2014 Annual Report - Goodwill Industries of Northern Michigan
2014 Annual Report - Goodwill Industries of Northern Michigan
GOOD STORIES OF GOOD GROWTH // 2014 ANNUAL REPORT SOMETHING GOOD IS HAPPENING HOUSING. JOBS. FOOD. GOODWILL Northern Michigan GOOD NEWS At Goodwill Northern Michigan, we believe that a strong community means every member has: job opportunities that pay a livable wage; safe, stable, and affordable housing; and access to wholesome, nutritious food. To play our part, we have honed in our efforts to better assist our northern Michigan neighbors in accessing Housing, Jobs, and Food resources. In this report, you will read the transformative stories of John, Troy, and Wade – three individuals who seized an opportunity with Goodwill, and used the available resources to grow and transform themselves into stable, productive, independent men. Although all three came from very different backgrounds, their stories share one important thread: they came to Goodwill for support. We are proud to say that Goodwill was there for them when they needed it most, but their success is the result of their own hard work. When you patronize Goodwill’s retail stores and donation centers, you help fuel the positive change you will read about in these pages. Whether it is through the sale of goods in our stores, or via our recycling and salvaging efforts (our stores kept 3.8 million pounds of materials from the landfill last year), we maximize the impact of your donations. Last year, we welcomed almost 800,000 visitors into our stores, at our donation centers, and online at www.shopgwmi.com. Our eight locations across Northern Michigan represent a huge component of our mission. Not only do the dollars earned in these stores help fund our mission programs, they are also the classroom for our retail trainees. Thank you for making GOOD happen in your community. By choosing to shop, donate, and give to Goodwill, you’re making Housing, Jobs, and Food support available to your neighbors in need. Warm regards, Cecil McNally BOARD OF DIRECTORS Goodwill Industries of Northern Michigan and the Goodwill Inn are governed by a Board of Directors who generously volunteer their time and expertise to achieve the Goodwill mission. OUR MISSION: Goodwill strengthens communities by enhancing the dignity and quality of life for people in need by overcoming barriers to opportunities through learning and the power of work. CHAIRPERSON Glenn Hirt VICE CHAIRPERSON Greg Payne SECRETARY Coco Champagne TREASURER Dave Stave DIRECTORS Wendy Steele Laura Oblinger George Powell Rachel Roe Terry Berden Mike Pavlov CEO GOOD REPORTS Goodwill Industries of Northern Michigan, Inc. and Goodwill InnYear Ending September 30, 2014 The Community Investment in Goodwill Retail Sales $8,390,449 Donated Goods 3,091,392 Contributions and Grants 1,091,087 Program Service Fees 1,035,899 Other 341,676 Total Revenue and Support $13,950,503 Resources to Provide Services Program Services $12,697,182 Management and General 1,149,962 Investment in Future Programs and Capital Expenses 103,359 Total Expenses $13,950,503 Retail Sales 60.14% Donated Goods 22.16% Contributions & Grants 7.82% Program Service Fees 7.43% Other 2.45% Program Services 91.02% Management & General 8.24% Investment in Future Programs/Capital Expenses 0.74% “ The greatest GOOD you can do for another is not just to share your riches but to reveal to him his own. — Benjamin Disraeli MEET JOHN BRATTEN ” Good Move Award Winner John Bratten was one of the estimated 50,000 veterans experiencing homelessness on any given night in the streets across America. In 2003, John hit a crisis in his life, and for nearly a decade, he struggled with substance abuse and homelessness. For years, he was in and out of hospitals and treatments centers, looking for, but never finding, his catalyst for change. In November of 2011, John enrolled as one of the first residents of Patriot Place (pictured above), Goodwill’s transitional housing community for veterans, located in Gaylord. “Arriving at Patriot Place was when my life started transitioning from homelessness and hopelessness to independence, stability, and opportunity.” One of those opportunities was a job at Goodwill. “I was employed almost immediately through the Goodwill store in Gaylord, which means that I had income coming in. It was very important.” But he didn’t need the job at the Goodwill store for long. John’s life was on the rise to stability and independence. John’s past is rich in academia. He has two bachelor degrees and two master degrees. His story, personality, and education caught the eye of Experience Works, an organization that provides employment training services for older, low-income workers. “Through the efforts of Goodwill in creating Patriot Place, I went from being a person needing help, to one empowered to help other people.” John has moved out of Patriot Place and into his own apartment, a meaningful career with Experience Works, and stable independence. “This model really works. If you want to help end veteran homelessness, we need Patriot Places all over this country.” We are proud to help people like John Bratten, and we will continue to proudly serve those who have served us all. WE DISTRIBUTED $17,943 WE CARED FOR 993 individuals, including 83 veterans, 72 families and 77 children. GOOD HOUSING in bus passes to our guests to attend job interviews, medical appointments, and participate in community volunteer projects. 2015 GOAL WE PROVIDED 474 life skill classes for our guests including parenting skills, conflict resolution, and money management. CARSON SQUARE GROUND-BREAKING A permanent supportive housing community for families and individuals facing chronic homelessness and for survivors of domestic violence and assault. STREET OUTREACH • GOODWILL INN • PATRIOT PLACE • HOUSING SUPPORT SERVICES • CARSON SQUARE GOOD JOBS 219 791 hours of one-on-one customized case management services to high school seniors, single parents, guests, and veterans. Number of job readiness and skills training, case management, and vocational classes delivered. 7,346 Number of individuals who received job training. 56 landed jobs and 14 graduated with recognized certifications. 2015 GOAL WE PROVIDED OPPORTUNITY FOR EVERYONE We will provide the tools and support necessary to achieve meaningful employment in Northern Michigan’s growing job sectors including: hospitality, retail, and commercial cleaning. “ The best preparation for GOOD work tomorrow is to do GOOD work today. — Elbert Hubbard ” MEET TROY SHULTZ Good Work Award Winner Troy Shultz entered the Goodwill continuum of care, through The Goodwill Inn, when his life was in crisis. He was in a place of homelessness and joblessness and walked through the doors of The Goodwill Inn when no others were open to him. As part of his Goodwill case management support, Troy was offered an opportunity with our Workforce Development team. Troy enrolled in one of our new Retail Training Programs at the Goodwill store and donation center in Traverse City. “When Goodwill gave me an opportunity to work with them through this program, it was exactly the opportunity I needed to overcome my barriers and get me back on the straight and narrow.” Troy really hit his stride when he tried cashiering, impressing the management team at the store. After the 90-day program – full of hands-on training, career building resources, and case management support – he was offered a position at the store. But he turned us down! He had already secured a job as a cashier at the Traverse City Meijer store. Troy says, “The training program gave me the skills and confidence to go out and find a job in a competitive atmosphere.” Troy has been cashiering at Meijer for the last six months and loves it. Through his work with Goodwill, Troy now has his own place to live, a steady job that he is passionate about, and a whole new outlook on life. Reflecting on his experience with Goodwill, he remarks, “Through their encouragement and training of how to participate in an environment of working people, I definitely exceeded what I would have classified as my own barriers.” JOB TRAINING • PLACEMENT & EMPLOYMENT SUPPORT • WORKERS ON WHEELS • CUSTOMIZED CASE MANAGEMENT SUPPORT “ Be not simply GOOD. Be GOOD for something. ” — Henry David Thoreau WE SERVED 175,578 WE PARTNERED COLLECTED scratch-cooked meals to Goodwill Inn guests, Meals on Wheels seniors, Addiction Treatment clients, and neighbors needing food assistance. 1,312,278 pounds of fresh food was kept out of landfills and put on the plates of hungry neighbors through 40+ food pantries, shelters, and community meal programs in the five-county area. 2015 GOAL 121 WITH restaurants, grocery stores, and other food donors in 7 Northern Michigan counties. A BITE TO EAT We will ensure that everyone in Northern Michigan has access to nutritious food by growing our network of farmer-partners and helping food pantries more efficiently serve hungry people. GOOD FOOD MEET WADE ELLIOT Good Growth Award Winner 10 years and over 1.5 million meals to hungry neighbors in need – now that’s a legacy to be proud of! Although if you asked Wade Elliot, you would never hear about any of that. He is a man of action, not of words. Goodwill is the meal provider for Meals on Wheels of Northwest Michigan and, for more than a decade, Wade has been preparing and packing hundreds of meals a day for the hungry men and women that depend on this service. Goodwill’s Executive Chef Tom Harrington says, “Wade is the rock that holds us all together to make sure that we can provide these meals to the folks who depend on it. I can’t do what I do without the man. He’s a superhero to me.” During his career at Goodwill, it is estimated that Wade has helped produce over 1.5 million meals for our hungry neighbors. He is so focused on his job and is such a humble caregiver that if you ask him about the impact he’s had on his community, he’ll just shrug and give a slight smile before returning to his task. Goodwill’s Director of Food Programs, Brandon Seng, has no shortage of words to describe Wade’s impact. “To work for a place for over a decade, and give as much to a program as Wade has given, really speaks volumes about his character. For our department, for what we do, I know we couldn’t run without him.” In honor of his accomplishments, Wade was given the 2014 GOOD Growth Award. The Good Growth Award honors an individual who has advanced through a Goodwill Food program with improved food service skills and/ or has influenced the quality of meals provided to hungry people in Northern Michigan. FOOD RESCUE • MI FRESH START FOOD TRUCK & SPECIAL EVENTS • FARM TO FREEZER • MEAL SERVICES “ GOOD actions give strength to ourselves and inspire GOOD actions in others. ” MEET TRISH FIEBING Good Friend Award Winner Every year, Goodwill Northern Michigan recognizes a special individual who is a tireless volunteer and generous Goodwill ambassador throughout the community. At the 2014 Gather for GOOD event, we recognized longtime STREET OUTREACH • GOODWILL INN • PATRIOT PLACE • HOUSING SUPPORT SERVICES friend and volunteer, Trish Fiebing, as the Mary• Stanton Volunteer of the Year. Trish has been a dedicated public servant in the Traverse City community for decades, selflessly giving her all for her neighbors in need. Trish’s legacy of excellence, from her former work as the Executive Director of The — Plato GOOD SUPPORT POWER PEOPLE 1,882 donors, like you, who help support our Housing, Jobs, and Food programs to neighbors in need. Boys and Girls Club, to her volunteerism on the Munson Healthcare Regional Foundation Board of Trustees, has led to many recognitions of her leadership, including the 2005 Athena Award. AND COMING SPRING 2015, SQUARE Trish is quick to help and CARSON never asks for anything in return. From small tasks to big projects, we have come to rely on Trish’s tireless attitude. Her bright smile and infectious spirit are a lift to our board and staff, community partners, and the people we serve. 260 Goodwill employees across our 19-county service area. PASSION 477 volunteers supported staff, guests, and customers. Heather Silny Employee Recognition Heather Silny, Goodwill Northern Michigan’s Assistant Retail Director, has committed nearly 20 years of her career to serving our Northern Michigan community. She began her journey with Goodwill in August of 1997 as an associate in a Goodwill store, while still attending high school. In 2001, after years of exhibiting determination, dedication, and diligence, Heather was promoted to store manager. Her years in the store and expertise gained through experience made her a perfect fit for her next role: Assistant Retail Director, to which she was promoted in 2009. Heather now manages all of the retail store managers and works closely with the Retail Director to oversee day-to-day activity and implement long-term strategies. She is a retail guru and often the first point of contact for our store managers scattered throughout Northern Michigan. She also steps into her former role as a retail store manager when a store is shortstaffed or a new manager needs hands-on training. No task, big or small, ever seems to slip past her. She is quick to raise her hand to help, which garners a lot of respect from her coworkers. Heather is a big presence on the retail team and we are confident in saying that we could not do what we do without Heather! GOOD GIVING Thank you to our 2013 and 2014 fiscal year donors: 2 Lads Winery 7&4, 29&8 and UpNorthLive.com 9&10 News A Beautiful You Massage Boutique A Girl And Her Camera, LLC A.B. Rogers, J.B Rogers, A.C. Czarnecki A-1 Professional Tree Service ABATE Region 4 Abba’s House Abbott Laboratories Employee Giving Program AbbVie Inc, Employee Giving Campaign Mick and Megan Abner Ace Hardware Acme Retail Store Darlene Adam Janis Adams Addis Alterations Adobe Systems Incorporated Adriana’s Cakery Advantage Electric Services Nick and Molly Agostinelli AIG Matching Grants Program Tom and Judith Aja Lynda and Clifford Alan Pete Albers David and Jane Albert Edward and Molly Albert Albie’s Alcotec Wire Corporation Aldi Alan and Jeannie Aldrich Rebecca Aldrich Ronnie Alff Alfie Logo and Gear Frances Alfs Aline Underhill Orten Foundation All Saints Angelican Church Barbara and William Alldredge Bruce and Christine Allen Herbert and Ellen Allen Jason and Suzanne Allen Maurice and Betsy Allen Robert and Jane Allen Thomas and Christine Allen Allen-Kent Photography Barb and David Allison Matthew Allumi Allure Salon Merrill and Beverly Almquist Alpena Retail Volunteers Tyler Alpers Heather Ann Alpin Alpine Master Gardeners Association Willow and Jamal Alshamma Mark Alster AmazonSmile American Express Company American Express Foundation American Legion Auxiliary Unit 256 American Legion Lewiston Post 198 American Legion Riders St. Helen American Legion Riders Fife Lake Post 219 American Legion Riders Post 198 American Legion Schuster-Stahl Post 307 American Nurses Association of Michigan, Reg #2 American Proficiency Institute American Waste Foundation Americana Gallery Amgen Foundation Susan Amidon Amy Ammann Katie Amon Brandon and Kristina Amundson Amvets Ladies Auxiliary Post 46 Amvets Ladies Auxilliary Post 120 Anavon Technology Group Bruce and Amy Anderson Bruce and Judy Anderson Elizabeth and Steve Anderson John and Joy Anderson John and Kristin Anderson Matt and Jennifer Anderson Peter and Karen Anderson Rev. Richard and Linda Anderson Warren and Nancy Anderson William and Vicki Anderson Anderson’s IGA Jacqueline Andres William and Janine Andrew Sharon and Larry Andringa Ken Andrzejewski Animal Medical Center of Traverse City Michael and Lindsay Annelin John and Marlyn Annin Lillian Ruth Annis Anonymous Kathrin Anslow Margaret Anslow Mark and Maureen Anthony Apache Trout Grill Gary and Mimi Appel Bill Watson and Gina Aranki Arbor Oil and Gas Ed and Mary Arbut Roger Archbold William and Mary Kay Archer Archer Daniels Midland James and Kirsten Ardery Marilyn Argue Kathleen and Ken Arndt David and Lillian Arnold Jeannette Arnold Artists For Dance, Inc Art’s Tavern Mary Ann Arvo Candace Ashley David and Ann Aslin Mary Ann Asmus Dawn Assva At Your Service Up North Cleaning AT&T Employee Giving Campaign Atlanta Thunder Bay Eagles #7077 Richard and Virginia Aubrey Tom and Barbara Auer Mark and Stacy Aulicino Auto Tech, Inc. Kristi Avery Bob and Yolanda Ayala Scott Lee Ayers Colleen and Richard Ayling Renzo and Judith Azzano Baa Baa Zu Zu, Inc. Steve and Jackie Baase Michael and Kathleen Babb Bach Enterprises, Inc. Cathy Bachelder Barbara Bachi David Bachynski Backcountry North Steve and Connie Bagdon Karl and Rabbi Chava Bahle Elizabeth and Gavin Baillie Foy and Joel Baillie Karen Baja Bake Shoppe Cyril and Nadine Baker Doug Baker John P. Baker Sara Baker Bruce and Judy Balas Judith and John Baldwin Robert and Barbara Baldwin Steve and Cheri Balentine Mary Bales Shane Balkcom Marie Ball Catherine Ballard Bank of America Charitable Foundation The Bank of Northern Michigan Beth Bannister Karen Bantel Bare Knuckle Farms Bare Root Farm John and Dorothy Barker Bruce Barnes Bruce and Mary Barnes Robert and Gail Barnes Abraham and Courtney Barnett Ruthann Barrie Barron Properties LTD. Partnership Dave and Patricia Barrons Thomas Barrows Michael and Linda Barry Barbara Barshaw Heather Bartelmay Jo Bartlett Kathryn Bartnik Brenda Bartz Kathleen Basch W. J. and G. J. Batchelder Charles and Colleen Batcheller Lee and Violet Bates Patricia Batta Nicole Battista Roger and Jan Bauer Charles Baum David Melendex & Melissa Baumgartner Bay Area Clean Care, Inc Bay Area Insurance Agents Association Bay Area Recycling For Charities Bay Area Transportation Authority Bay Bread Co. Bay Commercial Equipment Services Bay Life North Magazine Bay Pointe Community Church Bay Theatre Bay View Inn Bayshore Re-Max Real Estate Bayside Tattoo Kimberly Bazemore Nancy Bazemore Louis and Judith Beam Bean Fields Professional Services Katy Bean-Larson JoAnne Beare Kellie and Jeff Beaton Jan Beatty Steve Beaudrie Ann Beck Kathleen and Gregory Becker James and Dorothy Beckett William and Janice Beckett Michael and Lori Beckwith Becky Thatcher Designs Alice Beeker Kim Beemer Adam and Allison Beers Bruce and Jeanne Beers Zach and Shannon Beery Jessica Begres Diane Behrens Shirley Behymer Terry and Shannon Beia Susan Bejaoui Robert and Dottie Bejesky Barbara Belanger Dan Belanger Patrick and Linda Belanger Timothy James Belanger Ruth Ann Belfi Martha and Conrad Belfour Bella Amici Salon Jeff and Cathy Belleville Colleen Bellinger David and Janice Bellingham Nancy Belton Benjamin Twiggs Carl and Sally Benner Carol Bennett Loren and Joan Bensley Barbara and Charles Benson Benzie Area Christian Neighbors Benzie Sunrise Rotary Melanie Berden Terry and Rae Berden Berden Enterprises, Inc Jay and Maureen Berger John and Susan Bergin Peter and Carol Bergin Hiller Leon Bergman Diane Francis Bernier Lee and Arleta Bernson Bessielou Inc. Beta Sigma Phi Preceptor Delta Theta Chapter Beth Price Photography Bethlehem Lutheran Church Bethlehem Lutheran Church of Lewiston Brittany Bettinger Garth Beyette Denise Bickel Jacquelin Ponkey and Mark Bickel Mackenzie Bickel Ross and Brenda Biederman Big Apple Bagels Big Lots Biga Better Bagels Jason Bigg Robert and Sarah Biggs Bill Marsh Automotive Group, Inc Richard and Susan Bingham Mindy Binsfeld Birch Point Farm Birchwood Inn Ann Bird John Birdsong Richard and Terrie Birndorf Betty Bischoft Ginny and Doug Bishop Ann Bixby Danny Bjoraker Black Star Farms Blackbird Arts Scott and Suzette Blair Blair Elementary School Kathleen June Blake Eric and Janna Blakely Linda Blakkan Alvey and Rollene Blanford John and Amy Blanke Earlene Blevins Ruth and Rich Blick WORKERS ON WHEELS 68 cars donated 166 people impacted 55% of car recipients reported increased earnings from picking up more hours or landing a better job. 46% of car recipients reported that their kids had an increase in extra-curricular activities. Andrew Blodgett Brian Blood Roger and Carla Bloom Timothy and Cheryl Bloomquist Harry and Stephanie Blount Mitchell Blue Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Blue Heron Blue Star Mothers, Western Waters Chapter 187 Bluewater Tech Darcy Bluhm Jeanne Blumberg Julie Blumberg Roger Boals Bob Evan’s Farms Inc. Bob Evan’s Restaurant Kristine Bobinger Dale and Lynne Boersema M J Bogan Robert and Norma Bogard Tammy Bogle Theo Bohms Matthew and Anne Bohrer Heather Jean Boivin Joelle Bolen Bolenz Jewelry John Boles Paul and Karen Bolhuis Amy G Bolmer Bon Vin Penny and Doug Bond Gerald and Barbara Boner Marlowe R Bonner Al and Joan Bonney Lynda Bonomo Pam Bonter Boone Street Auto Wash Irene Borak Marcia Borell Chloe Borgeld Harold and Lorraine Bork Kimberly Bork William and Lillian Borland Lauryn Bornschein Michael and Amy Boros Shirley Bortz Lyndsay Bosley Laney Boss Buddy Bothwell Jessica and David Bott Carol and Lee Bowen Bowerman, Bowden, Ford, Clulo & Luyt, P.C. Shirley Bowers Marianne Bowker Jim Bowlby Guy Bowman Ben Bowmaster Larry and Karren Boyd Chris and Laura Boydston Linda and Sarah Boyer Peter Boyles Jack Boynton Vanessa Boynton BP America Inc. Lyle and Marinan Bradford Heather Brady Kristin Brady Margot Braiter Brakel Construction, Inc. Don and Joni Brandt Terry and Jeannie Brandt Stephanie Bransdorfer Anne Brasie Breeze Hill Greenhouse Ellen Breining Joni Brengman Brengman Brothers Ann Brenner Susan Breuer Bob and Nancy Brick Terry and BB Brick Brickyard Towing Carolyn Bridger Ellen Briggs Karen Bright Brilliant Books Robert and Mary Ann Brinklow Valerie Brinks Preston Britner Tamara and Troy Broad Racheal Brock Michelle Brockie Jeff Broderick Frederick and Lisa Brodeur Joseph and Elise Brooks Edward and Ingrid Brophy Bob Brotebeck Linda Broughton Barry and Kathleen Brown Brenda Brown Carolyn Brown David Brown Desiree Brown Mary Brown Richard Brown William and Theresa Brown Virginia Browne Brownwood Farms Bruce Design Solutions LLC Wallace and Joan Bruder Robert and Helen Brugger Brian and Brenda Brunner William Bryan James Bryant Donald and Debra Bubar Sherry and Paul Buckler Frances and Richard Buckley Edward and Stacia Bucnis Michael and Michele Buday Bud’s Coffee Ice Cream and Food Jeff Budz Cammie Buehler Necia Bugai Michael Dorman and Wendy Buhr Beth Bulgrien Robert John Bull Steve and Kelly Bullock Marci Bultemeier David and Ruth Bump Margaret Bunn Karen Bunting Buntings Cedar Market Burdco Incorporated Jill Burden Jennifer Burdick Loren Burfiend Carol Burger Brian and Sharon Burke James and Barbara Burkholder Burnheimer & Co Burritts Fresh Markets Brendan Burrows Heather Burson Mary Ann Bush Mike and Denise Busley Jeff Bussey Adanna Bustance Linda Butka Pam and Tim Butler Edward and Leslie Butt Jr. Amanda Sue and Jonathan Butterfield Troy and Molly Buttleman Chuck and Susan Buxton Bruce and Mary Byl Gary and Betty Byl Jane Byre Jordan Byron Robert and Jill Byron Cadillac Retail Store Volunteers Harvey and Kathy Calcutt David and Amy Calder Cali’s Cottons Boutique James Callahan Calvert Social Investment Foundation Calvin Lutz Farm Cambria Suites Sue Campana Frederick and Denise Campbell Melissa Campbell Robert Campbell Campus Retail Store Volunteers Fieldon and Sandy Carden Cardinal Insurance Group Bridget Carefoot Carl E. Stitt Post 232 Karolina Carls John and Gail Carlson Lisa Carlson Carlson Consulting, LLC Carlson’s of Fishtown Kathy and Aubrey Carmien Robert Carol Carol Vernam of Bill Marsh Automotive Group Cindy Carr Kyle Carr Grant and Terry Carrithers Michael and Maria Carroll Jeff Smith and Missy Carson- Smith Robert Carstens Harvey James Carter Robert and Pamela Carter Cartridge World Bill and Sandy Cartwright Melissa and Perry Cartwright Doug and Jennifer Case John and Ellie Casteel Lois Castle Jacob Cavender Cedar Tavern, Inc. Center for Coaching & Leadership Development Central Daycare Center Central High School Central United Methodist Church Centre Ice Arena Peter and Patricia Cesere Dee Chaffee Napoleon Chagnon Chai Pottery, LLC Becky Chamberlain Tom and Collette Champagne Steven and Zlata Champion Champion Hill Farm Gregg Chance Diane and George Charboneau Chris Charland Charles and Rita Anderson Foundation Charles M. Engle VFW Post 4159 Edward and Diane Charron Elaine Charter Charter Media CHASE Bank Chateau Chantal Gary Cheadle Curtis and Diane Cherry Cherry Capital Foods LLC Cherry Capital Sandwiches, Inc Cherry Capital Cycling Club Cherry Central Cooperative - North Bay Produce Cherry Growers, Inc. Cherry Republic, Inc. Cherry Street Market Cherryland Electric Cooperative CherryT Ball Drop Michael and Cecilia Chesney Michael and Susan Chesney Chevron Michigan, LLC Nita Chichester Children’s Garden Kurt and Luba Childs Ross and Helen Childs Kennen and Shannon Choiniere Rodney and Linda Chouinard Nazea Chowdhury Christ Cares For Kids Foundation Christ the King Catholic Church Christ the King Catholic Church, PCCW David and Julianne Christensen Paul and Robin Christensen Keri and Logan Christian Richard and Peggy Christie Rodney and Connie Christopherson Christ’s Ecumenical Church Rodney and Margaret Chubb Chucks Electric of Gaylord, Inc. Chucks’ Woodworking Inga Chuinard Chums Retail Store Bill and Karin Chung Gary and Mary Church Church Women United Silvio and Joan Ciccone City Mac City Opera House Harold and Kim Clark Jason and Lilly Clark Julie Clark Nate Clark Clean and Green Services LLC Jon Cleland Robert and Susan Cline Gary and Liz Clous Meghan Clous Susan Cloutier Donald and Nancy Clover Club Cadillac Timothy and Mary Clulo Cobb’s Pest Control Coca-Cola Bottling Company Robert Cochran Barbara Cochrane Hailey Cocking Don and Mary Lou Coe Mark and Deb Coe Coffee Beans Cafe Eugene and Joyce Coffey Susan and Al Cogswell Robert Cohen Cathy Colburn Michael and Cara Colburn David John Colby Chris and Rebecca Cole Carl Coleman John Coleman Kenneth and Mary Coleman Gloria Coles Daniel and Cynthia Collier Barbara Collins Bart and Jacquelyn Collins Catherine Collins Dr. Michael and Carolyn Collins Elizabeth Collins Mary and Marshall Collins Edward and Barbara Collins, Jr. James and Therry Colombo Nick and Virginia Colucci Community Chiropractic Health Center Community Foundation FOCUS Fund Community Garden at the Historic Barns Park Jane Conard Cone Drive Operations, Inc. Mary Conger Congregation Beth El Joseph and Deborah Conklin Jennifer Connell Jeremy, Cory and Mike Connolly Karen and Eric Conrad Stephen and Sheri Constantin Consumers Energy Company Foundation Raul Contreras Kelly Converse Keith Conway Brent Cook John and Becky Cooke Jonathon and Catherine Cooley Cathy Coon Ronald and Mary Coon Robert Cooney Mary E Cooper Thomas and Mindy Cooper Delynn Copping Deb Holden and Bill Corbett Merrie and Chris Corbett Corbin Design Peggy Corcoran Steven Robert Corcoran Gary and Sue Cork Roberto and Katie Corona Joe Cort Jen Corwin Jennifer Cosier Peter and Kim Costanza Martin and Valerie Cotanche Linda Cote Cottonseed Apparel Julie Courtade Courtyard Marriott Michelle Courval Karl and Nancy Couyoumjian Covenant Community United Methodist Church Jill Coverdill Chris Cracchiolo Robert and Claudia Craig Nancy Crandall Drew and Haley Crawford Mae Crawford Crescent Bakery Greg and Jill Creswell James and Judy Cretcher Donald and Mary Ann Crewes Eunice Crockett Ron and Kristine Crofoot Patricia Cron - Huhta Robert and Charlotte Crosby Cross Farms Crossing Boundaries Ken and Abby Crouch Bryan Crough Larry Crouse Ronald and Paula Cruickshank Crystal Mountain Cub Scout Pack 115 Cindy Cuba Richard and Rosa Cude John and Mary Cueter Bob and Mary Cullen Barry and Renie Culter Richard Culver Curtis Cummins Bruce and Carla Cunningham Bob and Pam Currey Peter and Linda Currie Dennis and Jan Curtice Chuck and Janice Curtiss David and Christine Curtiss Tom Custance Jennifer Cutler-Pampu Thomas and Marjorie Cybulla Ken Cyrus Louis and Mary Czubak D.H. Baker Dental Laboratory Daddy Mac’s Sub Shack Carl and Terryl Dahlberg George and Patricia Daisy Daisy Jane Christopherr and Lori Dakoske Matt Dakoske Elsie Dakota Jennifer Dalio Daniel and Gail Dall’Olmo Allan and Joanne Dalzell Lois Dame Barbara Dan Ann Marie and John Dane Ken and Amber Daniels Danielson Enterprises, LLC Pete and Carol Danly Dennis Dart Daughters of Isabella Circle #611 Jason and Sheila Daumeyer James and Andrea Davies Bruce and Sandra Davis Gerald Davis Mickelle Davis Daylight Donuts Thomas and Alison Dayton De Tree Design Cory and Stephanie Dean Jeanine Dean Kathryn Dean Michael and Shirley Debelack Mandy and Mike DeBruyn Joseph Dechow Rachel Decker Diana Deegan Margaret Deering Sarah Deering Deering’s Food Market Christopher and Katherine DeGood JoAnn DeGraaf Barb DeGraeve Robbie Deka Joseph and Kate DeKoning Mike and Kathy Dell Michele Della-Moretta Jerry and Lynne Delling Keith and Roberta Delong Anna Demarsh Rick and Connie Deneweth John and Sue Denio Peggy and Bob Dennis Mary Dennos Dennos Museum Denoyer Brother’s Moving and Storage Denture Care Clinic Department of Human Services Ed DeRosha Wendelyn and David Desautels Donna DeSoto Charles and Patricia Detjen Dettmer Law Office PLC Annie and Michael DeVries Paul and Christine Deyo Robert and Lindsey Dickinson Alice Diebel Frances Dietrich Joseph DiFranco Kenneth and Susan DiFranco Shane and Robyn Dine Dan and Denine Dingeman Robert and Shirley Dingman Disabilty Network Barbara A. Disborough Diversions Eugene and Verna Dixon Mark and Kathy Dixon DMO Properties, LLC Dennis Dobrowa Amy Dombrowski Karla Dominguez Cheryl Donakowski Bruce and Jane Donaldson Carol Donaldson Jeannette Donlin Ann Donn Judy Dorenbecker Harry and Sharon Dorman Dale and Cheryl Dorvinen Robert and Mary Lou Dotson Bill and Peggy Dotterweich Nancy Dougherty Michelle and Larry Douglas Pamela Haase and David Douglas Anita Douglass Roberta Dow Dorothy Dowd Timothy and Kathleen Dowd Laurie Downer Downtown Traverse City Association Chris and Julie Doyal David and Pat Drake India Draper Paula and Bryce Dreeszen Sam and Linda Drelles Reverend Marilyn and Joe Dressel Bruce and Allys Dreves Patrick and Sally Drilling Troy Driskell Daniel and Judy Druskovich DTE Energy DTE Energy Foundation James and Beverly Duff Kathryn Dugal Marlene Duguid Mary Helen and Jerry Dumon Tom and Gretchen Dunfee Harriet Dunlop Larry Dunlop Judy Dunmire Mary Dunn Sandra M. Dunn Tammy Durfee Cydney G. Dutcher Chad and Macaire Dutmers Jim and Sue Dutmers Patricia Dutmers Tim and Jen Dutmers Tom and Monica Dutmers Pollyanne Dux Eagletown American Legion Auxiliary, Post 120 East Bay Legal, PLC East Jordan Iron Works Jeanine Easterday Eastern Elementary Chris and Kristy Eastom Eastport Market Stacy Eastway Warren Ebbinghaus Judy Ebelt Jane Ecclestone Marge Eckert William and Sharon Eddington Edible Arrangements Edible Grande Traverse Fredrick and Carol Edmonds Debra and Dan Edson Ned and Barbara Edwards Tom and Rosemary Egan Margaret Egiziaco Shelley Ehrenberger Harry and Sara Eick Christina Eickenroth Debra Eifler John Elder Elizabeth G. Bruning, Ph.D. Elk Rapids Lions Club Elk Rapids Rotary Club Ella’s Gae Ellery Ellibee Irrigation Inc John and Sally Ellinger Heather Kingham and Mark Elliott Verne and Anna Elliott Diana and Eric Ellis Phil and Barbara Ellis Suzanne and Scott Ellwood Elmbrook Golf Club William Elsenheimer Pat and Fred Ely Thomas and Diane Emling Emmanual Lutheran Church Empire United Methodist Church Kevin and Susan Empson Ken and Janet Engle William Engle Mark and Nancy Engler Epicure Catering Henry and Donna Erber Dennis Erdmann Bradley and Martha Esbaugh Mark and Christine Esper Espresso Bay Elizabeth and Frank Esser Gail Marie Evans Jeremy Evans Joellen Evans Robert Knechel and Gail Evans Steve and Cindy Eveleigh Don and Sharon Eversmann Evola Music Takashi Nishida and Angie Fabiszak Faith Reformed Church Daniel and Meridith Falconer Family Fare Bellaire Family Fare Chums Corners Family Fare Kalkaska Family Fare Mancelona Family Fare Traverse City Hugh and Betty Farber Paul Farquhar Stacy Farrell Nicole Fasel Richard and Lori Fasi Father Fred Foundation Feast of Victory Lutheran Church Gary and Gretchen Fedus David and Diane Feenstra Cathy Feiger Anthony and Margaret Feldhus Daniel Felton Gene and Renee Felton Dale Ferdon Carl and Amy Ferguson Kerry and Karen Ferguson Nancy Ferguson Robert H. Ferguson Teresa Ferguson Robert Ferman Bill and Julie Fernandez Rebecca Ferrill Duane and Doris Ferris Fetzer Institute Nicole Fewins Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Greg and Trish Fiebing Josh and Michelle Fiebing Mark and Jackie Fiegel Melissa Russell and Chris Fifarek Fife Lake American Legion Aux #219 Frances Figurski FIM Group Ronald and Marcia Fine James and Beverly Finlayson First Church of Christ Scientist First Church of Nazerene First Presbyterian Church of Elk Rapids First United Methodist Church of Gaylord Rebecca Fisher Fit For You Health Club Ronald and Mary Fitch Ronald Fite Fitness For You, LLC Muriel Fitzgerald Jones Denny and Nancy Fitzpatrick Mike and Kelly Fitzpatrick Robert and Marlene Flannery Mary Fleishman Daniel and Kate Flewelling Randall Flinn Thomas Doak and Jennifer Florence Steven and Tanya Flores Amanda Flowers Foiled Hair Lounge David and Natalie Foisie Ronald and Karen Foisie Sallie Foley Folgarelli’s Market Food for Thought Nancy Forbes Clyde Ford Gary and Lou Anne Ford Richard and Susan Ford Ford Insurance Agency Margaret Forgione Forgotten Eagles Forgotten Eagles Inc, Chapter 1 Breanna Fortuna Debra Fouch Jerry and Jessie Fouch Craig and Amber Fountain Colleen and Chris Fowler Stephanie Fowler Fox Grand Traverse Leonard and Karen Franseen Don and Nancy Fraser Doreen Nickerson & Carol Fraser Gretchen Fraser Robert and Dana Fratini Ellen Fred Susan Frederickson Betty Frederixon Peter and Lori French Roger and Sandra Freniere Kevin and Darby Freund Friends with Food Steven and Delores Frisbie Frito-Lay Fromholz, Paauwe & Baker, P.C. Michael and Marilyn Fuller Warren and Cathey Fuller Fustini’s Oils and Vinegars Richard and Rebecca Gagnon Adam and Anne Gahn Peter and Patricia Gaines Mark and Jennifer Galan Joseph Galarno Gallaghers Farm Market & Bakery Ray and Carie Gallegos Kristen Gamelin Garfield Dental Group Roger and Terry Garrett Fran Garrock James Garrow Steve and Linda Garshaw James and Lenore Garside Abby Lynn Gartland Thomas and Karen Gartland Gary Kaberle, DDS Judith Gass Caroline Gately Kovas Jenna Gates Emily and Richard Gavitt Bill Gay Byron and Sheila Gay Cheryl Gaylock Greg Gaylor Gaylord Retail Store Volunteers Jim Geary Branko and Diane Gegich Jan and Ann Geht John and Chris Geiger Eric and Cindy Geiser Carrie Geisert Doug and Shirley Gembis Gary Marek and Ann George Georgina’s John and Hilary Gessner GIC Thermodynamics Bonnie Giddings Lindsey Gielda Homer and Martha Gifford Tom and Cindy Gilbertson Thomas and Barbara Giles John and Barbara Gillen Kevin and Tina Gillespie Ward and Mary Gillett Anders and Amanda Gillis Michael Gillman Michael and Wendy Gillner Autumn Gillow Heather Gillow Rick Gilpatrick Virginia Girard Mark Girardin Chris and Shanna Girrbach Sarah Campbell and William Gittlen Marc and Diana Glauch Glen Lake Community Schools Jerry and Sharon Glenn Glenn Wolff Studio Robert Hall and Cynthia Glines Michael and Kay Gloden Marge Glover Robert and Diane Gluszewski Angela and Mark Glynn Charles and Pamela Godbout Deb and Mike Goddard GoFusion Foods Inc Golden Beach Improvement Rebecca Goldkuhle Cecelia Goldsmith Geoffrey and Diane Gonda James Good Good Harbor Coffee and Bakery Good Harbor Grill Good Harbor Vineyards Daniel and Barbara Goodearl Barbara Goodell Kathy Goodman Goodson’s Frosty Treat Goodwill Industries International John and Sharon Goodwin Annette Goodyear Cheryl Gordon Dottie Prouty and William Gordon Harvey and Barbara Gordon Gordon Food Service Joseph William Gorka John and Jennifer Gorman Matt and Katy Gorman William and Lesa Gorman Dawn Goss Gordon and Laura Gottfried Beth Gotts Gert Gould Edward and Marjorie Grabowski Grace Episcopal Church Rex Graff Gary Graham Marvin Grahn Grainger David and Kristin Grams Grand Traverse Area Catholic Schools Grand Traverse Area Republican Women Grand Traverse Area Retired School Personnel Grand Traverse Bagel & Bakery Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Grand Traverse Container, Inc. Grand Traverse County Administrator Grand Traverse County Governmental Center Grand Traverse Internists PC Grand Traverse Metro Fire Department Grand Traverse Ophthalmology Clinic Grand Traverse Pavilions Grand Traverse Pie Company Grand Traverse Radiologists PC Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy Grand Traverse Resort & Casinos Grand Traverse Yacht Club Grand Traverse-Leelanau-Benzie County MD Society David and Sherry Grant Sandra Grant Grant United Methodist Church Vanessa Grasset Beverly Gravis William and Vickie Gray Donna Grayson Graystone Catering Great House Foods Great Lakes Bath & Body Great Lakes Foot and Ankle Specialists, PLLC Great Lakes International Trading, Inc. Great Lakes Stainless Great Wolf Lodge Jeffrey and Donna Green Lynn Green Patricia Green Ronald and Jane Green Green House Cafe Green Island Green Lake Garden Goods Greenleaf Trust Greenlight Marketing John and Christine Greeno Shawn and JoAnn Gregg Ann and Donald Gregory Grenzebach Glier and Associates Elizabeth Greutman Anne Griffiths Terry and Mary Griggs George and Lynn Grissom Grocer’s Daughter Chocolate Chris and Mark Groenevelt Joan and Roland Groening Paul and Kathryn Groesbeck Matt and Shelia Groleau Groleau’s Farm Market Don and Ruth Groll Richard and Karen Gross Grossnickle Farm Richard and Marion Grout Jerry and Susan Grover Carole Groves Larry and Sheryl Grow Growler Collar Mary Gruman Bruce and Gail Gualtiere Shelly Guernsey Janet Guidos Mark Guitar Marjorie Gulliksen Louis and Joan Gurthet Judy Gustavson Bret and Leslie Gutknecht Kelly Guttenberg Monica Guttmann Mark and Kathleen Guy Mary Ann Guyon H Cox & Son Inc. Jeff and Jill Haag Deborah and Thomas Haase Holly Hack Thomas and Darlene Hackney Gene and Maryellen Hadjisky Kelly Hagan Antonio Simao and Kim Hagerty Brian and Enid Hagerty McKeel and Soon Hagerty Tammy Hagerty Hagerty Center Northwestern Michigan College Hagerty Management, LLC John and Janis Haine Kenneth and Joann Haines Bruce Hair Robert Halboth Marcia Hales Mike and Mary Haley Brian and Katherine Hall Doug Hall Holly Hall Margaret Hall Matt and Peggy Hall Suzanne and Nancy Hall William and Shirley Hallandal Dorothy Hallock David and Cameron Halstead Judy Halsted Amelia Hamilton Kerri Hamilton Charlene and Mark Hamlyn Jason and Jessica Hammersla Alice Hammond Joann Hanafi Jim Hanes Hanes Brand, Inc. Kathy Hank Timothy and Sally Hanley Stephen Douglas Hanna David G Hannon Mike Hanophy Jennifer Hansen Lyle Hansen Nick and Susan Hansen Hansen Foods Diane Hansford Jeanne Harbold Hardwicke Family Fund Ginger Hardy Jack Christensen and Sondra Hardy Daniel and Rae Harfst Lea Haring Terry and Elaine Harmon Peggy Harold Don and Joan Harriger Harriger Construction, Inc. Cynthia Harrington Harrington’s By The Bay Frederick and Martha Harris Kenneth and Catherine Harris Matthew and Lauren Harris Nancy Harris Brad and Judy Harrison Cornelia M. Hart Julie Hart Paula Hartmann Denice and Jr. Harwood Eileen Hasman David Haughn Steve Haughton Charles and Anne Havill Jeremy Hawke Jon Hawkins Agnes Hayden Carol and Raymond Hayes Hayes Manufacturing Haystacks Scott and Joanie Hazelton Pam Heany Heart of West Michigan United Way Susan Heckendorn David and Janet Heeke Brian and Cara Heffner Robert and Barbara Heflin Montgomery and Kimberly Hegewald Charlie Heiler Joseph and Melissa Heiler Art and Emily Heilig David and Leslie Heimburger Lynda Heimburger LuAnn and Klaus Heinert Sumitra Heinert Richard and Jane Heiser Lori Heitmeyer Patrick and Cheryl Hejl Sarah Helbig Margo and Daniel Hellem Jessica Heller Judith Helveston William and Elizabeth Hemming Stephen and Lisa Henderson Tom and Kathleen Henderson Kathy Hendges Will and Kathleen Hendges Kathleen Hendrickson Alan and Lynn Henning Jill Henning Shannon Hennrick Carrie Henry Heidi and Scott Henry Mark and Sandy Henschell Erin Henshaw Deborah and Bruce Hepner Harry and Elizabeth Hepner Tom and Dianna Hepner Joseph Heringlake Ryan Hernalsteen Jessie Hernden David and Maureen Herr Amanda and Robert Herrick The Herrington-Fitch Family Foundation Anita Herrmann Victoria Hershberger Barbara Hershey Timothy and Lynne Hertler Ron and Jan Heverly Tim Heyd Jeffrey and Katherine Heydlauff David Hibbert Ruth and Harlan Hickerson Alan and Cynthia Hickman Betsy Hicks Rachel Hicks Hidden Harvest Anne and Richard Higgins Higher Grounds Trading Co. Rob Hightower Debrah Highway Janice Highway Linda Highway Jerry Hilborn Devin Hill Gerald and Corinne Hill Harriet Hill John Hill Hillshire Brands Bakery Hillshire Brands Plant Penny Hills-Postma Adam and Amanda Hilt Richard and Carol Hilton John and Diane Himes Ted and Ruth Ann Hindes Kim Hindman Jeanne Hinds Jeannine Hinds Saundra Hintz Robert and Shirley Hirschenberger Donna Hirs-Halloway Glenn and Shari Hirt Caroline Hirth Hitchens Family Foundation Susan Kelly and Russell Hjelmstad Dean and Brenda Hobbs Lana Hockett Heather Hockin Maxine Hodges Raymond and Diane Hodges Steven Hodges Pat Hoekje Dennis and Cynthia Hofer Alison Hoffman Connie Hoffman Gilbert and Vicki Hoffman Paul Hofley Larry and Paula Hofmeister Max and Kate Hogan Melissa Hogan Amy Hoge Gary and Karen Hogue Fred and Gail Hoisington Bob and Jane Holdeman Harrison and Carol Holdredge Cindy Holiday Steven and Kathryn Holl Mike Holland William and Myrna Holland Melinda and Ashley Hollands Carolyn Hollenbeck Josh and Mary Hollister Richard Dezeeuw and Fran Holly Margaret Hollyday Ryan and Pamela Holmes Cheryl Holst Martha Holt Home Depot Home Depot Foundation Eugene and Joan Homeister Homestead Resort Nancy Honchell Gary and Marilyn Hondorp Honey Boy Bob Cindy Hood Jay and Marie Hooper Horizon Books Horizon Custom Blinds Edward Horn Mike and Sue Hornby James Horrocks Horse Sports by the Bay, Inc Robert and Anna Horstman Byron and Georgina Hosmer Sarah Houghton Houghton Family Fund Housecalls Houtteman Interiors Mike Hovey Susan Howard William and Jean Howard The John C. and Mary Jane Howard Foundation Arline Howe Dawn and Dan Howe Robert and Margaret Howell Len and Jill Hower Chris and Kim Howser Amy Hoxie James and Mary Jane Hsu Roger Hubbell Jim and Diana Huckle Joseph Hudkins Carolyn Hudson Rhonda Hudson Carol Hueller Marcia Hughes Jason and Nicole Hulet Mark Humitz Hunt for a Cause Petula Fliss and Matt Hunter Huntington Bank Craig Hupp Matt Hurd Amy Hutchinson Dennis Hyland Kevin Hyman Gordon and Evelene Iacovoni Idyll Farms LLC Illinois Tool Works Foundation Chris and Jessica Iloff Image360 Immaculate Conception Church Immaculate Conception Food Pantry Immanuel Baptist Church Immanuel Lutheran Church Impres Salon & Spa Tammy Inch Indiana Trust & Investment Management Company iNDIGO Health Partners Karen Inger Insurance North Agency, LLC Interlochen Center for the Arts International Realty Plus-Michigan Gil Irwin Thomas and Elizabeth Irwin Raymond and Patricia Isaacson Terry and Beverly Isenbarger J & S Hamburg Emilia Jablonski Emily Jackson Mark and Debra Jackson Michael and Joanie Jackson Nancie Jackson William and Janet Jackson Britni Jacobs Nancy Jacobs Paul and Laura Jacobson Richard and Janice Jacobson Brian and Jennifer Jaffe Monica Jaissle James Schmuckal Realtors William and Jessica Janego Chet and Jane Janik Bill and Susie Janis Donald Jaquish Edward and Yvonne Jarvie Donald and Phyllis Jarvis Jay Zelenock Law Firm PLC Jeffrey H. Bruggeman Inc Christopher and Lauren Jeffries Jerome and Jill Jelinek Jem, LLC Cheri Jenks Soren and Inge Jensen Marilyn Jenson Steven and Barbara Jewell Jenny Jewett Jimmy Johns Job Winslow Chapter NSDAR John and Matilda Shumsky Foundation John Jetts Living Trust Carl and Bonita Johnson Clyde and Donna Johnson Dianna Johnson Donn and Kathleen Johnson Janice Johnson Linda and Wendell Johnson Luke and Sara Johnson Mark and Ursula Johnson Peggy Johnson Ralph and Carmella Johnson Rex J.E. Johnson Sandy Johnson William and Beverly Johnson Johnson Clark Printers Camille Johnston Charles and Diane Johnston James and Peggie Johnston Jill Johnston Laurlynn Johnston Shugart Muriel Joldersma Ron and Laura Jolly Barb Jones Volnia and Jeffie Lynch Jones Jones Cleaning Service Annelle Kaspor and Joe Jonika Dan and Peg Jonkhoff Jordan Exploration James and Patricia Jorgensen Justin and Sarah Jorkasky Karen and Sam Joseph Rebecca Brown and Simon Joseph Journey Wesleyan Church Patricia Joyce Richard and Anne Joyner Scott and Leslie Jozwiak JPMorgan Chase & Co Employee Giving Program JPMorgan Chase Foundation JP’s Hard Luck Diner Charles Judson James and Leslie Julian Ellisa Julien June 8th Foundation, Inc. Sarah and Thomas Juntune George and Jan Jury Just Ask Beccy LLC JustGive Lucia Kadzielski Larry and Mary Kage Bud and Mary Kaiser John and Mary Ellen Kaiser Kal Excavation Company Jim and Becky Kalajian Ann and Edward Kalat George and Anne Kaminski Marilyn Kamp Randall and Francine Kamps Rachel Kapkau Dave Kaplan James Karbowski Tobi Karch Milo and Billie Karhu Polly Karle Jayne Mohr and Cal Karr John and Ann Kassen Katie Myers, CPA, PC Joe Kau-Be-Naw James and Renee Kaufman George and Barbara Kausler Barbara Kay Lalene Kay Sylvia Keely Keen Technical Solutions Margaret Keil Linda Keller Linda and Michael Kelley Richard Kelley Robert and Marilyn Kelley Sue Kellogg Charles and Delores Kelly James and Eileen Kelly Kent and Carol Kelly Kevin Kelly Kevin and Nancy Kelly Louise Kelly Paul Kelly Thomas and Anne Kelly Don and Marilyn Kelner Todd Kennell The Kenneth F. & Elizabeth A. James Endowment Michael and Marquerite Kenney John and Doris Keough John and Connie Kerns Ellen Kerr Janet Kerr Brenda Kerrigan Kevin Paul Kelly and Associates Kewadin United Methodist Womens Society Charles and Janet Kibby Lawrence Kidd Nadeen Kieren Jane Kiernan Kathy Kieven Elizabeth Killian Kilwins of Traverse City Kim Abbott, Inc Interior Design Tom Kimball Kimberly Clark Foundation Stan and Sue Kimmel Jeffrey and Julie Kimpton Kelly Kin Brad and Emi King Cheryl and James King Kathryn and John King Paul and Erin King King Orchard Heather Kingham Carole Kinnune Tom and Leah Kirchner Patrick and Lorie Kirkey William and Jane Kirschke Greg Kish Bill and Peggy Klein Jessica Klein Philip and Nancy Klein Tim and Kateri Klein Kenneth Kleinrichert Tiffany Klemm Andy and Riddi Kline Jo Ann and Leslie Klingbeil Joanna Kloet Butch Klooster Dale and Joyce Kloosterman Marian Knaggs Jay Knapp Justin and Emily Knapp Mary and Kevin Knapp Phil and Margaret Knapp Michael Lintner and Linda Kniat Irene and Leah Knight Knights of Columbus Council 15186 Knights of Columbus Michigan State Council Kandace Kniss Jeff and Gretchen Knoblock Richard and Judith Kobernik Danielle Koch Richard and Sharon Koenig Lisa Kohler Peter and Mera Kohler Kohl’s Kohl’s, Traverse City Gerald and Roberta Kolak Deborah Kolarevic Mary Ann and Jerome Kolarik Charles and Susan Konieczny Gerald and Karen Konieczny Traci Konzer Steven Koontz Sue Koppa Korean War Veterans Association NW MI Ch 38 Korner Gem Blaise and Sarah Korson Robert and Lori Korson Korson Farm Robert and Francene Korten Gary and Wendy Kosch Deborah Ochs and Richard Kosinski Marlene Koskela David Koss Paul and Jeanne Koss Alan and Lori Kostrzewa William and Delphine Kowalske Elena Kozachik Steven Kraft Susan Kramer Bagby Jenny Krause Tom Krause Krause Realty Solutions John and Kelle Krcmarik James Kretcher Brian Kriesel Connie Kroll Mike and Janet Kronk Kyle Kruchten John Krug Mark and Pamela Krull Jane Krysinski Amy and Jason Kudary Liz Kuester Dana Kuhl-LaPorta Gary and Megan Kuhlman George and Elizabeth Kuhn Robert Kuhn Kelly Kuhns Bruce and Maurine Kuiken Terry and Diane Kunst Jonathan Kunz Frank and Jean Kuras Aaron and Kristen Kurjan Pam Kurzawski KW Properties Willie and Dorothy Kye L. Mawby Vineyards La Cuisine Amical Roberta La Mont La Senorita Mexican Restaurants Frank Lacey Sarah Lackie Ladies Auxiliary FOE 4077 Charlotte LaFeve Rose Laing Stu and Sharon Laing Douglas and Mary Lake Gary and Karen Lake Kieron and Jennifer Lake Cynthia Lakin Jennifer LaMay Chris Lambert Sid and Maria Lammers Garry and Elizabeth Lancewicz Land of Goshen Farm Brad Landis Roger Landis Ann Lange Bonnie Lange Bill and Lois Lannin Mary Lannin Metta Lansdale Eric Lapaugh Pete and Mary Laplaca Paul and Carol LaPorte Mark and Diane Larson Paul Christ and Lynn Larson Linus and Betty Laskey Bruce and Kay Lassila Larry and Barbara LaSusa Carol and Dale Latsch Peter John Laughlin Ann Laurimore James and Margaret Lautenschlager Jeff and Cathy Layman Rose Mary Layosa Angie Layton Donald and Betty Leach Cecilia Leake Leathernecks MC Michigan EGA Chapter Peter and Linda Leathersich Leave It To Dan, LLC Leona Leavens Kim Leblanc Russ and Darlene LeBlanc Virginia LeClaire Jeanne Lee Norman and Amy Lee Leelanau Christian Neighbors Leelanau Coffee Roasting Co. Leelanau Diamond Willow Furniture Leelanau RV Club Leelanau Vacation Rentals Legendary Lion Web Design Leggs, Hanes and Bali Barbara Lehnhard Linda Frank and Klaus Lehrer Roberta and Henry Lehtola Dale and Cheryl Leider Barbara LeJeune Leland Community United Methodist Church Herb and Barb Lemcool Curtis and Janet Lennerth Marcel and Carrie Lenz Bob and Eva Lenzini Jeff Leonhart Robert and Deloris Leppink The Les and Anne Biederman Foundation Kathy Lessard Tracey Lev-Ary Brian and Anne Lewis Kasey Lewis Richard and Sally Lewis Rorie Lewis Lewiston American Legion Auxil Al and Pam Lezon Norman and Joan Licht Steven and Laura Liesse Patricia Light Lighthouse Chiropratic & Wellness Center, PLC Lighthouse Group, Inc. Matthew Ligon Lil Bo Pub and Grill Lilies of the Alley Lisa Lillie Gina Limbocker Marcia Limbocker Dorothy Lingle Pamela Lingo Linn Operating, Inc Brian and Diane Lirones Barry and Linda Lishawa Little River Casino Judy Liu Sue Livasay Tamella Michael Livengood Living Light Massage & Wellness Center Margaret Llewellyn Charles and Mary Ann Lockman Barbara Lockrey John and Lauma Lockwood James and Kimberly Lohr Debra Long Long Lake Friends Church Long Lake PTO Jim and Miriam Longcore Cathy Look Karen Bell and Elamae Loomis Sara Looney Bruce Loose Debbie Lorenz Staton and Carol Lorenz Ann Marie and Karl Love Jean Lovell Kim Marian and Rob Lovell Richard and Esther Lowe Lauren Lowes Douglas and Lynne Luciani Terry and Beth Ludford Loretta and Lawrence Ludka Lulu Muffin Macare and Dustin Lumbrezer Arne and Judy Lundmark Gail Lungershausen Zack Luster Terri and Lee Lutes Richard and Karen Luther Calvin C. and Lorraine A. Lutz Christopher and Kristen Lutz LWML Sonshine Zone Patrick and Nancy Lynette Mary MacDowell Nanette Macey Mary MacGowan James and Chris MacInnes David and Lorah MacIntosh Patricia and Keli Macintosh Amy Mackay Robert and Ellen MacKinnon Daniel and Kara Madion Matthew and Jody Madion Peter and Anne Magoun Maidens of Michigan Sandra Maisch Mary Malantis Lori Malaski Mary and Erik Malewitz Dennis and Debra Malone Terry and Sally Malone Robert and Kris Mampe Mancelona United Methodist Church Ellen Mang Erin Mang Lindsay Mang Manistee Community Gardens Manistee Inn & Marina Joe Manly Connie Mann Nancy Mann Manpower Fred Nelson and Marcia Manseau Shawna Mansuy Mary Mantei David and Karen Manthei Maple Grove Friendship Club Anthony and Linda Marchio Karen Marek Tracy and Sandra Mariage Marin Community Foundation Peter and Kristin Marinoff Jon and Janie Markham Heather Marlatt Barry and Deborah Marsh Bill and Debra Marsh Dan and Pam Marsh Jamie and Barbara Marsh Kerry Marsh William and Ann Marsh Viola Marshall Joseph and Kris Marsiglia Cari Martell Martha L Black PLC Dave and Helen Martin Donna Martin John and Wendy Martin Marion Martin Paul Martin Paul and Sharon Martin Rose and Ron Martin Lois Martindale Ralph and Esther Martineau Sandra Marutz Camilla Marvel Charlotte Marx Mary’s Kitchen Port Paul and Theresa Mason Massagio’s Salon Virginia Masterson Dan Matey Casha Mathews Dave Mathews Richard and Theresa Mattarella Jan Matthews John Matthews John and Jane Matz Paul W. Maurer Vickie Maurer Phil & Carol Maus Maxbauer’s Meat Market Maxwell Medals & Awards Michael and Kathryn May John and Polly Mayer Gary and Cheryl Mazurek James and Lynn McAndrews Jeff Anderson and Sandi McArthur Edith McCall Julie McCall Chandler and Leah McCallum Albert McCally John Noonan and Karen McCarthy Tom and Geraldine McCarthy Ranae and Dennis McCauley Dale and Dorothy McCleary Jim and Jennifer McClellan T. Sam McClellan Thomas McClellan Michelle McClelland Jon McClure Christine McCormick Shayrrl McCready Pamela Ayres and Kaz McCue Brenda Rusch and David McCullen Alicia McCurdy Carole Fleahman and John McDermott Michael and Sandra McDonald Kay McDowell Robert and Jane McElroy Thomas and Shelle McElwee Chloe McGehee Deb McGough Patricia McGowan Joseph and Pamela McGraw Nikole McGregor Zola Cochrane and Brenda McGregor Joan McGuffin Michael and Nancy McGuire Michelle and Patrick McGuire Sabrina McGuire Joe and Joanne McGurn Bryan and Valerie McInerney Ronald and Terese McInnis Libby McKay Pat McKean Donna McKenzie David and Debbie McKeon Wayne and Sandra McKinley Sandra and Willie McKinney Steven McLain Mark McLane Elma McLane-Gunning Jerry and Dawn McLaughlin Thomas and Shirley McLenithan Michael and Janet McManus Sara Erickson and Lois McManus Cyril and Mary Jean McMaster McMillen’s Custom Framing Audrey and Raymond McMullen Janie McNabb Cecil and Alice McNally Dan and Sarah McNamara Sherry McNamara Stephen and Sally Meach Paul and Rebecca Mead The Mead Foundation Meadowsweet Brenda and Wes Measel Virginia Meeker Meijer, Inc. Maria Mejia Barbara Melichar Denise Melichar William & Susan Melin Melissa Hair Studio James Mellinger John and Mary Melvin Linda A. Melvin Members Credit Union Mercantile Leland Nancy and Bruce Mercier Pat Mericle Floyd and Marcia Merillat Stuart and Carol Merillat William and Susanne Meserve Linda Mesler Leslie Messing Lizbeth Messing Ronald and Sue Messner Constance Metcalf John and Alison Metiva Carol Metrick Patsy and Jack Metz Paul and Susan Meyer Richard Meyer Connie and Dennis Meyers Leon and Florence Michael Cheryl Michalski Delbert and Sara Michel Michigan Grocers Mid American Title Pat and Alison Middleton John and Debra Mieske Brian Mikovits Bruce and Kelly Mikula Curt and Eileen Mikulski Jana Millen Julie Millen Ashley and Jordan Miller David and Donna Miller Eleanor Miller Jane Miller Jim and Barbara Miller Karen Miller Marc and Jessica Miller Marcy Miller Mary Jo Miller Michael and Pauline Miller Patricia Miller Miller Family Trust Miller’s Produce Elnora Milliken JP and Darcy Milliken Janet Brzezinski & Claud Mills Cindy Milock Minar Bible Church Christopher Miner Cynthia Miner Miner’s North Jewelers Pamela Mingus Tad and Carol Minor John and Margaret Minster Fred and Mary Missad Eileen Mitchell James Mitchell Jeffrey and Elizabeth Mitchell Ralph and Harriett Mittelberger Dan and Lynne Mixer Dr. Carolyn and Larry Moats John and Lynn Mocan Patricia Modowski William and Sally Modzel Betty Monahan Ellen Monahan Dana Monks James and Cindy Monroe John Goy and Margaret Monsour Richard Montgomery Moomers Homemade Ice Cream Jolene Moore Phillip Speering and Jay Moorhead Carol Moorman Johamy Morales Kerri Moravec Megan Morelli Steve and Nonie Morgan Douglas Morgenstern Gerald and Geri Morris Paul and Nancy Morris Casey Ressl and Jim Morse Jackie Morse Morsels Espresso + Edibles Virginia Mouch Mount Hope Lutheran LWML Sharon Moyer Karen Mudgett Clay and Mary Jo Mueller Wayne and Heidi Mueller Muffin Tin Dennis and Susan Mull Emmett and Colleen Mulligan Jim Munro Munson Medical Center Munson Medical Center - Human Resources Munson Rehabilitation Center Betty Harag and Jay Murdoch Ann Murphy John and Carol Murray Shirley Murray Kenneth and Patricia Musson Bill Myers Harold and Wanda Myers Katie Myers Scott and Renee Myers Tammy Myers Gary and Rosemary Myles Mark Nadeau Richard and Cheryl Naperala Troy and Sarah Naperala Pamela and Stephen Nation National Cherry Festival National Christian Foundation West Michigan National Coatings, Inc. Naturally Nutty Nauti-Cat Cruises Nealis Engineering Jim and Rose Neibauer Thomas and Denae Neirman Roger and Stephanie Nelsen Cassandra Nelson Harlow and Donna Nelson Larry and Kelly Nelson Linda Nelson Lynn Moon and John Nelson Nancy Johnson and Tim Nelson Wes and Arlene Nelson Rob and Betsy Nendorf Christopher and April Nesin Edwin and Laura Ness Netcom Computers Angela Neumann Jan and Rudy Neumann Karin Neumann Karl Neumann Neuromuscular Rehabilitation Jennifer Neve Cynthia Nevin Charles and Jeanne Newberry Jeffrey and Susan Newland Mike Newman Reva Newman Rick and Cathy Newman NEWME Corporation Newport Women’s Club Christopher Newton Cynthia and Charles Newton Mark and Pam Newton Carrol and Jane Nichols Tim and Suzanne Nichols Stephen and Terrie Niehaus Richard Nielsen Rick Nielsen Lori and Joseph Niemer Steven and Lisa Niergarth Mason Nikowski Nine Bean Rows NJ’s Grocery Susan and Walter Noble C. Noga Tye Nordberg Christina Normile Ann Marie Norris Kenneth Norris Martha Norris Kolleen North North Orchard AFC North/West Lower Michigan Synod of E L C A Northern Fire & Safety Northern Lakes Community Church Northern Lakes Community Mental Health Northern Michigan Assoc of Health Underwriters Northern Michigan De Colores Ministries Northern Star Broadcasting Northland Interiors, Inc. Northwest Food Coalition Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency Northwest Michigan Welding Program Northwestern Bank Northwestern Bank People Northwood Animal Hospital Northwood Paint & Supply Northwoods Outdoor Stores Northwoods Soda & Syrup Co Michael and Karen Norton Mike and Sharon Norton Johanna Novak Ron and Lori Novak Gil and Diane Nugent Nuisance Animal Control Becky Mang and Homer Nye Beth Oates Jon and Laura Oblinger Theresa O’Boyle Arlene O’Brien Shawn and Melissa O’Brien Wendy and Matt Ockert Jack Ocobock Maureen O’Conner Dan and Dru O’Connor Bruce and Catherine Odom Odom Reusable Building Materials Charles and Sara Offenloch Eric and Marita Okerstrom Old Mission Multigrain Old Mission Peninsula School Old Mission Women’s Club Old Town Playhouse Oleson Foundation Oleson’s Food Stores Leon and Nancy Olewinski Craig and Sharon Oliver Kelly Nogoski and Ronald Olrich Richard and Vickilyn Olsafsky Christine Olson Clarine Olson Karin Olson Robert and Sandra Oltersdorf Omena Club 21 On The Rocks Karyn Oncu Rick and Lori O’Neil Sandra O’Niel Timothy and Doreen Onthank Thomas Edwin Ooley Patrick and Sharon Oriel John and Penelope Ort Orvis Oryana Natural Foods Market Ken and Becky Osborne Virginia Osburn Dale and Deborah Ostema Al and Margo Osterman Sara Osterman John and Mary Ott Raietta Ott Otho Matthew Otte Lucas Otten Tena Otto Gretchen Overbeek JoAnn and William Overzet Judy Owen Shannon Owen Carey and Jeffrey Owens Bob and Christine Pacer Jim and Laurie Padden Teddy Page Jewell Pahl Pahl’s Country Store Duane and Phyllinda Painter William Fowle and Marylee Pakieser Pierrette and Eric Palmquist Nichole Pangburn Paper Technology Foundation WMU Josephine Paradis Rick and Penny Pardini Amy Parker Jennie Parker Robert and Suzanne Parker Wendell and Mary Parker Patricia Parr Elizabeth Parsons Rob and Diane Parsons Aaron Patrzik Tracey Patson Janet Patterson Bette and Richard Patton Douglas and Thelma Paul Paul Maurer General Contracting, Inc Robert and Raquel Paulus Colleen Paveglio Dale and Linda Pavwoski Peter and Sarah Payette Greg and Susan Payne PB’s Cleaning Peace by Piece Design Caleb and Carey Peacock Gerald and Ruth Peal Dennis and Joann Pearsall Eric Pearson Robin and Dan Pearson Darlene Pedersen Brice and Wilma Pederson Lowell and Carol Pederson Jeff Peek Henry and Sally Peet Cynthia Pekkala Ann Pelizzari David Pelizzari John and Theresa Pelizzari Patricia Pelizzari Clarence Pence Josh Penland Elaine Penney Harold Penney Debra Peplinski Peppercorn Pepsi Bottling Group Stacy Percy Christopher Peregrine Lisa Perrault Nancy and Ellie Perry Terril and Marshall Persky Carol Peschke Pamela Petajan David Murphy and Suzanne Peters Ellene Peters Erin and Michael Peters Kathleen Peters Kristen and Jeffrey Peters Doug Petersen David and Kelley Peterson Elsie and William Peterson John and Carol Peterson Michael and Rebecca Peterson Nicole Peterson Richard and Alyce Peterson Travis and Jennifer Peterson Peterson McGregor and Associates Petoskey Retail Volunteers Elvin and Elizabeth Pettigrove Jay Pettitt Angie and Frank Petty Lyn Petty Gail Pfeiffer Mick and Carol Pfeiffer Pauline Philipps-Zabel Steven and Diane Philips Kathryn Phillips Scott and Pamela Phillips Thomas and Judy Phillips Phil’s on Front Susan Phipps Carpenter Donald and Jeanne Piche Peg Pickard Darcie Pickren Miriam Pico Bob Pierce James and Mary Ann Pierce Melvin and Etta Mae Pierce Pierce Family Charitable Foundation Tori Piersante Margaret and Thomas Pierson Robert and Donna Pierson Deb Piette-Wilson James Pike Amber Piotrowski Jim and Cindy Pixley Agnes Plagens Cletus and Eva Plamondon Plamondon Shoes Judy Dunmire and Mark Plamp Plante & Moran, PLLC Pleasanton Brick Oven Bakery Nancy Plessner Robert and Christine Plishka Norm and Cile Plumstead Ernest Pobuda Alice and Victor Poertner Angela Pohl Ken Poineau Carrine and Mark Pomaranski Clark and Mary Pomeroy Dick and Elizabeth Pomeroy Amber Pomper Lynnette Ponton Jacqueline and Robert Pool Jeane Poos Douglas Popa Bridget and Ron Popp Poppycock’s Port City Organics LLC Bob and Diane Portenga Porterhouse Productions Ann and Tom Post Elizabeth and Ben Post Mark and Brenda Potter George and Nancy Powell Kathy Powell Rachel and Gary Powell Verne and Lisa Powell Gerald and June Powley Prairie Farm Dairy Mary C Pratt Premier Designs Jewelry The Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Women Presbyterian Women’s Association Dan and Pam Prevo Shari Prevost Anna Price Cynthia Price Matthew and Lisa Price Stan and Nancy Priest Liz Primean Kendall and Dorothy Probst Professional Solutions Plus Progress Printers Lawrence and Linda Prokop Derk and Shannon Pronger Dorothy Prouty Carol Prucha Tim and Julie Puckett Amy Pullen Pure Water Works Richard and Clara May Purvis Cindy Pushman Carla Putans Suk Cha Moak and Barron Putnam Chris Roeser and Kathryn Putney Quality Inn By the Bay Quiet Creek Farm Roger and Ruth Ann Quinn Alberta Butka and Eric Quinting Linda and John Racine Diana Raddatz Radio North LLC John and Elizabeth Radlicki Ronald and Sandy Radunzel Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Raetz Jennifer Raffin John and Kathy Raftery Quinn and Sakura Raftery Gaylord and William Ramseur Stephanie Rancour Laura Christine Randall Lillian Randall Mike Randall Rhonda Randall Randy and Michelle Stuck Family Foundation Charles and Darla Raney Rodney and Gina Ranger William and Amy Ranger Jeannine Ransom Peter and Megan Raphael Joellyn Rastello Kate Raven Patricia Raven Raven’s Child Carolyn Rawsthorne Robert and Sally Ray Garnett Raymond Raymond James Global Account Hugh and Linda Rea Chris Ready Bruce and Laurie Reavely Nick Reavely Holly Reay Cindy Rebman Donna Rebman Michelle and Dino Recchia Record Eagle Red Ginger Red Mesa Grill Dale and Ula Redd Russell and Jeanne Redfern Kate Redman Richard and Leslie Redmond Sue Reece Mike Reed The Rehmann Group Carol Reichard Tom and Jeanette Reid Christine Reimers John and Lisa Reineck Raymond and Barbara Reinert James Schwantes and Judy Reinhardt Chris and Karen Reiser Relish Inspired Attire Daniel Remahl Emilia Rennie Karen J Rensberry Revision Legal PLLC Kent and Mary Ann Reynolds Rebecca Reynolds Reynolds-Jonkhoff Funeral Home Rhoadside Acres, Inc. James Ribby Gwen Rich Roger Gerstle & Marjorie Rich Mark and Dorie Richards Ruth Richards Doris Richardson Evelyn and Mike Richardson Kammie and Robert Richardson Karen Richardson Gary Schultheiss & Barb Richman Brian Richter Philip Richter Chad Rickman Ric’s Food Center Lamora Riddell Christina Riddle Maxine Rideout Abbey Rider Michael and Linda Riggins Right Brain Brewery Kathy and Gerald Riley Blake and Yvette Ringsmuth Connie Riopelle Helen Riordan David and Kathryn Ripmaster Mardi Black and Jim Ristine Leonard and Linda Ritola Sean and Kristen Rivard Paula Rivera-Kerr RJG, Inc. RM Young Company Janice Beaton and Teri Roach Dean and Cindy Robb Elizabeth Robbins Ronald and Mary Ann Robbins Robert and Pauline Young Family Endowment Robert Frost Fine Footwear Jackie Roberts Katie and Jeff Roberts Robert and Katharine Roberts Velma Roberts Robet Foundation Kelly and Cherie Robinson Margaret Robinson Michelle Robinson Stanley Robinson Lisa Robitshek James Robson Mark Rocheleau John and Virginia Rockwood Tim and Peggy Rod Phil and Sue Rodgers John and Rachel Roe John and Evelyn Roeser Ann Rogers Bruce and Joyce Rogers Donald and Kathy Rogers Lee Rogers Lindsey Rogers Louanne Rogers Sandra Rogers William and Lynda Rogers Jenny and Brian Rohlen Kully and Carolyn Rohlen Jean Rokos Rolling Thunder, Inc. Chapter 1 Michgan Edward Rom Joanne and Alan Romanowski Duane and Anne Root Neil and Winona Roper David and Beverly Rorabacher Marvin and Luella Rorick Karen Rosa Glenn and Kelly Roscher Roscommon Post No 96 American Legion Auxiliary Jeff Rose Craig and Mary Rosenberg Carl Don Ross Carol Ross Tracy and Judy Lee Ross Lisa Rossi Carlson Gerald and Kathy Roster Rotary Charities of Traverse City Rotary Club of Traverse Bay Twilight Rotary Club of Traverse City The Rotary Endowment Fund Cheryl Neely Roth Elizabeth Roth Roth Shirt Company John and Barbara Rothhaar Deborah Rough Joyce Rouse William Rouse, Jr Heather Roush Darla Rowland James and Barbara Rowlett Ruby Tuesday, Inc Robert Rudzik Eileen Rudzinski Tracy Ruegsegger Florian and Joan Rundio Janis Runk Running Fit Kurt Wierman & Dr. Nicole Runyon Robert Runyon Bruce and Melody Rupert Brian Rusniak Deanna Russell Matthew and Adrienne Russell Cindy Rutherford Johnny and Joan Rutherford Russell and Melissa Ryba Jill Saarela Karen Sabin Thomas and Karen Sabin Paula Sabourin Sacred Heart Church Safety Net Inc. Robert L. Saffell James and Verna Sak Sak Family Fund Mary Salo Margaret Salow Patty Salyers Sam’s Club John and Nancy Sanchez Mary Sanchez Ronald and Mary Sanders Steve and Beth Sanders Bob and Susan Sandtveit Matt Sanford Sonja Sanford John and Margaret Sargent Amy Noffke and Ramin Sarrafizadeh Daniel Sarya Adam and Jennifer Satchwell Joanne Saul Gretchen Sauvage Save-A-Lot Antrim Save-A-Lot Benzie Save-A-Lot Chums Save-A-Lot Garfield Save-A-Lot Ludington Steve Savoie Carol Saxton Joyce Scafe Scandia Energy Co. Inc David and Claire Scerbak Johanna Schaefer Rose Scharmen Alan and Karen Schaub Pauline Schaub Jann and Ben Scheiwe Bob and Mary Lou Schepers Tom and Linda Scheuerman Laurence and Janet Schillinger Marilee Schlack Joe and Helen Schleicher Joan and Clinton Schloop Charlene Schlueter Charles and Megan Schmidt Katherine Greene & Matt Schmidt Michael and Lisa Schmidt Stephanie Schmidt Wayne Schmidt Arthur Schmuckal Julie Ann Schmuckal Paul Schmuckal Art and Mary Schmuckal Family Foundation Schmuckal Oil Company Heather Schmuckel Christine Schneider Karl and Kim Schneider Noreen Schneider Paul and Mary Lou Schneider Paul and Shaun Schneider Ronald and Linda Schneider Ed Schocker Jerry and Sheila Schopieray Chad and Kim Schrader Jim and Heidi Schramski Kelly and Jason Schramski Harvey and Bonnie Schroeder Wallace and Patricia Schroth Christian Schubert Rebecca Schubert William and Julianna Schuetze Dave and Sue Schuler Patricia Schulte Carly Schultz Doug and Juliette Schultz Dr. Richard and Lynn Schultz Gail and Donald Schultz Bill and Marilyn Schulz Libby Schulz Wes and Janie Schulz Laurie and Peter Schutza Jeff and Marie Schwartz Tom Schweigel Victor Schwenke Kathryn Schwert Marcia Schwind Bill and Irene Scott Judith Scott Marty and Cherry Scott Patrick Scott SDG Transportation William and Laurie Sears James and Carol Seidel Kathie Seim Kristen and John Semeyn Roger and Karen Send Sandra Seppala Mary Seraphinoff Tom Serino Serious Doughnuts John and Kay Serratelli Barbara Seta Thompson Seven Eleven Stores Seventh Day Adventist Church Michael and Christina Seymour Ronald and Myra Shand Vickie Shank Elaine Sharnowski Patricia Sharpnack Judith Shaughnessy Carol Shaw Duncan Moran and Heather Shaw Eleanor Shaw Jodi and Jeff Shaw Michael Shaw Michael and Dona Sheehan Peggy Sheidler David Shepherd James and Bethlyn Shepler Shield Consulting Daniel and Carol Shields Robert and Dawn Shields Barb Shimnoski Paul and Joan Shirilla Alice Shirley James and Natalie Shirley Mike Shockley Cathy Shoemaker Shop & Save Kellon Shorter William and Judy Shoskey Corinne Shrift Mary Shultz Jack and Bonnie Shumaker Rick and Heather Shumaker Don and Leslie Sibery Stephen and Peg Siciliano Albert and Evi Sickinger Nancy Siegmund Frank and Barbara Siepker Signature Salon Signplicity Sign Systems Robert and Andrea Sigworth Robin Silva Wilkinson Erin Simon Simonis Construction Ken and Barbara Simons Jeffrey and Teresa Simsa Kathy Sinclair Michael and Kathy Sinnard Leah Sirrine-Adams Sisson’s Main Street Specialties James and Shannon Sitek Paul and Catherine Sivits Cathleen Sixbey Skegemog Gardens Ann Skory Robert Skrocki Charlotte Slater Frank and Maurine Slaughter Kent and Jane Slaughter Mike and Vicki Slawnik Margaret Ann Slawson John and Judy Smart Anthony Smith Bill Smith Connie Smith Dudley and Barb Smith Dudley and Kim Smith Heather Smith Jeremy Smith Kacy Smith Karen Smith Katie Smith Keith Smith Kyle and Jennifer Smith Marian and Norm Smith Mark and Ann Smith Michael and Caroline Smith Richard and Tricia Smith Stacy Smith Tiffany Smith Trish Smith Smith and Johnson, Attorneys, P.C. Smith Haughey Rice & Roegge Cheryl Ann Snay SNH Holdings INC Mary Snider Theresa Hullinger & Eric Snoek HT Snowday Gordon and Norma Snowden Patricia Sobehrad Melissa Socia John and Debra Socks John and Karen Soderholm Robert Sokolnicki Jan Doran and Barbara Solomonson Violet Solomonson Steve and Sandy Somers Mary Somsel Elizabeth Sonnabend Lawrence and Constance Sonnabend Sons of American Legion Post 162 Sons of the American Legion Post 198 Jim and Geraldine Sorbie Holly Sorensen Gretchen and William Soutear Russ and Tina Soyring Spaghetti Jim’s Spanglish Cafe & Catering Bradley and Karen Spencer Mark and Kathy Spencer Spice Merchants Spinal Solution Chiropractic and Progressive Aaron and Alissa Spinniken Barb Spinniken Joseph Spitzley Leslee and John Spraggins Peter and Barbara Springsteen Joanne Sprouse St. Ann Catholic Church St. Francis Boy Scouts Troop 31 St. Francis High School St. Francis School St. Mary’s Council 2781 St. Michael’s Church St. Patrick’s Catholic Church St. Patrick’s Church Council of Catholic Women Milagros and Dennis Stacey Leo and Linda Stallman Kristi Stamey Alexander and Kimberly Stangl Derald and Bonnie Stanton Mary and Steve Stanton Chris Stark Lynn Starkey Michael and Dena Starostanko State Theatre/Traverse City Film Festival Catherine Stauber David and Cindy Stave Alison Stawicki Ed Stawicki Dori Steckley James and Kristin Steckley John and Catherine Steed Roger and Catheryn Steed Susan Steele Wendy and Rick Steele Tony and Stacey Steeno William and Cherrie Stege Spencer and Erica Stegenga Kris Stegmann Nancy and Eric Stehouwer Richard and Nancy Steiger John Stein Fay Steinberger Charles Steinmetz George Stenback Dixie Stephen Stephen Anable & Assoc, Inc. Stephen T Duchon Post 1847 Catholic War Veteran Jean Stephens Wayne and Joan Sterenberg Sterling Commercial Cleaning Cari Sterne Steven and Karen Stuehrk Charitable Gift Fund Elizabeth Stevens Marva and Ronald Stevens Kimberley and Joseph Stevens Carey Stibbs Daniel and Jenifer Stiebel Maria Tucker and John Stillwell Frank and Jill Stiltner Linda Stites Tara Stockert John Stocki Steve and Carol Stocking Kara Stolle Janet Linda Stone Val and Robert Stone Stone House Bread - TC Plant Richard and Irene Stosio Bob and Ruth Stow Phil Wilson and Elizabeth Straebel Bonnie Strand Gayla Stratton Kim Grabowski and John Stratton Marlene Smith and Larry Stratton Duane and Loree Straubel Judy Straubel Sue Straubel Peter and Karen Strom John and Kathy Strugala Marvin and Carol Studinger Carl and Stephanie Studzinski Kelly Stuhlmueller Terry and Anne Stull Quintus and Betty Stulz Nancy and Bud Stych William and Margaret Stych Ronald and Carol Suckle Cindy Sudekum Elaine Sullivan Jessica and Ryan Sullivan Amanda Summers Rick and Sue Summers Sunrise Rotary Club of Traverse City John Suomi Super Wash Car Wash Greg and Mary Jo Surma Margery Surowitz Nancy Sussex Betty and Melvin Sutfin Matt and Victoria Sutherland Thomas and Marian Sutter Larry Sutton and Robert Sutton Suttons Bay Congregational Church Sandra and George Svec Lynn and Warren Swan Scott and Michelle Swan Thomas and Sherry Swanson Judith and Fred Swartz Katie Sweeney Sweet Pea Sweet Petites of Grand Traverse Philip and Carole Swiderski Emilee Syrewicze Sysco Food Services T S Food Services George and Amy Tabbert Nicholas and Nancy Taddeucci Arnold and Linda Taddia Clair Taglauer Tail Feather Design Steve Takacs Takeda Pharmaceuticals America, Inc. Nicholas and Deanne Talantis Marcia Talicska Alice Tang Catherine and Frederick Tank Target John and Virginia Targo Richard Tarkowski Lucy Taschner Tate’s Auto Body Service Angela Gingras and Terry Taylor Chelsea Taylor Jeremy and Karen Taylor John and Rachael Taylor John Warren Taylor Kelly Taylor Lauren Taylor Leigh Taylor Mac Taylor Rick Taylor Thomas and Marilyn Taylor Tim and Gloria Taylor TBA Adult Work Center TC Community Garden TC West Senior High School TCAPS Joanne Teague Teboe Florist and Greenhouse Holly Tegel Amy and Brian Tennis David and Diana Terrell Grace Terry Ray Terry Stacy Tew Lavosz June Thaden Jeannie Thaxton Charles and Cathleen Thayer Shaun and Laura Thayer The Accidentals The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc The Children’s House The Clipper Dog Grooming The Friendly Garden Club The Kitchen The Little Fleet The Northern Angler Fly Shop The Sparling Company Inc The Vein Center The Walk In Clinic Brandon and Heather Theophilus Matt and Jennie Therrien Eric Thibo Cyril and Jacqueline Thiel Mary Jo Thiel Thirlby Clinic Ann and Robert Thomas Cecil and Kris Thomas Ginny Thomas Herman and Laurie Thomas Jacquie Thomas Jane Thomas Jennifer Thomas Larry Thomas Lisa Thomas Steve and Lori Thomas Thomas C. Garner, CPA Dick and Carol Thompson Gabby Thompson George and Sally Thompson Margaret Thoms Jamie Thornburg Ryan Thornbury John and Sandra Thorne Pamela Thornell Rosalyn and Ralph Thorpe Three Sisters Foundation Bridget Thuente John and Karen Thumm Tim Whitney Group Timber Ridge Resort John Timm Jarrod Timmer Margie and Bob Tipsword TLC Tomatoes/Hydroponic Produce John Tobin Sheila Toler Elizabeth Tomlinson William and Cynthia Tomlinson James and Ida Tompkins Maureen Madion and Tim Tompkins Robert and Anna Toms Tom’s Food Markets, Inc. Ronald and Mary Tonneberger Richard and Anne Tooley Top Tier Cakery LLC Tom and Mary Torbet Maurice and Jeanne Townsend Peggy and Richard Townsend Toy Harbor John and Virginia Trago Jessica and Ben Trailer Lori Trainer Traks Bar and Grill Traverse Area Association of Realtors Traverse Bay Area Intermediate Schools Traverse City Area Chamber of Commerce Traverse City Big Boy, Inc Traverse City Golf & Country Club Traverse City Guitar Traverse City Roller Derby Traverse City Senior Center Traverse City Tourism Traverse City Track Club Traverse City Veterinary Care, PC Traverse City Young Professionals Traverse Dental Associates Staff Traverse Reproduction and Supply Traverse Resources LLC Traverse Symphony Orchestra Traverse Tall Ship Co. Traverse Tax & Accounting Amy Travis Kevin and Muriel Travis John Treadwell Arlene Tremain Tina Tribu Steve and Sarah Trippe Peter and KK Trucco Truist Brian and Laurie Tuck Dale Tumey Jean Turcotte Stacey Turmell James and Michelle Turner Troy and Barbara Turner Rob and Peggy Turney Debbie Turnipseed Two Brothers Sailing Terry and Terri Jo Umlor Bruce and Julane Underhill Kenneth Underhill Unitarian Universalist Church Congregation United Methodist Women United States Coast Guard Air Station United Way of Central Indiana, Inc. United Way of Northwest Michigan United Way of the Battle Creek/ Kalamazoo Region United Way of Wexford/ Missaukee Urban Diversions USDA, Rural Development Utility Reduction Analysts, Inc. James Valent Arthur and Beatrice Van Eck Mary Van Valin Alicia Vanamberg Lori VanAntwerp Sharon Vance Matthew and Sonya Vandekerkhof Marissa Vandenberg James Vandenberge Michael and Mary Vander Kolk Jack and Barb Vander Zouwen Larry and Barbara Vanderburg Dorothy Vanderklipp Mark and Suzanne Vanderklipp Steve Vandeveer Gary and Georgiana Vann Peter and Karen Vannort Jason and Tonia VanSkyhock Heather and James VanStratt Vido and Jodi Vareika Anne Vekaryasz William Veling Maria Vendittelli Venus Douglas Verellen John Verellen Lance and Carol Vernam Friend VFW Post 4159 Men’s Auxiliary Todd and Susan Vigland Village Circle Company Village Market Food Centers Village Pilates Village Press, Inc. Visit Up North Vacation Rentals LLC Makayla Vitous Deborah Vogel Greta Vogeli Hillary Voight Suzanne Voltz Edward and Tamara Vomastek Rebecca Vomastek Hagerty Erika Vonvoigtlander Stephen and Rhonda Voorheis Votruba Leather Goods Leslie Vreeland-Corpe Cami Wade Timothy and Vicki Wade Bill and Vicki Wadsworth Everett Waisanen Nancy Walenter Walgreens Store 10186 David and Rebecca Walker James and Jo Ellen Walker Kay Walker Richard and Mary Walker Ruth and Scott Walker Doug and Betty Wallace Wally Bartley American Legion Aux Unit 162 Walmart Walmart Foundation Michael and Diane Walsh Thomas Walsh Gerald and Karen Walsworth Jon and Judy Walter Michelle Walter Sally Walter Theresa Walter Janice Ann Walters Joan Walters Lawrence and Jamie Warbasse Harvey and Marilyn Warburton Harmon Ward Roger and Donna Wares Rick and Raelene Warfield Thomas Waring Sandra Warnaar David and Patricia Warner Ken Warner Michael and Cyndi Warnes Donald and Virgilene Warren Janice Warren Julie Warren Elizabeth Washburn Tom and Therese Waters Chuck and Glenda Watling Cindy Watson David Watt Zabrina Watt Bette Wattles Williams Price and Jane Watts Patricia A. Wazny Tim Weadock Camille Weatherholt Dena Weatherholt Kennard and Judith Weaver Bob and Liz Weber Greg Weber Joyce Weber Kristin Weber Randy and Shawn Weber Sander and Wendy Weckstein Cathy and Dale Wedow Ellen Weeks Julie Weeks Keith and Coleen Weessies Anneke Wegman Margaret Wegner Bob Weigel Melanie Weigold Jennifer Weil Greg Weisbrod Mike and Christon Weitschat Charles and Ann Weitz Laurie Weitzman Wellbody, LLC Flora Belle Wellman Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC Wells Fargo Foundation Wendy’s Karly Wentzloff Richard Wenzal Richard and Karen Wenzel Susan Wenzlick Tim and Petra Werner Zack and Sarah Wessels West Bay Exploration West Side Community Church Ramon and Linda Westbrook Dale and Tracey Westerman Donn and Ann Westman Westwoods Elementary Wet Mitten Rita Whaley Brandon and Jessica Wheaton Edie Jo and Michael Wheaton Gil Wheeler Patrick Whelan Lori Wheldon Clyde and Sonja Whipple Bill and Tracy White Don and Lisa White Jan White Peter and Mary White Tim White Margaret Whiteford Roseanne Whitehouse Margaret Whitford Mark Whiting Stuart and Velvet Whittaker Harry and Susan Wiberg Matthew Wiberg Wicksall Distributors, Inc. Dee Widener Roger and Karen Widing Christina Wien Bruce and Dorothy Wierman Wiesen Properties, LLC Tom and Joan Wigton Shawn and Shannon Wilcox Wild Birds Unlimited Nature Shop Brian and Tonya Wildfong John and Robin Wilkinson William E. Slaughter, Jr. Foundation, Inc. William G. Janis & Susanne M. Janis Family Foundation Carol L. Williams Cathye Williams Dave and Roberta Williams Donald and Joan Williams Elizabeth O’Toole Williams Greg and Donna Williams Williams and Bay Pumping Services Williams Chevrolet-Honda Randall and Linda Williamson Bonnie Willings Brigid and Bart Wilson Emily Wilson Jim and Kathy Wilson Maureen Wilson Patrick Wilson Tom and Marjorie Wilson William E. Wilson WIN Home Inspection of Traverse City David and Valerie Winans Noah Windbacher Larry Winegar Wineries of the Old Mission Peninsula Association Jeffrey and Janine Winkler Mary and Joe Winowiecki Melissa and Matthew Winter Henry and Carrol Wise John and Barbara Witham Robert Witkop Gerald Hager and Marjorie Wittbrodt Kristi Wodek Broc Wodzien Patricia Wojciechowski Beth Wolf Doug Wolf Stephen and Delores Wolf Michael and Colleen Wolfe James and Dixie Wolff Gerald Wolfrom Tom and Kathy Wollam Jerry and Sue Woller Elaine and Guy Wood Kathryn Wood Melissa Wood Wesley Wood Steven and Marilee Woodard James and Susan Woodburne Gary and Sandra Woodcock Nin Slater and Colin Woodcock Barbara Woodruff Barry and Leah Woods Randy and Joan Woods Richard Woods Woodward Family Foundation Endowment Fund Gary Worth Desiree Worthington Colleen Wright Julie Quinn and David Wright Nancy and Keith Wright Nancy and Woody Wright Dustin Kaupp and Jennifer Wrubel WTCM Midwestern Broadcast Company Kenneth and Nancy Wyckoff Peter Wysong Steve and Dee Ann Yancho Yen Yoga and Fitness, LLC Ron and Marty Yocum Kathy and Timothy Young Megan Young Mike and Trish Young Steve and Linda Young Michal and Jay Youngflesh John and Theresa Youngman Younkers Robert Yvon Jerry and Nancy Zachary John and Peggy Zachman Linda Zalewski Mary Jo Zazueta Jerry and Diane Zeits Karrie Zeits William Anton Zell Gerald and Doralee Zeneberg Michael and Christine Zenn Scott and Joann Zenner Zenner Farm Merilyn Ueno and Doug Zernow Jan Lee Zick James and Joyce Zickel Pam Zientek JC and Kathe Zimmerman John Zimmerman Robert and Pam Zimmerman Zimmerman Landscaping Zonta Club of Leelanau County Henry and Christina Zuilhof Tom Gardner and Barbara Zupin IN HONOR OF Christian Hayes Anderson Stig Blomkvist Bob Brown Tucker Byl Bruce and Mary Byl Rick and Karen Cross, Cross Farms Bob Cullen Christy Schmits and Dan John and Kathy Daniels Joan DoBosh Randy and Judy Fraser Patricia Mulcahy and Vaughn Gordy Ryan and Grace Hannon Sondra Hardy The Heimburger Family Melissa Hogan Island Lake Domino Group Robert and Susan Kuras Terry and Ann Kureth Eileen McElligatt Family John and Anne McKinney Raymond Minervini II Hannah Schmits and Gage Morgan Cindy Murray Julie Murray Homer Nye Liz Post George, Verne and Andy Powell George and Nancy Powell Dale and Diane Repass Linda Ritter Brian and Jenny Rohlen and Family Brandon and Molly Seng Dori Steckley Jill Taylor The Heimburger Family Traverse City West Student Senate Vivian and Bastian Trimpe Myrtle White David and Kathy Wilson Bob Witkop Ron Yahrmatter IN MEMORY OF Randy Ahlberg Scott Anderson Christian Hayes Anderson Terry Argue Gary Arvo John Bales Stephen D. Beeker, DDS Georgia Bell Robert Bilby Robert and Barbara Bradford Tucker Byl Vera Campbell Jack Day Chris DeMoss James Dux Karl Fiebing Gail Fritz Nancy U. Gordon Scott Hagan Ray Harris Oscar, June, Ken and Belinda Hawley Mary Jane Hirt Roger Howard Frank Kaminski Marguerite Kerwin Emens Ann Mapes Ann Dean Mathews Dann McCarthy Thomas McDuffie Garrett Meeker Eileen Newman Natalie J. O’Niel Nancy Gordon and Herbert Prouty Jeanette Reid Richard Ristine Jay Rogers Karl F. Schlack Marylyn Schmidt Christopher Seymour Richard Shumsky Juliette Grace Thiel Marjorie Veliquette Clarence Weber Yetty Wood Laurie Woollard Event sponsors are listed in bold. To learn more about the information in this annual report, or to support Goodwill, please contact Leah Bagdon McCallum, Director of Advancement, at 231.995.7719 or leahb@goodwillnmi.org. Support GOOD in your community by visiting one of our retail store and donation centers: Acme - 3922 E M-72 Alpena* - 1201 N Bagley Road Cadillac - 2025 N Mitchell Road Charlevoix* - 402 Petoskey Avenue Cheboygan* - Opening May 2015! Chums Corner* - 853 US 31 S Gaylord - 1361 Pineview Drive Petoskey - 1600 Anderson Road Traverse City - 2279 S Airport Road Our stores provided over $52,000 in Goodwill store vouchers to neighbors in need. *indicates a new store opening since last report GOOD FOR THE ENVIRONMENT In 2014, we recycled 170,123 pounds of paper and cardboard with PADNOS Scrap Management and Recycling Solutions. According to PADNOS’ calculations, this resulted in the following savings: 1,446 5,104 6,720 595,420 281 523,459 trees pounds of air pollution effluents gallons of oil gallons of water cubic yards of landfill space kWh of energy 3,402 dollars of landfill expense NON PROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PAID TRAVERSE CITY, MI PERMIT 559 2279 South Airport Road West Traverse City, MI 49684 goodwillnmi.org DO SOMETHING GOOD 2015 EVENTS: BUY TICKETS. VOLUNTEER. SUPPORT HOUSING, JOBS & FOOD! MAY ‘15 — SUPER WASH CAR WASH FOR FOOD RESCUE – ALL MONTH 5/2/15 — THE DERBY PARTY 5/9/15 — POWER OF THE PURSE 6/27/15 — R UN FOR SHELTER 5K R UN/WALK 8/13/15 — FILL THE FREEZER 10/7/15 — GATHER FOR GOOD 11/8/15 — EMPTY BOWLS 2015 – NEW DATE! DETAILS AT WWW.GOODWILLNMI.ORG SHOP. DONATE. GET INVOLVED. CHANGE LIVES. “ The GOOD life is a HOUSING. JOBS. FOOD. GOOD HAPPENS HERE. process, not a state of being. It is a direction, not a destination. — Carl Rogers ”