Issue 04 - October-November 2012
Issue 04 - October-November 2012
Issue – 4 – October - November 2012 Principal ’s Note: I would like to take this opportunity to welcome all our students: new and returning ones who come from different parts of the world. This great diversity at BHS was the main reason behind the successful International Day that was held at the Upper School, on October, 19th. Our students once again, celebrated multiculturalism, and exhibited a high sense of creativity and a myriad of talents. In today's world, especially the tormented Middle-East, BHS' message and values gain even further importance. We will continue to teach and promote peaceful conflict resolution in the face of intolerance, wars and bloodsheds that surround us. May I ask you to join me in praying for peace and for all the innocent victims of violence, in Lebanon and the rest of the world. I serve, Walid khoury A Word From the Manager… A word From the Advisor… Following the spectacular jump performed by the now-famous Felix, I had many discussions with students, who were so impressed with this achievement. Many considered Felix to be their new hero and role-model. With all due respect, a hero to me is one who makes a significant change, a positive one, to his community or to the world. Felix jumped for advertisement purposes. He even used already existing physics, and thus, didn't achieve any scientific breakthrough. At almost the same time the spectacular jump was being massively advertised, with less media coverage of course and in a lost corner of Pakistan, a real hero, at least in my opinion, was born. Her name is Malala. This 14-year old Pakistani girl has been an activist for the empowerment of women in her country mainly through equal chances in education. While the world was watching the jump, Malala was attacked by a terrorist fundamentalist group, and received several deadly shots. Since then, she's been hanging between life and death. The attempt on her life, caused a wave of protest around Pakistan, and inspired millions of women to follow in her footsteps. Now who do you think is more of a hero? I personally salute Malala, one of my heroes from now on... Chadi Nakhle Speak Out is officially a complete student newspaper! Partaking in our school newspaper team is not only a great experience, but would moreover look great as an extracurricular activity when applying to universities. I highly encourage students to participate in order to have a chance to express themselves and portray their true talents. Many thanks to our adviser Mr. Chadi Nakhle, our editor Noura Rahbani, our designer Rawan Deeb, and the whole BHS Speak Out team for making out first issue a great success. Appreciate all the support. ~1~ Jude Massaad News & Events Countries of the World Unite ! It was an exciting day for all, as students of BHS realized that our world is much bigger than what we are exposed to in our everyday lives. Twenty-two countries were represented in our school's annual International Day, proving Dr. Khoury's opinion of the beauty of "people from different backgrounds and cultures coming together in peace and harmony". We even had Turkey and Greece side by side without a catfight breaking out! A Lebanese tanoor oven, a British queen, and a Saudi tent, the only thing missing was an Indian army legion -- oh wait, we had that too ! The music was rocking, the dancing was grandma-blushing good, and my favorite part, the food, was out of this world. We managed to prove in our unique way that here at BHS, we are the world. Basmah Naaisah ~2~ I Run Beirut The “I Run Beirut” Nike 5 k event took place in Rawsheh on the 30th of September. Mr. Rabih Awwad had informed all the students about it a few weeks earlier, but hardly anyone was willing to get up at 5:30 am, put on their running shoes, wear shorts and head to school where the bus was waiting. Luckily, those students who really enjoy running were more than pleased to join. The group consisted of four girls and two boys: Myself, Lana Fadel, Clarissa Baramki, Mayssaabou Khalil , Dana Nasrallah, Sami Fadel, and Michael Abou Jaude. We headed to Beirut with Mr. Rabih, took our numbers, shirts and timers, and ran the race with all the motivation and determination to continue until the last step at the finish line. It was strenuous and relieving at the same time. We felt the burning in our muscles, the sweat dripping into our eyes, the ache in our lungs… in addition to the humidity and claustrophobia due to the attendance of almost two thousand runners. We crossed the finish line in agony and went to look for Mr. Rabih. A satisfying breakfast was offered to all the runners. We got back on the bus feeling contented and proud to have participated in such a wonderful event. We extend our thanks to Mr. Rabih for his part in the event. Dina Al-Rubaye BHS MUN Club Back and Better than Ever! Since school started, Christina Farhat, Nicole Helou, Natasha Ghawi, Michael Abu Jawdeh, Fredric Azar and I have been working on this year’s MUN club in hopes of preserving our school's legacy while simultaneously expanding the club and improving it. Last year only fifteen secondary students participated, and from these only twelve were chosen arbitrarily. This year we're working with more than sixty students, who we meet with every week to discuss interesting assignments. Everyone in the club will learn what it takes to be a diplomat, and when the time comes to choose who will represent BHS at LAU’s MUN, the selection will be based on observation ~3~ during club meeting as well as a private interview with each club member later on. We give a big thank you to Ms. Sarah Mink, our advisor, and everyone else who's made this possible. Pio Ibrahim Keeping Hope Alive Rita is a social castoff, one of those people we're taught to take pity on and keep our distance from. Her life started out in Bekaa, as Takla. She doesn't know how old she is. She had worked as a house maid, giving all the money she earned to her family, until one day her beloved father died, and her siblings, who'd visited them at least occasionally, all but abandoned her. Alone and unwanted, she moved to Baabdat to look for work, but ended up living in the forest, eating out of the garbage. She's lived there for ten years, enduring the freezing winter and the icy rain in the sorry equivalent of a cardboard box. Many of you might have seen her some mornings, scrounging for food by the roadside, and thought about helping her. Our school mate Karl Kaloustian did more than that. He saw her, saw the condition she lives in, and decided that she deserved better. All Rita asked for was to be taken to her hometown, or to see Beirut. But Karl convinced her to let him build her a small house, to shelter her from the elements. He and other students from BHS have been working together to provide Rita with a decent house. They hope to raise enough money to significantly improve her lifestyle. So far, they've organized a bake sale, which Karl asserts was a huge success. He has been asked to appear on television with Rita for an interview of her life. We wish them all the best of luck! Georgette Naufal Articles & Short Stories 21st December 2012 – Is There Really Anything To Worry About? The 2012 phenomenon, 21st December 2012, the Mayan prophecy and Doomsday are all different terms for what we know as the end of the world. At least that’s what people are calling it. But what do we really know about December 21st? Here’s a little historical knowledge for you. The 2012 phenomenon comprises a range of theological beliefs according to which transformative events will occur on 21 December 2012.This date is regarded as the end-date of a 5,125-year-long cycle in the Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. A New Age interpretation of this transition is that this date marks the start of time in which Earth and its inhabitants may undergo a positive physical or spiritual transformation, and that 2012 may mark the beginning of a new era. Others suggest that the 2012 date marks the end of the world or a similar catastrophe. Scenarios suggested for the end of the world include the arrival of the next solar maximum, or Earth's collision with an object such as a black hole or a passing asteroid. However, the question is, can we really believe this Mayan prophesy? Scientists say that a phenomenon will occur, one that happens every 25,800 years, in which the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the earth, and the sun will be in direct alignment, causing the poles of the earth to shift about 45 degrees. But scientists believe that something huge wont happen in 2012. No one really knows what this rare occurrence will have on the Earth. Yet there is reason to suspect that the Mayans believed it would be catastrophic. There is a theory that once Earth passes through the galactic equator, it may be Earth’s magnetic currents that will spin it in opposite directions. Although this theory seems unlikely and more suited for the plot of a science fiction film, it is backed by science. Albert Einstein first suggested it in 1955. And a new study by Princeton University reveals that the Poles have shifted before. For example, in the past, Alaska rested on the Equator. ~4~ December 21st marks the countdown to what ancient prophecies call “the end of time”, which may mean the end of the world or the end of the world, as we know it. What if I told you that the end of the world was meant to be seven years ago? The end of the world was predicted on the Mayan Calendar but since we shifted between the Julian and Gregorian calendars, dates and years were not correlated right, and so in a sense, we’ve already survived the “end of the world”. While there is much speculation about the imminent end of the Mayan Calendar, it does remind us of the similar speculation as the world approached the year 2000. But should we really fear for our lives? Or is it all a bunch of nonsense? Nicole Helou Is it a Bird, or a Plane… No it’s Felix Baumgartner ! Breaking the sound barrier in a 120,000 ft jump over New Mexico: Felix Baumgartner is an Austrian skydiver who has made record-breaking parachute jumps from the tallest human-made structures on the planet, including Taipei 101 and Rio de Jianero’s Cristo Redentor statue. The 43-year-old just broke the world record for highest skydive. He jumped from an altitude of 39km, in a capsule taken up to the edge of the stratosphere by an extremely large helium balloon, before stepping out in a pressurized outfit to fall back down to earth. He achieved the fastest-ever free fall speed, at 706mph during the four minutes nineteen seconds of free fall. Baumgartner attempted to set four records: the highest manned balloon flight, free fall from the highest altitude, supersonic speed in free fall and the longest free-fall time. After many delays, Felix did it! On Sunday the 14th of October 2012 he jumped from the highest altitude ever reached. Although he knew the jump could result in his blood boiling and his brain exploding, he did it with great confidence. He broke three out of the four records he meant to break. It was an absolutely stunning achievement, one of the best pieces of real time drama we would ever watch in our lifetime! Masara Touza Certain Records Should Never be Broken According to the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado, the Arctic sea ice caps have reached a new record low, beating the previous one set in September of 2007 when sea ice extent was at only 5.01 million square kilometers. It is not unusual for the sea ice to melt in the summer months, but this August, sea ice disappeared at a rate twice faster than usual – at 91,700 square kilometers per day. And that’s not all; the sea ice covering the area around the North Pole has shrunk to 4.1 million square kilometers. In the 1970’s and 80’s, it was normally at an excess of 7 million square kilometers during August, according to NSIDC scientist Julienne Stroeve. So what’s the big deal? You don’t want ice-free summers in the Arctic. The Arctic cools the Earth’s atmosphere by reflecting the sun’s rays back into outer space, regulating the weather systems. Moreover, it keeps the ocean currents circulating around the planet. The sea ice extent has shrunk dramatically – and is still shrinking. In fact, according to Mark Serreze, senior scientist at the NSIDC, there might be no ice at all in the Arctic by 2030. What can be done? Organizations and committed individuals are calling for the North Pole to be declared a global sanctuary. ~5~ That way, world leaders will take steps to reduce the impact of human activity on the planet, and this will prevent companies from taking advantage of the melting Arctic ice for exploring and drilling for oil. When we think of global warming, we think of polar bears. We must take into account that human lives are at risk, too. Yasmine Saad Lebanon Sinks Its Electricity Troubles 360 Million Dollars. That’s the sum the Lebanese government has granted the Turkish powergenerating ships for a three-year contract. The ships will provide 270 Megawatts of power during that period of time, which would mean a 10% increase in the hours of electricity we receive. Currently Lebanon suffers from blackouts that range between six to ten hours daily; the ships should cut two hours of this blackout. At the same time, Electricite Du Liban will be renovating two power stations. The factory restorations should be completed within these three years and be ready to produce more power than before. Aside from the renovation, EDL also promises to construct at least one more station. We can’t wait for the ships to arrive in late October; Lebanon’s electricity problem needs to be resolved as soon as possible and these ships will be the first step toward a brighter future. Pio Ibrahim Elephant’s Graveyards Legend has it that when elephants are able to sense their near death, they leave their herd in order not to hinder its progress and go to die in what is known as the elephants’ graveyard. This myth was speculated because elephants are known for becoming agitated once they identify the bones of their species and caressing them by smelling them, touching them with their trunks, and occasionally rocking the ivory with their feet. Therefore, this care can indicate that they visit the remains of the dead occasionally in order to mourn. Another theory as to why this myth had started is the possibility of the simultaneous death of a large group of elephants in the same area because of water shortage or a natural disaster. Some groups were also found without their ivories. This can be an indication of a traveler’s success in rounding a big number of elephants and slaughtering them at once to reduce the amount of traveling he had to do. Another theory is the ability of the strong winds of the savannah plains to blow all of the elephants’ bones into one area, making it seem as though the elephants gather in one place to die. The reason why this myth was never turned into a fact is that every time an explorer ventured out to find a graveyard, he either never returns or is unable to find it again in order to prove himself. Some explorers can be easily fooled by the elephants, following them days on end only to figure out that the elephants have been leading them in circles only to confuse them. The attraction of the elephants’ graveyard can simply be a greedy hunter’s dream to find a large amount of tusks and ivory gathered in one place. The elephants’ graveyard myth is far from being proven but that does not change the remarkable fact that elephants are able to sympathize with the death of others of their species. Grace Abou Abdallah Skip the Midnight Snacks… Skip Obesity Beans, onions, broccoli, spinach, peas, mushy green stuff floating around in soups….all of these things we forced ourselves to eat as kids either in order to get dessert later or to become strong like Popeye. Sure eating healthy is important, but do we really need to go to such extents as self torture? Personally I try to eat healthy most of the time and I believe in the power of a good diet, but there are just some things I can’t stand to put in my mouth. Top of the list: beans, lentils, onions, and garlic. This brings me to the question of which is more important? What I eat, or when I eat it? Is there a time of day when we can eat whatever we want? For example, if someone has a high fat diet but ate only from 9am till 4 pm, will that person be healthier from someone who eats all day long? Rejoice the answer is yes! As long as you keep off the tar, molten plastic, cyanide, other poisons, and the nuclear waste you keep under the bed in secret, you can eat whatever you want as long as you do it in a small and early time frame! A recent study by scientists in the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in California was carried on two groups of mice. The first group was allowed access to the food at all times, the second group had access to the same diet but only for an eight hour period during the early phase of their day. The first group of mice developed obesity, diabetes, and altered sleep-wake rhythms. Now for the good news: The mice that had restricted access were much healthier. They lost body fat, had normal glucose tolerance, reduced cholesterol, increased bile acid production, improved motor function and normal sleep cycles. What’s worth noting is that the daily caloric intake of both groups was the same! Most of us only stop eating when we sleep and it’s impossible for us to do so. This pattern is very unhealthy for both mice and humans. So eat whatever you like early, but skip dinner and never have late night snacks. Noura Rahbani ~6~ Superman Exists !? Dennis Rogers entered high school as the smallest freshman. Today this former high school weakling is the strongest man in the world! He uses his sheer strength to achieve superhuman feats like bending hammers and horseshoes into hearts. Dennis was truly recognized when he stopped two US Air Force T-34 Aircrafts, 285 horsepower each, from taking off, then successfully prevented four Harley Davidson motorcycles from moving at full throttle for 12 seconds. Not willing to stop the thrill, he bent a ½ inch thick, 17.25 inch long steel bar around his neck into a “U” shape then went on to bend an 8 inch adjustable wrench into the shape of an “S”. His ongoing exploits are too numerous to count. Dennis Rogers, the former weakling, is living proof that all is possible, even the existence of superhuman strength. Nour Nader What Would You Have Done ? Okay, I have to admit that the killer mannequins were a bit too much for me. Yesterday, my life was normal, and I was just working at a clothes shop with mannequins that were actually inanimate, but today, I’m travelling in a spaceship with a 900 year old alien that looks a lot like a human, except for the fact that he has two hearts. Did I mention that his spaceship is actually a blue police telephone box? Don’t worry; it’s much bigger on the inside than it looks. You must think I’m crazy. I think I’m crazy, too. Last night was insane. My eyes widened, staring in shock at the alien who had saved my life. I had to say, he was a funny looking man, with messy brown hair, bright green eyes, and a handsome face. He was dressed in a striped black suit and a pair of Converse shoes. I don’t know why or how he had found me, but I sure was glad that he did. He called himself “The Doctor”, as though it were a name. He explained that he was the last of his species, the Time Lords of the planet Gallifrey and that his spaceship was actually a time machine, one that could take you anywhere you would like to go, in the past or the future. I thought that he was insane. I looked out of the shop window to find four masked Christmas carolers dressed up in Santa outfits, and the Doctor was staring at them, horror in his eyes. He tugged at my sleeve and told me to run. “Why are we running from Christmas carolers?” I screamed at The Doctor, almost out of breath as I tried to keep up with him. “Those aren’t carolers, and they definitely are not humans!” He shouted, and when I turned my head to see what was going on, I realized he was right. Their masks had fallen, and all I could see behind them was machinery instead of a face, but what terrified me is that each was holding a grenade launcher. “Quickly,” He said and pointed at a blue police box across the street, “In here!” “WHY WOULD WE GO INTO A POLICE BOX!?” At first, I thought he was joking, but when he opened the door, I understood. It only looked like a small booth, but on the inside it was a spaceship about the size of a comfortable apartment. I still don’t believe it. He sealed the door just as the grenades were launched, but no harm could come to his time machine. He pulled at levers and buttons and we took off in space. Now, we’re somewhere among the stars and the planets. He asked me to stay, to travel through space and time with him. If you were given a chance to go anywhere and everywhere you’ve ever wanted to, would you take it? Would you leave everything behind for a chance to discover what you once thought never existed? This is what had happened: “Run!” He said gruffly, in a somewhat British accent. Of course, he was telling me to run because the mannequins had come to life and had tried to attack me. He pulled out what looked like a shiny screwdriver from his trench coat, and he aimed it at the dummies. Suddenly, they stopped moving and there was no sign of them ever being alive. ~7~ Based on “Doctor Who” By Laudy Issa The Tech War ! If you haven’t yet heard about the conflict raging between the technology giants Apple and Samsung, then you certainly do live under a rock. The two companies have been at it for a long time now, holding continuous law suits and court hearings over who copied who. The last we heard, Apple won a law suit against Samsung that will ban the sale of most of Samsung’s Galaxy Series in the US, as well as force Samsung to pay Apple a billion dollars for damages. Apparently all rectangles with curved edges, a touch screen, and a button are exclusively Apple's designs. Does that mean Samsung has to start producing triangular phones? Luckily, no; licenses can be given for these “innovations”. By late August, Samsung had won its first law suit against Apple in Japan. Samsung’s derisive advertisements have also insulted Apple a great deal. Samsung is constantly fighting back with new and remarkable products like the S3 and the new Note. It’s good to see such competition as it leads to companies to provide better, cheaper products. We don’t want to be stuck with a monopolist that lacks innovation. The Wii U, a console that has the potential to shock the gaming world. It’s been a since we've encountered a new console and the Wii U would open the doors for Microsoft and Sony to start work on their PS4 and Xbox 720. The Wii U is a combination of portable touch screen control pad and the infamous Wii controllers with a little improvement. The MacBook Pro with Retina Display 13”. We appreciate Apple’s integration of Retina Display with MacBook, but so far only one model exists and it's just too big. The 15” Pro with Retina Display needed a little resizing, therefore a 13” is most welcome. Pio Ibrahim Gadgets We Can’t Wait For ! The iPad Mini—the most anticipated tablet this year—set to target the reading tablets market. We're hoping for some new features that would make the tablet worth the hype. Most likely to be announced on October 23. ~8~ Pio Ibrahim Book Reviews The Maze Runner by James Dashner This story is about Thomas, who is taken into a place called the Glade, where there are many just like him, some older and others younger. When these boys are put in the Glade, they don’t remember anything about the outside world, all they know are their names. All they care about is survival. They don’t know why they were put there; they don’t know who put them there. They just have to find a way out. Every thirty days a new boy comes to the Glade, but the day after Thomas’s arrival, a girl is sent– the first girl ever to arrive to the Glade. And this girl comes with a message. As the story progresses, you will find out how these boys and this girl survive day by day in the difficult situations they are living in. The story is ambiguous from beginning to end. All the characters are very intriguing. Some you will hate others you will love. At the end of the book there are more questions that you cannot figure out the answers for, because this book is part of a trilogy. The Maze Runner is a thrilling, mysterious, Sci-Fi book. This book is a page turner because it moves in a fast pace; there’s something new going on every single page. I would recommend this book to anyone who likes thrilling, dystopian genre books. But this book has some delicate content, so I would recommend it to mid to late teens, maybe fifteen and older. Christine Tenkerian ~9~ Music Reviews Bruno Mars returns with a new single "Lock Out Of Heaven", the single is fresh and upbeat. Bruno has proven after the DooWops and Hooligans album, that he can still bring new music to the table, and to the charts. One Direction debuts their new single on the top spot on the digital charts, it sold 341,000 downloads in its first week. Rihanna's single Diamonds is the first one of her upcoming seventh studio album "Unapologetic". This single is more laid back than what we usually get from Rihanna, but its too repetitive and bland. Taylor Swift releases her fourth single from her upcoming album, "Red". The album's American release date is October 22nd. Let's hope Lebanon's Virgin Megastore gets the albums. So far, she has been releasing singles keeping her fans on their toes. She has been preparing this album for two years, and she said that its a fresh new sound from what everyone is used to. The Script has released their new album entitled "#3", it is currently in stores now. Adele's new single "skyfall" is featured in the new James Bond movie, also entitled "Skyfall". Leen Rihani …Of The Month Teacher of the Month Mr. Assaad El-Helou This month , SpeakOut chose to dedicate the head of the Science Department as teacher of the month. This interview will give you a chance to get to know him better . 1. When did you decide to become a teacher? "My plan from the beginning of my studies was to become a secondary school teacher. It was a decision I made from the very beginning." 2. Why did you choose to become a teacher? "I like to help students understand the concepts I am teaching. I try to keep science relate-able. I want my students to understand the concepts I am teaching rather than memorize them". 3. Why did you choose to teach physics? "I find that the concepts taught in physics are related to everyday life". 4. How many years have you been a teacher? "I have been a teacher, officially, since 1984". 5. When did you start teaching at BHS? "Since 1989". 6. Is teaching better than you expected it to be? "It depends on the students. But you need to be patient with them, and locate each student's strengths". 7. What is the greatest thing about being a teacher? "When the concepts I teach are well understood by the students, and they use it in their daily lives". 8. Would you recommend teaching as an occupation to anyone? "Only if you want to be a star teacher, one who embraces new concepts and applies different approaches depending on student levels, but not if you want to be a normal one (traditional)". 9. If you could have any other job in the world, what would it be? "I would want to be a civil engineer. During my schooling days, the many fields that are offered today in engineering were not available." 10. Did you teach at any other schools before BHS? "Yes, Adventist Secondary School". 11. What has your favorite part of teaching at BHS been? "I like BHS because here we live like a family". 12. Who is your role model? "Einstein". 13. What is your favorite movie? "I do not have one, but I enjoy comedies". 14. Do you have any hobbies? "Yes, reading". 15. What is your favorite book? "The Prophet by Gebran Khalil Gebran; I am currently re-reading it for the third time". 16. What is your favorite quote? "'Nothing is impossible' - Napoleon". Interviewed By: Basma Naaisah ~10~ Mr. & Miss Oct / Nov Michael Abou Jaoude Grade 11 IP, MUN Instructor, Rizkallah House Q: How long have you been in BHS? A: Around 11 years though I left a bit around the 1st grade. Q: What do you like about BHS? A: The people mostly, everyone is really nice and fun. Q: What universities would you like to attend? A: I have my eye on New York University. Q: If you could pick anywhere in the world to live where would you go? A: I’d probably live in Geneva, Switzerland. Q: In your down time what do you like to do? A: I Like hiking, Jogging , hanging out with friends, and coming up with the next big idea. Hala Nasri Grade 12 IP, Captain of the Football Team, Rizkallah House Q: How long have you been in BHS? A: Since the Third grade so around 10 years. Q: What is your nationality? A: My mom is Indian and My Father is Iraqi. Q: What activities do you like to do? A: I like football obviously and just chilling with my friends. Q: Where would you take your best friend on a vacation? A: I’d go to Italy for the ruins and its culture and also its decent looking boys. Q: How many kids would you have? And what would you name them? A: Two. I would name the girl Helen and the boy Gabriel Interviewed by Yasmina Aswad ~11~ Drawing of the Month Coming Soon… Go See The Amazing Pop Legend STING Live at Biel on 28th of November. Catch Skyfall the new 007 movie; in theaters November 1 2012. The Final Installment of the Twilight Series Hits Theaters November 15 2012 Maxime Chalhoub As it is a certainty that the world will come to an end in 2012, a girl was overcome with a sense of generosity. She’s decided that she will give away $100 to everyone who replies to her story! SERIOUSLY!! She’s going to liquidate her college and the first 500 or so people who reply will get $100!!!! As a mere formality, she requires that you sign a legally binding agreement stating that on January 1st, 2013, you will either pay her back $527,000 (18.3% APR) or sign over the deed to your house. It's irrelevant of course since 2013 is never going to happen, but it's the only way her parents will let her cash out her college savings. -A Modest Proposal. Yasmina Aswad Where Are They Now ? There's more to life than people think. BHS was a significant part of my life. It taught me which books were a real page turners and what true friendship was like. But nothing really made sense to me at school. As I walked through hallways to History, Chemistry or Arabic, I knew that none of that was for me. Things in the corners of my eyes burst with neon colors and everywhere I sat, and I saw the world around me as a movie. Sometimes I morphed people’s voices in my head. I really was in my own world most of the time. On my fifteenth birthday I got a little compact point and shoot camera. Obviously it's nothing like a DSLR, but it was a starting point from which I was shuttled off to where I belong. Photography is my head and my world. Living and going to university with so many creative people has both inspired me and motivated me to be more myself than ever before. Throughout my younger teenage years, I went out and photographed things that made me happy, but little did I know that the magic in my eyes would make now possible. Today I have opportunities I never had, shooting for vintage stores, portfolios and independent clothing lines as well as documenting the world around me for my own personal enjoyment. I have had the chance to meet and converse with famous photographers at their exhibitions. I really am living the life I’ve always wanted. Though it's only been two years, high school feels like a lifetime away. Times have changed a lot since school. The security net has vanished, but that has made me so much more adventurous and less afraid of pushing my boundaries. People rarely take a few steps back to see life as a whole. If you love something, you should go out of your way to do it, notwithstanding how silly it may seem. If you’d rather skip than walk, then do it. Olivia Jabra, Class of 2011 ~12~ Horoscopes or Astrology, is a pseudo-science often confused with astronomy, the science of celestial bodies. Astrology was founded on many erroneous bases. Astrologers considered that Earth is the center of the universe. Thus, they had set a celestial map, based on this wrong assumption. Furthermore, astrologers consider, that a certain position of celestial bodies, relative to our position on earth, has an effect on people's life chances, wealth, success, etc... A correlation that has no scientific basis till our present day. Based on all the above, our Speakout "Astrologer", has made the following predictions, just for fun... Yet no astrologer can claim to have more "serious" predictions than these. It is a pure matter of belief. Chadi Nakhle Aries: March 21st - April 19th Arians, a bird will come nest in your hair today. You can stay inside, but it will find you anyway. Taurus: April 20th - May 20th Taureans, your sign ruler is Venus, goddess of love. Try not to make eye contact with anyone today because they will most probably fall madly in love and follow you everywhere, and that can get awkward.. Gemini: May 21st - June 20th Geminians, you have been hexed by someone. The only way to save yourself is by painting yourself purple, barking at cats, and eating lots of Life Savers -- or you could just surrender to your doom. Cancer: June 21st - July 22nd Cancers, your pet is evil. Go home, look deep into its eyes, and you'll see its demonic soul. So just flush it down a toilet, leave it on the doorstep, or give it to your enemy as a birthday present. Whatever you do, do it fast! Leo: July 23rd - August 22nd Leos, you are being stalked by a lion. It's in the bushes, outside your window, wherever you are it is just one step behind you. So watch out and don't keep meat on you. Virgo: August 23rd - September 22nd Virgos, you are a dancing god. So stop being selfish and start busting some moves, in the hallway, wherever -- just get funky! Libra: September 23rd - October 22nd Libras, stay away from the letter "S". The letter "S" is not your friend! Do not use it today -- or else. Scorpio: October 23rd - November 21st Scorpios, eat only purple-colored food today. No, blueberries don't count. This is your only chance at love, happiness, and winning millions of dollars. Try it, what have you got to lose? Sagittarius: November 22nd - December 21st Sagittarians, if you want to pass all of your tests today, just write Justin Bieber lyrics as the answer to any question. Let's face it, you can't go wrong with the Biebs. Capricorn: December 22nd - January 19th Capricorns, your zodiac symbol is the sea goat. Therefore, it would make sense for you to spend the day speaking like an underwater goat. Do that, and great wealth will be yours. Aquarius: January 20th - February 18th Aquarians, you need to start carrying around a balloon named Sir Balloonington with you at all times. When Sir Balloonington pops, you’re in trouble. So stay away from pins, knives, and girls with really long nails. Pisces: February 19th - March 20th Pisceans, your zodiac symbol is the fish. The only way your soul mate will find you is if you rub a fish all over your body every morning. You can keep spraying your Chanel or your Boss but unless you get yourself some “Eau de Poisson”, there is no hope for your love life. Basmah Naaisah ~13~ They’ve shackled your truth in chains And left its voice to drown in sorrowful rains. They’ve made the earth beneath you rattle and shake, To swallow you up with every step you take. Will you stay silent as they throw their sticks and stones? Will you let them cut through your skin and drill at your bones? Or will you fight to survive, To keep your truth strong and alive? Break through the binds that have kept you weak, And cut the ropes that would not let you speak. Let it be known that from this day and on, Anything holding you back is dead and gone. With every travelling wind, let your truth be heard, Let the mountains be shaken by the power of your word Laudy Issa Hyde Park 1- Overload on tests, around 8 tests a week, even on careers week. 2- Overcrowded classrooms, over 30 students in some classes. 3- No indoor playgrounds for winter time. 4- You die on your way to the nurse because it’s so far. 5- Students want more village leave during free periods. Yasmina Aswad ~14~ By Rawan Deeb Lebanese Halloween ~15~ By Joy Labaki 4 – Seasons – Mr. Rabih Summer Winter Fall Spring Advisor: Mr. Chadi Nakhle - Manager: Jude Massad - Editors in Chief: Noura Rahbani, Georgette Nawfal - Head Designer: Rawan Deeb - Photographers: Rony Andrew Georgi , Dina Al Rubaye - Marketing: Michael Azar, Kamal Abdel Nour The Team: Pio Ibrahim, Grace Abou Abdallah, Joy Labaki, Mounir Saridar, Laudy Isaa, Nour Nader, Masara Touza, Yasmina Aswad, Nicole Helou, Basmah Naaisah, Leen Rihani, Yasmine Saad., Christine Tenkerian, Christina Farhat ~16~
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