August 2014 - Birmingham HOG


August 2014 - Birmingham HOG
August 2014
From the Director
Assistant Director—Kick Stands Up
Secretary’s Report
Group Safety
Let’s Ride!
Alabama Motorcycle Laws
Rider’s Swap Meet
Meet & Eat Notice
New Members
How To Pick Up A Motorcycle
August Birthdays
Calendar of Events
HOG Reunion 2014
Group Riding Class
Motorcycle Hand Signals
Monthly Meeting
This month’s meeting will be on Thursday August 14, 2014.
Food will be available at 6:00 PM.
New Member orientation will begin at 6:30 PM.
The meeting will start at 7:00 PM
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From the Director
By: Rex Parvin, Director
Rex Parvin
Assistant Director
Brian Houk
David Lee
Julie Gamble
Ladies of Harley
Sally Peek
Activities Committee
Teresa Pierce
Safety Officer
Junior Kimbrough
Lisa Kimbrough
Bryon McCool
Membership Officer
Beverly Bowles
Head Road Captain
Frank Pajaron
Children's Hospital
Rick Gamble
Newsletter Editor
Everett Vann
What a great HOG July meeting with breakfast. The
weather was good, food and fellowship was great. We
looked like we had a good crowd for our morning
meeting. Some of our members were walking through
the doors covering their mouth yawning. What a great
meal. I want to thank everyone that helped in preparing, setting up, and serving our members seeing that
they have a good time. What a faithful group of people. They have served this way all year long for us.
With August arriving we still have 3 ½ months of
good riding season. Road Captains close out this year
posting rides for our members. We have had some
good and creative rides this year and I want to thank
everyone who had posted rides. HOG Members keep
looking at the web site and join our road captains on
their posted rides. They have the rides on the calendar
for you.
Please review the calendar for the rest of the year. If I have missed something please let
me know so I can get it on the calendar. We have our monthly meeting on Thursday, August 14th, Rider’s H-D Swap Meet on August 16th, Meet & Eat at Trio’s on Thursday,
8/28 in Trussville. Autumn Thunder beach will be here before you know it so get your
rooms booked. Afterwards our Harleyween party will be here, then the Teddy Bear Ride.
As you can see there is a lot coming up with our chapter. If we haven’t seen you in a
while, look at the calendar and find something and come out.
I talk about Children’s of Alabama monthly visit because for the last 12 years I have received so many blessings when I visit and have a good time with the kids. When they
forget where they are for a moment and just play around with this biker and his group.
Then they are able to go down and look at our bikes and talk to us about our chapter,
rides, and activities. The parents get a much needed break also. I wish that I would see
new faces at the hospital. We do this the first Saturday of every month. Come on out and
try it. I promise you want regret this.
On Sunday, August 17th I will be meeting to have a Group Riding Class in the HOG
Room. With the new members and some of our other members not coming on some
rides, I want to go over the group riding rules and guidelines. Riding with you HOG family can be a great experience but also can be nerve racking. If you haven’t ridden in a
group and would like to discuss this topic come on out and keep me company. The class
begins at 2:00 PM and should last about an hour and fifteen minutes unless you get talkative.
To see two rides leaving after the July meeting was so great. Thanks to both of the road
captains that planned these rides. Many people came out on their bikes ready for a ride. It
was discussed that we, “Ride, Eat, & Have Fun”. After posting the rides all year I have to
agree. I don’t see a ride going to Railroad Park for a 3 mile walk going over to good.
How about a ride to Warren’s home for yard work, other than him I don’t see many
names on that riding log. So let’s continue to “Ride, Eat, & Have Fun”!
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Kick Stands Up!
By: Brian Houk, Assistant Director
Howdy HOGS!!
Well it is almost here. That is the big bike giveaway!
Thanks to all those that helped in selling and buying tickets. I know it has been a tough year to sell them. But all
the same, thanks to those that persevered.
There has been some great rides lately. I rode on Kevin’s
ride to the BBQ and putt putt tournament. Gary Townsend was the big winner. Boy was that a tough course.
Even has sand traps and water hazards. What’s up with
If you haven’t had the opportunity to join a ride lately, get
out there and do it. Nothing better than to get on your
Harley and ride.
So remember to keep the rubber side down and your hair in the wind.
Your Brother,
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By: Julie Gamble, Secretary
This meeting was a breakfast meeting and the food was GREAT. Meeting
was called to order with the playing of the National Anthem by Director Rex Parvin.
Assistant Director - Brian Houk introduced the new members - Michelle
Johnson, Dale and Jan Robertson and Gene Rhoades.
Rex thanked everyone from coming out early for the breakfast meeting. It
is a great day for a ride.
Treasurer - David Lee advised that we need to sell bike raffle tickets. As of
this morning only 150 tickets have been sold.
Secretary - Julie Gamble thanked everyone also for coming out for a wonderful breakfast.
Brian - Good rides planned for today. He thanked everyone that got up
early and cooked the great breakfast.
Activities - Teresa Pierce said that volunteers are needed for next weekend
during the bike raffle.
Head Road Captain - Frank Pajaron - we have a good road captain crew
and he is proud of everyone. New road captain Tony Beneto was given his
road captain patch. Frank introduced Kevin Black. Kevin spoke about the
ride he is having today to Noccalula Falls for a Children’s Christmas Benefit. Playing Putt Putt Golf - fees go toward the benefit. Then a ride to Top of the River for dinner. Junior will have a
ride after the meeting going to BoomaRangs. He will be taking back roads. Junior is in the lead for the Road Captain of the year.
Rex stated that our Editor - Everette was feeling ill so could not make it to the meeting but wanted to let everyone
that does a newsletter article know to have them in to him by the 15 th.
Childrens Hospital - Rick Gamble - the big ride is still happening. We will all pull into the big parking lot across
the street from the hospital. There will be tents set up. No more going up to visit the children on the floors. Childrens Hospital is wanting to create their own teddy bear to be sold for the Teddy Bear event. There is a meeting set
for July 17th to discuss the making of the teddy bear. The Teddy Bear logo belongs to the chapter.
Rex said that Childrens is going to have 12 Champions. The champions will each have a baseball card with their
picture and names on it. The Teddy Bear ride will be about these 12 Kid Champions. For these 12 kids the ride is
going to be a special one. The monthly meetings will still take place.
Membership - Beverly Bowles - there are 164 members.
Rex - some of the events that are taking place is Bike night at Riders Friday 18 th. We will have a table set up to sell
bike raffle tickets. Saturday 19th the Bike Raffle (someone will win the bike today). The meet and eat this month
will be at Munoz. In August we will have a group riding session.
Tim Peek - Melissa is now handling events for Riders. She would like for anyone to let her know if you have any
ideas. Riders will have a swap meet August 16th. If you have any old parts come out and sell them.
Ladies of Harley - Sally Peek - needs to know how many people would like to go to the Hoover Tactical for a Firing Session. This will happen on a Sunday. Please let he know asap.
Rider’s Gift Certificate: Judy Hall, Julie Gamble
Riders T-Shirt Certificate: Michelle Johnson, Mona
Birthday gift winner: Darrell Morgan
Ladies of Harley winner: Michelle Hatton - Bandana
Bike Raffle Ticket winners: Bones, Tony Waitzman, Tim Peek, Julie Gamble
50/50 winner: Gene Rhoades -
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In today’s fast moving world of communication technology, we can sometimes be overloaded
with information. Instances occur where needing to know the latest and most up to date information for you and your chapter membership is important.
As H.O.G. members we want to know the latest information such as when and where HOG
Officer Training is, state H.O.G. Rally info, and updates or information related to State Rally
planning meetings. (Note: Chapter Assistant Directors are the contact for H.O.G. State
Rally info/updates)
One of the best ways to get the latest greatest information to you begins with a couple of channels for communicating:
H.O.G. Magazine
H.O.G. Insider
Chapter Officer Newsletter
and of course sending you an e-mail are ways we stay connected.
These communication channels provide Information you can share with your chapter membership; information H.O.G. feels is important. Not getting your H.O.G. Magazine, Insider or anything else from the “mother ship”? Please read on…
Your membership contact info that was supplied to H.O.G. is how we stay connected with the
late breaking and most up to date information. If your contact information is not current,
chances are you are not getting the most up to date info. You may have missed that the latest
edition of Chapter Officer Newsletter is now available at You may have
missed receiving advanced notice of really important information that goes out via e-mail
blasts. It might even be information that cannot wait for the next H.O.G. Magazine or Insider.
You and members of your chapter can update contact info easily at All
members can change their profile information and change their information in our internal
H.O.G. program.
Go to and click on the Membership tab. A drop box will appear and there
you would click on Manage Membership.
Two areas will come up so a member can edit on line profile and one to update membership
Make the necessary changes, save and be surprised when you once again receive information.
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By: Teresa Pierce
The picnic has come and gone. Thanks to everyone
that came, we had a very nice turn out. No rain this
year but some of us was wanting just a little rain because it was hot. Thanks to Cafe Firenze 25, they
did a great job taking care of us all.
If you didn't make the July morning meeting you
missed a good time and some good food. It was a
very nice ride leaving the house at 5.30 AM to go
get breakfast ready.
Great ride after meeting, we had a good time going on Kevin's ride to Noccalula Falls in Gadsden to play putt putt golf but it was a awful hot day, just as
the others that went on Junior's ride to Boomerang Restaurant in Clanton will
agree, HOT, HOT, HOT.
Hope to see everyone at the next meeting August 14th., at 7 pm. Food ready at 6
The Honeys of Hell’s Kitchen
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By: Junior Kimbrough
Yep I’s me again. I know y’all get tired
of hearing from me but they tell me that I have to
do this.
OK we have had a good summer so far. No one
has got hurt so let’s please keep it that way. We
still have a lot of good weather to ride.
Just always remember when you are riding it doesn’t matter if you are by yourself or with 50 bikes,
the main thing is get there safe. No matter if someone is by you and they are trying to push you to
run faster, just remember that you ride that bike not
them. We want to keep you around as long as we can.
Well that’s about all I got for this month. So just remember, keep both wheels on
the ground. Ride safe and have fun!!
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Frank Pajaron
As I sit here and write this article, we are about 5 days shy of our
annual bike raffle. This year we will be giving away a brand new
2014 Harley Davidson Street Glide . I sure do hope that someone in
the chapter wins it this year. It would be nice to see a big grin on a
members face. Good luck to all who have purchased a ticket this
Anyone wishing to become a Road Captain, please e-mail me at so I can get you set up on the
list. We have a fine team of both men and women who enjoy leading
their chapter to new horizons. We would love to have you!!
CONGRATS to Tony Berenetto our newest Road Captain!!! Tony
has fulfilled the Road Captain requirements and is now part of this
elite team. Make sure you all give him a pat on the back for a job
well done! As some may know Tony is my “Yankee Brother” so…..
In the coming weeks we will be discussing the route for the
Teddy Bear Ride. It looks like the route will change for
safety purposes this year but details are not finalized as of
yet. As soon as an action plan is devised we will have a
Road Captains meeting to discuss the route and our participation in making this a safe ride.
There are no rides pending for August as of this time. Please
be sure to check the calendar and your HOG Blasts as rides
will be added to the events calendar. Ride safe and have
Frank J Pajaron
Head Road Captain, Birmingham Harley Owners Group
Road Captains
David Akers
Glenn Gammon
Frank Pajaron
Jeff Alexander
Alfred Hall
Rex Parvin
Tony Berenetto
Brian Houk
Sally Peak
Beverly Bowles
Pete Ingram
George Phillips
Bob Brantley
Phillip Isbell
Jackey Pierce
Jerry Briscoe
Charlie “CJ” Johnson
Mary Schreiner
Godfrey Chryssoverges
Junior Kimbrough
Steve Schreiner
Phil Duggan
Roger Kinard
Gary Townsend
Steve Estes
Don McCombs
Tony Waitzman
Rick Gamble
Bryon McCool
Catrice Weber
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Daytime Use of Headlights…..Modulating Headlight permitted
Eye Protection……..Not Required
Handlebar Height……Maximum of 15” above seat height (Code of Ala. 32-5A-244)
Helmet Speakers……..No Restrictions
Mufflers….(sound)…No Acoustical Criteria
Mirrors….One Required By Law (Code of Ala. 32-5A-214)
Passenger Footrest….Required if carrying passenger (Code of Ala. 32-5A-244 (a)
Passenger Seat…..Required if carrying passenger (Code of Ala. 32-5A-241)
Turn Signals……Not Required
Radar Detector…….No Restriction
Safety Helmet….DOT Approved…Required by Law (Code of Ala. 32-5A-245 (a)
Periodic Safety Inspection……..NONE
Passenger Age Restriction……..NONE
Motorcycles Operating Two Abreast in Same Lane…Allowed (Code of Ala. 32-5A242)
Lane Splitting…Not Authorized…(passing a vehicle in same lane) Code of Ala. 325A-242
Lemon Law Coverage….YES (Code of Ala. 8-20-2)
State Insurance Requirements….Compulsory Liability Mins. 20/40/10
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Saturday August 16, 2014
9:00AM - Until?
Dig out those old parts, seats,
handlebars, pipes and helmets.
If you can’t use them maybe
someone else can!
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4750 Norrell Drive
Trussville, Al. 35173
(205) 655-1234
Open 9:00am-6:00pm Mon.-Sat.
10:00am-5:00pm on Sunday
Come on out and see one of our sales professionals
Debbie Crow (205) 655-1234
Ricky Horn (205) 655-1234
Jimmy Richardson (205) 475-2825
Scott Vance (205) 473-2825
Sales Manager
Butch Fairfield (205) 837-1833
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Let’s MEET & EAT
In past years we met monthly at one of our advertisers for the
monthly “Peel & Stick”, preparing the newsletters for mailing.
It would be a lot of fun meeting with each other on a weeknight
to have dinner and refreshments, catch up on news, and visit
with each other. Now the newsletter is processed, stamped and
mailed out without us doing it.
We are leaving out the newsletter and just picking a place each
month to meet up and catch up. The times and places will also
be posted on the ride calendar.
This months Meet & Eat will be at
Trios in Trussville
On Thursday August 28, 2014, at 6:30PM
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New Members
Dale Robertson
Jan Robertson
Michelle Johnson
Gene Rhoades
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Hwy. 280 Phone 205-408-9383
Trussville phone 205-683-1453
Come check out our new
Expanded menu
Information and Notices
Call For Articles
Like to write? Got a good story? Want to see your name in print? Send an article in to Birmingham HOG.
The thing that makes our newsletter worth reading is the personal stories sent in by our articles, personal/human interest stories and of course, stories about rides.
To give you a little bit more incentive to write something, Rider’s has given us certificates to award to each
person who has an article published. These certificates are good for a free t-shirt
at Rider’s in Trussville.
Articles should be no more than 2 pages long, 10 point Times New Roman
font, submitted in electronic form via e-mail to
Attach a Word document of the article to your e-mail.
Deadline for articles is the 15th of each month.
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How To Pick Up A Motorcycle
By: Everett Vann
At some point in your riding life you will probably drop your bike. It may not be your fault.
It may not be because of an accident. It may be something as simple as a slick spot in the
road. But if your ride long enough, it will likely happen.
Now there are many viewpoints on how to handle this. I don’t recommend that you quickly
try to jerk it up. I speak from experience when I tell you this is a good way to get a hernia.
No matter how strong you think you are, you will always end up on the losing end of this.
What I suggest is that you try to act calmly, carefully and methodically. The first step is to
make sure the bike is turned off. If you can’t easily reach the ignition switch, use the kill
switch. If your motorcycle has a fuel cutoff switch, turn off the fuel so you don’t have it
going everywhere.
If you can reach the gear shifter, put it in first gear. This will keep the bike from moving
away or falling on top of you as you try to get it back up. If the bike is lying on its right
side, pull the kickstand out. This will be extremely useful as you start getting it up to prevent the bike from toppling to the other side.
Make sure that your handlebars and front tire are pointing down toward the ground. Now
turn around with your back to the motorcycle near the seat, take hold of the handlebars with
one hand and find a suitable, sturdy handhold near the rear of the bike for the other hand.
Do not use the fender, saddlebags or any plastic accessory for this purpose or suffer the consequences when it bends or comes off in your hands. They were not manufactured to handle
that kind of pressure.
Now squat down, put your back against the seat, plant your feet and lift with your legs. As
the bike starts to come off the ground, take small steps backward. The first part of the lift
will be the hardest and heaviest, but once you get it started it gets easier. As you get it up
you will be glad you extended the kickstand earlier. Once it is upright, ease it over onto the
If you are unfortunate and the bike is on the left side, the steps are basically the same. However you must use caution as the bike gets upright. Carefully balance the bike and yourself
and reach back with a foot and extend the kickstand then ease the bike down onto the kickstand.
It may never happen to you. You may get lucky. But if it does, I hope this helps
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Columbus, GA
Thu Sep 18 - Sat Sep 20
Pre-Registration Ends 7/31
Natchez, MS
Thu Sep 18 - Sat Sep 20
Pre-Registration Ends 7/31
Okaloosa Island, FL
Wed Oct 22 - Sun Oct 25
Pre-Registration Ends 9/3
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August Birthdays
We would like to be able to acknowledge all birthdays each
month. However, we do not have that information in our
database. So we need your help. Please email your birthday
information, month and day only, to:
so we can update our database. If you don’t have access to
email, then you can still provide the information through one
of several ways: 1) Put the information in an envelope
marked HOG membership and leave it at Rider’s, 2) bring it
to a membership meeting, or 3) Mail it to:
Beverly Bowles, P.O. Box 233, Gardendale, AL 35071
Phillip Ramsey - August 1st
Terry Ritchey - August 7th
Rick Gamble - August 14th
John Phillips - August 20th
Tony Berenotto - August 29th
Heath McMeans - August 29th
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August 2014
Rider’s HD
Swap Meet
Biker Church
Biker Church
Biker Church
Meet & Eat
Group Riding
Biker Church
Trios in
Biker Church
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Due to unforeseen circumstances
the date of this event has changed.
Birmingham HOG 2014 Reunion
Saturday September 13, 2014
We are asking all previous Birmingham HOG members to come to our meeting and
share the HOG family history. If you have any old newsletters, photos, articles, or written down stories we would love to have you share them with the club. We are putting together a BIRMINGHAM HOG history and need contributions to share with present and
future Chapter Club members.
Our meeting will begin at 6:00 PM for an hour. We will eat at 5:00 PM, new member
orientation at 5:30 PM. After the meeting we will have a band play from 7:30 PM till
10:00 PM. We are hoping this will be a great reunion that will bring back some faces
from the past. Come see some old friends and visit with new members. They would love
to hear old stories of the Birmingham HOG family.
We will be gathering for the Birmingham HOG old history items to help preserve the
past history of our club and everyone that was a part of this club. Items will be stored in
the HOG room. If we get a lot of items we will display some items each month at the
monthly meeting. Hopefully we can have a position as Historian to continue with saving
items for our club.
Again, mark your calendar for Saturday, September 13th for the 2014 Birmingham HOG
Reunion. Get the word out to anyone you know that has been a member and let them
know of the upcoming Reunion. Let them know to go through the bottom drawers and
filing cabinets for our Chapters history to bring in. Please mark your name to the back or
attach a sheet of paper with your information where we will know who contributed to
this history. I am looking forward to a lot of neat items being offered. I want to thank
everyone in advance for helping with this project.
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Group Riding Class
August 17th at 2:00 PM
Are you new to our Birmingham HOG group? Are you new to riding in a group? Come to the
Group Riding Class as we discuss what the dos and don’ts are to group riding. Getting together with other riders can be a great experience, and riding with a group that has ridden together can be that much better. But if you have never been in a group of bikes it could make
you nervous and not sure what to do. The group riding class will answer a lot of questions
you may have and explain other issues like changing lanes, hand signals, and the position you
should ride in. We will talk about the distances between bikes and why we stagger the formation.
We will be holding a Group Riding Class on Sunday, August 17 th at 2:00 PM. We will meet in
the HOG room. Please mark your calendar for this date and try to attend. If you have been
riding and want to brush up on the basics or help contribute with the discussion please attend
this class. We want to offer this to our members where they will feel comfortable when they
come to a group ride. Hope to see you there.
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Birmingham HOG
Chapter 0030
PO Box 233
Gardendale, AL. 35071
Riders Harley-Davidson
(205) 655-1234
Chapter Membership
To remain in the local chapter, your national H.O.G. membership has to be active. National H.O.G sends out reminder e-mails
and invoices in advance of your expiration date. Please understand that it is your responsibility to renew your national H.O.G.
membership when it is due. If you don’t renew your national membership, it is our obligation to remove you from our mailing
lists as a local H.O.G. member, and you will no longer receive e-mails or a newsletter. PLEASE keep your national membership