September - Lake County HOG
September - Lake County HOG
DIRECTORS REPORT Hi Everyone, I hope everyone is enjoying the Sumer, especially those who went back up North to stay Cool!! I believe it’s been Cooler in Florida than most of the Country East of the Rockies & North of Florida. I am writing this a bit early because Mary and I as well as 7 other Chapter Members are heading to Gettysburg Pennsylvania for the Pennsylvania Rally & we will be leaving Friday August 12th, just before the Meeting. John Loomis will be running the Meeting for me. I do not believe any of us are expecting the Rally to be a good as ours, but the Riding up there cannot be beat. One 200 mile Ride through 4 States through some Historic areas such as Harpers Ferry, Smithsburg, Antietam & Berkley Springs to mention a few. I would like to continue a short article I started for the Weekly Update of July 25th. This started with a Saturday Morning Breakfast Ride to Salt Springs. I believe there where 9 of us on that Ride that day. What started me thinking about how Diverse and interesting our Chapter Members really are, was a couple of conversations among Friends and Chapter Members that morning. Not knowing how the subject started, it went on to have one of our Members talk about his involvement as a Rebel Soldier, fighting Castro during the Bay of Pigs and how he was taken Prisoner and how he ended up in the US. Another Member talked about his father starting Rodeos in South Florida and just how much of Florida History goes back to real Cowboys (Crackers) and he was one of them!! SEPTEMBER 2011 Along with the fact these conversations where Interesting and fascinating, does anyone know who I am talking about?? Well – 9 of us do!! Here is my POINT – Unless and until you take time to go on Rides such as the Meal Rides, we do not seem to take time to sit down with our Chapter Brothers and Sisters and really get to know them. The personal information that comes out at meals during these types of Rides is what makes us close as a Chapter. These are just 2 examples of the interesting conversations that occur during Meals where there are just a few people at a table. That Ride Lenny led us on was through some very beautiful parts of our area, but the conversation at Breakfast was Priceless as far as making Friends and learning about our Members. Sometimes it not always about the “Ride”!! It’s amazing how much you can learn by Listening!! Here is another TIDBIT of information I learned after getting to know a few of the newer Members that joined us on the Dusk to Dawn Ride – did you know we have at least 2 Doctors in our Chapter? Had you gone on that Ride with the 18 Chapter Members, you would know too!! As most everyone knows, we have has a busy Sumer! We have had quite a few changes and additions to the Chapter over the past couple of Months. 1st, Danny & Jacci Resigned as News Letter Editors and after working out some issues, they decided to continue as News Letter Editors. The Chapter is very Grateful, since they do such as GREAT JOB with it. 2nd, Ron Nord has built Lake County HOG an Entire New Web Site. There are some great new features in the New Web Site! 3rd, Pam & Charlie Ballotta have Resigned as Volunteer Coordinators effective July 31st, after Gator’s Anniversary Weekend Party. Pam has also given up the Historian Officers Position, so we are looking for someone or a couple of someone’s t fill those positions. If you are interested in the Volunteer Coordinator Position, this is a great time to try it out to see if you like it. We only have a few events left for the year requiring Volunteers. This will allow you to get your Feet Wet without being overwhelmed. Sometimes we seem to forget ALL of the Officers Positions are VOLUNTEER!! EVERYONE that does anything for the Chapter or our Dealership in any way, shape or Form, are also VOLUNTEERS!! HOG Chapters and Mother HOG are here and Exist because of Volunteers. Our Chapter cannot run without our Volunteers. Please pitch in and Volunteer any time you can. I believe you will usually find it to be FUN TOO!! Ride Safe and we will see you at the Chapter Picnic! Bud Hinkhaus Director NEXT LAKE COUNTY HOG CHAPTER MEETING SATURDAY SEPT 10 th **** 1 PM **** ROAD CAPT 10 AM OFFICERS 11 AM LOH 12 NOON GATOR HARLEYDAVIDSON Lunch Ride to Salt Springs Cedar Key for Lunch Membership and Secretary - Margo Loomis Membership, as of this date, is 281 members. There are some renewals for National due in August and September. Log onto and renew today. You must remain a member of National to be a local chapter member. There are some new changes starting this month for Weekly Updates and the Newsletter. Updates will still be sent to individuals, as we have always done, however, they will now also be a part of the web site in the Members Only section. The user name is: ride and the pass word is: safe. Should be easy to remember.. That's what we all strive for: ride safe. The Newsletter will now only be sent as a straight link to the web site. This link will send you straight to the newsletter without having to look for it. While you are on the web site, check out what Ron Nord has put together for us. It's easy to navigate, and new pictures and information are always popping up. Ron has worked very hard to bring this to us. Take advantage of the site. Send pictures for the Rogue's Gallery--you, your name, and your bike. Send to The Minutes of the Meeting will now only be on the web site. Please review and contact me if there are any corrections. Ron is moving the Officer's section to the front of the web site. You can contact any officer by the email listed. Click on the email address and it will set you up to write to us any questions or concerns you may have. Have a good month and see you next time, September 10th, 2011 for the next meeting. Road Captain Report Another month come and gone. We’d had some great rides this month and looking forward to more great rides. I believe we need to do more morning rides because the afternoon storms are coming earlier and earlier. And the heat, it has taken its toll on all of us, wouldn’t you agree? Be sure to have plenty of water and keep hydrated. While on these rides, weather it be on a HOG ride or on your own ride, if you get tired, pull over. Get somebody’s attention and signal the road captain to pull over. Let’s not try to do what we can do in the cooler months. Let’s try to shorten the time between breaks and stay safe. Lenny LaBranche Traveling HOG Lunch Ride with Lenny Learning Lessons—The Hard Way or the Easy Way by Rod Jones, Safety Officer There are many ways to learn, but all of them can be classified as either the easy way or the hard way. The mistakes we and others make undoubtedly can be one of the most effective learning tools we have. Whether it’s the easy way or the hard way depends on whose mistakes they are. Learning from our own mistakes, most would agree, is the hard way— valuable lessons learned no doubt, but sometimes costly in terms of pain and dollars. A better way to learn the same lessons is through the mistakes of others. In fact, sharing our mistakes is really the only way to turn a negative experience into something positive. And while sharing some of our less than stellar moments can be embarrassing, doing so just might save others much more than their dignity. If you have had some close calls or accidents, and upon reflection feel that you learned something from them, please consider sharing them. Send me an email detailing what happened or give me a call and tell me about it. I’ll write it up and share it in our safety column. And don’t worry. I won’t use names. In the August 2004 edition of the American Motorcyclist, AMA’s monthly publication, AMA members shared their worst 2-wheeled moments and the lessons they learned from them. Here are a couple of their stories. Their hard lessons can be easy ones for us. One rider, who had 27 years riding experience, was exiting a highway. The off-ramp merged into the new road, so there was a yield sign rather than a stop sign. As the motorcyclist exited, there were two cars ahead of him on the off-ramp. Looking ahead, he could see two cars on the new road approaching the merge area. He surmised that the first car on the off-ramp would go first, followed by the first car on the new road, followed by the second car on the off-ramp and the motorcyclist. There was no reason to think this would not happen, since there was plenty of space between the first and second cars on the new road. Unfortunately, the driver immediately ahead of the biker on the off-ramp thought otherwise and decided to wait for the second car on the new road to pass. The rider, watching the first two cars merge, looked back to the car in front of him and saw nothing but brake lights. He hit the brakes, but still plowed into the rear of the car. He was fortunate to remain on the bike and keep it upright. He was sore for a week, but luckily suffered no other injuries; still a tough way to learn there is danger assuming the other guy is going to do what you expect him to. Another rider had been riding all day. But it was November and probably the last ride of the season, so she decided to ride one more road. Upon later reflection, she realized she was a little tired and a little preoccupied with preparing her bike for its winter storage as she approached a stop sign. That was enough for her to miss noticing the gravel on the road as she put her foot down. The next thing she knew she was on the sidewalk and the bike was on its side still running. Several good Samaritans came to her aid and helped her and the bike up. Acutely embarrassed, she turned down an offer of a ride, and got away as quickly as she could, with a bruised ego but no significant damage to either herself or her bike, and a valuable lesson: It’s always dangerous to let your mind wander when you’re riding. Stranded? Never! (HOG® Roadside Assistance) HOG® members can take comfort in knowing if something unexpected happens on the road, you’ll never be left stranded. The HOG Roadside Assistance Program Standard Package is included with all full and full life memberships The Standard Package may be used by current full and full life members once per year, maximum $100 coverage. Road America is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you break down call Road America toll free to arrange for a tow to the nearest Harley-Davidson dealership. Members also receive reduced rates on the Deluxe and Ultra Roadside Assistance Packages – which provide additional coverage. Refer to your HOG Benefits Guide for more information or visit Hello Fellow Inter-Chapter HOGers Once again, the Traveling HOG has come and gone for our SCHOG Chapter. We at Seminole County HOG hope you all had a great day. Sorry about Ms. Piggy not arriving back in time for award presentation, we will get it out by weeks end to the winner being Lake County. Winner and Host of our next Traveling HOG on Saturday, September 17, 2011 is New Smyrna HOG New Smyrna – Winner of Traveling HOG L Laakkee C Coouunnttyy –– W Wiinnnneerr ooff C Chhaapptteerr C Chhaalllleennggee W Wiinnnneerr ooff M Mss.. PPiiggggyy Keep it Fun, Nick DiGiacomo SCHOG Director (407) 832-9009 The next Interchapter Traveling HOG Competition is Saturday, Sept. 17th, 2011 LOCATION: - Flip Flops, 725 East Third Avenue, New Smyrna Beach, Fl. 32169 (After you go over all bridges to Beachside, continue thru 2nd stop light and Flip Flops is on the right) Web TIME: 11:00 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. SIGN-IN: 11:00 a.m. - 1:15 p.m. LUNCH: Available from menu CHAPTER CHALLENGE 50/50 will be available. Results of Traveling HOG competition and presentation 1:30 p.m. Presentation of Ms Piggy will follow. Dusk to Dawn Run August 2011 Activities Report Hope the summer is treating everyone well and you are all staying cool! Just remember a few more months and the temps will be more tolerable. Lots of fun things coming up like the Christmas party December 10 after the monthly meeting. Pricing this year will be $15 for members and $30 for guests. Make sure to mark your calendars! There will be sign up sheets soon. We also have our annual fund raiser for Haven. This will be help Sunday November 27, more information in the next few weeks. Also remember that election season is right around the corner. If you would like to take on a leadership role with YOUR chapter, please feel free to contact any of our current officers and throw your name in the hat or if you know someone who would be a great leader, get their permission and nominate them.. And lastly lets not forget the State HOG rally October 18-22 on the beautiful Northern Gulf coast! The commitee has been working very hard to make sure everyone has a great time, great bands, free poker runs, bike games, etc. Register ASAP!!! Here are the activities and rides for the next month: Sept 4: LOH chapter picnic starting at 11AM at Tremble Park near Tangerine. Feel free to bring a favorite side dish, we will have a dessert ride following the fun. Sept 10: Chapter meeting. There has not been anything planned for a ride that weekend so if you have somewhere you like to go, let Lenny or myself know. Sept 17: Traveling Hog at Flip Flops (725 East 3rd Ave in New Smyrna). Ride leaving Kangaroo in Altoona at 9:30. Lets go and show them LAKE CO HOG is the best!!!! Sept 18: The Central Fl Cruisers (one of our largest supporters) is having a golf tourney to benefit the Salvation Army. 4 Person teams $50 per person includes 18 holes, cart, steak dinner and entertainment. Sept 24: Bowling at Classique Bowl in Tavares. Sept 25: Seminole HOG zoo run to benefit the Central Fl Zoo. Ride times will be announced at next meeting. Respectfully, Jason "Taco" Kahl Bowling Aug 2011 September 2011 Sunday Monday 4 Tuesday 5 Wednesday 6 Thursday Friday 7 Saturday 1 2 3 8 9 10 LABOR DAY PICNIC TRIMBEL PARK 11:00AM 11 HOG MTG 1:00PM GATOR OPEN HOUSE 12 13 14 15 16 17 PETERSON'S KEY WEST POKER RUN STORMY HILL OPEN HOUSE PETERSON'S KEY WEST POKER RUN 18 TRAVELING HOG FLIPFLOPS NEW SYMRNA BEACH 11:00AM - 1:00PM PETERSON'S KEY WEST POKER RUN 19 20 21 22 23 26 27 28 29 30 PETERSON'S KEY WEST POKER RUN 25 24 October 2011 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 BREAST CANCER EVENT STORMY HILL 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 HOG MTG 1:00PM BREAST CANCER EVENT GATOR SANFORD BIKEFEST 9 10 11 12 SANFORD BIKEFEST 13 DAYTONA BIKETOBERFEST 16 17 18 DAYTONA BIKETOBERFEST 19 FL STATE HOG RALLY 23 24 25 14 DAYTONA BIKETOBERFEST 20 FL STATE HOG RALLY 26 SANFORD BIKEFEST DAYTONA BIKETOBERFEST 21 FL STATE HOG RALLY 27 15 22 FL STATE HOG RALLY 28 29 BIKE & CAR CRUISE IN GATOR FL STATE HOG RALLY 30 31 HALLOWEEN THE WINNER OF THE SPORSTER AT THE GATOR ANNIVERSITY PARTY WAS OUR OWN LLOYD HUMPHREY