Temecula today - Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce
Temecula today - Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce
Temecula today July 2007 VOL 33 NO 7 Future California 2007 Southwest California Legislative Summit Partners in Learning Donors Donations of $1000 to $2,499 Matt Fagan Community Little Book, Inc. FireRose Communications LLC Grace and Carl Mellman Lola Fisher Rancho Ford Lincoln Mercury Henry’s Farmers Market Temecula Sunrise Rotary Hospice of the Valleys Jon and Jill Lieberg Donations of $500 to $999 Christopher Miehl ABC Child Care Center & Village Milanos Delicatessen The Grapeline Wine Country Shuttle Julie Ngo Agency Donations of $100 to $499 Baily’s Old Town Temecula Café Bravo 2CP USA Temecula Costco Wholesale Temecula 491 Become informed on how your Chamber is representing your business in Sacramento at the 2007 Legislative Summit held on Tuesday, October 2, 2007 from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. at Pechanga Resort & Casino. The event will cover such key topics as California’s economy, transportation infrastructure, and reliable water sources. An excellent panel of speakers has confirmed to participate: David Crane, Special Advisor to Governor Schwarzenegger for Jobs & Economic Growth; Will Kempton, Executive Director for Cal-Trans; Assemblymember Kevin Jeffries; Randy Record, Board Member of Metropolitan and Eastern Municipal Water Districts and Amy Minniear, President of the Pechanga Development Corporation. Dan Walters, Syndicated Columnist with the Sacramento Bee has agreed to be the event moderator this year. Last year’s event drew over 220 business leaders from both Riverside and Northern San Diego Counties. This year’s event is expected to be even larger with the scope of issues facing California’s businesses and residents. Don’t miss the 2007 Legislative Summit! Reservations are $40 per person or $500 for a corporate table of 10 guests. For more information on the event contact Jennifer at Jennifer@temecula.org or contact the Chamber at (951) 676-5090. Register online at www.temecula.org. This event is made possible through sponsorship of our Title Sponsor, Abbott Vascular and Southern California Gas Company, the Speaker Sponsor. Next Staffing Peck Creative Web Design SBL Consulting Scarcella’s Italian Grille Alice Sullivan Temecula Valley Golf School The Plantation House Restaurant Save the Date Upcoming Chamber Events Monte Carlo Extravaganza, September 19, 2007 Legislative Summit, October 2, 2007 Business Expo, October 17, 2007 Awards Gala, February 28, 2008 TVCC China Trip, March 2008 Thank you and hope to see you there! For sponsorhip opportunites or any questions on a event please contact the special events department 951 676-5090. Temecula Chamber Increases Its Role in Health Care Reform Discussions in this Issue Member’s News pg 3 City of Temecula pg 5 CSUSM Honored pg 6 “The affordability of health care is eroding the ability of California families and small businesses to afford health insurance. Premiums continue to increase dramatically, causing an unsustainable burden for California small businesses and consumers,” stated Alice Sullivan, President and CEO of the Chamber. “Today, the average cost of family coverage is over $10,000 annually, with the average business paying for 72% of those costs. With costs out of control, more and more families are losing their health insurance coverage,” continued Sullivan. Member Events pg 7 Ribbon Cuttings pg 8 Temecula Valley Convention & Visitors Bureau pg 9 While some people point to uninsured families as proof of a health care crisis, the uninsured is merely a symptom of the true problem – out of control health care costs. Unless our broken health care system is fixed, costs will continue to rise and erode the ability for small businesses to provide access to health care for their employees and for individuals to attain coverage. New and Renewing Members pg 10 Calendar pg 11 The Temecula Chamber is addressing the escalating costs of the health care system in California. In mid-June 2007 the Chamber joined with the California Small Business Health Coalition to address the issue of affordability in our health care system. Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce 26790 Ynez Court • Temecula, CA 92591 (Continues on pg.4) www.temecula.org In 1988 Tony Turski relocated to Temecula and co-founded Stadium Pizza. “Our community involvement coupled with our marketing, menu specials and, of course, our great food, have been the key to our success,” states Tony with a smile. “My staff is the best of all and I love them so much for what they do!” Last year Tony placed advertising in the 2002 Temecula/Murrieta/Lake Elsinore/ Sun City Telephone Directory. Stadium Pizza now receives more than 321 calls per month on a special telephone line that appears exclusively in this directory. “I couldn’t do without the Yellow Pages. It is a must to survive!” Tony Turski, Owner For Information Call 800-543-3087 pg 2 Temecula Today | July 2007 www.temecula.org Member News 26790 Ynez Court, Temecula, CA 92591 Phone: 951.676.5090 Fax: 951.694.0201 Email : info@temecula.org Mission Statement The mission of the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerce is to promote the economic environment of all member businesses and by so doing will support the programs which preserve and improve the quality of life. Reserve Advertisement in the TVCC Monthly Newsletter Flyer insert advertising available in the monthly newsletter. Cost is $300 per issue or $250 for each 12 month commitment. Members provide the Chamber with 1,600 flyers and deadline is the 10th of the month prior. For more information on reserving your insert call 951.676.5090 Officers Chairman of the Board — Stan Harter, Reid & Hellyer, A Professional Corporation First Vice Chairman — Dennis Frank, DR Frank & Associates Second Vice Chairman — Kelly Daniels, Premier Marketing/Valley Events Secretary — Janet Beck, Beazer Homes Treasurer — Amy Minniear, Pechanga Development Corporation Past Chairman of the Board — Pamela Voit, Voit Management Directors Tomi Arbogast, Pacific Western Bank Nancy Austin, Austin-Brockett, LLC Tony Berardino, Cornerstone E & S Insurance Services Linda Bradley, Southwest Healthcare System Melody Brunsting, Melody’s Ad Works Bette Endresen. Artist Touch Art & Frame Studio Ron Guerriero, Edge Development, Inc. Isaac Lizarraga, Rancho Ford Lincoln Mercury Rusty Manning, A Grape Escape Balloon Adventure Martha Minkler, MJM Management Corporation Tom Paradis, The Press-Enterprise Karen Roberts, FireRose Communications, LLC. Bill Seltzer, Temecula Valley Golf School Donna Wilder, Mt. San Jacinto Community College Management Team Alice Sullivan, President CEO | Laura Turnbow, Chief Operations Officer Kimberly Freize-Uhler, Membership Director | Jodi Wenzel, Membership Coordinator Kimberly Adams, CVB Executive Director | Carrie Penny, CVB Assistant Director Melissa Holm, Special Events | Jennifer Malek, Special Events Lynn Collett, Resource Coordinator | Katie Edmonds, Resource Coordinator Emily Pulley, Communications Director | Karen Ratkowski, Operations Assistant Jeremy Harris, Legislative Council Committees Education Chair — Lynn Laing, California Coast Credit Union Legislative Council Chair — Dennis Frank, DR Frank & Associates Chair Elect — Greg Morrison, Lake Elsinore Municipal Water District Membership Services Chair — Dan Brunell, Dearborn West, LLC Co Chair — Jan Gentry, Gentry Studio Co Chair — Adam Ruiz, AR Home Loans Direct, Inc. Co Chair — Julie Ngo, State Farm Insurance Business Development Resources Chair — Ginny Mulhern, One of Kind Jewelry Co Chair — Barak Berlin, Keller Williams Tourism/CVB Co Chair — Ginny Mulheren, One of Kind Jewelry Co Chair — Valarie Skovron, Skovron Design Publication Graphic Design Justin Lawler, justinlawler.net Lowest Gas Prices in Town… Just enter your zip code in the site below, and it tells you which gas stations have the cheapest prices (and the highest) on gas in your zip code area. It’s updated every evening. http://autos.msn.com/everyday/gasstations.aspx?zip=&src=Netx Be a good neighbor and pass this along. New Networking Event – 5 Minute Networking Thursday, July 12, Inn at Churon Winery, 33233 Rancho California Rd. Open networking & registration from 4:15-4:45pm. 5 Minute Networking starts promptly at 4:50pm 5 Minute Networking is the newest way to network with other business professionals. During the 90 minute event, you will have the chance to speak with at least 14 different individuals, one-on-one, in 5 minute increments. You can describe your respective business, exchange business cards, and pass on referrals. When you hear the bell, it’s time to move on to another table and meet someone new! Pre-register on-line at www.5MinuteNetworking. com and payment at www.temecula.org required to guarantee your seat. When you register on-line you can request whom you want to meet! For questions call the Membership Department at 951-676-5090 Cost is $25 for members, $35 for non-members Office Depot — Taking Care of Business Take care of your business by signing up and saving with the Temecula Valley Chamber Office Depot Program! Some of the great benefits of this program are a savings of up to 60% on office supplies and free next day delivery on orders of $50 or more. You can conveniently place your office supply orders by internet, phone or fax. For more information call the Chamber at 951-676-5090 or sign up online at www.temecula.org. Deadline for text is the 5th of the preceding month, and deadline for inserts is the 10th of the preceding month. Members wishing to submit articles, upcoming events, or member news items for upcoming issues of Temecula Today!, please submit to asullivan@temecula.org. Flyer insert: To reserve space for an insert, please call Alice Sullivan at 951.676.5090 The opinions and views expressed in Temecula Today! are those of the writer or person interviewed and are not necessarily those of the Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerece, its Officers or Board of Directors, the editor, or the advertisers in Temecula Today! The Temecula Valley Chamber of Commerece endorses no person, political candidate, or opinion unless specifically stated. The publisher accepts advertising on the condition that at no time shall the publisher’s liability exceed the cost of space involved, and the publisher is not liable for incidental or consequential damages. Thank you Media Sponsors THE CALIFORNIAN VALLEY BUSINESS JOURNAL THE PRESS-ENTERPRISE Temecula Today | July 2007 pg 3 Member News Good News... Why Are Salespeople Afraid To Prospect? Part 2 0f 3 Lack of consistent prospecting by sales departments routinely ranks #1 among the most damaging issues facing companies today. Inconsistent prospecting has a long term, crippling impact on both companies and their sales people. While few managers would disagree that this is a major problem, most have little understanding of the root of the problem or how to solve it. Why don’t salespeople consistently prospect? Last month we covered: Fear of Rejection and Lack of Organization and Planning. This month let’s take a look at two more: No accountability. Most sales managers have not developed an effective process that holds their sales people accountable. Do you know what prospecting behaviors work in your marketplace? Are you too busy to implement a prospecting system? Are you burned out and just not interested in providing proper coaching and supervision your sales people need? Help for Military Homeowners Facing Duty Station Transfer Solution: Implement a sales management process that teaches and requires sales managers to plan and schedule one-on-one coaching each week with each sales person. Many military personnel facing duty reassignment are finding it hard to sell their homes and with the slow down in appreciation, there is often not enough equity to pay real estate commissions for agents to help them. Renting the home is not usually a solution either since it will not generate enough rent to cover the monthly payment. This leaves the military homeowner in a very stressful financial situation, possibly even facing a foreclosure. Lack of knowledge or skill. Most companies don’t offer proper training or coaching on the importance of prospecting, how to develop a prospecting plan, improving personal effectiveness, creative visioning, developing a template of ideal clients, etc. Solution: Develop a culture and philosophy of continuous, never-ending improvement and invest the time and money to make that a reality. The Good News And the biggest reason salespeople do not prospect will be revealed next month. (If you’re a determined salesperson please visit my website, www.NewSchoolSelling.com, for the answer today.) Wes Schaeffer is “The Sales Whisperer” with New School Selling. He can be reached at 951.200.3088 or wesschaeffer@ newschoolselling.com Ok to Vary Benefits Based on Job Duties, Classification Q: I’d like to give more vacation to employees who work in the sales department than to employees who work in the warehouse. Would that be illegal discrimination? Although the word “discrimination” is often heard from employees who feel they are somehow being treated unfairly, discrimination actually has a much narrower definition under the law. In order to be illegal, discrimination must be based on one of the categories specifically protected by state or federal statutes. Simply because an employee may think something is unfair does not mean the employer has engaged in illegal discrimination. Defining Discrimination Treating employees differently is absolutely legal as long as that different treatment: Is not based on one of the categories specially protected by law, such as a person’s age, race, sex, national origin, religion or sexual orientation: or Does not disproportionately impact a group of employees protected by the anti-discrimination laws, even if that was not the intent of the employer, unless the employer can show it was justified by a business necessity. Employers generally may offer more of a particular benefit, such as vacation, to one group of employees compared to another as long as there is a legitimate, business-related reason for doing so. For example, recruiting and retaining a qualified sales staff may require the employer to offer more benefits to those employees, while fewer incentives may be needed for lowerskilled positions. Exempt employees often may work long hours with no additional compensation, so an employer may choose to provide them with more paid vacation time to prevent employee burnout. Differing Jobs, Benefits As long as the line dividing who gets which benefit is based on job classification, department, shift, exempt or non-exempt status or some other legitimate, business-related category, providing different benefits to different employees is not illegal discrimination. Health Care Reform…(Cont.) Here are the top three principles of the coalition: No Employer Mandate First Step: Address Out-of-Control Costs in the Health Care System According to the Public Policy Institute of California, an employer mandate will only result in lower wages, layoffs, and the continued erosion of the state’s ability to compete in the global marketplace. An employer mandate will not provide universal health care coverage to almost 2/3rds of the 6 million uninsured individuals in California. While several proposals are already being discussed individual accountability and respect for free market decisions that would help contain costs should be a part of any solution. Significant annual percentage increases for the cost of health care premiums in California only serve to highlight that our system is broken. California cannot afford to forget the lessons learned from the once out-of-control worker’s compensation system that was responsible for damaging the state’s business economy. Hidden Market Realty, located in Temecula, California, has come up with an innovative way to help. As time permits, they will perform “MLS entry only” listing services for active duty military homeowners to get their homes on the Multiple Listing Service (MLS) at no charge. Once the property information has been sent to the MLS, it flows on to Realtor.com and is viewable via Yahoo, MSN, AOL and thousands of other websites. This is by far the single most powerful and cost effective marketing tool available to a home seller with over 4 out of 5 of home buyers now searching for properties online. When a seller connects directly with a buyer both can save many thousands in real estate agent commissions. If additional support services are needed such as negotiation or help with the paperwork, Hidden Market Realty can help for a fraction of the cost of a standard commission. Learn more at http://HomeSellerSupport.com About Hidden Market Realty Hidden Market Realty was started in 2005 by Marti Scott, the daughter of a retired Navy Aircraft Mechanic and Richard Greenwood, a retired Navy Supply Corp Reserve Officer. They appreciate the sacrifices of military service and want to give something back. Together, Richard and Marti have over 50 years experience in real estate, finance, and related business activities. Their hope is that other professionals across the U.S. will do what they can to help support our troops. Learn more at http://HiddenMarketRealty. com. You can contact Richard Greenwood, 951-3081917 or info@MilitaryMLS.com A Uniform and Broad-Based Funding Mechanism/Do Not Segment Employers Based on Size Any funding mechanism for a reformed health system should be uniform and broad-based. Small businesses and laborintensive companies are disproportionally impacted when funding is based on a business’ size or employment levels. Segmenting the industry creates harmful market distortions that will cause employers to artificially control employment levels to stay under limits and reclassify positions from fulltime to part-time. This will surely stifle small business growth in California. For more information log on to www.southwestcaliforniaadvocacy.biz pg 4 Temecula Today | July 2007 www.temecula.org City of Temecula Location Ciy of Temecula 43200 Business Park dr. The City of Temecula Community Services Department and California Coast Credit Union present the “2007 Moonlight Movies in the Park” Series, Friday evenings during the months of July and August. The movie series will be featured at various park sites located within the City. Festivities begin at 6:30PM with kids crafts and games. Movies begin at dusk. Bring a blanket, low back lawn chairs** and a picnic dinner, and come on down to the park for a family movie under the stars. Refreshments will be available for purchase. The Community Services Department has confirmed movies are rated G or PG For additional information please call (951) 694-6480 or visit us on the web at www.cityoftemecula.org July 6th Over The Hedge (PG) Temecula Duck Pond August 3rd Hoot (PG) Temecula Duck Pond July 13th Akeelah and the Bee (PG) Temeku Hills Park August 10th Zoom (PG) Temeku Hills Park July 20th Flushed Away (PG) Temecula Amphitheater August 17th Happy Feet (PG) Harveston Community Park July 27th Open Season (PG) Harveston Community Park August 24th Charlotte’s Web (G) Temecula Amphitheater Temecula, CA 92590 951.694.6444 Movie titles and locations subject to change. “WE CREATE COMMUNITY THROUGH PEOPLE, PARKS & PROGRAMS” The City of Temecula Community Services Department, along with California Coast Credit Union, is proud to present the annual “Summer Sunsets Concert Series”, Thursday nights during the months of July and August at the Temecula Amphitheater located at the Community Recreation Center, 30875 Rancho Vista Road, Temecula, CA. Free Face Painting and Balloon Art! The Temecula Teen Council will be selling snacks and beverages. All concerts begin at 7:00pm and end at 8:30pm. FREE FUN FOR THE FAMILY ALL SUMMER LONG! July 5th Aunt Kizzy’z Boyz July 12th Hot August Night ~ “A Tribute to Neil Diamond” August 2nd Ron Gartner’s “The Rat Pak” Tribute August 9th The Mar Dels July 19th The Ranch Rockers August 16th Nitro Express July 26th The Answer August 23rd The Ravelers Temecula Today | July 2007 pg 5 CSUSM Honored Five Outstanding Dominguez Joins Board of Directors Students at Commencement for Friends of Ronald Reagan SP Five outstanding students were recognized at the 16th Commencement ceremony of California State University San Marcos Saturday, May 19 at the Del Mar Fair Grounds. • Thomas Colby, Mission Viejo. Colby received the Vice President’s Award for Outstanding Student Leadership. Ed Dominguez has been elected to the Board of Directors of Friends of Ronald Reagan SP. A veteran of the U.S. Navy, he has been a Border Patrol Agent for 19 years, serving at the Murrieta Border Patrol Station since 1997. Dominguez joined the Can-Do Club, and, with his wife, Conni, became Can-Do Monument Fund donors. “This monument,” he observed, “will enable our young children to visualize the meaning of our park.” • Jose Luis Cruz, Perris. Cruz garnered the Dean’s Award in the College of Education. • Deanna De Voss, Fallbrook. De Voss was awarded the Graduate Dean’s Award • Frederic Samade, San Marcos. Samade was honored with the Dean’s Award in the College of Business. • Sally Serrin, Escondido. Serrin was awarded the Dean’s Award in the College of Arts and Sciences. He is a member of the National Parent Teachers Association and last year ran for a spot on the TVUSD School Board “in order to give back to my community” and “play a more active role in the lives of our children.” Students were selected from each of the three colleges and from the graduate school on the basis of academic excellence, community service, and personal integrity. Operation Sunscreen Help Mary Kay Protect our Troops as They Protect Us! Area Mary Kay Reps are sending Sun Protection Care Packages to Our Troops. Each Special Sun Care Set contains, 2 SPF 30 Sunscreens, 2 SPF 15 Lip Protectors, and 1 After Sun Replenishing Gel. This is enough protection for 2 individuals and retails for $55. The Mary Kay Reps are committed to donating 400 sets. 100% of the profit will be rolled in so that your donation may be matched set per set. Donated sets will be sent directly to Soldiers Angels (tax ID #20-0583415) and they will ensure your donations get to the troops. To make a donation contact Sandy Rains at 951-304-3411. JULY Chamber Spotlight Sponsored by: Ed Dominguez Volunteer Business of the Month Temecula Valley Unified School District Melanie Norton 951-676-2661 Cal State University San Marcos Dr. Bennett Cherry 760-750-4217 His wife teaches at Crowne Hill Elementary School, and the couple has two children who attend high school in Temecula. Chamber Spotlight Mystery Shopper “I DO” Makeovers Joni Keller 951-526-7339 Temecula Winnelson Co Ben Benavidez 951-694-6811 Thank you for your added support. (Platinum Member: Abbott Vascular) Founding Benefactors Platinum Level Abbott Vascular, Pechanga Resort & Casino Gold Level Paradise Chevrolet Cadillac, Southwest Healthcare System Temecula Valley Bank Silver Level Community Little Book Silver Members The Law Offices of Rosenstein & Hitzeman, AAPLC pg 6 Temecula Today | July 2007 Interested in becoming a member of the Chairman’s Elite Circle? Contact the Chamber at 951.676.5090 or info@temecula.org www.temecula.org Member Events & News New People at Mission Oaks Mission Oaks National Bank announced a series of promotions and hirings to enhance customer service in its Temecula headquarters office and Ontario Business center. Bonnie Carreon, with more than 8 years experience in information technology, joins Mission Oaks as assistant vice president/ information technology manager in the bank’s main office in Temecula. Elizabeth Cohen was hired as commercial loan officer in the bank’s Ontario Business Center. Most recently, she was executive loan officer at Vineyard Bank. A Rancho Cucamonga resident, she attended Cal Poly Pomona. Michael Santanello has joined the bank as financial services representative in the main branch in Temecula. Previously the Wildomar resident held positions with Kforce and Wells Fargo Bank. Vicki MacLeod was promoted to assistant vice president and construction loan officer in the bank’s main branch in Temecula. The Murrieta resident joined Mission Oaks in 2001. Bonnie Carreon & Michael Santanello Mission National Bank Jeanine Magana was promoted to customer service manager in the Ontario Business Center. The Moreno Valley resident joined the bank a year ago. Mission Oaks National Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Mission Oaks Bancorp, a one-bank holding company. It is a federally chartered bank with assets of more than $190 million that is committed to serving consumers and businesses in Southern California. The bank offers personalized services and products through three full-service branch offices in Temecula and Ontario and loan production offices in San Diego and Phoenix. For more on Mission Oaks National Bank visit its Web site at www.missionoaksbank.com. Leisure Living to Open Superstore in Murrieta Leisure Living Superstore — Southern California’s leader in outdoor living is proud to announce the opening of The West Coast’s Pre-Eminent Swimming Pool and Backyard Design Center! The largest indoor showroom of its kind in California is poised to be one of the area’s top destinations for Southern California home owners, builders and real estate developers preparing to create, or put the finishing touches on their Backyard home resort! Teaming with pool design and building partner Summer Place Pools, Inc., this 6,000 sq. ft. State-of-the-Art Design Center is located in the Murrieta Showroom of Leisure Living Superstore and contains three fully operational in-ground swimming pools, a full-size rock spa with grotto cave (known affectionately as the “Cuddle Puddle”), along with the very popular 17ft fully operational in-ground swim spa. Designers will walk clients through amazing 3-D architectural software rendering of their backyard complete with swim- ming pool, outdoor kitchen, patio furniture, waterfalls, patio covers, putting greens, exterior lighting, landscaping and more! Leisure Living 25125 Madison Avenue, Suite 104 Utilizing their established finance partners, affordable payment plans have been designed to help accommodate a wide range of household budgets while providing a turn-key solution for financing the entire backyard package. “Adding fun to your lifestyle” is something Leisure Living has been doing in the valley since opening in Temecula in the year 2000. Come visit the ultimate Swimming Pool and backyard Design Center adjacent to their newest showroom at 25125 Madison Avenue, Suite 104 in Murrieta, CA! Tours are provided Monday thru Sunday from 10 – 6pm. For more information please contact Kristine Turner at Leisure Living Superstore (951) 491-8569. Wahoo’s Fish Taco Opens in Temecula The restaurant, Wahoo’s Fish Taco, know for its quality fresh food and fun & friendly environment has opened in Temecula, at 29073 Overland Drive in the new Margarita Crossings center, located at the corner of Overland and Margarita. Customers typically refer to their meal at Wahoo’s as, “awesome”. The menu is Mexican food with an American and Brazilian influence. The menu is inspired by the founders who lived in Brazil, moved to America and surfed in Mexico while dining on Tacos. They took all of their experiences and created a dinning experience with an authentic active environment that will energize you and food that will bring a smile to your face. Temecula Wahoo’s owner, Ellen Orbe, a young entrepreneur who has eaten at Wahoo’s since she was 10, enjoys the food variety and taste in the fun and uplifting atmosphere. She made it her goal many years ago to own and operate a Wahoo’s. Ellen, who was a championship water polo player and swimmer and loves to surf and snowboard started working at Wahoo’s several years ago after graduating from Cal Poly San Luis Obsipo with a Degree in Nutritional Science. Wahoo’s Fish Taco 29073 Overland Drive Wahoo’s is a place for everyone, from families, moto-cross riders, retires and business people. Open 7 days a week from 10:30 to 9:30, it is a place for those who have the time to enjoy a beer or Margarita on the patio, or for business folks that have to eat a quick wholesome meal. If you have to dine out just call take out at 951-694-4444 or order a party pack from 5 to 100 people. See ya soon! American Cabinet Company — Celebrating 20 Years of Quality Service Are your cabinets run down? Need a new look? We will be happy to welcome you into the 21st century of cabinetry. We’ve been in business now for 20 years serving Temecula and the surrounding areas, and are always progressing in modern style and quality craftsmanship. We have recently acquired a robotic computerized machine (CNC). This high-tech machinery takes on any cabinet task you can give it and executes the job in a timely manner. The result is always to the utmost quality and assurance you are looking for. You just tell us what you want and we will make it for you. We manufacture custom cabinets of the highest quality for business, residential, commercial and industrial to suit your individual needs. We are certified Corian countertop fabricators and are also W.I. (Woodwork Institute) members which qualifies us for public jobs such as city, state, and U.S. government. American Cabinet Company and it’s employees would like to thank all the wonderful customers we have been able to serve over the past 20 years; it’s has truly been a pleasure. Owner, Craig Edmonds, says, “We are looking forward to continued excellence in the areas of manufacturing, customer service and on-time delivery and installation. Our Company has always held to the highest standards with integrity. You can always count on us, and our word is our bond.” American Cabinet Company 951-296-3423 If you would like to receive a free quote on the cabinets you’ve always dreamed of, give Craig a call at 951-296-3423 or send him an e-mail at craig@americancabinetco.org Temecula Today | July 2007 pg 7 Camp Bow Wow Terri Sassone 42192 Sarah Way Temecula, Ca. 92590 (951) 587-2267 Express Appraisal Services Inc. Julio E. Lynch 27527 Ynez Road Temecula, Ca. 92591 (866) 478-9895 PEAR Marketing & Public Relations North Island Credit Union Kristi Reedy Estella Cline 39252 Winchester Rd. # 107-340 Murrieta, Ca. 92563 32435 Hwy 79 South Temecula, Ca. 92592 (951) 704-6896 (866) 913-0060 Affordable Web Design Chase Group Matthew Burlile Greg Di Cristina 28822 Front Street, Suite 309 Temecula, Ca. 92590 24910 Las Brisas, Suite 106 Murrieta, Ca. 92562 (951) 303-8697 (951) 541-0414 Shred & Go Pacific Sales Steve & Susan Lawyer Kimberly MacFarlane 28061 Jefferson Ave. #8 Temecula, Ca. 92590 43475 Business Park Drive Temecula, Ca. 92590 (951) 506-1826 (951) 506-7815 Alliant Insurance Services Republic Mortgage Maria Ochoa David Paget 2131 Elks Drive San Bernardino, Ca. 92404 43620 Ridge Park Drive, Suite 300 (909) 474-8709 Temecula, Ca. 92590 (951) 961-0689 pg 8 Temecula Today | July 2007 www.temecula.org Convention & Visitors Bureau Marketing Promotions I-10 Billboard Now Showing – The TVCVB and the Temecula Valley Winegrowers Association have partnered on a new full-size billboard along the I-10 and I-215 Freeways. Our target audience will be travelers from Los Angeles, Orange County, San Bernardino, Ontario and Arizona. We are strategically placed next to Pechanga Resort & Casino’s billboard which will promote the Temecula Valley as an unparalleled, premier destination. Destination Marketing Special Event Promotions July Hot Summer Nights Mixer Don’t miss our next Mixer on Thursday, July 12th from 5:00pm – 8:00pm in Old Town Temecula. Join us, along with your fellow TVCVB members, for a fun evening in Old Town. Begin at the Thursday Night Marketplace located at Baily’s Front Street Bar & Grill where you’ll find local merchants with fruit, vegetables, art, nuts, cheese, jewelry, wine and much more. Then take a short stroll to the Old Town Temecula Community Theater and listen to some live jazz entertainers in the courtyard. Finally, skip next door to the Temecula Valley Visitors Center for a great treat. Enter to win some wonderful prizes and network your way through Old Town. For more information, please contact Carrie Penny at 888363-2852 or carrie@temecula.org. Temecula Valley International Jazz Festival – Mark your calendar for this Annual Event full of top quality entertainers and unforgettable jazz performances. Thu, Jul 12, 2007 • Stage: The Courtyard (Old Town Temecula Community) @ 6:00pm - Special appearance by singer James Torme (son of Legendary Mel Torme) Legendary Jazz Saxophonist Jimmy Mulidore & the Saxophone Titans Tom Scott & Richie Cole with Dick Berk , Marshal Hawkins, Theo Saunders • Stage: Old Town Temecula Community Theater @ 8:00pm, Additional Admission: $25 Brian Auger Fri, Jul 13, 2007 • Stage: Old Town Coffee House @ 7:00pm - Gregory Colina & CoCoGreGre Latin Jazz Ensemble from Curacao • Stage: Front Street North Stage - Shannon Kennedy @ 2:00 PM; Dick Berk , Marshal Hawkins, Theo Saunders & Richie Cole @ 6:00 PM Meetings and Events DATE EVENT Tuesday July 3 TVCVB Special Events Task Force Meeting. 10:00am TVCVB/TVCC Conference Room TuesdayTVCVB Board Meeting / Sales July 10 Task Force Meeting @ 10am 8:30am – TVCVB/TVCC Conference Room ThursdayTVCVB Hot Summer Nights July 12 Mixer 5:00pm – 8:00pm Old Town Temecula Thursday Temecula Valley International - SundayJazz Festival Old Town Temecula July 12 - 16 • Stage: Front Street South Stage located at Baily’s Front St. Bar & Grill Courtyard - Johnny Blas @ 2:00 PM; Elliott Caine @ 6:00 PM • Stage: Old Town Temecula Community Theater - LOUIE BELLSON Lifetime Achievement Award @ 7:00 PM; Holly Hofmann/Mike Wofford open for Monty Alexander Trio @ 7:00 PM, Additional Admission: $35; Holly Hofmann/Mike Wofford open for Monty Alexander Trio @ 9:15 PM, Additional Admission: $35 • Stage: Piano Bar - Hart & Soul with Llew Matthews & Jennifer Hart @ 7:00 PM • Stage: The Courtyard (Old Town Temecula Community Theater) - Joe Baione/Bro. Joe Baione Jazz @ 6:00 PM; Joe Baione/Bro. Joe Baione Jazz @ 8:15 PM Sat, Jul 14, 2007 • Stage: Chuck Niles Stage - Chuck Niles Jazz Award Competition finalists @ 1:00 PM; CJS Quintet @ 3:00 PM; May Statistics Walk Ins...........................................................................1,909 Rooom Night Bookings.....................................................74 Phone Calls......................................................................1,857 Media Inquires.................................................................16 Musicians Workshop Blues Revue @ 4:00 PM • Stage: Old Town Coffee House - Prart Group from Bangkok Thailand @ 3:00 PM; Dick Berk , Marshal Hawkins, Theo Saunders & Gil Bernal @ 7:00 PM • Stage: Front Street North Stage - Gill Alcantar @ 2:00 PM; Al Williams Jazz Society @ 6:00 PM • Stage: Front Street South Stage Located at Baily’s Front St. Bar & Grill Courtyard - Shannon Kennedy @ 2:00PM; Bradley Young @ 6:00 PM • Stage: Main Street Saturday Night Stage - Scott Martin & the Latin Soul Band @ 5:00 PM; Alex Ligertwood (the Voice of Santana) with David Garfield & the Cats @ 6:30 PM; Tom Lavin & the Powder Blues featuring Richie Cole @ 8:15 PM • Stage: Old Town Temecula Community Theater - PBS Ken Burns Jazz & Martin Scorsese The Blues Series - All Day • Stage: Piano Bar - Entertainment - TBA @ 7:00 PM Sun, Jul 15, 2007 • Stage: Old Town Coffee House - Jazz 88 All-Stars @ 2:00 PM • Stage: Eagle’s Nest at Pechanga Resort & Casino - Jon Laskin, Richie Cole, Llew Matthews, Dick Berk , Sherry Williams @ 7:00 PM • Stage: Front Street North Stage - Soulr @ 2:00 PM • Stage: Front Street South Stage Located at Baily’s Front St. Bar & Grill Courtyard - George Lesiw Band @3:30 PM • Stage: Old Town Temecula Community Theater - Pamela York from Naniamo B.C. Canada @ 1:00 PM, Additional Admission: $15; Harold Mason / Marshal Hawkins Quintet @ 3:30 PM, Additional Admission: $15 • Stage: The Courtyard (Old Town Temecula Community) - Daria @ 2:00 PM E-Mail Requests.................................................................229 FAM Tours/Tradeshows......................................................1 Mail Orders........................................................................478 Events & Festivals.............................................................4 Temecula Today | July 2007 pg 9 Renewing Members New Members Thank you to our renewing members. We encourage doing business with Chamber members… They care! A Very Special Welcome and Thank You to our New Members Computers - Consulting Gymnastics Organizations SCEGA Gymnastics Kathy Washington 27532 Commerce Center Dr. Temecula CA 92590 (951)699-4499 (951)699-7786 Care-Rite Vocational Services Belinda Contopulos 40880 County Center Drive, Suite M Temecula CA 92591 (951)719-3377 (951)719-3323 Appliance Repair & Service Workers Compensation Restaurants Carpet Cleaning Security Services Protection Service Industries Nancy Blair 320 Orangeshow Ln San Bernardino CA 92408 (866)349-1517 (951)377-8956 Publishers - Magazines Carpet Care Professionals Inc. Adrian Campos 36941 Pomerol Loop Winchester CA 92596 (951)600-9284 (951)541-9194 Individual Home Help Services Clugston, Stephen Stephen Clugston 43412 Via Candeleda Temecula CA 92592 (951)303-8446 Senior Helpers Jackie Stringham 14726 Ramona Ave. Suite 410 Chino CA 91710 (909)606-5715 (714)970-1061 Ultrasound — Maternity Colleges / Universities Stevenhughesnetworking.com Steven Cornelius Hughes 703 Natalie Drive Lake Elsinore CA 92530 (951)326-6557 Pacific Sales Kimberly MacFarlane 43457 Business Park Dr. Temecula CA 92590 (951)506-7815 (951)506-7909 Employer Services Russell Lorts 35375 Via Cerro Vista Temecula CA 92592 (951)303-1163 (951)303-1162 New Life Ultrasound, Inc. 3D/4D Imaging Studio Monica Kirkland 24550 Village Walk Place, Suite B Murrieta CA 92562 (951)454-4117 (888)467-0433 Mt. San Jacinto College Pamela Deegan 1499 N. State Street San Jacinto CA 92583 (951)639-5401 Insurance - Workers’ Comp ProGraphics Donna Brewer 38209 Augusta Dr. Murrieta CA 92563 (800)655-0441 (626)287-2440 Knutson Reeves Insurance Agency Tina Reeves 28465 Old Town Front Street Ste. 221 Temecula CA 92590 (951)694-8070 (951)694-8051 Advertising - Direct Mail Monthly Coupons Magazine Kimberley Dillman 33562 Yucaipa Blvd. Ste. 4 Yucaipa CA 92399 (951)823-6322 (866)416-8226 Paint MikeStore Manager Sherwin Williams 41662 Enterprise Circle N Temecula CA 92590 (951)296-9088 (951)296-9087 (951)303-3358 (951)302-3948 Kitchen Remodeling T. Michaels Desings Inc. Randy Michaels 41555 Cherry St. Suite C Murrieta CA 92562 (951)304-3005 (951)304-0910 pg 10 Temecula Today | July 2007 Printing Bridal ‘I DO’ Makeovers Joni Keller 41815 Avenida de Anita Temecula CA 92592 (951)526-7339 (951)308-9226 Individual Bigelow, C. Steven Murrieta, CA. Individual Bigelow, Barbara Murrieta, CA. Tacos Tijuana Mexican Grill Marco Gonzalez 43810 Butterfield Stage Rd. Ste. F-104 Temecula CA 92592 (951)760-3823 (951)696-6940 951 Magazine Bruce Workman Temecula CA 92591 (951)587-6653 (347)402-6077 Shredding Services Shred and Go Steve Lawyer 28061 Jefferson Ave. #8 Temecula CA 92590 (951)506-1826 (951)506-1829 Staffing Express Personnel Services Rick Beter 26305 Jefferson Ave. Ste F Murrieta CA 92562 (951)894-7767 (951)894-1601 Clothing West Dallas Western Store Stacy Dial 28007 Jefferson Ave. Ste. D Temecula CA 92590 (951)676-6766 (951)694-6867 Paint Sherwin Williams William Gerhart 26449 Jefferson Ave. Ste. L Murrieta CA 92562 (951)304-1256 (951)677-5983 Credit Union San Diego County Credit Union Shaun Copans 29097 Overland Dr. Temecula CA 92591 (858)597-6218 (858)597-4664 1st Choice Transportation Aces Driving School Advantage Vending Services Agave Landform Inc. AJNA Health Spa American Battery Corporation Assistance League of Temecula Valley Baily’s Fine Dining & Front Street Bar & Grill Bank of America Mortgage Bear Creek Pharmacy Bella Casa Staging Bennett & Bennett Carefree Vacations Carl’s Jr. Cat’s Cradle Baby & Youth Certified Farmers Markets Commercial Property Brokerage Cvar Accounting Services D & D Ballooning Diamond Environmental Services Doffo Winery DOTI - Design of the Interior E-CHX Payroll Elite Community Management ETCO Investments, LLC Financial Accounting Services, Inc. Fish House Vera Cruz Florentine Floors, Inc. Hearts Home Farm Homes & Land Magazine/PMB 365 Howell Design Idearc Media Corp J.L. Construction Jefferson Pilot Securities Corp Keller Williams Realty - Barak Berlin Lake Elsinore Outlets Lambert & Associates Insurance Brokerage Lennar Homes Limousine Linfield Christian School Mammoth Equities Masterpiece Painting Co. NeuroFeedBack Center for Success New Covenant Fellowship P & S Commercial Maintenance Paradise Chevrolet Cadillac Piano Music Center Polycraft Inc. Port’s Management Services Premier Marketing Print - Kwik Pro-Craft Rancho Army-Navy Store RSVP Limousine Service Rudolph and Sletten, Inc. Salon Butterfly San Diego Union Tribune Schafer Group, Inc. Southern Calif Hydroseed Inc Southwest Riverside County Assoc. of Realtors Steel Connections Inc. Tarbell Realtors - Janice Lovendahl Temecula Flower Corral Temecula Glass & Mirror Temecula Stage Stop Temecula Town Center/In care of center attractions Temecula Valley Drywall, Inc. Temecula Valley Pipe & Supply The Lord’s City Ministries C.O.G.I.C. Time Warner Cable/Media Sales Town and Country Towing Valley Events Villa Mesa Development/Patio’s Plus Winton & Larson, LLP World Landscape, Inc Wycliffe Southwest Yankee Caulfield Photography Sunday 9 16 8 15 23 30 22 29 Call TVCC for information (Murrieta Library) 12:00pm – Southwest California Legislative Council 2 1 Monday ( Kelsiey’s at Pechanga. Members only, must RSVP) 11:30am – Networking Luncheon 31 24 17 (Chamber) Topic: Time Management (BJ’s Restaurant, 26500 Ynez Road) 7:30am – Networking Breakfast 25 (Stuart Cellars Winery) SBDC** 8:00am – Business Development Resource Committee Meeting (Chamber) 5:30pm Business Chamber Mixer 18 (Chamber) Membership Committee Meeting 8:00-9:00am Ronald Reagan Sports Park Chamber 4th of July Extravaganza 4 12:00pm – Business Success Forum 3 Wednesday 11 Tuesday 10 July 2007 & 12 5 website: www.temecula.org. 676-5090, or check out our more information, call (951) unless otherwise noted. For Commerce, 26790 Ynez Court, Temecula Valley Chamber of Meetings are held at the MARK YOUR CALENDAR 1:00 – 5:00pm SCORE Counseling* 26 19 27 28 * SCORE Counseling To schedule a free consultation call (951) 676-5090 Free Expert Business Consultations. To schedule an appointment call (951) 781-2345 **SBDC now at the Chamber 2006 Ambassadors of the Year Adam Ruiz, A R Home Loans Direct, Inc. Rosalyne Hall, Hall’s Plant Nursery 2006 Chairman’s Choice Award Janese Reyes, Community Little Book, Inc. 2006 Service Charitable Organization of the Year Boys & Girls Club of Southwest Riverside County 2006 Sterling Business of the Year Delytes Inc 2006 Bronze Business of the Year Law offices of Rosenstein & Hitzeman, AAPLC 2006 Gold Business of the Year: Bank of America 2006 Platinum Business of the Year Pechanga Resort & Casino Lifetime Achievement 2006 Ruth Chesher Baker Citizen of the Year Bruce Cripe, RKR Media Associates 21 14 7 2006 Gala Award Winners 20 13 6 Saturday 1:00 – 5:00pm SCORE Counseling.* Friday www.5minuteNetworking.com 4:15pm – 5 Minute Networking Register online Thursday PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID TEMECULA, CA 92591 PERMIT NO. 28 26790 Ynez Court • Temecula, CA 92592 Change Service Requested
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