January/February 2016 - Tri-State H.O.G. Chapter #4415
January/February 2016 - Tri-State H.O.G. Chapter #4415
Tri-State HOG News Volume 29 Issue 1 February 2016 HARLEY OWNERS GROUP MOTORCYCLE CLUB February TRI-STATE CHAPTER From the Editor... Congratulations to our new officers. With your support, they’ll provide a safe and fun- filled year. Primary Officers Director • Bill Hendrickson Assistant Director • • Bill Simpkins Secretary • Erin Wienner Treasurer • Victoria Montgomery Discretionary Officers Activities Director • Dave Linahan Safety Officer • Joseph Unger Editor • Hugh “Mac” McCloskey Lady Of Harley • Louisa Frazier Photographer • J. Bowen / B. Alman Historian • Barry Sisco Road Captain • Marc Wienner Webmaster • Jeri Kevorkian Membership • Jeri Shillady Officers at Large Dean Keyes Jim Stillwell Don Worthington Jim Morgan Mark Banghart Charles "Skip" Shultz Appointed Positions "Dot Com" Guy • Robert Daniels Merchandising • Victoria Montgomery Hump Ride Com. Chair • Ed Montgomery NOTE: Use CTRL + Click on the name to follow the link to their email address or visit the club website www.tristatehog.net for the officer’s mail & contact information. Page 1 Well here it is the first edition of the newsletter by your new editor. First off, a huge thank you goes out to Holly Bailey for the magnificent job she did as your editor for the last four years. I can only hope that I do as well as she did. My wife, Joanne (or Jo) and I have been riding HarleyDavidson motorcycles for the past 18 years. We started with a used 1988 1200 Sportster and gradually moved up to a new 1999 Softtail Custom. We currently ride a new 2015 Street Glide Special which we just happened to purchase in August 2015. It was one of those times that you least expect, and there it is. We’ve done many different types of rides from local poker runs to riding to Biketoberfest in Daytona Beach, Florida. We’ve ridden to Myrtle Beach several times going back to 2001. Prior coming to Tri-State HOG, we belonged to First State HOG in Delaware. Their meeting place (Kahunaville) and time fit our schedule; then, they moved their meetings to Newark, Delaware. We weren’t able to continue participating in their chapter so we started looking at other chapters. We met Bill Hendrickson last year at one of Hannum’s events and we spent some time talking with him. We came to our first meeting last April 2015 and here we are! It’s been a great experience so far and we’re looking forward to long tenure with Tri-State HOG! Keep the rubber side down and the pheasants off your chest. Mac McCloskey Annual Chapter Photo Photo courtesy of Brad Alman Giving Back to the Community… The following charities were voted on at February’s meeting to be those charities that the club will make donations: Photo Courtesy of Brad Alman Happy Saint Patrick’s Day March 17 May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with joy that long endures. May all life's passing seasons bring the best to you and yours! - Loaves and Fishes Delaware County Domestic Abuse Project (DAP) - Special Needs for Active People (SNAP) For notice of spontaneous events and other club news, join our e-mail list by contacting Bob Daniels at BobbyDBFIC@aol.com Happy Belated Birthday to our Following members: January Mike Hagan Holly Bailey Brad Alman Anthony Scott Levis Mac McCloskey Dave Dambroski Donna Plaisted February Barry Sisco Skip Shultz 22 24 27 27 27 30 31 Page 2 19 26 Happy Birthday to those celebrating Birthdays in: March Rob Maniscalco Joann Sapp Donald Martin Betsy Tillman Matthew Huthchinson David Linahan 3rd 13th 17th 19th 24th 25th April Robert Rzeczkowski Louisa Frazier Bill Hendrickson Marian Rothstein 3rd 13th 15th 29th If I’ve missed your birthday, please send it to TSH Newsletter Editor if you’d like to be included in the future (no years necessary). The Joe Mongelluzzo Award... This award is given out once a year to a club member that is selected by the membership in November. The recipient is a person that the membership feels goes above and beyond all year for the club. Congratulations to our New Head Road Captain, Marc Weiner who is the 2015 recipient of this prestigious service award! photo courtesy of Jim Bowen And Now For Something Completely Different…. >>>> 2016 Meeting Venue <<<< We hold our monthly meetings at Maggie O'Neill's Irish Pub & Restaurant located at 1062 Pontiac Rd, Upper Darby, PA 19026 (610) 449-9889 (it's right next to the Chickie & Pete's on Township Line Road). It's Time to Renew... Starting in January, the tank with the popsicle sticks used to draw for the 50/50 will be empty unless you renew so don't forget your annual dues along with the renewal/membership form. An updated form will be available at the next meeting. The bike has been worked on, the mods complete, the polishing is finished and the mandatory staring at the bike is done. Take the time to find out how this legend almost became extinct. “Well Made In America, Lessons from Harley-Davidson on Being the Best” will tell the tale. Written by Peter C. Reid in 1990, this book takes you through the painstaking process of the challenges faced and the remarkable goals achieved by Harley-Davidson employees and managers. If not for the courageous actions of a small group of people, we may not have the freedom-giving machine we know today as the “Hog”. Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 For those folks interested in doing some self-guided touring, see the Tour of Honor sponsored by the American Motorcyclist Association. Page 6 Awards and Recognition Lady of Harley Raffle.. flyer courtesy of Holly Bailey The following individuals received Certificates of Appreciation for the their hard work, dedication and commitment to the Tri-State HOG Chapter: Ed Montgomery Charlie Dresden Pat Levine Holly Bailey Last Word... DISCLAIMER: The information contained in the Tri-State HOG News does not necessarily represent the opinions of the Chapter Officers or its members. It contains random ramblings & free advice and should be treated as such. If you are ever unsure as to the correct procedure when riding or working on your motorcycle, consult a professional. All of the information in this newsletter has been gathered and summarized to the best of my ability; however, Tri-State HOG Media Chapter, or any specific contributor or author cannot be held liable or responsible for the correctness of any of the information, or for damage, direct or consequential, resulting from using any of the information or tips contained in this newsletter. All information, advice, or tips found here are provided "as-is" and no warranty whatsoever for degree of correctness in terms of safety, mechanics or physics is implied. Harley-Davidson, H.O.G.® and L.O.H. logos are trademarks and reproduced with permission entitled to us as a H.O.G. chapter. Please feel free to share your ideas, jokes, pictures or articles for inclusion in the next issue by emailing me at machawk1@verizon.net. The cutoff for the April edition is 4/8/2016. HOG Overview The Tri-state Chapter of the Harley Owners Group, headquartered in Media, Pennsylvania, is an organization of motorcyclists, their spouses and families. Sponsored by Hannum's Harley Davidson dealership, the chapter is dedicated to promoting a more positive image of motorcycling, as well as enjoying the sport on virtually every level of activity. Participating in charity fund-raising, community betterment efforts and expressions of humanitarian caring, as well as many patriotic and strictly fun runs and rides, our members come from virtually every career path and wear white collars, blue collars, and, of course, plenty of Harley black. New and current members are urged to take part in all activities and should feel free to call any of the officers for information or details and to provide suggestions and thoughts on activities they would like to participate in with fellow Chapter members. Page 7
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