scleroderma exchange - Scleroderma Foundation
scleroderma exchange - Scleroderma Foundation
SCLERODERMA EXCHANGE Volume 1, 2011 Published by Scleroderma Foundation/Tri-State, Inc. Chapter Binghamton, New York M I S S I O N To provide educational and emotional support to people with scleroderma and their families To stimulate and support research designed to identify the cause and cure of scleroderma as well as to improve methods of treatment To enhance the public’s awareness of this disease Support Group Leader Highlights and Happenings R osemary Markoff: Rosemary retired as a Support Group Leader in December 2010. As the former Executive Director, she began the first Binghamton Support Group in her home several years ago, after placing a brief ad in the local newspaper. At that time a small number of people gathered. Her support group has now grown to double digits and she has reached and touched the hearts of everyone who had the good fortune to meet her and be under her leadership. Rosemary’s heartfelt dedication to the Scleroderma Foundation is ongoing as she continues to serve as Treasurer of the Chapter’s Board, advocates for Scleroderma, attends educational forums and participates in the annual Binghamton Scleroderma Walk. We are forever grateful to Rosemary for all she has accomplished on behalf of the Tri-State Chapter. Bianca Podesta: We welcome Bianca Podesta, who has accepted the role of Support Group Leader for the Binghamton Support Group. Bianca has a PhD in Psychology, sings in the Madrigal Choir of Binghamton and is an (continued on page 2) Do you spend all or part of the winter in Florida? We are considering an event next winter in Florida and would like to identify our “snowbirds”. Please call or email us with your winter address. If You Have Scleroderma, You Need Not Feel Alone... S ince its early beginnings, the Scleroderma Foundation Tri-State, Inc. Chapter has been outstanding in supporting persons with Scleroderma, their families, friends and caregivers. The motto, ‘If you have scleroderma, you need not feel alone’ is a testament to the caring individuals who are the support group leaders and assistant leaders. Our Support Group leaders, mostly patients themselves, offer uncompromising support to persons and family members introduced to the world of Scleroderma. The support groups offer a safe place to feel supported and to be refreshed by food and friendship. It gives members an opportunity to talk to others who have gone through similar health challenges, enables them to support each other and it provides a chance for everyone to share experiences, practical suggestions and ways of coping. Support Groups are also a means to empower members through education with the use of current DVD presentations by experts from across the US and UK. Some leaders further utilize the local Albany Capital District Support Group Meeting 2011 talents of their own community by inviting professionals, authors and experts to attend the meeting as a speaker. One new group member wrote, “I found the last meeting I attended (which was also my first time) so informative. In fact, when I saw my Rheumatologist I told her about what I learned and ended up having a Manometry Test done and found out that the pressures in my esophagus were 298 and up... She is wondering if I have a Systemic form of Scleroderma . I have been diagnosed with Connective Tissue Disease and (at this time) borderline Pulmonary Hypertension secondary to CTD. This Scleroderma meeting is the closest meeting to the disease I have and I find I really need to meet with others who endure much the same limits I have...” Many of our leaders, assistant leaders and members also seek current information June Bender - Albany Capital District Support Group Meeting 2011 at Patient Education Forums offered by the Tri-State Chapter as well as at the National Patient Education Conferences offered by the Scleroderma Foundation. The knowledge they gain from these opportunities is invaluable. Leaders also utilize and direct members to the website which allows presentations to be viewed in the comfort of home. Some of our knowledgeable leaders are published authors who have written books and workbooks on the subject of Scleroderma and donate a percentage of the proceeds back to the Scleroderma Foundation. Our Support Group Leaders are among some of the most caring individuals. This is evidenced by the outreach they conduct above and beyond their role in the group. Many take time to listen (continued on page 2) Scleroderma Foundation Tri-State, Inc. Chapter Founders Mark Flapan, Ph.D. Helene Flapan, M.A. President Jeff Mace Vice President Bruce Cowan Treasurer Rosemary Markoff Secretary June Bender Members Maryann Caliri Emily Chillino Andrea Goldstein Gerold Kirschner Marc Krieger Estelle Randolph Debra Signorelli Patricia Waszmer Joanie Weick Medical & Scientific Advisory Board Co-Chairs Harry Spiera, M.D. Mount Sinai, School of Medicine Robert Spiera, M.D. Hospital for Special Surgery Members Howard Blumstein, M.D. Rheumatology Associates of Long Island Avram Goldberg, M.D. Scleroderma & Raynauds Treatment Center North Shore – Long Island Jewish Health System Jessica Gordon, M.D. Hospital for Special Surgery Barry L. Gruber, M.D. Long Island Regional Arthritis & Osteoporosis Care, PC Charles P. Melone, Jr., M.D. The Hand Surgery Center, Beth Israel Medical Center Maria Luisa Padilla, M.D. Mount Sinai, School of Medicine Naomi F. Rothfield, M.D. University of Connecticut School of Medicine Lee Shapiro, M.D. Center for Rheumatology Executive Director Jay Peak Office Manager Thomas Knapp Director of Development & Fundraising Alex Matich Director of Patient Education & Support Margaret Sullivan Communications Specialist Raymond Moore 59 Front Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 (800) 867-0885 • fax: (607) 723-2039 email: 2 Spring Into Action A fter what seemed like an extremely long winter, I believe that Spring is finally here. In the Tri-State office that means it’s time for events and opportunities to visit our friends around the region. A recent trip to the NYC area gave me the opportunity to attend two educational forums as well as meetings that tied to two of our twelve walks. It was great to be with our volunteers and members – face-to-face - after the long winter of phone and email correspondence. Walk planning is certainly in high gear. Our walk committees have been rounding up sponsors, putting together teams and dealing with the logistics that will ensure successful events. June will be here before we know it, so let’s all be involved by “stepping out”. With everyone pitching in, the hard work will produce the funds and awareness that we desire. As noted earlier, we have begun presenting a full slate of educational events that will take place around our chapter this year. You can look forward to hearing the experts’ present current thinking regarding research and treatment. Look for an event near you and later you will find many of the presentations on Stay tuned as we again begin to push the scleroderma research and awareness legislation that did not get passed in the last legislative session. A new bill has already been introduced in the Senate (S.649) and the House version is coming soon. Invite your family and friends to help make a difference by encouraging congress persons to co-sponsor the bill. Here’s to warmer weather and lots of ways to keep active. n Jay Peak Executive Director Leader Highlights (continued from page 1) ordained United Methodist minister. She currently works part-time for a small nonprofit counseling ministry. Diagnosed with the limited form of scleroderma in 2005, she began writing a journal in 2008 which, eventually, become central to her newly published book, Scleroderma: Coping Strategies We thank Bianca for stepping up to the call for leadership. Maria Lawton: Maria served as Support Group Leader for the Albany Capital District throughout 2010. The Tri-State Chapter would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge Maria for her leadership and commitment. We also thank Maria for her continued dedication to this group and participation on the Albany Walk committee. June Bender: June has resumed the role of Support Group Leader for the Albany Capital District. Formerly the Director of Patient Education and Support, June was successful in carefully guiding the Support Group Programs. We thank her for her years of dedicated service and for taking on the role of Support Group Leader. This is added to her role as Secretary of the Tri-State Chapter’s Board and CoChairperson of the Albany Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma walk. Chanell Gatewood: Chanell has joined the leadership of the New York City Support Group with Waveney Golbourne and Barbara Manning. We welcome her to the leadership family. Chanel was born and raised in New York City, the daughter of a United Methodist Pastor. She worked for the City of New York for twenty two years, the last ten years as a Probation Officer, until she was diagnosed with Scleroderma in 2007. Each year Chanell works with young doctors at the Hospital for Special Surgery to help them understand Scleroderma. She answers questions and offers a ‘hands on’ approach to their medical education to increase their knowledge about Scleroderma. She has been involved in the support group for 5 years...and has never missed a meeting! n Scleroderma Support Groups (continued from page 1) with their hearts, offer suggestions, make referrals based on their own and referred experience, make visits, answer phone calls, and offer assistance when possible to those who are struggling. Many help in organizing and planning the Stepping Out to Cure Scleroderma walks held throughout the Tri-State area and encourage their group members to participate as well. These dynamic women and men are leaders in every sense of the word. They are family people-daughters, sons, spouses, parents, and grandparents; they are professionals, they are strong, determined, humorous, compassionate and caring individuals. We are proud to have them on our team! n spiritual and psychological well-being and recognize how much it is connected to our physical health? Are we willing to be creative and discover hidden gifts and abilities? Are we his year [2010], I spent several weeks willing not to allow an illness or an unhappy writing an essay for the student contest, experience rule our lives? Do we welcome the sponsored by the Scleroderma Foundation. opportunity to redefine what is “normal”? Are In the essay, I focused on the history of we willing to make adjustments to our lifestyle scleroderma, its types and classifications, its to eat well and exercise regularly? treatments and a brief case study of my aunt, Are we willing to stay connected with family Sister Mary Rose Noonan, CSJ (Mamie), and friends in order to give and receive who has had scleroderma for longer than I support? Are we willing to find healthy outlets have been alive. Then I was asked to think a for feelings of anger and frustration? Do bit further and write about how my aunt has impacted my own life and the life of my family. we refuse to call ourselves “victims” and “invalids”? Are we willing to keep our dreams There are just so many life lessons we have active even if we have to re-evaluate them? Do learned from Mamie. Some of those lessons we let our pain and suffering make us more come from her living with scleroderma, I’m sure; others come from her own gifts of nature sensitive to the pain of others? Are we willing to do as much as we can for ourselves but let and personality. others help at times? Do we give ourselves One of the main lessons we have learned credit for being “courageous”? Do we meet from Mamie is that, while we may lose life with good humor and good friends? control over many things in life, we always In her living are “in charge” of with scleroderma, our attitudes. Austrian Mamie has also Holocaust survivor taught us the Viktor Frankl talks importance of about a few guards choice in our lives. who secretly brought J.K. Rowlands, ragsthe imprisoned Jews to-riches author of food and comfort. the Harry Potter Frankl concludes that series, says “It is everything may be our choices that taken from a person show what we but one characteristic: truly are, far more “the last of the than our abilities,” human freedoms—to Mary Rose and Sister Mary Rose (Harry Potter and choose one’s attitude the Chamber of Secrets). Our Mamie is a in any given set of circumstances, to choose born optimist, but I think her choices have one’s own way,” (Man’s Search for Meaning). kept her so. On a daily basis, she chooses to Mamie’s life has been an example of that keep herself as healthy as possible with the truth to all of us. Watching her deal with right combination of medical help, attitude, scleroderma has led us to ask ourselves some support, prayer and humor. She chooses questions: do we believe that resiliency is to be a person “living with scleroderma” possible, that each day has new opportunities rather than a “victim” with the disease. She to begin again? Are we willing to join the chooses to believe that when things go right, human race in feeling vulnerable, in losing it is a blessing, and when things go wrong, some control, in seeing changes in personal it is a challenge. She chooses to believe relationships, in feeling dependent, in dropping that misunderstandings and hurts provide our desire to be perfect? Are we willing to take opportunities for growth. She chooses to care of our believe than even when limitations and struggles abound, we must be people who The Scleroderma Foundation in no way endorses any of invest in healthy relationships and emotional the drugs or treatments in this newsletter; the information wellness. She chooses to believe in the is provided to keep its readers informed. Because the manifestations and severity of scleroderma vary, importance of hope in our search for quality individualized medical management is essential. Therefore, of life. Mamie chooses to love her friends, her it is strongly recommended that all drugs and treatments be family, her faith and herself, and she does it so discussed with the reader’s physician(s) to assure proper well. evaluation and treatment. If we have inadvertently omitted Balance, choice, attitude, humor, hope, love or misspelled your name, please let us know by calling …Our Mamie has taught us, through her very Mamie and Scleroderma by Mary Rose Noonan T self and her living with scleroderma, how important these characteristics are for all of us. I hope Mamie recognizes both the depth of her impact on us and the depth of our love for her. In the same way, I hope that all of you who are living with scleroderma realize that you are amazing people! n Mary Rose Noonan, age 16, is a high school student in Utica, NY. Her aunt, Sister Mary Rose Noonan, CSJ, is Director of Communications for the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet in Latham, NY. Sister Mary Rose writes: “I was so moved by Mary Rose’s essay. Throughout my years of living with scleroderma, I have experienced pulmonary hypertension, the loss of all my toes and nine fingers, telangiectasias over most of my face, hand and gastrointestinal tract, Barrett’s esophagus, severe anemia and even an early-on diagnosis of chronic kidney failure. My niece’s essay reminds me not only that she is maturing into a beautiful and kind young woman but also that the human spirit touches other people much more deeply than all of the physical symptoms of scleroderma put together!” By the way…she won the contest! 2011 Educational Forums September 17, Albany, NY 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences September 24, Rochester, NY 12:00 pm - 4:00 pm University of Rochester Medical Ctr October 15, Sommerville, NJ Delaware Valley-Tri-State Joint Chapter 11:30 am - 3:30 pm Good Sheppard Lutheran Church November 12, Syracuse, NY 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm St. Joseph Hospital Health Center November 19, New York, NY 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm Hospital for Special Surgery Tri-State Educational Forums are free to attend. Go to for speaker line-up and other information. 800-867-0885. 3 2010 - DONATIONS MADE IN MEMORY OF IN MEMORY OF Filomena Abballe Mary Ann Abbate Don Abert Charlie Adelman Maureen Agnelli Grace Agostis Anna Alkinburg Patricia Allee Elizabeth Alt Anna Ammirabile Marilyn Androski Kathy Anglim Sandra Astifan Christiana Atsu Alicia Avant-Erwin Barbara Bailey Deborah Baker Penny Baker George Baron Dawn Barreca Bernice Beagell Gloria Beattie Sheldon Beil Margaret Bellano Karen Beltran Eileen Bernstein Adeline Berzinskis Joseph Beyer Justina Bielecki Barbara Blake Connie Bommarito Alisia Bona Alesen Bono Joel Brainard Michael Brancato Maureen Brannigan Mike Brenker Elizabeth Brennan Ellen Bright Barbara Brown Florence Mae Brown Elaine Burke Rose Byrdick Julia Caccavale Regina Callahan Viola Camerine Margaret Carey Maureen Carlson Carol Ann Carney Gail Carpe Carol Carpentiere Yolanda CasarellaMoreira Rosemarie Cerrato Betty Chamberlin 4 Gloria Chernoff Robert Chittams Maria Chu Lauren Cohen Maureen Collingwood Maria Aslcedo Colon Dominic Coluccio Kathy Connelly Eileen Conway Margaret (Peggy) Cook Nancy Cook Shonta Cooper Patricia Cornwell Frank Costantino Terrence Costello Laura Coughlin Patricia Cowan & her Mom Derek Craig Irma Gurrola Crow Harnet Crystal Bernadette Cunningham Mary Ellen Cunningham Baron Currie Kenneth Dardes Anne Daugirda Pamela Davenport Marie Davies Karen Davis Susan DeCristofaro Debra Lee DeFrancis Joan Deluca Laura Dempsey Michelle DeMunn Jacqueline DeNisco Barbara D’Eugenio Rose DiCeglie Louise DiLapi JoAnne DiMatteo Nancy Dimick Mary Dixon Roseann Dorrmann Edward Drombroski Anne Drucker Pauline Dube Judith Dubin Santa Rosa Duff Lorraine Dunn Randy Duprey Mary Ann Durand Patricia Ebert Darrell Edmondson Robert Edmonson Muriel Einstein Joanne Emph Dawn Erikson Carmen Escovar Lawrence Eusanio Tony Federio Thelma & Victor Feliccia Catherine Fell Charles Fenner Kay Fenti Kevin Finnerty Maria Fiocca Steven Fischer Sandra Flannery Mark Flapan Michael Forman Michelle Foster-Gayle Karen Fraley Robert Fuller Linda Galbraith Helen Gallas Suneyrix Garcia Gail Gardner Walter Gardner Shannon Wenger Garner Rose Germano Josephine Gibbons Russell Gibbs Joyce Goddard Lorraine Goepfert Nancy Goldberg Barbara Goldman Irene Goldsmith Carmen Gonzalez Karen Gordon Dagmar Gorman Ageline Grady Lena Graziano Edna Greenberg Selma Greifinger Jean Groeling Antonia Guagenti Patsy Gucciardo Haritsa Halepas Larry Halfond Roland Hamel Raymond Hansen Gordon Hare Sue Harrington Henry Hart Lorraine Hart Grace Harvey Marjorie Hazen Jane Hazzard Lee Heaviside Elizabeth Hebborn Robert Heinze Michael Henry Florence Herring Patrick Herron Violet Hochstadt Willis Hodge Karen Hodgins Verna Horowitz Wanda Hosten Elizabeth Houston Mineko Imamura Dolores Infante Sylvestro Iommazzo Mary Iorio Martin Jablon Phyllis Jackson Pamela Jamieson Dawn Johnson Rosa Johnson Cynthia Jones Edith Jordan Deborah Kania Shirley Kaplan Adam Kaplowitz Diane Karas Providence Katarsky Lisa Keating Elizabeth Kelly John (Jack) Kelly Laura Kennedy-Schick Priscilla Kenyon Harvard Kerr Elisabeth Kieran Edward Kigler Susan King Andrea Klein Bonnie Klotz Norma Kolbe Ray Konareski Alice Kozlowski Joan Kroutil Barbara Kwiatkowski Cynthia Kyriazis Theresa LaChance-Fox Arnold Ladnier Michael Langan Rosemarie LaRiccia Daniel Lave Roberta Lazaro Cynthia LeBlanc Linda Leichman Shirley Leis Sonia Lepe Myrtle Levine Debbie Lewis Colette Liddy Sandy Liest Patricia Linden Linda Lindner Martha Linn Joe Lipski Marie Lisi Madeline Litsky Xinyue Liu Patsy Lloy Carmen Lydell Ann Macauley Jeff Mace Barbara MacLean Thomas Macri Eileen Mahoney Chet Manchester Dorothy Mansfield Barbara Manzella Marti Marciano Carmela Margagliotta Thomas Marotta Amelia Martino Marion Massey Mary Ann Mastrianni Jeannette Matarazzo Mary Mazza Dianne McComas Mitzi McGinnis Sarah McGrath Debra Jean McKernan Brenda McLaughlin Joseph Meaney Carolanne Melia Karen Michelle Melton Ruth Meyer Donna Michaud Anne Miglietta Rose Migliore Eve Milani Joseph Miro Carol Molinaro Mrs. Moore Valerie Morano Andrew Mosca Ann Moscola Carol Murray Sabina Nardi Anna Neddo Davida Needleman Linda Nemcick-Castro Bob Neyer Valerie Niles Mary Nowak Peggy O’Connor Reggie O’Connor Margaret Oliverie Margaret Olson Jean O’Sullivan Ruben Padre Katherine Palladino Deborah Pappas Philip Parson Rosemary Pascarella Patricia Pearson Adele Peck Aracelly Perez Bonnie Perry Alexandra Pettit Karin Phelan Annette Phelps Stanley Phillip Ruth Picchianti Jutta Pietrucha Aggie Pizzigati Maryann Polacik Gale Polkelba Rosza Porterfield Eileen Post Elaine Postma Eva Powell Anna Primiano Frank Profeta Linda Prudente Carmella Puleo Rosalia Quartara Edward Quinn Liliane McGuffie Quinones Erminia Raghi Debra Perri Rainey Bob & Lynn Rasmussen Muriel Reilly Elizabeth Reinwald Paterno Remigio, M.D. Erica Reyes Dolores Rhineman Lydia Rhodes Diana Ried Bonnie Robbins Sandra Robinson Ana Rodriguez Karen Rodriguez Marlene “Molly” Rodriguez Roseann Rogers George Rolfe Elizabeth Romacho Diane Ross Teresa Rosson Tobe Roth Barbara Rubenstein Jay Rubenstein Maire Antoinette Russo Richard Russo Ronald Sabine Maria Salcedo Eric Salva Monique Sammons Rose Sanna Antonio Santo Mary Sarrero Roberta Scandiffio Patrick Scarantino, M.D. Frances Scarfone Gina Schaffner Lori Schmidt Meyer Schoenberg Jean Schultz Sister Selma Shirley Semons Catherine Sepe Carmine Serpe James Sessions Edward Shook Sheila Siegal Venessa Silver Irving Silverman Gloria Slike Michael Slonim Phyllis Sodher Rhoda Solow Ruth Sommer Barbara Sommers Anna Spallino Mary Spano Albert Speranza Sidney Spielvogel Lorie Spinelli Helen Spivak Mary Ellen Srafin Italian Stallions Ann Steffens Marilyn Stein Anne Stevens Gina Stival Joyce Strobert Teresa Sturn Bambi Sucich Michael Sullivan Aurie-Lynn Sussman Pauline Swanda Jarnelle Sweeney Eugene Swerdloff Mary Ellen Szarafin Arlene Taber Ellen Tambone Linda Tarver Cindi Taylor 2010 - DONATIONS MADE IN HONOR OF Lynne Taylor Renee Tedesco Elaine Thiele Henry Thomas Joanne Attridge Thompson Norman Thompson Margaret Thomson Esther Tipple Nadine Tita Beatrice Todd Linda Torelli Delores Tortu Donna Lee (Vella) Toth Robert Turvey Stella Tusinski Sandy Van Wart Ida Van Woglom Gladys Vanderbeck Maija Vartiainen Rosemary Vassel Mariangela Vavala Greg Vesnoskeye Vincent Vigliante Renee Vigorito Carmella Violi Virginia Volpe Joyce Walker June Walker Deborah Wallis Thomas Walsh Monica Waring Pearl Weiss Marjorie Welch David White Kathleen Wicnienski Kathie Wilkie Mary Williams Sandra Williams Patricia Wise Debbie Wolfman Debra Worthy Angela Wyman Paul Robert Zaccaria Joan Zenik Vic Ziegel Barbara Zimmerman Viola Zinzow IN HONOR OF Filomena Abballe Donna Abbruzzese Shirley Ackerman Irwin Adelsberg Samantha Adelsberg Cheri Adlesberg Anna Alkinburgh Ellen Allen Jennifer Amendo Sandie Appleton Cheryl Argiros Joy & Jerry Arsenis Jonnie Mae Atkinson Ann Aubertine Barbara Bailey Joanna Baldwin Katherine Ballo Dawn Barreca Debra Barron Bernice Beagell Lynn Beaudin Stephen Beldner June Bender Debby Bergman Charlotte Berkner Andrew Bernard Team Binzow Ann Birch Nancy Bono Zachary Bordeau Patrick Borgen Maureen Brannigan Melody Breen Patricia Bresnahan Sandra Brezinski Mr. Briggs Beverly Britt Teresa Brown Pam Brownstein Torey Buckley Francesa Bunucci Gabby Burns Christine Caccavale Patty Cakes Linda Capers-Wheeler Lori Carey Cheryl Carnes Barbara Delli Carpini Myrna Carrasquillo Eleanor & Don Carter Michele Castiglione Jo Catanese Josephine Catanese Jackie Celiberti Debra Cernieux Betty Chamberlin Emily Chillino Dennis Chinelli Antonietta Chiocchi Phyllis Cicirelli Madison Colone CJ Connolly-McNair Maureen Connors Mary Contadino Norma Cook Charles Costantion Susan Costello Florence Cotroneo Cowan Family Michael Culligan Carolyn Cuminsky Ralph Kenneth Cummings Bernadette Cunningham Christine Davies Judy Davison Pamela Day & Family Susan DeCristofaro Rose Ann DeHaven Shennen Dell’Anno Dr. Norman Dennis, Jr. Danielle DePalo Lynda DeRosa Liz DeVivo Martha Dorsey Susan Drost Jessica Dudley Kate Munson Duprey Kevin Duprey Randy Duprey Linda Edwards Lisa Egan Luke Erickson Carmen Escovar Kimberly Fasano Wendy Faubert Tony Federio Nadine Fedones Kay Fenti Audrey Ferguson Terry Ferguson Alexis Ferro Colleen Filiak Madeline Finch Judith Fultz Amy Gagner Ethella Garcia Lauren Garland Channel Gatewood AnnMarie Gendusa Arabella Gentile Pat Gerardi Max Gerchick Corjune Gilmartin Bridget Gilroy Sharon Gingrich Jan Gnall Debbie Goetz Sheldon Goldberg Joel Goldman Cathy Gorgoni Connie Gosek Lynn Graham Geraldine Guynup Pamela Hannan Jessica Hartgraves Ellen Hartnagle Alice Haskell Anne Hauck Wendi Nicholson Hayden Karla Hayes Lee Heaviside Patricia Heer Janine Hernandez Claire Holtyn Suzi Hornbeek Susan Hughes Anna Hull Peter Hunt Irma Hurban Francine Hutnik Rosemarie Iacampo Bianca Iacullo Dolores Infante Josephine Interrante Chandrouti Jagroop Dawn Johnson Rosa Johnson Richard (Dick) Kearns Karen Keohane Emily King Lucille Konstandaras Marissa Kopolovich Jayne Kornfeld Ellen Kossoff Dana Kotkin Irene Kramkowski Marc Krieger Ronald & Thea Krongold Randy Kronish LaRae Kuhar Charley Henley Kupolovich J Kutnietnski Manuela Lago Nelli Lago Jennifer Large Rosemarie LaRiccia Carolyn Laura Clauda Lavertu Pam Lawlor Maria Lawton Eileen Lemley Kathleen Leutze Rabbi Richard Levine Betty Levy Patricia Linden Ray Littlejohn Betty Lockwood Michelle Lombardi Loschiano Family Bette Lowen Jodi Lynn Jeffrey Mace Tommy Macri Tiese Mahabir Eileen Malack Linda Malatesta Doreen Mals Susan Manchester Rosemary Markoff Amelia Martino Marion Massey Irving Mastin Fay Keller McElveen Renee McElveen Brenda McLaughlin Pat McLaughlin Joseph Meaney Doris Meleniak Felicia Melynk Marlene Mendelson Magdalena Mendoza Janice Messina Christine Metz Margaret Mieras Darya Miller Dolores Miller Olivia Erani Miller Sherry Miller Carmela Mongillo Connie Monroe Shelly Monterville Maureen Moore Julie Mooso Carole Morell M. Morgan Irene Mucullo Sheri Mulreed Irene Mulyca Nancy Munn Natalie Murdolo JoAnn Murphy Carol Murray Tullio Muscariello Barbara Musco Rachael MusicalEckrott Kim Nellis Beth Newham Josh Nixon Mary Rose Noonan Karen O’Callaghan Eileen O’Hara Denise Palatsky Diane Pandolfi Suzzane Parras Pam Pasquantino Margaret Paxos Tina & Joe Perri Joseph Piegari Noreen Platten Maria & Louis Polak Helen Polenz Carol Porcino Linda Quick Ed Quinn Barbara Quinn-Connolly Kristine Raimondi Team Raindrop Debra Rainey Susan Ransom Mary Alice Reiger Wanda Reynolds Elizabeth Riley Cindie Ritzema Beth Rohme Claudine Rojas Wendy J. Rolon Sue Roma Elizabeth Romacho Serena Roman Moira Rooney Frank Rosenberg Alfreda Ross Shenise Ross Crystal Rozelle Judy Rucinski Jean Ryan Robert Santoriello Patrick Scavantino Gina Schaffner Adriane Schorr Lee Shapiro Betzi Sheff Kathleen Sherman Ronnie Shulman Rojene Simms Lynn Sindoni Bonnie Siverman Sissy Skehill Debbie Smookler Nancy J. Sokil Allen Sparrow Dr. Harry Spiera Dr. Robert Spiera Sharon Zitomer Sternheim Eleanor Stone Kathie Sullivan Nancy Sumner Rebecca Sutton Marjorie Swayne Mary Ellen Szarafin Debbie Tascone Patricia Taylor Kathy’s Team Heather Tielens Donna Toombs Lisa Tortolani Donna Toth Kimberly Touron Sandra Traub Bob Truman Susanne Turner Rica Ty Erin Urkiel Rachela Valdes Mary Ann Vella Roxanne Vogenitz Marian Wagner Monica Waring Patricia Waszmer Joanie Weick Jeffrey Weinberg Paul Weintraub Jill Welch Phyllis Wikoff John Wisdom Starr Wisdom Michael Wojnovich Sandy Wright Josephine Zachufry Maple Ave Middle School 8th Grade Teachers 5 The Doctor Is In by Robert Spiera M.D. Q My eldest daughter was diagnosed with RA and her doctor is suggesting she try methotrexate. I believe some in our group have had or are taking the same drug. Any thoughts as to side effects or effectiveness? A. Methotrexate is a medication with a well established track record of efficacy in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. It does afford a benefit to most patients in terms of joint pain, swelling, and stiffness, and also helps prevent rheumatoid arthritis from causing “erosions” – structural changes to the joints that once sustained are irreversible. It is generally fairly well tolerated. Some patients can experience nausea or even fatigue, particularly the day or day after they take the medication but that tends to improve over time. Patients can less commonly experience hair thinning or sores in the mouth but some of these features can be ameliorated by taking folic acid supplements in addition to methotrexate. The main “organ” side effect of concern with methotrexate is liver irritation and it is important to assure that the patient does not have significant liver disease prior to beginning methotrexate and that they minimize other potentially liver toxic exposures such as alcohol consumption when on methotrexate. The benefit of methotrexate in the treatment of scleroderma is less clear. There have been some suggestions that it may have some benefit in terms of helping progression of skin disease but that does not seem to be a very powerful effect. In patients with scleroderma and significant muscle inflammation, methotrexate can be helpful in addressing that manifestation. There have been instances of lung toxicity in patients treated with methotrexate, and that can be a theoretic concern in patients with scleroderma particularly if they have lung involvement, although generally it is not that difficult to distinguish progression of lung disease from methotrexate toxicity in the lung. As with other medications, if a patient is treated with methotrexate, they need close supervision by their treating physician. n Robert Spiera M.D. is an Associate Professor of Clinical Medicine and the Director of Vasculitis and Scleroderma Programs at Hospital for Special Surgery, in New York City. Dr. Spiera is active in the care of patients with scleroderma, both as a clinician and a researcher. Dr. Spiera is also cochair of the SF Tri-State Medical Advisory Board. About The Doctor Is In Please send questions to with a subject line titled The Doctor Is In. 6 Walk Season is Quickly Approaching! W e begin our 10th Anniversary of Stepping Out To Cure Scleroderma on June 4th and round out our events on June 26th. Last year the walks enrolled 3,100 registrants and raised $370,000. The money that you raise helps support our three fold mission of support, education and research. Since 2000, your contributions to the chapter helped fund over $1.25 million of research within New York, New Jersey and Connecticut. Money raised also helps sustain fifteen active support groups, provide educational forums throughout the Tri-State area at no cost to participants and helps provide each issue of this newsletter to over 5,000 people. Our goal for Stepping Out To Cure Scleroderma this year is to raise $425,000 and register 3,500 walkers. Please register today and solicit contributions today and every day until you come to the walk. Every extra contribution you solicit brings us that much closer to finding a cure. Visit and view the slideshows of Stepping Out To Cure Scleroderma – 2010. It is a fun experience and raises much needed financial support. There are three ways to register for the walk. You can (1) pre-register online for $15 by going to By registering on line for your walk you can create a free customized webpage, which tracks every sponsor you receive online and features pre-written, ready to send “sponsor me” and “thank you” emails. You can also (2) pre-register via mail for $15 by completing a registration form and mailing the form and money to Scleroderma Foundation/ Tri-State, Inc. Chapter, 59 Front Street, Binghamton, NY 13905 at least one week prior to the walk you plan to attend. And lastly you can (3) register on the day of the walk at the walk location by paying the $20 registration fee. For additional walk, registration or corporate sponsorship information call (800) 867-0885. Second Annual Scleroderma Foundation Tri-State 5K Run Please join us on Sunday, June 5, 2011 at the new section of Overpeck Park (Ridgefield Park, New Jersey) for our Second Annual Scleroderma Foundation/Tri-State, Inc. Chapter 5K Run. This year it will be orchestrated on an official 5K course. Last year 57 people came to the inaugural event and as word spreads we are hoping for 150 this year. This event is happening on the same day and at the same location as Stepping Out To Cure Scleroderma walk. The 5K Run will precede the walk with day of the run registration beginning at 7:30 a.m. and the race starting at 8:45 a.m. Please pre-register at n Stepping Out Dates ~ Locations ~ Time of Registration June 4th Seneca Park Rochester, NY {9:00 a.m.} June 11th Island Park Williamsville, NY (Buffalo) {10:00 a.m.} June 5th Overpeck Park - 5K Run (New section of park) Ridgefield Park, NJ {7:30 a.m.} June 12th Battery Park Manhattan, NY {9:00 a.m.} June 5th Overpeck Park (New section of park) Ridgefield Park, NJ {9:00 a.m.} June 5th Wantagh Park Wantagh, NY (Long Island) {9:00 a.m.} June 5th Otsiningo Park Binghamton, NY {9:00 a.m.} June 11th West Hartford Reservoir Hartford, CT {9:00 a.m.} June 12th Onondaga Lake Park Liverpool, NY (Syracuse) {9:00 a.m.} June 12th Beekmantown Town Hall Park Plattsburgh, NY {9:00 a.m.} June 12th Crossgates Mall Albany, NY {6:30 p.m.} June 18th Vassar College Poughkeepsie, NY {9:00 a.m.} June 26th Westhill High School Stamford, CT {9:00 a.m.} Free stadium blanket OR golf umbrella with $250 raised (one per registrant/family) Registration Form Free grocery bag OR water bottle OR insulated lunch bag with $50 raised (one per registrant/family) A registration fee of $20 for those 18 and older should accompany this form. Take a $5 DISCOUNT per registrant if you register prior to the day of the walk by mailing in this registration form to the SF Tri-State office. Please make copies of this form and continue to collect sponsors. Turn in additional forms and money the day of the walk. THANK YOU! A signature is required for each adult in the waiver section below. Parents must sign for all children. Walk Site: Albany Binghamton Buffalo Hartford Long Island Manhattan Plattsburgh Poughkeepsie Ridgefield Park (NJ) Rochester Stamford Syracuse Last Name _______________________________ First Name(s) _____________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________ Apt ________ City _______________________ St _______ Zip ____________ Home Phone _____________________ Work Phone ___________________ Ext _______ Email ____________________________________ Team Name __________________________________ Official Use Only I am unable to attend, please accept my contribution $ _________ I am interested in volunteering for Walk 2012. I would like more information about scleroderma. I am a scleroderma patient. I am walking in honor of _________________________ C T R G In memory of __________________________________ Registration Fee(s) $ ______________ Personal donation $ __________________ THIS IS OUR PRIMARY FUNDRAISER. PLEASE COLLECT ALL CONTRIBUTIONS. Checks payable: SF Tri-State Contributions Form Put me on mailing $ Contributions list Return completed form(s) with check(s) or money order(s) to Scleroderma Foundation/Tri-State Chapter, 59 Front St, Binghamton, NY 13905 An acknowledgment, which serves as a tax receipt, will be mailed to each sponsor if address is provided. Name Street Address City State Zip 1 s n o uti 2 3 4 c t lec 5 l o c se 6 7 8 9 10 a e l P b i r t on WAIVER Total Contributions $ __________ In consideration of being permitted to participate in Stepping Out To Cure Scleroderma, I hereby, for heirs, my personal representatives and myself assume any and all risks which might be associated with this event. I further waive, release, discharge and covenant not to sue the Scleroderma Foundation, any chapter, support group, officer, employee, sponsor, organizer, volunteer or other representative or their successors and assigns or the park or other location, for any and all injuries or damages of any kind whatsoever suffered as a result of taking part in the event and any related activities. I agree to the use of any photo, film or video of the event for any purpose. Adult Signature: _________________________________________ Adult Signature: _________________________________________ 7 Non-Profit Organization US Postage PAID Binghamton, NY Permit No. 21 59 Front Street Binghamton, NY 13905-1701 2011 Tri-State Chapter Membership W hy is your membership so important? Your membership shows that you are part of the scleroderma family, searching for the cause and cure of this often devastating disease. Your dues of $25 help to make the following happen: • Educational Forums at the Hospital for Special Surgery in NYC biannually, with renowned researchers and clinicians. Additional forums are held periodically in Syracuse, Long Island, Hartford, Rochester, Albany, New Brunswick and other Tri-State locations. • Local area support group meetings. Our goal is to have a meeting available for you within an hour’s driving distance. Many meetings include guest speakers on a variety of topics of interest. If you have not yet attended a meeting, we urge you to do so. • The Scleroderma Resource Library: Books and articles on scleroderma and videotapes/DVDs of Tri-State and National Educational Forums are available. • A new website that makes available many of the TriState Chapter's Educational Forum speakers via video streaming. • Telephone Support: Our professional staff is available to provide support, information and referral services. • The BUDS Program matches members with others in similar situations and needs – “If you have scleroderma … you need not feel alone.” • Newsletter and Website: Tri-State publishes a newsletter, the Scleroderma Exchange. The address of the Chapter’s website is • Automatic Membership in the National Scleroderma Foundation: This provides quarterly issues of the national magazine Scleroderma Voice, access to educational awareness programs and literature and a discounted registration fee at the National conference. Tri-State provides at least 30% of its net income to support the national office research program and other activities. For further information about any of the above, please call us at 1-800-867-0885. Remember that gifts of $25 or more include your annual dues. We are confident you want to be counted as a SF Tri-State member. n Electronic Newsletters If you prefer to receive this newsletter electronically and want to stay abreast of Tri-State activities, please e-mail us at or call 800-867-0885 Sign up for your FREE weekly email newsletter at for up-to-date information and the latest news about research, treatments, advocacy efforts, special events and other activities to raise awareness. 8 web resources New address; same information. You can now visit us on our homepage on the web at to keep up to date with all things Tri-State has to offer. Scleroderma Foundation /Tri-State, Inc. Chapter is on Facebook! This is a place where people can get information on fundraisers, forums and other events, but more importantly this is a friendly place, where patients and supporters alike can hold discussions and grow from one anothers experiences. So tell your friends and family to visit our link and like us...because really, what’s not to like about us ;). Watch and learn. No seriously watch and learn more about Scleroderma while finding out about events and seeing your friends. So subscribe and we’ll see you there. You’ll see us there...Well you know what I mean :) is home to many presentations given at Tri-State’s Scleroderma Educational Forums, enabling presentations to be streamed (viewed) on your computer. You’ll be able to watch and learn as physicians, researchers and other healthcare professionals share insights for coping with scleroderma related concerns. Relevant, up to date, and informative. So join us.
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