February 2016 - Temple Emanu-El
February 2016 - Temple Emanu-El
OurTemple The monthly bulletin for Temple Emanu-El www.ourtemple.org (205) 933-8037 February 2016 ( Shevat-Adar I ) 5776 Birmingham, Alabama S H A B B AT C E L E B R AT I O N S F O R F E B R U A R Y 2 0 1 6 Our Year to Celebrate Kindness! Friday, February 12 5:40 p.m. Sisterhood/Brotherhood Shabbat Service Friday, February 5 5:40 p.m. (more details on page 4) Join us for a special Shabbat program to focus on organ donation. Be kind to the living! We will have the opportunity to hear a special speaker, UAB transplant surgeon, Dr. Jayme Locke share about the special gift of life that people can offer others. We will also hear from patients whose lives have been extended because of the kindness of others. Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat Service, Worship Band and "FTF" dinner will be available for purchase. Friday, February 19 5:40 p.m. Join us to honor our wonderful temple volunteers. They are our past, present and future wisdom of Temple Emanu-El. No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another. ~Author Unknown Special thanks to the following Grafman Endowment Funds for enhancing this special evening: Mary K. Brodnax Music Fund and Cantor Brian Miller Cultural Arts Fund for funding the fabulous Worship Band and the Hannah & Hyman Goldstein Volunteer Fund for underwriting dinner for our cherished volunteers following the service. "Food Theme Friday" Our mission: Temple Emanu-El is a welcoming Reform Jewish congregation, engaging members in prayer, study, fellowship, and acts of loving kindness to our congregational family and the community at large. 2 Our Services Friday, 2/5 Friday, 2/12 Saturday, 2/20 5:40 p.m. Sisterhood/Brotherhood Shabbat Service Birthday Blessing 5:40 p.m. Shabbat Service Our Year to Celebrate Kindness Guest Speaker Dr. Jayme Locke, Chorale Sings 9:00 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service Torah Portion: T’tzaveh, Exodus 27:20-30:10 Saturday, 2/13 Haftarah Portion: Ezekiel 43:10-27 Saturday, 2/6 9:00 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Mishpatim Exodus 21:1-24:18 Haftarah Portion: Jeremiah 34:8-22 and Jeremiah 33:25-26 9:00 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service Torah Portion: T’rumah, Exodus 25:1-27:19 Friday, 2/26 5:40 p.m. Shabbat Service Saturday, 2/27 Haftarah Portion: I Kings 5:26 – 6:13 9:00 a.m. Torah Study 10:30 a.m. Shabbat Service Friday, 2/19 Torah Portion: Ki Tisa, Exodus 30:11-34:15 5:40 p.m. Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat Service Worship Band, Anniversary Blessing, FTF Haftarah Portion: I Kings 18:1-39 Purim carnival and festivities for all! Sunday March 20, 2016 9:30 a.m. in the sanctuary Purim Spiel, Carnival and games for the whole family! USPS Identification Publication Title: Our Temple Issue Date: February 2016 Issue Number: 81 Statement of Frequency: Published monthly except forJune/July issue Name/Address: 2100 Highland Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 4002 Welcome Our Newest Members Please help us extend a warm welcome to our following new members: Warren & Toby Gewant Benjamin May Jonathan May All services are webcast at www.ourtemple.org Babysitting during services available upon request Organization: Temple Emanu-El Our Clergy 3 The Importance of Family My Dear Temple Family, The year 2015 has been a difficult year for Judi and me. In May, we lost Judi’s dear father, Bernie, and my mother, Anita, died at the beginning of December. These losses shook us both deeply. Judi lost her first parent, and I became an orphan. Suddenly, the family changed. Two of our pillars, the people who loved us and nurtured us all along our way, are gone. Even when a person dies at a ripe old age, and even if a person dies having completed his or her life, neither a father or a mother can ever be Rabbi Miller replaced for the child that is within us. Nobody ever Temple Emanu-El again will love us like our mother or our father loved us. Our family is no longer the same. As I write this in January, the world outside is dark and dreary. It is January -- and there is no reason to complain about what is. So, I want to share with you the three sources of our comfort, our light if you will, during these dark days. One is the love that we had for our parents and the love they had for us. After these deaths, I am doubly committed to loving my children and making sure they know it. It is far too easy to be critical of our children and for us as parents to try to guide them in the ways we would have them live. But, it is far more important for us to love them fully and make sure they know that they are loved. Make sure you tell your children, and your parents, too, that you love them. Two is to have faith that the relationships continue on beyond the grave. Of course, no one can ever tell with a certainty what happens to us when we die. But, if we live with faith, we will be better able to face the future with the knowledge that more awaits us, and that more awaits the people whom we love so deeply. We do not have to know for a certainty to be assured of eternal life. We have to live with the faith in our tradition and hope in our hearts, and we will live better, happier and more fulfilling lives, even in the Januarys and Februarys. And three is to seek to gain a community to help you through the lonely times. Nothing is more lonely than mourning our loved ones who have died. That is when community, the cards-the meals-the phone calls-bring us comfort and help us put the first and then the second foot forward. With an extended family, and with our temple family, Judi and I did not feel alone during these trials. We felt loved and prayed for and blessed. Reach out to friends and family, and to the temple family too, and we can walk through any valley unafraid. Wishing you an easy February, and a joyous spring to follow. Shalom, Rabbi Jonathan Miller Happy Anniversary February Anniversaries David & Janet Aarons (42) Karen & Leslie Allen (26) Julie & Barry Altmark (28) Karen & Kenneth Bluestein (24) Avie & Ron Cohen (48) Joel & Emily Feinstein (9) Hilary & Scott Gewant (18) Carol & Bob Gross (35) Carol & Donald Herman (52) Olivia & Jack Kalin (35) Amy & Adam Kessler (5) Hollye & David Liberman (33) Glenda & Paul Nagrodzki (11) Michele & Michael Wilensky (4) 4 Around Our Temple Sisterhood Happenings Save the date for these great upcoming events: Special February Birthdays Earmarked by multiples of 5 years to 90 years old! Joan Becker Brandon Davis Catharine Friend Ryan Garber Amy Garber Sylvia Goldberg Joe Hagedorn Betsy Humphries Sisterhood/Brotherhood Shabbat Service Friday, February 5 5:40 p.m. Please join us for the 3rd annual joint Sisterhood and Brotherhood Shabbat Service and Congregational dinner. We'll start with a family-friendly service with GREAT MUSIC honoring the contributions of both groups. Next, a fabuous barbeque chicken dinner at an incredibly affordable price with all your TEE friends. What could be better? This was a lovely evening last year and you don’t want to miss out this year! $8.00 per person and $18.00 per family. RSVP by Tuesday, February 6 to Mackie Horowitz at mhorowitz@bellsouth.net or (205) 969-1111. Joseph Kalin Denis Kaufman Lee Lipsitz Danny Markstein, III Bob May Alana Miller Ginny Monheit Maguire Peter Printz Brittany Saag David Silverstein Suzanne Simms Dodie Sokol Maddie Stern Jesse Wiatrak Women’s Passover Seder SAVE THE Sunday, April 10 DATE! This inter-faith event is open to women (and girls) ages 12 and up. The festivities will start at 5:00 p.m. sharp, and the price of $25 includes dinner, wine and entertainment. A great way to celebrate the role of women in the Passover story, with a seder led by our own female clergy. Featured gift shop item of the month Stop by our Temple Traditions gift shop for all of your Judaica needs. This month we are featuring this lovely Havdallah set. Around Our Temple 5 Mazel Tov To.... Team Emanu-El takes home 1st prize for the second year in a row! Temple Emanu-El’s own Rabbi Laila Haas, Sherron Goldstein and Mackie Horowitz made up our team at the LJCC’s Chopped Latke Challenge. The Latke Ladies created “The Traditional Latke with a Flair”, a pomegranate - fig pancake placed on a beautiful brown latke atop a piece of matzah with drizzled Hanukkah gelt and applesauce! Mazel Tov Team Emanu-El! Mary Danielle Leaf on her recent graduation from Mississippi State University on December 11, 2015. Dani is the daughter of Steven and Kim Leaf, sister of Lt. Benjamin Leaf, granddaughter of Leah Leaf and Barbara Mason. Dani will be living in Memphis, TN where she will be attending the University of Memphis Graduate School in the fall to continue her studies in the field of Biomechanics. Honorable Menschens Thank you to all of our congregants who volunteered their time so generously in January to take on various duties like preparing our bulletin for mailing, answering doors and phones, filing, and various special projects. Lynne Cohen Chu-Chi Fierman Marilyn Haver Ilene Johnson Fred Kanter Leah Leaf Joe Lichtenstein Alyssa & Brad Blair on the birth of their daughter, Goldie Hudson Blair on Saturday, December 26, 2015. Proud grandparents are Rhonda & Harry Weinberg, and Elyse & Ken Blair. Greatgrandparents are Martha & Allen Golden of Austin, TX. Also celebrating are big sisters, Millie and Charlotte. Loretta Newfield Sara Zonder and Brett Koretzky on their recent engagement. Brett is the son of Susan and Barry Koretzky and grandson of the late Estelle and Izzy Eubanks. Sara is the daughter of Dr. Eric and Denise Zonder of Franklin, Michigan. After a July wedding, the couple will reside in Jacksonville, Florida. Ina Russakoff Scott Godchaux, son of Fran and Lee Godchaux, who graduated magna cum laude from Auburn University with a degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Fran Godchaux, who was recently elected Board President of Collat Jewish Family Services. Suzy Ovson David Reese If you would like to volunteer, we would welcome you! Contact Robin Gotlieb at (205) 933-8037, ext. 238. 6 Around Our Temple CONDOLENCES TO Each month, Temple Emanu-El chooses a specific recipient for our Tzedakah Box Our February recipient is: The family of Allan Weinblatt of Memphis, TN, who passed away on Tuesday, December 15, 2015. He is survived by his wife, Sherry Weinblatt of Memphis; brother, Howard Weinblatt (Judy) of Ann Arbor, MI; children, Betzy Lynch (Spencer) of Birmingham, and Lori Weinblatt (David Hilton) of Portland, ME; and grandchildren, Cooper and Renie Lynch, and Elinor and Leo Hilton. The family of Paul Crawford Miller, Jr. of Birmingham, AL who passed away on Tuesday, December 22, 2015. He is survived by his wife, Carole Walker Miller, and sisters Martha Miller Tomb and Jenny Lou Miller and many extended family and friends. PATHWAYS Pathways is a United Way agency that serves homeless women and children. They provide a safe place to stay, clean clothes, and hot meals. They also supply training and educational programs to help both women and children transition back into the community. In short, Pathways is A Woman’s Way Home. In addition to providing both short-term and long-term transitional housing for women and children, Pathways also provides permanent housing for chronically homeless women with mental illness. Pathways’ mission is “to end homelessness for women and children through hospitality, housing and hope.” Last year, with help from people just like you, they were able to serve more than 1,200 homeless women and children. To learn more, please visit www.pathwayshome.org. RELIGIOUS SCHOOL, HEBREW & TEEN’S Sunday, January 31st Religious School 9:30 a.m. - Noon Simcha Sunday 9:30 a.m. - Noon Wednesday, February 3rd Hebrew School 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. TEEN’s 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m Europe Travelers Meeting 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m Sunday, February 7th Wednesday, February 10th Religious School 9:30 a.m. - Noon Hebrew School 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. Simcha Sunday TEEN’s 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m Parent’s Bar Mitzvah Class 10:00 a.m. - Noon Thursday, February 11th Shalom Baby 11:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Sunday, February 14th NO RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Wednesday, February 17th Hebrew School 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. TEEN’s 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m Friday, February 19th Volunteer Appreciation Shabbat Service with the Worship Band and “FTF” dinner available for purchase. 5:40 p.m. - 7:00 p.m Wednesday, February 24th Hebrew School 3:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. TEEN’s 5:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m Sunday, February 28th Religious School 9:30 a.m. - Noon Sunday, February 21st Religious School 9:30 a.m. - Noon Our Yahrzeits 7 Yahrzeits May the beauty of their lives shine forever, and may we always bring honor to their memory. Feb 5-6 Feb 12-13 Max Allon Patricia Bailey Frances Birnbaum Marvin Jay Bleiberg Bette Ann Pearl Blumenthal Robert Carafio Isaac Cohen Leila Crown Thelma Cuttler Florence Elsas Louis Elsas Stanley Erdreich, Sr. Alice Ettelson A. Feidelson Charles Fetter Frances Frohsin Rebecca Gingold Maurice Ives Harry Kanter Suzanne Kirschberg Beatrice Kohn HarveyKorman Itka Kronenberg Lew Lazarus Edna Kamenshine Levine Louise Loring James Lugar Ernest Munchgesang VioletaNeuwirth Bella Perlman NathanPetrofsky Morris Piha George Rashley Max Rittenbaum Cecile Rodriguez JosephRosen Leon Rosenthal Rita Routman Ben Rutstein Marvin Silverstein Carolyn Sloss B.J. Winnik Murray Woltag Louis Wynne Irene Zaslofsky Lillian Blach Morris Blumenthal, Sr. Kaceil Cherner Harry Cohen Marks Cooper Allan Denson Richard Diamond Dottie Epstein James Fargason Stella Fetter Rochelle Galbert Mollie Goldberg Lee Gotthelf Morris Green Daniel Greenspan Clarence Hagedorn Marie Harrell A. “Chief” Harris Janet Cypress Harris Keith Hewell Rosalie Hurvich Phyllis Jacobs Rose Jacobson Susie Jaffe Louis Kaplan Magda Kruse Sonya Lefkovits Bert Levin Kate Levine Myrna Levine Eva Margolin Bruce Mayer Paula Michael Lincoln Newfield Mary Patrick Patricia “Patty” Rubenstein Pizitz Paul Rich Abraham Roskin MitchelRubenstein Irene Russakoff Albert Schinasi Rose Silverman Hyman Silverman D. Riley Stuart Morris Zaslofsky Feb 19-20 Sandra Apolinsky Floyd Athey Mena Beck Louis Berry Lena Bittner Harold (Bo) Blach III Regina Bluttman Do Sup Chung Jacob Cohn Max Copeland Dorothy Dolinksy Gladys Evans David Feidelson Max Goldberg Malcolm Gordon Joseph Kimerling Rosi Klein Dorothy Koen Alex Leitman Frances Levy Marjorie Lichenstein NathanMarcuse V. Hugo Marx, Jr. Marjorie Meyer Ferdinand Meyer Harry Miller Ella Morris Phillip Pincus Alexander Pinsler Barbara Ream Louis Rosenblum Pauline Rosenfeld Helen Rotenstreich Arnold Siegal Arnold J. Siegal Isadore Simon Morris Sirote Will Slate Beatrice Solomon Sam Steinberg Barbara Steiner Gertrude Stern Esther Swedlaw Louise Temerson James Carl Thompson Razelle Toranto Bertha Van Praag Joe Ziff Feb 26-27 Herbert Biernstein Sam Blitz Bradley Chesler Lillian Cohen Norman J. Cohen Minnie Cooper Marylyn Dorsky Joan Fantl Lee Forst Simon Friedman Ed Friend Sarah Goldman Fannie Hanover James Hirsh Morris Jaffe Rose Kaufman Istvan Kertesz Marcia Kramer Alice Levitt Rose Litwin Samuel Lyon Herman Needle Dena Osband Paul Overall Selma Reisman Joan Rittenbaum Paul Rosenthal Dora Roth Abraham Schulman Gabriel Sedlis Mosely Shugerman Bernard Verin Estelle Weinberger WilliamWilson Sayde Yeargin Ida Zavelo 8 Our Tributes We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support our congregation by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions. Thank you for the following gifts received through January 7, 2016: General & Unrestricted Funds Donations to our General Temple and Endowment Funds, and the Unrestricted Named Endowment Funds provide the greatest Flexibility to respond to our congregation’s changing needs. In Memory Of: Bob Anfanger by Mitzi Goldstein Marylyn Athey, sister of Babs Perlman by Barbara & David Betten by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb by Ginger & Jerry Held by Doris & Fred Kanter by Ricky Koslin and Lyons Heyman by Shirley & Jerry Leader by Norma Jean Long by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Ferne Seigel by Rosalyn & Irvin Siegal Sidney Binder by Gertrude Goldstein Michael Carlisle by Wanda & Ross Cohen Brian Cohen, brother in-law of Kevin & Amanda Sokol by Joan Becker by Lynne & Mark Cohen by Bari Cotton & Peter Egli by Mark Friedman by Carolyn & Henry Frohsin by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb by Ricky Koslin and Lyons Heyman by Joyce & Joe Lichtenstein by Judy & Gerson May by Herbie Miller and the Franco family by Karen & Joel Piassick by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Regina & Neil Sigman by Carleton & Bruce Sokol Patsy Collat by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke Rose Davis by Jane & Melvin Davis Paul B. Fraser by Polly Fraser Scharff & Paul Scharff Edith Gerson by Isabel & Alan Siegal Morry Goldberg by Cissy & Leonard Held Arthur Goldstein by Julius Goldstein Donald Goldstein by Bernice Barstein by Lynne & Mark Cohen by Nancy & David Denney by Beverly & Stanley Erdreich by Carol & Jimmy Filler by Mark Friedman by Cathy & Paul Friedman by Carolyn & Henry Frohsin by Barbara & Harvy Gotlieb by Barbara & Henry Helzberg by Sara & Marvin Lazarus by Shirley & Jerry Leader by Leah Leaf by Joyce & Joe Lichtenstein by Norma Jean Long by Margot & Edgar Marx by Loretta Newfield by Lisa Goren Pritzker by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Ferne Seigel by Arnold Steiner by Sam Tenenbaum by Linda Verin & Rick Clay by Louise & Greg Warner by Lori & Jimmy Weil Morris Goldstein by Julius Goldstein Nancy Goldstein by Karen & Leslie Allen by Cathy & Paul Friedman by Mitzi Goldstein by Margot & Edgar Marx by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Sam Tenenbaum Lala Green by Karen & Joel Piassick Helaine Jacobs by Edward Levin Donald Kahn by Karen & Leslie Allen by Lisa & Alan Engel by Wayne Finley by Cathy & Paul Friedman by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich David Kline by Barbara & Larry Fine David Koplon by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich Mickey Kohn by Elizabeth & Robert Kohn Raymond Lambert by Ricky Koslin and Lyons Heyman Sonia Rosen Lazarus by Nancy & David Denney Hyman Leader by Shirley & Jerry Leader Myron Levine by Marissa & Harold Apolinsky Sophie B. Lyone by Marissa & Harold Apolinsky William M. Lyone by Marissa & Harold Apolinsky Anita Miller, mother of Rabbi Jonathan Miller by Janet & David Aarons by Judy & Hal Abroms by Barbara & Jack Aland by Karen & Leslie Allen by Lindsay Levine & Lee Asherman by Bernice Barstein by Nancy & Lincoln Berland by Sandra & Alan Berman by Barbara & David Betten by Lynn & Bert Bloomston by Jane & Joe Bluestein by Lenora Pate & Steven Brickman by Lynne & Mark Cohen by Pamela & Woody Cohen by Lanlan & Philip Cohn by Eileen & Robert Cohn by Bari Cotton & Peter Egli by Tom Cowen by Jane & Melvin Davis by Nancy & David Denney by Laurie & Craig Elmets by Lisa & Alan Engel by Ellen & Ben Erdreich by Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman by Barbara & Larry Fine by Clara Chung Fleisig & Glenn Fleisig by Jennifer & Stuart Frank Paul Miller by Lynne & Mark Cohen by Elinor & Michael Staff by Leigh Ann & Bert Young Zelda Mirsky Newman by Joyce Helzberg William Rich by Marie Rich Elaine Saag, mother of Michael Saag by Karen & Leslie Allen by Bari Cotton & Peter Egli by Nancy & David Denney by Lisa & Alan Engel by Naomi & Edwin Fineberg by Cathy & Paul Friedman by Ginger & Jerry Held by Willa & Jim Heynen by Robin & Bart Kolber by Karen & Joel Piassick by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Gail & Abe Schuster by Donna & Gary Schiff by Roberta Shapiro & Jerry Glandon by Sandy & Gene Siegal by Linda Verin & Rick Clay by Lori & Jimmy Weil by Karen & Dan Weinrib Our Tributes 9 Sam Sackler by Frances Roseman Bernie Schulman by Ellen & Ben Erdreich by Leigh Ann & Bert Young Nathan Solomon by Jane & Melvin Davis Sarah Staff by Janet & David Aarons by Lynne & Mark Cohen by Bill Goldman by Doris & Fred Kanter by Letty & Bob Marcus by Loretta Newfield by Jamie & Greg Odrezin by Ann & Max Olim by Renee Schulman by Sam Tenenbaum by Louise & Greg Warner by Leigh Ann & Bert Young Allan Weinblatt by Susan & Barry Koretzky by Letty & Bob Marcus by Karen & Joel Piassick by Elinor & Michael Staff Alvin Wolin, father of Mackie Horowitz by Janet & David Aarons by Linda Verin & Rick Clay Stephen Wolnek by Cheryl & Charlie Collat Wishing Good Health To: Ellen Aland by Joyce Helzberg Jack Aland, Jr. by Karen & Leslie Allen Rosalyn Bloomston by Ricky Koslin and Lyons Heyman Charles Collat by Karen & Leslie Allen by Joyce Helzberg by Joan & Don Weisberg Alan Davis by Leigh Ann & Bert Young Mark Friedman by Wendy & Frank Siegal Barbara Gotlieb by Bernice Barstein by Marlene Bledsoe by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Rosalyn & Irvin Siegal Cissy Held by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb Evelyn Held by Karen & Leslie Allen by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich Leonard Held by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb Jerry Lapidus by Carol & Jimmy Filler by Rosalyn & Irvin Siegal Jane Levy by Marlene Bledsoe by Ferne Seigel Bob Marcus by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich Judy Borisky Metzger by Leigh Ann & Bert Young Robert Metzger by Leigh Ann & Bert Young Babs Perlman by Marlene Bledsoe by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb Marc Perlman by Cissy & Leonard Held by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich Cantor Jessica Roskin by Leigh Ann & Bert Young Jean Sklar by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb Frank Siegal by Karen & Leslie Allen by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich Irvin Siegal by Dodie Sokol and Howard Weintraub Janet Wertheimer by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich In Honor Of: Bat Mitzvah of Talia Fleisig, daughter of Julie Fleisig, and granddaughter of Cathy & Paul Friedman by Janet & David Aarons by Karen & Leslie Allen by Rosalyn Bloomston Baby naming of Natalie White, great-granddaughter of Lynn & Bert Bloomston by Jane & Melvin Davis Birth of Gigi Elizabeth Bayer, daughter of Lindsey & Gregory Bayer, and granddaughter of Harry Bayer by Barbara & Larry Fine by Cathy & Paul Friedman Birth of Goldie Hudson Blair, daughter of Alyssa & Brad Blair, and granddaughter of Rhonda & Harry Weinberg by Amy & Michael Saag by Janet & Leonard Wertheimer Birth of Magnolia Jean Brasovan, daughter of Shannon & Peter Brasovan, granddaughter of Nancy & David Denney and great-granddaughter of Sara & Marvin Lazarus by Karen & Joel Piassick by Cindy Pinhas by Linda Verin & Rick Clay Birth of Henry Jordan Kirschberg, son of Lauren & Jason Kirschberg, and grandson of Laura & Gordon Kirschberg and D.O. & Eddie Bloomston by Barbara & Larry Fine Our Endowment Funds At Work We greatly appreciate the enhancements provided by the following funds of the Grafman Endowment Fund enriching our congregation over the past few months: Ruth & Marvin Engel Cantorial Chair for contributing a substantial portion towards our cantor’s salary and our General Endowment Fund for helping underwrite the position of our associate rabbi – both of which help make it more affordable for our congregation to be served by a talented and dedicated clergy team. Gail & Jeffrey Bayer Family Fund for Religious Education for covering the salary of the administrative support staff of our Discovery School. This enables us to keep our program competitive and affordable. Of note: this successful pre-school program now hosts 70 children from 4 months of age through Pre-K. Robert Loeb Education Fund for providing special enrichment programming by the McWane Science Center each month for our Discovery School children. Our Tributes 10 Continued GENERAL & UNRESTRICTIVE FUNDS In Honor Of: Births of Barrettt Nash Koretzky & Campbell Gray Koretzky, children of Erin & Todd Koretzky and grandchildren of Susan & Barry Koretzky by Cindy Pinhas Birth of Eliana Rose Miller, daughter of Lauren & Rabbi Aaron Miller, granddaughter of Judi Schulman-Miller & Rabbi Jonathan Miller and greatgranddaughter of Renee Schulman by Cathy & Paul Friedman by Cindy Pinhas Birth of Noah Oliver Malin, son of Nan & Tom Malin by Herbie Miller and the Franco family Birth of Brody Philip Morrison, son of Amy & Eric Morrison, grandson of Nancy Nagrodzki and Glenda & Paul Nagrodzki, and great-grandson of Carole & Michael Pizitz by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich Special Anniversary and Birthday of Doris & Fred Kanter by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Dodie Sokol and Howard Weintraub Special Birthday of Joan Becker by Dodie Sokol Special Birthday of Amelia Vaughn Denney, granddaughter of Nancy & David Denney by Ashley & Brad Denney Special Birthday of Lucien Hagedorn by Merlin Newton Special Birthday of Elaine Kartus by Cathy & Paul Friedman by Dodie Sokol Special Birthday of Sol Kimerling by Doris & Fred Kanter Special Birthday of Ricky Koslin by Carol & Donald Herman Special Birthday of Bob Marcus by Bernice Barstein by Joan Becker by Barbara & David Betten by Charlotte Corenblum by Mitzi Goldstein by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb by Cissy & Leonard Held by Ricky Koslin and Lyons Heyman by Norma Jean Long by Lynette & J.B. Mazer by Shirley Osband by Cindy Pinhas by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich by Dodie Sokol and Howard Weintraub by Joan & Don Weisberg Special Birthday of Pat Weil by Cathy & Paul Friedman Engagement of Allison Davis, daughter of Jeri Berman Davis and Alan Davis, to Brandon Fried by Karen & Joel Piassick Engagement of Daniel Odrezin, son of Jamie & Greg Odrezin, to Meredith Averbuch by Karen & Joel Piassick by Linda Verin & Rick Clay Marriage of Lindsay Bayer, daughter of Gail & Jeffrey Bayer, to Blake Shipp by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich Marriage of Carlie Gotlieb, daughter of Robin Gotlieb and granddaughter of Joanna Gotlieb, to Alex Cohen by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich Marriage of Julie Saag, daughter of Amy & Michael Saag, to Andrew Pizitz, son of Carrie & Richard Pizitz by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich Cantor Jessica Roskin being named a “Woman Who Inspires” by Girls on the Run International by Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich Steve Royal by Sally & Richard Friedman Amy Saag for her leadership of the Grafman Endowment Fund by Lisa & Alan Engel SPECIAL THANKS The Temple and Grafman Endowment Fund leadership gratefully acknowledges the foresight and generosity of the following: Susan & Barry Koretzky for establishing a new endowed fund: Susan & Barry Koretzky Family Fund for unrestricted purposes Joyce Levine Cohen Jacobson of blessed memory with a gift through a provision in her will to further build our endowment fund to provide unrestricted enhancements for our congregation for generations to come. When you do your estate planning, please remember the temple! For more information on creating a named fund, or exploring the many ways to include the temple in your estate plans, please contact Jann Blitz in the Endowment Office at 933-8037, ext 234 We also extend our deepest appreciation to Amber Cosby for her lovely donation to enable a child to attend the Confirmation trip to Praque this Spring. What a wonderful way to celebrate kindness by “paying forward” to help someone else benefit from the incredible Prague experience. Our teens love Prague! Our Tributes 11 Designated Endowment Funds DIANA & SIDNEY PATTERSON SCHOLARSHIP FUND Contributions to these “perpetual” funds help provide permanent sources of income for special programming and enhancements for our temple today, as well as for future generations. In Memory Of: Bob Anfanger, Donald Goldstein, Nancy Goldstein, Donald Kahn, David Koplon and Anita Miller by Pat Weil ABROMS HALL PRESERVATION FUND CAROLE & MICHAEL PIZITZ FUND FOR DUES ENDOWMENT In Honor Of: Bat Mitzvah of Talia Fleisig by Buddy Metzger BLACH FAMILY FUND FOR DUES ENDOWMENT In Memory Of: Donald Goldstein by Nancy & Harold Blach Anita Miller by Nancy & Harold Blach by Kit & Rick Roth MARY K. BRODNAX MUSIC FUND In Memory Of: Donald Goldstein and Elaine Saag by Stephen Klein NINA & NORMAN COHEN NEXT GENERATION FUND In Memory Of: Anita Miller, Paul Miller and Elaine Saag by Lois & David Cohen In Honor Of: Special Birthday of Ryna Cohen by Lois & David Cohen BETTY ALLENBERG GOLDSTEIN CAMP JACOBS SCHOLARSHIP FUND In Memory Of: Marylyn Athey, Brian Cohen, Anita Miller and Elaine Saag by Betty A. Goldstein Wishing Good Health To: Roz Bloomston by Betty A. Goldstein In Honor Of: Special Birthday of Bob Marcus by Betty A. Goldstein SHERRON & ALLAN GOLDSTEIN BREAK-THE-FAST FUND In Memory Of: Anita Miller and Paul Miller by Sherron & Allan Goldstein In Honor Of: Birth of Goldie Hudson Blair by Sherron & Allan Goldstein Sherron & Allan Goldstein by Stefanie & Scott Hirsch HANNAH & HYMAN GOLDSTEIN VOLUNTEER FUND In Memory Of: Hannah Goldstein and Goldie Waxman by Debra & Joel Goldstein Anita Miller by Jennifer & Kevin Feld by Debra & Joel Goldstein MOLLIE & HERMAN GOTLIEB SANCTUARY PRESERVATION FUND In Memory Of: Marylyn Athey, Brian Cohen, Donald Goldstein, Anita Miller and Elaine Saag by Marcia Unger Richard Gotlieb by The Dutton family Wishing Good Health To: Jane Levy by Marcia Unger In Honor Of: Birth of Magnolia Jean Brasovan; Bat Mitzvah of Talia Fleisig by Marcia Unger HERMOINE & EDWARD FRIEND COMMUNITY FUND In Memory Of: Anita Miller by Catharine & Eddie Friend HONAN FAMILY TORAH STUDY FUND In Memory Of: Paul Goldblatt and Richard Lasky by Adele Baras Paul Miller by Donna Gillespie by Karen Timmerman HESS CHAPEL FUND In Honor Of: Special Birthday of Ronne Hess by Judy Schwartz and Michael Brizel RABBI MORRIS NEWFIELD FUND In Memory Of: Donald Goldstein, Manuel Mendel and Anita Miller by Carol & B.G. Minisman In Memory Of: Vernon Gibson, Donald Goldstein, Donald Kahn, David Koplon, Herc Levine, Anita Miller, Paul Miller and Elaine Saag by Carole & Michael Pizitz Wishing Good Health To: Barbara Gotlieb, Jerry Lapidus, Bob Marcus and Frank Siegal by Carole & Michael Pizitz In Honor Of: Bat Mitzvah of Talia Fleisig; Births of Gigi Bayer, Pierce Goldberg, Henry Kirschberg, Wren Martin, Bert Marx III, Eliana Miller and Alexa Ostroff; Special Anniversary of Doris & Fred Kanter; Special Birthdays of David Betten, Elaine Kartus, Doris & Fred Kanter, Betty Loeb, Bob Marcus, Carrie Pizitz and Marilyn Tanner; Engagement of Daniel Odrezin to Meredith Averbuch; Marriage of Lindsay Bayer to Blake Shipp; Marriage of Carlie Gotlieb to Alex Cohen; Marriage of Evan Lichter to Annette Pollack by Carole & Michael Pizitz REESE FAMILY FUND In Honor Of: Happy Hanukkah to David Reese by Elaine May BUNNY & JOEL ROTENSTREICH FUND FOR DUES ENDOWMENT In Memory Of: Bob Anfanger, Anita Miller and Allan Weinblatt by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich KIM & NEIL ROTH FUND FOR DUES ENDOWMENT In Memory Of: Brian Cohen and Donald Goldstein by Kim & Neil Roth GADSDEN CEMETERY FUND In Memory Of: Anita Harwood by Rhonda & Eric Siegel 12 Our Tributes Designated Temple Funds Gifts to these “immediate use” funds fulfill special needs beyond the scope of what dues and tuition fees are able to provide. RABBI JONATHAN MILLER DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory Of: Richard A. Sundock by Derrell Sundock In Honor Of: Inspiring High Holy Day services by Linda Cohn Rabbi Miller by Ada White Long Bar Mitzvah of our son, Eli Waldman by Alison & Brian Waldman RABBI LAILA HAAS DISCRETIONARY FUND Wishing Good Health To: Rabbi Laila Haas by Stefanie & Scott Hirsch In Honor Of: Baby naming of our granddaughter, Emma Jade Levin by Faye & Robert Levin Bris of our grandson, Daxton Petrofsky by Maureen & Mark Petroksky Bat Mitzvah of our granddaughter, Talia Fleisig by Cathy & Paul Friedman Inspiring High Holy Day services by Linda Cohn Marriage of Lee Schwartz and Melanie Foster by Ann & Jeff Marks CANTOR JESSICA ROSKIN DISCRETIONARY FUND In Memory Of: Donald Goldstein by Mitzi Goldstein Marilyn Geller Lazarus by Regina & Neil Sigman James F. Martin, Sr. by Jackie & Jay Waites Anita Miller by Ingrid & Howard Roskin Howard Schultz by Rhonda Weinberg Sarah Staff by Marilyn Haver by Elinor & Michael Staff In Honor Of: Bat Mitzvah of our granddaughter, Talia Fleisig by Cathy & Paul Friedman Inspiring High Holy Day services by Linda Cohn Cantor Jessica Roskin for being named a “Woman Who Inspires” by Girls on the Run International by Joan Loretta Munn Our Wedding by Carlie Gotlieb Cohen & Alex Cohen CARING COMMITTEE FUND In Memory Of: Sarah Staff by Emily & Randal Ray Mitchell Cotton, Donald Goldstein, Anita Harwood, Donald Kahn, Manuel Mendel, Elaine Saag and Sara Weinberg by Rhonda & Harry Weinberg In Honor Of: The Caring Committee by Judi Schulman Miller & Rabbi Jonathan Miller DISCOVERY SCHOOL FUND In Memory Of: Bert Cotton, Sr. by Maureen & Mark Petrofsky Sarah Staff by Judy & Robert Rutstein In Honor Of: Lori Egea with best wishes for a wonderful and blessed New Year by Maureen & Mark Petrofsky Births of Barrett Nash Koretzky & Campbell Gray Koretzky by Judy & Robert Rutstein MUSIC FUND In Memory Of: Anita Miller and Elaine Saag by Judy Borisky Metzger Alvin Wolin by Mackie & Sherm Horowitz In Honor Of: Birth of Bert Marx III by Judy Borisky Metzger The Worship Band by Mackie & Sherman Horowitz RELIGIOUS SCHOOL FUND SUPPORT OUR LIVE WEBCASTS Live webcasting of our Temple Emanu-El services is made possible in part through the “OurTemple” Worship Anywhere Fund. If you are watching our webcast online, it is easy to just click to make a donation to this fund to help us to continue to provide webcasting and enhance this service. In Memory Of: Paul Miller by Dana, Lindsay, Alicia & Brian Kahn by Leslie & Craig McClure by David Nomberg ADULT EDUCATION FUND In Memory Of: Paul Miller by Julie Welden Your contributions through our “Temple Tributes” help to support Temple Emanu-El’s annual operations and activities, and further build our Grafman Endowment Fund to enrich our congregation…now and forever. To make a Tribute Gift to either a temple or an endowment fund, please contact the Endowment Office at 933-8397 or endowment@ourtemple.org. A list of all our funds is available on the back of the calendar insert in this bulletin, and on our website at www.ourtemple.org. Around Our Temple 13 Temple Emanu-El Fundraiser Casino Night and Silent Auction has been cancelled F U N D H I G H L I G H T S We are going to start highlighting several of Temple Emanu-El’s restricted funds in each bulletin. These restricted funds have a designated purpose and help fund enhancements and/or programming from a source other than our operating budget. Your contributions to Temple Emanu-El are always appreciated and we thought it would be helpful for you to know some of the giving opportunities available. Technology Fund This fund was established to help with expenses related to updates, upgrades, and technological improvements to the temple's information technology systems. In an ever changing technological world, occasionally there are non-budgeted, necessary expenses to improve our system. Worship/Ritual Fund This fund was created to provide for the purchase or refurbishing of ritual objects, supplies or other related costs to enhance our worship experience. It is difficult to anticipate when expenses that can be designated from this fund will occur during the fiscal year. Therefore, contributions to this fund can be utilized for these purposes. Temple Emanu-El Brotherhood will be taking the stress out of Passover by having a matzah ball soup sale. Details to follow in March. 14 Our Sponsors Buggy Bucks: The Perfect Gift! Please give Buggy Bucks gift cards to your friends, family, and employees for any celebration or occasion. It works like this: You purchase the Buggy Bucks gift cards for Publix or Piggly Wiggly. They work just like any gift card, but these stores give us a discount on the total amount and those proceeds go directly to the temple General Fund. We take cash, checks, and can even transfer money directly from your bank! We can mail the Buggy Bucks directly to you or we can mail them directly to the recipient with your personalized card. Now, what could be easier than that? Contact Loretta Newfield at 205-933-8037, to order yours today! Temple Emanu-El Advertising | Information for Our Temple Bulletin Black & white ads are sold on an annual basis only and will run for 11 consecutive months. Available ad sizes include small, medium, large, and full page (when available). (Sorry, color ads are not available.) Why advertise with us? • Businesses get an Automatic Trust Factor when Monthly payments are available. advertising in faith-based newsletters. • Your advertising will be in both over 600 monthly For pricing and other information, please contact: circulated print editions and also in the digital edition on our website, which is visited by not Marianne Pitts only our members, but also many non-members. Temple Emanu-El • Your business is viewed in a positive light as a (205) 933-8037, ext. 239 Community Supporter. marianne@ourtemple.org • Every potential customer lives in your community! Majestic Nails Spa (205) 266-2077 4274 Cahaba Heights Ct Ste #110 Vestavia (205) 271-2125 Appointments & Walk-ins Welcome Organic Products & LEDgel only, Non-UV Mon - Fri 9:30am - 7pm Sat 9:30am - 5pm • Sun 1pm - 5pm Jose Katz Nathan Marcus (205) 824-8001 3900 Montclair Rd, Suite 320 Crestline Post Office Bldg nathanmarcus@allstate.com (205) 871-1008 jkatzestate@gmail.com © 2011 Allstate Insurance Company. 59767 Monday-Friday: 10am-5pm Our Sponsors 15 CAT ANIMAL HOSPITAL 380 SUMMIT BOULEVARD BIRMINGHAM, AL 35243 www.brittanimalhospital.com (205) 967-2511 FAX: (205) 967-2652 OFFICE HOURS BY APPOINTMENT SUMMIT PET DAY CARE R.D. BRITT, DVM R.E. BRITT, DVM J.B. MORGAN, DVM K.E. STIPES, DVM GianMarco’s Giani, Marco & Giovanni, Owners 721 Broadway St. Homewood, 35209 205.871.9622 Devinci’s Pizza 2707 18th Street S. 35209 879-1455 Open 7days a week Mon-Sun 10am-10pm Lunch & Dinner Special Breakfast Hours Thursday, Friday, Saturday 6am-11am Temple Emanu-El Gift Shop Come see our beautiful new tallit selection from Israel. If you register in the gift shop you will be given 20% off a tallit purchase. Register for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah It’s a great way to let everyone know how to honor them! February 2016 Hours Tuesday and Thursday Friday Sunday 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. 2:00-5:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. or by appointment contact Loretta Newfield at 933-8037. Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Avenue South Birmingham, AL 35205 NONPROFIT ORG. U.S POSTAGE PAID Postmaster: Time Sensitive Material. Please deliver immediately. Birmingham, AL Permit No. 1137 Address Service Requested Are you moving? Do we have your correct address? Please let us know by e-mail: marianne@ourtemple.org This issue of OurTemple bulletin is made possible through the support of the Temple Brotherhood for Temple Emanu-El. Temple Emanu-El & AIPAC Cordially Invite You To Attend A Special Program Israel, Iran & The Middle East Challenges and Opportunities in a Troubled Region Our Temple The monthly bulletin for Temple Emanu-El 2100 Highland Avenue South w Birmingham, AL 35205 (205) 933-8037 | FAX (205) 933-8099 ww.ourtemple.org Founded in 1882 and affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism. Matthew Kroenig Clergy Rabbi Jonathan Miller Cantor Jessica Roskin, Engel Cantorial Chair Rabbi Laila Haas Associate Professor of Government and Foreign Service and International Relations Field Chair, Georgetown University Senior Team Robin G. Gotlieb, Executive Director Jann Blitz, Endowment Fund Executive Director Featuring Thursday, February 4, 2016 Temple Emanu-El Sanctuary Leadership Reception • 6:00 p.m. The Leadership Reception is reserved for temple board members, Grafman Endowment board members, and AIPAC Club Members (those who generously contribute a minimum of $1,800 to the 2016 AIPAC Annual Campaign). Program • 7:00 p.m. This event is open to the Birmingham pro-Israel community, but advance registration is required. To register, visit www.aipac.org/TempleEmanuElBirmingham For additional information, contact Todd Young at (678) 254-2627 or tyoung@aipac.org. Board of Directors Dr. Michael Koslin, President Ben Weil, President Elect Dr. Al Cohn, Vice President Robert Berman, Vice President Lisa Bebenek, Secretary Scott Goldberg, Treasurer Stephen Royal, Immediate Past President Andi Berger, Presidential Appointment Dr. Mark Cohen, Presidential Appointment Debbie Barstein Charles Collat, Jr. Anna Slive Harwood Edgar Marx, Jr. David Reese Julie Stein In the event of a family emergency after hours, please contact us: Rabbi Jonathan Miller: (205) 223-0916 Cantor Jessica Roskin: (205) 266-6549 Rabbi Laila Haas: (205) 777-8804 Remember Temple’s Endowment Fund in your estate plans, and please let us know when you do. •• •••• ••• •••• •• •• • •• •• ••• •• •• •• •••••••• •• •• ••• •• •• • •• •• • •• • •• •• ••• • ••• •• ••• •• • •• • •• •••• ••• • • • • 205-933-8037 • • e\.ehr~t: • w,~ • v~~ • • Temple Emanu-El Events Calendar • ~ • • ·~l?~~n~lRm • • • • • FEBRUARY • • • SUNDAY • • • • • • • • • • •• •• 7 • • • 9:30am Religious School • • 2016 MONDAY 1 TUESDAY 2 ~ SHEVAT • ADAR WEDNESDAY 3 3:30pm Hebrew School 5:30pm TEEN's 8 9 10 3:30pm Hebrew School NO TEEN's 5776 THURSDAY 4 5:OOpm Beginners' Hebrew Class 7:00pm AIPAC Communitv Meeting 11 5:00pm Beginners' Hebrew Class ~~ FRIDAY ~ 5:40pm Sisterhood/Brotherhood Shabbat Service, Birthday Blessing for February , dinner will be available for purchase following services 12 5:40pm Our Year to Celebrate Kindness Shabbat Service, guest speaker Dr. Jayme Locke /Chorale sings . "'"" '~" follow • SATURDAY 6 9:00am Torah Study I 0:30am Shabbat Service Torah Portion: Mishpatium Exodus 21:1-24:18 13 9:00am Torah Study I 0:30am Shabbat Service Torah Portion: T'rumah Exodus 25:1-27:19 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 14 • 15 20 16 17 18 19 • • • • • • 5:00pm Beginners' • • 3:30pm Hebrew School 5:45pm Temple Board of 9:00am Torah Study Hebrew Class • NO Religious School • Directors Meeting 5:30pm TEEN's • 5:40pmVolunteer Appreciation I 0:30am Shabbat Service • • • Torah Portion: Shabbat Service Anniversary • • Blessing for February, FTF nzaveh • • will follow Exodus 27:20-30: In • • • • 24 27 • 21 26 • 22 23 25 • • • • 5:00pm Beginners' •• 9:30am Religious School • 3:30pm Hebrew School 9:00am Torah Study with Hebrew Class • 5:30pm TEEN's 9:30am Simcha Sundays I 0:30am Shabbat Service • • Torah Portion: • • KiTisa • 5:40pm Shabbat Service, oneg • • F:mdu.< W·I/.JJ.F wi I flllow • • • • • 29 • 28 • edakah Box ( harity Our Tz • • • • • 9:30am Religious School • fr, r the month i~: • • • • Pathways • • • • • • •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• •• ••• •••• •••••••••••••••• ••••• •••• •••••••••••• •••••••••••••• Over For a List of Temple Funds Designated & Unrestricted Funds benefiting Temple Emanu-El We greatly appreciate the tributes and contributions made to Temple Emanu-El to honor friends and family, commemorate significant events and remember loved ones. Your contributions to the Temple 1s "immediate use11 funds help support our annual operations and fulfill special needs beyond the scope of what dues and tuition fees are able to provide - and gifts to our Endowment Funds help further build our Grafman Endowment Fund to provide perpetual I permanent sources of income to enrich our congregation ... now and for generations to come. GENERAL FUNDS Temple General Fund Endowment General Fund CLERGY DISCRETIONARY FUNDS Rabbi Miller Discretionary Fund Cantor Roskin Discretionary Fund Rabbi Haas Discretionary Fund CULTURAL & VISUAL ARTS FUNDS Music Fund Chorale Fund Art Fund Library Fund Archives Fund Prayerbook Replacement Fund Endowed Funds: Muncy HarrisAbroms Cultural Arts Fund Mary K. Brodnax Music Fund Ruth & Marvin Engel Cantorial Chair & High Holy Day Choir Fund Ruth & Marvin Engel Archives Fund Joan & Milton Jacobson Cultural Arts Fund Cantor Brian Miller Cultural Arts Fund Odess Family Fund Ruth & J.D. Rosenberger Music Fund Barrye & Jay Ziff Cultural Arts Fund CEMETERY & BUILDING PRESERVATION: Abroms/Weil Hall Repair & Replacement Fund Capital Improvements Fund Reserve Fund Jasper Cemetery Oversight Fund Endowed Funds: Abrams Hall Preservation Fund Mollie &Hennan Gotlieb Sanctuary Preservation Fund Hess Chapel Fund Gloria Goldstein Howton Building Fund Jasper Temple Fund Rabbi Morris Newfeld Fund Cemetery Care Fund Gadsden Cemetery Fund CARING COMMUNITY FUNDS Disaster Relief Fund Tikkun Olam Fund Caring Committee Fund Giving Tree I Financial Assistance Fund Celebration I Financial Assistance Fund Endowed Funds: Leona & Marvin ChernerCaring Community Fund Edward & Hermione Friend Community Fund Richard Goldner Community Service Fund WORSHIP & ADULT EDUCATION FUNDS Ritual &Worship Fund Adult Educalion Fund Leedership Development Fund Endowed Funds: Honan Family Torah Study Fund YOUTH EDUCATION & SCHOLARSHIPS Religious School Fund Discovery School Fund BIRTYYouth Group Fund TEENS Programming Fund Jacobs Camp Scholarship Fund Ms. Lois Scholarship Fund Endowed Funds: Gail & Jeffrey Bayer Fund for Religious Education lves Family Religious School Fund Robert Loeb Education Fund Lee & Stanley Elsas TEENS Fund Leah Marks Young Adult Library Fund Leah's Teen Trip Fund Barbara Abrams & Julian Aland Scholarship Fund Betty A. Goldstein Camp Jacobs Scholarship Fund Figtree Scholarship Fund Max Friedman B'nai Mitzvah Fund Lewy Memorial Scholarship Fund Diana & Sidney Patterson Scholarship Fund Lester Seigel Scholarship Fund I.E. Simon Memorial Scholarship Fund January 2016 To make a Temple Tribute to e1lher an "immediate use· fund or an endowment fund, contact the Endowment Office at g33·8397 orendowment@ourtemple.ora. OTHER PROGRAM·ENRICHMENT FUNDS Membership Fund YoungAdulll Next Generation Fund Sewing Guild Fund Technology Fund Endowed Funds: Andrew Abrams Flower Fund Beth Family Fund Nina &Norman Cohen Next Generation Fund Faye &Norris Friedman Social Enrichment Fund Sherron &Allan Goldstein Break·the·Fast Fund Hannah & Hyman Goldstein Volunteer Fund "OurTemp/e"WorshipAnywhere Fund Reese Family Fund Steiner lntertaith Fund DUES ENDOWMENT FUNDS: Blach Family Fund Deborah Chargois Fund Patsy & Charles Coli at Fund Ethel Aland Fleisher Family Fund Janis & Paul Friedman Fund Rochelle & Michael Koslin Fund Carole & Michael Pizitz Family Fund Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich Family Fund Kim & Neil Roth Family Fund Jean & Jerry Sklar Fund NAMED ENDOWMENT FUNDS for unrestricted purposes: Aarons Family Fund Leah & Ronnie Leaf Family Fund JudyToddAbrams &Ted Abrams Fund Gayle& Eddie Leitman Fund Barbara & Jack Aland Family Fund Levene/Silverstein Fund Leon Aland Fund Ralph Z. Levene Memorial Fund Susan & Rodney Barstein Family Fund Roslyn T. Levene Fund Sandra &Alan Berman Family Fund Faye & Robert Levin Family Fund Gail & Harry Bayer Family Fund Ted Levite Memorial Fund Flossie & Ira Bayer Family Fund Levitt Family Fund Becker Family Fund Nathan Wayne Lewis Memorial Fund Bluestein Family Fund Letty & Bob Marcus Fund Buchalter Family Fund Judy & Gerson May Fund Ida M. Cohen Memorial Fund Gertrude &A.R. Mazer Family Fund Marion & Oscar Cohen Fund Candy & Ed Meyerson Fund Roselyn & Vernon Cohen Family Fund N.E. Miles Fund Mildred & Samuel Cohn Fund Marvin & Marilyn Lichtenstein Nelson Fund Frances & Conrad S. Cypress Fund Loretta & Mayer Newfield Fund Dannis Family Fund Dolly & Jerry Newmark Fund Elmets Family Fund Karen & Joel Piassick Fund Gladys &Alex Epstein Family Fund Betsy & Peter Printz Fund Florine Capper Ettinger Fund Loris & David Rich Memorial Fund Alvin V. Filer, Jr. Memorial Fund Suan &Andy Rotenstreich Family Fund Barbara & Larry Fine Fund Judy & James Rotenstreich Fund Stanley Dean Friedman Family Fund Rose & Nathan Rotenstreich Fund Dr. Harry & Bessie Goldner Fund Elise & Irving Rubel Fund Adele & Malvin Goldstein Fund RussakoffFamily Fund Edward Goodman Memorial Fund Amy & Michael Saag Family Fund Mimi & Seaburt Goodman Fund Betty & Coleman Sachs Fund Rebecca &Adam Gordon Fund Dena &Aaron Sachs Memorial Fund Belle &Ike Gotlieb Memorial Fund Margaret & Maurice Salloway Fund Rosalie &Raymond Gotlieb Fund Perry Schwartz Memorial Fund Carol & Robert Gross Family Fund Ida W. Seigel Fund Evelyn & Jack Held Fund Anne Copeland Silberman Memorial Fund Ginger & Jerry Held Fund Joseph H. Sirote Memorial Fund Cissy & Leonard Held Fund Morris K. Sirote Memorial Fund Carol &Donald Herman Fund Stephanie & Brad Sklar Family Fund Hirschowitz Family Fund Slive Family Fund Will Holloway Memorial Fund Carleton & Bruce Sokol Fund Hurowitz Family Fund James Sokol Family Fund Donald R. Kahn Legacy Fund Marion & Dave Solomon Fund Doris & Fred Kanter Family Fund Norma & Buddy Warren Memorial Fund Rhoda& Abe Kaplan Fund Pat& Leonard Wei! Fund Miriam & Jack Kartus Fund Weiner Family Fund Michael Koslin Family Fund Weinman/Fierman Family Fund Julie & Howard Koch Family Fund Joe, Jean & Roberta Weinstein/ Jablow Fund Susan & Barry Koretzky Family Fund Janet & Leonard Wertheimer Fund
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