, Asia, Canada, and Australia. From April until September 2014, Darin served as Interim Executive Director of the Caldwell Arts Council. Darin is the owner of MSpa Massage Therapy and enjoys his work as a Licensed Massage & Bodywork Therapist - NC License #13383. 515 Wilkesboro Blvd., Lenoir, NC 28645 828-754-1524 SAVE THE DATE! January 22, 2015 OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Tuesday @ 7pm Bring your VEHICLES to SELL or come out to buy a “New to you” Vehicle “No charge unless you buy or sell” 3432 Morganton Blvd, Lenoir NC 28645 CALL FOR INFO: 828-437-7676 95TH Caldwell Chamber Annual Dinner Including the presentation of the 2015 L.A. Dysart Awards sponsored by Duke Energy. Keynote speaker for the event will be Scott Hamilton, Executive Director, Appalachian Regional Commission, Washington, DC. Details forthcoming. 366 Morganton Lenoir Airport Ave. Morganton, NC 28655 (828) 757-0099 DECEMBER 2014 13 THE CHAMBER MATTERS Wishing Your Business a Pinteresting Holiday Season By KELSEY SMITH Public Relations, Fairfield Chair Company For consumers and businesspersons alike, there is much to get excited about during the holiday season. The smell of mistletoe candles, the first hint of snow, the sound of “Jingle Bells” blasting through the radio, and the glitter of Christmas ornaments everywhere you turn, is enough to make anyone jolly. This holiday season, when consumers need inspiration, whether it is for home decorating ideas, stocking stuffers, or unique gift ideas, many will turn to Pinterest. Why not let Pinterest help them turn to you in the process? Pinterest 101: How It Works • Pin It – An image or video is added to Pinterest directly from websites or apps that support the Pin it Button. • Organize It – Pinterest users organize pins into boards. • Discover It – Much like other social media sites, content is kept in a feed, which is constantly updated with content pinned by other users. Pinterest for Business: Tips and Tricks Managing Your Content: • Pin at least once a day to remain visible to your followers. • Use only high quality images. • Make sure each pin links back to a helpful source. • Include descriptions to offer extra information or inspiration. • Put others first by including boards such as DIY projects, recipes, etc. • Encourage engagement by repining others’ content, as well as creating community boards for your followers to pin to. Managing Your Website: Again, use only high quality images. • Add the Pinterest Pin It button to your website. • Feature your “most pinned” items. • Use Rich Pins that automatically attach information to pins made from your website. There’s no better time than the holidays for your business to inspire others, and you can do that for free on Pinterest. For more in-depth information visit: I’m a Chamber Believer Your Sewer & Water Restoration Company! 828-757-0006 Chamber Believers 1x10 )XZ4&r)JDLPSZ/$r #MPXJOH3PDL#MWEr-FOPJS/$r ZHOFRPHV 5DQGDO3%DVW0' %RDUG&HUWLILHG*HQHUDO6XUJHRQ 'LDO\VLV$FFHVV6SHFLDOLVW CMH 3x5 WR)RRWKLOOV'LDO\VLV$FFHVV Dr. Bast is a general surgeon who specializes in helping patients who require hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis by providing and maintaining their dialysis access. Mexican Grill Best Mexican Food In Town Dr. Bast earned his medical degree from University of North Carolina School of Medicine and completed his residencies at UNC Hospitals and University of Kansas School of Medicine. He is board certified by American College of Surgeons. (828) 726-6855 1146 Hickory Blvd. SW Lenoir, NC 28645 Nancy Greer Licensed Sales and Service Representative Rick Hamby Agnecy, Inc. Nationwide Insurance Dr. Bast enjoys time with his family, cycling, and growing orchids. He looks forward to caring for you and your family. Foothills Dialysis Access )RRWKLOOV'LDO\VLV$FFHVV 1031 Morgantown Blvd., SW, Suite C 0RUJDQWRQ%OYG6:6XLWH& Lenoir, NC 28645 /HQRLU1& Phone: 828-757-8240 &DOGZHOO&DOGZHOO3K\VLFLDQV )RRWKLOOV'LDO\VLV$FFHVVDUHGLYLVLRQV RI&DOGZHOO0HPRULDO+RVSLWDO MI CARRETA 1308 Hickory Blvd SW Lenoir, NC 28545 Tel 828-728-0003 Fax 828-728-0000 Tel 877-262-0247 Payments & Customer Service Shop Local Expo Larry Norman’s NORMAN ENTERPRISES AUTO CARE CENTER SERVICING ALL MAKES & MODELS SPECIALIZING IN TOYOTAS 510 Wilkesboro Blvd. Lenoir, NC 828-758-2373 14 THE CHAMBER MATTERS DECEMBER 2014 I’m a Chamber Believer Pendry's Funeral Home & Creamatory 522 Wilkesboro Blvd. Lenoir, NC 28645 828-754-3441 2014 Shop Local First Campaign The Caldwell Chamber recently launched the 2014 Shop Local First Campaign. This annual campaign is designed to raise awareness about how shopping at home provides economic benefits for Caldwell County and it’s residents. Please consider making the commitment to shop local first. The process is easy – simply sign and return the commitment form below agreeing to spend at least $150 in Caldwell County between November 20 and December 19. You could win $250. JOIN THE MOVEMENT TO SUPPORT LOCAL CALDWELL COUNTY BUSINESSES Make the $150 Commitment THINK ABOUT IT – WHAT LOCAL BUSINESS WOULD YOU MISS IF IT DISAPPEARED TODAY? Most of our local businesses have suffered greatly from the economic woes of this community and the country. We all enjoy the convenience of a local business and we sometimes take their continued existence for granted. Their longevity is dependent on each of us and YOU can make a difference for Caldwell County this Christmas season. WHAT ABOUT AN INCENTIVE? Sign the commitment below and return to the Caldwell Chamber or any participating PARTNER and you will be entered into a $250 drawing. I WANT TO MAKE THE $150 COMMITMENT! I agree to spend at least $150 in local businesses (retail, restaurant, etc) between November 20 and December 19 (no need to keep receipts). ___________________________________________________________________ Signature Realty Lenoir RealtyExecutives Executive Lenoir 203 Hospital Ave. NW Lenoir NC 28645 Chamber 828-754-8905 office Believers 1x10 follow us on facebook BOLLINGER & ASSOCIATES Office: 828-572-1235 Full Service Real Estate and Construction Firm Like us on Facebook: 512 Mulberry St. SW Lenoir Salon Savvy Providing P idi Traditional T di i l& Unique hair styles for brides and bridal parties on their special day. Valerie Corley - owner & stylist, Amy Adams - stylist, Callie Messer - stylist, Melony Pritchard - stylist. 565-B Harper Avenue Lenoir, NC 28645 • 828-754-0010 ___________________________________________________________________ Phone and email To Advertise Call Commitment forms can be mailed or hand-delivered to the Caldwell Chamber at 1909 Hickory Blvd., Lenoir or emailed to 758-7381 DECEMBER 2014 15 THE CHAMBER MATTERS MEMBER RENEWALS Town of Granite Falls Jerry Church PO Drawer 10 Granite Falls, NC 28630 Joined: 10/1/1980 CertusBank - Lenoir Jon Blair PO Box 1058 Lenoir, NC 28645 Joined: 10/18/2001 Vision Design Build Remodel Cody Byrd 3425 Amick Rd. Lenoir, NC 28645 Joined: 10/23/2013 Caldwell Opportunities, Inc. Abigail Marcum 1617 College Avenue SW Lenoir, NC 28645 Joined: 9/25/1997 Full Moon Café & Grille Julie Zoller 701 Norwood St. SW Lenoir, NC 28645 Joined: 11/16/2013 First Place Ford, Lincoln, Mercury Tommy Calhoun 515 Wilkesboro Blvd. Lenoir, NC 28645 Joined: 10/1/2010 Starnes Heating & Air, Inc. April Starnes PO Box 505 Granite Falls, NC 28630 Joined: 10/10/2006 BeoCare, Inc. Jim Verberg 1905 International Boulevard Hudson, NC 28638 Joined: 10/1/2010 Lenoir Golf Club, Inc. 701 Norwood St. Lenoir, NC 28645 Joined: 10/13/2011 Di’lishi Frozen Yogurt Fran Paradine 825B Blowing Rock Blvd. Lenoir, NC 28645 Joined: 10/8/2012 The Coves at Round Mountain Dan Shattuck 2002 Johns Ridge Parkway Lenoir, NC 28645 Joined: 10/29/2007 Bass-Smith Granite Funeral Service Greg Annas PO Box 1063 Granite Falls, NC 28630 Joined: 10/25/2006 Automated Solutions, LLC Jim Campbell 4101 US Hwy. 321-A Sawmills, NC 28630 Joined: 10/11/2012 Sagebrush Kelly Miesenheimer 954 Blowing Rock Blvd NE Lenoir, NC 28645 Joined: 8/5/1997 Tri-County Marine & Sports Center, Inc. Betsy Steele 1203 Premier Rd. Granite Falls, NC 28630 Joined: 10/16/2013 Enloe Insurance Agency Randy Enloe 2306 Hickory Blvd. Lenoir, NC 28645 Joined: 10/19/2006 Fire & Water Cleanup & Restoration 828-396-1070 Independently Owned and Operated WARDROBE SALE SUIT + SHIRT + TIE SET + SHOES + SOCKS ALL FOR $149.99 SUIT CITY VALLEY HILLS MALL (Near Sears) HICKORY, NC 28602 (PH. 828-261-0061) & Chamber Believers CALDWELL EARLY HEAD START 1x10 NOW ENROLLING CHILDREN BIRTH TO THREE YEARS OLD AND WOMEN WHO ARE PREGNANT Free Services Offered for Birth to Three Years Old Include: • Child Care • Home Visiting • Group Socilization: Playgroups Contact Information Address: Caldwell Early Head Start 609 Harper Avenue Lenoir, NC 28645 Phone Number: (828) 757-8632 The Irish Rose Bed & Breakfast 1344 Harper Avenue, N.W. Lenoir, N. C. 28645 For reservations: Tel: 828-758-2323 e-mail: The Car Company Gary Sherrill 1674 Connelly Springs Road Lenoir, NC 28645 828.726.8444 1258 SW Hickory Blvd. Lenoir, NC (Hwy. 321 S.) 728-7171 The Car Company offers 42 years of automotive experience; whatever your automotive needs, they are here to help. Pet Partners Network, a non-profit 501c(3) organization in Caldwell County, NC established in September 2008. Their mission is to find forever, loving homes for unwanted, of Alexander & Caldwell Counties Come for a weekend or a week of rest and relaxation. NEW MEMBERS Pet Partners Network, Inc. Judy Cary, President PO Box 2746 Lenoir, NC 28645 828.394.7490 I’m a Chamber Believer Apartments IaaVUdWef abandoned and homeless animals in our area. Pet Partners Network, Inc.’s long-term goal is to build a Life-Saving Shelter that will serve Caldwell County. Individuals: Dr. Timothy Hart 226 Wilson Street, NW $3$570(176 Lenoir, NC 28645 :LOVRQ6WUHHW1: % /HQRLU1& 3) ZRRGFUHVW#FPFQFFRP 16 THE CHAMBER MATTERS DECEMBER 2014 OCAL? L G N I P SHOP TWICE ARE YEOCUK YOUR LIST CH s 2014 Christmas Gift Box Project For more than 15 years the Chamber staff has sponsored an OpenHeart Christmas project to benefit worthy Caldwell County organizations. Because of your generosity our projects have always been successful. As we approach this Christmas Season our hearts are drawn to the many families who will find it difficult to provide for many of our Caldwell County students. Often, a student’s economic and social health is indicative of their educational success. These students need extra support and we have decided to make these future members of our Caldwell County workforce a priority during this Christmas Season. Please consider taking part in The 2014 CHRISTMAS GIFT BOX PROJECT. We are coordinating our efforts with our education partners to identify students who could use your help to make their 2014 Christmas special. Each student name and personal wish/need list is available at the Caldwell Chamber. Each company or individual who takes a student name will be recognized with a personalized gift box ornament on the Chamber Christmas tree in the Visitor Information Center. In lieu of inter-office gift giving you might consider selecting one or more student names so that each employee can participate. And for those on your gift list who seem to have everything, consider sponsoring a student in their honor (the Chamber will provide an appropriate acknowledgment and gift card). For more information about the CHRISTMAS GIFT BOX PROJECT you may contact the Chamber at 828.726.0616. CALL FOR L.A. DYSART AWARD NOMINATIONS Nominations are needed for the 2015 L.A. DYSART AWARDS. One male and one female will be recognized for their outstanding citizenship. The L.A. Dysart Awards are sponsored by Duke Energy and will be presented at the Chamber Annual Dinner in January 22, 2015 at the J.E. Broyhill Civic Center. Criteria for the awards are focused solely on outstanding citizenship which can be evidenced in diverse ways but most often includes service to the community through volunteerism. Because the selection committee will depend on the nomination form to become familiar with the many outstanding qualifications of a nominee, it is important to include the following: A general statement about why the nominee should be considered. A history of their activities or service that represent outstanding citizenship. Success stories or personal accounts of how the nominees’ citizenship has helped their community. Endorsements from others are accepted but are not required. The nomination process is easy. Contact the Chamber at 828.726.0616 for more information. ga groceripesplies schoolhsruistmas gift Mom'sorCappointment doct manicure e furnitrur ca books ce insuracnut hair upplies s businestsires ice creeasm sons music rliption presc clubs golf One Of Lenoir’s Most Trusted Funeral Homes Since our founding in 1938, Pendry’s Lenoir Funeral Home has been committed to doing things right — following the highest standards. For example, we own and operate our own crematory so you can rest assured your loved one is always in our care. After all, we believe in helping the Lenoir community with compassion and respect at the time it’s needed most. Pendrys 3x5 Call us to learn more and to receive a FREE Personal Planning Guide. Exclusive provider of Dignity Memorial® benefits. Pendry’s Lenoir Funeral Home 522 Wilkesboro Blvd Se | Lenoir, NC 28645 | 828-754-3441
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