GEN Edition 16_compiled
GEN Edition 16_compiled
Edition f o r i n t e r n a l r e f e r e n c e o n l y Vol.14 M A L A Y S I A May 2015 f r e e c o p y VISITS FROM OUR PARTNERS In the month of May, GEN received several visits from GEN partner universities where briefing sessions with GEN counsellors were held and prospective students interviewed. In addition to that, representatives from each university also took the opportunity to present their latest information regarding their institutions. 在忙碌的五月份,GEN教育集团热烈欢迎来自全球伙伴大学院 校的到访。各间大学代表在这次的拜访中为所有GEN辅导员提 供了最新的课程讯息以及升学资讯。 Pada bulan May, GEN telah menerima beberapa kunjungan daripada rakan kerjasama universiti. Sesi taklimat telah diadakan bersama-sama kaunselor GEN dan beberapa pelajar yang terlibat telah ditemubual sepanjang sesi tersebut dijalankan. Tambahan pula, wakil daripada setiap universiti turut mengambil kesempatan di atas pertemuan ini untuk mengemaskini maklumat berkaitan institusi masing-masing. GEN KL Office GEN Kuching Office Australian National Institute of Business University of Newcastle, Australia and Technology Adcote School International, UK Charlton Brown, Australia Bellerbys College, UK University of Gloucestershire, UK Taylor’s University, Malaysia Cardiff Sixth Form College, UK UNSW Global Australia KDU University College, Malaysia Anglia Ruskin University, UK Queensford College, Australia FAME International College, Kuching GEN Sabah Office Cardiff Sixth From College, UK WELCOME NEW GENIANS! RUSTANA ABDULLAH ADELINA TENNYSON Marketing and Marketing and Communication Assistant Communication Assistant FOO HUI SAN Education Officer UMMI ALINNA Marketing and Communication Officer JEANNY LIAW Education Officer HELEN HEE Education Officer ELLY DICK Finance and Admin Officer Sekali lagi, wakil daripada GEN Education telah berkunjung ke UK untuk melawat rakan universiti di sana. Tujuan kunjungan ini dibuat adalah untuk memahami dengan lebih lanjut sistem pendidikan, budaya dan teknologi di UK. Selain itu juga, wakil GEN turut mengambil kesempatan atas kunjungan ini untuk mendapatkan maklumat terkini dan kursus-kursus baru yang ditawarkan oleh institusi kerjasama While in the UK, Mr. Andy Lee, GEN. the Senior Manager of GEN had attended the Conference at the Semasa di UK juga, Encik Andy University of Stirling, and Oxford Lee, Pengurus Kanan GEN telah Tutorial College. GEN was delighted menghadiri beberapa persidangan di with such a warm welcome from both University of Stirling, dan Oxford institutions and honored to be present Tutorial College. GEN berasa amat at these two Conferences that allow gembira dengan sambutan mesra yang GEN to learn more about their best diberikan oleh kedua-dua institusi dan offerings to Malaysian students. berbesar hati untuk mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut tawaran terbaik yang GEN 团队每年出访英国至少3至5次, diberikan oleh mereka untuk para 在本月再次拜访了我们在英国的合作 pelajar di Malaysia. 大学院校,进而增进彼此的合作关系 。同时,GEN亦进一步了解了英国教 育系统的改进,并获取最新的升学资 讯。 Once again, GEN representatives travelled back to UK to visit our partner universities with the purpose of immersing themselves, to better understand UK’s educational system as well as their culture and technology. On the other hand, GEN representatives also took the opportunity to get the latest updates and courses from our partner universities. D'Overbroeck's College The main building of the University of Stirling Majestic view inside one of Oxford’s building 在拜访英国期间, GEN高级 经理Andy Lee出席了苏格兰Stirling大 学和牛津Oxford Tutorial 学院的国际 伙伴会议。 The main building of the Oxford Tutorial College Pathway around the university GEN visits to partners in UK to strengthen and enhance our collaboration - Kings Education London GEN Kings Education, London’s main building A very welcoming office of Kings Education RETURNED TO U K 03 On 2nd May 2015, GEN is pleased to organise the prize giving ceremony of ‘GEN Facebook Superstar’ for the month of April. There are 10 lucky students with the highest and the most number of “Likes” count from GEN Facebook page win cash prizes on that day. The 1st lucky student with the highest number of “Likes” get RM100 cash and a Trophy, the 2nd Winner won RM80, whereas the other 8 students with the most number of “Likes” get RM50 each. The purpose of this event is genuinely to strengthen the relationship between GEN staffs and the students, as well as encourage all students to go beyond the academic classroom by fostering greater socializing, interaction, and communication skills among all students. 在5月2日,GEN 举办了四月份 “GEN面子书超级精英竞赛” 的颁奖礼。10名在 GEN面子书获得最多“赞”的学生获颁现金奖。得到最多“赞”的学生参赛者 获得100令吉现金和奖座,第二名则获80令吉现金奖。其他得奖者各获得50令吉 现金奖。此活动的目的是为了增进GEN 员工和学生们的交流,同时提升GEN学 生在沟通与社交方面的技巧。在提供升学辅导与教育咨询的同时,GEN亦为学 生们提供多元化的个人培训。 Mr. Lee and Dato’ Joseph Hii posing with the GEN Facebook Superstar Of The Month winner Pada 2 Mei 2015, GEN dengan sukacitanya telah menganjurkan majlis penyampaian hadiah bagi “GEN Facebook Superstar” untuk bulan April. Terdapat 10 orang pelajar yang telah berjaya mendapat undian “Like” terbanyak telah memenangi hadiah wang tunai pada hari tersebut. Undian ini hanya diambil kira dari laman web GEN Education Sarawak sahaja. Seorang pelajar bertuah dengan undian “Like” terbanyak telah membawa pulang sebuah piala beserta wang tunai RM100 bagi pemenang tempat pertama. Manakala pemenang tempat kedua membawa pulang wang tunai RM80, dan lapan pelajar seterusnya mendapat RM50 setiap seorang. Tujuan majlis ini diadakan adalah untuk mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim antara staff GEN dan pelajar. Selain itu, ia juga bertujuan untuk memupuk interaksi sosial dan meningkatkan kemahiran berkomunikasi dalam kalangan pelajar. facebook SUPERSTAR OF THE MONTH UNIMAS X SWINBURNE SOUL DANCE WORKSHOP UNIMAS-SWINBURNE Soul Dance Workshop was held at GEN Education Hub, Kuching on the 9th of May 2015. There were around 60 students that participated in the workshop. In conjunction with this event, the students can have the ability to gain information regarding dancing and at the same time having an enjoyable moment learning different types of dancing technique taught by the instructors. Terdapat kira-kira 60 orang pelajar telah terlibat dalam bengkel tersebut. Tujuan bengkel ini diadakan adalah untuk membuka minda pelajar dan mengetahui dengan lebih lanjut jenis-jenis tarian yang ada. Pada masa yang sama juga, mereka Bengkel tarian UNIMAS-SWINBURNE yang boleh berseronok dan menurut serta dalan dianjurkan oleh Soul Dance telah diadakan mempelajari langkah-langkah tarian yang di Studio GEN Education Hub, Kuching pada diajar oleh tenaga pengajar dari Soul Dance. 9 Mei 2015. 5月9日,“砂劳越大学与斯恩本大学舞 蹈工作坊” 在GEN教育中心成功举行。 约60名来自该两所大学的学生参与了此 项工作坊,为增进现代舞蹈文化与技术 进行交流。 Soul Dance Workshop happening at GEN Education Hub, Kuching 04 FORM 6 MOTIVATIONAL TALK SMK SERIAN, SARAWAK PSYCHOMETRIC TEST @SMK PADAWAN, SARAWAK GEN Education was so delightful with such a great welcome by all the teachers and the students from SMK Serian during their Orientation Day that was held on the 11th May 2015. A total of 130 form 6 students involved in this event. Throughout the day, several activities were organised such as ice breaking session with all of the students, GEN representatives delivering a talk on “Career Pathway after SPM” and also “Motivational Talk to Further Studies after SPM”. At the same time, all of the students have the opportunity to gain valuable information and learn something important in order to succeed in life. 在5月11日,GEN受到砂劳越西连中学师生们的热情欢迎。当 天大约有130名中六生参与了GEN为该校所主办的新生迎新日 。GEN 辅导员为所有出席者讲解了升学出路与教育管道,让 所有中六生获益良多。 GEN Education berasa gembira dengan sambutan mesra yang diberikan oleh para guru dan pelajar daripada SMK Serian pada 11 Mei 2015 bersempena hari orientasi yang diadakan. Seramai 130 orang pelajar daripada Tingkatan 6 telah terlibat dalam acara orientasi tersebut. Sepanjang sesi prientasi ini dijalankan, beberapa aktiviti telah dibuat khususnya bagi semua pelajar seperti ice breaking, penyampaian ceramah daripada wakil GEN yang bertajuk “Kerjaya Laluan selepas SPM” dan juga ceramah motivasi berkaitan hala tuju pendidikan dan kerjaya selepas SPM. Selain itu, semua pelajar mendapat peluang untuk memperoleh maklumat berharga dan dapat mempelajari sesuatu yang penting untuk mencapai kejayaan dalam hidup. GEN Counselors conducting the talk GEN representative with one of the teacher One of SMK Padawan’s student taking the Psychometric Test GEN representatives were so captivated by the courteousness they received from the teachers and the students during their visits at SMK Padawan on the 6th of May 2015. On that day, all Form 5 students took the Psychometric Test where the test acts as an indicator to help them to identify their interest and suitable courses of study. At the same time, the students also gained valuable information from GEN representatives. 5月6日,GEN辅导员拜访了砂劳越巴达旺中学,受到师生们热 烈欢迎。当天, GEN为全体中五生进行了心理测试,帮助所 有学子更进一步了解各别的升学与职业兴趣。 Wakil dari GEN Education telah berkunjung ke SMK Padawan pada 6 Mei 2015 untuk memberikan Ujian Psikometrik kepada pelajar-pelajar sekolah khususnya pelajar tingkatan 5. Kami berasa sangat gembira dengan sambutan mesra yang diberikan. Ujian tersebut adalah bertujuan untuk membantu para pelajar mengenalpasti minat terhadap sesuatu kursus pengajian yang sesuai bagi mereka sebelum melanjutkan pelajaran di peringkat yang lebih tinggi. Pada masa yang sama, para pelajar juga memperoleh maklumat tambahan dan berharga daripada wakil GEN. SCHOOL FAIR AND CAREER EXHIBITION Once again in the month of May, GEN Education joined several career exhibitions that were held in various schools within the region of Sarawak including Kolej Abdillah, SMK St Teresa, Dewan Suarah Bau and SMK Luke, Sri Aman. Overall, GEN representatives are satisfied with the cooperation given from all of the students throughout the event. Dewan Suarah Bau SMK St. Theresa SMK St. Luke, Sri Aman Kolej Abdillah 在五月份,GEN一如往常地参与了许多场在砂劳 越举办的高等教育展。当中包括了在Abdillah学 院, St Teresa中学, 石隆门民众会堂,及斯里阿曼St Luke中学。 GEN 代表及辅导员与各所学校的师 生们为高等教育课题深入交流。 Sekali lagi pada bulan Mei, GEN Education telah menyertai beberapa pameran pendidikan dan kerjaya yang diadakan di beberapa sekolah bahagian Sarawak termasuklah Kolej Abdillah, SMK St. Teresa, Dewan Suarah Bau dan SMK St. Luke, Sri Aman. Secara keseluruhannya, wakil-wakil dari GEN Education berasa puas hati dengan kerjasama yang diberikan oleh semua pelajar dan guru sepanjang pameran tersebut dijalankan. 05 UPCOMING EVENTS // JUNE 2015 Austrade Education Counselor’s Briefing 8th June 2015 Four Points Kuching, Sarawak Middle Year Programme International Baccalaureate by Jabatan Pendidikan Sarawak 11th and 12th June 2015 8.00 am - 5.00 pm GEN Education Hub, Kuching, Sarawak Examination Workshop @GEN PT3 SPM 9th June 2015 10th - 11th June 2015 9.00 am - 4.00 pm 9.00 am - 4.00 pm GEN Education Hub, Kuching, Sarawak MUET 13th June 2015 1.30 pm - 4.00 pm Canon Basic Photography Workshop 13th June 2015 2.00 pm - 5.00 pm GEN Education Hub, Kuching, Sarawak SMK Green Road Radio DJ Club Join Soul Dance Workshop 13th June 2015 9.00 am - 5.00 pm GEN Education Hub, Kuching, Sarawak Partner Institutions Visit University of Lincoln, UK visits GEN KL 2nd June 2015 University of Huddersfield, UK visits GEN Sabah 15th June 2015 University of Gloucestershire, UK visits GEN Sabah 15th June 2015 University of Huddersfield, UK visits GEN KL 16th June 2015 Middlesex University, UK visits GEN KL 17th June 2015 06 Anglia Ruskin University, UK visits GEN KL 19th June 2015 Birmingham City University, UK visits GEN KL 19th June 2015 KBU International College, PJ visits GEN Kuching 20th June 2015 Middlesex University, UK visits GEN Kuching 25th May 2015 School Education Fairs in Sarawak SMK Pending 18th June 2015 Chung Hua Middle School No.1 19th June 2015 SMK Batu Lintang 23rd June 2015 SMK Green Road 24th & 25th June 2015 Chung Hua Middle School No.3 21st June 2015 SMK Sungai Tapang 20th June 2015 Why Malaysian Students Choose Essex Reputation : We are ranked top 10 for research and teaching in the UK and one of the top 30 universities in the world under 50 years old (THES 2013), which means Essex is known and respected the world over. Students love it here: we are ranked 6th in the UK for student satisfaction among mainstream UK universities (NSS 2014). A successful future: Over 93% of our international graduates are in graduate level jobs or further study within just 6 months of graduation (DLHE Survey 2013). Location: Close to London, low living costs, English history, beautiful countryside and beaches and connected to Europe, Essex offers all this and more. Accomodation: Variety, high quality and affordability mean Essex has some of the best student accomodation in the UK. Generous scholarships: We offer undergraduate scholarships up to £3,000; Masters scholarships of £4,000 to students with a CGPA of 3.25 or above; MBA scholarships up to £5,000; PhD scholarship up to full fee awards. Studied: Bachelor of Communications specialising in Media Studies, HELP Graduated: MA International Relational and the Media (Distinction), 2013 Current Employment: Analyst at CARI, a think-tank of CIMB Bank Malaysia. Providing research materials on ASEAN integration “ I really got to have very informative exchanges with experienced lectures and students from all across the globe, which helped develop my inter-cultural communication skills. The best bit was getting my distinction in my Masters and more importantly having a unique studying experience with great friends.” Hear it from our own students. Essex has an active Malaysian student society and community. Get in touch with some of our students at Chan Hoi Cheong Study in the UK We offer courses designed with input from national and international employers, providing graduates with relevant and up-to-date skills: M BA and Business Law Arts, Design, Media Architecture Engineering Computing Psychology Science ...and many more courses The world is waiting. 1 UK’s Best University Careers/ Employability Service (National Undergraduate Employability Awards 2014) 95 % of UWE Bristol graduates are in work or further study six months after graduating (Destinations of Leavers from Higher Education Survey, published 2014) 7 TOP University in England for graduate employment Explore it. Nicole “UWE has strong academic teams to fulfil your dream who will offer their best support throughout your studies.” Nicole Gan LLB (Hons) Law Contact +603-56132699 / +44 (0)117 32 86644 Visit us (HESA 2014) Reach Higher in the UK With Kings, you can set your sights higher than you thought possible. Take the first step to securing your educational future in the UK. Helping you achieve more At Kings Education, our mission is to maximise potential. We can turn an A student into an A-star student; or a B student into an A student. We are committed to ensuring every international student leaves us to achieve success at the best possible university. Over 95% of Kings A-level students and over 60% of Foundation students win places at the UK’s top 30 universities. Every one of the top 50 UK universities, including the University of Oxford and the University of Cambridge, has accepted a student from Kings. But, at Kings, you will not simply be coached for university entry. You will leave us fully equipped to excel throughout your degree and thrive within wider university life. Flexible pathways to UK universities Kings does not have a ‘one size fits all’ approach. Our range of programmes means that we can offer flexible pathways to a degree which take into account each student’s abilities, needs and ambitions. As well as GCSE and A-level programmes, we also offer a one-year Advanced Level Foundation, and specialist Foundations in Art, Law, International Business and Tourism. Complete care and support We understand that each international student needs specialist support, and strive to ensure that the total student experience at Kings is a happy, fulfilling and enriching one. We focus on every element equally — academic progress, English development, cultural adjustment, personal support, university guidance, extracurricular opportunities and accommodation provision. Yuxi Yao (pictured) won a place to study Engineering at the University of Oxford after completing her A-levels at Kings. Exceptional University Pathways Reach higher with Kings. Innovative English Courses Fantastic Study Locations (UK/USA) 1120 01/15 “ I liked the tutorial system in Kings which enabled me to discuss with my tutors and classmates. I loved the relaxed atmosphere for discussion and questions in class and the rigorous attitude towards academic study. ” Delighting You Always Course Outline Introduction to Canon products Introduction to photography and cameras Introduction to lenses and photography accessories Megapixels explained and image quality Basic operations of a DSLR camera Shooting modes & in-camera functions The exposure triangle (aper ture/shutter speed/ISO) Introduction to Canon DPP image editing software Introduction to flash Shooting tips and composition guidelines Practical session: indoor/outdoor shoot Group photo and photo printing Date Ve n u e Time 15 0 2 T th UGUS A 8 E & th N ing h U c J u K 3 : 1 ub, H n o i cat u d E : GEN 00pm . k) 5 o o b e m p ours c f : 2.00 o sive u l c n i 5 ( : RM2 C I S BA APHY R G O T P O PH H S K R O W Fee MALAYSIA’S FIRST EVER EDUCATIONAL CONFERENCE FOR SCHOOLS AND INSTITUTIONS with Guest of Honour : DATUK SERI WONG SOON KOH ( Se nior Mi n is t er of S arawa k ) ICEF JULY 2015 INSTITUTIONS C O N FE R EN C E A N D E D U C ATI O N FAI R GE N E d u cat ion Hub, Kuching 31.7.2015 - 1.8 .2015 SARAWAK T ERTIARY EDUCATION TREND FEATURED SPEA K E R S DR. ABDUL RAHMAN DEEN Director of Wor kforce Development Unit, Chief Minister Office, Sarawak DATO PAT RICK C.J. LIEW Chair man of (Sarawak Youth NGO) MR. ROBERT JUIN Depar tment Counsellor of the Padawan Distr ict Education Office Ex-Chair man of Sarawak Counselling Teachers Association (PGBKS) MR. DAVID FEW Br itish Educationist with over 30-year exper ience in Asia & Malaysia MR. L EE CHEE BENG Pr incipal of Chung Hua Middle School No.3 MDM. L UCY CHUO MEE HONG Qualified Counsellor & Trainer for Sarawak Counselling Teachers OVER 500 Over 500 Partner Universities / Colleges - UK, Australia, NZ, Singapore, China, Europe, Malaysia,etc... 超过500所合作伙伴 - 全球大学院校(英国、澳洲、 纽西兰、 新加坡、中国、欧洲、马来西亚等...) Lebih daripada 500 Universiti / Kolej - UK, Australia, NZ, Singapore, China, Eropah, Malaysia, dll... ns! itutio r Inst e Partn RUSSIA EUROPE KOREA USA JAPAN CHINA TAIWAN THAILAND MALAYSIA INDONESIA SINGAPORE AUSTRALIA NEW ZEALAND ETHELBUR G ND YO RK LA N EE A’S QU UNITED KINGDOM EN G 07 GEN TEAM Simon Cleaver Dato’ Joseph Hii Teddy Low Derrick Hooi Christine Bong Connie Tan Andy Lee Damien Pang Joanne Chew Agnes Tang Sin Eu Wikey Lee Sue Fadilah Sunny Au Kitti Kongkittiwong Rapeephan Rattanakomut Elsie Atek Moly Pang Ronnie Chai Sarah Adam Chua Lee Lang Clarissa Wong Daniel Chong Dolly Lon Ida Sebi Phurba Wong Wai Mun Henry Lee Zulhisham Laura Jega Maria Florina Tan YIing Li Ang Hui Min Julian John Victoria Bong Rustana Abdullah Foo Hui San Jeanny Liaw WYSK National Youth Award in Education Empowerment 2015 Elly Dick Michael Lau Certificate of Exellence from the University of Brighton, UK 2012 - 2015 Akmal Ghazali Adelina Tennyson Ummi Alinna Alphandy British Council East Asia Best Agent Award 2013 - The Most Entrepreneurial Award Libai Tony Asia Pacific Top Exellence Brand Award 2013 Helen Hee Seap Junior Chamber International Socially Responsible Company Awards (JCI SRC) 2013 KUALA LUMPUR KUCHING KOTA KINABALU Unit 16.03, 16th Floor, Wisma MCA, 163 Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. GEN Education Hub No.1, Jalan Batu 6-7 Penrissen, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Lot 66, Block K, KK Times Square, Tel: (+6) 03 2161 5875 / (+6) 03 2181 5875 Fax: (+6) 03 2161 8875 Email: Tel: (+6) 082 62 5875 / (+6) 082 62 7875 Email: Tel: (+6) 088 4858 75 Email: SIBU THAILAND 2nd 3A, Jalan Wong King Huo, 96000 Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia. Unit 10/67, 3rd Floor, Tel: (+6) 014 5765 469 Email: Tel: +66 (0) 2168 7623 Email: Sukhumvit Soi 13 Klongtoey-Nua, Wattana, Bangkok 10110, Thailand. Sabah, Malaysia. Disclaimer: Whilst all information provided in this publication is considered to be true and correct at the time of publication, changes in circumstances after the time of publication may impact on the accuracy of the information, and GEN Education is not in any way liable for the accuracy of any information printed and stored or in any way interpreted and used by a user. GEN Education reserves the right to add or amend information in said publication without prior notice. No part of this publication may be reproduced by any means including, but not limited to, photocopying or storage in a retrieval system in any form without prior written consent from GEN Education. © Copyright – GEN Education.