August - City of Abbotsford
August - City of Abbotsford
City of Abbotsford PO Box 589, 203 N. First Street, Abbotsford, WI 54405 City Hall (715) 223-3444 Fax (715) 223-8891 AGENDA FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD Monday, August 3, 2015 AT 6:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE ABBOTSFORD CITY HALL 203 NORTH FIRST STREET, ABBOTSFORD WI All items listed will be brought before the Abbotsford City Council for discussion and possible approval. 1. Call the regular meeting to order a. Roll call b. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Comments by the Mayor 3. Comments by the Public 4. Discuss/approve motion to convene to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute § 19.85 (1)(b) considering dismissal, demotion, licensing or discipline of any public employee or person licensed by a board or commission or the investigation of charges against such person, or considering the grant or denial of tenure for a university faculty member, and the taking of formal action on any such matter; provided that the faculty member or other public employee or person licensed is given actual notice of any evidentiary hearing which may be held prior to final action being taken and of any meeting at which final action may be taken. The notice shall contain a statement that the person has the right to demand that the evidentiary hearing or meeting be held in open session. i. Roll call ii. Hearing regarding operator license denial and reconsideration 5. Convene to open session 6. Discuss/approve items, if any from closed session 7. Minutes from the Council held July 6th and 8th, 2015 (Page 3-10) a. Waive the reading and approve the minutes 8. Considerations before the Council a. Discuss/approve purchase of City Banners (Page 11-12) b. Discuss Resolution 2015-7 Recognizing and Endorsing the Safe Routes to School Plan for the City of Abbotsford and School District of Abbotsford (Page 13) c. Discuss/approve having the Mayor sign letter in support of requesting a one-year waiver from new property tax bill requirements added to Sec 74.09 by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 (Page 19-20) d. Discuss/approve MSA Proposal for TID #6 Creation $14,000 (Page 21-26) Committee Reports 9. Public Works (Horacek) a. Public Works update (Stuttgen) (Page 27) b. Discuss/approve CIP Plan (Page 28-29) c. Discuss/approve Pay Application #2 - $220,771.05 – Steen Construction (Page 30-34) 10. Abbotsford Fire, Ambulance Department , Consolidation Committee (Mayor Rachu) a. Minutes from Fire, June 24, 2015 (Page 36) b. Minutes from Ambulance – June 23, 2015 and July 7, 2015 (Page 37-39) c. Consolidation Committee – June 17, 2015 (Page 40-41) 11. Abbotsford Library – (Mayor Rachu) a. Minutes from June, 2015 (Page 42-46) 12. Police Commission (Anders) 1 a. Police Minutes from July 13, 2015 (Page 47) b. Police bills in amount of $12,962.11 (Page 48-50) 13. Finance (Schwantes) a. Minutes from July 27, 2015 (Page 51) b. Discuss/approve application for Payment number 4 Wastewater Treatment Plant – Miron Construction - $424,477.30 (Page 52-73) c. Discuss/approve application for Payment number 3 Main Lift Station – Miron Construction in the amount of $12,180.90 (Page 74-79) d. Discuss/approve Attendance at the WMCA 35th Annual Clerk’s Convention in La Crosse on August 19 – 21st – Lopez 14. License & Building (Schwantes) a. Minutes from July 27, 2015(Page 80) b. Discuss/approve Ordinance Regarding Mobile tower Siting at a fee of $3,000 (Page 81-91) c. Discuss/approve Ordinance Regarding Conditional Use Permits for Certain Mobile Telecommunications Facilities uses; continent upon Plan Commission approval (Page 92-93) d. Discuss/approve filing with the Public Service Commission to modify the City Tariff (Page 100102) e. Discuss/approve Class A Beer Class A Liquor license – Kwik Trip, Inc. f. Discuss/approve Cigarette and Tobacco Products Retail License – Kwik Trip, Inc g. Discuss/approve operators: i. Dallas Wiese – Renewal – Fire Department 15. Abbotsford Colby Area Chamber of Commerce a. Minutes from July 8, 2015 (next meeting is August 5, 2015 at the Abbotsford Public Schools) 16. United Communities of Clark County – Mayor Rachu a. Minutes from July 27, 2015 (Page 103-106) 17. Set additional committee meetings on the calendar (Page 107-108) 18. Discuss/approve motion to convene into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute § 19.85 (1)(c) for the purpose of considering the employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, specifically to discuss annual review data, compensation and benefits related to Water/Wastewater Manager i. Roll call 19. Convene to open session 20. Discuss/approve items, if any from closed session 21. Adjourn 2 Minutes from the July 6, 2015 Abbotsford City Council Meeting held in the Abbotsford Council Chambers. Council President Voss called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Council President Voss Horacek, Anders, Schwantes, Weideman, Mediger, and Gosse (Faber – absent) Others present: Clerk Lopez, DPW Stuttgen, Water/Wastewater Manager Medenwaldt, Todd Trainer – MSA, Kevin Krzyniski and Lanae Nicolette – Johnson Block, Dean and Brenda Wiese, Kevin O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph, Troy and Amy Hollowitch, Chief Ray Esselman, Travis Nixdorf, Chief Apfelbeck, and Jon Austin The Pledge of Allegiance was heard. Under Comments by the Council President, Voss stated she is in attendance as a voting member. Voss invited the public to attend the information meeting on Wednesday regarding the Fire Department consolidation and asked that there be no public comment on the Fire issues at this time. There were no comments by the Public. Motion Mediger/Horacek to waive the reading and approve the Minutes from the Council held June 1 & 10, 2015. Motion carried without negative vote. Considerations before the Council The 2014 Audit Presentation was presented by Lanae Nicolotti and Kevin Krysinski of Johnson Block. Under discuss/review Kennel License – Troy and Amy Hollowitch, Hollowitch stated he was present prior to the public hearing but was unable to attend the public hearing. Hollowitch’s questioned why they were denied for the Kennel License. Motion Anders/Horacek to rescind motion to deny the Kennel License. Motion carried without negative vote. Anders stated that there is a City ordinance allowing for Kennel licenses to be issued for less than 12 dogs. It was stated that in this situation there are two large dogs kenneled all week long in Dorchester; and two small dogs are on the road in the semi with the owners during the week. Anders stated that his original concerns and purpose for denying the original license was with the after the fact permission. Anders stated that he would like to set up a meeting with the Ordinance committee to review this Ordinance. It was stated that notice was given to the public and a Public hearing was held on June 10th. Anders stated he felt in this situation the Council was punishing good behavior with denying the license. Anders stated he would like to place restrictions on this permit to not allow more than 4 dogs, and stated if there are complaints the license could be revoked. Motion Anders/Horacek to grant license for four dogs, with the understanding that two dogs are kenneled outside of Abbotsford during the week and two dogs are traveling with the owners during the week. Motion carried without negative vote. Al Leu, former owner of the Abbotsford Theater stated he has been working at the Medford Theater for the last few years. Leu stated he has been looking at the land near the Abby Inn as that maybe an ideal location for a new theater. Leu stated he has spoken with representatives from Marawood Construction and they suggested a new 80X90 foot building. Leu stated he has resources for everything except the digital projector. He is looking at a two screen movie screen and would be willing to invest $40,000 to assist to get the business up and running and would operate and manage this at no cost. The total project cost is about 3 $600,000 not including the cost of land and Leu thought it could be a community effort as the community of Medford raised over $100,000 for their projectors. Jakel stated it would make sense to survey the community to determine a need. Schwantes requested placing this topic on the next finance agenda to discuss further ideas. Thanked the City for financing him in 1996. Under discuss/approve Resolution 2015-6 Resolution CMAR, motion Schwantes/Horacek to approve Resolution 2015-6 for the Compliance Maintenance Annual Report. Motion carried without negative vote Under discuss/approve Street Use Permits motion Schwantes/Mediger to approve a Street Use Permit to the Corral Bar for the use of the alley behind First St from Business 29 to Nicolet Bank on July 25, 2015. Motion Schwantes/Mediger to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Schwantes/Mediger to approve a Street Use Permit to First City Days for the use of Hemlock Street from Fourth Avenue to the Elementary School on August 7th, 8th, and 9th. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve Change Order 1 – Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction $5,055.05, Water/Wastewater Manager Medenwaldt stated that the SBR was slightly larger and an additional 19.7 cubic yards of concrete was needed. Motion Schwantes/Horacek to approve Change Order #1 as presented. Under discuss/approve Pay Application #1 – 2015 Roadway & Utility Improvements $361,167.44, Todd Trainer stated this is a pay request from the start of the project through June 19th. All water main has been laid in Butternut and the curb will be poured tomorrow. There is no schedule for the asphalt at this time, but landscaping will begin after the curb. Motion Schwantes/Anders to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Thanked MSA for project updates. Under discuss/approve Ordinance - An Ordinance Regarding Mobile Tower Siting at a fee of $3,000 and Ordinance - An Ordinance Regarding Conditional Use Permits for Certain Mobile Telecommunications Facilities Uses; which is contingent upon Plan Commission approval was suggested to refer to License and Ordinance Committee for a more detailed review. Under discuss Ambulance structuring as a branch of City Government, Ambulance Chief Esselman stated they would like to remain running the EMS Department as they have in the past as part of the Corporation. Totzke stated that when he came to the Finance Committee, he asked for assurance that the EMS would not be put into a consolidation. Travis Nixdorf stated there is an ambulance meeting tomorrow evening. Anders stated that the Council is responsible for providing the citizens of Abbotsford emergency services. Anders stated at this time the ambulance department is self sufficient; as long as that remains true he does not see a reason to make a change to their department. Anders stated that he would strongly encourage the EMS to consider consolidation. Ander made the following points: • Colby and Dorchester are merging, if that happens, the Ambulance may loose 35% of their revenue • The dollars being invested in the truck fund by the EMS have been decreasing • At some point the Medicare will be cut; the only way to increase revenue is to increase calls; revenue per call will potentially decrease • If eventually you will be forced into a merger – maybe to your advantage to get in on ground level; if forced in down the road, you will be forced into their rules. Gosse questioned if the Department was against the consolidation; it was stated that this will be discussed at their meeting tomorrow night. Motion Anders/Schwantes to accept the Ambulance as a branch of the City Government if and when they request. Roll call: Horacek – yes – Anders - yes, Voss – yes, Gosse – No, Mediger – yes, Weideman – no, 4 Schwantes – yes. Motion carried 5:2. Committee Reports Finance was presented by Schwantes. Minutes from June 25, 2015 were presented. Under discuss/approve General Obligation Debt for 2015 Public Works projects in the amount of $579,699.30. Bids were received from AbbyBank, Nicolet Bank, and Forward Financial. Motion Weideman/Anders to accept bid from AbbyBank at an interest rate of 2.8%. It was stated there is no prepayment penalty. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve hiring Deputy Clerk/Treasurer, motion Schwantes/Anders to hire Theresa Fischer at a rate of $14.25/hour with an increase to $14.75 pending a successful 3 month evaluation. This position would be eligible for the annual increase, if any on January 1, 2016. Motion carried 6:0:1 (Voss-abstained) Public Works update was presented by Stuttgen. Stuttgen apologized to anyone living near the 2015 the project as the curb has had to be rescheduled due to grading problems and rain issues. Stuttgen stated he has one employee out on medical leave and a second employee on vacation for the month. Stuttgen will continue handling the counting of the quantities at the project site. A part time worker, Dylan Leffel was hired for the remainder of the summer. The First Street lights are being sandblasted and repainted and the street sweeping was done by City Crew with a rented sweeper. Public Works was presented by Horacek. Minutes from June 18, 2015 were presented. Under discuss/approve City banners it was stated the final samples of the banners will be brought back at the public works meeting for approval. Under discuss/approve Red Arrow Baseball renovation project it was stated the total project cost came in at $40,763.33. This is considerably higher than originally anticipated. It was questioned if the Baseball Association would like to partnership. Stuttgen stated that he looked into stamped concrete; but could not find a local contractor who would perform that work. Possibly a bridge company would do this. The Baseball Association will be contacted to see if they would partner with the City. Under discuss/approve increasing park security deposits to $150.00; if key is not picked up during working hours $50 will be retained from deposit; if park is not clean the same day all deposit will be forfeited, motion Schwantes/Horacek to approve increasing park security deposits to $150.00; if key is not picked up during working hours $50 will be retained from deposit; if park is not clean the same day all deposit will be forfeited. Motion carried without negative vote. Abbotsford Fire, Ambulance Department, Consolidation Committee was presented by Council President Voss. Minutes from Fire, June, 2015 were presented. Apfelbeck stated that the Firework Company shorted the City some shells during last year’s show; these were replaced this year. There were no complaints heard only compliments. The Fire Department will be shooting the Owen show next week. Minutes from Ambulance from June 2015 were presented. Consolidation Committee minutes from June 17, 2015 have not been received at this time. Schwantes stated that John Niehart gave a compilation to each city that has been distributed to the council members. Abbotsford Library was presented by Council President Voss 5 The minutes from June 9, 2015 were presented. Police Commission was presented by Anders. The Police Minutes from June 8, 2015 were presented. Motion Weideman/Gosse to pay the Police bills in amount of $9,578.67 motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve increasing part time officer wages to $15.00/hour, motion Schwantes/Horacek to hire a part time officer wages to $15.00 per hour. Motion carried without negative vote. Mediger questioned if the commission is aware when there are individuals riding along with the officers. It was stated that if there are individuals riding along, there should be dress code requirements. It was suggested that the dress code policy be reviewed. Water and Sewer was presented by Council President Voss. Minutes from June 24, 2015 were presented. There were no comments or questions. License & Building was presented by Schwantes. Building Permits were presented: PERMIT # FIRST NAME LAST NAME SCHUNK DATE ISSUED COST 206 SWAMPBUCK FINISH BASEMENT/ADD THIRD DRIVE ROOM 6/15/2015 $5,000.00 CLARK RESIDENTIAL 102 W LINDEN ST REMODEL 6/15/2015 $314,228.00 CLARK COMMERCIAL 204 W CEDAR ST ADD DECK ADDRESS EXPLAINATION COUNTY RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL 2015-7 RODNEY 2015-8 CREATIVE AUTOMATION 2015-9 SCOTT NELSON 6/15/2015 $12,000.00 CLARK RESIDENTIAL 2015-10 ALEJANDRO MARTINEZ 319 N 2ND STREET GARAGE/DRYWALL/PORCH SANCHEZ 6/23/2015 $5,000.00 CLARK RESIDENTIAL 2015-11 SIMPLY WATER 205 N 4TH STREET FENCE PERMIT 6/23/2015 CLARK COMMERCIAL Motion Anders/Horacek to approve the Provisional Operator Licenses as presented: • • • • • Tammy Schmitt – Shopko Katie Mechelke – Shopko Curtiss Erickson – Shopko Mindy Wood – Shopko Amy Pogue – Shopko Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Anders/Horacek to deny the Original Operator License to Ashley Puphal – Holiday Gas Station. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Mediger/Weideman to approve the Renewal Operator Licenses to • • • • • • • • David Kaja – Shopko Lynsie Edblom – Fire Department Jody Apfelbeck – Fire Department Tammy Schmitt – Shopko Katie Mechelke – Shopko Curtiss Erickson – Shopko Mindy Wood – Shopko Amy Pogue – Shopko Motion carried without negative vote. Abbotsford Colby Area Chamber of Commerce Minutes from June 3, 2015 were presented. The next meeting is July 8, 2015 at Abbotsford City Hall. Additional committee meetings were set on the calendar. 6 Motion Anders/Horacek to adjourn at 7:32 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 7 Minutes from the July 8, 2015 Special Abbotsford City Council meeting held in the Council Chambers. Mayor Rachu called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Mayor Rachu, Voss, Horacek, Anders, Schwantes, Weideman, Mediger, and Gosse (Faber – absent) The Pledge of Allegiance Under comments by the public, the Mayor stated that we are going to bypass this at this time, but public input will be fielded during the general discussion. Considerations before the Council Under discuss/approve Fire Consolidation the Mayor stated that he will ask Mr. Niehart, and Corporation Council Dallas Wiese to join him at a front table for some round table discussion. January 15, 2015 was the first consolidation meeting in Dorchester. There have been two more consolidation meetings since the first one, and in the last few months it has become evident that some of the Abbotsford Fire Department is not in favor of the consolidation. Dallas Wiese stated that the department would like to see the savings numbers before they commit. Niehart stated that there is less capital expenditure in the future when departments are joined. You will eliminate duplication in the future and will have less future capital expenditures in the future. The insurance would be consolidated into one insurance company; this will result in savings (work comp, vehicles, liability, and errors and omissions) it was stated that all these concerns of savings can be identified before the merger. It was stated that if three entities merge; this will be governed by a seven member board. Every entity in the district will have a representative. Their vote will count based on equalized value as a whole. The vote will count by percentage of equalized value. It is possible if the two Cities vote yes, and the townships vote no, the motion could carry; each member would not have equal voting power. This voting power is on money issues only. Each entity would appoint an elected official as a member of their board. There will be a chief and a deputy chief in each location who report to the board. All departments will have standard equipment. This will be one large department taking care of the entire area. These elected officials have a primary goal to provide the best interests for their citizens; it is unlikely that these officials would be at opposing odds. Every station has two engines; it was stated that there will be a defined response set up for calls and not every piece of equipment should go to every fire; it is not logical to commit all your resources to each fire. It was stated that the spending also goes on the percentage that each entity finances. It was stated that equalized value changes annually on August 15th based on new construction and the atmosphere. It was stated if a pumper goes down we would pay the % of equalized value which is less than today as we are paying 100% although it is likely that there will be more overall equipment to repair. It was stated that the cost of the full time chief has to be factored in. Esselman questioned where the cost of the legal work will come in. It was stated that it would need to be determined if there would like to be one attorney to handle all the departments or if each community would like to hire their own attorney. It was questioned how the Chief would be determined. Niehart recommended appointing a retired chief (not more than three years retired) to assist developing a district and getting the policies put 8 together. After the three year period there could be a person developed within. After the district is up and running; have the chief evaluate who would be a candidate for the chief position. It was stated the Chief would not have to be a full time chief. The chief would vote on the hiring of the Chief and each man would have on vote. It was stated a full time career fire chief would earn between $50,000 $70,000; with no benefits. It was stated that other departments have found that hiring a part time or full time chief’s salary is saved immediately in operating costs. It was stated that the savings to the commercial businesses is substantial when the ISO rating is saved. It was stated that there has been a large amount of information on the street that has been untrue. It was stated that the flyer that has been distributed; Voice your opinion to save the Fire Department . . .. that is untrue; the fire department will not leave. There would continue to be a fire department in town with or without the consolidation. It was stated that at no time has the goal been to eliminate the fire department. It was stressed that there are eight voters and one person or comment does not reflect the feelings of the entire council. Is this a subject for a referendum. It is a requirement of the state statute to provide emergency services. There could be an advisory referendum held; but ultimately the Cities must provide service. It was suggested to place this to a binding referendum. Mayor Rachu questioned Dallas on if the Fire Department referendum. Dallas stated they did not discuss this. In 17 years the budget has approximately gone up $1,800; although the equipment is constantly is being updated. Dallas questioned what the department was doing wrong. It was stated that this is nothing they are doing wrong. It appears that if the consolidation continues and Abbotsford is the only entity does not participate there would still be a mutual aid. Generally mutual aid is free. Abbotsford would still be obligated for mutual aid at no cost to the other districts. The City would be an island that would be supplying more mutual aid than we are receiving. If we are a city only department; we would not need tenders (tankers for moving water). There are fire departments that do charge for mutual aid. With an automatic aid signing it does assist ISO ratings if the documents have the correct language. It was felt that out of 900 fire department in the state there are only 60 fire departments that are a 3; Niehart feels the City could get to a 3. Niehart needs the listing of equipment with values from the Fire Departments. Niehart would need a chance to sit down with each department. We will look to find out the exact cost savings of the insurance coverage; we need to get a cost of what each department is currently paying. It was stated that we would like an estimate of the legal costs. We would have to determine the chief salary. City council will need to discuss if we wish to pursue a referendum. It was stated that it is not common to hire an appraiser. Next consolidation meeting is September 16, 2015. Niehart recommended that we take this process slowly over the next year and a half to take baby steps. Consolidation committee meeting set a date for the entities to say yes or no. The rush for the meeting on the 16th is to know if Abbotsford willing to continue getting answers to determine if they are interested. Mayor Rachu questioned the group if he was correct in stating that he is taking away from this meeting that Abbotsford Fire Department is in favor of continuing to gather the answers for the consolidation. The departments are in favor of this if it saves us money. $61,136 is the budgeted funds without the maintenance of the building. 9 If there is a consolidation of the departments; the EMS could provide full time service to all three areas; Colby Chief Rannow stated he does not remember the last time that the three departments were not short a shift during the day. Insurance limits were discussed and Niehart stated that if you are under a fire district; you fall under a $50,000 liability limit with more protection. As the Association will be structured as an intergovernmental agreement, they are afforded more protection. The attorney from the Fire/EMS Corporation disagreed with that statement and stated that under State Statute 893.80 there is language to protect the Corporation. Austin felt this contention could be avoided if the line of communication was better. The Fire Department invited the council their meetings which are held the fourth Wednesday of each month at 6:30 p.m. Mayor Rachu would like another joint meeting in mid August to meet and discuss these items. Motion Ander/ that the City of Abbotsford participate in the Consolidation formation and that the Abbotsford Fire and Ambulance come forward and let the City of Abbotsford know by the August 3, 2015 Council meeting. Motion failed due to lack of a second. Motion Anders/Horacek to adjourn at 7:48 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 10 11 12 CITY OF ABBOTSFORD/SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ABBOTSFORD 2015-7 RESOLUTION NO. ________ RECOGNIZING AND ENDORSING THE SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PLAN FOR THE CITY OF ABBOTSFORD AND SCHOOL DISTRICT OF ABBOTSFORD WHEREAS, the City of Abbotsford and School District of Abbotsford and 10 other school districts and the communities they serve joined a West Central Wisconsin Regional Planning Commission (WCWRPC) regional initiative and applied for a State of Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) grant on December 10, 2013 for a city-wide Safe Routes To School Plan (SRTS) plan; and WHEREAS, the grant for the SRTS plan was awarded on August 1, 2014; and WHEREAS, the City of Abbotsford and School District of Abbotsford formed a SRTS Task Force made up of several people from the school district, City, and other members of the community; and WHEREAS, working with the WCWRPC, the SRTS Task Force held four SRTS Task Force meetings, facilitated one parent survey and one classroom mode of transportation tally, and organized two walk and bike audits over a six month period; and WHEREAS, the SRTS Task Force finalized the SRTS Plan, which included dozens of action item recommendations, on July 31, 2015; and NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Abbotsford that the City of Abbotsford and School District of Abbotsford SRTS plan shall be formally recognized and endorsed as a document that shall be implemented. DATED this 7th day of September 2015. ATTEST: APPROVE: ___________________________ Jennifer Lopez, City Clerk ______________________________ Dale Rachu, Mayor 13 Recommended Strategies Numerous strategies are recommended for the City of Abbotsford and the School District of Abbotsford. It is important to remember that a community that is safe for students to walk and bike to school is also a walkable and livable community for everyone. Abbotsford faces some particularly difficult challenges to safe walking and biking, specifically due to Spruce St., State Highway 13, and all of the student walkers/bikers that need to travel along or cross 4th Ave. The community is of a size that virtually all students who live within the City limits should be able to walk and bike to school, and at one time the vast majority did so. However, the lack of sidewalks and high traffic volume before and after school along specific streets has created a community where most children ride in a private automobile and/or school bus. For the strategies, there are three different timeframes recommended for implementation: ongoing, short-term (2015-2016), and medium-term (2017-2019). Due to the high number of Spanish-speaking parents in the school district, Spanish should be included in as many of the following strategies as possible. Education and Encouragement strategies offer the greatest opportunity to provide both English and Spanish language. Education City • Locate a sign along Highway 13 (north and south sides of the City) and Spruce St. (east and west sides of the City) that says Abbotsford is a SRTS community. (short-term) School District • Host fitness speakers that promote walking/biking (athlete/coach from High School, UW system, etc.). (short-term) • Distribute an annual letter at the beginning with a brief description stating that the community has completed a SRTS plan and where designated SRTS corridors are located. (short-term) • Start a P.E. bike unit for elementary school students. (medium-term) • Include vehicle/bike/pedestrian law education in school newsletters. (short-term) City/School District • Promote SRTS on the website and social media. (short-term) • Continue to work with local media in promoting SRTS. (ongoing) Encouragement City • Create a map that shows distances by walking, calories burned, and designated safe routes. Distribute annually. (short-term) • Locate signage around town that shows designated safe routes, distance, and calories burned. Possibly incorporate this with a community based theme. (short-term) School District • Continue Walk to School Day events/activities. (ongoing) • Organize a walking school bus from strategic locations along SRTS routes, specifically south of Spruce St. (short-term) City/School District • Continue to distribute reflectors for backpacks. (ongoing) • Keep adult crossing guard at current location. (ongoing) ABBOTSFORD, WI– Safe Routes To School Plan 13 14 • • • • Assess the costs to have an adult crossing guard cross students at 4th Ave. and Spruce St. and 4th Ave. and Cedar St. (short-term) Collaborate with community organizations (outdoor groups, health organizations, etc.) to help promote walking and biking to/from school. (short-term) Continue walking to the City Safety Day event and use that walk to educate students on proper walking/biking. (ongoing) Implement a one-year pilot program with an adult crossing guard at Spruce St. and 4th Ave. This would be concurrent with other mitigation measures for that intersection. After one year, see if more students are using the intersection. (medium-term) Enforcement City • Enforce speed limits. (ongoing) o Spruce St. o Pine St. o 4th Ave. o State Highway 13 • Investigate activity that is currently deterring walking and biking to/from school. (short-term) • Acquire safety-green in-street pedestrian signs for 4th Ave. intersections: (short-term) o Continue in Spruce St. at 4th Ave. intersection o 4th Ave. at strategic locations (Hickory St., Cedar St., Hemlock St., and Sycamore St.) o Pine St. at 4th Ave. intersection % ,$ ? * @$A+@ &. , Engineering City • Require all future development to meet pedestrian and bicycle and SRTS policies and needs. (short-term) • Require all future surrounding development to have adequate pedestrian/bicycle trail, sidewalks, and feeder system to the school. (short-term) • Where they do not currently exist, construct sidewalks along all SRTS routes, as shown on the maps. If sidewalks are not feasible, create a walking lane similar to the walking lane on Cedar St. Also research feasibility for bicycle lanes on these roads. (mediumterm/short-term) • Locate safety-green colored pedestrian crossing signs with arrows on both sides of the street in both directions and painted crosswalks at all Improved Intersections labeled on the map. (shortterm) • Investigate feasibility of bumpouts at all Improved Intersections labeled on the map. If feasible at specific locations, construct bumpouts at those locations. (short-term) • Install school zone signs on both sides of the street. Where desired, also 3/" %#% locate flashing yellow lights on the signs: , (short-term) ABBOTSFORD, WI– Safe Routes To School Plan 14 15 o Along 4th Ave. from Spruce St. to Pine St. o Along Spruce St. for 4th Ave. intersection o Along Pine St. for 4th Ave. intersection • Paint centerlines and parking lanes and/or bike lanes or sharrows along Spruce St., Pine St., and 4th Ave. (short-term) • Locate a HAWK beacon (HighIntensity Activated crossWalK beacon)/Pedestrian Hybrid Beacon (PHB), a digital speed 3/ , sign facing east and west, and school zone signs for traffic along Spruce St. at the Spruce St. and 4th Ave. intersection. (medium-term) • Paint diagonal hatched lines in the parking lane along Spruce St. starting at the Spruce St. and 4th Ave. intersection and heading east and west to a satisfactory distance. This would eliminate on-street parking at those locations and increase and awareness of no allowed driving in that lane. (short-term) • Reduce speed limit along Spruce St. to 25mph from west of 5th Ave. to east of 11th St. (short-term) • Make 3rd Ave. and Cedar St. a four-way stop. (short-term) • Locate stop signs for Hickory St. traffic at the 3rd Ave. and Hickory St. intersection. (shortterm) School District Locate new stop signs at egress of school parking lots and Hemlock St. (west of 4th Ave.). (short-term) • Construct a multi-use path on school property along the west side of 4th Ave. This would be similar to the path along 4th Ave. south of the school. (medium-term) • Improve bicycle parking areas/facilities with covered bike parking and student art. (mediumterm) • City/School District Work with Wisconsin DOT to research mitigation options (flashing lights, school zone signs, reduced MPH during school hours, etc.) for State Highway 13. Specifically for Cedar St., Birch St., Spruce St., and Linden St. implement mitigation options that are possible. (short-term) • Locate SRTS signs that have a specific theme along SRTS corridors. This could include community theme and/or school age interests. An example is something with the District mascot, Soar the Falcon. (short-term) • Experiment with a crosswalk painting schedule that starts in the Spring. (short-term) • Improve lighting along SRTS corridors, where needed. (short-term) *!"#%, • ABBOTSFORD, WI– Safe Routes To School Plan 15 16 Evaluation • Nominate a chairperson for the SRTS Task Force (ongoing) • Continue to meet as a SRTS Task Force (at least twice a year) (ongoing) • Complete a teacher tally sheet in Spring 2017 and Spring 2019 (medium-term) • Complete a parent survey in Spring 2017 and Spring 2019 (medium-term) Figure 5 Proposed Safe Routes To School System ABBOTSFORD, WI– Safe Routes To School Plan 16 17 Implementation In order for the recommendations included in this SRTS plan to become reality, it is important that the SRTS Task Force remain active. The group’s role will be to coordinate, track, and evaluate projects, programs, and grant applications. They will serve as the champion of SRTS in the City. In the list of recommendations, the strategies all have a stated timeframe. There are three different timeframes for starting implementation: ongoing, short-term (2015-2016), and mediumterm (2017-2019). The ongoing projects are those that can be implemented without the need for specific grant funds or large coordinative efforts. The short-term category includes those projects that may require some planning to include in school curriculum during 2015 or 2016 or would be eligible for upcoming grant cycles, such as applications to Wisconsin Department of Transportation TAP grant program. Projects included in the medium-term are longer term projects that either require more coordinative effort, design time, or may need more complex funding schemes. With the correct planning and coordinated effort, some of these could start sooner. The following is a list of criteria that could be used by the SRTS Task Force. During the planning process, it was discussed that several strategies were of high priority. It is planned that over the coming months and years, the SRTS Task Force will update the strategies that are to be at highest priority levels. In addition, it should be noted that some strategies can be accomplished easily and that even though they are not the highest priority, these can and should be implemented when the resources are available. 1. 2. 3. Safety Ease of Implementation Usage 4. Cost 5. Healthy Outcomes 6. Time Required The engineering strategies of highest priority include: • Spruce St. / 4th Ave. intersection • Crossing and walking/biking along 4th Ave. • Crossing State Highway 13 • Cedar St. and 3rd. Ave intersection Funding programs and abbreviations are described in the following pages. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list, as new programs concerning the health and safety of children are being established every year, but gives a starting point for some of the major programs that are currently available. It is important to partner with local service groups, as well as organizations with children’s health and safety as their mission. The best means of implementation is an organized and diligent task force working to bring the three communities and School District together and guide them toward the goal of becoming Safe Routes to School communities. ABBOTSFORD, WI– Safe Routes To School Plan 17 18 August 1, 2015 Secretary Richard G. Chandler State of Wisconsin P.O. Box 8933 Mail Stop 624-A Madison, WI 53708-6466 Re: Request for a one-year waiver from new property tax bill requirements added to Sec.74.09 by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55 Secretary Chandler, The League of Wisconsin Municipalities, as the authorized representative of the cities and villages listed on the attached document, requests that you grand a one-year waiver for each of the listed municipalities from the new requirements relating to property tax bills in Wis. Stats. sec. 74.09(3)(db), as created by 2015 Wisconsin Act 55. This waiver request is being made pursuant to Wis. Stat. sec. 66.0143, which allows political subdivisions to file a request with DOR for a waiver from a state mandate. Under newly created sec. 74.09(3)(db), the property tax bill must indicate the total amount of tax levied by a taxing jurisdiction on all property of the taxing jurisdiction and on a nonpermanent basis, revenue and/or levy limits for technical colleges, school districts, municipalities, towns and the county. In addition, the bill must indicate, “the year in which the authorization to exceed the limit no longer applies.” This change applies to approved referendums after December 31, 2014 and to property tax bills sent in December 2015 and thereafter. As you are aware, the municipal clerk is statutorily charged with preparing the tax bills. While many municipalities have contracted with the county for preparation of the tax bill, a substantial number of cities and villages continue to be responsible for preparing the property tax bill. The three main reasons municipalities will be unable to meet the new requirements for this year’s tax bills are: 1) We do not have adequate time to program and test the changes. The last major change to the tax bill was the addition of the first dollar credit in 2008. That change was easier to execute than this because it involved only one addition line on the tax bill and was done in a fashion similar to other credits. In addition, we had over a month longer to make the necessary changes to add the credit than we currently have with the Act 55 provisions. Even with the first dollar credit many municipalities continue to address problems in their systems, due to the quick turnaround. Allowing tax bills to be sent with incorrect data because municipalities could not properly test a program is a disservice to the public. 2) We will not have enough time to update all the forms to move the amounts and dates requested in the law from the taxing jurisdiction that passed the referendums to the entity that is creating the bill to insure the information on the bill is correct. Unlike other items of the property tax bill which are compiled by the state and sent to municipalities, the Act 55 provision 19 requires municipalities to collect the necessary information; which is a difficult task given time constrains associated with this December’s tax bills. 3) We will not have enough time to order supplies. Many municipalities order their tax bill forms in July and August in order to have them in time for printing in late November. Since we do not yet have a form and do not have the information from each taxing entity telling us how many referendums they have that qualify under the law, we are unable to order the forms. If we do end up with a two page tax bill, some municipalities, because of the form of number of referendums involved, will need to also order envelopes and buy stuffing machines since they have transitioned to one page pressed bills that do not require envelopes and do not allow for more than one page. While changes to the tax bill required by Act 55 can, and will be made, a one-year waiver will assure the changes are made in an efficient and accurate manner. Please feel free to contact the League of Wisconsin Municipalities, the point of contact on this matter, if you have any question. Thank you for your attention to this important mandate waiver request. Sincerely, Dale Rachu Mayor 20 Professional Services Agreement This AGREEMENT (Agreement) is made today August 3, 2015 by and between CITY OF ABBOTSFORD (OWNER) and MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. (MSA), which agree as follows: Project Name: City of Abbotsford TID #6 Creation and Business Park Planning The scope of the work authorized is: TIF project planning services to assist OWNER with the creation of TID #6 (See Attachment A) and Business Park Subdivision Planning. Business Park Subdivision Planning services will consist of assisting the City of Abbotsford with a site evaluation to complete up to two preliminary Business Park Layouts. The site evaluation will look at developable acreage and estimate the buildable area(s) within the site and sewer and water service areas. The evaluation will define the usable acreage to help determine a purchase price. The preliminary layouts for the site will utilize an aerial map overlaid with existing WDNR wetland information; contour information (if available); any easements; adjacent utility lines; proposed water, sanitary, storm utilities; and approximate boundary lines of the parcel. A preliminary cost estimate will be provided for each option. The schedule to perform the work is: approximate start: approximate completion: The lump sum fee for the work is: TOTAL August 3, 2015 December 31, 2015 $11,000 Creation of TID #6 $ 3,000 Business Park Planning $14,000 (this is a TIF eligible expense) All services shall be performed in accordance with the General Terms and Conditions of MSA, which is attached and made part of this Agreement. Any attachments or exhibits referenced in this Agreement are made part of this Agreement. Payment for these services will be on a lump sum basis. 21 Approval: Authorization to proceed is acknowledged by signatures of the parties to this Agreement. CITY OF ABBOTSFORD MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. Dale Rachu Mayor Todd Trader, PE Team Leader _____________________________________ Jennifer Lopez City Clerk Kirk Skoog Project Planner Date: Date: July 28, 2015 203 North First Street Abbotsford, WI 54405 Phone: (715) 223-3444 146 North Central Avenue, Suite 201 Marshfield, WI 54449 Phone: (715) 384-2133 Page 2 of 2 22 SECTION I: BASIC SERVICES MSA agrees to provide planning services for the creation of Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) District #6 (hereinafter sometimes referred to as the PROJECT) required under Wisconsin Statutes 66.1105, including but not limited to the following: 1.1 Conduct the required Plan Commission meeting and OWNER's City Council meeting for the OWNER during the formulation and adoption of the TIF Project Plan. 1.2 Assist with the establishment of a Joint Review Board and conduct two meetings with the Joint Review Board. 1.3 Draft and prepare for signature all resolutions, letters, documents and notices required for TIF Project Plan approval. 1.4 Prepare Tax Incremental District (TID) boundary and TIF Project Plan maps. 1.5 Prepare economic feasibility study, projected tax increment shares for inclusion in the TIF Project Plan as required. 1.6 Liaison with the Department of Revenue (TIF - certifying State Agency). 1.7 Submit three TIF Project Plan documents to the OWNER. 1.8 Assist with preparation and submittal of documents required by the Department of Revenue (DOR) for TIF Project Plan certification, including DOR-required "base packet" information. 1.9 Assist in preparing updated tax parcel mapping and/or preparing legal descriptions for purposes of defining TID. SECTION II: ADDITIONAL SERVICES If authorized by the OWNER, MSA shall furnish Additional Services of the following type which are not considered customary Basic Services: 2.1 2.2 Maintenance and administrative services to the OWNER in conjunction with the TIF Project Plan after approval by the DOR. Surveying and drafting services as requested by OWNER to update or revise the OWNER'S base map and/or prepare a reproducible copy of the base map. 23 2.3 Prepare preliminary engineering estimates for projects to be included in Project Plan. 2.4 Prepare Developer's Agreement which further defines OWNER's TIF implementation as well as specific expectations of a given private developer. 2.5 Assist OWNER in responding to DOR questions regarding the TID base packet. SECTION III: OWNER’S RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 Provide a Planning Commission to direct the Plans. 3.2 Assist MSA in the establishment of a Joint Review Board. 3.3 Designate in writing a person to act as the OWNER's representative with respect to the services to be performed under this Agreement; and such person shall have complete authority to transmit instructions, receive information, interpret and define OWNER's policies and decisions with respect to the services. 3.4 Assist MSA with the assemblage of documentation required for determination of blight within the TID (if applicable). 3.5 Provide up-to-date tax parcel map information or documentation (i.e. tax parcel descriptions) for purposes of defining TIF District boundaries, descriptions, and determining property valuations within the District. 3.6 Provide copies of studies, plans and reports that include information on community goals, objectives, needs, and capacities of public facilities (as applicable). 3.7 Advertise for the required public hearings. 3.8 Review, approve and sign all documents and submittals. 3.9 Provide the services of the Attorney, Assessor and Clerk as needed in preparing the TIF Project Plan and/or DOR base packet. 3.10 Provide such legal, accounting, and insurance counseling services as may be required for the Project, and such auditing service as the OWNER may require. 3.11 Pay the Department of Revenue $1,000.00 Review Fee. 24 MSA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, INC. (MSA) – GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SERVICES (PUBLIC - Wisconsin) 1. Scope and Fee. The quoted fees and scope of services constitute the best estimate of the fees and tasks required to perform the services as defined. This agreement upon execution by both parties hereto, can be amended only by written instrument signed by both parties. For those projects involving conceptual or process development service, activities often cannot be fully defined during initial planning. As the project progresses, facts uncovered may reveal a change in direction which may alter the scope. MSA will promptly inform the OWNER in writing of such situations so that changes in this agreement can be made as required. The OWNER agrees to clarify and define project requirements and to provide such legal, accounting and insurance counseling services as may be required for the project 2. Billing. MSA will bill the OWNER monthly with net payment due upon receipt. Past due balances shall be subject to an interest charge at a rate of 12% per year from said thirtieth day. In addition, MSA may, after giving seven days written notice, suspend service under any agreement until the OWNER has paid in full all amounts due for services rendered and expenses incurred, including the interest charge on past due invoices. 3. Costs and Schedules. Costs and schedule commitments shall be subject to change for delays caused by the OWNER's failure to provide specified facilities or information or for delays caused by unpredictable occurrences including, without limitation, fires, floods, riots, strikes, unavailability of labor or materials, delays or defaults, by suppliers of materials or services, process shutdowns, acts of God or the public enemy, or acts of regulations of any governmental agency. Temporary delays of services caused by any of the above which result in additional costs beyond those outlined may require renegotiation of this agreement. 4. Access to Site. Owner shall furnish right-of-entry on the project site for MSA and, if the site is not owned by Owner, warrants that permission has been granted to make planned explorations pursuant to the scope of services. MSA will take reasonable precautions to minimize damage to the site from use of equipment, but has not included costs for restoration of damage that may result and shall not be responsible for such costs. 5. Location of Utilities. Consultant shall use reasonable means to identify the location of buried utilities in the areas of subsurface exploration and shall take reasonable precautions to avoid any damage to the utilities noted. However, Owner agrees to indemnify and defend Consultant in the event of damage or injury arising from damage to or interference with subsurface structures or utilities which result from inaccuracies in information of instructions which have been furnished to Consultant by others. 6. Professional Representative. MSA intends to serve as the OWNER’s professional representative for those services as defined in this agreement, and to provide advice and consultation to the OWNER as a professional. Any opinions of probable project costs, reviews and observations, and other decisions made by MSA for the OWNER are rendered on the basis of experience and qualifications and represents the professional judgment of MSA. However, MSA cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bid or actual project or construction costs will not vary from the opinion of probable cost prepared by it. 7. Construction. This agreement shall not be construed as giving MSA, the responsibility or authority to direct or supervise construction means, methods, techniques, sequence, or procedures of construction selected by the contractors or subcontractors or the safety precautions and programs incident to the work of the contractors or subcontractors. 8. Standard of Care. In conducting the services, MSA will apply present professional, engineering and/or scientific judgment, and use a level of effort consistent with current professional standards in the same or similar locality under similar circumstances in performing the Services. The OWNER acknowledges that "current professional standards" shall mean the standard for professional services, measured as of the time those services are rendered, and not according to later standards, if such later standards purport to impose a higher degree of care upon MSA. MSA does not make any warranty or guarantee, expressed or implied, nor have any agreement or contract for services subject to the provisions of any uniform commercial code. Similarly, MSA will not accept those terms and conditions offered by the OWNER in its purchase order, requisition, or notice of authorization to proceed, except as set forth herein or expressly agreed to in writing. Written acknowledgement of receipt, or the actual performance of services subsequent to receipt of such purchase order, requisition, or notice of authorization to proceed is specifically deemed not to constitute acceptance of any terms or conditions contrary to those set forth herein. 9. Construction Site Visits. MSA shall make visits to the site at intervals appropriate to the various stages of construction as MSA deems necessary in order to observe, as an experienced and qualified design professional, the progress and quality of the various aspects of Contractor's work. The purpose of MSA's visits to, and representation at the site, will be to enable MSA to better carry out the duties and responsibilities assigned to and undertaken by MSA during the Construction Phase, and in addition, by the exercise of MSA's efforts as an experienced and qualified design professional, to provide for OWNER a greater degree of confidence that the completed work of Contractor will conform in general to the Contract Documents and that the integrity of the design concept of the completed Project as a functioning whole as indicated in the Contract Documents has been implemented and preserved by Contractor. On the other hand, MSA shall not, during such visits or as a result of such observations of Contractor's work in progress, supervise, direct or have control over Contractor's work nor shall MSA have authority over or responsibility for the means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures of construction selected by Contractor, for safety precautions and programs incident to the work of Contractor or for any failure of Contractor to comply with laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes or orders applicable to Contractor's furnishing and performing the work. Accordingly, MSA neither guarantees the performance of any Contractor nor assumes responsibility for any Contractor's failure to furnish and perform its work in accordance with the Contract Documents. 10. Termination. This Agreement shall commence upon execution and shall remain in effect until terminated by either party, at such party's discretion, on not less than thirty (30) days' advance written notice. The effective date of the termination is the thirtieth day after the non-terminating party's receipt of the notice of termination. If MSA terminates the Agreement, the OWNER may, at its option, extend the terms of this Agreement to the extent necessary for MSA to complete any services that were ordered prior to the effective date of termination. If OWNER terminates this Agreement, OWNER shall pay MSA for all services performed prior to MSA's receipt of the notice of termination and for all work performed and/or expenses incurred by MSA in terminating Services begun after MSA's receipt of the termination notice. Termination hereunder shall operate to discharge only those obligations which are executory by either party on and after the effective date of termination. These General Terms and Conditions shall survive the completion of the services performed hereunder or the Termination of this Agreement for any cause. This agreement cannot be changed or terminated orally. No waiver of compliance with any provision or condition hereof should be effective unless agreed in writing and duly executed by the parties hereto. 11. Betterment. If, due to MSA’s error, any required or necessary item or component of the project is omitted from the construction documents, MSA’s liability shall be limited to the reasonable costs of correction of the construction, less what OWNER’S cost of including the omitted item or component in the original construction would have been had the item or component not been omitted. It is intended by this provision that MSA will not be responsible for any cost or expense that provides betterment, upgrade, or enhancement of the project. 25 12. Hazardous Substances. OWNER acknowledges and agrees that MSA has had no role in generating, treating, storing, or disposing of hazardous substances or materials which may be present at the project site, and MSA has not benefited from the processes that produced such hazardous substances or materials. Any hazardous substances or materials encountered by or associated with Services provided by MSA on the project shall at no time be or become the property of MSA. MSA shall not be deemed to possess or control any hazardous substance or material at any time; arrangements for the treatment, storage, transport, or disposal of any hazardous substances or materials, which shall be made by MSA, are made solely and exclusively on OWNER's behalf for OWNER's benefit and at OWNER's direction. Nothing contained within this Agreement shall be construed or interpreted as requiring MSA to assume the status of a generator, storer, treater, or disposal facility as defined in any federal, state, or local statute, regulation, or rule governing treatment, storage, transport, and/or disposal of hazardous substances or materials. All samples of hazardous substances, materials or contaminants are the property and responsibility of OWNER and shall be returned to OWNER at the end of a project for proper disposal. Alternate arrangements to ship such samples directly to a licensed disposal facility may be made at OWNER's request and expense and subject to this subparagraph. 13. Insurance. MSA will maintain insurance coverage for: Worker's Compensation, General Liability, and Professional Liability. MSA will provide information as to specific limits upon written request. If the OWNER requires coverages or limits in addition to those in effect as of the date of the agreement, premiums for additional insurance shall be paid by the OWNER. The liability of MSA to the OWNER for any indemnity commitments, or for any damages arising in any way out of performance of this contract is limited to such insurance coverages and amount which MSA has in effect. 14. Reuse of Documents. Reuse of any documents and/or services pertaining to this project by the OWNER or extensions of this project or on any other project shall be at the OWNER’s sole risk. The OWNER agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless MSA for all claims, damages, and expenses including attorneys’ fees and costs arising out of such reuse of the documents and/or services by the OWNER or by others acting through the OWNER. 15. Indemnification. To the fullest extent permitted by law, MSA shall indemnify and hold harmless, OWNER, and OWNER’s officers, directors, members, partners, agents, consultants, and employees (hereinafter “OWNER”) from reasonable claims, costs, losses, and damages arising out of or relating to the PROJECT, provided that any such claim, cost, loss, or damage is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom but only to the extent caused by any negligent act or omission of MSA or MSA’s officers, directors, members, partners, agents, employees, or Consultants (hereinafter “MSA”). In no event shall this indemnity agreement apply to claims between the OWNER and MSA. This indemnity agreement applies solely to claims of third parties. Furthermore, in no event shall this indemnity agreement apply to claims that MSA is responsible for attorneys’ fees. This agreement does not give rise to any duty on the part of MSA to defend the OWNER on any claim arising under this agreement. To the fullest extent permitted by law, OWNER shall indemnify and hold harmless, MSA, and MSA’s officers, directors, members, partners, agents, consultants, and employees (hereinafter “MSA”) from reasonable claims, costs, losses, and damages arising out of or relating to the PROJECT, provided that any such claim, cost, loss, or damage is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease, or death, or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the Work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom but only to the extent caused by any negligent act or omission of the OWNER or the OWNER’s officers, directors, members, partners, agents, employees, or Consultants (hereinafter “OWNER”). In no event shall this indemnity agreement apply to claims between MSA and the OWNER. This indemnity agreement applies solely to claims of third parties. Furthermore, in no event shall this indemnity agreement apply to claims that the OWNER is responsible for attorneys’ fees. This agreement does not give rise to any duty on the part of the OWNER to defend MSA on any claim arising under this agreement. To the fullest extent permitted by law, MSA’s total liability to OWNER and anyone claiming by, through, or under OWNER for any cost, loss or damages caused in part or by the negligence of MSA and in part by the negligence of OWNER or any other negligent entity or individual, shall not exceed the percentage share that MSA’s negligence bears to the total negligence of OWNER, MSA, and all other negligent entities and individuals. 16. Dispute Resolution. OWNER and MSA desire to resolve any disputes or areas of disagreement involving the subject matter of this Agreement by a mechanism that facilitates resolution of disputes by negotiation rather than by litigation. OWNER and MSA also acknowledge that issues and problems may arise after execution of this Agreement which were not anticipated or are not resolved by specific provisions in this Agreement. Accordingly, both OWNER and MSA will endeavor to settle all controversies, claims, counterclaims, disputes, and other matters in accordance with the Construction Industry Mediation Rules of the American Arbitration Association currently in effect, unless OWNER and MSA mutually agree otherwise. Demand for mediation shall be filed in writing with the other party to this Agreement. A demand for mediation shall be made within a reasonable time after the claim, dispute or other matter in question has arisen. In no event shall the demand for mediation be made after the date when institution of legal or equitable proceedings based on such claim, dispute or other matter in question would be barred by the applicable statute of limitations. Neither demand for mediation nor any term of this Dispute Resolution clause shall prevent the filing of a legal action where failing to do so may bar the action because of the applicable statute of limitations. If despite the good faith efforts of OWNER and MSA any controversy, claim, counterclaim, dispute, or other matter is not resolved through negotiation or mediation, OWNER and MSA agree and consent that such matter may be resolved through legal action in any state or federal court having jurisdiction. 17. Exclusion of Special, Indirect, Consequential and Liquidated Damages. Consultant shall not be liable, in contract or tort or otherwise, for any special, indirect, consequential, or liquidated damages including specifically, but without limitation, loss of profit or revenue, loss of capital, delay damages, loss of goodwill, claim of third parties, or similar damages arising out of or connected in any way to the project or this contract. 18. State Law. This agreement shall be construed and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of Wisconsin. 19. Jurisdiction. OWNER hereby irrevocably submits to the jurisdiction of the state courts of the State of Wisconsin for the purpose of any suit, action or other proceeding arising out of or based upon this Agreement. OWNER further consents that the venue for any legal proceedings related to this Agreement shall be, at MSA’s option, Sauk County, Wisconsin, or any county in which MSA has an office. 20. Understanding. This agreement contains the entire understanding between the parties on the subject matter hereof and no representations. Inducements, promises or agreements not embodied herein (unless agreed in writing duly executed) shall be of any force or effect, and this agreement supersedes any other prior understanding entered into between the parties on the subject matter hereto. 26 PROJECT MANAGER: Todd Trader, PE Phone: (715) 384-2133 Cell: (715) 305-0435 DATE: July 27, 2015 2015 ROADWAY AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT SUMMARY OF CONSTRUCTION LAST WEEK Steen Construction worked on 7th Street roadway excavation and grading and underdrain installation. As the roadway was graded, breaker run and gravel base was installed. Chippewa Concrete completed driveway aprons, sidewalk and curb and gutter replacements on Butternut and 3rd Avenue. The Contractor was not able to begin restoration work last week. A LOOK AT THIS WEEK Steen Construction plans to finish up roadway excavation and storm sewer on 7th Street. They plan to be complete with this work by the end of the day on Tuesday. Steen also plans to install topsoil on Butternut and 3rd in preparation for their landscaping subcontractor to come in the week of August 3rd and begin final restoration on this area of the project. MSA will be onsite later in the week installing curb and gutter stakes on Elm and 7 th Streets. It is anticipated curb and gutter construction will be completed in this area the week of August 3rd as well. 27 5 YEAR CIP PLAN 1 LINDEN STREET FROM HWY 13 TO INDUSTRIAL PARK ROAD. PROJECT LENGTH 865 FT COMPLETE RECONSTRUCT. MINOR WATER MAIN REPAIR AND STORM SEWER REPLACEMENT $203,000.00 2 CEDAR STREET FROM SECOND TO THIRD STREET. PROJECT LENGTH 640 FT COMPLETE RECONSTRUCT AND NEW WATER MAIN $198,000.00 3 PINE STREET FROM 4TH AVENUE TO HILINE. PROJECT LENGTH 1760 FT. COMPLETE RECONSTRUCT MINOR WATER REPAIR (2014) $258,000.00 4 E ELM STREET FROM 5TH STREET TO 7TH STREET. COMPLETE RECONSTRUCT. UP SIZE WATER MAIN. SEWER FROM ALLEY BETWEEN 6TH AND 7TH TO 7TH STREET. PROJECT LENGTH 698 FT $244,000.00 7TH STREET FROM E ELM TO LINDEN. COMPLETE RECONSTRUCT. WATER MAIN. SEWER POSSIBLE RE-ROUTE FROM E ELM ST SEWER. PROJECT LENGTH 786 FT. $230,000.00 6 HEMLOCK FROM 5TH AVENUE TO HILINE. PROJECT LENGTH 1350 FT RECONSTRUCT $240,000.00 7 BUTTERNUT ST FROM FIRST AVE TO THIRD AVE COMPLETE RECONSTRUCT INCLUDING WATER (2015) APPROX $300,000.00 8 FOURTH AVE FROM ELM TO THE SOUTH. PROJECT LENGTH 660 FT REPLACING BLACK TOP $40,000.00 9 FIRST STREET BLACK TOP SHOULDER AND CURB PROJECT LENGTH 365 FT $ 14,300.00 10 11TH STREET EXTENSION – APPROVED (2014) 5 TO BE BID JANUARY 2014 28 5 YEAR CIP PLAN (2015/16) 1 LINDEN STREET FROM HWY 13 TO INDUSTRIAL PARK ROAD. PROJECT LENGTH 865 FT COMPLETE RECONSTRUCT. MINOR WATER MAIN REPAIR AND STORM SEWER REPLACEMENT $203,000.00 2 CEDAR STREET FROM SECOND TO THIRD STREET. PROJECT LENGTH 640 FT COMPLETE RECONSTRUCT AND NEW WATER MAIN $198,000.00 3 HEMLOCK FROM 5TH AVENUE TO HILINE. PROJECT LENGTH 1350 FT RECONSTRUCT $240,000.00 4 N 1ST STREET FROM PINE TO SPRUCE 2,684 FEET, CURB, SIDEWALK, BLACKTOP OVERLAY MINOR WATER REPAIR 5 S 1ST AVE 950 FT NEW BLACKTOP MINOR CURB REPAIR MINOR STORM SEWER REPAIR 6 N 4TH AVE FROM PINE TO SPRUCE 2625 FT BLACKTOP OVERLAY REPLACE PARKING LANES AND CURB. MINOR STORM SEWER REPAIR 7 2ND STREET FROM CEDAR TO PINE ALSO CEDAR FROM N 1ST STREET TO N 2ND STREET 1470 FEET 8 FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT FROM N 3RD AVE TO N 2ND AVE 685 FEET 9 SPORTSMENS ADDITION 2 INCHES OF BLACKTOP 32 X 2,400 FEET AT $14.00 PLSY PRICE TO BE DETERMINED $ 65,000.00 PRICE TO BE DETERMINED $485,000.00 $ 40,000.00 $119,000.00 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 The meeting of the Abbotsford Fire Department was called to order on June 24th, 2015 at 7:05 pm by Chief Jody Apfelbeck. Roll Call was taken with eighteen members present. Also present were Jim Brodhagen, John Mendez, and Justin Kauffman. Minutes and financial reports were approved as presented. Mark Gorke made the motion to approve, with Sarah Diedrich seconding the motion. Under comments from the public; Jim Brodhagen thanked the department for their service and would like to help get the word out about the consolidation plans. Some members spoke their concerns that donations could cease if we consolidated and other members questioned what the department has done wrong in order to suggest a consolidation. After the heated discussion at the last consolidation; John Austin has stepped down from the committee with Jeff Diedrich replacing him. John Mendez and Justin Kauffman stated that they did not that all of this was taking place until recently. A suggestion was made to put together an informational letter to distribute to the public before the meeting with the city council on July 8th, 2015. A committee of Jeremy Totzke, Sarah Diedrich, Jeff Diedrich, Jason Treankler, and Chris Esselman was formed to draft the letter. Jody Apfelbeck read aloud a letter drafted by the corporation attorney. The normally scheduled practice will be postponed due to the upcoming meeting at city hall. No update on the 5k fundraiser was available. The donated forklift is in the apparatus bay; no one is permitted to operate the machine unless they have completed the operation certification course and have been trained on it. Anyone available to help with the city fireworks, please see Jody Apfelbeck. A large map of our response area will be framed and placed in the apparatus bay. If unsure where to respond especially for mutual aid calls; please utilize the map. The Cheese Days parade will be on July 20th. If interested in taking a truck through the parade; you must clean it before you can claim it. The department received a thank you card from the Kunze family for the memorial plant we sent. A motion was made to adjourn at 8:30 by John Austin. Sarah Diedrich seconded the motion. Motion carried. 36 Abbotsford Ambulance Board of Directors Meeting Minutes June 23, 2015 The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Abbotsford Ambulance Service was called to order by Ray Esselman. Present were: Carol Staab, Allen Nixdorf, Kristi Seubert, Travis Nixdorf. Absent: Sarah Diedrich. Ray presented information from the lawyer stating that the vote taken by the EMS at the July 7, 2015 meeting was not legal per the Corporation bylaws. Discussion was held on Med 2 housed in Dorchester should the Dorchester and Colby departments merge. Also discussed was having one med unit be on call on weekends covering both Abbotsford and Dorchester with one on call calendar for sign-up. No action was taken. Ray will possibly attend the next Dorchester Fire Department Corporation meeting on July 29, 2015. Ray will contact CJ Kreuscher regarding his status on obtaining his EMT license. The deep fryer has been sold to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church for $400. Abbyland is purchasing 2 stair chairs for $200 each. Tonya Dommer needs to give her presentation from the conference she recently attended at the Wisconsin Dells. EVOC driving will be held at the next meeting; training will begin first with the meeting to begin at 8:00 p.m. A motion was made by Kristi, second by Al to adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Carol Staab, Secretary 37 Abbotsford Ambulance Service, Inc. July 7, 2015 Meeting Minutes The meeting of the Abbotsford Ambulance Service was called to order by Chief Ray Esselman with 15 members present. A motion was made by Kristi, second by Dave Behnke to approve the June, 2015 minutes. Motion carried. The Treasurer’s report was read and approved as follows: Payables A to Z $15.98 American Welding & Gas $16.26 Aspirus MedEvac $50.00 Carlson Highland $110.00 EMP $487.74 Heartland Cooperative MedPro Midwest Group Post Master Payroll Total Expenses Deposits LifeQuest Interest Total Deposits $88.86 $126.00 $68.00 $4,967.75 $5,930.59 $9,496.73 $.27 $9,497.00 Account Balances Checking $24,974.26 Savings $45,658.37 Med Replacement Savings $80,897.71 Chief’s Report There will be a special meeting of the Abbotsford City Council and the Abbotsford Fire and Ambulance Service on July 8, 2015 at the Abbotsford City Hall beginning at 6:00 p.m. A motion was made by Jeremy, second by Sarah to sell the deep fryer to St. Peter’s Lutheran Church for $400. Motion carried. A reminder was given that members need to sign up for a minimum of 12 hours per month/144 hours per year in order for refresher to be paid by the service. The Owen-Withee Ambulance Service is hosting EMT refresher on one long weekend, September 25, 26 and 27, 2015 with openings still available. Let Ray or a Board member know if you are attending a refresher other than the one hosted by the Abbotsford Ambulance Service in February. A reminder was given to provide Sarah with a copy of your current auto insurance. This is required by the City’s insurance provider. 38 Two old stair chairs will be purchased by Abbyland for $200 each. A third stair chair will be listed for sale for $400. A grant has been applied for through the Christensen Foundation. Any funds received will go toward the purchase of new defibrillators. Assistant Chief Report Travis shared that the 12-lead in Med 1 isn’t working properly and that he has taken the unit out of the med to be delivered to St. Joseph’s Hospital as they provided the unit. The 12-lead in Med 2 is working properly. The FCC license for the repeater tower in Dorchester has been received; this project is moving forward. The Motorola grant that had been applied for was not approved. The service will apply again in the future. Training Officer’s Report Nothing noted. EMS/Infection Control Officer’s Report Kristi reminded members to watch for ticks and to protect yourself. Treasurer’s Report Sarah reminded members to please forward any gas receipts to her when fueling up; also initial the receipts. Application Committee Report Nicholas Lueddecke was present to introduce himself. Nicholas is currently attending EMT-B class in Merrill and will complete the course in August. Nicholas has his training permit and will begin participating in runs. Open Business: Discussion was held on the consolidation meeting(s). Travis and Ray attended the City Council meeting on July 6, 2015 in which the City Council is encouraging the ambulance service to join the merger. Discussion continued regarding liability being that the department is a private corporation. A motion was made by Travis, second by Lori to leave the corporation with guidelines and open to discussion regarding the merger. A hand vote of 7-3 approved this motion with not all members participating in the hand vote. A paper ballot was held with 10 members voting yes to leave the corporation, 2 members voting no to stay in the corporation. After the vote, Jeremy stated that a member not in attendance was told that there would be no vote at this meeting and that a case may be made regarding this. New Business: Nothing noted. A motion was made by Kristi, second by Michael to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Carol Staab Secretary 39 Area Fire Department Meeting Minutes June 17, 2015 – 7:00 p.m. Colby City Hall The June 17, 2015 meeting of the Area Fire Departments was called to order by Meeting Chairperson Rick Rinehart, Fire Chief of the Dorchester Community Emergency Services, Inc. at 7:00 p.m. Roll call was taken by Meeting Secretary Carol Staab as follows: Jeremy Totzke, Abbotsford Ambulance Service; Jason Treankler and John Austin, Abbotsford Fire Department; Peter Horacek and Marty Schwantes, City of Abbotsford; Nancy O’Brien and James Schmidt, City of Colby; Ross Rannow, Colby Fire/EMS; Richard Gumz and John Staab, DCES Corporation; Scott Kloth and David Martin, Dorchester Community Emergency Services, Inc.; Larry Mader and Larry Oehmichen, Town of Colby; Richard Bartnik and Patrick Tischendorf, Town of Holton; Kurt Robida and Billy Colby, Town of Hull; James Dukelow and Bryon Broeske, Town of Mayville; Wayne Rau and Warren Underwood, Village of Dorchester. Rick Rinehart asked for approval of the February 17, 2015 meeting minutes. A motion was made by John Austin, second by Nancy O’Brien to approve the minutes as presented. Motion carried. Public Discussion Rick Rinehart turned the floor over to John Neihart with information he completed in regard to the 3 area fire departments: John stated that each fire department chief is very concerned about their fire department and are trying to run their respective fire department as best they can with the personnel they have and the situation they have. Substantial differences need to be resolved to form a fire district. John Neihart prepared a Consolidation Information report that was made available to each entity; copies are to be distributed as needed (see attached). John Neihart provided a sample Memorandum of Understanding and Agreement for a fire district and recommended hiring an attorney to prepare the agreement (see attached). Tim Fenner from Madison was recommended as an attorney for fire departments and intergovernmental agreements. John also prepared a sample Chain of Command for a fire district (see attached). John Neihart opened the floor for discuss/questions and clarified several topics: • Each entity in the district would have one representative on the Board who is an elected official and appointed by their respective Municipal Board. • Consolidation does not require that all three departments join the fire district. A department can join at any time. 40 • • • • • The Abbotsford Fire Department Corporation would need to be dissolved prior to joining the Fire District. The City of Abbotsford could proceed with legal action to dissolve the fire corporation. The City could also contract services with the two entities in the Fire District. What would John Neihart charge for assisting with the formation of the Fire District? John will take this under consideration and will assist in facilitating meetings between the chiefs and municipal entities to resolve some concerns. Ross Rannow shared information on a conversation he had with leadership from the Weston and Rib Mountain departments who recently formed the SAFER Fire District. Buying into a Fire District was discussed. An inventory of equipment/apparatus was requested by John Neihart from each department; as of the meeting date Dorchester had submitted their inventory. The real estate owned by the Dorchester Community Emergency Services, Inc. was discussed on whether or not the Fire District would own real estate as the City of Abbotsford owns their fire hall, the City of Colby owns their fire hall. Possible Consolidation Date/Next Meeting Date A motion was made by Larry Oehmichen, second by Pat Tischendorf to give the Abbotsford City Council and Abbotsford Fire and Ambulance Service until September 15, 2015 to resolve their issues and decide if they are interested in moving forward with forming a Fire District with the Colby and Dorchester Fire Departments. Larry Oehmichen amended his motion to meet on September 16, 2015, second by Pat Tischendorf. Motion carried. The meeting will be held at the Dorchester Fire Hall beginning at 7:00 p.m.; each entity involved will give a yes or no answer to forming a Fire District. The municipality representative that will be on the Fire Board should be present at this meeting. There being nothing further, a motion was made by John Staab, second by Liz Tesch to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Carol Staab Secretary 41 Regular monthly meeting July 14, 4:30 p.m. Meeting called to order Members Present: Bittner, Suttner, Giffin, Grunseth, Hinrichsen, Schraufnagel, Writz Members absent: Braun ,Mayor Rachu Previous minutes read and approved Public Comment: See attached letter from patron Treasurers Report: End of Jun Bal: $70,669.27 Circulation Report: Jun 2015: 2591 Expend: $5,852.12 Jun 2014: 2673 May 2015: 1995 Policy Review: Computer use policy discussion. Motion to approve new computer use policy, excepting the charge for color copies to be discussed at next meeting. Writz/Schraufnagel Motion approved. See attached. WVLS Report: Patron ID numbers have been removed from system. No new news from WVLS Directors report: Summer program going well. Read to Rover has been particularly popular. Discussion of Mary Nelson Memorial funds. Director offered multiple ideas for children’s area and children’s literacy. Board expressed interest in a 1,000 books before kindergarten program. Director will being preparations to have it ready by school start in fall. Board also expressed interest in small puppet theater and puppets for children’s area to help children develop the understanding of storytelling skills which are necessary steps in learning to read. Director brought birdwatching kit donation from Medford birdwatching club. Will review and approve lending policy at next meeting. Staffing Issues: All going well. Motion to adjourn: Schraufnagel/Writz 5:07 PM Next Meeting: Tuesday, August 11 at 4:30 PM 42 43 44 45 46 Minutes from the Colby Abbotsford Board of Police Commissioners held July 13, 2015 at the Colby/Abbotsford Police Department Chairman Schmidt called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call: Schmidt, Hederer, Lynn, Faber, and Weideman (absent: Anders) Others present: Clerk Lopez, Chief Bauer, and Kevin O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph There were no comments from the public. Motion Hederer/Lynn to approve the minutes from the June 8, 2015 meeting. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Hederer/Faber to approve the expenditures in the amount of $12,962.11. Interpreter’s fees were questioned and it was stated that they are a cost is shared by the county if the county is involved in the arrest. Motion carried without negative vote. Under Purchase department policies from Lexipol a packet was handed out to the commission detailing the services. After Lexipol reviewed the current policy handbook they determined that the Department would be better served by an hourly rate contract. Chief Bauer felt the policies could be online in 9 months. It was suggested to have the involvement of the officers during this process. The cost is estimated to be $15,123. Chief Bauer stated that there is currently up $11,000 in Plate fund and he would be comfortable utilizing $7,000 of the $11,000 in the fund and also utilizing $2,500in the K-9 fund 2015 budget item. It was also stated that there will be a surplus in the 2015 fuel line item and $4,000 could be utilized from that budget line item. Motion Weideman/Lynn to contract with Lexipol for the preparation of the Commissions policies at a cost of $15,123; to be funded with $7,000 from the plate fund, $2,500 from the K-9 fund, and $4,000 from the 2015 fuel budget line item surplus with budgeting for the continual annual cost of $2,673 of surplus. Motion carried without negative vote. Under request from Chief Bauer to Carryover un-used vacation beyond anniversary date, Chief Bauer stated that he is requesting 93 hours of vacation be carried over as he has been unable to utilize all of his time off. Motion Weideman/Faber to allow Chief Bauer to carry over his vacation in full beyond his 2015 anniversary date. Motion carried without negative vote. Under Chief’s Report, Chief Bauer stated there is an officer out on medical leave for 3-6 weeks. It was stated that the Department’s Ford Expedition is close to 100,000 miles and is beginning to cost the department money in continual maintenance. Officer Bauer suggested looking for a replacement vehicle in the near future and suggested a smaller SUV as there is no immediate plans to replace the K9 in the next 3 years. Currently there is $41,000 in the Auto fund. Motion Hederer/Lynn to adjourn at 6:54 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. Next meeting will be at the Colby/Abbotsford Police Department Monday, August 10, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. 47 48 49 50 Minutes from the July 27, 2015 Abbotsford Finance and Personnel meeting held in the Council Chambers Chairman Schwantes called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Roll call: Schwantes, Horacek, and Voss (Mediger – absent) Others present: Clerk Lopez, DPW Stuttgen, Water/Wastewater Manager Medenwaldt, and Gosse The Pledge of Allegiance was heard There were no comments from the Public. There were no comments from the Chairman. Under discuss/approve July bills, motion Horacek/Voss to approve the regular July bills in the amount of $110,790.10. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Horacek/Schwantes to approve the USDA Waste Water Treatment Plant expenditures in the amount of $516,578.00. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discussion regarding potential Theater project, resident Alan Leu was present to discuss his ideas of partnering with the City to construct a new theater. It was stated that there are other municipally ran theaters in the state, one being the Wisconsin Dells Drive-In. The committee felt that this would be a better opportunity for a business investment and suggested that Leu enter discussions with Paula at the Abbotsford-Colby Crossings Chamber of Commerce. Under discuss/approve Application for Payment number 4 waste Water Treatment Plant – Miron Construction in the amount of $424,477.30, motion Voss/Horacek to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve Application for Payment number 3 Main Lift Station – Miron Construction in the amount of $12,180.90, motion Voss/Horacek to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. The June receipts and expenditures were reviewed. The overtime report was reviewed. The budget comparison reports were reviewed. The Fire/EMS financial statements were reviewed. Under discuss incidents/accidents/training, motion Schwantes/Voss to approve Lopez’s attendance at the WMCA 35th Annual Clerk’s Convention in Lacrosse on August 19th – 21st. Motion carried without negative Motion Horacek/Voss to convene into closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute § 19.85 (1)(c) for the purpose of considering the employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility, specifically to discuss annual review data, compensation and benefits related to Water/Wastewater Manager Roll call: Schwantes – yes, Horacek – yes, Voss – yes Motion Voss/Horacek to adjourn at 5:30 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 51 July 10, 2015 RE: WWTP Construction Abbotsford, Wisconsin SEH No. ABBOT 125711 73.00 Ms. Jennifer Lopez Clerk/Treasurer City of Abbotsford PO Box 589 Abbotsford, WI 54405 Dear Jennifer: Please find Application for Payment No. 4 from Miron Construction Co, Inc., Neenah, Wisconsin for construction of the above referenced project. The application is in the amount of $424,477.30 and provides for retainage in accordance with contract documents. We have reviewed the Application for Payment and recommend that payment be made to the contractor. Work completed during June includes rebar, concrete at SBR, plumbing and piping. Please sign the Application for Payment, make four copies and hold until the next monthly meeting with Rural Development. At that time, RD can sign the copies, keeping one for their records and providing copies for the City, Contractor and Engineer. If you have any questions, please contact me at 715.720.6242. Sincerely, Jerry S. Doriott, PE Project Manager ph Enclosure p:\ae\a\abbot\125711\7-const services\73-afps\wwtp\afp#1\afp1.docx 52 Contractor's Application for Payment No. ENGINEERS JOINT CONTRACT DOCUMENTS COMMITTEE Application Period 4 Application Date: 6/1/15 - 6/30/15 To (Owner): 7/1/2015 Via (Engineer): Project: From (Contractor): Miron Construction Co., Inc. Contract: Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Owner's Contract No.: Contractor's Prot Engineer's Project No.: City of Abbotsford No.: Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. 150105 ABBOT 125711 Application For Payment Change Order Summary Approved Change Orders Number Additions Deductions TOTALS NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE 2. Net change by Change Orders 3. Current Contract Price (Line 1 + 2) 4. TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (Column F on Progress Estimate) 5. RETA1NAGE: a. 5% X $1,417,373.32 Work Completed b. 5% X $28,019.00 Stored Material c. Total Retainage (Line 5a + Line 56) 6. AMOUNT ELIGIBLE TO DATE (Line 4 - Line Sc) 7. LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS (Line 6 from prior Application) 8. AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETAINAGE (Column G on Progress Estimate + Line 5 above) Contractor's Certification The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of its knowledge: (1) all previous progress payments received from Owner on account of Work done under the Contract have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations incurred in connection with Work covered by prior Applications for Payment; (2) title of all Work, materials and equipment incorporated in said Work or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to Owner at time of payment free and clear of all Liens, security interests and encumbrances (except such as are covered by a Bond acceptable to Owner indemnifying Owner against any such Liens, security interest or encumbrances); and (3) all Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and is not defective. By Ekis.64 Date: " Payment of: $5,343,600.00 $5,343,600.00 $1,445,392.32 $ $70,868.67 $1,400.95 $72,269.62 $1,373,122.70 $948,922.05 $424,200.65 $3,970,477.30 424,200.65 (Line 8 or other - attach explanation of the other amount) 7-10-15 is commended by: (Engineer) (Date) Payment of: (Line 8 or other - attach explanation of the other amount) is approved by: (Owner) (Date) Funding Agency (if applicable) (Date) Approved by: Endorsed by the Construction Specifications Institute. EICDC C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment 0 2007 National Society of Prof -ssional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 4 53 Progress Estimate - Lump Sum Work For (Contra l: Contractor's Application Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction Application Period: Application Number, Application Date: /1/15 - 6/30/15 5 Vork C mpleled A B C Specification Description Section No. Scheduled Value ($) from Previous App! cation 4 7/1/2015 E D This Period F Materials Presently Total Completed Stored (not in C or DI and Stored to Date G Balance to Finish % (B - F) 5 Division 1 10 Bond 15 Insurance 20 Mobilization - 51 /s $276,799.00 $267,180,00 25 Supervision $140,651.00 $34,420,00 $11,535.00 30 General Conditions $111,970.00 $17,077.29 $5,847.00 35 Quality Control 40 Division 3 45 Rehire- Material 8228,250,00 $88,485.15 $96,828.00 $185,313.15 81.2% 50 Rebar - Labor 8170,709.00 $50122.47 $50,182.00 $106,304.47 60.2% $70,404.53 55 Ready Mix Concrete - Material $365,549.00 835,081.00 $138,056.00 $173,137.00 47.4% 5192,412.00 60 Control Building Concrete - Labor $40,609 00 830,000.00 $30,000.00 73.8% 05 Grit Structure Clonal° 844,194.00 $32,502.00 $32,502.00 $32,502.00 I 00.0% $3,635.00 $3,635.00 $3,635.00 100.0% $267,180.00 96.5% 59,019.00 $45,955.00 32.7% $94,690.00 $22,924.29 20.5% $89,045.71 58,350.00 boy 70 SBR Concrete' Labor $218,003.00 75 Reed Beds C011efitte 'Labor $175,580.00 $8,350.00 $42,936.85 510,669.00 $44.194.00 $71,000.00 $175,580.00 $71,000.00 32.6% $175,580.00 100.0% 8147,003.00 80 Site Pumping Station Concrete - Labor $1,834.00 $1,83400 85 Chemical Structure Concrete - Labor $5,479.00 85,479.00 90 Pt 95 Prccaoi Concrete - Labor $17,404.00 100 Precast Manholes-Material $12,000.00 105 Division 4 Concrete. - Material 548,693.00 110 Masonry 'Material $20,481.00 115 Masonry - Labor 853,732,00 120 Division 5 125 Structural / Misc. SA 130 Structural / Misc. Steel 'Material 135 Sluice Gales' Material 140 Division 6 Labor $48,693,00 $17,404 00 $3,600.00 $2,400,00 $6,000.00 50.0% $6,000.00 $20,481.00 853,732.00 829.960.00 $29,960.00 570200E0 $70,200.00 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 145 Fabricated Wood Trusses. Material 53,801.00 $3,801.00 150 Fabricated Wood Trusses-Labor $4,592.00 $4,592.00 155 Interior Architectural Wood - Material 160 Rough Carpentry 'Material 165 Rough Carpentry-Labor 170 Division? $693.00 $8,290.00 $693.00 $6,282.41 $17,536.00 175 &hernial Insulation $4,223.00 180 Foamed in Place Masonry Ittanlatios $2,518.00 $6,282.41 758% $2,00759 $17,536.00 $4,223.00 82,518.00 185 Water-Drainage Exterior Insulation & Air Barrier $19,939.00 819,939.00 190 Rooting/Soffit/I' $61,344.00 $61,34400 195 Jag Sealants 200 Division ti 205 Doors/Frames/Hardware/Panel. /Gutters $3,219.00 Sal $3,219.00 $18,030.00 518,03E00 EJCDC C-6 0 <Manama& Application Of Payment 18 2010 National Society of ProMssional Engineers for FJCDC All rights reserved. Page 2 of 4 54 210 Doors/Frames/Hardware/Pancls - Labor $5,243.00 $5,24100 215 Overhead Door $3,371.00 $3,371.00 220 Access Hatches $3,595.00 $3,595.00 225 Aluminum Windows / Glazing $9,800.00 $9,800.00 230 Division 9 $1,950.00 235 Acoustical Ceiling $1,950.00 240 Resilient Tile Flooring and Base $2,279.00 $2,279.00 245 Painting $28,850.00 $28,850.00 250 Drywall $7,501.00 $7,501.00 255 Division 10 $1,970.0 51,97000 260 Dimensional Signs / Plaques / Panel Signs 265 Toilet / Safety Specialties $818.0 $818.00 270 S pestallies Labor $935.00 $935.00 275 Division II 280 Automatic Samplers - Material 285 Division 12 290 Floor Grilles 295 Lab Furniture and Casework 300 Division 22 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 $1,079.00 $1,079.00 $1,079.00 100.0% $42,031.00 $42,03100 305 Plumbing 'Mobilization $35,000.00 $14,250.00 $8,800.00 $23,050.00 65.9% $11,950.00 310 Plumbing - Gen Conditions $90,000.00 $11.000.00 $4,750.00 $15,750.00 17.5% $74,250.00 315 Plumbing Fixtures and Equipment - Material $28,000.00 $5,600,00 $5,600.00 20.0% $22,400.00 320 Plumbing/Equipment - Labor $11,000.00 $33,000.00 15.0% $187,000.00 325 Division 23 $220,000.00 $22,000.00 330 HVAC - Materials $32,345 00 $32,345.00 335 HVAC - Labor $16,145.99) $16,145.00 340 Division 26 345 Electrical - Mobilization/Temporary Power $5,000.00 $5,000.00 350 Electrical - General Conditions $80,166.00 $80,166.00 355 Generator $96,960.00 $96,960.00 360 Set Generator $4,600.00 $4,660 00 365 Data Network $2,000.00 52,00000 370 Light Fixtures $46,200.00 $46,200.00 375 Site Laboi $6,000.00 $6,000.00 380 Site Materials $7,500.00 $7,50000 385 Site Excavation $6,000 00 $6,000 00 390 Electrical Control Building - Labor $98.00000 $98,000.00 395 Electrical Conti alBuilding - Material $74,500.00 $74,500.00 400 Electrical SBR - Labor $49,00000 $49,000.00 405 Electrical S1313 - Material $39,00000 $39,000.00 410 Electrical Chemical Tank 'Labor $5,000.00 $5000.00 415 Electrical Chemical T $3,000.00 53,000.00 Material 420 Electrical Grit Removal 'Labor $12,000.00 $12,000.00 425 Electrical Grit Ramos Material $8,000.00 $8,000.00 430 Electrical Pumping Station - Labor 57,000.00 $7,000.00 435 E0cirical Pumping Station - Material $5,000.00 440 Process Control 445 Coodmation Study 450 Division 31 455 Earthwork 460 Dewatering 465 Division 32 $5,000.00 $484,774.00 $484,774.00 $3,300.110 $3,300.00 5422,615_00 $143,800.00 $143,800.00 34.0% 1278,81500 $30,600.00 $19,300.00 $19,300.00 63.1% 511,300.00 %ledge (7-620 Contractor's Application or Payment /0 2010 National Society of Professional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. Page 3 o14 55 470 Asphalt $13,895.00 475 Fencing $26,244 00 $26,244.00 480 Landscaping $44,130.00 844,130.00 $7,805.00 07,005.00 040,000.00 $40,000 00 485 Curb and Gutter 490 Division 33 495 Wet Pit Pumping Station' Material 500 Division 40 $13,895.00 505 Pipe/Fittings/Valves .Matenal 510 Pipe lmulation - Material $7,000.110 $7,000.00 515 FR? Building- Material $5,000.00 $5,000.00 520 Division 43 0227,070.00 $38.550.00 $12,510.00 $26,940.00 078,000.00 34.2% $149,070.00 525 Waste Sludge Transfer Pump - Material $9,000.00 $9,000.00 530 Torque Flow Pump -Material 035,000.00 $35,000.00 028,0130.00 028.000.00 $23,000.00 $23,000.00 $39,000.00 $39,000.00 535 Chemical Storage Tanks - Material 540 Division 44 545 Positive Displacement Blowers- Material 550 Divison 46 555 Grit Removal Equipment' Mate 560 Grit Classifier and Washing Equipment - Material $47,000.00 $47,000.00 565 Chemical lead Equipment . Material $29,000.00 $29,000.00 570 Aeration Equipment - Material 575 SBR Allowance 580 Furniture Allowance I $16,000.00 $18,000.00 0460,640.00 $460,640.00 $15,000,00 Totals 65,343,600.00 $15,000.00 $088,865.32 S41808.00 $28,019.00 $1,445,392.32 27.0% $3,888,207.68 EICDC C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment Cr 2010 National Society of Professional Engineers for EJCDC All rights resarved. Page 4 oF 4 56 RGu INVOICE NUMBER 2241707 CUSTOMER PACE 1851 , 1 of 1 PLEASE REFER TO wog! NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENT AND REMIT TO: 2425 N. 14TH AVE WAUSAU, WI 54401 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #1020 VvOLSELEY INDUSTRIAL GROUP PO BOX 802917 CHICAGO. IL 608804817 Please contact with Questions: 715-675-3384 SHIP TO: AUGUST WINTER & SONS INC C/O ABBOTS FORD WVV112 CORNER OF LINDEN & 11TH STREET ABBOTSFORD, W154405 AUGUST WINTER & SONS INC PO SOX 1896 APPLETON, WI 54912-1898 SHIP VIDISE. 331 SELL MISR 331 ORDERED TAX CODE CU/111011ER ORDER NUMBER SALESMAN W144 849230 GPS ITEM NUMBER SHIPPED I 1 1 1 i 1 I 1 1 1 POWYCP PD1NVRPK SNOT PIONFP F1051342 JOB NAME INVOICE DATE BATCH 89815 . . WM PRICE - DESCRIPTION 4 PVC OM COUP 4X2 PVC OVly REP COUP 21314 PVC 840 SPXSUP BUSH 314X4 PVC SEM MP 4 CI PVC X 2 CI PVC COUP 05/22/15 UM 3.447 SEIM 0.906 MOO 1491 INVOICE SUB-TOTAL TAX EA EA EA EA EA 10 74695 AMOUNT 3.45 5.83 0.111 0.41 6.49 111.09 Wow* OAS Please make WO VW WaMOIS POW and Job war is refanan0 on eV PaPenvork. ................ . ""••••••••••• • LEAD LAW WAR1P,C ills ILLEGAL TO INSTAU-PRODLCTS771AYAHE NOT WO FREE' IN ACCORDANCE WITH nIER APP MAIN A LAW IN POTABLE-WATER SYSTEMS ANTICIPATED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION US FEDF-RAL OR CiTi mecum wThyenine is SCRIPTION ARE NOT LEAD FREE AND CAN ONLY se scruuscc IN NON-POTABLE APPUPATIONS. ttnEn is semi.),RESFONSINS FOR pRoixicy saucnat TERMS: Thank you for your business , . NET 10114 MOE ORIGINAL INVOICE , TOTAL Dug Mal Aft past due amounts are subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month, or the maximum allowed by taw, if lower. If Buyer fah to pay within term, then in addition to other remedies. Buyer apnea to pay Seller all costs of collectionJnOluding reasonable attorney fees. coinpiete terms arid conditions are aVallable upon request or at http:i/woleeleyna.cothltenns_condillonssaie.html and are inborporated by reference. Seller may convert checks to ACH. 57 0k RISES, PLEASE ItEkT,R TO myoicg NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENT AND REMIT TO: 2425 N. 14TH AVE WAUSAU, WI 54401 FERGUSON ENTERPRISES INC #102O WOLSELEY INDUSTRIAL GROUP PO BOX 802817 CHICAGO, IL 60660-2617 Reese contact WM Quote= 7164754384 SHIP TO: ABBOTSFORD VVWTP CORNER OF LINDEN & 11TH STREET ABBOTSFORD, WI 54405 AUGUST WINTER & SONS INC PO BOX 1896 APPLETON, WI 54912-1896 SNIP MOE SELL WINE 'TAX CODE CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER 331 331 WI44 KV-1468 ORDERED . • SHIPPED SALESMAN JOB NAME CPS 69816 wilt!RICE DESCRIPTION REM NUMBER INVOICE DATE BATCH 08/01/15 74%9 LIM AMOUNT Sourpe Ordett 2294898 1 7 U1224 F-2 LAVATORY LAV CARRIER W/ ECK 71.685 EA 71.58 7 7 SP-272441561W4NN FD.1 FLOOR DRAIN 4 ZORN 2N-415430-444H 92.610 EA 898.27 5 6 72341400INH FCC FLOOR CLEANOUT 4 KW LViTTIOL MIU OM co 84.375 EA 421.88 4 4 W26P34 HEM HOSE BIBS *EP MODEL 28 WALL FCT P 3/4 INL CP 30.500 EA 12220 3 3 W67O12 WH-1 WALL WIDRANT 'RP 12 SINT FRMES WALL MID 110290 EA 332.70 173.950 27.482 27.4E2 FT EA EA 278320 109.03 54.96 31203 EA EA 89028 IUD wins TOP 713.1 TRENCH DRAIN 15 4 2 10 SP,2M8IRIX3C A 2PEREINS 2 BPIKEIMMS itWIDE POLYETHYLENE TO WIGAL SLID 12-CL EMD C/tP W/ SCRV/f/ 2882 4 NA SOT OUT W/ SCRW F/ Ze42 (2) RUNS OF 5-FEET PER SUBMITTAL REVIEW 2 2 2 WrOCSK 2 W1412 FtF2 IS 2 RpP ASS! COMP VU Ftel STAN 1-114 --2 AIR OAP F/ 376 1 2 1 W/20AF 2 MON ARM SIPHON PRESSURE VII MP 314 PRES VB 10/P1-1/2 PRES VS 1211090 373240 EA EA 128.09 747.88 1 1 ZZ1709200 WATER HAMMER ARRESTOR SIZE 206 W/li maim mutsr 108.350 -EA 108.36 985,410 INVOICE SUB-TOTAL TAX 6570.88 Osman 328.98 Plmee amIto In te thsOMMers POP and Mumma Is nem rood on all ilmtwont: .................. , Oiniles•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••WONS TERMS: NET 1071I PROX ORIGINAL INVOICE TOTAL OUR cONTINGED. Al! Gag due-SMOURTS are subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month, or the taw,- if lower:tit:Buyer falls tc payAthimtetins; then Irlitddition to other remedies. Buyer agrees to Pay Seller ail ant titctilleetiona intludinc Maserinhia . attorney fees Complete terms And conditions are available upon request or at http://wolseleyna.comiterms conditiontSale.html and are Incorporated by reference. Seller may convert checks to ACH. 58 0 INVOICE NUMBER CUSTOMER PACE 2234841 1851 2 ot 2 EROTISM, 2428 N. 141}1 AVE WAUSAU, WI 54401 ORDERED.. SNIPPED MEM NUMBER DESORPTION LEAD LAW WANING: R IS ILIEOAL TO INETIU.I. PRODIZTS THAT ARE NOT 'LEAD MEP DJ ACCORDANCE WITH US FEDEPIAL R OTHER ApPLICABLE LAW IN POTABLE1YATER SYSTEMS ANTICIPATED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION PRODUCTS W THINP DONE OESCRIPTION ME NOT LEAD FREE mg CAN grey KW:MAL= IN NON-POTABLI APPLICATIONS. BINS IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE MR-PRODUCT SELECWON Thank you for 1 TERMS: NET 10TH PROX uNrr PRICE your business UM AMOUNT Ng, i ORIGINAL INVOICE TOTAL DUE ' t4.91n/R4 All past due amounts are subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month, or the maximum allowed by lawlf.lowir..ff Buyerldsio pay within terms, then hi-addition to other remedies, Buyer agrees tp-psy Seller all costs of collection, Including reasonable attorney fees. Complete-terms and conditions are available upon request or at MIPAvoiseleYnaticMiters and are IncerPomted by-reference. Seller may convert checks to ACM. 59 &FERGUSON' INVOICE NUMBER CUSTOMER PAGE 2085 ' I of t 0171846 Pt Waterworks PLEASE REFER TO INVOICE NUMBER WHEN MAKING PAYMENT AND REMg TO: 5350 NORTH RICHMOND STREET APPLETON, WI 549134000 FERGUSON WATERWORKS *1476 PO BOX 802817 CHICAGO, IL 60880-2817 Please contact with OUSSdons: 920-731-3252 SNIP TO: TYLER FLORY/AUGUST WINTER ABBOTSFORD WWIP 401 811TH STREET ABBOTSFORD, WI 64406 AUGUST WINTER & SONS INC PO BOX 1896 APPLETON, WI 54912-1898 SHIP wHSE. SELL WHIM TAX CODE CUSTOMER ORDER NUMBER SALESMAN JOB NAME INVOICE DATE BATCH 1471 14TS IMO 1340230 DRS 0E116 06/21/16 10 93 thwaso SHIPPED ITEM NUMBER MUMMER 1UL040424 5*1)1040949 5*1)1.040604 NUL/140725 ositewhos wur pita 4 PVC SWR GRGX9 'TEE 4 PVC SWR RH VERO CO PLUG 4 PVC EIVR eye RDA CO ADDY 4 pvc swe SW COUP 43(4 PVC SWR X OW SW SWR PORT COUP Its" 2.102 1459 1338 4.500 Atiown DR EA EA EA EA EA 11.68 2.10 SAE 1.74 440 INVOICE SUB-TOTAL 2348 DEL/VERY 7.51 TAX Oa mole 1E0 LEAD LAIN WARNING: M IS ILLEGAL TO INSTALL PRODLCTS THAT ARE NOT 'LEAD FREE' .IN.AOCORDANCE WTTH US FEDERAL OR OTHER APPLICABLE LAW PI POTABLEWATER SYSTEMS ANTICIPATED FOR HOMAN CONSUMPTION PRODUCTS INTO le IN WE DE SCRIPTIONARENOT tap FREE AND CANONLY BE INSTALLED IN NON.POTABU APPUCATIONS. BUYER IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR PRODUCT SEUECTION. Thank you for your business 43/4 TERMS: NET 10TH PROX 1 ORIGINAL INVOICE Term, pus $32.56 All past due amounts are subject to a service charge of 1.5% per month, or the maximum, allowed by law, if lower. If Buyer fails to pay within terms, then in addition to other remedies, Buyer agrees to pay Seller ail costs of collection, including reasonable attorney fees. Complete terms and condltbris are available upon request or at http://wolseleyna.corn/tenms conditionsSalektiml and are Incorporated by reference. Seller may convert checks to ACM. 60 N VCN E . , Local Service, Nationwide 6/05/15 INVOICE DATE 137186 ACCOUNT/ Branch Address: SALESPERSON GREW SW WA Stanek 2100 Little Rapids Rd Dopers WI SALLS P.O. Box 1419 Thomasville, Ga 31799-1419 D984584 .INVOICE6 so:tom mowelt BRANCH, 249 1 Total Amount Due_ I 1120/909-0510 500.00 Remit To: 61.11114110Hdluldlidll“61111”61466161 AUGUST WINTER 6-SONS INC PO Bah 1.1996 • Appleton WI 54912 1896 ED SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. PO BOX 28330 ST LOUIS, NO 63146 Shipped to: 000/0000 C/O ABB071SFORD WIITP 00000 CORNER OF LINDEN 6 11TH STREET ATTN TYLER FLORY 715-899-0035 ABBOTSFORD, WI gagmillt.1QtJ2nL-.../01/4237SLI14..1111.T.P • Thank You For TM Opporhuilty ToDorve You. We appreciate your rnmI oavthent Return Top Portion With PaymentFor Paster Credit Data Ordered Date Shipped 5/28/15 _. 6102/16 Customer PO No. KV-1969 Job No. am of Ladino Shipped Vie Order Number 69815 \ EZDEX-PRIDRI c LY Gusnlity Guardtry 'deck. price. Per Amount Ordered Shipped Drdersd Job Name ABBOTSFORD WWTP Description Product Code Ord by : TYLER RD SUPPLY WATERRGELES FOg -707063e 0991P0309 9100 3" SDR9 IPS HDPE PIPE 40 40 12.50000 77 500.00 • Ibis transactor Is dove:nod by and subject to HD Supply Waterworks standard terms ind.conditions, which we koprporated herein by this Warm= and accepted, ro review thew tones and conditions, please point your web browser to S rateiworkehd0upply.coottandet 1:0 1 u nin - Freight _Delivery Handling Restock Mc GIOFIN RAY VI Branch - 249 2109 Little Rapids Rd =DM Repast va 54115 00000 terms Subtotal WIT 30 . --..... —, INVOICE Tax . 500.00 TOTAL 500.00 INVOICE' D989589 Page: 1 61 INVOICE INVOICES 13982628 INVOICE DATE 6/03/15 137186 ACCOUNT a Branch Address: Local Slivic-e, Nationwide SALESPERSON Gann 8)301 Branch - 249 P.O. Box 1419 Thomasville, Oa 31799-1419 gamma morn BRAhICHS 2200 Little Rapids Rd Repast W2 $4119 249 I----- '-Total AMOUDI Du e 551.00 I, 920/983 -8510 Remit To: 13D SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. PO BOX 28330 ST LOUIS, NO III/11111M 63146 11$1111111111111111111111.1111481110111101 MOM NiNTNA & SONS INC Shipped to: 000/0000 C/O ABBOTSFORD S47/TP 00000 CORNER OF LINDEN 6 11TH STREET P0 Box 1896 Appleton WI 54912 1896 ATTN TYLER FT,ORY 715-899-0035 ABBOTSFORD, WI Thank You for The .Opportuoyyto Rene Yon. Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit —, Date Ordered Date Shipped 5/27/15 5/28/15 Customer PO No. SEE BELOW Job Name ABBOTSFORD WWTP Becknuli VI An Orders 8 ppe Ordered Description Product Code Job No. BM of Ladino Shiner:id Vie ' erdertellmir 59815 FEDEX MTGE Price Per Amount CUSTOMER PO4--sv-1469 0/L 612 FITTING Ord by : TYLER RD SUPPLY NATERNORES Mit -7070049 /20013633038 8 NJ 90 BEND (I) DI C153 1 1 104.00000 EA 104,00 UNLINED/BARE INTERIOR TAR COAT EXTERIOR ONLY /20013633069 8 NJ 45 BEND ( / ) DI C153 UNLINED/BARE INTERIOR TAR COAT EXTERIOR ONLY 2 2 25.00000 Et 170.00 /20013633087 8x6 NJ REDUCER (I) DI C153 1 1 61.00000 Eh 61.00 3 3 72.00000 Eh 226.00 UNLINED/BARE INTERIOR TAR COAT EXTERIOR ONLY /20013633092 6 NJ 90 BEND (I) DI C153 UNLINED/BARE INTERIOR TAR COAT EXTERIOR ONLY Ws transaction is governed by and subject to HD Supply Waterworks standard tense ma resemble, which sre incomorated herein by this reference and accepted. Terms la review these heti awl conditions, please point your web browser to IMatenvoilci.hdtuPply.coiniTin4C/. . . . . . Frelpht Delbierv Handling; Restock Subtotal NET 30 Miss Tax 551.00 INVOICE TOTAL 551.00 GREEN MY WI arena - 249 2/00 Little Rapids ad mom= *erase vi 541/5 00000 ' NVOICE. Page: 1 62 I N VO I C E P.O. Box 1419 Thomasville, G8 31799-1419 D984675 INVOICE DATE 6/03/15 137186 ACCOUNT S Branch Address: Local Service, Nationwide INVOICE/I SALESPERSON CREED DAm Wm stanch - 249 2100 Little Rapids Rd Dopers IT 54115 mama. TRAVER BRANCHE 249 I Total Amount Due 1,182.80 920/983-0510 Remit To: RD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. PO BOX 28330 ST LOUIS, MO Main1 nfill AUGUST tamat S SONS INC PO Box 1896 Appleton IM 54912 1896 dilation nil 63146 Shipped to: 000/0000 C/O ABBOTSFORD WET? 00000 CORtfER OF LINDEN 6 11TH STREET ATTE TYLER FLORY 715-899-0035 ABBOTSFORD, WI —C11STOSB...X2117......fatti_SSELTWELP D984675 Thank You For The .Opportunfly To Senn You. Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit Data &dared Date Shipped Custoreer PO NO. 5/28/15 " 8/02/15 . XV-1469 description Product Code Job No. Bill of Ladle* sideeeil*Order Nurbber OUR TRUCK Job Name ABBOTSFORD HitTP 69815 giud= =.attid Price Per Amount Ord by: TYLER 392001552614 111552614 2 90 BEND 110 CTSXCTS NO LEAD 3920155 6 6 185.00000 ea 1,110.0e f55 2 SS INSERT R/CTS PE 12 12 1.90000 EA 22.80 3010E040 1X4 BRASS NIPPLE NO LEAD 2 2 L00000 EA 18.00 301014030 11(3 BRASS NIPPLE NO LEAD 4 a 8.00000 EA 32.00 Mit transaction is governed by and lorded to HO SupplyWidaiworke standard terms Terms Ind conditions, which ate incorporated herein by this reference end accepted. ro review these tams and conditions, please point your web browser to di . . ... . Freight Delivery Handling Restock NET 30 Pelee Tax • Subtotal __— INVOICE TOTAL 1,182.80 11182.80 MMOMM1 00000 4222U RAT,W1 '&4=6 242 2100 LiteleRapida Rd Depass 111 54115 INVOICE: Page: 1 63 INVOICES D979709 INVOICE DATE 6/03/15 ACCOUNT S • . Local Service, Nationwide Stanch Address: SALESPERSON ChM: RAY NI trench - 248 2100 Little Rapids Rd doper° WI 54115 P.O. Box 1419 Thomasville, Ga 31799-1419 137186 &steals. mans BRANCHS 249 To 1 mountDue_ 1,705.00 820/883-8510 ROME* • ED sway.. WATERWORKS, LTD. PO BOX 28330 ST LOUIS, MO 63146 Iliehluflihihhhidlilhlug6lhid Shipped to: AUGUST HINTER A SONS INC 000/0000 C/O ABBOTSFORD WelTP PO Box 1896 , Appleton NI 54912 1096 00000 CORKER OF LINDEN & 11TH SIRE= ATTE TYLER FLORY 715-899-0035 ABBOTSFORD, WI ANIQL5NBILEKT2-1222.9 7 09 Thank You For•The Oppottunity 7b Sine You We eppitciete Return Top Portibn With Payment For Faster Credit Date Ordered 'Date Shipped 5/2 7/ 15 6/02/15 Customer PO No. SEE BELOW Job Name ABBOTSFORD efteTP Eall of Lading. a limed Via • Order Nuniber 'OUR TN= Quantity auardity Back. Ordered Shipped crewed Description Product Code Job No. 69815 price Per Amount CUSTOMER 1101-CV-1469 81312MODMAN7 Ord by: TYLER 010852T 8 TJ CL52 DI PIPE C/L 1 BATONS 8 TYTON JT RUBBER GASKET BECONDBN SILICON BRONZE COND BOLT&NOT 96CONDST0607 3/1717X7" CONDUCTIVITY STRAP 17.05000 TT ito leo 5 5 s/C Et 10 10 N/C 21 5 5 WC Ed This transaction Is governed by and subject to HD Supply Waterworks standard teems 111/4 COMUOCIIII, Which are incirporetrid herein by this reference and accepted. re review these tense and conditions, please point your web browser to halhatenveria.hdeupply.ttemrtandCh Preleht Delieent . Handling Restock Misc Terms NET 30 Tex .. ' 1,705 .00 Subtotal ......,— -- 1,705.00 NtiCHCL TOTAL. I,703.OD 111111015IIR 00000 CREW UV WI Branch - 248 2100 Little Rapids Rd Depose. WI 54115 INVOICE: D919109 Page: 1 64 iNVOICE _ Branch Address: Local Service, Nationwide P.O. Box 1419 ThoMasa., Ga 31799-1419 WOOER D979617 INVOICE DATE AGOOUNT# 6/03/15 SALESPERSON GREW RAy WY Sands - 249 2100 Little Rapids Rd Dapase NT 54115 137186 BERNER mon BRANCH, 249 Total Arno oat Queln i 920/983-8510 Remit To: RD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD.. PO BOX 28330 ST LOUIS, MO 63146 hlihd.0,1 AUGUST WINTER & SONS INC PO Box 1896 Appleton WI 54912 1896 000/0000 00000 Shipped to: C/O ABBOTSFORD WWTP CORNER OF LINDEN & 11TH STREET ATTN TYLER FLORY 715-899-0035 ABBOTSFORD, WI CUMMTB_79fit_6,815 Date Ordered Data Shipped 5/27115. 6/02/15 CmgonmrPONo. SEE BELOW I Job Wants ABBOTSFORD NTATF Description Product Cods Ingmar. imaLsaaw Thank You For The Opportunity To Soya You. We app,rnhate your prompi pailtent. Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit Job No 6981.5 Mlio/Lacilni ShintnWift' OrilerNwebet OUR TRUCK Price SN:12 gig= Atte Per Amount "CUSTOMER P084m-1401 AIR LINES Ord by:TYLER 0108507UL 8" TJ CL50 DI PIPE UNLINED TAR COATED EXTERIOR 010650TUL 6 TJ CL50 PR350 DI PIPE ONLINE D 19ATGRO8EPDM 80 60 17.50000 FT 1,400.00 260 260 13.00000 FT 3,360.00 8 TYTON JT RUBBER EPDM GASKET 4 4 N/C EA 19ATGR06EPDM 6 TYTON JT RUBBER EPS GASKET 13 13 N/C EA 66CONDBN SILICON BRONZE CORD BOLTSNUT 34 34 N/C EA 96C0NDST0607 3/4"X7" CONDUCTIVITY STRAP 17 17 N/C EA 96P140620 4-6" POLYWRAP 20" LRYFLAT 440 440 .3400T FT 149.60 96P140824 8" POLYWRAP 24 LAYFLAT 440 440 440 .40000 Pr 176.00 21.AMP8081108 8 EBAA MEGALUG NJ DI 1108 RSTR F/DI PIPE , BLACK 7 7 36.0000t EA 252.00 21AMF8061106 6 EBAA MCGALUG NJ DI 1106 RSTR F/DI PIPE , BLACK 7 7 26.50000 EA 185.50 21AMGO8EPDM 8" NJ EPDM GASKET 7 7 11.75000 EA 82.2$ 21AMGOREPOM 6" NJ EPDM GASKET 7 7 9.50000 Eh 66.50 21AMBN10740304 3/4X4 T-READ BIN 30455 84 84 4.00000 EA 336.00 29APLO LURE 1 QT F/WATER/SWR PIPE 9 3 Fhb transaction Is SoveMit by and subject to HOSuptily Watonvorke standard terms ;lid cond lions, which are incorporated herein by this reference arid accepted. ro Slew than thiroic apd.conditions, please point your web browser to 104.1 :1 yrerivodukhdsupply.comfrandel. Freight Delivery . Handling Restock Miss N/C Terms Subtotal NET 30 -I... Tax EA 6,027.85 uvOICE. TOTAL • 6 / 027.65 GREEN NAT WI linasch - 246 210.0 LICtIs Rapids E4 =man Dopers= 60115 00000 NVOICE Page: 1 65 INVOICE INVOICES D9'79752 INVOICE DATE 6/03/15 137186 ACCOUNTS Branch Address: Local Service, Nationwide SAI.ESFERSON GREER RAT or Branch - 249 2100 Little Rapids Rd Empece PT 54215 P.O. Box 1419 Thomasville, Ga 31799-1419 saatacr. TRAVER BRANCH* 249 , Total Amount Due 480.00 920/983-8510 Remit MD PO ST hididpAhlumOuldiuMahlibulhohludlidU AUGUST OMAR 6 SONS INC PO Box 1896 Appleton WI 54912 1896 To SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD. BOX 28330 LOUIS, NO 63146 WIMPS to: 000/0000 C/O ABBOTSFORD WWTP 00000 CORNER OF LINDEN 6 11TH STREET ATTN TYLER FLORY 715-899-0035 ABBOTSFORD, WI CU$!QjL2pJ...flflI.hflOflf9.gJfrr1t..p97 9752 Thank You For The Opposfungylb Soave You. We èporetlase vbidosornDthannenL Return Top Portion With Payment For Fasts: Credit Date Ordered Data Shipped 5/27 / 15 6/02/15 Customer PO No. SEE BELOW Descdpgon Product Code Joe No. BM ofiadlnk ihitmeci via Dider'Neniber OUR TRUCK 69815 Job Name ABBOTSFORD IBITP Price giriteltelli Laval Mitts Per Amount CUSTOMER Pa-KV-1469 GRIT MAIN Ord by: TYLER 010652T 6 TJ CL52 DI PIPE C/L 19ATGRO6 40 40 6 TYTON JT RUBBER GASKET 2 2 11/C EA 66C0ND3N SILICON BRONZE CORD BOLT&NOT 1 4 WC FA 96CONDST0607 3/4"X7" CONDUCTIVITY STRAP 2 2 R/C EA 12.00000 FY Tills transaction is governed by and subject to HD Supply Waterworks standard terms rnd conditions, which are Incorporated he min by this nits mace and accepted. ro swims these terms and conditions, please point your web browser to tsowntisittisuPPtr.corn/T1ndC4 eggin Freight Delivery Handlinn Restock Miae Tense 460.00 Subtotal NET 30 Tax 480.00 INVOICL._ TOTAL 480.00 GROUT HAY SYZ Branch-249 2100 Little Rapids Rd 11311MUIM barest IT 54115 00000 NVOICE. D979752 Page: 1 66 INVOICE INVOIC E# D982015 INVOICE DATE 6/03/15 ACCOUNT. Branch Address: Local Service, Nationwide SALESPERSON BREEN RAY km Branch - 249 2100 Little Rapids Rd Dante EX $4115 P.O. Box 1419 Thomasville, Ga 31799-1419 131186 en= !RAVER BRANCH(' 249 I Total Amount Dile 103.00 . I no/en-asic Remit To: HD SUPPLY.WATERMORS, LTD. P0BOX28330 ' ST LOUIS, MO 63146 BMWS to: 000/0000 C/O ABBOTSFORD WIPP 00000 CORNER OF LINDEN & 11TH STREET ATTN TYLER FLORY 715-699-0035 ABBOTSFORD, WI AUGUST WINTER A SONS INC JO Box 1896 Appleton WI 54912 1896 csammuts.=_12,w_ammirmiszasegois Thank Yon Form. OpporWnify To Sin'. You. Return Top Pottion With Payment For Faster Credit Date MOW Date Shipped 5/27/15 6/02/15 Customer PO No. SEE BELOW Description Product Code ' We ipprecbt. Sr Job No. Elliot Lading .ShInnedVis *Order Rueter 69815 OM TRUCK Job Name . A - BBOTSFORD WWTP tarionn itap= price 013,42144 Per Amount CUSTOMER POlf-ttT-3.460 3" TEST TLC Ord by:. /05613634540 3" SOPS IPS PIG ADAPTOR 1 1 20.00000 EA 20.00 /05613634544 3" SDR9 IPS BACKING RING 1 1 13.00000 EA 13.00 24103F1320 3X2 TAP? BLIND FLG ( / ) DI C110 1 1 65.00000 EA 65.00 24AFBNG03 3° FLG ACCESSORIES 1 a 5.00000 EA 5.00 NS Isinttacfian lagoiroinedfisi and sublime to HD SuPply.Wititworke Mandtud tonne uul conditions, which am ncorporstod herein by this reference and accepted. ro revieir these tenni and conditions. (Haase pcibit your web browser to itt Wwaterviertcs.bilaupply:coirdTandCt . .. . ..... , .. .. Frain* . Delivery f4andlina I Restock Mist Tenym Subtotal NET 30 Tag 103.00 • INVOICE TOTAL 103 00 922121 SAX VT IlsEnch,- 249 2100 Little Rends ad MEM= Centre HI $4115 00000 D982015 N VOICE. Page; 1 67 LI" V ni INVOICE pSUPPLYE, iNvOic art D904196 itiV01061:licrE 5/20/15 131186 ACCOUNT it Branch Address: Local Service, Nationwide SALESPERSON CagEn RAY WI Breath 249 2100 Little Rapids ad Dopers wi $4115 P.O. Box 1419 Thomasville, Ga 31799-1419 contest 29.31318 BRANCH!, 249 I Total Amount Duo 6,923.00 i 020/983-8510 Remit it ED Backordered from: 6/08/16 SUPPLLRAMATORKS, POBOX28330 D870390 LTD. ST LOUIS, DO hlilidadundlidduShhhulluldsulloHnd AUGUST WINTER S SONS INC PO pox 1896 Appleton NI 54912 1896 63146 Shipped to: 000/0000 C/O ABBOTSFORD WWTP 00000 CORNER OF LINDEN S 11TH STREET ATTN TYLER FLORY 715-899-0035 ABBOTSFORD, WI COMMETLINI" 62.$15..—M9219ZaMP Mink You for The OpOoriunity To Sam You. Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit Dm Ordered Doti Shipped 5/01/15 Customer PO No. 5/19/15 RV-1469 NMI Job Name ABBOTSFORD NWTP We ..ppndite.yoill prompt payment Shinned Via Oilier Number BM of Ladino 008 2ROCX 69815 ChaudIty auenlity Back. Ordered Shipped Ordered Description Product Code Job No. price Per Amount Ord by: TYLER 605389 7'O" BURY WOODFORD 53 YARD HYD 7 7 669.00000 Fa 4,683.00 3920T999777QNL T999-777QNL 2 COMP TEE 011 (NO LEAD) 7 7 225.00000 2.3 1,575.00 3920C197701L C19-7703NL 2 CPLG FIPAQJCTS NO LEAD 1 1 Eh 65.00 65.00000 • ibis transaction Is governed by and subject to HD Supply Waterworks standard terms and conditions, which are Inctoporated herein by this reference and accepted. Fe review these tones and conditions, please point your web browser to .sObekitirkstlicisuppNtoitirtartdCt. Freight Deliver,/ Handling Restock Mist Terns Subtotal 6,323.00 NET 30 Tax J INVOICE TOTAL ' CREW SAY UM MAW Brant - 249 2100 Little Rapids Dopers Mr 54115 6,323.00 NVOICE: Rd Page: 1 68 INVOICE INVOICES D904156 INVOICE DATE S/20/13 ACCOUNT ti Branch Address: Local Settee, Nationwide SALESPERSON GREER RAY WI P.O. Box 1419 Thomasville, Ga 31799-1419 137186 trauma, want !RANCHO Branch - 240 2100 Little Rapids Rd tapers K2 54115 249 Total Amount Duo 3,107.50 920/903-8510 ReMATo Backordered from: 5/08/15 1:1111111:IIII:colIoldm11111111:11111111111:::11:11111I AUGUST WINTER 6 SONS INC P0 BOX 1896 Applat:oo VI 54912 1896 RD SUPPLY WATERWORKS, LTD, PO BOX 28330 ST LOUIS, MO D866350 63146 Shipped to: 000/0000 C/O ABBOTSFOFtD WET? 00000 CORNER OF LINDEN & 11TH STREET ATTE TYLER FLORY 715-899-0035 ABBOTSFORD, WI ___CUSSIMI.J08-, 59815 Data Ordered Date Shipped 4/30/15 5 /19/15 Customer PO No. SEE BELOW Job Name ABBOTSFORD WEN' Description Product Code CUSTOMER PO4-KV -1469 WEYER SERVICE _AAPOTSROBP wwTR_ P90 41&L_ Thank YouPorlho Opportunity To Serve You. • Job No. BM Of tiding Shioned.Via • Order Number Return Top Portion With Payment For Faster Credit 69815 ova Tata 8= shgua Price ollinta Per Amount Ord by: JASON SMITS/KELLY OL 0941P0309 4100 3" SDR9 IPS RDPE PIPE 240 /2 101356987 9 5/8X5 TEE-BOLT & NUT 30455 12 21T06R03M 6X3 MJ REDUCER USA CP DI C153 1 091011030990 3" 1000 SDR9 IPS PE 90 MOLD 1 Ns transaction's govemeity and subject to HS Supply WatenvoiSs struidard terms Ind conditions, whISh iris hicOrporated herein by thli reference and accepted. ro review these terms and conditions, please point your web browser to :NatrwOtksJidsupply.oOMfiandCf. Freight Delivery Handlina Restock Misc 240 12.50000 FT 3,000.00 4.00000 EA .00 1 95.00000 EA 95.00 1 12.5000C EA 12.50 12 Terms . NET 30 Tax 3,107 .50 INVOICE 1 OTAL I 0212221 HAY WI Branch - 299 2100 Little Rapids ad MMIMOM ampere irx 54115 00000 Subtotal NVOICE. 3,107.50 . D04156 • Page: 1 69 5ve 3 RECEIVE!) wiMiron 1 MAR 2 8 2/5 INDUSTRIES Building Excellence REQUEST FOR PAYMENT V%°‘ ‘rk DATE: March 25, 2015 ‘5. boc PROJECT NAME: Abbotsford WWTP ADDRESS: Abbotsford,WI CONTRACT FOR: F 124800 - Floor Grilles re bib% MIRON PROJECT: CONTRACT #: 150105-000022 VENDOR #: 00001984 REQUEST NUMBER: PERIOD FROM VZ2-1/ r TO: r $1,079.00 ORIGINAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 3/25/2015 APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS AS OF ••••••• ADJUSTED CONTRACT AMOUNT /07 TOTAL COMPLETED TO DATE • PREVIOUS REQUESTS FOR PAYMENT TOTAL EARNED THIS REQUEST LESS 0% RETAINAGE / -; JUNJJfl 0 k. 49-7 CURRENT PAYMENT DUE VENDOR: Kadee Industries Inc SIGNED: TITLE: REQUESTS WILL NOT BE PROCESSED UNTIL SUBMITTED TO ACCOUNTSPAVABLEOMIRON-CONSTRUCTION.COM OR ORIGINALS ARE RECEIVED. FAX COPIES WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. • EACH PAY REQUEST MUST INCLUDE AN UP TO DATE SCHEDULE OF VALUES, INCLUDING SUB TIER SUPPUER/SUBCONTRACTOR BREAKDOWN AND CURRENT PAYMENT STATUS. CHANGE ORDERS ISSUED TO DATE MUST EDONTHECURRENTSCHEDt E OF VALUES. 1471 McMahon Drive, Neenah, WI 54956-6505 • P.O. Box 509, Neenah, WI 54957-0509 MIRON-CONSTRUCTION.COM _ PH 920.9697000 7x 920.969.7396 70 5-De 31 SUBCONTRACTOR SCHEDULE OF VALUES Abbotsford WWTP Kadee Industries Inc CONTRACT No.: 150105-000022 APPLICATION DATE: Vit•fir PAYMENT APPLICATION No: PROJECT: VENDOR: WORK COMPLETED ITEM No. SCHEDULED VALUE DESCRIPTION OF WORK PREVIOUS APPLICATION THIS APPLICATION (A) 1 (B) 6AMEANCE- fl (0) (C) /014 At ••• (E) 1074- TOTAL COMPLETED & STORED TO DATE MTRL STORED THIS APPLICATION Vo (G) (17) /0 79 - (H) RETAINACE BALANCE 0% TO FINISII (I) (I) /06 .x > C s IT' 1 0 F; r.. C 0 --I 23 WI Cl) TOTAL: Jo/ q --- (-- iv 71 --N\ In fr _/oo — — -- 71 rn !: Invoice Kadee Industries, Inc. 7160 Krick Rd Walton Hills, OH 44146-4437 11761 Invoice Date: JUN 0 6 2015 440-439-8650 440-439-6889 Voice: Fax: Invoice Number: gLEOWE. May 22, 2015 Vigiagarelditietir Sold To: Ship to: Miron Construction Co., Inc P.O. Box 509 Neenah, WI 54957-0509 Customer ID Miron-Neenah Miron Construction Co., Inc re Wastewater Treatment Plant Abbotsford, WI Customer PO Payment Terms 15015 Net- 30- Days Shipping Method Ship Date UPS FREIGHT Quantity Page: 1 .com Item 5/22/15 Description Due Date 6/21/15 Unit Price Extension 1.00AGrid Aluminum Entrance Grid per quote #50839 - 1 unit 807.00 807.00 1.04F-AL Shipping & Handling 272.00 272.00 Miron Billing form attached Check/Credit Memo No: Subtotal Sales Tax Total Invoice Amount Payment/Credit Applied 1,079.00 TOTAL 1,079.00 1,079.00 72 WAIVER OF LIEN Building Excellence To AD Whom It May Concern: WHEREAS, the undersigned has been employed by (A) City of Abbotsford to furnish materials for (B) General Construction work, under a purchase order (C) Dated: 02/02/2015 for the improvements of premises described as (D) Abbotsford WWTP in the municipality of Abbotsford County of Clark, State of WI of which City of Abbotsford is the owner. NOW, THEREFORE, this 08TH day of JULY , 2015 for and in consideration of the sum of (E) $424,200.65 Dollars paid simultaneously herewith, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the undersigned, the undersigned does hereby waive and release any lien to, or claim of lien with respect to and on said above described premises, and the improvements thereon, and on the monies or other consideration due or to become due from the owner, on account of materials, fixtures apparatus or machinery heretofore or which may hereafter be furnished by the undersigned to or for the above described premises by virtue of said purchase order. „ ....... ,•'s-cflUc s (F) Miron Construction Co,. Inc SEAL Jodi M. Belling 17scov5••• •...... • • .• "...... • • ' Title: Controller 73 July 10, 2015 RE: Main Lift Station Abbotsford, Wisconsin SEH No. ABBOT 125711 73.00 Ms. Jennifer Lopez Clerk/Treasurer City of Abbotsford PO Box 589 Abbotsford, WI 54405 Dear Jennifer: Please find Application for Payment No. 3 from Miron Construction Co, Inc., Neenah, Wisconsin for construction of the above referenced project. The application is in the amount of $12,180.90 and provides for retainage in accordance with contract documents. We have reviewed the Application for Payment and recommend that payment be made to the contractor. Work completed during June includes mobilization and plumbing. Please sign the Application for Payment, make four copies and hold until the next monthly meeting with Rural Development. At that time, RD can sign the copies, keeping one for their records and providing copies for the City, Contractor and Engineer. If you have any questions, please contact me at 715.720.6242. Sincerely, Jerry S. Doriott, PE Project Manager ph Enclosure p:\ae\a\abbot\125711\7-const services\73-afps\ls\afp#3\afp3.docx 74 EJCD Contractor's Application for Payment No. ENGINEERS JOINT CONTRACT DOCUMENTS COMMITTEE Application Period 3 Application Date: 6/1/15 - 6/30/15 To (Owner): 7/1/2015 From (Contractor): City of Abbotsford Via (Engineer): Miron Construction Co., Inc. Project: Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. Contract: Main Lift Station Owner's Contract No.: Contractor's Project No Engineer's Project No.: 150110 ABBOT 125711 Application For Payment Change Order Summary Approved Change Orders Number Additions Deductions 1. ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE 2. Net change by Change Orders $1,163,652.00 3. Current Contract Price (Line 1 + 2) $1,163,652.00 4. TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE (Column Eon Progress Estimate) $32,089.00 5. RETA1NAGE: a. 5% X b. 5% X $23,767.00 Work Completed $8,322.00 Stored Material c. Total Retainage (Line 5a + Line 5b) TOTALS NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS $416.10 $1,604.45 6. AMOUNT ELIGIBLE TO DATE (Line 4 - Line Sc) $30,484.55 7. LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS (Line 6 from prior Application) 8. AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION $18,303.65 $12,180.90 9. BALANCE TO FINISH, PLUS RETA1NAGE (Column G on Progress Estimate + Line 5 above) Contractor's Certification The undersigned Contractor certifies that to the best of its knowledge: (1) all previous progress payments received from Owner on account of Work done under the Contract have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations incurred in connection with Work covered by prior Applications for Payment; (2) title of all Work, materials and equipment incorporated in said Work or othenvise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment will pass to Owner at time of payment free and clear of all Liens, security interests and encumbrances (except such as are covered by a Bond acceptable to Owner indemnifying Owner against any such Liens, security interest or encumbrances) and (3) all Work covered by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and is not defective. By: $1,188.35 Date: Payment of: $1,133,167.45 12,180.90 (Line 8 or other - attach explanation of the other amount) 7-10-15 is recommended by: (Engineer) (Date) Payment of: (Line 8 or other - attach explanation of the other amount) is approved by: (Owner) (Date) Funding Agency (if applicable) (Date) Approved by: Endorsed by the Construction Specifications Institute. EJCDC C-620 Contractor's Application for Payment CO 2007 National Society of Prof ssional Engineers for EJCDC. All rights reserved. Page 1 of 3 75 Progress Estimate - Lump Sum Work For (Contra Application Period: Contractor's Application Main Lift Station Application Number: Application Date: 6/1/15 - 6/30/15 Work Completed A Specificaiion 5 B Descripti on Section No. C Scheduled Value iS Fromm Previous Application (CED) 3 7/1/2015 E D This Period F Materials Presently Total Completed Stored Owl in C or D) and Stored to Date G Balance to Finish f B (3 - F) (C # D b E) Divisioni 10 Bond 15 Insurance 20 Mobilization - 5% $53.965.71 $53965.71 25 General Conditions $10.285.00 $10285.00 30 Division 3 $1,725.00 $8.767.00 $500.00 $8,767.00 $8,767.00 100.0% $500.00 $500.00 100.0% 35 Rebar - Labor $1225.00 40 Concrete - Material 53231.00 $3,531.00 45 Concret -Labor 513.54600 $13,546.00 5o Precast Concrete modular Building 538.800.00 $38,800.00 55 Precasat Manholes $49.000.00 $49,000.00 60 Set Manhole Base $3.660.00 $3,660.00 65 Division 5 70 Strocturail Misc. StoelMaterials 75 Division 6 80 Rough Carpentry- Matedal 85 Rough Carpentry - Labor 90 Division 7 95 Thermal insulation 00 Roo $528,00 $528.00 $491.00 $491.00 $2261.00 $2,361.00 $496.00 $496.00 $7425.00 105 Joint Sealants 110 Roof Hatch $7,425.00 $856.00 $856.00 $1.962.00 $1,962.00 115 Division 8 120 Doors/Frames/Hardware - Material $4.136.00 $4,136.00 125 Doors/Frames/Hardware - Labor $1.000.00 $1,000.00 51.50000 $1,500.00 30 Di on 9 135 Painting 140 Division 10 145 Safety Spec. 150 Dielsion 22 155 PI 160 Pipes/Valves/Fittings -Material 595.500.00 165 Horizontal Drilling 565000.00 170 Fine Screen. Material $95.000.00 $95,000.00 155 Pumps- Material $80.000.00 $80000.00 $77.000.00 $77,000.00 Ind -Gm Conditions 180 PI 185 Division 13 bing - Labor 5131_00 $131_00 570.000.00 $2,000.00 $8,322.00 $2,000.00 2.9% $8,322.00 8.7% $68 000.00 $87,17500 $65,000.00 190 Mechanical Mobilization $25000.00 195 HVAC 532.500.00 $32,50000 200 Division26 205 Eiectdral . MabilicationlTemparary Power $3.00200 $3,000.00 $10.000.00 $2,500.00 812,500.00 50.0% $12,500.00 EleDC C-620 Contractor's Application or Payment res 2010 National Society of Professional Engineers for F1CDC. All rights rca eraed. Page 2 of 3 76 E Work Completed A Specification B DOSaiptiOil Section No. D C Scheduled Value ($) From Previous Application (C+D) Materials Presently Total Completed Stored (not in C or Di and Stored to Date This Period 0 F Balance to Finish % (I' /13) (13 - F) (C + D + E) 210 Electrical - General Conditions 551405.00 $53,405.00 215 Generator $47.350.00 $47,350.00 220 Set Generator 225 Process Control 230 Light natives $4.460.00 $4,460.00 235 Site Labor $39.340.00 $39.340.00 $3,660.00 $3.860.00 $157.565.00 $157,565.00 240 Site Materials $43.180.00 $43.150.00 245 Sne Excavation $1.500.00 $1,500.00 250 Coordination Study 52.000.00 $2,000.00 255 Division 31 260 Earthwork $12Z400.00 $22,400.00 265 Dnwatering $25.000.00 $25.000.00 270 Division 31 275 Asphalt 52.961.00 $2,961.00 280 Fencing $10 536.29 $10,536.29 285 Landscaping 51.583.00 $1,553.00 290 Curb and Goner $1.046k3o $1,046.00 Totals $1,163,652.00 $19,267.00 $4,500.00 $8,322.00 $32.089.00 2.8% $1,131,563.00 EXEC (''620 Contractor's Application for Payment Fa 2010 National Society of Professional Engineers for EICDC. All rights resew Page 2 or 3 77 DeZURIK 250 Riverside Ave N 320-259-2000 p Sat-fell MN 56377 USA 320-259-2227 f £pZ J°maxima Date Ship Date 05-27-2015 05-26-2015 INVOICE Customer/ Original/ Page 1 Customer PO No. KV-1451 Agent Ref. No. Invoice No. 927700 R21/6l008767 SOLD TO 110110 AUGUST WINTER & SONS PO BOX 1896 APPLETON, WI 54913 SHIPPED TO AUGUST WINTER & SONS CO ABBOTSFORD LIFT STATION LINDEN STREET ABBOTSFORD, WI 54405 DEL.iERMS Prepaid an Allow ORDER NO.. 941864 TERNS: Net 30 Days DUE DATE: 06-26-2015 ICusgtomer Xtexalita% DOS Multityl Part Nut Reference A g 437944 Reference B : LDH _ I Itevigum Price ;Vat AMOUDt Project Warne ABBOTSFORD LIFT STATION. 'IF PRCOUCTS- LISTED BEIOW'REOUIRE MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS IN ACCORDANCE WITH OSHA (1910.1200 (8) (5) IV, (C) ) THEY WILL ACCOMPANY PRODUCT SHIPMENT. 2.00 9652178 DeZURIK - PEC,18,MJ,CI,NBR,CR,1304G0°G8-12-11,ENGS EXTENSION ROO 135.37 INCHES C/L OF VALVE TO TOP OF NUT 156 INCHES 001 2.00 9406190 DeZURIK - ACC*V3643-200 000 2.00 1115747 DeZURIK - ACC*HJ-18, 22 33 Goods 8322.70 3547.05 ea 7094.10 305.50 ea 611.00 308.80 ea 617.60 Total USD 8322.70 Ci!.. LII L•:; - . : ° PLEASE REFERENCEIMPIiVEHEEr110; RPI)610O8767 WHEN REMItTING PAYMENT. Re= TOI commit To,DeZURIK, Inc. DeZURIK, Inc. 8619 Solution Center -60677-8006 Chicago, IL Lockbox #778619, 350 East Devon Avenue Itasca, IL -60143 urea TolDeZURIK, Inc. Accoult limber 2361151 ,The PrIvateSank ABA #071006486 Chicago, IL 78 1685-06M WAIVER OF LIEN Building Excellence To All Whom It May Concern: WHEREAS, the undersigned has been employed by (A) City of Abbotsford to furnish materials for (B) General Construction work, under a purchase order (C) Dated: 02/02/2015 for the improvements of premises described as (D) Abbotsford Main Lift Station in the municipality of Abbotsford County of Clark, State of WI of which City of Abbotsford is the owner. NOW, THEREFORE, this 08TH day of JULY , 2015 for and in consideration of the sum of (E) $12,180.90 Dollars paid simultaneously herewith, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged by the undersigned, the undersigned does hereby waive and release any lien to, or claim of lien with respect to and on said above described premises, and the improvements thereon, and on the monies or other consideration due or to become due from the owner, on account of materials, fixtures apparatus or machinery heretofore or which may hereafter be furnished by the undersigned to or for the above described premises by virtue of said purchase order. ...... (F) 644 . .)/1- • :0 ot • E ct:. SEAL : •.ep- ../sco s\;.- .0: " ....... Miron Construction Co,. Inc Jodi M. Belling Title: Controller 79 Minutes from the Abbotsford License and Ordinance Committee meeting held July 27, 2015 in the Abbotsford Council Chambers Chairman Schwantes called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Schwantes, Gosse, Voss, and Horacek Others present: Clerk Lopez, DPW Stuttgen, Robert Stacke and Kevin O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph There were no comments by the Chairman. There were no comments by the Public. Under discuss/recommend Ordinance – An Ordinance Regarding Mobile Tower Siting at a fee of $3,000 to the City Council, motion Schwantes/Horacek to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend Ordinance - An Ordinance Regarding Conditional Use Permits for Certain Mobile Telecommunications Facilities Uses; contingent upon Plan Commission approval motion Schwantes/Horacek to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend building permit code requirements conversation was held regarding various sections of the code regarding the exemption for minor repairs under $4,000 versus the Accessory Building permit requirements. It was stated that several small storage sheds have been incorrectly exempted due to the under $4,000 section of the code, but after further review all accessory buildings should be obtaining permits from the City. It was discussed that there are also limitations on the number of accessory buildings that have not been enforced. It was stated that the City must follow the Ordinance and these items must be enforced by the Building Inspector. Lopez suggested updating the building permit forms to better clarify the various regulations. Under discuss/recommend filing with the Public Service Commission to modify the City Tariff to change the language allowing the municipality to not offer deferred payment agreements to tenants if they have defaulted on such agreements within the past 12 months; or if they have a past due balance greater than $100 for more than 90 days for monthly utility, Lopez stated that this will be very helpful in the collection process as in a typical month the city issues about 160 disconnection notices. Within the 10 days between the notice and the disconnection date all but about 40 people pay or make arrangements to pay. Those 40 people then receive a neon green door hanger noticing them of a disconnection in the next 24 hours if their balance remains unpaid. The door hangers are very effective, but we continue to disconnect about 5-6 customers each month. Limiting the tenants to only one deferred payment plan will greatly assist the landlords as currently several landlords receive special assessments of their renter’s delinquent utilities. Motion Voss/Horacek to file with the Public Service Commission to modify the City Tariff as stated. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Voss/Horacek to adjourn at 6:49 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 August 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 CONSOLIDATION MEETING 6:00 PM MUNI COURT 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 COUNCIL 6:00 9 10 POLICE 6:30 16 107 September 2015 SUN 6 MON 7 TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 LABOR DAY 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 108
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