April 2015 - Temple Emanu-El


April 2015 - Temple Emanu-El
The monthly bulletin for Temple Emanu-El
(205) 933-8037
April 2015
Birmingham, Alabama
April Classical Events
Tuesday, April 7th
Monday, April 27th at 7:30pm
at 7:00pm
Jemison Concert Hall
Temple Emanu-El Sanctuary of the Alys Stephens Center
The Jewish Soul
a recital with
soprano Kristine Hurst-Wajszczuk
pianist Yakov Kasman
This is a recital of music by Jewish composers. A
sample: Music by Gustav Mahler, from a collection
of German folk poems assembled in the early 1800’s.
“A Letter from Sullivan Ballou” by John Kander,
composer of Chicago and Cabaret, which is taken
from a letter written by a Civil War soldier to
his wife shortly before he was killed.
I Hate Music!, a delightful cycle of kid songs by
Leonard Bernstein, America’s most beloved
and well-known composer.
Wine & Cheese Reception will follow.
This concert is made possible by the
Ruth & J.D. Rosenberger and the Muncy Abroms Cultural
Arts Funds of the Grafman Endowment Fund.
The Alabama Symphony Orchestra
is pleased to announce a special evening of
music highlighting the American composer
Ernest Bloch with two works:
PROCLAMATION for solo trumpet and orchestra,
featuring the ASO’s new principal trumpet, Ryan
Beach, and THE SACRED SERVICE (Avodath Hakodesh),
one of the most important choral/orchestral works
of the Twentieth Century.
Lester Seigel, Professor of Music at
Birmingham-Southern College, will conduct,
with guest soloists Daniel Seigel, baritone
and Cantor Jessica Roskin.
The choirs of Birmingham-Southern College
and Canterbury United Methodist Church come
together to perform with the orchestra in this work,
which sets the Hebrew liturgy of the
Shabbat morning service.
The concert is free of charge and open to all.
For more information, contact the
Alabama Symphony Orchestra at 205-251-6929.
f o r m o r e d e ta i l s .
Our mission: Temple Emanu-El is a welcoming Reform Jewish congregation, engaging members in prayer,
study, fellowship, and acts of loving kindness to our congregational family and the community at large.
Our Services
Friday • 4/3
Friday • 4/10
Friday • 4/17
6:00 p.m.
First Night of Passover
Community Seder
with Cantor Roskin
Honoring Rabbi Laila Haas on
becoming Associate Rabbi
Oneg Sponsored by
Rosalyn & Irv Siegal
No Shabbat Service
due to Seder
Saturday • 4/4
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Birthday Blessing
Yahrzeits Reading for
4/3 and 4/4
Torah Portion:
Pesach I
Exodus 12:21-51
11:00 am
Passover & Yizkor
5:40 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Friday • 4/24
5:40 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Anniversary Blessing
5:40 p.m.
Shabbat Service
Oneg Sponsored by
Rosalyn & Irv Siegal
Oneg following honoring
Rabbi Laila Haas
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah of Samson Sands
Saturday • 4/25
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah of Brian Batchelor
Saturday • 4/18
Torah Portion:
Leviticus 10:8-20
Torah Portion:
Leviticus 13:29-40
Torah Portion:
Leviticus 14:1-15:33
Saturday • 4/11
All services are webcast at www.ourtemple.org
10:30 a.m.
Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah Nicky Siegel
| Babysitting during services available upon request
Welcome Newest
Temple Member
Please join us in celebration of
to our
Temple Emanu-El family.
Please help us extend a warm
welcome to our following
new member:
Rachele Lipsky
Associate Rabbi
for Temple Emanu-EL
Special Shabbat Service and Oneg following
Friday, April 10 at 5:40 pm
Temple Emanu-El
Birmingham, Alabama
Funding for the evening is graciously being provided by
the Temple's Young Adult/Next Generation Fund and
Rabbi Jonathan Miller's and Cantor Jessica Roskin's
Discretionary Funds.
USPS Identification
Publication Title: Our Temple
Issue Date: April 2015
Statement of Frequency:
Published monthly except forJune/July issue
Organization: Temple Emanu-El
2100 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205 4002
Issue Number: 72
Layout and Design | Kim Graham
Our Clergy & Leadership
Message From Your Temple President
Mike Koslin
Temple Emanu-El
When we were young, every one
of us enjoyed the stories that our
parents and grandparents told us.
They were always interesting
and in most cases, there was a
message for us to take away.
We come to worship services and
listen to sermons which are usually a story. Whether
it is a “sermon in song” or a more traditional sermon,
the story that we are told becomes the message with
which we leave.
Recently, your Temple leadership shared stories with
you. Some of these stories were understandably, hard
to listen to. The second part of that story is the happy
portion. We have reached many of our financial goals
and anticipate everyone’s help in completing our multi
year request for increased funding.
From Clergy
It is always about the story...
Stories are how a family shares.
There is another very important story I want to share
with you.
A year ago, Temple Emanu-El opened the Discovery
School. There were 6 children attending and there
was a vision and a dream. One year later, there are 37
children attending, and the Discovery School team is
made up of 13 wonderful teachers. We have students
who stay all day, from 7:15am to 6:00pm and then
come home to tell their families the stories of learning
Hebrew and studying the holidays. Our Temple story
is a wonderful one. As a family we share our joys, our
problems and we are always there for each other.
Thank you for being part of our Temple Emanu-El
This month, we have two extraordinary opportunities to hear
exceptional classical music. Both are free and open to the public.
The first occurs on Tuesday, April 7th
at 7:00pm in the Temple Emanu-El
sanctuary. Entitled The Jewish Soul,
it is a concert with soprano Kristine
Hurst-Wajszczuk, and pianist Yakov
Kasman, This is a recital of music by
Jewish composers.
Dr. Hurst-Wajszczuk heads the UAB
Opera Department, and UAB Opera has
achieved national recognition under her
direction. Under her guidance, the 2011
UAB opera production won first place in
National Opera Association (NOA) opera
production competition, and second
place in 2012.
Please come and spend an enjoyable
evening listening to three incredibly
talented musicians, and bring your
The second is Monday, April 27th
at 7:30pm in the Jemison Concert
Hall of the Alys Stephens Center.
The Alabama Symphony Orchestra and
The Birmingham Southern College and
Canterbury United Methodist Church
choirs will give a performance of Ernest
Bloch’s Avodath Hakodesh (Sacred Service):
A Sabbath Morning Service according to
the Union Prayer Book. Our temple choir
sings one of the prayers in the work during
our High Holy Days. This will certainly
be the first time during my tenure here
that the symphony will perform a specifically Reform Jewish work for the public!
It will be conducted by our own Lester
Seigel, and the baritone role will be
performed by his son, Daniel. Yours truly
will be involved as well. Please attend this
rare opportunity to hear great Jewish music
with the Alabama Symphony Orchestra!
Jessica Roskin
Our Leadership
Minutes from the Board Meeting: February, 2015
The Temple Board is proud to share monthly notes from our meetings in the bulletin to ensure that everyone is
informed about what is happening. We welcome your comments, enthusiasm and questions.
Clergy Reports
• Rabbi Miller: The year to celebrate Israel is going well. The Cantor’s services have been well received.
Rabbi will be attending AIPAC and the Netanyahu talk.
• Cantor Roskin: The last evolution of song sermon will be March 6th on contemporary composers. The group
approach to local cultural events has been successful. We had 27 people go to dinner and go to The Producers play
together. This brings groups together socially so we will continue this program. The Symphony is doing a Jewish
prayer symphony service Monday, April 27th with Lester Siegel conducting and a choir.
• Religious School and Discovery School – Rabbi Laila Haas: One year after our 1st open house we have
37 students; 16 full-day and 18 half-day. We continue to operate in the black. We just opened a 2nd baby class and
have 14 babies. As of now we have 4 more summer starters and more coming. We had an art exhibit and sale at the
Abroms/Engel Visual Arts Institution on March 3rd.
• Finance Report – Larry Goldberg: Larry is looking for an assistant treasurer to start this summer. Larry reviewed
end of month balances from prior years. Larry reviewed the Balance Sheet as of January 31, 2015. Larry discussed the
P&L Budget Performance. The Finance committee is reviewing these monthly and the auditors have signed off on these.
Around 425 families have committed to dues or paid. 60% of the committed families did increase their dues. A 2nd round
of letters went out with payment options. Sherron and Frank Siegel will chair a committee to make calls. Mike will be
making a video presentation for people to watch.
• Executive Directors Report – Bob Gross: There are concerns about maintaining the HVAC system. The industry
standard is 15-25 years and ours is at 15 years. The maintenance costs were $7200 for this last year we had $7800
additional costs. This year the total will be around $25,000.
• Technology Committee – Julie Stein: Julie reported that the switch to Streamspot is working well. We are working on
a new website design and hope to show it at an upcoming board meeting. The technology committee is meeting with our
Wifi support company this week to determine how to address the Wifi issues. The technology committee has implemented
a tickets system to that any technology issues should be officially reported in Email to the committee so they can be
• Personnel Committee Update – Robert Berman: Robert reported the Personnel Committee has worked on a
Personnel manual is completed and was sent out to the board. They are working on personnel job descriptions.
Mike asked that everyone review the employee handbook that was emailed today.
• Sisterhood Report – Mike Koslin : Thanks to everyone who supported the brotherhood/sisterhood Shabbat.
The women’s Seder is Sunday March 22nd. You can go online and buy tickets.
The Temple Board of Directors is proud to represent YOU ! If you would like to get more involved or
participate on a committee, please contact Bob Gross at 933-8037. If you have questions or feedback,
please contact Michael Koslin at mkoslin@aol.com or at 913-4046.
Around Our Temple
Here’s what’s new with YOUR sisterhood this month:
April 19 - Join us to Plot & Plan
What: When: Where:
Annual Planning Meeting
9:00 am breakfast,
9:30 meeting
Jasper Conference Room
Next year’s programs & events depend on YOU.
Join us as we review the past year and plan for next year.
YOUR INPUT COUNTS. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never attended
a Sisterhood event or meeting or if you come to everything we host.
We want you. We need you. CHANGE IS GOOD. NEW FACES
ARE AMAZING. We’ll have a light breakfast and socialize, then get
down to business. We’ll end before religious school dismisses!
April 21, 6:00 pm - Mah Jongg night
How many players can we get in one room?
Join us for dinner & an “all play” evening of fun & friendship.
There will be
this time.
Our final Mah Jongg night of the year is upon us and we are going out with a bam,
crack & dot. So don’t be a joker and miss out.
This event is for players only (no teaching available).
$5 Sisterhood members; $10 for guests. Open to the community.
Dinner will include salad, Roly Poly sandwiches, snacks and beverages (including wine.)
RSVP by April 17 to Mackie Horowitz at mhorowitz@bellsouth.net or 205.969.1111.
If you plan to bring your group, let us know their names. Also, let us know if you’re
a beginner or an experienced player so we can match you up with a great game.
• April 12 Spring Israeli cooking
event is cancelled.•
And in other Mah Jongg news ~
Join us on April 12 @ 11am for a co-sponsored author then play event
Co-sponsored by Birmingham Hadassah and the Sisterhoods of Temple Emanu-El,
Temple Beth-El, and Knesseth Israel, come hear Gregg Swain and Ann Israel discuss
their book, Mah Jongg: The Art and History of the Game. This is the first book to fully
capture the story of the exotic and exciting game of Mah Jongg, offering an intimate
look at the history of the game as well as the visual beauty of the tiles. Books available
for purchase. You’re invited to stay and play afterwards. Cost is $5 per person.
For more information, contact Mindy Cohen mcohen@bhamjcc.org or 510-9024
Register for a Bar/Bat Mitzvah
It’s a great way to let everyone know how to honor them!
Gift Shop
Come see our beautiful new Tallit’s from Israel. If you
register in the gift shop will give you 25% off the Tallit.
Hours for March 2015 are:
Tuesday, Thursday and Friday from 10:00am-2:00pm or
by appointment contact Loretta Newfield at 933-8037.
Mazel Tov To...
Marshall Rathmell who was honored by the
Birmingham Business Journal as a member of
their 2015 “Top 40 Under 40” class. Barry Marks on the publication of his new book Dividing by Zero.Barry’s book is featured on
Negative Capability’s Facebook page-Negative
Capability Facebook and on Negative Capability’s
website where there is also an interview with the
author. Copies can be ordered from Amazon.
Doris & Fred Kanter on the wedding of their granddaughter, Heather Allyson Folks, to Kevin Wayne
Givens on Saturday, February 21 in Baton Rouge
Louisiana. Also celebrating with them are parents
Ellen & Chunky Folks and Bobbye Jean Givens.
Around Our Temple
Anna & Cliff Wooton on the birth of their son
Kale Aaron Wooten born Thursday, February 26.
Celebrating with them are grandparents
Murray Lichter and Jennie Lichter.
Lauren & Drew Weil on the birth of their son
Campbell Bowman Weil. Grandparents are Lisa &
Andy Weil, of Montgomery and Lorri & Mark Sawyer
of Navarre Beach, FL Great-grandparents are Nancy and Harold Blach, Peggy & Richard Sawyer
of Anniston and Dolores Monk of Orlando, FL.
Also celebrating are aunt Amanda Sokol (Kevin) and uncles, Dustin Weil, Samuel Sawyer and
John Mark Sawyer.
Condolences To...
Family of Janet Cypress Harris who passed away on
Thursday, February 12. 2015. She is survived by
mother Frances Cypress, brother Fred (Denise)
Cypress and her son, Joseph (Gina) Sacher, her two
granddaughters, Chole and Emma Sacher and
nephew David Cypress.
The family of Harold (Bo) Bowman Blach, III
who passed away on Saturday, February 14, 2015.
He was preceded in death by his mother, Joanie Baim
Blach. He is survived by his father, Harold
(Nancy) B. Blach, Jr., sisters, Kit (Rick) Roth and.
Lisa (Andy) Weil, nephews and nieces Richard Jr. and
Jason Roth, Drew (Lauren) Weil. Amanda (Kevin)
Sokol and Dustin Weil. Family of Malcolm Gordon of Baltimore, MD who
passed away on Thursday, February 19. He is
survived by his wife, Shirley Gordon of Baltimore;
sons, Adam Gordon (Rebecca) of Birmingham and
Scott Gordon (Melissa) of Baltimore; grandchildren,
Ben Gordon, Leah Gordon of Birmingham and
Ari Gordon of Baltimore.
Family of David Sperling, MD, who passed away on
Monday, March 2, 2015. He is survived by his sons,
Peter (Vicky) Sperling of New Orleans, LA, Andrew
Sperling of Chevy Chase, MD, and James Sperling of
Santa Cruz, CA; daughter, Elisabeth (Charles) Jordan
of Atlanta, GA; and grandchildren, Andrew, Elliot,
Frances, Olivia, Madeline, Isabel, and Natalie.
The family of David Elliott Fleisher of Destin, FL,
who passed away on Tuesday, March 3, 2015. He was
preceded in death by his parents Rita and Norman
Fleisher. He is survived by his wife Celeste Fleisher.
His daughter Ellen Turner ( Jeff ), son Jonathan Fleisher
(Maria) of Birmingham, AL. his sister Melinda Mintz
(Morris) of Monroe, LA and a granddaughter Julia
Family of Martha (Marti) Shelnutt Dillard of
Birmingham, Alabama, who passed away on Friday,
March 6. She is survived by her husband Larry Dillard;
daughter, Susan Dillard Phillips (David) of Columbus,
Mississippi; sons, Clint Dillard (Amy) and Chip Dillard
of Birmingham, Alabama; and several grandchildren.
Around Our Temple
Thank you to our Family Promise
Of Birmingham Volunteers
Once again we are so thankful for all of the volunteers who turned our classrooms and hallways into a
temporary home for the families enrolled in the Family Promise program. We hosted families during the week of
March 15 at Temple Emanu-El with the support of Temple Beth-El and with the generous help from the following:
Temple Emanu-El Staff & Clergy
Temple Emanu-El TEENS
Alison Berman & Temple Sisterhood
Mary & Chuck Butterworth
Ann & Richard Goldstein
Sherrie Grunfeld
Marilyn Haver
Kristine Hurst-Wajszczuk
Sheri & Jimmy Krell
Matt Levey
Denise Lewis
Julie Marcus
Brian McMillan
Linda McMullen
Aaron Nelson & Temple Brotherhood
Jennifer Nemet
Greg Odrezin
David Reese
Kim & Neil Roth
Jason Ruha
Robert Russell
Rhonda Siegel
Joyce Spielberger
Amy, Hannah and Andrew Strickland
Matt Swerdlin
Amy Trammell
Lori Weil
Julie Welden
We will be hosting our Family Promise guests again the week of June 28-July 5 and need your help.
This is also a wonderful opportunity for a teenager who needs volunteer hours. To volunteer or for more
information, please contact Matt Swerdlin at (202) 747-4271 or matthewswerdlin@gmail.com
Each month, Temple Emanu-El chooses
a specific cause for our Tzedakah Box.
Our April cause is: My
Child’s Closet
My Child’s Closet is a Birmingham-based organization that provides
new or gently worn play clothes, pajamas, socks, new underwear, bathing suits and school uniforms to kids in need. My Child’s Closet provides
a safe environment where children’s self-esteem soars as they select
clothes they like and feel comfortable wearing. There are no paid
employees or any other expenses at My Child’s Closet, only a small
dedicated group of volunteers. Please consider donating new or
gently worn children’s clothes or support My Child’s Closet with a
donation. Thank You!
Our Youth & Education
Special thanks to our Temple Emanu-El Sisterhood
for sponsoring our annual Purim Spiel and Carnival!
B’ nei Mitzvah
Brian Batchelor • April 11th
Brian earned his B.S. in Mathematics and M.B.A. – Accounting at Troy University. He is
employed as a Senior Financial Analyst with Protective Life Insurance and resides in Hoover,
AL. He is the son of Julia and Keener Batchelor (Dothan). Brian is celebrating with his wife
Jennifer and children, Abigail, Mary, Tyson, and Levi.
Samson Sands • April 18th
Samson, is an 8th grader at The Altamont School. He is the son of Lynn and Harlan Sands. His grandparents are Iris and Harvey Sands of New York, NancyBrazinski of Birmingham,
and the late Adolph Brazinski of Alexandria,Virginia. Samson will be celebrating with his
brother AJ, as well as his nine cousins and other relatives from around the country.
Nickolas Siegel • April 25th
Nickolas is a 7th grader at Mountain Brook Junior High. He is the son of Drs. Joanna and
Herrick Siegel, the grandson of Susanne and Ronald Fein of Sands Point, New York and
Marsha and Michael Siegel of Rancho Santa Fe, California. Celebrating with him are
brothers, Dylan & Grant and sister, Leighton.
Registration is now open
for Summer 2015!
Session 1: May 26 – June 26
Session 2: June 30 – July 31
Session 3: August 3 – August 25
Full and half day options available
For more information, please contact Jennifer Nemet
at (205) 933-5907 or discoveryschool@ourtemple.org
Our Yahrzeits
May the beauty of their lives shine forever, and may we always bring honor to their memory.
April 3-4
Arnold Abelson
Bernard Abrams
Emanuel Aland
David Anthony
Joseph Apolinsky
Rose Becker
Emily Berchuck
May Berke
Edith Besser
Freda Bluestein
Joel David “Kip” Borisky
Emanuel Copeland
Jack Drew
Merrill Dulin
Stan Dyer
Elena Elina
Alex Epstein
Sam Epstein
Herschel Feibelman
Louis Franklin
Carolyn Goldberg
Annie Goldstein
Abe Green
Ethelle Gunter
Trevor Hartman
Meyer Heiman
Vera Hopp
Leonard Jacobs
Marvin “Buddy” Jacobs
Ronnie Kasowitz
Albert Kern
Karen Kernan
Allen Koslin
Kate Lewis
Lola Liberman
Abner Lichtenstein
Benjamin Litwin
Alice Maulitz
Hyman Miller
Lenora Moog
Neelie Nance
Neelie Nance
Archie Rosenthal
Thomas Sandson
Rose Saunders
Roslyn Schulwolf
Meyer Shiland
Clara Siegel
Carolyn Silverman
Enid Silverstein
Benjamin Singer
Harry Sokol
Jacob Solomon
Rae Stein
Dorah Sterne
Israel Wald
Ella Weil
Isadore Weinstein
Sara Wilson
April 10-11
Ben Aarons
Ben Aarons
Dawn Adler
Emily Arnold
Isidor Barasch
Jack Becker
Fred Berman
Colman Blach
Sarah Blach
Walter Bloch
Anne Brody
Alice Brownstein
Reva Cohen
Ida Cotton
Mary Diamond
Neddie Elkus
David Finkelstein
Sophie Fox
Leo Frankel
Stanley Friedman
Stephen Furst
Mazy Geismar
Oleg Geskin
Earlene Giedinghagen
Shirley Gold
Arline Goldberg
Abraham Goldberg
Alvin Goldberg
Bennie Goldstein
Ida Goldberg
William Goodman
Ike Gotlieb
Katherine Hanan
Colin Hartman
Nettie Hess
Sidney Hiller
Adolph Hirsch
Sarah Izen
Rachel Jospin
Simon Kessler
Joe Landau
William Lean
Rosa Leibovici
Frieda Leitman
Gerard Lewis
Victor Hugo Marx
Rose Mazer
Abraham Miller
Paul Mitnick
Bertha Newfield
Sonia Newmark
Melvin Niden
Marcus Niger
Loretta B. Norris
Louis Oppenheim
Anne Perley
Herman Pinkerson
Jerry Printz
Harry Ravitz
Alex Rittenbaum
Mark Russakoff
Herman Saks
Phillip Schnapier
Chana Schniper
Louis Schulhafer, Jr.
Joe Slaughter
Velma Sohn
Bryna Talpers
Sam Tenenbaum
Joyce Weintraub
Ben Witt
Irwin D. Wolf
Irwin Wolf, Jr.
April 17-18
Isaac Abelson
Morris Arnovitz
Henry Bluttman
Miriam Bromberg
Steve Browdy
Sophie Caplan
Artressi Cook
Frances Copeland
Prude Thomas Cowen, Jr.
Loretta Crystall
Baba Elbert
Marvin Engel
Louis Estrach
Max Gerson
Michael Gold
Solomon Goldberg
Alan Goldblatt
Benjamin Goldstein
Betty Goldstein
Fred Goldstein
Seaburt Goodman
Joseph Hagedorn
Renee Haimsohn
Marie Handler
Mamie Horowitz
Celia Johnson
Abe Klotzman
Isaac Krentzman
Hugo Kuhn
Lillian Kurtz
Israel Landau
Mae Layton
Benjamin Leader
Harry Meisler
Lil Mendel
Mary Ovson
Herold Schwab
Deborah Seitel
Bessie Shiller
Harold Stern
Cecile Sundock
Ida Webster
Sylvia Weinstein
Bernard Wiatrak
Irving Wolfson
Lillian Wortsman
Gloria Zimmerman
April 24-25
Annie Abelson
Helen Applebaum
Anne Ascher
Sidney Bernheim
Lawrence Bunsey
Paula Bunsey
Thomas Bunsey, Jr.
Thomas Bunsey, Sr.
Esther Cohen
Ruth Dorman
Sydney Friedman
Harry Gilbert
Max Glazer
Eli Goldberg
Eleanor Goodman
Miriam “Mimi” Goodman
Paul Griffith
Mary Grob
Nissan Imas
Marylyn Isay
Yetta Krakovitz
Rose Kushner
Betty Lean
Milton Lewis
Nathan Marx, U.S.N.
James Harold Maus
Max Lorch Mayer
David McPhillips
Dorothy Miller
Jacob Minisman
Martha Neuman
Morris Pinhas
Hortense Pizitz
Hymon Ripps
Jean Roseman
M.H. Roseman
Benjamin Roth
Naomi Royal
Dena Sachs
Gertrude Schulhafer
Donald Silberman
Jeanette Solomon
Arthur Steiner
Herley Thompson
Gene Thompson
Ruth Weiner
Alfred Yeargin
Rose Zalmon
Gloria Zimmerman
Our Tributes
We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support our congregation by remembering and honoring their friends and
loved ones through their generous contributions. Thank you for the following gifts received through March 5, 2015:
General & Unrestricted Funds
Donations to our General Temple and Endowment Funds, and the Unrestricted Named Endowment Funds
provide the greatest Flexibility to respond to our congregation’s changing needs.
In Memory Of:
Bobby Bell, father of Emily Casey
by Hilary & Scott Gewant
by Leah Leaf and family
Brett Alan Berman, brother of Allison Weil
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Joyce & Joe Lichtenstein
by Carrie & Richard Pizitz
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
Bo Blach
by Janet & David Aarons
by Karen & Leslie Allen
by Susan & Rodney Barstein
by Harry Bayer
by Joan Becker
by Rosalyn Bloomston
by Jane & Joe Bluestein
by Lynne & Mark Cohen
by Charles Collat
by Cheryl & Charlie Collat
by Helene Elkus
by Laurie & Craig Elmets
by Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman
by Barbara & Larry Fine
by Julie Levinson-Gabis & Bernard Gabis
by Hilary & Scott Gewant
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Mitzi & Donald Goldstein
by Joanna Gotlieb
by Carol & Bob Gross
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Mackie & Sherman Horowitz
by Doris & Fred Kanter
by Julie & Howard Koch
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Ricky Koslin and Lyons Heyman
by Shirley & Jerry Leader
by Leah Leaf and family
by Letty & Bob Marcus
by Judy & Gerson May
by Margot & Edgar Marx
by Candy & Ed Meyerson
by Loretta Newfield
by Babs Perlman
by Carrie & Richard Pizitz
by Rosalyn & Irvin Siegal
by Elinor Sue & Michael Staff
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
by Janet & Leonard Wertheimer
by Barbara Zaslofsky
Dan Blitz, brother of Russ Blitz
by Jane & Joe Bluestein
by Lynne & Mark Cohen
by Hilary & Scott Gewant
by Cinda & Lawrence Goldberg
by Leah Leaf and family
by Carrie & Richard Pizitz
by Lana & Steve Royal
by Julie & Charles Stein
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
by Allison & Ben Weil
Bette Ann Pearl Blumenthal,
mother of Michael Blumenthal
by Bill Goldman
by Carol & Donald Herman
by Margot & Edgar Marx
by Arnold Steiner
Felice H. Cohen, mother of Alise Erdberg
by Wanda & Ross Cohen
by Laurie & Craig Elmets
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Letty & Bob Marcus
Patsy Collat
by Barbara & Jack Aland
by Harry Bayer
by Joan Becker
by Rosalyn Bloomston
by Jane & Joe Bluestein
by Phoebe Cotton
by Barbara & Larry Fine
by Mitzi & Donald Goldstein
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Ricky Koslin and Lyons Heyman
by Denise & Wayne Lewis
by Babs Perlman
by Carrie & Richard Pizitz
by Carleton & Bruce Sokol
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
Janet Cypress Harris,
daughter of Frances Cypress
by Elise & Joe Erdberg
by Penny Gordon
by Joanna Gotlieb
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Doris & Fred Kanter
by Sara & Marvin Lazarus
by Loretta Newfield
by Cindy Pinhas
by Marian & Myron Radwin
by Arnold Steiner
Anita Danneman, mother of Julie Bernstein
by Rosalyn Bloomston
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Letty & Bob Marcus
by Loretta Newfield
Gertrude Davis, mother of Alan Davis
by Laurie & Craig Elmets
by Joyce & Joe Lichtenstein
by Babs Perlman
by Sam Tenenbaum, Jr.
I.M. Davis
by Jane & Melvin Davis
Mae Goldberg
by Dan Goldberg
Lillian Goldstein
by Sarah & Michael Staff
Malcolm Gordon, father of Adam Gordon
by Janet & David Aarons
by Lynne & Mark Cohen
by Helene Elkus
by Julie Levinson-Gabis & Bernard Gabis
by Hilary & Scott Gewant
by Leah Leaf and family
by Loretta Newfield
by Judy & Robert Rutstein
by Susan & Michael Stein and family
James Howell, brother of Jamie Odrezin
by Leah Leaf and family
by Jamie & Greg Odrezin
by Rosalyn & Irvin Siegal
Your contributions through our “Temple Tributes” help to support Temple Emanu-El’s annual operations and activities,
and further build our Grafman Endowment Fund to enrich our congregation…now and forever.
To make a Tribute Gift to either a Temple or an Endowment Fund,
please contact the Endowment Office at 933-8397 or endowment@ourtemple.org.
A list of all our Temple and Endowment Funds is available on the back of the Calendar Insert in this bulletin,
and on our website at www.ourtemple.org.
Our Tributes
Edward Sidney Hyman
by Judy Ladden McDonald &
Randy McDonald
Edna Kamenshine Levine, mother of
Ilene Wilensky
by Rosalyn Bloomston
by Jane & Joe Bluestein
by Laurie & Craig Elmets
by Cissty & Leonard Held
by Ricky Koslin
by Joyce & Joe Lichtenstein
Samuel Lyon
by Shirley & Jerry Leader
V. Hugo Marx, Jr
by Lisa T. Marx
Frank McCay, father of Jennifer Rosenthal
by Trey, Andrew, Cheryl &
Charlie Collat
by Hilary & Scott Gewant
Louis Rosenblum
by Ruth Rosenblum
Nathan Schaeffer, father of Jack Schaeffer
by Rosalyn Bloomston
by Jane & Joe Bluestein
by Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman
by Babs Perlman
Sidney Sigman
by Regina & Neil Sigman
Beatrice Solomon
by Jane & Melvin Davis
Myer Staff
by Elinor Sue & Michael Staff
Sam Steinberg
by Sandra & Alan Berman
Wishing Good Health To:
Lynne Cohen
by Janet & David Aarons
by Carol & Bob Gross
Allan Goldstein
by Wendy & Frank Siegal
Elaine Kartus
by Evelyn & Jack Held
Gerson May
by Janet & David Aarons
by Gail & Charles Herman
Pete Roth
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Jerry Lapidus
by Babs Perlman
Rick Roth
by Janet & David Aarons
by Karen & Leslie Allen
by Harry Bayer
by Helene Elkus
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Carol & Donald Herman
by Mackie & Sherman Horowitz
by Jerry Lapidus
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Letty & Bob Marcus
by Elinor Sue & Mike Staff
Sandy Seton
by Harry Bayer
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
Carole Simpson
by Evelyn & Jack Held
Dodie Sokol
by Karen & Leslie Allen
by Cissy & Leonard Held
Steven Sorrel
by Rosalyn Bloomston
Murray Tanner
by Mitzi & Donald Goldstein
In Honor Of:
Bat Mitzvah of Molly Frohsin, daughter of
Elise & Hank Frohsin, and granddaughter
of Carol & Henry Frohsin and
Judy & Gerson May
by Janet & David Aarons
by Ricki & Lanning Kline
Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Sklar, daughter of
Stephanie & Brad Sklar and granddaughter
of Jean & Jerry Sklar
by Carol & Donald Herman
by Margot & Edgar Marx
by Carole Simpson
by Stephanie & Stephen Steinmetz
by Sam Tenenbaum, Jr.
Birth of Hadassah “Haddie” Rosalyn
Haines, daughter of Andrea & Kent Haines
and granddaughter of Lisa & Alan Engel
by Bari Cotton & Peter Egli
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Denise & Wayne Lewis
by Candy & Ed Meyerson
by Linda Verin & Rick Clay
Birth of William “Billy” Cotton Hayes,
grandson of Maureen Petrofsky
by Denise & Wayne Lewis
Birth of Maxwell Kilmer Hunter,
grandson of Dian Diamond
by Denise & Wayne Lewis
by Linda Verin & Rick Clay
Birth of Emery “Emmy” Weil Saag,
daughter of Brittany & Andrew Saag,
granddaughter of Amy & Michael Saag
and great-granddaughter of Pat Weil
by Bernice Barstein
by Bari Cotton & Peter Egli
by Phoebe Cotton
by Nancy & David Denney
by Lindy & Preston Edwards
by Barbara & Larry Fine
by Hilary & Scott Gewant
by Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
by Carol & Bob Gross
by Julie & Howard Koch
by Susan & Barry Koretzky
by Denise & Wayne Lewis
by Candy & Ed Meyerson
by Rosalyn & Irvin Siegal
by Regina & Neil Sigman
by Linda Verin & Rick Clay
Birth of Campbell Bowman Weil,
son of Lauren & Drew Weil
by Hilary & Scott Gewant
by Lori & Jimmy Weil, Jr.
by Janet & Leonard Wertheimer
Special Birthday of Harry Bayer
by Joan Becker
Special Birthday of Floyd Berman
by Carole Simpson
Special Birthday of Jerry Lapidus
by Cissy & Leonard Held
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Carole Simpson
Special Birthdays of Judy & Gerson May
by Ricki & Lanning Kline
Special Birthday of Paul Nagrodski
by Judy & Hal Abroms
by Denise & Wayne Lewis
Special Birthday of Loretta Newfield
by Marilyn Haver
by Ilene & Kenneth Johnson
Special Birthday of Dick Pizitz
by Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Carole Simpson
Special Birthday of Buddy Schulhafer
by Evelyn & Jack Held
by Carole Simpson
Special Birthday of Jerry Seigel
by Joan Becker
by Evelyn & Jerry Held
by Carole Simpson
Engagement of Evan Lichter, son of
Lee & Steve Lichter, to Annette Pollack
by Linda Verin & Rick Clay
www.ourtemple.org www.ourtemple.org
Support Our
Live Webcasts
Live webcasting of our
Temple Emanu-El services is
made possible in part through
the “OurTemple”
Worship Anywhere Fund.
If you are watching our webcast
online, it is now easy to just
click to make a donation to this
fund to help us to continue
to provide webcasting
and enhance this service
Our Tributes
Designated Endowment Funds
Contributions to these “perpetual” funds help provide
permanent sources of income for special programming
and enhancements for our temple today,
as well as for future generations.
Muncy Abroms
Cultural Arts Fund
In Memory Of:
Bo Blach
by Carol Solomon
Blach Family Fund for
Dues Endowment
In Memory Of:
Bo Blach
by Elaine Bercu
by Marlene & Rick Beringer
by Sandra & Alan Berman
by Elaine & Richard Berman
by Robin & Jeff Blitz
by Cecile & Thomas Brigham
by Nancy & Ricky Bromberg
by Patricia & Ehney Camp
by Corrine Capilouto
by Frances & Ralph Capouya
by Micki Cocoran
by Eileen & Robert Cohn
by Alice Diamond and children
by Joe Donald
by Lindy & Preston Edwards
by Lisa & Alan Engel
by Betty Ehrlich
by Beverly & Stanley Erdreich
by Shirley & Ron Froehlich
by Cindee & Michael Gold
by Cinda & Larry Goldberg
by Denise & Sam Goldstein
by Dixie & Joe Hagedorn
by Barbara & Merlin Hagedorn
by Ginger & Jerry Held
by Richard Hyman
by Jan & Kenny Jaffe
by Ricki & Lanning Kline
by Herman Kohlmeyer, Jr.
by Alan Krys and family
by Amy & Neal Labovitz
by Susan & Billy Lapidus
by John Lauriello
by Faye & Robert Levin
by Ellen & Michael Levitt
by Mary Levy and family
by Eve Loeb
by Bari & Russell Love
by Frieda & Eph Mazer
by Lynette & J.B. Mazer
by Emily & Willard McCall
by Janis & Victor Nichol
by Carol & William Nicrosi, III
by Marsha & Steve Orange
by David Paris
by Marian & Myron Radwin
by Mimi & Fred Renneker
by Leone Risman
by Sheryl, Brent, Caroline &
Blake Rosen
by Amy & Michael Saag and family
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
by Rachel & Mandy Selber
by Lou Ann & George Sherling
by Regina & Neil Sigman
by Rosi & Michael Smith
by Laurie & Zachary Solomon
by Elisabeth, Peter & Andrew Sperling
by Margaret & Max Stein
by Arnold Steiner
by Patricia Uhlmann
by Diane & Alan Weil
by Sheila & Bobby Weil
by Gay & Irving Winter
Patsy Collat
by Nancy & Harold Blach
Wishing Good Health:
Pete Roth and Rick Roth
by Cindee & Michael Gold
Rick Roth
by Dixie & Joe Hagedorn
by Frieda & Eph Mazer
by Rachel & Mandy Selber
by Julie & Charles Stein
In Honor Of:
Birth of Haddie Haines
by Kit & Rick Roth
Betty A. Goldstein Camp
Jacobs Scholarship Fund
Wishing Good Health:
Rick Roth
by Betty Allenberg Goldstein
Sherron & Allan Goldstein
Break-the-Fast Fund
In Memory Of:
Bo Blach and Janet Cypress Harris
by Sherron & Allan Goldstein
Jean & Jerry Sklar Fund for
Dues Endowment
In Honor Of:
Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Sklar
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Hannah & Hyman Goldstein
Volunteer Fund
In Memory Of:
Bo Blach, Patsy Collat, Anita Danneman,
Malcolm Gordon, Janet Cypress Harris
and Franklin Horton
by Debra & Joel Goldstein
Bo Blach and Edna Kamenshine Levine
by Marilyn & Murray Tanner
Wishing Good Health:
Rick Roth
by Debra & Joel Goldstein
by Marilyn & Murray Tanner
In Honor Of:
Birth of Campbell Bowman Weil
by Marilyn & Murray Tanner
Birth of Haddie Haines, Emmy Saag and
Maddy Levin
by Debra & Joel Goldstein
Birth of Emmy Saag
by Debra & Joel Goldstein
by Marilyn & Murray Tanner
Mollie & Herman Gotlieb
Sanctuary Preservation Fund
In Memory Of:
Bo Blach
by Marcia Unger
Richard Gotlieb
by Marilyn & Paul Kullman
by Regina & Neil Sigman
In Honor Of:
Birth of Campbell Bowman Weil
by Marcia Unger
Ms Lois Scholarship Fund
In Memory Of:
Brett Berman, Dan Blitz and James Hewell
by Susan & Karl Biedinger
Edward Goldstone
by Barbara & Mark Goldstone
Reese Family Fund
In Memory Of:
Edith Perman-Allen
by David Reese
In Honor Of:
Special Birthday of Bill Goldman
by David Reese
Our Tributes
“Our Temple” Worship
Anywhere Fund
In Memory Of:
Patsy Collat
by Marissa & Harold Apolinsky
by Warren Averett Companies, LLC
by Susan & Karl Biedinger
by Michelle & Evan Bruck
by Cinda & Larry Goldberg
by Shirley Salloway Kahn &
UAB Office of Development
by Joan Loeb
by Joy & James Smith
by Laurie & Zachary Solomon
by Dorothy Ziff
Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
Fund for Dues Endowment
In Memory Of:
Bo Blach, Bette Ann Blumenthal and
James Howell
by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
Wishing Good Health:
Bernie Schulman
by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
In Honor Of:
Birth of Haddie Haines and
Emmy Saag
by Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
Designated Temple Funds
Gifts to these “immediate use” funds fulfill special needs beyond
the scope of what dues and tuition fees are able to provide.
Rabbi Jonathan Miller
Discretionary Fund
In Memory Of:
Frances Birnbaum and Ted Small
by Joan Loretta Munn
Dan Blitz
by Jann & Russ Blitz
In Honor Of:
Bat Mitzvah of our daughter,
Molly Frohsin
by Elise & Hank Frohsin
Bar Mitzvah of our son,
Zachary Hagedorn
by Christie & Jeff Hagedorn
Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Sklar
by Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Birth and baby naming of our daughter and
granddaughter, Haddie Haines
by Lisa & Alan Engel
by Andrea & Kent Haines
Birthdays of Gloria Hecht and
Alice Montlack
by Joan Loretta Munn
Caring Committee Fund
In Honor Of
Special birthday of Leah Leaf
by Ilene & Ken Johnson
Rabbi Laila Haas
Discretionary Fund
In Honor Of:
Bat Mitzvah of our daughter,
Molly Frohsin
by Elise & Hank Frohsin
Cantor Jessica Roskin
Discretionary Fund
In Memory Of:
Dan Blitz
by Jann & Russ Blitz
Gertrude Davis
by Susan & Karl Biedinger
In Honor Of:
Bar Mitzvah of our son,
Zachary Hagedorn
by Christie & Jeff Hagedorn
Bat Mitzvah of our daughter and
granddaughter, Molly Frohsin
by Elise & Hank Frohsin
by Judy & Gerson May
Religious School Fund
In Memory Of:
Bette Ann Blumenthal and Phil Pincus
by Joselle & Herbert Morewitz
Our Sponsors
Buggy Bucks: The Perfect Gift!
Please give Buggy Bucks gift cards to your friends, family, and employees for any celebration or occasion.
It works like this: you purchase the Buggy Bucks gift cards for Publix or Piggly Wiggly. They work just like
any gift card, but these stores give us a discount on the total amount and those proceeds go directly to the
Temple General Fund.
We take cash, checks, and can even transfer money directly from your bank!We can mail the Buggy Bucks
directly to you or we can mail them directly to the recipient with your personalized card.
Now, what could be easier than that?
Call Loretta Newfield at (205) 933-8037 or arleanloretta@icloud.com to order.
Temple Emanu-El Advertising
Information for Our Temple Bulletin
Black & white ads are sold on an annual basis only and will run for 11 consecutive months.
Available ad sizes include small, medium, large, and full page (when available). (Sorry, color ads are not available.)
Why advertise with us?
• Businesses get an Automatic Trust Factor when advertising in faith-based newsletters.
• Your advertising will be in both over 600 monthly circulated print editions and also in the digital
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• Your business is viewed in a positive light as a Community Supporter.
• Every potential customer lives in your community!
Monthly payments are available. For pricing and other information, please contact:
Marianne Pitts
Temple Emanu-El
(205) 933-8037, ext. 239
Majestic Nails Spa
4274 Cahaba Heights Ct Ste #110 Vestavia
(205) 271-2125
Appointments & Walk-ins Welcome
Organic Products & LEDgel only, Non-UV
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Sat 9:30am - 5pm • Sun 1pm - 5pm
(205) 266-2077
Jose Katz
3900 Montclair Rd, Suite 320
Crestline Post Office Bldg
(205) 871-1008
Monday-Friday: 10am-5pm
Our Sponsors
CAT Animal Hospital
380 Summit boulevard
Birmingham, AL 35243
(205) 967-2511
FAX: (205) 967-2652
J.H. Berry
Personal & Business Protection
For All Your Insurance Needs
Giani, Marco & Giovanni, Owners
721 Broadway St. Homewood, 35209
David Lott, President

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Birmingham, AL 35242
1465 Gadsden Hwy
Birmingham, AL 35235
1432 Montgomery Hwy
Vestavia Hills, AL 35216
More Floors. More Choices. More Savings.
Nathan Marcus
(205) 824-8001
© 2011 Allstate Insurance Company.
(see facing page
for all the details)
Temple Emanu-El
2100 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205
Birmingham, AL
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This issue of OurTemple bulletin is made possible through the support of the Temple Emanu-El Brotherhood.
Our Temple
The monthly bulletin for Temple Emanu-El
2100 Highland Avenue South
Birmingham, AL 35205 (205) 933-8037 | FAX (205) 933-8099
Founded in 1882 and affiliated with the Union for Reform Judaism.
It’s not to late to make plans to join
Cantor Roskin for the First Night of Passover.
All the traditional foods will be served, matzo ball soup,
charoses, brisket, chicken, kugel and much more to eat.
Friday, April 3, 2015
6:00 - 9:00p.m.
Abroms Hall in the Collat Congregational Center
$25 per person & Children 12 and under $10 Please bring a bottle of wine or grape juice..
Please RSVP by Monday, March 30th at www.ourtemple.org .
Childcare will be provided for a portion of the Seder
for ages 18 months to 5 years old.
Please sign up on the Temple website and click babysitting.
If you have a question: Fran Marlow , 933-8037 ext. 244
Rabbi Jonathan Miller
Cantor Jessica Roskin
Rabbi Laila Haas
Senior Team
Mark Cohen M.D, Executive Director
Jann Blitz, Endowment Fund Executive Director
Board of Directors
Dr. Michael Koslin, President
Ben Weil, President Elect
Dr. Mark Cohen, Vice President
Dr. Al Cohn, Vice President
Sherron Goldstein, Vice President
Julie Stein, Secretary
Larry Goldberg, Treasurer
Stephen Royal, Immediate Past President
Hal Abroms
Brian Held
Debbie Barnstein
Edgar Marx, Jr
Andi Berger
Joel Piassick
Robert Berman
David Reese
Paul Blutter
Brittany Saag
Charles Collat, Jr.
Michael Tucker
Anna Slive Harwood
In the event of a family emergency after hours,
please contact us:
Rabbi Jonathan Miller: (205) 223-0916
Cantor Jessica Roskin: (205) 266-6549
Rabbi Laila Haas: (205) 777-8804
Remember Temple’s Endowment Fund in your estate plans, and please let us know when you do.
A publication offering information and opportunities to help ensure
April 2015
a strong and vibrant home of Reform Judaism in Birmingham, Alabama…. Now and Forever
Rabbi Grafman Endowment Fund for Temple Emanu -El
2014-15 Annual Endowment Gifts
— through March 15, 2015 —
Blessing our congregation . . . Today and Tomorrow . It is our pleasure to recognize the over 290 participants in
our Annual Endowment Gift Program whom we have heard from thus far. We are appreciative of every gift -- as
each helps us to further build our Temple’s endowment to provide for programming enhancements today and to
ensure financial stability for future generations. If we have not yet heard from you -- there is still time! Just let
us know that you’d like to participate and we’ll send a reminder of your pledge to be paid anytime prior to June 30th.
Janet & David Aarons
Judy & Hal Abroms
Barbara & Jack Aland, Jr.
Kelly & Robert Aland
Caliegh & David Alevy
Karen & Leslie Allen
Julie & Steve Anderson
Susan Andrews
Lois Appelbaum
Linda Applebaum
Erin & John Arnold
Bernice Barstein
Daniel Barstein
Debbie & Mark Barstein
Jamie Barstein
Justin Barstein
Susan & Rodney Barstein
Harry Bayer
Gail & Jeffrey Bayer
Jodi & Mark Bearman
Joan Becker
Becky & Randal Benson
Robin & Hilton Berger
Andi & Roy Berger
Nancy & Lincoln Berland
Alison & Robert Berman
Sandra & Alan Berman
Susan & Karl Biedinger
Nancy & Harold Blach, Jr.
Larry Bleiberg
Jann & Russ Blitz
Rita Meikson &
Alexander Blokh
Barry Bloomston
Dolores & Edward Bloomston
Rosalyn Bloomston
Jane & Joe Bluestein
Karen & Kenneth Bluestein
Judy Borisky-Metzger
Christine & David Brandt
Sharon & Ed Bromberg
Helena & Robert Buchalter
Mary Lynne & Eli Capilouto
Linda Verin & Rick Clay
Nancy & Steven Christopherson
Martin Cogen
Carla & Justin Cohen
Jacob Cohen
Lois & David Cohen
Lynne & Mark Cohen
Oscar Cohen
Wanda & Ross Cohen
Charlotte Cohn
Linda Cohn
Linda & Richard Cohn
Patsy* & Charles Collat, Sr.
Cheryl & Charlie Collat, Jr.
Phoebe Cotton
Tamara & Jeff Cusmariu
Susan & Jeffrey Cutler
Sharon & Gary Cutter
Frances Cypress
Jane & Melvin Davis
Rick Davis
Nancy & David Denney
Dian Diamond
Lori & Stephen Dorsky
Sallie & Bruce Downs
Lindy & Preston Edwards
Bari Cotton & Peter Egli
Helene Elkus
Laurie & Craig Elmets
Ellen & Fred Elsas
Marian & Ron Epstein
Alise & Joe Erdberg
Kaydee Erdreich-Breman
Beverly & Stanley Erdreich
Jennifer & Kevin Feld
Chu-Chi & Bobby Fierman
Barbara & Larry Fine
Grace Finkel
Tammy & Keith Fleisher
MaryAnne & Michael Freeman
Brenda & Fred Friedman
Cathy & Paul Friedman, Jr.
Faye & Norris Friedman
Janis Friedman
Linda & Douglas Friedman
Mark Friedman
Sally & Richard Friedman
Sandy Friedman
Catharine & Eddie Friend
Elise & Hank Frohsin
Julie Levinson-Gabis
& Bud Gabis
Michael Gaines
Amy & Scott Garber
Samantha & Michael Garcia
Eddie Garfinkle
Hilary & Scott Gewant
Fran & Lee Godchaux
Nancy & Glenn Goedecke
Annie & Scott Goldberg
Charlotte Ives Goldberg
Dan Goldberg
Donna & Howard Goldberg
Doris & Lee Goldenberg
Janet & Morton Goldfarb
Marie & Preston Goldfarb
Elise Goldman
William Goldman
Sherron & Allan Goldstein
Betty Allenberg Goldstein
Mitzi & Donald Goldstein
Debra & Joel Goldstein
Shirley & Julius Goldstein
Ann & Richard Goldstein
Barbara & Mark Goldstone
Rebecca & Adam Gordon
Barbara & Harvey Gotlieb
Joanna Gotlieb
Rosalie & Raymond Gotlieb
Sherry & Richard* Gotlieb
Carol & Robert Gross
Rabbi Laila Haas
Dixie & Joe Hagedorn
Jeanne & Lucien Hagedorn
Ann & Leonard Halpern
Rona & Frank Harper
Continued on page 2
Our Mission:
To support enrich and
perpetuate Jewish life for
all congregants of Temple
through a strong and
vibrant endowment.
Marilyn Haver
Amanda & Layne Held
Cissy & Leonard Held
Evelyn & Jack Held
Ginger & Jerry Held
Joyce Helzberg
Carol & Donald Herman
Gail & Charles Herman
Ronne & Donald Hess
Barbara Hirschowitz
Mackie & Sherman Horowitz
Hope & Eli Hurowitz
Kristine Hurst-Wajszczuk
Mitchell Ives
Judy Weinstein Jablow
& Peter Jablow
Joan Jacobson
Alicia & Brian Kahn
Shirley & Donald Kahn
Doris & Fred Kanter
Rhoda Kaplan
Sheryl & Jon Kimerling
Harry Klotzman
Julie & Howard Koch
Robin & Bart Kolber
Gloria & David Koplon
Susan & Barry Koretzky
Rochelle & Michael Koslin
Ricky Koslin
Donna & David Kraselsky
Alisa & Wayne Krouse
Stacy & Justin Ladden
Randi & David Landy
Jerry Lapidus
Deanna & Hugh Leader
Shirley & Jerry Leader
Leah B. Leaf
Gayle Leitman
Edward Levin
Faye & Robert Levin
Emily & Bob Levine
Pat & Michael Levine
Rosalie & Herc Levine
Jane Levy
Denise & Wayne Lewis
Joyce & Joe Lichtenstein
Betty Loeb
Mary Virginia
& Joshua Mandell
Julie & Nathan Marcus
Letty & Bob Marcus
Fran Marlow
Margot & Edgar Marx
Judy & Gerson May
Rebecca May
Glynda & Randy Mazer
Leslie & Craig McClure
Judy & Randy McDonald
Kerry McInerney
Robin McMilin
Nancy & Allen Meisler
Irving Meisler
Pam Haase Meisler
Candy & Ed Meyerson
Max Michael
Herbie Miller
Judi & Rabbi Jonathan Miller
Carol & B.G. Minisman, Jr.
Eugene Minyard
Judy & Gary Monheit
Joan & Allan Morris
Natalie & Mark Mussafer
Nancy Nagrodzki
Alisa & Jimmy Nadler
Christy & David Nelson
Elisa & Aaron Nelson
Loretta Newfield
Jerry Newmark
Daniel Odrezin
Jamie & Gregory Odrezin
Anne & David Ovson
Babs Perlman
Karen & Joel Piassick
Cindy Pinhas
Margo & Michael Pitt
Carole & Michael Pizitz
Carrie & Richard Pizitz
Joan & Dick Pizitz
Betsy & Peter Printz
Lynn Rathmell
David Reese
Madeline & Jake Reiss
Rachel Rosenthal Selber
Cantor Jessica Roskin
Susan & Andy Rotenstreich
Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich
Judy & Jimmy Rotenstreich
Kit & Rick Roth
Kim & Neil Roth
Pete Roth
Nancy & Daniel Rousso
Cindi & Michael Routman
Judy Roy
Lana & Stephen Royal
Gail & Sam Rubin
Jessica & Jason Ruha
Ina & David Russakoff
Charlotte & Robert Russell
Renee & John Russell
Sandra & Eddie Russell
Judy & Robert Rutstein
Amy & Michael Saag
Brittnay & Andy Saag
Harry Saag
Julie Saag
Leah & Ken Saag
Karen & Ronald Salloway
Pat Saul
Leigh & Jack Schniper
Lucy & Buddy Schulhafer
Renee & Bernie Schulman
Alan Seigel
Ferne Seigel
Sandy & Ken Seton
Marvin Shapiro
Sandra & Larry Shulman
Brad Siegal
Isabel & Alan Siegal
Rosalyn & Irvin Siegal
Wendy & Frank Siegal
Regina & Neil Sigman
Carole Simpson
Jean & Jerry Sklar
Liz & Mike Slive
Carleton & Bruce Sokol
Harry Sokol
Lydia Cheney & James Sokol
Carol Solomon
Gloria Solomon
Susan & Allan Solomon
Pat & Don St. Charles
Elinor & Michael Staff
Betty & Max Steinmetz
Stephanie & Stephen
Margaret & Max Stern
Amy & Ron Strickland
Marilyn & Murray Tanner
Sam Tenenbaum, Jr.
Sam Todd
Amy Trammell
Roxanne Travelute
& Michael Honan
Rochelle & Bruce Tucker
Jenna & Michael Tucker
Marcia Unger
Alice Walther & Stefan Kertesz
Beth & Lawrence Warner
Allison & Ben Weil
Lori & Jim Weil
Pat Weil
Sandra & Norman Weinberg
Diane & Mike Weiner
Joan & Don Weisberg
Janet & Leonard Wertheimer
Debbie & Brian Wiatrak
Ilene & Allan Wilensky
Lynn Odess Wilmoth
Barbara Zaslofsky
(1) Anonymous Donor
Special thanks to the following who have indicated in
the past year that they have included Temple Emanu-El in
their estate plans or created a new Named Fund:
Marion* & Oscar Cohen
Ruth & Marvin* Engel
Alvin V. Filer, Jr.*
Marvin Nelson*
David Reese
Anne Silberman*
Carleton & Bruce Sokol
Audrey Hopp Weil*
When you do your own estate planning—
please remember our Temple!
Rabbi Grafman Endowment Fund
2100 Highland Avenue
Birmingham, Alabama 35205
(205) 933-8937 FAX: (205) 933-8099
Jann Blitz, Executive Director
Italics — this year’s new donors
(*) — of blessed memory
'~~ ·.~ll~lP,ffi
~APRIL 2015
Our Tzedaicah Box Cha1tty for the
• MY CIJ,.
fflOnfh l~:
rtl"/d'S ClOSef
NO Religious School
6:00pm Sisterhood
Mah Jongg Night
Birthday Blessing
10 7th Day ofPassover
Temple Office Closed
11 :OOam
Torah Portion:
Pesach I _
Exodus 12:21-J1
9:00am Torah Study
I 0:30am Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah of
Brian Batchelor
Torah Portwn:
Sh 'mini
Leviticus 10:8-20
Oneg wrll follow sponsored by
Rosalvn & Irv Sie~al
9:00am Torah Study .
!0:30am Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah of
Samson Sands
Torah Portion:
Leviticus 13:29-40
5:40pm Shabbat S~rvice
Anmve_rsary Blessmg
3:30pm Hebrew School
5:45pm TEENS
NO confirmation
9:00am Torah Study
!0:30am Shabbat Service
5:40pm Shabbat Service Honoring
Rabbi Haas becoming Associate
Rabbi.Oneg will follow sponsored
by Temple's Young Adult/Next
Generation Fund and Rabbi Miller
and Cantor Raskin's Discretionary
·•· .:.
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Yizkor Service
3:30pm Hebrew School
5:45pm TEENS &
h" rontnr Rnolnn.
3:30pm Hebrew School
5:45pm TEENS &
. .
9:30am Rehgious School
9:00am Sisterhood
Planning Meeting
9:30am Religious School/
Candy Seder
11 :OOam Co-Sisterhood
Mah Jongg Sponsored
Author & Play Event
T'' .f. • ' S 1
· pm. lie . eWIS•I ou '
a recital With soprano
Kristine Hurst-Wa'szczuk
1st Night Passover
6:00pm Community Seder led
NO Hebrew School .
TEENS or ConfirmatiOn
NO Shabbat Service Due
to seder
•• 5
5:40pm Shabbat Service
9:00am Torah Study
!0:30am Shabbat Service
Bar Mitzvah of
Nickolas Siegel
Torah Portion:
Oneg will follow sponsored by
Rosalyn & Irv Siegal
Leviticus 14:1-12
3:30pm Last Night Hebrew
7:30pm Bloch's Avodath
Hakodesh (Sacred Service)
5:45pm Last Night TEENS
Jemison Concert Hall of
& Confirmation Rehearsal
: 9:30am Religious School
the Alys Stephens Center
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••
Over For a List ofTemnle Funds
Designated & Unrestricted Funds
benefiting Temple Emanu-El
We greatly appreciate the tributes and contributions made to Temple Emanu-El to
honor friends and family, commemorate significant events and remember loved ones.
Your contributions to the Temple's "immediate use" funds help support our
annual operations and fulfill special needs beyond the scope of what dues and
tuition fees are able to provide- and gifts to our Endowment Funds help further
build our Grafman Endowment Fund to provide perpetual I permanent sources of
income to enrich our congregation ... now and for generations to come.
Temple General Fund
Endowment General Fund
Rabbi Miller Discretionary Fund
Cantor Roskin Discretionary Fund
Rabbi Haas Discretionary Fund
Music Fund
Chorale Fund
Art Fund
Library Fund
Archives Fund
Prayerbook Replacement Fund
Endowed Funds:
Muncy Harris Abroms Cultural Arts Fund
Mary K. Brodnax Music Fund
Ruth & Marvin Engel Cantorial
& High Holy Day Choir Fund
Ruth & Marvin Engel Archives Fund
Joan & Milton Jacobson Cultural Arts Fund
Cantor Brian Miller Cultural Arts Fund
Odess Family Fund
Ruth & J.D. Rosenberger Music Fund
Barrye &Jay Ziff Cultural Arts Fund
Abroms/Weil Hall Repair & Replacement Fund
Capital Improvements Fund
Reserve Fund
Jasper Cemetery Oversight Fund
Endowed Funds:
Abroms Hall Preservation Fund
Mollie &Herman Gotlieb Sanctuary Preservation Fund
Hess Chapel Fund
Gloria Goldstein Howton Building Fund
Jasper Temple Fund
Rabbi Morris Newfield Fund
Cemetery Care Fund
Gadsden Cemetery Fund
Disaster Relief Fund
Tikkun Olam Fund
Caring Committee Fund
Giving Tree I Financial Assistance Fund
Celebration I Financial Assistance Fund
Endowed Funds:
Leona & Marvin Cherner Caring Community Fund
Edward & Hermione Friend Community Fund
Richard Goldner Community Service Fund
Ritual &Worship Fund
Adult Education Fund
Leadership Development Fund
Endowed Funds:
Honan Family Torah Study Fund
Religious School Fund
Discovery School Fund
BIRTY Youth Group Fund
TEENS Programming Fund
Jacobs Camp Scholarship Fund
Ms. Lois Scholarship Fund
Endowed Funds:
Gail &Jeffrey Bayer Fund for Religious Education
lves Family Religious School Fund
Robert Loeb Education Fund
Lee & Stanley Elsas TEENS Fund
Leah Marks Young Adult Library Fund
Leah's Teen Trip Fund
Barbara Abrams & Julian Aland Scholarship Fund
Betty A. Goldstein Camp Jacobs Scholarship Fund
Figtree Scholarship Fund
Max Friedman B'nai Mitzvah Fund
Lewy Memorial Scholarship Fund
Diana &Sidney Patterson Scholarship Fund
Lester Seigel Scholarship Fund
I.E. Simon Memorial Scholarship Fund
February 2015
To make a Temple Tribute to either an "immediate use" fund or an endowmentfund,
contact the Endowment Office at 933-8397 or endowment@ourtemple.org.
Membership Fund
Young Adult/ Next Generation Fund
Sewing Guild Fund
Technology Fund
Endowed Funds:
Andrew Abroms Flower Fund
Beth Family Fund
Nina & Norman Cohen Next Generation Fund
Faye & Norris Friedman Social Enrichment Fund
Sherron &Allan Goldstein Break-the-Fast Fund
Hannah & Hyman Goldstein Volunteer Fund
"OurTemple" Worship Anywhere Fund
Reese Family Fund
Steiner Interfaith Fund
Blach Family Fund
Deborah Chargois Fund
Patsy & Charles Colla! Fund
Ethel Aland Fleisher Family Fund
Janis & Paul Friedman Fund
Rochelle & Michael Koslin Fund
Carole & Michael Pizitz Family Fund
Bunny & Joel Rotenstreich Family Fund
Jean & Jerry Sklar Fund
NAMED ENDOWMENT FUNDS for unrestricted purposes:
Aarons Family Fund
Gayle & Eddie Leitman Fund
Judy Todd Abrams &Ted Abrams Fund
Ralph Z. Levene Memorial Fund
Barbara & JackAl and Family Fund
Roslyn T. Levene Fund
Leon Aland Fund
Faye & Robert Levin Family Fund
Susan & Rodney Barstein Family Fund
Ted Levite Memorial Fund
Sandra &Alan Berman Family Fund
Levitt Family Fund
Gail & Harry Bayer Family Fund
Nathan Wayne Lewis Memorial Fund
Flossie & Ira Bayer Family Fund
Letty & Bob Marcus Fund
Becker Family Fund
Judy & Gerson May Fund
Bluestein Family Fund
Gertrude &A.R. Mazer Family Fund
Buchalter Family Fund
Candy & Ed Meyerson Fund
Ida M. Cohen Memorial Fund
N.E. Miles Fund
Marion & Oscar Cohen Fund
Marvin & Marilyn Lichtenstein Nelson Fund
Roselyn & Vernon Cohen Family Fund
Loretta & Mayer Newfield Fund
Mildred & Samuel Cohn Fund
Dolly & Jerry Newmark Fund
Frances & Conrad S. Cypress Fund
Karen & Joel Piassick Fund
Dannis Family Fund
Betsy & Peter Printz Fund
Elmets Family Fund
Loris & David Rich Memorial Fund
Gladys & Alex Epstein Family Fund
Judy & James Rotenstreich Fund
Florine Capper Ettinger Fund
Rose & Nathan Rotenstreich Fund
Alvin V. Filer, Jr. Memorial Fund
Adam Roth Fund
Barbara & Larry Fine Fund
Elise & Irving Rubel Fund
Stanley Dean Friedman Family Fund
Russakoff Family Fund
Dr. Harry & Bessie Goldner Fund
Amy & Michael Saag Family Fund
Adele & Malvin Goldstein Fund
Betty & Coleman Sachs Fund
Edward Goodman Memorial Fund
Dena &Aaron Sachs Memorial Fund
Mimi & Seaburt Goodman Fund
Margaret & Maurice Salloway Fund
Rebecca &Adam Gordon Fund
Perry Schwartz Memorial Fund
Belle & Ike Gotlieb Memorial Fund
Ida W. Seigel Fund
Rosalie & Raymond Gotlieb Fund
Anne Copeland Silberman Memorial Fund
Carol & Robert Gross Family Fund
Joseph H. Sirote Memorial Fund
Evelyn & Jack Held Fund
Morris K. Sirote Memorial Fund
Ginger & Jerry Held Fund
Stephanie & Brad Sklar Family Fund
Cissy & Leonard Held Fund
Slive Family Fund
Carol & Donald Herman Fund
Carleton & Bruce Sokol Fund
Hirschowitz Family Fund
James Sokol Family Fund
Will Holloway Memorial Fund
Marion & Dave Solomon Fund
Hurowitz Family Fund
Norma & Buddy Warren Memorial Fund
Rhoda&Abe Kaplan Fund
Pat & Leonard Wei! Fund
Miriam & Jack Kartus Fund
Weiner Family Fund
Michael Koslin Family Fund
Weinman/ Fierman Family Fund
Julie & Howard Koch Family Fund
Joe, Jean & Roberta Weinstein/ Jablow Fund
Leah & Ronnie Leaf Family Fund
Janet& Leonard Wertheimer Fund