Great Meadows - Dievert Sales Service!
Great Meadows - Dievert Sales Service!
G Great Meadows AA Angus Association Fall Festival sale volume Xiv Saturday - October 24th, 2015 1pm - EDT Sale location: Heritage Farm • Shelbyville, Kentucky Sellling 139 Head ~ 106 Lots 37 Bulls • 26 Open Heifers • 16 Bred Heifers 33 Cows/27 Calves • 44 Embryos • 165 Straws of Semen GMaa Fall Festival Sale Females LOT 1 LOT 3 HERITAGE 7008 TEN X 466 LOT 6 LOT 5 HERITAGE 7008 TEN X 471 LOT 7 HERITAGE MYTTY IN FOCUS 451 LOT 8 HERITAGE PROPHET 455 G AA LOT 24 BURKS 545Z ELBA 694B LOT 38 LOT 54A LOT 25 BURKS 591Z JUANADA 692B LOT 54B LOT 62 CLIFFSIDES E123 2328 HERITAGE 7283 PRIORITY 468 BURKS 554 PHANTASIA 487Y BURKS 591Z JUANADA 692B LOT 55 HERITAGE W34 WAYLON 07 BURKS 554 PHANTASIA 566Z LOT 63 HILL RISE LADY 0123 BOBO LUCY 2508 Great meadows angus association Fall Festival sale volume Xiv saturday - october 24th, 2015 - 1:00 pm Heritage Farms 1024 Hinkle lane • shelbyvile, Ky Selling: 37 Bulls • 26 Open Heifers • 16 Bred Heifers 33 Cows/27 Calves • 44 Embryos • 165 Straws of Semen Schedule of Events Friday, Oct. 23rd - 5:00 pm Saturday, Oct. 24th - 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm GREAT MEADOWS ANGUS ASSOC. OFFICERS Paul Bradshaw, President........................(502) 817-7502 4907 Fible Lane • Crestwood, KY 40014 Jeffrey Straley, Vice-President................(270) 403-3045 7345 Old Lebanon Rd • Campbellsville, KY 42718 Pam Dockery, Secretary P.O. Box 1552 • Shelbyville, KY 40066 Earl Lord, Treasurer...................................(502) 222-5242 3620 Red Oak Dr • LaGrange, KY 40031 T he members of the Great Meadows Angus Association, the consignors to this sale, and the entire sale staff wish to offer their sincere appreciation to the 29 commercial sponsors which are listed throughout this catalog. Please patronize these businesses throughout the year and thank them for their continued support of this sale. Many of the sponsors will have tables set up at the sale and we will be auctioning the semen which is being donated by the AI companies and farms. Join us on Friday evening for a preview of the sale cattle and refreshments. AUCTIONEER SALE DAY PHONES Eddie Burks - Park City, Kentucky (270) 991-6398 •(270) 678-9007 (859) 238-3195 (502) 655-0164 Viewing of cattle, refreshments & entertainment, Program “Outta the Blue” Bluegrass Family Band - Knoxville, TN Viewing of cattle & silent auction Lunch Sale SALE MANAGER: TIM DIEVERT 478 Dry Fork Rd •Danville, KY 40422 Office: 859.236.4591 • Mobile: 859.238.3195 Logan Goggin: 859.516.3199 Like us on Facebook at RINGMEN Alex Tolbert...........................................Am. Angus Assoc. Frankfort, KY..............................................(706) 338-8733 Chuck Grove.........................................Special Assignment Forest, VA..................................................(816) 390-6600 Mark Murphy.....................................................Ringman New Paris, OH...........................................(937) 459-2530 Matt Jackson.....................................................Ringman New Castle, KY........................................(502) 667-0142 online at WWW.GReatMeaDoWSanGUS.coM Great meadows anGus association G AA Fall FeStival Sale, volUMe Xiv SatURDay - octobeR 24, 2015 - 1pM HeRitaGe FaRM• 1024 HinKle lane • SHelbyville, Ky the EPDs of the sire & the dam, & consequently the registration certificate issued may not show an EPD for the individual animal or embryo. Registration Certificates: A transferred registration certificate will be provided for each animal that sells. AI Certificates: NO AI certificates will be furnished for females bred to bulls not owned by the seller. Genetic Defects: Each animal in the sale will have a current status for AM, CA, NH & DD listed in this catalog or an update sheet which will be available sale day if that status has changed since the publication of the catalog. GMAA is now accepting cattle into sales regardless of their genetic defect status as long as they are registered with the American Angus Association. Potential carriers are denoted with a “P” in back of the notation of the genetic defect of which they are a potential carrier, ie. AMP, CAP, DDP, NHP. The absence of any such notations means the animal is not regarded as a potential carrier because of the pedigree. Liability: Neither the Great Meadows Angus Association, the sellers, the sale managers, nor any other person connected with the sale assumes any liability - legal or otherwise. Terms & Conditions: This sale is being conducted under the current suggested sale terms & conditions adopted by the American Angus Association. Except for those stated in the terms & conditions, there are no warranties, either expressed or implied, as to merchantability of fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the cattle being sold in this auction. The warranties and guarantees set forth in the “Terms & Conditions” are in lieu of all other warranties, either expressed or implied & the remedies provided therein shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the buyer (or any party claiming through buyers) for any breach of warrantee or guarantee therein provided and all other obligations or liabilities. Copies of the Association Terms & Conditions will be available at the clerk’s desk at sale or online at Food & Refreshments: A complimentary lunch prepared by the Shelby County Cattlemen's Association will be served prior to the sale. Come early, view the cattle, silent auction items, and visit with fellow producers, enjoy lunch and be ready for the sale at 1:00 sharp. Sale Location: HERITAGE FARM, 1024 HINKLE LANE, SHELBYVILLE, KY 40065 - 8 miles north of Shelbyville or 10 miles south of LaGrange on Hwy 53 (at the 16 mile marker), then 1 mile west on Hinkle Lane. Watch for signs. Trucks with trailers will need to use the second Heritage Farm entrance. (see map on page 26) Lot Numbers: The tags on animals will correspond with the lot numbers in the catalog. Ear tags on calves at the side of dam correspond with the dam’s number. Health Papers: Each lot will have an individual health certificate. Out of state buyers should be aware of any special requirements and/or permits of their respective states. Dr. Melissa Mitchell will be present to assist with reconsignment of health papers. Delivery: Consignors will help with trucking arrangements as much as possible. Cattle need to be moved as soon as possible after the sale. Please make arrangements accordingly. Insurance: Insurance is available on all cattle selling. Please notify clerks at time of settlement if insurance is desired. All purchases become the risk of purchaser as soon as sold. Settlement: Satisfactory settlement (payment in full unless prior arrangements have been made) must be made with the clerks prior to the movement of any purchases from the sale facilities. EPDs: The EPDs printed in this catalog were taken from the American Angus Association website approximately 5-6 weeks prior to sale date. EPDs are now updated weekly by the American Angus Association, so current EPDs may vary from the EPD printed in the catalog. If printed EPD is denoted as estimated, the EPD was derived by averaging “Outta the Blue” Friday night @ 5:00 - join the fun! This Bluegrass Family Band will perform at the pre-sale gathering on Friday evening at Heritage Farms. Don't miss this time of good food, good fellowship, good entertainment, a preview of the sale cattle, and the best part is it is all lcomplimentary of Great Meadows Angus Association and Heritage Farm. BE THERE! SILENT AUCTION Silent Auction items with bid sheets will be on display prior to the sale. Bidding will close near the conclusion of the sale and successful bidders will be announced after the sale. Fore more information or to donate an auction item, please contact Myla Edwards, Judy Jackson, or Tracie Jackson. GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV 2 HeritaGe Farm open HeiFers: lots 1 tHru 12 Lot 1 - Heritage 7008 Ten x 466 1 HERITAGE 7008 TEN X 466 Open Heifer 9/19/2014 466 18010527 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # MYTTY IN FOCuS A A R TEN X 7008 S A # A A R LADY KELTON 5551 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 15719841 S A V ADAPTOR 2213 + H S A F LADY KELTON 504B # S S TRAVELER 6807 T510 S S MISS RITA R011 7R8 MAPLECREST FOREVERLADY K0235 +MAPLECREST FOREVER LADY A622 +16923166 # G A R PREDESTINED + MAPLECREST FOREVER LADY S301 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B Lot 3 - Heritage 7008 Ten x 471 14 -.5 69 125 12 25 1.34 .61 .013 81.30 82.76 50.41 3 2 Open Heifer 9/1/2014 # MYTTY IN FOCuS A A R TEN X 7008 S A # A A R LADY KELTON 5551 #SITz DASH 10277 D & D LUCY 512 D & D LuCY 347D 452 18010513 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 15719841 S A V ADAPTOR 2213 + H S A F LADY KELTON 504B #SITz uPWARD 307R + SITz EVERELDA ENTENSE 2665 17550744 #S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 # D&D LuCY 264D CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B Open Heifer 10/1/2014 18010532 # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 A A R TEN X 7008 S A 15719841 # A A R LADY KELTON 5551 # SITz uPWARD 307R HEDGEWOOD BLACKBIRD 140 RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD u195 164.64 471 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # MYTTY IN FOCuS •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: WW, YW, MARB, $W 1%, CED, $F , $B 2% •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 60, WW 565, •A direct maternal descendent of the foundation Forever Lady, 159GDAR. •OPEN HERITAGE 7008 TEN X 452 HERITAGE 7008 TEN X 471 S A V ADAPTOR 2213 + H S A F LADY KELTON 504B #CONNEALY ONWARD SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M +17614390 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 +RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD 3438 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 4 2.3 69 126 7 31 .87 .78 .002 78.77 86.92 42.63 174.88 •5 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: WW YW $W $F $B 1%, MILK $G 2% •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 68, WW 634 (107) •These Ten X daughters that sale as lots 1 – 4 are outstanding individuals and have numbers that would be hard to surpass. •OPEN Heritage 7008 Ten x 311 8 .7 66 115 8 26 1.12 .72 .027 77.90 72.87 47.51 150.95 •7 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: $W 1%, WW YW MARB 3%, $F $B 10% •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 73, WW 670 (113) •This pedigree combines the maternal influence of the Countess, Everelda Entense and Lucy families •OPEN Record setting female in the 34 year history of GMAA Sales - A daughter of Ten X 3 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV Fall Festival sale volume Xiv - october 24, 2015 4 A A R Ten x 7008 SA BJF LUCY 4906 Open Heifer 9/10/2014 4906 18021690 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # MYTTY IN FOCuS A A R TEN X 7008 S A # A A R LADY KELTON 5551 #+ H A IMAGE MAKER 0415 BJF LUCY 1137 # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 15719841 S A V ADAPTOR 2213 + H S A F LADY KELTON 504B #HERO 6267 OF R R 2418 H A RITO BLACKCAP 9038 17229522 HERITAGE 5664 MANDAN 918 #+ S A V MANDAN 5664 CCF LuCY 508 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 4 1.6 57 109 7 29 .85 .67 .011 64.80 68.55 40.64 166.48 •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: CW $B 2% , $W 4%, YW MILK $G 10 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 73, WW 518, •The open heifers offered in this Fall Festival Sale would be great additions to any herd in the Angus business. •OPEN Daughters sell as lots 1,2, 3, 4, 14a, 14b, 14c, 32a, 32b, 32c. 5 Lot 5 - Heritage W34 Waylon 07 HERITAGE W34 WAYLON 07 Open Heifer 9/7/2014 07 18070076 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY + GAR-EGL PROTEGE BALDRIDGE WAYLON W34 BALDRIDGE BLACKCAP T163 #SITz uPWARD 307R HEDGEWOOD ISABEL 196 + HVR ISABEL 0768 #+ RITO 1I2 OF 2536 RITO 6I6 L B 6807 ISABEL 339 16476949 #+ WOODHILL FORESIGHT BALDRIDGE BLACKCAP P326 # CONNEALY ONWARD SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M +17614400 # G A R PREDESTINED + CIRCLE S ISABEL P4537 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B -4 4.5 69 123 6 32 1.04 .76 .049 58.76 81.02 40.97 167.23 •5 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: WW YW 1, MILK $F $B 2, •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 75, WW 664(112), •With a WW of 73 and a YW of 32, $F of 97.00 and $B of 198.70, Waylon has secured a spot as one of the top performance sires of the breed. In addition his carcass numbers rank in the • OPEN top 1 or 2% of the breed. Lot 6 - Heritage Mytty in Focus 451 6 HERITAGE MYTTY IN FOCUS 451 Open Heifer 8/24/2014 451 # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY IN FOCUS MYTTY COuNTESS 906 R5 MONuMENT 087 T C F BURGESS Z104 BRIDGEVIEW BuRGESS 1011 # S A F FAME G D A R FOREVER LADY 246 #13880818 [RDF] # SITz ALLIANCE 6595 BALDRIDGE COuNTESS 357 # TC ABERDEEN 759 KMD LASS 54 17515425 # G A R uLTIMATE BRIDGEVIEW BuRGESS 833 •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: $W 10% •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 75, WW 679 (115) •A daughter of In Focus, a long time leading sire at ABS. •OPEN GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV 4 18010512 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 5 .5 58 104 7 28 .36 .54 .022 63.24 59.35 25.77 111.46 HeritaGe Farm - sHelbyville, KentucKy Lot 7 - Heritage Prophet 455 7 HERITAGE PROPHET 455 Open Heifer 9/9/2014 455 18010516 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 G A R PROPHET # B A R EXT TRAVELER 205 CRA LADY JAYE 608 498 S EASY +16295688 +G A R OBJECTIVE 1885 #+B/R NEW FRONTIER 095 CCF LUCY 508 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 G A R 1407 NEW DESIGN 2232 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 WHITE FENCE PRIDE H1 15472484 #A A R NEW TREND THOMAS LuCY 2361 +S A F LuCY 2598 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B Lot 8 - Heritage 7283 Priority 468 11 .1 53 98 12 26 1.11 .47 .017 53.26 52.04 4849 8 9 Open Heifer 9/16/2014 461 18010522 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # B/R NEW DAY 454 V A R RESERVE 1111 +SANDPOINT BLACKBIRD 8809 # G A R PREDESTINED BRADSHAW HILL RITA 271 B H F RITA 220 #+ BOYD NEW DAY 8005 B/R RuBY 1224 +16916944 # CONNEALY ONWARD + RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD 4301 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 #+G A R EXT 4206 17223376 #+ B/R AMBuSH 28 +D/D 1407 RITA 4100 Open Heifer 9/19/2014 18010529 #SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 S A V PRIORITY 7283 15688351 #+ S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5530 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 HERITAGE OT26 OBJECTIVE 852 G A R PREDESTINED 185S 110.37 468 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY #S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: MARBL 2, $G 3, CED CEM 10 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 55, WW 527 •PROPHET is the top YW and second top WW sire in the Select Sires stud. •OPEN HERITAGE 1111 RESERVE 461 [DDC] HERITAGE 7283 PRIORITY 468 # B C C BuSHWACKER 41-93 S A V MAY 7238 # S S TRAVELER 6807 T510 S S MISS RITA R011 7R8 #16276547 # G A R PREDESTINED G A R 6I6 RITO 2242 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 4 2.5 67 110 7 23 .61 .69 .010 64.91 52.15 37.83 114.47 •8 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: WW 2, $W 4, YW 10 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 68, WW 654 (111) •Note that the dam of this female is a pathfinder cow. Cows must consistently perform above the herd average to achieve pathfinder satus.•OPEN CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 6 1.7 55 96 10 32 .65 .91 -.029 64.00 39.15 44.81 HERITAGE 9108 POWER TOOL 462 CED BW 462 Open Heifer 9/16/2014 18010523 WW Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY YW #B/R NEW DESIGN 036 CEM #G A R PREDESTINED #+ G A R EXT 4206 MILK PA POWER TOOL 9108 +16381311 MARB # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 SHAMROCKS BEEBEE QuEEN 3095 #SHAMROCK'S BEEBE QuEEN 1823 RE FAT # CONNEALY ONWARD # SITz uPWARD 307R SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M $W KLR PRIMROSE 0297 +16834953 $F #SCHuRRTOP SuPREME +TWIN VALLEY PRIMROSE 201 $G N BAR PRIMROSE 2424 $B 10 123.43 •7 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: MILK 4%, RE FAT $W $F $G 10% •PERFORMANCE DATA:BW 63, WW 624 (106) •Reserve provides an outcross influence for most pedigrees. He is a true calving ease sire •OPEN that readily transmits docility to his progeny. 9 1.5 54 102 8 35 .62 .54 .017 64.32 46.58 34.70 121.10 •8 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: MILK 1, $W 10 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 62, WW 581 •Power Tool is a breed leader in the key traits of calving ease, growth, docility, fertility and marbling. •OPEN the Heritage Farm Show Heifer incentive program rewards junior exhibitors who purchase Heritage Heifers and show them successfully at county, district and state levels. Rewards are: Junior exhibitors will need to submit a picture of the heifer showing the banner, trophy, etc. to County Shows Grand = $300, County Shows Reserve = $150 claim incentives to: District Shows* Grand = $500, District Shows Reserve = $250 Heritage Farm - Jr. Incentive Program State Fair Jr Shows Grand = $1,000, State Fair Jr Shows Reserve = $500 1024 Hinkle Lane Shelbyville, KY 40065 * including CKAA Junior Show 5 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV Fall Festival open HeiFers: lots 1-14 & 16-23 11 HERITAGE 0100 CONFIDENCE 453 Open Heifer 9/7/2014 453 18010514 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY CONNEALY TOBIN CONNEALY CONFIDENCE 0100 BECKA GALA OF CONANGA 8281 CONNEALY FINAL PRODuCT FLACHS BLACKCAPLADY 201 FLACHS BLACKCAP LADY 004 # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 DELIA OF CONANGA 667 16761479 #CONNEALY THuNDER BECKA LEE OF CONANGA 37 CONNEALY PRODuCT 568 # EBONISTA OF CONANGA 471 17378634 #B C MARATHON 7022 FLACHS BLACKCAP LADY 405 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B G AA 15 -1.8 50 93 17 15 .22 .96 .029 42.70 50.83 25.32 92.03 Great Meadows Angus Association •EPD PERCENTILES: CEM 1, CED 2, BW 3, RE 4, •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 55, WW 580 •Confidence’s levels for CED & RE are unequaled by any other sire in the breed. •OPEN 12 HERITAGE 8197 NET RETURN 463 [DDC] Open Heifer 9/16/2014 463 18010524 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 MF NET RETURN 8197 + S A V MAY 2436 LIMESTONE DARKHORSE u322 BURKS 4173 JILL 398X HAINES BLACK JILL 4173 # SITz TRAVELER 8180 + BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 +16036822 #+S A F 598 BANDO 5175 # S A V MAY 6269 # BC 7022 RAVEN 7965 PAF TRIDGE 5768 16701682 # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 HAINES BLACK JILL 3570 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 1 3.2 51 86 8 26 .66 .55 .034 49.58 40.92 35.41 MCA 10X LADY 422 14A Open Heifer 9/12/2014 14B Open Heifer 9/14/2014 422 +18098888 MCA 10X LADY 414 414 +18098890 MCA 10X LADY 405 405 9/4/2014 +18098897 14C Open Heifer Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY # MYTTY IN FOCuS A A R TEN X 7008 S A # A A R LADY KELTON 5551 124.74 # TC TOTAL 410 •6 PATHFINDERS •6 PATHFINDERS •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 67, WW 579 •OPEN M C A TOTAL 810 # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 15719841 S A V ADAPTOR 2213 + H S A F LADY KELTON 504B # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 + TC ERICA EILEEN 2047 16281409 2 BAR OBJECTIVE 5546 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 + 2 BAR AMBuSH 3294 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 3 1.7 66 122 8 27 1.03 .74 -.017 66.17 85.23 49.21 167.12 •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentile Rank: YW 1%, $F, $B 2%, WW 3% •A Ten X daughter out of a daughter of MCA Total 810 topped the 2015 CKAA Ladies Day Sale at $8,200 and 810 herself was one of the top lots at $6,000 in the 2015 CKAA Winter Sale. Full brothers to Lot 14A-C sell as Lots 99A-D. Here is an opportunity to acquire some top young females with breed leading genetics and numbers. •14 A, B, & C all sell OPEN E C A LADY TRAVELER 164 CED BW 164 Open Heifer 8/14/2014 18002655 WW Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY YW #BAND 234 OF IDEAL 3163 CEM #Q A S TRAVELER 23-4 Q A S BLACKBIRD EVE 601 1 MILK D H D TRAVELER 6807 #10858958 MARB #PBC 707 1M F0203 #BEMINDFuL MAID D H D 0807 RE BEMINDFuL MAID OF R R 1079 FAT #N BAR EMuLATION EXT #+ G A R EXPECTATION 4915 G A R TRAVELER 2421 $W E C A LADY EXPECTATION 978 16993163 $F #SuMMITCREST HIGH PRIME 0H29 E C A HIGH PRIME LADY 857 $G E C A MISS RAINMAKER 601 $B 13 8 .6 36 69 11 20 .27 .27 -.035 30.84 20.41 27.84 67.12 DHD Traveler 6807 •8 PATHFINDERS •A young outstanding daughter of 6807, one of the great female sires in the history of the Angus breed. This female was the top selling heifer calf in the 2015 CKAA Winter Sale. •OPEN GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV Sire of lot 13 6 Fall Festival sale - volume Xiv - october 24tH, 2015 15 MCA MISS INGENUITY 4304 [DDC] Bred Heifer 3/4/2014 4304 17855010 Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY #+ G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 G A R INGENUITY # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R PRECISION 706 +16497066 G A R OBJECTIVE 1067 B/R FuTuRE DIRECTION 4268 MCA TOTAL DIRECTION 081 M C A TOTAL 810 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 G A R RETAIL PRODuCT 2195 # C A FuTuRE DIRECTION 5321 B/R RuBY 9114 16981747 # TC TOTAL 410 2 BAR OBJECTIVE 5546 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 1 2.4 59 104 6 28 .96 1.05 -.005 53.11 64.58 49.88 18 16 Open Heifer 9/9/2014 686 # S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 # S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 BRIDGEVIEW PAULINE 911 CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 PRIDES PITA OF CONANGA 8821 SITz BuLL DuRHAM 10308 D & D ERICA 462 16752262 [DDF] #C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 PRIDES TRAV OF CONANGA 6499 # SITz NEW DESIGN 458N SITz EMMA E 1076 17273215 #+ G A R EXPECTATION 4915 HOGANS ERICA COM 7226 976 D&D EXP ERICA 131D 017 19 6 CED BW 1.1 WW 59 YW 103 9 CEM MILK 22 $W 51.83 $F 62.71 #S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V PRIORITY 7283 #+ S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5530 # S A V PIONEER 7301 CHAMPION HILL ELBA 7331 CHAMPION HILL ELBA 6293 #SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 15688351 # B C C BuSHWACKER 41-93 S A V MAY 7238 #S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V BLACKBIRD 5297 16430067 +S A V 004 TRAVELER 4836 +CHAMPION HILL ELBA 3537 20 5 CED BW 2.0 WW 64 YW 104 8 CEM MILK 22 $W 57.40 $F 60.96 “Where the Rubber Meets the Road” Doug Taylor - Owner 78 N. 7th Street • Shelbyville, KY 40065 502-633-9973 Car, Truck, Service - all types of tires GREENWELL INGENUITY 016 [DDP] Open Heifer 9/14/2014 016 18173017 Owned by: Ronald Greenwell - Brandenburg, KY # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R PRECISION 706 #+ G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 G A R INGENUITY +16497066 G A R OBJECTIVE 1067 #C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 NARDELLI GG PURE PRIDE 9166 +TROWBRIDGE PuRE PRIDE 610 •6 PATHFINDERS •A nice daughter of Priority from a Champion Hill Elba dam. •OPEN Doug’s Tire CenTer 6 1.1 58 103 8 26 .42 .57 .023 53.78 63.43 26.47 140.85 •8 PATHFINDERS •$B of 140.85 puts Lot 19 in the top 4 % of the breed. •OPEN 18173018 Owned by: Ronald Greenwell - Brandenburg, KY GREENWELL KIN GDOM 014 CED BW Open Heifer 9/12/2014 014 18173016 WW Owned by: Ronald Greenwell - Brandenburg, KY YW #MYTTY IN FOCuS CEM #CONNEALY IN FOCuS 4925 BLACK CANA OF CONANGA 206 MILK CONNEALY KINGDOM 17307044 MARB #+ BOYD NEW DAY 8005 #BLACK CELLY OF CONANGA 1156 RE # BLACK CELLA OF CONANGA 160 FAT #+ O C C EMBLAzON 854E #B C MATRIX 4132 CAF PuRE PRIDE EXT 99 $W NARDELLI TROWBRIDGE LADY 854 +16513719 $F # TWIN VALLEY PRECISION E161 +THOMAS LADY 2740 $G THOMAS LADY 7321 $B GREENWELL PRIORITY 017 Open Heifer 9/17/2014 6 CED BW 2.4 WW 57 YW 99 CEM 10 MILK 26 $W 50.51 $F 56.73 •9 PATHFINDERS •A combination of several top cow families: Forever Lady, SAV May, Pauline, and Everelda Entense plus the Final Answer influence. •OPEN •5 PATHFINDERS •Capitalist brings it all to the table: calving ease, growth, and carcass all wrapped in a highly desirable phenotype. •OPEN 17 16586373 # B C MATRIX 4132 BRIDGEVIEW BABE PAuLINE 114 #BRIDGEVIEW PAuLINE 745 18070043 #SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 #14739204 #+ S A F 598 BANDO 5175 # S A V MAY 6269 #SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 + S A V MAY 2410 [DDP] Owned by: Ronald Greenwell - Brandenburg, KY 18173009 # SITz TRAVELER 8180 + BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 S A V NET WORTH 4200 173.89 012 Owned by: Ronald Greenwell - Brandenburg, KY # S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 •5 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentile: $B 1%, RE 2% •Lot 15 is a maternal sister to the top selling $8,200 female in the 2015 CKAA Ladies Day Sale. She is the natural calf out of 081. •AI on 6/19/2015 to BALDRIDGE WAYLON W34 D & D ERICA 686 GREENWELL NET WORTH 012 Open Heifer 9/16/2014 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 G A R RETAIL PRODuCT 2195 #B A R EXT TRAVELER 205 CRA LADY JAYE 608 498 S EASY +16891894 # S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 B C PuRE PRIDE 413 854E 304 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 8 1.1 57 104 9 31 .81 .99 .010 56.01 66.03 46.20 146.55 •6 PATHFINDERS •The Pure Pride family was a major factor in the early development of the Ankony Angus program. •OPEN New HorizoN Septic & excavatiNg Michael Mackey Owner/Operator 502-773-0612 502-772-5988 7 Chris McBurney 1160 Mt. Gilead Rd • New Castle, KY 40050 (502) 741-7088 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV HeritaGe Farm - sHelbyville, KentucKy 21 Lot 24 - Burks 545Z Elba 694B TD BLACKBIRD 912 Open Heifer 7/25/2014 912 18100373 Owned by: Triple D Angus - Eubank, KY A A R WINDY RIDGE 362 A A R LADY KELTON 2170 # A A R REALLY WINDY 1205 V D A R REALLY WINDY 4097 15776681 VDAR ENTERPRISE 2059 VDAR ENVIOuS BLACKBIRD 6060 # B A R EXT TRAVELER 205 E C A MISS BANDO 827 VDAR BLACKBIRD 2031 E C A BAR EXT 885 T D BLACKBIRD 912 17345518 BuRTON NEW DESIGN 878-308 + CREEKSTONE BLACKBIRD 9083 T D BLACKBIRD 4405 CED 10 .8 BW WW 45 YW 79 CEM 11 MILK 15 $W 32.81 $F 29.13 •This Windy daughter has great cow families to back her. She is deep bodied, clean, and very straight with brood cow written all over her. •OPEN 22 TD DELIA 2814 Open Heifer 8/4/2014 2814 # D H D TRAVELER 6807 DIXIE ERICA OF C H 1019 #+ O C C EMBLAzON 854E C C A EMBLAZON 702 15980098 #HYLINE RIGHT TIME 338 +THREE TREES BLACKCAP 3337 #SITz ALLIANCE 6595 #+ G A R EXT 916 LIMESTONE BLACKCAP R128 #KMK ALLIANCE 6595 I87 T D DELIA 112 17345504 BuRTON BuSHWACKER 331 BuRTON DELIA 101 STEARNS DELIA 549 24 18100377 Owned by: Triple D Angus - Eubank, KY CED 12 BW -1.0 WW 50 YW 86 CEM 10 MILK 19 $W 45.67 $F 38.07 23 TD EBONY 3014 3014 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 SYDGEN GINA 4235 E C A BAR EXT 885 T D EBONY 1412 T D EBONY 1010 # S S TRAVELER 6807 T510 S S MISS RITA R011 7R8 #15337433 + S A F FOCuS J30 INNIWAY MS NEW DESIGN 201 # B A R EXT TRAVELER 205 E C A MISS BANDO 827 17345522 2/4/2014 694B 17899944 Owned by: Sheldon Burks - Park City, KY EXAR DENVER 2002B + EXAR ROYAL LASS 1067 MCATL PuRE PRODuCT 903-55 BURKS 5820 ELBA 545Z + CHAMPION HILL ELBA 5820 # SITz uPWARD 307R #+EXAR BARBARA T020 17160560 # EXAR 263C BR ROYAL LASS 19-132 CONNEALY FINAL PRODuCT M A ESTA 55-252 +17327402 # S A V NET WORTH 4200 S A V ELBA 7099 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 2 3.6 65 113 8 37 .74 .57 .037 70.99 79.18 36.21 139.72 •Performance Data: BW 73 (114), WW 647(100), YW 1004(104) •GGP HD Enhanced EPDs. •Produced from our foundation Elba donor, 5820, that has worked in the embryo program for us, Coleman Angus in Montana, and now resides in Reality Farms in New Castle, Kentucky. The dam of 694B is now working in the Bridgeview herd in Frankfort, Kentucky. Sired by the very popular EXAR Denver, whose progeny are extremely sought after from coast to coast in every segment of the industry. This female is destined for the donor pen and could be your next front pasture female. •AI on 6/4/2015 to GAR PROPHET. Safe AI. No bull exposure. 18100379 Owned by: Triple D Angus - Eubank, KY SYDGEN MANDATE 6079 Bred Heifer EXAR uPSHOT 0562B •6 PATHFINDERS •This heifer is in the top 10% for CED and BW. If you are looking for a female to raise those heifer acceptable bulls, this one will work. •OPEN Open Heifer 8/6/2014 BURKS 545Z ELBA 694B T D DESTROYER 308 HOFF EBONY SC 985 578 6 CED BW 2.7 WW 53 YW 101 7 CEM MILK 25 $W 40.13 $F 63.22 •This thick, long bodied heifer is out of the Ebony cow family from the Hoff program. Her sire, Mandate 6079 is one of Objecitves top sons. These parents should give this animal extra growth •OPEN G AA Great Meadows Angus Association GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV Great crowd of buyers at the GMAA Spring Sale! 8 Fall Festival bred HeiFers: lots 15 & 24 tHru 38 Lot 25 - Burks 591Z Juanada 692B 27 Bred Heifer WALNUT LUCY 403 3/3/2014 403 18146857 Owned by: Walnut Hill Farm - Turners Station, KY # S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V 004 PREDOMINANT 4438 S A V EMBLYNETTE 1182 #SITz uPWARD 307R WALNUT LUCY 002 # SITz TRAVELER 8180 + BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 #+14823655 #+ S A F 598 BANDO 5175 # S A V EMBLYNETTE 7319 # CONNEALY ONWARD SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M 17323317 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 THOMAS LuCY 7282 THOMAS LuCY 0606 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 8 2.0 57 101 10 27 .52 .27 .029 61.22 53.51 26.19 123.14 •8 PATHFINDERS •Everelda Entense, Forever Lady, Emblynette, Henrietta Pride, Thomas Lucy. It would be hard to find a heavier concentration of noted cow families than what is available in this pedigree. •AI on 5/23/2015 to THOMAS TOP HAND 0536. Pasture Exposed after 6/27/2015 to HAMMERHEAD RA 0536 . 25 BURKS 591Z JUANADA 692B Bred Heifer 2/1/2014 692B 17899943 Owned by: Sheldon Burks - Park City, KY CONNEALY TOBIN CONNEALY CONFIDENCE 0100 BECKA GALA OF CONANGA 8281 MCATL PuRE PRODuCT 903-55 BURKS 5023 JUANADA 591Z JuANADA OF ROLLIN ROCK 5023 # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 DELIA OF CONANGA 667 16761479 #CONNEALY THuNDER BECKA LEE OF CONANGA 37 CONNEALY FINAL PRODuCT M A ESTA 55-252 17327397 #BR MIDLAND JuANADA OF ROLLIN ROCK 3785 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 10 -.6 59 105 15 22 .47 .57 .045 62.69 69.26 29.22 28 E C A PARTY LADY 143 Bred Heifer 9/27/2013 # CONNEALY ONWARD WERNER WAR PARTY 2417 +BAAR uSA LADY JAYE 489 # S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 E C A LADY TRAVELER 890 E C A MISS RIGHT TIME 775 108.08 143 17766545 Owned by: Elk Creek Angus - Columbia, KY #CONNEALY LEAD ON ALTuNE OF CONANGA 6104 +16004857 #B A R EXT TRAVELER 205 CRA LADY JAYE 608 498 S EASY #SITz TRAVELER 8180 + BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 15986448 #+ LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME E C A MISS RAINMAKER 601 4 CED BW 1.4 WW 54 YW 100 8 CEM MILK 32 $W 53.13 $F 60.73 •Performance Data: BW 63(100), WW 664(103), YW 948(98) •GGP HD Enhanced EPDs. •A beautiful profile female sired by the Select Sires calving ease specialist, Connealy Confidence, with a tremendous spread from birth to yearling. This female will not disspoint, be sure to check her out on sale day. •AI on 6/11/2015 to GAR PROPHET. Safe AI. No bull exposure. •6 PATHFINDERS •This female descends from the same Rainmaker dam as the 6807 heifer that sells as Lot 13. She is sired by the popular War Party and her dam is a 004 daughter. •AI on 7/29/2015 to CONNEALY COMRADE 1385. WALNUT EVERELDA ENTENSE 402 Werner War Party 2417 26 Bred Heifer 2/28/2014 402 18146856 Owned by: Walnut Hill Farm - Turners Station, KY #S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY IN FOCUS MYTTY COuNTESS 906 # CONNEALY ONWARD CIRCLE J 15B ENTENSE 8907 F R F EVERELDA ENTENSE 4022 # S A F FAME G D A R FOREVER LADY 246 #13880818 [RDF] # SITz ALLIANCE 6595 BALDRIDGE COuNTESS 357 # CONNEALY LEAD ON ALTuNE OF CONANGA 6104 +16153758 # C A FuTuRE DIRECTION 5321 +SHADY BROOK ENTENSE 1621 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 15 -1.0 43 84 14 21 .69 .24 .005 45.85 37.05 37.36 100.12 •7 PATHFINDERS •A direct maternal descendent of Sitz Everelda Entense 1137. •AI on 6/13/2015 to RB TOuR OF DuTY 177. Tour of Duty records top 1% WW, YW, DOC, $W, $F, $B numbers. Pasture Exposed after 6/27/2015 to HAMMERHEAD RA 0536 . Sire of Lot 28 9 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV lootKinG For GrowtH? 30 sale Females Have yw epds oF 100 or more! 29 SWF CONNEALY'S EMMULOUS 1335 Bred Heifer 8/27/2013 1335 Owned by: Springdale Woods Farm - Smithfield, KY # G D A R TRAVELER 044 CONNEALY 044 062 #HALLIE OF CONANGA 6940 # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 R & K SWF EMULOUS 335 + R&K SWF EMuLOuS 871 32A 17638565 #D H D TRAVELER 6807 # G D A R BLACKCAP LADY 840 #14528078 CONNEALY VISION 63 CONNEALY MAX 940 #B/R NEW DESIGN 036 BON VIEW GAMMER 85 15290184 # N BAR EMuLATION EXT + B & L MISS EMuLOuS 4131 1 CED BW 3.0 WW 58 YW 102 6 CEM MILK 26 $W 48.34 $F 61.57 32B 1333 #+ H S A F BANDO 1961 SWF MR B 976 #+S A F 598 BANDO 5175 +J K S MISS CHEYENNE 196 16657649 SWF BV RITO 5176 + R&K S W F AMBuSH 331 R & K SWF SOUTHERN SILK 1033 R & K SWF SOuTHERN SILK 730 + R&K S W F AMBuSH 331 S W F RITO 176 #ROCKN D AMBuSH 1531 + B & L MISS EMuLOuS 4131 15233792 + R&K S W F PRIORITY 818 + DAVIS SOuTHERN SILK 3081 Bred Heifer +17852505 9/5/2013 3955 +17852509 Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 15719841 S A V ADAPTOR 2213 + H S A F LADY KELTON 504B # C A FuTuRE DIRECTION 5321 B/R RuBY 9114 # A A R LADY KELTON 5551 B/R FuTuRE DIRECTION 4268 MCA TOTAL DIRECTION 081 16981747 #TC TOTAL 410 2 BAR OBJECTIVE 5546 M C A TOTAL 810 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 2 1.9 65 119 7 27 1.02 .80 -.003 55.98 88.75 46.59 189.73 •5 PATHFINDERS •Lots 32A and B are flushed sisters to the $8,200 top selling female of the most recent CKAA sale. •Lot 32A: AI to INDEX. Due January 2016. Index EPD Percentile: Milk, Marb, RE, $G, $B 1% •Lot 32B: AI on 5/30/2015 to BALDRIDGE WAYLON W34 17638185 Owned by: Springdale Woods Farm - Smithfield, KY 3911 MCA TOTAL 10X 3955 A A R TEN X 7008 S A SWF SOUTHERN SILK 1333 [DDP] Bred Heifer 10/23/2013 9/2/2013 Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY # MYTTY IN FOCuS •7 PATHFINDERS •AI to GAR PROPHET. Due 3/21/2016 •Prophet EPD Percentile: WW, YW, Marb, $W, $G 1%, DOC 2%, CED 12% 30 MCA TOTAL 10X 3911 Bred Heifer -1 CED BW 2.7 WW 30 YW 55 5 CEM MILK 22 $W 20.93 $F -1.76 •AI to RITO 6I6 OF 4B20 6807. Due 4/11/2016 •Rito 6i6 is a high accuracy calving ease sire that is a proven producer of desirable cows. 31 SWF LADY B 1332X [DDP-CAF] Bred Heifer 11/9/2013 1332X #+ H S A F BANDO 1961 SWF MR B 976 SWF BV RITO 5176 # RITO 6I6 OF 4B20 6807 SWF LADY PROSPECTOR 732 SWF LADY PROSPECTER 532 #+ S A F 598 BANDO 5175 +J K S MISS CHEYENNE 196 16657649 + R&K S W F AMBuSH 331 S W F RITO 176 # D H D TRAVELER 6807 +RITA 4B20 OF 0FB1 BANDO 15862782 33 17709142 Owned by: Springdale Woods Farm - Smithfield, KY #+ G A R EXPECTATION 4915 SVFSHADYBROOK FOREVERLADY 1J 4 CED BW 1.5 WW 34 YW 65 6 CEM MILK 22 $W 27.34 $F 12.34 MCA INGENUITY 3726 [DDF] Cow / HC #+G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 G A R INGENUITY G A R OBJECTIVE 1067 #+B/R AMBuSH 28 MCA NEW DESIGN 050-028 2 BAR 5050 NEW DESIGN 7832 •5 PATHFINDERS •AI to SAV BRuISER 9164. Due 4/11/2016 •Bruiser sired the top selling open heifer in the 2015 CKAA Ladies Day sale. 3726 17852513 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R PRECISION 706 +16497066 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 G A R RETAIL PRODuCT 2195 # ROCKN D AMBuSH 1531 + B/R RuBY OF TIFFANY 8250 +16984830 #+ G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 2 BAR OBJECTIVE 5546 7 1.8 57 102 9 27 1.09 1.13 -.025 58.05 71.92 56.22 171.95 •6 PATHFINDERS •Heifer Calf, 9/6/2015, by AAR TEN X 7008 S A. Do the numbers for this mating and the results are quite exciting. Calf Reg # 18212652 Wayne Smith, Owner Jeremy Chilton, Gen. Mgr. Jessica Clark, Sales/Parts Mgr. Travis Wilson, Service Mgr 502.222.1564 (office) 502.222.9953 (fax) GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV 9/7/2013 Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 10 For all your animal health and nutrition needs. Toll Free: 800.786.2875 bred HeiFers From walnut sprinGs, dividinG ridGe, & reality 34 WALNUT SPRINGS LILLY 1201 Bred Heifer 8/4/2013 1201 +17615688 Owned by: Walnut Springs Farm - Crestwood, KY # SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 # S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V PIONEER 7301 #15688392 #+BOYD NEW DAY 8005 S A V BLACKBIRD 1082 # SITz TRAVELER 8180 + BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 S A V BLACKBIRD 5297 # S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 TCF BLACKBIRD 8017 +16208219 # B/R NEW DESIGN 323 O C C BLACKBIRD 833E #+ CVF BLACKBIRD 321 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 3 2.7 55 97 7 27 .44 .82 .057 47.94 54.48 28.51 36 J233 # MYTTY IN FOCuS MGR EVERGREEN 8023 # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 #MYTTY IN FOCuS B P F SPECIAL FOCUS 504 #15140670 B P F BLACK CASH 341 #B C MATRIX 4132 DRF FOOTIN' MATRIX MATANO DRF FANCY FOOTIN' SAuGA #J R SOMETHING SPECIAL B P F BLACK CASH 944 #+O C C EMBLAzON 854E CAF PuRE PRIDE EXT 99 17259696 #LEACHMAN SAuGAHATCHEE 3000C D R F FANCY FuLLBACK 15993104 # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 + ICC EVERGREEN 4313 MGR EVERGREEN 6008 8 CED .4 BW WW 54 YW 98 9 CEM MILK 17 $W 41.55 $F 57.03 •7 PATHFINDERS •A very productive cow family here. We have had tremendous luck selling bulls and females out of this family. Check our website, to study her service sire, he is quite impressive. •Bred to HGF RF MAJORITY RuLES 3201. Due 10/5/2015. 37 17745628 Owned by: Dividing Ridge Farm- Salvisa, KY 15688351 # B C C BuSHWACKER 41-93 S A V MAY 7238 #S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 #+ S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5530 DRF SPECIAL FOCUS MATTIE Bred Heifer 10/19/2013 17831843 # SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 # S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 118.61 384 Owned by: Reality Farm - New Castle, KY S A V PRIORITY 7283 •8 PATHFINDERS •This first calf heifer sired by Pioneer and back to OCC Blackbird 833E will be one of the features of the female offering. •Bull Calf, 8/25/2015, reg#18199858, SAV ANGuS VALLEY 1867 35 RF MISS EVERGREEN 384 Bred Heifer 8/27/2013 CED 15 BW -.7 WW 52 YW 93 CEM 13 MILK 26 $W 52.16 $F 49.29 RF MISS BLACKCAP 37115 Bred Heifer 9/3/2013 17831840 # SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 # S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V PRIORITY 7283 15688351 #+ S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5530 #+ H A IMAGE MAKER 0415 R F MISS BLACKCAP F7115 ISAACS MISS I-208-0568 •7 PATHFINDERS •AI to PA FuLL POWER 1208. Due 9/23/2015. Full Power EPDs: CED 10, BW 0, WW 67, YW120, Milk 37, Marb 1.18, RE 1.02, $G 55.79 3115 Owned by: Reality Farm - New Castle, KY # B C C BuSHWACKER 41-93 S A V MAY 7238 # HERO 6267 OF R R 2418 H A RITO BLACKCAP 9038 16017739 ISAACS MR NEW DESIGN 208-167 ISAACS MISS ADVANTAGE 0362 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 6 1.4 67 107 8 27 .28 .56 .014 67.95 64.39 23.91 111.12 •6 PATHFINDERS •We dug deep into our replacement pen this year. Priority females are making wonderful cows and this mating to GAR Prophet will produce EPDs through the roof. •AI to GAR PROPHET. Due 9/20/2015. S A V Priority 7283 Waylon W34 Sire of Lots 36 & 37 Sire of Lot 5 - Service Sire of Lot 32B D&B ELECTRIC andCommunications,LLC Dale Ballinger President 213 Pauline Drive Suite 4 Berea, KY 40403 Phone: 859-314-2092 Fax: 859.986.6182 Steve Koss PO Box 525 • Monticello, IL Paul Muhollem PO Box 192 • Carlisle, KY Chad Daugherty - Herd Mgr (217) 369-0466 11 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV Family units From cliFFside: lots 39 & 40 RAYBAR CLIFF ERICA 2216 [DDC] CED BW 2216 Cow 2/3/2012 +17468928 WW Owned by: Briggs & Beth Cunningham - Lancaster, KY YW # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 CEM # C F RIGHT DESIGN 1802 #+VISION HF BLACKCAP 0015 MILK SUMMITCREST COMPLETE 1P55 #14850409 [RDF] MARB #VERMILION DATELINE 7078 SuMMITCREST ELBA 1M17 RE SuMMITCREST ELBA 1F43 FAT # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 #G A R PREDESTINED #+ G A R EXT 4206 $W SOUTHERN ERICA R0409 71235 +15935902 $F # G A R RETAIL PRODuCT THREE TREES ERICA R0409 $G + GARRISON ERICA 1661 $B Lot 38 - PW Miss Elba 335 40 -2 2.9 52 95 8 37 .86 1.09 -.007 51.18 52.94 50.94 134.18 •9 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentile: RE, $G 1%, Milk 2%, Marb 5%, $B 10%. •Dam of the open heifer by HOOVER DAM that sells as Lot 40B. •B/C - 09/05/2015 by WERNER WAR PARTY 2417. BW 78 lbs. 38 P W MISS ELBA 335 Bred Heifer 8/23/2013 335 Owned by: Reality Farm - New Castle, KY CONNEALY CONSENSuS CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 BLuE LILLY OF CONANGA 16 #+S A V BISMARCK 5682 R F MISS ELBA 025 #BROST/CSF ELBA 150N 40B 17693204 # KMK ALLIANCE 6595 I87 BLINDA OF CONANGA 004 16447771 #WOODHILL ADMIRAL 77K BLuE CASH OF CONANGA 6020 #+ G A R GRID MAKER S A V ABIGALE 0451 16779079 +ACF/CSF COMPLETE DESIGN 0248 BROST/CSF ELBA 115L 7 CED BW 1.1 WW 54 YW 90 7 CEM MILK 25 $W 53.30 $F 42.46 CED BW Cow 2/14/2010 0078 +16853068 WW Owned by: Briggs & Beth Cunningham - Lancaster, KY YW # S S TRAVELER 6807 T510 CEM #S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 S S MISS RITA R011 7R8 MILK SQ CREDENCE 67S #+15705880 MARB #+ RITO 1I1 OF 2536 RITO 6I6 + RITA 3540 OF 021 RITO 1I1 RE RITA 021 OF 7R11 RDA FAT #B/R NEW DESIGN 036 # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 BON VIEW PRIDE 664 $W G A R 1407 NEW DESIGN 1234 +14790428 $F #G D A R TRAVELER 044 +G A R 044 TRAVELER 2328 $G G A R PRECISION 2536 $B 39 #SYDGEN C C & 7 18063247 #+S A F CONNECTION SYDGEN FOREVER LADY 4087 #16124994 [DDF] #ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 #SuMMITCREST COMPLETE 1P55 RAYBAR CLIFF ERICA 2216 +SOuTHERN ERICA R0409 71235 #TC GRIDIRON 258 ERICA OF ELLSTON V65 #C F RIGHT DESIGN 1802 SuMMITCREST ELBA 1M17 +17468928 [DDC] #G A R PREDESTINED THREE TREES ERICA R0409 3 BW 1.4 WW 53 YW 99 9 CEM MILK 32 $W 52.41 $F 59.60 •8 PATHFINDERS •Hoover Dam progeny have extra eye appeal. •OPEN 11 .4 47 83 12 22 .64 .37 -.038 46.30 34.70 46.80 20.46 CLIFFSISDES BLACKCAP 4803 CED BW Open Heifer 8/26/2014 4803 18063489 WW Owned by: Briggs & Beth Cunningham - Lancaster, KY YW #MYTTY IN FOCuS CEM A A R TEN X 7008 S A # A A R LADY KELTON 5551 MILK DEER VALLEY ALL IN 17307074 MARB # SITz uPWARD 307R +DEER VALLEY RITA 0274 RE G A R OBJECTIVE 2345 FAT # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 #+ SQ CREDENCE 67S +RITA 3540 OF 021 RITO 1I1 $W BRICTON BLACKCAP 0078 +16853068 $F #BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 +G A R 1407 NEW DESIGN 1234 $G +G A R 044 TRAVELER 2328 $B 39B 12 .5 58 102 12 27 .87 .73 -.007 60.47 54.65 48.02 118.71 •6 PATHFINDERS •A high quality brood cow prospect with an even stronger pedigree. •OPEN •7 PATHFINDERS •A direct maternal descendent of GAR Precision 2536. •Dam of the open heifer by ALL IN that sells as Lot 39B. •B/C 09/12/2015 by DEER VALLEY ALL IN - BW 78 lbs GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV 4915 Owned by: Briggs & Beth Cunningham - Lancaster,KY CED HOOVER DAM •5 PATHFINDERS •If you like deep, broody females, that are feminine fronted, check out this female. Out of a Champion female at the Kentucky Beef Expo, this bred heifer will become a dream cow. Check our website,, and view her mothers picture. Drop dead good looks! •AI to CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028. Due 9/20/2015 BRICTON BLACKCAP 0078 [DDF] CLIFFSIDES 2216 ERICA 4915 [DDP] Open Heifer 9/2/2014 12 Fall Festival sprinG pairs: lots 41 tHru 43 41 I A A BEXTOR 210 N265 Cow / BC 8/16/2010 210 +16763052 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # B A R EXT TRAVELER 205 C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 CRA LADY JAYE 608 498 S EASY # G A R PREDESTINED G A R PREDESTINED N265 G A R PRECISION 81 # N BAR EMuLATION EXT # B A R QuEEN TRAVELER 3015 #13009379 #+G A R SLEEP EASY 1009 H H F 917 LADY 975 498 #B/R NEW DESIGN 036 #+ G A R EXT 4206 +15283217 # G A R PRECISION 1680 G A R PRIME TIME 2409 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 7 1.8 44 89 11 32 .64 .55 .031 50.54 42.43 38.38 77.84 41A 42 Cow / BC 2/12/2010 405X 16701688 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 HAPPY GRILL OF CONANGA 6260 #CONNEALY REFLECTION MCATL REACHOUT 836 15446562 MA LADY BARBARA 453 # HYLINE RIGHT TIME 338 HAINES BLACK JILL 3934 HAINES BLACK JILL 3579 #TC FREEDOM 104 # LADY BARBARA 348 M M #+LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME HYLINE PRIDE 265 15046235 #+S A F NEuTRON HAINES BLACK JILL 3207 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B Bull Calf 4/5/2015 545 18209900 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY BALDRIDGE WAYLON W34 BALDRIDGE DOWNLOAD Z013 BALDRIDGE BLOSSOM u51 #C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 I A A BEXTOR 210 N265 +GAR-EGL PROTEGE BALDRIDGE BLACKCAP T163 17314910 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 BALDRIDGE BLOSSOM S325 # B A R EXT TRAVELER 205 CRA LADY JAYE 608 498 S EASY +16763052 # G A R PREDESTINED G A R PRECISION 81 +G A R PREDESTINED N265 •BW 68 pounds •9 PATHFINDERS •A Bextor daughter from a Predestined dam produced in the Gardiner Program. A direct maternal descendent of GAR Prime Time 2409, one of the all time high dollar producers in the breed. •Lot 41A: Bull Calf, 4/5/2015 •AI on 6/6/2015 to VAR DISCOVERY 2240. BURKS 3934 JILL 405X HERITAGE Z013 DOWNLOAD 545 1 3.5 61 108 6 21 .30 .42 .043 42.90 70.64 18.02 42A HERITAGE 5T TIGER 553 Bull Calf 5/9/2015 553 18209906 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY SANDY BAR ADVANTAGE 43M WILBAR RuBY 955N HF KODIAK 5R HF TIGER 5T 16526314 # TC FREEDOM 104 HFDF ECHO 6N #CONNEALY REFLECTION MA LADY BARBARA 453 HF ECHO 84R MCATL REACHOuT 836 BURKS 3934 JILL 405X 16701688 # HYLINE RIGHT TIME 338 HAINES BLACK JILL 3579 HAINES BLACK JILL 3934 121.16 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 9 1.4 50 96 11 31 1.10 .55 .002 54.44 50.49 50.45 116.85 6 2.0 62 115 7 27 .28 .39 .035 52.20 83.26 17.06 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 130.33 EST CED BW WW YW CEM MILK 9 0 54 94 10 27 •7 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentile: $F 2%, YW 3%, WW 4% •A well balanced set of EPDs across the board. •Lot 42A: Bull Calf, 5/9/2015, •AI on 7/8/2015 to CONSENSuS 1175. 43 SWF DESIGNER 1211 [DDP] Cow 11/15/2012 G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 G A R PRECISION 706 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 R&K SWF LASS 311 43A 17436312 Owned by: Springdale Woods Farm - Smithfield, KY # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 THOMAS LASS 2373 1211 # V D A R NEW TREND 315 B/R BLACKCAP EMPRESS 76 #+13728513 [DDC] #G A R PRECISION 1680 + G A R EXT 2114 # V D A R NEW TREND 315 B/R BLACKCAP EMPRESS 76 +14493280 #EMuLATION N BAR 5522 THOMAS LASS 0234 7 CED BW 1.3 WW 46 YW 85 9 CEM MILK 30 $W 46.20 $F 39.06 SWF FINAL DESIGN 1511 Bull Calf 3/4/2015 1511 18200955 Owned by: Springdale Woods Farm - Smithfield, KY # SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 #+G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 SWF DESIGNER 1211 +R&K SWF LASS 311 #G D A R TRAVELER 71 SITz EVERELDA ENTENSE 1137 #13592905 [RDF-DDF] #BON VIEW BANDO 598 S A V SKY EMuLOuS 2124 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R PRECISION 706 17436312 [DDP] # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 THOMAS LASS 2373 •PATHFINDERS •An outstanding herd bull prospect by Final Answer. •7 PATHFINDERS •Look at the evenly balanced genetic traits of this female. •Lot 43A: Bull Calf, 3/4/2015 •AI to SYDGEN CC & 7. Due 4/11/2016. Boehringer-ingelheim Tommy Manning, EARL FLOYD President FORD - MERCURY 2687 Hwy 227 - Carrollton, KY 41008 800.777.5923 2621 North Belt Highway • St Joseph, MO 64506-2002 Jake Osborn, Sales Representative, Cattle Segment Mobile: 937/725-5687 Fax: 816/236-2779 • Order entry: 800-325-9167 Feed•wire•fencing•livestockequipment&more email Jake: 7500 Grade Lane - Louisville, KY 13 Service/Parts 502-732-6674 Quicklane 502-732-8400 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV Fall Festival bred cows: lots 44 tHru 60 44 ROCK RIDGE FOREVER LADY 2075 9/5/2012 Cow 2075 +17372097 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY CONNEALY CONSENSuS CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 BLuE LILLY OF CONANGA 16 #S A V PIONEER 7301 # KMK ALLIANCE 6595 I87 BLINDA OF CONANGA 004 16447771 #WOODHILL ADMIRAL 77K BLuE CASH OF CONANGA 6020 #S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V BLACKBIRD 5297 ROCK RIDGE FOREVER LADY 9909 +16561115 #+ WuLFFS EXT 6106 S V F FOREVER LADY 57D + BOYD FOREVER LADY 5125 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 3 3.0 57 101 3 29 .70 .61 .047 54.45 53.51 34.80 MAPLECREST FOREVERLADY K0235 [DDF] CED BW 9/2/2010 K0235 +16923166 WW Cow Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY YW # D H D TRAVELER 6807 CEM #S S TRAVELER 6807 T510 # S S MISS HI SPADE A114 MILK S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 #13776378 MARB S S RITO RITO R76 R011 S S MISS RITA R011 7R8 RE S S MISS uLTRESS u56 FAT # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 #G A R PREDESTINED #+ G A R EXT 4206 $W MAPLECREST FOREVER LADY A622 +15661453 $F # TWIN VALLEY PRECISION E161 + MAPLECREST FOREVER LADY S301 $G +BALDRIDGE FOREVER LADY 800J $B 47 127.54 11 1.0 52 95 11 18 1.01 .16 .029 48.09 40.17 41.62 90.87 •5 PATHFINDERS •A direct maternal descendent of SVF Forever Lady 57D, one of the foremost cows of the breed. •HC 9/15/15 by CONNEALY COMRAD 1385, Calf EPDs: CED 10, BW .2, WW 56, YW 101, CEM 8, MILK 28, $W 55.15, $F 65.15, •8 PATHFINDERS •An Objective daughter from the highly productive Forever Lady family. •HC, 9/13/2015, V A R DISCOVERY 2240. HC EPDs: CED 11, BW .8, WW 64, YW 118, CEM 11, Milk 25, Marb 1.23, RE .46, $W 72.18, $F 71.39, $G 45.25, $B 148.88 ROCK RIDGE EILEEN 1208 B J F BLACK JILL 4800 45 10/10/2011 Cow 1208 17058305 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY O C C LEGEND 616L GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 #+ B C LOOKOuT 7024 BC EAGLE EYE 110-7 15751696 #B C PuRE PRIDE ERICA D 110 #+ LEMMON NEWSLINE C804 ROCK RIDGE EILEEN 617 EF EILEEN 525 #+ O C C DOCTOR 940D CAF PuRE PRIDE EXT 99 #B/R NEW DESIGN 036 WHITE FENCE PRIDE H1 15327424 # R R TRAVELER 5204 THOMAS EILEEN 3066 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B -2 2.5 50 89 3 21 .38 .39 -.014 44.07 48.69 28.90 48 Cow 2/5/2010 4800 16597612 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # CONNEALY LEAD ON ALTuNE OF CONANGA 6104 #CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R #14963730 SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M #+BALDRIDGE NOTCH A C HAINES BLACK JILL 4244 HAINES BLACK JILL 2671 118.39 # SITz VALuE 7097 SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 1370 # BON VIEW BANDO 598 +S V F BLACKBIRD 1620 15046239 #CONNEALY DATELINE HAINES BLACK JILL 2030 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 6 2.3 57 96 8 32 .55 .39 .010 66.11 36.51 30.08 130.00 •6 PATHFINDERS •The cows in this sale are truly a great set of females, and this cow exmplifies that fact. •BC, 9/11/2015, HF TIGER 5T. HC EPDs: CED 5, BW 1.5, WW 56, YW 105, CEM 6, Milk 27, Marb .32, RE .38, $W 61.05, $F 72.90, $G 22.90, $B 129.93 •7 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentile: $W 3%, $B 10%. •HC 9/16/13 by BALDRIDGE WAYLON W34, calf EPDs: CED 4, BW 3.1, WW 65, YW 115, CEM 8, MILK 28, MARB .88, RE .69, FAT -.013 $W 63.96, $F 68.01, $G 44.02, $B 166.33 BRIDGEVIEW RITA 1148 MAPLECREST RITA 9038 46 Cow 9/1/2011 1148 # CONNEALY REFLECTION CONNEALY IMPRESSION PEARL PAMMY OF CONANGA 194 #+DR J ANALYST M250 BRIDGEVIEW RITA 822 # BRIDGEVIEW RITA 637 # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 HAPPY GRILL OF CONANGA 6260 #15543702 # VERMILION DATELINE 7078 PEARL JAM OF CONANGA 6114 #B C C BuSHWACKER 41-93 G A R PRECISION 706 16315711 49 17300207 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY #WAR ALLIANCE 9126 6006 + A P S RITA 614-234 9 CED .3 BW WW 67 YW 111 CEM 12 MILK 26 $W 66.67 $F 71.91 3/13/2009 9038 +16528787 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 TC TOTAL 410 +TC ERICA EILEEN 2047 # WHITESTONE PRECISION H141 MAPLECREST RA RITA 5125 G A R PRIME TIME 2409 •8 PATHFINDERS •A young Impression daughter that is the front pasture kind. •BC, 9/4/2015, EXAR POWERHOuSE 2077B. BC EPDs: CED 4, BW 1.9, WW 68, YW 116, CEM 8, Milk 30, $W 65.62, $F 80.71 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV Cow # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 # BON VIEW ERICA 443 #14844711 # TWIN VALLEY PRECISION E161 #+ TC ERICA EILEEN 5116 # G A R PRECISION 1680 +RITA 3X11 OF RITA 0FB4 EXT +15382812 # GARDENS PRIME TIME + G A R EXT 327 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B •9 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentile: RE 1%, $B 2%, YW 5% •Maternal descendent of 2409, the $410,000 daughter of Gardens Prime Time. •AI to A A R TEN X 7008 S A . Due 10/13/2015. 14 6 .6 52 103 11 18 .65 1.01 .042 37.32 59.40 37.34 147.62 sale location: 1024 HinKle lane - sHelbyville, Ky 50 HERITAGE 1P55 COMPLETE 962 Cow 9/16/2009 962 16527125 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY #C F RIGHT DESIGN 1802 SUMMITCREST COMPLETE 1P55 SuMMITCREST ELBA 1M17 #G A R RETAIL PRODuCT G A R RETAIL PRODUCT 594S +G A R FOCuS 1880 # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 #+ VISION HF BLACKCAP 0015 #14850409 [RDF] #VERMILION DATELINE 7078 SuMMITCREST ELBA 1F43 # G A R PRECISION 1680 + G A R EXT 4927 14978613 #S A F FOCuS OF E R + G A R SLEEP EASY 1906 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B -6 3.6 54 101 5 38 .40 .69 -.027 59.92 67.35 34.09 52 51 Cow 8/14/2007 7137 +16043175 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY #RITO 6I6 OF 4B20 6807 RITO 1I2 OF 2536 RITO 6I6 G A R PRECISION 2536 #+ G A R EXPECTATION 4915 G A R EXPECTATION 822 + G A R 044 TRAVELER 2328 #D H D TRAVELER 6807 +RITA 4B20 OF 0FB1 BANDO #+13793826 #G A R PRECISION 1680 +G A R EXT 2104 # N BAR EMuLATION EXT G A R TRAVELER 2421 +14222307 # G D A R TRAVELER 044 G A R PRECISION 2536 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 3/9/2013 17713643 # CONNEALY ONWARD SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M #SITz uPWARD 307R #15656868 [DDF] #+ O C C EMBLAzON 854E + SITz EVERELDA ENTENSE 4948 #S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 + SITz EVERELDA ENTENSE 2665 #MYTTY IN FOCuS D & D ROYAL LASS 322D 16928285 #S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 +R ROYAL LASS 353 +ACF ROYAL LASS 8274 125.76 588 Owned by: D & D Longview Angus - Columbia, KY SITZ DASH 10277 9 CED BW 1.1 WW 51 YW 88 CEM 12 MILK 26 $W 50.08 $F 40.96 •7 PATHFINDERS •Check out the noted cow families in this Dash daughter’s pedigree: Henrietta Pride, Everelda Entense, Countess, Royal Lass. •AI on 1/30/2015 to D&D IN FOCuS 591. Pasture Exposed after 1/20/2015. •8 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentile: Milk 1%, $F 5%, YW and $B 10% •A Summitcrest complete daughter out of a Retail Product daughter straight from the Gardiner program. •AI to SITz uPWARD 307R. Due 10/13/2015. COLEMAN BLACKCAP 7137 D & D LASS 588 [DDP] Cow -4 4.3 56 97 7 20 .60 .41 -.058 35.51 45.87 40.90 53 NCF BLUEBLOOD 2401 Cow 9/9/2012 #+ S A V MANDAN 5664 S A V BRAVE 8320 #+ S A V MAY 2397 QLC LAGRAND FORuM NCF BLUEBLOOD 9401 WKu BLuEBLOOD 2213 118.55 2401 17501687 Owned by: Carrie’s Cattle Co - Marysville ,IN #S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V ABIGALE 0451 16107533 #+S A F 598 BANDO 5175 S A V MAY 7238 # G 13 STRuCTuRE QLC B7 BLACKBIRD X553A +16969704 #CONNEALY DATELINE DAVIS BLuEBLOOD 7300 1 CED BW 3.0 WW 48 YW 82 5 CEM MILK 20 $W 35.55 $F 32.36 •6 PATHFINDERS •A moderate framed female, halter broke with a good disposition. She placed third in class at the 2013 National Junior Angus Show in Kansas City, MO. •AI to COLEMAN REGIS 904. Due 10/10/2015. •7 PATHFINDERS •This product of the Coleman Angus Ranch at Charlo, MT is double bred to GAR Precision 2536 through Rito 1I2 on the top side and being a direct maternal descendent on the bottom side. •HC, 9/14/2015, CONNEALY COuRAGE 25L. HC EPDs: CED 7, BW 1.7, WW 57, YW 97, CEM 13, Milk 19, Marb .46, RE .70, $W 50.06, $F 49.05, $G 38.80, $B 96.84 Tim Dievert 478 Dry Fork Road Danville, KY 40422 Office: 859.236.4591 Mobile: 859.238.3195 Logan Goggin 859.516.3199 come on Friday evening for a preview of the cattle, food and fellowship, and special entertainment provided this year by OUTTA THE BLUE, a Bluegrass family band from Knoxville, Tennessee. Friday evening is a great opportunity to socialize with your fellow Angus breeders and guests in a relaxed atmosphere while enjoying excellent refreshments provided by sale host, Tom McGinnis’ Heritage Farm. The roast beef is excellent and the individual pies are worth the trip! All of the sale staff, the consignors, the sponsors and the members of Great Meadows Angus Association look forward to your presence on Friday evening and sale day. Give any of us a call with any of your questions regarding the sale. • Open heifers ready to breed • Show heifer prospects from fall babies to senior calves • Bred heifers fall and spring calving • Bred cows and cow/calf pairs • Bulls for registered herd cleanup or commercial herds • Embryos - cutting edge genetics • Semen - pick it up sale day and save shipping What are you looking for in the Angus industry? We have an excellent selection of all of the above in this sale offering, and should have something to fit into a wide array of programs, including yours. Please consider this as your special invitation to join us for this important Angus event. We highly encourage you to 15 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV pHantasia FlusHmates From reality Farms Lot 54A - Burks S 54 Phantasia 487Y 54A 54B BURKS S54 PHANTASIA 487Y [DDF] Cow 2/20/2011 16991257 BURKS S54 PHANTASIA 566Z [DDF] Cow 2/15/2012 566z 17327387 Owned by: Reality Farms - New Castle, KY #+ NORTHERN IMPROVEMENT 4480 GF EXAR TRYON 71204 #TC STOCKMAN 365 BLACKCAP OF R R 5367 +15894360 #+A&B YuKON 7150 +SARAS DREAM TC EXTRA 9140 +TWIN VALLEY BLACKCAP 2819 EXAR SARAS DREAM 9809 Lot 54B - Burks S 54 Phantasia 566Z 487Y Owned by: Reality Farms - New Castle, KY + W C C EXTRA STOuT N7 WCC PHANTASIA S54 15357010 #+W C C SPECIAL DESIGN L309 + WCC PHANTASIA B18 W C C PHANTASIA 312 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 10 .2 45 82 13 24 .24 .20 .016 44.79 45.01 16.14 121.18 •A Great opportunity to buy 2 full sisters that are young and productive. Bred to the hottest EPD bull in the breed, RB Tour of Duty. My best bred heifer is a Capitalist daughter of Lot 54B and 54A has put 2 bulls in the sale pen. These two will make the money. •Lots 54A & 54B: AI to RB TOuR OF DuTY 177. Due 9/1/2015. 55 CLIFFSIDES E123 BEAUTY 2328 Cow 3/1/2012 # TC GRIDIRON 258 S A V IRON MOUNTAIN 8066 S A V MADAME PRIDE 3249 #CONNEALY ONWARD BCF BEAUTY OF R123 +WHITESTONE BEAuTY R123 FINANCIAL SERVICES OFFICER 1203 Mt. Eden Rd • Shelbyville, KY 40065 T - 502.633.1420 F - 502.633.5605 C - 502.741.8320 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV 17262242 #+G A R GRID MAKER #TC BLACKBIRD 7049 16115617 #S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MADAME PRIDE 8264 # CONNEALY LEAD ON ALTuNE OF CONANGA 6104 +15708640 # D H D TRAVELER 6807 #S S MISS HI SPADE A114 •8 PATHFINDERS •Neat pedigree here! The grandmother, Whitestone Beauty 123, is the full sister to SS Traveler 6807 T510, which is the sire of the ABS Standout SS Objective T510 OT26. Throw in Iron Mountain and Onward and reap the rewards. •AI to CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028. Due 9/1/2015. You always feel welcome at GMAA Sales! TiM BaKER - NMLS#985595 2328 Owned by: Reality Farms - New Castle, KY CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB .80 .50 RE FAT .015 $W $F $G $B BIG ON COMMITMENT. PAT HARGADON Agency Manager 1201 Mt. Eden Rd - Suite 201 • Shelbyville, KY 40065 Office: 502.633.2310 • Home: 502.829.5047 16 bred cows From dividinG ridGe, cliFFside, edwards, & aK cattle DRF FINAL PRODUCT DIJI 56 Cow 11/2/2011 J204 17264791 Owned by: Dividing Ridge Farm - Salvisa, KY CONNEALY PRODuCT 568 CONNEALY FINAL PRODUCT # EBONISTA OF CONANGA 471 #GRANDVIEW WOMACK DIRECT DRF DIRECT DECO DIVA # G A R RETAIL PRODuCT PRIDE FINE OF CONANGA 566 15848422 # CONNEALY DEEP CANYON 454 EBONISA OF CONANGA 5469 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 +MENGS MISS SKYMERE 78B 15296884 # TC DIVIDEND 963 D R F PARAGONS ECHO D R F DIVIDEND DECO -1 CED BW 4.8 WW 49 YW 88 6 CEM MILK 20 $W 26.98 $F 42.35 G AA •6 PATHFINDERS •The Miss Skymere 78B female was a many many times champion in major competition. Final Product has developed a super maternal reputation because of his highly productive daughters and his top 1% $W. •AI to BPF SPECIAL FOCuS 504. Due 8/22/2015. Special Focus has a nearly identical EPD profile to his sire, Mytty In Focus. 60 Great Meadows Angus Association GAR-W OBJECTIVE 1239B [DDP-AMF] Cow 6/14/2012 1239B 17547905 Owned by: John G Edwards - Cecilia, KY # S S TRAVELER 6807 T510 S S MISS RITA R011 7R8 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 G A R OBJECTIVE 7838 +16290891 +G A R PREDESTINED N05 STEVENSON ON TARGET 1916 STEVENSON-W ON TARGET 838 G A R EXPECTATION L101 #G A R PREDESTINED +G A R PRECISION 191 # BOYD ON TARGET 1083 # FSHK PRIDE 180 16146336 #+ G A R EXPECTATION 4915 +G A R BLACK INK 1177 4 CED BW 2.3 WW 57 YW 99 8 CEM MILK 29 $W 53.67 $F 56.73 •6 PATHFINDERS •The daughters of GAR Objective 7838 formed a very popular sire group in the GMAA Spring Sale. They are very feminine with excellent udders. •AI on 12/25/2014 to SEDGWICKS OuTLAW 538W. DRF ND 1407 LUVENA [DDC] 58 Cow 3/1/2012 J200 #B/R NEW DESIGN 036 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 BON VIEW PRIDE 664 #L T 598 BANDO 9074 DRF LUCRATIVE BANDO 9074 DRF HALL OF FAME LuCuLLAN #V D A R NEW TREND 315 B/R BLACKCAP EMPRESS 76 #12783540 #+ G A R SLEEP EASY 1009 #BON VIEW PRIDE 1551 #+S A F 598 BANDO 5175 #MILL COuLEE BARBARA K 323 16572835 61 17260293 Owned by: Dividing Ridge Farm - Salvisa, KY # WAR HALL OF FAME 8023 D R F LuCYBELLE 4 CED BW 1.0 WW 39 YW 75 9 CEM MILK 23 $W 33.00 $F 26.20 Bred Cow GAMBLES ROYAL FLUSH +CHAMPION HILL LADY 703 #S A V NET WORTH 4200 S A V ABIGALE 7001 # S A V ABIGALE 8213 1046 16638043 O C C KIRBY 633K GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 +15784389 #LEACHMAN SAuGAHATCHEE 3000C +CHAMPION HILL LADY STONE 731 #S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 + S A V MAY 2410 +15773933 #SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V ABIGALE 6062 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 2 3.2 66 115 5 27 .53 .73 .026 58.51 77.73 30.59 161.25 •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentile Rank: WW, YW, $F, $B 1%, RE & $W 5% •This female is a direct maternal descendent of SAV Abigale 6062, the maternal granddam of Bismarck. •AI to SOO LINE MOTIVE. Due to calvve in Spring. BAGDAD ROLLER MiLLS Green River Embryo Transfer GR Contact Scott Burks at 270-678-9007 5/7/2010 Owned by: AK Cattle Company - Simpsonville, KY # B C MARATHON 7022 •9 PATHFINDERS •Daughters of 1407 are held in high regard because of the outstanding carcass traits that they readily pass on to their progeny. •AI to BC MARATHON 7022 Due 9/2/2015. • Superovulation • Donor Housing • Fresh & Frozen Transfer • Recipients Available • Embryo Freezing • Fetal Sexing TOP LINE ABIGALE 1046 Charles Jeffries, Mgr 5740 Elmburg Road • Bagdad, KY 40003 Tom mcginnis 111 midland Ave • Shelbyville, KY 40065 502.633.5100 Selling 100% AnguS Beef! 17 502-747-8968 • Fax: 502-747-8960 Since 1880, providing top quality feeds GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV bred cows: Hill rise, walnut sprinGs & dividinG ridGe 62 HILL RISE LADY 0123 Cow 1/22/2010 0123 +16640393 Owned by: Hill Rise Farm - Crestwood, KY #+S A V 004 PREDOMINANT 4438 S A V PROVIDENCE 6922 S A V MAY 7238 #+ WOODHILL FORESIGHT BOYD SUNSET 4465 LADY 627 +IDEAL 4465 OF 6807 4286 # S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V EMBLYNETTE 1182 #+15707145 #+ LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME # S A R PROSPECTOR MAY 9124 #PAPA FORTE 1921 BON VIEW GAMMER 85 +15540342 # D H D TRAVELER 6807 E E 4286 OF IDEAL 2240 1254 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B Lot 62 - Hill Rise Lady 0123 -3 3.7 58 102 3 27 .32 .50 -.001 53.01 49.29 21.79 145.42 •8 PATHFINDERS •A Providence daughter out of a daughter of Ideal 4465. •AI to GAR PROPHET. Due 1/8/2016. Prophet is the high yearling weight sire in the Select Sire stud. His WW, YW, DOC, and Marbling all rank in the top 1% of the breed. 63 BOBO LUCY 2508 Cow 8/8/2012 2508 +17335092 Owned by: Walnut Springs Farm - Crestwood, KY #CONNEALY ONWARD SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M # SITz uPWARD 307R EXAR UPSHOT 0562B 16541214 #+ EXAR BARBARA T020 #BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 BASIN LUCY 6433 # ISu IMAGING Q 9111 LCC MC HENRY BARBAR MG382 #B/R NEW DESIGN 036 BON VIEW PRIDE 664 +14424390 #BASIN MAX 602C # BASIN LuCY 855A BASIN LuCY 178E CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B Lot 63 - Bobo Lucy 2508 9 1.5 47 91 9 32 .81 .69 .043 54.07 52.23 40.95 122.13 •8 PATHFINDERS •One of the feature pedigrees of the entire sale offering, sired by upshot and a maternal granddaughter of Basin Lucy 178E. •AI on 5/30/2015 to HOOVER DAM. Safe AI 64 COR PRIMROSE 7300 0842 OT26 [AMF-NHF} 12/20/2007 Cow 7300 15965259 Owned by: Walnut Springs Farm - Crestwood, KY #S S TRAVELER 6807 T510 S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 S S MISS RITA R011 7R8 # TWIN VALLEY PRECISION E161 EXAR PRIMROSE 0842 # D H D TRAVELER 6807 # S S MISS HI SPADE A114 #13776378 S S RITO RITO R76 R011 S S MISS uLTRESS u56 # G A R PRECISION 1680 +W C C BLACKCAP C9 +13755436 #EMuLATION 31 PRIMROSE N BAR 9962 N BAR PRIMROSE 2424 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B Lot 64 - COR Primrose 7300 0842 0T26 10 .7 51 93 11 28 .64 .38 -.023 53.29 40.64 41.45 79.45 •7 PATHFINDERS •Another opportunity to secure some tried and proven genetics. Note that the maternal granddam of this entry is Primrose 2424, the dam of EXT. •AI on 6/8/2015 to VAR DISCOVERY 2240. Safe AI 65 Cow DRF MATRIX MABEL TLC 9/18/2011 J201 17259697 Owned by: Dividing Ridge Farm - Salvisa, KY #+ O C C EMBLAzON 854E B C MATRIX 4132 CAF PuRE PRIDE EXT 99 # VERMILION DATELINE 7078 DRF TIME LINE COVER GAL D R F SLEEPY TIME GAL # D H D TRAVELER 6807 DIXIE ERICA OF C H 1019 #14159119 # N BAR EMuLATION EXT GIBBET HILL PuRE PRIDE CF 90 # CONNEALY DATELINE # VERMILION BLACKBIRD 5044 14672736 #+G A R SLEEP EASY 1009 J A F SCOTCH TRANSMITTER CED 12 .3 BW WW 51 YW 90 CEM 11 MILK 16 $W 39.67 $F 44.55 66 Owned by: Dividing Ridge Farm - Salvisa, KY BREED MAKEUP: CROSS BRED •Service Sire: Basin Rainmaker P175. Due to calve prior to the sale day. •8 PATHFINDERS •This Matrix X VRD female has a super spread from BW to YW of .3 to 90 •AI to RIVERBEND NONE BETTER u095. Due 3/19/2016 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV COMMERCIAL COW Comm Cow 10/11/2013 18 Family unit & embryos From top end DAM EPD’S 8 EMBRYOS -4 CED BW 4.2 Owned by: Top End Angus - Taylorsville, KY WW 63 YW 111 #CONNEALY ONWARD +WERNER WAR PARTY 2417 + BAAR uSA LADY JAYE 489 0 CEM R B TOUR OF DUTY 177 +16984170 [AMF-CAF-D2F-DDF-M1F-NHF] MILK 23 # VERMILION DATELINE 7078 +B A LADY 6807 305 MARB .38 + G D LADY HI FLYER 302 .52 RE #S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 #G A R uLTIMATE .039 FAT +G A R LOAD uP 1314 $W 53.31 CRAIGMORE LUCY 204Y +17167869 #VERMILION PAYWEIGHT J847 $F 71.09 +BASIN LuCY 504M BASIN LuCY 178E $G 21.47 $B 139.32 SIRE EPD’S CED BW WW YW MILK MARB RE 67A 12 0 $W 107.67 90 $F 157 132.25 36 $G .46 33.17 67C CRAIGMORE DAMBREAKER Y418 +CRAIGMORE LuCY 9003 #G A R uLTIMATE CRAIGMORE LUCY 204Y 179.03 67B Bull 12/16/2014 # MYTTY IN FOCuS A A R TEN X 7008 S A # A A R LADY KELTON 5551 # G A R uLTIMATE CRAIGMORE LUCY 204Y + BASIN LuCY 504M 505 18083080 Owned by: Top End Angus - Taylorsville, KY # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 15719841 S A V ADAPTOR 2213 +H S A F LADY KELTON 504B # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 +G A R LOAD uP 1314 17167869 # VERMILION PAYWEIGHT J847 BASIN LuCY 178E CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 17543375 #SYDGEN C C & 7 #ERICA OF ELLSTON C124 17246727 #C A FuTuRE DIRECTION 5321 BASIN LuCY 178E #S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 +G A R LOAD uP 1314 +17167869 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 2 1.9 61 107 5 26 .31 .73 .031 67.93 67.91 24.36 124.33 •7 PATHFINDERS •3913 is double bred to 178E. This nicely uddered 2 year old has done a fabulous job with her first calf, a commercial bull calf with an Adj WW of 865. •Balanced EPDs are highlighted by top 2% WW, YW, $W, and $F and top 10% CW and RE. 67D TOP END PROPHET 3/8/2015 Comm BC 509 Commercial Owned by: Top End Angus - Taylorsville, KY # B A R EXT TRAVELER 205 CRA LADY JAYE 608 498 S EASY #C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 G A R PROPHET +16295688 #S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 G A R 1407 NEW DESIGN 2232 #HOOVER DAM + CRAIGMORE LuCY 9003 + G A R OBJECTIVE 1885 Great Meadows Angus Association TOP END TEN X 505 3913 #VERMILION PAYWEIGHT J847 BASIN LuCY 178E + BASIN LuCY 504M •5 PATHFINDERS •Craigmore Lucy 204Y was produced from a second generation Basin donor that was the $60,000 Lot 1 animal of the 2009 Stevenson Basin Sale. 204Y is the donor dam of the 8 embryos that sell as Lot 67A, the Ten X bull that sells as Lot 67B, and the young cow that sells as Lot 67C. Tour of Duty ranks number 1 among active sires in the breed for WW EPD and $W Value. The Tour of Duty / 204Y flush produced 15 quality embryos and we offer 8 of them in this sale. We are selling 2 groups of 4. G AA 3/9/2013 Owned by: Top End Angus - Taylorsville, KY #HOOVER DAM .81 $B Cow CRAIGMORE LUCY 3913 CRAIGMORE DAMBREAKER Y418 CRAIGMORE LUCY 3913 17543375 #G A R uLTIMATE + BASIN LuCY 504M + CRAIGMORE LuCY 204Y CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 7 1.5 69 121 8 30 .98 .65 .044 81.79 83.92 43.72 129.33 •5 PATHFINDERS •This stout young Prophet son will add meat and muscle to your herd with EPDs ranking in the top 1% for WW, YW, $W, & $F. 205 day adjusted weight 865. WDA 3.97 2 2.2 66 122 4 26 .86 .70 .015 68.72 85.72 39.89 4 EMBRYOS 68 DAM EPD’S 9 CED BW 1.7 Owned by: Top End Angus - Taylorsville, KY WW 32 #+ BOYD NEW DAY 8005 YW 70 #MCC DAYBREAK # MCC MISS FOCuS 134 CEM 12 MCC DAYBREAK 0410 16804471 [DDP] MILK 27 #+G A R EXALTATION 3144 PANNELL MISS 448 MARB .56 JLE MS GOLDIES HI CLASS 662 .22 RE #B/R NEW DESIGN 036 #G A R PREDESTINED #+G A R EXT 4206 FAT .026 G A R PREDESTINED N265 +15283217 [AMF-DDF-NHF] $W 28.96 #G A R PRECISION 1680 $F 12.39 G A R PRECISION 81 G A R PRIME TIME 2409 $G 30.59 $B 83.93 SIRE EPD’S CED BW WW YW MILK MARB RE 175.90 •6 PATHFINDERS •Check out the numbers on this herd bull prospect; WW 66, YW 122, Marb .86, RE .70, $W 68.72, $F 85.72, $B 175.90. •EPD Percentile Rank: WW, CY, YW, $F, $B 1%, Marb & SC 10%, •This bull is good footed and very docile. He is a maternal descendent of the $410,000 valued Basin Lucy 178E. The 204Y progeny in this sale show how she stamps her calves with impressive length of body, docility, and solid EPD profiles. 11 .3 $W 42.36 50 $F 89 43.45 20 $G 30.81 .40 $B .51 91.56 •8 PATHFINDERS •Daybreak embryos out of the one time $12,000 valued Top End Angus donor, GAR Predestined N265. The dam of N265, GAR Precision 81 is the $110,000 Vintage Angus and Angus Hill donor, who is the daughter of the $430,000 GAR Prime Time 2409. Backing these embryos is a line of stellar donor females bred for carcass and performance. Maternal sisters to these embryos by Complete sold at the 2015 Branchview Angus Sale for $4,700 and $4,800 and an Objective sister sold in a previous GMAA Sale for $5,000. Neal Branscum Territory Business Manager u.S. Cattle/Equine Division 211 Ard Ridge Rd. - Nancy, KY 42544 M 606.872.5395 E 19 Blue grass livesToCk MarkeT llC 277 Cordier Lane - Stanford, KY 40484 Michael Noe - Manager Off: 606-365-0665 • Mob: 859-339-7921 Cattle Auction: Mon @ 9 am/Thurs @ 8:30 am GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV embryos From middle creeK & newman anGus 69 MCA TOTAL DIRECTION 081 Donor Cow 10/3/2010 081 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 16981747 Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY #C A FuTuRE DIRECTION 5321 B/R FUTURE DIRECTION 4268 B/R RuBY 9114 # TC TOTAL 410 M C A TOTAL 810 #G A R PRECISION 1680 C A MISS POWER FIX 308 14675477 # B/R DESTINATION 727 B/R RuBY 521 #BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 +TC ERICA EILEEN 2047 16281409 -5 3.6 60 105 6 24 .69 .72 .004 45.50 75.10 38.81 #S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 +2 BAR AMBuSH 3294 170.31 FOR REFERENCE ONLY•6 PATHFINDERS •B/R Future Direction 4268 records the 3rd highest $B value of all sires of the 2015 Sire Evaluation Report. MCA Total Direction 081 is the dam of the $8,200 top selling female of the 2015 CKAA Ladies Day Sale. 2 BAR OBJECTIVE 5546 6 EMBRYOS 69A SIRE: BALDRIDGE WAYLON W34 SIRE EPD’S CED 1 $W 16476949 DAM: MCA TOTAL DIRECTION 081 BW 3.9 59.93 WW 73 $F YW 132 97.00 $G 55.63 MARB 1.28 RE .96 $B CHAMPION HILL MAY 6956 [CAF] 4 EMBRYOS 71A SIRE: SIRE EPD’S 9 A A R TEN X 7008 S A DAM: CHAMPION HILL MAY 6956 1.3 64 81.03 112 $F 68.37 38 $G 1.33 57.48 $B 1.28 180.68 •PATHFINDERS •MCA Total 810 sold for $6,000 to M & R Angus of Montgomery, AL in the 2015 CKAA Winter Sale. Index’s $B of 180.68 ranks in the top 1% of the breed. 198.70 6 CED BW 3.2 6956 Donor Cow 11/7/2008 16230750 WW 54 Owned by: Leonard A Newman - Carme, IN YW 90 #SITz TRAVELER 8180 9 CEM # S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 +BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 MILK 27 S A V NET WORTH 4200 #14739204 MARB .66 #+ S A F 598 BANDO 5175 +S A V MAY 2410 .68 RE # S A V MAY 6269 FAT .029 # N BAR EMuLATION EXT #+ LEACHMAN RIGHT TIME LEACHMAN ERICA 0025 $W 48.41 S A V MAY 7238 12819816 $F 32.37 #+R&J PROSPECTOR 341 # S A R PROSPECTOR MAY 9124 $G 36.39 S A R CLASSIC MAY 7278 $B 127.83 FOR REFERENCE ONLY •9 PATHFINDERS •This newest Newman donor is double bred to the Blackcap May family. Sired by a Pathfinder sire, SAV Net Worth 4200, and out of the famous SAV May 7238 that recorded a progeny birth ratio of 99 combined with a WR of 106 on 6 natural calves and a YW of 104 of 5 head along with IMF and RE ratios of 100 and 102 on 66 head. Maternal brothers include SAV 004 Density 4336 and SAV Providence 6922. A maternal sister Blackcap May 5530, is a proven Pathfinder dam whose sons include Brand Name and Priority. Another maternal sister is the dam of Brave and Angus Valley. Selling 3 sets of embryos 4 per set sired by Ten X, Granite, and Capitalist. 71 70 DAM EPD’S -2 CED BW 3.1 Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY WW 62 #+G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 YW 111 +G A R INGENuITY G A R OBJECTIVE 1067 7 CEM V A R INDEX 3282 +17513381[ AMF-CAF-DDF-M1F-NHF ] MILK 24 #CONNEALY ONWARD +SANDPOINT BLACKBIRD 8809 MARB .72 + RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD 4301 .59 RE # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 #TC TOTAL 410 +TC ERICA EILEEN 2047 FAT -.023 M C A TOTAL 810 16281409 $W 46.47 #S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 $F 70.86 2 BAR OBJECTIVE 5546 + 2 BAR AMBuSH 3294 $G 44.28 $B 117.08 SIRE EPD’S CED BW WW YW MILK MARB RE $W MILK 25 2 EMBRYOS 15719841 72 N BAR PRIMROSE 600 X600 Donor Cow 11/3/2011 +17257774 Owned by: Leonard A Newman - Carmel, IN #BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 HAPPY GRILL OF CONANGA 6260 #CONNEALY REFLECTION CONNEALY IMPRESSION #15543702 # VERMILION DATELINE 7078 PEARL JAM OF CONANGA 6114 F C R ELATION LAD 652 MISS EMuLOuS 243 PEARL PAMMY OF CONANGA 194 # EMuLATION 31 WCC DF PRIMROSE 2424 II ^16593736 LAD 118K OF J R S # N BAR PRIMROSE 5329 PRIMROSE N BAR 9962 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 8 .7 42 70 12 22 .51 .55 -.011 42.84 16.93 38.27 78.53 FOR REFERENCE ONLY •6 PATHFINDERS •This featured Primrose donor in the Newman Program is by the ABS Global AI Sire, Connealy Impression. Her dam, WCC DF Primrose 2424 II, has the distinction of being a genetic replica of N Bar Primrose 2424, the Wilson Cattle Company foundation female that sold for $100,000 at 17 1/2 years of age and is best known as the dam of EXT, the most widely used sire in the Angus breed. This elite Primrose female offers unlimited genetic potential without sacrificing phenotype. 72A SIRE EPD’S 4 EMBRYOS SIRE: R B TOUR OF DUTY 177 DAM: N BAR PRIMROSE 600 16984170 CED BW WW YW MILK MARB RE CED BW WW YW MILK MARB RE 8 .2 69 132 27 1.38 .88 10 .6 88 154 35 .47 .81 $W 96.01 204.22 $W 103.65 $F 99.39 $G 52.97 $B 4 EMBRYOS 127.56 $G 33.58 $B 178.84 4 EMBRYOS 71B SIRE: CONNEALY BLACK GRANITE SIRE EPD’S $F 17028963 DAM: CHAMPION HILL MAY 6956 72B SIRE: S A V RESOURCE 1441 SIRE EPD’S 17016597 DAM: N BAR PRIMROSE 600 CED BW WW YW MILK MARB RE CED BW WW YW MILK MARB RE 15 .1 63 110 17 .60 1.09 2 3.6 74 137 31 .08 1.03 $W 64.95 137.46 $W $F 63.11 $G 41.84 $B $F 118.73 $G 5.33 $B 171.12 4 EMBRYOS 4 EMBRYOS 71C SIRE: CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 SIRE EPD’S 75.26 16752262 72C SIRE: CONNEALY EARNAN 076E 16969555 DAM: N BAR PRIMROSE 600 DAM: CHAMPION HILL MAY 6956 SIRE EPD’S CED BW WW YW MILK MARB RE CED BW WW YW MILK MARB RE 12 -.3 64 110 21 .48 1.01 10 4.4 76 132 15 .86 .62 $W 68.75 97.74 $W $F 70.89 $G 29.15 $B 56.95 $F 113.17 $G 37.87 $B 180.99 HeritaGe Farm bulls: lots 73 tHru 85 Lot 73 - Heritage All in 460 73 Bull HERITAGE ALL IN 460 A A R TEN X 7008 S A DEER VALLEY ALL IN +DEER VALLEY RITA 0274 #+S A V BISMARCK 5682 HILL RISE RUBY 0119 B/R RuBY 9114 9/15/2014 460 18010521 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY #MYTTY IN FOCuS #A A R LADY KELTON 5551 17307074 #SITz uPWARD 307R G A R OBJECTIVE 2345 #+G A R GRID MAKER S A V ABIGALE 0451 +16640395 #B/R DESTINATION 727 B/R RuBY 521 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B Lot 74 - Heritage 307 R Upward 454 8 1.7 73 120 11 30 .87 .98 .016 72.22 84.68 44.58 74 HERITAGE 307R UPWARD 454 Bull 18010515 # CONNEALY LEAD ON ALTuNE OF CONANGA 6104 # CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R #14963730 SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M # G A R RETAIL PRODuCT G A R RETAIL PRODUCT 35S G A R T510 TRAVELER S411 177.04 •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: WW YW $G $B 1, $W 3, RE 4 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 75 WW 717 (118) •If you want to add extra pounds at weaning and yearling and still maintain calving ease, you should consider this All In son. YW of 120 ranks second of the sale bulls. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED 454 9/8/2014 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # SITz VALuE 7097 SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 1370 # G A R PRECISION 1680 + G A R EXT 4927 +15095778 # S S TRAVELER 6807 T510 + G A R NEW DESIGN 2129 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 6 1.5 60 113 9 33 .64 .54 .021 56.75 80.90 33.09 157.51 •7 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: MILK 2, $F 3, YW $B 4, CW 10 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 70, WW 619 •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED 75 Heritage Farm 1st Year Breeding Season 100% Guarantee HERITAGE 7008 TEN X 456 Bull 18010517 # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 # MYTTY IN FOCuS All Heritage bulls will be covered 100% if they are unable to complete the first breeding season due to injury, infertility, or the development of a physical impairment. The breeding season is defined as the 90 day period following the turnout of the bull. 100% of the purchase price less the salvage value will be credited to a replacement if available or returned to the buyer. All claims must be in writing and must be certified by a licensed Veterinarian. 456 9/10/2014 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY A A R TEN X 7008 S A 15719841 S A V ADAPTOR 2213 + H S A F LADY KELTON 504B # S S TRAVELER 6807 T510 S S MISS RITA R011 7R8 # A A R LADY KELTON 5551 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 MAPLECREST FOREVERLADY K0233 + MAPLECREST FOREVER LADY A622 +16939477 #G A R PREDESTINED + MAPLECREST FOREVER LADY S301 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 12 -.8 60 111 10 27 1.17 .56 .002 56.94 77.07 48.42 166.60 •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: MARB $B 2, $F 4, $G 5, CED BW WW 10 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 60, WW 587 •A full brother in blood to the Lot 1 heifer in this sale. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED 21 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV Fall Festival sale volume Xiv - october 24tH, 2015 Lot 76 - Heritage 7008 Ten x 464 76 HERITAGE 7008 TEN X 464 [DDP] Bull 9/17/2014 464 18010525 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 # MYTTY IN FOCuS A A R TEN X 7008 S A 15719841 S A V ADAPTOR 2213 + H S A F LADY KELTON 504B # SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 # A A R LADY KELTON 5551 # S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 BOYD ESTER 8100 16196597 [DDC] #G A R PREDESTINED THOMAS ESTER 3579 + BOYD ESTER 621 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B Lot 78 - Heritage 1111 Reserve 457 8 .4 69 122 9 29 1.10 .84 .045 72.44 85.39 44.57 CED BW Bull 9/10/2014 457 18010518 WW Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY YW #+ BOYD NEW DAY 8005 CEM # B/R NEW DAY 454 B/R RuBY 1224 MILK V A R RESERVE 1111 +16916944 MARB #CONNEALY ONWARD +SANDPOINT BLACKBIRD 8809 RE RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD 4301 FAT #S A F FOCuS OF E R #MYTTY IN FOCuS MYTTY COuNTESS 906 $W HERITAGE IN FOCUS 719 15870813 $F # G A R PREDESTINED J BAR J PRED SHAMROCK 534 SHAMROCK VALE EzFORTuNE 0060 $G $B 78 170.18 •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: YW 1, WW $W $F $B 2, MARBL 3, MILK 4, RE 10 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 68, WW 704 (115) •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED 77 MAPLECREST RESERVE J4130 Bull 9/17/2014 # B/R NEW DAY 454 V A R RESERVE 1111 +SANDPOINT BLACKBIRD 8809 #+G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 OGEECHEE SUSIE 0110 BLuQ SuSIE 8046 J4130 17930027 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY #+ BOYD NEW DAY 8005 B/R RuBY 1224 +16916944 #CONNEALY ONWARD RIVERBEND BLACKBIRD 4301 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R PRECISION 706 16880529 #S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 + BLuQ SuSIE S768 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 10 1.0 56 93 12 35 .83 .69 .023 64.10 46.47 42.51 133.76 •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: MILK 2, $W $B 10 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 68, WW 651 (107) •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED 7 2.6 56 99 8 34 .74 .94 .003 55.02 57.45 45.29 79 HERITAGE 2002B DENVER 450 Bull 450 8/13/2014 EXAR DENVER 2002B + EXAR ROYAL LASS 1067 S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 # SITz uPWARD 307R #+EXAR BARBARA T020 17160560 #EXAR 263C BR ROYAL LASS 19-132 #+ S A V BISMARCK 5682 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5270 BRIDGEVIEW PLEASANT PRD 1245 LAF KCF MISS BEXTOR 133.70 18010511 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY EXAR uPSHOT 0562B 17545909 # C R A BEXTOR 872 5205 608 +K C F MISS 6106 R578 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B •5 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: MILK 1, WW YW 2, $W 4, $F 5, RE 10 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 76, WW 675 (111) •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: MILK 2, RE 3, $G 10 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 82, WW 596 •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, HP, CM •SEMEN TESTED GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV HERITAGE 1111 RESERVE 457 22 8 1.9 68 118 11 37 .77 .82 .045 74.91 80.31 40.74 126.98 HeritaGe Farm - sHelbyville, KentucKy 80 HERITAGE 4925 IN FOCUS 467 Bull 9/19/2014 467 18010528 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # MYTTY IN FOCuS CONNEALY IN FOCUS 4925 BLACK CANA OF CONANGA 206 + WERNER WAR PARTY 2417 WERNER EVERGREEN 0211 + SHERMANS EVERGREEN 152 # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 #15491720 # MILLERS BuLLSEYE J373 BLACK CRYSE OF CONANGA 204 # CONNEALY ONWARD +BAAR uSA LADY JAYE 489 16919310 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 DESTINATIONS EVERGREEN CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 2 1.4 72 119 7 33 .64 .83 0 74.57 83.50 38.81 Lot 80 - Heritage 4925 in Focus 467 165.38 •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: WW 1, YW MILK $W 2, $F 3, RE 10 •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 75, WW 697 (114) •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED 81 HERITAGE IMPRESSION 481 [DDP] Bull 10/21/2014 481 +18043539 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY #CONNEALY REFLECTION CONNEALY IMPRESSION PEARL PAMMY OF CONANGA 194 # G A R PREDESTINED HVR ISABEL 0628 # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 HAPPY GRILL OF CONANGA 6260 #15543702 [DDF] # VERMILION DATELINE 7078 PEARL JAM OF CONANGA 6114 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 #+ G A R EXT 4206 +16084143 [DDC] #+RITO 1I2 OF 2536 RITO 6I6 L B 6807 ISABEL 339 + C-BAR ISABEL P111 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 6 1.7 59 102 12 26 .84 .80 -.035 64.52 59.77 50.88 83 82 Bull 10/7/2014 472 18010533 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY #+G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 PA SAFEGUARD 021 #+ PA LORNA MARSHALL 2905-730 #+ G A R EXPECTATION 4915 HERITAGE EXPECTATION 270 TODDS GEORGINA 982 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R PRECISION 706 16772185 #+WOODHILL FORESIGHT PETES 2905 DATELINE MARSHALL # N BAR EMuLATION EXT G A R TRAVELER 2421 14363003 ELM DALE JuSTICE PREVAILS ISAACS 892 OF 510 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B B91 9/9/2014 CONNEALY PRODuCT 568 #EBONISTA OF CONANGA 471 17179119 # SITz uPWARD 307R SITz ELLuNAS ELITE 35M CONNEALY CONSENSuS BLuE LILLY OF CONANGA 16 #+SITz ELLuNAS ELITE 656T CONNEALY CONSENSuS 7229 ROCK RIDGE FOREVER LADY 2075 + ROCK RIDGE FOREVER LADY 9909 115.46 17909714 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY CONNEALY FINAL PRODuCT +17372097 # S A V PIONEER 7301 + BOYD FOREVER LADY 5125 4 CED BW 3.0 WW 65 YW 120 6 CEM MILK 32 $W 55.74 $F 90.70 •EPD Percentiles: $F 1%, YW 2%, Milk & WW 3% •Performance Data: BW 83, WW 637(104) •A direct maternal descendent of 57D •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED 6 .1 45 84 11 22 .74 .39 .005 39.03 37.96 39.48 84 HERITAGE 1014 SIGNATURE 465 [DDP] Bull 9/18/2014 465 18010526 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY # CONNEALY FRONT PAGE 0228 KESSLERS BELL 0024 KESSLERS FRONTMAN R001 BOYD SIGNATURE 1014 16916267 [DDF] BOYD NEXT DAY 6010 +BOYD ERICA DIANNA 606 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 #+ G A R EXT 4206 BOYD ERICA DIANNA 9054 # G A R PREDESTINED WERNER ERICA 1209 +16385210 [DDC] # TWIN VALLEY PRECISION E161 #BON VIEW ERICA 443 + WERNER QV ERICA 5003 118.57 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 6 1.6 53 101 11 26 .65 .66 .005 45.46 63.32 39.86 124.58 •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentiles: $F, $G 20% •Performance Data: BW 62, WW 462 •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP, CM •SEMEN TESTED •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentiles: CEM 10% •Performance Data: BW 63, WW 553 •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: BT, CM, LM •SEMEN TESTED Shelby Vet Clinic 2474ShelbyvilleRd Shelbyville,KY40065 502.633.3231 Dr. Melissa Mitchell • Dr. Rocky Oliver Dr. Laura Parker Bull SITZ INVESTMENT 660Z •8 PATHFINDERS •EPD PERCENTILES: $G 2, CEM 10, FAT 3, •PERFORMANCE DATA: BW 75, WW 604 •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP, CM •SEMEN TESTED HERITAGE 021 SAFEGUARD 472 ROCK RIDGE INVESTMENT B91 C C C Business Printing • Office Furniture • Direct Mail Service • Custom Printing 101WBroadwayStreet•Harrodsburg,KY40330 859.734.3536 23 CaRRiE’S CaTTLE COMpaNY Marysville, Indiana Quality Angus Genetics Home: 812.293.3732 Cell: 502.303.7069 Ed & Carrie Wiley GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV straley Farm bulls: lots 86 tHru 91 85 HERITAGE 0129 INSIGHT 482 Bull 10/29/2014 482 18023712 Owned by: Heritage Farm - Shelbyville, KY #+S A V BISMARCK 5682 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5270 S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 PVF INSIGHT 0129 +16805884 +PVF MISSIE 790 +D R SIERRA CuT 7404 DEER VALLEY LUCY 2642 + LONE OAKS LuCY 9079 #+ P V F NEW HORIzON 001 P V F MISS RAPTOR 024 #G A R RETAIL PRODuCT # D R DOBRA 3453 17393478 # S A V PIONEER 7301 +CHAMPION HILL LuCY 3245 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 5 2.2 52 100 7 25 .56 1.02 .026 46.01 58.90 37.83 88 86 Bull 9/12/2014 04 18033871 # CONNEALY LEAD ON ALTuNE OF CONANGA 6104 SITZ UPWARD 307R #14963730 # SITz VALuE 7097 SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 1370 #+S A F 598 BANDO 5175 L L A GEORGINA 419 SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M #+S A V 5175 BANDO 0699 RR HEIRESS 702 15765966 + HEIRESS N307 STRAYER/CHL&C #B/R NEW DIMENSION 7127 +PRECISE HEIRESS 2K37 S A F 87 Bull 9/15/2014 07 18033875 Owned by: Straley Farm - Campbellsville, KY #CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M #NICHOLS EXTRA K205 FINK DONNA 8289 3465 K205 + FINKS DONNA 3465 9140 323 # CONNEALY LEAD ON ALTuNE OF CONANGA 6104 #14963730 # SITz VALuE 7097 SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 1370 #NICHOLS EXTRA H6 NICHOLS BLACK HEIRESS F346 +16397563 #B/R NEW DESIGN 323 + FINKS DONNA 9140 B430 6148 #14963730 # SITz VALuE 7097 SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 1370 +TOEBBEN TRAVELER 123J MYERS MISS BLACKCAP M262 SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M CREEKVIEW TRAVELER 503 HVA TRAVELER 733 #15949138 WK DATELINE 805H PENN J A F MISS TRAVELER HIGHVIEW MS DATELINE 33R 134.27 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 5 2.7 61 111 7 32 .76 .83 .018 63.69 59.92 39.13 89 Bull SFA MR FOCUS 03 9/12/2014 03 18057990 Owned by: Straley Farm - Campbellsville, KY #MYTTY IN FOCuS CONNEALY IN FOCUS 4925 BLACK CANA OF CONANGA 206 B/R FuTuRE DIRECTION 4268 TWIN CREEK BEAUTY 834 +TWIN CREEK BEAuTY 7104 160.64 9 2.2 60 108 11 33 .31 .25 .021 69.97 54.71 17.82 114.41 # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 #15491720 # MILLERS BuLLSEYE J373 BLACK CRYSE OF CONANGA 204 #C A FuTuRE DIRECTION 5321 B/R RuBY 9114 16405105 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 + VDAR BEAuTY 0153 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B -5 4.1 68 112 4 28 .57 .67 -.036 59.11 83.43 37.54 178.66 •6 PATHFINDERS •By the popular Accelerated Sire, Connealy In Focus 4925. This bull is out of a top cow. His third dam is VDAR Beauty 0153, a daughter of the $120,000 VDAR Beauty 5042, a direct daughter of Beauty 228 that is inturn a daughter of Beauty 930. These are foundation females of the Beauty family at VanDyke Angus in Montana, one of the highly regarded performance programs in the breed. I50K rank: WW 2%, YW 10%, RADG 2%, DMI 5%, MW 2%, MH 2%, CW 5%, $F 5%, $B 1%. •SEMEN TESTED •Current BSE available sale day. Video available at DVAuctions. CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 9 1.5 62 113 12 33 .60 .43 .025 74.68 63.00 29.55 90 Bull SFA FOCUS 08 9/20/2014 CONNEALY IN FOCUS 4925 BLACK CANA OF CONANGA 206 # WAR ALLIANCE 9126 6006 TWIN CREEK BELLE-717 GLENVIEW BELLE 341 139.34 08 18057989 Owned by: Straley Farm - Campbellsville, KY # MYTTY IN FOCuS •7 PATHFINDERS •Sired by Sitz upward and the dam comes from the Donna family at Finks Ranch in Randolph, Kansas. Lot of bull here, check the numbers. i50K rank: CED 20%, WW 10%, YW 4%, YH 10%, SC 10%, HP 10%, CEM 10%, Milk 2%, CW 4%, $W 2%, $B 15% •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED •Current BSE available sale day. Video available at DVAuctions. GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV 18033872 #CONNEALY LEAD ON ALTuNE OF CONANGA 6104 SITZ UPWARD 307R •7 PATHFINDERS •By Sitz upward. The dam of this bull was a top seller at the CKAA Ladies Day sale as a bred heifer. i50K rank: WW, YW, and YH 10%, Milk 4%, MH 3%, CW 2%, RE 10%, $W 10%, $B 3% •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED •Current BSE available sale day. Video available at DVAuctions. SFA UPWARD 07 09 Owned by: Straley Farm - Campbellsville, KY CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B •5 PATHFINDERS •By Sitz upward and the dam of this bull, HVA Traveler 733 is a five time Pathfinder and next spring this bull will make her a six time Pathfinder. Dam has a WR of 105 on 6 progeny by 4 different AI sires. This guy is a meat wagon. I50k rank: CED 20%, WW 15%, YW 10%, $W 4% •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED •Current BSE available sale day. Video available at DVAuctions. Owned by: Straley Farm - Campbellsville, KY #CONNEALY ONWARD 9/16/2014 Bull # CONNEALY ONWARD •5 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentiles: RE 2%, $B 16% •Performance Data: BW 74, WW 516 •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED SFA UPWARD 04 SFA UPWARD 09 #S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 #15491720 # MILLERS BuLLSEYE J373 BLACK CRYSE OF CONANGA 204 # SITz ALLIANCE 6595 WAR BANDO 6006 598 4053 16053523 # VERMILION DATELINE 7078 WAF BELLE 505 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 5 2.3 69 116 10 22 .79 .53 -.003 61.84 76.93 37.96 176.91 •7 PATHFINDERS •By the popular Accelerated Sire, Connealy In Focus, out of a dam by War Alliance 9126, descending from the foundation Belle family at Weaver Angus in Illinois. I50K rank: WW 1%, YW 3%, MW 2%, MH 1%, CW 2%, $W 10%, $F 10%, $B 1% •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM •SEMEN TESTED •Current BSE available sale day. Video available at DVAuctions. 24 Fall Festival bulls: lots 73 tHru 106 91 Bull SFA FINAL ANSWER 06 9/12/2014 06 18033877 Owned by: Straley Farm - Campbellsville, KY # SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 + RITO 4I9 OF 2536 6807 TWIN CRK FOREVER LADY-736 +BuRTON FOREVER LADY 3006 #G D A R TRAVELER 71 SITz EVERELDA ENTENSE 1137 #13592905 [RDF] # BON VIEW BANDO 598 S A V SKY EMuLOuS 2124 #D H D TRAVELER 6807 G A R PRECISION 2536 16105631 # C H QuANTuM 3330 +G D A R FOREVER LADY 182B CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 12 -1.1 52 94 12 22 .28 .54 .022 59.76 55.14 26.45 66.16 CED BW 8/10/2014 314 17962576 WW Bull Owned by: Irish Acres Angus - Cox's Creek, KY YW #B/R NEW DESIGN 036 CEM #+G A R NEW DESIGN 5050 G A R PRECISION 706 MILK PA SAFEGUARD 021 16772185 MARB #+ WOODHILL FORESIGHT #+PA LORNA MARSHALL 2905-730 RE PETES 2905 DATELINE MARSHALL FAT #S S TRAVELER 6807 T510 #S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 S S MISS RITA R011 7R8 $W C'SIDES EVERELDA ENT 8229 16062653 $F #+ G A R INTEGRITY +C'SIDES EVERELDAENTENSE 6243 $G +ER EVERELDA ENTENSE K218 $B 93 •6 PATHFINDERS •Sired by the late great Final Answer. With a CED of +12, this bull will be a sleep all night calving ease sire. With a $W in the top 15% of the breed. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, BT •SEMEN TESTED •Current BSE available sale day. Video available at DVAuctions. 92 RRF THE ROCK 9/26/2014 Bull #+S A F CONNECTION SYDGEN C C & 7 #+SVF GDAR 216 LTD +S A F ROYAL QuEEN 5084 LEXOR L P LUCY OF FRYLAND 80 # SYDGEN 1407 CORONA 2016 +S A F FOREVER LADY 8292 + DAVIS LEXOR DAVIS FOREVER LADY 6155 #14642851 DAVIS INTENSE 878 LuCY OF FRYLAND 73 -3 3.9 57 103 3 29 .91 .57 -.008 48.42 61.13 46.95 128.77 •PATHFINDERS •Performance Data: WW 627(103) •ultrasound scan data: Weight 1195, Adj IMF 5.11, RE 11.5 •Dam records a WR of 3@108 and a YW of 3@103. If you are looking for size, growth, power and performance, this bull will do the job. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP, CM •SEMEN TESTED 94 17920644 #15330743 SYDGEN FOREVER LADY 4087 LuCY OF FRYLAND 76 R142 Owned by: Ransdell Ridge Farm - Port Royal, KY I A A ON GUARD 314 -1 CED BW 2.6 WW 40 YW 78 1 CEM MILK 25 $W 30.21 $F 30.77 I A A ON POINT 614 9/16/2014 Bull 17962577 #MYTTY IN FOCuS B P F BLACK CASH 341 # B P F SPECIAL FOCuS 504 BV PINPOINT 1045 16899430 +BASIN LuCY 262S #SuMMITCREST COMPLETE 1P55 I A A MISS COMPLETE 1P55 412 I A A OBJECTIVE 902 OF N265 •5 PATHFINDERS •Thirteen of the 25 EPDs or $Values recorded are in the top 10% of the Angus breed including Milk, DOC, and Fat EPDs that rank in the top 2%. The dam of this herd bull prospect was bred in the Fryland program. Fryland farms was a Charter member of GMAA and is now an honorary lifetime member of GMAA. •SEMEN TESTED 614 Owned by: Irish Acres Angus - Cox's Creek, KY #VERMILION PAYWEIGHT J847 + BASIN LuCY 3829 #C F RIGHT DESIGN 1802 SuMMITCREST ELBA 1M17 +17306660 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 + G A R PREDESTINED N265 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 3 2.0 59 106 10 34 .45 1.05 .011 64.74 69.44 34.57 150.54 •6 PATHFINDERS •Performance Data: WW 733(121) •Excellent performance for a calf on a first calf heifer. Pinpoint calves are docile and this bull is no exception. The granddam of this bull was a feature lot in a past GMAA sale, selling to Joanne Halmis. This bull’s production, maternal, carcass, and $Values should not be overlooked. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED GEnETiC iMPROVEMEnT QUALiFiCATiOnS Lot 92 - RRF the Rock Category Heifer Acceptable: HA Terminal: TERM Balance Trait: BT Low Maintenance: LM High Productivity: HP Carcass Merit: CM 25 Calving Ease Weaning Wt. Yearling Wt. Milk Not Below 60 Not Below 90 Not Below 71 Not Above 102 Not Above 86 NA/ -3 Not Below 31 Not Below 49 Not Below 38 Not Above 57 N/A Not Below 19 Not Above 29 Not Above 23 -3 Not Below 47 Not Below 87 Not Below 24 -3 Carcass WT from 4 to 45 7 -3 4 N/A REA FAT MARB Not Below .38 Not Below .31 Not Above .010 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV bulls From lac anGus: lots 95, 96, 97 Lot 95 - LAC Regis 407 95 Bull L A C REGIS 407 [DDF] 7/2/2014 407 18045477 Owned by: LAC Angus - Campbellsville, KY #S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 COLEMAN REGIS 904 + COLEMAN DONNA 714 POWER DRIVE MR ALEX L A C BETTY 041 NEW DESIGN NELL #SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 16364794 [RDF] # CONNEALY ONWARD +COLEMAN DONNA 386 BROST POWER DR BLACKCAP BON VIEW BLEVINS 17171196 P A F NEW DESIGN P134 POWER DRIVE LuCY Lot 96 - LAC Harvester 410 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 13 1.5 40 65 11 20 .19 .42 .035 39.34 2.96 19.99 38.65 96 Bull L A C HARVESTOR 410 8/28/2014 # S A V HERITAGE 6295 S A V HARVESTOR 0338 +S A V EMBLYNETTE 7749 # S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 9163 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 7338 •Note the calving ease numbers on this Regis son, the dam of this bull is double bred to Brost Power Dry, one of the all time great sons of Pine Drive Big Sky. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, LM •SEMEN TESTED •Check videos at DVAuctions. Current BSE available sale day. 410 +18126981 Owned by: LAC Angus - Campbellsville, KY CAR DuKE 104 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 4136 16687737 #S A V NET WORTH 4200 # SAV EMBLYNETTE DIAMOND 6377 # SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 16335716 #CAR DuKE 104 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5270 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B -1 2.8 60 111 4 24 .46 .63 .114 58.49 68.69 16.97 110.63 •6 PATHFINDERS •An outstanding Harvestor sons that pulls together the Emblynette and Blackcap May families at SAV. The maternal third dam of 410 is the Blackcap May 5270 cow that is also the dam of Brilliance. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED •Check videos at DVAuctions. Current BSE available sale day. Heritage Farm 1024 Hinkle Lane Shelbyville, KY SALE LOCATION: Highway 53 Heritage Farm - 1024 Hinkle Ln • Shelbyville, KY 8 miles north of Shelbyville or 10 miles south of LaGrange on Hwy 53 (at the 16 mile marker), then 1 mile west on Hinkle Lane. Watch for signs. Trucks with trailers will need to use the second Heritage Farm entrance. GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV 26 Fall Festival sale volume Xiv - october 24tH, 2015 Lot 97A - LAC iron Mt 409 97A Bull L A C IRON MT 409 8/28/2014 409 +18062594 Owned by: LAC Angus - Campbellsville, KY #TC GRIDIRON 258 S A V IRON MOUNTAIN 8066 S A V MADAME PRIDE 3249 # S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 6530 #+S A V MAY 2397 #+ G A R GRID MAKER #TC BLACKBIRD 7049 16115617 # S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MADAME PRIDE 8264 #SITz TRAVELER 8180 + BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 +15465599 #+S A F 598 BANDO 5175 S A V MAY 7238 Lot 97B - LAC iron Mt 413 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 4 3.4 57 108 8 20 .78 .29 .069 41.70 58.13 26.64 97B 98 Bull 2/12/2015 596 +18192670 Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY + GAR-EGL PROTEGE BALDRIDGE WAYLON W34 BALDRIDGE BLACKCAP T163 B/R FuTuRE DIRECTION 4268 PRF RUBY OF TIFFANY 818 PRF TIFFANY OF QuEEN 110 706 #+RITO 1I2 OF 2536 RITO 6I6 L B 6807 ISABEL 339 16476949 #+WOODHILL FORESIGH BALDRIDGE BLACKCAP P326 # C A FuTuRE DIRECTION 5321 B/R RuBY 9114 16149684 #+ B/R AMBuSH 28 GLENVIEW QuEEN 110 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 8/30/2014 S A V IRON MOUNTAIN 8066 S A V MADAME PRIDE 3249 #S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 6530 #+ S A V MAY 2397 130.85 413 +18062596 Owned by: LAC Angus - Campbellsville, KY #TC GRIDIRON 258 •8 PATHFINDERS •The dam of Lots 97A and 97B is a full sister to SAV Blackcap May 4136, the dam of Resource, Recharge, Renoun, and Heritage. Their maternal second dam is also the dam of Angus Valley. Seize the opportunity to acquire quality bulls with stright SAV pedigrees right here in Kentucky instead of traveling 1,000 miles to the Dakotas. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM •SEMEN TESTED •Check videos at DVAuctions. Current BSE available sale day. MCA WAYLON 596 Bull L A C IRON MT 413 #+ G A R GRID MAKER # TC BLACKBIRD 7049 16115617 # S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MADAME PRIDE 8264 # SITz TRAVELER 8180 + BOYD FOREVER LADY 8003 +15465599 #+ S A F 598 BANDO 5175 S A V MAY 7238 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 5 3.6 57 96 9 17 .84 .18 .047 45.76 39.43 33.38 106.91 •8 PATHFINDERS •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM •SEMEN TESTED •Check videos at DVAuctions. Current BSE available sale day. 1 3.2 65 117 9 27 1.07 .82 .005 59.40 88.17 46.73 W EPDs for The Average Y lls on the non-parent bu is 89. luation report 1/4 2015 Sire Eva nks in the top ra e or m or 0 10 A YW EPD of bulls. of non-parent or more. ve a YW of 100 ha le sa is th s in 22 bulls in bers of the bull Study the num ge Angus are NOT avera se he T . ng ri fe rage. this of BEYOND ave R FA e ar ey th bulls - 195.70 •$B of 195.70 may be the highest $B value that we have had in a GMAA Sale. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED 27 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV middle creeK & triple d bulls MCA Total 810 100 TD UPDATE 0314 7/29/2014 Bull TOKACH UPDATE 9009 16458143 # VERMILION DATELINE 7078 # TOKACH BLACK LADY 0737 #HERO 6267 OF R R 2418 H A RITO BLACKCAP 9038 TOKACH BLACK LADY 4100 #+ H A IMAGE MAKER 0415 T D SLEEPY 0107 #16057151 BuRTON DOuBLE R VISION 736 M&M SLEEPY M838 # TRIPLE D SLEEPY 0501 99A 99B 99C 99D MCA 10X 401 401 101 +18098892 Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY MCA 10X 404 Bull 9/4/2014 404 Bull 9/7/2014 407 Bull 9/10/2014 410 A A R TEN X 7008 S A # A A R LADY KELTON 5551 # TC TOTAL 410 M C A TOTAL 810 +18098896 2 BAR OBJECTIVE 5546 # S A F FOCuS OF E R MYTTY COuNTESS 906 15719841 S A V ADAPTOR 2213 + H S A F LADY KELTON 504B #BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 208 +TC ERICA EILEEN 2047 16281409 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 +2 BAR AMBuSH 3294 2 CED BW 4.3 WW 48 YW 87 9 CEM MILK 25 $W 32.81 $F 41.25 3 1.7 66 122 8 26 1.05 .74 -.014 65.21 85.47 49.51 •5 PATHFINDERS •If you are looking for a bull to add growth and thickness, this bull will work. The Hazel family has produced some of the top producing females in our herd. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: BT, HP •SEMEN TESTED 165.61 CONNEALY RIGHT ANSWER 746 102 TD RIGHT ANSWER 2714 8/2/2014 Bull HAPPY DELL OF CONANGA 262 E C A BAR EXT 885 T D QUARUM 412 # T D QuARuM 910 2714 18100375 Owned by: Triple D Angus - Eubank, KY # S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 # SITz TRAVELER 8180 S A V EMuLOuS 8145 #15832750 #HYLINE RIGHT TIME 338 HAPPY DAzE OF CONANGA 6260 # B A R EXT TRAVELER 205 E C A MISS BANDO 827 17345507 T D DESTROYER 308 T D WAR ALLIANCE 1608 8 CED BW 1.1 WW 48 YW 94 8 CEM MILK 26 $W 42.14 $F 53.95 •6 PATHFINDERS •Look at the spread from birth to yearling. Granddam is a Pathfinder cow. He will put thickness and growth on your calves. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED Great Meadows Angus Association GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV 15008607 BuRTON DOuBLE R VISION 736 + V D A R HAzEL 617 TRIPLE D HAzEL 3500 •6 PATHFINDERS •The dam of the Lot 99 bulls was one of the top selling females in the 2015 CKAA Winter Sale and a daughter produced the top selling female at $8,200 in the recent CKAA Ladies Day Sale. That top selling female was also sired by Ten X, the sire of these bulls. 2 Bar Objective 5546 is the featured donor in the Solid Rock program at Winchester, KY. •EPD Percentiles: YW 1%, $F & $B 2%, WW, Marb, $G 3%, CW & $W 10% •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED G AA 16458143 T D HAZEL 3904 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 18111936 # VERMILION DATELINE 7078 # TOKACH BLACK LADY 0737 # B/R NEW DESIGN 323 L B ENCHANTRESS EXT 546 TOKACH BLACK LADY 4100 +18098895 2614 # CONNEALY ONWARD SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M +ACF NEW DESIGN 0026 Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY # MYTTY IN FOCuS 7/25/2014 Owned by: Triple D Angus - Eubank, KY TOKACH UPDATE 9009 +18098894 Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY MCA 10X 410 TD UPDATE 2614 Bull #SITz uPWARD 307R Owned by: Middle Creek Angus - Hodgenville, KY MCA 10X 407 9 CED .7 BW WW 60 YW 103 CEM 11 MILK 31 $W 62.52 $F 61.99 •8 PATHFINDERS •A Heifer Acceptable bull with 8 Pathfinders in his pedigree, including the dam. Dam has a progeny ratio of 104 for BW and 117 for WW on 6 calves. This is a very heavy muscled docile female. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED Dam of the bulls that sell as Lot 99 9/1/2014 18100438 # CONNEALY ONWARD SITz HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M #SITz uPWARD 307R Bull 0314 Owned by: Triple D Angus - Eubank, KY 28 Glenview - Hill rise - orr bulls 103 Bull GLENVIEW WINDY 401 3/29/2014 401 # A A R REALLY WINDY 1205 V D A R REALLY WINDY 4097 VDAR BLACKBIRD 2031 #B C MARATHON 7022 A A R WINDY RIDGE 362 A A R LADY KELTON 2170 15776681 VDAR ENTERPRISE 2059 VDAR ENVIOuS BLACKBIRD 6060 O C C KIRBY 633K GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 BURKS MS MARATHON ENVY 866 16071304 GDAR RuSS 8346 WAF ENVY 7026 GLENVIEW ENVY 234 105 18092431 Owned by: Glenview Angus Farms LLC - Magnolia, KY 8 CED BW 1.2 WW 54 YW 88 8 CEM MILK 14 $W 42.07 $F 38.88 HILL RISE DOUBLE VISION 9403 Bull 3/19/2014 9403 18035088 Owned by: Hill Rise Farm - Crestwood, KY # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 HAPPY GRILL OF CONANGA 6260 # CONNEALY REFLECTION JINDRA DOUBLE VISION 16748826 #HOFF LIMITED EDITION S C 594 HOFF MISS EXPO S C 4223 #BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 EXAR JuNE C 3577 + HOFF RACHEL 8312 405 # EXAR 263C 44 CHLOE 8095 +16032116 # GARDENS EXPEDITION BASIN CHLOE 6198 BASIN CHLOE 812L CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 8 .7 60 116 12 27 .64 .29 .028 59.95 94.37 30.75 144.23 •From one of the top cow lines in our herd. Son of the popular low birthweight bull, VDAR Really Windy 4097, from Accelerated Genetics. Excellent phenotype to go along with his calving ease. •Performance Data: BW 74, WW 728 •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM •SEMEN TESTED •6 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentiles: $F 1%, YW 3%, CEM and $B 10%, •18 of the 25 EPDs or $Values are above breed average. 2 year old Angus bulls may well be the most scarce commodity in the beef cattle industry. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: HA, TERM, HP •SEMEN TESTED SWF DESTIN 1495 [DDC] BRADSHAW HILL COMPLETE 277 104 Bull 3/14/2014 1495 17871017 Owned by: John G Edwards - Cecilia, KY #V D A R NEW TREND 315 B/R BLACKCAP EMPRESS 76 # B/R NEW DESIGN 036 G A R PREDESTINED #13395344 # N BAR EMuLATION EXT + G A R 6807 TRAVELER 1432 # S S OBJECTIVE T510 0T26 + RITA 5M46 OF 2536 PRED #+ G A R EXT 4206 RITO 7O65 OF RITA 5M46 OBJ SWF MISS RITO 195 16809028 H S A F ROLLS ROYCE 9044 DAVIS MISS EMuLOuS 8203 SWF EMuLOuS 895 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B -2 3.2 47 82 5 26 .53 .57 .008 44.04 19.30 36.57 77.61 106 Bull 9/14/2012 #C F RIGHT DESIGN 1802 SUMMITCREST COMPLETE 1P55 SuMMITCREST ELBA 1M17 #+ B/R AMBuSH 28 B H F RITA 220 + D/D 1407 RITA 4100 •PATHFINDERS •A spring yearling ready for heavy service. This Predestined son has 9 EPDs above breed average. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: CM •SEMEN TESTED 277 17532418 Owned by: Earl F Or Shirley K Orr - Smithfield, KY # BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 #+ VISION HF BLACKCAP 0015 #14850409 [RDF] #VERMILION DATELINE 7078 SuMMITCREST ELBA 1F43 #ROCKN D AMBuSH 1531 + B/R RuBY OF TIFFANY 8250 16654439 #BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 G A R SLEEP EASY 266 CED BW WW YW CEM MILK MARB RE FAT $W $F $G $B 0 2.4 51 92 11 33 .69 .95 -.025 51.68 55.12 46.95 131.96 •8 PATHFINDERS •EPD Percentiles: Milk 2%, RE 3%, Fat & $G 10% •22 EPDs or $Values are above breed average. •Genetic Improvement Qualifications: TERM, HP, CM •SEMEN TESTED Great Meadows Semen Offering - Bring your tank! Lot# 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 Consignor #Straws MIDDLE CREEK MIDDLE CREEK NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN NEWMAN 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Sire POSS TOTAL IMPACT 745 B/R FUTURE DIRECTION 4268 SITZ UPWARD 307R S A V ANGUS VALLEY 1867 S A V RESOURCE 1441 CONNEALY CAPITALIST 028 CONNEALY EARNAN 076E EXAR DENVER 2002B EXAR UPSHOT 0562B CONNEALY CONSENSUS 7229 G A R PROPHET S A V FIRST CLASS 02307 S A V PRIORITY 7283 S A V IRON MOUNTAIN 8066 Seller will be responsible for shipping charges for any semen not available for pickup on sale day. Buyer will be responsible for any semen not picked up on sale day. 29 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV 2015 Gmaa Fall Festival sale - volume Xiv consiGnors EDDIEBURKSFAMILY GLENVIEWANGUSFARMSLLC Eddie & Scott Burks 531 Rick Road • Park City, KY 42160 270.678.4154 home • 270.991.6398 cell 270.678.9007 business • Lots 24 & 25 Glenn Hawkins, Manager 7548 Munfordville Road Magnolia KY 42757 270.528.1908 • 270.324.3757 Lot 103 CARRIE'SCATTLECO GREENWELLANGUSFARM Carrie M Wiley P O Box 3 • Marysville IN 47141 812-293-3732 Lot 53 Ronald Greenwell 1220 Knotts Road Brandenburg, KY 40108 270.422.3267 • 270.945.5143 • Lots 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 CLIFFSIDEFARMS HERITAGEFARM Briggs & Beth Cunningham James Mattingly, Mgr 797 Chenault Bridge Road • Lancaster Ky 40444 859.792.4618 • Tom McGinnis 1024 Hinkle Lane • Shelbyville KY 40065 502.633.5100 • 502.633.5105 • 502.655.0164 • Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12, 42,42a,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51, 73,74,75,76,77,78,79,80,81,82,83,84,85 Lots 39, 39B, 40, 40B D&DANGUS HILLRISEFARM Danny & Debbie Burris 550 Willie Nell Road • Columbia, KY 42728 70.384.5766 • 270.250.3701 • 270.250.1277 Lot 52 Myla Edwards, Paul Bradshaw, John Young 5710 Fible Lane • Crestwood KY 40014 502.817.7502 • Lots 62 & 105 DIVIDINGRIDGEFARM IRISHACRES The Jackson Family 670 Alford Road • Salvisa KY 40372 859.865.4476 Lots 35, 56, 58, 65, 66 Tom O Conner 885 Gordon Drive • Cox's Creek KY 40013 502.379.0076 • 502.252.1121 Lots 93 & 94 JOHNEDWARDS LACANGUS 700 Howe Valley Rd Cecilia, Ky 42724 Lots 60 & 104 Alex J Cox 9534 Liberty Road Campbellsville, KY 42718 270-789-8465 • 270-789-9454 • 270-465-6793 Lots 95, 96, 97A, 97B ELKCREEKANGUS MIDDLECREEKANGUS J M Shelley 1081 Edmonton Road Columbia KY 42728 270.384.0327 • 270.378.0318 Lot 28 Vince & Nancy Hartlage 4697 Old Etown Road • Hodgenville, KY 42748 270-358-0032 • 270-765-2101• 270-401-5254 Lots 13,14A,14B,14C,15,32A,32B,33,69, 70,98,99A,99B, 99C,99D,151,152 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV 30 2015 Gmaa Fall Festival sale - volume Xiv consiGnors LEONARDNEWMAN TOPENDANGUS 5267 Faye Court Carmel IN 46033 317.587.1035 (home) • 800.395.4800 (office) • 317.289.4662 (cell) Lots 71A,71B,71C,72A,72B,72C,153-164 Tim & Leanne Martin 401 Mike Brown Lane Taylorsville KY 40071 502.477.8894 • 502.572.5069 • Lots 67A,67B,67C,68 ORRFARMS TRIPLEDANGUS Shirley Orr 2449 Radcliff Rd Smithfield, KY 40068 502-845-2941 Lot 106 Nathaniel Denham 10475 Hwy 1247 Eubank Ky 42567 606.423.2457 (home) • 606.305.2335 (cell) • Lots 21,22,23,100,101,102 RANSDELLRIDGE WALNUTHILLFARM Debbie Bohannan • Jeff Stivers • Randel Bohannon 6325 Port Royal Rd Turners Station, Ky 40075 859- 552-5922 • 502-419-9346 Lot 92 Rob Cox 6789 Port Royal Road Turners Station KY 40075 502.553.6209 • Lots 26 & 27 REALITYFARMS WALNUTSPRINGSFARM Roy & Matt Jackson P O Box 854 • Newcastle KY 40050 502.845.4080 • 502.667.0142 • Lots 36,37,38,54A,54B,55 Myla Edwards 5710 Fible Ln Crestwood KY 40014 502.225.0972 • 502.338.6941 Lots 34,63,64 SPRINGDALEWOODSFARM AKCATTLECO Dr. & Mrs. Maynard Stetten 6020 S Hwy 53 Smithfield, KY 40068 502.222.7441 • 502.609.4986 • Lots 29,30,31,43,43A KYLE & ALYSON YOUNG 1057 Reed Lane Simpsonville, KY 40067 502-321-9892 • Lot 61 Many thanks to the consignors, sponsors & buyers! STRALEYFARMS Jeffrey Straley 7345 Old Lebanon Road Campbellsville KY 42718 270.789.2173 • 270.403.3045 • Lots 86,87,88,89,90,91 G AA Great Meadows Angus Association 31 GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV sHelby county youtH proJect During the sale, we will sell two Youth Project heifers owned by Shelby Wallace and Kaya Coldiron. These juniors will use the sale proceeds of these heifers to further their cattle interests and/or their future education. Come prepared to support these outstanding young people! GENETICSPLUS 5 straws of QUAKER HILL RAMPAGE 0A36 Jason Crowe • 859.582.0761 ryan miller • 859.779.5461 David mcglothlin • 859.544.3944 bradshaw hill farm Paul Bradshaw 4907 Fible lane • Crestwood KY 40014 502.222.5417 • 502.817.7502 5 Straws of Ellingson Secretary GMAA Fall Festival - Sale Volume XIV Kevin Armstrong 1225 Mulberry Pike Shelbyville, KY 40065 Brian Hornback Elizabethtown, KY 270.735.3227 5 Straws Semen VaR iNDEX Don’t miss these great semen offerings donated by the firms listed here! 32 502-905-8760 5 straws of CONNEALY COMRADE 1385 Four Star n Cattle company 5STRAWS OF BLACK DYNASTY 0470 1509 AB Ward Road Upton, KY 42784 Josh (270) 872-3579 Sarah (270) 579-3579 JOSH & SARAH NuNN Halter Breaking Clipping & Sale Prep Showing & Fitting GMaa Fall Festival Sale bulls LOT 74 LOT 73 HERITAGE 307R UPWARD 454 HERITAGE ALL IN 460 LOT 78 LOT 76 LOT 80 HERITAGE 1111 RESERVE 457 LOT 95 HERITAGE 7008 TEN X 464 LOT 92 HERITAGE 4925 IN FOCUS 467 LOT 96 L A C REGIS 407 RRF THE ROCK LOT 97A LAC HARVESTOR 410 L A C IRON MT 409 Check out the GMAA Jr Show Incentive Program! Junior National & National Show State Fair $300 Grand Champion $250 Reserve Champion $200 Class Winner Limit of $600 $200 Grand Champion $150 Reserve Champion $100 Division Winner $50 Class Winner Limit of $500 Beef Expo/State Show/Futurity County Fair/Preview Show $100 Grand Champion $50 Reserve Champion Limit of $300 $50 Grand Champion $25 Reserve Champion $250 for highest ranking heifer show points • $25 for showing in any venue - Limit of $100 Any animal purchase, embryo, or unborn calf is eligible. For every show you enter, you will be entered in drawing for $100 gift certificate to Sullivan’s Show Supplies! Cash paid in December • Spring & Fall Sales included • Good for 2 years from purchase! More information available at First Class Mail US Postage PAID Harrodsburg, KY Permit #49 478 Dry Fork Road Danville, KY 40422 RETuRN SERVICE REQuESTED Great Meadows G Angus Association AA Fall FeStival Sale - vol Xiv Saturday - October 24th, 2015 1pm Sale Location - Heritage Farm 1024 Hinkle Lane • Shelbyville, KY 40065 Sellling 139 Head ~ 106 Lots 37 Bulls • 26 Open Heifers • 16 Bred Heifers 33 Cows/27 Calves • 44 Embryos • 165 Straws of Semen
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