hog corral news - Harley Owners Group of Salem
hog corral news - Harley Owners Group of Salem
Volume 21 No. 5 May 2010 HOG CORRAL NEWS SALEM HARLEY OWNERS GROUP #1997 SALEM HARLEY-DAVIDSON. 3601 SILVERTON RD., NE, SALEM, OR 97303 PH: 503-363-0634 Chapter Ride to Sweet Home Inside this issue: April Meeting, May/June Calendars, Discovery Ride to Silver Falls, Albany and Woodburn Eagle Riders Poker Runs, Klicitat Canyon Ride, Salem Road Brothers Poker Run, Ric and Gwyn’s Wedding Invitation, Tombstone Ice Cream Ride, Oregon State HOG Rally, Teddy Bear Parade, Rides To Come, Chapter Challenge, and more Director’s Corner Calling All HOG’S Well, here we are again with another month flying by. We have gotten a good jump into the riding season with several group rides and more info about Good Vibrations. Live to Ride and ride to EAT We have had five group rides since our last meeting. Fantastic Salem HOGs! I visited with a bunch of other chapters from around the country at POT in Reno this last weekend and there were some chapters that have just started to get out and ride. We have done a Discover Oregon Ride, an open chapter ride, and a new Ladies of Harley ride to the coast. Great job, Karen, on leading the ride. Dorothy Anderson, one of our newest members and new to riding, rode up from Albany and then to the coast. For those of you who don’t know Dorothy, this was quite an adventure for her. In addition to the Friday night dinner rides that are starting soon, I like seeing all the rides that are allowing us as a group to get out and ride and make new friends. This is after all, what a Harley riding group is all about (and we all like to eat as well). I will be asking all of you to help give ideas for rides, destinations, and distances that you would like to have, a one day- two day- or three+ day rides. There has been a change in our group rides and that is we are working on keeping the group together and not rubber banding or having the end of the group racing to catch up after we leave an intersection. This has been done by the Road Captains utilizing CB radios. Great job, Road Captains, in working together to have safe rides. We will be working on other ideas to help improve our riding safety. Good Vibrations is starting to come together and as a group we have voted to help support our Dealership by volunteering and in doing so we are able to incorporate our Poker Ride into the event. We are going to be looking for your support, so please sign up on the volunteer lists. You can volunteer for more than one area like helping lead a ride and our HOG booth, or Poker Ride, or maybe parking. There will be plenty of opportunities for getting involved. Keep in mind that many hands will make big jobs small. I would like to see just how much support we show. Andy May Birthdays New (Old) Chapter Meeting Place The May Salem HOG chapter meeting will be held at the Salem Elks lodge, once again. Salem Elks BPOE 336 2336 Turner Rd. SE Salem, OR 97302-2060 2 Brown, Joe Burnett, Dennis Grove, Robert Harris, Keith Johnson, Ken Mullaney, Mike Rottner, Shaun Schroeder, Lewis Sloan, Kathleen May 25 May 13 May 29 May 28 May 1 May 8 May 22 May 27 May 15 April Chapter Meeting Minutes 4/13/10 Reminders: 50/50 tickets to be sold – Newsletters on the table-Cell phones to be turned off. - Pledge of Allegiance (hats): conducted by Mark Dostal, Assistant Director. - Welcome New Members and Visitors: Daniel Burbank - Correction of March Minutes : Jim Johnson was at last month’s mtg Board Members : Director: Andy Johansen Treasurer: Gwyn-D McKenzie Assistant Director: Mark Dostal Photographer: Keith Harris (absent) Secretary: Kelly Johansen Historian: Leann Long Membership: Louse Allen (absent) Activities Director: Ric McKenzie Senior Road Captain: George Allen Safety Officer: Jim Johnson Editor: Bob Fanshier Web Master: Bill Churchill Activities Directors: Jane Allen Old Business • Treasurer’s Report- Gwyn-D McKenzie We have money! • Good Vibrations Dave gave review of Good Vibrations, needed to have vote on whether Chapter wanted to do this or not. Chapter voted overwhelming to be involved with Good Vibrations. Lots of volunteers will be needed. More information to come • Remember Chapter Challenge- Karen Brown reviewed Chapter Challenge • Klickitat Ride : had fun 14 bikes, 15 riders. • Ladies of Harley-Karen Brown: will get together on break and decide what we want to do. New Business Mileage Program- Rick Jackles……start taking mileage at the mtg. Ride your bike to the mtg and be entered into a monthly prize and yearly prize New “Official” hand signal for deer, ask Connie….. Connie presented with the “Lil’ Oinker” prize…will present it to whoever she thinks creates a “memorable moment” on a ride. Hog Wild Nights beginning in May at Bavarian House if you ride you get 10% off bill. Upcoming Rides (See website for a complete calendar) 4/17/10 Albany’s Eagles, sign up at Front St. Grill 9-11am, will be serving breakfast. 04/18/10 - Discover Oregon Ride Kickstands at 11am, to Silver Falls 05/07/10 - Friday Nite Rides Start: leave dealership at 6:30pm 06/25/10-06/26/10 - Lighthouse Run- ride the beautiful Oregon Coast; see the flyer on the chapter website. Get your reservations in early. 7/24/10-7/25/10 - Country Dinner Tree Ride at Silver Lake, overnight ride. Bill Rietz and Darrell Rybloom are planning a ride. The restaurant, Bill says, is a quite the experience. It is cash only, $23.50 per person, choice of chicken or beef, and they actually have flush toilets now!!! More information to come!! Signup sheet going around 8/7/10 - Best Dam Ride- with Sunset, Rose City, Salem, Pioneer chapters 8/7/10-8/8/10 - Ladies Ride: - Stay the wknd in Sisters, shop, eat, shop…. This is not limited to just motorcycle riders… Contact Pat Brennan for more info, limited space. Only 7 rooms available Good Vibrations Dave gave review of Good Vibrations, needed to have vote on whether Chapter wanted to do this or not. Chapter voted overwhelming to be involved with Good Vibrations. Lots of volunteers will be needed. Wed 4/21 Board mtg 6pm at the dealership. Drawings: 50/50: Mark Dostal $84 Pot of Gold: $120 Bob Bro Let it Ride: $60 Craig, missed out. 3 Ladies of Harley Ride to Lincoln City - 5/2/10 Motorcycle Awareness - May 1 4 April Chapter Meeting 5 Woodburn EagleRiders Poker Run - 4/24/10 RAIN--what’s with that!!!! Well we went anyway, although we did wear our rain gear. Yes-we DO have rain gear. About 40-50 Bikers showed up for the Eagles First Poker Run. Not bad considering that the Cherry Festival also was going on AND the weather wasn’t very nice. We checked in and had donuts and coffee and were on our merry way. No rain so we took off our rain gear--big mistake! Our first stop was the Wooden Nickel in Sublimity. We hung around there for awhile, then on to the next stop. Now it is hailing-great--on goes the rain gear. Our second stop was the Crabtree Tavern. By then we decided to just leave our rain gear on. Third stop was the Eagles in Albany. somewhere we must have missed a street, but finally got there. Hung around there for awhile and sort of warmed up. Fourth stop was the Hitching Post--city unknown, so we really had to follow the map. It was in Brooks. Fifth stop was ??? the directions said to go here and there and then you are there?? But where was there--no City, no Tavern name. Well we wound up at the Hubbard Inn. Headed back to the Eagles for the end. For us I guess it was about 150 miles, AND I froze the whole way. Forget the rain gear next time, I will wear the electric stuff. The Eagles provided burgers, hot dogs, chips and macaroni salad--very good. Lots of door prizes, although we only won one , which was a gift card to Arctic Circle. That should be good I haven’t been to one in years.. Don’t know the people whom won the Poker hands, nor the 50/50. The Eagles put on an excellent Ride and a lot of different roads that we either hadn’t been on or not for years. Sure wish it hadn’t been so darn cold I would have enjoyed it a lot more. Marlene Schroeder Discover Oregon Rides Sun. May 16, 10am, Willamette Valley Run, 85 miles Sun. June 13, 9am, Cascade Range Run, 90 miles Sun. July 11, 10am, Shehalem Mountain Run, 85 miles Sun. Aug. 15, 9am, Cascade Head Coast Run, 80 miles Sun. Sept. 19, 9am, Coastal Range Run, 90 miles Sun. Oct. 10, 11am, Wine Country Run, 40 miles 6 Rides to Come 7 Klickitat Canyon Ride - 4/10/10 Greetings To all Hogs. I would like to thank every one that showed up Saturday for our ride up Klickitat Canyon. We had several bikes ( 13 ), great weather, a lot of wind, good friends, and good food. We left the Dealership and worked our way up to Hwy 14 in Washington, road Hwy.14 to Klickitat canyon, then to Goldendale for lunch. We then had a easy ride back home. The ride was about 350 miles, with several short stops a long the way, and lasted all day. I would like to thank Bill Reitz, Craig Gilmore, and Kelly Johansen for helping with the pre-rides. This helped with making the group ride more enjoyable and gives myself a different view as to what others may like with a ride. We now have new and official hand signal for deer on the road, for this you will need to ask (Little Oinker) Connie Williams. Thanks again to all for showing up. Andy Johansen, Director Salem Hog 8 Tombstone Ice Cream Ride…. Or a ride thru bike wash gulch! Ok, so it took us 5 days to get there! But what a ride. We had a wonderful time riding down south in California, Arizona, and New Mexico with both Tom and Darrell. Plenty of sunshine, gorgeous scenery, and great riding companions – what more could you ask for! I am going to include a few excerpts and pictures out of our travel website. If you would like to read, look at pictures and follow along, please feel free to go to the site: http://timetotravel. shutterfly.com/. Tuesday, March 16th – Heading out of Phoenix – Tuesday morning found us next door to Chandler Harley Davidson where Darrell was renting a bike to go ride with us for a few days. (Thank you Darrell and Penny for the wonderful Mexican dinner last night!) Today was Tom’s birthday and we tried everything we could think of to embarrass him but to no avail! He just sang right along with the waitresses! But we did want to make it memorable! Now looking at the map, and especially the state of Arizona map, they are really good about telling you about scenic byways… but what they didn’t make clear enough is which roads were gravel! Yes, we did find this out – Have you ever rode your motorcycle and had it bouncing along the road, pretty soon your hand that is on the throttle is bouncing along too and between the two your bike really gets to hopping! In fact a couple of times, it would pop out of gear into neutral! But boy was I glad I got to lead… LOL – should have seen the dusty, dirty bikes behind me! Wednesday, March 17th – St. Patrick’s Day - We are currently spending the night in Hon Dah at the Hon Dah Resort and Casino, which is east of Phoenix and near the New Mexico border… I have a feeling this will be another do not leave early kind of mornings as there was ice on our seats when we got up! The edges of the building and parking lot have anywhere to a couple of feet to 10 feet of snow… the roads are clear. What is it about us Oregonians that go ride in Arizona to find warm and sunshine and end up riding the higher elevations around 8500 feet with snow!? And to imagine, this is only 2 days in to the ride! We still have not made it to Fort Apache, Tombstone, Bisbee, just to mention a few! ……more later! Patty Nichols CONFIDENCE: The feeling you have before fully understanding the situation. 9 Salem Road Brothers Poker Run - 4/17/10 This ride started out at Duffy’s Hanger in Salem, but on the way there we stopped at K-Mart to find out why so many bikes were there. I guess there were two different rides leaving from there. One was the Scooter Club, and I never did catch the name of the other one. Got signed up at Duffy’s and were on our merry way--all by ourselves, then we met Jim (new member) so we rode together. First stop was the Wooden Nickel in Sublimity. We decided to stop and get a pop and fries, no sense hurrying, as the last bike wasn’t out until 12:00. Upon leaving the Wooden Nickel we got in the middle of the Scooter Club, until one of the scooters decided that we were going too slow for him. Just image a Scooter passing 2 Harleys!!!! Now that was funny!! I don’t think the smart --- that passed us thought it was quite so funny as he almost didn’t make it to his turn off. Anyway we headed on to Scio to the Olde Silver Dollar for the next stop. Next stop Tommy’s Welcome Inn in Jefferson, where we once again decided to have a drink and dawdle around visiting. One guy was just going to get his card stamped again when Jim asked him how come he had a different kind of card than ours. Come to find out he was on the ride from Albany and somehow got into our ride by mistake. I bet he had some explaining to do IF he ever caught up with the rest of his group. Next stop said 4th & 5th card at Club House--hmmmm--how come we have so many extra pages?? Well we discovered that there were 2 Mystery stops, one in Aumsville and one in Turner where you could purchase an extra card if you didn’t like one of your others. Guess that should teach us to read ALL of the instructions--ALL 14 pages!!! We got to the Club House about 1:30-2:00, and drew our worthless poker cards. What a lot of food they provided for $5.00. Burgers( 3 different wild meats) with all of the fixings --salad, potato salad, chips, S&S meatballs, BBQ meatballs, spaghetti and much more. Oh yes brownies, lots of different cookies and chocolates, which I had a hard time keeping Mr. Sweet Tooth away from. Also had 2 huge cakes, but we left too soon to get any. Lots of door prizes. They did part of them at 4:00, which we didn’t win any and decided to not wait for another hour before they drew more, so gave our tickets to another guy. The last we heard was that Joanie had high hand on the Poker Run. We had rain for about 2 or 3 minutes and sunshine the rest of the time. it was a very good ride and we enjoyed it, although it was rather long and drawn out at the end. Marlene Schroeder 10 Albany EagleRiders Poker Run - 4/17/10 The Eagles Lodge in Albany held their first Poker Run on April 17th to raise money for their charity work. The ride started at the Front Street Bar and Grill in Albany where a great breakfast was offered to give us energy. The first stop took us over the river and through the woods to Dallas. The next stop was to be a straight shot on Hwy 22 to Power Yamaha north of Stayton. However, our group leader, Vrod Bill, found this route unacceptable and instead lead us on a delightful meandering route skirting the southern boundary of the Salem area ending up at the stop with perfect timing. Stayton had a thrill as many of the Eagle Riders poker run folks passed the Road Brothers poker run going the other direction so the town really got its chance to see bike culture emerging from winter’s grasp on this great day. From Stayton we made a straight shot south to Lebanon to a small bar. The last leg was a short one that brought us to the Eagles Lodge in Albany. The Eagles, as usual, welcomed riders with ready beverages and an excellent meal. A giant mug of homemade beef stew and cornbread was a filling meal that tasted great after a long ride. Don and company had quite a few prizes available for the raffle so many people had a chance to win something interesting. The lucky 50-50 winner received $250. Bob “You can tell how civilised a person is by where they put the boundary between them and us (.....) The least civilised persons would just look after themselves.” --Peter Gabriel/2009 11 Discovery Ride To Silver Falls - 4/18/10 12 Oregon State HOG Rally The Oregon State H.O.G. Rally is only five months away and the rally committee has been working hard behind the scenes putting final touches on many of the details. We have great things lined up and in place for a rally our attendees will long remember. With this year’s rally being a traveling rally, “riding’ is a key factor and we’re looking to our Oregon H.O.G. chapters to help make the “riding” safe and memorable. Guided rides have been a big hit at recent events and we’d love to provide this opportunity to this year’s rally attendees. Offering guided rides provides attendees the opportunity to see our beautiful state without the stress of having to read a map while relaxing and enjoying their ride. The rally success rests not only with the committee but with your chapter’s involvement as well. We’re looking for Road Captains to lead ride(s) from one destination to another: Pendleton to Bend, Bend to Medford, and Medford to Coos Bay. We strongly encourage your Road Captains to get involved and participate with the guided rides. This is a great opportunity to show rally attendees key points of interest in and around your town. The sooner you commit, the sooner we can advertise the ride on the rally website and flyers. Please have your Road Captains contact me directly or any of the rally committee members. The rally flyer and registration form have been uploaded to the Salem Hog News Group on Yahoo under files. For more information, you can contact: Judi Ashlock 2010 Oregon State H.O.G Rally Event Coordinator Email: judi.ashlock@comcast.net H: 503.632.4211 C: 503.317.7073 It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. Confucius (551 BC - 479 BC) Director Andy Johansen 503-341-9302 director@salemhog.org Safety Officer Jim Johnson 503-371-6175 safety@salemhog.org Historian Leanne Long 503-463-5872 historian@salemhog.org Assistant Director Mark Dostal 503-510-1082 asst.director@salemhog.org Photographer Keith Harris 503-829-7302 photographer@salemhog.org Secretary Kelly Johansen 503-999-1029 secretary@salemhog.org Membership Officer Louise Allen 503-581-9035 membership@salemhog.org Editor Bob Fanshier 503-580-6988 editor@salemhog.org or longhiker@comcast.net Treasurer Wendy Graves 503-856-6697 treasurer@salemhog.org Webmaster Bill Churchill 503-392-3395 webmaster@salemhog.org Activities Officer Ric McKenzie 503-856-6445 and Jane Allen 503-362-6625 activities@salemhog.org E-Group Bill Churchill egroups@salemhog.org Senior Road Captain George Allen 503-581-9035 senroadcaptain@salemhog.org 13 Teddy Bear Parade in The Dalles - 4/24/10 The idea of a nice ride into the Columbia Gorge to sunny area like The Dalles sounded intriguing. After our recent crappy weather, it sounded pretty darn good. It helped when the call went out that a group would be leaving at 8am on Saturday morning. The weather report prophesy was for a chance of rain in the morning with conditions improving as the day progressed. Perfect. So, I arrived a bit before 8am at the Salem H-D Dealership and waited. In a little while, one other person showed up. We waited. As it neared 8am, we called our alleged ride leader with some apprehension. There was a health issue and they wouldn’t be coming but another ride leader would be there, we were told. We waited. Soon, George and Dave showed up with a plan and our spirits were raised. Soon another rider showed up and soon after another so our group now totaled six riders unafraid of distance and weather. Six was a good number for blasting up the freeway in close formation to weave our way through metropolitan traffic. The weather was reasonable and we soon arrived for a fueling stop in Troutdale. It didn’t seem to take long and we had already gone nearly half the distance. Unfortunately, my stupid high-intensity headlight had burned out, again. I hope my brights didn’t bother anyone. The rest of the way to The Dalles is the more scenic part of the route and the winds were not even a problem. Things were going well. When we arrived in The Dalles we found a stretch of curb that had room for us and we quickly parked and then took in the sights. This is event is truly a surprising one to behold. There were hundreds of bikes lining the streets. A marching band could be heard in the distance and there was a carnival atmosphere. The sun was shining and there was a light rain, but nobody cared as big smiles and laughter were everywhere. The streets were also lined with the local population marveling at the blend of bike culture and the giving spirit in donating so many stuffed animals (not all were teddy bears, but nobody seemed to mind). As the parade officially started with the fanfare of the marching band and the roar of a thousand motorcycles, the crowd waved and cheered as the huge line of bikes wound through the downtown area. This mass of rumbling metal converged on the K-Mart parking lot where ABATE members gathered mounds of stuffed animals. There was no sign of a Cherry Festival, so I’m not quite sure about that part of the event. There was mention of a poker run, but with our route being close to 300 miles we decided to eat lunch and then head back to Salem. We took a slower, scenic route on parts of old Highway 30 to catch some beautiful views on the way back including: Rowena viewpoint, Multnomah Falls, Wahkeena Falls, Horsetail Falls, and other parts of Oregon’s Columbia Gorge. A little excitement was added to the trip when the heavy rain between end of the scenic Highway 30 loop and Troutdale turned to driving hail as we were going through the curves passing traffic at freeway speeds. This is even more exciting when you can’t see due to the varying types of wet stuff on your face shield, glasses, and eyes. A ten minute wait under an overpass allowed the hail to pass and the rain slowly faded away into a distant memory (except for those with wet pants) by the time we reached Portland. We returned to Salem by 4:30pm at the end of what was truly a great ride with great people. This was a ride that I am glad to be a part and will not forget it. Bob 14 Teddy Bear Parade in The Dalles - 4/24/10 15 Chapter Ride to Sweet Home - 4/25/10 16 Send your rsvp to Gwyn & Ric by mail or online. Ric & Gwyn McKenzie PO Box 1242 Turner, OR 97392 or drumwench1@msn.com 17 May 2010 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY May 1 9am, BikePAC Motorcycle Awareness Rally, State Capitol 9:00 am, Bikefest, Cottage Grove May 2 May 3 May 4 May 5 May 6 Salem HOG Board Meeting, 6:30 PM Sizzler on Lancaster Dr. May 7 Salem HOG Friday Nighter, 6:30pm HOG Wild Days at the Bavarian House in Mt Angel May 9 May 10 Noon- 4th Annual Salem Area Mom Day POKER RUN Non-HOG May 16 May 11 May 12 Salem HOG Chapter Meeting, 7PM at Salem Elks on Turner Rd. May 17 May 18 May 13 HOG Wild Days at the Bavarian House in Mt Angel May 19 10am, Salem HD Discovery Ride,Willamette Valley May 20 HOG Wild Days at the Bavarian House in Mt Angel May 8 4:30am-7:30am, Rose City 500 Poker Run Non-HOG, Portland 8:00am, ABATE Lower Columbia Chapter Poker Run, Clatskanie May 14 Salem HOG Friday Nighter, 6:30pm May 21 Salem HOG Friday Nighter, 6:30pm May 15 10a Oregon’s 1st National Freedom Ride! Non-HOG May 22 9:00am, Rhody Run, Eugene to Florence 8a, Noble Few Motorcycle Group 2nd Annual Noble Ride, Woodland, WA May 23 May 24 Chapter Open Ride May 25 7:00 - 8:00 pm, Salem ABATE Meeting, Almost Home Resturant May 26 May 27 HOG Wild Days at the Bavarian House in Mt Angel May 28 5pm, State of Jefferson Spring Opener, Klamath River, CA. Salem HOG Friday Nighter, 6:30pm ABATE 33rd Annual Fossil Campout May 29 9:00am, BFC Bike Blessing, Coos Bay North Meets South HOG Event, Medford State of Jefferson Spring Opener, Klamath River, CA. ABATE 33rd Annual Fossil Campout May 30 May 31 North Meets South HOG Event, Medford North Meets South HOG Event, Medford State of Jefferson Spring Opener, Klamath River, CA. State of Jefferson Spring Opener, Klamath River, CA. ABATE 33rd Annual Fossil Campout ABATE 33rd Annual Fossil Campout 18 June 2010 SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY June 1 WEDNESDAY June 2 THURSDAY June 3 Salem HOG Board Meeting, 6:30 PM Sizzler on Lancaster Dr. FRIDAY June 4 Salem HOG Friday Nighter, 6:30pm HOG Wild Days at the Bavarian House in Mt Angel June 6 June 7 Ladies of Harley, 10a - 4p June 8 June 9 Salem HOG Chapter Meeting, 7PM at Salem Elks on Turner Rd. June 10 HOG Wild Days at the Bavarian House in Mt Angel June 11 June 14 June 15 June 16 Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally NONHOG June 11-14 June 17 HOG Wild Days at the Bavarian House in Mt Angel Redwood Run, Piercy, CA Redwood Run, Piercy, CA Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally NONHOG June 11-14 June 18 Salem HOG Friday Nighter, 6:30pm Iron Horse Run, Selmac, June 18, 19, 20, 2010 NON-HOG Redwood Run, Piercy, CA June 12 Salem HOG Friday Nighter, 6:30pm Motorcycle Riders Foundation Best of the West Boise Idaho June 13 10a HUB CITY, Albany, 9th Annual Poker Run NONHOG 9a 2nd Annual Foothills Church Poker Fun Run, Stayton, NON-HOG Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally NONHOG June 11-14 Discovery Ride 9am, Cascade Range Run, 90 miles SATURDAY June 5 Hells Canyon Motorcycle Rally NONHOG June 11-14 9a Unions for Kids Poker Run NONHOG June 19 Iron Horse Run, Selmac, June 18, 19, 20, 2010 NON-HOG 6th Annual Little Orphan Annie Poker Run, Mulino, NONHOG 9am 10a, ROLL-N-RIDE Poker Run, Tigard, Non-HOG June 20 Iron Horse Run, Selmac, June 18, 19, 20, 2010 NON-HOG June 21 June 22 June 23 Ride To Work Day June 24 HOG Wild Days at the Bavarian House in Mt Angel June 25 Salem HOG Friday Nighter, 6:30pm Lighthouse Run NON-HOG, North Bend June 26 Lighthouse Run NON-HOG, North Bend Starlight Tour NONHOG, Portland 9a, 15th Annual Around Saddle Mountain Poker Run Non-HOG, Seaside June 27 Chapter Open Ride June 28 June 29 June 30 Check the web site for the most up-todate and complete information. www.salemhog.org 19 SALEM HARLEY-DAVIDSON. 3601 SILVERTON RD., NE, SALEM, OR 97303 PH: 503-363-0634 SALEM HARLEY OWNERS GROUP #1997 Patches and Pins Patches and the Salem HOG Chapter Pin are available at all chapter meetings. No matter what your preference, large or small, you will find the various patches on display with their prices. Checkout the display at the front table prior to the meeting, during the break, or immediately after the meeting. Large National HOG Patch Large Salem HOG Rocker Large Reflective National HOG Patch Small National HOG Patch Small Salem HOG Rocker Salem Chapter Pin How Can I Get the Newsletter? $20.00 $20.00 $25.00 $10.00 $10.00 $10.00 There are three ways for you to get the newsletter: 1) Pick it up at the monthly meeting, 2) See the full color version on the web site, and 3) if you can’t do either of the previous, it can be mailed to you. If you would like it mailed, contact the newsletter editor with your mailing information (Bob Fanshier - longhiker@comcast.net - 503-580-6988)