NT Lenoir News-Topic template 2-7
NT Lenoir News-Topic template 2-7
RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED 1909 Hickory Blvd. • Lenoir, NC 28645 caldwellcochamber.org PRESORT STD US POSTAGE PAID HUDSON, NC PERMIT #314 • Business News from the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce • explorecaldwell.com AUGUST 2015 Chairman’s Corner PAGE 3 Award Nominations Needed PAGE 3 A Word From The President PAGE 4 What Is A N.C. Certified Retirement Community? PAGE 9 Youth Leadership Academy PAGE 12 MONTHLY FEATURES Chamber Calendar.................. Page 8 Community Events................. Page 8 New Members........................Page 11 Renewal Members.................Page 11 The Chamber Matters 2 THE CHAMBER MATTERS Published for the membership by the CALDWELL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 1909 Hickory Blvd SE • Lenoir, North Carolina 28645 Phone: (828) 726-0616; fax (828) 726-0385 www.caldwellcochamber.org Chairman of the Board Secretary/Treasurer Anything Office, Inc. Business Executive Retiree Past-Board Chair Assistant Secretary/Treasurer Prestwood Associates Community One Bank Michelle Colvard Ralph Prestwood Board Chair Elect Jim Sponenberg Janet Winkler Dana Watson Legal Counsel Joseph C. Delk III BOARD OF DIRECTORS Suzan Anderson Benett Brittain David Burney Cody Byrd David Deal Cynthia Hicks Glen Lowman Jessica Mitchum David Rivers Sandy Russ Grey Scheer Jonathan Sterling Dr. John Thuss American Red Cross Merchant Distributors, Inc. Business At Large Vision Design Build Remodel Moss-Marlow Building Co. Abigail’s Gifts Clark Tire & Auto Vintage Bella Antiques Sattler Corp. AllState Ins. - The Russ Agency Blue Ridge Electric Exela Pharma Sciences Retired Business Executive DIVISION VICE PRESIDENTS Administration: Business: Community Engagement: Career Readiness: Membership: Public Relations: Toursim: Kim Edmisten, Caldwell UNC Healthcare Shirley Orrell, Retired HR Vice President Heather Justice, PolyChem/Tasz Ann Smith, First Citizens Bank Seth Eckard, Town of Sawmills Ben Willis, CCC&TI Kimmie Rogers, Reliable Insurance Debbie Eller, Communities In School Libby Brown, Caldwell County Schools Rick Shew, NC Works Charlie Downs, Hickory Crawdads Kim Williams, ServPro Alexander & Caldwell Edward Terry, CCC&TI Carmela Tomlinson, Paragon Design Group Glenda Wilson, Realty Executives Stephenie Oxford, Narrow the Gap Marketing EX-OFFICIO BOARD MEMBERS Terese Almquist - News-Topic, Dr. Ken Boham - CCC&TI Deborah Murray - Economic Development Dr. Steve Stone - Caldwell County Schools CHAMBER STAFF Deborah Ashley Smith, President / CEO Darin Moretz, Membership Specialist Lois Dula, Visitor Center Specialist Libby Killian, Visitor Center Specialist Views expressed in paid advertising are not necessarily endorsed by the Chamber of Commerce Legal Counsel Joseph C. Delk III AUGUST 2015 AUGUST 2015 3 THE CHAMBER MATTERS From the Chairman’s Corner... Caldwell – A home for all ages W ith the exciting announcement that Lenoir has received designation from the North Carolina Department of Commerce as a NC Certified Retirement Community, I am sure many will be wondering exactly what this means or doesn’t mean. IT MEANS Lenoir will now get increased focus and attention from retirees looking for the perfect place to spend their golden years. North Carolina’s natural diversity and gracious hospitality has already made it a soughtafter retirement destination. This certification and partnership with Retire NC and Visit NC, divisions of the NC Department of Commerce’s tourism department, will now feature Lenoir as a city that meets all the criteria retirees are seeking. Visit www.retirenc.com to learn more. IT DOESN’T MEAN Lenoir is promoting itself solely as a retirement community. This exciting announcement just adds another strong building block to one area of our community foundation. We need all age groups living, working and participating in the community for ultimate balance and strength. But certainly this certification is a positive one for Lenoir and all of Caldwell and we should be proud that we meet all the criteria to earn it. We want to welcome retirees as this generation enriches our community in many ways. They add to our economic stability by investing their retirement dollars in our real estate, shopping in our local businesses and adding to our tax base and to our community by attending our churches, volunteering at our non-profit organizations and bringing experience from their diverse backgrounds to our boards and leadership organizations. We have celebrated so much positive growth in our community over the past few years as a result of the extensive and tireless efforts of community leaders and organizations to increase the attractiveness of our community to all ages. Whether it’s investing in our infrastructure, adding to our recreational facilities and parks, improving the quality of our schools and education, or recruiting new business and industry, these leaders continually seek solutions to challenges new and old. It is paying off as more and more businesses choose to locate here and families choose to make it their home. One of the things we talk about a lot at the Chamber is how to effectively communiMichelle cate to the public the Colvard good things that are happening and how hard people are working to improve the quality of life for our residents. We want everyone to know and be able to feel optimistic about our future. I am fortunate to get to hear about a lot of these things and am amazed by how much people care about others and our community. If you are reading this Chamber Matters newsletter please share it with your coworkers or others so they might be encouraged by its content and find something positive that is happening in their community. Thumbs up to the City of Lenoir leadership and all those involved for being proactive in seeking this certification that will add greatly to our economic and community development strategy. Congratulations! Caldwell – It’s your home. Be proud of it and share the positive things that are happening. I’m a Chamber Believer ANYTHING OFFICE 309 North Main St., SW • Lenoir, N.C. 828-758-0182 When Service Matters Your Business Source Locally Owned and Operated Since 1936 www.anythingofficeinc.com Bass-Smith Granite Funeral Service Chamber Believers 1061x10 South Main St. Granite Falls, North Carolina Telephone: (828) 396-1305 • Fax: (828) 396-1444 “Always Answering the Call” • Trach Care - Specially Trained Care Givers • Ventilator Care - Specially Trained Care Givers • Personal Care - Bathing, Dressing, Grooming & Meal Prep • Skilled Care - Pre- & Post-Surgical Care 828-- • www.bayada.com CALL FOR AWARD NOMINATIONS During the Celebrating Excellence in Business luncheon in October the Caldwell Chamber will recognize and honor recipients of the 2015 Small Business of the Year and the Blue Ridge Electric Service Excellence Award. We need your help identifying the outstanding nominees to be considered for these awards. The Small Business of the Year recipient must be a Caldwell Chamber member in good standing and have fewer than 100 employees. Nominees will be evaluated on their staying power, their ability to sustain through adversity, growth, and the extent to which the company gives back to the community. Self-nominations are encouraged. The Blue Ridge Service Excellence recognizes outstanding company customer service policies and standards, as well as their service performance record. To request a nomination form email visitor@caldwellcochamber.org or call 726-0616. 1905 International Blvd. • Hudson, NC 828-728-7300 www.beocare.net www.blueridgeemc.com 4 THE CHAMBER MATTERS AUGUST 2015 A Word From The President... Why Move to Caldwell County? M ore often than I would like to admit, I have been faced with responding to the question “Why would someone move to Caldwell County?” Some in our own community find our amenities insignificant. As much as I love where I live, I recognize everyone has the right to their own opinion. We all see the issue from a different perspective. I have learned to respond with more compassion and to use the “why” as an opportunity to share positive information. I truly love to talk about the good news happening in our community. I recently had a refreshingly positive conversation with visitors to Lenoir. During the set-up of our July 10th NC Blackberry Festival Pre-Heat Party, I greeted a handcrafted teak furniture vendor from Alabama. The 55-plus aged married couple from Alabama came to Lenoir early because they were carrying an extensive collection of heavy pieces that would require extra time to unload. We were expecting their early arrival and I walked over to provide guidance in locating their booth assignment. What I was not expecting was their immediate reaction to our town. Their first comment - “Wow, this is exactly the way we want our town back home to look”. I have to admit, their enthusiastic reaction caught me a little off-guard. They complimented the street-scape, the architecture of the buildings, the veterans’ memorial, and the list went on and on. They stood for a long time to just embrace their surroundings. It reminded me of my own response to beautiful places I have visited when traveling in other states. The vendor encounter paired with the recent announcement that Lenoir had received the Retire NC Certification inspired me to stop and really take a fresh look at our community. I realize I need to see with the eyes of a newcomer. Not just those things that make us really great, but also the challenges we need to address as opportunities. Although I could go on and on with my observations, I have recorded below my list of the first five impressions that come to mind when analyzing Caldwell County. 4. I see many gaps in retail. We need more home-grown restaurants, clothing stores, Deborah shoe stores, etc. Ashley These retail establishments will need our Smith customer support in order to remain financially viable and we will need them to specialize in true southern hospitality and customer service. 1. I love the unique layout of each of our downtowns and in particular, the center square in Downtown Lenoir. Kaye Reynolds refers to this area as the “golden T”. It contains four corner quadrants that have been carefully planned and executed. I admire the street-front railroad tracks along the main commerce area in Hudson, and the mid-town park area in Granite Falls. I see these as places where residents and visitors gather as a family during car shows, festivals, holidays, parades, etc. 5. Highway 321 often shares the role of the best and worst of Caldwell County. The frustration of too many driveway cuts, and slow drivers in the left lane can sometimes seem the most challenging part of my day. However, our Highway 321 thoroughfare also serves as our main source of ingress and egress. It daily provides our businesses new customer opportunities from visitors to the north and south. 2. Our rural community hospital has made amazing strides in assuring the availability of first-class healthcare. 3. We are moving toward a more walkable community. Although there is much work needed to be truly connected and walkable, I think it amazing we have more than 20 designated walking trails/parks/greenways in Caldwell County. What impressions would you add to your list? Why do you choose to live in Caldwell County? As we strive to make our community the best it can be I would like to hear what you think. If you have opinions - positive or negative, please email me at deborah@caldwellcochamber.org. How did I respond to the couple from Alabama? I asked them to share their positive opinion with everyone they met. Sometimes it takes an outsiders perspective to make us stop and be thankful. I’m a Chamber Believer Ask to Come Home. Ask for Caldwell Hospice. Lenoir Location - 902 Kirkwood St. Hudson Location - 526 Pine Mountain Road 754-0101 www.caldwellhospice.org 757-5100 • Lenoir www.caldwellmemorial.org Chamber Believers 1x10 407 Mulberry St., Lenoir 757-5525 CCC&TI Announces Funding for Unemployed and Underemployed Caldwell Community College and Technical Institute recently announced that grant funding has been awarded to the college to help cover the cost of training for people who are unemployed or underemployed and who are looking to make a career change. The funds, provided by the Jobs Driven National Emergency Grant will cover cost of training for those who are out of work or underemployed and who are unlikely to return to their previous line of work. The program is available in both Caldwell and Watauga counties. Funding assistance is available for Truck Driver Training, Electrical Lineman, Industrial Maintenance Technician, Welding, Upholstery, Industrial Sewing, Class B CDL, Nurse Aide I, Healthcare Technician and Pharmacy Technician. Priority of benefits will be given to recently separated veterans. According to Continuing Education and Workforce Development staff, the funds will help people in our community who are looking for a fresh start. “This is a new funding opportunity for those who are unemployed or underemployed who want to further their skills and find a new career path,” said Brandy Dunlap, Job Services Director at the NCWorks Career Planning and Placement Center. “If individuals are interested in taking advantage of this opportunity, please call today.” Registration and enrollment is ongoing for courses in each of the program areas that qualify for assistance. For a current schedule of courses, prospective students can visit www.cccti.edu/coned or call the NCWorks Career Planning and Placement Center in Lenoir at 828-759-4680 or call NCWorks Career Center of Watauga County at 828-265-5385. To Advertise Call 758-7381 AUGUST 2015 5 THE CHAMBER MATTERS AMBASSADOR AMBUSH REPORT The Caldwell Chamber Ambassadors recently “ambushed” two unsuspecting Chamber member businesses. The purpose, to thank them for their ongoing support of the Chamber’s program of work and to learn and share information about each other. I’m a Chamber Believer Cars Plus 902 Wilkesboro Blvd. Lenoir, NC 757-9999 757-9999 Truck Center 758-9929 CALDWELL OPPORTUNITIES, INC. 1617 College Avenue • Lenoir, NC 28645 828-757-5680 JAMES C. HARPER SCHOOL OF PERFORMING ARTS 1113 College Avenue, Suite B • Lenoir, NC 28645 828-754-2297 Caldwell Opportunities, Inc. is a non-profit agency designed to provide developmental and vocational services to adults with disabilities who live in the Caldwell County, North Carolina area. The program was established to provide a continuum of services for adults with disabilities, once they aged out of public school. The mission: to promote employment and independence of persons with disabilities through customer/business/community partnerships and leadership. Caldwell Opportunities, Inc. is funded by the NC Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, a contract with Smoky Mountain Center (Local Management Entity), community donations, grants and workshop revenues. Drawing on the rich musical heritage of Caldwell County and the surrounding area, the James C. Harper School of Performing Arts, a non-profit, provides high quality musical and performing arts instruction that fosters the creative instincts of its students. Through individual and group classes, rehearsals, recitals, concerts and workshops, the school offers a nurturing environment for students of all ages, abilities, backgrounds and financial circumstances. The Harper School offers year round private lessons and group classes for children and adults of all ages. Music lessons include voice, all musical instruments and dance. Member of the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce since 1996. Member of the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce since 2003. www.carspluslenoir.com CLAY/ANDERS INSURANCE & Chamber FINANCIAL SERVICES, Believers INC. Auto * Home * Life * Business 1x10 Stephen Clay clays1@nationwide.com 521 Harper Ave., S.W. - Lenoir, N. C. 28645 (828) 758-5551 D.D. Suddreth Furniture Co., Inc. “In Beautiful Downtown Whitnel” 1257 Norwood St. SW, Whitnel 754-6121 Since 1945 & Caldwell ServingServing LenoirLenoir & Caldwell CountyCounty Bob Suddreth, President The Chamber Ambassadors meet regularly to enhance the Chamber’s interaction with the membership. For information about being part of the Chamber Ambassador team, contact Kim Williams at 396-1070. Do I really need a Google+ account? By STEPHENIE OXFORD Narrow The Gap Marketing I know, I’ve heard all the Google+ jokes too, that only Google employees use Google+ and maybe your drunk uncle who created it accidentally. But, the truth is Google+ is a valuable marketing tool for your business. Why? Well, first… it’s Google. We all work very hard to be sure that our website and our other online presences have a strong search engine optimization. Which means simply, we all work hard to have our businesses show up in Google searches. Having a Google+ page for your business gives you another opportunity, besides your website and other social media pages, to appear when someone is searching for a similar business by entering your industry or location into a search engine, similar to an internet phone book listing. And, Google+ is very similar to the other social media marketing platforms you already use, enabling you to post updates about your business and share photos and videos to help inform your followers about you. And, if you decide to use any of your marketing budget on Google ads, the data they have collected from their users having multiple Google services such as Blogger and YouTube, to name two, can pinpoint your advertising to where you can truly reach the most people who are interested in your product or service and in your area. Scott W Murphy, D.M.D., P.A. Andrew Lyons, D.D.S. General Dentist “Total Family Dental Care” Complete, Professional Dental Services For Adults & Children Se Habla Español NEW PATIENTS ALWAYS WELCOME! Care Credit® 433-1223 341 E. Parker Rd. Morganton, NC www.morgantondmd.com To Advertise Call 758-7381 6 THE CHAMBER MATTERS AUGUST 2015 Support Your Caldwell Chamber Members A-1 Custom Crafts, Inc. A-1 Termite & Pest Control Abigail’s Gifts Action Sign.com Allstate Ins. - The Russ Agency American Red Cross American Trade & Loan Ann Stover Bail Bonds Anything Office Anytime Fitness Appalachian Center at Caldwell Appalachian Tire & Auto AT&T Atkins Attitudes Hair & Nails August One, LLC Automated Solutions, LLC Autoworld of Lenoir, LLC Avery Dennison Baker Realty Barringer Moving & Storage, LLC Bass-Smith Granite Funeral Service Bayada Home Healthcare BB & T BB & T Insurance Services of Morganton BCW Properties Ron Beane Belk #319 Bemis BeoCare, Inc. Bernhardt Furniture Co. Bernhardt Furniture Outlet Better Alternatives Blue Moose Coffee Lodge Blue Ridge Community Action, Inc. Blue Ridge Electric Membership Corp. Bob Keen’s Auto Body Repair, Inc. Bold & Beautiful, Inc. Bonnie Mist Car Wash, Inc. Bo’s Bodacious Family Entertainment Brookdale Lenoir Brown Mountain Beach Resort Bud Brown Broyhill Furniture Industries Broyhill Investments Bumgarner Camping Center, Inc. Bush & Associates Betty Buss Cajah’s Mountain, Town of Caldwell Animal Hospital Caldwell Arts Council Caldwell Community College & Tech Caldwell Council On Adolescent Health Caldwell County Caldwell County Agriculture Fair Caldwell County Council for Women Caldwell County Economic Development Caldwell County Farmers Market Caldwell County Fraternal Order of Police Caldwell County Habitat for Humanity Caldwell County Home Builders Assoc. Caldwell County Library Caldwell County Pathways Caldwell County Schools Caldwell County Yokefellow Caldwell Heritage Museum Caldwell Hospice & Palliative Care Caldwell Humane Society, Inc. Caldwell Master Gardeners Caldwell Memorial Hospital Foundation Caldwell Opportunities, Inc. Caldwell UNC Health Care Cannon Paint Co. Canteen Vending Corp. Carey’s Auto Shop, Inc. Carolina Base-Pac Carolina Dental Care Center Carolina Distillery Carolina Farm Credit Carolina Orthopedic Specialists Carolina West Wireless Cars Plus Catawba Valley Association of Realtors Catawba Valley Community Foundation Catawba Valley Guardian ad Litem Association CBSA Architects, Inc. Cedar Rock Golf & Country Club Cedar Rock Home Furnishings Central Baptist Church CentriLogic, Inc. CertusBank - Granite Falls Charter Communications Cheeks Grill & Convenient Childforms Clark Tire & Auto - Lenoir Clark Tire & Auto-Granite Falls Dr. Dana Clark Clay Insurance & Financial Services, Inc. ClayCo Construction Comfort Inn of Lenoir Communities in Schools Community One - Granite Falls Community One - Hudson Community One - Lenoir Community One - Whitnel Community One - Wilkesboro Blvd Office ComServ, Inc. Cornerstone Columbarium John W. Cox, DDS Dentistry Cruises Inc. Custom Enterprises Of Lenoir D. D. Suddreth Furniture Company Delk, III, Joseph C, Law Offices Designing Touch Di’lishi Frozen Yogurt Diversified Landscaping, Inc. Domino’s Pizza Dos Amigos Duke Energy Edward Jones Investments - Harper Ave. Edward Jones Investments - Main St. ElectriCities of NC, Inc. Empire Buffet Enloe Insurance Agency Evans Funeral Service & Crematory Exela Pharma Sciences Fairfield Chair Co. Family Resource Center Fatz Café First Citizens Bank, GF First Citizens Bank, Hudson First Citizens Bank, Lenoir First Place Ford, Lincoln, Mercury First Presbyterian Church Fithco, Inc. Foothills Bio-Energies Foothills Environmental Foothills Framing Foothills Monument Company Foothills Outdoorsman Association Foothills Pharmacy Foothills Radio Group - KICKS 103.3FM/Classic Hits WKGX 104.5FM/1080AM Foothills Regional Airport Authority Foothills Shrine Club Foothills Temporary Employment Forbes Printing Fort Defiance Fowler’s Auto Service Frye Sign Company Gamewell, Town of GDS - Republic Services of NC Mayor Joe L. Gibbons Goodwill Industries of NWNC Google Gotham LLC Granite Drug Center Granite Falls, Town of Granite Insurance Agency, Inc. Graystone Ophthalmology Assoc. Greater Hickory Classic at Rock Barn Green Mountain Park Resort Greer Laboratories, Inc. Dr. Dale Griffith, DDS Groome, Tuttle, Pike & Blair Guardian Health Services Guns Too Hamby Brothers Concrete, Inc. Hamby Builders, LLC Hayes Chemical Co. Helping Hands Clinic Hibriten Building Supply Company Hickory Crawdads Baseball Hickory Saw & Tool Hickory, City of Hillwinds Inn HomeCare Management Corp. Horizon Dermatology & Aesthetics Horizon Surgical Specialists PA/Horizon Foot & Ankle Howard Brewing Company Hudson, Town of Huffman Finishing Co. Huntley & Sigmon CPA Industrial Brokerage Services Industrial Glass Products, Inc. Interstate Battery of Western North Carolina JAG Publishing James C. Harper School of Performing Arts. JE & Satie Broyhill Senior Center JE Broyhill Civic Center Johnson’s Cable Splicing, LLC Just Save Karen Iverson Therapeutic Massage Kelley’s Sports & Awards Kincaid Furniture Co. Kincaid Insurance Agency King Ford Lincoln of Lenoir Koinonia Retirement Comm. KRG Utility, Inc. Krispy Kreme of Lenoir L. W. Taylor & Development & Construction Delivering Quality andOffice Service Since 1936 Anything Next Day Pick Up Available for Local Customers 3x2.5 - Next Day Delivery to Business Customers Stop By and Visit Our New Furniture Showroom AUGUST 2015 7 THE CHAMBER MATTERS Business Members Continued... Lady Bugz Boutique Lake Hickory Veterinary Hosp. Landis Insurance Group Lee, R. E. Accounting Lenoir Building Supply Lenoir Golf Club, Inc. Lenoir Healthcare Center Lenoir Military & Government Surplus Lenoir Printing, Inc. Lenoir Service League Lenoir Veterinary Hospital PA Lenoir, City of LifeStore Insurance Lisa Lowman Cosmetics Consultant Lowe’s Companies Luna Cycles Mackie Funeral Home Mackie Furniture Co. Manifold, Dr. David Marcie’s Kountry Kitchen Martin Marietta Aggregates Delma Jean Martin Marx Industries, Inc. Master Porta-Jon Service, Inc. Mat-Nuwood, LLC McDonald’s McDonald’s - Granite Falls Betsy McRee Meadows, Congressman Mark Medical Arts Pharmacy Menlo Logistics Merchant Distributors, Inc. Merrill Lynch Dick Mitchell Moss-Marlow Building Co. Mountain Recycling - Connelly Springs Mountain Recycling - Hickory Mulligan’s Tavern Myra’s Catering Seth Nagy Narrow The Gap Marketing NC Division of Vocational Rehab / DHHS Nelson Oil Co. NEPTCO Inc. News-Topic NICKGREENE.COM, inc Norman Enterprises Orchard Hills Golf Course, LLC Shirley Orrell Pace @ Home Paragon Design Group, Inc. Parsons Carpet Cleaning Patterson School Foundation Pencare Specialty Interiors Pendry’s Funeral Home Pennell & Son’s, Inc. Merlin Perry Pet Partners Network, Inc. Philmark Office, LLC Piedmont Natural Gas Piper Ridge Subdivision PNC Bank PolyChem Alloy, Inc. Premier Marketing Prestwood Associates, Inc. ProConnect, LLC Quest4Life Wellness Center Realty Executives Realty World/Bollinger & Associates Red Carpet Inn Red Skye Wireless, dba AT&T Reliable Insurance Agency, Inc. ResCare HomeCare Rhodhiss, Town of Richard’s Welding & Repair, Inc. Ricoh USA Ridgeway Inn Robin’s Nest Children’s Advocacy Center Ron’s Heat, AC & Appliance Repair Rose Glen Senior Independent Living RPM Wood Finishings Group, Inc. S & S Accounting Services, LLC Sagebrush Sanders Communication Services Sanders Electric Motor Service Inc. Sarah McLean, Independent Designer-Origami Owl Custom Jewelry Sattler Corp Sawmills Farmers Market Association Sawmills, Town of Sealed Air Corporation Servpro Alexander & Caldwell Counties Shelter Home of Caldwell County Sherwin-Williams Paint Co. Shields of Lenoir Six Waterpots Vineyard & Winery Smith, Stevens & Ford, PA Sonic Drive-in Sonny Hines Southern Body & Cab Repair, Inc. Southern Comforts Spivey Construction Inc. of Lenoir Jim Sponenberg William Sproul St. James Episcopal Church Stallings Printing Company Starnes Heating & Air, Inc. Alden Starnes Starsteps Dance Center State Farm Insurance - Adam Sterken Steve Strange Insurance Dr. Marjorie Strawn Sun Trust Bank-Lenoir Superior Maintenance Sustainable Foothills Suzanne’s Flowers & Patty’s Cakes SW Associates Inc Tarheel Home Furnishings, Inc. Tasz, Inc. Telecom Analysts Terry’s Apparel The Car Company The Car Lot of Lenoir, LLC The Coves at Round Mountain The Education Foundation The Falls Pediatrics The Floyd Group The Gold Mine Fine Jewelry The Irish Rose Bed & Breakfast The Marlin Company, Inc. The Property Shop - Bill Wall The Property Shop - Brenda Blankenship The Property Shop - Cathy Punch Clark The Property Shop - Danny Anderson The Property Shop - Denise Howard The Property Shop - Diane Prather The Property Shop - Kenneth Ferguson The Property Shop - Lee Pennell The Property Shop - Rena Ann Veit The Property Shop - Sharon Schmidt The Property Shop - Summer Ritchie The Real Estate Book The Salvation Army The Village Inns of Blowing Rock Thermal Valley, Inc. Dr. John Thuss Dr. Timothy Hart Tri-County Marine & Sports Center, Inc. Tri-County Wireless, Inc. T-Shirt Specialty Twisted Vine Winery United Way of Caldwell County Valley Rental Centers, Inc. Vanderbloemen & White, PA Village of Cedar Rock Vintage Bella Antiques Vision Design Build Remodel Voya Financial/Richard Hedrick Vulcan Materials Co. W. E. Shaw Furniture Walker Real Estate Services Wal-Mart WalMart - Granite Falls Walmart Neighborhood Market #7296 Barbara Weiller Don Weiller Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Advisors Wen-Bray Heating & Cooling Western Carolina Electrical Supply Western Piedmont Council of Government Wild Pilgrim Farmstead Wilkie Construction Co. Ben Willis Janet Winkler Woodcrest Apartments Woodlands Village YMCA Camp Harrison ServPro Blue Ridge 3x2.5 3x2.5 ® %OXH5LGJH(0&FRPŇ)LQGXVRQ)DFHERRN 8 THE CHAMBER MATTERS AUGUST 2015 AUGUST CHAMBER COMMUNITY EVENTS CALENDAR EVENTS 2015 Visit www.ExploreCaldwell.com for more info 5 Chamber Board Retreat, 9am – 1pm, The Coves 6 Chamber Member Orientation, 8:30am, Chamber 6 Ambassador Ambush, 10am, Meet at the Chamber 10 City/County Meeting, 11:45am, CCC&TI 11 Belk - Chamber Member Appreication Day, 10am-9pm 12 A series of ribbon cuttings in Granite Falls, details forthcoming 13 Chamber Executive Meeting, 8am, Chamber 19 Chamber Blackberry Festival Volunteer Luncheon, NOON, Chamber 26 Chamber Board Meeting, 11am, Chamber 27 Caldwell Women’s Forum, 8am, Bud’s Diner 27 Chamber Ambassador Meeting, NOON, Chamber CHAMBER APPRECIATION DAY SPONSORED Our Lenoir Belk will be sponsoring Chamber Appreciation Day once again on August 11th. This is an all day event for all Chamber of Commerce members to enjoy a 20% savings through out the store and 15% in Home and Shoes. Contact the Caldwell Chamber to obtain a discount coupon. The Caldwell Chamber provides a community calendar at www.explorecaldwell.com. This online calendar is open to the public for both posting and viewing events. To learn more about the following events and to see others simply go to the site and click on the events tab. AUG 01 Art Exhibit: Pigments of Your Imagination Through the 29th Art-in-Healing Gallery, Caldwell Memorial Hospital Advanced Crochet class at the Caldwell Arts Council 10:00am to 11:30am Caldwell Arts Council Lenoir Downtown Cruisers’ Monthly Cruise-In 4:00pm to 9:00pm Downtown Lenoir AUG Ride 6:00pm to 8:00pm Luna Cycles, 110 Church St. Lenoir, NC 28645 AUG 08 AUG 10 Heritage Day 11:00am to 4:00pm Wilson Creek Visitor Center Mellow Monday Group Road Ride 6:00pm to 7:30pm Luna Cycles, 110 Church St., Lenoir, NC 28645 AUG 11 03 04 Tuesday Night World Championships Group Road Ride 6:00pm to 8:00pm Luna Cycles 110 Church St. Lenoir, NC 28645 Sawmills Farmer’s Market 4:00pm to 6:30pm Farmers’ Market lot across from Sawmills Fire Department Tuesday Night World Championships Group Road Ride 6:00pm to 8:00pm Luna Cycles 110 Church St. Lenoir, NC 28645 PUBLIC Auto and Equipment Auction 7:00pm Corner of Hwy 18 and Playmore Beach Rd, half way between Morganton & Lenoir on Hwy 18. ( 3432 Morganton Blvd., Lenoir, NC 28645 ) I’m a Chamber Believer Singer Songwriters Series at Tucker’s Barn 7:00pm to 9:00pm Lenoir, NC Sawmills Farmer’s Market 4:00pm to 6:30pm Farmers’ Market lot across from Sawmills Fire Department Mellow Monday Group Road Ride 6:00pm to 7:30pm Luna Cycles, 110 Church St., Lenoir, NC 28645 AUG 06 Thirsty Thursday Group Road AUG PUBLIC Auto and Equipment Auction 7:00pm Corner of Hwy 18 and Playmore Beach Rd, half way between Morganton & Lenoir on Hwy 18. (3432 Morganton Blvd., Lenoir, NC 28645 ) AUG Chamber Believers 1x10 366 Morganton Lenoir Airport Ave. Morganton, NC 28655 (828) 757-0099 fbo@foothillsairport.com OF LENOIR 515 Wilkesboro Blvd. Lenoir, NC 28645 828-754-1524 13 Thirsty Thursday Group Road Ride Aug 13 2015, 6:00pm to 8:00pm Luna Cycles, 110 Church St. Lenoir, NC 28645 EVENTS continued on page 10 Your Sewer & Water Restoration Company! 828-757-0006 www.krgutility.com AUGUST 2015 9 THE CHAMBER MATTERS What Is A N.C. Certified Retirement Communty? North Carolina has always been recognized for its natural diversity and gracious hospitality, which now has made it into an extremely popular retirement destination. Choices abound for a healthy, happy retirement setting, whether you want to relax on the beach or enjoy the great outdoors in our mountains or stay busy in a bustling city. The Certified Retirement Community is designed to identify and promote NC’s small cities. This designation means a city has completed a comprehensive evaluation process with requirements outlined by the North Carolina General Assembly. These Certified Retirement Communities are recognized for providing the amenities; services and opportunities retirees need to enjoy active and productive lives. The N.C. Certified Retirement Community Program (S.B. 1627) designates communities that offer quality living in order to attract retirees. Each community must be located within 30 miles of a hospital and/or emergency medical services and take steps to gain support of churches, clubs, businesses, media and other entities whose participation will increase the program’s success in attracting retirees. I’m a Chamber Believer )XZ4&r)JDLPSZ/$r #MPXJOH3PDL#MWEr-FOPJS/$r This program is managed by the public-private organization that leads the state’s visitor promotion efforts. Communities must also establish a retiree attraction committee to develop a system that encourages existing and prospective retirees to consider N.C., and submit a long-term plan outlining how the community will maintain its desirability as a retirement destination. This designation has a five-year life, after which communities will need to consider re-certification. Kaye Reynolds was charged with leading the effort to seek the City of Lenoir’s certification as a Retire NC community. Her leadership paired with the support of more than 25 endorsing agencies, led to a successful bid for the designation. The selection will bring opportunities for marketing and promotion and ongoing planning support. To learn more about the process and application requirements, visit www.retirenc.com/certified-communities. MI CARRETA Chamber Mexican Grill Best Mexican Food In Town Believers (828)1x10 726-6855 1146 Hickory Blvd. SW Lenoir, NC 28645 Pendry's Funeral Home & Creamatory 522 Wilkesboro Blvd. Lenoir, NC 28645 828-754-3441 AUGUST 19 BUSINESS AFTER HOURS Realty Lenoir RealtyExecutives Executive Lenoir Wednesday, August 19 203 Hospital Ave. NW Lenoir NC 28645 828-754-8905 office www.RealtyExecutivesLenoir.com www.RealtyExecutivesLenoir.com 4:00 to 6:00pm Caldwell Chamber of Commerce Sponsored by: Caldwell County Master Gardners Enjoy good food and great company while learning and sharing business information Call the Chamber at 726-0616 for more information. follow us on facebook July Business After Hours Recap Chamber members enjoy a great Business After Hours sponsored by the Caldwell Home Builders Association. Caldwell County Home Builders Association, a non-profit membership organization, works to empower builders and give them a seat at the table when decisions are made that will affect the home-building industry. of Alexander & Caldwell Counties Fire & Water Cleanup & Restoration 828-396-1070 Independently Owned and Operated 10 THE CHAMBER MATTERS AUGUST 2015 Visit www.ExploreCaldwell.com for more info EVENTS continued from page 8 PUBLIC Auto and Equipment Auction AUG 13 7:00pm AUG 25 Lenoir Amateur Radio Club Meeting PUBLIC Auto and Equipment Auction Corner of Hwy 18 and Playmore Beach Aug 13 2015, 7:00pm to 9:00pm Gamewell Fire Department AUG 15 Rodeo Season 2015 7:00pm Tough Enough Rodeo Arena - 3205 Oran Yount Lane, Granite Falls, NC 28630 AUG 17 Mellow Monday Group Road Ride 6:00pm to 7:30pm Luna Cycles, 110 Church St., Lenoir, NC 28645 AUG Sawmills Farmer’s Market 4:00pm to 6:30pm Farmers’ Market lot across from Sawmills Fire Department 18 Tuesday Night World Championships Group Road Ride 6:00pm to 8:00pm Luna Cycles 110 Church St. Lenoir, NC 28645 20 7:00pm Corner of Hwy 18 and Playmore Beach Rd, half way between Morganton & Lenoir on Hwy 18. ( 3432 Morganton Blvd., Lenoir, NC 28645 ) 24 Caldwell Women’s Forum 8:00am to 9:00am Bud’s Diner (129 Wilkesboro Blvd NE, Lenoir, NC 28645) Rd, half way between Morganton & Lenoir on Hwy 18. (3432 Morganton Blvd., Lenoir, NC 28645 ) AUG Thirsty Thursday Group Road Ride 6:00pm to 8:00pm Luna Cycles, 110 Church St. Lenoir, NC 28645 AUG Mellow Monday Group Road Ride 6:00pm to 7:30pm Luna Cycles, 110 Church St., Lenoir, NC 28645 AUG Sawmills Farmer’s Market 4:00pm to 6:30pm Farmers’ Market lot across from Sawmills Fire Department 25 Tuesday Night World Championships Group Road Ride 6:00pm to 8:00pm Luna Cycles 110 Church St. Lenoir, NC 28645 AUG 27 Thirsty Thursday Group Road Ride 6:00pm to 8:00pm Luna Cycles, 110 Church St. Lenoir, NC 28645 AUG SDS FUNdraiser 9:00am to 3:00pm 4591 Faith Ln. Hudson, NC 28638 AUG 29 31 Mellow Monday Group Road Ride 6:00pm to 7:30pm Luna Cycles, 110 Church St., Lenoir, NC 28645 SAVE THE DATE! I’m a Chamber Believer 1258 SW Hickory Blvd. Lenoir, NC (Hwy. 321 S.) 728-7171 Chamber Believers 1x10 The Irish Rose Bed & Breakfast 1344 Harper Avenue, N.W. Lenoir, N. C. 28645 Come for a weekend or a week of rest and relaxation. For reservations: Tel: 828-758-2323 e-mail: noakesrose@aol.com Apartments IaaVUdWef 226 Wilson Street, NW $3$570(176 Lenoir, NC 28645 :LOVRQ6WUHHW1: % /HQRLU1& woodcrest@cmc-nc.com 3) ZRRGFUHVW#FPFQFFRP September 16 Business After Hours and opening of the Made In Caldwell Exhibit at the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce September 16 thru October 15 Made In Caldwell Exhibit at the Caldwell Chamber of Commerce October Celebrating Excellence In Business Award Luncheon (Details forthcoming) November 19 SHOP LOCAL – A Christmas Sampler Business Expo J.E. Broyhill Civic Center November 19 Kick-off – Shop Local Campaign, J.E. Broyhill Civic Center November 24 Chamber Holiday Sweet Shoppe, Caldwell Chamber; kick-off of Christmas Gift Box Project December 18 Shop Local Campaign Drawing To Advertise Call 758-7381 AUGUST 2015 11 THE CHAMBER MATTERS MEMBER RENEWALS Realty Executives Glenda Wilson 203 Hospital Ave NW Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 2/20/1997 The Village Inns of Blowing Rock Jessica Smith PO Box 1809 Blowing Rock, NC 28605 Member Since: 1/25/2005 Martin Marietta Aggregates Robert Church 413 South Chimney Rock Road Greensboro, NC 27409 Member Since: 7/13/2012 Vintage Bella Antiques Jessica Mitchum 1224 Connelly Springs Rd. Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 7/17/2013 Lenoir Printing, Inc. Robert Booth, Jr. PO Box 739 Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 11/1/1987 Foothills Framing Ann Miller 647 Pennton Ave SW Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 7/1/1985 Village of Cedar Rock Bill Johnson PO Box 1166 Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 7/23/1999 Goodwill Industries of NWNC Jaymie Moore PO Box 4299 Winston-Salem, NC 28605 Member Since: 7/12/1999 Community One - Lenoir Julie Justice 707 College Ave., SW Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 1/1/1977 Bold & Beautiful, Inc. David Icard 325 Wilkesboro Blvd. Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 10/11/2012 First Citizens Bank, Lenoir Ann Smith PO Box 1498 Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 1/1/1986 SW Associates Inc. Stan Whittington 735 11th Ave Blvd SE Hickory, NC 28602 Member Since: 6/30/2014 T-Shirt Specialty John Hart 53 Grandview St. Granite Falls, NC 28630 Member Since: 6/26/2012 Terry’s Apparel Terry Cannon 2192 Atlas Drive Granite Falls, NC 28630 Member Since: 7/21/2003 Foothills Regional Airport Authority Brent Brinkley 3566 Morganton-Lenoir Airport Ave. Morganton, NC 28655 Member Since: 7/31/2012 Huffman Finishing Co. A.W. Huffman, Jr. PO Box 170 Granite Falls, NC 28630 Member Since: 6/1/1971 Sonic Drive-in James Stanfield 501 Harper Ave SW Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 7/1/1986 Brookdale Lenoir Karen Phoenix 1145 Powell Rd NE Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 3/26/1998 Tasz, Inc. Rita Walsh 240 Polychem Court Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 7/6/2011 Piper Ridge Subdivision Dennis Sherrill 1104 Springfield Ct., SE Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 7/17/2008 James C. Harper School of Performing Arts Karen Burton PO Box 390 Lenoir, NC 28645 Member Since: 7/10/2003 S&S Accounting Services, LLC Samantha Greene 1211 Chariot Road Hudson, NC 28638 Member Since: 4/1/2014 INDIVIDUALS Don Weiller Member Since: 7/1/1986 NEW MEMBERS Telecom Analysts Billy Cunningham 2499 Herring Drive, Suite A Winston Salem, NC 27106 You want a VoIP phone system for its low price and flexible, work-anywhere features, but you don’t want the headaches that come along with setting up and managing a VoIP phone system. Let Telecom Analysts take the pain out of managing a VoIP phone system and the technology that goes along with it. Contact us for a no cost, no obligation phone system audit. Many of our customer save up to 40% on their monthly phone bill. Thermal Valley Inc. Craig Pearson Operates by appointment only - 828.758.1441 Foothills Regional Airport www.thermalvalley.net Thermal Valley is a family owned and operated business that offers hang gliding flights and lessons to people who are looking for a memorable adventure in the sky. Our participants enjoy a birds eye view of the Catawba River, Grandfather Mountain, Table Rock and much more under the guidance of a USHPAA Certified hang gliding instructor. 12 THE CHAMBER MATTERS AUGUST 2015 Health Care Has A Role In Attracting New Residents By KIMBERLY EDMISTEN Director for Public Relations & Marketing at Caldwell UNC Health Care Look around our community and you will find quality health care available for each age group and in many locations. Inpatient and outpatient care is accessible to Caldwell County residents within a short drive or - in some cases - even a short walk. Quality and accessibility of health care are as important to current and prospective residents as they are to current and prospective businesses and industries. Individuals and families are known to search the internet and phone agencies such as the Chamber of Commerce for details about the health care services. For those seeking to relocate or to purchase second homes, the interest is based around present and future health and lifestyle needs. Young adults and young families are often interested in the availability of pediatrics while seniors focus more on specialists, including orthopedics and cardiology. Athletes, young adults and retirees of any age tend to be interested in wellness programs and centers. Interests in the availability of primary care, diagnostics, urgent care, emergency medicine, general surgery, and quality inpatient hospital care are more universal. One Of Youth Leadership Academy The 8th Annual Youth Leadership Academy is underway with fourteen rising freshmen and sophomores. This ten-day program is co-sponsored by Communities In Schools and the Caldwell Chamber. It is modeled after the Leadership Caldwell program. ZHOFRPHV Lenoir’s Most Trusted Funeral Homes At Pendry’s Lenoir Funeral Home we put your family first. We always have. That’s why we provide more services at a better value than anyone in town. 6DOO\%DLUG13& &HUWLILHG)DPLO\1XUVH3UDFWLWLRQHU We believe you deserve comfort and peace of mind before, during and after the funeral service. And we guarantee that’s what you will receive. When you want more from Pendry’s a funeral provider, your best choice is and 3x5 Lenoir Funeral Home. always will be Pendry’s Call us to learn more and to receive a FREE Personal Planning Guide. $VD)DPLO\1XUVH3UDFWLWLRQHUDW$QGHUVRQ0HGLFDO 3DUN6DOO\%DLUGSURYLGHVKHDOWKFDUHIRUHYHU\ PHPEHURI\RXUKRXVHKROG6KHHDUQHGKHU%61IURP%ULJKDP<RXQJ8QLYHUVLW\ CMH KHU061$GXOW*HULDWULF1XUVH3UDFWLWLRQHUIURP81&*UHHQVERURKHU)DPLO\ 3x5 3UDFWLFH3RVW0DVWHUV&HUWLILFDWLRQIURP8QLYHUVLW\RI0DVVDFKXVHWWV$UHVLGHQW RI&DOGZHOO&RXQW\IRUWZHQW\ILYH\HDUV6DOO\HQMR\VKLNLQJWKH1RUWK&DUROLQD PRXQWDLQVND\DNLQJWKHORFDOODNHVDQGULYHUVDQGTXLOWPDNLQJ 6KHORRNVIRUZDUGWRFDULQJIRU\RXDQG\RXUIDPLO\ )RU$SSRLQWPHQWV&DOO Exclusive provider of Dignity Memorial® benefits. $QGHUVRQ0HGLFDO3DUN Pendry’s Lenoir Funeral Home 522 Wilkesboro Blvd Se | Lenoir, NC 28645 | 828-754-3441 www.pendrysfuneralhome.com &DOGZHOO&DOGZHOO3K\VLFLDQV$QGHUVRQ0HGLFDO 3DUNDUHGLYLVLRQVRI&DOGZHOO0HPRULDO+RVSLWDO 3LQH0RXQWDLQ5G6XLWH+XGVRQ
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