September - Temecula Lane
September - Temecula Lane
SEPTEMBER 2015 TEMECULA LANE Professionally Managed by Keystone Pacific Property Management, Inc. - 41593 Winchester Road, Suite 113, Temecula, CA. 92590 MASTER BOARD ELECTION The Adjourned Annual Meeting and Master Board Election was held August 13, 2015. Anthony Cerovich, Brenda Cerovich and Tiffany Kaldenbach were elected to serve a 2 year term. Please join us in welcoming the new Board members and thanking the outgoing Board members for their service. VISIT! Log onto the community website to: Submit maintenance requests, address changes Get the latest community news & updates Obtain minutes, newsletters, policies, forms Access your account online Pay your HOA bill online Should you have problem logging onto the community website, please call Customer Care at 951-491-6866. THINKING OF GOING DROUGHT TOLERANT? Management has noted that some homeowners are taking steps towards more drought tolerant landscaping. We appreciate your water conservation efforts and would like to remind you that an architectural application is still required to be approved PRIOR TO any work commencing. Because this is a new area that is being mandated by both the government and enforced by the Association, please make sure to do the following: Fill out the architectural application and submit it to the Association. Include samples/pictures of all plantings you will be using. Include pictures of any rocks/gravel that you will be using (please don’t send with the application). Include at least an 8”X8” sample of the artificial turf being proposed. There are many types of artificial turf out there. A high quality turf must be used. If you have any questions, please contact the Temecula Office at 951-491-6866 and we’d be happy to walk you through the process. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Anthony Cerovich Brenda Cerovich Tiffany Kaldenbach Bonnie Jordan Sabrina Brown NEXT BOARD MEETING TBA—Please visit the website ( for the latest information regarding the next meeting. The final agenda will be posted at the clubhouse entrance and available on the association’s website at least 4 days in advance of the meeting. You may also obtain a copy of the agenda by contacting management at 951-491-6866. IMPORTANT NUMBERS: ASSOCIATION MANAGER: Jennifer Alegria Phone: 951-491-6862 Emergency After Hours: 951-491-6866 Fax: 951-491-6864 COMMON AREA ISSUES: Alyssa Ripperger 951-491-6866 ext. 636 BILLING QUESTIONS/ ADDRESS CHANGES/ WEBSITE LOGIN: Phone: 951-491-6866 ARCHITECTURAL DESK: CLUBHOUSE RESERVATIONS OR TO PURCHASE POOL KEYS: Alyssa Ripperger 951-491-6866 ext. 636 TEMECULA LANE l PAGE 2 SEPTEMBER 2015 REMINDERS Keystone Pacific Property Management will be closed on September 7, 2015 in observance of Labor Day—For after-hours association maintenance issues, please call 949-833-2600 to be connected with the emergency service line. Please call 9-1-1 for life-threatening emergencies. Trash Pick-Up Day - Monday Please remove trash cans from the common areas after this day. SIGN UP FOR COMMUNITY E-NEWS Sign up to receive news and updates pertaining to our community association via email. To sign up, please register from the “Account Notifications” page once you have logged into The KPPM Connection at Visit for the latest information regarding upcoming meetings, meeting agendas, copies of approved minutes and financial statements. About Community Living Rules & Regulations Your Community Association is a non-profit corporation registered with the State of California. As such, it is managed by a Board of Directors whose purpose is to oversee the maintenance and operation of all common areas and facilities. The Board is also responsible for governing your community in accordance with the provisions of the CC&R's, Bylaws, and the Articles of Incorporation. What are the CC&R's? Basically, the Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&R's) are the legal documents that determine the guidelines for the operation of your community as a non-profit corporation. These guidelines are included in the title to your property and cannot be changed without proper action by the Board or by a vote of the Community Association Members. All homeowners must comply with the CC&R's. What are Bylaws? The Bylaws are the guidelines for the actual operation of your Community Association. The Bylaws define the duties of the various offices of the Board, the terms of the Directors, the members' voting rights, required meetings, as well as other specific items that are necessary to run the Association as a corporation. Are There Other Rules? From time to time, rules will be adopted by the Board. These rules are meant to protect the living environment of your community, and may involve guidelines regarding parking and vehicles, pets, pool use hours, etc. Since the common areas are owned and maintained by the association, any intended changes or modifications must meet the approval of the Board. Architectural guidelines adopted by the Board will include procedures for submitting requests to make exterior changes. The purpose of these guidelines is to control and protect the visual integrity of the community. Assessments Maintaining and operating your common areas and facilities requires funds. These funds are collected from you in the form of assessments levied against your home. In addition, these monies provide for a reserve fund to offset future capital expenses. A Little Back to School Humor: A teacher had been giving her second-grade students a lesson in science. She had explained about magnets and showed how they would pick up nails and other bits of iron. Now it was question time, and the teacher asked, 'My name begins with the letter "M" and I pick up things. What am I?' Tim, a little boy in the front row proudly said, 'You're a Mother!' We hope our Temecula Lane students have an exciting and successful school year!