Attention All Chapter Members
Attention All Chapter Members
THE CHROME CHRONICLE JOLIET HARLEY OWNERS’ GROUP CHAPTER #1025 Attention All Chapter Members... Volume 22, Issue 2 Joliet H.O.G. is sponsored by We have a new Newsletter Officer. Beginning with this edition all articles, pictures and other information should be sent to Wes Danielewicz. Please send by email. Email: Sept 6th 110th Anniversary Unveiling Party—Hollywood Casino Sept 7th & 8th—110th anniversary Kickoff—Conrad’s Sept 9th—Ride for the Vets Sept 20th - Officers Meeting at Conrad's Harley-Davidson at 7:00 PM Sep 26th-29th - Battle Cry Touring Rally from Richmond, Virginia (See Website) Sep 27th - General Meeting at Conrad's Harley-Davidson at 7:00 PM Sept 30th—Joliet Hog Picnic, Hawthorne’s in West Chicago Oct 27th—Halloween Party, The Headless Biker is Coming soon. Dec 8th—Joliet Hog Christmas Party PAGE 2 THE CHROME CHRONICAL Chapter Members Enjoy Rally The rides that were set up, were a lot of fun. Everyone had a good time on the rides they took part in. The Harley Dealers put on a couple of great parties for all the rally riders and guests. Guess What? You couldn’t of asked for better weather, it was GREAT!!! I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the some of the winners from our chapter that won at the rally, or at least that I know of, if I missed anyone, I am sorry, I was not informed. New Joliet HOG Member Joe Rivera & Jen, and riding Along side are Tony & Linda Kennedy as they take off for the L.O.H. ride during the Illinois H.O.G. Rally For the Door Prizes: Linda Killian, Linda Kennedy and Art Ramsey. Each received a $25.00 Gift Card. For the Closing Ceremonies: John Kraske—A one of a kind Harley Davidson Knife. Linda Kennedy—Passport Book, First ASSISTANT DIRECTOR’S COLUMN Please forgive me if all this sounds like old news, which it is, but we’re getting back on track with our newsletter. Hopefully we’ll get you all caught up with events that have been going on. Back in May we had our annual bike blessing. Thanks to Joe Labarge for getting Father David from St. Mary’s to come out and take care of us and our bikes. Fr. David is always so generous with his time and comes out for us each year. Lord knows, we could always use his blessing. This year’s State H.O.G. Rally was held in Rosemont, Illinois. I would like to say thanks to all the chapter members who went to the State Rally. We all had a great time as always. The City Lights Ride of Chicago was just AWESOME!!! Father David of St. Mary Immaculate Church, in Plainfield, blesses all bikes at the annual blessing of the bikes. Place Prize: $500 Gift Card. Tony Kennedy—Passport Book, Second Place Prize: $400.00 Gift Card I hope that everyone has had a chance to join us (Continued on page 5) VOLUM E 22, ISSUE 2 PAGE 3 DIRECTOR’S COLUMN It’s been a while for a newsletter. I apologize for this, but now we’re getting back on track. Thought out the rest of the year and there will be some changes with the newsletter. Now, to make these changes it’s going to take some effort from all of us. We’re going to need stories, pictures and event reminders for events that chapter members would be interested in. At the August membership meeting we set the dates for the Chapter picnic (September 30th) and the Christmas party (December 8th). There will be more details about these events at the September meeting. I also would like to thank everyone that participated on the dealer dinner rides. We had great weather for all eight rides and had a blast trying new restaurants and meeting new friends. John Kraske Holds his prize Harley Davidson Knife he won at the Closing CeremoThinking about chapter nies of the Illinois State HOG Rally rides, we are looking for some ideas for possible destinations. We would like to get in as many as we can this fall. So check your emails regularly for dates and times. Ride with you soon, Eric Koesche, Joliet HOG Chapter, Director *Daily Drink Specials *Karaoke Thursdays *Live entertainment on the weekends *Plenty of parking 1356 Houbolt Road, Joliet Membership Reminder To be a member of the Joliet Harley Owners’ Group you must be a member of National H.O.G. in good standing. For more information on National H.O.G. memberships please check their website at Joliet H.O.G. memberships are a yearly membership. For more information on chapter membership contact the membership officer through the website at FROM THE EDITOR Hello fellow HOG members and welcome to this September edition of the “CHROME CHRONICAL”. I know it’s been awhile since the chapter has had a newsletter out and it seems to have an effect on getting the content in on time. This is somewhat understandable due to not having a newsletter in awhile. Beginning with the October issue, the deadline for all articles, reports, pictures and whatever else anybody would like to put in – will have to be in by Saturday following the General meeting. That would be the fourth Saturday of the month, each month, from here on out. I hope this doesn't offend anyone, but if we want to have a newsletter and keep it current, this is the way it needs to be. With that said and out of the way, I hope you enjoy this issue. If any one should have any suggestions as far as improvements to the newsletter please email me at: NEWSLETTER@JOLIETHOG.COM. Bill congratulates the first winner (left) and the second winner of the second raffle (right) of the HOG 50/50 Raffles at Conrad’s Fall Open House With everyone’s input, I hope to make this newsletter fun, entertaining and informative in the future. So let’s all pitch in and make it happen. Thanks for reading and Ride Safe! Wes Danielewicz, Joliet HOG Newsletter Editor on the many rides we have been on this summer and hope to you this fall for some of the great rides to come. I would, at this time, like to extend a warm welcome to all new members to our HOG Family. It’s great to you part of it. Just a not on Common Courtesy. If you see a rider and biker on the side of the road, please stop and see if they need help (no matter what type or brand of Linda & Tony Kennedy at the Illinois State HOG Rally, enjoying the bike they are riding). You never know when you might find yourself in the same free tribute to Led Zepplin. situation and needing help. As a mentor to new riders, you are responsible for being the best riding resource that you can be. To listen, encourage and direct new riders to the resources they need. I have found that mentoring does not have to be a formal process. In fact, if you think about it, we have all been mentoring each other in one way or another. How? Because we have one common bond…. That is riding and sharing our passion of riding with others. As always, RIDE SAFE Tony Kennedy, Joliet HOG Chapter, Asst. Director Food Tent at Conrad’s Fall Open House. HOG Members Enjoy Sunday Afternoon Ride Joker trying his skills at Tipsy Cup at the Illinois State HOG Rally Ladies of Harley Volunteering at the Illinois HOG Rally. From left: Linda Killian, Kim Danielewicz and Linda Kennedy. All in a day’s work. Wes Danielewicz, Volunteering at the Illinois State HOG Rally 19356 N. E. Frontage Rd. Shorewood, Il. 60404
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