support | esteem | prestige - University of Utah Health Care


support | esteem | prestige - University of Utah Health Care
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
Scholarships provide support and
promote esteem and prestige.
A first class learning facility
enhances these benefits.
The Spencer F. and Cleone P. Eccles Health Sciences Education
Building is where student scholars from across the health sciences
will gather to study and learn. They will also come to know each other,
no matter whether they are studying medicine, nursing, pharmacy or
health. They will come to understand what each does and how they
can team up for best results, be it academically or with the patients
they will eventually treat. The building is designed to promote that
sort of interdisciplinary discourse.
It is also designed following LEED (Leadership in
Energy and Environmental Design) guidelines, creating
a healthier, more energy efficient environment.
The building was financed with $33 million from the
State of Utah, $7 million from Spencer F. and Cleone P.
Eccles, generous gifts from the many health sciences’
At the August 31, 2005 dedication, Dr. A. Lorris
Betz, Senior Vice President for Health Sciences,
thanks and recognizes Spencer F. Eccles for his
part in creating the Spencer F. and Cleone P. Eccles
Health Sciences Education Building.
supporters in the community and an enthusiastic
response from faculty, staff and administration.
The entire five stories are given over to accommodating students. All 158,000 square feet are almost
exclusively classrooms, laboratories and study
spaces, with a first floor bookstore and cafeteria for
convenience. There is a skybridge that connects to
the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library.
“Swoop,” the University of Utah mascot, swooped
In short, it is an environment for learning, designed
down from the top of the building to congratulate
and thank the Eccles.
for the student, with input from the students.
“This is a gift from the people of Utah
to the people of Utah.”
A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D.
table of contents
A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D.
Richard and Maria Obyn Diversity Scholarships
Heather Joan Belsey Scholarship
Dr. Ewart A. Swinyard
Scholarships in the College of Pharmacy
Richard Paul Jensen
School of Medicine Scholarship Fund
Donor Report
message from the senior vice president It is not unusual for students these days,
particularly students in professional programs, to leave
school with a substantial debt load. Scholarships are a time
honored way to help minimize debt and it is up to us as
school leaders to help find every scholarship dollar we can.
job related to my major, which
it means we have made the right
they come to us have a bit more
was chemistry. I was able to study
choice. Scholarship recognition
life experience than others their
longer and harder and left school
can be the boost needed to keep
age. Many have families. The class
with only a small debt. I also felt
going when the hours are long, the
load is heavy. If you have to also
comfortable enough to marry my
end of the road far away, the baby
hold down a job to support both
wife Ann before graduation. Still
is crying and the studies are hard.
family and school, it makes for a
the best decision I’ve ever made.
A scholarship can also keep
Many of our students when
difficult, if not impossible task.
Scholarships ease some of
giving beyond the school years.
When looking for that residency
Occasionally some extremely good
the financial burden and stress
minds fold under the burden.
so students can concentrate more
or that first job, scholarships on a
on their studies. In ways large and
resume catch the eye. They say
married with family, it is a
small, scholarships help students
you have been observed, critiqued,
tribute to their passion and work
reach the potential we envision for
judged and deemed worthy of
ethic that there are those who
them when they are admitted and
someone‘s investment in your
are willing to make whatever
achieve the goals they envision
future. It tells an interviewer that
sacrifices and efforts necessary to
for themselves.
you have qualities people think
Whether single, married or
graduate and succeed. Certainly
loans are available. In fact, the
University has more capability
But there is more to a scholarship than just the money.
Many recipients talk about
are worthy of supporting and fostering and that a future employer
should also feel that way.
A scholarship is something that
to provide loans than it does
what a boost it is to their self-
scholarships. But loans still leave
esteem. It is a road sign that they
provides value and support much
the student with the loan plus
are driving in the right career
beyond its face value.
interest to pay off.
direction. We all like pats on the
It is a worthwhile investment
back, none of us is too old or so
in the future of both the recipient
my life would have taken if not
lofty that we don’t appreciate a
and society.
for an undergraduate scholarship I
“well done” or “great job.” We
received from the Trane Company.
take pride in being recognized for
Not only did it help with books
what we have done. When that
and tuition, it provided a summer
praise comes in conjunction with
I sometimes wonder what path
what we have chosen as our life
path, it is even more meaningful.
Senior Vice President for Health Sciences
and Executive Dean, School of Medicine
It means we can do it, it means
that somebody believes in us and
“A scholarship is something that provides value
and support much beyond its face value.”
M AT T G E R AC I , Pharmacy, Class of 2006,
holder of the 2005 College of Pharmacy
Alumni Association Scholarship
highlighted scholarships obyn
There are exciting life stories — then there are
larger-than-life stories. Richard and Maria Obyn
fall into the latter category. Theirs is a story
of life plans made and changed and success in an
often bewildering and strange land. Most of all it
is a story of survival, of both life and love.
Richard spent his youth in the
East Flanders region of Belgium.
Studying and exploring the ancient
castles and churches led to an
appreciation of the architecture
and the artwork contained within.
Maria grew up in a family of 14.
“We hope these scholarships will
help others overcome their hardships
and reach their full potential.”
Richard Obyn
Her father managed an estate
containing two great and elegant
mansions surrounded by seemingly endless grounds and woods
Virtually no public transportation
But they have been in Utah
meant the couple met only when
almost 40 years and the couple
accepted into the Colonial Institute
Maria could make the 50 to 60
philosophizes, “One can be happy
in Antwerp.
kilometer bike ride to Ghent.
or unhappy in the same place and
Then the Nazis confiscated her
we chose to be happy.”
in which the kids played.
After high school both were
Richard was intent on preparing
for service in the Belgian Congo.
bicycle tires for the “war effort.”
After retirement, “We saw a lot
They met, and “almost immedi-
That is when “we decided to get
of our planet, some beautiful and
ately I knew I had found the girl
married.” It was April 12, 1941.
some that made us grateful for
I was looking for,” says Richard.
Soon Richard was recruited
living in the USA.”
They also decided it was
But war clouds were gathering,
into the Belgian resistance. Maria
Richard was called into the Army
went with him and “being Jewish
time to give something back.
and shuttled around the country.
we were especially fearful for we
The University of Utah, close to
The school closed and Maria went
had seen neighbors and friends
their home, was a natural choice.
home. They managed to meet only
removed from their homes never
After a few visits they chose to
occasionally in Brussels.
to be seen again.”
leave a planned gift designating
When the Germans pounced,
Searching for necessities on the
the Belgian Army put up a short
black market was a constant chore.
four Diversity Scholarships to
the Health Sciences.
As Richard put it, “We know
but futile fight. Richard was taken
They suffered bombing raids
prisoner. Being both an enemy and
and danger, never knowing if that
that many students have experi-
Jewish, his prospects for survival
night together would be their last.
enced hardship and discrimina-
were nearly non-existent.
They lived in an “underground
tion, as Maria and I had felt in
war-time Belgium.”
But fate took a hand. The
Germans were overwhelmed with
When the war ended the
“We were lucky enough to
POWs and let many go. Richard
couple decided, “We would rather
survive and prosper when
was one of them.
leave our fatherland and move to
neither seemed possible. We
different shores.”
hope these scholarships will help
He made his way home with
plans to see Maria only to be
They landed in Northern
greeted by food shortages and
California under the sponsorship
Nazi flags festooning buildings.
of an uncle and aunt, “two skinny
others overcome their hardships
and reach their full potential.”
kids with the clothes on our backs
and not much else.”
Later it was a company transfer
to Utah where Richard admits,
“We had our doubts.”
highlighted scholarships belsey
Heather Joan Belsey spent her young
years sandwiched in between two brothers.
Competing with them taught her she
could reach about any goal she set for
herself: gymnastics, figure skating, track,
volleyball, student government, viola,
school work—no problem.
When the family moved to
Salt Lake from Chicago, Heather
enrolled in East High. She ran for
student body office and lost. But
as her mother, Phee Belsey, says,
“It taught her lessons about how
to rebound from disappointment.
She became a star of East’s
volleyball team.”
The only thing she couldn’t
defeat was fate.
Her volleyball prowess took
her to the University of Iowa
as a varsity player. But a severe
“…for me this is a lifework of incomparable meaning.”
knee injury ended her career
Cynthia Lawlor
so she transferred to the “U,”
concentrating on philosophy and
with a growing desire to join the
and most amazingly enrolled in
she wants to become a general
Peace Corps.
both the University of Utah and
surgeon and then take her skills to
Westminster to finish her require-
parts of the world where she can
ments for medical school.
serve the needy.
Heather was in one of the
last classes of volunteers sent to
remote areas where there were
In 1997, while nine months
The first recipient of the
no other Americans. She was
pregnant, Heather was accepted to
scholarship, Cynthia Lawlor is
fluent in Spanish, but ended up in
the University’s Medical School.
now a fourth year student, who
Thailand teaching villagers skills
In 1998, during her second
according to Phee Belsey has
with which they could improve
year in medical school tragedy
“demonstrated the qualities that
their finances.
struck. She was murdered by her
characterized our daughter’s life
husband, a man who was having
by serving AIDS patients in
a world of experience accompa-
trouble adjusting to a strange land
Uganda and advocating for victims
nied by the Thai man who soon
and its customs. Guardianship
of female abuse.” She has also
became her husband. She dove
of daughter Parley was quickly
begun working on a master’s
into work, community service
granted to older brother Kevin,
degree in Public Health, “so I can
who moved up his wedding date
have the greatest possible under-
to accommodate the court order.
standing on how to deliver health
She returned to America with
But Heather will live forever.
A scholarship has been established
millions in need of health care
in her name. Her mother says it is
in the U.S. and abroad; for me
designed to help students “who
this is a lifework of incomparable
are interested is serving needs of
where in the world.”
Gabriela Vargas, the second
Cynthia says, “There are
by her parents, George and Phee,
the medically underserved any-
Gabriela Vargas
care on a community level.”
She thinks the Belseys are
incredible for establishing a
scholarship for people “who really
Belsey Scholarship holder, was
value human kind and not the
born in war-torn El Salvador.
bottom line dollar and I think that
Her early life experiences are still
is surely how Heather was.”
a strong influence. Now in her
It was.
fourth year of medical school,
highlighted scholarships swinyard
Ewart Swinyard was a world class fly fisherman. He knew
the currents of the upper Provo River as well as anyone.
It takes someone with the ability to adjust to the ebb
and flow to successfully fish one of the best trout streams
in the country. He brought that same ability into
the College of Pharmacy as teacher, mentor and Dean.
Dr. Swinyard was many things
to many people. To his students he
was the guy who cut out the chaff,
taught them what they needed
to know and didn’t burden his
students with the rest.
To colleagues he was a man
with a gifted eye for good science.
Bill Tucker with his family—
(clockwise) wife Amie,
son Carson, daughter Kamree,
and son Brandon
He knew it when he saw it,
encouraged it and nurtured it. He
was the man who made research
one of the primary focuses of
the college. He established the
Anti-Convulsant Drug Testing
program. It grew to be the largest
of its kind and helped establish
the College as one of the best in
“To be honest, the boost to my self-confidence was
almost as important as the monetary award.”
Willard Ray “Bill” Tucker, Pharm.D.
the United States. As colleague
and friend, Art Broom put it,
he was, “a superb scientist. He
Jared Beckstrand, class of 2006,
about $5,000 of debt, partly
really created the science of
who supports his wife Amy and
because of the scholarship. He
pharmacology in the College.”
their two sons: Camden, three
was able to pay that off quickly.
years old and Kaiden, 1 year old,
and works while going to school.
self an academic superstar and
He says, “You do what you can to
when that scholarship came along
stay in school.”
it was a monetary uplift, but it
The scholarship allows Jared
to spend more time on his studies,
When he retired, the Dr.
also said to Bill, “Someone else
believes in my abilities.”
to participate in professional
Bill worked in big hospitals
organizations and curtail the
and a retail pharmacy but has
amount of student loans.
now settled back into the rural
“To be honest, the boost to my
Jared Beckstrand
But Bill never considered him-
Utah lifestyle. He is the director
self-confidence was almost as
of Pharmacy for Gunnison Valley
important as the monetary award,”
Hospital. There is one part-timer
says 1996-97 recipient Willard Ray
on his staff, which means he fills
Tucker. Bill, as he prefers to be
prescriptions, does the administra-
called, comes from Altamont,
tive work, manages the budget
Utah. He went to school at Ricks
and loves it all.
College, got turned on to chem-
One would suspect that if
Ewart A. Swinyard Scholarships
istry by an inspirational professor,
Ewart Swinyard were around to
in the College of Pharmacy and
and decided to go into Pharmacy.
see what his scholarships have
He says, “Don’t get me wrong,
accomplished he might think it
the Grace P. Swinyard Memorial
Endowed Scholarship in the Col-
the money was important, parti-
was his greatest achievement—
lege of Pharmacy were established.
cularly since I was married and
even greater than being a world
They are awarded to multiple
my wife was also in the College
class fly fisherman.
students each year, students like
of Pharmacy.” He said he was
able to escape school with only
highlighted scholarships Shirley Norton
At 6 foot 4 inches, Richard Paul Jensen was the kind of guy you
would notice. It didn’t matter if he was knocking on the door
as a missionary in New York, fishing his favorite stream or
attending his University of Utah medical school classes. The
third year medical student was noted for his compassion, good
humor and ability to make everyone around him feel better.
His mother, Joyce Jensen, says
that while Richard hadn’t quite
decided where he wanted to practice, he mentioned various areas
in Utah away from population
centers. One theme was constant—
he talked about serving people
who didn’t have ready access to
“…is a memory of someone caring that
will follow me the rest of my career.”
Nathan T. Gilmore
medical care. He always said, “I
want to know my patients, I want
to know their kids, I want to know
their Moms and Dads. I want to
in the accident with him, had
treat families.”
talked about donating organs and
Even in elementary school the
only time he got hauled into
decided it was the right thing to do.
Shirley Norton received a
the principal’s office was when he
kidney and pancreas from Richard.
was defending some weaker kid
She was not the sort of person
against a bully. It even cost him
who lets a gift of that magnitude
a couple of days of suspension.
go by without a thank you. Shirley
His Mom would lecture him
learned the identity of her donor
about staying out of fights and his
and found an appropriate way
response would always be, “but
to honor him. She established
who is going to help these kids?”
the Richard Paul Jensen School
Joyce says, “If he made a friend,
he took care of his friendships;
nothing was ever put on, people
were comfortable with him.”
of Medicine Scholarship Fund in
Joyce and Paul Jensen with
scholarship recipients Nathan T.
Gilmore and Aaron Waite.
his honor.
She continued to support the
fund, as did others and in fact
Gilmore hasn’t yet decided
one of her final bequests when
what specialty to pursue, but
Jensen made everyone around him
she passed away in 2002 was to
his thoughts aren’t far from
a better person.”
the scholarship endowment.
what Richard Jensen envisioned
A former classmate said, “Rich
Today, more than 13 years
But this story really has no
for himself. Gilmore is leaning
following his death in a car
ending. The amount of the schol-
towards a practice that will allow
accident, he is still helping make
arship has grown to the point that
him to know his patients, chart a
people better.
this year four medical students
course of treatment and then care
received significant financial aid.
for them as they get better.
When he died his organs were
donated so others might live. Even
One of those is Nathan T.
at his young age, he and his wife
Gilmore who typifies the sort
Margo, who was severely injured
of person the Jensen scholarship
But he knows whatever course
he travels one thing is certain.
The scholarship “is a memory
honors. He says the money is
of someone caring that will follow
important because it comes at a
me for the rest of my career.”
time that is “really critical for
our future and arguably for our
patients’ futures.”
a review Richard A. Fullmer
Executive Director,
University of Utah Hospitals & Clinics
The constantly growing University
Health Care system includes a full-service
acute care hospital with level one trauma care,
a cancer hospital, and many other clinical
care facilities that serve the Wasatch front as
David J. Bjorkman, M.D., M.S.P.H.
Dean, School of Medicine
well as neighboring states throughout the
Intermountain Area. Its AirMed fleet features
two fixed-wing aircraft and four helicopters.
The budget for the fiscal year was
School of Medicine graduates
over 100 M.D.s per year. At any one time,
it will have over 400 residents training in
$547.2 million. The largest portion, 98%,
a variety specialties. The school also offers
came from clinical services revenues. Gifts
three advanced degrees in public health, an
provided 1% of the budget, and 1% came
interdepartmental program in Neuroscience,
from the State of Utah and fees.
a Physician Assistants degree and a degree
in Medical Laboratory Science.
For the 2005 fiscal year, the school had
a budget of $455.9 million. Clinical and
related revenues represented 59%, research
grants 32%, tuition and state appropriations
5%, and 4% came from gifts.
College of Pharmacy ranks second in the nation for the amount
of money received in research grants. In U.S. News and World Report it ranks
as the 14th best pharmacy college in the United States. To be a pharmacist,
students must earn a doctorate of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.)
In 2005, the College operated on a budget of $29.1 million with a remarkable 69% of the total coming from research grants and contracts. Tuition, fees
and state appropriations accounted for 25%, gifts provided 5%, and 1% came
John W. Mauger, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Pharmacy
from clinical and other services.
James E. Graves, Ph.D.
Dean, College of Health
With over 1,700 students, the
Maureen R. Keefe, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN
Dean, College of Nursing
College of Health has the largest
enrollment of any college in the Health
College of Nursing, in addition to training
Sciences and one of the largest at the
new nurses and providing master’s and doctorate
University. It offers undergraduate,
degrees, has been appointed to lead the State of Utah
master’s and doctorate degrees through
effort in curbing the nursing shortage. This will require
seven departments and divisions.
turning out more graduates, which also means increasing
The college had an annual operating
budget of $11.1 million. The State of
the number of professors.
The college operated on a budget of $12.1 million
Utah and tuition provided 82% of the
last year. The State of Utah and tuition income provided
budget. Research grants accounted
49%. Research grants accounted for 33%, while clinical
for another 10% and clinical and other
services and other income provided 9%, and gifts and
services provided 5%. Gifts accounted
donations were 9% of the total.
for 3% of the budget.
Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library serves the
educational, research, and clinical needs of health professionals, students and
researchers at the University of Utah Health Sciences Center and throughout
the Intermountain region. It is also involved in providing medical information
to citizens throughout the state and serves as a regional medical library for
the National Network of Libraries of Medicine.
The library operated on a budget of $4.9 million. The State of Utah
Wayne J. Peay
Director, Spencer S. Eccles
Health Sciences Library
provided 51%. Research generated 35% of the funding, 8% came from the
library’s revenue producing services, and 6% from gifts.
The health care provided at
the University has a new name
and a new logo. Since June 2005,
all health care services have been
identified as University Health Care.
“We want people to know that
University Health Care is the
cornerstone of health care in Utah.
We educate many of the state’s
health-care providers, we conduct
research that benefits the entire
health-care industry, and we serve
as a resource to all health-care
providers from across the region,”
said Kim Wirthlin, Health Sciences
Associate Vice President.
The new logo also helps carry
the message of just how broad the
University’s clinical services are.
“University Health Care is
part of a continuing tradition led
by highly skilled and devoted
professionals who give patients not
just hope, but a solution,” said
University President, Michael K.
A second logo identifies areas
and programs that are strictly
academic or research.
passages florence
was born and raised in Lehi,
Utah, and went on to become a sophisticated lady and an avid supporter of
the arts. After graduating from the University of Utah, she found her way
to New York, working for the owner of a brokerage house. She developed
a knack for investing that served her well all of her life. Florence and her
husband eventually moved to California where she became a patron of the
arts and amassed a huge collection of opera music. Nephew, Robert Wilde
said she was the quintessential “Southern California Matron.”
setsuko “sets”
was a one-woman
energy field. Her sense of humor, optimism and generosity were interwoven
with a remarkable ability to overcome adversity. Much of that derived from a
childhood spent partly in a World War II internment camp at Heart Mountain,
Wyoming. Bill, her future husband, was also there. They married when
fate threw them together again at Cal Berkeley. She became a teacher; he
eventually became the Department of Pharmaceutics Chair at the University
of Utah. Sets stayed connected to her roots, enjoying visits to her ancestral
Japan and serving on the board of the Heart Mountain Association.”
was publicly noted for his business
achievements and support of a broad spectrum of community causes and
organizations. He was President and a Director of First Security Bank. In
1985, he was honored by the Utah Arthritis Foundation as Man of the Year.
He also headed the boards of the Utah Symphony, Salt Lake Red Cross and
Ballet West to name a few. But his friends and family say there was more
to the man than that. He had an insatiable curiosity that led him on
many travels and his genuine interest in people meant he brought back a
vast knowledge of the areas he visited. He was frequently described as
a “Noble Gentleman.”
ruth steed
was a vocalist, athlete,
nursing student and carved out a career in accounting. She worked at
Utah Oil Company, later AMOCO. When the company computerized she
was constantly asked to manually check the computers accuracy. She caught
numerous errors. Her height and agility helped her become an outstanding
basketball player, and in her later years, an accomplished golfer. She was
a noted singer, member of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and an avid
supporter of opera. Perhaps the best way to describe Ruth would have been
as a renaissance woman.
benning endowment T
he School of Medicine received money which
endowed 12 chairs because of a grateful father who
wasn’t ashamed to boast about how his daughter’s
life had been saved by University doctors.
Art Benning left the money in a trust when
he died in 1990. It came to the University in
2004 after his wife Rosemary passed away. The
amount of the endowment is $22.8 million
dollars. Three chair holders are already in place.
Benning named the chairs in honor of his
parents, H. A. and Edna Benning and stipulated
the money must be used for research in the
School of Medicine.
It is an incredible “Gift of Health” that came
about in a somewhat improbable way.
Benning spent 50 years with Amalgamated
Sugar, headquartered in Ogden, Utah, retiring
in 1982 as President and Chairman of the
Board. He had succeeded his father.
When Art Benning was re-evaluating who
should benefit from his estate he turned to a
friend and the man who would be his successor,
Allan Lipman. During Lipman’s first year with
Amalgamated his three-year-old daughter had
developed a rare and sometimes fatal blood
disease. Art told Allan to take all the time off he
needed to help his daughter get well. She came
to the University Hospital and, after a long
struggle, was treated and is alive today.
So when Art asked Allan for advice in what
organizations he should support, Allan said,
“I had one thought—the University of Utah
School of Medicine. I explained it was a great
medical school and Art remembered my experience with the hospital.”
Dr. A. Lorris Betz, Senior Vice President for
Health Sciences says, “This funding will have
lasting effects on the quality of our faculty and
our national reputation.”
It is quite a gift from a man who had no
Arthur E. “Art” Benning
ties to the University of Utah. Art had attended
Yale. Being a leader in developing new techniques and practices in the sugar business, it
didn’t take Art Benning long to understand the
quality and importance of research being done
at the School of Medicine.
endowed chairs at the University of Utah
Health Sciences Center
Endowed chairs are supported by endowments
at two levels—the $1 million level (Endowed Chair)
and the $1.25 million level (Presidential Endowed
Ross R. Anderson, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair in Surgery
Established by Elliott V. Anderson in Honor of His Father
CHAIR HOLDER : Sean J. Mulvihill, M.D.
Chair). The University is honored to be the recipient
Associated Regional and University Pathologists (ARUP)
Presidential Endowed Chair
CHAIR HOLDER : Peter E. Jensen, M.D.
endowed chairs. The Chairs provide key support to
D. Keith Barnes, M.D. and Ida May “Dotty” Barnes, R.N.
Presidential Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine
CHAIR HOLDER : Randall W. Burt, M.D.
Ida May “Dotty” Barnes, R.N. and D. Keith Barnes, M.D.
Presidential Endowed Chair in the College of Nursing
CHAIR HOLDER : Linda K. Amos, Ed.D., R.N., FAAN
Grant H. Beckstrand, M.D. and Mildred Burrows Beckstrand
Presidential Endowed Chair in Surgical Oncology
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential Endowed Chair
in Human Molecular Biology and Genetics
CHAIR HOLDER : Stephen M. Prescott, M.D.
H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential
Endowed Chair in OB/GYN
CHAIR HOLDER : D. Ware Branch, M.D.
H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential
Endowed Chair in Radiology
CHAIR HOLDER : Edwin A. Stevens, M.D.
of the generous gifts establishing these fully-funded
men and women who have distinguished themselves
in teaching, research and community service.
H. A. and Edna Benning Presidential
Endowed Chairs in the School of Medicine
Nine separate Presidential Endowed Chairs
CHAIR HOLDERS : Scholar Searches in Progress
B. Lue and Hope S. Bettilyon Presidential Endowed
Chair in Internal Medicine for Diabetes Research
CHAIR HOLDER : Donald A. McClain, M.D., Ph.D.
Clarence M. and Ruth N. Birrer Presidential
Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine in Memory of
Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Nielson, Dr. Karl O. Nielson, Dr. Kenneth A.
Nielson, Dr. Paul E. Nielson and Mr. Douglas W. Nielson
CHAIR HOLDER : John R. Hoidal, M.D.
Kenneth P. Burbidge Presidential Endowed Chair for
Pulmonary Medicine and Lung Transplantation
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
William H. and Patricia W. Child Presidential Endowed
Chair Honoring Pioneering Utah Women in Medicine
CHAIR HOLDER : Anne G. Osborn, M.D.
Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby
Presidential Endowed Chair in Human Genetics
CHAIR HOLDER : Raymond F. Gesteland, Ph.D.
Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby
Presidential Endowed Chair in Nursing
CHAIR HOLDER : Ginette A. Pepper, Ph.D., R.N., FAAN
Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby and John E. Bamberger
Presidential Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences Center
CHAIR HOLDER : Mario R. Capecchi, Ph.D.
Annette Poulson Cumming Presidential Endowed Chair
in Women’s and Reproductive Health
CHAIR HOLDER : Patricia Aikins Murphy, CNM,
Cumming Presidential Endowed Chair in Dermatology
CHAIR HOLDER : Gerald G. Krueger, M.D.
Mary Beckerle, Ph.D.
Chair holder of the Ralph E. and Willia T. Main
Presidential Endowed Chair in Cancer Research
Thomas D. Dee II Presidential Endowed Chair in Genetics
CHAIR HOLDER : Mark F. Leppert, Ph.D.
Dialysis Research Foundation Endowed Chair
in the Department of Internal Medicine
CHAIR HOLDER : Alfred K. Cheung, M.D.
John A. Dixon, M.D. Presidential
Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
endowed chairs E. R. Dumke, Jr. and Katherine W. Dumke
Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles Presidential
Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutics
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
Valois Egbert Presidential Endowed Chair in the Division
of Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
Wilma T. Gibson Presidential Endowed Chair in Pediatrics
CHAIR HOLDER : Edward B. Clark, M.D.
George D. Gross, M.D. and Esther S. Gross, M.D.
Presidential Endowed Chair in the Department
of Family and Preventive Medicine
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
George D. Gross, M.D. and Esther S. Gross, M.D.
Presidential Endowed Chair in Pediatric Infectious Diseases
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
Willard Snow Hansen Endowed Chair
in Cancer Research Established in Loving Memory
by His Daughter, Mary Boesche
CHAIR HOLDER : David M. Virshup, M.D.
Nora Eccles Harrison Presidential
Endowed Chair in Cardiology
CHAIR HOLDER : William H. Barry, M.D.
Nora Eccles Harrison Presidential
Endowed Chair in Rheumatology
CHAIR HOLDER : Barry Cole, Ph.D.
Calvin S. and JeNeal N. Hatch
Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology
CHAIR HOLDER : Raymond D. Lund, Ph.D.
C. Charles Hetzel, Jr., M.D. and Alice Barker Hetzel
Presidential Endowed Chair in Otolaryngology
CHAIR HOLDER : Clough Shelton, M.D.
Albert and Margaret Hofmann Endowed Chair
in Orthopaedic Research, Department of Orthopedics
CHAIR HOLDER : Roy D. Bloebaum, Ph.D.
Jon M. Huntsman Presidential Endowed Chair
in Urological Oncology
CHAIR HOLDER : Robert A. Stephenson, M.D.
Mark H. Huntsman Endowed Chair
in Advanced Medical Technologies
CHAIR HOLDER : Dennis L. Parker, Ph.D.
Thomas E. and Rebecca D. Jeremy Presidential
Endowed Chair for Arthritis Research
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
August L. “Larry” Jung, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair
in the Division of Neonatology
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
Ralph E. and Willia T. Main Presidential
Endowed Chair in Cancer Research
CHAIR HOLDER : Mary Beckerle, Ph.D.
Ann G. and Jack Mark Presidential Endowed Chair
in Internal Medicine in Honor of Thomas H. Caine, M.D.
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
Governor Scott M. Matheson Presidential Endowed Chair
in Health Care and Health Management
CHAIR HOLDER : Richard J. Sperry, M.D., Ph.D.
John A. Moran Presidential Endowed Chair
in Ophthalmology in Honor of Randall J Olson, M.D.
CHAIR HOLDER : Randall J Olson, M.D.
Alfred K. Cheung, M.D.
Chair holder of the Dialysis Research Foundation
Endowed Chair in the Department of Internal Medicine
T. F. H. Morton, M.D. Endowed Chair in Family
and Preventive Medicine
CHAIR HOLDER : George L. White, Ph.D.
John Henry and Nancy Lenore Parker Endowed Chair
in Medical Imaging Research
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
Louis H. Peery Presidential Endowed Chair in Nursing
Established in Loving Memory by His Son, Louis S. Peery, M.D.
CHAIR HOLDER : Maureen R. Keefe, R.N., Ph.D., FAAN
Louis S. Peery, M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair
in Orthopaedic Surgery
CHAIR HOLDER : Harold K. Dunn, M.D.
Louis S. Peery, M.D. and Janet B. Peery Presidential
Endowed Chair in Nursing
CHAIR HOLDER : Kathi H. Mooney, R.N., Ph.D.
Louis S. Peery, M.D. and Janet B. Peery Presidential
Endowed Chair in the Department of Orthopaedics
CHAIR HOLDER : Aaron A. Hofmann, M.D.
Mary Scowcroft Peery Presidential Endowed Chair Established
by Louis S. Peery, M.D. in Loving Memory of His Mother
CHAIR HOLDER : Robert T. Burks, M.D.
Attilio D. Renzetti, Jr., M.D. Presidential Endowed Chair
by the Division of Respiratory, Critical Care and
Occupational Pulmonary Medicine
CHAIR HOLDER : Scholar Search in Progress
Glenn and Ben Schmidt/Edgar
Endowed Chair in Pediatric Neurology
CHAIR HOLDER : Francis M. Filloux, M.D.
Christi T. Smith Endowed Chair in Cardiology Research
Established by Her Grandparents, Dee Glen and Ida W. Smith
CHAIR HOLDER : Ivor J. Benjamin, M.D.
Dee Glen and Ida W. Smith Endowed Chair in Cancer Research
CHAIR HOLDER : Frank Fitzpatrick, Ph.D.
Clifford C. Snyder, M.D.—Far Eastern
Presidential Endowed Chair at the University of Utah
Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
CHAIR HOLDER : Clifford C. Snyder, M.D.
Harold J. “Steve” and Ardella T., and Helen T. Stevenson
Presidential Endowed Chair in Rheumatology
in Honor of Daniel O. Clegg, M.D.
CHAIR HOLDER : Daniel O. Clegg, M.D.
endowed chairs Ralph and Mary Tuck Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology
CHAIR HOLDER : Wolfgang Baehr, Ph.D.
George E. Cartwright, M.D. Endowed Chair
in the Department of Internal Medicine
L. George Veasy, M.D. Presidential
Endowed Chair in Pediatric Cardiology
CHAIR HOLDER : Robert E. Shaddy, M.D.
Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay Presidential
Endowed Chair in Medical Informatics, #1
C. Scott and Dorothy E. Watkins Endowed Chair
in Pathology in Honor of Ernst J. Eichwald, M.D.
CHAIR HOLDER : Sherrie L. Perkins, M.D., Ph.D.
Reverend George J. Weber
Presidential Endowed Chair in Immunology
Established by Edith F. Weber in Honor of Her Husband
CHAIR HOLDER : Raymond A. Daynes, Ph.D.
R. C. Willey Endowed Chair in Neuroradiology
CHAIR HOLDER : H. Ric Harnsberger, M.D.
George and Lorna Winder Presidential
Endowed Chair in Neurosciences
CHAIR HOLDER : Thomas N. Parks, Ph.D.
John Rex and Alice C. Winder Presidential Endowed Chair
in Internal Medicine in Honor of Thomas H. Caine, M.D.
CHAIR HOLDER : Thomas H. Caine, M.D.
Maxwell M. Wintrobe, M.D. Presidential
Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine
CHAIR HOLDER : James P. Kushner, M.D.
K. C. Wong, M.D., Ph.D. Presidential Endowed Chair
in the Division of Anesthesiology, University of Utah
CHAIR HOLDER : Talmage D. Egan, M.D.
Joseph J. Yager Presidential
Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine
CHAIR HOLDER : William T. Couldwell, M.D.
Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay Presidential
Endowed Chair in Medical Informatics, #2
Claudius Y. Gates, M.D. and Catherine B. Gates
Dean’s Presidential Endowed Chair
for the Advancement of Medical Education
Claudius Y. Gates, M.D. and Catherine B. Gates
Presidential Endowed Chair in Surgery
Val A. and Edith D. Green Presidential
Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology
John and June B. Hartman Presidential
Endowed Chair in Cardiology
Dr. Nymphus Frederick Hicken, Alta Thomas Hicken,
and Margarete Stahl Wilkin Hicken Endowed Chair
in Family and Preventive Medicine
Bruce and Patty Miller Endowed Chair
in Radiology in Honor of David G. Bragg, M.D.
Michael T. and Taylor Miller Presidential
Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences Center
Anne Osborn and Ronald E. Poelman
Presidential Endowed Chair in Radiology
Dr. Don Merrill Rees Endowed Chair
in the Division of Infectious Diseases
for the Investigation of Vector Borne Diseases
Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice Presidential
Endowed Chair in Healthy Aging
Dr. Leo T. Samuels and Barbara K. Samuels
Presidential Endowed Chair in Biochemistry
Rodney H. and Carolyn H. Brady Presidential Endowed Chair
in Hematology/Oncology in Honor of John H. Ward, M.D.
Bertram H. and Janet Marshall Schaap
Presidential Endowed Chair in Cancer Research
Dr. David G. and Marcia P. Bragg
Endowed Chair in Oncologic Imaging
Bertram H. and Janet Marshall Schaap
Presidential Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine
in Honor of John H. Holbrook, M.D.
Richard L. Stimson Presidential
Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences, #1
Richard L. Stimson Presidential
Endowed Chair in the Health Sciences, #2
Richard L. Stimson Presidential
Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine
William H. and Edna D. Stimson Presidential
Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine
Established by Richard L. Stimson in Honor of His Parents
Endowed Chair in Breast Cancer Research
Endowed Chair in Internal Medicine for Diabetes Research
Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology, #1
Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology, #2
Edward B. Clark, M.D.
Chair holder of the Wilma T. Gibson
Presidential Endowed Chair in Pediatrics
Endowed Chair in Neurology
Endowed Chair in Pharmacy
Endowed Chair in the School of Medicine
Presidential Endowed Chair in Cardiology
Presidential Endowed Chair in Ophthalmology
Presidential Endowed Chair in Pediatrics
“Having this building next to the library named after
my father, Spencer S. Eccles, and connected by a bridge
dedicated to our children, brings life full circle for
Cleone and me.”
Spencer F. Eccles, BENEFACTOR
“The return on investment will be a health-care
workforce that will meet the needs of Utah and the
region today, and into the future.”
Michael K. Young
“We believe in the vision of what this University
is all about.”
Senator John Valentine
“We are investing in the future.”
Representative Greg Curtis
a greater gift of health
If you would like to financially support the
students, researchers, professors and caregivers
at the University of Utah Health Sciences Center
please contact us, and we will give you whatever
information and assistance you require.
“The student body and I are grateful to our
professors and administrators for listening to our
voices long before the construction ever began.”
Muhammad Khan, M.D.
donor report benefactors
A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts
totaling $1 million or more to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.
Clarence H.* Albaugh, M.D. and
Estelle* Albaugh
Dr. George E. and
Helene Cartwright Family
Joseph H.* Kelley and
Esther J.* Kelley
Margaret Allen Amundsen*
The Thomas D. Dee II Family
Edwin L.* and Grace G. Madsen
Elliott V. Anderson*
Edmund W. and Carol B. Dumke
T. G. “Bud” and Barbara Mahas
G. W. and Lee Anderson
Katherine W. Dumke and
E. R. Dumke, Jr.
Ralph E.* and Willia T.* Main
M. Russell and Barbara Ballard
Jack* and Ann* Mark
Joe and Alexandra Dwek
D. Keith* Barnes, M.D. and
Ida May “Dotty”* Barnes, R.N.
Gaye Marrash
George S.* and
Dolores Doré* Eccles
Michael T.* and Taylor Miller
Dr. Grant H.* and
Mildred Burrows* Beckstrand
Spencer F. and Cleone P. Eccles
John A. Moran
A. E.* and Rosemary* Benning
Valois Egbert*
Richard K. and Maria A. Obyn
H. A.* and Edna* Benning
Richard A. Fay and Carol M. Fay
James Packer
B. Lue* and Hope S.* Bettilyon
Dr. Claudius Y.* and
Catherine B.* Gates
The Kerry Packer Family
Dr. Louis S.* and Janet B.* Peery
Clarence* and Ruth N.* Birrer
Val A.* and Edith D. Green
In Memory of Terri Anna Perine
Mary H. Boesche*
Rodney H. and
Carolyn Hansen Brady
Drs. George D.* and
Esther S.* Gross
Ronald E. Poelman and
Anne G. Osborn, M.D.
John* and June B. Hartman
Sylvia Prahl-Brodbeck
J. Gordon* and Betty* Browning
Calvin S. and JeNeal N. Hatch
Kenneth P.* Burbidge, Jr. and
Sally R. Burbidge
Dr. Thomas D. and Natalie B. Rees
Dr. C. Charles* Hetzel, Jr. and
Alice B.* Hetzel
Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice
Dr. William I. and
Setsuko* Higuchi
Bertram H. and
Janet Marshall Schaap
Dr. Aaron A. and
Suzanne Hofmann
L. S. and Aline W. Skaggs
Robert S. and Beth M.* Carter
Mr. and Mrs. F. Burton Cassity
William H. and Patricia W. Child
Frank and Connie Hull
Ida W. Smith and
Dee Glen* Smith
Jon and Karen Huntsman
Ryan, Scott and Nicholas Smith
Donal B. Hutchison
Theodore and
Mary Ann Stanley and Sons
Carmen M. Christensen
Helen Lowe Bamberger Colby*
Ian M. and Annette P. Cumming
Dr. Candace Cartwright Dee and
Thomas D. Dee III
Dr. Webster S. S. and Alice L.* Jee
Thomas E.* and
Rebecca D.* Jeremy
Harold J.* and
Eleanor Eccles Steele
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
Harold J.*, Ardella T.*, and
Helen T.* Stevenson
Associated University
Pathologists, Inc.
Grace E. Stilwell*
Val A. Browning Foundation
Richard L. Stimson
Burroughs Wellcome Fund
Jack D. and Grace F. Madson
Arthur and Haru Toimoto
The Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter-day Saints
Ben B. and Iris M. Margolis
Ciba-Geigy Corporation
Lucille P. Markey Charitable Trust
Dialysis Research Foundation
Marriner S. Eccles Foundation
Dr. Ezekiel R. and
Edna Wattis Dumke Foundation
G. Harold and Leila Y. Mathers
George S. and Dolores Doré Eccles
Estate of Thomas C. Mathews, Jr.
Emma Eccles Jones Foundation
W. M. Keck Foundation
Mary M. Tuck*
Keith A. and Amy Van Horn
C. Scott and Dorothy E.* Watkins
Reverend George J.* and
Edith F.* Weber
Dr. Orson W.* and
Dora D.* White
Muscular Dystrophy Association
Willard L. Eccles Charitable
Ortho Pharmaceutical Corporation
Educational Resource
Development Council (ERDC)
Primary Children’s Foundation
Pediatric Research Fund
Dr.* and Mrs.* Maxwell M.
Eli Lilly and Company Foundation
Research to
Prevent Blindness, Inc.
Joseph J. Yager*
FHP Foundation
Fidelity Investments
Charitable Fund
George* and Lorna* Winder
John Rex* and Alice C.* Winder
Ross Products Division
Abbott Laboratories
Stanley Research Foundation
Abbott Laboratories Fund
Glaxo Wellcome, Inc.
ALSAM Foundation
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
American Cancer Society
Jon and Karen Huntsman
Worth of a Soul Foundation
Associated Regional and
University Pathologists
(ARUP Laboratories)
Huntsman Cancer Foundation
Thrasher Research Fund
Nora Eccles Treadwell Foundation
Huntsman Corporation Employees
Intermountain Health Care (IHC)
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report patrons
A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts
totaling $500,000 – $999,999 to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.
Echomae Anderson*
John W. Athens, M.D. and
Georgia R. Athens
Fred F.* and Frieda Lee Auerbach
Dr. D. Rees* and
Eleanor T.* Jensen
Skip and Kimberly Klintworth
A. H. Robins Company, Inc.
Dr. Leland O.* and
Avanelle W.* Learned
American Registry of Pathology
John and Toni Bloomberg
Bruce and Patty Miller
H. Roger and Sara S. Boyer
G. Mitchell and June M. Morris
Reed W. Brinton
Elbert F.* and Marie* Christensen
Sherman R.* and
Marjorie E.* Oblad
Dr. and Mrs. Russell B. Clark
Dr. Randall J and Ruth Olson
Joseph T. Crockett, M.D.*
Dennis L. Parker, Ph.D. and
Anne J. Parker
Margaret Cronkite*
Esther Pritchard*
Leslie W. Davis*
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mary Louise and
Ben E.* Rawlings
Rudolph P.* and Edna S.* Reese
Gordon E. Drummond*
Jack R.* and Hazel M. Robertson
The Spencer S. Eccles Family
Dr. Warren G. and Gretha W. Eyre
Dr. Leo T.* and
Barbara K. Samuels
Lockwood W.* and
Dorothy B.* Ferris
Helene Druke Shaw*
Lillian Rich Simister*
Alan and Beverly Frank
Bristol-Myers Squibb Company
R. Harold Burton Foundation
Ciba Specialty Chemicals
Deseret Management Corporation
Max C. Fleischmann Foundation
Hoffmann-La Roche, Inc.
John C. and Bliss L. Hubbard
Kennecott Corporation
Merck & Co., Inc.
Pfizer, Inc.
Pharmacia & Upjohn
Pharmacia, Inc.
Pharmacia Ophthalmics
Picker International, Inc.
David R. and Susan B. Spafford
Salt Lake Organizing
Committee 2002
Wilma T. Gibson*
Dr. Ewart A.* and
Grace P.* Swinyard
Schering Plough Research Institute
Jack* and Marjorie R.* Goodman
and Family
The Thurzal Q.* Terry Family
Gayle R. Gordon*
Ruth S. Walker* and
Elizabeth Steed Walker*
Terrance Henderson
Stephen A. and Elaine Wynn
Dr. C. Charles* Hetzel, Jr. and
Dorothy B.* Hetzel
Olive S. Young*
Simon* and Suzanne* Frank
Dr. N. Frederick* and
Margarete Hicken
Skaggs Companies, Inc.
Symbion, Inc.
TheraTech, Inc.
United States Olympic Committee
University Hospital Auxiliary
Utah Lions’ Eye Bank
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
A distinction applied to donors who have contributed or bequeathed gifts
totaling $100,000–$499,999 to the University of Utah Health Sciences Center.
Roscoe B. Anderson, M.D. and
Joan C. Critchlow, M.D.
Edward W.* and Betty J.* Clyde
P. Dan and Kim W. Huish
Earl L. Cochran*
Gloria N. and Richard A. Irion, M.D.
Merle Ashton*
Floyd and Mary Anne Cooper
Ellis and Katie Ivory
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barker
Dr. and Mrs. Alan Crandall
Hilga L. Johnson*
Lydia B. Barkley
Rex and Phyllis Crosland
J. George* and Velma Rife* Jones
M. Bastian Family
Irwin Curtis
Kirtly Parker Jones, M.D.
Dr. R. David and Mary Beth Beck
Cheryl B. Dalley
The Robert A. Judelson Family
Calvin A.* and
Hope Fox Eccles* Behle
Charlene J. Davis*
Margaret E. Dixon, Ph.D.
In Loving Memory of
Amy Sue Kanner
Dr. and Mrs. Eric R. Biedermann
David A. Dolowitz, M.D.* and
Frances Dolowitz* and Family
Robert D.* Kent, Jr. and
Carma Rae Kent
Lawrence W. and
Barbara A. Birrer
Dr. Raymond C. and Bobbie Doucette
Yong Il Kim
Dr. Harold K. and Kathryn Dunn
Ranch Snow* and
Josephine S. Kimball
George and Phee Belsey
Lamont G. and Reva A. Blackhurst
Mark M. Boucek, M.D.
John H.* and Orah* Brandt
Melvin T.*, Jean R.* and
Fern B. Briggs
Lorna Siddoway Broadbent
Calvin Reed Brown
Fraser and Jennifer Bullock
Barbara R. Burnett
Willard L.* and Ruth P.* Eccles
Henry W.* and Leslie M.* Eskuche
The William C. Fagergren Family
Mary Marshall Fitch*
David L.* and Blanche E.* Freed
Eldon L.* and Winona A.* Frost
David P. and Sheila S. Gardner
Thomas and Anna Gerrity
James Craig and Pamela D. Gilbert
Edward C. Klatt, M.D.
Diane G. Kolff
Janke C. H. Kolff
Willem J. Kolff, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Kuramoto
Larry S. and
Marilyn A. Larkin Family
Janet Quinney Lawson
Dr. and Mrs. E. Marlowe Goble
George Allen* and
Merline C. Leaming
Dona Call*
John B. and Geraldine W. Goddard
Leonard J. and Lois Lewis
Dr. Justin D. and
Barbara Weaver Call Family
Reece and
Shirley Ann Stobbe Goodrich
M. Scott Linscott, M.D. and
Nora L. Linscott
Louis H. and Ellen G. Callister
Perry and Marty Granoff
Warren* and Jessica* Cannon
James F.* and Joyce E. Harris
Allan M. Lipman, Jr. and
Kay W. Lipman
George W.* and Beatrice B.* Carter
Lawrence Harvey*
Robert R.* and Vera S.* Cederlof
Nancy Eccles* and
Homer M. Hayward
R. Harold* and
Maybelle Covey* Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Song Hwan Choi
Frank L. Christensen*
Rodney H. and Sally E. Christensen
Joseph C. Clark, Jr.*
Steven J. and Kalleen Lund
and Family
Dan Lundergan and Liz Winter
Darlene H. Hobson
Alexander “Tuffy”* and Anne* Mark
Mr.* and Mrs.* James E. Hogle, Sr.
Dr. John H. and Helen M.* Marsden
Alvilda N. Taylor Hooper*
In Memory of
Thomas Kearns McCarthey
Jeff and Stacy Hornacek
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
Richard L. and Joanne S. McGillis
Mildred C. Schwedler*
ADR Ultrasound
Florence McNeil*
Dr. James R. and Mary Jo Scott
Nick* and Dale Anne Meagher
Dorothy L. Shields*
Alcon Laboratories, Inc.
Dr. Drew B.* and
Utahna B.* Meilstrup
Winston B. Shipp*
Alcon Research, Ltd.
David E. and Melinda Simmons
Allergan Medical Optics
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mellott
Glen M.* and Josephine C.* Sims
Allergan, Inc.
Herbert I.* and Elsa B.* Michael
Jay A.* and Ruth Smart
Amalgamated Sugar Company
Mr. and Mrs. Larry H. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Sorenson
Amaric Corporation
Bruce R. and Evelyn S. Mills
In Memory of
Wayman R. Spence, M.D.
American Cyanamid Company
In Memory of
Benjamin Edward Moran
Richard R. Steiner
American Express
Philanthropic Program
Vernal J. and Anora Mortensen
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Symond
Don and Joy Nelson
Karen Lee and Mickey Taylor
American Health Assistance
Paul E. Nielson*
Alice G. Telford
American Iron & Steel Institute
Shirley Norton*
Marilyn S. Tennity*
American Medical Association
Elinor Oakes*
Dr. Stephen R. and Valerie W. Terry
Dr. William D. and Margaret F. Odell
Dr. Michael P. Teske
American Society of Cataract
and Refractive Surgery
Gordon M. and Marcia Olch
E. Parry and Peggy C. Thomas
H. Glenn* and Geraldine W. Olson
Lorrane Tyndale*
William H.* and Margaret D.* Olwell
LeGrand Uffens, D.D.S.*
Pauline Clyde Pace
Dr. Stephen C. and Christine Voss
Dr. Virgil J. and Jacquelyn A. Parker
Dr. and Mrs. James Lamar Parkin
Dr. John L. and
Susan Wintrobe Walker
Dr. Dinesh C. and Kalpana Patel
John M.* and Glenn Walker* Wallace
Gus and Barbara Paulos
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Warner
Aventis Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Wayne J. Peay
Maurice* and Inez* Warshaw
Wanda Peccole
Inga Frenkel Weil, M.D.
Jacob E. Bamberger
Memorial Foundation
Sara H. Perry*
Trent H., Jr. and Mary Wells
Audrey Noall Peterson
M. Harve Williams*
Jane Dooly Porter
Betty F. Probst
Harold H. Wolf, Ph.D. and
Joan S. Wolf, Ph.D.
Arlene O. and Alan T. Rappleye, M.D.
Elliott Mitchell* and Judith W. Wolfe
Dr. J. Charles and Jasmine F. Rich
Howard* and Elinor Wolff
Bunny* and Martha* Rieser Family
Dr. Harry C. and Jean A. Wong
Josephine F. and J. Mark Rose
In Memory of Don W. Wortley
Joseph* and Evelyn* Rosenblatt
Donald and Barbara Moore
Herbert D. Ruttenberg, M.D.
Carlyle F. Stout, M.D.*
American Stores Company
Applied Informatics
Aris Vision, Inc.
Ashton Family Foundation
Astra USA, Inc.
Ruth Eleanor and John Ernest
Bamberger Memorial Foundation
Bankers Trust Company
Bausch & Lomb
BD Matching Gift Program
Beckstrand Cancer Foundation
Becton Dickinson Foundation
Beneficial Life Insurance Company
Berlex Laboratories, Inc.
The Buffett Foundation
Max T. Sabour
Lois Edna Salamata*
B. F. and Lynda Sammons
Andrew J. and Carolyn Rice Schilly
Adeza Biomedical Corporation
American Express Foundation
Burton Family Foundation
Edward L. Burton Foundation
Capintec, Inc.
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Castle Foundation
Mark Family Foundation
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Christiana Foundation, Inc.
Signetics Corporation
Cisco Systems
The J. Willard and
Alice S. Marriott Foundation
Citadel Communications Corporation
Mayo Clinic
Harris H. and
Amanda P. Simmons Foundation
The Commonwealth Fund
McNeil Consumer Products Company
SmithKline Beckman Corporation
CPEC, Inc.
Mead Johnson & Company
SmithKline Beecham Foundation
CTRC Research Foundation
Medforte Research Foundation
SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals
Cura Capital Corporation
Medtronic, Inc.
Sorenson Development, Inc.
Annie Taylor Dee Foundation
Medtronic Sofamor Danek USA, Inc.
St. Mark’s Hospital
Lawrence T. and
Janet T. Dee Foundation
Menley & James Laboratories, Ltd.
Sterling-Winthrop Research Institute
Merck Sharp & Dohme
Delta Air Lines
Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Stewart Education Foundation,
Elizabeth Dee Shaw Stewart
Deseret News Publishing Company
Mark and Kathie Miller Foundation
Stichting Benevolentia Foundation
Deseret Power
Mountain Bell Foundation
StorageTek Foundation
Deutsche Bank
Murex Foundation
Storz Instrument Company
Enka Glanzstoff AG
National Basketball Association
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
Envirocare of Utah, Inc.
National Multiple Sclerosis Society—
Utah Chapter
Surdna Foundation
F. Fox and L. Samuels
Foundation, Inc.
The Craig H. Neilsen Foundation
Clark L. Tanner Trust
Norwich Eaton Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Terumo Corporation
Far Eastern Foundation
Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation
Tiger Oil Company
Fidelity Foundation
O. C. Tanner Company
Triton Biosciences, Inc.
First Security Bank of Utah
Organon, Inc.
TRW, Inc.
The Fluor Foundation
Orthopedic Surgery Seminars, Inc.
U S West
The Foundation Fighting Blindness
Union Pacific Corporation
Franklin Covey
PacifiCorp Foundation for Learning
Friends of Huntsman Cancer Institute
Union Pacific Employee
Matching Gift Program
The Helene Fuld Health Trust
The David and Lucile Packard
Gears Transmission
& Drivetrain Repair
Parent Project for Muscular
Dystrophy Research
United Way of the
Great Salt Lake Area
Genentech, Inc.
Pepsi-Cola Company
University of California-San Francisco
Geoli Investment Company
Pfizer Foundation
The J. Paul Getty Trust
Samuel C. and Myra G. Powell
University of Utah
Department of Radiology
Expression Genetics, Inc.
Glenwood, Inc.
The Good Works Institute, Inc.
Greg Krueger Lincoln Mercury
John A. Hartford Foundation
Cora T. Hayward Educational Trust
HCM Graphic Systems, Inc.
Huish Detergents
ICI Americas, Inc.
IOLAB Corporation
IVAC Corporation
Janssen Research Foundation
Swire Coca-Cola, USA
Union Pacific Foundation
University of Utah Hospital
Quest Diagnostics Nichols Institute
University of Utah
Neuropsychiatric Institute
S. J. & Jessie E. Quinney Foundation
The Utah Autism Foundation
Utah Lions’ Foundation
Radionics, Inc.
Utah Pain Research Foundation
Radionuclides in Nephrology
Utah Power & Light Company
Reaud Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Utah Showdown
Research Industries Corporation
Volunteer Services/University
The Procter & Gamble Company
Research Medical Incorporated
Richards Memorial Medical
Warner-Lambert Company
Maurice Warshaw Foundation
Robert Whyte-Audant Pty. Limited
Wasatch Property Management
Ross Laboratories
Wells Fargo
RSNA Research and
Education Foundation
Western Institute of Neuropsychiatry
Kresge Foundation
The Kroc Foundation
Salt Lake Buzz
Workers Compensation Fund
Janet Quinney Lawson Foundation
Samyang Corporation
Wyeth Ayerst Laboratories
LDS Hospital
Sandoz, Inc.
Zions First National Bank
Lipocine Inc.
Schwarz Pharma AG
Zions Management Services Company
MacroMed, Inc.
Searle Research & Development
Marconi Medical Systems
Shionogi & Company, Ltd.
Johnson & Johnson, Inc.
Won-Door Corporation
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report FOUNDERS
A distinction applied to donors
who have contributed or bequeathed
gifts totaling $50,000–$99,999 to
the University of Utah Health
Sciences Center.
Sam and Kathleen Alacano
The Peggy Lynn Aldrich
Dr. Richard Lee and
Susan Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. W. Melbourne
Nicholas D. and Avis Badami
Haven J. and
Bonnie Rae* Barlow
Cindy and
Mitchell F. Barney, M.D.
The A. Kyle* and
Lael S. Bettilyon Family
Emerson C. Willey*
“These funds are going
to such a worthwhile cause—
helping nursing students
complete their education.
It has been a wonderful and
healing experience for the
whole family.”
Peggy Lynn Aldrich Endowed Scholarship in Nursing
LaVonda B.* and
Glenn C.* Wilson, M.D.
Dr. Burke L. and
Helen H. Winget
Advanced Medical Optics
Alcoa Foundation
Alcon Surgical, Inc.
American Drug Stores, Inc.
American Epilepsy Society
American Kidney Fund
American Medical Optics
Apple Computer, Inc.
Applied Technology, Inc.
Mary Jo Burgess, M.D.
Dr. Nelson A. and
Amy Burton
Kenneth L. Williams Family
Dr. Marcus Jacobson* and
Ruth A. Kurzbauer
Richard D. Movitz
Marjorie J. Campbell
Dr. George Eastman* and
Helene Cartwright
Ann A. and Leonard W.*
Alma Nemir*
Dr. Kenneth B.* and Heloise
Snow Armstrong*
John W.* and Helen B.*
Dr. Alex G.* and Bess Oblad
Elizabeth Neiberger
Peggy A. Norton, M.D.
Arthritis Foundation,
Utah/Idaho Chapter
Bamberger-Allen Foundation
Barnes Hind, Inc.
Bingham Canyon Lions Club
Emerald Odom*
F. W. “Wint” Champ*
Jody and
Arlen K. Jarrett, M.D.
Howard and Betty Clark
Kenneth and Noriene Jee
Larue Olsen
Mrs. Walter E. Cosgriff*
Edith M. Jennings*
Stanley C. Olsen
Dr. and Mrs. Allen W. Cowley
Joseph S.* and
Marjorie A. Jones
Raymond R. Peterson and
Judith C. Peterson
Donald Kalman
Dr. Stephen and
Susan Prescott
BP Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs.* Richard H.
Sherrie L. Prince
Bridgemar Research
Dr. Carl R. and
Gillean M. Kjeldsberg
David Rose*
Dwight P. Cruikshank, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Homer C. Curtis
John E. Edwards*
Mr. and Mrs. William K.
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Etheridge, Jr.
Gail Fawcett
Jessie* and Patrick* Fitzgerald
Fay Fletcher
Kendall D.* and
Betty M. Garff
Clark P. and Nancy L. Giles
Dr. and Mrs. Merrill A.
Bernard I. Grosser, M.D. and
Karen J. McArthur
Richard E. Kanner, M.D.
Neil and Edie Kochenour
Helga Kolb and
Richard Normann
Gerald G. Krueger and
Melissa M. Weidner
Kihong Kwon, M.D.
The Jerome J. Landa Family
Dan O’Laurie*
Marjorie Riches-Gunn
Amos A. Sargent*
Marigold N. Saunders*
Harris H. and
Amanda P. Simmons
Harry S. Sloane*
Victoria Rees* and
Kelly W. Smith, M.D.
P. Marion Lennberg
R. Sterling and
Marilyn F. Spafford
Max B., Virginia E.* and
Karen V. Lewis
Don and Sandy Stanutz
Boart Longyear
Boston Scientific Corporation
BP Amoco Foundation
BP Employee Matching Fund
Albert E. Bradbury Trust
W. Hughes Brockbank
C. R. England, Inc.
Cadwell Laboratories, Inc.
Edward G. Callister
Robert S. Carter Foundation
Century 21
of The Rocky Mountains
Chugai Pharmaceutical
Company, Ltd.
Clear Channel
Dr. and Mrs. Xiao Jian Li
Dr. William* and
Ruth K.* Stone
H. William Lichtenberger
R. Anthony Sweet
Colorado State University
Mary E. Hercik*
Mr.* and Mrs. Edmund Wattis
Robert H. Hinckley, Jr.* and
Janice S. Hinckley
Ann Jarcho Thomas and
J. Robert* Thomas
Marcia J. Litzinger, M.D.
Dr. Robert L. and
Terrie Hillier Treft
Conwed Foundation
Ernest W. Hahn*
Margaret Harrop*
Ryan, Tyler and Abby
Bruce* and
Maria K. Houtchens
Nancy C. and
Dennis C. Hughes, M.D.
Blaine and Nancy Huntsman
Dr. Richard E. Hurley*
Gleason W. Irwin*
Dr. and Mrs. George G.
Dr. Robert E.* and
Evelyn M.* Long
Arch L.* and
Margaret D. H.* Madsen
Rick Majerus
Dr. Frank H.* and
Alida W. Tyler
Pamela C. and
Ronald L.* Urry, Ph.D.
Control Data Corporation
The Cottonwood Hospital
Medical Center
Criticare Systems, Inc.
Bob and Debi Marshall
and Family
Keith and Susan Warshaw
DAV Thrift Stores Trustees
Maysie Eccles Watts
Deloitte & Touche
W. P.* and Barbara J. Marshall
Margaret May*
Dr. Lawrence and
Delores M. Weaver
Denver Rio Grande
Western Railroad
Robert B. Mee*
Dr. Ray and Joan White
Deseret Medical, Inc.
Mark and Kathie Miller
and Family
Dr. Neal Whitman
Deseret Pharmaceutical, Inc.
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Deutsche Bank Americas
Layton Construction
Company, Inc.
State University of New York
Dr. and Mrs. Wallace S.
Devine Racing, LLC
Leucadia National Corporation
Swire Bottlers, Inc.
Calvin Buhler, M.D.
Devonshire Foundation
Lucerne Products, Inc.
Syntex Laboratories, Inc.
Diatek Medical Technology
The Lymphoma Foundation
Drs. Vern L. and
Bonnie* Bullough
Marion Laboratories, Inc.
Markle Foundation
Sysco Intermountain
Food Services
Leola C. Burr
M. J. DiBiase/Simmons
Marnell Corrao
Associates, Inc.
TAP Pharmaceutical
Products, Inc.
Richard Cawthon, M.D.
Marnell Foundation
Telios Pharmaceuticals
Lyman L. Cromer*
MC Technology, Inc.
Travenol Laboratories, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald D. Curtis
Merz & Co. GMBH
& Company
Harriet D. Travis Foundation
Drs. Antonio G. and
Maria Cutillo
Digital Equipment
Dow Chemical Company
Dow Corning Corporation
EC Charitable Unitrust
Mountain Fuel
Supply Company
U.S. Elite Coaches
United Way of Northern Utah
The National
Foundation, Inc.
First Security Bank of Idaho
Netherlands Heart Association
The Fluor Foundation
New York Community Trust
Fraternal Order of Eagles,
Grand Aerie, F.O. E. #2472
Fraternal Order of Eagles,
Ladies Auxiliary
Fred Meyer
Ethicon, Inc.
Conrad S. Carlson*
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Clark
Mary Middleton Dahl, M.D.*
and Douglas S. Dahl, M.D.
University of Chicago
David Dayton and
Vanessa Dayton, M.D.
Utah Idaho Sugar Company
James H. Devries
Utah Open
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Dunn
NeXstar Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Van Cott, Bagley,
Cornwell & McCarthy
C. Hope Eccles and
Randal K. Quarles
Nike Golf
Vanguard Media
Loren and Willena G.* Ellison
NPS Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
William Volker Fund
Nycomed Amersham
Watson Laboratories, Inc.
In Memory of Jacquelyn
Marie Erbin, M.D.
Ralph Nye Charitable
Welfide Corporation
Edith P. Fairclough
Winthrop Pharmaceuticals
Kevin Finnegan, M.D., Ph.D.
General Electric
Medical Systems
Orthopedic Specialty Clinic
Wyeth Pharmaceuticals
Joan B. and John H. Firmage
Osco Drug, Inc.
Geneva Steel
Parke Davis & Company
Jefferson B.* and
Rita E. Fordham
Glenbrook Laboratories
Zimmer Jackson Associates
Grand Central Stores
Dinesh and Kalpana Patel
Gus Paulos
Chevrolet-Geo, Inc.
G & L Pfeiffer Research
William H. and Mattie Wattis
Harris Foundation
James Picker Foundation
Fujisawa Healthcare, Inc.
Design Group
Professional Firefighters
of Utah
Questar Corporation
Hereditary Nephritis
Rayner Intraocular
Lenses, Ltd.
The William and
Flora Hewlett Foundation
RCL Foundation
Hisamitsu Pharmaceutical
Company, Inc.
Hoggan Health Industries, Inc.
Reader’s Digest Foundation
Regence Blue Cross/
Blue Shield of Utah
Holy Cross Ministries
Junior E. and Blanche B. Rich
HOWA Construction, Inc.
Roche Laboratories
The Howard Foundation
The Ryan Foundation
Huntsman Cancer Institute
Salt Lake City Marriott
Insutech, Inc.
Salt Lake Clearing House
A distinction applied to members of
the President’s Club who have contributed or bequeathed gifts totaling
$25,000–$49,999 to the University
of Utah Health Sciences Center.
Linda K. Amos, Ed.D.,
John Nels Anderson, M.D.
John R. and
Karen J. Anderson
Thomas Frank
John W. “Jack” and
Grace Mary* Gallivan
Connie L. Gardner
Dr. Reed M. and
Jacqueline C. Gardner
Senator and Mrs. Jake Garn
Frederic A. Gibbs, Sr.
In Memory of
Lowell A. Glasgow, M.D.
Evelyn R. Gootee*
Paul and Ann Green
John H. Haines, M.D.
Norman S.* Anderson, M.D.
and Virginia W.* Anderson
Wesley G. Harline, M.D.
and Family
Marvin L. and Lynn* Arent
J. Floyd and Carol L. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene W.
Clyde M. and Gail T. Heiner
Alan C. Bartlett, Ph.D. and
Vanice B. Bartlett
James N. Herron, Ph.D.
and Lynne A. Herron
Janette C. Hales Beckham
Frank G. Hickey
Karen Hillier, RRT
Guy W.* and Marie* Heric
Interform Graphics
Salt Lake Regional
Medical Center
Intermedics Intraocular, Inc.
Sandoz Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph C.
Iomed, Inc.
Selway Foundation
David L. Berliner, M.D.
Jewish Community Federation
Jerald C. Hinshaw, Ph.D.
The Semnani Foundation
Kenneth E. and Becky H.
Johnson Foundation
Kenneth W. Horch, Ph.D.
Sierra West Jewelers
P. Jack and
Denise E. Bernhisel
Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Dr. A. Lorris and Ann Betz
Simmons Family Foundation
Jack Binion
Harry S. Sloane Foundation
F. Marian Bishop, Ph.D.,
MSPH* and
Robert E. Froelich, M.D.
Kabi Pharmacia
Karl Storz Endoscopy-America
Kearns-Tribune Corporation
Kidney Foundation
of the Netherlands
Kimberly-Clark Corporation
Kolmar Laboratories, Inc.
Ladies Auxiliary VFW
Smith’s Management
Square D Foundation
Donald R. Bowes
Staar Surgical Company
Albert E. and
Margaret Bradbury
Stampin’Up!, Inc.
Eleanor T. Brady*
The Standard Oil Company
Edith Brinn
John L. Hinds
Phil and Gloria Horsley
Richard K. Hughes, M.D.
Chris M. and
Mary Kay Harper Ireland
Dr.* and Mrs. Newton R.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W. Jones
Dr. William S.* and
Jane H. Jordan
Barbara F. Kampen
Helena A. Brinton*
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Tom Kartsotis
J. Richard Rees, M.D.
Ilan and Linda Kaufthal
Helen Winters Reynolds*
American Pharmaceutical
William and Fern England
Dr. and Mrs. Hua Zhu Ke
Winifred Rollo*
Amirsys, Inc.
Evelyn R. Kibbe*
Duane E. Ruffner
Autoliv ASP, Inc.
Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America
Kristine Knutson, Ph.D.
Auxiliary Nursing Care Trust
ExxonMobil Foundation
Therus C. Kolff, M.D., M.P.H.
Dan C. and
Manon Caine Russell
Baxter Healthcare Corporation
Dona Krueger
Frank A. Schreck
Dr. Stephen A.* and
Josette M.* Kuby
Mary E. Schwartz
Becton Dickinson and
Leone F. Fackrell
Memorial Loan Fund
Peter Quinney Lawson
Shabnam R. and
Udipi R. Shettigar, Ph.D.
Barbara and Frank Layden
Rebecca B. Setterberg
Becton Dickinson
Vascular Access, Inc.
Beecham Laboratories
Faculty of the Department
of Radiation Oncology
Fidelity Investments
Finkelstein, Thompson
& Loughran
Dr. and Mrs.* Clifford C.
Bergen Brunswig Corporation
M. Paul Southwick, M.D.
and Beverly Brockbank*
Bertin Family Foundation
Jack Lunt*
Mary Ellen B. and Edward G.
Southwick, M.D.
Biogen Research Corporation
Gillett Properties, Ltd.
Patrick Lyons
Mary S. and Sam W. Souvall
W. L. Gore and Associates,
Don A. and
Marjorie W. Mackey
Biomed Research Institute
of New Mexico
Gwen G. Stansberry, M.D.
BLT2 Trust
Haemonetics Corporation
Vincent P. and Janet Mancini
Maxine Hudson Stowell,
H. Claire Haines Trust
Helen C. Marsh*
Boehringer Ingelheim
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Mano Swartz
Dr. and Mrs. Willard Z.
Hamilton Bonaduz AG
David P. Synhorst, M.D.
Rodney H. and Carolyn
Hansen Brady Foundation
John G. and
Anna Marie McMillian
Floyd Tyler Tanner
Brencanda Foundation
H. E.* and Joyce A. Tornquist
Brigham Medical Clinic, Inc.
James C. McRea, Ph.D.
Clyde and Vera Turner
Brighton Bank
Hansen Mechanical
Contractors, Inc.
Dr. A. Wayne Meikle and
Sharon Woodruff Meikle
Edward M. Vietti*
Brookside Animal Hospital
Harmon City, Inc.
I. J.* and Jeanne* Wagner
Century Steel, Inc.
Charles E. Merrill*
M. Walker and
Susan R. Wallace
Jane Coffin Childs
Memorial Fund
Health Outcomes
Management, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs.* James C.
Chiron Corporation
Dorothy A. White, M.D.
David S. and Julie Layton
Arthur G. Lipman, Pharm.D.
and Representative
Patrice M. Arent
John L. Loeb, Jr.
Grant W.* and
Marsha B.* Midgley
Harold W. and
Lois Freimuth Milner
The Bertex Foundation, Inc.
Binion’s Horseshoe
Hotel & Casino
Cirque Du Soleil, U.S., Inc.
First Security Foundation
Freed Investment Company
G. D. Searle and Company
General Electric Foundation
Hal Riney & Partners, Inc.
Hanford Environmental
Health Foundation
William Randolph Hearst
Heckman Foundation
Richard K. and Shirley S.
Hemingway Foundation
Art U.* and
Blanche T.* Miner
Donald M. Willey and
Joleen S. Willey
Clay Adams Division of
Becton-Dickinson &
David E. Moody, Ph.D.
Carl T. Wittwer, M.D., Ph.D.
Clipped Wings, U A
Hercules Matching Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B.
In Memory of Blaine O. Wood
CoCensys, Inc.
Hershey Family Foundation
Mari Lou Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A.
Moreton, Jr.
Dr. J. Walter and
Betty G. Woodbury
Columbia Charitable
The HLA Registry
Foundation, Inc.
Virginia Latses Zambukos*
Community Health
Charities of Utah
Howmedica, Inc.
Chase Morsey, Jr.
Dr. Royce Moser, Jr. and
Lois H. Moser
Buddy and Julie Zarbock
Controlled Therapeutics
Hydra Biosciences, Inc.
Cooper Laboratories, Inc.
ICN Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Coronary Heart
Disease Research
Idaho Community
Foundation, Inc.
In Loving Memory of
Forrest C. Mueller
Lillian M. Nail, Ph.D.,
A. Robert Zeff
Barbara Zimonja and
Richard Pack
Hercules Aerospace
Husky Oil Company
IBM International Foundation
Crescent Cardboard Company
Kenneth H. Olsen
IHC Health Plans, Inc.
Dain Rauscher, Inc.
Lester G.* and Reva P.* Olson
Acuson Corporation
Dale Barton Agency
Il Yang Pharmaceutical
J. W. “Bill”* and Wanda* Pace
Alberta Heritage Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Barlow L. Packer
Damon Runyon-Walter
Winchell Cancer Fund
Illinois Masonic
Medical Center
Lonnie E. Paulos, M.D.
Allegiance Healthcare
Davis Oil Company
Impart Group, Inc.
Robert Kenneth Pedersen
Alliant Techsystems, Inc.
DAW Technologies, Inc.
Incontrol Incorporation
Wesley J. and Susan F. Phillips
The Allstate Foundation
Daynes Music Company
Interferon Sciences, Inc.
Constance Pickell*
Alza Corporation
Dermtech International
InterMed Orthopedics, Inc.
George C. Pingree, M.D.
and Anne C. Pingree
American Critical Care
Dorr Institute for Arthritis
Research and Education
Intermountain Donor Services
The Camile and Henry
Dreyfus Foundation
Ioptex Research, Inc.
Donald L.* and
Suzanne N. Pisciotta
Barbara B. Prince
Mildred D. Quinn*
Kathryn Ramsey*
Dr. Grant M. Reeder*
American Express
Travel Related Services
American Hoechst
American Industrial
Hygiene Foundation
American Intraocular
Implant Society
American Occupational
Medical Association
Dreyfus Medical Foundation
Ioptex Incorporated
ISN Forefronts in Nephrology
E. E. Kinder Company, LLC
Jay Dee Harris Truck
& Equipment
Elan Corporation
Johnson Foundation
Elsevier Sciences
Publishing BV
JWP Dynalectric
Company of Nevada
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Benjamin H. Katz Family
Westwood Squibb
Wheeler Machinery Company
The Robert D. Kent, Jr. Trust
Key Bank
Key Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
La Haye Laboratories, Inc.
Howard and Evelyn Larson
Leucadia Aviation, Inc.
The Lichtenberger Foundation
Lilly Lecture Bureau
Linfox Group
Josiah Macy, Jr. Foundation
Mark Investment Company
Mark Miller Toyota
The J. Willard and Alice S.
Marriott Foundation
Masonic Foundation
of Utah, Inc.
“It is not one life you touch
with your gift, but many through
facilitating my efforts to make
a difference.”
2005 Recipient,
United States Pharmacopoeia Scholarship
and the Educational Resource
Development Council Scholarship
Matrix Pharmaceutical, Inc.
Meadow Gold Dairies
Megadyne Medical
Products, Inc.
Metromedia Company
Milken Family Medical
Mirage Resorts, Inc.
Moreton Family Foundation
M. E. Muller Foundation
National Fund for
Medical Education
Nierstichting Nederland
Nordling Foundation
Norland Medical Systems, Inc.
Kenneth T. and Eileen L.
Norris Foundation
North American
Philips Corporation
North American Society
of Pacing and
Electrophysiology, Inc.
Northwest Pipeline
Window Rock
Enterprises, Inc.
Yamanouchi USA Foundation
Zars, Inc.
A distinction applied to donors
who have established or bequeathed
endowments totaling $10,000–
$24,999 to the University of Utah
Health Sciences Center.
Russell G.* and Vila C.* Allen
Dr. David R.* and
Isabel* Atherton
Scott L. Bailey
Masonic Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
The Jane F. McCarthey Family
Limited Partnership
Williams Company
Panamerican Travel Services
Southern Biomedix, Inc.
Paradigm Biosciences, Inc.
Payless Drug Stores
Southern Wine and
Spirits of Nevada
Albert Penick Fund
Mary Bird Perkins
Cancer Center
Dr. W. C. Swanson Family
Takeda Pharmaceuticals
North America, Inc.
Pharmadigm, Inc.
Photofrin Medical, Inc.
Tambrands, Inc.
Dr.* and Mrs. Edgar W.
Jack* and Pat Blake
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eugene
James W. and
Susan S. Christiansen
T. William* and
Mary* Cockayne
Max P.* and Sara* Cowan
Dr. and Mrs. L. Dale Cruse
John Price Foundation
L. Shirley and Jordan M. Tark
Procter & Gamble
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
The Ruth and Vernon Taylor
Profile Medica
Texaco Foundation, Inc.
Dr. John A.* and
Karma J. Dixon
Raytheon Company
Thiokol Corporation
Paul and Joann Dwork
Reader’s Digest
Association, Inc.
Tourette Syndrome
Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Ellis
Luther I. Replogle Foundation
Editorial Office
Norma K. Forsey
The Rest of the Jazz
R. J. Reynolds
Tobacco Company
Richard K. and Shirley S.
Hemingway Foundation
Rite-Aid Corporation
U S West Foundation
University of CaliforniaSan Diego
University of Texas
University of Utah
Credit Union
Royden G. and Allie Derrick
Sherman R. Dickman, Ph.D.
Gladys C. Ellison*
Constance J. Geiger, M.D.
Harold J.* and
Helen D.* Goodro
Paul and Allan A.* Hagander
Dorothy S. Hall
Welma “Billie” Harmon
Nova Chemicals, Inc.
Robertson Stephens
& Company
Novell, Inc.
Roche Pharmaceuticals
Nuclear Medical
Laboratory, Inc.
Sunny and Abe Rosenberg
Occupational Physicians
Scholarship Fund
Roswell Park Alliance
Utah Medical
Association Foundation
Ohio Medical Products
Rothman Family Foundation
Utah Medical Products, Inc.
Marvin G. and Barbara Hess
Rubicon, Inc.
Ohmeda Medical Systems
Salt Lake City
Knee Research Foundation
Utah State Firemen’s
AssociationLadies Auxiliary
Steven R. and
Catherine Moon Hickman
Utah State Medical
Association Foundation
James C. and Jodee Hoellein
Okland Construction
Orthologic Corporation
Ortho-McNeil Pharmaceutical
Orthopedic Consultants
Osteomed LP
Outagamie Charitable
Owens & Minor
Pachyonychia Congenita
Sankyo Company, Ltd.
The Schwab Fund
for Charitable Giving
Scrip Card Enterprises, Inc.
Shell Oil Company Foundation
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher
& Flom
University of Utah
Department of
Internal Medicine
Drs. Joel M. and
Frances N. Harris
Utah Joint Parade
Dr.* and Mrs. Edward I.
Varian Associates
Blaine and Paulene Hartley
Maurine N. Hegsted
L. David* and Janet C.* Hiner
Fred K. and Josie V. Hubert
Variety Club of Utah
Dr. Vernal H. and
Athleen* Johnson
Richard Kenny
Viratek, Inc.
Paul and Sharee Kunz
The Wallbridge Fund, Ltd.
The W. John* Lamborn Family
Watson Laboratories, Inc.
Dr. Reed P.* and
Lennox A. Larson
Solitron Devices, Inc.
Weintraub Family Foundation
Sorenson Research
Western States Publishing
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report James B. Lendall*
Mel Marcus
Emilie S. Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Don E. McCleve
James L. and Edna B. Morkin
The Dominick R. Motta
Beverley Nalder
Dr. Neils P.* and
Irma S.* Neilson
Chase N. and
Grethe B. Peterson
Herm B.* and
Barbara M.* Prater, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Linn R.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O.
Joe Sargetakis and
Paula Swaner-Sargetakis
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J.
“I have been a cancer nurse
for over 25 years. As baby
boomers age we need to have
a research based understanding
of our approach to elder care.
I hope I will contribute to
that understanding.”
2005 Recipient,
Helen S. Edwards Center on Aging Scholarship
The Lowell D. Smith Family
Mr. and Mrs. Keith R. Bloom
Leonard* and Shirley Sterling
Heather Bradbury
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling B.
Dan J* and Viella C.* Swindle
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Gelber
Lon W. and Mary K.* Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Don F. Bradshaw
Usher T.* and
Barbara H. West, Ph.D.
Julie Brough
Dr. and Mrs. Martin I.
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald T. Wilson
Dr. Dixon* and
Donna B.* Woodbury
Dr. Glenn H.* and
Margaret C. Wyler
Wallace G.* Lee
Diane Lees
Kathryn L. Lichfield
Mr. and Mrs. DeVona D. Luke
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A.
Madsen, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter William
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P.
Mike Malm
William Jefferies Mann
Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Martin
C. Victor Maw, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry G.
Dr. Anthony* and
Myrtle G.* Simone
T. E.* and Liz Wilder
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Layden
Mr. and Mrs. Paul E. Brown
Larry B. Glassett
Mr. and Mrs. Murray K.
Dan W. McKnight
Mr. and Mrs. Brent McQuarrie
Mr. and Mrs. Jared McQuarrie
Kris J. Mecham
Francis J. Micek
Dr. and Mrs. Randall W. Burt
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence K.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Cardon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gordon
Charles M. Mirabella
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas T.
Michael J. Gribetz
Michael E. Moore
Diana Louise Grubbs
Mimi B. Mortensen
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Dorothy S. Hall
Jean Mueller
Dr. and Mrs. Corey A. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis L.
Leah Hatziathanasiou
Dr. Peter S. Mueller
Dr. and Mrs. Gary L. Hedlund
Sean J. Mulvihill, M.D.
Quality Health Care
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Heers
Marilyn H. Neilson
Junior E. and Blanche B. Rich
John Collins
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph P. Neilson
Dr. and Mrs. Loran D. Cook
John B. and
Jean M. Henkels III
Sweet Candy Company
Travis Crowther
Claude R. Hicken
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Oderda
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Ronny L.
Bashar Dabbas, M.D.
R. E. Holding
John B. D’Arcy
Mr. and Mrs. E. Thomas
Donors who have contributed
$2,000–$24,999 from July 1,
2004, through June 30, 2005, to
the University of Utah Health
Sciences Center.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Dougan
Richard H. Odell, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan A. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. O. Don Ostler
Francis C. Paddock, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry S.
Howells, Sr.
Dr. Lester M. Partlow
John Hughes
Mr. and Mrs. G. Reed Petersen
Marian W. Ingham
Rodney L. Plaster, M.D.
Robert J. Porter III
Mr. and Mrs. William Perry
Denise J. Achelis, CPA
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Dunn
Steven Lee Adams
Katie Eccles and Dave Burnett
Martha Adamsdotter*
Lisa E. Eccles
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen C.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H.
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Edwards
Barbara and Ed Johnson
Craig Michael Embley
Sally Riddle Quinn
Gregory S. Anderson,
D.P.M., P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Reid H. Johnson
Verne S. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. G. Frank Joklik
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball
Robert D. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Rasmussen
Pamela J. Atkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W.
J. David Evanich, M.D.
Bonnie Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Katsanevas
Mr. and Mrs. Fred W.
Fairclough, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Vincent L. Rees
Dr. and Mrs. Steven E. Kern
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R.
Mr. and Mrs. F. Robert
Bayle, Jr.
Jodie L. Bennion
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Faris
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Felt
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Fey
Betty R. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Kent Francis
Dr. and Mrs. Roy D.
Madeline L. Free, M.D.
Steve H. Fryer
Jed R. Fuller
Robert M. Kershner, M.D.
Bonnie Posselli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Rauk
Betty B. Knight
Mr. and Mrs. Lon R.
Richardson, Jr.
Kevin G. Knipfing
Marty Ricks
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Knodel
Martha Jaye Rieser
Mr. and Mrs. Layne A. Kresser
Mr. and Mrs. Frank H.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Patrick King
Erick J. Laine
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Bonneville International
Mr. and Mrs. D. N. Rose
Margaret M. Bradbury
Family Trust
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.
Jackson Hole Snow Devils
Jacobsen Construction
Company, Inc.
JAX Foundation
Siegfried and Jensen
Attorneys at Law
Sigma Chi Fraternity
JEPS Foundation
Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Rodney D. Sanders
Cache Valley
Electric Company
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Sasich
Calhoun Vision, Inc.
Jones, Waldo, Holbrook
& McDonough, PC
The Slaymaker Family
Mandra L. Scully
Campbell Scientific, Inc.
Kirton & McConkie
Snell & Wilmer Law Offices
Dr. and Mrs. Howard C. Sharp
Cary Pharmaceuticals
Kittolife Company, Ltd.
Tueng T. Shen, M.D., Ph.D.
Don Kay Clay Cash
Southwest Gas
Corporation Foundation
John W. Shigeoka, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis C.
The Castle Foundation
Larnjo Gamebirds
Layton High School
Spencer C. McMurdie
Revocable Trust
Spokane Joint Replacement
Institute, LLC
Gordon D. Simpson
Churchill Junior High School
LeBoeuf, Lamb, Greene
& MacRae, LLP
Barbara N. Slaymaker
The Collins Family
LEEGIN Creative Leather
Products, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd C. Smith
Colorado River & Trail
Expeditions, Inc.
Lenfestey Family Foundation
Sterling and Shelli Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brian Smith
Corvette Club of Utah
Les Olson Company
SupplementWatch, Inc.
The J. M. Long Foundation
Target Stores
Manners/Golden Rule
Timberline Middle School
Gerald E. Sloan
Karen L. Snellman
St. Mary of the Assumption
Roman Catholic Church
Mr. and Mrs. David E.
Cottonwood Hospital,
Alta View, TOSH,
IHC Rehab Services
J. M. Steele
Cowboy Properties LC
Marsh U.S.A.
University of Georgia
William C. Stringham, Ph.D.
CPS Innovations
McBride Clinic, Inc.
Utah Barricade Company, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin J. Tazoi
Creation Capital LLC
McKnight Living Trust
Utah Care Foundation
Anita M. Trotter-Cox
Desert Oasis Enterprises, Inc.
The McWard Group
Lance Turner
Diabetes Specialty
Center, LLC
Merit Medical Systems, Inc.
Utah Grizzlies
Children’s Charities
Metropolis Integrated Media
Utah Jazz
Diamond Concessions
Midwest Office
Utah Pharmaceutical Alliance
Dunn Family Trust
Mountain America
Credit Union
Utah State Firemen’s
Mountain Medical
Imaging Center
Viewpoint Leather Works
Nanocarrier Company, Ltd.
Walgreen Company
National Wood Products, Inc.
Wallace Investment Ltd.
Mary Lou Unice
Mr. and Mrs. Scott
Chris A. Venizelos
East Millard Lions
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Veranth
Elan Pharmaceuticals
Douglas J. Wallace*
The Elation Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. William Dean
Electrical Wholesale Supply
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Ward
Ernst & Young Foundation
New Hampshire
Charitable Foundation
TJ and Goldie Hauer Trust
Visiogen, Inc.
Julie M. Webster
Henry W. and Leslie M.
Eskuche Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. Robert C. Welch
ESRR Vision Trust
Dana E. Weltmann
Eyre Dermatology Clinic, PC
Kristy A. Wilson
Fabian & Clendenin
The Northrop Grumman
Mr. and Mrs. W. Meeks
Fashion Square
Nucor Vulcraft Group
William E. and Aenid R.
Weisgerber Foundation
Thomas H. and Carolyn L. Fey
Family Foundation, Inc.
Wells Fargo Foundation
FFKR Architects/Planners II
Orthopaedic Research and
Education Foundation
WGTS, Ltd.
Janet L. Wolcott
Founders Title Company
Osteometrics, Inc.
Terry L. Wright
Frey Family Foundation
GE Elfun
Paul H. Matthews
& Associates, PC
Genzyme Corporation
PepsiCo Foundation, Inc.
Wishes Are Forever
GLH Nutrition LLC
Perry & Associates, Inc.
Wittwer Family Trust, U/A
Roger Leland Goudie
Phi Phi Sigma Chi
Wolcott Optical Service, LC
Premier Resorts of Utah
PRN Medical, Inc.
Workers Compensation
Fund of Utah
Americom Technology
D. Forrest and Gerda M.
Greene Foundation
Psymark Communications
Working Rx, Inc.
Anderson Event Management
H. R. Wagstaff Company, Inc.
Rahn & Bodmer Bankers
World Senior Games, Inc.
Ari Diamonds
Hetzel-Hoellein Family
The Reagan Foundation
Richard and Margaret Wyman
Family Living Trust
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Wirthlin, Jr.
3M Traffic Safety
Systems Division
Albertsons Stores Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
The Bad Ass Coffee Company
of Hawaii, Inc.
Home Depot #9600
Nippon Oil and
Fats Corporation
Roadway Charity Golf
William L. Rogers Foundation
Wal-Mart Foundation
Wasatch Chevy’s, Ltd.
W. Mack and Julia S. Watkins
Foundation Trust
Wilkins Medical
Wilson Sonsini
Goodrich & Rosati
Zevex, Inc.
Bank of American Fork
Hudson Printing
The Beckham/Ashe
Hydranautics—Nitto Denko
Technical Corporation
Ann C. Blackner Family Trust
IHC Health Services/
LDS Hospital
Sahara, Inc.
Salt Lake Magazine
Industrial Supply
Company, Inc.
Zions Bancorporation
Dan Shaw and
Paula Shaw Family Trust
Inovar, Inc.
ShopKo Stores, Inc.
BMW of Murray
Bonneville Bicycle
Touring Club
Royal Street Corporation
S.P.C.F., Inc.
Zimmer Baker Associates, Inc.
Zimmer Davis Company
Zimmer Rocky Mountain, Inc.
InterWest Rastar
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report J O H N R . PA R K
Dr. Warren G. and
Gretha W. Eyre
Bruce R. and Evelyn S. Mills
Donald and Barbara Moore
Kris-Tina A. and
Ronald T. Wilson, M.D.
For those who have designated a
charitable bequest, life income gift,
trust, or other planned gift with the
University of Utah Health Sciences
Center named as beneficiary.
Richard A. Fay and
Carol M. Fay
John A. Moran
Dr. Bill Winstead
James L. and Edna B. Morkin
Sylvan and Maurine Wittwer
Dr. Philip Myers
James B. Wood
Cantril and Sharon Nielsen
Grant Young
Richard K. and Maria A. Obyn
Rex and Linda Ahlstrom
Kathleen Alacano
Linda K. Amos, Ed.D.,
Gary B. Filler
Alan and Beverly Frank
Drs. James W.* and
Margie S. Freston
James Craig and
Pamela D. Gilbert
Mary Ann Glasgow
Dr. Merrill Oldroyd
Dr. Virgil J. and
Jacqueline A. Parker
Donors who have contributed gifts
totaling $500–$1,999 from July 1,
2004, through June 30, 2005, to
the University of Utah Health
Sciences Center.
Dr. and Mrs. Merrill A.
Janet Parry
Val A.* and Edith D. Green
Wayne J. Peay
Onie Grosshans
Audrey Noall Peterson
Patricia Hall
Chase N. and
Grethe B. Peterson
Curtis E. Ackerlind, Jr.
Millie Hagen
Peggy Norton Hansen, M.D.
Dr. Henry P. Plenk
Houman Alai
Scott L. Bailey
Welma “Billie” Harmon
Dr. and Mrs. Jay A. Aldous
John Balken
James F.* and Joyce E. Harris
Ronald E. Poelman and
Anne G. Osborn, M.D.
David B. and
Kathy J. Anderson
G. W. and Lee Anderson
Roscoe B. Anderson, M.D. and
Joan C. Critchlow, M.D.
John W. Athens, M.D. and
Georgia R. Athens
Dr. Mary Lou and Ralph Peak
Sylvia Prahl-Brodbeck
Wallace Akerley
Mr. and Mrs. William John
Vernon Beeler
John* and June B. Hartman
George and Phee Belsey
Geoffrey Hasson
Mr. and Mrs. Rey L. Allred
Charles K. and
Janice Beyer-Machule
Arlene O. and
Alan T. Rappleye, M.D.
Richard G. and
Margaret Heers
Patricia Reagan
Mr. and Mrs. Clair B.
Sharon M. Bigelow
Rose Boyajiian
Rodney H. and
Carolyn Hansen Brady
Dr. N. Frederick* and
Margarete Hicken
Darlene H. Hobson
Melvin T.* and Fern Briggs
Nancy C. and
Dennis C. Hughes, M.D.
Calvin Reed Brown
Donal B. Hutchison
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Eugene
Gloria N. and
Richard A. Irion, M.D.
Fred W. and Eveline Bruenger
Mr. and Mrs. Ted C. Jacobsen
Calvin Buhler, M.D.
Jody and
Arlen K. Jarrett, M.D.
Barbara Burnett
Leola C. Burr
Lyman and Ida Mae* Jensen
Dr. Thomas D. and
Natalie B. Rees
Robert L. and Joyce T. Rice
Barbara K. Samuels
Annette M. Anderson
John W. Anderson, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Kay L.
Anderson, CPA
Bertram H. and
Janet Marshall Schaap
Robert P. Andrew
Daniel J. Schettler
Dr. and Mrs. Gus G. Angelos
C. DuWayne and
Alice C. Schmidt
John G. Anos
Dr. James R. and
Mary Jo Scott
M. Paul Southwick, M.D.
Richard L. Angelo, M.D.
Val R. Antczak
Ron Apfelbaum, M.D. and
Kathy Murray, M.D.
Thomas N. Arnett, Jr.
Kirtly Parker Jones, M.D.
Mary Ellen B. and Edward G.
Southwick, M.D.
Dr. Wayne C. Kaesche
Leonard* and Shirley Sterling
Rodney H. and
Sally E. Christensen
Howard and Ruth Kalb
Richard L. Stimson
Donald Kalman
Chet Christofferson
Judith A. Kiernan
Maxine Hudson Stowell,
Dr. and Mrs. Russell B. Clark
Michael Knowlton
Arthur J. Swindle
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry C. Atkin
Sherry Clise
Neil and Edie Kochenour
David and Phyllis Symond
Geraldine N. Atkinson*
Duane and Jean Crowther
Norm and Barbara Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Austin
Dwight P. Cruikshank, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. William
Alice G. Telford
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Bagley
Cheryl B. Dalley
Dr. Roy Kuramoto
Javier Tellez
Janet M. Balbierz, M.D.
Oliver and Goldy Dawson
Dr. Marcus Jacobson* and
Ruth A. Kurzbauer
Dr. Stephen R. and
Valerie W. Terry
J. David Barba
Kenneth R. and
Cynthia P. Laird
Arthur and Haru Toimoto
Thomas Barton
Esther Landa Family
Dr. Robert L. and
Terrie Hillier Treft
Dr. Harold Bauman
Ron and Kim Loomis
Alida W. Tyler
Mary C. Beckerle and
David G. Murrell
Dan Lundergan and
Liz Winter
LeGrand Uffens, D.D.S.*
Max C. Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F.
Jennifer Martha Berger
Greg Edwin Biddulph, M.D.
Dr. Nelson A. and
Amy Burton
The Thomas D. Dee II Family
Frank Delvie
Dr. and Mrs. Victor A. Diaz
Sherman R. Dickman, Ph.D.
Joel R. and Lisa Dimick
Margaret E. Dixon, Ph.D.
Dominik Aronsky,
M.D., Ph.D.
John Ashcraft
Ralph L. Ashton, Sr.
Richard E. Ashworth
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barber
Dr. Raymond C. and
Bobbie Doucette
T. G. “Bud” and
Barbara Mahas
Gene Drabner
Gaye Marrash
Sharon Drakos
Dr. Stephen C. and
Christine Voss
Dr. John H. and
Helen M.* Marsden
Dr. Lawrence and
Delores M. Weaver
Emilie S. Martin
Inga Frenkel Weil, M.D.
David and JoAnn McGuire
Dorothy A. White, M.D.
Bruce and Patty Miller
James R. and Ethel Wilcox
Mark and Kathie Miller
and Family
Mr. and Mrs. William
Birrell, Jr.
Kenneth L. Williams Family
Ruth Bischoff
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Katherine W. and
E. R. Dumke, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. John Emmett
Gayle L. Eschmann
Michael T.* and Taylor Miller
Rod L. Betit
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W.
Billings, Jr.
Thomas Billings
Bonnie J. Binkley
Dr. David M. Black
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Terry Bland
Alison Finnegan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Blank
Anne T. Finnegan
Dorothy M. Boldt
John H. and
Carol W. Firmage III
Mr. and Mrs. Francis E.
Bond, Jr.
Jerry Glen Bott
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Bowcutt
Glen M. Bowen, M.D.
Walter L. Boyaki
Eric G. Boyce
Dr. and Mrs. Richard Ralph
Boyle, Jr.
Gary W. Bradley, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Brand
Hank D. Bratt, M.D.
Jesse J. Bridgeman
Katherine Brim
Jennifer N. Geary
Brinton, M.D.
“Scholarships keep
on giving. That is what is so
nice about them.”
Dr. Dale Cruse Endowed Scholarship Fund in Memory
of His Son, Randy Dale Cruse in the Department of
Parks, Recreation and Tourism, College of Health
Richard G. Bromley, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Forrest
Craig B. Forster
Rita K. Fox, M.D.
Dr. Cecelia H. Foxley
Donald B. Fronce
Denice Fujimoto
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Gaddis
Mary Martin Gant
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T.
Mr. and Mrs. Mike B. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. David G.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Edward DiBella
Chancellor E. Gordon Gee,
J.D., Ed.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B.
Dr. and Mrs. L. Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Clayton
Dr. and Mrs. Paul J. Diehl
Joseph Patrick Gish
Joan D. Glenn
William M. Browning
Lia M. Clark
David A. Bull, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R.
Havier H. Florez
F. O. Gardner
Diane L. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J.
Dan Fischer
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond F.
Marilynn W. Gianelo
Bettina N. Coker
Michael Dienst, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas H. Caine
Kaye M. and Clair F. Coleman
Willie Dolowitz
Janet V. Godfrey
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Callister
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Coles
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Dorius
Edward Golub
Mr. and Mrs. Haydon M.
Hon. James G. Colins
Shad L. Douglas
Mr. and Mrs. Julio Gonzalez
Dr. and Mrs. Alan L. Colledge
Kimberly A. Douglass
Kathryn A. Goodfellow
Dr. and Mrs. David M.
Sara Lyn Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. Hays Gorey, Sr.
Jason Drake
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Gough
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Coombs
Mr. and Mrs. Cary C. Dunn
T. H. Gouw
Susan Black Dunn
Richard Graham, Jr., M.D.
David and Susan Carlebach
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Pierre O.
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Earl
Dr. and Mrs. Gerard P.
Jerry Eastman
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick W. Gray
Dave L. Eddy
Richard L. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Blair R. Egli
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E.
Charles E. Buzick
Mr. and Mrs. Glendon M.
Vance D. Campbell, M.D.
Grant W. Cannon, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
Roberta Carter
Pat and Deborah Cartwright
Mr. and Mrs. Victor D.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald W.
Jill R. Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. Kent J. Chard
Barbara G. Cowley
Joseph T. Cronley
Dr. and Mrs. L. Dale Cruse
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Culp
Dr. and Mrs. William F.
Jeffrey D. Eisenberg
Mr. and Mrs. LaVon F. Eller
Dan H. Ellis
Chester A. Cunnington, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Hague Ellis
Linda Curley-Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard D.
Jeff D. Daily
Scott Daniels
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick H.
Alexander Danoyan
Randall J. Engstrom
Yong Yong Chen
Dr. and Mrs. Michael E. Daun
Bruce G. Evans, M.D., P.C.
Joann M. Cheney
Jack J. Davis, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Everest II
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Child
Robert O. Day
Johnny L. Faith, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Lane C. Childs
Jeff Deakin
Pelly Fan, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Boyd
Mr. and Mrs. Neil A. Decker
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Fassio
Richard E. Dedolph, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James W.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Carson Fast
Mr. and Mrs. George Degles
Timothy J. Fazio
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen G.
Spencer P. and Barbara Felt
Mr. and Mrs. Artwell
Paul W. Christianson
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Church
Pamela F. Cipriano, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. George L.
Denton, Jr.
Kammy L. Green
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W. Greene
Judge and Mrs. J. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P.
Judith C. Griswold
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Gurr
Dr. and Mrs.
O. H. Guymon, Jr.
Ted N. Hackett, Jr., M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hagman
Dr. and Mrs. DeVon C. Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Minoru Hamada
Lyle S. Hamilton
Stephanie R. Hamilton
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T.
James W. Fillmore
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Walter Hansing
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin N.
Mr. and Mrs. Gareld D.
Anita M. Harding
Nancy Melich and
J. Alexander Hemphill
Dr. and Mrs. Duane J. Harris
David S. Memel
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R.
Dr. Mark John Harris
Dr. and Mrs. Quinton S.
Jeffrey D. Harrison,
M.D., P.C.
Marian D. Harrison
Mr. and Mrs. Ty S. Harwood
Mrs. Edward I. Hashimoto
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Hatch
Eric Havenstein
Dr. and Mrs. John K.
Hayes, Jr.
“It represents not only a
monetary aid but also a display of
much needed moral support.”
2005 Recipient,
University of Utah Alumni Association Medical Fund
Travis Healey
Dr. Jeff Menzner
Dr. and Mrs. John E. Meyers
Robert S. H. Millard
Barbara C. Miller
Dr. and Mrs. William E.
Miller, Jr.
Joan Mills
D. Edward Mineau, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph K. Miner
Don Mintz
Joyce A. Mitchell
David A. Mizelle
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald G.
James R. Moore
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Heard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Scott
Dr. Bradley J. Katz
Mei Li
Liana Moreland
Margo Heiner
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory L.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Mr. and Mrs. George D.
Dr. and Mrs. William M.
M. Liebergesell
Susan D. Morgan, V.M.D.
Terri Lindorf
Mr. and Mrs. Glen R. Morrell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Theodore Liou, M.D.
Marc J. Morris
Kara Liston
Mr. and Mrs. Val Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. G. Liu
Kathryn A. Morton
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lloyd
Marilyn Mott
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis L.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J.
Marsha Jean Lundgren
Maureen A. Mulligan
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A.
Norman B. Hendricks
Julie Heywood
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Hibbs, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M.
Ed Hill
Kathleen P. Hillis
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
LaMar S. Hills
Ronald R. Ketelsen
Shirley Hiskey
Dianne Partridge Killpack
Paul W. Hitzelberger
Diane Kiuhara
Erma Hjorth
Robert S. Kiyomura, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond
Lynch, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O.
Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Mr. and Mrs. James L.
Louis E. Murdock
Karl Honeystein
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kowalchik
Mr. and Mrs. David Krajeski
Kristie Nicholson
Tom Hopkins
Dr. and Mrs. Carlos N.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Huefner, D.B.A.
Dr. and Mrs. Leland K. Krantz
CDR Gladys Madsen
Michael S. Kun
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Michael S.
Gilad J. Kuperman
David L. Malmrose
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kurtin
Joseph P. Maloney
Chuck Norlin and
Marcia Feldkamp
Willard D. Labrum
Dr. and Mrs. Nick Mamalis
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip J. Novak
Dr. and Mrs. Michael J. Lahey
John S. Manookin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Oberg
Siew Hong Lam
Pamela L. March
Sherrie Lynn O’Brien
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S.
Dr. and Mrs. E. Marc Mariani
Mr. and Mrs. Nathan A.
Sue E. Huether, Ph.D.
Jan Hull
Mr. and Mrs. David Haight
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert H. Iker
David R. Irvine
Dr. and Mrs. Robert T. Jackson
Victoria Pembroke Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H.
Alan D. James
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Jensen
Patricia W. Jensen
Col. Donald D. Johnson,
USAF, Ret.
Linda Johnson
Stephen Lee Jones
Taylor Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Solomon M.
Robert Kanner
Scott Patrick Narus
George S. Nicolatus
Dr. and Mrs. Joe R. Nielsen
Dr. and Mrs. T. H. Noehren
Diana Jeanne Lane
Mr.* and Mrs. Edward D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Lane
Afshin Allen Mashoof, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Olson
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald M.
Craig J. Masters
Mr. Raymond D. Olson
Norma W. Matheson
Roger V. Larson, M.D.
Monica Rafferty O’Neal
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Mauger
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard LaSalle
CDR VaLaine Pack, USN, Ret.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy W. May
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Lattin
Pamela Pallotta
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley T.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Parker
Dr. and Mrs. William M.
Beth B. Parrish
Carol Law
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald C. Lease
Christopher LeBaron
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph A. Olsen
Adele W. Parkinson
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Merlin R. Pass
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis C. Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
McClure, Jr.
Ralph F. and
Mary Lou Peak, M.D.
Jeffrey Gelder Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McMullin
Jean Peppinger
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen D.
Phillip Meeks
Dr. and Mrs. Orson D. Perkes
Dr. and Mrs. G. Richard Lee
Mr. and Mrs. S. Whitfield Lee
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Pastorius
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Peters
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Dr. and Mrs. Gary V. Petersen
Diana Rupp-Kennedy
William S. Stone, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh S. West, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Farrell
Paul Safford
Dr. and Mrs. Alan K. Stotts
Mr. and Mrs. Mohammad
Jon C. Sundt
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Matthew
Mr. and Mrs. Udell Westover
Kent M. Samuelson, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter V.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Plumb
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wally
Mr. and Mrs. Rick J.
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D.
Mr. and Mrs. Kent R. Swallow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pope
Indraneel Sarkar
Joe Sargetakis and
Paula Swaner-Sargetakis
Charles J. Potempa
Tada Sato, M.D.
E. Mozelle Sweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford D.
Marilyn Poulson
Dr. Robert M. Satovick
James K. Sweeney
Stuart White
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.
Dr. and Mrs. Mark R. Savarise
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Michael Wickes
Ted Piatt
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Pulver
Pat Quigley
Barbara Graves and
Robert Schackmann
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon O.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred M.
Mr. and Mrs. William C.
Cay White, M.D.
and Stephen B. Porter
Charles A. White, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Elizabeth B. Wilder
Marilyn Tang
Mr. and Mrs. Gil S. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Marvin L.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Schiele
Lorelei D. Tavey
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schleicher
David J. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Marc S.
Linda S. Ralston, Ph.D.
C. DuWayne and
Alice C. Schmidt
Dr. and Mrs. J. Bradley Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Hans John
Dr. Richard H. Schmidt
Randee Taylor
Dr. and Mrs. Larry E. Schoeff
Samuel M. and
Shelley Thomas Williams
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Rasmussen
Tenley Hope Schofield
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M.
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Mr. and Mrs. David P. Razor
Penniann Schumann
Karl R. Thomas
Doris Williamson
Marilyn L. Read and
Tom Jackson
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Schutz
Mr. Philip M. Thompson, Jr.
Curtis K. Winterfeld
Dr. and Mrs. Joe C. Sharp
Scott and Betsy Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald James
Kimberly Wirthlin
Judith P. Short and
Wade Jones
Carl S. Thummel
Andrea P. Wolcott
Dr. and Mrs. Don L. Reese
Margot L. Shott
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel D.
John Wolfer
Dr. and Mrs. Fred W.
Ron Simmons
Mr. and Mrs. John R. Tovey
Elder Robert M. Simonsen
James T. Tran, M.D.
Dean Forrest Sittig, Ph.D.
Joan L. Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory J.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Joseph Tuohy
Gary Lane Skiles
Michael W. Varner, M.D.
Joan Slack
Camille C.V. Vecchi
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Billie H. Smith
Florence J. Veranth
Ed Wycherley
John B. Richards, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Vagn Vernegaard
Kadzuo Yamaguchi
Mr. and Mrs. Rulon N. Richins
John T. Smith, M.D.
Kalolaine Vi
Mr. and Mrs. David Young
Mr. and Mrs. Brian V. Ridd
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin E. Smoot
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Viland
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin M. Rigby
Dr. and Mrs. John Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Keane
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R.
Dr. and Mrs. Wendell M.
Smoot III
Mr. and Mrs. Blake K. Wade
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan W.
Snow, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack D. Wahlen
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Radtke
Dr. and Mrs. R. Lor Randall
John and Joann Reinertsen
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques M.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Reynold T. Rice
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin S.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ringholz
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Ritchie
David Rives
Jeanette C. Roberts and
David J. Francetic
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph H.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Robinson
Durand Robison
Roberto De Almeida Rocha
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Taylor
Elizabeth H. VandeVelde
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Wade
Carol M. Snyder
Joyce Louise Walden
Steve Songer
Jack V. Waldron
Gordon T. Soutter
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Dr. and Mrs. David C.
Ginger E. and Robert D.
Mr. and Mrs. Max L.
Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wolfson
Thomas E. Wolters
Daniel K. Wong, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Ben
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball L.
Mary J. Young
President and
Mrs. Michael K. Young
Paul C. Young
Dr. and Mrs. Norman A.
Tamara Zagorec-Marks, M.D.
and Andrew F. Marks
Kent Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Buddy R.
Howard S. Spurrier, D.D.S.
Analee Walton
Francis H. Zimbeaux
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Steed
Steve Ward
Verner H. Zinik
Mr. and Mrs. R. James
Dr. and Mrs. Homer R.
Brooks H. Rohlen
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin K. Steiner
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Rohlfing
Jonathan D. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore M.
David C. Roskelley
Lewis Ross, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Bradford
George A. Rodrigues
Karla Rogerson
Norma Rohde
Professor and
Mrs. Edward D. Spurgeon
A & B Mechanical Contractors
Peter M. Stevens, M.D.
Jean Anne Waterstradt
A.B.A.T.E. of Salt Lake
Utah Chapter
Jerry W. Stevenson
Lon W. and Mary K.* Watson
Absolute Constructors
Martha G. Stockham
Mr. and Mrs. Oleen L. Watt
Allstate Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stoltz
Mr. and Mrs. Merrill B. Weech
Alphagraphics, Inc.
Roy Rowley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S. Stone
Sharon M. Weinstein, M.D.
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Waterman
donor report American Association of
Colleges of Pharmacy
Citigroup Business Services
Greene Van Arsdale
KSL, Inc.
City of Harrisville
American Association of
Pharmaceutical Scientists
Clear Channel
Broadcasting, Inc.
Gregory E. Biddulph
Orthopedics, PC
L3 Communications
American Book Fairs of Utah
Clyde Companies, Inc.
Gurr Investments, Ltd.
American Equipment, Inc.
Comcast Spotlight
American Roller Bearing
Committee of Hope
Richard & Leola Hagman
American Senior Alliance, Inc.
American Uniform Company
Ameripride Services, Inc.
Services Corporation
Coppermill Restaurant, Inc.
The Country Club
Cowan’s Retail Systems, Inc.
Malcolm Cravens Foundation
Cream O’ Weber Dairy, Inc.
Angelo Foundation
D & B Metals, Inc.
The Archer Family
Charitable Foundation
D & S Fabrication
and Machine, Inc.
Architectural Nexus
D. N. Lukens, Inc.
Associated Brigham
Contractors, Inc.
Dadiva Foundation
ATK Aerospace Company, Inc.
Davis Area Convention
& Visitors Bureau
Atlantic Track & Turnout
The David J. Joseph Company
Department of Orthopedics
Bailey’s Moving and
Storage Company
Deseret Mutual
Benefit Association
Robert H. Ballard Family Trust
Dex Media
Ballard Spahr Andrews
& Ingersoll, LLP
DFG, Inc.
Bamberger-Allen Health
& Education Foundation
Bank of the West
Bank One Corporation
Benchmark Rental, LLC
BHP Billiton Marketing, Inc.
Bio-Concepts, Inc.
Biomat USA, Inc.
Bonneville Bank
Bowers Forest Products
Box Elder County
Federal Credit Union
Diversified Suburban
DJB Gas Services, Inc.
DriverTech, Inc.
La Caille
LabOne, Inc.
Lagoon Corporation
Richard P. Hagman
Lewis Young Robertson
& Burningham, Inc.
Marion D. and Maxine C.
Hanks Foundation, Inc.
Blaine N. and
Barbara W. Harmon
Charitable Foundation
Lynk Systems, Inc.
Harris Family Foundation
Harris Rebar Salt Lake, Inc.
Hatch Family Trust
Health Sciences
HEG Limited
Heirlines Family History
& Genealogy
Mac’s Mountain States
The Maher Foundation
Mark Miller Subaru
Massimino Family Trust
MC Signworks, Inc.
McCain Foods USA, Inc.
McDonald Carano Wilson LLP
Medimmune Oncology, Inc.
Metropolitan Life Foundation
Heraeus Electro-Nite
Midwesco Filter
Resources, Inc.
Herrick Industrial
Supply Company
Roger C. Millar Trust
Hickman, Williams
& Company
High-Temp, Inc.
Hilton Garden Inn
Mission Pharmacal Company
Modern Display
Morgan Jewelers
Morgardshammar, Inc.
Dunn & Dunn Trial Lawyers
Home Abstract
& Title Company, Inc.
Durbano Metals
The Home Depot
Motion Industries, Inc.
Dyke’s Electric, Inc.
Mt. Loafer Elementary
Earnshaw Enterprises, Inc.
Horizon Manufacturing
& Repair, Inc.
Economy Drug
Horsburgh & Scott
NACDS Foundation
Hydroworx International, Inc.
Elks Tooele Lodge No. 1673
Ichiban Sushi
& Japanese Cuisine
Nelson Christensen
and Helsten, P.C.
EPEK Sports
Morris Material Handling
Mt. Wheeler Power, Inc.
Nike, Inc.
ESP Pharma, Inc.
Industrial Maintenance
Services, Inc.
Norcy of Holladay LC
Evans & Sutherland
Inkley’s Photography
Bricmont, Inc.
Fedmet Refractories
Northern Power
Equipment, Inc.
Briyanti’s Designer Jewelers
Spencer P. Felt, Jr.
Revocable Trust
Intermountain Fuse
Supply, Inc.
Brambley Hedge Rabbit
Rescue, Inc.
North Star Company
Northwestern Mutual Life
J & J Nursery
Ferrari Color
Nucor Bar Mill-Plymouth
J & S Mechanical Contractors
Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Orbit Irrigation Products, Inc.
Jacobsen Trucking, Inc.
Firefighters Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
P A Surgical Services, PLLC
JBR Environmental
Consultants, Inc.
Page Industrial Supply
Firemen’s Auxiliary
Buzas Baseball, Inc.
JD Glenn & Associates, LLC
First State Bank
C. R. Bard Foundation, Inc.
Thomas and Nancy Florsheim
Family Foundation
Jennings, Haug
& Cunningham, LLP
Brooks Pace 1985
Revocable Trust
Harold W. and Violet Johnson
Brown Charitable Trust
Burlington Northern
Santa Fe Foundation
Cafe Rio Development
Canyonlands Tire Center
Carefree Furniture
The Castle of Chaos
Central Utah Clinic
Chemical Lime
Company of Arizona
Foremaster Tool
Company, Inc.
Passkey, LLC
Pebbles In My Pocket
The Johnson Survivors Trust
Johnstone Supply, Inc.
Peele Advisory Services, Inc.
Jordan Valley Hospital
Pioneer Valley Hospital
Robert W. and Barbara J.
Keener Foundation
PND, Inc.
Kelly Family Foundation
Prince Yeates & Geldzahler
Ken Garff Mercedes Benz
Quick Dispense
Manuel Gordon Foundation
Kern River Gas
Transmission Company
R & B, Inc.
Grayhawk DMB
Park City, LLC
Key Bank National Association
Frontier Bank
Geiger & Associates
Gendata Research Corporation
Genesee & Wyoming, Inc.,
and Related Companies
The Children’s Hour
Geneva Rock Products, Inc.
The Boyd & Jean Christensen
Family Charitable
Supporting Organization
Golden Dragon Restaurant
Jerry’s Plumbing Specialties
Parr Waddoups Brown
Gee & Loveless
Robert K. and Evelyn D.
Pedersen Family
Foundation, Inc.
Fred A. Moreton & Company
Chidester Family
Revocable Trusts
Christopherson Travel
and Tours
Jeremy Golf & Country Club
Pannier Corporation
Green Cross
Medical Corporation
Johnson Power, Ltd.
Kibbe Pratt, Inc.
Praxair Foundation, Inc.
Ben E. Rawlings Family Trust
R C Willey
Ray, Quinney & Nebeker
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Reaveley Engineers
& Associates, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale E. Bradley
Reference Metals
Company, Inc.
Neil D. Breton
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Branson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T.
Rhinehart Oil Company, Inc.
Richards Brandt
Miller & Nelson
Charitable Foundation
Richards & Swensen
Graphic Design
Richer, Swan & Overholt
Rodon Foods
Ronald McDonald House
Rotary Club of Park City
Salt Lake City Lions Club
Salt Lake Orthopaedic Clinic
Charitable Trust
Salt Lake Running Company
“This scholarship will enable
me to focus more toward my
studies than extra work shifts.”
2005 Recipient,
Ewart A. Swinyard Scholarship, College of Pharmacy
Simmons Mattress Company
Smart Marketing
Smoot Enterprises, Inc.
Snow, Christensen
& Martineau
Snow, Christensen
& Martineau Foundation
South Davis Firefighters
Association, Inc.
Split Rock, Inc.
Sportsjet LLC
United Foundries
Company, Inc.
University Hospital
Utah Auto Auction
Utah Pharmaceutical
Utah Power & Light
Utah Rainbow Sams
Donors who have contributed gifts
totaling $300–$499 from July 1,
2004, through June 30, 2005, to
the University of Utah Health
Sciences Center.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D.
Dr. and Mrs. Frank H. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Burdette III
Miriam C. Bushnell
Mr. and Mrs. Warren R. Buss
Adrienne Call
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Robert G. Carlile, M.D.
Derek Casari
Mr. and Mrs. Jafar Chafi
Mr. and Mrs. J. Peter Chase
John D. Chasel
Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney H.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Ray Clements
Dr. and Mrs. David P.
Pam and Hal Cole
Mark and Linda Colville
Mr. and Mrs. G. Gary
Steven C. Corbato
Dr. and Mrs. Freddy M.
Utah Section
American Industrial
Hygiene Association
Mr. and Mrs. Hans G. Ahrens
Sybill P. Allen
Carol Jean Spurgeon Trust
Ute Salt Shakers
Chapter No. 1
Dr. and Mrs. Clifford H.
Dr. and Mrs. Ted R. Allred
The Staheli Foundation
Valley Drug
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Dahl
Steel Encounters
Richard E. Davis
Stillwater Mortgage, LLC
Valley View
Elementary School
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin R.
Storopack, Inc.
Vicars Trucking, Inc.
Kim J. Aoki, M.D.
Sundowner Station, Inc.
Wachovia Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kent G. Arave
Supreme Rolls, Inc.
Wasatch Baskets & Gifts
Ronald S. Archibald
Susquehanna International
Group, LLC
Wasatch Marine
Jan Arendtsen
Wasatch Media Buying
Services, Inc.
Clifford R. Argyle
Spring AirMountain West, Inc.
Springville Museum of Art
Danielle Denne
Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas DeWolf
Pamela DiBella
Dr. Anthony J. Doyle
Alexander Durrant
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Ely
John Ballard
Kayleen A. Fain
Ruth M. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Behnke
Mr. and Mrs. Dean B.
Chrystal Behunin
Dr. Richard B. Feinstein
Wheeler Foundation
Dr. and Mrs. A. Scott Bennion
Michael Ray Fielding
Whitaker Transfer
Mr. and Mrs. David E.
Ron Flynn
Taylor Drug
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Taylor Made Crafts
Western Metals Recycling LLC
Technos Corporation
Western States Circuit
Breakers, Inc.
Mary Veranth Atkin
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Daw
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Wells Fargo Bank
Scott W. and
Betsy D. Thornton
Family Foundation
Dorothy E. Anderson
Lucille P. Crismon
Mr. and Mrs. Brent D. Bailey
Szechwan Chinese
Kitchen, Inc.
Terry R. Brotherson
Julie C. Allen
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Willey Honda
William Birrell, Jr.
Family Trust
Dean Sterling Berrett
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M.
Delora P. Bertelsen
Robert S. Fredericksen
TSN Labs, Inc.
Williams Companies
Foundation, Inc.
Dr. and Mrs. James M.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jay
Tucker Family
Limited Partnership
Wilson Sonsini Goodrich
& Rosati Foundation
M. Betty Beyster
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bird
Mary Ann Gardner
U.S. Pharmacopeia
Windsor Frozen Food
Company, Ltd.
John F. Birnie
Thelda L. Garrick
Lorraine W. Black
Cheryl Desmond Gentle
Xango, LLC
David C. Boede
Ultradent Products, Inc.
Ralph L. Gill
Your Employment Solutions
Steven Bogden
United Drugs
Gerald J. Gleich, M.D.
Zions Utah Bancorporation
Ellen Bowden
Zundel Dairy Farm, Inc.
Debra Bowman
TNT Auction, Inc.
UHA, Utah Hospitals &
Health Systems Association
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Devon M. Glenn
Ruth P. Gonnet
Mr. and Mrs. Scott J.
Robert and Joyce Graham
Richard A. Robinson II
Dr. and Mrs. Martin C.
Michael W. Roderick
George M. Rodgers, M.D.
“I’m investing in the future,
in people who will succeed and
themselves become donors.”
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Dr. and Mrs. Brock G.
Dhanesh K. Gupta
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Haak
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Hackett
Scott Halvorson
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Gustaf
Mr. and Mrs. Guy L. Hampton
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hanes
George A. and Merline C. Leaming
Endowed Scholarship Fund in the College of Nursing
Dr. and Mrs. Glen R. Hanson
Robert H. Rose
Mrs. Sally H. Rosenblatt
Lori J. Rosendahl
Ellen I. Rowe
Karen M. Rudio-Ditchey
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Ruoti
Edward Lee Rusher
Gene H. Russell
Ramona Russo
David E. Salisbury
Mr. and Mrs. Craig A.
Helga G. Schwermer
Harold P. Hargreaves, M.D.
Ric H. Harnsberger, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. and Mrs. Royce W. Searle
Aldene M. Hart
Dr. and Mrs. Gordon L.
Dr. Gina Maria Musolino
Brenda Seeley
Maureen T. Harte
Wayne M. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Larsen
Bryan Shafer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hatch
Justice Ronald E. Nehring
Mr. and Mrs. Lane A. Lasrich
Dr. and Mrs. Pramod Sharma
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Heers
Judith H. Nelson
Charles T. Law
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Dr. and Mrs. George R.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Newell
Mr. and Mrs. Alan W. Layton
Phil J. Nightingale
Mr. and Mrs. Clough Shelton
Martha Lerma
Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. Oliver
Mary E. Levandowski
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Tamara Lewis, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard R.
Dr. Nancy B. Livingston
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Otto
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Overfelt
Mr. and Mrs. Roger M. Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Palmer
Bo Lu
Kay Papulak
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Malcolm MacKay
Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Park
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M.
Mr. and Mrs. Bard R. Madsen
Mr. and Mrs. Larry A.
Loretta Paulus
Lee Simonsen
Michael K. Magill, M.D.
and Sherilyn Santau
Karl M. Skousen
Paul E. Hunter
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Barry R. Makarewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Huntsman
Mr. and Mrs. Grant C. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Dee Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Hurst
Mr. and Mrs. L. Tom Perry
Arline Markosian
Mr. and Mrs. J. Boyer Jarvis
Charles Peterson
Brent V. Marrott
Dr. Randy L. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Lee M. Peterson
John Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B.
Smith, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jimenez
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lynn Peterson
Sandi Martin, R.N.
Cosette B. Joesten
Benjamin S. Maxey
Mr. and Mrs. Steven C.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald G.
Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryce D.
Mr. and Mrs. Zell A. McGee
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Pickett
Friends of Spencer Smith
Dr. and Mrs. R. Scott Poppen
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Smuin
Carl L. Johnson
Garry Munson and
Lynn McMahon
Kurt D. Sneen
Wendell O. Johnson
Nathan C. Price
Frank Micek
Ann-Marie L. Sorenson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Judd
Christine Probaslo
Nick Provost
Iva Lou Stephens
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Craig L.
Ryan Kamisato
Shirley D. Michel
G. Anne Pulley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael L.
Suzanne Kamler
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Michie
Keith R. Kelley
Mr. and Mrs. C. Bruce Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Dolores W. Miller
William H. Kennedy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Milliken
Janet Killian
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kilman
Jon M. Higginbotham
Lois Ardell Moffat Hills
Mr. and Mrs. George B.
Hofmann III
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry W.
Paul B. Milligan, M.D.
F. Calvin Packard
Barbara J. Raines
Rhoda W. Ramsey
Dr. and Mrs. Edwin A. Read
Billy J. Reed
Craig and Debbie Sherman
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice C.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Siegel
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis E.
Dr. and Mrs. James Slater
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sleight
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander G.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stevens
Dr. and Mrs. James K. Strozier
Michelle W. Sweet
Dr. and Mrs. Mervin R. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Swensen, Jr.
Janet O. Minden
Dr. and Mrs. S. Grover
Rich, Jr.
Arthur J. Swindle
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R.
Bonnie Rieser
Michael E. Kurowski
Dr. and Mrs. F. Neal
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roberts
Kristine A. Larrabee
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Murdock
Mr. and Mrs. Hiroshi
Kuida, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Roberts
Marilyn H. Roberts
Julie Szumigala
Art Talamante
Benjamin Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Taylor
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Central Utah Life
Prudential Utah Real Estate
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Albano
R & R Muffler and Brake, Inc.
Kurt H. Albertine, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M.
Chytraus Building &
Development Corporation
R. Ray Ward Construction
Dr. and Mrs. Dominic Albo, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.
James R. and Barbara S. Clark
R. T. Saltmarsh Investments
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rae
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thornhill
Clark and Orfalea
Investments, LLC
Ragula Systems/Fatpipe
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S.
Red Cliffs Lodge
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvan Alcabes
Red Rock Brewing Company
Coralie and Bruce Alder
Roderick Enterprises
Susan Alder
Sagebrush Images
Col. and Mrs. Peter Alex, USA
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn L.
Classy Closets
Christina D. Trost
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Tull
Mr. and Mrs. Dell R. Tyler
The Don Aubrey
Coleman Trust
Patricia M. Vaught
Colonial MFG Insulation
Shooting Star Residences, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Alford
Capt. Larry Vernon, USN, Ret.
Courtyard by Marriott
Mr. and Mrs. Helios Allande
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Viscomi
D. S. Lending, LLC
Snake River Outfitters/
Heise Expedition
Snap Lock Industries
Mr. and Mrs. Albert T. Vitale
Delta Center Food Services
SOS Staffing
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Howard
Dr. and Mrs. Daniel D.
Von Hoff
Dept of Utah Ladies
Auxiliary VFW
Specialty Reproductions, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. George Allen, Jr.
George R. Vorce
Discover Financial Services
George J. Allen
Lorie Wailes
Fifteenth Street Gallery
Summit Development
Group, LLC
Surgi-Tech, Inc.
J. Leroy Walker
Foothill Personal Training
Matthew Allen
Suzzo Studio
Richard Ward
Forsey’s Furniture Galleries
Mr. and Mrs. Scot E. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen R.
Fraternal Order of Eagles
Tate Mortuary
Stewart Allen
TCL Interests
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan J. Allred
The Jill C. Timpson
Living Waters Trust
Dawn Allred
Brian Merrill Warren
Grizzly Gulch
Advertising, Inc.
Jack P. Watkins
Hallmark Cabinets
Julie Webster
Heyrend Family Trust
Christopher H. Weis
Hogan and Tingey
Construction, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Whicker
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell T.
Boyd T. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Williams
Brian R. Williamson
Jeffrey S. Woodward
Dr. and Mrs. Galen S. Woolley
Mr. and Mrs. Gary V. Wright
Joanne Wright-Strong and
Lance J. Strong
Alice M. Yeates
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Yenna
Jeffery Yoder
Mary E. Youngkin
Holbrook Elementary
Idaho Hydraulics, Inc.
IDG/Horizon Investment and
Management Corporation
United Way of Tri-State
Universal Refractories, Inc
Utah Society of
Health-System Pharmacists
Odette Alsen
Eva M. Alworth
Mr. and Mrs. Francis A.
J & S Enterprises, Inc.
Xerox Foundation
Jenkins-Soffe Mortuary
Loomis, Fargo & Company
Dr. and Mrs. Philip E. Allsen
Wells Fargo Auto Finance
Willow Creek Financial
Larsen & Malmquist
Mr. and Mrs. Steven G. Allred
Dave Alverson
Irus Enterprises, LLC
Larkspur Residences, LLC
Kent D. Allred
Way Cool, Dirt Cheap
Imaj Salon
La Quinta Inn & Suites
Joseph W. Allen
Wakara Associates
Western Farm Service, Inc.
Kitchen Pride Mushroom
Farms, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Alldredge
Margaret G. Amy
Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Anderson
Brian C. Anderson
Donors who have contributed gifts
totaling $100–$299 from July 1,
2004, through June 30, 2005, to
the University of Utah Health
Sciences Center.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric S. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond W.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd M.
Med One Capital
Funding, LLC
Kris Aase
Gengsheng Lawrence Zeng
Medical Review Institute
of America
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Abbott
Methanex Management, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Abby
Millcreek Broadcasting
Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Dr. and Mrs. Evan D. Abel
Morris Meeting & Incentives
Jan T. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. David W. Adams
NAPA Salt Lake City
Distribution Center
Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Anderson
A New Day
Jay Scott Anderson
Akasha Spa & Salon
Mr. and Mrs. Donald R.
Newpark Corporation
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Adams
350 Main Braissere
5th West Self Storage, LLC
A & B Associates, Inc.
Allegis Group
Marie A. Abate
Dr. and Mrs. Weldon S. Abbott
Alpha Tau Omega,
Utah Epsilon Tau
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Adams
Northwest Multipurpose
Natalie N. Adams
American College
of Endocrinology
OB GYN Associates
Armstrong Mansion
The P.T.M. Charitable
Autoliv Cycling Club
Avalanche Software, LC
Mr. and Mrs. R. Craig Adams
Carol Agle
Mr. and Mrs. J. Lamar
Kathleen L. Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Anderson
Laura Lee Anderson
Lola Anderson
Robert O. Anderson
Edward Jesus Aguayo
Dr. and Mrs. Rodney S.
Paintbrush Residences, LLC
Jeanne Ahern
Dr. Sara Jane Anderson
Paintings by Jan Kampen
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur J. Ahlf
B.B.’s Avant-Garde
Mr. and Mrs. Brad Andes
Petersen F.T., Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Aiello
Ben Lomond Historic
Suite Hotel
Ileen Andrew
Pollock Enterprises, LLC
Michelle B. Ainsworth
Nancy Andrew
Boyer Company
Powderwood Homeowners
Mr. and Mrs. S. Jared
Kirk Patrick Andriano, Ph.D.
Brandoo Corporation
Prime Machine, Inc.
Aliesha A. Aitken
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas J.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. E. Wayne
Milton J. Berrey
Mike Baxter
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ray Bess
Martha S. Anger
Mr. and Mrs. H. Huntley
Emer Howard Arbuckle
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Ballam
Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bazzanella
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Molly Ballard
Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Beaman
Cynthia S. and
Mladen Bestvina
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Baloun
Mr. and Mrs. Grant W. Bean
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Betenson
Claudia Archibald
Gene M. Balzer
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Betenson
Dr. and Mrs. Fares J. Arguello
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Bamer
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Kathleen L. Argyle
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W.
Dwayne S. Beck
Ida M. Bickle
Jean D. Beck
Diana L. Biddle
Ruth B. Banks
Rita C. Beck
Helen E. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Mr. and Mrs. Fenton W. Arnell
Mr. and Mrs. Bernabe B.
Prudence S. Arnold
Fred Barbero, M.D.
Anne Beckstead
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory Tharin
Robert G. Arnold
Dr. and Mrs. James R.
Christy Bedke
Mr. and Mrs. Noel M. Bills
Burton F. Beers, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ray W. Bills
Marilyn H. Beesley
Mr. and Mrs. Seth H. Bills
Mr. and Mrs. Glen J. Behling
Dianne Nelson Binger*
Dr. and Mrs. Allan H. Barker
Sara A. Behrendt
Alison Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd C. Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Behrens
Carrol Bingham
Diane Barker
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bingham
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace G.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene R.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Ralph Binnall
Byron B. Barkley
Mr. and Mrs. Ivin E. Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Blake R. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. David D. Bishop
Dr. and Mrs. J. Canute Barnes
Garth Belliston
Doris Ann Bishop
James A. Barnes
Merilyn S. Bishop
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Barnes
Mr. and Mrs. Russell J.
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Athens
Karen D. Barnes
Dr. and Mrs. W. Dean Belnap
Nayra Atiya
Linda B. Barnes
Ernest L. Belvin
J. E. Atkeson
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Barnes
Cynthia R. Benevenga
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney J. Atkin
Daniel C. Barnett
V. Stanley Benfall
LTC and Mrs. James J.
Austin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barnett
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P.
Kenneth Auton
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Barr
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Avant
Dr. and Mrs. Craig W.
Erin Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Arnow
Mr. and Mrs. Charles V.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Ashby
Dr. and Mrs. Walker J.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hazen
Stanford R. Bardsley
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff M.
Mr. and Mrs. Reese H. Barker
Nolan E. Ashman, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Barker
Dr. and Mrs. Reed Dennis
Terry Barker
Carol F. Ashworth
Ruth Ann Assmus
Katherine P. Astin
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth V.
Mr. and Mrs. Max A. Barnett
Terry B. Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Merle W. Berry
Charles A. Bethke
Kathy H. Bingham
Wendy D. Bircher, M.S., P.T.
Joseph E. Biskupiak, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bittle
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Bjerke
Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Black
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Black
Layne Black
Brandon Bennett
Marilyn Blackburn-Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
David H. Blackham
Melina A. Barr
John G. Avery
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Barra
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bennett
David Avrin, M.D.
Karen L. Blackmon
Kathryn Barrett
Sally L. Ayer
Mr. and Mrs. David L.
Robert W. Babbel, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. William A.
Professor and
Mrs. Wallace R. Bennett
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Bennion
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford L.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal W. Bennion
Dr. and Mrs. Tarlton J. Blair
Dr. and Mrs. James R.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Barry
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Blair
Mr. and Mrs. Russell C.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E.
Dr. and Mrs. Barry A.
Anneke Blattner
Mr. and Mrs. Travis John
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley E.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick L.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Badali
Mr. and Mrs. Philip E. Baese
Mr. and Mrs. Byron H.
Mr. and Mrs. Claron D. Bailey
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Bailey
Dorothy Bailey
Gary Lynn Bailey
Jack F. Bailey
Preston G. Bair
Mr. and Mrs. Ramon C. Baird
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight D. Baker
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Barta
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M.
Marion Blackinton, Ed.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M. Blake
Alvin T. Bleak
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene L. Bliss
Amber Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Warren J. Blosil
Ray H. Barton, Jr., M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Don J. Benson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Bloss
Richard G. Barton, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. James Bentley
Mary M. Bocook
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Barton
Dr. and Mrs. Brandon G.
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine C. Bodell
Mr. and Mrs. Todd A. Berger
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Bassani
Verdean E. Bodily
Dalynn Berglund
Karen L. Bassford
Dr. and Mrs. Robert F. Bohnen
Michael Ralph Bergquist
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis L. Basta
Alexander S. Bokor
Mr. and Mrs. Eduard Berlin
Nathan Paul Bastar
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Mr. and Mrs. Robin W. Bastar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Paul Clark Bates
Dr. and Mrs. Ted B. Bernhisel
Mr. and Mrs. David A.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Cullen Battle
Mr. and Mrs. Kay Bernson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank D. Boll, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baucum
Mr. and Mrs. Charles E.
Wayne Boltis
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Stella Bodily
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bolton
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Mr. and Mrs. Dean W. Bond
Amy L. Caldwell
Margaret Bonkoski
Elaine and Vern Call
Constance J. Bonovich
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Boone
Mr. and Mrs. Dorrel F. Booth
Fay E. Booth
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey E. Booth
Mr. and Mrs. L. Larry Boothe
Johnathan H. Bootland
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Borg
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Jay Bosshardt
Kenneth Michael
Boucher, Ph.D.
Carol Bowcutt
Mr. and Mrs. Russell L.
Mr. and Mrs. Vern M. Bowcutt
“I am a 37-year-old Navajo
and this scholarship will
make it possible to further my
education and help me be
academically successful.”
2005 Recipient,
Joseph and Marjorie Jones Scholarship,
College of Health
Rebecca Call
Scott A. Call
Karleen S. Callahan, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Elliot
Alisha T. Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde J.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis R.
Mr. and Mrs. Nick A.
Mr. and Mrs. Alan M.
Cannon, Jr.
Janis P. Cannon
Shirley Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Q.
Cannon, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George S.
Val M. Cannon
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Bowden
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Brooks
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M. Bulloch
Diane E. Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P.
Dr. and Mrs. C. Victor
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur D. Broom
Portia Bunker
Traci S. Brower
Mr. and Mrs. John Bunnell
Terri B. Bowen
Blake J. Brown, M.D.
Elise T. Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bowen
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Call
Paul J. Cantarini
Dr. Thomas Gerard Cantu
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Capener
Christopher A. Cappy
Edwin Martin Caravati, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Brown
Matthew J. Burbank and
Mary DeBernard
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Bowers
Craig B. Brown, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Brent R. Burdett
Charlotte Carl-Mitchell
Roxanne Bowers
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Garth Bowman
Dr. and Mrs. Harold D.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas D.
Mr. and Mrs. Lauren R.
Michelle L. Burkdull
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cardwell
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas M.
Edward Burke
John N. Boyack
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Boyce
Dr. and Mrs. George R. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burks
Mr. and Mrs. William S. Boyd
Imogene Brown
Stanley Boyer
Mr. and Mrs. Jack V. Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas G.
Lewis R. Boynton and
Sonja G. Penttila
Paul D. Brown
Jack J. Burnett
Ray Brown
Debra Burnham
Dr. and Mrs. Brian R.
Raymond R. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Burnham
Sarah Gene Brown
Mary M. Burnham
Scott Brady
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony S.
Mr. and Mrs. Don C.
Jonathan L. Brand, M.D.
Josie K. Browning
Trace Burningham
Judy Brandy
Lucia D. Browning
Steven N. Burrows
Ruth E. Brasher
Dr. and Mrs. Scott M.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sheldon Burt
Mr. and Mrs. James D.
Joan C. Bruce
Susan J. Burt
Barbara B. Brunker
Dr. and Mrs. Scott A. Burton
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth B.
Castleton, Jr.
Bryan McKinley Brayboy
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn S.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen M.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Mr. and Mrs. John Michael
Mr. and Mrs. D. Page Busken
Edward P. Castorina
Mr. and Mrs. A. Jerry Butler
Patricia P. Cathey
Todd J. Buchmiller
Leone Buttars
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle D. Cattani
Romney Buck
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Butter
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Budge
Brent E. Butterfield
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Doris Budge
Timothy L. Byers, M.D., Ph.D.
Allan C. Buethe
Dan and Shirleen Byington
Judy P. Buffmire, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Byrne
Stephen J. Bujno
Jeffrey D. Bukowski
Dr. and Mrs. Michael K.
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Brockbank
Bethel M. Bull
Mr. and Mrs. Dick B. Cahoon
Dr. and Mrs. Darrel S. Brodke
Mr. and Mrs. Charles W.
Nancy Cahoon
Howard C. Bradshaw
William J. Braun
Nancy C. Brazelton
Joe Brazill
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Breckon
Beverly N. Breen
Judy Breitenstein
Patricia R. Bremer
Alica Bremness
Darrell K. Brian
Dorothy Brinsa
Mr. and Mrs. J. Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Lee J. Bronson
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
Bruce A. Bullias, M.D.
Daniel L. Burkhead, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Lyle Burt
Ronald M. Caronia, M.D.
Aimee K. Carothers
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin
Kristen Carroll, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin R. Carter
Dr. and Mrs. Charles Thomas
Clyde E. Carter
David L. Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Deloy
Dr. and Mrs. M. Eric Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick J. Cee
J. Bevan Chamberlain
Hyun Jaung Chang
Mr. and Mrs. S. Gale
Bret Chappell
De Ila Chappell
Annette Cain
donor report Dr. L. Jeffery Chappell
Mr. and Mrs. Fuad Dajany
Patti Charles
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dale
Dr. and Mrs. Kevin H.
Ruth J. Dall
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Herald Y. Chen
Kevin Cheney
James S. Cherrington
Mr. and Mrs. E. Chew
Mr. and Mrs. William L. Chew
Mr. and Mrs. James
Dr. and Mrs. Brent S. Child
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Child
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Child
Mr. and Mrs. John S.
Karen Chipman
“With your help,
my dreams are not so far
fetched anymore.”
2001 Recipient,
John E. and Nellie M. Drummond
Doctoral Endowment Fund, College of Nursing
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Tung Choong, Ph.D.
Kin-Hoe Chow
Mr. and Mrs. Blayne
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W.
Roland W. Dance
Mr. and Mrs. E. Leon Daniel
Mr. and Mrs. Michael E.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert L. Dart
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis M.
Miles G. Davidson
Glen Palmer Davis
Marilyn B. Davis
Robert Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Steven B. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. Wayne L. Davis
Andrea Dawsen
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Dawson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Clifford
Mr. and Mrs. Jack B. Cline
William T. Couldwell,
M.D., Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Day, Jr.
Margaret P. Day
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip W.
Cliff N. Coury
Helen L. Clise
Sherry D. Clise
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roy
Mr. and Mrs. James Close
Cris G. Cowley, M.D.
Edward Clothier
Mr. and Mrs. LaVar Cox
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin G. Clyde
Mr. and Mrs. Mark B. Cox
Mr. and Mrs. Robert John
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Reed
Douglas Clyde
Mr. and Mrs. Alex D. Coy, Jr.
Dawnaline Y. Decker
Louise C. Clyde
Bonnie T. Crabtree
Joan E. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin J. Coates
Carolyn Sue Crabtree
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Mr. and Mrs. Lynnwood
Willa D. Cocorinis
Donna R. Cragun
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. DeGraw
Amy E. Coffey
Mr. and Mrs. Olin Frederick
Erika Delacorte
Daniel D. Christensen, M.D.
Evan J. Christensen
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L.
Mr. and Mrs. Garold C.
Mary Lee C. Christensen
Phyllis Christensen
Sue D. and Thayer S.
Kimberley P. Cohee
Nancy Colarossi
Mr. and Mrs. Barry C. Cole
Jewel S. Cowan
Craig W. Dayhuff
Craig Darden
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Deatherage
Dr. and Mrs. David A.
Dr. Stephen D. Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E.
De La Mare
Mary Louise Cramar
O. Yvonne Dellamore
Don DeLorey
Mr. and Mrs. William E.
Dr. and Mrs. Boyd N. Cole
Mr. and Mrs. David L.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cole
Michelle L. Crawford
Dr. and Mrs. Grant L.
Susan J. DeMarti
Jane D. Coleman
Carlos C. Denton
Richard D. Coleman
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S.
Kathy Christiansen
Myrne M. Collier
Mr. and Mrs. Rick Crawley
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Chu
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Clinton Ruhl Collins
Dick N. Creager, M.D.
Anne Kim Chung
Dale Patrick Deputy
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo S. Colton
Dorothy Crockett
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Cinquino
Royden G. and Allie Derrick
Kay Lynn Conder
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Citte
Cindy DesPres
RADM Maxine Conder, USN
Mr. and Mrs. Allen F.
Crooms, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan R. Clark
Michael W. Condie, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald M. Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Michael M.
Jack H. Clark
Charles Connelley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Demaline
Mark D. Deutsch
Patricia M. Crossman
Mr. and Mrs. William
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crow
John Robert Dewitt, Ph.D.
Kelly Crozier
Mr. and Mrs. K. K. Dezelon
Deanna L. Cook
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Crus
Jerry Diana
Margene Clark
Mr. and Mrs. F. Alan Coombs
Eileen Csontos, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert P. Dickey
Mr. and Mrs. N. Paul Clark
Professor Leslie M. Cooper
Phyllis D. Cubbage
Ellen Y. Dilley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Culwell
Wade Dillree
Tom Edward Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Onan John
Shelly B. Cummins
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D. Dinsdale
Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Clarke
Jennie W. Corbett
Gerald E. Cunningham
Janae Ditlevson
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Clarke
Claire S. Cordner
Launie J. Cunningham
Dr. and Mrs. David N. Clayton
Jean M. Coren
Marie J. Cunningham
Dr. and Mrs. William A.
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Cleaver
Marilyn C. Corey
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Currie
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Doidge
Mr. and Mrs. Terry R. Clegg
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L.
Mr. and Mrs. Kent W.
James Doilney
Dr. and Mrs. Robert D. Corry
Dr. and Mrs. Merrill C. Daines
Michael S. Doleac
Dr. and Mrs. Blaine S.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Kevin Dolan
Monica H. Couch
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Mr. and Mrs. David S.
Gregory W. Egbert, D.D.S.
Barbara J. Fasenmyer
Dr. and Mrs. L. Dean Egbert
Mr. and Mrs. Silvio J. Fassio
Mr. and Mrs.
Christopher Taft Ford
Joyce Donaldson
Mark Mclachlan Eggett
Ross Faucett
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Fordham
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford O.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew G.
Mr. and Mrs. Rick V. Fausett
La Var Foremaster
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Fechter
Christopher Forester
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Doolin
Karen Ehresman
Calvert S. Feller
Jeanne M. Forester
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Earl
Dority, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Ellis Eisen
Peter B. Feller
Margery Forester
Richard Eisinger
Barbara C. Felton
Laura Forrester
Kathleen G. Ekeren
Stewart Feltz
Clayter F. Forsgren
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Downes
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.
Frances Ferguon
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fouyer
Dr. and Mrs. Michael L.
L. Scott Eldon
Robert M. Fernandez
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel R.
Debra J. Doucette
Robert Dougherty
Donna Drecksel
Beth W. Dredge
Mr. and Mrs. Don G. Eldredge
Ralene Eller
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Ferrara
Shelly Ferraro
C. A. Ferrin, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W. Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Drenker
Mr. and Mrs. A. Glade
Lois E. Drews
C. Elaine Elliott
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Cap Ferry
James L. Droesbeke
Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Ellis
Leonel Figueredo
Dr. and Mrs. Tracy M.
Baalah F. Drooks
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory W. Ellis
Santiago S. Figueroa
Donald N. Franz, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard K.
Mr. and Mrs. Rulon M. Ellis
Shelly Bates Filgo
Alison Mary Fraser
John N. Ellison
Mr. and Mrs. John Filippini
Carol Ellsworth
Timothy M. Filla
Mr. and Mrs. Harold D.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer F.
Mr. and Mrs. Blair Findlay
Wendell P. Droubay
Cara Drury
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley H.
Robert B. Dudley
Audrey Suzanne Dufel and
Vincente Planelles
Dr. and Mrs. Harry Elster
Mr. and Mrs. Steven M.
Janice E. Ence
Evelyn C. Fink
Mr. and Mrs. Kay Ence
Dr. and Mrs. Keith N.
Dr. and Mrs. Owen H. Duffy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Ence
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Duke
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Ence
Lisa Duke
Michael L. Engel
Kathryn Dullum
Mr. and Mrs. Scott M.
Lisa Dunbar
David L. Duncan
James H. Duncan
Jean Duncan
Trudy Duncan and
Robyn Riley
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Dunken
Mr. and Mrs. H. Howard
Chris Dunn
David Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Dunn
Mr. and Mrs. Van F. Dunn, Jr.
James F. Ferry
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon S. Fox
James W. Francis
Hon. and Mrs. J. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis N.
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Free
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Q. Freed
Mr. and Mrs. Mike S.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E.
Mr. and Mrs. Bertram R.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Frei
A. Jennifer Fischbach, M.D.
Clara W. England
Sandy W. Friedman
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton R. Fish
Charles D. English
Dr. and Mrs. Ralph E. Friz
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley R. Fish
Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ensign II
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell W. Frost
Carla Dawn Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Rodger C. Fry
Mr. and Mrs. Elden E. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence L.
Beverly J. Epstein
Harold J. Frey, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Erbin
Irene S. Fisher and
Dr. A. Craig Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. David W.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey T. Fisher
Hans R. Fuegi
Marcus A. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. David H.
Mr. and Mrs. Jon A. Erickson
Mr. and Mrs. John Eriksson
Camille Eskelson
Christopher Esparza
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Tracy S. Fisher
William R. Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Fuchs
Mr. and Mrs. Mitsuru
Noreen S. Fujiwara
Larry J. Etherington
Dr. and Mrs. Mark G.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest J. Etzel
Dr. and Mrs. E. Dean Flanders
Mr. and Mrs. C. Dennis Funk
Mary J. Etzel
Kevin M. Flanigan, M.D.
Melia M. Furgis
Beverly A. Evans
David G. Fleshman
Laurel B. Furse
Mr. and Mrs. Denis R. Evans
Ann B. Fletcher
Emma E. Furth
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gary Evans
Raymond S. Fletcher
Mary D. Furth
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
Eversole II
Joan O. Gabbard
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry T. Eason
Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Charles
Dr. and Mrs. Robert N. Evert
Tanja Easson
Michael P. Flint
Mr. and Mrs. Gary E.
M. Val Eccles
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas B.
Thomas M. Flores
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gaddie
Jean L. Eden
Brad J. Falkner
Mr. and Mrs. Paul W.
Mindy B. Gaddis
Marilyn Edgar
Mr. and Mrs. LaRon Falslev
Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Floyd
Mr. and Mrs. Menno Ediger
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel E. Farley
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry B. Folsom
Maj. and Mrs. James M.
Mr. and Mrs. K. R. Edsall
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Pete Fondario
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Galieti
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Becky P Gallegos
Marilyn Z. Forbach
Ruth R. Gamette
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Dutch
Janice C. Dwire
Eileen Hjorth Dwyer
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Dye
Mr. and Mrs. Todd S. Eagar
Mr. and Mrs. Grant J. Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Philip D.
Carol S. Egan
Mr. and Mrs. Erwin H.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Egan
Dr. Judy A. Farnsworth
Stephen Farr
Dr. and Mrs. Mark A. Fulton
Constance E. Galanti
Michael Gallegos
Evelyn B. Forbes
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report W. B. Gannett, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Gleason, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Griffin
Ardyce L. Gantz
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin L.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold G.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Glesmann III
Addie C. Grigg
Mr. and Mrs. J. Keith Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Khalil V. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Glines
Cavelle B. Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian S. Garcia
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk W. Hansen
Chad Glover
Summer Grindstaff
Andie Gardiner
Rebecca J. Glover
Charles B. Grissom
Mr. and Mrs. A. Barclay
Mary Lynne and
Conrad O. Hansen
Reta W. Gardner
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brent Godfrey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald L.
S. Donald Gardner,
Jr., D.M.D.
Harold and Karen Goetzinger
Glenn Grossmann
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Goff
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn E. Garner
Jeanne S. Gold
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvah L. Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Jay Garrett
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Goble
Laurie Goldner and
Thomas O. Meyer
Barry G. Gomberg
Deborrah Sanders Gomberg
Rod Grogan
Beth C. Groo, R.N.
Onie Grosshans
Dr. Douglas Grossman
Norman E. Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Regan B. Hansen
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Mckay
Mr. and Mrs. W. Eugene
Caroljean Hanson
Peter N. Groves
Mr. and Mrs. G. Craig Hanson
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L.
Hanson, Jr.
David J. Grunwald
Mr. and Mrs. LeMar O.
George E. Gudac
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Garrett
John S. Gonas, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. U. E. Garrison
Fred P. Gonzales
Mr. and Mrs. Brad D. Hardy
Margaret-Ann D.
Gartland, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Ariel G.
Peter R. Gonzales
Stephen F. Guida
Mr. and Mrs. Stan Goodell
Dr. and Mrs. David C. Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Guidi
Mr. and Mrs. Henry B.
Jim Hargis
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L.
Colleen P. Harker, M.D.
Blaine E. Gasser
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D.
Mr. and Mrs. Cedric M. Gunn
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace B.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R.
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Guss
Hallard Benjamin
Harmon, M.D.
Elaine D. Gaudette
Shep Gordon
Marla Gault
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Harmston, Jr.
Michael D. Gehrisch
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley J.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P.
Dr. and Mrs. Stanton D. Harn
Jeffrey Geigle
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry N. Gorrell
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley J.
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Geniec
Mr. and Mrs. William A.
Martha Hacker
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Harper
Timothy J. Hackworth
Dora W. Harper
Helen G. George
Dr. and Mrs. D. John
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Dean
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry D.
Dr. Helen Graber
Angela B. Haight
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt Hales
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R.
Darrel S. Gerard
Mr. and Mrs. J. Gary
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hall
Catherine M. Harris, M.D.
Paul, Kaye, Margi and
Todd Gerding
Erich L. Graf
Edward L. Hall
Cecil Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W.
Gordon J. Graham
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Hall
Lynn Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gramoll
Mr. and Mrs. Blaine T. Hallett
Suzanne Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond B.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Grant
Gregory G. Halls
Colleen C. Harrison
Ella Obert Graves
Rosella Halstenrud
Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Gianos
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Graves
Mr. and Mrs. Aki Hamada
Mr. and Mrs. David L.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick M.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean L. Gray
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Gibbs
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Gray
Debra J. Gibbs
Mr. and Mrs. Scott C. Grayson
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry W. Gibbs
Jeff Green
Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Garvey
Gustavo N. Garzarelli
Douglas C. Gaskill
Larry L. Gentry
Mr. and Mrs. Aimee B. Gibby
Howard M. Gray, Jr.
Karen Gunning
Mr. and Mrs. David O.
Sharon Hamilton
Vea Jean Hamilton
Cathie Hardy
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E.
Brenda Harper
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin T.
David Hart
Paul W. Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J.
Mr. and Mrs. Duane L. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A.
Richard Frank Gibson, Ph.D.
Pamela R. Green
Russell L. Gibson, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard H. Gier
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Andrew T. Gilbert
Jon L. Greenawalt
Marjory F. Handley
Donna L. Gilbert, Ph.D.
Angela Greenhalgh
Stuart Handy
Fred N. Giles
Eric Gregerson
Gary D. Hanlen
James A. Gillespie
Mr. and Mrs. S. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Hanni
Alan H. Grey
Anna Lou Hansen
Jane Giovanini
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Grice
Arlen L. Hansen
Kathy and Andy Girouard
Steven J. Griego
Barbara A. Hansen
Dr. and Mrs. Eastman N.
Allen K. Glazier
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Grier
Douglas D. Hansen
Warren F. Hatch, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Warren L.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Griffin
Mr. and Mrs. Francis C.
Emily Hartman
Patricia P. Hartman
John M. Hammond
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Hartmann
Ronald Y. Hanagami
Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Robert
A. John Hansen
Steve K. Harvey
L. Kay Harward
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W.
Mr. and Mrs. Kent R. Hastings
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Hatfield
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report John Hauze
Robert J. Howe, Sr.
Lt. Col. and
Mrs. Gary T. Hawes
Brenda Howell
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Louis
Elizabeth G. Hawkins
Veronica Haycock
Donald F. Hayes
Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Hayes
Arnold D. Hayman
Mr. and Mrs. John O.
Hilary D. Hays
Roxanne Hayward
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Haywood
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Hazel
Mr. and Mrs. Jack L. Healey
Guy H. Hearon
Gene Heath
“I worked for 15 years in
the Department meeting these
wonderful kids. I just wanted
to help them.”
Gayle Lawrence Endowed Scholarship
in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism,
College of Health
Mr. and Mrs. Dale G. Heaton
Mr. and Mrs. Howard S.
Diane Higginson
Max Holcomb
Dr. Christopher P. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Holgate
Jo Lee B. Heaton
Dave Hill
Jean Holladay
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hedgepeth
Douglas W. Hill
William D. Holland
Kurt and Kristine Hegmann
Duane C. Hill
Dena Hollett-Gilsdorf
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Heineman
J. Dean Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Shay W. Holley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hill
Bert Holloway
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon A.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Hill
Lt. and Mrs. Dean S.
Holman, USAF, Ret.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E.
Hill, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Phil D. Holman
Mr. and Mrs. Orr L. Hill
Dr. and Mrs. Harold G. Hillam
David R. and
Nancy L. Holmes
Mr. Karl J. Hemmerich
H. Randall Hillyard
Ervin R. Holmes
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R.
Bud H. Hinckley
Jennifer A. Holmes
Gerald M. Hinckley
Charles W. Holmgren
Thomas H. Henderson, Jr.
Kathleen A. Hirabayashi
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Holyoak
Mr. and Mrs. Paul K.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas N. Hix
Kathleen B. Hom
Elizabeth K. Ho
Dr. and Mrs. Brian L. Homer
Nadine S. Heninger
Mr. and Mrs. Harry L.
Hoagland III
Mr. and Mrs. William Todd
Alice R. Henrie
Bessie E. Hochstettler
Roni Hoover
David P. Henrie, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Hopkin
Mr. and Mrs. Reese H. Henry
Mr. and Mrs. Martin L.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert W. Hepler
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Hodges
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E.
Roger R. Hendrickson
Kathleen A. Holmberg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan S.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy D.
Gregory J. Hopkins
JoAn Hermansen
Mary T. Hofeling
L. Beth Hermansen
Mr. and Mrs. John H.
Hoffman III
Mr. and Mrs. B. Todd
Col. and Mrs. Frank E.
Herrelko, USAF, Ret.
Carla Hess
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Hess
Willis S. Hesselroth
Dominic J. Heuscher, Ph.D.
Elena Hewitt, M.D., PC
Dr. and Mrs. Glenn O. Hewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B.
Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd R. Hicken
Marva Hicken
Hildegard L. Hickman
Mr. and Mrs. Holly M. Higbee
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
Mr. and Mrs. Fong-Fu
Hsu, Ph.D.
Robert S. Hsu, Ph.D.
Barbara Ann Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Phil F. Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. Rod T. Hufstetler
Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Huish
Helene A. Hulse
Kerri Anne Humpherys
Marie W. Humphrey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd R.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D.
Bonnie Hunt
Howard D. Heath
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Gary Howell
Thomas R. Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Ronald V. Hopkins
Mr. and Mrs. G. Robinson
Elizabeth S. Hunter
William E. Hunter
Diana Jaleen Huntsman
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Dwight
Huntsman, USAF, Ret.
Lewis K. Huntsman
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn P.
Juanita J. Hurley
Scott N. Hurst, M.D.
W. Fred Hurst
Ronald Hutcheson
Dr. and Mrs. Douglas T.
Lorie Hutchison
Mr. and Mrs. Louis G. Hutton
Carole Lee Hyde
Donna Hyde
Susan Christine Hyer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott L. Hymas
Robert P. Igo, M.D.
Yutako Ikegami
Mr. and Mrs. Kirk L. Imamura
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Ingell
Mary R. Ingram, Ph.D. and
Lawrence Small
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W.
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Hornbaker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A.
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley A.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Todd Inman
Jay B. Horrocks
Mr. and Mrs. David B. Hoggan
Dr. and Mrs. Brent L. Horsley
Mr. and Mrs. L. Brent Hoggan
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Hortman
Larry Hogge, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Horton
Mr. and Mrs. James E.
Hogle, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Horyna
Harold E. Hohmann
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry M. Hosler
Mr. and Mrs. Henning Hoj
Cinda K. Houston
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon G.
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger T.
Shannon M. Howarth
Paul Y. Hoskisson
Mr. and Mrs. William Irvine
Mr. and Mrs. Scott E. Irwin
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Itokazu
Wells J. Iverson
Melvin Ives
Jani Iwamoto and
Steve Fukumitsu
Edwin S. Izatt
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur D.
donor report Dr. and Mrs. Brian Richard
Laurel D. Kay
Darrell W. Jackson
Harvey J. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. F. Gardner
Ms. Laurie Keaton
Gerald A. Jackson
Lynnette Lee Jackson
Richard A. Jackson, M.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Steven T. Jackson
Wilma M. Jackson
Douglas D. Jacob
Verl T. Jacob
Dr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Jacobs
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas J.
Eric R. Jacobsen
Mr. and Mrs. Michael V.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Jacoby
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Keahey
“Because of your kindness
and generosity a small ray of
hope has turned to reality.”
2005 Recipient,
Marion Lennberg Scholarship,
College of Pharmacy
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark H. Jaffe
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kee
Janice Keller
Montie R. Keller
Diane M. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard J.
Marsha Kenner
Marcey Bradshaw Keown
Peggy Hunter Kerby
Shauna Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B. Kerr
Mr. and Mrs. Larry S.
Ann Kesteloot
Dr. and Mrs. John R. W. Kestle
Warren M. Ketcham
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton R. Jex
Gary K. Jolley
Pauline John
Christopher Johns
Mr. and Mrs. Carter E.
Jones, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. M. Craig Johns
Cassie Jones
M. Marlene Kiernat-Yaeger
Carolyn Johnson
Cecelia F. Jones
Ann Kiesel
Charles D. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs.
Christopher Wayne Jones
Betty June Kiley
Mr. and Mrs. David M. Jones
Theodore Y. Kim
Mr. and Mrs. E. Kent Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Don H. Kimball
G. Kenneth Johnson, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Jones
Geraldine B. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Fredric H. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. George C.
Ingeborg G. Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. J. Clarke Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryan Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Leon L. Jones
Jared Johnson
Dr. and Mrs. Scot B. Jones
Joan B. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Johnson
Wilma B. Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Larry S. Jenkins
Jeffrey W. Johnson
Lorraine D. Jenkins
Jessica A. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. William H.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd F. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenward B.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas R.
Dan E. James
Ruth W. Jamison
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin W.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Janka
Mr. and Mrs. M. Victor
Elaine Y. Jarrett
Mary E. Jarrett
Jon W. Jarson
LTC and Mrs. Dean R. Jeffs,
USA, Ret.
Dr. and Mrs. Dale G. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. David L.
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. Keyes
Ranjana Khanna, M.D.
Donald W. Killmore
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas G.
Mr. and Mrs. Darren Kinder
Dorothy D. Kindred
Ardelle E. King
Sam C. Kingston
Toni Jorgensen
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Kinney
Natasha Josefowitz
Carolyn Kipp
Dr. and Mrs. Leland P.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis F. Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Alva J. Kirk
Dan J. Kadrmas
Mr. and Mrs. David S. Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johnson
Leonard C. Kirk
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry P. Jensen
Marie C. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Patrick
Joseph D. Jensen, M.D., PC
Michael W. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Kaneko
Mr. and Mrs. Mark M.
Judith Ann Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Orlando K.
Mr. and Mrs. Timo K.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin A.
Owen W. Johnson, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie G. Kappel
Scott A. Kiser, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Randall H.
Professor and Mrs. Ralph
Denise Kist
Ray K. Johnson
Tracy Karp
Robert A. Kittell
Richard E. Johnson
Ruth T. Kartchner
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kitzinger
Dr. Rob Johnson and
Dr. Susie Sawin-Johnson
Josephine M. Kasteler, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Kjar
Alan Kates
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A.
Andy and Margaret
Professor and Mrs.
Melville R. Klauber
Rosalie D. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Katsanevas
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J.
Kleinschnitz, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Sherman B.
Mr. and Mrs. David Katz
Dr. and Mrs. Frank W. Kleist
Michele Linnebur Jenson
Betty Kletti
Eun-Kee Jeong
Marvin Katz
Stacy J. Johnson
Donna M. Knapp
Dr. and Mrs. Roger S.
Dr. Janet E. Kaufman
Mr. and Mrs. Thatcher E.
Mr. and Mrs. Petelo Kaufusi
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Knapp
Mr. and Mrs. Philip T. Jessee
Frank Victor Kaunitz
Mr. and Mrs. Cas C. Knies
William Carl Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jessen
Mary Kawakami
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Knight
William Doug Johnson
Tammy L. Jessop
Dennis Scott Jolley
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Kay
Mr. and Mrs. Charles M.
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Jensen
Dr. and Mrs. Reed T. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M.
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. Russell H.
Vivian N. Jensen
David B. Jenson
Dr. and Mrs. Mitsuo Kitahara
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Paul E. Knopf
Dr. and Mrs. John David
Toby Libidinsky
Debra S. Ma
Dr. and Mrs. Karl E. Lind
Mr. and Mrs. Sherwin
James C. Larche II
Lisa Lindberg
Mr. and Mrs. G. Julian
Maack, Jr.
Julia Larez
Marilyn Lindsay
Don Mabey
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Y.
Elna Larimore
Janet E. Lindsley
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph R. Mabey
Patricia Williams Larkin, R.N.
Jeffrey Robbins Lines, M.D.
Krista MacArthur
Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Kocent
Mr. and Mrs. Larry J. Larsen
Dr. and Mrs. Lowell D. Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Newel H.
Orlan Kenneth Macdonald
Carl G. Koch
Michael Koch
Mr. and Mrs. Royce G. Larsen
Mr. and Mrs. Alan J. Linton
James A. MacGregor III
Rick E. Koch
Rita Beatrice Larsh
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Lister
Joseph Machnik, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D.
Craig Larson
Tony Litman
Dr. Annette MacIntyre
E. Duane Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Litvack
Frank Mackain
Mr. and Mrs. Jon W. Larson
Dr. and Mrs. L. Kimball Lloyd
Jay H. Mackay
Judy Larson
Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. Lloyd
Lynne M. Macleod
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Larson
John Lockhart
Karen Macon
Vincent A. Kolber
Col. and Mrs. Jimmy S.
Lassetter, USA, Ret.
Richard Lockhart
Dorothy Macrate
Mr. and Mrs. E. Frank Koller
Michele M. Macy
George Latuda
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Paul
Louis Koncz, Jr.
Alex Lauren
Mr. and Mrs. Alan C. Lodder
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Christopher Konen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Lavorgna
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Jodi Law
Sherri Lawless
Cecil D. Long
Carlos F. Madsen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Koster
Harriet Lawrence
Deanne Long, M.D.
Patricia Madsen
Mary Koto
LeeAnn Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. Gene M. Long
Mr. and Mrs. Craig J. Madson
Demetrius A. Kourtides
Mr. and Mrs. Ray G.
Kenneth Long
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn J. Maland
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Long
Edward L. Malloy, M.D.
Kristi Lawton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Lopour
Maria Maloney
Mr. and Mrs. R. Dean Layton
Mina B. Lorenz
Colleen D. Malouf
Blaine Leavitt
Lisa S. Loret
James K. Manasco
Dr. and Mrs. Larry W. Kraiss
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C.
Mr. and Mrs. John W.
Losse, Jr.
Mark L. Mangelson D.D.S.
Doug Kramer
Mr. and Mrs. Ted R. LeBeau
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Losser
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Kreiter
Dr. and Mrs. Dale C.
Evan Love
Lorraine Kay Lee
Karla Lovell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Lee, Jr.
Dixon D. Low
Gregory L. Knott
Jim Koetter
Jerald D. Kofford
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred J. Kofoed
Mr. and Mrs. Merle G. Kohn
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Koury
Carl E. Kowalski
Gaylen Koyle
David E. Kozlowski
Richard Q. Kress
Mr. and Mrs. Reuben
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey J.
Linda M. Kruse
Sunny F. Lee
Mr. and Mrs. Yat Wing Lee
Philip L. Ku, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Leech
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Kenneth
Mr. and Mrs. James D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert James
Dr. and Mrs. Lindy F. Kumagai
Satya Wati Kumar
Amy Toboco Kun
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Kunz
Mr. and Mrs. Jay L. Love
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M. Low
Robert J. Lowder
P. J. Mantas
Mr. and Mrs. E. George
Mantes, Jr.
Kim Lubbers
Linda Leigh
Mr. and Mrs. Dean F.
Ida Manzanares
Carollyn Marcek
Jeff Marchant
Dr. and Mrs. Patrick R. Luers
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman K.
Mr. and Mrs. George Kurose
Trent John Lemperle
Mr. and Mrs. Donald T. Lund
Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Lackey
Thomas P. Lennon
Mark R. Lund
Paul Douglas Lacombe
Kathryn Lenton
Scott Lundberg
Dan A. Laheru
Leslie Lundgreen
Peter H. Laine
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G.
Audrey Lake
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Leonard
Valeria C. Lundstrom
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Lundy
Parthenia N. Lakey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen E. Lamb
Dr. Eugene Leung
Mr. and Mrs. Brian B. Lambert
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Levine
E. Jay Lambert, M.D.
Richard M. Levine
David J. Lampert
G. Kay Lewis
Patricia Ann Lamuth
Kent S. Lewis and
Sara J. Sexton-Lewis
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
Kevin Mantz
Fred W. Lueckfeld
Mr. and Mrs. James C.
Stacy Lapuaho
Brenda Mann and
Jordan Gerton
Dr. and Mrs. Gary D. Lower
George D. Leigh
Dr. and Mrs. Ching Po Li
Mr. and Mrs. Garth L.
Mr. Matthew Thomas Lowell
John Kunzweiler
Joseph C. LaPine
Dr. and Mrs. Ned L.
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis B.
Edith Legerski
Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Leiser
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Legrand
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Lowe
John D. Lowry
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Leininger
Susan Macfarlane
Gene Luna
Faye B. Lundquist
Mary J. Lusienski
Doris L. Lust
George E. Lyman
James J. Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Barton D. Lynn
Mr. and Mrs. R. Eugene Lynn
Lt. Col. and Mrs. Dennis R.
Lyon, USAF, Ret.
Alvaro Margolis, M.D.
Gail L. Marietta
Craig R. Mariger
Darlene A. Markovich
Cindy Marquez
Alice C. Marsh
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton J.
Kristen Marshall
Gretchen Ann Mart
Kathleen M. Martin
Dr. R. Bruce Martin
Suzanne C. Martin
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Mash
donor report Paul F. Mash
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Melvin
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin J.
Mr. and Mrs. William R.
Mr. and Mrs. Clark M. Mower
Mr. and Mrs.* Apache McLean
Mr. and Mrs. David Milligan
Mr. and Mrs. Dale McMillan
Mr. and Mrs. Harley A. Mills
Michael Kent Matheson
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan H.
Mr. and Mrs. Akira Minamide
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Glenn
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Miner
Dr. Alan L. Mueller
Mr. and Mrs. Faris W.
Dr. and Mrs. Lewis C. Miner
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Muir
Jane G. Mitchell
Margaret Ann Muir
Mr. and Mrs. Michael N.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerrold K.
Dr. Robert G. Mitchell
Shantel Mullin
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H.
Katheryn A. Mullins
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Mason
Heidi E. Masters
Wendy E. Matheney
Evan J. Matheson, M.D.
Rep. James D. Matheson
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan D.
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
George T. Mattena
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lloyd
Karl T. McMullin
Mr. and Mrs. Macoy A.
Nancy McNally
Col. Joseph M. McPhie,
USAF (Ret.)
Clinton G. Matthews
Dr. and Mrs. Donald G.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Mr. and Mrs. David C.
Craig J. Mattinson, D.D.S.
Laura Shane McWhorter
Adelaide Maudsley
DeLenna B. Mecham
Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L.
Carlin Maw
Mr. and Mrs. Norman B.
Dr. Jon W. Meilstrup
Dr. and Mrs. Russell P.
Mr. and Mrs. Mel K.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale D. May
Laurie Menmuir
George A. May, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Mercer
Priscilla M. Mayden
Jacquline Merchant
Brian McAdam
Allyson B. Meredith
Helen C. McAllister
Mr. and Mrs. R. Bruce Merrell
Charles T. McAvoy
Steven Meisner
Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell
Dominick R. Motta
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F.
Dr. and Mrs. James C. Munly
Mr. and Mrs. Rodney A.
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Muntz
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Munns
Gerald Mobley
Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ross
Dr. and Mrs. Chad L.
Constance F. Moebus
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Murdock
Gay Moffat
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J.
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley N.
John Anthony Murillo
Sandra S. Molitor
Jean Ann Murphy
President and Mrs.
Thomas S. Monson
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Terrence
Mr. and Mrs. Clair Murray
Mr. and Mrs. Mark S. Murphy
Keitha N. Murray
Jenee Merrill
Sen. and Mrs. Robert F.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael Messina
Joe and Susan Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Paul David
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory D.
Mary Louise McCabe, MPH
Gladys C. Meyer, Ph.D.
Dr. and Mrs. Allan L. McCall
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
William C. McCarty
Phyllis Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. John David
Mr. and Mrs. William F.
Meyer, Jr.
Gail A. McBride
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D.
Abigail Z. Moran
Paul C. Morash
Dr. Gerald R. Moress
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest H. Muth
Leonard L. Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Howard O. Myli
Lisa Wootton Nagel
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin R.
Mr. and Mrs. Chikayoshi
Mick McClure
Sheryl L. Meyering
Delia McCormick
Twila Michelangelo
David W. McCoy
Trenton S. Michie
Dr. William A. McCreary
Col. Paul E. Miehle
Alice M. McCue
Michael Mielke
Mr. and Mrs. Brad G.
Dr. and Mrs. James M.
Carolyn W. Miles
Jay R. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd W. Nance
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L.
Mr. and Mrs. Robb Miles
Jim Morgan
Chris H. Nance
Steven P. Miles
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Morgan
William J. Naughton
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S.
Matthew D. Millan
Nate Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Neale
Frank E. Millar
Mr. and Mrs. Claude O. Morin
Hazelton R. Nebeker
Melvin J. McFarland
Randy Don Millecam
Kent R. McGarry
Brenda Miller
Dr. and Mrs. David Glen
Dr. and Mrs. Jonathan R.
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett F.
McGee, Jr.
Brian G. Miller
Stacy Morris
Rowena K. Neeley
Clark C. Miller
Samuel G. Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McGuire
John B. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. William
Wright Neff
Bryan Reed McHargue
Jolene T. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. George W.
James J. McHugh
Julie McDannold Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Howard B.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth C.
George W. McIntyre
Kenneth E. Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Walter A.
John C. McKisson
Kim Miller
Latisha Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Morgan
Demar A. Morgan
Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Allyn K. Nakashima, M.D.
and Michael David
Malison, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Kay Nakashima
Dr. and Mrs. Alfred H. Namba
Michael A. Neilson
B. C. Nelson, D.D.S.
Nolan R. Morse
Mr. and Mrs. Dalmas H.
Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Mortensen
Mr. and Mrs. Derek G. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Terril Mortensen
Don H. Nelson, M.D.
J. Paul Moslander
Glade Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn C. Nelson
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Nelson
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Mr. and Mrs. Kent B. Nelson
Lorraine Zenner Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon R.
Margaret M. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Norm Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Jon
Shirley P. Pearce
Mr. and Mrs. Norman D.
Dr. and Mrs. Richard J.
Sherwin C. Nelson
Sheryl L. Nelson
Helen N. Ness
Heidi G. Nestel
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Leigh Neumayer, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Newey
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L.
“This scholarship will
ease the expense of
applying and interviewing for
a residency position.”
2005 Recipient,
University of Utah Alumni Association Medical Fund
R. J. Newman
Mr. and Mrs. C. Jesse Peck
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E.
Robert J. Pedersen
Niki K. Pela
Paul Peng
Mr. and Mrs. Daryl W. Perkins
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Perl
Laurent Perreard
Velma L. Perry
Ann G. Petersen
Charles A. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Dana Petersen
Dixey Petersen
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph R.
Marta J. Petersen, M.D.
Deborah Grace O’Connor
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Painter
Max W. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen
Sandra C. Palacios
Mr. and Mrs. Sterling W.
Una Odoherty
Mary Ann O’Farrell
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
William K. Nichols
David Ogden
Cynthia M. Pallas
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A.
O’Halloran, Jr.
Richard C. Palma
Mr. and Mrs. Clare B.
Keith L. Ohlson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Mr. and Mrs. Don E.
Nielsen, CPA
Mr. and Mrs. M. Eric
Irvin N. Nielsen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert H.
Marilyn Newton
Viet-Dung Nang
Nguyen, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank W.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron T. Okutsu
Maria B. Palazzotto
Jay Palmer
Tremain B. Petersen
Mr. and Mrs. Brian K.
Chase N. and
Grethe B. Peterson
Mr. and Mrs. David M.
Steve J. Palmer
Mr. and Mrs. David R.
Peterson, CPA
Lloyd Neldon Olpin
Mr. and Mrs. Pasquale John
Debra L. Peterson
Careen Olsen
Aristotelis Papadopoulos
Janet P. Olsen
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon F. Parent
Carol B. Olson
Donna L. Park
Kevin O’Malley
Michael J. Park
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Kristin M. Omberg
David H. Parker
Mark Peterson
Ronald Omberg
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry J. Parker
Charles K. O’Neill
Peni Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Kristina C. Ong
Scott E. Parker
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Nolan
June M. Openshaw
Donna Noll
Bill Orchow
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen K.
Frederic Noo
Nacho Orduno
Mr. Thomas C. Parks
K. Janet Noorda
John B. Ordway
Laurie K. Parry
Harold L. Nordick
Dr. Patricia L. Orlando
Roger Dean Parsell
Richard O. Nordquist
Col. and Mrs. Gordon R.
Orme, USAF
Frederick A. Parsons III
Keith Parsons
Mr. and Mrs. William M.
Opal J. O’Rourke
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G.
John J. Phillips
Shane R. Nielsen
Deniece Nielson
James Nielson
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Nilson
George Nixon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Nobles, Sr.
Reiko T. Norris
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. North
Elaine J. Peterson
Dr. and Mrs. Grant M.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter W.
Frederic G. Petit
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S.
Kimberli Jacobsen Petty
Olive D. Pettygrove
Renae A. Novak
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin W.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven L. Noyce
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Orwig
Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Noyes
Patricia Curtis Ostler
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence A.
Patnode, Jr.
Susan Marie Noyes
Lisa A. Osuna
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Patten
Morris A. Nunes
Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Otte
James E. Patterson
Brian D. Nuttall
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S.
Dr. and Mrs. Kenneth E.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brent Packard
Carol H. Pattillo, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Chris C. Piccaro
Dr. and Mrs. R. Brian Padilla
Mr. and Mrs. Warren Paul
Marilyn Wright Picket
David Brian Page
Joseph S. Paulick
Scott W. and Nanci O. Pickett
Gary C. Page
Sheelwant B. Pawar
Myrle L. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs.
Dhananjay M. Pai
Shirley Paxman
Dennis D. Pierson
Brian W. Nutting
Beverly B. Nye
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene S. Nye
Mr. and Mrs. Richard O.
Maryann Oakason
Dr. and Mrs. Merrill C. Oaks
Dr. Mary Helen Parsons
Lynn S. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A.
William J. Phillips
Aleen R. Phinney
Richard M. Phipps
Stephanie Phipps
Mike and Jan Pazzi
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Mr. and Mrs. Rori David
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn B.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank R.
Karen J. Roberts
Rebekah Piirainen
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pilkerton
Mr. and Mrs. J. Frederick
Pingree, Jr.
Anne H. Pinnock
Donna L. Pitcher
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Pitcher
Dr. and Mrs. George D. Pitts
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H.
Mr. and Mrs. Herman
Jessica Elyse Polansky
Elizabeth Poling
Anne W. Polinsky, CPA
Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. Roberts
“With a scholarship
you can see the benefits of
your gift.”
Dr. and Mrs. Brent F.
Susan Kay Robertson
Dinesh and Kalpana Patel Fellowship
in Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Ember D. Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Noel D.
Patty Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Christopher A. Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Don L. Robinson
Eleen D. Robinson
Ethna C. Robinson*
Kenneth Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Paul H. Robinson
Ruth Ann Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. John Pollard
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pollei
Judith K. S. Robertson
Matthew Robison
Jamie M. Quealey
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reever
Norma G. Robison
Mr. and Mrs. Jose O. Quevedo
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Reeves
Roland G. Robison
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Quist
Mindy S. Reichman
Jeanne Chappuis Robson
Carolyn M. Raat
Donna L. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. W. Earl Roe
Myles Rademan
Susan Rennau
Gregg S. Rogers
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Raemer
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick K.
Scott Rogers
James W. Rail
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Raines
Carl L. Reno
Leonard H. and
Carol A. Raizin
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Victor
Mr. and Mrs. S. Roger Rombro
L. Aldin Porter
Milton Porter
Marla Ann Ramey
Mr. and Mrs. Greg S. Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Romney
Karen R. Post
Charlene Ramirez
Jeanne Davis Reynolds
Warren Potash
Reo Todd Ramsdell
Angela Ricci
Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne
Romney, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Potochnick
Mr. and Mrs. V. Kelly Randall
Billie S. Rich
Mr. and Mrs. William L.
Elizabeth W. Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Richard F.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary M.
Mr. and Mrs. Thorleif Rangen
Mary Stovall Richards
Suzanne M. Rose
Beverley F. Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. R. Courtney
Mr. and Mrs. Philip B. Rosen
Susan Richards
Marilynn M. Roskelley
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pollock
William C. Polson
Michelle A. Porritt
Beth W. Porter
Brian J. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Porter
Dell Rae Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L. Porter
Don Pott
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Powell
Margo Powelson
Mr. and Mrs. Billy K. Pratt
Walter “Jack” Pratt
Arthur C. Preston
Franklin D. Richards III
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave R. Romero
Dr. and Mrs. Walter A.
Patricia B. Ronneburg
Dr. and Mrs. A. Patrick Rose
Cody W. Rose
Richard R. Rosetta
Calvin D. Price
Dr. and Mrs. Grant J.
Mr. and Mrs. George S. Price
James D. Rasmussen
W. Lynn Richards, M.D.
John W. Price
Heidi Rosner
Mr. and Mrs. Taft E. Price
Mr. and Mrs. Mervin J.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley
Allene L. Ross
Ada Prins
Dr. R. Richard Rasmussen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Richer
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick H.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Joyce C. Riches
Mr. and Mrs. S. Stephen
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Ratty
Mr. and Mrs. Roger B. Ricks
LaRae Prue
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Laine
Mr. and Mrs. Scott V. Riddle
Michael Pruess
Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Rau
Mr. and Mrs. David Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry I. Ravitz
Dr. and Mrs. Kurt E. Rifleman
Ramona M. Roters
Gean Rawlings
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry A. Riggs
Dave Roth
Heather Puett
Victoria Jane Ream
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Lorin K. Pugh
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Rignell
J. Paul Riley
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Roth
Robert A. Pullan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick E.
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Rothwell
Conrad D. Pun
Dr. and Mrs. S. Frank Redo
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Riley
Dr. and Mrs. Robert S.
Helen Purcell
Mr. and Mrs. Elvin S. Reed
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pusey
Wendy Reed
Carol Quan
Don L. Reeder
Sara Quantrille
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Reese
Ray L. Reese
Jill Richey
Kathy A. Riser
Mr. and Mrs. Lee R. Ritzman
Mr. and Mrs. E. Rod Ross
Dr. and Mrs. J. Alton Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Rossa
Vicki Rosser
Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Rossi
Terrance Rossi
Mr. and Mrs. Lynn W. Rossiter
Trina Roueche
Mr. and Mrs. Luis A. Rivero
Dr. and Mrs. Norman K.
Jhana Rix
Kay A. Rountree
Dr. and Mrs. James W. Roach
Geeni Rowser
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Erika Smith Royal
Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. H.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L.
Dr. and Mrs. Donald E.
Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M.
John L. Schoenecker
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald S.
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas F. Smith
Laura H. Ruggenberg
Mr. and Mrs. H. Thad Scholes
Aline E. Ruiz
Doris C. Schooley
Margaret J. Rush
Ora Lynn Rushton
Carl A. Rubadue
Helen L. Schofield
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs.
Enoch Richard Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Smith
Ashlie V. Schoonmaker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffery G.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary K. Smith
Wendy M. Rusin
Dr. and Mrs. James W.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Donald
Dr. and Mrs. Homer R. Smith
Ralph J. Russo
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Schovaers
Mr. and Mrs. M. Tom Shimizu
Jackie Aileen Smith, Ph.D.
Alene M. and
Leonard H. Russon
Shirley I. Schowengerdt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Mr. and Mrs. James F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Ryan
Julia E. Ryan
Georgia L. Sabin
Dr. and Mrs. Peter V. Sacks
Danielle Sadey
Mr. and Mrs. R. Kent Sadler
Mr. and Mrs. Willard H.
Dr. and Mrs. Theodore A.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B.
Stacey A. Shirer
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
Dale Shirley
Mr. and Mrs. Larry G.
Smith, Ph.D.
Don Schuh
Dale W. Shirley
Mr. and Mrs. Leon Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel S. Schull
Dr. Reed Shnider
Mr. and Mrs. Monte Smith
Nancy E. Schultz
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Shoemaker
Dr. and Mrs. Otto F. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Schwager
Mr. and Mrs. William B.
Richard T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel C.
Dr. and Mrs. William L.
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Shope, Jr.
Richard H. Schwermer
Mr. and Mrs. W. Richard
Ethel M. Salin
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon C. Scott
Maxine H. Short
Brian W. Salisbury
Mr. and Mrs. Paul D.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald W.
Ann W. Seibert
Mr. and Mrs. Pete S. Shuput
Penny Sampinos
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher I.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald J.
Rebecca Sanchez
Carolyn D. Seideman
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Siddoway
Dr. and Mrs. Gill O. Sanders
Kara J. Sellers
Wes Sanderson
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Ross E.
Mr. and Mrs. C. John
Verla Salkield
R. T. Saltmarsh
Dr. and Mrs. Sylvester J.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Fred Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Silva, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard W.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald R. Smith
Ruth L. Smith
Mrs. Silas S. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy A.
Verlin L. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon D. Smith
W. Claude Smith
William R. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Fred A.
Smolka, CPA
Benjamin Dogan Semadeni
Dr. and Mrs. Gary S. Silver
Dr. and Mrs. Jorge E.
Dr. and Mrs. Gregory C.
Kenneth E. Silverberg
Jamie Sanoski
Mr. and Mrs. Raimund J.
Dr. and Mrs. James C.
Mr. and Mrs. Rulon L.
Mr. and Mrs. John R.
Mr. and Mrs. Max F. Sewell
Amy L. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman E.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Constantine J. Skedros
Mr. and Mrs. M. Bruce Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. O. L.
Seymour, Jr.
Robert Skelton, Jr.
Saundra Y. Snyder
Marion B. Skidmore
Mr. and Mrs. David B.
Sollis, CPA
Mr. Kent Sargent
Marcus A. Sasiadek
Tara Gladden Saucedo
Mr. and Mrs. Jay R. Savage
Kathy L. Savage
Robert M. and
Beverly E. Savage
Dr. Michael P. Sawaya
Ronald J. Sawdey
Monika Sima
Fred A. Sbrilli, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shaeffer
Clifford R. Skousen
Mr. and Mrs. Matthias C.
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Shafer
Claude Slack
Dr. and Mrs. J. Ronald Shaffer
Richard A. Slater
Dr. and Mrs. Michael P.
Dr. and Mrs. James A. Shaka
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas B.
W. Michael Scheffer
Dr. and Mrs. Steven W. Shamo
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M.
Dr. and Mrs. Michael C.
Marvin E. Smullen
Cornelius E. Smyth
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald V. Snarr
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snow
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Snyder
Ralph L. Sorbonne, D.D.S.
Clifton M. Sorensen
Dr. and Mrs. John L. Sorensen
Kimberly A. Sorensen
Alan Sorkin
Elfrieda Shane
Mr. and Mrs. Robert V.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L. Sharp
Edward Sloka
Mr. and Mrs. Michael W.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Schenk
Mr. and Mrs. Shelby D. Sharp
Ruby M. Slotte
Alvin R. Southard
Tim Schenk
Tracy Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Small
Grant H. Southwick, M.D.
Grant H. Schettler
Joani D. Shaver
M. Arlene Smedley
Mr. and Mrs. Deray Sparks
Frederick Schiller
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Sparks
Debbie Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shaw
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin C.
Edward W. Schmidt
Deborah Shea
Mr. and Mrs. Bob L. Smith
Maribeth Specketer
Maxine Crookston Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick A. Shea
Dr. and Mrs. Calvin S. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Allan C. Speirs
Diane Schnarr
Dr. and Mrs. Fredric C. Shean
Carl H. Smith
Jack L. Spencer
Doug and Karen Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Wendy A. Sheetz
Dar L. Smith
Timothy M. Schneider
Geoffrey R. Sheinfeld
Dr. and Mrs. Darrell F. Smith
Judith Anne Shelton
David B. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Albert C.
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Speak
donor report Mr. and Mrs. Charles D.
Frances J. Stultz
Mr. and Mrs. James V. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce P.
Mr. and Mrs. Kent L. Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A.
Mark A. Thomas
Marcia Tracy
Dr. and Mrs. Bradley Kent
Mr. and Mrs. Martin D.
Elliot R. Travis
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice G.
John Trevino
Dr. and Mrs. H. Kent Staheli
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin D.
Anna L. Stajduhar
Joyce F. Summers
Stephen K. Thomas
Kenneth Rush Sumpter
Nancy Trunnell
G. Raymond Staley
Carlton T. Sumsion
Rod Tucker
Michael Stalliviere
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley J.
Dr. and Mrs. Peter J. Stang
Gordon I. Sundberg
Charles D. Thompson
Mr. Edward R. Stanley
Mr. and Mrs. James T. Supan
Mr. and Mrs. Marland L.
Dr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence V.
Ms. Sandra R. Stansfield
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff A. Swanger
Mr. and Mrs. D. Gary Stark
Anne Swensen
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark R.
Jeff J. Swensen, M.D.
L. Gayle Thompson
Eiko Turner
Margaret Swensen
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B.
Mayda J. Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald E. Turner
Jennifer E. Swenson
Mr. and Mrs. Philip M.
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Tyner
Dr. and Mrs. Preston G.
Paula J. Unrath
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Spix
Barbara St. Jeor
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Steele
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Steele, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. H. Lewis Swain
Phebe J. Swenson
R. Craig Swenson, D.D.S.
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Swingel
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T.
Mr. and Mrs. Christian Tabone
David H. Steiner, M.D.
Shaida Talebreza, M.D.
Robert L. Stephen, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Tall
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W.
Arline Talley
Alix B. Stevens
Dr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Dr. and Mrs. Lyman B.
Curtis N. Stevenson
James R. Stevenson
Kim Stevenson
Carolyn Stewart
Jamie F. Stewart
June J. Stewart
Robert E. Talcott
Kelly Tallon
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce O. Tams
Mr. and Mrs. David B.
Mr. and Mrs. Roark L.
Dr. Thomas K. Trauba
James A. Truett
Mr. and Mrs. Glen C. Tuckett
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Tulane
Mr. and Mrs. Barry A. Tuohig
Mr. and Mrs. Adrian C. Turner
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Carey
Dr. and Mrs. Darcy Turner
Dorothy Uitvlugt
Mr. and Mrs. Val Dean Utley
Paul Uy
Mike D. Thon
Mandy Van Allen
Winona S. Thorderson
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Lamont
Sylvia Thorne
Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Vanderburg
Jan Eric Vanderhooft, M.D.
Andrew C. VanderVeur
Ying Tang
Deborah M. Thorpe,
Doug Tangreen
Mr. and Mrs. J. Derle Thorpe
Mr. and Mrs. Fred H.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard D.
Jean F. Van Huele
Gaylia H. Tanner
Mr. and Mrs. Glen J. Thorum
Brett VanWagoner
Dr. and Mrs. George S. Tanner
Sheryl L. Thurman
Michael E. Vanwagoner
Dr. Paul L. Tanner
Colleen Thurston
Iris L. Vaughan
Maj. Gen. David and
Debra Tanzi
Irene W. Thurston
Keith B. Vaughn
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Dr. and Mrs. L. George Veasy
Mr. and Mrs. Cloyd D.
David H. Van Langeveld
Dr. David J. Stillman
Dr. and Mrs. Raymond J.
Dr. and Mrs. Randall J.
Dr. and Mrs. Jim N. Tarro
Philip B. Tice, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard M.
Michael A. Tate
Mr. and Mrs. P. Lennox
Sherill Venstra
Dr. and Mrs. David B.
Mr. and Mrs. Rohit Verma
Donald G. Stockman, D.D.S.
Bradley Stoker
Shelleice S. Stokes
Clara S. Stone
Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Stott
Terry Stout
Verlyn W. Stout
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Mr. and Mrs. G. Fred
H. Quincy Stringham, Jr.
Shawn Quincy Stringham
Mr. and Mrs. C. William
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J.
Ann Taylor, M.D.
Connie Taylor
J. Richard Taylor, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack K. Taylor
Lesley Taylor
Patricia E. Tibolla
Leslie L. Timmons
Coralie N. Timothy
Lori A. Vendetti
Mildred Verlennich
Mr. and Mrs. William G.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert A.
Vicario, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Preston J. Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Merlin R.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl C. Tingey
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur R.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald A.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Vinson
Mr. and Mrs. Ron L. Taylor
Lynda Lee Tobin
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen D.
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Tolman
David Viscomi
Rachel A. Viscomi
Margaret R. Vogt
Vicky Telford
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Clark Brian Terry
Mr. and Mrs. Kent Topham
Susan Lee Waggener
Marissa S. Tessman
William K. Topper
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wagoner
Lael Thalman
Barbara S. Walchli
Janet Vriens
Marceil Morgan Strong
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Thayne
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence D.
Scott W. Stubbs
Reynal M. Thebaud
Vincent P. Toscan
William J. Walker
Paula S. Stucki
Dr. and Mrs. Henry A.
Theurer, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnlyn H.
Sharon Walkington
Susan L. Thibeault
Bryan Touchstone
Dr. and Mrs. Edward C. Wall
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Thiele
Connie S. Tovey
Heather Wall
Sherri Stucki
Mr. and Mrs. William T.
Stephen D. Walden
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Walkush
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Mr. and Mrs. Merrill S. Wall
Jennifer Eden and
Stuart Willick, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E.
Len Wallace
Lynnette C. Wallace
Rhea H. Wallentine
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walz
Lt. Col. Thomas E. Wand
Zeren Wang, Ph.D.
Kathryn C. Wanlass
Henry B. Wansker
Peter C. Warburton
Mr. and Mrs.
Christopher D. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Parker L. Ward
Dr. and Mrs. Robert M. Ward
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wardle
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ware
Wendy J. Ware
Lisa Sawaya Willmer
“This scholarship has not
only helped me financially,
but has helped me to build
confidence in my ability.”
2005 Recipient,
Paulene F. and Blaine Hartley Endowed
Scholarship, College of Health
Irene Wilson
Kristen W. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd E. Wilson
Wilbur D. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Winder
Elizabeth J. Winfield
Dr. and Mrs. Paul E. Wirkus
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Witt
Elwynn Wolcott
Gregory G. Wolf
Mr. and Mrs. Michael K.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A.
Jeffrey G. Wong, M.D.
Simon Y. Wong
Mr. and Mrs. J. Brent Wood
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Wood
Seth L. Warner
Royce A. Weight
Mr. and Mrs. Fred D. Whitney
Lisa Wood
Irene Warr
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G.
Mr. and Mrs. Hardin A.
Whitney, Jr.
Ronald E. Wood
Thomas B. Warr
Dr. and Mrs. Arden L.
Sandra E. Whitney
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin A.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Weis
Tami M. Warr
Renate Warwas-Craig
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J.
Dr. and Mrs. Suetaro
Christopher J. Waters
June Waters
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Watkins
William E. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth S.
Watson II
Dr. and Mrs. Paul N. Weiss
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Weitzel
Mr. and Mrs. Warren T.
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald T.
Dr. and Mrs. Spade B.
Lt. Col. Vern L. Welling,
USAF, Ret.
Marjorie A. Whye
John G. Wells
Mr. and Mrs. Vincent
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond H.
Mr. and Mrs. Lavarr G. Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Richard C.
Dodie Wenzel
Mr. and Mrs. John N. West
Mr. and Mrs. Robert F.
Weyher, Jr.
Thomas D. Wilkerson
Paul A. Wilkey
Mr. and Mrs. David Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Dean H. Wright
Grayson S. Wright
R. Brent Wilkinson
John D. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Donald M.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Wheatley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E.
Mr. and Mrs. Bart L.
Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Webster
Robert F. Willey, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. David Paul
Melissa Wright
Mi Hui Wright
Mr. and Mrs. Glen M. Wyatt
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Earl
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Wynne
Bridger Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Frank G.
Suh-Jen Yang
Mr. and Mrs. Darcie H. White
Mr. and Mrs. Dean R.
Dr. and Mrs. Jay R. Yates
George L. White, Jr., Ph.D.
Gregory P. Williams
Dan R. Yeager
Jack G. White
Mr. and Mrs. James R.
Mr. and Mrs. James A.
Joyce R. Williams
Dr. and Mrs. Adrain W. C. Yee
Philip and Debra Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan P. Yim
Beverly A. Young
Mr. and Mrs. Jon M. White
Dr. and Mrs. Keith S. White
Mr. and Mrs. Milton D. White
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Weese
Pati White
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond M.
Dr. and Mrs. Steven L.
Jeremy Whitelock
Lt. Col Taylor T. Williams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Whitlock
Peggy Ann Williamson
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
Ann Outzen Wright
Carla J. Wheadon
Dr. and Mrs. Claude R. White
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell L.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Wilde
Mr. and Mrs. Ron W. Wortley
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey E.
William Jay Weber
Lance J. Weeks
Dan Wilcox
Janice Worthen
Joseph P. Wilkinson
Mr. and Mrs. Henry R.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas M.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D.
Mr. and Mrs. John Michael
Timothy J. Weber
Gwen A. Webster
Ryan Woolf
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin G.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Virgil
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth L.
Mr. and Mrs. Jared J.
Phil E. Wennhold
Dr. Harry P. Wetzler
Bobby R. Webb
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald I.
Dorothy D. Wooten
Dr. Gary M. Watts
Mr. and Mrs. William J.
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Wiebusch
Joseph P. Wetzel
Rodger Weaver, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Dixon
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Welti
Kent Watson
Dean Weaver
Nicole J. Whye
Mr. and Mrs. William W.
Melva G. Wiebe
Richard H. West
Brett D. Weaver
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald L.
Wanda Lambourne Wood
David V. Young, D.D.S.
donor report Mr. and Mrs. James L. Young
The Clothes Horse
Mr. and Mrs. John Young
CMC Business Systems
Mr. and Mrs. Larry M. Young
Michael D. Young
Mark Yowell
Jackie P. Yu
Margaret K. Yu
Chun Yuan, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zaccheo
Lucille Zaelit
Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Zarbock
Bret Zawacki
Christopher Zawislak
Thomas A. Zawislak
Arthur S. Zbrozek
Raymond J. Zeller
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Zenger
Anne M. Ziebur
“I will begin next year’s
schoolwork with the added
enthusiasm that comes from
the knowledge that someone I’ve
never met has the kindness to
invest in my future.”
2005 Recipient,
ALSAM Scholarship, College of Pharmacy
Dr. and Mrs. Guy A.
Mr. and Mrs. John L.
Columbia Basin Pediatric
Dentistry PLLC
Community Pharmacy, Inc.
Conger Drug, Inc.
Consignment Circuit
Construction Control
Coppertech, Inc.
Core Brace, LLC
Corner Pocket
Cragmont Five
Croft-Beck Floors, Inc.
D & J Properties, LLC
D. Spencer Nilson
& Associates APC
Dan’s Dash In II
Daughters of Minos
David W. Johnson
& Associates, P.C.
Anton Boxrud Bed & Breakfast
Bowmans, Inc.
Daw Management, Inc.
Apex Media Group
Brawley Realty, Inc.
Apex Roofing Services, LLC
Dayton Foundation
Depository, Inc.
Apple Frame Gallery
Brigham City
Orthopedic Clinic
Ardell Brown Furniture
Brigham Young University
Arslanian Family
Partnership, LTD.
Briskey Mechanical
Association Management
Bryce Frei Trucking, Inc.
Auer Family Foundation
BTC Services
Delval Soil and Environmental
Consultants, Inc.
23rd Floor Conference Center
Automated Business Products
Avalonbay Communities, Inc.
Budweiser General
Distributing Company
The Dent Man
3M Health Information
BHS Marketing
Bugden & Isaacson, LLC
8 & 40 Salon Club, No. 256
Baker’s Injection Service, Inc.
A & Y Building Supply
Baltic Linen Company, Inc.
Bullock Glass
& Frame Company
ABS Associates, LLC
Bank of Utah
Bullseye Truss Service
Adapt Telephony Services LLC
Barrett’s Food Town
Burgon Family Trust
Adirondack Man
Bear River Fabrication
& Machine, Inc.
Burt Brothers Tires
Diversified Metal
Services, Inc.
Bushman & Associates
Dober Group
Bemco Machine Works, Ltd.
Cache Valley Ear,
Nose & Throat
Doidge Investment Company
Steve M. Zinik
Mr. and Mrs. Donald E. Zinn
Dr. and Mrs. John J. Zone
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh M.
Dr. William John Zwiebel
Advanced Fluid Systems, Inc.
Alcohol Servers Training
of Utah LLC
Allegiance Benefit
Foundation, Inc.
Eugene and
Betty W. Bertelson Trust
Big Horn Anchor Service, Inc.
Bruce LeFavi Annuities
BS&S Leasing, LLC
Calco Transportation
Deforest Voss Residuary Trust
Delta Air Lines IFS
Learning, SLC
Delta Drug
Delta High School
Class of 1967
Dickerson’s Marina, Inc.
Dillard’s Department Store
Diversified Insurance
Technology Group
Doppelmayr CTEC, Inc.
DownEast Outfitters
All In One Services
Big O Tire of Kaysville
Callister Nebeker
& McCullough
All My Favorite Things
Big Rock Plumbing
The Campbell Family
Bill McCurtain Finance
Echo Maintenance, Ltd.
Alsco—American Industrial
Bill White Enterprises
Shirley H. Cannon Family
Cannon Structures, Inc.
Engage Marketing Group, Ltd.
Car Concepts, Inc.
Escapades Enterprises, Inc.
The Blue Window Bistro
Carroll Fulmer Logistics
Executive Women
Boise Convention
& Visitors Bureau
Catey Controls, Inc.
Expert Realtor, Inc.
Centerville Big O Tires
Extreme Fire Protection, Inc.
Central City Advisory Board—
Youth Programs
F.A.T. Investments, Ltd.
Alpha Transport, Inc.
Alsco Southeast, Inc.
DBA Servitex, Inc.
Alsco, Inc. Servitex Division
Alta Ski Area
Alta Ski Pass
Alta View Construction
American Insurance
& Investment
Black Canyon Trout Farm
The Blue Heron Inn
Books Are Fun, Ltd.
Bookworm Educational
Sales, LC
Down Under Club
Earth Frame LLC
Duncan Electric Supply, Inc.
Elite Exteriors
Fagergren Family
Limited Partnership
Bountiful Bicycle Center, Inc.
American Physical
Therapy Association
Challenger Pools of
Tampa, Inc.
Bountiful Ear, Nose & Throat
Head & Neck, P.C.
Cheyenne Way Trust
An Act of Love
Bountiful Power Employees
Christensen & Jensen, P.C.
Farmington Station
Homeowners Association
Cind E Original
Fast Signs
Bowen Enterprises
Citiride of Park City
Feng Shui
John D. or Pamela J. Bowen
Family Trust
C. Comstock Clayton
John K. Fetzer Trust
Delonne Anderson Family
Anschutz Wahsatch
Gathering Systems, Inc.
Far Cliffs Multimedia LLC
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Financial Summit
Ventures, Inc.
Intermountain Photography
Morcus Management
Company, LLC
Richelle’s Shoes and
Designer Fashions
Morgan Pavement
Rick Brown, LLC Printing
& Promotions
Interstop Flow Control
Morgan Stanley
Rimrock Construction
Morley Automotive, LLC
Freight Tec Management
Group, Inc.
Inwest Title Services, Inc.
Mortenson Family Trust
Robert D. Smart
Insurance Agency
J & L Garden Supply
MP & Associates, Inc.
JoAnn Roberts Trust
Frogley Health
& Wellness Center, PC
J & R Property Maintenance
Mtn. View Christian Assembly
of God Church, Inc.
Rocky Mountain Endodontics
Associates, P.C.
Murphy Austin Adams
Schoenfeld LLP
Rocky Mountain
Machine Shop
National Business Travel
Association, Inc.
Roger Nelson & Sons, LLC
J. Scott Anderson, Inc.
Gestalt, Inc.
The Valerie M. Jasbec
Revocable Living Trust
Gillies Stransky Brems
Smith Architects, PC
Neil’s Heating
& Air Conditioning, Inc.
Jasmine China Bistro
Nevada State Bank
Ruby Mountain Ventures, Inc.
Jay Digs, Inc.
Newman Galleries, Inc.
Ruth Rice Trust
Jensen USA, Inc.
Nish Motorsports
RxScape Corp.
Norberg Industries and
Industrial Electrical Sales
Saieh Revocable Trust
Goldener Hirsch Inn
Johnstone Supply
of Indianapolis,
Terre Haute and Kokomo
Gossner Foods, Inc.
Jorgensen & Associates
Northstar Trailer
Salt Lake Board of Realtors
Grantsville Physical
Therapy, LLC
JP Excavating, Inc.
Northwest Value Drug & Gift
Sam Weller Bookstores
The Olsen Family Trust
Savage Industries
P. J. Utah
Fine Remodel
First American Title
Insurance Agency, LLC
Freeway Transmissions
FYC Properties, LLC
G & L Ventures
Game of Work LLC
Gameday Connection
The Glass Gallery
Global Claim Services LC
Glover Nursery, Inc.
International Cargo
Loss Prevention, Inc.
Interstate Hydraulics, Inc.
J G Photography
J M Huber Corporation
J. Lewis Research, Inc.
Rory McLaren &
Associates, Inc.
Royal View Homes
Salon Zodiak
Great Basin Dairy Group, LLC
jtees Embroidery
& Promotional Products
Great Lakes Carbon, LLC
Julie Larson Insurance Agency
Park City Auto Body LLC
Scopelitis, Garvin, Light
and Hansen, PC
Greater Phoenix Convention
& Visitors Center
Kaneka Corporation
Park City Balloon Adventure
Searchwide LLC
H & R Block Division 45
Keystone Aviation LLC
DBA Million Air
Park City Board of Realtors
Lucretia Morgan Seifert
Revocable Trust
H. B. Stubbs Exhibits & Events
Park City Clothing
Company, Inc.
HCH Transportation
Advisors, Inc.
Kids Are People Too
Park City Healthcare
Shelledy Family Trust
Kim’s Dental Arts, Inc.
Park City Mountain Resort
Hale Centre Theatre
Knowles Painting, LLC
Park City Signs, Inc.
Signature Group Real Estate
Operating Account
Hamilton Land & Livestock
Kyle and Amanda, Inc.
Parsons Truck and Auto Sales
Silver Mountain Spa
Simmons Media Group
Glenn C. Hanni Family Trust
Service Drug Co., Inc.
L&C Hotels & Resorts, Inc.
PatLee Enterprises, Inc.
Hansen, Bradshaw, Malmrose
& Erickson P.C.
Larsen Foundry
PEO Chapter Ad
Ski Utah, Inc.
Latta Agency Insurance
Skyline Pharmacy, Inc.
Khalil V. Hansen and Faye W.
Hansen Family Trust
Layton Properties
Bay Hotel Casinos
Perfect Presents
SME Industries, Inc.
Pi Kappa Alpha Fraternity
Snowed Inn Hostelry
PictureLine, Inc.
Pierres Playhouse, Inc.
South Salt Lake Rotary Club
Pinebrook Dental Group
Southwest Stair, Inc.
Pinnacle Travel Group
The Spa Club
Pivotal Promontory
Development, LLC
Spa Vitoria
POWDR Corporation
Spur Bar & Grill
Sly Drivelines, Inc.
Hardy Enterprises
Leehurst Farm LP
Harman Management
Liberty Bank
Healthy Wealthy Ways, Inc.
Lowry & Associates, Inc.
Heath Plumbing LLC
Lunatic Fringe Diffusion Salon
Hendricksen Painting, Inc.
Lynn C. Alder, Inc.
Hidden Valley Dairy Farm
Hinton & Grusich
Thomas T. Lynott
Revocable Trust
Home Again
LZVZ, Inc.
Homeowners Association
M and G Investment
Blanche B. Prisbrey
Family Trust
The Homestead Resort
and Conference Center
Mack Group LLC
Professional Park Pharmacy
Madison Financial, LLC
St. George Volunteer
Fire Department
Prudential Financial Group
The Hope Alliance
St. Paul Hospitality LLC
Hotel Park City
Mark A. Goldman
Professional Corporation
Martine Cafe and Tapas
St. Thomas More Church
Social Justice
Huntec, Inc.
R & R Recreation & Resort
Properties, Inc.
HunterDouglas Fabrication
The Russell and
Mary Mayer Living Trust
R. C. Willey Home
Furnishing, Inc.
MBI Rolls, Inc.
The Ramsey Group, Inc.
Michelangelo’s Ristorante
Reams Pharmacy #4
Iceberg Air Conditioning
& Heating
Ideas In Wood
Impact Training—
Training-In-Training II
Impressive Homes, Inc.
Insurance Network
Intermountain Bean Co., Inc.
Intermountain Mortgage
Little America Hotel
Mike & Sterling’s
Flooring Center
Millard County Attorney
Millwood Management
Mobley Industrial
Rebel Hearts
Red Butte Garden
and Arboretum
Richard Crawley and Sons
Richard Manufacturing
Spectrum Gems
Staker Parson Companies
Starbucks Coffee
State Farm Insurance
Stein Eriksen Lodge
Stevens Feed Company
Stokes Trucking, Inc.
Stroke Center at
University Hospital
Studio Skin Care
Sun Valley Resort
James Rex Miller Family Trust
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Sundance Catalog Company
Western Nevada
Supply Company
Tracy Bauer
J. Scott Bringard
Sunrise Engineering, Inc.
Virginia W. Bauer
Sherman S. Brinton
Sur La Table
Anna Maria Bazzanella
Dorothy Crofts Britsch
Systems West Computer
Resources, Inc.
Winder & Haslam
Debbie Bean
Kristen Broadwater
Wohler’s Art
Beeva Beatty
Pearl Brooks
Tactile Signage of Utah, Inc.
Veriel Beck
Evelyn Brown
Tauck World Discovery
Woodridge Finance
Group, Inc.
Gillian Brown
Tenx Networks, LLC
WWMR, Inc.
Ruby Bedke
Harold J. Brown
Terry Rampton Interior Design
Xcel Spa and Fitness
Wayne Bellamy
Lucile W. Brown
Thanksgiving Point Institute
Judy Belliston
LaVonne Bement
Melva Brown
Lee Benard
Raphael G. Brugger
Lloyd Bennett
Max Brunsen
Mr. Bensko
Dena Sue Bryson
Jay Benson
Melvin J. Bryson
Nigel Bently
Stuart Buchalter
Nancy Berger
Carl Buckmiller
Jerald J. Bergera
Scott G. Budge
Boyd Henry Bergeson
Paul Bunker
Matthew E. Bergstedt
DeVern Burbank
Lee Bernard
Anne Burdette
Brenda Bernhisel
Jay LaMont Burgie
Garth Berrey
Nancy Anne Burke
Lena Besendorfer
Paul S. Burningham
Oscar H. Biegel, Jr.
Wayne Burningham
Priscilla A. Billengslea
Jack Burton
Shelda Bills
Lessie Bushnell
Dianne Nelson Binger
Bernice Butler
Clark Bingham
Diane P. Butterfield
Kelly Biorge
Lin Byrne
Jason Bird
Earl Bytheway
Jerry G. Birrell
Pauline Cahoon
Neil Spencer Bishop
Bob Bjodstrup
Dr. and Mrs. Reynolds F.
Beverly D. Black
Monte S. Caldwell
Nancy Blackham
Jill Hansen Callahan
Boyd A. Blackner
Patricia Jill Callahan
Myrna Blair
Holly Camp
Robert J. Blair, Sr.
Bill M. Campbell
Victor Blair
Christine Campbell
Jerry Dean Blakeman
Joseph Campbell
Clarine Blaschke
June Campbell
Aurelia Raedeline Bleazard
Sterling B. Cannon
Don Blecha
John Capparelli
William L. Bodell
Richard Y. Card
Norman Bodily
Nita Carey
Janice Bills Bodine
Irvin J. Carlson
Sherry Bogan
Maria T. Carlson
Jackson Bogle
Mayo E. Carroll
Renee Hendrickson Bond
Aaron Casari
Alfred A. Borro
Antoinette Marie Casari
Elenore Bossart
Nette Casari
Michael Boswell
David Catchpole
Etheleen Shell Bowler
Charles S. Center
Annette Bowman
Mary Ann Chaston
Leonard F Bowman
Clyde L. Cheney
Arlene T. Mulcock Bradshaw
Wanda Chiara
Larry D. Bradshaw
Garry E. Chipman
Roger Bram
Iris Christensen
Ronald Carlisle Breeze
Merle Christensen
Edward Brentel
Reed Church
Douglas C. Brimhall
Clark D. Chytraus
Thermon Heat Tracing
Services, Inc.
John R. Thunell and Nedra L.
Thunell Family Trust
Tingue, Brown & Company
Toana Vista Golf Course
Tom Randall Distributing
Tops Motel
Trailblazer Controls
Tramcor Corporation
Triple Ace, Inc.
TTR Holdings, LLC
Uinta County School
District No. One
Those in whose memory gifts
were made from July 1, 2004,
through June 30, 2004.
Ruth Marie Greenwell Abbot
Helen Ackerson
Eugene Dickson Adams
Susan Adams
Martha Adamsdotter
Dr. George Adickes
Elaine Ahlander
John Ajioka
Milton Albrecht
Uinta Golf
Leonard M. Allan
Uniform & Textile Service
Jerry Marie Campbell Allen
United Management
Ray Egil Andersen
United Southern Bank
United Way of Central
& Southern Utah
United Way of Davis County
United Way of the Great Basin
University Hospital
Rehabilitation Center
Merleen Allred
Betty Anderson
Glen Anderson
J. Robert Anderson
Kay L. Anderson
Kevin Jay Anderson
Verletta Anderson
Rena Andrews
University Park Marriott Hotel
Richard S. Andrews, Jr.
Utah Lung Center, LLC
Elizabeth B. Archer, Colin
Utah Scooter & Cycle
Lynn Arent
Utah State Senate—3rd House
Eva Argyle
Utah Sunburst Sams
Lydia Armstrong
Utah Tourism Industry
Rebecca Aronoff
Utah Valley Regional Medical
Center/OCH Medical Staff
Virginia W. Ashton
Valuation Research
Geraldine Atkinson
Charles V. Aroune
Lola S. Atiya
David G. Atwood
Viewmont Elementary School
Lorene Aylett
Vintage a la Vogue
Judith Maree Sloan Ayr
Von Curtis, Inc.
Jenny Badovintz
The Vortex
Charles Thomas Ball
Grant L. Ballam
Wasatch Internal
Medicine, PC
Ellen Ballard
Wasatch Lawn Memorial Park
Kent Lloyd Barnes
Wasatch Mountain Diggers
Shelley A. Barnes
Wasatch Tool & Die, Inc.
Gerry Barnett
Wells Fargo Educational
Matching Gifts
Reece Barrett
West Valley City
Attorney’s Office
William Henry Barth
Western Artisans
Helen Barber
Phyllis Barth
Colleen Bass
Wayne Bates
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Barbara Smith Clark
Ethel Blake Gladden
Carl D. Clark
Valeen W. Glasmann
Don Clark
Helen Clark
Joan Laughlin Clark
Clara Claycraft
Ellen Marion Clayton
Ray Dean Clayton
Richard and Tom Clise
Howard Close
Blake M. Cloward
Dorothy Beesley Cobbley
Adele Provost Cochran
Lois Cohen
Frances Cohn
Ruth Rich Coleman
Sherman S. Coleman
Luella S. Collens
“My Mom knew what a
struggle it was to get through
medical school.
She knew this would be a
good investment.”
Leland O. Learned, M.D. and Avanelle W. Learned
Medical School Scholarship Fund
Thelma H. S. Collins
Christopher “Sean” Glass
Edith Smith Glauser
Alfred M. Glende
Deborah Gobelman
Herta Goeller
Sondra Gohman
Lynn Goldstein
Mary Gonzales
William Gooch
Harold J. Goodro
Helen D. Goodro
David R. Gordon
Jeffrey S. Gordon
George G. Gore
Angela Gould
Paula Slaughter Grace
Evan Graham
Garth Colton
Cynthia Grainger
Kathleen Combs
Wade DeForest
Bill Farr, Sr.
Joseph S. Granducci II
Geraldine Compton
Adeline Delaby
Chester Fassio
Leo Grasmick
George Condos, Jr.
Cecilia B. Deluca
Jean Faulkner
Claudine R. Gray
Gary G. Connelly
John and Eunice Demartini
Susan Fechter
Alayne Greeberg
Art Cook
Benno Deters
Barbara Feltz
Betty Green
Helen J. Cook
Norma J. DeWeese
Sue Fetcher
Cynthia C. Green
Nigel F. B. Cook
Lafern Dewitt
Marjorie C. Fillis
Jean Green
Walter Lee Cooper
Doris Cazier Deyoe
Erin Elizabeth Finlayson
Pauline McClellan Green
Josephine Copfer
Martha Mennen Dickie
Howard N. Finley
Alayne Greenberg
Bette S. Corless
John A. Dixon
Mary Ann Fisher
Mary Ethel Gregory
Robert Cormani, Jr.
Rex Donohue
Styles Fitch
Patricia B. Grey
Den Costantino
Lester C. Dorsey
Robert Flowers
Robert W. Griffiths
Laree Cottle
William Doucette
LaVerne R. Flynn
Robert Grobe
Pearl Cravens
Margie Doughton
Lorri Shaw Folkersen
Robert R. Groesbeck
Dot Crawley
Tom H. Doxey
Heidi H. Ford
Shirley A. N. Groesbeck
Jack Crawley
Diane Droesbeke
Jefferson B. Fordham
Kathleen S. Groscost
Clara Craycraft
James L. Droesbeke
Richard C. Forsyth
George D. Gross
James Reed Creer
Jeffrey W. Duchene
Linda Fort
Keith Gruenberg
LeAnn Lewis Croft
Martha Dudley
Samuel Russel Freebairn, Jr.
Betty Grun
Elinor F. Crooks
Gene Dunham
Peggy Freeman
Oscar Grutter
William Crossey, Sr.
Stuart E. Dunn
Joseph P. Fregulia
Lydia Guelzow
Gloria P. Crump
Earl Max “Butch” Dunyon
Robert Frost
J. Travis Gurr
Randy D. Cruse
Catherine Durkee
Jim Fulghum
Jim Guschewsky
Jeffery L. Cue
Donna Rae Durrant
Eleanor Fuller
Brent V. Hackleman
Grant Cummings
Sara Louise Dwan
Clarence Gabardi
Wes Haggard
James Max Cunningham
Christine Eagan
John Gaensslen
Elder David B. Haight
Barry E. Cushing
Ronald Easton
Mindy Tolman Gailliott
Ruby O. Haight
Monte Cusick
Frank Edgar
Stephen Wesley Gallegos
Madeline Lee Hales
Fonda Sorenson Cutrer
Helen S. Edwards
Martin Garcia
David E. Halford
Cleora Cuzick
Merritt H. Egan
Cynthia M. Gardner
Ione Hall
Van Dahl
Marie Egbert
Elizabeth Gardner
DeLenna Hamblin
Edna Dakn
Joy Okland Ellis
Trent Gardner
Howard Hamling
Myrveldeen S. Dangerfield
Beverly Ely
Sylvania L. Garrett
Harlan Y. Hammond, Sr.
Jason and Brian Danielson
Henry Erickson
Debbie West Garrison
William G. Handy
Bill Davies
John Esswein
Stephen Garvatti
Benton Hansen
Juanita Davies
Kenneth Etulain
David L. Gentle
Brent H. Hansen
Bertha T. Davis
Juanita Evans
Ken Gerrard
Debert Loyal Hansen
Colleen Davis
Virginia Ewart
Ralph Gianchetta
Katherine Ann “Kit” Hansen
Florance Davis
Matt Failoni
Brenda Badger Gilchrist
Larry Martin Hansen
Lauri Campbell Davis
Ned Fairbanks
Spencer S. Gilman
Peggy Hansen
Joseph L. DeFord
Cat Fajardo’s Baby Girl
Phillip Douglas Gilson
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report Shirley O. Hansen
Gary Ray Klinepeter
Sylvia J. Hansen
Henry O. Kluge
Thelma Addley Hardman
Jim Knighton
Eric Lee Roy Hare
Kent B. Knudsen
Gary Harkey
Lynn Harris
Clive R. Harston
Merrill Hart
Phyllis Hartman
Shigeru Hashimoto
F. Jay Hatch
Robert John Hatch
Thomas Robert Hatch
Virginia Hatch
Carl Hatfield
Ted and Goldie Hauer
Patricia Ann Haugh
Irene Hayes
“Support from people like
you has strengthened my belief.
I feel like I am not alone.”
1998 Recipient,
Marion B. Lipman Scholarship, College of Nursing
Sue Hayes
Margaret M. Knudson
Sheila Kociol
Clarke Kramer
Robert W. Krichbaum
Lynn Kruger
Robert Kruger
Mary Krupa
Richard Kun
Kurt B. Kupfer
John F. Kutney
Arthur J. La Croix
Derek Lake
Judith Lalau
Harold B. Lamb, Sr., M.D.
Marjorie Linton Lambert
Beverly M. Hayman
Richard Kent Lambert
Dina Heaton
Claudia J. Silver Huff
Lyla Johnson and Dave Bovee
Jane Lamph
Father of Chuck Hedrick
Dean and Helen Hunger
Marion L. Johnson
Ruth Lapp
Tyler J. Helmer
Gerald Hunsinger
Mary Black Johnson
K. H. Lappe
Eugene O. Henderson
David Wayne Hunt
Mary Lee Johnson
Roland Lardie
Karen Hepworth
M. J. Hunt
Susan Johnson
Mary Ann Larimore
Lyle George Hereth
Cynthia Lee Huntsman
W. Stanley Johnson
Louise Larkin
Christopher M. Higgs
Paul Jay Husberg
Mary Ella Jones
Matthew Roy Larrabee
Setsuko Higuchi
Katherine Hynes
Robert E. Jones
Ted Larremore
Corrine P. Hill
Tim Hynes
Susan Bodell Jones
Gertrude Hill
Hiroshi Jack Ikegami
Vera Jean Jones
Marian Larsen
Sherman Hill
David B. Illsley
Von Craig Jones
Terri M. Larsen
Pauline B. Hills
Ray Irvine
Nelda B. Jorgensen
Tracy Bleazard Larsen
Makaela Bailey Hilton
Dale A. Ith
Darrell D. Karren
Tracy R. Larsen
John Fisher Hintze
Anna B. Iverson
David Kartes
VeNae Larsen
Howard D. Hiskey
Lynette Jackson
Ronald O. Larson
Judith Cecelia Hocking
Milton O. Jackson
Otto Katz
Vickey W. C. Lasson
Charles Hoff
Newton R. Jackson
Harry W. Keate
John Russell Layton
Jack L. Hoffman
Patty Jackson
Joanne Olson Keller
Kendal K. Leatham
Shelly Dee Hoffman
Steve Jackson
Marilyn Keller
Sandra LeBeau
Paul Hogan
Christine Jacobs
Walter Kelly
Ada Lee
George Reid Hoggan
Earlyn Jacoby
Kelvin R. Kemp
Patricia Ann Mason Lee
Donald B. Holbrook
Stanly Jagerboski
Eleanor K. Kennard
Priscilla G. Lee
Velda Holladay
Tim P. Jahries
Jackie Kennedy
Thomas Lee
Diane C. Holland
Virl N. Jardine
Ira B. Kent
Wallace G. Lee
Crelly Holt
John W. Jarman
Robert D. Kent, Jr.
Wanda Wright LeeMaster
Margaret J. Hooker
Leon Calvin Jeanselme
Jenny Kerr
Lou Leger
Elizabeth B. Hoopes
Charles Jenkins
Paul Kessner
Melvin E. Leslie
Frances H. Hoopes
June Majors Jenkins
Kathleen Layton Ketcham
Thomas Levandowski
Philip L. Hopkins, Jr.
Bernice Jensen
Kelvan Keup
Cameron C. Lewis
Beverly J. Hornak
Bram Jensen
Chad Killpack
Grace Lewis
Jeanne M. Horne
Joann C. Jensen
Terry Joe Killpack
Darek W. Leyde
Rich Horning
Maurine Jensen
Beverly Kimball
Arline A. Likwartz
John Welling Horsley
Vicki Jensen
James N. Kimball
D.W. “Bill” Loney
Robert C. Horsley
Lorna N. Johnsen
Ranch Snow Kimball
Leroy M. Longo
Leon T. Howard
Becky Ann Johnson
Gordon Kincaid
John William Lowe
Mazella Hoxer
Debbie Johnson
Bernard Kindred
Marie Svedin Peterson Lund
Hsin I. Huang
Deborah Ann Johnson
Mary Ann King
Robert C. Lund III
Brian W. Hubbard
Dee Johnson
Lanny Kirkwood, Jr.
Jack Lunt
Orin D. Hubbard
Grant Johnson
Patricia R. Kiser
Edward John Lusienski
Linda Huber
J. Johnson
Sue Kjersen
Ron MacKenzie
Josie Johnson
Rey Kleinman
Ellen U. MacNaught
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report David W. Madsen, Jr.
Suzanne Montgomery
Don Parker
Thomas Farrell Ralphs, Jr.
Wendi June Maichel
Betsy J. Moore
Fredrick W. Parkins, Jr.
George W. Ramey
Mary Mainwaring
Gwyneth G. Morgan
Audrey Parrish
Lucy Beth Rampton
Peter Mandella
Joseph Everly Morgan
Ned F. Parson
Donna Randall
LeRoy R. Mangum
Larry Dean Morgan
George Paulas
Glenna Rasmussen
Robyn Lynn Mann
Forest G. Morin
Darrell H. Raymond
Kathy Mantas
Phyllis Morrell
Elwood Paxman
Susie Redlein
James Manwill
Dean Morris
Luke Payne
Myra Reed
Josephine Manzanares
Dorothy Morris
Dennis A. Peacock
Mary Petersen Reeder
Michael Dixon Markham
Douglas Morris
Richard “Dick” W. Pech
Tom Rees, Sr.
Howard J. Marsh
Lindsay Morris
Mollie S. Peckham
John Patrick Reeves
Gerald F. Marshall, Jr.
Russell H. Morris
Mary Pelletier
Janice Reisman
Warren H. Martell
Donna Christensen Morrow
Frank M. Pennock
A. D. Renzetti, Jr.
Corine Martin
Ryan Moss
Joanne Pennock
Shirley Rice
Helen Martin
Lenora Moyes
Robert Pennock
Alene Richardson
John D. Martin
Joanne Moynier
Mother of Christy Penrod
Ronald L. Richardson
Merrill Martin
Mark N. Mueller
G. Peppinger
Susan L. Richardson
Lucio R. Martinez
Freeman E. Murray
George Perkins
Ralph Riding
Ray Myerhoff
Leo Petersen
Evelyn Riemer
Edward Deloy Maryon
Beverly Nefzger
Phyllis Petersen
Martha and David Rieser
Harold J. Mason
Jean O. Neilson
Robert V. Petersen
JoAnn Riggs
Betty Maurer
Dantzel W. Nelson
Andrew W. Peterson
Robert Gamble Ring
Bill Mauriello
Harry J. Nelson
Bret Jon Peterson
Alice E. Ripplinger
Barbara J. Maw
James R. Nelson
Ginger Peterson
Evelyn A. Rix
Deborah T. Maxon
Karin Nelson
Margo A. Peterson
Jack E. Roberts
Elder Neal A. Maxwell
Peggy Lois Nelson
Sherry Kaye Peterson
Mark Howard Roberts
Jack F. May
Scott Nelson’s father
Ethelyn C. Pett
Randy Robertson
Evelyn Maylin
Chester V. Nenzel
Monna Lee Pexton
David E. Robinson
Don McAffee
Russell Newbold
Anna Krajnc Picco
Deborah F. Robinson, M.D.
Sharon McCauley
Robert A. Nicholson
Brent C. Pierce
Lisa Robinson
Jay D. McChesney
Viola Nicolatus
Norma Redd Pierce
Nina Robinson
Lillian McCleary
Billie Nielsen
Ellan Jeanne Adams Pike
Marjorie Robison
LeNola J. McClure
Eliza Leone Cardon Nielsen
Sharon Pike
Jaquita Wright Rodrigues
Jeffrey S. McCormick
Nadeane Nielsen
Genevieve Pingo
Sarah Rodrigues
William L. McDonald
Jean Nielson
Frank Pinnock
Ruth McDonough
Nanette M. Nielson
Clyde W. Pitkins
George, Robert, Evelyn
and Charles Roebuck
Dorothy McGinnis
Ann Nigbur
Luke Porter
Dick Romney
Wanda Betty McInelly
Jean Nolan
Luree Porter
Nancy Mae Roop
James McMahan
Chalmers G. Norris
Willaim V. Porter
Louise Root
Doral Meikle
Dean Norris
Harold Potter
Eugene Mario Ropelato
Boyd Melville
Mary Evelyn Norris
Shannon Boone Potter
B. H. Rosenblatt
Olivia Alexandria Meredith
George Dexter Norton
Stanley Dean Potter
Robert L. Rosenthal
Vada Merrill
Iris M. Nuttall
F. Lavonne Pressley
Robert S. Rothwell
Anthony Messina
Ida Nuttle
Arthur C. Preston, Sr.
Edmund Roundy
John Michelangelo
Marilyn Von Oehsen
Barbara M. Preston
Marvin Pete Roundy
Marsha B. Midgley
Robert Ogilvie
Bill Preston
Billy L. Rowe
W. Van S. Midgley
Elizabeth H. O’Grady
Mary Ann C. Preston
Helen Roy
Michelle Milavetz
Patricia A. O’Grady
Pat Preston
Charlie Ruoti
Richard L. Milburn
Claude Oliver
Thomas T. J. Preston
Hazel Leona Ruska
Becky Mildon
Norma G. Olsen
M. Curtis Price
Thomas Russell
Golda Heller Millard
Denise Olson
Frederick Seaton Prince, Jr.
John L. Russo
Rose H. Millard
John Oostyen
Donna N. Prows
John R. Russo
Charles Wendell Miller
Linda Mae Thurman Osborne
Zigmund Przytulski
Ramona Russo
L. W. Miltenberger
Leslie Bjorkman Otte
Nancy J. Puff
Dean Ryan
Vonda Millward
Our Parents
Chase Pullan
Duane R. Sadler
Rosemary Misukaitis
Dolores Oyler
David Pullman
Fred Sale
Bob Moews
Bernice Pace
Albert Purcell
Kimball Sandberg
Antoinette Mollner
Cless W. Pack
Jade Pusey
Anjana Sarkar
Kathleen W. Monfrooy
Matt Pailoni
Jessica Smith Quick
Charles Sarkody
George Montgomery
Nythel Pakiz
Cynthia Trelawney Radford
Medora H. Savage
Helen Papanikolas
Robert W. Raine
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report John Scheible
Julie Ann Soutter
Kent Leroy Taylor
Joyce H. Warren
Darrell Schiffman
John H. Sparks
Lottie Taylor
Jerry Washburn
Lillian Schmale
Agnes T. Speer
Rachel Alione Taylor
Tom Watkins
Max Schmeling
Lois A. Speers
Donald Y. Tazoi
Richard H. Watson
Edward Schmidt
Joan B. Spencer
John D. Tennant
Barbara Parkinson Watts
Lillian Stillman Schmidt
Edmund T. Sperry
Loretta Tesse
Patricia Waugh
Lloyd Schmidt
Virginia K. Sperry
Maurine Gunn Thomlin
Mary Sidner Wayman
Don F. Schmutz
Willie Spring
Bradley Paul Thompson
Alvus Wayman
Noland H. Schneider
Ann Spurrier
Margaret Thompson
Beth Webster
Evelyn L. Scholl
Carolyn W. Spurrier
Melvin Kirk Thompson
Barbara J. Weidner
Terri Schwab
SSA Sunshine
Jeannie Thorne
Geniel Weis
Vasi Sergakis
Charles Earl Staker
Gloria Thornley
Melvin H. Weissgerber
Ray Sevy
Darle Rae Staley
Lucy Oleson Thurgood
John E. Welsh, Sr.
Alan Shaffer
Leann Taylor States
Josie Thursby
Bonnie Wenerstrom
Barbara Sharp
Harold J. Steele
Janet Thurston
Patricia Westerlund
Lena Shaw
Wesley Steinburg
Jill C. Timpson
Barry Westman
Mildred Shaw
Harry A. Steiner
Richard “Dick” Tischner
Jim Weston
Phyllis Shaw
Richard R. Steiner
Maurine Gunn Tomlin
Paul F. Weston
Rachel Shepherd
Randy Stevens
Susan K. Tonc
Gayen B. Wharton
Renee Mary Sheranian
Walter Stevens, Jr.
Luanne Tonti
Matt Wharton
Jim Sherman
Isaac Daniel Stewart, Jr.
Russell “Rusty” Lee Towns
Thomas Wheatley
Claude W. Sherwin, Jr.
LaVar D. Stewart
John P. Tracy
Dean Whicker
Evan Howard Shields
Blake Allen Stimpson
Gene Treadway
Emily Whiles
Nellie Shields
Thomas G. Stockham, Jr
Richard D. Tripp
Grant Hamson White
Mrs. Short
Lillie Stokes
Mark L. Trotter
M. Floyd White
Viola Mae Quinn Shosted
Skip Stoll
Kendy Trujillo
Tearle E. White
Claudia Silver-Huff
Forrest D. Stone
Melvin Truman
Claudia Whiting
Robert B. Simmons
Viola Mae Stosted
Peter K. Trumper
Ruth Whitten
Adella R. Simpson
Jo Lynne B. Stout
Theodore Tsargis
Donald Whyte
Leslie Simpson
Maxine H. Stowell
Jill Okland Tuft
Boyd Wicker
Patricia Lee Simpson
Bonnie Stratton
Myron Kent “Mike” Turner
Norma Wilde
Anthony Gregory Skedros
Dale A. Stringfellow
Pearl Turner
Marci Wilder
Sophia T. Skerbetz
Kent G. Stringham
Ruth E. Turner
Shirley Miner Wilkey
Robert “Bob” Slack
Dorothy Stromberg
Marcia Tuttle
Kathy Deakin Wilkinson
Bobbye Sloan
Dene Stucki
Ben Lewis Tyson
Delbert J. Williams
Harold S. Smedley
Mary Studer
Uncle Ronald and Lucy
Dick Williams
Colleen Crane Smilanich
Verla Suite
Wendy Kay Usher
Dona M. Williams
Charles Smith
Howard B. Summerhays
Stephen B. Utley
James Williams
Charlotte B. Smith
Janet Summers
Grant L. Valentine
JoAnne H. Williams
D. Richard Smith
Sandra Summers
Dean Vashall
Levi Williams
Dennis Eldredge Smith
Margaret Sundberg
Debra Marie Mayer Vea
Thomas Artell Williams
Duane R. Smith
Paul Sundquist
Edward I. Vetter
Frank Williamson
Gale G. Smith
Uncle Suo
Bruce Voglesong
Norma Harris Wilson
Lawrence O. Smith
Calvin Bradley Sutherland
Raymond S. Volkman
CeCelia Wilson
Marjorie Silver Smith
Richard Bruce Sutton
Dean Richard Voshall
John Glennon Wilson
Mary E. Smith
Noel L. Swain
Robert G. Wade
Laura Wilson
Michael E. Smith
Lois G. Swan
Robert T. Wagstaff
Michael Martin Wilson
Rick Smith
Marilyn Swan
Fred P. Wahlquist
Mike Wilson
Ruth Marie Thomas Smith
Darrell Swenson
Betty Walden
Pearl Wilson
Spencer Austin Smith
Duane Dee Swenson
Ruth S. Walker
Pamela M. Winder
Van Smith
Gaylord Swim
LaMar Ross Wall
Carol Windley
Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Smith
Robert J. Szesny
Lucile Wallaston
Helen V. Winsor
Loran C. Snell
Reg Tadd
Russel Walter
Dawn Snider
Y. Joe Tani
Helen Walters
Dr. and Mrs. Maxwell M.
Richard Sonntag
Grace Tanner
Mildred Walters
Vince C. Wisner
Mamie W. Soo Hoo
Molly Tanner
Dean Wangsgaard
Ruth O’Neil Witten
Gail Sorensen
Vincent P. Tassone
Kathleen W. Wankier
Ernest “Bill” Wolf
Leland Sorensen
William E. Taul
John R. Ward
Mary Jo Wolters
Maria Tassainer Sorensen
Barbara B. Taylor
Marilyn Liston Warenski
Grant Wood
J. Keith Sorenson
Karl Don Taylor
Carole Black Warnick
Linda D. Wood
Mia Sorenson
Kellie G. Taylor
Mindy Warr
Robert W. Wood
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
donor report The Worline Twin Boys,
Haydn and Dax “Shaw”
Dr. Chris Peters and
the Staff at Clinic 10
Tony V. Pickering
Faye Worthen
LaDean Worton
Matt B. Worton
Shirley Cook Wright
Cleve Yates
Lester Yates
Charles Yenna
Roy Andrew Yoder
Pat Young
Mary Zaccaria
Shayrrl Zahrt
Janet Zaikowski
Claire Zec
Willard E. Zollinger
Kurt Zundel
“This is the first scholarship
I have received and makes me
realize that I can do
anything I put my mind to.”
2004 Recipient,
Elliott Wolfe Endowed Scholarship,
College of Health
Ruby Plouzek
Linda Powell
Barbara M. Preston
John C. Prince
Chase Pullan
Makayla Marie Radtke
Mary Ramsey
Rhoda W. Ramsey
Richard Rasmussen
Recovery Ward Nurses
Robert L. Rice
Beverly Ricks
Michael A. Rigdon, Ph.D.
Bart Rodas
John B. Romney
Dean Ryan
Those in whose honor gifts were
made from July 1, 2004, through
June 30, 2005.
J. R. Sargent
Dr. Richard Schmidt
Averill N. Conta
Dr. Horwitz and the
Orthopaedic Surgical Team
Thelma Corey
Governor Jon M. Huntsman
Lupina Serrano
William T. Couldwell, M.D.
Mark H. Huntsman
Dr. Howard Sharp
Sandy Craig
Carol Deene Hymas
Norma Sheffield
Carolyn Cushman
Teri Jackson
Jeanne M. Shipley
Connie and Roger Dean
Jay’s Dad
Les Simpsen
Anne Cullimore Decker
Peter Jennings
Wayne Skabelund
Kathy Delli
Jeanne Jones
Mike Skaling
Division of Cardiology
Anita Kelez
Brent and Sue Smith
Jim Dodge
Marilyn Keller
Susan R. Smith
Bob Drake
Anita Kilbourne
Clifford C. Snyder, M.D.
Harold K. Dunn, M.D.
Edward James Kimball, M.D.
Randy Sutherland
Gerald and Pam Dutton
John and Reva Kovach
Arthur J. Swindle
Kathy Eller
Virginia Lambert
Fan Tate
Floyd Eschler
Sydney K. Larsen
Lori Tavey
Rusty Eyre
Bud Layne
Marian Thompson Family
Neil R. Fausett
Douglas Leishman
Robin Thompson
Raymond S. Fletcher
John and Telitha Lindquist
Jeff Thompson
Michelle Freestone
Gayle P. Linford
Kendy Trujillo
Richard A. Fullmer
Tracy Lipman
UHOSP 3rd Floor MICU
Ms. Carolyn Skeen Gardner
Dawn L. Malmstrom
Rodney Clyde Vance
Richard Bojak
Cynthia M. Gardner
Michelle Marshall
Lyric Leigh Versteeg
Nancy Bouttier-Bowers
Dr. David P. Gardner
Sheila Mavin
Riley and Michelle Waddoups
Dr. Terry Box
Reed M. Gardner, Ph.D.
John Mazzone
Marilyn Walker
Don and Jean Bradshaw
Val S. Gardner
Norma McMahon
Sandy G. Wallentine
Jean W. Bradshaw
Nick Gaskill
Ruth McNeal
Jeff Warren’s Ride to Reno
Peggy and Gaylon Bradshaw
Sondra Goham
Lisa Miner
Inga F. Weil, M.D.
Jeanine Bronson
Yvonne Grivet
Carolee Moncur, Ph.D.
Cindy Westerfield
Lorna R. Brown
Bernard Grosser, M.D.
W. Marty Moore
George L. White, Jr., Ph.D.
Matthew T. Butterfield
Douglas J. Hammer
Lucy Wilkins Moreton
Delano R. Wood
Saundra S. Buys, M.D.
Roger Haneline
Gary N. Mumford
Helen Jensen Woodland
Dr. Thomas Caine
Gary Wayne Harkey
Layne T. Nalder
Lee Woods
Dr. Bradley Cairns
Elaine Hart
Margaret M. Nelson
William Lloyd Wright
Anne Cannon
Payton Rylee Hatz
Drs. Neumayer and Kennedy
Amy and Laura Yakerson
Nancy Hjorth Carter
Lucy Heath
Helen Nicholson
Jeffery Yoder
Jason Chaffets
Bruce Herman
Dorothy Ockerman
Tony Hess
Karen A.
Zempolich-Cannon, M.D.
Joan Clark
Keith Olson
Aaron Hoffmann, M.D.
Randall J Olson, M.D.
John J. Zone, M.D.
Daniel O. Clegg, M.D.
Evan L. Colledge
Pauline and Ralph Holding
Russell Orton
Kathy Combs
Louine Holt
Mike Owen
Judy Adams
David Ahlstrom
Jim Alexander
Dr. Richard Anderson
Margarette A. Archibald
Barbara A. Argyle
Michael Arnow
Ruby June Bagley
Janet Bair
Ashley Bartos
Tracy Bauer
Tommy Beckstead
Dr. A. Lorris and Ann Betz
Terry and Samantha Bird
Steven G. Birnie
Barbara Bissegger
James Wallentine
Blotter, M.D.
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
Gary Connelly
Jackie Parker
Velma Serafin
Jess and Marilyn Peck
Merline C. Leaming, CHAIR
Darm and Bette Penney
Robert L. Rice, VICE
Beverly Porter
Arthur J. Swindle, SECRETARY
Betty Probst
G. W. Anderson
Mary Louise Rawlings
A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D.
Vin and Kay Rees
Mitzi Brady
Bob and Joyce Rice
Reed W. Brinton
Sam and Ruth Rich
E. R. “Zeke” Dumke, Jr.
Marjorie Riches-Gunn
Carol M. Fay
Joe and Raye Ringholz
Calvin S. Hatch
Donald and
Jacqueline Rosenblatt
T. G. “Bud” Mahas
Bert and Janet Schaap
Joanne McGillis
Andy and Carolyn Schilly
Edward B. Moreton
Margot Shott
Stephen R. Warner
Barnard and Cherry Silver
Don M. Willey
Roy and Tibby Simmons
G. W. and Lee Anderson
A B R I L AT H E RT O N , Pharmacy, Class of 2007, holder of the 2005
ERDC and United States Pharmacopoeia Scholarships
Bill and Shirley Bailey
Joe and Gainor Bennett
Ruth Smart
Jim and Beverley Sorenson
Ralph Ashton
Lee Auerbach
Barbara Slaymaker
University of Utah
Health Sciences Council
Sam and Mary Souvall
Richard Stimson
Burton and Marilyn Stohl
Norm and Barbara Tanner
Lael Bettilyon
Alice Telford
John and Toni Bloomberg
Bill and Fern England
George and Dixie Koroulis
Gene and June England
Paul and Sharee Kunz
Bill and Shirley Fagergren
Esther Landa
Edith Fairclough
Janet Lawson
Richard and Carol Fay
Merline Leaming
John and Joan Firmage
Dixie and Anne Leavitt
Norma Forsey
Max Lewis
Alan and Beverly Frank
Allan and Kay Lipman
Jack Gallivan
Jim and Carol Macfarlane
Barbara Burnett
Betty Garff
Don and Marge Mackey
Leola Burr
Jake and Kathleen Garn
Grace Madsen
Tom and Mary Ellen Caine
Clark and Nancy Giles
Bud and Barbara Mahas
Lou and Ellen Callister
Jack and Geraldine Goddard
Judy Marriott
Haydon and Jean Calvert
Reece and Shirley Goodrich
Richard and Joanne McGillis
Lee Brockbank
Bob Carter and Barbara Prince
Bob and Joyce Graham
Cliff and Judith Miller
Carmen M. Christensen
Joann Cheney
Dorothy Hall
Hal and Lois Milner
John and Carole Moran
Bill and Pat Child
Joyce Harris
Barbara K. Samuels
Mary Lee Christensen
June Hartman
Robert and
Jelean Montgomery
Chris and Trudi Christiansen
Cal and JeNeal Hatch
Tom and Janice Dee
John and Jean Henkels
Hazel Bowerbank
Al and Peg Bradbury
Rod and Mitzi Brady
Reed Brinton
Lorna Broadbent
Josephine and Wallace Brooke
Fred and Evelyn Bruenger
Burt and
Sally Burbidge Cassity
Lennox Larson Deem
Jules and Peggy Dreyfous
Zeke and Kay Dumke
Jon and Karen Huntsman
Ellis and Katie Ivory
Ted and Florence Jacobsen
Spence and Cleone Eccles
Ann Jarcho Thomas
Sid Eliason
Webster S. S. Jee
Richard and Violet Ence
Bob and Barbara Keener
Arlene Knight Kilgore
Joan Terry
Art and Haru Toimoto
Alida Tyler
Walker and Sue Wallace
Keith and Susan Warshaw
Scott and Berniel Watkins
Lon Watson
Liz Wilder
Don and Joleen Willey
Ken and Mary Williams
Judy Wolfe
Sam and Aline Skaggs
Ed and Barbara Moreton
Fred and Lucy Moreton
Ted and Sheri Morgan
Fern Briggs
Mitch and June Morris
Jane Porter
Richard and Maria Obyn
Dorothy Tesson
Norm and Nancy Olsen
Jerry Olson
Virgil and Jackie Parker
Richard J. and Janet Sperry
Beth Parrish
George and Sharee Paulson
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
John and
Carol (chair) Firmage
Mark (vice chair)
and Nancy Gleue
Tim and Candace Dee
Fred and Chris Fairclough
J. Floyd and Carol Hatch
Tom and Mary McCarthey
Stan and Joyce Parrish
Barbara Polich and
Val Antczak
Jay and Anita Rice
C. Ross and Susan Anderson
John and Karen Anderson
Angela Atkin
Byron and Debbie Barkley
Steve and Marcy Barlow
Roger and Sara Boyer
Steve and Joan Brinton
David and Linda Buchman
Jeff and Helen Cardon
Eric and Kyo Christensen
Keith and Kristina Christensen
Steve and Elaine Clyde
John Condas
Todd and Karin Cook
Vern and Rebecca Cooley
Chuck and Katy Culp
Mark and Sandy Day
Stephen Jr. and Marti Denkers
Marianne Dennison and
Damon Miller
Hilary Drammis
Zeke III and Angela Dumke
Tim and Susan Dunn
Hope C. Eccles and
Randy Quarles
Katie Eccles and
David J. Burnett
Lynn Fey, CHAIR
Ann Blackner, VICE CHAIR
Judy Maryon,
J O H N B E L L , School of Medicine, Class of 2006, holder of the
Joseph Crockett, M.D. 2006 Memorial Scholarship
Health Sciences
Lisa Eccles
Nathan and Kara Felix
Doug and Ann Foxley
Joe and Peggy Fratto
Mike and Jacque Frei
Kevin Garn and Tanya Yates
Dan and Nancy Gibbs
Brad and Mary Hatch
Joe and Holly Henriod
Jim and Jodee Hoellein
Dr. Aaron and Suzie Hofmann
Russell and Pam Johnson
Mike and Mary Jones
Gary and Jane Kennedy
Carma Kent
Tom and Lesli Kemp
David and Julie Layton
Dennis and Sue Lloyd
Bill and Nancee Madsen
Ed and Carole Madsen
Bruce and Jean McMullin
Mark and Kathie Miller
Health Sciences Center
Educational Resources
Development Council (ERDC)
Linda Kruse, ADVOCACY
Carol Spurgeon, ADVOCACY
Melanie Bastian
Connie Borup
Timmy Burton
Robyn Carter
Barbara Champion
Nedra Chard
Barbara Clark
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
J. Floyd and Carol Hatch
Mark and Kathie Miller
Lindsay Cutshall
John Edwards
Alice Larkin Steiner
Susan Wintrobe Walker
Lisa Wirthlin
Linda Lewis Wolcott
Barbara Zimonja
Joan Jacobson,
Sean and Christina Mooney
Doug and Vicki Mortensen
Kevin and Elaine Mortensen
Randy and Sandra Okland
Brad Olch
Kip and Terri Paul
Mori and Lisa Paulsen
Steve and Andrea Poulton
Scott and Leslie Rice
Kevin and Susan Rowe
Stephen and Claire Ryberg
Joe and Ann Sasich
David E. and
Melinda Simmons
Eric and Karen Slaymaker
Scott and Shauna Slaymaker
Sean and Janae Smith
Cliff Jr. and Sharon Snyder
David and Susan Spafford
Dave and Susan Stayner
Dr. Jim and Ciska Stinson
Tony and Carol Sweet
Maj. Gen. David and
Debra Tanzi
Scott and Betsy Thornton
Blake and Carol Tillotson
Barbara Jane Watkins
Julie Webster
Brian Wilkinson and
Emilie Charles
Duff and Lori Ann Willey
Bill and Lisa Wirthlin
Don and Jill Wiscomb
Jeff Wright
Barbara Cowley
Dine Dellenback
Franci Eisenberg
Myra Hansen
Kim Huish
Marian Ingham
Pam Joklik
Estelle Kevitch
Lucinda Kindred
Terry Landa
Merline C. Leaming
Chris Lee
Marilyn Maher
Sidney Makoff
Jeanne L. McJoynt
Nancy Melich
Patty Miller
Ruth L. Novak
Nanette Pratt
Terry Rampton
Sue Razor
Zoe Richardson
Marilynn Roskelley
Janet Schaap
Maggie Siegel
Barbara Slaymaker
Verla Anderson Sorensen
Barbara Soulier
Ruth Bischoff
Barbara Dingman
Karen Lewis Freed
Lynda Gamble
Kay Lipman
Claudia Luttrell
Marcia Olch
Paula Swaner-Sargetakis
Ann Betz
Susan Young
Jean Mueller
Kristi Bostic
organizations University of Utah
Hospitals and Clinics
Board of Trustees
John Anderson
Douglas Hutchinson, M.D.
Ross Anderson
Maureen Keefe, R.N., Ph.D.,
Senator Patrice Arent
A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D.
David Bjorkman, M.D.
H. Roger Boyer
Patricia Child
Phillip Clinger
Arnold B. Combe
Neil Kochenour, M.D.
Rob Lloyd
Dan Lundergan
Ray Lynch
Michael Magill, M.D.
C Y N T H I A L AW L O R , School of Medicine, Class of 2006,
past recipient of the Heather Belsey Scholarship
Norma Matheson
Gordon Crabtree
Margaret Pearce, R.N., MSN,
MBA, Ph.D.
John H. Firmage III
Debra Tanzi
James R. Floyd
Ross Van Vranken
Richard A. Fullmer
Liz Winter
University Hospital
Board of Trustees
Health Sciences
Planned Giving
Derek Anderson
Angela Atkin
Stephen Barlow
Clark Christian
Nancy L. Giles
John H. Firmage III,
Kay B. Greene
Steven W. Kasteler,
Eldon V. Haacke
Kenneth J. Hanni
Tom Christensen
Doug Fadel
Mary Gordon
Brad Hatch
Dennis V. Haslam
Rick Johnson
Carl R. Kjeldsberg, M.D.
Steven McMurray
Dennis V. Lloyd
Cindy Sadler
Joseph C. Bennett
Theodore G. Mahas
Penniann Schumann
Rodney H. Brady
Earl W. Pixton
Steve Sloan
Robert L. Brinton
Anthony L. Rampton
Gerald Snow
Curtis B. Dahl
Gretta C. Spendlove
Stanley Vandertoolen
Sara Lyn Douglass
Jerry W. Stevenson
Terri Yeckley
Harold K. Dunn, M.D.
Ann Jarcho Thomas
G. Donald Gale
Lynda Lee Tobin
Robert A. Wheaton,
John S. Edwards
Jeffrey Paoletti
Stephen R. Warner
University of Utah Health Sciences Center
The University of Utah Health Sciences Center supports the mission
and vision of the University of Utah and serves the public
by improving health and quality of life
through excellence in education, research and clinical care.
competent and caring practitioners, educators and scientists for the state of Utah and beyond.
knowledge through innovative basic and clinical research and scholarship and translate
our discoveries into applications that help people.
compassionate, state-of-the art clinical care to our patients.
and respond to the needs of our communities through outreach, advocacy and service.
540 Arapeen Drive, Suite 120
Salt Lake City, Utah 84108-1251
(801) 581-4401
Nonprofit Organization
U.S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 1529
Salt Lake City, Utah

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