Ride to Hennessey`s - Temecula
Ride to Hennessey`s - Temecula
A monthly publication of Temecula Valley Chapter of Harley Owners Group Vol. 19 Issue 8 August 2016 Ride to Hennessey’s Proudly Sponsored by: Temecula Harley-Davidson 28964 Front StreetTemecula, CA 92590 (951) 506-6903 Fax (951) 506-0193 www.TemeculaValleyHOG.com NEXT MEETING: August 14th at TV Elks Lodge The HOG Times is published by the Temecula Valley HOG Chapter for the use Davidson, nor the Harley-Davidson Motor Co. make any claims as to the of its membership. Neither the Temecula Valley HOG Chapter, Temecula Harleyaccuracy of the information published. From the Director Pat C. Hey guys, Another month down, and it seems like only yesterday we were riding to Chino for the New Year’s day ride. Time flies when you’re out on your bike. I want to talk a little bit about riding with others. Be it on a chapter ride, coming home from a chapter ride, or just riding with some friends. It struck me the other day just how different most of us ride from each other. We ride one way when we’re riding by ourselves, and some of us ride the same way when we’re riding with others, outside of a sanctioned chapter ride. Now I don’t know about you but I have a tendency to “push the envelope” sometimes when I ride by myself. I try not to do anything stupid, but I will take curves a little quicker, and go just a tad bit faster than the flow of traffic, just to see what my bike will do. And if I happen to be on a road with twists I have been known to white knuckle it a little bit. Now it hit me that not everybody likes to ride like that, or can ride like that. I remember being a new rider and coming back from an event with some other chapter members and how I felt when they got on the throttle and took off down the road like their heads were on fire and their butts were about catch too. So with that being said, our goal is to ride and have fun, so let’s remember that if someone is hanging on for dear life and just trying to keep up they’re probably not having fun. So let’s keep the more conservative riders in mind when we’re on the road and set the pace accordingly. Just a reminder that John E. and myself will be headed out to Santa Fe, NM for the 5 State HOG rally, and we will be leaving on different days. If you are planning on going and would like to ride with either of us let us know so we can coordinate the travel arrangements. That’s it for now, until next month, Ride safe and we’ll see you on the road!!! Pat-C From the Asst. Director David H. Hello My Fellow Chapter Members, I would like to Thank everyone for attending our New Member Orientation at the dealership on July 9th. It was an informative meeting for new and existing members and what a great way for our New Members to meet all of our officers and mingle with everyone. We had a nice ride thru the hills of Temecula and Wine Country and we finished back at the dealership for a BBQ. My personal thanks to Andre for allowing the chapter to run the BBQ on the first Saturday of the month. Also, a thank you to all the employees at the dealership for informing customers of the BBQ and helping us to make it a success. Lastly, we were just informed that we can now order Name Badges thru Harley. They will engrave our names on them but we will need to order them in increments of 12. If you are interested, I ask that you either email Kim B. or let her know at the next chapter meeting so we can place the orders and get them as soon as possible. See you on the rides David H 2 3 Membership Coordinator & Historian Brenda G. Hello Temecula Valley HOG Members, I am proud to announce we are now strong at 175 Chapter Members. That is a number that we as members should all be proud of. As we continue to grow, it is a sign of how our chapter is becoming more known throughout the community and what a great social club that we are. I want to thank our sponsoring dealership, Temecula Valley Harley Davidson, Officers, Friends and most important our Chapter Members for helping Chapter #3817 grow. I also want to give a special “Thank You” to my Ambassadors for all the work that they do at meetings, events and rides. They are: Sherri H., Debbie S., Nancy Mc., Sandy R., and Tanya P. I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to all our members with AUGUST birthdays: Gary B. - 8/18 Mark C. - 8/19 Linda C. - 8/22 Dan F. - 8/13 Margie M. - 8/10 Dave R. - 8/10 DeEtte R. - 8/29 Sandy R. - 8/26 Reed S. - 8/26 Greg S. - 8/31 Linda S. - 8/11 Alicia T. - 8/27 Gary W. - 8/28 Congratulations to our July Birthday winner of a $25.00 Gift Card-TC W. Please join me in welcoming our New Members: Dan F. Keith H. Patty H. Brian I. Sonny S. WELCOME NEW MEMBERS!!!!! See You On The Road Brenda From the Safety Officer Tom G. This month I am going to give some suggestions about riding in the weather. Since we are in the hot part of the year I will start there. I recently had a wakeup call reminding me that I am not as young as I used to be, as riding in a very hot day got to me and my better half. We went on a pre ride on a hot day and the heat got to us. So remember to take along water and a cool vest on the hot days. The cool vest works well for the hot days if you soak it in water and placed in a bag freeze it overnight. As you ride it will thaw in your saddle bag enough to be ready to go on later when you need it. You can also place a hole in the cap of a water bottle and sprinkle yourself as you ride to cool you like a swamp cooler. Changing to rainy weather you can keep a clear view by treating your face shield and windshield with RainX it will allow the rain to blow off your windshield to give you a clear view while you are moving. Also putting RainX in your liquid wax when you wax your bike will keep it cleaner. Treating your leathers with Doc Baileys will keep them water resistant and bring back the original black color. Use gloves though as it will also black your hands too! Winter time you can fight the cold with heated gear to stay warm, layer or look into clothing used for snowmobiles. They make some bib overalls that does wonders to keep you warm when the temperature drops outside. Well enough of my ramblings this month enjoy your rides and be safe my friends. 4 4 From the Activities Coordinators Hello Temecula Valley Hog Member Mona and I hope you are all doing well and enjoying your summer. Looking forward to another month of riding and fun with you all. I'm sure August will be hot so make sure you always come prepared. Always drink plenty of water, wear your cooling vests, neck wraps and don't forget the sunscreen. Our upcoming rides and events are as follows: 8/6 LDR Charlie Brown Ride with Lunch stop in Big Bear. For those of you that want to join us for the overnight ride you’re in for a great time. For those of you that want to just join us for the first part of the ride your day will end at our lunch stop in Big Bear. Meet at Starbucks on the corner or Winchester and Benton @ 7:00 and enjoy a cup of coffee with us. KSU @ 8:00 8/11 Activities meeting, Pizza Factory on the corner of Winchester and Benton. Meet at 6:00pm for dinner, meeting starts at 7:00pm 8/14 Chapter Meeting @ The Elks on Diaz come @ 8:00 to socialize and enjoy a cup of coffee and some breakfast. Meeting starts @ 9:00 with a ride to Yellow Deli after. 8/13 LOH Fashion Show @ Temecula HD 8/21 Our Chapter Picnic will be @ the Los Alamos Sports Park in Murrieta. There will be a ride before. Details to follow soon! Tickets will be sold at out chapter meeting on 8/14 so please see Mona or myself. We have our Wednesday rides every Wednesday! Meet at Temecula Service Department @ 9:00, Ksu @ 9:30. I will always post where the Wednesday ride is headed to on Facebook a day or two before as well as it is on our Hog App and Website. Well that's it for now. Hope you all enjoy August and we hope to see you all enjoying our rides and events. Until then, ride safe! See you on the road Mona and Sherri. 6 Temecula Valley H.O.G. Chapter 3817 P.O. Box 2102 Temecula, CA 92593 OR CURRENT RESIDENT If your address is changing— Please contact the Membership Officer at membership@temeculavalleyhog.com www.temeculavalleyhog.com Director Assistant Director Secretary Treasurer Pat Calcagno David Harries Debbie Salsbury Tina Vidaurri Primary Officers 951-249-2613 909-732-8777 951-445-6239 760-224-7380 director@temeculavalleyhog.com asstdirector@temeculavalleyhog.com secretary@temeculavalleyhog.com treasurer@temeculavalleyhog.com Upcoming TVHOG Events : (subject to change based on outcome of Activities Meetings) August 6th Lake Cuyamaca 8:45am August 6th Charlie Brown Overnighter 5:45am Winchester Rd & Benton Rd. August 14th General Meeting ~ Deli Challenge Ride 9am Temecula Valley Black Sheep Biker Aid Program We love to ride and as bike enthusiasts we understand what a dangerous sport this is. Temecula Valley Black Sheep has a program in place to assist TVH bikers and their families should the need arise. Assistance in the form of prayer, comfort, errand running and financial support are available by contacting any one of the following members: Denny & Donna Coggins - 951-970-6220 / 951-677-8942 or Gary Block 952-743-8978 (Temecula Contacts) or Dave Rahm—951-434=8086, Regional Director