July - City of Abbotsford
July - City of Abbotsford
City of Abbotsford PO Box 589, 203 N. First Street, Abbotsford, WI 54405 City Hall (715) 223-3444 Fax (715) 223-8891 AGENDA FOR THE COUNCIL MEETING TO BE HELD Monday, July 6, 2015 AT 6:00 PM IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS OF THE ABBOTSFORD CITY HALL 203 NORTH FIRST STREET, ABBOTSFORD WI All items listed will be brought before the Abbotsford City Council for discussion and possible approval. 1. Call the regular meeting to order a. Roll call b. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Comments by the Council President 3. Comments by the Public a. Al Leu - Theater 4. Minutes from the Council held June 1 & 10, 2015 (Page 1-5) a. Waive the reading and approve the minutes 5. Considerations before the Council a. 2014 Audit Presentation – Johnson Block (Page 76-151) b. Discuss/review Kennel License – Troy and Amy Hollowitch c. Discuss/approve Resolution 2015-6 Resolution CMAR (Page 6) d. Discuss/approve Street Use Permits: i. Corral Bar – alley behind 1st St from Bus 29 – Nicolet Bank – (July 25, 2015) ii. First City Days – Hemlock St from 4th Ave – Elementary School (Aug 7, 8, 9) e. Discuss/approve Change Order 1 – Wastewater Treatment Plant Construction $5,055.05 (Page 7-9) f. Discuss/approve Pay Application #1 – 2015 Roadway & Utility Improvements $361,167.44 (Page 10-15) g. Discuss/approve Ordinance - An Ordinance Regarding Mobile Tower Siting at a fee of $3,000 (Page 22-32) h. Discuss/approve Ordinance - An Ordinance Regarding Conditional Use Permits for Certain Mobile Telecommunications Facilities Uses; contingent upon Plan Commission approval (Page 33-53 i. Discuss Ambulance structuring as a branch of City Government Committee Reports 6. Finance (Schwantes) a. Minutes from June 25, 2015 (Page 54-55) b. Discuss/approve 5 year General Obligation Debt for 2015 Public Works projects in the amount of $579,699.30. c. Discuss/approve hiring Deputy Clerk/Treasurer 7. Public Works update (Stuttgen) 8. Public Works (Horacek) a. Minutes from June 18, 2015 (Page 56) b. Discuss/approve City banners (Page 57-58) c. Discuss/approve Red Arrow Baseball renovation project (Page 59) d. Discuss/approve increasing park security deposits to $150.00; if key is not picked up during working hours $50 will be retained from deposit; if park is not clean the same day all deposit will be forfeited (Page 66-69) Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting or hearing should be made to Clerk’s Office at (715) 223-3444 with as much advance notice as possible. 9. Abbotsford Fire, Ambulance Department , Consolidation Committee (Council President Voss) a. Minutes from Fire, June, 2015 (Page 69-70) b. Minutes from Ambulance – June 2015 (Page 71-74) c. Consolidation Committee – June 17, 2015 (available Monday) 10. Abbotsford Library – (Council President Voss) a. Minutes from May , 2015 (Page 75) 10. Police Commission (Anders) a. Police Minutes from June 8, 2015 (Page 76-77) b. Police bills in amount of $9,578.67 (Page 78-79) c. Discuss/approve increasing part time officer wages to $15.00 per hour 11. Water & Sewer (Council President Voss) a. Minutes from June 24, 2015 (Page 80) 12. License & Building (Schwantes) a. Building Permits: PERMIT # FIRST NAME LAST NAME COST 206 SWAMPBUCK FINISH BASEMENT/ADD THIRD DRIVE ROOM 6/15/2015 $5,000.00 CLARK RESIDENTIAL 102 W LINDEN ST REMODEL 6/15/2015 $314,228.00 CLARK COMMERCIAL 204 W CEDAR ST ADD DECK EXPLAINATION COUNTY RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL 2015-7 RODNEY 2015-8 CREATIVE AUTOMATION 2015-9 SCOTT NELSON 6/15/2015 $12,000.00 CLARK RESIDENTIAL 2015-10 ALEJANDRO MARTINEZ 319 N 2ND STREET GARAGE/DRYWALL/PORCH SANCHEZ 6/23/2015 $5,000.00 CLARK RESIDENTIAL 2015-11 SIMPLY WATER 205 N 4TH STREET FENCE PERMIT 6/23/2015 CLARK COMMERCIAL b. SCHUNK DATE ISSUED ADDRESS Discuss/approve Operator Licenses i. PROVISIONAL 1. Tammy Schmitt – Shopko 2. Katie Mechelke – Shopko 3. Curtiss Erickson – Shopko 4. Mindy Wood – Shopko 5. Amy Pogue – Shopko ii. ORIGINAL 1. Ashley Puphal – Holiday iii. RENEWAL 1. David Kaja – Shopko 2. Lynsie Edblom – Fire Department 3. Jody Apfelbeck – Fire Department 4. Tammy Schmitt – Shopko 5. Katie Mechelke – Shopko 6. Curtiss Erickson – Shopko 7. Mindy Wood – Shopko 8. Amy Pogue – Shopko 14. Abbotsford Colby Area Chamber of Commerce (Page 93-94) a. Minutes from June 3, 2015 (next meeting is July 8, 2015 at Abbotsford City Hall) 15. Set additional committee meetings on the calendar (Page 95-96) 16. Adjourn Requests from persons with disabilities who need assistance to participate in this meeting or hearing should be made to Clerk’s Office at (715) 223-3444 with as much advance notice as possible. Minutes from the Abbotsford City Council held June 1, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers. Mayor Rachu called the regular meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Mayor Rachu, Voss, Horacek, Faber, Anders, Schwantes, Weideman, Mediger, and Gosse. Others present: Clerk Lopez, DPW Stuttgen, Water/Wastewater Manager Medenwaldt, Hollowitch family, Mason Rachu, David Wiese, John Austin, Chief Apfelbeck and K O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph Pledge of Allegiance was heard Under comments by the Mayor, Mayor Rachu thanked Council President Voss for handling meetings when he was absent. Under comments by the public Troy and Amy Hollowitch were present. It was stated that they are requesting a Kennel license for their three dogs. A public hearing on this issue will be held at the next Council meeting on June 10th at 6:00 p.m. The Hollowich’s explained that they are over the road truck drivers and the animals will either be on the road with them or boarded during the week; the animals would only be home on the weekend. It was stated that the Hollowich’s would be out of town during the public hearing and offered to answer any questions the council may have. Motion Voss/Horacek to waive the reading and approve the minutes from the Council held May 4, 2015. Motion carried without negative vote. Considerations before the Council Under discuss/approve purchase of City Banners, Mayor Rachu explained that he took an existing banner to Designer Advertising to obtain a price quote; the quote received was between $55-57 per banner dependent upon on wording. Stuttgen stated that an option is to do every other pole. At this time the City would be purchasing only Abbotsford banners not Abbycolby Crossings banners. . Under discuss/approve Resolution 2015-3 Resolution of Appreciation for Jesse Werner motion Voss/Schwantes to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve Resolution 2015-4 Resolution of Appreciation for Natalyn Jannene, motion Voss/Faber to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Committee Reports Under Public Works update Stuttgen stated he previously informed the council that there would be overtime on the Butternut/3rd Ave, Elm/7th Street project. It was stated that to date there is minimal hours; 17 hours of overtime. A drawing of the work that Uhlig was doing was presented. Stuttgen provided pictures of the project and the new inlets. Stuttgen stated that the project is going very well. Public Works/Water Sewer was presented by Horacek and Voss Minutes from May 20, 2015 were presented. Medenwaldt stated the Miron crew had a great month and a half until the rain began. As of today, the project is ahead of schedule. Under discuss/approve patching – American Asphalt $8,460; Stuttgen stated that a specific list of the patches was presented last month. This would be the normal yearly maintenance. It was stated that Hi-Line will also be 1 repaired but stated the joints on the culvert are no longer aligned and this repair will increase the price. Motion Voss/Anders to approve the 2015 patching in an amount not to exceed $9,000. Motion carried 7:0:1 (Faber abstained) Under discuss/approve Pavement Preservation Stuttgen stated that pavement preservation puts a protective coating on the pavement to extend the life of the asphalt. There was discussion on slag seal and a spray on option of a silica sand option. Stuttgen recommend handling First Street South from Spruce to Linden and stated this would cost roughly $2.00 per sq. yard; for a total of $9,240.00. The product would be from either Fahrner or Scott Construction as they are the two contractors that provide this product. Motion Anders/Schwantes to accept bids on slag sealing and approve the bid up to $9,300.00. Motion carried 7:0:1 (Faber abstained) Abbotsford Fire, Ambulance Department, Consolidation Committee was presented by Mayor Rachu. Minutes from Fire, May, 2015 were presented. Chief Apfelbeck stated the Fire Department received two grants in the amount of $7,300 from County for radios; this was a matching grant. Another grant from Harmony Coop was received in the amount of $2,000. The Consolidation committee is scheduled for June 17, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. Minutes from Ambulance from May 2015 were presented. Abbotsford Library was presented by Mayor Rachu. Minutes from April 14, 2015 were reviewed. Police Commission was presented by Anders Police Minutes from May 11, 2015 were presented. Motion Voss/Schwantes to pay the Police bills in amount of $11,463.58. Motion carried without negative vote. Finance and Personnel was presented by Schwantes. Minutes from May 18, 2015 were presented. Under discuss/approve Resignation of Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Natalyn Jannene, motion Mediger/Voss to accept the resignation as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. License & Building was presented by Horacek. Minutes from May 19, 2015 were presented. Under discuss/approve extension of Special Exemption License – Kathy Knight; Mayor Rachu stated that the minutes showed a consensus requiring Knight to come back to the council annually; to verify the number of cats are decreasing. Schwantes stated that he would like to have this reviewed annually. Mayor Rachu questioned if the numbers went up in the second year, how would the committee deny or enforce the license at that time. Anders suggested ending the license in three years. Motion Gosse/Mediger to extend the license for three years, with reporting to council annually in June. Motion carried 6:2 (Faber and Anders) Under discuss/approve Cigarette licenses Motion Schwantes/Horacek to approve as presented: • Acker Abbotsford, LLC (Abbotsford Travel Stop) • Kramer’s County Market • Nivia Castillo (LA Tropicana) • SSG Corporation (Holiday) • Dolgencorp, LLC (Dollar General) • Maria Castillo – Abarrotes La China 2 Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve Liquor Licenses motion Anders/Faber to approve liquor/operator/renewals as presented: Class a Beer Acker Abbotsford, LLC (Abbotsford Travel Stop) SSG Corporation – Holiday Maria Castillo (Abarrotes La China) Class B Beer Abbotsford City Baseball Team PH, Hospitality Group, LLC (Pizza Hut) Abby Group, Inc. (Abby Inn) Class A Retail Kramer’s County Market Dolgencorp, LLC (Dollar General) Shopko Holding Company LLC Nivia Castillo (La Tropicana) Class B Retail Poehnelt & Leu (Corral Bar) Purdy & Purdy (Dirty Shame) Dwight House Chelt Development LLC Café Mexico, Inc. Operator Licenses – Originals Joshua Haines Melanie Fetting Gloria Rueden Leticia Rodriguez Ralph Smith Zach Smith Operator Licenses – Renewals Dave Hediger David Denzine Ashlie Lueddecke Thomas Springbob Joanne Zettler Katelynn Andreo Jessica Dodd Jennifer Schaefer Almi Meraz Jeffrey Nixdorf Holly Wilke Trisha Fechhelm Jaclyn Schmitt Courtney Frohling Ralph Smith Zach Smith Mary Peterson Gwen Zimmerman Laurel Shipton Motion carried without negative vote. 3 Board of Review was presented by Mediger. Minutes from May 18, 2015 were presented. Cemetery Association was presented by Mayor Rachu. Minutes from May 21, 2015 were presented. There were no questions or comments. United Communities of Clark County was presented by Mayor Rachu. Minutes from May 18, 2015 were presented. There were no questions or comments. The next meeting will be held Monday, July 27, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. in the Village of Withee. Abbotsford Colby Area Chamber of Commerce was presented by Lopez. Minutes from May 6, 2015 at Colby City Hall Additional committee meetings were set on the calendar Mayor Rachu excused himself from the meeting and turned the gavel to Council President Voss. Under discuss interpretation of City Ordinance Mayor Rachu informed the council from the audience on a situation regarding a shed he helped construct with his son. Mayor Rachu explained that when he measured the setback regulations, he began measuring at the curb versus from the lot line. It was explained that the road right-of-way is typically 66 feet. To begin measuring, you would start in the center of the street and measure 33 feet; that is where the home owner’s lot line would be marked. Several times, this is about 6 feet from the curb on the lawn of the homeowner. The city retains right-of-way on the first several feet after the curb for utility work etc. The City council listened to the situation and stated it would not be appropriate to make the homeowner tear down the building to be in compliance. It was suggested to clean up the ordinance by adding language explaining how to measure the right-of-way; it was felt that this should go to the Board of Appeals on the next agenda; there will not be a special meeting. The License and Building committee will addressed the language at their next meeting on July 14th 6:00 p.m. Motion Schwantes/Gosse to adjourn at 7:07 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 4 Minutes from the June 10, 2015 Abbotsford City Council Meeting held in Council Chambers of the Abbotsford City Hall Council President Voss called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Roll call: Council President Voss, Horacek, Faber, Anders, Schwantes, Weideman, Mediger, and Gosse (Mayor Rachu absent) Others present: Clerk Lopez, Sean Lenz – Ehlers and Associates The Pledge of Allegiance was heard There were no comments by the Public. Council President Voss stated she is running the meeting and will be a voting member. Considerations before the Council Under discuss/approve Kennel license for Troy and Amy Hollowitsch at 217 W Spruce Street motion Anders/Horacek to deny the license. Motion carried 5:2 (Weideman and Gosse) Under discuss/approve Scope of Engagement with Quarles and Brady - $12,000, motion Anders/Weideman to approve. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve Resolution 2015-5 – Resolution Authorizing the Issuance and Sale of $7,376,000 Sewerage System Revenue Bond Anticipation Note, Series 2015A, Lenz provided documents to the council outlining the bid that was received from BMO Harris Bank. It was stated that BMO Harris provided with the City with some options as to how to structure the debt. A fixed rate of 1.67% was given along with a variable rate of 1.24%. Motion Anders/Weideman to approve Resolution 2015-5 as presented with accepting the borrowing from BMO Harris at a variable rate of 1.24%. Motion carried without negative vote. It was stated the anticipated closing date will be June 30, 2015. Motion Weideman/Horacek to adjourn at 6:34 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 5 RESOLUTION NO 2015-6 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ACTION CONCERNING AN ANNUAL COMPLIANCE MAINTENANCE REPORT TO THE DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES. The City Council of the City of Abbotsford resolves as follows: WHEREAS, the Department of Natural Resources requires that the City annually file a Compliance maintenance report, and WHEREAS, the report has now been prepared by the Waste Water Treatment Operator, and is ready for action, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, THAT: (a) The City Council has reviewed the compliance maintenance annual report, which is attached to this resolution. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that: 1. The city is looking constructing new Waste Water Treatment Plant. 2. Continue our industrial monitoring program to prevent any overloading due to unknown industrial wastes. 3. Monitor all wastes entering our sanitary system to ensure proper treatment. 4. Continue our in-plant testing and monitoring on all internal operations. 5. Continue our preventative maintenance program. 6. Continue our education efforts to insure our operators are current on new and innovative ideas. 7. Continue or vigilance for sump pump and other clear water violations. Dated: July 6, 2013 __________________________ Dale Rachu, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________ Jennifer Lopez, City Clerk Adopted: 7/6/15 Published: 7/8/2015 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 Minutes from the Abbotsford Finance and Personnel committee meeting held June 25, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers Chairman Schwantes called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Roll call: Chairman Schwantes, Mediger, Horacek (Voss – Absent) The Pledge of Allegiance was heard Motion Mediger/Horacek to convene to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute § 19.85 (1) (c) for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Purpose: Conducting interviews for the Deputy Clerk/Treasurer position Roll call: Schwantes – yes, Horacek – yes, Mediger – yes Motion Anders/Horacek to convene to open session at 6:00 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. Alderman Voss and Anders joined the meeting. There were no public comments. There were no comments by the Chairman. Motion Voss/Horacek to approve the regular bills in the amount of $136,393.75. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Voss/Mediger to approve the USDA bills in the amount of $563,402.60. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/approve Application for Payment No 3 – Miron - $513,369.79 motion Mediger/Voss to approve as presented. Motion carried without negative vote. Under discuss/recommend 5 year General Obligation Debt for Public Works project, Lopez presented a spread sheet detailing the 2015 Street and Utility Improvement work and costs. It was stated that the total project cost for Butternut/3rd Avenue/Elms Street/7th Street came in at $1,284,699.30. The anticipated costs for repairing 4th Avenue was $35,000 and the expected cost in overtime to monitor the 2015 project was $10,000. The total of $1,329,699.30 was reduced by the $500,000 CDBG grant, and the $250,000 included in the 2015 budget (public works - $100,000, water - $100,000 and sewer $50,000); leaving an amount of $579,699.30 to be financed. Interest rates from the local financial institutions will be requested for a five year borrowing. Motion Schwantes/Horacek to obtaining interest rates from the local banks. Motion carried without negative vote. The May receipts and expenditures were reviewed along with the overtime report and budget comparison reports. The Fire/EMS financials were reviewed. 54 Under discuss incidents/accidents/training it was stated that Soyk and Smith will be attending a Wisconsin Rural Water class in Plover; there is no cost for this class and employees will be taking a city vehicle. Under discuss with Abbotsford EMS service regarding practices, Jeremy Totzke was present and questioned the Finance Committee if it was still an option for the Ambulance Service to operate as a branch of City Government. It was stated that this was reviewed in the past and the council was open to discussion, but it was stressed that this is a committee meeting only and the Ambulance Department would first need to separate from the Corporation before this could happen. It was stated that the City is open minded to the concept and the committee was unsure how this would relate to the consolidation discussions. It was felt that more information will be obtained at the July 8th meeting. Motion Mediger/Schwantes to convene to closed session pursuant to Wisconsin Statute § 19.85 (1) (c) for the purpose of considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility. Purpose: Reviewing applicants/discussing interviews for the Deputy Clerk/Treasurer position with possible recommendation for hire. Motion Schwantes/Mediger to adjourn at 6:51 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 55 Minutes from the Abbotsford Public Works committee meeting held June 18, 2015 in the Council Chambers Chairman Horacek called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Roll call: Horacek, Mediger, Anders, and Mayor Rachu (Weideman absent) Others present: DPW Stuttgen and The Pledge of Allegiance was heard There were no comments by the Chairman. There were no public comments. Under discuss/recommend purchase of City Banners, Stuttgen stated that if we count every other pole on Hwy 13, there are 29 poles and an additional 7 poles on Bus 29 for a total of 36 poles to place banners. The existing banner brackets would need to be resized to fit a standard sized banner. The cost of upgrading all 36 brackets is $2,667 resulting in a cost of about $75 per pole for the new hardware and the banner. It was questioned if there was funds in the budget for the banners. Stuttgen will request additional banner options from Designer Advertising and will bring back samples for the Council or committee when ready. Under discuss/recommend bids on Red Arrow Park renovations (Brick Wall) Stuttgen stated the park budget has just over $20,000 for this project. Stuttgen stated he had two contractors review the project and the problem with the existing brick is with the cap; the price for the correct cap is about $8,000. The bid from American Fence for the fence replacement came in at $13,000. The cost for materials and labor exceed $40,000. It was suggested to change the materials and proceed with a concrete wall with a decorative stained concrete. It was felt that $40,000 is too high of a price to pay for the project. Stuttgen will review other options and this will be discussed again when it is known if the City successfully obtained the Christensen grant. Horacek questioned if the City is proceeding on the Bell Tower. Stuttgen stated that Ellenbecker had the low bid on the project but could not do it for that price. Stuttgen stated that if he hired out the project as designed, it would cost about $25,000. Under discuss/recommend increasing Park fees/security deposit Stuttgen stated that last weekend the City withheld two security deposits as the parks were not cleaned adequately. The current security deposit is $75.00. Anders felt that if we are having a problem, we need to increase the deposit so that it hurts if the renter loses it. At $75 it is easy for the renters to walk away and not clean the park. It was questioned if there needs to be an “on-call employee” available to clean the parks if necessary. It was stated that the City workers are being paid for the weekend work and they will handle the cleanup, but it was stated that in a rare situation if there is a large mess the City could call in a part time worker to assist. If the renter does not pick up the key by 5:00 p.m. on Friday prior to their event they will forfeit $50.00 of their security deposit. The committee recommended to the council to increase the park security deposit to $150 and it will be reviewed annually; if an employee has to come in after hours to deliver a key the cost will be $50.00. Motion Anders/Mediger to adjourn at 5:42 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 PARK DISCUSSION POINTS • If Parks are found untidy at 6:00 a.m. Saturday or Sunday morning by City Employee – what is protocol? Should employee clean for next renter? Hire a cleaner on an “on-call” basis? Most weekends the parks are dually rented (both Saturday and Sunday). For example, last weekend both parks were not cleaned to satisfaction by 6:00 a.m. Sunday morning. (both Security Deposits were forfeited, and parks will be cleaned by our cleaning staff this Friday prior to this weekend’s rentals). If the parks would have been rented on Sunday; it would have been a problem, as the renters would have walked into a mess. Park Rules and the application states the park must be clean when the party leaves; it does NOT allow for Sunday cleaning as many times the park is again rented Sunday. • What is your thoughts on renters losing their security deposit if the keys are not picked up by 5:00 p.m. on Friday for their weekend rental. It is common to receive panic phone calls on the weekend where renters forget to come to City Hall and pick up a key. As long as it is a manager responding to the call, it does not cost the City additional funds, but it may not always work as we are not always available. An hourly employee being called-in costs the City a minimum of two hours of pay. By potentially forfeiting a deposit, it would force the renters to be more responsible about picking up the key timely. 66 67 68 69 The meeting of the Abbotsford Fire Department was called to order on May 27th, 2015 at 7:13 pm by Chief Jody Apfelbeck. Roll call was taken with nineteen members present. A motion to approve the presented minutes and financials for the previous month was made by Dallas Wiese, with a seconded motion by Sean Wiese. Upcoming Events: • June 10th and 11th will be the annual fit test. Members must pass the test in order to wear the SCBA. Members should be clean shaven for a snug fit. • June practice will be held at Abby Auto, struts, airbags, and Jaws of Life will be focused on. EMS members will be invited to attend for a joint training. • Edgar has requested the department to send a truck over for their parade; if anyone is interested to take the 4x4 over on May 31st, 2015 please do so. • Pine Ridge assisted living is hosting a dairy breakfast on 6/17/15; they are requesting donations. Trucks & Equipment: • Tanker 2 is back from the Abbyland Plaza. The invoice in the amount of $3563.71will be paid for out of the truck fund account at Forward Financial Bank. EVOC Training for Tanker 2 will be held during a practice for anyone interested in driving the truck. If anyone is uncomfortable driving the trucks; please refrain from doing so. • A battery charger and battery tender have been ordered. • A replacement charger for the camera has also been ordered. • A reminder was given to members on returning equipment and supplies to their proper place and to restock items that have been used. It has been noticed that soaker socks are missing, fridge has not been restocked, and tools have not been put back into the toolbox. Donations, Fundraisers, & Grants: • The Clark County Association donated search and rescue backpacks at their last meeting. Each department received one backpack. • The $100 raffle fundraiser created an $8054.63 profit. • The department applied for the Hazmat grant through Clark County for buying five new handheld radios. The department received an approval of $7,318.00 back; the department will need to pay 20% with the county paying 80%. • Provision donated $2,000 to the department. This money will be earmarked for our portion of the Hazmat grant through Clark County. • Dallas Wiese presented an idea to have a fundraiser sometime during the fall and/or winter months. He would like to incorporate a gun raffle, and either a spaghetti or chili feed. The humane society would also be incorporated with pets available for adoption. It was mentioned to have the proposed 5K run on this day as well. Chief’s Report: • Practice attendance has been declining; members need to attend practices on a regular basis. • A roll call sheet will be available for members to indicate if they are in need of accountability tags or are if they not receiving the county’s text messages. • The department needs to make a list of what items at the hall the city of Abbotsford should be maintaining to present to city officials. A motion to adjourn was made at 8:04 pm by Anthony Resler. Motion was seconded by Sarah Diedrich. 70 Abbotsford Ambulance Service, Inc. June 8, 2015 Meeting Minutes The meeting of the Abbotsford Ambulance Service was called to order by Chief Ray Esselman with 22 members present. A motion was made by Kristi, second by Tammy to approve the May, 2015 minutes. Motion carried. The Treasurer’s report was read and approved as follows: Payables American Welding & Gas $13.80 Carlson Highland $105.00 Colby Chrysler $620.13 Designer Advertising EMP Heartland Cooperative Medford Motors, Inc. MedPro Midwest Group Northway Communications Physio-Control Inc. Payroll Total Expenses Deposits LifeQuest Interest Total Deposits $95.00 $343.71 $192.11 $8,373.64 $31.38 $161.00 $296.92 $5,156.25 $15,388.94 $13,689.67 $.29 $13,689.96 Account Balances Checking $21,797.76 Savings $45,658.37 Med Replacement Savings $80,897.71 A motion was made by Dave, second by Tammy to approve the Treasurer’s report. Motion carried. Chief’s Report A reminder was given to forward proof of insurance to Sarah at each policy renewal. Listen to the radio, help out when possible, work together. Travis will conduct LifeQuest reporting training at this meeting. The fire department would like to practice with the ambulance service on the hydraulic struts (rescue struts) purchased; these struts are used for car accidents. This will be scheduled. 71 No word has yet been received on the Motorola grant that has been applied for. Also, no word has been received on the State EMS grant. CPR refresher will be scheduled in the fall. Dorchester is waiting on the FCC licensing for the repeater tower at this point. There is interest in the old stair chair and dash camera(s). Ray will keep the members informed on the possible sale. The deep fryer that the service owns and was used for fund raisers was discussed as there may be interest in purchasing it. The service will accept offers for a possible sale. Owen Withee is hosting an EMT class this fall; if you know of anyone interested in taking this class please contact an officer or a member of the application committee. Assistant Chief Report Travis spoke with Stratford Sign regarding a privacy screen for the back doors on Med 1. Travis will also talk to Jim Brandt regarding this. The next Board meeting will be held on June 23, 2015 @ 6:30 p.m. Training Officer’s Report Al noted that the driver’s compartment in Med 1 is dirty; please help in keeping this unit clean. Also, training tonight will consist of laptop review along with going through the pediatric bag. EMS/Infection Control Officer’s Report Protect yourself with sunscreen and/or bug spray if on standby for a football game, etc. Application Committee Report Nothing noted. Open Business: Coverage during football games was discussed. Past experience has been that the team on call covers the football game. This is good community service and promotes public relations. A reminder was given to cash your payroll checks on a timely basis. Also, if you would like your check by direct deposit, this is possible. Owen-Withee will be hosting an EMT refresher on 9/25, 9/26 and 9/27. If you attend a refresher other than the one offered in Abbotsford, please let an officer know. Colby will offer refresher this fall on week nights. The radios and pagers will need to be reprogrammed when Dorchester’s repeater tower is put in service. Discussion was held on the possible fire department(s) consolidation. The next consolidation meeting will be held on June 17, 2015 at the Colby City Hall beginning at 7:00 p.m. New Business: Dorchester Days will be held June 19 – 21. The med unit is required at the NTPA pull on Saturday night; there will be a parade on Sunday. A reminder was given to dress appropriately during the summer months; no open toe shoes, etc. Also, turnout gear is required at car accidents. 72 EVOC training will be scheduled for the July meeting along with laptop review. John and Al will set up the EVOC course. Interview questions for new applicants have been prepared and will be given to all new applicants. A motion was made by Kristi, second by Sarah to adjourn. Motion carried. Respectfully submitted, Carol Staab Secretary 73 Abbotsford Ambulance Board of Directors Meeting Minutes June 23, 2015 The meeting of the Board of Directors of the Abbotsford Ambulance Service was called to order by Ray Esselman. Present were: Carol Staab, Allen Nixdorf, Kristi Seubert, Travis Nixdorf, Sarah Diedrich. Also present was Jeremy Totzke. The possible fire department(s) consolidation was discussed. The Abbotsford City Council regular meeting will be held on July 6, 2015 beginning at 6:00 p.m. Discussion was held on possibly having a Board of Director meeting on July 7, 2015. There will be a special Abbotsford City Council meeting on July 8, 2015 beginning at 6:30 p.m. A motion was made by Sarah, second by Kristi to adjourn into closed session. Motion carried. A motion was made by Sarah, second by Kristi to reconvene into open session. Motion carried. The Abbotsford Story grant is due in September. The Christensen Charitable Foundation grant is due in July. Any funds received will go toward updating the defibrillators. Theresa from the Golden Living would like to borrow the CPR manikins for CPR instruction. This request will be denied. Tonya Dommer has requested permission to attend a trauma conference at the Wisconsin Dells. The service will pay $200 toward this conference with a receipt. The weekend on call sign-up was discussed; signing up, and then scratching your name off the day you’re on call will not be allowed. Discussion was held on reimbursement of EMT fees paid on behalf of a member who has not completed National Registry. The next meeting will be held in Dorchester on July 13th. Travis prepared a contract for review in regard to the First Responder group. Nothing will be finalized at this point. A motion was made by Sarah, second by Kristi to adjourn. Respectfully submitted, Carol Staab, Secretary 74 Regular monthly meeting June 9, 4:30 p.m. Meeting called to order Members Present: Bittner, Braun, Suttner, Giffin, Grunseth, Hinrichsen, Schraufnagel, Members absent: Writz, Mayor Rachu Previous minutes read and approved Treasurers Report: End of May Bal: $76,521.39 Expend: $7,143.37 Circulation Report: May 2015: 1995 May 2014: 2438 Apr 2015: 2176 Policy Review: Computer use policy discussion. This policy will be rewritten for approval in July WVLS Report: At the last V-Cat meeting, the council discussed removing the numbers of patrons’ photo ID from the system records. The state opinion is that if a system is hacked, the individual library is liable for that data. V-Cat is leaving it up to the individual libraries to decide whether or not to maintain these records. Motion by Braun/Giffin to remove Abbotsford patron’s ID numbers from the system. Motion passed. Directors report: The pizza garden summer reading kickoff program was a big success. We had a lot of kids and they had a great time. Discussion of early literacy donation options. Discussion of having an author talk in the fall. Staffing Issues: Working on summer scheduling. All going well. Motion to adjourn: Schraufnagel/Giffin 4:58 PM Next Meeting: Tuesday, July 14 at 4:30 PM 75 Minutes from the Colby Abbotsford Board of Police Commissioners held June 8, 2015 at the Colby/Abbotsford Police Department Chairman Schmidt called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Roll call: Schmidt, Lynn, Hederer, Faber, Anders and Weideman Others present: Clerk Lopez, Voss, Chief Bauer, Mayor Schmidt and Kevin O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph There were no comments from the public. Motion Hederer/Anders to approve the minutes from the May 11, 2015 meeting with changing the language to read “plate fund vs lockout fund”. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Hederer/Lynn to approve the expenditures in the amount of $9,578.67. Motion carried without negative vote. Under hourly pay rate for part-time officers, it was stated the current rate is $12.50 per hour. Chief Bauer recommended this rate be increased to between $14 to $15 per hour. It was stated that the area departments are in the range of $12 to $19 per hour. Currently the Commission employees two part time officers and there is $2,500 budgeted for these wages. It as stated it costs the department $120 per shift every time a part time officer is scheduled. It was stated that volunteer Firefighters make $15.00 per hour. Motion Anders/Weideman to recommend to the city councils increasing the part-time officer rate to $15.00 per hour. Motion carried without negative vote. This will go into effect the first payroll after approval by both city councils. Under Chief’s report, Chief Bauer reported that the Department is busy. Last week they dealt with a serious new born baby injury and are currently still involved in several investigations. Chief Bauer stated the new hire is doing well. Under Purchase Department policies from Lexipol an interactive presentation was provided by Lexipol. The cost is $495/year per officer. It was suggested that Chief Bauer obtain pricing from Lexipol for assistance with the setup process. The Commission discussed keeping statistics on the usage of the policies every two years and reporting back to the Commission. It was stated that use of this system would be required as mandatory training for the officers. The policies would be available through Wi-Fi connections, but not through the air card connections. Chief Bauer stated that officers feel unprotected with not having current policies in place and stressed this would be a protection for the Department as well. Bauer will provide exact costs to the Commission next month including the assistance options. Under discuss schedule changes/switching to 12 hour shifts, a draft union proposal was reviewed. It was stated that some officers are in favor of the 12 hour shifts, and some are not in favor. It was stated when officers are on call they are at home or in the community ready to respond. Discussion was held on how benefits would be handled; it was felt that a sick day would equal 12 hours of sick time. It was suggested that if this was implemented it would begin 76 the first day of 2016 to allow time for officers to adjust their vacation schedules, etc. It was stated that adjustments in line items would be necessary on the budget; overtime costs would increase, but on call costs would decrease. It was stressed that this is a draft only and there has been no union approval of this language. Chief Bauer will suggest the following changes to the Union: • 25 ½ floating holiday would change to 24 • On-Call language needs to be addressed • Vacation in blocks would need to be eliminated • Effective date should read January 1, 2016. Motion Hederer /Anders to adjourn at 7:40 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. Next meeting will be at the Colby/Abbotsford Police Department Monday, July 13, 2015 at 6:30 p.m. 77 78 79 Minutes from the Abbotsford Water and Sewer committee meeting held June 24, 2015 in the Council Chambers Chairman Voss called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. Roll call: Chairman Voss, Faber, Anders and Gosse Others present: Clerk Lopez, Medenwaldt, and Kevin O’Brien – Tribune Phonograph There were no comments from the Chairman. There were no comments by the Public. Under update on the Waste Water Treatment plant, it was stated that Miron is ahead of schedule. Pictures of the site were presented. All concrete work is expected to be completed by the end of July. There will be a construction meeting tomorrow at the City Hall at 10:00 a.m. Under update on the Simplified Water Rate increase/Sewer Rate discussion it was stated that in January the City council approve proceeding with a Simplified Rate Case of 3%. January was the earliest date that the City could apply for the increase, but due to the January timing, the PSC required the 2014 annual information be filed prior to the rate case. The rate case has now been filed and will be first seen by the customer on the August bill. It was stated that in 2012 the City of Abbotsford increased the sewer rate 70% in anticipation for the new plant. Now that the financing pieces are all compete the rates will again be reviewed to determine if a further increase is necessary. Under update on Water Department Medenwaldt explained that the SCADA project is in progress. There are now five Remote Transmission Units that are working with the meters. The Water department is happy with this progress. The Water Tower inspection is scheduled for the week of July 6th with the pre-work being completed on Monday and Tuesday. The water levels are all within one foot of the levels last year. Medenwaldt stated that he is happy with these levels. At this time there is no wells being pumped 24/7; some wells are being pumped 12 hours and three wells rest over the weekends. Motion Anders/Faber to adjourn at 5:15 p.m. Motion carried without negative vote. 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 Simplified Rate Case Application - Water Class: D 10 - Abbotsford Municipal Water Utility Public Service Commission of Wisconsin P.O. Box 7854 Madison, WI 53707-7854 (filing this form out is in accordance with Wis.Stat196.193) 3011(11/22/2004) Preparer Name: Jennifer Lopez Preparer Phone Number: 715-223-3444 Preparer Email Address: j.lopez@ci.abbotsford.wi.us Date Application will be filed with the PSC: 6/18/2015 Notice Date to be Mailed/Published: 6/24/2015 Newspaper Name: Abbotsford Tribune Phonograph Rate Effective Date: 8/27/2015 Annual Report Information Page 1 Total sales of water W-1 $1,483,062 2 Rate increase factor 3 Line 1 times Line 2 4 Net operating income (Oper.Revenues - Oper.Expenses) 5 Adjusted Total Operating income (Line 3 plus Line 4) 6 Average net rate base Water Utility 7 Line 5 divided by Line 6 3.7% 8 Test 1 - Financial Eligibility Qualifies * YES 9 Adusted operating income from Line 5 3.0% $44,492 W-1 $405,194 $449,686 F-23 $12,276,55 Above 10 Total Operation & Maintenance (O&M) expense (600 and 900 accounts only) W-1 11 Line 9 divided by Line 10 12 Test 2 - Financial Eligibility Qualifies ** * Eligible, if line 7 is equal to or less than 5.9% ** Eligible, If line 11 is equal to or less than 6.0% Historical Check Effective Date of Last Full Rate Case: 1/3/2013 Rates from last full rate case in effect for one full calendar year. TRUE If Class AB, not more than 5 year since last full rate case. NA Effective Date of Last SRC: 1/10/2007 Rate from last SRC in effect for one yar (12 months). TRUE Water Meter Rates 5/8" meter rate at last full rate case: 10.00 Current 5/8" meter rate: 10.00 If Class C or D, new cummulative rate less that 40% higher than last full rate case. TRUE 90 Printed: 6/16/2015 1:41:34 PM Notice of Rate Increase Water Customer of the Abbotsford Municipal Water Utility This is to give you notice that the Abbotsford Municipal Water Utility will file an application on June 18, 2015, with the Public Service Commission of Wisconsin (PSC), for authority to increase water rates. Rates for general service will increase 3 percent. The increase is necessary to reduce the existing deficiency in present rates. The request is being made under Wis. Stat. 196.193. Rate increases granted under this statute do not require a public hearing. The effect of the increase for some selected customers is shown below. Public Fire Protection and Wholesale rates (if applicable) will also increase 3 percent. Customer Classification Meter Size Gallons Existing Monthly Rate Revised Monthly Rate Average Residential 5/8" 4,000 $42.40 $43.66 Large Residential 3/4" 6,000 $58.60 $60.34 1" 50,000 $420.00 $432.45 1 1/2" 75,000 $632.50 $651.25 2" 150,000 $1250.00 $1287.05 Commercial Public Authority Industrial This rate increase will go into effect on August 27, 2015 If you have any questions about the rate increase request, call the Abbotsford Municipal Water Utility at (715) 223-3444. 91 Printed: 6/16/2015 1:41:34 PM WATER/SEWER/GARBAGE QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE - OLD RATE (RESIDENTIAL METER) BASE RATES GARBAGE WITH CART GARBAGE W/O CART PUBLIC FIRE 8.41 7.46 0.95 HIGHER W/ CART! 14.65 PER THOSAND GAL SEWER 25.75 5.68 13.78 WATER 10.00 8.10 1000 GAL TOTAL W/CART TOTAL W/O CART 58.81 57.86 PER THOSAND FOR WATER & SEWER 72.59 71.64 2000 GAL 86.37 85.42 3000 GAL 100.15 99.20 4000 GAL 113.93 112.98 5000 GAL 127.71 126.76 WATER/SEWER/GARBAGE QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE - NEW RATE (RESIDENTIAL METER) BASE RATES GARBAGE WITH CART GARBAGE W/O CART PUBLIC FIRE 8.41 7.46 0.95 HIGHER W/ CART! 15.09 PER THOSAND GAL SEWER 25.75 5.68 WATER 10.30 8.34 TOTAL W/CART TOTAL W/O CART 59.55 58.60 14.02 1000 GAL RESIDENTIAL INCREASE TOTAL W/ GARBAGE CART TOTAL W/O GARBAGE CART BASE CHG 0.74 0.74 73.74 72.79 1000 GAL 1.15 1.15 2000 GAL 87.60 86.65 2000 GAL 1.23 1.23 PER THOSAND FOR WATER & SEWER 3000 GAL 101.62 100.67 3000 GAL 1.47 1.47 4000 GAL 115.64 114.69 4000 GAL 1.71 1.71 5000 GAL 129.66 128.71 5000 GAL 1.95 1.95 92 Minutes from the Chamber of Commerce Meeting held Wednesday, June 3, 2015 The Meeting was held at the Abbotsford City Hall Lunch sponsors were The Home Place of Dorchester President Reed Welsh called the regular meeting to order An introduction of members present was given and a sign in sheet was distributed The Pledge of Allegiance was heard A welcome was proved by Heather Romatowski from the Home Place. Their facility has been in operation for 7 years and is a 13 bed facility for dementia patients. Motion Dean Wiese seconded by Dennis Kramer to approve the Secretary’s Minutes with changing the meeting date to May 2015. Motion carried without negative vote. Motion Dean Wiese seconded by Paula Mader to approve the Treasurer’s Report from May. Motion carried without negative vote. Old Business: 1 AbbyColby Crossings “Chamber After 5” a. Looking for four sponsors for our Chamber after 5” event – Sign up for the month that works for your business! This is a social event and time to showcase your business. b. Other Old Business – it was stated that the Refresh Leadership raised over $500 for Stepping Stones. New Business: 1 2 3 4 New Members: a. Bill’s Tire & Service, Inc. – May 6th – Welcome Back b. Novedades La Chiquita – May 13th – Welcome Back c. Designer Advertising – May 1st – Tiffany Bruesewitz new owner Ribbon Cuttings – a. UpNorth Concrete – will be held in June Colby Grounds Development – Meeting to be held on Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at the Colby City Hall Community Room – Any group that would like to use these grounds can send two representatives to speak for their group on how they would like to see the grounds developed. No person can represent more than one group and only the representatives can speak and show documents for their group. Committee Reports a. Branding Committee – June 9, 2015 – ACC Chamber Office – 3:00 pm; last meeting was postponed. The group is looking at creating marketing material; one brochure for all the communities. b. Outdoor Craft & Flea Market – June 8th at 6:30 pm ACC Chamber Office. The event encountered 5 inches of rain. There were 35-40 vendors and about 60 people in attendance. c. Dairy Breakfast – Event Held At Jeremy Hass Farm, Sunday June 28th d. First City Days – June 16, 2015 at 6:00 pm – Pizza Hut – Event held – August 7-9, 2015 e. Cheese Days – June 16, 2015 – 7:30 pm – Colby City Hall – Event held July 17-19, 2015. There are 9 advertising spots remaining. A new event this year is the rock climbing wall. 93 f. 5 6 Fall Festival – June 22. 2015 – 6:30 pm ACC Chamber Office – Event Held Sept. 11-13, 2015; The parade route is set and there are 7 carts confirmed for the llama races. g. ACC Chamber Golf Committee – June – Date to be determined – ACC Chamber Office – Event Held September 8, 2015 with a 1:30 tee off. h. Christmas Parade – June 9th at Noon at Pizza Hut – Event Held – December 5, 2015. The caterpillar frame is under construction. Office Coordinator’s Report a. Tourism Committee – Next meeting – June 17th @ 12:00 pm (Noon) – Loyal City Hall, Loyal b. Scholarship Committee – Abbotsford Scholarship recipient was Aaron Leiby and the Colby Scholarship recipient was Raquel Lopez. c. Other Correspondence: 1. Flowers Family Foundation – it was stated that the Chamber can nominate an area business 2. Thank you Cards from Aaron Leiby and Raquel Lopez for the scholarships were presented. d. Other Items: Dennis Kramer questioned the large display of RV’s and automobiles in the East Town Mall parking lot. IT was stated that Link Motors has applied for a Transient Merchants license to hold a 10 day sale in Abbotsford. Discussion was held as to the feelings of the area business owners. It was stated that that City Ordinance does allow for these type of Merchants and if the chamber felt strongly they could approach the Abbotsford City Council and request changes to the Ordinance. Motion Dennis Kramer seconded by Jenny Jakel to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried without negative vote. Thank You to The Home Place of Dorchester for sponsoring today’s lunch. Next meeting is to be Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at Abbotsford City Hall, Abbotsford, WI. Lunch sponsor: Wiese Repair & Pizza Hut. Every effort will be made to Adjourn by 1:00 p.m. 94 June 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 20 26 27 COUNCIL 7 8 POLICE—6:30 14 15 COUNCIL 6:00 16 17 FIRE CONSO- PUBLIC WORKS LODATION 7:00 5:00 COLBY 21 28 22 29 23 24 25 WATER & SWR 5:00 FINANCE 6:00 30 95 July 2015 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 OFFICE CLOSED 5 6 7 COUNCIL 6:00 12 13 8 9 10 11 COUNCIL 6:00 14 15 16 17 18 25 POLICE 6:30 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172
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