Ladies of Harley ~ Bling Night


Ladies of Harley ~ Bling Night
Proudly Sponsored by: Temecula Harley-Davidson
28964 Front StreetTemecula, CA 92590 (951) 506-6903 Fax (951) 506-0193
NEXT MEETING: May 8th at TV Elks Lodge
The HOG Times is published by the Temecula Valley HOG Chapter for the use
Davidson, nor the Harley-Davidson Motor Co. make any claims as to the
of its membership. Neither the Temecula Valley HOG Chapter, Temecula Harleyaccuracy of the information published.
Hey guys another month down. Ever feel like, “all dressed up and nowhere to ride”? Well if you’ve
been paying attention to the ride calendar you won’t be able to say that. We’ve had some great
weekend rides, Wednesday rides, and to top everything off we’ve had some fantastic LDRs. The
ride to Santa Maria, and the Hwy 49 ride, to name a few. You won’t believe how busy the LDR crew has been planning these, and many more. So we should have something for everyone.
Congratulations to our new batch of Road Captains. Don’t forget to thank our RCs because without them we wouldn’t have most of the rides we do have.
By the time you see this newsletter your board will be back from the 2016 H.O.T.—HOG Officer’s Training. If it’s
anything like last year, the board will come back fired up with new ideas and programs for the chapter that will continue to make this the best chapter in Southern California.
We’re coming into our busy season, so keep an eye on the calendar for upcoming events. We’ll be doing a chapter
ride to Orange County on Saturday 5-21for the “22 to zero” ride to benefit The Patriotic Service Dog Foundation.
For more information, go to And don’t forget, Memorial day will be the chapter’s traditional double ride; one ride to Riverside for West Coast Thunder, and the second ride to Fort Rosecrans for the memorial service. So plan your ride now.
Well that’s all for me this month. I hope to see all of you at the chapter meeting or on one of our scheduled rides, so
until then
Saddle up and let’s ride.
I saw some very great riders last Wednesday on our ride. I watched as some aggressive car drivers
broke into one of our groups, our riders followed our "ride your own ride motto" as the cut off riders
was able to blend in or follow a different group to safely manage the right hand turn in the intersection. We made the
turn with no accidents and went on which kept everyone safe and the ride safe for everyone else.
I know everyone thinks I have to keep up and not hold everyone up but the real goal is everyone get there safe. I want
to commend everyone in the great job they did and we finished the ride without any more drama. I am sure that everyone knows that the Road Captains plan the rides and get us there but things happen and each person must remember to
make sure they are safe and riding on their own skill level.
Our club has everyone from new riders to some who have ridden over fifty years, so "ride your own ride" keeps it safe
for everyone. Thanks for everyone’s patience and doing a great job on the rides, be safe out there my friends!
Tom F
Tanya P.
Hello from the land of LADIES OF HARLEY (LOH)
During MARCH, 16 of our LOH ladies wore their best GREEN a"re to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day. A nice dinner and a
friendly game of LCR was had. Sherri was our BIG WINNER, thanks to the game being played by Debbie’s rules. LOL
she’ll never be allowed to explain game rules again. We got to welcome “Tammilynn” to her first LOH mee3ng and
get her up to speed with what our Chapter and LOH are all about. Welcome aboard Tammilynn!
APRIL was an exci3ng month as our chapter got to grill for Temecula Harley Davidson. Both LOH members Mona
& Debbie were able to give support and I hear they did very well. Thanks ladies for helping! Many LOH ladies were
seen throughout the month on various rides enjoying themselves whole heartedly. This month’s mee3ng was held
at Famous Dave’s in Temecula. The ladies were tested on their knowledge about the history of Famous Dave’s with
trivia ques3ons. Tammilynn was the BIG WINNER. We discussed many topics; however, my favorite is the Members
Happenings and here are the highlights:
Brenda: known as the HOT VIRGIN was excited about a?ending HOT training and ge"ng to know/meet all the
different dealerships/boards and just a good 3me all around, learned so much. Sherri: Di?o to Brenda and HOT
training was very informa3ve and if you have a chance to go you should. Sandy: is excited to host the May mee3ng
with possible Milk Pain3ng. Also her child is having a birthday turning 20 yrs. Mary: has a Ginny pig named “Mr.
Ginny” and is a pooping handful to look aDer. Linda: is excited to go to Hood River and vaca3oning most of May
with her hubby and dog Jimmie. Sheryl: through it all-- even when difficult and challenging 3mes arise, she always
manages to SMILE and have a posi3ve a"tude. We all love you Sheryl and our prayers con3nue. Kim: loves speaking in front of people on the fly, she has very li?le difficulty coming up with ideas for selling the patches and is enjoying that our chapter has very friendly people and just fun to be around. A place where you can just be yourself.
Debbie: yes she spoke. LOL She was happy to learn just how many members Na3onal HOG has 789K but only
138K of them are Chapter members so there is a lot of work out there for chapters to get those Na3onal HOG members to become chapter members. Also there are 650 chapters in the U.S. Tammilynn: is happy that her hubby
loaded and showed her how to work her calendar on her phone, so now she can put all of the HOG/LOH events in
and not miss a beat. Mona: this was her first LOH mee3ng this year and the gals were happy to have her here.
Mitzi: really didn’t have anything to share but was glad to be here. Jackie: celebrated her 25th wedding anniversary with her hubby at South Coast Winery that their children surprised them with and yes she wore the same
clothes to work the next day. Pauline: is having some vaca3on 3me with her 4 year old granddaughter and that
probably explains why Pauline has no voice at the moment. Tina: same stuff different day, work, taxes and house is
in escrow so now looking for a new home closer to work. Nancy: just excited to a?end the LOH mee3ng and when
asked if this was her first 3me, she responded with I have to think about that, “No it’s like my 2nd or 3rd”. Alicia: was
excited to finally a?end her first LOH mee3ng.
(Sorry ladies, I just had to share, you all are a great bunch and a barrel of laughs to be around)
Take care everyone and ride safe.
Tanya P
Hello To All,
HOT training, WOW, what a fun and exci3ng 3me we had. The main theme of the event is to let’s
ride and have fun. It was kicked off with a pep rally and the cheer was SADDLE UP and our response
was LET’S RIDE. We had a great 3me talking to other chapter members from across the country and including Canada. There were many great ideas for rides that we took back with us, learning do’s and don’ts and rights and
wrongs. Many of our ques3ons were answered. It will be exci3ng to share with you, our members, many of the ideas and stories that were shared with us. The weekend ended with a final briefing given to us by Will G, the grandson
of the infamous Willie G.
Imagine being able to ride your bike only 3 months out of the year; well unfortunately that is the posi3on that some
riders are in due to the states they live in because of weather condi3ons. Thankfully not us and that is just another
reason why I love where we live.
Fun Fact: 700,000 + Na3onal HOG Members
138,000 Chapter Members
640 Chapters
I would also like to extend a special Thank You to all of our Chapter Members for their support, not only for our rides
but with all our events that we have been fortunate to partner with our dealer, Temecula Harley Davidson. We have
had great turnouts along with support, but most important fun and I love seeing all of you out there.
As we head into our summer months, I am looking forward to some great rides and fun 3mes with you all.
David H
Hello Temecula Valley HOG Members
We are now at a total of 156 Members in our Chapter. We con3nue to grow in numbers. I challenge all our chapter members to encourage at least one friend to come and ride with us and join
our chapter, and their family will grow.
I want to say Happy Birthday to our members whose birthdays are in MAY,
Rick R
Mary M
Pat C 5/16
Phillip M
Brandon M
Alicia O
Mario V
Michael J
Donna C
Congratula3ons to Kim B who was our winner of the April Birthday drawing.
Please join me in welcoming our New Members:
Albert B, Michael J, Michael M, John R
Welcome to Chapter #3817 and have fun.
Thank you all,
See you on the road
Brenda G.
Temecula Valley H.O.G. Chapter 3817
P.O. Box 2102
Temecula, CA 92593
Secretary Treasurer PatCalcagno DavidHarries
We love to ride and as bike enthusiasts we understand what a dangerous sport this is.
Temecula Valley Black Sheep has a program in place to assist TVH bikers and their families
should the need arise. Assistance in the form of prayer, comfort, errand running and
+inancial support are available by contacting any one of the following members:
Contacts)orDave Rahm—951-434=8086,RegionalDirector