Advancing Science - Ohio Northern University
Advancing Science - Ohio Northern University
."(";*/&"/%"-6./*+063/"413*/( 0IJP/PSUIFSO "EWBODJOH4DJFODF /PSUIFSO4IPXDBTF "1SFTDSJQUJPO GPS *OOPWBUJPO %VSJOH MBTU ZFBST TVNNFS EFTJHO DBNQ 1SP GFTTPS #SJU 3PXF MFBE BO JOUFSEJTDJQMJOBSZ EF TJHO UFBN PG TUVEFOUT JO B SFEFTJHO PG QSFTDSJQ UJPO CPUUMFT 5PEBZT TUBOEBSE QIBSNBDZ CPUUMF IBT SFNBJOFE VODIBOHFE TJODF UIF T "TTJTUFE CZ BSU HSBEVBUF -BVSJF (PEGSFZ UIF OFX QBDLBHF EFTJHO JODMVEFT B DPOTJTUFOU MBCFMJOH TZTUFN DMFBSFS XBSOJOH MBCFMT DPMPS DPEJOH GPS FBTZ JEFOUJmDBUJPO BO FSHPOPNJD TIBQF BOE MFTT FNQIBTJT PO CSBOEJOH CVU NPSFFNQIBTJTPOSFBEBCJMJUZBOEGVODUJPO #SJU 3PXF JT BO BTTJTUBOU QSPGFT TPS JO HSBQIJD EFTJHO BOE DIBJS PG UIF EFQBSU NFOU PG BSU )F SFDFJWFE IJT #'" EFHSFFGSPN0IJP /PSUIFSO 6OJWFS TJUZ JO BOE IJT .'" EFHSFF GSPN UIF 6OJWFS TJUZ PG .JDIJHBO )F IBT DPOTJEFS BCMF FYQFSJFODF #SJU3PXF BT B HSBQIJD EF TJHOFS JO .JDIJHBO 0IJP BOE GPS 0IJP /PSUIFSO )F IBT FYIJCJUFE SFHJPOBMMZ BOE IBT XPSLFE GPS TVDI DMJFOUT BT /PSXJDI 6OJWFSTJUZ UIF 6OJUFE 8BZ BOE NBOZ PUIFST )F JT B NFNCFS PG "*(" 5IF 1SPGFTTJPOBM "TTPDJBUJPO GPS %F TJHO 0SEFS PG 0NFHB 0NJDSPO %FMUB ,BQQB BOE ,BQQB 1J #SJUT UFBDIJOH QIJMPTPQIZ FO DPVSBHFT TUVEFOUT UP FYQMPSF UIF QSPDFTT PG EFTJHO BT B XBZ UP TUSBUFHJDBMMZ TPMWF WJTVBM DPNNVOJDBUJPOQSPCMFNT MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL VOLUME 67 NUMBER 1 SPRING 2007 INSIDE THIS ISSUE Features 10 Advancing Science 16 Rising to the Challenge: Mathile Center for the Natural Sciences Departments 2 3 4 18 20 22 22 Letter from the President Northern Forum Tundra Today Faculty Research: Algae Polar Bear Report Book Report Faculty Lounge Alumni Journal 26 Northern Memories 27 Class Notes & Alumni Profiles 44 Teddy Bears 48 In Memorium Inside Back Cover Cedar Point SPRING 2007 4 10 16 18 20 44 1 'SPNUIF1SFTJEFOU 0IJP/PSUIFSO 6OJWFSTJUZ Dear Friends: 3-AIN3T !DA/HIO 7ELCOMETOSPRINGONTHECAMPUS OF/HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITY*UST ASNEWGROWTHISEVERYWHEREON CAMPUSSOTOONEWGROWTHIS EVIDENTINTHEPROGRAMSANDFACILITIES OFTHEUNIVERSITY9OUWILLREADABOUT SOMEOFTHEMINTHISISSUE 7EAREESPECIALLYEXCITEDABOUT THEOPPORTUNITIESPROVIDEDBYTHE -ATHILE#HALLENGETOBUILDANEW ANDEXPANDEDFACILITYFOR/.5S SCIENCESTUDENTSANDFACULTYTHE -ATHILE#ENTERFORTHE.ATURAL 3CIENCES)NTHISISSUEYOUWILLNOT ONLYLEARNABOUTTHEPHENOMENALGROWTHOF/.5SSCIENCEPROGRAMS BUTYOUWILLALSOLEARNHOWYOURSUPPORTCANHELPTHESEVITALPROGRAMS BECOMEEVENMOREEFFECTIVE *USTASTHESCIENCESHAVEALONGANDPROMINENTHISTORYAT/.5SO DOTHEARTSANDPROFESSIONALPROGRAMS2EADABOUTTHEADVANCESINTHESE PROGRAMSANDTHEACCOMPLISHMENTSOFOURSTUDENTSOURFACULTYANDOUR ALUMNIASTHEYREPRESENTTHEEXCELLENCETHATIS/HIO.ORTHERN )TISMYHOPETHATYOUANDYOURFAMILYCANJOIN4OBYANDMEON CAMPUSTOSEElRSTHANDTHEBEAUTYANDVITALITYOF/HIO.ORTHERN 5NIVERSITYASITPREPARESTHENEXTGENERATIONOFLEADERS 3INCERELY President +ENDALL,"AKER Vice President for Academic Affairs !NNE,IPPERT Vice President and Dean of Enrollment +AREN0#ONDENI!3 Vice President for Advancement 4HOMAS23TEVICK Vice President for Financial Affairs *OHN'REEN Vice President for Student Affairs !LICE+AY(ILDERBRAND MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL SPRING 2007 +ENDALL,"AKER 0RESIDENT Ohio Northern: Advancing Science On the cover: A DNA double helix strand and a diagram of a molecule represent some of the research done at ONU. 2 OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL /PSUIFSO'PSVN From the Editor’s Desk: Advancing Science /N!PRIL/HIO.ORTHERNS0RESIDENT+ENDALL,"AKERTESTIlEDBEFORE THE/HIO(OUSE3UBCOMMITTEEON(IGHER%DUCATION )NHISTESTIMONY$R"AKERASCHAIRMANOFTHE!)#5/!SSOCIATIONOF )NDEPENDENT#OLLEGESAND5NIVERSITIESOF/HIOPOINTEDOUTTHAT/HIOS INDEPENDENTCOLLEGESINCLUDING/.5EDUCATEhDISPROPORTIONATELYLARGE PERCENTAGESOFMATHANDSCIENCEGRADUATESvWHENCOMPAREDWITHPUBLICCOLLEGES ANDUNIVERSITIES !T/.5THISISPARTICULARLYTRUEWITHMATHANDSCIENCEFORMINGTHECOREOFA LARGENUMBEROFTHEDEGREESAWARDEDEACHYEAR )NTHISISSUEOFTHE/HIO.ORTHERN-AGAZINEAND!LUMNI*OURNALYOUWILL LEARNHOWTHESCIENCECURRICULUMANDTHESCIENCEFACILITIESOF/HIO.ORTHERN CONTINUETOGROWTOMEETTHEDEMANDSOFBOTHSTUDENTSANDPOTENTIALEMPLOYERS 9OUWILLMEET.ORTHERNALUMNIWHOHAVEFOUNDTHATTHEIR/.5SCIENCE PREPARATIONHASALLOWEDTHEMTOMOVEINTOCAREERSTHATAREBOTHCHALLENGINGAND REWARDING-EETALSOSOMECURRENTMATHANDSCIENCESTUDENTSWHOAREEAGER TOTAKETHEIRSCIENCEANDMATHSTUDIESFROMTHECLASSROOMINTOTHEPOSTGRADUATE WORLDSOFRESEARCHTEACHINGANDEMPLOYMENT 2EADEVENMOREOFTHEIRSTORIESBYLOGGINGONTOTHE/.5WEBSITETHIS SUMMERHTTPWWWONUEDU /HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITYHASALONGHISTORYOFPROVIDINGITSSTUDENTSWITH EXCELLENTINSTRUCTIONANDOUTSTANDINGOPPORTUNITIESTOADVANCEINTHEIRCHOSEN lELDSOFSTUDY4ODAYTHEUNIVERSITYISTAKINGSTEPSTOSTRENGTHENITSSCIENCEAND MATHPROGRAMSANDTOMOVETHESEPROGRAMSTOANEWLEVELWITHNEWANDEXPANDED FACILITIESFORINSTRUCTIONANDRESEARCH4HE-ATHILE#ENTERFORTHE.ATURAL3CIENCES ISANEXCITINGPROJECTTHATOPENSNEWDOORSFORSCIENCESTUDENTSANDOPPORTUNITIES FOR/HIO.ORTHERNSALUMNIANDFRIENDSTOTAKEPARTINTHATGROWTH )NHISTESTIMONY$R"AKERWENTONTOSAYh)NMYVIEWINDEPENDENTCOLLEGES AREANINDISPENSABLEPARTOFTHESTATESHIGHEREDUCATIONINFRASTRUCTUREANDAN INTEGRALANDINTERRELATEDPARTNERWITHOURSTATESPUBLICFOURYEARANDTWOYEAR INSTITUTIONSv "YREMAININGALEADERINEDUCATINGMATHANDSCIENCEGRADUATES/HIO .ORTHERNASSURESITSPLACEIN/HIOSHIGHEREDUCATIONSYSTEM Publisher 4HOMAS23TEVICK TSTEVICK ONUEDU 6ICE0RESIDENTFOR 5NIVERSITY!DVANCEMENT Editor -ARY!7ILKIN MWILKIN ONUEDU !SSOCIATE$IRECTORFOR #OMMUNICATIONS3ERVICES Art Director 4OMA7ILLIAMS!3 TWILLIAMS ONUEDU !SSOCIATE$IRECTORFOR!RTAND$ESIGN Alumni Journal Editors 7ILLIAM,2OBINSON!3 WROBINSON ONUEDU %XECUTIVE!SSISTANTTOTHE0RESIDENT !NN$ONNELLY!3 ADONNELLY ONUEDU $IRECTOROF!LUMNI!FFAIRS $ANIELLE6ERONE-URRAY!3 DMURRAY ONUEDU !SSISTANT$IRECTOROF!LUMNI!FFAIRS Class Notes Editor 3END#LASS.OTESNEWSVIAEMAILTO ALUMNI ONUEDU Contributing Writers -ARY!7ILKIN4IM'LON*OS£.OGUERAS +RISTEN0NIEWSKI!3%LIZABETH&OGLE !3-IKE3EEM!3*OSHUA *UDKINS!3 Contributing Photographers *OS£.OGUERAS+EN#OLWELL4IM'LON -ARY!7ILKIN&RANCIS#ARDULLO!3 POSTMASTER 3ENDADDRESSCHANGESTO /()/./24(%2.-!'!:).% !.$!,5-.)*/52.!, 3-AIN3T!DA/HIO /()/./24(%2.-!'!:).%!.$!,5-.)*/52.!, 5303ISPUBLISHEDQUARTERLYBY/HIO.ORTHERN5NIVER SITY3-AIN3T!DA/HIO 0ERIODICALSPOSTAGEPAIDAT!DA/HIOANDADDITIONALMAILING OFlCES0HONE&AX /()/./24(%2.5.)6%23)49&OUNDEDIN/HIO .ORTHERN5NIVERSITYISALEADINGPRIVATESTUDENTCENTEREDINSTI TUTIONTHATCOMBINESAQUALITYLIBERALARTSANDCOMPREHENSIVE PROFESSIONALEDUCATIONOFFEREDBYITSlVECOLLEGES!RTS3CIENCES "USINESS!DMINISTRATION%NGINEERING0HARMACYAND,AWTOA DIVERSESTUDENTBODYOFMORETHAN WWWONUEDU SPRING 2007 3 5VOESB5PEBZ Scholarships Benefit ONU Students 3FDJQJFOUTPGUIFUXP.BUIJMF4DIPMBSTIJQTGPSUIFOFYUBDBEFNJDZFBSIBWFCFFOBOOPVODFE ɨFUXPSFOFXBCMFTDIPMBSTIJQTXJMMHPUP3ZBO#SVOFPG%FDBUVS*OEXIPQMBOTUPNBKPSJO NFDIBOJDBMFOHJOFFSJOHBOE"VTUJO.PZFSPG/FX8BTIJOHUPO0IJPXIPQMBOTUPNBKPSJOFOHJOFFSJOH ɨF.BUIJMF4DIPMBSTIJQTBSFUIFIJHIFTUTDIPMBSTIJQTBXBSEFEBU0/6ɨFZBSFBXBSEFEUP BDDFQUFETUVEFOUTXIPRVBMJGZBOEQBSUJDJQBUFJOUIF1SFTJEFOUJBM3FDPHOJUJPO%BZ 0UIFS BXBSET JODMVEF 1SFTJEFOUJBM 4DIPMBST5SVTUFF 4DIPMBST "DBEFNJD )POPS 4DIPMBST %JTUJOHVJTIFE"DIJFWFNFOU4DIPMBSTBOE%FBOT4DIPMBSTIJQTBMMBXBSEFEGPMMPXJOHPODBNQVT FWBMVBUJPOTIFMEJO+BOVBSZBOE'FCSVBSZ"XJEFWBSJFUZPGPUIFSTDIPMBSTIJQTBMTPBMMPX0/6 TUVEFOUTUPDPNQMFUFUIFJSFEVDBUJPO %PTDIPMBSTIJQBXBSETNBLFBSFBMEJĊFSFODF )FSFTXIBUTPNFTDIPMBSTIJQSFDJQJFOUTTBJE Scholarship recipients, Elizabeth Weimer, Samantha BCPVUUIFJSBXBSET Ludwig and Kendra Gorby, write thank you notes to &MJ[BCFUI8FJNFSBGPVSUIZFBSQIBSNBDZTUVEFOUGSPN-PWFMBOE0IJPSFDFJWFEUIF8PPET the individuals who support them. Looking on is Craig 4UVEFOU"JE'VOETDIPMBSTIJQ4IFTBJEi*UTRVJUFBOIPOPSUPCFSFDPHOJ[FEBOEUPSFDFJWFUIF Sneider, director of financial aid. TDIPMBSTIJQUIBUXJMMIFMQQBZGPSNZFEVDBUJPO8IFOPSJHJOBMMZEFDJEJOHXIFSF*XBTHPJOHUPHP IPXNVDITDIPMBSTIJQNPOFZ*XBTHPJOHUPHFUQMBZFEBMBSHFSPMFJONZEFDJTJPO0IJP/PSUIFSOUSVMZXBTUIFVOJWFSTJUZ*XBOUFEUPBUUFOECVU UIFSFXBTBDFSUBJOEPMMBSBNPVOU*IBEUPHFUEPXOUPBOEXJUINZTDIPMBSTIJQT*XBTBCMFUPHFUUIFSF*UXBTUSVMZBCMFTTJOHGPSNFw ,FOESB(PSCZBmGUIZFBSQIBSNBDZTUVEFOUGSPN-BODBTUFS0IJPSFDFJWFEUIF+BZ)BNQTPO4DIPMBSTIJQ4IFSFDBMMTi*BDUVBMMZIBEUIFQSJWJMFHFPG LOPXJOH)BNQUPOTXJGFXIPJTBXJEPX8FSFGSPNUIFTBNFIPNFUPXOɨFZCPUIXFOUUP0/6BOECFDBNFQIBSNBDJTUT*UTWFSZTQFDJBMUPNFw #SBOEPO4USPIMBTFOJPSJODJWJMFOHJOFFSJOHGSPN/FX-FYJOHUPO0IJPSFDFJWFEUIF+BOFBOE#SVDF#VSUPO4DIPMBSTIJQ)FTBJEi*UIFMQTBMPU XJUIGVOEJOHNZDPMMFHFBOENBLJOHFWFSZUIJOHQPTTJCMFw)FBEETi*NUIJOLJOHPGHPJOHPOUPHSBEVBUFTDIPPMCVU*EPOULOPXZFUw 4UFQIBOJF1PQPWJDIBKVOJPSJOJOUFSOBUJPOBMCVTJOFTTBOEFDPOPNJDTGSPN4USPOHTWJMMF0IJPSFDFJWFEUIF3POBME(8FCFS4DIPMBSTIJQ4IF TBZTi*UTBHSFBUIPOPSUIBUTPNFPOFXBTUIPVHIUGVMFOPVHIUPEPOBUFNPOFZUPCFOFmUNZGVUVSFw 4BNBOUIB-VEXJHBGSFTINBOJOJOUFSOBUJPOBMCVTJOFTTBOEFDPOPNJDTGSPN/PSXBML0IJPSFDFJWFEUIF3PCCZ4DIPMBSTIJQ4IFTBJEi*NSFBMMZ FYDJUFEBOEDPNQMFUFMZIPOPSFEBOE*DBOUXBJUUPSFBMMZEFMWFJOUPFWFSZUIJOHIFSFBMMUIFGVODUJPOTBOEBDUJWJUJFTw "MMJTPO#PISFSBTFOJPSJOBDDPVOUJOHGSPN#FEGPSE)FJHIUT0IJPSFDFJWFEUIF.BSZ+:PVOH.FNPSJBM4DIPMBSTIJQ4IFJTJOUFSFTUFEJOBDDPVOUJOH BOEDSJNJOBMKVTUJDFBOEIPQFTUPXPSLXJUIUIF'#*4IFTBJEi*NIPOPSFE*XBTFYDJUFEXIFO*HPUUIFFNBJMBOE*NBDUVBMMZDBQQFEPĊXJUINZ mOBODJBMBJEBXBSETP*DBOTFOECBDLTPNFMPBONPOFZw PRSSA Chapter Wins National Awards Twelfth Night ONU’s department of theatre presented the classic Shakespearean comedy Twelfth Night, but with a 60s “twist,” at the Freed Center for the Performing Arts. The fast-paced tale of love, confusion and mistaken identity featured music performed by a live band on stage. Four original songs composed by Chicago-based Jon Negus in the pop rock style of the 60s and 70s, complemented other music of The Beatles, Kinks and Rolling Stones, to help create the psychedelic world of that period. 4 /.5S0UBLIC2ELATIONS3TUDENT3OCIETYOF!MERICA0233!CHAPTERWASHONORED WITHANUMBEROFAWARDSATTHENATIONAL0233!CONFERENCEIN3ALT,AKE#ITY.OV 4HE/.5CHAPTERRECEIVEDA$R&(4EAHAN.ATIONAL#HAPTER!WARDFOR /UTSTANDING023!!.EWSLETTER4HISCATEGORYRECOGNIZESQUALITYOFWRITINGCREATIVITY DESIGNANDCONTENT -ELISSA#SUHRANASENIORCOMMUNICATIONARTSMAJORFROM-ENTOR/HIOCAPTURED THE!LTSCHUL#HAMPIONSFOR0233!/UTSTANDING)NTERNSHIP!WARD3HEALSORECEIVEDTHE .ORMAN&ENICHEL!WARDTHATRECOGNIZESA0233!MEMBERWHOHASACHIEVEDOUTSTANDING PUBLICRELATIONSANDANEXCELLENTUNDERSTANDINGOFETHICALCONDUCTINTHEPROFESSION #SUHRANAND"ARBARA4ATEASENIORCOMMUNICATIONARTSMAJORFROM.ORTH +INGSVILLE/HIOSHAREDTHE.ATIONAL0RESIDENTS#ITATIONTHATRECOGNIZESMEMBERSWHO EXCEEDTHEEXPECTATIONSOFTHOSEAROUNDTHEM 4ATEALSORECEIVEDTHE"ETSY0LANK0233!3CHOLARSHIP!WARD4HESCHOLARSHIPRECOGNIZES ACADEMICACHIEVEMENTLEADERSHIPPRACTICALEXPERIENCEANDCOMMITMENTTOPUBLICRELATIONS 3IX/.5STUDENTSRECEIVEDTHE.ATIONAL'OLD+EYAWARDASOUTSTANDINGSOCIETY MEMBERS4HISHIGHESTINDIVIDUALHONORFORMEMBERSRECOGNIZESSTUDENTSFORACADEMIC EXCELLENCEANDLEADERSHIPQUALITIESIN0233!/.5MEMBERSHONOREDWERE*ESSICA !NDERSON"!*AMIE#HABRA"!4IFFANY'ARCIA"!(EIDI0OST"!AND4ATE !TTHEORGANIZATIONSMEETINGIN.ASHVILLE4ENN#SUHRANWASELECTEDNATIONAL PRESIDENT3HEWILLSUCCEEDOUTGOINGPRESIDENT+EVIN3AGHYAN/HIO.ORTHERNSENIORIN COMMUNICATIONARTSFROM(IRAM/HIO OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL Director of Development for Arts and Sciences 2 I C H A R D "OROWSKI IS /.5S N E W D I RE C T O R O F DEVELOPMENT IN THE #OLLEGE OF !RTS OF 3CIENCES ( E C O M E S T O / . 5 F R O M $ELAWARE /HIO W H E RE H E W A S A C O N S U L T A N T F O R PUBLIC AFFAIRS AND DEVELOPMENT WITH T H E # O A L I T I O N -EMORIAL 0ROJECT WHICHHONORSSERVICE MENANDWOMENIN Richard Borowski THE!RMED&ORCESWHOMADETHEULTIMATESACRIlCEIN CURRENTOVERSEASCONmICTS 0RIORTOTHATHEWASDIRECTOROFDEVELOPMENTFOR THE#OLLEGEOF&INE!RTSAT)LLINOIS3TATE5NIVERSITY!T THE5NIVERSITYOF)LLINOISHEWASTHEMAJORGIFTSOFlCER FORTHEUNIVERSITYS.02AND0"3STATIONS (EHOLDSA"3INEDUCATIONANDBIOLOGYFROM4HE #ITADEL#HARLESTON3#ANDDIDGRADUATELEVELWORK AT)LLINOIS3TATE5NIVERSITY Goldwater Scholarship Honorable Mention !NDREW (OMAN A SENIOR IN MATHEMATICS ANDPHILOSOPHYRECEIVED HONORABLE MENTION IN THIS YEARS "ARRY - 'OLDWATER 3CHOLARSHIP AND%XCELLENCEIN%DUCA TION0ROGRAM 4HIS IS THE THIRD CONSECUTIVE YEAR THAT AN /.5 STUDENT HAS BEEN RECOGNIZED BY THE 'OLD WATER PROGRAM $ANIEL 7ADDELL"3ANDSE NIOR BIOCHEMISTRY MAJOR Andrew Homan #HRIS,EMONAREPAST'OLDWATERSCHOLARSWHOWENTONTO CONDUCTSUMMERRESEARCHPROJECTSUNDERTHEPROGRAM SPRING 2007 H.S. Lehr Sculpture Commissioned 4AD2-C+ILLOPHASBEENSELECTEDTOCREATETHELARGESCALEBRONZESCULPTURETHAT WILLHONOR/HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITYSFOUNDER$R(ENRY3OLOMON,EHR 4HEUNVEILINGOFTHESCULPTUREISSCHEDULEDFOR/CTASPARTOF/.5S HOMECOMINGWEEKEND -C+ILLOPONEOFFOURlNALISTSINTHESCULPTURECOMPETITIONISAVISITINGPROFESSOR OFARTAT(ILLSDALE#OLLEGE(ILLSDALE-ICH(ERECEIVEDHISMASTEROFlNEARTSFROM THE'RADUATE3CHOOLOF&IGURATIVE!RTOFTHE.EW9ORK!CADEMYOF!RT-C+ILLOPHAS RECEIVEDNUMEROUSAWARDSFORHISWORKINCLUDINGTHE-ICHIGAN!RTISTS'ROUP3HOW -ERIT!WARDINAND6IEWERS#HOICE!WARDATTHE'REAT,AKES2EGIONAL!RT %XHIBITION(ISCOLLECTIONSINCLUDE2IVERGOD4HE6ILLAGEOF*ONESVILLE3AUK4HEATRE 3CULPTUREAND4ENBROEK-EMORIALATTHE&IRST5NITED-ETHODIST#HURCHIN!NN!RBOR -ICH h4HESELECTIONOF4ADFROMSUCHAVASTPOOLOFAPPLICANTSISATESTAMENTTOTHE ARTISTICPROMISEOFHISWORKvSAID7"RIT2OWE"&!CHAIRMANOFTHE/.5 $EPARTMENTOF!RTANDAMEMBEROFTHESELECTIONCOMMITTEEh4HECOMMITTEEPRAISED THEINSTALLATIONPROPOSALBECAUSEITBOTHCAPTURESTHECHARACTEROFOURFOUNDERAND DOESNTOVERWHELMTHESITEv 4HESCULPTUREWILLSTANDINTHEROUNDGARDENTHATISPOSITIONEDONTHESIDEWALK THATRUNSBETWEENTHENEW*AMES&$ICKE#OLLEGEOF"USINESS!DMINISTRATIONANDTHE HISTORIC(ILLBUILDINGERECTEDIN ‘Engineering Your Place in the Workforce of Tomorrow’ 'EORGE!-ANOS"3%%OF533TEELSPOKE ONh#HANGES#HALLENGESAND#HOICES%NGINEERING 9OUR0LACEINTHE7ORKFORCEOF4OMORROWvASPARTOF /.5S3POTTS,ECTURE3ERIESON-ARCH -ANOSANATIVEOF#ANTON/HIOGRADUATEDIN FROM.ORTHERNWITHABACHELOROFSCIENCEDEGREE INELECTRICALENGINEERING -ANOSBEGANWORKINGFOR533TEEL#ORPORATION FOLLOWINGHISGRADUATIONFROM/HIO.ORTHERNMOVING George A. Manos THROUGHANUMBEROFMANAGEMENTPOSITIONS(EPLAYED ASIGNIlCANTROLEINTHEFORMATIONOF533TEELSJOINTVENTUREWITH+OBE3TEELOF*APAN WORKEDASADMINISTRATIVEDIRECTOROFGOVERNMENTALANDLEGALAFFAIRSFOR2EPUBLIC4ECHNOLO GIES)NTERNATIONALACOMPANYCOMPRISEDOF533+OBEAND2EPUBLIC%NGINEERED3TEELS AND"AR4ECHNOLOGIESWASMANAGEROFGOVERNMENTAFFAIRSATTHEFORMER538#ORPORA TIONSSTATEGOVERNMENTALAFFAIRSOFlCEIN3T0AUL-INNWASMANAGEROFPUBLICAFFAIRS ANDCORPORATEMEETINGSATCORPORATEHEADQUARTERSIN0ITTSBURGH0AANDSERVEDASGENERAL MANAGERFORHUMANRESOURCES /N!PRILSHORTLYAFTERHISVISITTO/.5HEWASAPPOINTEDPRESIDENTOF5332EAL %STATE(EISNOWRESPONSIBLEFORTHEMANAGEMENTDEVELOPMENTANDMARKETINGOF53 3TEELSDOMESTICREALESTATEASSETS !T/HIO.ORTHERN-ANOSHASSERVEDASTHECHAIRMANOF/.5S%NGINEERING!D VISORY"OARDCHAIREDTHECOMMITTEETHATESTABLISHEDTHE$EAN!RCHER-EMORIAL&UND ANDWASAMEMBEROFTHE/.5!LUMNI"OARD 4HE3POTTS,ECTURESERIESWASESTABLISHEDTOBRINGDISTINGUISHEDSPEAKERSTO/.5 ONANANNUALBASISTOALERTSTUDENTSTOTHEPROBABLEPROFESSIONALCONDITIONSANDCHAL LENGESTHATENGINEERSANDCOMPUTERSCIENTISTSWILLFACEINTHEFUTURE 5 ONU Robotics Center of Excellence 2OBOTSAREHOTTOYSFORCHILDRENBUTIN/.5STECHNOLOGYDEPARTMENTROBOTS AREANYTHINGBUTCHILDSPLAY 4HROUGHANAGREEMENTWITH+5+!2OBOTICS#ORPORATION/HIO.ORTHERNHAS UNVEILEDTHE/.52OBOTICS#ENTEROF%XCELLENCETOALLOW.ORTHERNSSTUDENTSTO EXPERIENCEHANDSONDESIGNANDPROGRAMMINGWITHSTATEOFTHEART+5+!ROBOTS CONTROLLERSANDSOFTWARE 4HECENTERHASSEVEN+5+!+2ROBOTS&IVEOFTHEROBOTSAREBEINGINTERFACED TO0,#SAND#.#MACHINESINASIMULATEDMANUFACTURINGENVIRONMENTPERFORMING LOADINGUNLOADINGANDPARTSTRANSFERFUNCTIONS 4WOOFTHEROBOTSWEREPARTOFCOMPETITIONSENTEREDBYTHE/.5AWARDWINNING TRAVELINGROBOTICSTEAMS,ASTYEAR/.5ROBOTICSTEAMSGARNEREDlVEAWARDSATTHE .ATIONAL2OBOTICS#HALLENGE4HISYEARTHE/.5TEAMTOOKTHETOPAWARDh 2OBOTOFTHE9EARvASWELLASTWOGOLDANDONESILVERAWARD +5+!2OBOTICS#ORPORATIONWITHITSPARENTCOMPANY+5+!2OBOTER'MB( !UGSBURG'ERMANYISONEOFTHEWORLDSLEADINGMANUFACTURERSOFINDUSTRIALROBOTS $R$AVID2OUCHCHAIRMANOFTHE/.5DEPARTMENTOFTECHNOLOGICALSTUDIESSAID h7E ARE PLEASED TO HAVE DEVELOPED THIS RELATIONSHIP WITH A WORLDCLASS COMPANY SUCH AS+5+!2OBOTICS4HISENTERPRISEWILLOPENMANYDOORSFOROURSTUDENTSTOWORKFOR COMPANIESTHATUTILIZE+5+!ROBOTSBECAUSEOFTHEEXCELLENTEDUCATIONALEXPERIENCETHEY WILLNOWBEABLETORECEIVEWITHADVANCEDTECHNOLOGYINTHEIRCOURSEWORKv ONU’s robotics team poses with their entry, the “2007 Robot of the Year.” h4HENEWROBOTICEQUIPMENTANDTHENEWCENTERWILLPROVIDE OURSTUDENTSWITHANEDUCATIONALOPPORTUNITYSECONDTONONEvSAID 2OBERT!-ANZERDEANOFTHE/.5#OLLEGEOF!RTSAND3CIENCES h3UCHLEADINGTECHNOLOGYWILLMAKEITPOSSIBLEFOROURSTUDENTSTO GAINAWORLDCLASSLEVELOFEXPERTISEv +5+! ROBOTS ARE UTILIZED IN A DIVERSE RANGE OF INDUSTRIES INCLUDING APPLIANCES AUTOMOTIVE AEROSPACE CONSUMER GOODS LOGISTICS FOOD PHARMACEUTICAL MEDICAL FOUNDRY AND PLASTICS /THERMULTIPLEAPPLICATIONSINCLUDEMATERIALHANDLINGMACHINE LOADINGASSEMBLYPACKAGINGPALLETIZINGWELDINGBENDINGJOINING ANDSURFACElNISHING ONU First at National Association of Industrial Technology Conference 5SINGALTERNATEENERGYSTORAGE/HIO.ORTHERNTECHNOLOGYSTUDENTSPLACEDlRSTFORh"EST %LECTRONICSAND#ONTROLSvATTHE.ATIONAL!SSOCIATIONOF)NDUSTRIAL4ECHNOLOGY.!)4NATIONAL CONFERENCEIN.OVEMBER /.5STEAMDECIDEDTOUSEULTRACAPACITORTECHNOLOGYASTHESOLEPOWERSOURCEDRIVING THEIRDEVICETHEONLYTEAMTOMAKETHATCHOICE 5LTRACAPACITOR TECHNOLOGY IS A BREAKTHROUGH IN ALTERNATE ENERGY STORAGE AND IS BEING CONSIDEREDBYAUTOMOTIVECOMPANIESFORUSEINHYBRIDELECTRICVEHICLES4HESTUDENTDESIGNED SYSTEMHADENOUGHENERGYTOPOWERTHEROBOTFORNEARLYMINUTESANDREQUIREDLESSTHAN TWOMINUTESTORECHARGE -EMBERSOFTHE/.5TEAMWERE-ARK3TEVENSASENIORTECHNOLOGYMAJORFROM.ORTH (AMPTON/HIO3AMANTHA7ARDASENIORTECHNOLOGYMAJORFROM&AIRBORN/HIO3EAN'UYETT ASENIORTECHNOLOGYMAJORFROM!LDEN.EW9ORK2OB3LATERASENIORTECHNOLOGYMAJORFROM !PPLE#REEK/HIOAND4REVOR2OBINSONAJUNIORTECHNOLOGYMAJORFROM#ALEDONIA/HIO $R !DAM 3TEINECKER ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF TECHNOLOGICAL STUDIES SERVED AS THE ADVISOR &IFTEENINSTITUTIONSCOMPETEDTOCREATE AUTONOMOUSROBOTSTOACCOMPLISHASEARCH AND RESCUE TASK4HE ROBOTS NAVIGATED A COURSE BY FOLLOWING A CONDUCTIVE TAPE ON THECOMPETITIONSURFACELOCATEDANOBJECT TO BE RESCUED A PREDElNED INCH METAL CONDUITPICKEDUPTHEOBJECTANDCARRIED ITACROSSTHElNISHLINE 6 ONU Student Receives National Engineering Award -ATT#ASTELLUCCI A SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEERING MAJOR FROM!LLIANCE/HIO IS ONE OF ONLY STUDENTSELECTEDTOTHE THIRDANNUAL3OCIETY O F ! U T O M O T I V E %NGINEERS 3!% , E A D E R S H I P $ E V E L O P M E N T Matt Castellucci 0ROGRAM #ASTELLUCCI TOOK PART IN THE 3ECTION /FFICERS ,EADERSHIP3EMINAR3/,3HELDIN/RLANDO&LADURING *ANUARY4HESEMINARISDESIGNEDTODEVELOPLEADERSHIPSKILLS NEEDEDINTHEAUTOMOTIVEANDTHEMOBILITYINDUSTRIES 4HE LEADERSHIP PROGRAM FALLS UNDER 3!%S 0OWER4RACK INITIATIVEACAREERPATHWAYDESIGNEDTOACCELERATETHECAREERS OFYOUNGER3!%MEMBERS $R *OHN$AVID 9ODER ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING NOMINATED #ASTELLUCCI FOR THISAWARDBASEDONHISLEADERSHIPASTHEPRESIDENTOF /.5SSTUDENTCHAPTEROF3!% OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL International Law Moot Court Team Advances First LL.M. Class Completes Year-long Program 4HE GRADUATING MEMBERS OF /HIO .ORTHERNS ,,-PROGRAMINTHE#OLLEGEOF,AWCOMPLETEDTHEIR YEARLONGEXPERIENCEOFDEMOCRATICGOVERNANCEANDTHE RULEOFLAWINTHE53WITHAlELDTRIPTO7ASHINGTON $#ANDTHE533UPREME#OURT 4HESTUDENTSALLPRACTICINGLAWYERSFROMTRANSITIONAL DEMOCRACIESSPENTTHELASTYEARLEARNINGABOUT53LEGAL ANDPOLITICALTOPICSFROMTHEGROUNDUP4HEYTOOKAN INDEPTHLOOKATLOCALPOLITICALCAMPAIGNSANDELECTIONS METWITHTHE!LLEN#OUNTY"AR!SSOCIATIONVISITEDTHE /HIO3TATE3UPREME#OURTMETMEMBERSOFALEADING LAWlRMIN#OLUMBUSANDMETWITHAVISITINGDELEGATION OF5KRAINIANJUDGES 4HEYALSOATTENDEDANINTERNATIONALLAWCONFERENCE IN.EW9ORK#ITYTOOKPARTINWEEKENDLONGSEMINARS ON HUMAN RIGHTS AND CONCLUDED THEIR STUDIES WITH RESEARCH PAPERS ON LEGAL ISSUES OF IMPORTANCE IN THEIR HOMECOUNTRIES &ORMANYOFTHESTUDENTSWRITINGRESEARCHPAPERS ANDANALYTICALEXAMSWASANEWAPPROACHTOLEARNING 3OlYA )SSENOVA FROM +AZAKHSTAN SAID THIS ABOUT THE GROUPS #OLUMBUS EXPERIENCE h7E HAD A UNIQUE OPPORTUNITYTOOBSERVESESSIONSATTHE3UPREME#OURTIN #OLUMBUSANDHADAVERYINTERESTINGCONVERSATIONWITH THE#HIEF*USTICE)WASIMPRESSEDBYTHEFACTTHATTHE *USTICEWASVERYAPPROACHABLEAFFABLEANDWELLINFORMED ABOUTJUDICIALREFORMINOURCOUNTRIESv !STHECOURSECAMETOACONCLUSIONTHEFACULTYADDED JOBREADINESSSKILLSTOTHECURRICULUM3TEVEN,ARRABEE ASSISTANT DIRECTOR OF THE ,,- PROGRAM EXPLAINED h4HESEAREPEOPLEWITHEXCELLENT%NGLISHLANGUAGESKILLS ANADVANCEDDEGREEFROMTHE53ANDTHEYHAVESTUDIED ANDLIVEDINTHECULTURE)TISIMPORTANTTHATTHEYKNOWHOW TOPUTTHATTOTHEBESTUSEv SPRING 2007 /HIO .ORTHERNS )NTERNATIONAL ,AW -OOT #OURT4EAM ADVANCED TO THE *ESSUP )NTERNATIONAL#OMPETITIONIN7ASHINGTON$#ON-ARCH !FTERlNISHINGTHIRDINTHE.ORTH#ENTRAL2EGIONALCOMPETITIONAT#LEVELAND3TATE 5NIVERSITYTHETEAMFACEDLAWSCHOOLSFROMMORETHANCOUNTRIESANDREGIONSIN THE5NITED3TATES 4HE/.5TEAMPLACEDINAlELDOFTEAMSFROMACROSSTHEWORLD4HEWRITTEN MEMORIALSPREPAREDBYTHE/.5STUDENTSWERERANKEDTHOVERALL 3ECONDYEARLAWSTUDENTS2YAN-C,ELLANDFROM3ALT,AKE#ITY5TAHAND*OSHUA *ONESFROM,A#RENSENTA#ALIFWERERANKEDAMONGTHETOPORALADVOCATESINTHE INTERNATIONALCOMPETITION-C,ELLANDRANKEDTHAND*ONESTHAMONGTHEOVER ADVOCATESFROMALLOVERTHEWORLD 4HE/HIO.ORTHERNTEAMALSOINCLUDED-ELISSA&REEMANFROM!THENS/HIOAND /LEANA:ADOROZHNAAN,,-STUDENTFROMTHE5KRAINE 4HETEAMISCOACHEDBYSTUDENT!SHLEY.EESEFROM-EADOWVIEW6AAND0ROF (OWARD&ENTON College of Law Hosts Dean’s Lecture Series *EFFREY3,UBBERSSPOKEONh4HE4RANSFORMATIONOFTHE532ULEMAKING0ROCESS &OR"ETTEROR7ORSEvATTHE0ETTIT#OLLEGEOF,AWS$EANS,ECTURE3ERIESON&EB !FELLOWINLAWANDGOVERNMENTATTHE!MERICAN5NIVERSITY7ASHINGTON#OLLEGEOF,AW ,UBBERSHASPUBLISHEDNUMEROUSARTICLESONTHEADMINISTRATIVEPROCESSANDHASPARTICIPATED INTRAININGPROGRAMSFORGOVERNMENTOFlCIALSINTHE53ANDOVERSEAS(EHASALSOPUBLISHED TWOBOOKSONFEDERALAGENCYRULEMAKINGANDADMINISTRATIVEPROCEDURE In Memory: Robert H. Rittenhouse 2OBERT(2ITTENHOUSEAN/.5FRESHMANINGENERAL STUDIESFROM"ELLE#ENTER/HIODIED$ECINAN AUTOMOBILEACCIDENTIN(ARDIN#OUNTY (EWASAGRADUATEOF"ENJAMIN,OGAN(IGH 3CHOOLWHEREHEWASAMEMBEROFTHE.ATIONAL(ONOR 3OCIETYANDCAPTAINOFTHEFOOTBALLTEAMALONGWITHMANY OTHERAWARDSANDDISTINCTIONS(EATTENDEDTHE"ELLE#EN Robert H. Rittenhouse TER5NITED-ETHODIST#HURCH !T/.5HEWASONTHEDEANSLISTANDWASAMEMBER OF3IGMA0HI%PSILON!CAMPUSMEMORIALSERVICEWASHELD*ANWITHFRATER NITYMEMBERSPARTICIPATING 3URVIVINGAREHISMOTHERANDSTEPFATHER$EE(OWARDh3ONNYv-C)NTOSHOF"ELLE #ENTERHISFATHERANDSTEPMOTHER$OUGLAS2OBIN2ITTENHOUSEOF3PRINGlELDSISTERS -EGAN!NNE2ITTENHOUSEOF#OLUMBUS!UDRY*EREMY"ERGOF3PRINGlELD3ARAH"RETT -C&ARLAND OF 3PRINGlELD ,ISA "ILL 3MITH OF -OKENA )LL #ATHY 7ES 5NTIED OF 'RANDVILLEAND#HRISTI-ILLIRONOF7EST,IBERTYGRANDPARENTS#ONY/AKMANOF5RBANA #ORA2ITTENHOUSEOF-UTUALAND6IVIAN7ILLIAMSONOF3PRINGlELDGREATGRANDMOTHERS 6IRGINIA$AVISOF5RBANAAND$ORIS2ITTENHOUSEOF3PRINGlELDNUMEROUSAUNTSUNCLES ANDCOUSINSANDALONGTIMEGIRLFRIEND*ESSICA#ANTRELLOF"ELLE#ENTER 7 ONU to Initiate Keiser Distinguished Lectureship "EGINNINGINTHE+EISER$ISTINGUISHED,ECTURESHIPIN,IFE3CIENCES&UNDWILLBRINGNATIONALLYPROMINENT LIFESCIENCESSCHOLARSTO/.5SCAMPUSEACHYEARTOLECTUREANDINTERACTWITHSTUDENTS 4HE+EISER$ISTINGUISHED,ECTURESHIPIN,IFE3CIENCESISNAMEDINHONOROF0ROFESSOR4ERRY$+EISERPROFESSOR OFBIOLOGICALSCIENCESCHAIROFTHEDEPARTMENTOFBIOLOGICALANDALLIEDHEALTHSCIENCESANDCHAIROFTHEDIVISIONOF MATHEMATICSANDNATURALSCIENCES h)AMEXCITEDABOUTTHEPOSSIBILITIESTHISLECTURESHIPOPENSTOOURSTUDENTS-YHOPEISTHATITWILLINSPIRE FUTURELEADERSINTHESCIENCESvSAID+EISERh)AMDELIGHTEDTHATFRIENDSANDALUMNIHAVECHOSENTOPROVIDEFUNDING FORTHISPROGRAM)TISHUMBLINGTOHAVEMYNAMEATTACHEDTOSUCHANINNOVATIVEANDIMPORTANTPROJECTv !GRADUATEOF/HIO.ORTHERN+EISERJOINEDTHEUNIVERSITYSFACULTYINRISINGFROMINSTRUCTOR TOPROFESSOROFBIOLOGICALSCIENCESANDCHAIROFTHEDEPARTMENT+EISERPRESENTLYSERVESASCHAIROFTHE5NIVERSITY #OUNCILANDASASPECIALTRUSTEEONTHE/HIO.ORTHERN"OARDOF4RUSTEES(EWASINSTRUMENTALINESTABLISHINGTHE /HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITY.ATURE#ENTERIN4USCARAWAS#OUNTY/HIOWHICHOPERATESUNDERHISSUPERVISION(EIS ACTIVEINPROFESSIONALORGANIZATIONSANDCOMMUNITYGROUPSINCLUDINGSERVINGASCHAIROFTHE%-4BOARDPRESIDENT OFTHE!DA6ILLAGE#OUNCILANDASABOARDMEMBERFORTHE!DA#OMMUNITY)MPROVEMENT#ORPORATION Terry D. Keiser 4HELECTURESHIPFUNDWITHANENDOWMENTOFMORETHANMILLIONHASBEENFUNDEDBYGIFTSFROMALUMNI FRIENDSANDCOLLEAGUES!MONGTHEMAJORGIFTSISADONATIONBY/.5ALUMNI2OBERTAND$E/NNE'RONLUND,EWISBURG0AWHOWERECLASSMATESOF +EISER 4HE+EISER$ISTINGUISHED,ECTURESHIPIN,IFE3CIENCESISTHElRSTPROGRAMOFITSKINDFOR/HIO.ORTHERN Panhellenic Council Honored /.5S 0ANHELLENIC #OUNCIL AND -EGHAN $AVLIN A FOURTHYEAR PHARMACY STUDENT FROM 3ANDUSKY /HIO HAVE BEEN HONORED BY THE -ID!MERICAN 'REEK #OUNCIL !SSOCIATION-'#!ATTHEANNUALCONFERENCEIN#HICAGO $AVLINRECEIVEDTHE7AYNE#OLVIN!WARDPRESENTEDTO THEONEUNDERGRADUATE'REEKLEADERINTHEREGIONWHOFAR EXCEEDSTHE'REEKSTANDARDOFEXCELLENCE 4HE0ANHELLENIC#OUNCILWASRECOGNIZEDFOROUTSTANDING ACHIEVEMENTIN3UTHERLAND$IVISION)FOR3ELF'OVERNANCE AND*UDICIAL!FFAIRS3UTHERLAND$IVISION)ISTHECATEGORY FOR 0ANHELLENIC #OUNCILS WITH TWO TO FOUR CHAPTERS ON CAMPUS 4HE OVERALL PURPOSE OF THE AWARD IS TO FEATURE COUNCILS WHOSE JUDICIAL S Y S T E M S P RO M O T E S E L F GOVERNANCE BY CONlDENTIAL PEER REVIEW AND GUARANTEE DUEPROCESS 4HE -ID!MERICAN 'REEK#OUNCIL!SSOCIATIONS PURPOSE IS TO STIMULATE THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT O F C O L L E G E F R A T E R N I T Y S O R O R I T Y C O U N C I L S B Y PROMOTING LEADERSHIP AND EDUCATIONAL EXPERIENCES F O R S T U D E N T L E A D E R S Meghan Davlin 8 Hanyang Summer Program /.5 HAS AWARDED FIVE FELLOWSHIPS FOR THE (ANYANG 5NIVERSITY3UMMERPROGRAMIN 3EOUL3OUTH+OREA 2ECIPIENTSOFTHEAWARDSARE 3USAN7ARRINGTONAFOURTHYEAR Recipients of the fellowships for the Hanyang University PHARMACYSTUDENTFROM(UDSON Summer program are, seated from left, Susan Warrington, /HIO *ESSICA 2IEGLE A JUNIOR Jarod Patton; standing, from left, Jessica Riegle, Stephanie and Dr. David R. Smith, who will be teaching a course IN EDUCATION AND HISTORY FROM Wells, on the Model U.N. Not pictured is Brett Kritzberger. !RLINGTON/HIO*AROD0ATTONA SENIORINENGINEERINGFROM7AYNESVILLE/HIO3TEPHANIE7ELLSAFRESHMANININTERNAIONAL STUDIESFROM"EAVERCREEK/HIOAND"RETT+RITZBERGERAFOURTHYEARPHARMACYSTUDENT FROM(UDSON/HIO )N ADDITION $AVID 2 3MITH 0H$ ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF GEOGRAPHY HAS BEEN INVITEDBY(ANYANG5NIVERSITYS)NTERNATIONAL3UMMER3CHOOLTOOFFERACOURSEONTHE -ODEL5. 4HESTUDENTSWILLSPENDFOURWEEKSONTHE(ANYANGCAMPUSANDINTHElNALWEEK THEYWILLTRAVELTO8IAN#HINA4HEFELLOWSHIPSINCLUDETUITIONFORTHEPROGRAMHOUSING ANDTHECOSTTOATTENDTHE#HINAEXCURSION5PTONINEQUARTERCREDITHOURSCANBE EARNED (ANYANG5NIVERSITYISLOCATEDINEASTERN3EOULANDISONEOFTHELARGESTANDHIGHEST RANKEDUNIVERSITIESIN+OREA&OUNDEDINASANENGINEERINGCOLLEGETHEUNIVERSITY HASGROWNTOTWOCAMPUSESANDINCLUDESTWOHOSPITALS (ANYANG5NIVERSITYHASESTABLISHEDPARTNERSHIPSWITHUNIVERSITIESCOLLEGESAND RELATEDAGENCIESINCOUNTRIES-OSTRECENTLYTHEUNIVERSITYHASOPENEDTHE'RADUATE 5NDERGRADUATE3CHOOLOF)NTERNATIONAL3TUDIES!LLOFTHECOURSESOFFEREDINTHENEWLY ESTABLISHEDSCHOOLAREIN%NGLISH OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL In Memory: Rosemary “Rosie” Zika Williams /.5RESIDENTARTISTINPIANOANDHARPSICHORDANDLECTURERINMUSIC2OSEMARYh2OSIEv:IKA7ILLIAMSDIED-ARCH INHERHOMEFOLLOWINGANEXTENDEDILLNESS-EMORIALSERVICESWEREHELDIN/.5S%NGLISH#HAPEL 3HEWASBORN3EPTIN#HICAGOTO#HARLES!LBERTAND%LIZABETH!NN6OSICKY:IKA(ERFATHERPRECEDEDHERINDEATH (ERMOTHERSURVIVESIN.ORTH#AROLINA/N*UNESHEMARRIED%DWIN,h%Dv7ILLIAMSWHODIED*ULY !LSOSURVIVINGARETWOBROTHERS#HARLES:IKAAND*OHN:IKAANDASISTER3USAN7ARMSBY )N.OVEMBERSHEANDHERLATEHUSBANDWERENAMED$ISTINGUISHED#ITIZENSOFTHE9EARATTHETHANNUAL 4OWNAND'OWN"ANQUET"OTHHADBEENPARTOFTHE/.5MUSICFACULTYSINCEANDINSPIREDGENERATIONSOFYOUNG MUSICIANSNOTONLYAT/HIO.ORTHERNBUTTHROUGHOUTTHESTATE 2OSIEHELDABACHELOROFMUSICDEGREEINPIANOPERFORMANCEFROM)NDIANA5NIVERSITYANDHADAMASTEROFMUSICINPIANO PERFORMANCEFROMTHE#OLLEGE#ONSERVATORYOF-USICATTHE5NIVERSITYOF#INCINNATI !NACTIVEPERFORMERSOLORECITALISTACCOMPANISTANDCHAMBERMUSICIANSHEPERFORMEDTHROUGHOUTTHE-IDWEST ANDIN!USTRIA(ERMOSTRECENTPERFORMANCESINCLUDEDGUESTAPPEARANCESWITHTHE4OLEDO3YMPHONYANDTHE/.5 7IND%NSEMBLE7ILLIAMSALSOSERVEDASADJUDICATORANDGUESTSPEAKERFORTHE.ATIONAL'UILDOF0IANO4EACHERSAND Rosemary “Rosie” Zika Williams THE/HIO-USIC4EACHERS!SSOCIATION 3INCE7ILLIAMSWASANAVIDCOMPOSERANDARRANGER(ERWORKSWEREPERFORMEDBOTHINTHE5NITED3TATESAND%UROPEINCLUDINGPERFORMANCES ATTHE.ATIONAL'ALLERYOF!RTIN7ASHINGTON$#ANDTHE4OLEDO3YMPHONY 7ILLIAMSWASAMEMBEROFTHE.ATIONAL'UILDOF0IANO4EACHERS/HIO-USIC4EACHERS!SSOCIATION0I+APPA,AMBDANATIONALMUSICHONORARY-U 0HI%PSILONPROFESSIONALMUSICFRATERNITYANDANHONORARYMEMBEROF4AU"ETA3IGMANATIONALBANDSORORITY(ERBIOGRAPHYAPPEARSINTHE)NTERNATIONAL 7HOS7HOIN-USIC3HEWASA$ANFORTH&OUNDATION&ELLOWANDAMEMBEROFTHE!MERICAN3OCIETYOF#OMPOSERS!UTHORSAND0UBLISHERS International Theatre Comes to ONU ONU Chamber Orchestra The Ohio Northern University Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Lloyd Butler, made its debut tour in January with performances at Holy Name Church in Columbus and the Music Institute of Chicago in Evanston, Ill. The ONU Symphony Orchestra and Chamber Orchestra is a select group of students, local professionals and faculty who perform selections of symphony orchestra repertoire. Weber Hall Work has begun on the renovation and expansion of Weber Hall, home of Admissions and Financial Aid. The project adds a total of 4,850 square feet to Weber, including the construction on the south side of the building that will add 1,800 square feet on the first floor and 1,275 square feet on the second floor. The projected completion date is Aug. 15, 2007. SPRING 2007 ,ASTYEAR/HIO.ORTHERNS4HEATRE$EPARTMENTTOOKTHEIRWORKFROMTHE )NTERNATIONAL0LAY&ESTIVALONTHEROADTO3AN,UIS0OTOSI,OCATEDINTHEHEART OF-EXICO3AN,UIS0OTOSIISHOMETOTHE%L2INOCERONTE%NAMORADO4HEATER #OMPANYWHICHWELCOMEDTHE/.5THEATRECOMPANYTOTHEIRSTAGE 4HISYEARAPERSONTROUPEFROM3AN,UIS0OTOSIBROUGHTh-ATIASAND THE3TRAWBERRY#AKEvTO!DA4HEPLAYPERFORMEDBYLIFESIZEDPUPPETSKICKED OFF/.5S9OUNG0EOPLES3ERIESINTHE&REED#ENTERFORTHE0ERFORMING!RTS 4HEINTERNATIONALTHEMECONTINUEDWITHA3COTTISHCHILDRENSPLAY h,OOKING!FTER.ORMANvASTHETHIRDOFTHE9OUNG0EOPLES3ERIES4HISSTORY OFFRIENDSHIPANDADVENTUREFEATUREDAYOUNGGIRLNAMED'EORGIAHERTEDDY BEAR!VOCADO.ORMANTHE#ATAND'EORGIASELDERLYNEIGHBOR-RS3COTT )TINTRODUCESYOUNGCHILDRENTOTHOUGHTSOFFRIENDSHIPRESPECTFAMILYAND PROMISESANDGENTLYTOUCHESONTHECONCEPTOFLOSS h,OOKING!FTER.ORMANvWASAPROJECTOFATHEATREARTSEDUCATIONCLASS TAUGHTBY#ATRIONA-ACPHIEMANAGINGDIRECTOROFTHE&REED#ENTERAND DIRECTORFORTHEPRODUCTION4HEACTORSCOSTUMEDESIGNERADMINISTRATORS ASSISTANTDIRECTORANDSTAGE MANAGERSWORKEDONTHEPIECE THROUGHOUTTHEQUARTER )NADDITIONTOTHEPUBLIC PERFORMANCESTHEPLAY ADMINISTRATORSORGANIZEDAFREE WEEKTOUROFTHEPRODUCTION FORLOCALSCHOOLS4HESTUDENTS CREATEDTHEPROGRAMPRESS MATERIALSANDACCOMPANYING TEACHERSGUIDEINADDITIONTO SCHEDULINGTHETOUR Looking After Norman 9 "EWBODJOH 4DJFODF %ARLY IN /HIO .ORTHERNS HISTORY WHEN THE INSTITUTION WAS A NORMAL SCHOOL DESIGNED TO TRAIN SCHOOL TEACHERS SCIENCE AND MATH WERE ALREADY A PART OF THE CURRICULUM 3OON AFTER STUDENTS BEGAN TOPREPAREFORCAREERSNOTONLYINEDUCATIONBUTALSO INPHARMACYENGINEERINGANDOTHERPROFESSIONS4HE EMPHASISSHIFTEDTOTHESCIENTIlCMETHODANDFACULTY BEGAN TO TEACH STUDENTS TO USE THE LABORATORY FOR DISCOVERYANDRESEARCH 7HILEEARLYGRADUATESMAYNOTHAVESTUDIEDFOR SCIENCEDEGREESSCIENCESTILLlGUREDINTHEIRCAREERS /NE EDUCATION GRADUATE FROM THE S 'EORGE 7#RILElRSTTAUGHTSCHOOLTHENSTUDIEDMEDICINE BECAME A NOTED SURGEON FOUNDED THE #LEVELAND #LINIC AND ADVANCED THE lELD OF MEDICINE WITH ACCOMPLISHMENTSINBLOODTRANSFUSIONNECKSURGERY ANDUSEOFANESTHESIA 10 )NTHEEARLYYEARS/.5SSCIENCEFACILITIESWERE LIMITED3ARAH,EHR+ENNEDY"!INh(3,EHR AND(IS3CHOOLvWRITESh4HELABORATORIESWERENOTAS WELLEQUIPPEDASTHOSEATENDOWEDCOLLEGESNEWANDUP TODATEEQUIPMENTWASNEEDEDvWHENCHARACTERIZING THEYEARSBETWEENAND 4HATUPTODATEEQUIPMENTDIDARRIVEASTHE ACADEMICOFFERINGSOFTHEUNIVERSITYEXPANDEDIN THETHANDSTCENTURIES&UTURE$R#RILESCAN NOW STUDY PREMEDICINE PREDENTISTRY BIOLOGY CHEMISTRYBIOCHEMISTRYANDAHOSTOFOTHERSCIENCE ANDMATHPROGRAMS4ODAYTHESCIENCESCOMPRISE THE CORE OF MANY /.5S MAJORS 0HARMACISTS ENGINEERS CHEMISTS BIOLOGISTS NATURALISTS PHYSICISTSANDSCIENCETEACHERSALLBENElTFROMTHE SCIENCEANDMATHPROGRAMSAT.ORTHERN (EREISALISTOFTHESCIENCEANDSCIENCEMATH RELATED AREAS OF STUDY CURRENTLY OFFERED IN /HIO .ORTHERNS#OLLEGEOF!RTSAND3CIENCES !STRONOMY !THLETIC4RAINING "IOCHEMISTRY "IOMEDICAL3CIENCES "IOLOGY #HEMISTRY #LINICAL,ABORATORY3CIENCE &ORENSIC"IOLOGY %NVIRONMENTAL3TUDIES %XERCISE0HYSIOLOGY &IELD"IOLOGY -ATHEMATICS -ATHEMATICS3TATISTICS -EDICINAL#HEMISTRY -OLECULAR"IOLOGY .URSING 0HYSICAL%DUCATION 0HYSICS 0REDENTISTRY 0REMEDICINE 0REPHYSICALTHERAPY 0REPHYSICIANASSISTANT 0REOCCUPATIONALTHERAPY 0REVETERINARYMEDICINE OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL 4HEGROWTHOFTHESEPROGRAMSHASACCELERATED IN RECENT YEARS WITH THE ADDITION OF NEW HEALTH RELATEDMAJORSINLABORATORYSCIENCEANDNURSING AND A GROWING DEMAND IN THE lELD OF FORENSIC BIOLOGY 7ITH/.5SSTRONGPHARMACYANDENGINEERING PROGRAMS MANY QUALIlED FACULTY AND ADVANCED FACILITIES WERE ALREADY IN PLACE WHEN THESE NEW SCIENCE PROGRAMS WERE INTRODUCED SAYS /HIO .ORTHERN0RESIDENT$R+ENDALL,"AKERh/.5 ALREADYHADOUTSTANDINGEXPERTISEANDCAPABILITIES INTHEAREASTHATAREESSENTIALTONURSINGANDOTHER ALLIED HEALTH PROGRAMS (ENCE WE CAN PURSUE INITIATIVESINTHESEAREASTHATOTHERINSTITUTIONSTHAT DONOTHAVEOURSTRENGTHINMATHANDSCIENCEWOULD lNDEXCEEDINGLYDIFlCULTvHEEXPLAINS 4HEGROWTHHASBEENFUELEDBYBOTHOPPORTUNITY ANDDEMAND4HENEEDFORNURSESISALREADYGREATER THANTHENUMBEROFCANDIDATESAVAILABLE.ATIONALLY THE!MERICAN(OSPITAL!SSOCIATIONSAYSTHEREARE UNlLLEDOPENINGSFORREGISTEREDNURSESAND THESHORTAGEISEXPECTEDTOTRIPLEBY2EGIONAL ESTIMATESCALLFORANADDITIONALNEWREGISTERED NURSESTOBENEEDEDINEACHOFTHENEXTlVEYEARS #URRENTLY/.5SNEWBACHELOROFSCIENCEIN NURSING"3.PROGRAMHASSTUDENTSENROLLED !N ADDITIONAL NURSES WITH ASSOCIATE DEGREES HAVE RECEIVED THEIR BACHELOR DEGREES THROUGH THE "3.COMPLETIONPROGRAMOFFEREDATHOSPITALSIN ,IMAAND&INDLAY!NOTHERAREENROLLEDINTHE COMPLETIONPROGRAM 4HEDEMANDFOREXISTINGPROGRAMSASWELLAS NEWMAJORSHASINCREASEDINRECENTYEARS h7EAREVERYSCIENCECENTEREDASANINSTITUTIONv SAYS 2OBERT ! -ANZER 0H$ DEAN OF THE #OLLEGEOF!RTSAND3CIENCES)NFACTHESAYSTHE SCIENCEREQUIREMENTSFORMAJORSINTHECOLLEGESOF ENGINEERING AND PHARMACY MAKE THE BIOLOGICAL ANDALLIEDHEALTHSCIENCESDEPARTMENTUNDER!RTS AND3CIENCESLARGERTHANSEVERALOFTHEUNIVERSITYS COLLEGES h"ECAUSE OF PHARMACY AND ENGINEERING AND BECAUSE OF BIOLOGY WE HAVE VERY LARGE SCIENCE PROGRAMSv!NDHEADDSh)THINKWEAREALREADY AMONGTHETOPSCIENCEPROGRAMSINTHESTATEBUT WE HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO BE AMONG THE VERY VERYTOPSCIENCEPROGRAMSANDTHATOPPORTUNITY ISWITHINOURGRASPv (E POINTS TO THE LARGE CHEMISTRY PROGRAM /.5OFFERSINPARTBECAUSEOFTHEREQUIREMENTSFOR PHARMACYSTUDENTS"UTFORTHEORSOCHEMISTRY MAJORSTHATMEANSSTUDENTSHAVETHEOPPORTUNITY TO WORK WITH FULLTIME FACULTY MEMBERS WHO SPECIALIZE IN DIVERSE CHEMISTRY AREAS INCLUDING PHYSICALCHEMISTRYANDORGANICCHEMISTRYh7EHAVE AVERYLARGENUMBEROFFACULTYFORASMALLCOLLEGEv HESAYShTWOTOTHREETIMESTHENUMBEROFFACULTY YOUWOULDNORMALLYlNDv SPRING 2007 .JDIBFM4JFSSB#4 -ICHAEL 3IERRA "3 IS NOW DIRECTOR OF CHEMICAL RESEARCH AT ,%/ 0HARMA IN $ENMARK "UTHEWENTTOHIGHSCHOOLIN4ORONTO/HIOAND CAMETO/HIO.ORTHERNBECAUSEHEWANTEDTOPLAY BASKETBALLASWELLASSTUDYSCIENCE h-YlRSTYEAR)WALKEDONFORBASKETBALLvHE REMEMBERS h) NEVER MADE THE TEAM BUT ) NEVER REGRETTEDCOMINGTO/.5v (ISRESEARCHWITH$R!LAN3ADURSKICONVINCED HIMHEHADFOUNDHISLIFESWORKh)STILLREMEMBER THElRSTMOLECULE)SYNTHESIZED4HEADRENALINERUSH YOUCANNOTEXPLAIN)TPUTlREINMYEYESv.OWIN HISROLEASAMANAGERHISGOALIShTOBEPARTOFTHATTOPUTlREINTHEIREYESv 3IERRAEARNEDHISDOCTORATEINCHEMISTRYFROM7AYNE3TATE5NIVERSITYANDFOLLOWEDUPHISWORK INTHE53WITHATWOYEARPOSTDOCTORALSTUDYATCOLE0OLYTECHNIQUEIN0ARIS&RANCE "EGINNINGINHEWORKDFOR'LAXOASARESEARCHSCIENTISTTHENWITH'LAXO7ELCOMANDEVENTUALLY 'LAXO3MITH+LINE3IERRAROSETOTHETOPOFTHECORPORATELADDERANDMOVEDONTO#ARE8ABIOTECH lRMDEALINGWITHMETABOLICDISEASESSUCHASDIABETES !TTHEENDOFHERECEIVEDANOFFERFROM,%/0HARMAADRUGRESEARCHCOMPANYIN$ENMARK ANDHEBECAMEDIRECTOROFCHEMISTRYRESEARCH(EHASPEOPLEWORKINGFORHIMANDISINVOLVEDIN IDENTIFYINGPROMISINGMOLECULESTOADVANCEINTOCLINICALTRIALS )NHISCAREER3IERRAHASWORKEDINCARDIOVASCULARRELATEDlELDSWITHLIPIDSANDCHOLESTEROLDRUGS ONMETABOLICDISORDERSSUCHASDIABETESANDOBESITYANDNOWINTHEAREASOFDERMATOLOGYANDCRITICAL CARE h4HElELDSAREDIFFERENTvHESAYShBUTDEALINGWITHMOLECULESANDTHEPROCESSOFSYNTHESIZING THEMISTHESAME4HEISSUESARETHESAMEINDRUGDISCOVERYvANDITSTILLEXCITESHIM &SJLB$SBOF &OR%RIKA#RANEASENIORINBIOCHEMISTRYFROM#INCINNATI/HIO .ORTHERN IS A FAMILY TRADITION (ER MOTHER 3UE !NN #RANE "3 MAJOREDINBIOLOGYANDMINOREDINCHEMISTRY7HEN%RIKAWASLOOKING FORCOLLEGES/.5WASONHERLIST h)JUSTWANTEDTHEBESTEDUCATION)COULDGETINTHESTATEPLUS/.5 GAVEMEAGREATSCHOLARSHIPvSHESAYS 3HECHOSEBIOCHEMISTRYBECAUSEOFAHIGHSCHOOLATTRACTIONTOBOTH BIOLOGYANDCHEMISTRYANDANINTERESTINCANCERRESEARCHh)TSALOFTYGOAL BUT)ALWAYSSAY)WANTTODISCOVERTHECUREFORCANCER3O)VEBEENDOING THINGSTOMAKETHATAREALITY)CHOSEASCHOOLTHATWASSMALLERWHICHIS MOREMYSTYLEv 3HEEXPLAINSh4HEDEPARTMENTISSOSMALLTHEYKNOWYOUBYYOUR lRSTNAME4HEYKNOWYOURMAJORANDYOUREALLYGETINTEGRATEDINTOTHEFAMILYOFTHECHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT h4HEYPUSHYOUPRETTYHARDBUTATTHESAMETIMETHEYTAKECAREOFYOU)FYOURESTRESSINGYOURSELF OUTTHEYLLSENDYOUHOMEvSHEADDS 3HE HAS BEEN DOING RESEARCH WITH $R !LAN 3ADURSKI SYNTHESIZING SOLVOCHROMATIC DYES OR BENZOPHENOXAZINEDERIVATIVES 3HEPLANSTOTAKEHERLOFTYGOALSONTOGRADUATESCHOOLBUTHASNOTSETTLEDONWHICHONE 7HILEBIOCHEMISTRYISACHALLENGINGACADEMIClELD#RANEALSOlNDSTIMETOKEEPINVOLVEDIN!MERICAN #HEMICAL3OCIETY!#3ANDHERSOCIALSORORITY"ETA4AU!LPHAWHERESHEHASTAKENLEADERSHIPROLES h7HENYOUCOMETO/.5vSHENOTEShTHEREISALOTOFENCOURAGEMENTTOGETINVOLVEDANDTHERE ARESOMANYORGANIZATIONS4HATSDElNITELYAKEYTOBUILDINGCHARACTERv 11 8FT*NNMFS h)WANTTOBEINAlELDWHERE)CANHELPPEOPLEvSAYS7ES)MMLERA JUNIORINCHEMISTRYANDPREMEDFROM,ORAIN/HIO 7ITHTHATINMINDHEISCONSIDERINGACAREERINRESEARCHMEDICALSCHOOL OROPTOMETRYANDSEEKINGASUMMERINTERNSHIPATTHE#LEVELAND#LINIC (E CHOSE /.5 BECAUSE HE WANTED A STRONG SCIENCE PROGRAM AND KNEWTHATTHEPRESENCEOFTHE#OLLEGEOF0HARMACYWOULDINDICATEASTRONG CHEMISTRYPROGRAM"UTTHEREWASALSOTHEMATTEROFGOLFh)WANTEDTOPLAY GOLFAND)KNEW)COULDNOTDOTHATATALARGERSCHOOLvHESAYS 7HENHEVISITEDCAMPUSHEMETWITHTHEGOLFCOACHANDWASENCOURAGED ABOUTHISCHANCESTOPLAY4ODAYHEISCAPTAINOFTHE/.5GOLFTEAMAND ANTICIPATESAGOODSEASON !T lRST .ORTHERN SEEMED SMALL HE ADMITS hBUT NOW ) LOVE IT4HE PERSONALATTENTIONFROMTHEFACULTYISSOMETHINGYOUDONTGETATALARGERSCHOOLv (EADDSh4HEPROFESSORSREALLYCHALLENGEME#HEMISTRYISTOUGHBUTITREALLYHELPSMEDEVELOP PROBLEMSOLVINGSKILLS h)WASCONCERNEDABOUTWHERE)COULDGOFROMASMALLCOLLEGEBUT)FOUNDITBUILDSABETTERFOUNDATION FOR GRADUATE SCHOOL &OR EXAMPLE ONE RECENT GRAD WAS ACCEPTED AT9ALE ) THINK )M GOING TO BE WELL PREPAREDv ,ASTSUMMERHEHADANINTERNSHIPATTHE3HERWIN7ILLIAMS"REEN4ECHNICAL#ENTERIN#LEVELAND 4HEINTERNSHIPINVOLVEDANALYTICALCHEMISTRYWORK"UTSAYS)MMLERh)WANTTOBEINSOMETHINGTHAT MOREDIRECTLYHELPSPEOPLEv4HATSWHYHESKEEPINGHISPOSTGRADUATEOPTIONSOPEN (SFH)PEHFT#4 7HENYOUGOINFORYOURNEXTMAMMOGRAMOR#4YOUWANTTOBE SUREYOURECEIVETHESMALLESTDOSEOFRADIATIONTOPRODUCEAREADABLEIMAGE SAYSPHYSICSANDCOMPUTERSCIENCEGRADUATE'REG(ODGES"3h9OUDONT WANTAMISTAKETHATCAUSESYOUTOHAVESOMETHINGUNNECESSARILYREMOVED ORNOTHAVESOMETHINGSERIOUSIDENTIlEDvHESAYSh!LSOYOUDONTWANT ANEXCESSIVEDOSEOFRADIATION)TPLACESANUNDORISKONTHEPATIENTv4HATS WHERETHEWORKOFAMEDICALPHYSICISTCOMESIN !MEDICALPHYSICISTINTHEDIAGNOSTICIMAGINGSCIENCESISTHETECHNICAL POINTPERSONWHOMAKESSURETHATDIAGNOSTICMACHINESARERUNNINGWITHIN SPECIlCATIONSWITHINLEGALBOUNDARIESANDATTHEGREATESTLEVELOFEFlCIENCY TOPROVIDETHEOPTIMUMIMAGEFORTHERADIOLOGISTTOREADHEEXPLAINS7HEN APROBLEMISFOUNDITISSHOWNTOTHESERVICEPERSONNELTOlXIT (ODGESISNOWAPOSTDOCTORALSCHOLARDOINGATWOYEARDIAGNOSTICRADIOLOGICALPHYSICSRESIDENCYAT THE5NIVERSITYOF!LABAMA"IRMINGHAM)TISONEOFTHEFEWSUCHPROGRAMSINTHE53 7HILECOMPLETINGHISMASTERSAND0H$ATTHE5NIVERSITYOF4OLEDOHEDISCOVEREDTHISHEALTHCARE SPECIALTYh)TWASSERENDIPITYTHAT)FOUNDOUTABOUTMEDICALPHYSICSvHEEXPLAINShMYADVISORWASAN ADJUNCTFACULTYATTHE-EDICAL#OLLEGEv 7HILEHISCHOICEOFCAREERSMAYSEEMAROADLESSTRAVELEDHISCHOICEOF/HIO.ORTHERNWASNOTh-Y GRANDFATHER)VAN(ODGESWASAPHILOSOPHYANDRELIGIONPROFESSORAT/HIO.ORTHERN"ECAUSEHEWORKED THEREMYFATHER"RUCE(ODGES"!CAMETO/HIO.ORTHERN(EGOTHISDEGREEINEDUCATIONANDWHEN WEKIDSCAMEALONGWEDECIDEDTOGOTO/HIO.ORTHERNBECAUSEWELIVEDIN,IMAANDCOULDCOMMUTEv HEEXPLAINSh7EvINCLUDESHISOLDESTBROTHER2OBERT"!WHOMAJOREDINHISTORYOLDERBROTHER*ON "!WHOMAJOREDINCOMMUNICATIONSWITHACONCENTRATIONINMUSICALTHEATREANDYOUNGERSISTER*ULIE "!WHOMAJOREDINCOMMUNICATIONARTSWITHACONCENTRATIONINRADIO h)WASTHEODDMANOUTvLAUGHS(ODGESh)CHOSEPHYSICSv/RIGINALLYHECONSIDEREDENGINEERING BUTAFTERMEETINGPHYSICSPROFESSOR*IM*OHNSONhHECONVINCEDMEAND)VEBEENAPHYSICISTEVERSINCEv (ISSPECIALTYISATOMICPHYSICSANDHESAYSMEDICALPHYSICSISSIMPLYAPPLIEDATOMICPHYSICS 12 %VENMOREIMPORTANTLYSAYS-ANZERh4HE FACULTYWEHIREAT/HIO.ORTHERNAREPEOPLEWHO WANTTOWORKWITHSTUDENTSTHEYLIVETOWORK WITHSTUDENTSv 4HATDEDICATIONTOTEACHINGGOESFARBEYOND THECLASSROOMHEADDS&OREXAMPLE"RIAN+EAS 0H$ASSOCIATEPROFESSOROFBIOLOGICALSCIENCES TOOKBIOLOGYSTUDENTSTOTHE'ALAPAGOS)SLANDS h)T WAS AN INCREDIBLE EXPERIENCE FOR THESE STUDENTSvSAYS-ANZERh(EDIDNTHAVETODOIT (EWANTEDTOvANDITWILLHELPTHOSESTUDENTSIN THEIRFUTUREACADEMICANDPROFESSIONALCAREERS !NOTHEREXAMPLETHEDEANCITESIS$ENNIS $E,UCA0H$ASSOCIATEPROFESSOROFBIOLOGICAL SCIENCESANDFORENSICBIOLOGYADVISOR7ITHHIS ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL TIES IN FORENSICS /.5 HAS THE DISTINCTION OF BEING THE ONLY UNDERGRADUATECOLLEGETOPLACESTUDENTINTERNS AT THE !RMED &ORCES $.! )DENTIFICATION ,ABORATORYIN7ASHINGTON$# 2ECOGNITION OF /.5S OUTSTANDING OPPORTUNITIES FOR STUDENTS IS REmECTED IN THE GROWTHOFTHESCIENCEPROGRAMSSAYS4ERRY$ +EISERCHAIROFTHEDEPARTMENTOFBIOLOGICALAND ALLIEDHEALTHSCIENCESANDCHAIROFTHEDIVISION OFMATHEMATICSANDNATURALSCIENCESh7EHAVE ABOUT MAJORS AND WERE GROWING REALLY GROWINGv HE SAYS 7EVE TAKEN IN NEW STUDENTMAJORSINTHELASTTWOYEARSv !SIDE FROM THE TWO YEAROLD NURSING PROGRAMh0ROBABLYTHEBIGGESTSINGLEINCREASE ISINFORENSICBIOLOGYv+EISERSAYSh4HEREARE OFOURORFRESHMENWHOAREENROLLED INFORENSICBIOLOGYv (E GOES ON TO ADD h&ORENSIC BIOLOGY IS PROBABLYTHEMOSTSCIENCEINTENSEPROGRAMWE HAVEINBIOLOGY4HESEPEOPLEHAVEFOURYEARSOF CHEMISTRYANDREALLYHEAVYDUTYCOURSEWORKv .EXT YEAR THE FORENSICS PROGRAM WILL SEEK ACCREDITATION#URRENTLYONLYONEPROGRAMIN /HIOISACCREDITED 4HIS REPUTATION FOR RIGOROUS SCIENCE PROGRAMSISNOTHINGNEWANDTHESTATISTICSARE IMPRESSIVE+EISERILLUSTRATESBYSAYINGh)FYOU WENTTO/HIO.ORTHERNDURINGTHELASTYEARS ANDIFYOUFOLLOWEDOURCURRICULUMINBIOLOGY ANDYOUATTAINEDA'0!THENPERCENT OFTHOSESTUDENTSWHOAPPLIEDGOTINTOMEDICAL SCHOOLv &OR /HIO .ORTHERN GRADUATES REGARDLESS OFMAJORPERCENTOFTHOSEWHOAPPLIEDFOR MEDICALSCHOOLWEREACCEPTEDh"UTFORBIOLOGY MAJORS PERCENT WHO HAD A GOT INTO MEDICALSCHOOLvHEEMPHASIZED .ATIONALLYSTATISTICSSAYTHATONLYPERCENT OF STUDENTS WITH A '0! ARE ACCEPTED INTO MEDICALSCHOOLACCORDINGTO+EISER OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL )T IS NOT ONLY MEDICAL SCHOOLS THAT ARE EAGER TO ACCEPT /.5 STUDENTS 3COTT 3WANSON 0H$ ASSOCIATEPROFESSOROFHEALTHANDPHYSICALEDUCATION POINTSOUThABOUTOUTOFPEOPLEINEXERCISE PHYSIOLOGYOVERTHELASTlVEYEARSHAVEGONEONTO GRADUATESCHOOLv/NERECENTGRADUATERECEIVEDAN .#!!POSTGRADUATESCHOLARSHIPANDCONTINUEDHER EDUCATIONAT/HIO5NIVERSITY/THERSHAVEENTERED TOP PHYSICAL THERAPY OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY AND EXERCISEPHYSIOLOGYMASTERSPROGRAMSAT/HIO3TATE /HIO5NIVERSITYAND"ALL3TATE “It is the motion and rhythm of science to be constantly retooling.” h)TSNICETHATOTHERSCHOOLSTHINKWEREPUTTING OUT QUALITY GRADUATES )TS A VALIDATION OF OUR GRADUATESv3WANSONSAYS(EADDSh)TELLSTUDENTS YOUDONTKNOWHOWGOODANEDUCATIONYOUHAVE UNTILYOUGETOUTSIDEOF/HIO.ORTHERN9OUDONT KNOWUNTILYOUCANCOMPAREYOURSELFWITHOTHERSv &ORONE/.5STUDENTTHATCOMPARISONCAME DURINGANINTERNSHIPATASTRENGTHANDSPEEDTRAINING BUSINESS !S 3WANSON TELLS THE STORY h(E WAS LOOKINGATSOMEBODYSPRINTINGANDHESAID@)FYOU LIFTYOURHIPmEXORSUPALITTLEBITMOREYOUREGOING TO INCREASE YOUR SPEED !N INTERN FROM ANOTHER INSTITUTION ACTUALLY SAID @$ID YOU MAKE THAT UP ABOUTmEXORS/URSTUDENTLOOKEDATHIMANDASKED @(AVENTYOUHADANYTHINGONANATOMYORPHYSIOLOGY ORBODYMECHANICSORKINESIOLOGY4HEPERSONSAID @.OWEDONTGETTHATUNTILOURSENORYEAR(EWAS JUSTAMAZEDv3WANSONCONCLUDES "ECAUSE OF /.5S STRONG SCIENCE PROGRAM ALLIEDHEALTHSTUDENTSTAKECLASSESINBIOLOGYZOOLOGY ANATOMY HISTOLOGY CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS FROM THESTARTOFTHEIRPROGRAMS4HEYAREALSOEXPOSED TO FACULTY MEMBERS FROM ACROSS CAMPUS h0EOPLE DONTENDUPGETTINGAMYOPICVIEWOFTHEIRMAJORv 3WANSONSAYSh4HEYSEEABIGGERPICTUREWITHFACULTY WHOAREBOTHRIGHTOUTOFPOSTGRADUATEORGRADUATE SCHOOLANDPEOPLEWHOHAVEBEENHEREFORYEARS )TSANICEMIXv !NINCREASINGLYIMPORTANTPARTOFTHATMIXISTHE OPPORTUNITYFORSTUDENTSTODORESEARCHWITHFACULTY MEMBERS h)NTHELASTYEARSSTUDENTINTERESTINRESEARCH HAS GROWNv SAYS *EFFERY 'RAY 0H$ CHAIR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY h3TUDENTSWANTTODORESEARCHEARLY4HEYWANTTO SPRING 2007 3PC$MBSL#4 )ONTRAPSFORQUANTUMCOMPUTINGAREKEEPING2OB #LARK"3FOCUSEDASAGRADUATESTUDENTINPHYSICSAT-)4 7HENHECOMPLETESHIS0H$PROGRAMINANOTHERYEARAND AHALFHESAYSTHEREAREALARGENUMBEROFCAREEROPTIONSTO CONSIDER h-INEISAGROWINGlELDWITHNEWIDEASANDNEWINNOVATIONS ALLTHETIME)MEXCITEDTHAT)MPREPAREDWITHACOMBINATION OFUNDERGRADUATETRAININGFROM/.5ANDA0H$FROM-)4 TOMOVEINALOTOFDIFFERENTCAREERTRAJECTORIESvHESAYS (E CREDITS HIS UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH EXPERIENCE WITH WINNINGHIMASPOTAT-)4 h4HELABPREPARATIONANDABILITYTOWORKINDIVIDUALLYWITH FACULTYISSOMETHINGYOUDONTSEEALOTATLARGERINSTITUTIONSvHESAYSh'ETTINGALOTOFHANDSON EXPERIENCEDOINGSCIENCEWASTHEONESKILLSET)NEEDEDRIGHTAWAYAT-)4v 7ITHTHEHELPOFFACULTYMENTORSHEWASABLETOlNDSUMMERRESEARCHPROJECTSAT4HE/HIO3TATE 5NIVERSITY-ICHIGAN3TATEANDIN&LORIDAh4HATEXPERIENCEHELPEDMEGETINTO-)4vHESAYS (EEXPLAINSHISCURRENTRESEARCHTHISWAYh7ITHAQUANTUMCOMPUTERONECANUSETHELAWSOF QUANTUMMECHANICSTOPERFORMCERTAINCOMPUTATIONSEFlCIENTLYTHATAREINTRACTABLEWITHANORMAL COMPUTERMOSTNOTABLYTHEFACTORIZATIONOFLARGEINTEGERS4RAPPEDIONSAREJUSTONEPOTENTIALWAY OFBUILDINGAQUANTUMCOMPUTERBUTAREONEOFTHEMOSTPROMISING h!NIONISACHARGEDATOMANDANIONTRAPCONlNESITTOAREGIONINSPACEUSINGRAPIDLYOSCILLATING ELECTRIClELDS4HEINTERNALANDMOTIONALSTATESOFTHEIONCANBECONTROLLEDUSINGLASERSANDASERIES OFTHESEMANIPULATIONSMAKESUPACOMPUTATION h"UILDING A QUANTUM COMPUTER WILL REQUIRE SIMULTANEOUS CONTROL OF MANY IONS IN A SMALL MICROSTRUCTUREDTRAP!T-)4)AMFOCUSINGONLATTICESTYLEIONTRAPSTHATCANBEUSEDEITHERFOR QUANTUMSIMULATIONSOFPHYSICALSYSTEMSORFORQUANTUMMEMORIES h)ALSOAMINVOLVEDWITHAPROJECTATTHE5NIVERSITYOF)NNSBRUCKIN!USTRIAWHICHAIMSTOCOUPLE TWOIONSOVERATRANSMISSIONLINE-YRESULTSSOFARINCLUDEONEOFTHElRSTPLANARSURFACEELECTRODE IONTRAPSANDTHEOPERATIONOFAMMSCALELATTICEIONTRAPINADDITIONTOSOMEWORKONQUANTUM SIMULATIONv )TSAPROMISINGLINEOFRESEARCHBUT#LARKISLOOKINGATFUTUREOPTIONS (EADDSh4HENICETHINGABOUT/.5ISITENABLESYOUTOBEMOREWELLROUNDEDTHANABIG INSTITUTIONLIKE-)4/NEOFTHETHINGSTHATMEANTALOTTOMEWASTHELARGEAMOUNTOFEXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES)WASAPERCUSSIONISTINTHEBANDTHEWHOLETIME)WASAT/.54HATSWHEREMYBEST MEMORIESFRIENDSHIPSANDGOODEXPERIENCESCOMEFROMv !NDYESHESTILLPLAYSINANOCCASIONALJAMSESSION #SJUUBOZ$BUSPO "RITTANY #ATRON A SENIOR IN BIOCHEMISTRY FROM 3HELBY /HIO ISTHElRSTPERSONINHERFAMILYTOGOTOCOLLEGE&OLLOWINGHER-AY COMMENCEMENTFROM/.5SHEWILLALSOBECOMETHElRSTINHERFAMILY TOGOTOGRADUATESCHOOL %VENTUALLYSHEPLANSTODOINDUSTRIALORHOSPITALLABORATORYRESEARCH BIOCHEMISTRY WITH A MEDICAL APPLICATION (ER HOPE IS TO RESEARCH DIABETESONTHEBIOCHEMICALLEVEL h7HEN ) VISITED /HIO .ORTHERN IT FELT LIKE HOME LIKE ) BELONGED HEREvSHEREMEMBERS h4HEFACULTYISAMAZINGvSHESAYSh7EGETTOWORKONEONONE WITHTHEM3OMEONEISALWAYSTHERETOHELPYOUIFYOUHAVEAQUESTION ORIFYOUJUSTNEEDTOTALKv 13 )FBUIFS#VFIMFS#4 (EATHER "UEHLER "3 A HIGH SCHOOL SCIENCE TEACHER AND SCIENCE DEPARTMENTCOCHAIRAT3T-ARYS(IGH3CHOOL3T-ARYS/HIOKNEWFROM THETIMESHEWASINHIGHSCHOOLTHATSHEWANTEDTOTEACHANDTHATSHELOVED CHEMISTRY /HIO.ORTHERNBROUGHTHERTWOLOVESTOGETHERh.ORTHERNHASSUCHAGOOD CHEMISTRYANDPHARMACYPROGRAMvSHESAYSh)LOOKEDATALOTOFSCHOOLSAND /HIO.ORTHERNOFFEREDAVERYGOODlNANCIALAIDPACKAGEANDSCHOLARSHIP) WASIMPRESSEDBYTHEFACULTYvSHEADDSh7HEN)VISITEDTHEYSHOWEDMETHE LABSANDEXPLAINEDWHAT)WOULDBEDOING.OONEELSEDIDTHATv 3HELIKESTHEFAMILYFEELOFTHEUNIVERSITYh)TFELTLIKEFAMILYORASMALL GROUPOFFRIENDSvSHESAYSh4HECHEMISTRYFACULTYACTEDASASURROGATEFAMILY !ND$R"ERGINTHEEDUCATIONDEPARTMENTISAREALLYGREATPERSONv #OMBININGCHEMISTRYANDEDUCATIONMEANT"UEHLERHADTOJUGGLEBOTHEDUCATIONlELDEXPERIENCES ANDLABREQUIREMENTS h)KNOWTHATATTENDINGASMALLERCOLLEGE)HADADVANTAGESINTHECHEMISTRYDEPARTMENTWITHRESEARCHv "UEHLERSAYSh4HEABILITYTOUSEEQUIPMENTANDDORESEARCHISSOMETHINGSOMEOFMYFRIENDSINSCIENCE DIDNTGETTODOUNTILGRADUATESCHOOL3OMENEVERGOTTOUSEAN.UCLEAR-AGNETIC2ESONENCEMACHINE FOREXAMPLEv "ECAUSESCIENCELABOPPORTUNITIESOFTENOVERLAPPEDWITHEDUCATIONCLASSESANDlELDEXPERIENCES"UEHLER DIDSEVERALINDEPENDENTSTUDIESINPHYSICSANDWORKEDASATEACHINGASSISTANTDURINGTHESUMMERTOGAIN LABORATORYEXPERIENCE h)WORKEDWITH-ELLITA#ARAGIUONLASERRESEARCHHOLOGRAMSvSHESAYSh,ASERSCIENCEISSOMETHING) CANTDOINMYHIGHSCHOOLCLASSROOMBUT)CANTELLSTORIESANDGETTHEKIDSEXCITEDABOUTIT!ND)HAVE TAKENSOMEOFMYADVANCEDSTUDENTSTO/.5TOVISITTHELABSANDGETANIDEAOFWHATTHEYCOULDDOv 4HECHANCETOPASSONHERENTHUSIASMABOUTSCIENCEISWHATKEEPS"UEHLEREXCITEDINHERJOBh)LIKE TOGETKIDSEXCITEDABOUTSCIENCE)DONTTHINKPUBLICSCHOOLSHAVEENCOURAGEDSCIENCESATANEARLYENOUGH AGE7HEN)GETKIDSTHEYEITHERHATESCIENCEORTHEYLOVEIT)LIKETOWORKWITHKIDSWHODONTLIKEITAND HELPCHANGETHEIRMINDSv 3OMEOFHERSTUDENTSARENOWENROLLEDAT/.5ANDARELEARNINGFROMTHESAMEPROFESSORSWHOTAUGHT "UEHLERANDSHEHOPESBUILDINGTHEKINDSOFFRIENDSHIPSSHEENJOYEDAT/.5 h7HENAFRIENDFROM/.5RECENTLYGOTMARRIEDMYlANC£JOKEDTHATPERCENTOFTHEPEOPLEAT THEWEDDINGWEREFROM/.5 $ISJTUPQIFS-FNPO #HRIS,EMONFROM,OWER"URRELL0A/.5SSECOND'OLDWATER3CHOLAR INTWOYEARSISTAKINGANEXTRAYEARTOCOMPLETEADUALMAJORINBIOCHEMISTRY PHYSICSANDANUNOFlCIALMAJORINMATHEMATICSANDSTATISTICS 7HATKEEPS,EMONAT/.5h)THINKTHEINTERACTIONWITHTHEFACULTY ANDTHESMALLCAMPUSBEINGABLETOWORKONETOONEDIRECTLYWITHFACULTY ANDTOBEABLETOEASILYSEEKOUTTHEIRASSISTANCEvHESAYS ,ASTSUMMERS'OLDWATERSCHOLARSHIPTOOK,EMONTOTHE5NIVERSITYOF "UFFALOWHEREHEWORKEDONTWODIFFERENTRESEARCHPROJECTS)NBIOCHEMISTRYHE STUDIEDMETALIONBINDINGTO$.!HAIRPINS(EWILLPRESENTTHATWORKATTHE NATIONAL!MERICAN#HEMICAL3OCIETY!#3MEETINGIN#HICAGOTHISSUMMER )N BIOPHYSICS HE WORKED ON $.! MONONUCLEOTIDES WITH TERAHERTZ SPECTROSCOPY4HATWASPRESENTEDATTHE/HIO3ECTIONOFTHE!MERICAN0HYSICAL3OCIETY/3!03FALL MEETINGATTHE5NIVERSITYOF!KRON "ACKAT/.5,EMONCONTINUESRESEARCHWITH$R-ELLITA#ARAGIUINSOLIDSTATEPHYSICSh7EARE CALCULATINGATOMICADSORPTIONGEOMETRIESOFMETALATOMSONASOLIDMETALSURFACEvHESAYS!NDHEISWORKING WITH$R!LAN3ADURSKIININORGANICORGANOMETALLICCHEMISTRYhONTHESYNTHESISOFNOVELORGANOSILANESv &ORTHESUMMERHEHASAPPLIEDFORCOMPETITIVERESEARCHOPPORTUNITIESIN!USTRIAOR&RANCE 14 STARTFROMTHEBEGINNINGOFTHEIRCOLLEGECAREERv !NDTHISEARLYEMPHASISHASSIGNIlCANTREWARDS FORSTUDENTSHESAYSh$OMESTICSTUDENTSWITH BACKGROUNDSINCHEMISTRYANDBIOLOGYRESEARCH AREINGREATDEMANDBYGRADUATESCHOOLSvHE EXPLAINS #URRENTLY 'RAY IS INVOLVED IN SEVERAL RESEARCHPROGRAMSINVOLVINGSTUDENTSh4HROUGH RESEARCHWEHAVEESTABLISHEDADEEPRELATIONSHIP WITH,UBRIZOL#ORPORATIONASPECIALTYCHEMICAL COMPANY DEALING WITH FLUID TECHNOLOGY IN #LEVELANDvHESAYS )NADDITION/HIO.ORTHERNSPARTICIPATION INTHENEW.ATIONAL3CIENCE&OUNDATION.3& #ENTERFOR,AYERED0OLYMERIC3YSTEMS#,I03 !FFILIATE 0ROGRAM IS GIVING BOTH CHEMISTRY AND MECHANICAL ENGINEERING STUDENTS THE OPPORTUNITYTOCONDUCTRESEARCHINADVANCED POLYMERS 7ITHTWOCOLLEGESANDSTUDENTSCURRENTLY INVOLVEDINTHISRESEARCH/.5STUDENTSHAVE ALONGTERMOPPORTUNITYTOLOOKATHOWTHIN LAYERED POLYMERS ARE FORMED AND HOW THEY PERFORM &OR EXAMPLE 'RAY SAYS POLYMERS INCLUDETHEPLASTICSUSEDFORFOODSTORAGE/NE QUESTION FOR RESEARCH IS HOW MUCH OXYGEN PERMEATESTHATPOLYMERBARRIER 4HISPOLYMERRESEARCHCANHAVEAPPLICATION INEVERYTHINGFROMFOODPACKAGINGTOADVANCED ELECTRICALDISPLAYSORhELECTRONICvPAPER/.5 ISONEOFONLYlVEUNDERGRADUATEINSTITUTIONS TOWORKWITH#ASE7ESTERN2ESERVE5NIVERSITY THELEADUNIVERSITYINTHEPROGRAM &ACULTYSTUDENTRESEARCHPROJECTSAT/.5 COVER A WIDE VARIETY OF lELDS &OR EXAMPLE +IMBERLY "ROEKEMEIER 0H$ ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF BIOCHEMISTRY IS WORKING WITH TWOSTUDENTSINSTUDIESOFMITOCHONDRIA$.! AND LIPID METABOLISM .OT ONLY DOES HER WORK PROVIDE BASIC RESEARCH INFORMATION ON THE WORKING OF CELLS THAT HAS POSSIBLE FUTURE APPLICATIONSITALSOPREPARESHERSTUDENTSFOR GRADUATESCHOOLOPPORTUNITIES h)THINKTHEYAREWELLPREPAREDvSHESAYS h4HEYDONTFEELTHEYVEBEENCAUGHTmATFOOTED WHENTHEYGETTOGRADUATESCHOOLBECAUSETHEY HAVEHADTREMENDOUSHANDSONOPPORTUNITIES HERE )TS ONE BENEFIT OF A LARGE NUMBER OF FACULTYv )NPHYSICSANDASTRONOMY-ELLITA#ARAGIU 0H$ASSOCIATEPROFESSOROFPHYSICSISINVOLVED INSOLIDSTATERESEARCHANDISADVISORTOLASTYEARS /.5'OLDWATER3CHOLAR#HRIS,EMON *ASON0INKNEY0H$ASSOCIATEPROFESSOR OFPHYSICSISAMEMBEROF.5+%2TEAMAN INTERNATIONAL CONSORTIUM OF SCIENTISTS WHICH STUDIES GALACTIC BLACK HOLES (E CONDUCTS OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL ASTRONOMYRESEARCHWITH/.5STUDENTSANDADVISES THEASTRONOMYCLUB 4ERRANCE3HERIDAN0H$ASSOCIATEPROFESSOROF PHYSICSCONDUCTSPLASMAPHYSICSRESEARCHINCLUDING WORK WITH /.5 STUDENTS AND HAS DELIVERED A NUMBER OF RESEARCH PAPERS AT INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCES *AKE :IMMERMAN 0H$ ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OFCHEMISTRYISONEOFTHENEWERFACULTYMEMBERS INCHEMISTRYANDBIOCHEMISTRY(EISASYNTHETIC ORGANICCHEMISTANDISCURRENTLYDOINGARESEARCH PROJECTWITHSOPHOMOREBIOCHEMISTRYMAJOR*OSH *UDKINSINVOLVINGFREERADICALS4HEYARERESEARCHING THEMOSTEFlCIENTWAYSORMETHODOLOGIESTOCREATE REACTIONS h7E HAVE THE INSTRUMENTATION TO DO ALMOST EVERYTHINGv HE SAYS OF HIS LABORATORY h)TS JUST A MATTEROFHAVINGENOUGHTIMEINTHELABv (E SHARES HIS LABORATORY SPACE WITH "RIAN -YERS0H$ASSOCIATEPROFESSOROFCHEMISTRYWHO ISWORKINGONTWOPROJECTSWITHSTUDENTSINCLUDING ATOTALSYNTHESISANDADERIVATIVEOFADRUG 4HEGROWTHOFTHESESCIENCEPROGRAMSHASPUT BOTH LABORATORY SPACE AND CLASSROOM SPACE AT A PREMIUM h!S THESE PROGRAMMATIC CHANGES DEVELOPED IN OUR DEPARTMENTS OF BIOLOGY AND ALLIED HEALTH SCIENCE WE HAD TO START THINKING ABOUT SOME ADDITIONAL FACILITIESv SAYS $R "AKER h#HEMISTRY HASBEENCHANGINGANDDEVELOPING3OHAVEOTHER COMPONENTS OF OUR SCIENCE AREA 7E NOW HAVE PHYSICSANDASTRONOMYTHESTRONGESTPROGRAMSWE HAVEHADINMANYYEARS4HEDEVELOPMENTINTHE SCIENCESMADEITCLEARTHATIFWEWANTEDTOCONTINUE TOBERESPONSIVETOSTUDENTNEEDSANDEXPECTATIONS WEWEREGOINGTOHAVETOHAVEBETTERFACILITIESv $EAN-ANZERADDSTHATMORESCIENCESTUDENTS WANTING TO DO MORE RESEARCH EARLIER IN THEIR CAREERSREQUIREShBETTERCLASSROOMSPACEANDBETTER TECHNOLOGYv(EADDSh)TISTHEMOTIONANDRHYTHM OFSCIENCETOBECONSTANTLYRETOOLINGv 7HILE/.5ALREADYHASGOODFACILITIESANDAN OUTSTANDINGFACULTYTHEOPPORTUNITYTOIMPROVEAND EXPANDFACILITIESWILLhTAKEUSTOTHENEXTLEVELv 4HENEXTLEVELISEMBODIEDINANEWBUILDING THE -ATHILE #ENTER FOR THE .ATURAL 3CIENCES 7ITHLEADERSHIPGIFTSFROM#LAY-ATHILE"! $"!ANDHISWIFE-ARY!NNTHISTHREESTORY SQUAREFOOTBUILDINGWILLOFFERCLASSROOMS LABORATORIES AND OFlCES FOR BIOLOGICAL AND ALLIED HEALTHSCIENCESMATHPHYSICSANDCHEMISTRY7ITH STATEOF THEART FACILITIES THE NEW FACILITY LOCATED ADJACENT TO THE EXISTING SCIENCE AND PHARMACY BUILDINGS WILL MAKE STUDENTFACULTY RESEARCH CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION AND STUDENT ADVISING MORE ACCESSIBLE SPRING 2007 4UFQIBOJB#PMEFO3JDIBSET#4 3TEPHANIAh3TEPHANIEv"OLDEN2ICHARDS"3 lRSTGOTHOOKEDONlSHAT/.5ANDISNOWAMARINE BIOLOGISTWITHTHE.ATIONAL-ARINE&ISHERIES3ERVICE .-&3 h)lNDlSHFASCINATING!NDITALLSTARTEDTHElRST TIME)WENTTOTHE&35&LORIDA3TATE5NIVERSITY MARINELABWITHTHE/.5MARINEBIOLOGYPROGRAMv /RIGINALLYFROM%LYRIA/HIOSHECAMETO/HIO .ORTHERNWITHTHEPLANSTOBECOMEAMEDICALDOCTORBUT WHENSHETOOKTHEMARINEBIOLOGYELECTIVEWITHPROFESSOR 4ERRY+EISERh3OMETHINGJUSTCLICKEDvSHESAYS 3HEEXPLAINSTHEFASCINATIONTHISWAYh-ARINElSHESAREAMAZINGCREATURESWITHGREATDIVERSITYv !FTERRECEIVINGHERBACHELORSDEGREEINBIOLOGYFROM/.5INSHECOMPLETEDAMASTERS DEGREEINMARINEBIOLOGYATTHE5NIVERSITYOF.ORTH#AROLINAAT7ILMINGTONANDTHENHEADED TO-IAMI&LAWITHSOMEFRIENDSWHOWEREGOINGTOTHE5NIVERSITYOF-IAMIh)NEEDEDABREAK FROMACADEMICSvSHECONFESSESSOh)BEGANMYCAREERWHERE)STILLWORKTODAYTHE.ATIONAL -ARINE&ISHERIES3ERVICEv.-&3ISPARTOF./!!THE.ATIONAL/CEANICAND!TMOSPHERIC !DMINISTRATIONANDAPARTOFTHE53$EPARTMENTOF#OMMERCE !FTERlVEYEARSOFWORKSHEDECIDEDTOSTUDYFORHER0H$INMARINEBIOLOGYATTHE5NIVERSITYOF-IAMI h)WORKEDFULLTIMEWHILE)WENTTOSCHOOLTOGETMY0H$vSHESAYSh)WASABLETOCOORDINATEMY 0H$WORKWITHMYWORKIN.-&3AND)WASVERYLUCKYTHAT./!!GAVEMETHEOPPORTUNITYTODOTHATv .OWSHESAYSh4HEBIGGERPARTOFMYJOBISTOMANAGEANDCONSERVELIVINGMARINERESOURCES UNDERTHE%NDANGERED3PECIES!CT h-YWORKINCLUDESLISTINGANIMALSONTHEENDANGEREDSPECIESACT,ASTYEARWEADDEDTWO CORALSWHICHWASTHElRSTTIMEEVERCORALSHAVEBEENLISTEDONTHE%NDANGERED3PECIES,ISTv 3HEREMAINSENTHUSIASTICABOUTHERCHOSENlELDh4HATSTHETHINGABOUTSCIENCEvSHESAYS hSCIENTISTSMIGHTNOTHAVETHELARGESTPAYCHECKSBUTWEREALLREALLYEXCITEDTOGOTOWORKANDWE REALLYLIKEWHATWEREDOING7EFEELLIKEWEREMAKINGADIFFERENCEv *WBO5PSOFT. !LIFELONGINTERESTINHOWTHINGSWORKLED)VAN 4ORNES"3"3-%TOTHE"ATTELLE-EMORIAL)NSTITUTEIN #OLUMBUSWHEREHEISWORKINGONPROJECTSTOSUPPORT53 TROOPSBYDESIGNINGANDTESTINGARMORANDlNDINGWAYSTO IDENTIFYANDDEFEAT)%$S)MPROVISED%XPLOSIVE$EVICES !FTERRECEIVINGTWODEGREESANDTHREEMAJORS MECHANICALENGINEERINGPHYSICSANDMATHAT/HIO .ORTHERNHEWENTONTORECEIVEAMASTERSAND0H$ AT4HE/HIO3TATE5NIVERSITY7HILESTILLINTHE0H$ PROGRAMHEBEGANWORKINGPARTTIMEAT"ATTELLE4HATJOB BECAMEFULLTIMEWHENHECOMPLETEDHISSTUDIESLASTYEAR Ivan and Laura (DiMarco) Tornes ’01 /RIGINALLYFROMSOUTHEASTERN/HIO4ORNESCHOSE A&S, with their son. /.5FORHISUNDERGRADUATESTUDIESBECAUSEHEWANTEDTO GOTOASMALLSCHOOLANDHEWASIMPRESSEDBY/.5SENGINEERINGPROGRAM $URINGHISJUNIORYEAR4ORNESWASPARTOFANINTERNSHIPATTHE.!3!'LENN2ESEARCH#ENTER IN#LEVELAND7HILEITWASAVALUABLEEXPERIENCEITALSOPRESENTEDAPROBLEMFOR4ORNES(E EXPLAINSh)TOOKAQUARTEROFFFORTHEINTERNSHIPWITH.!3!"ECAUSE)WASINMYJUNIORYEAR ANDIF)MISSEDTHATQUARTER)WASGOINGTOBEBEHINDANENTIREYEARSINCETHECOURSESOFFEREDTHAT QUARTERWERENTOFFEREDAGAINUNTILTHENEXTYEARv "UTHISPROFESSORSINENGINEERINGANDPHYSICSFOUNDASOLUTIONh4HEYACTUALLYLETMETAKE COURSESASINDEPENDENTSTUDY)WASABLETOlNISHINFOURYEARSINSTEADOFBEINGAFULLYEARBEHINDv 15 3JTJOHUPUIF$IBMMFOHF .BUIJMF$FOUFSGPSUIF/BUVSBM4DJFODFT 4HE-ATHILE#ENTERFORTHE.ATURAL3CIENCESWILLBEASTUDENTCENTERED ACADEMICRESEARCHANDLEARNINGFACILITY4HESQUAREFOOTSTRUCTUREWILL BLENDTRADEMARKHANDSONTEACHINGEXCELLENCEWITHADVANCEDTECHNOLOGY INAFUNCTIONALMODERNENVIRONMENT 4HISREMARKABLEINITIATIVEAUGMENTS/HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITYSBOLD LEADERSHIPINNATURALSCIENCESEDUCATIONANDHONORSTHEEXTRAORDINARYVISION OF#LAYAND-ARY!NN-ATHILE )NANNOUNCINGACHALLENGEGRANTTOFUNDCONSTRUCTIONOFTHEBUILDING #LAY-ATHILEABUSINESSADMINISTRATIONGRADUATESAIDh&ORDECADES /HIO.ORTHERNWASKNOWNFORITSCORECOMPETENCIESINMATHANDSCIENCE 4HISNEWCENTERWILLENSURE/.5SLEADERSHIPPOSITIONINBOTHCRITICALLY IMPORTANTDISCIPLINESFORYEARSTOCOME-ARYAND)ENVISIONAN/.5THAT CONTINUALLYRECRUITSTHEBESTFACULTYANDATTRACTSOUTSTANDINGSTUDENTSv h)NMYVIEWWHATTHE-ATHILEGIFTHASDONEISMAKETHEDREAMSOFOUR SCIENTISTS A REALITYv SAYS /HIO .ORTHERN 5NIVERSITY 0RESIDENT +ENDALL , "AKERh)TSONETHINGTOHAVEADREAM)NORDERFORTHEDREAMTOBECOMEA REALITYYOUVEGOTTOGETSOMESIGNIlCANTDOLLARSTOWARDSTHATPROJECT!ND THATSWHATTHE-ATHILE#HALLENGEHASDONEv 4OSPURONTHISTRADITIONOFLEADERSHIPINTHESCIENCES-ATHILEANDHIS WIFE-ARY!NNPLEDGEDMILLIONPLUSANADDITIONALMILLIONINMATCHING FUNDS4HEMATCHINGFUNDCHALLENGEISANINVITATIONTO/.5FAMILYFRIENDS ANDPARTNERSTOSHAREINTHEHOPEOFTHISTRANSFORMATIONALMOMENTINTHE HISTORYOFTHISGREATUNIVERSITY 3UCHCHALLENGEGRANTSHAVELEDTOOTHERSUCCESSFUL/.5PROJECTSSAYS "AKERCITINGTHE*AMES&$ICKE(ALLBUILTWITHTHEASSISTANCEOFACHALLENGE GRANT.OWTHEREALITYOFANEWSTUDENTCENTEREDSCIENCEFACILITYISWITHIN 16 REACH4HESCOPEOFTHEFACILITYWILLBEDETERMINEDBYTHElNANCIALSUPPORTOF /HIO.ORTHERNSALUMNIFACULTYANDFRIENDS4HERESULTCANBEGENERATIONS OFSCIENCESTUDENTSFOLLOWINGINTHEFOOTSTEPSOFCURRENTSUCCESSFULALUMNI %ACH h-ATHILE #ENTERv GIFT QUALIlES FOR MATCHING FUNDS 0LEASE USE THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE FOUND IN YOUR MAGAZINE &OR CONlDENTIAL INQUIRIES CONCERNING EXCEPTIONAL NAMING OPPORTUNITIES CONTACT 2ICHARD h2ICHv "OROWSKIDIRECTOROFDEVELOPMENTFORTHE'ETTY#OLLEGEOF!RTSAND3CIENCES ATORVIAEMAILATRBOROWSKI ONUEDU7RITTENINQUIRIES CANBEMADEBYWRITINGTO2"OROWSKI/FlCEOF5NIVERSITY!DVANCEMENT /HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITY3-AIN3T!DA/( -EYER(ALLOF3CIENCE 3CIENCE !NNEX "IGGS %NGINEERING "UILDING -ATHILE #ENTERFOR THE.ATURAL 3CIENCES 2OBERTSON %VANS 0HARMACY 4HE(AKES0IERSTORF "UILDING &AMILY0HARMACY %DUCATION#ENTER OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL +PTIVB+VELJOTBKVOJPS JO CJPDIFNJTUSZ GSPN 4FMNB /$ TIBSFT IJT FYDJUFNFOU BCPVU UIF .BUIJMF$FOUFSGPSUIF /BUVSBM4DJFODFT )TWASABITOFALEAPOFFAITHWHEN)LEFT.ORTH#AROLINAFOR!DAALMOST TWOYEARSAGO4HElRSTTIME)ACTUALLYSAW/.5WASWHEN)ARRIVEDFOR FRESHMANORIENTATION)TOOKTHELEAPBECAUSEOF$R#AROL/$ELLTEACHER ANDMENTORFROMMYHIGHSCHOOL4HE.#3CHOOLOF3CIENCEAND-ATH$R /$ELLHADTAUGHTMATHEMATICSAT/.5YEARSBEFOREANDWHENITCAME TIMEFORMETOCHOOSEFROMTHELISTOFCOLLEGESWHERE)HADBEENACCEPTED SHESUGGESTED)LOOKAT/HIO.ORTHERNTOO 0EOPLE FREQUENTLY INQUIRE ABOUT HOW ) CAME TO /.5 FROM .ORTH #AROLINAPARTICULARLYAFTERTHEYDISCOVER)WASACCEPTEDTOBOTH5.#AND .#3TATEWITHFREETUITION$R/$ELLKNEWTHEKINDOFSTUDENT)WAS ANDTHEHIGHSTANDARDSANDOPINIONS)HAVEABOUTHIGHEREDUCATION5.# AND.#35ARENODOUBTEXCELLENTSCHOOLSBUTAFTERLEARNINGABOUT/.5S DEDICATIONTOTHESCIENCESSPECIlCALLYCHEMISTRYANDBIOCHEMISTRY)HURRIEDLY APPLIEDBEFORETHEDEADLINEGAINEDADMISSIONSANDALSOBECAMEARECIPIENT OFA4RUSTEE3CHOLARSHIP%VENAFTERYEARS$R/$ELLKNEWTHAT/.5 HAD A STRONG COMMITMENT TO THE SCIENCES AND NOW THAT COMMITMENT IS APPARENTTOME )VE LEARNED THAT OVER PERCENTOF/.5FACULTYTEACHINTHE SCIENCES4HEPHARMACYPROGRAMIS People frequently ONEOFTHEBESTINTHECOUNTRY9EAR inquire about how AFTER YEAR GRADUATES IN BIOLOGY I came to ONU from COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING PHYSICS MATHEMATICS CHEMISTRY North Carolina... AND BIOCHEMISTRY ARE HIRED BY particularly after MAJOR WORLDWIDE CORPORATIONS ANDINDUSTRIESANDAREACCEPTEDTO they discover I was PRESTIGIOUSGRADUATEPROGRAMS accepted to both 4HEAWESOMEFEELING)GETFROM UNC and NC State BEING A STUDENT AT /.5 COMES FROMNOTONLYTHEVERYPERSONALAND with free tuition. INDIVIDUALIZED ATTENTION ) RECEIVE FROM ALL MY PROFESSORS BUT ALSO SPRING SPRING 2007 2007 FROMTHEVERYPUBLICCOMMITMENTTHATCOMESFROMDEDICATEDALUMNI LIKE#LAYTON-ATHILE"!$"!WHOHASPUTHISRESOURCES TOWARDADVANCINGSCIENCEANDFUTURESCIENTISTS)TISINSPIRINGTOSAY THE LEAST4HE NEW SCIENCE BUILDING WILL TRAIN TOMORROWS FORENSIC SCIENTISTSDOCTORSELECTRICALANDCOMPUTERENGINEERSCHEMISTSAND MATHEMATICIANS4HEADVANCEMENTSINTHESCIENCEFACILITIESAT.ORTHERN WILLBEANINTEGRALPARTOFMYEDUCATIONANDTHEOPPORTUNITIESTHAT WILLBEAVAILABLEBECAUSEOFTHENEWFACILITIESWILLALLTHEMOREPREPARE MEFORMYFUTUREGRADUATESTUDIESANDEVENTUALEMPLOYMENTINTHE @REALWORLD )AMTHRILLEDTOKNOWTHAT)WILLBEABLETOWALKTHROUGHTHE HALLS AND LABORATORIES OF THE NEW -ATHILE #ENTER FOR THE .ATURAL 3CIENCES)ALSOLOOKFORWARDTOTHEDAYWHEN)CANENCOURAGEASPIRING SCIENTISTSTOATTEND/.5APLACEWHERE)AMPARTICIPATINGINSCIENTIlC ADVANCEMENTANDALSOBUILDINGFONDMEMORIESOFCOMMUNITYAND FRIENDSHIPTHATWILLLASTMYENTIRELIFE 17 17 'BDVMUZ 3FTFBSDI "MHBF BY Robert G. Verb, Ph.D. Associate Professor of Biology 18 18 2IVERSANDSTREAMSREPRE SENTONEOFOURMOSTVALUABLE YETVULNERABLENATURALRESOURCES 4HESE BODIES OF WATER ARE UNDERALMOSTCONSTANTTHREAT FROM SOURCES SUCH AS NUTRI ENT ENRICHMENT AND INVASIVE SPECIES )N THE PAST THE MA JORITY OF RESEARCH ASSESSING AQUATICECOSYSTEMHEALTHWAS CONDUCTED USING ELECTRONIC INSTRUMENTS TO EVALUATE THE PHYSICALANDCHEMICALPARAM ETERS OF A HABITAT IE P( CURRENT VELOCITY )N ADDI TIONTOBEINGEXPENSIVETHESE MEASUREMENTS OFTEN PRO VIDE THE RESEARCHER WITH JUST A hSNAPSHOTv OF THE CURRENT WATER CONDITIONS AND DO NOT TRULYINDICATETHELONGTERMHEALTHOFTHEAQUATIC HABITAT!MORECOSTEFFECTIVEMETHODOFASSESSING AQUATICECOSYSTEMHEALTHISTOEXAMINETHEORGAN ISMSTHATLIVEINTHEAQUATICENVIRONMENT4HEUSE OFLIVINGORGANISMSTOASSESSANDMONITORECOSYS TEMHEALTHISCALLEDBIOMONITORING 3INCETHEPLANTSANDANIMALSAREINTHEAQUAT ICENVIRONMENTCONSTANTLYTHEYAREAFFECTEDBYALL THE ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGES AND THEREFORE ALLOW RESEARCHERSTOEXAMINELONGTERMTRENDSINAQUAT ICHEALTHMORESOTHANTHESIMPLEhSNAPSHOTvOF INSTRUMENTATION READINGS )N THE PAST THE MOST COMMONORGANISMSEMPLOYEDINAQUATICBIOMON ITORING WERE lSH AND AQUATIC MACROINVERTEBRATES IEINSECTSANDSNAILS7HILETHESEORGANISMSARE QUITEUSEFULINASSESSINGTHEHEALTHOFANAQUATIC ECOSYSTEMTHEREARESOMEAQUATICSYSTEMSTHATARE SO POLLUTED THAT THESE ORGANISMS CANNOT SURVIVE )NTHESEINSTANCESWECANTURNTOALGAETOPROVIDE US WITH A GLIMPSE INTO WHAT IS HAPPENING IN AN ECOSYSTEM 7HEN MOST PEOPLE HEAR THE WORD hALGAEv IMAGESOFMURKYSWIMMINGPOOLSANDTHESLIMY GLASSOFAQUARIUMSCOMETOMIND5NFORTUNATELY THEAMBIGUOUSTERMhALGAEvDOESNOTDOJUSTICETO THISEXTREMELYDIVERSEANDECOLOGICALLYIMPORTANT GROUP !LGAE ARE CONSIDERED EXCELLENT ORGANISMS FORBIOMONITORINGBECAUSETHEYAREREADILYPRESENT INMOSTAQUATICSYSTEMSOFTENHAVEHIGHERLEVELS OFDIVERSITYCOMPAREDWITHlSHANDMACROINVER TEBRATESEXHIBITAWIDERRANGEOFECOLOGICALTOLER ANCES AND RESPOND DIRECTLY AND MORE RAPIDLY TO CHANGESINTHEENVIRONMENT -Y AREA OF RESEARCH FOCUSES SPECIlCALLY ON USINGALGAETOASSESSSTREAMHABITATSIMPACTEDBY COALMININGIN/HIO#OALHASBEENMINEDINTHE SOUTHEASTERN AND EASTERN PORTION OF /HIO SINCE THE EARLY S (ISTORICALLY DURING THE MINING PROCESSES THE OVERLYING ROCKS AND MINERALS WERE GATHERED AND DUMPED INTO PILES4HESE PILES ARE CALLED hSPOILv OR hGOB PILESv AND CONSIST OF LOW GRADE COAL THE MINERAL PYRITE AND NO ORGANIC OHIO NORTHERN NORTHERN UNIVERSITY UNIVERSITYMAGAZINE MAGAZINEAND ANDALUMNI ALUMNI JOURNAL JOURNAL OHIO When most people hear the word “algae,” images of murky swimming pools and the slimy glass of aquariums come to mind. Unfortunately, the ambiguous term “algae” does not do justice to this extremely diverse and ecologically important group. Algae are considered excellent organisms for biomonitoring because they are readily present in most aquatic systems, often have higher levels of diversity (compared with fish and macroinvertebrates), exhibit a wider range of ecological tolerances, and respond directly and more rapidly to changes in the environment. MATTER4HESEPILESAREEXTREMELYSUSCEPTIBLE TO EROSION AS LITTLE TERRESTRIAL VEGETATION CAN BECOMEESTABLISHEDONTHEMDUETOTHELACK OFNUTRIENTS7HENITRAINSDEBRISFROMTHESE PILES CAN BE WASHED INTO STREAMS CLOGGING AND COATING THE NATURAL ROCK BOTTOMS AND SMOTHERINGTHEORGANISMSTHATLIVETHERE!N EVENDEADLIERSOURCEOFPOLLUTIONFROMTHESE PILESISDERIVEDFROMTHEPYRITEMINERALSDE POSITED WITHIN 7HEN THE PYRITE IS EXPOSED TO THE ATMOSPHERE IT UNDERGOES WEATHERING AND OXIDATION WHICH LEADS TO THE PRODUC TION OF SULFURIC ACID !S THE SULFURIC ACID IS mUSHEDINTOTHESTREAMSBYPRECIPITATIONAND GROUNDWATERITGENERATESACIDMINEDRAINAGE !-$4HISTYPEOFPOLLUTIONISOFTENCHAR ACTERIZEDBYLOWACIDICP(LEVELSOFTEN AND ELEVATED CONCENTRATIONS OF METALS THAT CANBELETHALTOAQUATICORGANISMS6ERYFEW IF ANY lSH AND MACROINVERTEBRATES CAN SUR VIVEINTHESEHARSHCONDITIONSBUTTHEREAREA NUMBEROFALGAETHATTHRIVEINTHEM3TREAM SITES THAT ARE IMPACTED BY HEAVY CONCENTRA TIONSOF!-$ARECHARACTERIZEDBYACIDLOV INGTOLERANTALGALSPECIESANDVERYLOWDIVER SITYUSUALLYLESSTHANSPECIES4HISISA VERYSPARSEALGALCOMMUNITYCOMPAREDWITH SITESUNIMPACTEDBY!-$^SPECIES"Y EXAMININGTHEALGALCOMMUNITIESPRESENTIN THESESTREAMSWECANASSESSHOWSEVERELYIM PACTEDTHEAQUATICENVIRONMENTSASAWHOLE SPRING 2007 2007 SPRING AREANDFROMTHEREHYPOTHESIZEWHATNEEDSTO BEDONETOREMEDYTHEPROBLEMS )N ADDITION TO SIMPLY IDENTIFYING STREAMS AFFECTEDBY!-$MYRESEARCHISEXPLORINGTHE USEOFALGALBIOINDICATORSTOASSESSTHEEFFECTIVE NESSOFTHERECLAMATIONOFMININGLAND-ANY STREAMS DRAINING MINES DECOMMISSIONED PRIOR TOSTILLSUFFERFROMHEAVYLEVELSOF!-$ DUETOALACKOFSTRINGENTREGULATION(OWEVER MINESABANDONEDAFTERWERESUBJECTEDTO MORE STRICT GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS WHICH RE QUIREDTHESITETOBERECLAIMEDBYMOVINGTHE hGOB PILESv BACK TO THE LOCATION OF THE COAL SEAM REPLACING TOPSOIL AND REVEGETATING THE LAND)NSOMECASESTHESERECLAMATIONPROCESSES ALONEABATETHEPROBLEMOF!-$BUTATOTHER MINES THE SUCCESS IS NOT AS CLEAR 0ROBLEMS IN ASSESSMENTOCCURWHENEXAMININGSTREAMSTHAT AREONLYOCCASIONALLYIMPACTEDBY!-$4HESE STREAMS DISPLAY FAIRLY NORMAL WATER CHEMISTRY FORMUCHOFTHEYEARSUGGESTINGTHATRECLAMA TION HAS BEEN COMPLETELY SUCCESSFUL (OWEVER DURING HEAVY RAINS THESE SITES RECEIVE PERIODIC hSLUGSvOF!-$FROMCOALMINESWITHMARGIN ALLYSUCCESSFULRECLAMATION4HISCAUSESTHEWA TERCHEMISTRYTOOSCILLATEFROMCIRCUMNEUTRALTO ACIDICP(4HESEBURSTSOF!-$CREATEABRUTAL AND UNSTABLE ENVIRONMENT FOR THE ORGANISMS LIVING THERE $EPENDING ON WHEN THE ASSESS MENTOFTHESTREAMISOCCURRINGTHEhSNAPSHOTv PROVIDEDBYSTRICTLYELECTRONICINSTRUMENTATION MONITORINGMAYNOTTRULYINDICATEWHATISHAPPENINGAT OTHER TIMES OF THE YEAR )F THE MEASUREMENTS ARE TAKEN WHENTHEREHASNOTBEENASLUGOF!-$EVERYTHINGMAY APPEAR HEALTHY (OWEVER IF THE ALGAL COMMUNITY IS EX AMINEDWEGETACOMPLETELYDIFFERENTSTORY3ITESTHATARE HEALTHYSHOULDHAVEAGREATDIVERSITYOFALGAEATAVARIETY OFDENSITIES)NSTEADATTHESEOSCILLATINGSITESWElNDVERY LOWDENSITIESOFALGAECOUPLEDWITHHIGHERTHANNORMAL ABUNDANCESOFTHEALGALDIATOM"RACHYSIRAVITREADESPITE WHATTHEELECTRONICINSTRUMENTATIONREADINGSINDICATEASA CLEANENVIRONMENT 7ITH FURTHER INVESTIGATION WE ARE HOPEFUL THAT BY EXAMINING THE ALGAL COMMUNITY IN RECLAIMED STREAMS THROUGHOUT/HIOSPECIlCALLYLOOKINGFORINCREASEDABUN DANCESOFTHEALGALDIATOM"VITREAWECANIDENTIFYCRYP TICSOURCESOF!-$ANDHOPEFULLYENCOURAGEMORERECLA MATIONEFFORTSTOOCCURINTHOSEAREASTHEREBYIMPROVING THEOVERALLAQUATICHEALTHIN/HIO 19 19 1PMBS#FBS3FQPSU &ACESFROMTHE&IELD 4HE&ACESFROMTHE&IELDISDESIGNEDTOACKNOWLEDGESOMEOFTHE UNSUNGHEROESOF/.5ATHLETICTEAMS4HESEYOUNGMENANDWOMEN CONTRIBUTEGREATLYTOTHEIRTEAMSSUCCESSESBUTOFTENTIMESARENOT GIVENTHEh!LL3TARvCREDITTHEYDESERVE Men’s Basketball Jared Bostelman "OSTELMANASENIORPOINTGUARDFROM+ENTONIS ATHREEYEARLETTERMANFORTHE0OLAR"EARS(ESAW ACTIONINGAMESTHISWINTER(EAVERAGEDPPG ANDHITPERCENTOFHISTHREEPOINTERSINTHEYEAR )NFOURSEASONSONTHE/.5VARSITY"OSTELMAN PLAYEDINGAMESWITHSTARTSANDENDEDHIS CAREERRANKEDSEVENTHALLTIMEWITHATHREE POINTSHOOTINGPERCENTAGE Women’s Basketball Danielle Andreasen Women’s Swimming Missy Paradise 0ARADISEASENIORFROM#HAGRIN&ALLSISAFOURYEAR LETTERWINNERFORTHE,ADY0OLAR"EARS!TTHISSEASONS /!##HAMPIONSHIPSSHEPLACEDINBOTHTHE ANDMETERBREASTSTROKEEVENTSHELPING/.5 WINITSlRSTEVERLEAGUETITLE)NHERCAREERSHESCORED TEAMPOINTSFOR/HIO.ORTHERN Men’s Swimming Erik Lange ,ANGEASENIORFROM"AINBRIDGE4OWNSHIPISA THREETIME/!##HAMPION(EWONTHE METERBREASTSTROKEANDWASON/.5SWINNING ANDMEDLEYRELAYTEAMSTHISYEAR(E EARNED!LL#ONFERENCEACCOLADESINFOURDIFFERENT EVENTSHELPING/.5WINBACKTOBACKTOBACK /!##HAMPIONSHIPSINAND Men’s Indoor Track Chad Eagy !NDREASENASENIORFORWARDFROM7ADSWORTH STARTEDINALLGAMESTHISSEASONlNISHINGTHIRDON THETEAMWITHAPPGSCORINGAVERAGE!FOUR YEARLETTERWINNER!NDREASENSERVEDASACOCAPTAIN ONTHISYEARSSQUAD3HEENDEDHERCAREERWITH POINTSINGAMESANAVERAGEOFPPG %AGYASENIORFROM3PENCERVILLEWONTHE/!# )NDOORTITLEINTHEPOLEVAULTTHISWINTER(EIS AFOURTIME!LL/!#HONOREEANDATHREETIME .#!!QUALIlERINTHEEVENT(EHASSCORED TEAMPOINTSFOR/.5INHISlRSTSEVEN/!# #HAMPIONSHIPSMEETS Wrestling Jay Salge Women’s Indoor Track Lauren Crook 3ALGEASENIORFROM#HURUBUSCO)NDISATHREE YEARLETTERMANFORTHE/HIO.ORTHERNWRESTLING TEAM0OORESTARTEDALLSEASONATPOUNDS POSTINGARECORD)NHISCAREER0OOREWON MATCHESINTHEANDPOUNDWEIGHT CLASSES #ROOKASENIORFROM3ALEMWASAPARTOF/HIO .ORTHERNSDISTANCEMEDLEYRELAYTEAMTHAT EARNED!LL/!#HONORSFORTHETHIRDCONSECUTIVE SEASON3HEISATIME!LL/!#PERFORMERIN HERCAREER#ROOKHASWONFOURLETTERSINCROSS COUNTRYANDFOURLETTERSINTRACK /.5-ENS6OLLEYBALL4EAM#APTURES.ATIONAL4ITLE 4HE /HIO .ORTHERN 5NIVERSITY MENS VOLLEYBALL TEAM WAS CROWNED NATIONAL CHAMPIONSAFTERDEFEATING0ROVIDENCE#ANADAINTHE$IVISION ))lNALSATTHE.ATIONAL)NTRAMURAL2ECREATIONAL3PORTS!SSOCIATIONCHAMPION SHIPSIN,OUISVILLE+YON!PRIL/.5WHICHlNISHEDASRUNNERUPIN WENTOVERTHEWEEKENDTOSECURETHETITLE 2YAN:ETTLEASECONDYEARPHARMACYMAJOROUTOF7HEATlELD.EW9ORKWAS TABBED-OST6ALUABLE0LAYEROFTHETOURNAMENT3TEVEN7RIGHTASENIORSPORTS MANAGEMENTMAJOROUTOF-IDDLETOWN/HIOWASNAMEDTOTHE&IRST4EAM !LL4OURNAMENT SQUAD AND $AVID -ILLWARD A SENIOR MECHANICAL ENGINEER INGMAJORFROM"EAVERCREEK/HIOWASSELECTED&IRST4EAM!LL4OURNAMENT SETTER#ULLEN-C#HRISTIANAlRSTYEARPHARMACYMAJORFROM0ARK2IDGE)L LINOISAND.ATE3TAUDTAJUNIORMECHANICALENGINEERINGMAJORFROM&AIRlELD 20 /HIO WERE NAMED TO THE 3ECOND4EAM !LL 4OURNAMENTSQUAD 4HECLUBTEAMCOACHED BY"RIAN(OFMANlN ISHED WITH AN OVERALL MARKOFANDWAS !LL/HIOCHAMPIONSFORTHElFTHTIMEANDFOURTHYEARINAROW4HETEAMWAS ALSO 'REAT -ENS -IDWEST 6OLLEYBALL #ONFERENCE REGULAR SEASON CHAMPIONS ANDHADWINSOVER$IVISION)RIVALS-ICHIGAN/HIO3TATE)NDIANA-IAMI /HIO5"OWLING'REENAND#INCINNATI4HISMARKED/.5SSEVENTHTOP lNISHINYEARSOFATTENDINGTHENATIONALCHAMPIONSHIP OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL 530ARALYMPICS3WIM#OACH0EGGY%WALD The whistle blows signaling the start of the race. The swimmers’ arms cut through the water like knives as they advance down the length of the pool and back. Teammates cheer loudly and enthusiastically, urging their members to press on. As the racers make it down the last stretch, one seems to break away from the pack, if only slightly, and touches the wall first at the end of her last crisp stroke. The coach celebrates with her and helps the victorious swimmer out of the pool and into her wheelchair. h9OUDONTHAVETOPERCEIVEALOWERLEVELOFCOMPETITIONFROMTHEMJUSTBECAUSE THEYAREDISABLEDvSAYS/HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITYMENSANDWOMENSSWIMMING HEADCOACHANDMEMBEROFTHE530ARALYMPICSSWIMMINGCOACHINGSTAFF0EGGY %WALD %WALD HAS SERVED AS /HIO .ORTHERNS HEAD MENS AND WOMENS SWIMMING ANDDIVINGCOACHFORTHEPASTTHREEYEARSANDISALREADYONEOFTHEMOSTSUCCESSFUL COACHESINSCHOOLHISTORYLEADINGTHEMENSTEAMTOBACKTOBACKTOBACK/!# TITLESANDTHEWOMENSTEAMTOITSlRSTTITLEDURINGTHESEASON3HEHASWON FOUR/!#TEAMTITLESHASHADlVE/!#3WIMMERSOFTHE9EARANDHASHAD /!##HAMPIONSINHERTHREESEASONSATTHEHELM (ER EXPERIENCES IN SWIMMING ARE MORE FARREACHING THAN THE /.5 3PORT #ENTER.ATATORIUM !SAMEMBEROFTHE530ARALYMPICSSWIMTEAMCOACHINGSTAFF%WALD WILL BE TRAVELING THE WORLD COACHING DISABLED ATHLETES THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER MONTHSATCOMPETITIONSIN#ANADA'ERMANY"RAZILAND#HINA h4HEIRDESIRETOACHIEVEISSOMETHINGTHATKEEPSYOUYOUNGATHEARTv%WALD Coach Peggy Ewald and Beth Kolbe, eight time American SAIDh"YWORKINGWITHDISABLEDATHLETESMYKNOWLEDGE;OFSWIMMING=HASBEEN record holder in her classification of S3. She was named to EXPANDEDANDITHASTAUGHTMETOQUESTIONWHAT)KNOWABOUTSWIMMING)HAVE the 2004 Athens Paraplympic Team and the 2007 Parapan TOADAPTPROGRAMSPREPAREDFORSOMEONEWHOISABLEBODIEDTOEACHINDIVIDUAL American Games in Rio. ATHLETESDISABILITYv 4HE0ARALYMPIC'AMESAREANELITEMULTISPORTEVENTFORATHLETESWITHPHYSICALDISABILITIESINCLUDINGMOBILITYDISABILITIESAMPUTEESVISUAL DISABILITIESANDTHOSEWITHCEREBRALPALSY4HE0ARALYMPIC'AMESAREHELDEVERYFOURYEARSFOLLOWINGTHE/LYMPIC'AMESANDAREGOVERNEDBY THE)NTERNATIONAL0ARALYMPIC#OMMITTEE)0#4HE0ARALYMPICSDIFFERFROMTHE3PECIAL/LYMPICSINTHATTHE3PECIAL/LYMPICSAREFORTHOSE WITHINTELLECTUALDISABILITIES !CCORDINGTOTHE530ARALYMPICWEBSITESWIMMINGFORMENANDWOMENHASBEENAPARTOFTHEPROGRAMSINCETHElRSTGAMESIN WHICHWEREHELDIN2OME)TALY4ODAYTHERACESAREHIGHLYCOMPETITIVEANDAMONGTHELARGESTANDMOSTPOPULAREVENTSINTHE0ARALYMPIC 'AMES4HECOMPETITIONSOCCURINMETERPOOLSANDNOPROSTHESESORASSISTIVEDEVICESMAYBEWORNBYTHEATHLETESDURINGCOMPETITION !LLOFTHEATHLETES%WALDCOACHESSERVEASINSPIRATIONSTOHERBUTTHE0ARAYLMPICATHLETESHAVEESPECIALLYMOTIVATEDHER h.OMATTERWHATPROGRAMYOUPUTTHEMONTHEDISABLEDATHLETESHAVEAPOSITIVEOUTLOOKANDAREVERYMOTIVATING4HEYDONTWANTTOBE CATEREDTO4HEYDONTHAVE@WOEISMEATTITUDES3OMEAREMISSINGLIMBS3OMEAREBLIND!LLOFTHEMAREHARDWORKERSTHEYHAVEPHYSICAL OBSTACLESTOOVERCOMEANDTHATMAKESTHEMWORKHARDER4HEYARETRUEATHLETESv %WALDGOTHERSTARTINTHE0ARALYMPICSWHILESERVINGASAHIGHSCHOOLCOACHAT4IFlN#OLUMBIAN(IGH3CHOOL/NEOFTHESTUDENTATHLETES WHOPLAYEDVOLLEYBALLWASINACARACCIDENTANDWASINSTRUCTEDTOGOTHROUGHWATERREHABILITATIONWHICH%WALDFACILITATED4HROUGHHER THERAPYTHEATHLETEDEVELOPEDASTRONGENOUGHABILITYINSWIMMINGTORECEIVEANOMINATIONTOTHE0ARALYMPICS0AN!MTEAM %WALDEARNEDHERlNSASACHILDPARTICIPATINGON9-#!TEAMSANDCLUBTEAMS4ITLE)8WASNOTINFULLEFFECTWHEN%WALDWOULDHAVE BEENABLETOCOMPETEINHIGHSCHOOLORCOLLEGE!NDTHOUGHSHEHADTOhQUITSWIMMING;SHE=NEVERLEFTTHEPOOLvUSINGTHEWATERTOKEEPHER YEAROLDFRAMEINYEAROLDSHAPE %WALDBEINGANEDUCATORATTHECOREAFTERSERVINGASDEANAT"ROWN-ACKIE#OLLEGEASMALLTWOYEARSCHOOLANDNOWASALECTURERIN (UMAN0ERFORMANCEAND3PORT3CIENCESAT/HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITYEQUATESSWIMMINGTOEDUCATION h7HENYOUSWIMYOUBECOMEASTUDENTOFTHESPORT9OURCLASSROOMISTHEPOOL9OURPRACTICESSERVEASLECTURES!NDYOURMEETSBECOME YOURTESTS7ATCHINGTHEATHLETESREALIZETHEIRPOTENTIALANDACETHEIRTESTSISONEOFTHEBIGGESTMOTIVATORSFORMEv%WALDSAID SPRING 2007 21 7INTER3PORTS5PDATE Men’s Basketball (19-7) 4HE/HIO.ORTHERNMENSBASKETBALLTEAM POSTEDITSTHCONSECUTIVEWINNINGSEASONWITHA RECORDANDlNISHEDTHIRDINTHE/HIO!THLETIC #ONFERENCEWITHARECORDUNDERSECONDYEAR HEADCOACH*EFF#OLEMAN 4HE0OLAR"EARSWERERANKEDASHIGHAS.O NATIONALLYDURINGTHESEASON 3ENIOR'REG"ADENHOP,IBERTY#ENTERWAS NAMED&IRST4EAM!LL/!#FORTHESECONDCONSECUTIVE SEASONAFTERLEADINGTHE0OLAR"EARSINSCORING PPGANDTHREEPOINTERS(EWASALSONAMED-60 OFTHE7OOSTER-OSE(OLE#LASSICANDWASNAMEDTO THE%LIZABETHTOWN0A#LASSIC!LL4OURNAMENT4EAM 3ENIOR"ART(OSTETLER3TRASBURG3TRASBURG &RANKLINWASNAMED!CADEMIC!LL#ONFERENCEANDND 4EAM!LL#ONFERENCE(ELED/.5INREBOUNDING RPGSTEALSASSISTSANDlELDGOALPERCENTAGE (EWASTHE-60OFTHE%LIZABETHTOWN0A #LASSICANDWASTHE$EFENSIVE-60OFTHE7OOSTER -OSE(OLE#LASSIC *UNIOR+YLE'EHLE6ERSAILLESWASNAMED (ONORABLE-ENTION!LL/!#(EWASSECONDONTHE TEAMINSCORINGATPPGANDINTHREEPOINTERSWITH (EWASNAMEDTOTHE7OOSTER-OSE(OLE #LASSIC!LL4OURNAMENT4EAM Women’s Basketball (17-10) 4HE0OLAR"EARSHADTHEIRBESTSEASONIN YEARSlNISHINGOVERALLANDFOURTHINTHE /!#WITHANMARK .ORTHERNADVANCEDTOTHESEMIlNALSOFTHE /!#4OURNAMENT *UNIOR%RIN"RAND9ORKSHIRE-ARION ,OCALWASA&IRST4EAM!LL#ONFERENCESELECTION SOPHOMORE!LISHA2INEHART,IMA0ERRYWAS AN(ONORABLE-ENTIONPICKANDHEADCOACH -ICHELE$URANDWASSELECTEDAS#O#OACHOF THE9EAR "RANDISMAKINGHERSECONDAPPEARANCEON THE!LL/!#SQUAD3HEWASALSOAN(ONORABLE -ENTIONSELECTIONTWOYEARSAGOASAFRESHMAN "RANDLEDTHETEAMINBOTHSCORINGAND REBOUNDINGATPPGANDRPG3HEALSOLED THETEAMWITHBLOCKEDSHOTSANDAFREE THROWPERCENTAGEANDSHOOTINGPERCENTAGE 2INEHARTISAlRSTTIMESELECTIONTOTHE!LL /!#TEAM 3HEWASSECONDONTHETEAMINSCORING ATPPGANDLEDTHETEAMINFREETHROWS ATTEMPTEDANDMADEGOINGOFFROMTHE LINETHISSEASON *UNIORS-EGAN#EVASCO#OPLEYAND *ENNY-ARKLE&AIRLAWN#OPLEYWERENAMED !CADEMIC!LL/HIO!THLETIC#ONFERENCE 22 Wrestling (10-12) 4HE/HIO.ORTHERNWRESTLINGTEAM lNISHEDFOURTHINTHE/HIO!THLETIC#ONFERENCE REGULARSEASONSTANDINGSANDWASFOURTHATTHE /!##HAMPIONSHIPSUNDERTHYEARHEAD COACH2ON"EASCHLER 4HE0OLAR"EARSlNISHEDWITHA OVERALLDUALRECORDANDWEREIN/!#DUAL ACTION *UNIOR"EN0LOWMAN-AUMEE SOPHOMORE$AVID0ENNY7EST-ILTON -ILTON5NIONANDSOPHOMORE!*#OLEMAN &REMONT3AINT*OSEPH#ENTRAL#ATHOLIC EACHCOMPETEDATTHE.#!!$IVISION))) 7RESTLING#HAMPIONSHIPS 0LOWMANlNISHEDAT POUNDSMISSING!LL!MERICAHONORSBYONLY ONEPOINT(EWONHISSECONDCONSECUTIVE/!# TITLECLAIMINGTHEPOUNDCROWNIN AFTERWINNINGTHEPOUNDTITLEIN 0ENNYTHE/!##HAMPIONAT POUNDSlNISHEDHISSEASONWITHANIMPRESSIVE RECORD(EWASNAMEDA3CHOLAR!LL !MERICANBYTHE.ATIONAL7RESTLING#OACHES !SSOCIATION #OLEMANTHE/HIO!THLETIC#ONFERENCE #HAMPIONATPOUNDSENDSHISSEASONWITH ARECORD OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL Men’s Swimming & Diving (5-5, OAC Champions) Women’s Swimming & Diving (6-6, OAC Champions) Men’s Indoor Track & Field (70-10) 4HE0OLAR"EARSWONTHEIRTHIRD CONSECUTIVE/HIO!THLETIC#ONFERENCE #HAMPIONSHIPTITLEUNDERTHIRDYEARHEAD COACH0EGGY%WALD /HIO.ORTHERNDUALSWONNINE INDIVIDUAL/!#TITLESANDSWEPTTHElVERELAYS ATTHE/!##HAMPIONSHIPSSETTINGlVESCHOOL RECORDSINTHEPROCESS 4HE"EARSALSOCAPTUREDTHE/!#2EGULAR 3EASONCROWNWITHAPERFECTMARK 3OPHOMORE.ATHANIEL0EYTON4INLEY 0ARK)LLWONSEVEN/!#TITLESANDWAS NAMEDTHE/!#-ENS3WIMMEROFTHE9EAR 3OPHOMORE"RETT+UHN4IFlN#OLUM BIANWONlVEEVENTSANDWAS!LL#ONFERENCEIN TWOOTHERS *UNIOR-IKE!NDERSON*ENISON-ICH WONlVE/!#TITLESANDWAS!LL/!#SIXTIMESIN THEMEET 3ENIOR%RIK,ANGE#HAGRIN&ALLS+EN STONANDSOPHOMORE-ATT(OLLIDAY&OUN TAIN(ILLS!RIZ7ESTLAKEEACHWONTWO /!#TITLESANDWAS!LL/!#THREETIMESINTHE MEET &RESHMAN!XEL"RANDT2OCKY2IVER WONTHEANDMETERDIVINGEVENTSANDWAS NAMEDTHE/!#MENS$IVEROFTHE9EAR *UNIOR*OHN-ILLER,EBANONWASON FOUROFTHE/!##HAMPIONRELAYTEAMS )NALLEIGHT0OLAR"EARSWERE/!##HAM PIONSANDNINEEARNED!LL/!#KUDOS %WALDANDHERASSISTANTCOACHESWERE NAMEDTHE/!#-ENS3WIMMING$IVING #OACHING3TAFFOFTHE9EAR 4HE,ADY0OLAR"EARSWONTHEIRlRSTEVER/HIO !THLETIC#ONFERENCE#HAMPIONSHIPANDWERE/HIO !THLETIC#ONFERENCE2EGULAR3EASON#HAMPIONSIN UNDERTHIRDYEARHEADCOACH0EGGY%WALD /HIO.ORTHERNlNISHEDINTHE/!# ANDWEREOVERALL 4HE0OLAR"EARSWONOFTHEEVENTS INCLUDINGNINEINDIVIDUALEVENTSANDTHREEOF THElVERELAYSANDSETSIXSCHOOLRECORDSAND THREE/!#RECORDSINTHEMEET &RESHMAN,ACEY3HUMATE"UCYRUS#OLO NEL#RAWFORDWONSIXEVENTSANDWAS!LL/!# SEVENTIMESTOLEADTHE0OLAR"EARWOMEN 3HEWASNAMEDTHE/!#7OMENS3WIM MEROFTHE9EARFORHEREFFORTSANDHADAHANDIN ALLOFTHERECORDSETTINGEVENTS3HEALSOSETSIX /.5RECORDSDURINGTHEMEET &RESHMAN+ATHERINE-OORE#HICAGO )LL-ARIAN#ATHOLICWONlVEEVENTSANDWAS !LL/!#SIXTIMES 3ENIOR*ESS%WALD4IFlN#ALVERTWON HERTHIRDCONSECUTIVE/!#CROWNINTHE ANDBREASTSTROKEEVENTSBECOMINGTHElRST /.5WOMENSSWIMMERTOWINATITLEINTHE SAMEEVENTINTHREECONSECUTIVEYEARS 3HEWONFOUR/!#TITLESANDQUALIlEDFOR THE.#!!#HAMPIONSHIPSINTHEBREAST %WALDISAN/.5RECORDTIME/!# #HAMPIONANDISTHESCHOOLRECORDHOLDERIN THEBREASTBREASTMEDLEYRELAYAND MEDLEYRELAYEVENTS &RESHMEN*ILLIAN(UBER'LANDORF /TTAWA'LANDORF +IM2ANDALL-ILFORD AND4ERRI,YNN3HIGLE)RWIN0A0ENN 4RAFFORDANDSOPHOMORE!MANDA-ALLORY #ELINAWEREALL/!##HAMPIONSASWELL )NALLSEVEN,ADY0OLAR"EARSWON/!# CROWNSANDEARNED!LL/!#HONORSINTHEMEET /HIO.ORTHERNlNISHEDTHEINDOORSEASON WITHARECORDANDPLACEDTHIRDATTHE/HIO !THLETIC#ONFERENCE#HAMPIONSHIPSUNDERTH YEARHEADCOACH"RIAN#OLE 3OPHOMORE*IMMY/"RIEN0EMBERVILLE %ASTWOODWONTHE.#!!#HAMPIONSHIPANDTHE /!##HAMPIONSHIPINTHEMETERDASH(E WASALSONAMEDTHE'REAT,AKES2EGION-ALE4RACK !THLETEOFTHE9EAR *UNIOR2YAN2OBERTSON0ICKERINGTON#ENTRAL EARNED!LL!MERICAHONORSINTHELONGJUMPWITHASIXTH PLACElNISHATTHE.#!!#HAMPIONSHIPS 3ENIOR#HAD%AGY3PENCERVILLEWONTHE/!# TITLEINTHEPOLEVAULTFORTHESECONDCONSECUTIVESEASON /HIO.ORTHERNENDEDTHESEASONRANKED.O NATIONALLY SPRING 2007 Women’s Indoor Track & Field (55-18) 4HE/HIO.ORTHERNWOMENSINDOORTRACKAND lELDTEAMlNISHEDANDWASTHIRDATTHE/HIO !THLETIC#ONFERENCE#HAMPIONSHIPSUNDERTH YEARHEADCOACH"RIAN#OLE 3ENIOR3ARA-C'INNIS3PRINGlELD3HAWNEE CLAIMEDTHE/!#TITLEINTHEHIGHJUMPWITHA SEASONBESTJUMPOF v-C'INNISFOLLOWED THATUPWITHANTHPLACElNISHINTHEHIGHJUMPAT THE.#!!)))#HAMPIONSHIPS )NADDITIONTOHERHIGHJUMPPERFORMANCE SHEEARNED!LL/!#KUDOSINTHELONGJUMPWITHA THIRDPLACElNISH 3OPHOMORES*OY+ESSLER2EPUBLIC!TTICA 3ENECA%ASTAND!BBY3CHULTE.EW"REMEN -ARION,OCALALSOCLAIMED!LL/!#HONORS +ESSLERlNISHEDSECONDINTHEMETERRUNWHILE 3CHULTEWASRUNNERUPINTHEMETERDASH 3ENIOR$ARCI7ALTHEW%AST"ETHANY .9.OTRE$AMECLAIMED!LL/!#HONORSBY lNISHINGTHIRDINTHEONEMILERUN /HIO.ORTHERNENDEDITSSEASONRANKED.O NATIONALLY 23 'BDVMUZ-PVOHF $AVID##RAGO*$DEANOFTHE0ETTIT#OLLEGEOF,AWISRECIPIENTOFTHE ,EGAL%DUCATOR!WARDPRESENTED-AYDURINGTHE/.5ALUMNIAND FRIENDSBREAKFASTHELDINCONJUNCTIONWITHTHE/3"!S!NNUAL#ONVENTION IN#INCINNATI$EAN#RAGOWASSELECTEDBECAUSEOFHISCONTRIBUTIONTOTHE /3"!THELAWYERSOF/HIOANDTHEPUBLICFORHISLEADERSHIPONTHE/3"! *UDICIAL#AMPAIGN!DVERTISINGAND-ONITORING#OMMITTEE *ON%3PRAGUE0H$DEANOFTHE#OLLEGEOF0HARMACYHASBEENINVITED TOSPEAKATTHE!MERICAN3OCIETYOF!DDICTION-EDICINE!3!-MEETING IN#OLUMBIA3#ONh#LUB$RUGSvWITHANEMPHASISON%CSTASY(E WILLALSOLEADTHECLINICALCAREREPORTDISCUSSIONS "RYAN7ARD0H$ASSOCIATEPROFESSOROFLAWISTHEAUTHOROFANARTICLE h3ENTENCINGWITHOUT2EMORSEvPUBLISHEDBYTHE,OYOLAOF#HICAGO,AW 2EVIEW 0ROFESSOR 7ARD PRESENTED A DRAFT OF THE ARTICLE TO THE FACULTY WORKSHOPLASTYEAR(EISALSOAUTHOROFANARTICLEPUBLISHEDINTHEFALLBY APEERREVIEWEDJOURNALAT/XFORD5NIVERSITY5+ -*h3UNNYv:ANK$!PROFESSOROFMUSICHASBEENELECTEDTOTHE BOARDFORTHE*APAN3TUDIES!SSOCIATIONATTHEANNUALMEETINGSIN*ANUARY !TTHESAMEMEETINGSSHEPRESENTEDAPAPERENTITLEDh4OGI4HE )NTEGRATIONOF'AGAKUAND*APANESE0OP-USICv4HETITLEREFERSTO*APANESE POPMUSICIAN(IDEKI4OGIWHOHASFUSEDTRADITIONAL'AGAKUMUSICAND MUSICALINSTRUMENTSWITHMODERNPOPCULTUREMUSIC3HEWASALSOCHAIR OFAHUMANITIESSESSION *ASON 0INKNEY 0H$ ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY WASINVITEDTOTHESECONDh'ALACTIC.UCLEIvMEETINGHELDIN,EIDENTHE .ETHERLANDSIN*ULY7HILETHERE0INKNEYATTENDEDTALKSANDMET WITHHISCOLLABORATORSAMONGTHEh.UKER4EAMv4HISGROUPOFABOUT ASTRONOMERS PUBLISHED AN IMPORTANT PAPER ON THE CORRELATION BETWEEN GALAXIESANDTHEBLACKHOLESLURKINGATTHEIRCORES 0INKNEYHASBEENWORKINGWITH/.5UNDERGRADUATES"RIAN3ACASHA SOPHOMOREINPHYSICSFROM.OVELTY/HIOAND!NDREW-AGYARAJUNIOR INMATHEMATICSFROM3AINT#LAIRSVILLE/HIOONEXTRAGALACTICASTRONOMY RESEARCH /NE BYPRODUCT OF THIS WORK IS A GALAXY IMAGE GALLERY FOR THE WEB 4HEGALLERYARRANGESTHEGALAXIESINAMORPHOLOGICALSEQUENCECALLEDTHE hTUNINGFORKDIAGRAMv4AKEALOOKATHTTPWWWONUEDUASPHYSICS '!,!8)%3GALAXIESHTML 3TEPHEN $ )SEMAN 0H$ PROFESSOR OF COMMUNICATION ARTSPUBLIC RELATIONS HAS BEEN APPOINTED COCHAIR OF THE %DUCATIONAL !FFAIRS #OMMITTEEOFTHE0UBLIC2ELATIONS3OCIETYOF!MERICA023!ATAMEETING IN .EW 9ORK 4HIS COMMITTEE PROVIDES EDUCATIONAL LEADERSHIP TO THE SOCIETYSUPERVISESTHE#ERTIlEDFOR%DUCATIONIN0UBLIC2ELATIONSPROGRAM THE,EARNINGTO4EACHPROGRAMANDWORKSWITHTHE%DUCATORS!CADEMYTO STIMULATEEDUCATIONALPROGRAMMINGFOR023! #PPL3FQPSU Pharmaceutical Care with Dietary Supplements Concepts and Common Sense Cydney McQueen !MERICAN3OCIETYOF(EALTH3YSTEM0HARMACISTS 3OFTBOUNDPAGES )3". +ELLY3HIELDS0HARM$ASSISTANTPROFESSOROF PHARMACYPRACTICEAT/HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITYISAUTHOROFA CHAPTERh#OMMUNICATINGWITH0ATIENTSABOUT$IETARY3UPPLEMENTSv INTHISNEWRESOURCE&ROMHERBSANDVITAMINSTOHORMONESAND MINERALSTHISREFERENCEISDESIGNEDFORBOTHSTUDENTSANDPRACTICING HEALTHCAREPROFESSIONALS4HISISTHElRSTTEXTTOADDRESSREGULATIONS CAUTIONSINTERACTIONSANDOTHERCONSIDERATIONSINATHOROUGH CONCEPTUALMANNER 24 The Stratford Devil By Claude Clayton Smith 0OCAHONTAS0RESS)NC"LACKSBURG 6A*ANUARY 0APERBACKPAGES HTTPENGLISHONUSTRATFORDDEVIL )3". /RIGINALLYPUBLISHEDIN THISlCTIONALIZEDACCOUNTOFTHE STRUGGLESOFA0URITANSETTLEMENTANDTHEEVENTSLEADINGTOTHE HISTORICALHANGINGOF'OODY"ASSETTFORWITCHCRAFTIN3TRATFORD #ONNINTHESPRINGOFHASBEENREISSUED 4HEAUTHORGREWUPIN3TRATFORD#ONNANDRECENTLYRETIREDAS PROFESSOROF%NGLISHFROM/.5(EISTHEAUTHOROFlCTIONAND NONlCTIONFORCHILDRENANDADULTSASWELLASPOETRYANDPLAYS OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL @.ORTHERNOPENEDMYEYESTOTHEWORLD h" EGINNINGCOLLEGEWASTRAUMATICFORME)WASFROMASMALLVILLAGEANDINHIGHSCHOOL)KNEWEVERYONE "UTAT.ORTHERN)DIDNTKNOWANYONEANDFORTHElRSTFEWWEEKS)FELTLIKEAlSHOUTOFWATER4HENONEDAY ACLASSMATEINVITEDMETOCONSIDERJOININGAFRATERNITY$ELTA3IGMA0HI(ISINVITATIONWASMYSALVATION )PLEDGEDANDMADELIFELONGFRIENDSv h!T.ORTHERN)WASPRIVILEGEDTOMEETSTUDENTSANDFACULTY FROMALLWALKSOFLIFE/.5HELPEDSHAPEMEANDMAKEMEA BETTERPERSON.ORTHERNOPENEDMYEYESTOTHEWORLDv h"ECAUSE.ORTHERNGAVEMETHEOPPORTUNITYTOSUCCEEDIN LIFEITISONLYNATURALTHAT)WANTGIVEBACKANDHELPSTUDENTS lNDTHEIRDIRECTIONINLIFE-YWIFEAND)DECIDEDTOUSETHE MOSTVERSATILECHARITABLEGIVINGTOOLAVAILABLETHE#HARITABLE 2EMAINDER4RUST4HE#24HELPSMEBYPASSCAPITAL GAINSTAXONTHESALEOFHIGHLYAPPRECIATEDASSETSGENERATE INCOMEPROVIDEESTATEPLANNINGANDFULlLLMYPHILANTHROPIC OBJECTIVESv (OWARD+EEFER"! #HARITABLE2EMAINDER4RUSTS 9OUCAN'IVEAND2ECEIVE 4OHELPENSURETHEFUTUREOF/HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITY MANYSUPPORTERSINCLUDE.ORTHERNINTHEIRESTATEPLANS WITHLIFEINCOMEGIFTSLIKECHARITABLEREMAINDERTRUSTS Howard and Georgia Keefer Contact Ken Block, Executive Director of Development, to learn how you too can Give and Receive. Brochures are available on many types of planned gifts. To request brochures or a specific gift illustration, contact Ken Block. Ohio Northern University 525 S. Main Street • Ada, Ohio 45810 • (419) 772-2008 • Toll Free 866-ONU-GIVE For further information: WWW.ONU.EDU/PLANGIVE SPRING 2007 25 /PSUIFSO .FNPSJFT 1997 Phi Kappa Theta members show their spirit before the 125th Spirit March. 50 years ago – 1957 25 years ago – 1982 4HE0SICHAPTEROFTHE+APPA%PSILON.ATIONAL&RATERNITYWAS STARTEDONCAMPUSON$EC 4HE#AMPUS!CTIVITIES"OARD#!"SPONSOREDA#HRISTMAS$ANCE 4HE3NACK"ARWASSTARTEDINTHE3TUDENT#ENTER 4HEMENSBASKETBALLTEAMlNISHEDWITHARECORDANDWASRANKEDTHINTHENATION AMONG$IVISION)))SCHOOLS 4AU+APPA+APPAWONTHETHREELEGGEDRACEAT4HE3IGOLYMPICS 4HE!LPHA8I$ELTASISTERSWELCOMEDNEWPLEDGES 4HE-AY$AY+INGWAS'UNARSh#HUCKv!BELE ,OCALHANGOUTSINCLUDED3TATION(OUSE4HE2EAGLE"EAGLE*OHNAND4ONISAND+:0IZZA 4HE-AY$AY1UEENWAS"ETTE*EANNEh"*v7EINTZ 4HE$ELTA3IGMA0HI,ITTLE3IS#LUBINCREASEDITSMEMBERSHIP 40 years ago – 1967 10 years ago – 1997 *EAN'ORDONWONTHElRST,ETTERMANS#LUB1UEEN#ONTEST 4HE(OLIDAY3PECTACULARWASINITSTHIRDSEASON !LPHA/MICRON0IENTEREDITSlRSTYEARASANACTIVESISTERHOOD ONCAMPUS 4HETHEMEOF"LACK(ISTORY-ONTHWASh2ESTORATIONOFMINDBODYANDSOULv $AVID'ARRITYWASTHEEDITOROF4HE.ORTHERN2EVIEW "UD-ANCHESTERRECEIVEDAvDISCUSRECORD $ELTA:ETAAND3IGMA0HI%PSILONWON'REEK7EEK 4HIRD7ISH"ROWNIE-ARY4RIP"UFFALO4OMAND4HE+INDPLAYEDAT4UNESONTHE4UNDRA #HRIS$ILDAYWASTHEPRESIDENTOF3TUDENT3ENATE 0/6-PHP-JDFOTF 1MBUFT"WBJMBCMF Show you are proud to be an ONU alum. Get your ONU tags at your local BMV! 26 OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL $MBTT/PUFT 1952 This edition of Class Notes includes information received up to March 1, 2007. If you don’t see your information in this issue, please look for it in the next one. We encourage you to continue sending us information about what you are doing, weddings and additions to your family 1927 Ethel Johnson, AA, celebrated her 109th birthday on Sept. 28, 2006. She resides in Upper Sandusky, OH. 1942 Jack Margolis, BSPh, is a retired pharmacist. He and his wife, Doris, reside in Lincolnwood, IL, and they are enjoying retirement. Willard “Bill” Preston ’49 A&S, is pictured during his last gather at age 83. He surely reinforced our Homecoming 2006 theme of “Gone Country!” In September 2006, six graduates of the Raabe College of Pharmacy gathered for an informal reunion. Pictured left to right are: Jim Marti ’49 PH, Sally Jo (Varner) Marti ’49 PH, William Cox ’50 PH, Helen (Taifalidakis) Cox ’50 PH, Ellen (Griffith) Pryce ’50 PH, and Dick Pryce ’50 PH. Russ Bunger, BA/BSBA ’06, resides in Parrish, FL, and can be reached at Don Cope, BSPh, is the owner of Cope Pharmacy Inc. in Akron, OH. The pharmacy celebrated 50 years of operation in July 2006 and it employs several Ohio Northern graduates. Don resides in Fairlawn, OH. 1953 Thomas Smailes, BSPh, is the owner of Maurer Pharmacy, Inc., in Wooster, OH, where he and his wife, Lysbeth, also reside. 1954 1951 Jerome Holub, JD, was named the 2006 Republican of the Year from Ohio by The National Republican Congressional Business Advisory Council. With over 44 years of experience, he is also the longest standing Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Trustee in America. He and his wife, Margery, reside in Akron, OH. Jim Jeffries, BSPh, and his wife, Barb, were the grand marshals of the annual St. Clairsville Christmas Parade on Nov. 18, 2006. Jim and Barb reside in St. Clairsville, OH. John Litteral, BA/BSBA ’06, and his wife, Joan, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on Sept. 12, 2006. They reside in Columbus, OH. 1955 Marilyn (Kempsell) Klingler, BSEd, and her husband, Joseph, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 23, 2006. The Klinglers reside in Kenton, OH. 1957 Phil Pata, BSPh, retired from Save Rite Pharmacy in Bellaire, OH, and he resides in St. Clairsville, OH. His son, Phil, BSPh ’89, took over the pharmacy in August 2006. !LUMNI7EEKEND Several Sigma Pi brothers displayed their polar bear pride at the Ohio Northern University men’s basketball game vs. Capital University on Feb. 10, 2007. Their orange shirts read, “The Sigma Pi Boys of the 1960s… are back!” In front: Jim Burk ’63 PH, and his wife, Dianne. Row 1 (left to right): Al Greiner ’63 AS, Barb Greiner, Ann (Melkerson) Beal ’61 A&S, Bob Anania ’62 PH, Sue Anania, Bob Thompson ’63 A&S/’66 L, Lynn Warren, Don Wallick ’63 A&S, and Camille Wallick. Row 2 (left to right): Don Beal ’63 A&S, Myrna McCurdy ’66 BUS, Bob McCurdy ’65 PH, Karen Burkett, John Burkett ’64 A&S, Jim Ruef ’61 L, Bill Robinson ’61 A&S/’05 DPS/’05 HOF. 1960 Larry Hamm, BSPh, is a part-time staff pharmacist for Winn-Dixie in Lakeland, FL. He and his wife, Carol Sue, reside in Winter Haven, FL. They enjoy spending time with their family. Alvin Magalnick, BSPh, is a clinical coordinator in the cardio-thoracic unit at Suburban Hospital in Bethesda, MD. He resides in North Potomac, MD. "OFWFSMBTUJOHNFNPSZ *UNE (ONORINGTHE#LASSOF &RIDAY*UNE 2EGISTRATIONPM-C)NTOSH#ENTER "ANQUET(ONORINGTHE#LASSOFPM-C)NTOSH"ALLROOM 3ATURDAY*UNE 2EGISTRATIONAMPM-C)NTOSH#ENTER !LUMNI7EEKEND,UNCHEONPM,OCATION4"! 0ICNICONTHETUNDRAWITHANAMAZINGPERFORMANCEBY 9ESTERDAY!4RIBUTETOTHE"EATLESPM 0RESIDENTAND&IRST,ADYS'ARDEN0ARTYPM$ICKE(OUSE $ISTINGUISHED!LUMNI!WARDS$INNERPM 3UNDAY*UNE 2OBBY'OLF#LASSIC3HOTGUNATNOON #OLONIAL(ILLS &/2!#/-0,%4%,)34/&!#4)6)4)%3 VISITWWWONUALUMNICOM (ONORINGTHE#LASSOF SPRING 2007 27 4QPU/PSUIFSO Harvey Hanna, Jr., BS, sold his family owned pharmacy, Saywell’s Drug Store, Inc., in October 2005. Saywell’s had been in his family since 1909. He is a staff pharmacist at Acme Fresh Market and Pharmacy in Hudson, OH, where he and his family also reside. Richard Oliver, BSPh, is a retired staff pharmacist from Community Hospital in Springfield, OH. He and his wife, Diana, reside in Colorado Springs, CO. Polar bears, get ready for a fun assignment! We want you to take Northern “on the road!” Have you worn an O.N.U. t-shirt during an international trip? Did you sport orange and black colors on your cruise? Have you taken your Alumni Journal to an exotic destination? Was your wedding orange and black? Please send us any pictures where Northern has been “spotted.” Let’s see where the fun takes us! 1968 Mark Donnelly ’04 ENG, stands in front of a Buddhist temple in Indonesia! 1962 Paul Jorg, BSPh, is a traveling pharmacist for Wal-Mart pharmacies in Northern Indiana. Paul and his wife, Marcia, reside in Hamilton, IN, and he can be reached at Karl Winegardner, BSEd, has retired after a 45-year career of teaching, ministry and nursing home administration. He and his wife, JoAnn, are volunteers for McKee Medical Center and Loveland Public Library. Karl and JoAnn reside in Loveland, CO. 1963 Joseph T. Clark, BA/JD ’66/BSBA ’06, retired from the Fairfield County Common Pleas Court and has been appointed by Chief Justice Thomas Moyer to serve as a judge for the Court of Claims of Ohio-Ohio Judicial Center in Columbus, OH. In his spare time, he enjoys golfing, fly fishing, hunting, participating in mission trips and visiting with his three grandchildren. He resides in Lancaster, OH, and can be reached at David Cummings, BA, is a retired high school English teacher. He is a part-time adjunct English instructor at Edison Community College. He and his wife, Joan, reside in Greenville, OH. Carol (Schiemann) Fleece, BSEd, retired from Indian Lake Schools in Logan County. She resides in Lima, OH, with her husband, Jerry. She enjoys traveling and visiting with her grandchildren. 28 Jaime Kohnen ’04 ENG, built a polar bear sand sculpture in front of the Alden in St. Pete Beach, Florida. Nancy (Richey) Reed, BA, received the 2006 Service Above Self Award by the Newark Rotary. She is a non-Rotarian who donates much of her time to volunteer work. She resides in Newark, OH, with her husband, Nicholas. 1965 J. Michael Bernstein, BA/JD ’68, retired after 31 years as a magistrate for the Mercer County Common Pleas Court. He is a business law instructor and assistant dean for the Wright State University Raj Soin College of Business in Dayton, OH. He resides in Troy, OH, and can be reached at Paul Swain, BA, is the bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, SD, where he also resides. 1966 Joseph T. Clark, JD/BA’63/BSBA ’06, retired from the Fairfield County Common Pleas Court and has been appointed by Chief Justice Thomas Moyer to serve as a judge for the Court of Claims of Ohio-Ohio Judicial Center in Columbus, OH. In his spare time, he enjoys golfing, fly fishing, hunting, participating in mission trips and visiting with his three grandchildren. He resides in Lancaster, OH, and can be reached at During her travels, Kathryn Plumb ’73 A&S, found that Iceland discovered a bit of Northern! John Dilworth, BA, is the chair of the social science department at Kellogg Community College in Battle Creek, MI, and he has plans to retire on June 30, 2007. John resides in Richland, MI, and can be reached at Robert Edgington, BSEd, is a retired principal of Riverdale Schools. He has written several stories including, “Hoosier Bob,” “Hoosier Bob and Dude,” “The Back Of My Heart,” “Pistols and Ponytails,” and “They Called Him Jark.” He resides in Mount Blanchard, OH. Kenneth Gerdeman, BSEd, retired from Gaylord Community Schools. He resides in Gaylord, MI. Jim O’Donnell, JD, resides in the Covington, OH, area with his wife, Betty, and he can be reached at J. Michael Thesier, BA, is a minister at Central Square Community Church in Central Square, NY, where he also resides. He was appointed grand chaplain of the Grand Lodge of the State of New York, F. & A.M. on June 24, 2006. 1967 Joyce Baker, BS, is the first associate dean of sciences and mathematics, a professor of chemistry, and the acting chair of the mathematics department at Tennessee Wesleyan College in Athens, TN, where she also resides. She can be reached at J. Thomas Green, BSEd, is an interim pastor at First Presbyterian Church in Fort Worth, TX, and he can be reached at Bill Alge, BSBA, was selected to officiate the Hawaii Bowl on Dec. 24, 2006. He resides in Findlay, OH. J. Michael Bernstein, JD/BA ’65, retired after 31 years as a magistrate for the Mercer County Common Pleas Court. He is a business law instructor and assistant dean for the Wright State University Raj Soin College of Business in Dayton, OH. He resides in Troy, OH, and can be reached at William Gardner, BA/ JD ’73, passed the Connecticut Bar Exam. He is also admitted to practice in New York State, the U.S. District Court in the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York and the Supreme Court. He will move his practice, the Law Offices of William D. Gardener, to Connecticut. He and his wife, Margery, reside in New Canaan, CT. Larry Mawhorr, BSEd, received a top speaker award during the Ohio Insurance Institute’s Awards Banquet in Columbus, OH. He resides in Bellefontaine, OH. 1969 Doug Christlieb, BSEd, is a full-time jazz piano player. He resides in Wisconsin Dells, WI. Michael Jacobs, BSEd, has a private practice in internal medicine, and is a clinical assistant professor in Las Vegas, NV, where he also resides. After graduation, he received a Ph.D. from the University of Toledo, and a doctor of medicine from The Medical College of Ohio. He played three years of minor league baseball and was drafted to play for the Detroit Tigers in 1969. Larry Johns, BSPh, has been appointed to the Solid Waste Management Advisory Council by Governor Bob Taft. He is the fiscal officer for Moulton Township. He and his wife, Patty, reside in Wapakoneta, OH. Walter M. Lawson, III, JD, is an attorney for his private practice, the Law Office of Walter M. Lawson in Lima, OH, where he and his wife, Jennifer, also reside. He is the chairman of the board of trustees of the Lima-Allen County Chamber of Commerce. Walter can be reached at Paulette Mountford-Houghton, BA, is the executive director for United Cerebral Palsy of South Central PA, Inc., in Hanover, PA. She serves the counties of York, Adams, Franklin, Fulton and Lancaster. She resides in Manchester, PA. OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL 1971 Robert R. Cupp BA ’73/JD ’76 Dennis Nostrand, BA, is the vice president of enrollment management at the University of New Haven in West Haven, CT. David Valasik, BSPh, is a staff pharmacist for Giant Eagle in Strongsville, OH. He and his wife, Cheryl, reside in Medina, OH. Justice Robert R. Cupp, the newest member of the Ohio Supreme Court, invited David C. Crago, dean of ONU’s Pettit College of Law, to serve as master of ceremonies at his swearing-in ceremony on Jan. 2, 2007. It was symbolic of the continuing role Ohio Northern has played in Cupp’s life and career ever since his childhood on the family farm. “I went to a small country church near Rockport, between Bluffton and Columbus Grove,” he recalls. “When the pastor left, it was too small to sustain a full time pastor, so Dr. Eugene Eakin, the vice president of academic affairs at Ohio Northern, agreed to be the temporary minister. Temporary turned into long-term and when I became college-age he offered to give me a tour of Ohio Northern. And that’s where I decided to go,” Cupp says. As an undergraduate, Cupp majored in political science and says the faculty had an enormous influence on his life and his decision to enter politics, government and law. “Andy Ludanyi taught a course about the theory “Tom Hoffman, was behind our political system, which was exceedingly interesting. I have thought about that and seen those the chaplain at concepts in action ever since. I even mentioned it in my the university and swearing-in speech.” There were other courses, professors and helped me focus experiences, including the Student Senate that helped on the importance Cupp plan his future. “Then Dan Guy, JD ’52, LLD ’05, (assistant dean of higher laws that of College of Law) recruited me to the ONU law school,” he says. “I went to law school because I thought it would should govern our be a good credential when running for government. I lives,” Cupp said. was particularly interested in the legislative side,” Cupp says. “Once I got to law school, I found I really liked it. When I got out, I practiced law and did so until I was elected to the Court of Appeals; I divided my time between practicing law and public service!” Over the years that public service has included serving as assistant Lima law director and Lima city prosecutor; two terms as an Allen County commissioner, including three years as president of the board; four terms representing the 12th district in the Ohio Senate, including 10 years on the Senate Judiciary Committee, two years as majority whip and three years as president pro tempore; an appointment to the Ohio Commission on Dispute Resolution and Conflict Management; and five years as an appellate judge with the Third District Court of Appeals. In recent years, Cupp returned to ONU as a visiting professor of applied politics and advisor to the Leadership Studies program. He says, “The students were wonderful. At this point in life, I think you draw energy from the students.” He adds, “I encouraged several of them to apply to the Ohio Legislative Service Commission intern program. Justin Walton, ’04 BA, went to work for State Senator Jim Jordan and now he’s working for Congressman Jordan in his Findlay district office. Another recent graduate is also a commission intern. In 2006, Cupp campaigned state-wide for the Ohio Supreme Court. He believes teaching ONU students helped in the campaign. “I found that to be a wonderful refresher when I was campaigning across the state; to be able to talk about our legal system in a way that people can understand. Let’s face it, for most non-lawyers, our legal system is kind of a mystery.” Now spending his time hearing oral arguments and pouring over legal briefs on cases ranging from a Public Utilities Commission appeal to the death penalty, termination of parental rights and even a speeding case, Cupp still makes his home on a farm in Allen County with his wife Libby and six llamas. “Libby, being from the city, has to name all the livestock,” he laughs. “The mama is Dolly Llama and Fernando Llama is the father. Their first-born was a female and because we live in Lima and people confuse the pronunciation with Lima, Peru, which is where a lot of lamas come from--the first one is Lima (lee-ma) the Lama from Lima (lime-a.)” Their two sons, Matthew, BS ’02, a computer data systems analyst at Battelle in Columbus, and Ryan, BA ’07, have both continued the ONU tradition. Dr. Sheldon Yessenow ’71 A&S, veterinarian and owner of the Oronoque Animal Hospital in Stratford, Conn., was named Veterinarian of the Year by the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Association (CMVA) for his work with the Veterinary Medical Assistance Team in the aftermath of 9-11 and Hurricane Katrina. Yessenow spent three weeks working with animal victims of Hurricane Katrina, serving as hospital director at an animal shelter set up in a fairgrounds at Gonzales, LA. He also provided veterinary care to pets evacuated with their owners to the New Orleans airport and pets stranded at the parker Coliseum at Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge. 1972 Lacy Blankenship, BSEd, retired from teaching physical education at North Union High School in Richwood, OH. He works part time at Hickory Grove Golf Club. Lacy and his wife, Eva, reside in Prospect, OH, and he can be reached at Richard Calendine, BSPh, and Brenda Thornton were married on July 15, 2006. The couple resides in Sarasota, FL. Michael Geiger, JD, is enjoying retirement. He and his wife, Carolyn, reside in Fremont, OH. Peter Haff, BA, is the controller-compliance and external reporting for Dana Corporation in Toledo, OH. His new responsibilities include ensuring compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 for the automotive systems business unit of Dana. He and his wife, Pamela (Richardson), BSEd ’72, reside in Upper Sandusky, OH. Robert L. Moore, JD, was sworn in as the Governor of the Ohio District of Optimist’s International on Aug. 26, 2006. He is a judge for the Kettering Municipal Court in Kettering, OH, where he and his family also reside. Dale Perdue, BA, is a managing partner with Clark, Perdue, Arnold & Scott Co., LPA, in Columbus, OH. His firm was selected as one of the “Best Places to Work” in Central Ohio. Dale and his son, Justin, were the top fundraisers in Ohio for The American Heart Walk in 2006. Dale resides in Dublin, OH, and he can be reached at SPRING 2007 29 1PMBS#FBS1PUQPVSSJ Calling all alumni! Have you recently reunited with your former classmates, celebrated a special anniversary or put on that old varsity jacket? Would you like to share your own photography or an interesting personal story? We would like to introduce a new section to the Alumni Journal, titled, “Polar Bear Potpourri.” This is a chance for all Ohio Northern alumni to step into the spotlight. This is YOUR section! We look forward to receiving any and all photos, stories and fun facts. Before Before: Bill Foulk ’46 PH, Dr. Smith, and Mary Jo (Bremyer) Krebs ’45 PH, enjoy researching in the pharmacy lab in 1945. After Scott Clarkson is a man on a mission! Over the last 20 years, Scott has made it his lifetime endeavor to explore the lives of our country’s great leaders. Scott, a former ONU student and syndicated columnist, is an expert on presidential trivia, and he truly holds a special place in his heart for the presidents of The United States of America. He has read over 5,000 books on presidents and has met the last six in person. Scott enjoys sharing his collection of interesting presidential facts with any and all audiences. Scott Clarkson’s Top Ten Presidential Tips for Success: After: On Oct. 6, 2006, Bill Foulk ’46 PH, and Mary Jo (Bremyer) Krebs ’45 PH, revisited the same pharmacy lab and reminisced about their college days. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Praise God Daily Love your family all you can Relationships are everything Promise to do all you can daily Use self-talk/Yes I can Visualize it to reality Be Happy- might as well It’s dangerous not to believe in yourself Use the power of positive thinking Be Bold September 14 - 22, 2007: BOOK NOW! Call: 952-918-8950 or Toll free: 800-842-9023 GERMANY’S RHINE RIVER and THE CZECH REPUBLIC Experience diverse cultural traditions and stunning natural beauty in the heart of Europe, a majestic and historic region dotted with fairy-tale castles and picturesque medieval villages. From the charming German town of Koblenz, discover the magnificent scenery and legendary landmarks of Germany’s fabled Rhine River valley, lovely Rüdesheim, picturesque Heidelberg and the elegant French city of Strasbourg. The Czech Republic’s onceupon-a-time Kingdom of Bohemia, and the golden city of Prague, called the ‘city of spires’ will capture your heart and enchant you. 30 OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL 1973 1977 1979 1982 Albert Barber, BSPh/ PharmD ’01, was elected to serve a two-year term on the Board of Directors for the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists. Albert resides in Stow, OH, with his wife, Deborah (Derr), BA ’71, and he can be reached at Andra Bell, BA, is a teacher and coach at Upper Sandusky Exempted Village Schools in Upper Sandusky, OH, where she also resides. William Gardner, JD/ BA ’68, passed the Connecticut Bar Exam. He is also admitted to practice in New York State, the U.S. District Court in the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York and the Supreme Court. He will move his practice, the Law Offices of William D. Gardener, to Connecticut. He and his wife, Margery, reside in New Canaan, CT. Marie Sparks, BA, is an application specialist for Chemical Abstracts Service in Columbus, OH. She resides in Hilliard, OH. Austin Childs, BSME, is the vice president of engineering for Emerson Flow Controls in St. Louis, MO. His wife, Deborah (Wildman), BA ’78, is teaching special education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Austin and his family reside in St. Charles, MO, and he can be reached at Mike Roberson, BA, is the vice president and assistant senior counsel for Carlisle Companies, Inc. He and his family reside in Fayetteville, NY. W. Kent Carper, JD, will serve another six-year term as the Kanawha County Commission President in Charleston, WV, where he also resides. Leon Daidone, JD, is the chief of the criminal division at the Montgomery County Prosecutor’s Office in Dayton, OH, where he and his wife, Connie (Greschl), BSPh ’78, reside with their children. Steve Patonai, BSPh, is a chief executive officer at Bradley Memorial/ Cleveland Community Hospitals. Steve and his wife, Sharon, reside in Cleveland, TN, and he can be reached at Lisa Knapp, BA, is employed by Peter A. Wimberg Co., Inc., in Cincinnati, OH. She resides in Lebanon, OH. 1974 Joseph Baker, BSCE, is the president of Marathon Pipe Line LLC, in Findlay, OH, where he and his wife, Deborah, also reside. John “J.C.” Smith, BA, is the general manager of American Publishers, the school fundraising division of Periodical Publishers’ Service Bureau, Inc. He and his family reside in Joplin, MO. 1975 Stephen Layman, BA, is the music director of the Charlottesville Virginia Municipal Band in Charlottesville, VA, where he and his family also reside. He directs the Western Albemarle High School band, and he serves as the adjunct instructor of brass instruments at Piedmont Virginia Community College. He is the president of the Charlottesville Astronomical Society. 1976 Kenneth Alford, BSPh, is a staff pharmacist for Walgreens in Temple, TX. He previously served twenty years as the pharmacy director at University Hospitals Health System-Geauga Regional Hospital. He and his wife, Janine, reside in Georgetown, TX. Nathaniel “Nat” Haytcher, BA, is a unit manager for JCPenney Logistics in Forest Park, GA. He resides in Fayetteville, GA, and can be reached at James Mannion, BSPh, is the president and chief executive officer for Galleon Pharmaceuticals, Inc., in Philadelphia, PA. Galleon is developing novel drugs for use in respiratory diseases and was named the SROne, Ltd. Biotech Company of the Year. James and his family reside in Plainsboro, NJ. Theodore Wallace, BA, is president of The Paremos Group in Vandalia, OH, where he and his family also reside. SPRING 2007 1978 Tom Beck, BA, is a teacher, head football coach, and head boys track coach at Licking Heights Local Schools in Pataskala, OH. He was recently inducted into the Mid-State League Coaches Hall of Fame. Tom and his family reside in Bexley, OH, and he can be reached at Deborah (Wildman) Childs, BA, is teaching special education at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. Her husband, Austin, BSME ’77, is the vice president of engineering for Emerson Flow Controls in St. Louis, MO. Deb and her family reside in St. Charles, MO, and she can be reached at James Gutglass, JD, was voted a 2006-2007 “Super Lawyer” by his peers in Wisconsin in the category of trial law for medical defense. He received this award with three partners from his firm, Gutglass, Erickson, Bonville and Larson, S.C. James was also selected to be named in the 2007 edition of Best Lawyers in America. James and his family reside in Milwaukee, WI, and he can be reached at Timothy Lanese, BSPh, is a clinical implementation consultant for Eclipsys in Shaker Heights, OH, where he and his family also reside. William Wurster, BA, was a presenter at a Society of Neuroscience meeting in Oct. 2006. He is a senior research assistant at the University of Cincinnati in Cincinnati, OH, where he also resides. William can be reached at Carl Janke ’78 A&S, Scott Hreben ’75 A&S, and Bruce Weirich ’76 A&S, participated in the Tiffin Columbian/Wendy’s wrestling tournament at Tiffin Columbian High School on Dec. 28-29, 2006. 1980 John Gard, JD, is the vice president and trust officer for Park National Bank in Newark, OH, where he and his family also reside. C. Andy Haag, JD, received the Pro Bono/Public Interest Award by the ONU Pettit College of Law at its 2006 Honors Banquet. Andy was nominated for his commitment and service to providing legal services to thousands of clients. He resides in Canton, OH. Brenda Reichelderfer, BSEE, is the senior vice president and chief technology officer of ITT Industries, Inc., in West Harrison, NY. She is a member of the Federal Signal Corporation’s Board of Directors. She resides in Nyack, NY. Jay Scott, BSCE, is the president of Scott Homes Inc., and his wife, Amy (Graham), BA ’80, is a first grade teacher for Cobb County Schools. The Scotts reside in Cartersville, GA. Ted Vander Roest, BS, is a financial officer at Springfield Foundation in Springfield, OH. He resides in Bellefontaine, OH. 1981 Randa Clark, JD, is the district attorney of Butler County in Butler, PA, where she also resides. Scot Lahrmer, BA, is the assistant county administrator for Clermont County. He was previously employed as the Mason City Manager. He and his wife, Jacqueline (Lee), BA ’82, reside in Mason, OH, with their son, Beau. Jeff Nischwitz, BSBA, is a director of member opportunities for the Northeast Ohio Sourcing Office in Cleveland, OH. He and his family reside in Westlake, OH. Donald Wietmarschen, JD, received the Pro Bono/Public Interest Award by the ONU Pettit College of Law at its 2007 Honors Banquet. He and his wife, Nancy, reside in Zanesville, OH. 1983 Glenn Boesger, BSEE, is a partner at Korda/Nemeth Engineering and a general director of Korda Enigineering, Moscow. He resides in Upper Arlington, OH. Mark Chow, BA, is an associate pastor for the First United Methodist Church in Newark, OH, where he and his wife, Nancy, also reside. Ken Erickson, BSEE, is a sales engineer for Clearcomm Technical Sales in Raleigh, NC, where he and his family also reside. Ken can be reached at David Eyl, BSBA, is a national sales director for Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc., in Jacksonville, FL, where he and his family also reside. David can be reached at Al McKenna, JD, was voted a “Super Lawyer” by his peers in Law & Politics Magazine. He was also named to the 2006 edition of Florida Super Lawyers. He is a managing partner of Ford & Harrison, LLP, in Orlando, FL. Dan McLachlan, BSEE, is employed by the Microsoft Corporation in Redmond, WA. He and his wife, Kandi (Benson), BA ’85, reside in Sammamish, WA, with their family. Beth Smith, JD, received the Chief Justice Warren E. Burger Healer Award at the 20th annual Children’s Rights Conference on Nov. 4, 2006, in Washington, D.C. She and her husband, Thomas Compton, reside in North Lima, OH. 1984 Steve Chapman, BSME, is a district sales manager for Maxcess International. He and his wife, Jill (Fletcher), BSBA ’85, reside in Chapin, SC, with their children. Jeffrey Cooper, BSEE, and Gail Brantley were married on April 8, 2006, in Dallas, TX, where they also reside. The couple honeymooned in Africa. Jeffrey is a business development manager for Nokia and Gail is a financial analyst for Accenture. Douglas Gottron, JD, is an attorney and real estate broker for Prudential Northwest Properties in Bend, OR, where he and his family also reside. Douglas can be reached at or Amy Imm-Knapke, BSPh/BA, is the vice president of quality for Riverside Medical Hospital in Columbus, OH. Amy and her family reside in London, OH, and she can be reached at Kim Kellogg-Martin, JD, has been appointed to the Task Force on Implementing the Federal Domestic Violence Option by Governor Bob Taft. She is the chief assistant prosecutor for Logan County. She and her family reside in Bellefontaine, OH. 31 Lee Lemke, BSBA, is a private banking market manager for Huntington National Bank’s Columbus region. He and his family reside in Centerburg, OH. James Pifer, BS, is the assistant principal and athletic director of Warren Local School District in Vincent, OH. He and his wife, Andrea, reside in Fleming, OH. Eric Spencer, BSEE, is the plant manager at Eagle Picher in Blacksburg, VA. Craig Wiley, BA, is an industrial technology teacher for Mapleton Local Schools in Ashland, OH. He owns an historic grist mill in the village of Polk, OH, where he also resides. In May 2006, he hosted a meeting of the Great Lakes Chapter of the Society for the Preservation of Old Mills to commemorate the 125th anniversary of the “Polk Mill.” 1985 Sheila McEntire, BSPh, is a relief pharmacist for Longs Pharmacy in Dublin, CA. She resides in Hercules, CA. 1988 Michael E. Thomas, BS, is the senior project manager for Power Systems Development in Canton, OH. He and his wife, Dawn, reside in North Canton, OH. Steven Wimmer, JD, is an attorney for Wimmer & Coon, LLP, in Pewaukee, WI. He was appointed to the Waukesha County Board of Supervisors on Aug. 22, 2006. Steven and his family reside in Waukesha, WI, and he can be reached at 1986 Randal Caldwell, JD, was elected to serve as the Oneida County Family Court Judge in Utica, NY, in the November 2006 elections. He previously served as the county attorney for Oneida County from 2000-2006. He resides in Utica, NY. Daniel Huston, BA/ JD ’89, is chief of the adult felony division for the Licking County Prosecutor’s Office in Newark, OH. Daniel and his family reside in Upper Arlington, OH, and he can be reached at Scott Painter, BSEE, is a director of data center operations for Cardinal Health in Dublin, OH. He and his family reside in Sunbury, OH. Judy Rzaca ’86 BUS, and Stacia Wake ’86 BUS, visited at The House of Blues in Orlando, FL. Judy and Stacia are sisters of Alpha Xi Delta sorority. 1987 Donna (Farnholtz) Neibauer, BM/JD ’90, is a managing attorney for Hanover Insurance Company in Howell, MI. She and her husband, Mike, BSCE ’87, reside in Brighton, MI, with their family, and they can be reached at Richard Prine, Jr., BSPh, is a pharmacy manager/ pharmacist-in-charge for CVS Pharmacy in Naples, FL, where he also resides. Christina Crook, BA, is a veterinary assistant at the Jefferson Veterinary Clinic in West Unity, OH. She resides in Hillsdale, MI. Anna (Reynolds) Esposito, BSPh, is a pharmacist for CVS in Wadsworth, OH. She and her family reside in Barberton, OH. James George, BSBA, is a programmer/analysist in the Information Technology Department at Capital University in Columbus, OH. He resides in Gahanna, OH. Gregory King, BSPh, received a Bronze Pelican Award by the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist on April 23, 2006. He also received a United States Presidential Service Award and was recognized by the Consumer’s Research Council of America as one of “America’s Top Pharmacists of 2006.” Gregory is the chief pharmacy manager for Rite Aid Pharmacy in Chardon, OH. He and his family reside in Windsor, OH. *OUSPEVDJOHUIFPOMZ$SFEJU$BSE UIBUSFXBSETZPVGPSTVQQPSUJOH 0IJP/PSUIFSO6OJWFSTJUZ !LL6ISA0LATINUMCARDMEMBERSBENElTFROM s.O!NNUALFEE s,OWINTRODUCTORYRATEONPURCHASESANDBALANCETRANSFERSFORSIXMONTHS s.OBALANCETRANSFERFEESFORSIXMONTHS s6ISAS:ERO,IABILITYPROTECTIONFORUNAUTHORIZEDPURCHASES /RCHOOSETHE3ELECT2EWARDS6ISA0LATINUM#ARDTORECEIVE s2EWARDPOINTSWITHEVERYNETPURCHASE s9OURCHOICEOFALMOSTANYREWARDWITHTHE#HOOSE9OUR/WN2EWARDSPROGRAM sBONUSPOINTSWITHYOURlRSTPURCHASE s2EWARDSSTARTINGATJUSTPOINTS #HOOSETHE#ASH2EWARDS6ISA0LATINUM#ARDTORECEIVE s5PTOCASHBACKONNETPURCHASESPERYEAR #HOOSETHE#OLLEGE#ASH2EWARDS6ISA0LATINUM#ARDTORECEIVE sPOINTFOREVERYNETPURCHASEDOLLARCHARGEDTOYOUR #OLLEGE2EWARDS6ISA#ARD sENROLLMENTBONUSPOINTS 32 !PPLYTODAYANDSTARTEARNINGYOURVALUABLEREWARDS #!,,EXT 6ISITHTTPWWWONUALUMNICOM #ERTAINCONDITIONSMAYAPPLY)NTRODUCTORYRATEDOESNOTAPPLY TO#ASH!DVANCES$ETAILSWILLBEPROVIDEDWHENYOUAPPLY53 "ANK.ATIONAL!SSOCIATION.$ISCREDITORANDISSUEROFTHE/HIO .ORTHERN5NIVERSITY6ISA0LATINUM#ARDÚ53"ANK OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL 1989 1991 Arlene Callender, JD, is the acting chief attorney for the Metropolitan Office of the Legal Aid Bureau, Inc., in Baltimore, MD. She and her husband, Alexander Agiliga, JD ’88, reside in Lanham, MD, with their children. Kelly (Bateman) Chellis, BSBA, is a stay-at-home-mom and Creative Memories consultant. Kelly and her family reside in Columbus, OH, and she can be reached at Daniel Huston, JD/BA ’86, is chief of the adult felony division for the Licking County Prosecutor’s Office in Newark, OH. Daniel and his family reside in Upper Arlington, OH, and he can be reached at Suzanne Marques, BSPh, is a clinical pharmacist at St. Rita’s Medical Center in Lima, OH. She was elected legal affairs division director for The Ohio Society of Health-Systems Pharmacists. Suzanne resides in Elida, OH, and she can be reached at Todd Nickloes, BS, is a partner and surgeon for University General Surgeons in Knoxville, TN. Todd and his family reside in Rockford, TN, and he can be reached at Jon Shanower, JD, was a member of a 14-person, 24-day expedition to the summit of Mt. Aconcagua. He is a partner and attorney at Dreyer, Foote, Streit, Furgason & Slocum, P.A., in Aurora, OH. He resides in Naperville, IL. Gregory Cox, JD, is a staff attorney for the Clark County Public Defender’s Office in Springfield, OH, where he and his family also reside. Gregory can be reached at 1992 Monica (Chambers) Emery, BA, is the director of recruitment at St. Bonaventure University’s Office of Admissions in St. Bonaventure, NY. She and her husband, Brad, BSCE ’94, reside in Allegany, NY, with their children. Stacy Fleisher-Bennett, JD, is a judge at the Nassau County Family Court in Westbury, NY. She and her family reside in Glen Cove, NY. Jackie (Buening) Sudhoff, BA, is the housing programs coordinator for the City of Springfield in Springfield, OH. She and her family reside in South Charleston, OH. Leon Williams, BSBA, is the director of intercultural programs at Buena Vista University in Storm Lake, IA, where he and his family also reside. 1990 John Baker, BSPh, is the vice president of operations for AmeriScript in Stow, OH. He and his wife, Karen (Creazzi), BSPh ’90, reside in Wadsworth, OH, with their children. Tammy Cobb, BSME, was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Air Force. She resides in Springfield, VA. Buffy (Bollin) DeWitt, BA, is a business analyst for National City Corporation. She and her family reside in Lakewood, OH. Rob Miller, BSCE, is the owner of M2 Design Group, LLC, in Worthington, OH. The firm specializes in the architectural and structural design of buildings for many Central Ohio builders and contractors. Rob resides in Dublin, OH, and he can be reached at Donna (Farnholtz) Neibauer, JD/ BM ’87, is a managing attorney for Hanover Insurance Company in Howell, MI. She and her husband, Mike, BSCE ’87, reside in Brighton, MI, with their family, and they can be reached at Mary Kathleen White, BA, is the owner of Song of Ireland, Irish Imports and Gifts in South Chatham, MA. She resides in Dennisport, MA. SPRING 2007 Robert “Bob” Leslie, JD, and Steve Thorne, ’90 JD, were team members in the 24-hour Granny Gear Productions mountain bike race at Big Bear. This is the successor race to the 24-hour race at Snowshoe in which riders turn as many laps as they can in one full day on a 12-mile course through mountainous terrain in West Virginia. Bob and Steve placed second in the five-man sport division. Bob resides in Hurricane, WV. A. Michael Luxeder, BSBA, is a director in the tax area at Libman Goldstine Kopperman & Wolf Inc., in Cleveland, OH. He and his wife, Celeste (Urbanski), BSPh ’96, reside in Aurora, OH, with their children. Kurtis Mascio, BSEE, is an electrical engineer for Blue-Bird Corporation in Fort Valley, GA. He is responsible for electrical system design for the school bus division. Kurtis and his family reside in Byron, GA, and he can be reached at Annette (Summers) Mast, BSBA, is a cost analyst for The Wooster Brush Company in Wooster, OH, where she and her family also reside. Shawn Ward, BS, participated in medical mission work in Kenya, Africa, in the summer of 2006. He treated individuals who had diabetes, as well as other ailments. He is the chief of podiatrysurgical service at St. Rita’s Medical Center (SRMC) and Lima Memorial Hospital in Lima, OH. He is also the staff podiatric surgeon for the SRMC Wound Clinic. He and his family reside in Elida, OH. 1994 Connie Kolita ’92 A&S, poses at the finish line of the 2006 Cincinnati Flying Pig Marathon held in May 2006. Connie has completed 19 full marathons (26.2 miles) as well as one ultramarathon (31.6 miles) since graduating from Northern. 1993 Heidi (Huebner) Geib, BSPh, is a pharmacy manager for Medicine Shoppe in Wooster, OH, where she and her husband, John, also reside. Eric Horstman, BSME, is the president of Sports Image, Inc., in Franklin, OH. He and his family reside in Springboro, OH. Rena (Shump) Jones, BA, is a paralegal/office administrator for J.M. Tomb Law, LLC, in Troy, OH, where she and her family also reside. Rena can be reached at jrjones@woh. Judi Calhoun, JD, serves on the Board of Governors and is the chair of the Young Lawyers Section of the Indiana State Bar Association. She is a deputy prosecutor for the Delaware County Prosecutor’s Office in Muncie, IN, where she also resides. Scott Cunningham, BS, is the principal of Norton Middle School in Columbus, OH. Scott and his wife, Bay, reside in Powell, OH, and he can be reached at scottcunningham3166@ Kimberly (Conway) Dumpson, JD, is the director of alumni affairs and planned giving at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. She resides in Salisbury, MD. Jason Gordon, BSBA, is an SVPdirector of risk management for Citigroup in Atlanta, GA. He resides in Smyrna, GA. Steve Hyme, BSPh is a pharmacist for Children’s Hospital in Columbus, OH. He and his wife, Angi (Allen), BSBA ’95, reside in Pataskala, OH, with their children. Steve can be reached at Stephanie (Allen) Kline, BSPh, is a supervising pharmacist for Eckerd in Tonawanda, NY. She and her family reside in North Tonawanda, NY. Patrick Kovacs, BSPh, is the owner of Cheffy Drugs in Barnesville, OH. He and his family reside in Flushing, OH. Christa (Davidson) Steiner, BA, is a marketing director at Straightline in Troy, OH. She and her family reside in Cygnet, OH. Brian Urbanek, BSCE, is the public works engineer for the Delaware Department of Transportation in Bear, DE. He and his wife, Rebecca (Erhart), BS ’93, reside in Newark, DE, with their daughter. Rachel (Hefner) Wallace, BA, is a medical assistant at West Central Ohio Orthopedics in Lima, OH, where she and her family also reside. Rachel can be reached at 1995 Tara (Knudsen) Burns, JD, is a selfemployed attorney with Custom Closings, LLC, in Hilton Head Island, SC, where she also resides. She can be reached at Brian Elmore, BA, is a financial advisor for Ameriprise Financial in Dublin, OH. He and his wife, Meghan (Frey), BSPh ’02, reside in Marysville, OH, with their daughter. Kevin Lynch, BSBA, is the head coach of the varsity boy’s soccer team at Botkins High School. The team entered their first season as a varsity sport in the fall of 2006. He resides in Wapakoneta, OH. Emily (Chamberlain) Moran, BSPh, is a floating pharmacist for Harris Teeter Pharmacy. Emily and her family reside in Fort Mill, SC, and she can be reached at Susan Reese, BS, received a master’s degree in occupational therapy from the University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences in August 2006. She is employed by the Life Care Center of Jacksonville in Jacksonville, FL. She resides in St. Augustine, FL, and can be reached at Eric Sloan, BS, is the owner of SHARPSHRED, LLC. He and his wife, Shirley, reside in Marion, OH. Jeffrey Sprague, BSBA, is the vice president of marketing and contract services for the Transportation Research Center Inc., in East Liberty, OH. He and his family reside in Marysville, OH. Mark Stevenson, BSPh, is a pharmacy manager for Wal-Mart Pharmacy in Greenwood, OH, where he and his wife, Michelle (Billingsley), BSPh ’93, and their children also reside. Victoria (Schneider) Temple, JD, is a chairman of the board at The Schneider Corporation in Indianapolis, IN. She and her family reside in Carmel, IN. Dennis Waggoner, BS, received his master of engineering management degree from Ohio University in June 2006. He and his wife, Sarah (McCarbery), BA/BM ’95, reside in Avon Lake, OH, with their children. 33 David W. Miller BSPH ’97 1997 While an undergraduate at Ohio Northern, David Miller loved to hang out with friends, enjoyed participating in Residence Life, and was active in the Sigma Pi fraternity. After graduating in 1997 with a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy and chemistry, Miller went to work for the K-Mart Corporation. Having grown up the son of a military man and believing the values of God and country taught to him as a Boy Scout, he decided to join the Army Reserves as a pharmacist. He officially joined on Sept. 6, 2001, five days before terrorists crashed commercial airliners into the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and changed America forever. Miller spent his first four years in the reserves stationed at Fort Ben Harrison, a reserve center in Indianapolis. For three of those years he served as company commander. He has also served at Fort McCoy in Wisconsin, Fort Gordon in Georgia, and overseas in Panama, Kuwait, and Iraq. He was in charge of combat support hospitals. “Our job was to run these hospitals that had pharmacies, surgeries, things all hospitals have. The best way I can describe it is it was like M.A.S.H., only not as crazy,” Miller said. Last year Miller joined the Psychological Operations Task Force in Iraq for seven months. Miller commented that, “It was fun because it allowed me to understand a lot more about the military and it was a non-medical unit.” Miller’s duties were to try to help the Iraqi people to understand how democracy works. Miller returned home from active duty at the end of July, 2006, and is currently the civilian pharmacist at Camp Atterbury Joint Maneuver Training Center in Edinburgh, Ind. He has also served on the ONU Alumni Board where he helped to create stronger relationships between Ohio Northern and its alumni. Jason Abrams, BA, and Jeannine Williams were married on July 8, 2006. The couple resides in Galena, OH. Joshua Beachy, BA, is the manager of store communications for The Home Depot in Atlanta, GA. He and his wife, Sarah (Fisher), BA ’97, reside in Mableton, GA, with their children. Christine Cox, BA, is the community information associate for the Greene County Public Library System. She resides in Xenia, OH. Ian Fenberg, JD, was a recipient of the Toledo area’s 20 Under 40 Leadership Award. He received the award for his contributions to the community, as well as professional success. He is the president and CEO of Hurricane Express Inc. Nikki (Troiano) Gainey, BS, is the director of the Global Business Analysis Group at General Electric Healthcare. Nikki and her family reside in FuquayVarina, NC, and she can be reached at Jason Gieseler, BSME, is part of the HP GM engineering team at HewlettPackard. He and his wife, Elizabeth, reside in Fenton, MI. Ed Grabowski, BSEE, is an electrical project engineer for River Consulting in Columbus, OH. Ed resides in Plain City, OH, and he can be reached at Jeff Krause, BSPh, and Stephanie Groves were married on Aug. 12, 2006, in Zanesville, OH. The couple resides in Duncan Falls, OH. Brian Pohl, BS, is a teacher and coach for Wellington Junior High School in Wellington, CO. He resides in Ft. Collins, CO. Leslie Rohr-Scherer, BFA, was the featured artist during September 2006 at the Tiffin-Seneca Public Library in Tiffin, OH, where she and her family also reside. Paul Sadler, BSBA, is a computer science teacher and head boys basketball coach at St. Marys Memorial High School in St. Marys, OH. He and his wife, Kim, reside in Delphos, OH, with their son. 1996 David Burden, BA, is an assistant professor of history at Indiana Wesleyan University in Marion, IN, where he and his wife, Abigail (Birdsey), BA ’98, also reside. April (Lenz) Novotny, BS, is the director of major gifts at Capital University in Columbus, OH. Her husband, Tom, BS ’96, is a safety and environment engineer with Mittal Steel USA-Columbus Coatings LLC. The Novotny family resides in Gahanna, OH. Vanessa Owen, JD, joined Steptoe & Johnson LLP, as part of the intellectual property practice. She resides in Santa Monica, CA. 34 Jon Roberts, BS, and Abby May were married on Nov. 12, 2005. Jon is a paint department associate for Honda of America Manufacturing in Marysville, OH. The Roberts family resides in North Lewisburg, OH. Diana Williams, BS, is an environmental manager for the South West District of the Department of Environmental Protection in Tampa, FL. She is also a freelance writer, story teller and certified toastmaster. She resides in Zephyrhills, FL. Lori (Boughton) Witter, BS, and David Witter were married on May 20, 2006. They reside in the Salt Lake City, UT, area. Aric Zimmerman, BSBA, is a senior accountant and director of financial reporting and analysis for Tri Palm International, LLC, in Columbus, OH. He and his wife, Rachael (Shade), ’97 BA, reside in Galloway, OH. 1998 Jessica (Brown) Back, BS, received a Ph.D. in biological chemistry from Wayne State University (WSU) in Detroit, MI. She also accepted a post doctoral fellowship at the Karmanos Cancer Institute at WSU. She and her husband, Dwayne, BS ’97, reside in Clawson, MI. Randee (Scott) Bowder, BSPh, is a pharmacist for Hi-School Pharmacy in Hood River, OR, where she and her family also reside. Rebecca (Stone) Bradac, BSPh, is a pharmacist for Wal-Mart Pharmacy in Marysville, OH. She received a master’s degree in clinical pastoral counseling from Ashland Theological Seminary in August 2006. Rebecca and her husband, Joseph, BSPh ’96, reside in Prospect, OH, and she can be reached at Peter Campia, JD, started his own law practice, the Law Office of Peter A. Campia, in Osterville, MA. His practice focuses on estate planning, tax planning and elder law. He is also an adjunct business law professor at Fisher College. Peter resides in South Yarmouth, MA, and he can be reached at Jaime (Petrich) Dansa, BSBA, is an associate attorney with Schottenstein Zox & Dunn. She and her husband, Christopher, BSEE ’97, reside in Dublin, OH. Jennifer Decker, JD, and Todd Rogers were married on Dec. 29, 2006, and they reside in Hamburg, NY. Jennifer is a senior litigation associate at Damon & Morey LLP, in Buffalo, NY. Shannon (Hazelton) Dewitt, PharmD, is a pharmacy informatics coordinator for the Lutheran Hospital of Indiana in Fort Wayne, IN. She and her family reside in Garrett, IN. Paul Dzurinda, BS, is a regulatory manager for the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland, OH. He recently received a master’s degree in environmental studies from Cleveland State University. He and his wife, Kim, reside in Sagamore Hills, OH. Stephen Erlenbach, BSME, and Terri Wearsch were married on Aug. 5, 2006. The couple resides in New Albany, OH. Bracken Foster, BA, is the pastor of the Grace, McKendree and Pisgah (East) churches of the McConnelsville Grace United Methodist Charge. He and his wife, Kimberly (Brewer), BM ’01, and daughter, Ellie, reside in McConnelsville, OH. Greg Hodge, BS, married Nicole Russell in August 2006, and they reside in Delaware, OH. Greg received his master of business administration from The Ohio State University in June 2006, and he is a product manager for Emerson Network Power-Liebert, a division of Emerson Electric. Alan Kalb, JD, is the vice president of the Vonage Legal Department in Holmdel, NJ. He and his wife, Stacey (Wolfe), JD ’97, reside in Lakewood, NJ. Carrie Kashawlic, BA, is the outdoor education manager/camp director for Girl Scouts of Gateway Council in Middleburg, FL. She resides in Orange Park, FL. Jennie (Ayers) Lynch, PharmD, and Tom Lynch Jr. were married on Aug. 26, 2006 and they reside in Camillus, NY. Jennifer is a pharmacoeconomist for the VA Medical Center in Syracuse, NY. Janis (MacDonald) Millett, BA, is the EMEA coordination manager with Fragomen (GB) Ltd., in London, where she also resides. OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL Jennifer (Shockey) Molish, BSBA, is a business education teacher at Oak Glen High School in New Cumberland, WV. She and her husband, Ryan, BS ’97, reside in East Liverpool, OH, with their children. Matt Polen, BSME, is a mathematics teacher for Jackson Local Schools in Massillon, OH, where he and his wife, Renee (Sprague), BSPh ’98, reside with their children. Kristie (Spangenburg) Ravert, JD, has joined the real estate section of Ward and Smith, PA, in New Bern, NC. She and her family reside in Wendell, NC. Craig Redmond, BSME, is the manager of engineering at GormanRupp in Mansfield, OH. He resides in Lexington, OH, with his wife, Amy (Gross), BSBA ’98, and their children. J. Erik Robey, BSCE, is the department chair of civil engineering technology at Rhodes State College in Lima, OH, where he also resides. He can be reached at Robey. Millard Cyril “MC” Rosselott, III, BSPh, is a pharmacy manager for Wal-Mart in Cincinnati, OH, where he also resides. Matthew Wolf, BSPh, is an operations consultant for Pharmacy Healthcare Solutions in Grapevine, TX. Ginger (Luidhardt) Yandura, BSPh, is a staff pharmacist for Mercy Hospital in Tiffin, OH, where she and her family also reside. Michael Yount, BSPh/JD ’00, is the vice president of regulatory law with Rite Aid Corporation and serves as the company’s privacy and compliance officer. He and his wife, Amy (Teconchuk), PharmD ’99, reside in Carlisle, PA, with their children. Dan Sommers ’98 ENG, Brent Pace ’98 ENG, and M.C. Rosselott ’98 PH, met in Charleston, SC, in December 2006. Since graduation, they have tried to go on a major trip together each year. SPRING 2007 1999 2000 Benjamin Baker, JD, is a partner with Morgenstern and Baker, LLC, in Hoschton, GA. Benjamin resides in Dacula, GA, with his family, and he can be reached at John Davis, BSBA, received a master of business administration degree from Otterbein College in June 2005. He is a plant controller for General Electric in Logan, OH. He and his wife, Melissa (Fulk), PharmD ’01, reside in Lancaster, OH, with their son. Jenny Finfera, BS, is a crew leader with the Ohio Department of Agriculture in Reynoldsburg, OH. Amy (Zoldesy) Grose, BFA, is an indoor/ outdoor track coach for Oberlin College. She and her family reside in Wakeman, OH. Greg Hach, JD, is a co-founder of Hach & Rose, LLP, in New York, NY. His firm attained a verdict of more than $6 million dollars for a client in Orange County, NY. Greg resides in Staten Island, NY. Stacey Hope, BS, is a physical therapist for Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center in Cincinnati, OH, where she also resides. Randy Jones, BSPh, and Michele Truman were married on Sept. 2, 2006. The couple resides in Streetsboro, OH. Kate Klotzbach, BFA, is the marketing and membership director at the Oakwood Club in Cleveland Heights, OH. Kate resides in Richmond Heights, OH, and she can be reached at eowyn737@sbcglobal. net. Jason Patterson, BA, was inducted into the Kettering Fairmont Athletic Hall of Fame on Feb. 3, 2007, for his success on the football, wrestling and track and field teams. He and his wife, Julie (Kalbfleisch), BSBA ’98, reside in Redford, MI. Ben Richards, BA, is the assistant principal at Olentangy High School in Lewis Center, OH. He and his wife, Jennifer (Addair), BA ’03, reside in Delaware, OH. Michael Roediger, BA, is the vice president for development of the Victoria Theatre Association (VTA) in Dayton, OH, where he and his family also reside. Owen Turner, BA, is a diplomatic security special agent for the U.S. Department of State in Washington, D.C. He and his family reside in Rockville, MD. Mary (Stahl) Wendel, BA, and Mike Wendel were married on Oct. 15, 2006. The couple resides in Galloway, OH, and Mary can be reached at marystahl_ Heather Westbrook, BA, is an account manager for Mix 97.1 WBNSFM in Columbus, OH. She resides in Worthington, OH. Cynthia (Back) Yakich, BSBA, and Lawrence Yakich were married on Aug. 12, 2006. The couple resides in Pittsburgh, PA. Eric Allen, JD, and Jamie (Crisp), JD ’02, were married on Sept. 24, 2005. The couple resides in Columbus, OH, and they can be reached at Marlana (Pitzer) Banks, BA, and Charles Banks were married on June 17, 2006. The couple resides in Blacklick, OH. Ryan Garst, PharmD, is a staff pharmacist for Giant Eagle Corporation in Cuyahoga Falls, OH, where he and his family also reside. Brian Gerber, BSECE, is an electrical reliability engineer for Valero Lima Refinery in Lima, OH. Brian resides in Ada, OH, and he can be reached at Brian Hattery, BSECE, is a protection and controls engineer for American Electric Power in Lima, OH. He and his family reside in Kenton, OH. Thomas Hoffmann, BA, is a regional manager for The Sleep and Breathing Research Institute in Columbus, OH, where he also resides. Jill (Dolan) Labrador, BA, and Paco Labrador were married in May of 2006. The couple resides in Columbus, OH. Andi (Funderburg) Murphy, BS, is an internal medicine resident at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center along with her husband, Daniel. She resides in Taylor Mill, KY. Brian Narog, PharmD, is a pharmacist for Kodiak Area Native Association in Kodiak, AK, where he and his wife, Anne Marie, also reside. Jennifer (Houck) Starnes, BSPh, and James Starnes were married on Sept. 23, 2006, in Tiffin, OH. The couple resides in Findlay, OH. Andrew Stienecker, JD, is a partner at Weston Hurd LLP, in Cleveland, OH. He resides in Lakewood, OH. Michael Yount, JD/BSPh ’98, is the vice president of regulatory law with Rite Aid Corporation and serves as the company’s privacy and compliance officer. He and his wife, Amy (Teconchuk), PharmD ’99, reside in Carlisle, PA, with their children. 2001 Albert Barber, PharmD/ BSPh ’73, was elected to serve a two year term on the Board of Directors for the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists. He and his wife, Deborah (Derr), BA ’71/BSBA ’06, reside in Stow, OH. Albert can be reached at abarber@crxconsulting. com. Rebbeca (Douglass) Bench, JD, is an attorney for the law offices of Michael J. Shaheen in Saint Clairsville, OH. She and her husband, Kevin, JD ’00, reside in Bridgeport, OH. Zach Broshes, PharmD, is a 2nd ward councilman for Lima, OH, where he and his family also reside. He is also a pharmacist for Pack Pharmacy. Garry J. Cipra, Jr., BA, is an elementary physical educator for Baltimore City Schools in Baltimore, MD. He was the kicker for the 2006 AIFL Champions, The Canton Legends. Garry resides in York, PA, and he can be reached at Shawn Eaton, PharmD, and Melissa Wolpert were married on July 1, 2006, in Dewald Chapel at Mount Union College in Alliance, OH. The couple resides in Tallmadge, OH. Devon (Lutife) Falcone, BFA, and Robert Falcone were married on June 23, 2006. The couple resides in Hoboken, NJ. Anne (Deitzel) Fralic, PharmD, and Ian Fralic were married on Oct. 14, 2006. The couple resides in Newport News, VA. Marika (Skarl) Fry, BA, and Ryan Fry were married on Oct. 21, 2006. Marika is a transfer credit coordinator for DeVry University in Naperville, IL. The couple resides in Plainfiled, IL. Traci Gomien, JD, is an attorney for Pantzer and Associates, PC, in Indianapolis, IN, where she also resides. Joshua Gray, JD, is an attorney and partner with Weber Gallagher Simpson Stapleton Fires and Newby, LLP, in Harrisburg, PA, where he also resides. He is the youngest person to be named partner at the firm. Joshua was named a 2006 Pennsylvania Rising Star Attorney. Stephen Harvey, BS, and Katie McCoy were married on May 27, 2006. The couple resides in Huron, OH. Amanda (Daniels) Havenar, BA, and Joshua Havenar were married on Aug. 5, 2006. The couple resides in Piqua, OH. Kirk Heath, BSBA, is the treasurer of Alliance City Schools in Alliance, OH, and he can be reached at He and his wife, Kimberly (Truax), BSPh ’00, reside in Berlin Center, OH. Jo Ann (Martarello) Koontz, BSBA/ JD ’06, passed the Florida Bar Exam and is an associate attorney/CPA for Icard Merrill Cullis Timm Furen & Ginsburg, P.A., in Lakewood Ranch, FL. She and her husband, Kyle, reside in Parrish, FL. Hallie (Schaar) McGlumphy, PharmD, is a consultant pharmacist for Marlowe’s NCS Healthcare-Omnicare in Dover, OH, where she and her family also reside. Emily McLaughlin, BS, received a Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of Pennsylvania in October 2006. She is a faculty research assistant at the University of Maryland. She resides in Greenbelt, MD. 35 #ALL/.5!,5- TO0LACE9OUR/RDER Gold finish lamp with ONU seal on pedestal and black leather lampshade $225.00 Pamela (Wendling) Mendoza, BA, and Jorge Mendoza were married on May 13, 2006. The couple resides in Williamsville, NY. Michael Stoner, BS, is an IT security manager for Deloitte and Touche in Washington, DC, where he and his wife, Elizabeth, also reside. Jennifer Thieme, BA, is a financial associate for Thrivant Financial for Lutherans in Fort Wayne, IN, where she also resides. Lucas Underwood, BSCE, received a professional engineer license in the summer of 2006. He is an assistant county engineer for the Hardin County Engineer. He and his wife, Holli (Sullinger), BA ’00, reside in Ridgeway, OH, with their daughter. Deanna (Dreher) Urasek, PharmD, and Greg Urasek were married on May 20, 2006, in Aruba. The couple resides in Cincinnati, OH. Frank Van Dresser, BSBA, received the “Award of Achievement” from the Ohio Association of Realtors for outstanding sales production in 2006. He is a realtor for RE/MAX in Norwalk, OH. He resides in New London, OH. Seth Voit, BSEE, practices in the Litigation IP Department of Dinsmore & Shohl LLP, in Cincinnati, OH. He and his wife, Heather, reside in Milford, OH. Michelle (Swain) Weber, BSPh, and Kevin Weber were married on April 29, 2006. The couple resides in Coldwater, OH. Ron Windnagel, BSBA, is a senior assistant accountant for Holbrook & Manter CPAs, in Dublin, OH. He and his wife, Jennifer (Neubecker), BA ’99, reside in Pataskala, OH. Seiko Ladies Logo Watch $250.00 Seiko Men’s Logo Watch $275.00 Marika (Skarl) Fry ’01 A&S, and Ryan Fry were married on Oct. 21, 2006. 2002 Black laquer finish wooden chair with gold ONU seal $300.00 36 Jamie (Crisp) Allen, JD, and Eric Allen, JD ’00, were married on Sept. 24, 2005. The couple resides in Columbus, OH, and they can be reached at Craig Baker, BSPh, is a pharmacy supervisor for Mercy Medical Center and Mercy Memorial Hospital in Springfield, OH. Craig is pursuing his master of business administration in health management from Baker College. He has recently been accepted into the non-traditional doctor of pharmacy program at Ohio Northern. He and his wife, Erica (Cooper), BSPh ’01/ PharmD ’05, reside in Marysville, OH, with their children. Brad Bandy, BA, is serving as the commander of a Forward Support Company at Fort Riley in Fort Riley, KS in the 4th BDE/ 1st Infantry Division. Erica Bishop, BS, graduated in November 2006 from Vet Tech Institute of Bradford School in Columbus, OH. She was a member of the first class to graduate from the veterinary technician program which started in July 2005. She is a veterinary technician for Banfield, The Pet Hospital, in Grove City, OH. She resides in Reynoldsburg, OH, and can be reached at Katie (Volle) Burton, BA, and Graham Burton were married on Feb. 7, 2005, in Orlando, FL. Katie is an administrator at Airbus, UK in Filton, England, and she can be reached at Katie and her family reside in Bristol, England. Michelle (Plahuta) Dawson, BS, and David Dawson were married on Sept. 16, 2006. She received a doctorate of optometry from The Ohio State University College of Optometry and is an optometrist for the private practice of A. Gary Barnard O.D. in Wadsworth, OH. She resides in Rittman, OH. Dena Dudzenski, BA, is an investigator/adjudicator for the U.S. Office of Personnel Management in Boyers, PA. She resides in Warren, OH. Michelle Dyer, BA, was cast at the Sugar Bowl in the national tour of Walt Disney’s “Beauty and the Beast.” She resides in Astoria, NY. Keith Falk, BA, is the pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Versailles, OH, where he also resides. He can be reached at Matthew Garrott, BSBA, and Carolyn (Beil), PharmD ’05, were married on July 8, 2006. Carolyn is a pharmacist at Walgreens and Matthew is a portfolio analyst at Fairway Wealth Management. The couple resides in Westlake, OH. Patricia Fought, BSCE, graduated with an MS in civil engineering and a master of city and regional planning from The Ohio State University. She is a traffic engineer with WD Partners in Columbus, OH, where she also resides. Lainie Guiddy, BA, is the assistant athletics media relations director for publications at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville, VA, where she also resides. Cathy Hunt, BA, is a communication assistant for Canyon Ranch in Lenox, MA. She was chosen to participate in the company’s selective program “Experience THIS.” She has performed with the Town Players of Pittsfield in several productions including Trial by Jury, Love’s Lost: A Cabaret and Lend Me A Tenor. She resides in Pittsfield, MA. OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL Erich Ipe, BS, and Kellee (Schreiber), BSBA ’03, were married on October 7, 2006. Erich is a distribution specialist for First Energy Corp., and Kellee is an accountant for Ohio Savings Bank in Cleveland, OH. The couple resides in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Lisa Jaeger, BS/BM, graduated from the Medical University of Ohio with a doctor of medicine degree in June 2006. She is a resident in general surgery at St. John Hospital in Detroit, MI. She and her husband, Shane Spinner, BA/BM ’02, reside in Clinton Township, MI. Holly (Fogt) Jensvold, PharmD, and Jason Jensvold were married on July 15, 2006. The couple resides in Piqua, OH, and Holly can be reached at Dawn Nation, JD, is an associate attorney for the Law Office of Teresa Glover in Kenton, OH, where she also resides. Tom Puckett, BSCE, is a staff engineer with the Butler County Department of Environmental Services in Hamilton, OH. He and his wife, Laura (Trimmer), BSBA ’02, reside in Middletown, OH. Sarah Schoonover, BS, is a part-time graduate student at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business and a principle technical specialist for CMIT Solutions in Dublin, OH. She resides in Columbus, OH. Patrick Shepherd, BSBA, is a pharmacy team manager at The Ohio State University Medical Center in Columbus, OH. He and his wife, Leigh Ann (Zainea), BA ’03, reside in Springfield, OH. Traci (Erbskorn) Tijerina, BSBA, received a master of business administration in international management from Thunderbird, The Garvin School of International Management. She is an account manager for Hilti North America in Phoenix, AZ. She and her husband, Armando, reside in Mesa, AZ. Robert Brutcher BS ’99, PharmD ’04 When ONU pharmacy students graduate from the Raabe College of Pharmacy, they probably expect to find themselves in a suburban corner pharmacy. However, Robert Brutcher, BS ’99/PharmD ’04, who serves in the United States Army, finds himself in one of the most vital and important pharmacies in the world in Baghdad, Iraq. “I am the Chief of the Department of Pharmacy at Ibn Sina Hospital,” said Brutcher. “It’s what some call the busiest trauma center in the world.” But Brutcher did not end up in Iraq right after graduation; his journey to the Middle East spanned the course of a few challenging years, both at ONU and in the U.S. military. Initially, Brutcher began his journey at ONU as a biology major. “I liked ONU so much that after I left with my B.S. in biology, I returned to complete the pharmacy program,” said Brutcher. It was at ONU that Brutcher met his college sweetheart, Beth Brunie, BSPh ’03, and married her soon after. In September 2004, Brutcher joined the U.S. Army and went to the Officer Basic Course at Fort Sam Houston in Texas. Upon completion in December, he moved to Fort Carson in Colorado Springs, Colo., and became the chief of inpatient and clinical pharmacy at Evans Army Community Hospital. Brutcher remained in this position until March 2006, when he attended the Captains’ Career Course at Fort Sam Houston. After serving a few more months back at Fort Carson, Brutcher left in August 2006 for pre-deployment training with the 28th Combat Support Hospital at Fort Bragg, N.C. Finally, in September 2006, Brutcher left Fort Bragg to take on his position as chief of the department of pharmacy at Ibn Sina Hospital in Baghdad. Brutcher attributes his successes to ONU’s department of pharmacy and its professors. “The department of pharmacy at ONU helped prepare me by giving me the background, knowledge and skills to be a successful soldier, pharmacist and leader,” he said. “Several staff members helped me by serving as mentors and helped guide me in the right direction with school, career choices and life in general.” “To this day, I still keep in contact with those mentors and they have helped me on more than one occasion while I have been serving in Baghdad.” When asked what first attracted him to ONU, Brutcher cites a couple very different reasons. “It was the fact that ONU was a smaller institution,” Brutcher said. “I did not want to sit in class with 400 other students and watch a professor on TV giving a lecture. ONU provided an atmosphere where one-onone tutoring and guidance were always available.” In the end, the close friendships are what Brutcher remembers most vividly. “I was always told that the best friends you would ever have would come from college, and I have to agree,” said Brutcher. “My military career has taken me out of Ohio, but I continue to carry on the friendships that I developed while at ONU.” 2003 Erich Ipe ’02 A&S, and Kelley (Schreiber) ’03 BUS, were married on Oct. 7, 2006. SPRING 2007 Abby (Marvin) Auman, BA, is a pastor for Mt. Carmel UMC in Clyde, OH. She and her husband, Seth, BA ’02, reside in Bellevue, OH. Caroline (Braddock) Bange, BA, is a preschool teacher for Little Flower Learning Center in Celina, OH, where she and her family also reside. Mike Brokaw, BSCE, is a facility inspection engineer for Burgess and Niple, Inc., in Columbus, OH. Mike resides in Dublin, OH, and he can be reached at Tamara (Kelly) Brown, BSPh, and Joshua Brown were married on Aug. 5, 2006, and they reside in Sanford, FL. Tamara is an overnight pharmacist for Walgreens and she can be reached at Marie (Lamb) Coffing, BS, and Brett Coffing were married on May 20, 2006. The couple resides in Canal Winchester, OH. Miranda (Finley) Cromwell, BS, and Justin Cromwell, were married on June 10, 2006, in Dublin, OH, where they also reside. Jennica Cunningham, BSBA, is a licensed funeral director and embalmer for Linn-Hert-Geib Funeral Homes and Crematories in Dover, OH. Elizabeth “Libby” (Theurer) DeWitt, BS, and Shawn DeWitt were married on Nov. 11, 2006, and they reside in Urbana, OH. Libby is a scientist I with Hull & Associates in Dublin, OH. Donald Drossman, BSBA, and Trisha Holmer were married on May 13, 2006. The couple resides in Perrysburg, OH. Eileen Earnest, BFA, is a professional actress with the National Theater. She is touring the country as Lady Capulet in Romeo and Juliet. She resides in Enon, OH. Joseph Finfera, BSME, and Kimberly (Menard), PharmD ’05, were married on Nov. 7, 2006 in Montego Bay, Jamaica. The couple resides in Findlay, OH. Molly Gossard, BA, received a juris doctor with a concentration in advocacy from Stetson University College of Law. She passed the Florida Bar Exam and now works in the Public Defender’s Office-Sixth Circuit in Clearwater, FL. She resides in St. Petersburg, FL, and can be reached at Amy Harrison, BSBA/JD ’06, passed the Tennessee Bar Exam in July 2006 and she was sworn in before the Tennessee Supreme Court in November 2006. She is a corporate attorney for MAPCO Express Inc./Delek US in Franklin, TN, and she resides in Nashville, TN. 37 Angela (Hunter) Haskell, PharmD, and Chris Haskell were married on Sept. 2, 2006. Angela is a staff pharmacist for The Christ Hospital in Cincinnati, OH, where she also resides. Sarah (Wollf) Haynes, BA, and Michael Haynes, BA ’05, were married on Oct. 29, 2005. The couple resides in Tiffin, OH. Jeremy Holland, BA, and Barbie Yeazell were married on July 1, 2006. The couple resides in Washington, D.C. Kellee (Schreiber) Ipe, BSBA, and Erich Ipe, BS ’02, were married on Oct. 7, 2006. Kellee is an accountant for Ohio Savings Bank in Cleveland, OH, and Erich is a distribution specialist for First Energy Corp. and. The couple resides in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Nick MacDonald, BSPh, and Jennifer (Walters), PharmD ’05, were married on Sept. 14, 2005, and they reside in Hamilton, OH. Nick is a manager of CVS Pharmacy in Oxford, OH. Zachary Maisch, BSBA/JD ’06, is employed by Rumer & Maisch Co., LLC, in Lima, OH, where he also resides. Dain McKee, BA, and Rebecca Harrell were married on Jan. 5, 2007. The couple resides in Ashland, OH. Kevin Meek, BSCPE, is a staff engineer for Martin Control Systems Inc. in Dublin, OH. He and his wife, Julie (Uecker), PharmD ’06, reside in Dayton, OH. Jeffrey Raker, BS, is pursuing a doctorate at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN. Melissa Ryan, PharmD, is the pharmacist-in-charge for Kindred Hospital at Desert Springs in Las Vegas, NV, where she also resides. She can be reached at Stephanie Spirer,BA, is employed by Baker & Daniels LLP, in Indianapolis, IN, where she also resides. She represents clients in public and municipal finance. Richard J. Stahl, III, BSBA/JD ’06, is an assistant prosecuting attorney for the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office in Cleveland, OH. He resides in Parma, OH, and can be reached at Margaret (Rowland) Sutter, BA, is the librarian at Cardinal Mooney High School in Youngstown, OH, where she and her husband, Andrew, also reside. Erica (Smith) Taylor, BA, teaches seventh-grade English and eighthgrade Spanish at Belpre City Schools in Belpre, OH, where she also resides. Sarah (Kisner) Tobias, BSBA, and Marc Tobias were married on Sept. 16, 2006. The couple resides in Lima, OH. Alison (Adams) Winans, BS, is an emergency room physician assistant for Norwalk Emergency Services. She and her husband, Ty, BS ’04, reside in Milan, OH. 38 Kimberly (Menard) Finfera ’05 PH, and Joseph Finfera ’03 ENG, were married on Nov. 7, 2006, in Montego Bay, Jamaica. 2004 Brian Ball, JD, and his wife, Svetlana, authored the feature article, “Say What? Court Interpreting in Ohio,” in the January/ February 2007 issue of Ohio Lawyer. The couple resides in Ostrander, OH. Brent Barson, BSCE, and Nicole (Goldick), BSPh ’04, were married on July 8, 2006, in Westerville, OH. Nicki is the director of pharmacy at The Drugstore and Brent is attending medical school at Ohio University in Athens, OH, where they also reside. Melissa (Stemen) Bishop, BS, is an executive administrative assistant at Rudolph Foods Company in Lima, OH. She and her husband, Joel, BFA ’05, reside in Spencerville, OH. Alexander Boroff, BA, and Emily (Fleming), PharmD ’05, were married on June 3, 2006. The couple resides in Tiffin, OH. Nathan Clark, BS, and Anne (Albanese), PharmD ’06, were married on Aug. 12, 2006. The couple resides in Fairlawn, OH. Scott Crago, BA, and Erica (Thomas), BS ’05, were married on July 15, 2006. Erica is a pharmacist for Target Pharmacy, and Scott is pursuing a Ph.D. in business geography at the University of Florida. Scott also teaches an undergraduate geography class. The couple resides in Ocala, FL. Katie Dietrich, BS, is an athletic trainer at Morro Bay High School in Morro Bay, CA, where she also resides. Carrie (Nichols) Drees, BA, and Scott Drees were recently married. The couple resides in Versailles, OH. Grant Gaydos, BSBA, is the assistant coach and director of football operations at Occidental College in Los Angeles, CA. Joseph Harvey, BSME, is a process engineer for American Honda Motor Co., Inc. He and his family reside in Carrollton, GA. Ryan Hoff, JD, and Maura (Bates), JD ’05, were married on Dec. 31, 2005, and they reside in Indianapolis, IN. Ryan is the legislative and legal director of public and private partnerships for the Indiana Department of Transportation. Maura is an associate for John, Lewis and Wilkins, LLP. John David Hortel, BS, resides in Denver, CO, and he can be reached at Stacey (Carpenter) Kline, PharmD, and Aaron Kline were married on Oct. 8, 2005. The couple resides in Canton, OH. Lesley Miller, BSBA, is a cost accountant for Freshmark, Inc., in Canton, OH. Kristy (Shumaker) Persohn, BSBA, and J.D. Persohn were married on Sept. 23, 2006. The couple resides in Fostoria, OH, and Kristy can be reached at Kristen (Wilmetti) Phillips, BSPh, and James Phillips were married on Sept. 9, 2006, and they reside in Galloway, OH. Kristen is a staff pharmacist for CVS in Upper Arlington, OH. Adam Pugacz, PharmD, and Angela (Swiergosz), BSBA ’04, were married on Sept. 30, 2006. The couple resides in Fairview Park, OH. Megan (Fish) Robson, BSBA, is a marketing specialist (economic development) for the Office of the Mayor-City of Toledo. Her husband, Mark, BA ’05, is an OASIS teacher at the Wolf Creek YMCA. The Robsons reside in Toledo, OH, and they can be reached at Megan (Earley) Sargent, PharmD, and Levi Sargent were married on Oct. 14, 2006. The couple resides in Jamestown, OH, and Megan can be reached at Jacqueline (Wagner) Schlachter, BSEE, is a project engineer for Marathon Petroleum Company in Findlay, OH, where she and her husband, Brad, BSEE ’04, also reside. Abby (Jackson) Steigerwalt, BS, is an exercise physiologist for the University of Toledo Medical Center in Toledo, OH, where she and her husband, Clint, BS ’02, also reside. Scott Crago ’04 A&S, and Erica (Thomas) ’05 A&S, were married on July 15, 2006. Elizabeth Staley, BS, is an aquatics and program coordinator for Williamsburg Landing. She resides in Newport News, VA. Melissa (Hill) Snyder, BA, and Ken Snyder, BSBA ’05, were married on June 17, 2006. The couple resides in Dayton, OH. Scott Street, BS, received a master of science degree in exercise science with a concentration in athletic training from Marshall University in 2006. He is the head athletic trainer for The Chillicothe Paints in Chillicothe, OH, where he also resides. Jennifer (Howell) Turney, BA, is an undergraduate advisor for the Department of Sociology at the University of Akron. She and her husband, Thomas, BA ’04, reside in Akron, OH. Ty Winans, BS, is an engineer for Associated Spring Raymond in Maumee, OH. He and his wife, Alison (Adams), BS ’03, reside in Milan, OH. Scott Wortman, BA, is the assistant director of media relations for the Wake Forest University Athletic Department in Winston-Salem, NC. He resides in Clemmons, NC. Leslie Woten, BA, was named a Rising Star by The Public Relations Society of America. She is an account coordinator for Justice & Young in Cincinnati, OH. She resides in Wilmington, OH. 2005 Brent Barson ’04 ENG, and Nicole (Goldick) ’04 PH, were married on July 8, 2007, in Westerville, OH. Emily (Fleming) Boroff, PharmD, and Alexander Boroff, BA ’04, were married on June 3, 2006. The couple resides in Tiffin, OH. Erica (Thomas), BS, and Scott Crago, BA ’04, were married on July 15, 2006. Erica is a pharmacist for Target Pharmacy, and Scott is pursuing a Ph.D. in business geography at the University of Florida. Scott also teaches an undergraduate geography class. The couple resides in Ocala, FL. OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL Jarrett Dickey, BS, is pursuing his master of divinity degree from Emory University in Atlanta, GA, where he and his wife, Hannah, also reside. Jarrett can be reached at Kimberly (Menard) Finfera, PharmD, and Joseph Finfera, BSME ’03, were married on Nov. 7, 2006, in Montego Bay, Jamaica. The couple resides in Findlay, OH. Brian Flick, JD, is the manager of Pamida in New Lexington, OH. He and his wife, Michelle, reside in The Plains, OH. Becca (Herris) Fostyk, BA, and Jeff Fostyk, PharmD ’06, were married on Aug. 12, 2006. The couple resides in North Canton, OH. Carolyn (Beil) Garrott, PharmD, and Matthew Garrott, BSBA ’02, were married on July 8, 2006. Carolyn is a pharmacist at Walgreens and Matthew is a portfolio analyst at Fairway Wealth Management. The couple resides in Westlake, OH. Mellissa (Blackford) Grace, PharmD, and Daniel Grace were married on Sept. 30, 2006. The couple resides in Massillon, OH. Michael Haynes, BA, and Sarah (Wollf), BA ’03, were married on Oct. 29, 2005. The couple resides in Tiffin, OH. Maura (Bates) Hoff, JD, and Ryan Hoff, JD ’04, were married on Dec. 31, 2005, and they reside in Indianapolis, IN. Maura is an associate for John, Lewis and Wilkins, LLP. Ryan is the legislative and legal director of public and private partnerships for the Indiana Department of Transportation. Stacy Houston, BS, is attending graduate school at the University of Louisville in Louisville, KY, where she also resides. Jason Huffman, BSME, and Sarah (Clark), JD ’05, were married on July 22, 2006 in Sugarcreek, OH. The couple resides in Columbus, OH. Amanda Kalal, BS, is the assistant director of alumni affairs at Colgate University in Hamilton, NY, where she also resides. Brandon Kyle, BA, is a graduate assistant for the department of psychology at West Virginia University in Morgantown, WV, where he also resides. He is pursuing a master’s degree in clinical psychology. Megan Lines, BA, is a kindergarten teacher for Prairie Lincoln Elementary School in Columbus, OH. Megan resides in Reynoldsburg, OH, and she can be reached at Danielle (Groh) Lippens, JD, and Paul Lippens were married on Jan. 7, 2006. The couple resides in Peoria, IL. Kimberly Lockhart, BA, is an executive team leader for assets protection at Target in Sandusky, OH, where she also resides. Joseph MacBenn, JD, and Melissa Strouble were married on July 8, 2006. The couple resides in Lima, OH. Jennifer (Walters) MacDonald, PharmD, and Nick MacDonald, BSPh ’03, were married on Sept. 14, 2005. Jennifer is a staff pharmacist at Walgreens in Hamilton, OH, where she and Nick also reside. Eric Mandia, BS, is a production assistant for Fox Television in Los Angeles, CA. He resides in North Hollywood, CA. Sarah (Hunt) Oswalt, BSCE, and Todd Oswalt, were married on July 15, 2006. The couple resides in Lucas, OH. April (Moran) Parish, BS, and Matthew Parish were married in Las Vegas, NV, on May 26, 2006. April is a tissue coordinator at Lifeline of Ohio in Columbus, OH, and she resides in Circleville, OH. David Parr, BSBA, and his wife, Leah (Myers), BSBA ’05, are employed by Sonoco Phoenix Products Company in Canton, OH, where they also reside. David is a financial analyst and Leah is a sales representative. Adrienne Poland, BA, is a marketing consultant for WLIO-TV in Lima, OH. She resides in Ada, OH. Nikki Robinson, PharmD, is a pharmacist for Rite Aid in The Plains, OH. She resides in Racine, OH. Mark Robson, BA ’05, is an OASIS teacher at the Wolf Creek YMCA. His wife, Megan (Fish), BSBA ’04, is a marketing specialist (economic development) for the Office of the Mayor-City of Toledo. The Robsons reside in Toledo, OH, and they can be reached at Michael Rush, PharmD, is the director of clinical pharmacy at Physicians Incorporated in Lima, OH. He and his wife, Sara (Gulbis), BA ’04, reside in Ada, OH. Breanne (Anderson) Settlemire, BA, and Adam Settlemire were married on Sept. 9, 2006. The couple resides in Cincinnati, OH. Alumni pose at the wedding of Mellissa (Blackford) Grace ’05 PH, and her husband, Daniel. Front row (L-R): Jeanette (Shumaker) Becker ’05 PH, Melissa (Husson) Snider ’05 PH, Kate Rickert ’05 PH, Nicole (Goldick) Barson ’04 PH, Amanda Williams ’04 PH, Mellissa (Blackford) Grace ’05 PH, and Bridget Grimme ’03 BUS. Back row (L-R): Troy Snider ’03 A&S, Chris Marcum ’03 PH, Brent Barson ’04 ENG, Elliott Metzger ’03 ENG, Kristin (Melillo) Metzger ’03 BUS, Daniel Grace, and Kent Klingler ’04 ENG. SPRING 2007 Alumni and friends gathered on July 22, 2006, for the wedding of Jason Huffman BSME ’05, and Sarah (Clark) JD ’05. First row (L-R): Patrick Glen ’05 L, Brian Flick ’05 L, Keith Weidrick ’04 ENG, Jason Dalton ’05 ENG, Scott Nemeth, current student, and Josh DeMarco ’02 BUS/’05 L. Second Row (L-R): Tonya Hunter ’02 BUS/’05 L, Maura (Bates) Hoff ’05 L, Siobhonne Ward ’05 L, Linda (Banks) Huffman ’76 A&S, Jason Huffman ’05 ENG, Sarah (Clark) Huffman ’05 L, Joseph Banks ’41 A&S/’42 A&S/’74 HOF, Cindy (Banks) Casapini ’78 A&S, Joe Banks ’67 A&S, Kristen Huffman, current student, Angie (Todd) DeMarco ’03 BUS, and Melanie Dobbs ’05 L. Third Row (L-R): Ryan Hoff ’05 L, Mary Hobbs ’05 L, and Glen Huffman ’76 A&S. Rebekah (Kinnaman) Siefer, PharmD, and Timothy Siefer were married on May 12, 2006. The couple resides in Lebanon, IN. Christin Snyder, PharmD, is a primary care resident at The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center in Pittsburgh, PA, where she also resides. Ken Snyder, BSBA, and Melissa (Hill), BA ’04, were married on June 17, 2006. The couple resides in Dayton, OH. Kristen Sundling, BS, is a DNA application technician for the Armed Forces DNA Identification Laboratory in Rockville, MD. Erin (Tonies) Walker, BSBA, and Robert Walker, BSBA ’06, were married on Aug. 12, 2006. The couple resides in North Royalton, OH. Brian Williams, BSCPE, is a software engineer for ABB, Inc. He resides in Lyndhurst, OH. 2006 Ashley Alexander, BS, is an inside sales representative for the Columbus Blue Jackets in Columbus, OH. She resides in Plain City, OH. Amy Archambault, JD, is an associate for the Law Office of Berry Bowen in Houston, TX, where she also resides. Annie Baldwin, BSBA, is a market brand representative for Whirlpool Corporation. She resides in Winter Park, FL, and can be reached at Michelle Bash, received a graduate fellowship by Tau Beta Pi, a national engineering society. She is seeking a master’s degree in electrical engineering from Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN, where she also resides. Courtney Blakely, BSBA, is a market brand representative for Whirlpool Corporation. She resides in Newnan, GA. Seth Bortner, JD, is a deputy prosecutor for the York County District Attorney’s Office in York, PA, where he also resides. Teri (Oxender) Brillhart, BA, and Ryan Brillhart were married on Sept. 2, 2006. The couple resides in Toledo, OH. Angela (McShane) Burton, JD, works in the human resources department for Northwest Airlines in Eagan, MN. She was admitted to practice law in Minnesota in Oct. 2006. She and her husband, George, reside in Waseca, MN. Jamie Butler, PharmD, is a staff pharmacist for Rite Aid Pharmacy in Ashtabula, OH, where she also resides. Nicholas Carmean, BS, is a research assistant for Arkansas Tech University in Russellville, AR, where he also resides. Emilie Carver, JD, is a judicial attorney for the 9th District Court of Appeals in Akron, OH. She and her husband, Greg Sostaric, reside in Brecksville, OH. Kristin (Rump) Casebolt, PharmD, and Paul Casebolt, PharmD ’06, were married on Sept. 30, 2006, and they reside in Newark, OH. Kristin is a staff pharmacist for WalMart Pharmacy and Paul is a staff pharmacist for Kroger Pharmacy. 39 Becca (Herris) Fostyk ’05 A&S, and Jeff Fostyk ’06 PH, were married on Aug. 12, 2006. Anne (Albanese) Clark, PharmD, and Nathan Clark, BS ’04, were married on Aug. 12, 2006. The couple resides in Fairlawn, OH. Jennifer (Kephart) Closson, BA, is an embroidery designer and manager at Heritage Sportswear in Hebron, OH. She and her husband, Rodd, BA ’06, reside in Granville, OH. Justin Cole, PharmD, is a pharmacist for Children’s Hospital in Columbus, OH. He resides in Westerville, OH. Charles McDowell Crook, Jr., JD, is an associate at Haskell, Slaughter, Young and Gallion. He and his wife, Mary Pat (O’Connor), JD ’06, reside in Montgomery, AL. Jessica (Frailey) Didion, JD, is an intake attorney for Krohn & Moss Ltd., in Independence, OH. She and her husband, Lucas, reside in North Olmsted, OH. Amanda Dittmar, BSME, is attending law school at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH, where she also resides. Matthew Durr, BSCPE, is a developer for Anacore in Indianapolis, IN, where he also resides. Scott Dusenbury, BSME, is an engineer for TES Engineering in Westlake, OH. He resides in Olmsted Twp., OH. Chad Elkins, PharmD, is a pharmacist for Kroger Pharmacy in Beavercreek, OH, where he also resides. Joshua Ford, BSCE, is an engineer for the Floyd Browne Group in Delaware, OH, where he also resides. Jeffrey Fostyk, PharmD, is a staff pharmacist for Aultman Hospital in Canton, OH. He and Becca (Herris), BA ’05, were married on Aug. 12, 2006, and they reside in North Canton, OH. Leigh “Anna” Fowler, BSEE, is a construction document specialist for WD Partners in Dublin, OH. She resides in Columbus, OH. Elizabeth George, JD, is an attorney specializing in tort and litigation for King & Spalding LLP, in Atlanta, GA, where she also resides. Anthony Gerdeman, BA, is a marketing analyst for Crown Equipment Corp. in New Breman, OH. He resides in Lima, OH. Margaret “Maggie” Gerber, BSBA, is a trade partner support specialist for Whirlpool Corporation in St. Joseph, MI, where she also resides. 40 Tabatha Giesler, BS, is a research technician for the University of Toledo in Toledo, OH. She resides in Elmore, OH. Hillary Gobin, BFA, is an elementary art teacher for Greenville County Schools in Greenville, SC, where she also resides. Jaime Golupski, BSBA, is an assistant auditor for the Auditor of State of Ohio in Toledo, OH. She resides in Walbridge, OH. Stephanie Grenert, BS, is a student at The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine in Columbus, OH. Jeffrey Hadsell, BS, is a product designer for Luk in Wooster, OH, where he also resides. Mark Hall, PharmD, is a staff pharmacist for Cardinal Health System in Albany, IN. He resides in Muncie, IN. Suzanne Hall, BA, is an admissions counselor for Ohio Northern University. She resides in Ada, OH. Amy Harrison, JD/BSBA ’03, passed the Tennessee Bar Exam in July 2006 and she was sworn in before the Tennessee Supreme Court in Nov. 2006. She is a corporate attorney for MAPCO Express Inc./Delek US in Franklin, TN, and she resides in Nashville, TN. Jennifer Harrison, PharmD, is employed by Discount Drug Mart in Avon Lake, OH. She resides in North Ridgeville, OH. Austin Hays, JD, is employed by the Hays Law Office in Shelbyville, KY. He resides in Simpsonville, KY. Dawn Hritz, BM, is a K-5 music teacher for Muncie Community Schools in Muncie, IN. She resides in Anderson, IN. Jeffrey Jewell, BSME, is an engineer for Honda R&D of Americas Inc., in Raymond, OH. He resides in Dublin, OH. Laura (Schwerin) Johnson, PharmD, is a staff pharmacist for Low Cost Prescriptions North in Anderson, IN, where she also resides. Christina (Bishop) Kelly, PharmD, is an executive team lead at Target Pharmacy in Worthington, OH. She and her husband, Barry, reside in Powell, OH. Lane Kessler, BS, is a health inspector for the Medina County Health Department in Medina, OH, where she also resides. 5PCOMING%VENTS !LUMNI7EEKEND *UNE !THLETIC$EPT'OLF/UTING *ULY #EDAR0OINT *ULY 4OLEDO-UDHENSV$URHAM"ULLS !UGUST #LEVELAND)NDIANSV.EW9ORK9ANKEES !UGUST (OMECOMING7EEKEND Jessica (Long) Kipfer, PharmD, and Chad Kipfer were married on Sept. 16, 2006. The couple resides in Woodburn, IN. Brittany Klepper, JD, is employed by Cellit Mobile Marketing. She resides in Sarasota, FL. Brandon Koester, BSME, is attending graduate school at The Ohio State University in Columbus, OH, where he also resides. Jo Ann (Martarello) Koontz, JD/BSBA ’01, passed the Florida Bar Exam and she is an associate attorney/CPA for Icard Merrill Cullis Timm Furen & Ginsburg, P.A., in Lakewood Ranch, FL. She and her husband, Kyle, reside in Parrish, FL. Nicholas Lake, BSCE, is a civil engineer for DGL Consulting Engineers in Maumee, OH. He and his wife, Lauren, reside in McClure, OH. Julie (Jenkins) Launsbach, PharmD, is a pharmacist for Cardinal Health in Dublin, OH. Brian Lee, BSBA, is employed by Enterprise Car Rental in Cleveland, OH. He resides in Bay Village, OH. Jason Lee, BS, is a science teacher for Maplewood High School in Cortland, OH. He resides in Warren, OH. /CTOBER Stacey Lemle, BA, is a kindergarten teacher for the Osceola County School District in Kissimmee, FL. She resides in St. Cloud, FL. Lisa Lindquist, BSCE, received a graduate fellowship by Tau Beta Pi, a national engineering society. She is seeking a Ph.D. in civil engineering/structural from Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, GA. Zachary Maisch, JD/ BSBA ’03, is employed by Rumer & Maisch Co., LLC, in Lima, OH, where he also resides. Jackie Matheny, Jr., JD, is a law clerk for Neely, Brien & Wilson, Attorneys at Law in Mayfield, KY. He and his wife, Amanda, reside in Fancy Farm, KY. Ann Marie McLoughlin, JD, is a law clerk for the U.S. District Court in Las Vegas, NV, where she and her husband, John, also reside. Julie (Uecker) Meek, PharmD, is a staff pharmacist for the U.S. Air Force (Wright Patterson Air Force Base) in Dayton, OH, where she and her husband, Kevin, BSCPE ’03, also reside. Jennifer Melone, JD, is an attorney for Grimslid & Hood in Ada, OH, where she also resides. Douglas Miller, JD, is an associate for the Drennan Law Firm in North Charleston, SC. Alumni and friends gathered at the wedding of Ben Rowland ’06 ENG, and Sarah (McConnell) ’06 ENG. Front row (L-R): Justin Stiles ’06 ENG, Kevin Caldwell ’06 ENG, Jeff Jewell ’06 ENG, David Bennett ’05 ENG, Craig Phillips ’06 ENG, Matt Haldeman, current student, and Wes Morgan, current student. Middle row (LR): Christina Berry ’06 ENG, Lisa Lindquist ’06 ENG, Cassandra Meyer, current student, Stephanie Koch ’06 ENG, Melissa Rengers ’06 ENG, Jessica Scott ’06 ENG, Robin Miller ’06 A&S, and Briana Rosenfeld, current student. Back row (L-R): Scott Dusenbury ’06 ENG, Paul Martin ’06 ENG, Ray Phillips ’06 ENG, Sofia Themudo ’05 BUS, Ben Rowland ’06 ENG, Sarah (McConnell) Rowland ’06 ENG, Michelle Hamilton ’06 A&S, Stephanie Grenert ’06 A&S, and Neal Underwood ’06 ENG. OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL Rachel Kantosky ’06 A&S, visits with Ohio governor, Ted Strickland, at The Ohio State University Schottenstein Center on Jan. 8, 2006. Robin Miller, BA, is a reading teacher for Harrison Elementary in Marion, OH. She resides in Delaware, OH. Melissa (Moneysmith) Jordan, BSEE, and Blake Jordan, BSCE, were married on July 22, 2006. The couple resides in Dublin, OH. Matthew Muir, BSME, is a construction document specialist for WD Partners in Dublin, OH. He resides in Westerville, OH. Abby Myers, BA, is an administrative sales assistant for Jack of All Games in West Chester, OH. She resides in Cincinnati, OH. Erik Nuhfer, BS, is pursuing a master of architecture degree at the University of Colorado in Denver, CO, where he also resides. Jeff Pace, BA, is serving the Peace Corps as a youth developer through Nov. 2008 in Morocco. He can be reached at April Perrott, BA, and Matthew Leigh, current Ohio Northern computer science major, were married on Nov. 18, 2006, in Convoy, OH. April is a family service coordinator at Allen County Board of MRDD: Help Me Grow in Lima, OH. The Perrotts reside in Ada, OH, and April can be reached at Kelly (Fagan) Pritt, JD, and Christopher Pritt were married on Aug. 12, 2006, and they reside in Dunbar, WV. Kelly is an associate attorney for Lyne Ranson Law Offices, PLLC, in Charleston, WV. Heidi Post, BA, is a customer service representative for Old Navy in Victor, NY. She resides in Rochester, NY. Erin Robertson, BA, is attending graduate school at the University of Wales, Lampeter. She is pursuing a master of arts degree in social anthropology. Pamela (Grabert) Rowan, PharmD, is a staff pharmacist for Medco Health Solutions in Columbus, OH. She and her husband, Brian, reside in Hilliard, OH. Ben Rowland, BSCE, and Sarah (McConnell), BSCE ’06, were married on Sept. 9, 2006 in Sylvania, OH. The couple resides in Toledo, OH. SPRING 2007 Jason Scarborough, BA, is a sales representative for TMI, LLC, in Pittsburgh, PA. He resides in Evans City, PA. Chrispin Schlegel, BSCE, is a design engineer for CESO in Dayton, OH. He resides in Centerville, OH. Mandy Schloemer, BA, is a teacher for Westport Middle School in Louisville, KY. Kristin Scull, JD, is a reintegration caseworker for Glove House, Inc. in Owego, NY. She resides in Endwell, NY. Kathryn Shaw, BS, is a mechanical test engineer for the NASA Glenn Research Center- Gilcrest Electric & Supply in Cleveland, OH. She resides in Brunswick, OH. Megan Shawver, BSBA, is a commercial administrator for ERCO Worldwide, Inc., in Valdosta, GA, where she and her husband, Alan, also reside. Megan can be reached at David Smith, JD, is employed by Lexis Nexis in Miamisburg, OH. He and his wife, Rachel, reside in Dayton, OH. Richard J. Stahl, III, JD/BSBA ’03 is an assistant prosecuting attorney for the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office in Cleveland, OH. He resides in Parma, OH, and can be reached at Kimberly (Wilde) Stanley, PharmD, is a pharmacy manager for Rite Aid in Sparta, TN, where she and her husband, Aaron, also reside. Alicia St. Johns, BSBA, is a human resources representative for Lutheran Village at Wolf Creek in Holland, OH. She resides in Toledo, OH. Kristin (Hubbard) Temple, BA, and David Temple were married in Bella Vista, AK, on Dec. 28, 2006. Kristin is a pre-kindergarten teacher for Springdale Public Schools in Springdale, AK, where she and David also reside Elice Tucker, PharmD, is a pharmacy manager for Rite Aid in Cleveland, OH. She resides in Perry, OH. Holly Van Matre, JD, is a state researcher for State and Federal Communications, Inc. in Akron, OH, where she also resides. Robert Walker, BSBA, and Erin (Tonies), BSBA ’05, were married on Augu. 12, 2006. The couple resides in North Royalton, OH. Ashley Welter, BS, is pursuing a master’s degree in public administration at Bowling Green State University. Michael Williams, BA, is an EMT for Life Care Medical Services, Inc. in Akron, OH. He resides in Magnolia, OH. Julia Wilson, BS, is employed by The Indiana Heart Hospital. She resides in Pendleton, IN. Margaret (Schodowski) Wolf, PharmD, is a pharmacy resident for Physicians, Inc., in Lima, OH. She and her husband, Joshua, PharmD ’05, reside in Van Wert, OH. 4IPQUIF0/6 #PPLTUPSF vXv 7OOL&ELT 0ENNANT 2USSELL!THLETIC#OTTON0OLYESTER h!LUMNIv4SHIRT /XFORD 3-,8, 88,888, !THLETIC SPORTTEAMS ALSOAVAILABLE #OLLEGE+IDS (OODED3WEATSHIRT /XFORDOR0INK 44OR 5NDER!RMOUR 3HORTS"LACK 3-,8, -ENS 7OMENS -ENS5NDER!RMOUR -ENS5NDER!RMOUR 0OLO3HIRT"LACKOR/RANGE 3-,8,OR88, !LSOAVAILABLE WITH/.5LOGO /.5!THLETIC"EAR ,OGO-AGNET #LUB#OLORS #OTTON0OLO 3HIRT/RANGE "LACKOR7HITE 3-,8, OR88, vXv .YLON (OME "ANNER 4OORDERCALL 41 "MVNOJ&WFOUT Alumni and friends gathered in several locations to share memories of Ohio Northern University. New York City, Philadelphia, San Antonio and Fort Wayne set the scene for the kick-off to our Alumni Event season. Our guests were a lively and enthusiastic bunch! It shows you that no matter where life finds you after graduation, the Ohio Northern University spirit will always remain in your heart. /FX:PSL (L-R) Mitchell Falber ’80 L, and Robert Klotman ’40 A&S, visit at the New York City alumni event. Front Row (L-R): Margaret Bigelow, Shirley Kriegel, Sharon Moening. Back Row: Peter Bigelow ’76 A&S, Dave Kriegel, university trustee, and Tom Moening. (L-R) Theodore Burtt, Jr. ’66 A&S, Alicia (Burtt) Dempster ’94 A&S, Todd Tagliaferro ’97 A&S, and Stefanie Tagliaferro visit at The Yale Club. 'PSU8BZOF (L-R) Dr. Kendall Baker, Larissa Covert ’99 BUS, and Jennifer Covert ’97 A&S, visit at the Fort Wayne alumni event. James Burk ’63 PH, and his wife, Dianne, enjoy the Fort Wayne alumni event. 42 (L-R) Joy Hallmark, Mary Hallmark, Jonathon Hallmark ’63 A&S, and Dr. Kendall Baker enjoy the New York City alumni event. Sarah Givens, Mertie Schlaudroff ’47 A&S, Adrienne (Pigossi) Shryock ’48 A&S, and Michael Kindinger ’85 A&S, reminisce at the Fort Wayne alumni event. (L-R) Jim Fitzpatrick, Karen (Weber) Fitzpatrick ’79 PH, Toby Baker ’06 A&S, and Dr. Kendall Baker visit at The Summit Club. OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL 4BO"OUPOJP (L-R) David Bondor ’71 A&S, and his wife, Mary, talk with Rose Leonardis, and her husband, Tom Leonardis ’67 A&S, at Club Giraud. Karen Thompson, Tim Thompson ’99 A&S, Ann Donnelly ’99 A&S/director of alumni affairs, Joan Meyer, Richard Meyer ’74 ENG, and Scott Miller ’87 ENG, visit at the San Antonio alumni event. San Antonio Alumni Event host Alan Thiele ’69 L, and his wife, Jeane, show their ONU pride at Club Giraud. 1IJMBEFMQIJB (L-R) Taylor Solis, Evelina Solis ’01 A&S, Gracie Solis and Ramón Solis proudly pose at the San Antonio alumni event. (L-R) Kevin Haynes ’01 PH, Allison (Bower) Stinger ’95 A&S, Tom Wible ’04 A&S, and Bruce Hammond ’01 A&S, reminisce at The Ritz-Carlton Philadelphia. (L-R) Mike Jankowski ’81 L, P.T. Pyle ’69 A&S, and Vern Hughes ’64 ENG, enjoy the Philadelphia alumni event. Bill Marley ’65 A&S, and Vicki Marley pose at the Philadelphia alumni event. (L-R) Michael Gradisek ’93 L, and Grant Keener ’97 L, reminisce at the Philadelphia alumni event. (L-R) Toby Baker ’06 A&S, Douglas France ’86 L, and Darice France visit at the Philadelphia alumni event. Seth Weinstein ’80 L, poses with his family at The Ritz-Carlton Philadelphia. SPRING 2007 43 Julia Sealing, daughter of Scott and Sharon (Guy) Sealing, and granddaughter of Eleanor and Daniel Guy ’52 L, enjoys playing in her ONU romper. 5FEEZ#FBST 1978 1992 Richard Tiger, JD, and his wife, Nadia, a daughter, Ava, Sept. 19, 2005. The Tiger family resides in Bryn Mawr, PA. Maria (Hunt) Benson, BSPh, and her husband, Andy, BSBA ’91, a son, Lucas James, June 12, 2006. Lucas joins brother, Alex, 9, and sister, Sarah, 6. The Benson family resides in Massillon, OH. Bryn (Nedderman) Bright, BSPh, and her husband, Christopher, welcomed a daughter, Keira Loree YiJao, into their family on Dec. 18, 2005. Kiera was born in Guangxi, China, and she joins brother, Quinn, 4. The Bright family resides in Carmel, IN. Troy Quillen, BSPh, and his wife, Heather, a son, Ian Jakob, Aug. 14, 2006. Ian joins brother, Hunter, 10, and sister, Alyson, 2. The Quillen family resides in Mt. Vernon, OH. Kimberly (Durliat) Rakovalis, BSBA, and her husband, Peter, a son, Joshua William, July 15, 2006. Joshua joins siblings, Savannah, 6, Anastasia, 4, James, 3, and Olivia, 1. The Rakovalis family resides in Cibolo, TX. Jackie (Buening) Sudhoff, BA, and her husband, Michael, a son, William Michael, Sept. 1, 2006. William joins brothers, Adam, 10, and Nate, 5. The Sudhoff family resides in South Charleston, OH. 1986 Richard Dakters, BS, and his wife, Tracie (Hall), BA ’88, a daughter, Maia Ruby Zhen, born in China on Dec. 18, 2005. Maia joins sisters, Olivia Jade, 13, and Madeleine Jewel, 10. The Dakters family resides in Elyria, OH. Jonah McKay, the son of Jim and Carol (Snyder) McKay ’91 A&S. 1988 Tracie (Hall) Dakters, BA, and her husband, Richard, BS ’86, a daughter, Maia Ruby Zhen, born in China on Dec. 18, 2005. Maia joins sisters, Olivia Jade, 13, and Madeleine Jewel, 10. The Dakters family resides in Elyria, OH. 1989 Jake McKay, the son of Jim and Carol (Snyder) McKay ’91 A&S, visits with Klondike during Homecoming 2006. Greg Owens, BSBA, and his wife, Michelle, a daughter, Megan Louise, Jan. 3, 2007. The Owens family resides in Tallahassee, FL. William R. Swinehart, JD, and his wife, Amy, a son, Evan William, June 10, 2006. The Swinehart family resides in Dornsife, PA. 1990 Camila, Christina, Sebastian and Diego Avello, the children of Miguel Avello ’95 ENG, and his wife, Brooke. Scott Burgess, BSBA, and his wife, Mary, a daughter, Zoey Kathryn, Sept. 22, 2006. The Burgess family resides in Mount Vernon, OH. Buffy (Bollin) DeWitt, BA, and her husband, Brent, a son, Cameron Alexsandr, born in Kazakhstan on Nov. 13, 2005. The DeWitt family resides in Lakewood, OH. Anthony Nappo, BSPh, and his wife, Samantha, a daughter, Nina Joe, Aug. 9, 2006. The Nappo family resides in Canfield, OH. 1991 The daughters of Dennis Waggoner ’95 A&S, and his wife, Sarah (McCarbery) ’95 A&S, pose together during the holidays. Pictured left to right are: Madeline, 1, and Natalie, 4. 44 The daughters of Jason Clark ’95 PH, and his wife, Debra, happily pose together. Pictured left to right are: Isabel, Asia and Alexandra. Andy Benson, BSBA, and his wife, Maria (Hunt), BSPh ’92, a son, Lucas James, June 12, 2006. Lucas joins brother, Alex, 9, and sister, Sarah, 6. The Benson family resides in Massillon, OH. Ellen (Bolander) Booker, BSBA, and her husband, George, a son, Maxwell Trent, Sept. 2, 2006. The Booker family resides in Parsippany, NJ, and Ellen can be reached at Michelle (Gainar) Kaplan, BA, and her husband, Jim, a son, Henry James. Henry joins brother, George, 3. The Kaplan family resides in Mentor, OH. Megan (Shult) Zalkan, BA, and her husband, Brett, a daughter, Sofia Barbara, Sept. 2, 2006. Megan can be reached at 1993 Mark Dryer, BSPh, and his wife, Christy, a son, Daniel James, June 1, 2006. Daniel joins sister, Emma, 7, and brother, Isaac, 4. The Dryer family resides in Eaton Rapids, MI. Lori (Vorhees) Howdyshell, BSPh, and her husband, Roger, a daughter, Megan Lynn, July 6, 2006. Megan joins brother, Rex, 5, and sister, Jenna, 3. The Howdyshell family resides in Junction City, OH, and Lori be reached at Amy (Koller) Latham, BSPh, and her husband, Brian, twin sons, Ryan Connor and Zachary Tyler, Sept. 8, 2006. Ryan and Zachary join brother, Cameron, 6. The Latham family resides in Huber Heights, OH. Heather (Reinertsen) Somers, JD, and her husband, Alan, twin daughters, Kerry Johanna and Clare Janine, Dec. 9, 2006. The Somers family resides in Maple Grove, MN. Oscar Mifsud ’70 BUS, proudly poses with his granddaughter, Ella. Thomas Minner, BSPh, and his wife, Kristie (Garren), BSPh ’95, a son, Robert Garren, Oct. 15, 2006. Robert joins sister, Jessica, 7, and brother, Logan, 4. The Minner family resides in London, OH, and they can be reached at Tom Penner, BSCE, and his wife, Lisa (Kandel), BSPh ’95, a daughter, Anne Elise, Nov. 16, 2006. Anne Elise joins sister, Elisabeth, 3. The Penner family resides in St. Ignace, MI, and they can be reached at Stephen Pomesky, BSEE, and his wife, Cheryl (Meyer), BSPh ’97, a daughter, Elizabeth Nicole, Nov. 18, 2005. Elizabeth joins sister, Emily, 9. The Pomesky family resides in Waynesburg, OH. Nick Taylor, BSPh, and his wife, Deborah, a daughter, Hadley Marie, Nov. 15, 2006. Hadley joins sister, Ava, 3, born on Nov. 15, 2003. The Taylor family resides in Upper Arlington, OH. Rachel (Hefner) Wallace, BA, and her husband, Bryan, a daughter, Karlie Elizabeth, Oct. 22, 2005. Karlie joins sister, Kelsey, 7, and brother, Cameron, 5. The Wallace family resides in Lima, OH, and Rachel can be reached at 1995 Jason Clark, BSPh, and his wife, Debra, a daughter, Alexandra Grace, March 2, 2006. Alexandra joins sisters, Asia, 7, and Isabel, 3. The Clark family resides in Spartanburg, SC, and Jason can be reached at 1994 Andrew Heininger, BSCE, and his wife, Marie (Dennis), BS ’94, a daughter, Abigail Kathleen, Dec. 22, 2006. Abigail joins brother, Samuel, 8, and sisters, Carol, 5, and Sarah, 3. The Heininger family resides in Bellville, OH. Michele (Kay) Edgington, BS, and her husband, Tim, a son, Zackary James, June 3, 2005. Zackary joins brother, Alec, 3. The Edgington family resides in Future “polar bear alumnae” Victoria and Julia Chellis, the daughters of Kelly (Bateman) Streetsboro, OH. Chellis ’89 BUS, sit together on a sunny day. OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL 1996 Cassandra Stinger, daughter of Allison (Bower) Stinger ‘95 A&S, and her husband, James, enjoys playing with her horse, Blackjack. John Dennis, BS, and his wife, Karla, a daughter, Jayden Ruth, Jan. 4, 2007. Jayden joins brother, Kyle, and sister, Harley. The Dennis family resides in Van Buren, OH. Darcy (Dear) Deters, BA, and her husband, Jim, a son, Foster Pierce, Oct. 4, 2006. Foster joins sisters, Emma, 4, and Lucy, 3. The Deters family resides in Lima, OH. Stephen Dudas, BSEE, and his wife, Renee, a son, Michael Scott, Feb. 7, 2006. The Dudas family resides in Owasso, OK. Brian Elmore, BA, and his wife, Meghan (Frey), BSPh ’02, a daughter, Zoe Octavia, Nov. 28, 2006. The Elmore family resides in Marysville, OH. Kristie (Garren) Minner, BSPh, and her husband, Thomas, BSPh ’94, a son, Robert Garren, Oct. 15, 2006. Robert joins sister, Jessica, 7, and brother, Logan, 4. The Minner family resides in London, OH, and they can be reached at Glenn Heistand, BSCE, and his wife, Kandace, a daughter, Megan Julia, Sept. 5, 2006. Megan joins sisters, Kaitlyn, 6, and Audra, 5. The Heistand family resides in Pataskala, OH, and Glenn can be reached at Emily (Chamberlain) Moran, BSPh, and her husband, Tony, a son, Anthony Philip, June 26, 2006. The Moran family resides in Fort Mill, SC, and Emily can be reached at Ray Myers, BSPh, and his wife, Pamela, a son, Zachary Paul, Jan. 2, 2007. Zachary joins sister, Alyssa, 7, and brother, Caleb, 5. The Myers family resides in Stow, OH. Lisa (Kandel) Penner, BSPh, and her husband, Tom, BSCE ’94, a daughter, Anne Elise, Nov. 16, 2006. Anne Elise joins sister, Elisabeth, 3. The Penner family resides in St. Ignace, MI, and can be reached at Doug Stossel, BSPh, and his wife, Amy (Strauss) BSPh ’96, a daughter, Chloe Elizabeth, April 22, 2006. The Stossel family resides in Willoughby, OH. Sarah (McCarbery) Waggoner, BM/BA, and her husband, Dennis, BS ’95, a daughter, Madeline Grace, Jan. 14, 2006. Madeline joins sister, Natalie, 4. The Waggoner family resides in Avon Lake, OH, and they can be reached at SPRING 2007 Statia (Shaw) Cordle, BSPh, and her husband, Chad, a daughter, Megan Elizabeth, July 31, 2006. Megan joins sisters, Taylor, 12, Savannah, 9, and brother, Justin, 6. The Cordle family resides in Rushville, OH, and Statia can be reached at Amanda (Shobe) Gatchel, and her husband, David, BS ’97, a daughter, Danica Leeann, Nov. 16, 2006. Danica joins brother, Derrien, 2. The Gatchel family resides in Palmetto, FL. Shane Griggs, BS, and his wife, Denae, twin daughters, Kennedy and Kerrigan, Dec. 3, 2006. The Griggs family resides in Renton, WA. Denise (Farmer) Haney, BSPh, and her husband, Kevin, BSPh ’96, a daughter, Claire Elaine, Aug. 10, 2006. Claire joins brother, Vincent, 4. The Haney family resides in Powell, OH. Michelle (Derrow) Hasting, BSBA, and her husband, Frederick, a son, Samuel Andrew, Nov. 27, 2006. Samuel joins sister, Allyson, and brother, James. The Hasting family resides in Huntsville, OH. Katherine (Hootman) Longsdorf, BS, and her husband, Blake, BS ’97, a son, Thomas Alan, Jan. 1, 2007. Thomas joins siblings, Mary, 6, Anna, 4, and Blake, 1. The Longsdorf family resides in Polk, OH. Jon Roberts, BS, and his wife, Abby, a daughter, Kaydee Eden, Nov. 8, 2006. Kaydee joins sister, Makayla, 3. The Roberts family resides in North Lewisburg, OH. Amy (Strauss) Stossel BSPh, and her husband, Doug BSPh ’95, a daughter, Chloe Elizabeth, April 22, 2006. The Stossel family resides in Willoughby, OH. April (Lenz) Novotny, BS, and her husband, Tom, BS ’96, a son, Nathaniel Joseph, March 20, 2006. Nathaniel joins brother, Aiden, 4. The Novotny family resides in Gahanna, OH. Nataysha (Jones) Thompson, BS, and her husband, Brian, BSME ’96, a son, Patrick Jon, Sept. 11, 2006. Patrick joins brother, Colin, 6, and sister, Lauren, 4. The Thompson family resides in Grosse Ile, MI. Kaitrin (Stumpf) Valencia, BA, and her husband, Emilio, a son, Noah Ale, June 10, 2006. The Valencia family resides in Chicago, IL. 1997 Brenda Kay (Mullens) Asplund, BSPh, and her husband, Peter, a son, Lucas Peter, April 17, 2006. The Asplund family resides in Arden, NC. Jyl (Fausey) Atighechi, BSPh, and her husband, Bob, a son, Kiyan Charles, July 5, 2006. Kiyan joins sister, Mitra, 3. The Atighechi family resides in Glastonbury, CT. Ann (Ringler) Bassitt, BS, and her husband, Jeff, a daughter, Jenna Marie, Oct. 31, 2006. Jenna joins brother, Jeffrey “Jacob,” 3. The Bassitt family resides in Ada, OH. Daylene (Davis) Boehm, BSBA, and her husband, Matt, BSBA ’97, a son, Blake Andrew, July 28, 2006. Blake joins sister, Brittany, 8, and brothers, Brady, 4, and Brock, 1. The Boehm family resides in Rawson, OH. Jennifer (Kish) Ford, BA, and her husband, Alex, a daughter, Erin Claire, Sept. 10, 2006. The Ford family resides in Hopkinsville, KY, and Jennifer can be reached at David Gatchel, BS, and his wife, Amanda (Shobe), BA ’96, a daughter, Danica Leeann, Nov. 16, 2006. Danica joins brother, Derrien, 2. The Gatchel family resides in Palmetto, FL. Nikki (Troiano) Gainey, BS, and her husband, Kevin, a daughter, Molly, July 25, 2005. Molly joins brother, Isaac, 3. The Gainey family resides in FuquayVarina, NC, and Nikki can be reached at Jared Gravatt, BS, and his wife, Jennifer, a son, Parker Daniel, March 27, 2006. Parker joins brother, Cole, 3. The Gravatt family resides in Orrville, OH. Erin Kincaid, BS, and his wife Amy, a daughter, Ava Katherine, Sept. 25, 2005. The Kincaid family resides in Perrysburg, OH. Andy Koppert, BA, and his wife, Carrie, a son, Noah Andrew, July 10, 2006. Noah joins sister, Alison, 2. The Koppert family resides in Dublin, OH, and Andy can be reached at Chad Martin, BSBA, and his wife, Christa, a daughter, Raegan Jane, Oct. 23, 2006. Raegan joins brother, Trevor, 16, and twin sisters, Taylor and Madison, 12. The Martin family resides in Cincinnati, OH, and they can be reached at Cheryl (Meyer) Pomesky, BSPh, and her husband, Stephen, BSEE ’94, a daughter, Elizabeth Nicole, Nov. 18, 2005. Elizabeth joins sister, Emily, 9. The Pomesky family resides in Waynesburg, OH. Nancy (Schwinnen) Rampe, BSPh, and her husband, Troy, a son, Brady Adam, Oct. 7, 2006. The Rampe family resides in Kalida, OH. Margy Rupp-Autero, JD, and her husband, Brian, a son, Reid Nicholas, Dec. 13, 2005. The family resides in Cleveland Heights, OH. Paul Sadler, BSBA, and his wife, Kim, a son, Ryan Paul, Dec. 1, 2005. The Sadler family resides in Delphos, OH. 1998 Kim (Winters) Brothers, BSBA, and her husband, Rob, a son, Brayden Zachary, April 14, 2006. The Brothers family resides in South Lyon, MI, and Kim can be reached at Tonya (Yeagle) Craft, BA, and her husband, Nathan, a son, Carter Henry, Oct. 2, 2006. Carter joins brother, Michael, 3. The Craft family resides in Columbus, OH, and Tonya can be reached at Chloe Elizabeth Stossel, the daughter of Amy (Strauss) Stossel ’96 PH, and her husband, Doug ’95 PH. Ava Katherine Kincaid, the daughter of Erin Kincaid ’97 A&S, and his wife, Amy. Reid Nicholas Autero, the son of Margy Rupp-Autero ’97 L, and her husband, Brian. Raegan Jane Martin, the daughter of Chad Martin ’97 BUS, and his wife, Christa. Caden Joseph Wolf, the son of Matthew Wolf ’98 PH, and his wife, Nicole. Brayden Zachary Brothers, the son of Kim (Winters) Brothers ’98 BUS, and her husband, Rob. 45 Nicholas Michael Hutchins, the son of Tracy (Saltzman) Hutchins ’98 PH, and her husband, Kyle. Kathryn Heigley, the daughter of Amy (Kaminski) Heigley ’98/’99 A&S, and her husband, Andy ’99 ENG. Dalton Gregory Hart, the son of Darren Hart ’99 BUS, and his wife, Peggi. Ila Kay Allen, the daughter of Eric Allen ’00 L, and his wife, Jamie (Crisp) ’02 L. Trey Daniel Welsch, the son of Jaime (Brown) Welsch ’98 BUS, and her husband, Troy ’01 BUS. 46 Caitlyn Christine Ford, the daughter of Stephanie (Hall) Ford ’01 A&S, and her husband, Chris. Shawn Griggs, BSMT, and his wife, Jennifer, a son, Brady Matthew, July 3, 2006. Brady joins sister, Olivia, 6, and brother, Jared, 2. The Griggs family resides in Jenera, OH. Leanne (Seigler) Hegler, BA, and her husband, Daniel, a son, Benjamin Walden, Aug. 30, 2006. The Hegler family resides in Broadview Heights, OH. Amy (Kaminski) Heigley, BS/BSMT ’99, and her husband, Andy, BSCE ’99, a daughter, Kathryn Elizabeth, March 14, 2006. The Heigley family resides in Sunbury, OH. Brian Hemmelgarn, BS, and his wife, Trisha (Long), BA ’99, a daughter, Lauren Elizabeth, Jan. 12, 2006. Lauren joins brother, Gabe, 4, and Luke, 2. The Hemmelgarn family resides in Kenton, OH, and can be reached at Tracy (Saltzman) Hutchins, BSPh, and her husband, Kyle, a son, Nicholas Michael, June 13, 2006. Nicholas joins brother, Brandon, 6, and sister, Alyssa, 5. The Hutchins family resides in Perrysburg, OH. Lauren (Uzelac) Knickle, JD, and her husband, Brad, a son, Reid James, Sept. 9, 2006. Reid joins brother, Evan, 1. The Knickle family resides in Miamisburg, OH. Thomas Matteson, BM, and his wife, Jennifer (Wakely), BA ’99, a daughter, Jordyn Oletha, Dec. 28, 2006. Jordyn joins brother, Ethan, 5. The Matteson family resides in Oxford, MI. Kristin (Hacker) Moriarty, BS, and her husband, Jim, a daughter, Olivia Faith, March 29, 2006. Olivia joins sister, Lauren, 3. The Moriarty family resides in Sylvania, OH. Anthony Patterson, BSPh, and his wife, Heather, a daughter, Eliana Jean, Dec. 9, 2006. Eliana joins sisters, Innocende, 4, and Trinity, 3. The Patterson family resides in Moon Township, PA. Renee (Sprague) Polen, BSPh, and her husband, Matt Polen, BSME ’98, a son, Braden Matthew, April 20, 2006. Braden joins twin brothers, Connor and Jacob, 4. The Polen family resides in Massillon, OH. Jaime (Brown) Welsch, BSBA, and her husband, Troy, BSBA ’01, a son, Trey Welsch, June 10, 2005. The Welsch family resides in Lima, OH. Matthew Wolf, BSPh, and his wife, Nicole, a son, Caden Joseph, Dec. 28, 2005. The Wolf family resides in Palmyra, PA. Ginger (Luidhardt) Yandura, BSPh, and her husband, David, a daughter, Georgia Rose, Aug. 16, 2006. Georgia joins brother, Tyler, 3. The Yandura family resides in Tiffin, OH, and Ginger can be reached at Michael Yount, BSPh/JD ’00, and his wife, Amy (Teconchuk), PharmD ’99, a daughter, Lindsay Helen, Nov. 10, 2006. Lindsay joins brother, Aidan, 4, and sister, Kathleen, 2. The Yount family resides in Carlisle, PA. 1999 Amy (Graham) Bean, BA, and her husband, Thomas, a son, Cameron James, Nov. 14, 2006. The Bean family resides in Marietta, OH. Bryan Collins, BA, and his wife, Carol (Rice), BSPh ’00, a son, William Robert, July 31, 2006. William joins brother, Benjamin, 2. The Collins family resides in Derby, KS. John Davis, BSBA, and his wife, Melissa (Fulk), PharmD ’01, a son, Carter Michael, Aug. 4, 2006. The Davis family resides in Lancaster, OH. Amy (Zoldesy) Grose, BFA, and her husband, Todd, a son, Rhett William. Rhett joins sisters, Hannah, 6, and Lillian, 3. The Grose family resides in Wakeman, OH. Darren Hart, BSBA, and his wife, Peggi, a son, Dalton Gregory, Sept. 16, 2006. The Hart family resides in Tulsa, OK. Amy (Kaminski) Heigley, BSMT/ BS ’98, and her husband, Andy, BSCE ’99, a daughter, Kathryn Elizabeth, March 14, 2006. The Heigley family resides in Sunbury, OH. Trisha (Long) Hemmelgarn, BA, and her husband, Brian, BS ’98, a daughter, Lauren Elizabeth, Jan. 12, 2006. Lauren joins brother, Gabe, 4, and Luke, 2. The Hemmelgarn family resides in Kenton, OH, and they can be reached at John Herd, BA, and his wife, Stephanie, a son, Noah Ryan, Aug. 31, 2006. The Herd family resides in Kewanna, Indiana. Anthony Hixon, BSBA, and his wife, Keri, a daughter, Eliana Faith, May 5, 2006. The Hixon family resides in Columbus Grove, OH. Christina (Rakers) Holloway, JD, and her husband, Franklin, JD ’00, a daughter, Elizabeth Caroline, Dec. 21, 2006. The Holloway family resides in Dayton, OH. Jennifer (Wakely) Matteson, BA, and her husband, Thomas, BM ’98, a daughter, Jordyn Oletha, Dec. 28, 2006. Jordyn joins brother, Ethan, 5. The Matteson family resides in Oxford, MI. Laura (Fichtelman) McGlothlin, BS, and her husband, Gary, a daughter, Whitney Ann, Feb. 10, 2006. The McGlothlin family resides in Worthington, OH. Angela (Goodson) McMurry, BS, and her husband, Glen, a son, Jack Robert, Oct. 13, 2006. The McMurry family resides in Tipp City, OH. Caroline (Woodworth) Schumacher, BA, and her husband, David, a son, James Patrick, Sept. 11, 2006. The Schumacher family resides in Saint Cloud, FL. Tim Thompson, BS, and his wife, Karmen, a son, Zane Elliott, Dec. 21, 2005. The Thompson family resides in Kyle, TX, and Tim can be reached at Owen Turner, BA, and his wife, Julie, a son, Eli Phoenix, April 28, 2006. Eli joins sister, Olivia Grace, 3. The Turner family resides in Rockville, MD. Amy (Teconchuk) Yount, PharmD, and her husband, Michael, BSPh ’98/JD ’00, a daughter, Lindsay Helen, Nov. 10, 2006. Lindsay joins brother, Aidan, 4, and sister, Kathleen, 2. The Yount family resides in Carlisle, PA. 2000 Eric Allen, JD, and his wife, Jamie (Crisp), JD ’02, a daughter, Ila Kay, July 27, 2006. The Allen family resides in Columbus, OH, and can be reached at Dawn (Krueger) Cantalamessa, JD, and her husband, Enzo, a son, Enzo Giovanni, Dec. 22, 2006. The Cantalamesa family resides in Warren, OH. Carol (Rice) Collins, BSPh, and her husband, Bryan, BA ’99, a son, William Robert, July 31, 2006. William joins brother, Benjamin, 2. The Collins family resides in Derby, KS. Adah (Croy) Ellerbrock, BSBA, and her husband, Keith, a daughter, Haley Jean, Sept. 20, 2006. Haley joins sister, Emma Rae, 2. The Ellerbrock family resides in Findlay, OH, and Adah can be reached at Karen (Siebeneck) Fortman, BSPh, and her husband, Christopher, a son, Grant Christopher, Jan. 17, 2007. Grant joins sisters, Kyla, 4, and Kenzie, 3. The Fortman family resides in Kalida, OH. Brian Hattery, BSECE, and his wife, Jennifer, adopted twin daughters from Vietnam, Chloe Hoa and Aubrey Lan. The Hattery family resides in Kenton, OH. Nick Hershberger, BSCE, and his wife, Lorrain, a daughter, Lexis Makayla, Nov. 21, 2006. The Hershberger family resides in Wooster, OH. Franklin Holloway, Jr., JD, and his wife, Christina (Rakers), JD ’99, a daughter, Elizabeth Caroline, Dec. 21, 2006. The Holloway family resides in Dayton, OH. Aaron Sargeant, BS, and his wife, Andrea (Beaman), PharmD ’02, a daughter, Samantha Lynn, Dec. 5, 2005. The Sargeant family resides in Dublin, OH. Connor, Jacob and Braden Polen, the sons of Matt Polen ’98 ENG, and his wife, Renee (Sprague) ’98 PH. OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL Jacob Andrew Haney, the son of Cynthia (DeLong) Haney ’03 A&S, and her husband, David. Erin (Askren) Sorrell, BSCE, and her husband, Aaron, a daughter, Eleanora Rose, July 17, 2006. Eleanora joins sister, Evelyn, 6, and brother, Walter, 2. The Sorrell family resides in Bluffton, OH, and Erin can be reached at Rebecca (Curry) Whalen, BA, and her husband, Shawn, a daughter, Clara Jane, Dec. 26, 2006. The Whalen family resides in Erie, MI. Michael Yount, JD/BSPh ’98, and his wife, Amy (Teconchuk), PharmD ’99, a daughter, Lindsay Helen, Nov. 10, 2006. Lindsay joins brother, Aidan, 4, and sister, Kathleen, 2. The Yount family resides in Carlisle, PA. 2001 Erica (Cooper) Baker, BSPh/PharmD ’05, and her husband, Craig, BSPh ’02, a daughter, Claire Elizabeth, Oct. 18, 2006. Claire joins brother, Brendan, 4. The Baker family resides in Marysville, OH, and they can be reached at Melissa (Fulk) Davis, PharmD, and her husband, John, BSBA ’99, a son, Carter Michael, Aug. 4, 2006. The Davis family resides in Lancaster, OH. Stephanie (Hall) Ford, and her husband, Chris, a daughter, Caitlyn Christine, June 4, 2006. The Ford family resides in Washington Court House, OH. Ryan Garst, PharmD, and his wife, Jill, a daughter, Addison Mae, Aug. 14, 2006. The Garst family resides in Cuyahoga Falls, OH. Aaron Michael Ballentine, the son of Amanda (McMahon) Ballentine ’03 A&S, and her husband, Matthew ’03 A&S. SPRING 2007 Brian Grammel, BS, and his wife, Ellen, a son, Evan Michael, Sept. 28, 2006. Evan joins sister, Olivia, 2. The Grammel family resides in Fairfield, OH. Jennifer (Pawlowski) Holdcraft, PharmD, and her husband, Joel, a daughter, Emily Grace, March 12, 2006. Emily joins brother, Ethan, 2. The Holdcraft family resides in Holt, MI, and Jennifer can be reached at jennifer. Aimee (Roettker) Orians, BFA, and her husband, Kendall, BS ’01, a daughter, Michelle, March 22, 2006. The Orians family resides in Hilliard, OH. Amber (Dye) Ruth, BSPh, and her husband, Matthew, a daughter, MacKenzie Blane, March 2, 2006. The Ruth family resides in Upper Sandusky, OH. Terri (Spooner) Morgan, BS, and her husband, Grant, a daughter, Kennedy Marie, Jan. 18, 2007. The Morgan family resides in Parma, OH. Troy Welsch, BSBA, and his wife, Jaime (Brown), BSBA ’98, a son Trey Daniel, June 10, 2005. The Welsch family resides in Lima, OH. 2002 Jamie (Crisp) Allen, JD, and her husband, Eric, JD ’00, a daughter, Ila Kay, July 27, 2006. The Allen family resides in Columbus, OH, and Jamie can be reached at Craig Baker, BSPh, and his wife, Erica (Cooper), BSPh ’01, a daughter, Claire Elizabeth, Oct. 18, 2006. Claire joins brother, Brendan, 4. The Baker family resides in Marysville, OH, and they can be reached at John Basinger, BSME, and his wife, Alison (Rockhold), BA ’02, a daughter, Elizabeth Lois, Aug. 30, 2006. The Basinger family resides in Westerville, OH. Katie (Volle) Burton, BA, and her husband, Graham, a daughter, Lily Grace, Aug. 10, 2006. The Burton family resides in Bristol, England. Julie (Cress) Dennison, BSPh, and her husband, Chad, BFA ’02, a daughter, Kaylee Jo, Oct. 19, 2006. Kaylee joins brother, Owen, 2. The Dennison family resides in Tipp City, OH. Meghan (Frey) Elmore, BSPh, and her husband, Brian, BA ’95, a daughter, Zoe Octavia, Nov. 28, 2006. The Elmore family resides in Marysville, OH. Ryan Mezinger, BSPh, and his wife, Micheline, a daughter, Danielle Elizabeth, Jan. 15, 2007. The Mezinger family resides in Olmsted Township, OH. Marna Pyle-Trammell, JD, and her husband, Michael, a daughter, Summer Kelsey, July 5, 2006. Summer joins sister, Allicyn, 9, and brothers, William, 8, and Charles, 5. The family resides in Melrose, NM, and Marna can be reached at Andrea (Beaman) Sargeant, PharmD, and her husband, Aaron, BS ’00, a daughter, Samantha Lynn, Dec. 5, 2005. The Sargeant family resides in Dublin, OH. Heather (Mace) Sowers, BSPh, and her husband, Brian, a daughter, Kamryn Elizabeth, Aug. 1, 2006. The Sowers family resides in Clarksburg, OH. 2003 Amanda (McMahon) Ballentine, BA, and her husband, Matthew, a son, Aaron Michael, Nov. 5, 2006. The Ballentine family resides in Denville, NJ, and they can be reached at Caroline (Braddock) Bange, BA, and her husband, Philip, BA ’04, a daughter, Kira Jean, Nov. 28, 2006. The Bange family resides in Celina, OH, and can be reached at Charles Brosemer, Jr., BA, and his wife, Jennifer (Szajnowsky), BA ’04, a son, Trey Lewis, Sept. 14, 2006. The Brosemer family resides in Parma, OH. Cynthia (DeLong) Haney, BA, and her husband, David, a son, Jacob Andrew, Nov. 15, 2006. The Haney family resides in Harrod, OH. Nick MacDonald, BSPh, and his wife, Jennifer (Walters), PharmD ’05, a daughter, Avonelle Rose, March 24, 2006. The MacDonald family resides in Hamilton, OH. Emily Grace Holdcraft, the daughter of Jennifer (Pawlowski) Holdcraft ’01 PH, and her husband, Joel. Lily Grace Burton, the daughter of Katie (Volle) Burton ’02 A&S, and her husband, Graham. 2004 Philip Bange, BA, and his wife, Caroline (Braddock), BA ’03, a daughter, Kira Jean, Nov. 28, 2006. The Bange family resides in Celina, OH, and can be reached at Jennifer (Szajnowsky) Brosemer, BA, and her husband, Charles, BA ’03, a son, Trey Lewis, Sept. 14, 2006. The Brosemer family resides in Parma, OH. Elizabeth (Stierwalt) Seibert, PharmD, and her husband, Kevin, a son, Oliver Myles, Dec. 7, 2006. Oliver joins sister, Natalie, 2. The Seibert family resides in Archbold, OH. 2005 Erica (Cooper) Baker, PharmD/BSPh ’01 and her husband, Craig, BSPh ’02, a daughter, Claire Elizabeth, Oct. 18, 2006. Claire joins brother, Brendan, 4. The Baker family resides in Marysville, OH, and they can be reached at Jennifer (Walters) MacDonald, PharmD, and her husband, Nick, BSPh ’03, a daughter, Avonelle Rose, March 24, 2006. The MacDonald family resides in Hamilton, OH. Nathan Motter, BA, and his wife, Michelle, a daughter, Makayla Nikol, Dec. 15, 2005. The Motter family resides in Waynesfield, OH. Kamryn Elizabeth Sowers, the daughter of Brian and Heather (Mace) Sowers ’02 PH. Elizabeth Lois Basinger, the daughter of John Basinger ’02 ENG, and his wife, Alison (Rockhold) ’02 A&S. Claire Elaine Haney, the daughter of Denise (Farmer) Haney ’96 PH, and her husband, Kevin ’96 PH. 2006 Douglas Miller, JD, and his wife, Hannah, a son, Nathan, April 21, 2006. Alisha (Beatty) Stewart, BS, and her husband, Bryce, a daughter, Annabelle, March 2, 2006. Annabelle joins brother, Zachary, 4. The Stewart family resides in Monroeville, OH. Trey Louis Brosemer, the son of Jennifer (Szajnowsky) Brosemer ’04 A&S, and her husband, Charles BA ’03. 47 *O.FNPSJVN Friends of the University Barry Basinger, Leipsic, OH, Sept. 25, 2005. Barry worked for Maag’s Hotel and Tooman Painting in Leipsic, OH. He was a member of the Leipsic Eagles and he was a volunteer for St. Clare Helper of the Poor. He is survived by his wife, Sharon. Harriett (James) Blauser, San Antonio, TX, June 12, 2006. Harriett graduated from Trinity University and worked as an analyst for the U.S. Marshals Service in San Antonio, TX, until her retirement. She is survived by her husband of 55 years, Bill, BSPh ’51. Irene (Blake) Huguenin, Galion, OH, Dec. 30, 2006. Irene attended Ohio Northern University and graduated from Ohio University in Athens, OH. Before marriage, she taught in a one-room schoolhouse and went on to become a homemaker. She was an active member of First United Methodist Church for over 60 years. She is preceded in death by her husband, Victor, PH C ’33. Florence Humphreys, Delphos, OH, Jan. 6, 2006. Evelyn Jenkins, Ada, OH, Sept. 12, 2006. Born in Urbana, OH, Evelyn was a loyal supporter and dear friend of Ohio Northern University. She served the Office of Development as a gift recorder for over 18 years. Additionally, she worked at the Heterick Memorial Library, Sousley/Foucht Coal Co., King Lumber Co., and Heifner Lima Distributors. After her retirement, she worked for Carol Slane Florist in Ada, OH. She was a member, trustee and Sunday School teacher for the First United Methodist Church in Ada. She was a member of several organizations including The Business and Professional Women’s Association (charter member), The American Business Women’s Association, Delta Zeta sorority and Chapter 121 Order of Eastern Star. She was named The Distinguished Citizen of The Year in 2001. She is survived by her friends and family. Marjorie Kavanaugh, Cleveland, OH, Jan. 30, 2006. Marjorie was preceded in death by her husband, Paul, JD ’54. John A. Kramer, Ada, OH, Oct. 5, 2006. John graduated from Miami University and Ohio State University Medical School. He was a doctor in Ada, OH, from 1939-1990. He taught at Ohio Northern for three years and joined the Army as a flight surgeon in the European Theater during World War II. He was a member of the First Presbyterian Church of Ada, the ADA VFW Post #9381 and the American Legion Post #185. He was a former member of the Ada Rotary Club. He was preceded in death by his wife, Berneice. 48 Mildred McGilliard, Fox Island, Washington, July 1, 2004. Mildred was a librarian at Drew University and Lane Public Library. She was a member of the United Methodist Church and was a retreat leader for the West Ohio Methodist Conference. She is preceded in death by her husband, Stanley, DD ’67. Max McKitrick, Indianapolis, IN, June 3, 2006. Max received degrees from Wittenberg University, Ohio State University and University of Northern Colorado. He served in the Army Air Corps during World War II and was stationed in the European Theater. He taught at several universities including Ohio Northern University, Defiance College, West Liberty State College and Western Michigan University. He co-authored a series of books, the Contemporary Consumer Series. He is preceded in death by his wife, Nellie. Edith Painter, Burnsville, NC, Nov. 1, 2006. Edith is survived by her husband, Clyde, founding dean of the Ohio Northern University College of Business Administration. Larry Pickworth, Upper Arlington, OH, Jan. 9, 2007. Larry was a graduate of Georgetown College and Columbus State University. He received his doctor of chiropractic in 1985 from Life Chiropractic College in Atlanta, GA. He practiced for over 20 years at the Hilltop Chiropractic Center, Inc., in Columbus, OH. He is survived by his wife, Kathleen. Walter Plummer, Hilliard, OH, June 8, 2006. Walter served in the U.S. Army during World War II. During his career, he served as senior pastor at the United Methodist Churches of Broad St., Granger, Hilliard, Lakeside, Lancaster, Nova-Ruggles and Sunbury. After his retirement, he was a volunteer chaplain at Grant Hospital. He is preceded in death by his wife of 62 years, Betty. Robert Rittenhouse, Belle Center, OH, December 15, 2006. Known to many as “House,” Robert was a freshman general studies major and member of the Sigma Phi Epsilon Fraternity at Ohio Northern. He was a 2005 graduate of Ben Logan High School where he was the captain of the football team and a member of the National Honor Society. He is survived by his loving friends and family. Melvin “Pete” Rostorfer, Rushsylvania, OH, Nov. 18, 2006. Melvin worked as a farmer and shop foreman at the former Kenton Structural and Ornamental Iron Co. and as a maintenance man for Ohio Northern University. He retired from the Transportation Research Center of East Liberty. He is survived by his wife, Mary Evelyn (King), BSPh ’74. George Sagonowsky, Oakland, CA, Oct. 7, 2006. George was an associate professor of foreign languages emeritus. Brenda Scheckelhoff, Leipsic, OH, May 1, 2006. Brenda was a member of St. Mary’s Catholic Church in Leipsic, OH. She was a graduate of The University of Toledo. She is survived by her husband, Kirk, BSBA ’94, and children. Edith Smith, Colorado Springs, CO, Sept. 18, 2006. Edith was the beloved wife of the late Albert C. Smith, former pharmacy dean and professor at Ohio Northern University. She and Albert frequently opened their home to Ohio Northern pharmacy students. Edith was very active in university functions and worked for several years at Pepper Drugs. She was an advisor to Tau Kappa Kappa sorority, and was an honorary member of Alpha Xi Delta. She moved to Colorado Springs with her daughter and family in 1981. She served as a volunteer for 20 years in the country store at Silver Key. Shirley Snavely, Ada, OH, Dec. 13, 2006. Shirley retired from the Ohio Northern University Physical Plant after 33 years of service. Martha Sobers, Upper Sandusky, OH, Jan. 4, 2007. Martha received her teaching certificate from Bowling Green State University and taught second-grade for schools in Nevada, OH, and Grand Rapids, OH. She is preceded in death by her husband, Boyd, BA ’35. John Vayhinger, Liberty Heights, CO, June 11, 2006. John had a passion to counsel others. He was ordained into the Methodist Church and he served parishes in New York, Indiana, Denver and Connecticut. John is survived by his wife, Ruth. Roberta “Bobbie” (Ackerman) Walmer, Wooster, OH, Jan. 8, 2007. Bobbie served as a career counselor/placement director at several schools including Ohio Northern University, The College of Wooster, University of The South and Terra Community College. She is survived by her loving family. Joshua “JZ” Zickefoose, Findlay, OH, Jan. 4, 2007. JZ was a graduate of Ridgewood High School and he studied youth ministry at Ohio Northern. While at Northern, he was a member of Sigma Theta Epsilon fraternity and the Wesley Players. JZ is survived by his wife, Mandy (Wegman), who also attended Ohio Northern. Alumni 1931 Nye Grant, BSCE, Columbus, OH, May 12, 2006. Nye was a retired senior partner of Grant, Brundage & Stauffer, Ltd. He made considerable contributions to the planning and design for water treatment facilities in Columbus, OH, as well as other locations in Ohio. Nye obtained U.S. patents for numerous water treatment processes. His professional affiliations included the National Society of Professional Engineers and the Columbus Planning Commissions. He served as secretary, treasurer, vice president and president for the Central Ohio Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers. He is survived by his wife, Martha. Ralph Osborn, BSME, Bloomington, IL, Nov. 12, 2006. Ralph worked with the Department of Scientific Research and Development during World War II. He assisted with the development of the Proximity Fuse. Spanning his professional career, he was vice president of engineering for the Eureeka Company, vice president of engineering for Hoover Vacuum Cleaner Co., and president of Booth, Inc. After his retirement, Ralph devoted much of his time to Campus Crusade for Christ and Pay, Think, Act. He is preceded in death by his wife of 64 years, Ruth. 1932 Glenora (Tripp) Haboush, BA, Lomita, CA, May 14, 2006. Glenora was a member of the Ohio Northern French Club. She was a retired elementary school teacher. Aloysia (Erbaugh) Mumma, BSEd, Dayton, OH, Nov. 8, 2006. While at Northern, Aloysia was a member of the Northern Review and Alpha Phi Gamma. She taught for 25 years in the Dayton Public School System. She is preceded in death by her husband, Charles. 1933 Lois “Jean” (Judkins) Day, BA, Fulton, OH, Feb. 12, 2005. While at Northern, Jean was extremely active in several organizations. She was involved with Theta Phi Delta, Phi Beta Psi, Alpha Phi Gamma, Northern Review, intramural volleyball and the glee club. She served on the London School Board for 23 years. She is preceded in death by her husband, Robert, BSPh ’37. Gladys Reed, BA, Fuquay-Varina, NC, Nov. 6, 2006. Gladys was affiliated with Alpha Xi Delta and ONU Women. She was a retired teacher from Fairborn Baker High School in Fairborn, OH. OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL Robert Shumaker, PH C, Upper Sandusky, OH, Nov. 17, 2006. Robert was a retired pharmacist. He enjoyed spending time on his family farm which has been in existence since 1848. He was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Salem Township, OH. 1934 Ardys (Murray) Slaninka, AA, Swanton, OH, July 21, 2006. A native of Downs, KS, Ardys received degrees from Ohio Northern University and Bowling Green State University. She then furthered her studies at the University of Maryland. She taught at several schools, ultimately retiring from Swanton Junior High School after 39 years of teaching. She served for five years as the clerk of the Swanton Public Library Board, and was the clerk for the Village of Swanton for 12 years. Her professional affiliations included the National Education Association, the Ohio Education Association, the Ohio Council of Teacher’s of Math (life member), and Alpha Delta Kappa. She is preceded in death by her husband, Joseph. 1936 Robert Carlin, BSCHE, Tampa, FL, Nov. 25, 2006. Robert worked for the Oxford Corporation and Borden. He is preceded in death by his wife of 53 years, Nancy. LaDona (Church) Wellman, AA/ BSEd ’62, Cridersville, OH, Oct. 8, 2006. LaDona was an outstanding individual who displayed true dedication for Ohio Northern. LaDona was a retired teacher having taught at Cridersville Elementary Schools and Wapakoneta City Schools for 16 years, as well as Lima City Schools for two years. She was a member of the United Methodist Church, at which she served as a Sunday School teacher, missions chairman and superintendent. For 12 years, she was the local, district and conference secretary for the United Methodist Women in Lima, OH. She was a skilled porcelain artist, and she enjoyed teaching china painting at her retirement community. LaDona was a beloved member of the ONU Women’s Association and she was the first female president of the ONU Alumni Association. LaDona is preceded in death by her husband, Victor, BSCHE ’36. SPRING 2007 1938 1941 Paul Eley, BSEd, Merrillville, IN, Nov. 6, 2006. While at Northern, Paul was a member of several music groups including chorus, marching band, orchestra, symphonic band and Kappa Kappa Psi. He served with the U.S. Navy during World War II. Paul was a music teacher, insurance agent and financial planner. He was a founding partner with Eley-Graham Associates, past president of the Indiana Life Underwriters Association, and was named Hoosier Life Underwriter of the Year in 1982. He was an active member of the Marquette Park United Methodist Church for 49 years. He is survived by his wife of 67 years, Doris. Rudolph Kubasak, BSPh, Lorain, OH, Nov. 3, 2005. Rudolph served with the U.S. Navy as a lieutenant JG in the Pacific and Atlantic theaters during World War II. He was a retired pharmacist and co-owner of National Pharmacy in Lorain, OH. He was a member of the Lorain County Pharmaceutical Association. He is survived by his wife of 33 years, Geraldine. 1939 Kathryn (Schneider) McConnell, BSEd, Sarasota, FL, July 28, 2006. Kathryn was a member of Phi Chi (Delta Zeta) sorority. She spent her career as a librarian in Columbus, OH, and Sarasota, FL, area libraries. She is preceded in death by her husband, William. Charles Wilson, BSEd, Spring Lake, MI, Sept. 17, 2006. While at Northern, Charles was a member of the symphonic band and the tennis team. He had been a director of vocal and instrumental music for Hamler, Malinta and Rogers City Schools in Michigan. He was a member of Spring Lake Presbyterian Church in Spring Lake, MI, and a former member, elder and trustee of First Presbyterian Church in Napoleon, OH. He is survived by his wife, Florence. 1940 Thomas Parrino, AB, LLD ’73/ LLB ’42, Cleveland, OH, Nov. 6, 2006. While at Northern, Thomas was a member of Phi Kappa Theta fraternity and the Newman Club. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran of World War II. He was a retired judge of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals of Ohio and was widely known for his efforts in the famous “Sam Shepherd” case. He is preceded in death by his wife, Mary Angela. LaDonna (Campbell) Reagan, AA, Kettering, OH, Dec. 7, 2006. LaDonna was a retired music professor from Arkansas State College. She was a member of the Colonial Dames Society, the Daughters of the American Revolution, the Dayton Music Club, the Mayflower Descendants Society and Westminster Church. She is preceded in death by her husband, Delmar, BSME ’42. 1942 Thomas Parrino, LLB/LLD ’73/AB ’40, Cleveland, OH, Nov. 6, 2006. While at Northern, Thomas was a member of Phi Kappa Theta fraternity and the Newman Club. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran of World War II. He was a retired judge of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals of Ohio and was widely known for his efforts in the famous “Sam Shepherd” case. He is preceded in death by his wife, Mary Angela. 1944 Sol Light, BSME, Miami, FL, Oct. 10, 2006. While at Northern, Sol participated in ASME, Alpha Phi Gamma and the Northern Review. He enjoyed a successful professional career as a large textile equipment entrepreneur. Throughout his life, Sol was an avid baseball fan. His devotion to Ohio Northern will forever be remembered. He is survived by his loving family and friends. 1947 Eleanor (Messerly) Sonnet, BA, Ada, OH, Jan. 12, 2007. In addition to receiving a bachelor’s degree from Ohio Northern University, Eleanor was a 1939 graduate of St. Luke School of Nursing. She served as a registered nurse at Ohio Northern and was also a homemaker. She was a member of the First United Methodist Church in Ada, OH, and she is preceded in death by her husband, Bill. 1948 Arthur Conover, BA, Willow Valley Lakes, PA, Oct. 6, 2006. While at Northern, Arthur was a member of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. He served in the U.S. Navy during World War II, and he retired from General Electric Corporation in Philadelphia, PA, where he had been a chemical engineer for 36 years. He is survived by his wife of 60 years, Jean. James Hunt, JD, Lima, OH, Sept. 1, 2006. James was an attorney and partner with Hunt & Johnson in Lima, OH. During World War II, he was a major in the U.S. Infantry where he received a Bronze Star, a Bronze Arrowhead, The Distinguished Service Cross, a Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster, a Combat Infantry Badge and campaign ribbons with six battle stars. He was a Life Member and past president of the Lima Sertoma Club. He was a member of The Lima Shrine Club, Lodge 205 of The Free and Accepted Masons, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1275, American Legion Post 96 and The Lima Civil Service Board. He is preceded in death by his wife, Virginia. 1949 Eugene Beeler, BA, Fort Myers, FL, Oct. 28, 2006. Born in Shawnee Township, Eugene was an Army veteran of World War II. He was a certified public accountant and a founding member of Howard & Beeler, now known as Lentol, Violet Kienitz & Co., CPAs. After a successful accounting career, he relocated to Florida in 1981. His professional affiliations included the Rotary Club of Lima, OH, the Ohio Society of CPAs, and the Florida Society of CPAs. Henry Thad Bowers, LLB, New Philadelphia, OH, Oct. 24, 2006. After graduation, Henry became a partner at the current Bowers, Bowers & Mastin Law Firm and retired in 2005. He was a member of the American Bar Association for 57 years. He is survived by his loving wife, Ann. James Forsyth, BSME, Cleveland, OH, Jan. 31, 2001. James was a U. S. Army Veteran of World War II. He was a retiree of Gorman Lavell in Cleveland, OH, where he worked as an engineer and estimator. He is survived by his wife, Frances. Paul Sutton, BSCE, Myrtle Beach, SC, Oct. 10, 2006. While at Northern, Paul was a member Phi Mu Delta fraternity and ASCE. During World War II, he served as a drill instructor and with an engineering battalion for the U.S. Marine Corps in the Southwest Pacific area. Throughout his professional career, he worked with numerous Department of Defense agencies throughout the United States, Europe and Asia. He received the Meritorious Civilian Award and the Air Force Communications Service Manager of the Year Award. He was a 32nd degree Mason and a member of the National Society of Professional Engineers. He is preceded in death by his wife, Marcella. Earl Van Ho, BS/BSCE ’52, Sarasota, FL, Sept. 26, 2006. Earl was a member of the Ohio Northern marching band, Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity, American Society of Civil Engineers and Tau Beta Pi. He served with the U.S. Marine Corps in World War II. He was a civil engineer for the Transportation Department of Sarasota County. 49 1950 1952 1958 1962 Norma (Rath) Johnson, BSEd, Elyria, OH, Jan. 10, 2007. In her younger years, Norma was a member of Trick Brothers Accordion Institute and she performed on Toledo, OH, radio stations and at local events. While at Northern, she was a member of the Phi Chi (Delta Zeta) sorority, Panhellenic Council, chapel choir, chorus, marching band and symphonic band. She was a teacher in the Elyria, OH, area and following her retirement, she worked as an office manager at T.W. Johnson Chiropractic. She is survived by her husband, William, BSEd ’50. Irvin “Pete” Strayer, BSME, Spencerville, OH, Oct. 18, 2006. While at Northern, Pete was a brother of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity and the marching band. He served in the U.S. Army at the White Sands Proving Grounds in Las Cruces, NM. Throughout his professional career, he worked at Sheller Globe Corp., Airstream Inc., and S&S/Superior of Ohio Inc. He was also a consultant for Accubuilt Corp. He was a member of the Spencerville United Church of Christ, the Spencerville School Board and the Society of American Engineers. He is survived by his wife, Patricia. Earl Van Ho, BSCE/BS ’49, Sarasota, FL, Sept. 26, 2006. While at Northern, Earl was a member of the marching band, Delta Sigma Phi fraternity, American Society of Civil Engineers and Tau Beta Pi. He served with the U.S. Marine Corps in World War II. He was a civil engineer for the Transportation Department of Sarasota County. Hermann Knodt, BSPh, Columbus, OH, Dec. 30, 2006. While at Northern, Hermann was a member of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity, the World Student Organization and the American Students of Pharmacy. He was a minister in North Lewisburg, OH, a pharmacist/counselor at a methadone drug addiction clinic in Richmond, VA, the former chaplain at Wesley Glen Retirement Community and a retired chaplain of Grant Medical Center. He is survived by his wife, Sarah. Donald McCoy, BSPh, Fostoria, OH, Nov. 19, 2006. While at Northern, he was a member of Delta Sigma Phi fraternity. He served in the U.S. Army and was a pharmacist for the North Side Pharmacy, Edison’s Drug Store and Rite Aid. He was a member of the Fostoria American Legion. He is survived by his wife, Marilyn. Mary Jo (Basinger) Skorupski, BSEd, Spencerville, OH, Feb. 4, 2007. Mary Jo was a member of Delta Zeta, chorus and Panhellenic Council. She was a retired elementary school teacher and she was certified in developmental handicap education. She is preceded in death by her husband, John. Bettie (Manahan) Brown, BSEd, Lima, OH, Jan. 17, 2007. A native of Beaverdam, OH, Bettie was a retired fifth grade teacher and media specialist. She taught for 22 years at Maplewood and Elmwood Elementary Schools. She was a devoted member of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Cridersville, OH, and served as chairwoman of The Ruth Circle and superintendent of Sunday School. Her professional affiliations included the Delta Kappa Gamma Honorary sorority and The Ohio and National Education Associations. She is preceded in death by her husband, Dale. Gypsy (Johnson) Chandler, BSEd, Woodstock, OH, Aug. 5, 2006. Gypsy was born in Lawrence County, KY, and went on to become an elementary school teacher. She taught at Champaign Schools, Cable, Graham and ultimately retired from Mechanicsburg Elementary Schools. She is preceded in death by her husband, Ervin. Thelma LaVonne Little, BSEd, Lima, OH, Dec. 8, 2006. Thelma, a 1935 graduate of the Lima Memorial Hospital Nursing Program, practiced nursing before working as a teacher for the Lima City School District. 1951 Harry Banks, BSME, Elida, OH, Nov. 9, 2006. Harry was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II. He was retired from General Dynamics and also worked for Westinghouse Electric Corporation. His memberships included the American Legion Post 96, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks Lodge 54 and Springbrook Golf Club. He is survived by his wife, Dorothy. Edward DuFresne, BA, Huron, OH, Sept. 30, 2006. Edward was an auditor for the State of Ohio for 30 years, ultimately retiring in 1997. He was a U.S. Army veteran of World War II, an active member of the Erie County Democratic Party and the treasurer of the Erie Huron Chapter of AFSCME. He is survived by his beloved wife of 59 years, Rose. Charles Lonsinger, BSPh, Mount Vernon, OH, Jan. 28, 2007. Charles served with the U.S. Navy in the Hospital Corps during World War II. He was stationed in various locations including Oakland, CA, Melville, RI, and the Philippines. After the war, he purchased and operated Lynn Pharmacy in Utica, OH, and a branch in Danville, OH, until he retired in 1996. He was a member of the Aladdin Shrine, the Utica and Licking County Shrine Clubs, the Valley of the Columbus Scottish Rite, the Ohio Lodge 199 F&AM and the Utica American Legion Post 92. He is survived by his wife, Mary Jane. 50 1953 Nathan “Ned” Halpert, BSPh, Cleveland, OH, Aug.21, 2006. Ned was a self-employed business owner of Scott’s Super Discount in Brunswick, OH, for 38 years. Ned is preceded in death by his wife, Marilyn. 1955 D. Ross Irons, BSPh/ HOF ’90, Bellevue, OH, July 2, 2006. While at Northern, Ross participated in football, outdoor track, intramurals, chorus and yearbook. He was a brother of Kappa Psi fraternity. After graduation, he attended Oberlin College and ultimately completed his graduate work in anatomy at Ohio State University College of Medicine. He was the active chief of surgery and past chairman of the board and cancer liaison physician at Bellevue Hospital. Additionally, he was a consulting staff member at six additional hospitals and medical centers. His professional affiliations included the Bellevue Rotary Club, the Fellow American College of Surgeons, the American Medical Association, the Huron Medical Society and the Sandusky County Medical Society. He was a past president of the Ohio State Medical Association, the Bellevue Hospital medical staff, the Bellevue Development Corporation and the Ohio American College of Surgeons. He was a trustee of the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce and the Clyde Development Corporation. He is survived by his beloved wife, Linda. James Reardon, LLB, McDonald, OH, Nov. 25, 2006. James was a veteran of the U.S. Army and a retiree of Allstate Insurance. He is survived by his wife, Alice. 1957 Ted Hakes, BSEd, Monroe, IN, Jan. 6, 2006. Howard Merrill, BA, Xenia, OH, Oct. 30, 2006. He was retired from General Electric and was a member of Faith Community United Methodist Church. He is survived by his wife of 55 years, Betty. 1959 Ned Smith, BSPh, Philippi, WV, Nov. 16, 2006. Ned was a member of Phi Delta Chi fraternity. He served as a staff sergeant with the U.S. Air Force during the Korean conflict. He was an owner, pharmacist and operator of Smith’s Drug Store and a part-owner of Davis Drug Store. He was past master of the Bigelow Lodge 52 AF&AM, a 32nd degree mason and the past president of Red Fezz Patrol. He belonged to the Tygart Valley Shrine Club and the Osiris Shrine. He is preceded in death by his wife, Anabel. 1961 John Sausser, JD, Findlay, OH, Oct. 6, 2006. Born in New Mexico, John became a popular resident of Findlay, OH, and he was the chairman and executive officer of Sausser Steel Co. He served three successful terms as the mayor of Findlay and also served on Findlay City Council. He is preceded in death by his wife, Winona. Robert Wingerter, BSEd, Canton, OH, Nov. 20, 2006. Robert was employed by Diebold for 20 years and also worked for the Canton City Schools as a teacher at the Multi-County Juvenile Detention Center. He was a member of the North Canton Elks. Robert is survived by his wife, Sharon. 1963 Marion Link, BSEd, Lakeland, FL, June 24, 2006. Born in Kankakee, IL, Marion spent her professional career as an elementary school teacher. She is preceded in death by her husband, William. 1965 Emma Fuller, BSEd, Lampasas, TX, Sept. 3, 2006. Emma was a retired teacher. Kathryn Klosterman, BSEd, St. Marys, OH, April 2, 2006. 1968 Patricia “Pat” Bowers, BSEd, Spencerville, OH, Jan. 17, 2007. Pat taught kindergarten and special education at Spencerville Schools in Spencerville, OH, and special education at Franklin Elementary in Delphos, OH. She worked for Meijer for five years. She was a member of the Ohio Education Association and a life member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6772 Auxiliary. She is preceded in death by her husband, Harold. OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL 1971 1977 1983 1997 Carol (Wilson) Godwin, BSEd, Babson Park, FL, May 15, 2006. While at Northern, Carol was a member of Kappa Delta Pi and Phi Kappa Phi. After graduation, she taught at West School in St. Marys, OH, and in 1973, she was named the Outstanding Young Educator by the St. Marys School System. Carol received a master’s degree from Bowling Green State University (BGSU) in 1975. Throughout her professional career, she was the dean of student activities at Webber College and the director of off campus programs for the education department at BGSU. After retirement, she was a homemaker. She is survived by her husband, Royce. Albert Smith, BA, Harrod, OH, Jan. 28, 2007. Albert was a retired superintendent of quality control from Ford Motor Co. Lima Engine Plant. He was a member of Harrod Christian Church and The Harrod Village Council. He is survived by his wife, Betty. William Tracy Jr., BSME, Forest, OH, Nov. 26, 2006. William served in the U.S. Air Force at Edwards and Wright Patterson Air Force Bases, respectively. He was a retired civilian engineer of Eglin Air Force Base. He was a quality, project and engineering manager for Buckeye Machine Fabricators, Inc. in Forest, OH. He is survived by his wife, Gale. Lars Runnerstrom, BA/ JD ’80, Denver, CO, Nov. 13, 2006. While at Northern, Lars was a member of the Sigma Pi Fraternity and Phi Alpha Theta. He was an attorney for Fleming, Pattridge & Runnerstrom. He is survived by his wife, Mary Karen “Katy” (Maldonado), JD ’80. Nathan Albright, JD, Hardinsburg, VA, Aug. 17, 2006. Born in Hebron, NE, he was an accomplished percussionist by the age of 12. After graduating from Ohio Northern, Nathan worked for the National Labor Relations Board in several locations including Washington, D.C., Baltimore, MD, and Las Vegas, NV. He was a loyal volunteer of Habitat for Humanity. He is survived by his wife, Jennifer Corry, JD ’83. Jonathan “Jon” Bick, BSBA, Oregon, OH, Oct. 19, 2006. Jon was a 1992 graduate of Clay High School. While at Northern, Jon was a member of the football team and Phi Kappa Theta fraternity. In 1996, he was rewarded for his efforts on the football team by being named the offensive team captain, All OAC Offensive Center Selection and All-Star Team Selection. After graduation, Jon taught with the Toledo Public Schools and was most recently employed by Meadows Choice Community School. He will forever be remembered for his love for the Chicago Bears. He is survived by his parents, Gerald and Ellin, sister, Kim, and numerous family and friends. 1973 Lois (Miller) Merrill, BSEd, Manitou Beach, MI, Sept. 5, 2006. While at Northern, Lois was a member of the Delta Zeta sorority. She was a teacher for Addison Elementary School and a member of the Michigan Education Association. She is survived by her husband, Mark, BA ’71. Thomas Parrino, LLD/LLB ’42/AB ’40, Cleveland, OH, Nov. 6, 2006. While at Northern, Thomas was a member of Phi Kappa Theta fraternity and the Newman Club. He was a U.S. Air Force veteran of World War II. He was a retired judge of the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals of Ohio and was widely known for his efforts in the famous “Sam Shepherd” case. He was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Angela. SPRING 2007 1978 James Dasher, BA, Evansville, IN, Jan. 27, 2007. While at Northern, James was a member of Sigma Theta Epsilon and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. During his 25 year career with Whirlpool, James received nine patents. He was a member of the local Porsche Club. He is survived by his wife, Marie. 1979 James Ansley, JD, Kenton, OH, Oct. 31, 2006. He was an attorney with Reed, Hanna, Ansley and Neville. He belonged to the First United Methodist Church and the Hardin County Bar Association. He was a former treasurer for the Red Cross. He is survived by his wife, Annette. 1980 1994 Charles Heller, Jr., HON, Canton, OH, Sept. 9, 2006. A native of Teaneck, NJ, Charles served in the U.S. Air Force during the Korean War. He received degrees from several institutions including Rutgers University, University of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He was awarded an honorary doctor of business administration from Ohio Northern University in 1994. He was employed by American Electric Power, and was the president of Ohio Power Company, retiring after 37 years of service. He was a Life Trustee of Ohio Northern, and during his active years, he was head of the finance committee and became vice president of the board. Charles is survived by his wife, Helen. 2001 Kevin Barnhill, BS, Cincinnati, OH, Aug. 26, 2006. Kevin was a 1997 graduate of Little Miami High School. During his time at Ohio Northern, he was a member of the men’s basketball team. He was employed as a ticket operations accountant with the Cincinnati Reds. He is survived by his father, William, mother, Barbara, and brother, Will. Lars Runnerstrom, JD/BA ’77, Denver, CO, Nov. 13, 2006. While at Norther, Lars was a member of the Sigma Pi fraternity and Phi Alpha Theta. He was an attorney for Fleming, Pattridge & Runnerstrom. He is survived by his wife, Mary Karen “Katy” (Maldonado), JD ’80. 1981 Linda (Maki) Elliott-Horton, BA, Painesville, OH, Nov. 9, 2006. While at Northern, Linda was a member of Alpha Omicron Pi, Tau Beta Sigma and the symphonic band. She was employed as a project manager for Progressive Insurance and was an active member of the Kantele Players of Lake Erie. She and her husband, Harvey, were heavily involved with the Finnish Community. 51 4$)0-"34)*13&$0(/*5*0/ %":"-6./**/5&37*&8&34 Several very dedicated alumni traveled back to Northern to serve on interview panels for the 2007 Scholarship Recognition Days. The alumni were paired with a current Ohio Northern student, as well as a faculty/staff member to interview numerous scholarship candidates. Thus far, The Office of Admissions has recruited a wealth of top-notch students! We would like to thank the following alumni for their hard work and dedication at the 2007 Scholarship Recognition Days: (* A very special THANK YOU to Rod Thompson for interviewing five times!) Alisa (Dentinger) Agozzino, BA ’01 Rob Alexander, BA ’94 Jeff Allison, BSPh ’71/Pharm D ’95 Nancy Allison, BA ’73 Luke Braun, BSBA ’05 Kim Broedel-Zaugg, BSPh ’81 Dawn Brooks, BS ’93 Inara Brubaker, BS ’59 Jessica Budkowski, Pharm D ’03 Nancy Byrd, BA ’73 Kevin Caldwell, BSME ’06 Becky (Harnishfeger) Casey, BM ’85 Dave Clemans, BSCE ’63 John Cole, BS ’05 Eric Davis, BA ’94 Shawn Domer, BSCPE ’04 Ann Donnelly, BA ’99 Mike Edie, BSME ’98 Rose Endreola, BS ’04 Tiffany Ferry, BA ’06 Maggie Gerber, BSBA ’06 Patricia (Patterson) Gott, BSEd ’65 Carol Gramm, BA ’76 Bruce Hammond, BA ’01 Jodi Hassan, BFA ’93 Dennis Herr, BSEE ’73 April (LeVan) Hodge, BA ’93 Sandy Hrometz, BSPh ’94 Denise (Zucker) Iams, BA ’73 Steve Kochheiser, BA ’06 Sarah (Wheeler) Kolks, BA ’04 Laurie (Kahl) Laird, BSME ’86 Kevin Liesner, BSME ’84 Tiffany Lyon, BSBA ’06 52 Judy MaGaw, BA ’77 Ryan Malany, BA ’05 Jed Marquart, BSME ’80 Eric Martin, BSCE ’81 Brett Mason, BSEE ’86 Cheryl (McCain) Mason, BA ’86 Rachael Mathes, BA ’05 Bob McCurdy, BSPh ’65 Myrna (Woodward) McCurdy, BA ’66 Melissa Metheney, BS ’98 Mike Milks, BSPh ’76 Danielle (Verone) Murray, BA ’01 Deirdre (Mozdy) Myers, BSPh ’83 Randall Myers, BSPh ’81 Patricia Parteleno, BSPh ’90/Pharm D ’96 Peter Previte, JD ’73 Keith Richards, BSEd ’70 Michael Rider, BA ’71 Andy Roecker, Pharm D ’00 Brit Rowe, BFA ’93 Helen Ruhlen, BSEd ’69 Randy Scheid, BSCE ’04 Sarah (Miller) Schwab, BSME ’02 Jessica Scott, BSCE ’06 William Sherry, BA ’68 Jon Smalley, BSCE ’71 Brandon Steele, BS ’04 Justin Stiles, BSCE ’05 Roy Stype, BSEE ’78 Ranjiv Subramaniam, BA ’00 Dana Swaney, BA ’03 Keith Thomas, BSBA ’98 Rod Thompson, BA ’69 Mindi Wells, BSBA ’95/JD ’98 Dexter Woods, BA ’79/JD ’82/BSBA ’06 Laura (Reinhart) Wright, BSCE ’02 Phil Wright, BSCE ’01 Sharyn Zembower, BA ’05 Andy Roecker ’00 PH/assistant professor of pharmacy, interviews a scholarship candidate. OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL 8IBUT/FX -OVEDLATELY#HANGEDJOBS"EENPROMOTED2ECEIVEDANAWARD 3AIDh)DOv(OWABOUTTHATNEWBABY (ELPKEEPUSANDOTHERALUMNIUPTODATEONYOURACCOMPLISHMENTS 0LEASECOMPLETETHEFORMBELOWANDMAILTO/FlCEOF!LUMNI!FFAIRS /HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITY!DA/HIO /RSENDEMAILTOADONNELLY ONUEDUORFAXTO /RlLLOUTTHEFORMELECTRONICALLYATHTTPWWWONUALUMNICOM .AME)NCLUDE-AIDEN???????????????????????????????????????????????????#LASS??????????9EAR????????$EGREE?????????? (OME!DDRESS??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? #ITY ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 3TATE???????????:IP???????????????? 4ELEPHONE???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? EMAILADDRESS??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 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SPRING 2007 53 Fold this side in first Please fold along dotted line so that ONU address and postage appear OFFICE OF ALUMNI AFFAIRS OHIO NORTHERN UNIVERSITY 525 S MAIN ST ADA, OH 45810-9989 Please fold along dotted line so that ONU address and postage appear 54 Fold this side in second and tape OHIO along edge NORTHERN UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL William L. Robinson Young Alumni Award 4HE7ILLIAM,2OBINSON9OUNG!LUMNI!WARDESTABLISHEDON-AYWASCREATEDTO HONORANDRECOGNIZEYEARSOFINmUENCING/HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITYSTUDENTSANDTOENSURETHAT THISLEGACYCONTINUESTHROUGHOUTTHENEXTYEARS4HEANNUALRECIPIENTDEMONSTRATESPASSIONAND LOYALTYTOWARDTHEIRPROFESSIONCOMMUNITYANDALMAMATER/HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITY s s s s 4HEALUMNAALUMNUSMUSTHAVEGRADUATEDWITHINTHELASTYEARSFROM /HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITY 4HEINDIVIDUALMAYREPRESENTANYCOLLEGEOFTHEUNIVERSITYGRADUATEORUNDERGRADUATE /NEFEMALEANDONEMALEMAYBESELECTEDPERYEAR 4HESELECTEDINDIVIDUALSWILLBECHOSENBYTHESELECTIONCOMMITTEEANDHONOREDAT /.5S(OMECOMING s !NYPERSONAFlLIATEDWITH/.5MAYNOMINATETHEINDIVIDUALBYSENDINGALETTEROFREFERENCEANDANY AVAILABLEINFORMATIONIERESUMEONTHEINDIVIDUALALONGWITHTHENOMINATIONFORMWHICHMAYBEFOUNDAT WWWONUALUMNICOMAWARDSHTMLORITWILLBEMAILEDTOTHENOMINATORBYCALLING/.5!,5- ./-).%%??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? $%'2%%????????????????????????????????????? #,!339%!2 ??????????????????????? 9/52.!-%????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? !$$2%33 ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? $!94)-%0(/.%?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 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Plan to bring your family and meet friends at one of the top amusement parks in the country. Adults Children 4-up, under 48” tall Seniors 62+ Children 3 and under $28.00 $11.95 $11.95 FREE THE NEW MAVERICK WILL RUSTLE UP RIDERS IN 2007 Cedar Point will take guests to a new frontier in 2007. The historic amusement park/resort has announced plans for a new roller coaster for summer named Maverick. Located in Frontiertown, Maverick will treat riders to multiple terrainhugging elements that have never been experienced on a Cedar Point roller coaster. HOMECOMING Honoring the classes of 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, and 2002 MAGAZINE AND ALUMNI JOURNAL /HIO.ORTHERN5NIVERSITY !DA/HIO