Ride to Tip Top Meats Deli
Ride to Tip Top Meats Deli
A monthly publication of Temecula Valley Chapter of Harley Owners Group Vol. 19 Issue 4 April 2016 Ride to Tip Top Meats Deli Proudly Sponsored by: Temecula Harley-Davidson 28964 Front StreetTemecula, CA 92590 (951) 506-6903 Fax (951) 506-0193 www.TemeculaValleyHOG.com NEXT MEETING: April 10th at TV Elks Lodge The HOG Times is published by the Temecula Valley HOG Chapter for the use Davidson, nor the Harley-Davidson Motor Co. make any claims as to the of its membership. Neither the Temecula Valley HOG Chapter, Temecula Harleyaccuracy of the information published. From the Director Pat C. Hey everybody, Wow, this has been and incredible couple of months. We had our irst chapter event, the Chili Challenge, which was a rousing success. We’ve already had long distance rides, chapter rides, and our Wednesday rides, so I’m pretty sure there has been something for everyone. I would like to take a moment and personally thank everyone that came and participated at the Demo Days. I was thrilled to see so many of our chapter members at Temecula H-D, and I heard a rumor that a couple of you even bought new bikes! If you didn’t get a chance to come out and ride the demos you missed a great opportunity, and for those of us that actually got to wrestle the “go fast” bikes away from Ferran, it was a chance to ride something you wouldn’t normally ride—and scare the hell out of yourself in the process. To all the road captains, and RCs in training that volunteered their time, my heartfelt thanks go out to you, and to Carlos V. you did a great job of setting everything up. And if that wasn’t enough, that was followed up by Bike/Fight night at the dealership. Myself and a few other chapter members managed to make it and I don’t know about them, but I had a great time. Thanks to Andre and all the staff at Temecula H-D that made both of these events a success. Most of you who have been around awhile know that the chapter used to make a good portion of our money by doing the weekly grilling at the dealership. Well, after several months of whining, sniveling, and stomping around like a 200lb baby—me not Andre, he has agreed to let the chapter start grilling again. We will grill the irst Saturday of each month, at least through the summer. Andre will supply the food, we will supply the manpower, and we get to keep the donations. So starting in April we will be back in the grilling game. If you’re willing to help, contact Mona or Tom F. at: volunteers@temeculavalleyhog.com I misspoke at the last chapter meeting, we will continue to put out a monthly newsletter, not bi-monthly, so my apologies. That’s it for now, I hope to see all of you out on one of the ride so until then, Ride safe, and we’ll see you on the road! Pat C From the Asst. Director David H. I would like to start by thanking all our Road Captains and our ARC’s (Apprentice Road Captains) for coming out and making the Demo days at our dealership a huge success. We did about 8 rides per day with an average of 14 riders. It was a fun time for all. There were some great rides in March that we enjoyed. There was our irst deli challenge to Tip Top Deli in Carlsbad with great participation. Also, our secret Road Captain’s choice ride led by Jim Lavin was a fun and exciting ride. I would like to shed some clarity on how our email blasts work. When we send out the email blast it reaches out to the entire chapter membership being addressed as (dear and then the member’s name). The person who sends the blast is at the bottom of the email. When you respond to the email it goes only to the primary board members. If your response is intended for the long distance guys, we put down their contact information so you can forward your information to them. See you on the rides David H 2 3 From the Activities Coordinators Sherri H. & Mona F. Let me start off thanking everyone who has been coming out and enjoying our beautiful fun illed rides. We have been blessed with some amazing weather these past 3 months. We had our irst Road Captain Choice ride that ended at Barona Casino. Thank you Jim L. for such a great ride on some roads most of us hadn’t been on before. Looking forward to more or our Road Captain Choice rides. Just a reminder our activities meetings are always the 2nd Thursday of the month at the Pizza Factory in French Valley on the corner of Benton and Winchester. Mona and I would really love for you to join us at 6:00 for socializing and any great ideas you may have. Meeting starts at 7:00 Until next time, ride safe Mona & Sherri From the Head Road Captain Carlos V. Stars & Stripes Forever! As our riding season moves into full swing, we will soon have a chance to show our colors. Some of my favorite rides end with us stopping to deploy the American and Chapter lag. Showing up to another Chapter’s or Dealers event with our lags lying and a train of bikes in tow. It is our time to shine and show off a bit to our fellow HOG chapters. Please be aware that when we stop we take great care in the handling of our colors, so please be patient. Remember that we do not want any of our lags to touch the ground. We will always lead with the American Flag, followed by our chapter lag and/or our LOH lag. A bit more to remember about our colors, if your lag gets torn or ripped and is no longer serviceable, please donate it to the Boys Scouts or the American Legion as they will give it a proper retirement. From the Stitch (Don’t forget to ask the Head Road Captain for a Stitch treat at the next Chapter meeting). Finally for all the Vets - as of 2008 you are allowed to salute the lag even though you are not in Uniform per Section 301, B, 1, Title 36B, so stand tall and exercise your rights! Carlos V. 4 From the Treasurer Tina V. Happy Spring time TVHOG ~ With spring in full swing, we are coming into our Southern California “riding season”, but hey, let’s face it, we can pretty much ride all year around here. One of the reasons I personally love living here. If you were at our March Chapter meeting, I gave what we will call a “Treasurer’s Report” of our monthly income & expenses from February 1st – February 29th. I got a lot of positive feedback, so I will continue to do this every month at the Chapter meetings. As you may or may not know, we are an “open book” chapter & our members can ask at any time to see how we stand inancially. We have a pretty healthy bank account, especially considering we have our membership dues & opportunity drawings (aka 50/50) as our only steady forms of income right now. I’m looking forward to attending H.O.T. (HOG Of icers Training) later this month in Las Vegas. This is 2-days of training that National HOG puts on in 4 different parts of the country every year, & that 6 HOG Of icers from every Chapter, nationwide have the opportunity to attend. Carlos & I both attended this training in 2013 & 2014, but as we’ve taken on new roles on the board we will surely learn something new as we have twice before. There is a lot that goes into being a HOG Of icer, a lot of behind the scenes stuff happens, but it’s all done with one simple thing in mind. For YOU, our Members, & ourselves to get out & RIDE & HAVE FUN!!! Until next time, Tina V Membership Coordinator & Historian Brenda G. Hello to Temecula Valley HOG Members I would like to extend my appreciation to all the members who have updated their National membership in the month of March and I have sent out email reminders for those of you who are due in April. We are now at a total of 146 Members in our Chapter and we are continuing to grow. If you have any friends that are riding and would like to be a part of our fun and exciting riding trips, please have them get in contact with me and I will be glad to sign them up. March Birthday Members: Richard S 3/3 Tom G 3/5 Mark W 3/11 Sheryl J 3/11 Richard P 3/22 Tom C 3/23 Bill S 3/25 Ron M 3/28 Our MARCH Birthday Winner was MARK W-Congratulations April Birthday Members: Tammilynn E 4/4 Tom L 4/16 Kim B 4/20 Va L 4/27 Thank You All See you on the road Brenda G Otis S Mike C Robert L 4/7 4/18 4/22 Melissa B Sherri H Tom F Rouyn A Robert B Rocky F Mo M 3/9 3/13 3/24 3/29 4/12 4/19 4/24 5 6 9 Temecula Valley H.O.G. Chapter 3817 P.O. Box 2102 Temecula, CA 92593 OR CURRENT RESIDENT If your address is changing— Please contact the Membership Of icer at membership@temeculavalleyhog.com www.temeculavalleyhog.com Director Assistant Director Secretary Treasurer Pat Calcagno David Harries Debbie Salsbury Tina Vidaurri Primary Of•icers 951-249-2613 909-732-8777 951-445-6239 760-224-7380 director@temeculavalleyhog.com asstdirector@temeculavalleyhog.com secretary@temeculavalleyhog.com treasurer@temeculavalleyhog.com Upcoming TVHOG Events : (subject to change based on outcome of Activities Meetings) Apr 2th Jocko’s, Nipomo ~ LDR 6am Apr 10th General Meeting ~ Wood Ranch Ride 9am Apr 17th Historic Hwy 49 ~ LDR 6:30am Temecula Valley Black Sheep Biker Aid Program We love to ride and as bike enthusiasts we understand what a dangerous sport this is. Temecula Valley Black Sheep has a program in place to assist TVH bikers and their families should the need arise. Assistance in the form of prayer, comfort, errand running and inancial support are available by contacting any one of the following members: Denny & Donna Coggins - 951-970-6220 / 951-677-8942 or Gary Block 952-743-8978 (Temecula Contacts) or Dave Rahm—951-434=8086, Regional Director