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vektor continu la tecn fa rispa
PERCHE’ SCEGLIERE ONESAILS LE VELE IN MILLENIUM SONO GARANTITE CONTRO LA DELAMINAZIONE FINO A TRE ANNI. MILLENIUM: LA PERFORMANCE CHE DERIVA DALLA TECNOLOGIA Da oltre 10 anni il team progettuale OneSails sviluppa tecnologie esclusive per realizzare vele a fili continui (in un unico pezzo) per imbarcazioni da regata e da crociera. E’ proprio questa resina che invecchiando si irrigidisce progressivamente e tende a cedere a causa delle sollecitazioni meccaniche che subisce la vela durante le manovre: issate, virate, ammainate, ecc. Si genera così la delaminazione, i due film che contengono le fibre tendono a distaccarsi e la vela perde le sue caratteristiche in quanto il reticolo strutturale si deforma all’interno del laminato. La resina, inoltre, aggiunge un peso significativo alla vela finita. Inizialmente questo peso è compensato dalla rigidità che conferisce al laminato, ma, sin dal primo utilizzo, la resina tende a deteriorarsi e quindi resta il peso senza alcun beneficio in termini di carico e di resistenza. Le fibre impregnate di resina diventano rigide e fragili, quando la vela si muove, i singoli filamenti sono soggetti a flessioni e torsioni di ogni tipo che non sono in grado di assecondare in quanto cristallizzati dalla resina. Questo comporta la loro progressiva rottura ed il conseguente deterioramento del reticolo strutturale che compongono. La tecnologia brevettata Millenium consente di realizzare laminati senza l’utilizzo di resine e questo comporta numerosi vantaggi: i singoli filamenti si possono adattare ai movimenti LAMINAZIONE MILLENIUM 9 tons at 120° C. Peso, controllo della forma, resistenza alla deformazione, sono caratteristiche che si traducono in migliori prestazioni rispetto alle vele tradizionali a pannelli dove giunzioni e cuciture rappresentano dei punti soggetti a rotture e deformazioni. Il laminato viene assemblato sottovuoto a -0,95 bar che equivalgono a circa 9 tonnellate di pressione al metro quadrato e immesso in un forno computerizzato. La pressione e la temperatura applicati alla vela fondono inscindibilmente i film di Mylar® (grazie all’interposizione di un polimero termoplastico) incapsulando al suo interno le fibre di carbonio. .3 QUALITA’ È importante sottolineare che i film del laminato Millenium sono “saldati” per fusione e non “incollati”, quindi la vela sarà esente dal problema della delaminazione generato dalla resina. Il MIllenium supera i limiti evidenziati dalla tecnologia su stampo che derivano da un processo di cura del laminato disomogeneo e settoriale (principale causa di delaminazione) che avviene con riscaldamenti differenziati in tempi diversi e con temperature molto basse e diverse fra il lato superiore e quello inferiore della vela a contatto con lo stampo. Un ulteriore limite fisico della tecnologia su stampo è la possibilità di produrre vele di superficie e forma compatibili con la dimensione dello stampo. Film Film Resina Film Tensione .4 DESIGN La corretta froma delle vele è frutto di analisi ed esperienza. OneSails è all’avanguardia nella ricerca e nello sviluppo di profili adatti alle barche moderne. Lo confermano i numerosi successi ottenuti da OneSails nelle classi IRC e ORC. .5 ASSISTENZA LAMINAZIONE CONVENZIONALE Fibra Vele Made in Italy, partendo da materiali rigorosamente selezionati dai nostri ingegneri per garantire qualità e durata nel tempo. OneSails dispone di 3 loft sul territorio nazionale e di una rete capillare di centri di assistenza nei principali marina delle coste Italiane. A questi si aggiungono altri 11 loft in Europa, per assicurarvi servizio ed assistenza durante le vostre regate o crociere. Film Tensione Fibre non impregnate Vektor rappresenta l’evoluzione di oltre vent’anni di esperienza nella realizzazione di vele supportate da reticoli a filo continuo su film adesivi. AUSTRIA Schwechater Straße 35 A 2322 ZWÖLFAXING bei Wien Tel. +43 1 7065454 Fax +43 1 7065454-22 e-mail: IRELAND Crosshaven c/o Cork Tel. +353 21 4831 505/4 Fax +353 21 4831 700 Mob. +353 87 2550 649 e-mail: SLOVENJA Bac pri Materiji 28/a 6242 Materija Tel. +386 (0)5 618 11 00 Fax +386 (0)5 618 11 09 e-mail: CROAZIA Uvala Baluni bb (ACI marina) 21000 Split Tel./Fax: +385 (0)21 398 676 Mob. +385 (0)91 286 66 33 e-mail: ITALY - FIRENZE Via Dei Confini 285 50010 Capalle (FI) Tel. +39 055 8951219 Fax +39 055 8952634 e-mail: SPAIN Muelle viejo s/n Edificio Espigon Consiga 07192 Palma de Mallorca Tel. +34 971 425 970 Mob. +34 664 406 868 e-mail: GREAT BRITAIN - SOUTH Hamble Point Marina Hamble SO31 4JD Southampton Tel. +44 (0)2380 458213 Fax +44 (0)2380 458228 e-mail: ITALY - LA SPEZIA Via Pratolino - Zona ind. 19037 S. Stefano Magra (SP) Tel. +39 0187 631515 Fax +39 0187 63152 e-mail: GREAT BRITAIN - EAST Suffolk Yacht Harbour Levington IP10 0LN Ipswich Tel. +44 (0)1473 659878 Fax +44 (0)1473 659197 e-mail: ITALY - VERONA Via dell’industria 22/24 37012 Bussolengo (VR) Tel. +39 045 6767792 Fax +39 045 6767849 e-mail: HUNGARIA RET U. 5/1 Balaton Foldvar HUNGARY Tel. +36 84 34 0705 e-mail: MALTA MRA026C Industrial Estate Marsa Tel. +356 21 238760 e-mail: Questa tecnologia condivide componenti e metodologie operative nella confezione della vela applicate al Millenium e questo consente di ottenere vele con un ottimo rapporto prezzo-performance adatte sia alla regata sia alla crociera. Mentre nel Millenium il reticolo strutturale è consolidato per pressofusione nei film di Mylar® che compongono il laminato, nel Vektor il reticolo è applicato con dei nastri armati con fibre ad alta resistenza sul film che costituisce la vela, a sua volta rinforzato con dei reticoli secondari ad alta resistenza. A differenza di quanto avviene per prodotti simili presenti sul mercato i nastri armati del Vektor non sono costituiti da più fibre in linea ma da una singola. Questo permette il totale sfruttamento delle potenzialità strutturali delle fibre impiegate nel reticolo con ampia libertà di layout e completo controllo dello shape-holding su tutte le zone THE NETHERLANDS Huizermarina Ambachtsweg 59 1271 AL Huizen Tel. +31 35 712 00 09 LAYOUT VEKTOR Nastri di dimensioni contenute applicano singole fibre TURKEY 10040 SK. No. 22 AOSB Cigli / IZMIR Tel. +90 (232) 328 16 29 Tel. +90 (232) 328 16 30 Fax +90 (232) 328 17 12 e-mail: Laminato di base Fibre esterne Fibre impregnate Compressione Compressione OneSails si riserva il diritto di modificare in qualsiasi momento i prodotti e le specifiche contenuti in questo catalogo senza alcun preavviso. One è un marchio registrato da OneSails International, tutti gli altri marchi sono registrati dai rispettivi proprietari. © OneSails International 2011. Tutti i diritti riservati. Fibra STRUTTURA A FILO CONTINUO IN DYNEEMA, CARBONIO, PENTEX O GLASS. .2 PERFORMANCE della vela in modo solidale alle fibre non subendo rotture. A parità di resistenza, questa tecnologia consente di produrre vele più leggere del 15-30%, grazie al risparmio ottenuto dal non uso della resina e di una quantità minore di fibre che non necessitano sovradimensionamento per ovviare alla fragilità e alle rotture. MILLENIUM E VEKTOR CONSENTONO DI REALIZZARE VELE MENO DEFORMABILI RISPETTO A QUELLE DEI CONCORRENTI. QUESTO SI TRADUCE IN UN EFFICENZA DEL PROFILO CHE DURA NEL TEMPO. VEKTOR: LE VELE A FILO CONTINUO DIVENTANO ACCESSIBILI .1 TECNOLOGIA ESCLUSIVA STRUTTURA A FILO CONTINUO SENZA L’USO DI COLLA, OTTENUTA DA PROCEDIMENTO DI PRESSO-FUSIONE. Negli ultimi 15 anni i principali produttori non hanno sostanzialmente modificato le tecnologie per realizzare vele. I laminati sono assemblati con fibre impregnate di resina che vengono racchiuse tra due film, anch’essi spalmati di resina, che funge da collante per l’assemblaggio del laminato. LA TECNOLOGIA CHE FA RISPARMIARE ITA. Rev. 06.2011 LA TECNOLOGIA DI PRODUZIONE DEL MILLENIUM CONSENTE DI OTTENERE UN MATERIALE CHE NON SI DELAMINA NE CON L’USO NE CON IL PASSARE DEL TEMPO. PRODUCT GUIDE della vela in forza della vasta microdistribuzione ed indipendenza di ogni elemento strutturale. A parità dei parametri generali della vela (in particolare del peso) si ottiene una migliore struttura per efficienza e distribuzione dei carichi. L’assoluta novità introdotta in esclusiva da OneSails è l’uso del Dyneema™ come fibra per il reticolo strutturale che assicura caratteristiche nettamente superiori alle fibre aramidiche sia in termini di durata che di performance, con maggiore rigidità e resistenza a fronte di un peso significativamente inferiore. Oltre al Dyneema™, il Vektor è disponibile con reticolo strutturale in Carbonio, quando sono richieste le massime performance ed in Fibra di Vetro. Quest’ultimo prodotto presenta un ottimo rapporto prezzo-performance e consente un accesso alla tecnologia a filo continuo (vele in un pezzo unico) a condizioni competitive rispetto alle vele realizzate con l’assemblaggio di pannelli. LAYOUT VELE CONVENZIONALI Nastro Fibra Nastri di grande dimensione contengono fino a 5 fibre Laminato di base Fibre esterne Fibre interne Fibre interne La struttura a nastri multipli consente di mantenere la stessa tensione tra le fibre esterne e quelle più interne in quanto indipendenti. La struttura a nastro singolo genera carichi differenti tra le fibre esterne e quelle interne. Nastro Fibre WHY CHOOSE ONESAILS MILLENIUM SAILS HAVE THREE YEARS WARRANTY AGAINST DELAMINATION. .1 EXCLUSIVE TECHNOLOGY MILLENIUM, PERFORMANCE IS A MATTER OF TECHNOLOGY THE NEXT GENERATION OF SAILS The major manufacturers have not changed their basic process in the last 15 years. Laminate sails are still built using yarns which are impregnated with resin and a scrim on both sides which is coated in resin to hold the membrane together It is this resin that breaks down over time as the sail is hoisted, tacked and folded after racing or cruising. This causes delamination, the two sides of the membrane come apart and the sail loses structural strength as there is nothing to support the yarns in place. The resin also adds weight to the sail, initially this weight can be offset by the extra strength but as the resin breaks down the weight remains for less strength. The Millenium technology (Intl’ Patent Pending) doesn’t need resin in the production of the sails and this has a number of advantages. When the yarns are impregnated with the resin and it sets, the yarns will become very hard in tension. As the sail moves and the yarns are bent and twisted, they will start to breakdown and the overall strength of the structure will be reduced. If the resin is removed, the carbon will remain soft, this means as the sail moves there is no difference in tension across the strand as the individual fibers that make up the strand can move independently. MILLENIUM LAMINATION 9 tons at 120° C. Removal of the extra yarns plus the significant mass of the resin in a laminate sail, results in a reduction in overall weight of at least 15-30%. The Millenium skins are loaded into a vacuum bag which is pressurized to -0.95 bar, this equates to no less than 9 tons per square meter across the entire sail. The entire skin and bag is then loaded into a computer controlled oven. When the pressure and heat are applied to the sail the two layers of polymer react and fuse together to form a new layer of material in an irreversible process. This seals the two layers of Mylar® together and encapsulates the carbon threads. It is important to note that the polymer “fuses” together and is not merely “stuck” together, the resulting film is soft and flexible, delamination is not an issue anymore as there is no resin between the skins to break down over time. Millenium is a major advance from “mould production” sail technology, which has demonstrated many limitations arising from: low temperature and a non uniform heating process acting on only one side of the sail (the main cause of delamination) and being physically limited in both size and shape of the “one piece” sails because of the size and design of the mould. Scrim Yarn Scrim Resin Scrim Tension VEKTOR COST EFFECTIVE CONTINUOUS STRING TECHNOLOGY .2 PERFORMANCE CONTINUOUS THREADS STRUCTURE IN DYNEEMA, CARBON, PENTEX OR GLASS. Features like weight, shape control and deformation resistance means better performance in respect to a traditional paneled sail where seams and junctions are the weak parts under load. .3 QUALITY Sails are designed and manufactured to the very highest standards from carefully selected components to ensure the very highest quality and durability. .4 DESIGN The best sail shape is the result of analysis and experience. OneSails is at the forefront of the sailmaking industry, continually investing in research and development to ensure that the very best sail shapes are available. The success of this approach is confirmed by the vast array of racing trophies OneSails clients have won, competing at National, International and World Championship level .5 SERVICE CONVENTIONAL LAMINATION Scrim Tension Dry yarns A core activity for every OneSails Loft is providing first class service, support and assistance. As part of our service commitment, each OneSails Loft has a team of experts on hand to ensure that we can deliver on our service pledge. In addition to a growing number of principle Lofts, the OneSails Group has an extensive network of service centres strategically placed around Europe’s coast line. Vektor represents the development of more than twenty years of experience in the construction of sails from a grid of continuous yarn on an adhesive film. AUSTRIA Schwechater Straße 35 A 2322 ZWÖLFAXING bei Wien Tel. +43 1 7065454 Fax +43 1 7065454-22 e-mail: IRELAND Crosshaven c/o Cork Tel. +353 21 4831 505/4 Fax +353 21 4831 700 Mob. +353 87 2550 649 e-mail: SLOVENJA Bac pri Materiji 28/a 6242 Materija Tel. +386 (0)5 618 11 00 Fax +386 (0)5 618 11 09 e-mail: CROAZIA Uvala Baluni bb (ACI marina) 21000 Split Tel./Fax: +385 (0)21 398 676 Mob. +385 (0)91 286 66 33 e-mail: ITALY - FIRENZE Via Dei Confini 285 50010 Capalle (FI) Tel. +39 055 8951219 Fax +39 055 8952634 e-mail: SPAIN Muelle viejo s/n Edificio Espigon Consiga 07192 Palma de Mallorca Tel. +34 971 425 970 Mob. +34 664 406 868 e-mail: GREAT BRITAIN - SOUTH Hamble Point Marina Hamble SO31 4JD Southampton Tel. +44 (0)2380 458213 Fax +44 (0)2380 458228 e-mail: ITALY - LA SPEZIA Via Pratolino - Zona ind. 19037 S. Stefano Magra (SP) Tel. +39 0187 631515 Fax +39 0187 63152 e-mail: GREAT BRITAIN - EAST Suffolk Yacht Harbour Levington IP10 0LN Ipswich Tel. +44 (0)1473 659878 Fax +44 (0)1473 659197 e-mail: ITALY - VERONA Via dell’industria 22/24 37012 Bussolengo (VR) Tel. +39 045 6767792 Fax +39 045 6767849 e-mail: HUNGARIA RET U. 5/1 Balaton Foldvar HUNGARY Tel. +36 84 34 0705 e-mail: MALTA MRA026C Industrial Estate Marsa Tel. +356 21 238760 e-mail: This technology shares components and techniques used in the manufacturing of the Millenium sails and this permits the production of sails with an optimum cost / performance relationship for both cruising and racing sails. Whereas in Millenium the structural grid, under pressure and temperature, is fused to the layers of Mylar® that form the laminates, in Vektor the grid is applied with reinforced fibre tape at high pressure to the film that constitutes the sail, in turn reinforced with the secondary grid at high pressure. Vektor differs from similar products in the market because the reinforced tape of Vektor is made up of individual continuous yarns rather than multiple yarn clusters. This permits the complete utilization of the structural capacity of the fibres used in the grid with wide freedom of lay-out and complete control of the shape-holding in all the areas of the THE NETHERLANDS Huizermarina Ambachtsweg 59 1271 AL Huizen Tel. +31 35 712 00 09 VEKTOR FIBRE LAYOUT TURKEY 10040 SK. No. 22 AOSB Cigli / IZMIR Tel. +90 (232) 328 16 29 Tel. +90 (232) 328 16 30 Fax +90 (232) 328 17 12 e-mail: Compression OneSails reserves the right to change descriptions, modify, or substitute products without notice in this product guide One is copyright property of OneSails International; other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. OneSails International copyright 2011. All rights reserved. PRODUCT GUIDE sail on the strength of the wide microdistribution and independence of each structural element. General parameters of the sail being equal (particularly the weight) a better structure is achieved for the efficient distribution of the loads. The very latest innovation introduced exclusively by Onesails is the use of Dyneema™ as the fibre for the structural grid, which guarantees characteristics distinctly superior to the aramid fibres both in terms of durability and of performance. With greater stretch resistance and strength, together with a significantly reduced weight. As well as Dyneema™, Vektor sails are available with the structural grid in a range of yarns including carbon, Pentex and glass to deliver the appropriate performance required. This last product represents an optimum price / performance relationship and allows access to continuous yarn technology (a one piece sail) at competitive prices and conditions with respect to sails constructed with traditional panel technology. CONVENTIONAL FIBRE LAYOUT Small tapes driving one yarn Tape Outer yarns Yarn Base scrim Glued yarns Compression MILLENIUM AND VEKTOR ALLOWS US TO PRODUCE SAILS WITH MORE SHAPE STABILITY THAN OUR COMPETITORS. GREATER SHAPE RETENTION MEANS BETTER PERFORMANCE AND IMPROVED DURABILITY. For over 10 years the OneSails design team have developed exclusive technology to make continuous thread sails (in one piece) a reality for cruising and racing boats. Yarn THE TECHNOLOGY THAT SAVES YOU MONEY UK. Rev. 06.2011 MILLENIUM TECHNOLOGY ALLOWS THE CREATION OF UNIQUE CUSTOM SAIL MATERIALS WHICH DO NOT SUFFER FROM DELAMINATION WITH USE AND OVER TIME One wide tape driving up to 5 yarns Base scrim Outer yarns Inner yarns Inner yarns When bending, multi tapes structure keeps the same tension between outer and inner yarns. When bending, single tape structure causes different tension between fibres, most of the load is on the outer yarns. Tape Yarn SHAPE AND DESIGN GRAND PRIX AND SUPERYACHTS FOR CRUISING AND RACING COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS Research and Development are vital to the Onesails company philosophy, as shown by the development of Millenium technology. It’s the top performance Vektor fabric. The right choice for “pure” racing boats under 70’. Carbon yarn still offers the best weight-strength ratio and with the new yarns distribution system on small sails it can offer performance close to Millenium. Another high point has been the continuing partnership with the Engineering University of Florence. This gives Onesails lofts access to highly sophisticated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) programs. ICAD (International Consortium for Advanced Design) is a non profit partnership company formed by Onesails and the Engineering University of Florence. W NE OneSails is the only sailmaker that has developed a process to build sails with Dyneema. The yarn offers an unbeatable performance-durability ratio compared to aramid fibres, since it is more resistant to stresses and environment in which sails operate. Dyneema is the right choice for performance cruising and racing. GLASS / PENTEX Moreover the ICAD CFD software package simulates the rig loads and their impact on the aerodynamics of the rig as a whole. Thanks to these features Onesails is able to fully support riggers in finding solutions to individual custom projects. This is the “entry level” continuous yarn technology at an affordable price. Can be used both for cruising and club racing offering better performance and durability compared to cross cut, tri radials and cut and glued membranes. Onesails is a partner of BSG, one of the world’s leading sail design and sail analysis software developers. 32 SPI 28 ASY 24 FFR 20 Black Technora is avaiable in race mode (film-film) and in cruise mode with the protection of white taffeta in one or both sides of the sail. This is the best choice for yachts of any length when the performance advantages and additional expense of Carbon is not required. EW N 3YEARS MILLENIUM DELAMINATION WARRANTY 12 8 4 TWA 50 70 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 RACING SYMMETRIC SPINNAKERS Sailors use their yachts for racing or cruising or a combination of the two. WARRANTY AND QUALITY CONTROL All cruising and racing OneSails Millenium sails will be provided with a delamination warranty of three and two years respectively. After manufacturing every sail is subject to a stringent computer aided quality control process. CUSTOM SAILS IN ONE SINGLE PIECE For this reason Onesails has developed a range of products specifically aimed at satisfying the demands in terms of budget and performance of both the racing and cruising yachtsman, together with those who want to use their yachts for both of these activities. ILS SA DURABILITY RA CI NG G IN ILS A S 170 DURABILITY Onesails’ Millenium is the only technology in the world which is able to make sails of unlimited size in one single piece and using continuous carbon yarns. Another notable plus that Onesails makes available to boat owners is the possibility of their deciding personalised colours to customise their own sails. Onesails holds the world record for the biggest one-piece mainsail ever made. This was constructed in 2007 for the legendary J Class “Shamrock V” with a 43 metre luff. In 2009 we broke our own record with the delivery of one piece sails for superyachts of over 130 feet in length. RACING ASYMMETRIC SPINNAKERS TWS A0 32 VMG A1 28 RUN SPI/HVY A4 24 AP A2 A5 A3 20 SPI/HVY RCR 110 A3 A5 A0 8 A1 4 TWA 100 A2 12 VMG 90 A4 16 RUN AP The diagram alongside will guide your choice of the material best suited to meet your requirements of performance and durability for both Cruising and Racing. 16 FFR RCR WHICH SAIL IS RIGHT FOR YOU The Onesails specialists are always available to provide you with advice and suggestions on the sails best suited to meet your specific requirements. SPI BLACK TECHNORA W NE CR UI S Research is one of Onesails defining aspects, and CFD is the design tool it uses in its everyday work. SUPER YACHT It shares the same Carbon Grand Prix ingredients but with a crowded yarn layout to make the sails tough and ready to face the hardest weather conditions of ocean navigation. In addition, to get extra durability, Millenium Super Yacht is available with a special taffetà protection on both sides of the sail. DYNEEMA ICAD research programmes include long term projects focussed on innovation in sail aerodynamics and short term projects to design ideal sails for individual yachts. ICAD also carries out research for Boeing and other aerospace clients, thanks to its development of one of the most advanced and powerful CFD programmes in the world. TWS CRUISING DOWNWIND SAILS ASY PERFORMANCE CFD allows fluid movements to be resolved through the use of computers. This allows optimisation of sail shapes, sail plans and sail construction. CARBON GRAND PRIX It’s probably the best available continuous yarn technology on the market for grand-prix and hi-performance racing sails. The “resin free” lamination process allows the production of sails 15-30% lighter and more durable compared to other available continuous string technologies and, above all, is not affected by delamination the most common flaw in analogue products. CARBON DOWNWIND SAILS BY ONESAILS The sail that is undergoing the most significant development today is the spinnaker. Spinnakers where originally created as bag-shaped sails to catch wind exclusively downwind. Now, with the help of better fabrics and sailmaking technology, spinnakers are both far more efficient downwind and so closewinded that they encroach on conventional headsails at 45° apparent wind. Through experience with nearly identical boats the key to offwind speed has been determined by spinnaker shape as much as by spinnaker size. This is especially so on any point of sailing high of a dead run. Onesails make a broad range of hi-performance spinnakers for racing and cruising boats. The design of every spinnaker is customized for the boat in order to give truly superior performance. The programme used to determine shape also takes into account displacement to ensure that the shape matches the boat. At Onesails, our design team would like to talk to you about customizing spinnakers to fit your boat. Their in depth experience ranging from America’s Cup to small one design sailboats ensures that they have the knowledge to provide you with the right advice. We are attempting here to make it easier for you to realize the full potential of your new sail(s). The sail selection guide below “Faster Off the Wind” will give you a summary of when to use which spinnaker. 120 130 140 150 160 170 TWA 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 THE ONESAILS FLAT FURLING REACHER. THE “ALLROUND” SAIL FOR CRUISING. OneSails has created the “Flat Furling Reacher” (FFR), a furling downwind sail with a wide range of uses that is easy to hoist and gybe. The FFR can be used between true wind angles of 50° to 160° depending on the wind strength and can be used on any boat with a spinnaker halyard and a suitable tack point forward of the forestay. WHY CHOOSE ONESAILS MILLENIUM SAILS HAVE THREE YEARS WARRANTY AGAINST DELAMINATION. .1 EXCLUSIVE TECHNOLOGY MILLENIUM, PERFORMANCE IS A MATTER OF TECHNOLOGY THE NEXT GENERATION OF SAILS The major manufacturers have not changed their basic process in the last 15 years. Laminate sails are still built using yarns which are impregnated with resin and a scrim on both sides which is coated in resin to hold the membrane together It is this resin that breaks down over time as the sail is hoisted, tacked and folded after racing or cruising. This causes delamination, the two sides of the membrane come apart and the sail loses structural strength as there is nothing to support the yarns in place. The resin also adds weight to the sail, initially this weight can be offset by the extra strength but as the resin breaks down the weight remains for less strength. The Millenium technology (Intl’ Patent Pending) doesn’t need resin in the production of the sails and this has a number of advantages. When the yarns are impregnated with the resin and it sets, the yarns will become very hard in tension. As the sail moves and the yarns are bent and twisted, they will start to breakdown and the overall strength of the structure will be reduced. If the resin is removed, the carbon will remain soft, this means as the sail moves there is no difference in tension across the strand as the individual fibers that make up the strand can move independently. MILLENIUM LAMINATION 9 tons at 120° C. Removal of the extra yarns plus the significant mass of the resin in a laminate sail, results in a reduction in overall weight of at least 15-30%. The Millenium skins are loaded into a vacuum bag which is pressurized to -0.95 bar, this equates to no less than 9 tons per square meter across the entire sail. The entire skin and bag is then loaded into a computer controlled oven. When the pressure and heat are applied to the sail the two layers of polymer react and fuse together to form a new layer of material in an irreversible process. This seals the two layers of Mylar® together and encapsulates the carbon threads. It is important to note that the polymer “fuses” together and is not merely “stuck” together, the resulting film is soft and flexible, delamination is not an issue anymore as there is no resin between the skins to break down over time. Millenium is a major advance from “mould production” sail technology, which has demonstrated many limitations arising from: low temperature and a non uniform heating process acting on only one side of the sail (the main cause of delamination) and being physically limited in both size and shape of the “one piece” sails because of the size and design of the mould. Scrim Yarn Scrim Resin Scrim Tension VEKTOR COST EFFECTIVE CONTINUOUS STRING TECHNOLOGY .2 PERFORMANCE CONTINUOUS THREADS STRUCTURE IN DYNEEMA, CARBON, PENTEX OR GLASS. Features like weight, shape control and deformation resistance means better performance in respect to a traditional paneled sail where seams and junctions are the weak parts under load. .3 QUALITY Sails are designed and manufactured to the very highest standards from carefully selected components to ensure the very highest quality and durability. .4 DESIGN The best sail shape is the result of analysis and experience. OneSails is at the forefront of the sailmaking industry, continually investing in research and development to ensure that the very best sail shapes are available. The success of this approach is confirmed by the vast array of racing trophies OneSails clients have won, competing at National, International and World Championship level .5 SERVICE CONVENTIONAL LAMINATION Scrim Tension Dry yarns A core activity for every OneSails Loft is providing first class service, support and assistance. As part of our service commitment, each OneSails Loft has a team of experts on hand to ensure that we can deliver on our service pledge. In addition to a growing number of principle Lofts, the OneSails Group has an extensive network of service centres strategically placed around Europe’s coast line. Vektor represents the development of more than twenty years of experience in the construction of sails from a grid of continuous yarn on an adhesive film. AUSTRIA Schwechater Straße 35 A 2322 ZWÖLFAXING bei Wien Tel. +43 1 7065454 Fax +43 1 7065454-22 e-mail: IRELAND Crosshaven c/o Cork Tel. +353 21 4831 505/4 Fax +353 21 4831 700 Mob. +353 87 2550 649 e-mail: SLOVENJA Bac pri Materiji 28/a 6242 Materija Tel. +386 (0)5 618 11 00 Fax +386 (0)5 618 11 09 e-mail: CROAZIA Uvala Baluni bb (ACI marina) 21000 Split Tel./Fax: +385 (0)21 398 676 Mob. +385 (0)91 286 66 33 e-mail: ITALY - FIRENZE Via Dei Confini 285 50010 Capalle (FI) Tel. +39 055 8951219 Fax +39 055 8952634 e-mail: SPAIN Muelle viejo s/n Edificio Espigon Consiga 07192 Palma de Mallorca Tel. +34 971 425 970 Mob. +34 664 406 868 e-mail: GREAT BRITAIN - SOUTH Hamble Point Marina Hamble SO31 4JD Southampton Tel. +44 (0)2380 458213 Fax +44 (0)2380 458228 e-mail: ITALY - LA SPEZIA Via Pratolino - Zona ind. 19037 S. Stefano Magra (SP) Tel. +39 0187 631515 Fax +39 0187 63152 e-mail: GREAT BRITAIN - EAST Suffolk Yacht Harbour Levington IP10 0LN Ipswich Tel. +44 (0)1473 659878 Fax +44 (0)1473 659197 e-mail: ITALY - VERONA Via dell’industria 22/24 37012 Bussolengo (VR) Tel. +39 045 6767792 Fax +39 045 6767849 e-mail: HUNGARIA RET U. 5/1 Balaton Foldvar HUNGARY Tel. +36 84 34 0705 e-mail: MALTA MRA026C Industrial Estate Marsa Tel. +356 21 238760 e-mail: This technology shares components and techniques used in the manufacturing of the Millenium sails and this permits the production of sails with an optimum cost / performance relationship for both cruising and racing sails. Whereas in Millenium the structural grid, under pressure and temperature, is fused to the layers of Mylar® that form the laminates, in Vektor the grid is applied with reinforced fibre tape at high pressure to the film that constitutes the sail, in turn reinforced with the secondary grid at high pressure. Vektor differs from similar products in the market because the reinforced tape of Vektor is made up of individual continuous yarns rather than multiple yarn clusters. This permits the complete utilization of the structural capacity of the fibres used in the grid with wide freedom of lay-out and complete control of the shape-holding in all the areas of the THE NETHERLANDS Huizermarina Ambachtsweg 59 1271 AL Huizen Tel. +31 35 712 00 09 VEKTOR FIBRE LAYOUT TURKEY 10040 SK. No. 22 AOSB Cigli / IZMIR Tel. +90 (232) 328 16 29 Tel. +90 (232) 328 16 30 Fax +90 (232) 328 17 12 e-mail: Compression OneSails reserves the right to change descriptions, modify, or substitute products without notice in this product guide One is copyright property of OneSails International; other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. OneSails International copyright 2011. All rights reserved. PRODUCT GUIDE sail on the strength of the wide microdistribution and independence of each structural element. General parameters of the sail being equal (particularly the weight) a better structure is achieved for the efficient distribution of the loads. The very latest innovation introduced exclusively by Onesails is the use of Dyneema™ as the fibre for the structural grid, which guarantees characteristics distinctly superior to the aramid fibres both in terms of durability and of performance. With greater stretch resistance and strength, together with a significantly reduced weight. As well as Dyneema™, Vektor sails are available with the structural grid in a range of yarns including carbon, Pentex and glass to deliver the appropriate performance required. This last product represents an optimum price / performance relationship and allows access to continuous yarn technology (a one piece sail) at competitive prices and conditions with respect to sails constructed with traditional panel technology. CONVENTIONAL FIBRE LAYOUT Small tapes driving one yarn Tape Outer yarns Yarn Base scrim Glued yarns Compression MILLENIUM AND VEKTOR ALLOWS US TO PRODUCE SAILS WITH MORE SHAPE STABILITY THAN OUR COMPETITORS. GREATER SHAPE RETENTION MEANS BETTER PERFORMANCE AND IMPROVED DURABILITY. For over 10 years the OneSails design team have developed exclusive technology to make continuous thread sails (in one piece) a reality for cruising and racing boats. Yarn THE TECHNOLOGY THAT SAVES YOU MONEY UK. Rev. 06.2011 MILLENIUM TECHNOLOGY ALLOWS THE CREATION OF UNIQUE CUSTOM SAIL MATERIALS WHICH DO NOT SUFFER FROM DELAMINATION WITH USE AND OVER TIME One wide tape driving up to 5 yarns Base scrim Outer yarns Inner yarns Inner yarns When bending, multi tapes structure keeps the same tension between outer and inner yarns. When bending, single tape structure causes different tension between fibres, most of the load is on the outer yarns. Tape Yarn SHAPE AND DESIGN GRAND PRIX AND SUPERYACHTS FOR CRUISING AND RACING COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS Research and Development are vital to the Onesails company philosophy, as shown by the development of Millenium technology. It’s the top performance Vektor fabric. The right choice for “pure” racing boats under 70’. Carbon yarn still offers the best weight-strength ratio and with the new yarns distribution system on small sails it can offer performance close to Millenium. Another high point has been the continuing partnership with the Engineering University of Florence. This gives Onesails lofts access to highly sophisticated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) programs. ICAD (International Consortium for Advanced Design) is a non profit partnership company formed by Onesails and the Engineering University of Florence. W NE OneSails is the only sailmaker that has developed a process to build sails with Dyneema. The yarn offers an unbeatable performance-durability ratio compared to aramid fibres, since it is more resistant to stresses and environment in which sails operate. Dyneema is the right choice for performance cruising and racing. GLASS / PENTEX Moreover the ICAD CFD software package simulates the rig loads and their impact on the aerodynamics of the rig as a whole. Thanks to these features Onesails is able to fully support riggers in finding solutions to individual custom projects. This is the “entry level” continuous yarn technology at an affordable price. Can be used both for cruising and club racing offering better performance and durability compared to cross cut, tri radials and cut and glued membranes. Onesails is a partner of BSG, one of the world’s leading sail design and sail analysis software developers. 32 SPI 28 ASY 24 FFR 20 Black Technora is avaiable in race mode (film-film) and in cruise mode with the protection of white taffeta in one or both sides of the sail. This is the best choice for yachts of any length when the performance advantages and additional expense of Carbon is not required. EW N 3YEARS MILLENIUM DELAMINATION WARRANTY 12 8 4 TWA 50 70 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 RACING SYMMETRIC SPINNAKERS Sailors use their yachts for racing or cruising or a combination of the two. WARRANTY AND QUALITY CONTROL All cruising and racing OneSails Millenium sails will be provided with a delamination warranty of three and two years respectively. After manufacturing every sail is subject to a stringent computer aided quality control process. CUSTOM SAILS IN ONE SINGLE PIECE For this reason Onesails has developed a range of products specifically aimed at satisfying the demands in terms of budget and performance of both the racing and cruising yachtsman, together with those who want to use their yachts for both of these activities. ILS SA DURABILITY RA CI NG G IN ILS A S 170 DURABILITY Onesails’ Millenium is the only technology in the world which is able to make sails of unlimited size in one single piece and using continuous carbon yarns. Another notable plus that Onesails makes available to boat owners is the possibility of their deciding personalised colours to customise their own sails. Onesails holds the world record for the biggest one-piece mainsail ever made. This was constructed in 2007 for the legendary J Class “Shamrock V” with a 43 metre luff. In 2009 we broke our own record with the delivery of one piece sails for superyachts of over 130 feet in length. RACING ASYMMETRIC SPINNAKERS TWS A0 32 VMG A1 28 RUN SPI/HVY A4 24 AP A2 A5 A3 20 SPI/HVY RCR 110 A3 A5 A0 8 A1 4 TWA 100 A2 12 VMG 90 A4 16 RUN AP The diagram alongside will guide your choice of the material best suited to meet your requirements of performance and durability for both Cruising and Racing. 16 FFR RCR WHICH SAIL IS RIGHT FOR YOU The Onesails specialists are always available to provide you with advice and suggestions on the sails best suited to meet your specific requirements. SPI BLACK TECHNORA W NE CR UI S Research is one of Onesails defining aspects, and CFD is the design tool it uses in its everyday work. SUPER YACHT It shares the same Carbon Grand Prix ingredients but with a crowded yarn layout to make the sails tough and ready to face the hardest weather conditions of ocean navigation. In addition, to get extra durability, Millenium Super Yacht is available with a special taffetà protection on both sides of the sail. DYNEEMA ICAD research programmes include long term projects focussed on innovation in sail aerodynamics and short term projects to design ideal sails for individual yachts. ICAD also carries out research for Boeing and other aerospace clients, thanks to its development of one of the most advanced and powerful CFD programmes in the world. TWS CRUISING DOWNWIND SAILS ASY PERFORMANCE CFD allows fluid movements to be resolved through the use of computers. This allows optimisation of sail shapes, sail plans and sail construction. CARBON GRAND PRIX It’s probably the best available continuous yarn technology on the market for grand-prix and hi-performance racing sails. The “resin free” lamination process allows the production of sails 15-30% lighter and more durable compared to other available continuous string technologies and, above all, is not affected by delamination the most common flaw in analogue products. CARBON DOWNWIND SAILS BY ONESAILS The sail that is undergoing the most significant development today is the spinnaker. Spinnakers where originally created as bag-shaped sails to catch wind exclusively downwind. Now, with the help of better fabrics and sailmaking technology, spinnakers are both far more efficient downwind and so closewinded that they encroach on conventional headsails at 45° apparent wind. Through experience with nearly identical boats the key to offwind speed has been determined by spinnaker shape as much as by spinnaker size. This is especially so on any point of sailing high of a dead run. Onesails make a broad range of hi-performance spinnakers for racing and cruising boats. The design of every spinnaker is customized for the boat in order to give truly superior performance. The programme used to determine shape also takes into account displacement to ensure that the shape matches the boat. At Onesails, our design team would like to talk to you about customizing spinnakers to fit your boat. Their in depth experience ranging from America’s Cup to small one design sailboats ensures that they have the knowledge to provide you with the right advice. We are attempting here to make it easier for you to realize the full potential of your new sail(s). The sail selection guide below “Faster Off the Wind” will give you a summary of when to use which spinnaker. 120 130 140 150 160 170 TWA 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 THE ONESAILS FLAT FURLING REACHER. THE “ALLROUND” SAIL FOR CRUISING. OneSails has created the “Flat Furling Reacher” (FFR), a furling downwind sail with a wide range of uses that is easy to hoist and gybe. The FFR can be used between true wind angles of 50° to 160° depending on the wind strength and can be used on any boat with a spinnaker halyard and a suitable tack point forward of the forestay. SHAPE AND DESIGN GRAND PRIX AND SUPERYACHTS FOR CRUISING AND RACING COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS Research and Development are vital to the Onesails company philosophy, as shown by the development of Millenium technology. It’s the top performance Vektor fabric. The right choice for “pure” racing boats under 70’. Carbon yarn still offers the best weight-strength ratio and with the new yarns distribution system on small sails it can offer performance close to Millenium. Another high point has been the continuing partnership with the Engineering University of Florence. This gives Onesails lofts access to highly sophisticated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) programs. ICAD (International Consortium for Advanced Design) is a non profit partnership company formed by Onesails and the Engineering University of Florence. W NE OneSails is the only sailmaker that has developed a process to build sails with Dyneema. The yarn offers an unbeatable performance-durability ratio compared to aramid fibres, since it is more resistant to stresses and environment in which sails operate. Dyneema is the right choice for performance cruising and racing. GLASS / PENTEX Moreover the ICAD CFD software package simulates the rig loads and their impact on the aerodynamics of the rig as a whole. Thanks to these features Onesails is able to fully support riggers in finding solutions to individual custom projects. This is the “entry level” continuous yarn technology at an affordable price. Can be used both for cruising and club racing offering better performance and durability compared to cross cut, tri radials and cut and glued membranes. Onesails is a partner of BSG, one of the world’s leading sail design and sail analysis software developers. 32 SPI 28 ASY 24 FFR 20 Black Technora is avaiable in race mode (film-film) and in cruise mode with the protection of white taffeta in one or both sides of the sail. This is the best choice for yachts of any length when the performance advantages and additional expense of Carbon is not required. EW N 3YEARS MILLENIUM DELAMINATION WARRANTY 12 8 4 TWA 50 70 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 RACING SYMMETRIC SPINNAKERS Sailors use their yachts for racing or cruising or a combination of the two. WARRANTY AND QUALITY CONTROL All cruising and racing OneSails Millenium sails will be provided with a delamination warranty of three and two years respectively. After manufacturing every sail is subject to a stringent computer aided quality control process. CUSTOM SAILS IN ONE SINGLE PIECE For this reason Onesails has developed a range of products specifically aimed at satisfying the demands in terms of budget and performance of both the racing and cruising yachtsman, together with those who want to use their yachts for both of these activities. ILS SA DURABILITY RA CI NG G IN ILS A S 170 DURABILITY Onesails’ Millenium is the only technology in the world which is able to make sails of unlimited size in one single piece and using continuous carbon yarns. Another notable plus that Onesails makes available to boat owners is the possibility of their deciding personalised colours to customise their own sails. Onesails holds the world record for the biggest one-piece mainsail ever made. This was constructed in 2007 for the legendary J Class “Shamrock V” with a 43 metre luff. In 2009 we broke our own record with the delivery of one piece sails for superyachts of over 130 feet in length. RACING ASYMMETRIC SPINNAKERS TWS A0 32 VMG A1 28 RUN SPI/HVY A4 24 AP A2 A5 A3 20 SPI/HVY RCR 110 A3 A5 A0 8 A1 4 TWA 100 A2 12 VMG 90 A4 16 RUN AP The diagram alongside will guide your choice of the material best suited to meet your requirements of performance and durability for both Cruising and Racing. 16 FFR RCR WHICH SAIL IS RIGHT FOR YOU The Onesails specialists are always available to provide you with advice and suggestions on the sails best suited to meet your specific requirements. SPI BLACK TECHNORA W NE CR UI S Research is one of Onesails defining aspects, and CFD is the design tool it uses in its everyday work. SUPER YACHT It shares the same Carbon Grand Prix ingredients but with a crowded yarn layout to make the sails tough and ready to face the hardest weather conditions of ocean navigation. In addition, to get extra durability, Millenium Super Yacht is available with a special taffetà protection on both sides of the sail. DYNEEMA ICAD research programmes include long term projects focussed on innovation in sail aerodynamics and short term projects to design ideal sails for individual yachts. ICAD also carries out research for Boeing and other aerospace clients, thanks to its development of one of the most advanced and powerful CFD programmes in the world. TWS CRUISING DOWNWIND SAILS ASY PERFORMANCE CFD allows fluid movements to be resolved through the use of computers. This allows optimisation of sail shapes, sail plans and sail construction. CARBON GRAND PRIX It’s probably the best available continuous yarn technology on the market for grand-prix and hi-performance racing sails. The “resin free” lamination process allows the production of sails 15-30% lighter and more durable compared to other available continuous string technologies and, above all, is not affected by delamination the most common flaw in analogue products. CARBON DOWNWIND SAILS BY ONESAILS The sail that is undergoing the most significant development today is the spinnaker. Spinnakers where originally created as bag-shaped sails to catch wind exclusively downwind. Now, with the help of better fabrics and sailmaking technology, spinnakers are both far more efficient downwind and so closewinded that they encroach on conventional headsails at 45° apparent wind. Through experience with nearly identical boats the key to offwind speed has been determined by spinnaker shape as much as by spinnaker size. This is especially so on any point of sailing high of a dead run. Onesails make a broad range of hi-performance spinnakers for racing and cruising boats. The design of every spinnaker is customized for the boat in order to give truly superior performance. The programme used to determine shape also takes into account displacement to ensure that the shape matches the boat. At Onesails, our design team would like to talk to you about customizing spinnakers to fit your boat. Their in depth experience ranging from America’s Cup to small one design sailboats ensures that they have the knowledge to provide you with the right advice. We are attempting here to make it easier for you to realize the full potential of your new sail(s). The sail selection guide below “Faster Off the Wind” will give you a summary of when to use which spinnaker. 120 130 140 150 160 170 TWA 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 THE ONESAILS FLAT FURLING REACHER. THE “ALLROUND” SAIL FOR CRUISING. OneSails has created the “Flat Furling Reacher” (FFR), a furling downwind sail with a wide range of uses that is easy to hoist and gybe. The FFR can be used between true wind angles of 50° to 160° depending on the wind strength and can be used on any boat with a spinnaker halyard and a suitable tack point forward of the forestay. SHAPE AND DESIGN GRAND PRIX AND SUPERYACHTS FOR CRUISING AND RACING COMPUTATIONAL FLUID DYNAMICS Research and Development are vital to the Onesails company philosophy, as shown by the development of Millenium technology. It’s the top performance Vektor fabric. The right choice for “pure” racing boats under 70’. Carbon yarn still offers the best weight-strength ratio and with the new yarns distribution system on small sails it can offer performance close to Millenium. Another high point has been the continuing partnership with the Engineering University of Florence. This gives Onesails lofts access to highly sophisticated computational fluid dynamics (CFD) programs. ICAD (International Consortium for Advanced Design) is a non profit partnership company formed by Onesails and the Engineering University of Florence. W NE OneSails is the only sailmaker that has developed a process to build sails with Dyneema. The yarn offers an unbeatable performance-durability ratio compared to aramid fibres, since it is more resistant to stresses and environment in which sails operate. Dyneema is the right choice for performance cruising and racing. GLASS / PENTEX Moreover the ICAD CFD software package simulates the rig loads and their impact on the aerodynamics of the rig as a whole. Thanks to these features Onesails is able to fully support riggers in finding solutions to individual custom projects. This is the “entry level” continuous yarn technology at an affordable price. Can be used both for cruising and club racing offering better performance and durability compared to cross cut, tri radials and cut and glued membranes. Onesails is a partner of BSG, one of the world’s leading sail design and sail analysis software developers. 32 SPI 28 ASY 24 FFR 20 Black Technora is avaiable in race mode (film-film) and in cruise mode with the protection of white taffeta in one or both sides of the sail. This is the best choice for yachts of any length when the performance advantages and additional expense of Carbon is not required. EW N 3YEARS MILLENIUM DELAMINATION WARRANTY 12 8 4 TWA 50 70 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 RACING SYMMETRIC SPINNAKERS Sailors use their yachts for racing or cruising or a combination of the two. WARRANTY AND QUALITY CONTROL All cruising and racing OneSails Millenium sails will be provided with a delamination warranty of three and two years respectively. After manufacturing every sail is subject to a stringent computer aided quality control process. CUSTOM SAILS IN ONE SINGLE PIECE For this reason Onesails has developed a range of products specifically aimed at satisfying the demands in terms of budget and performance of both the racing and cruising yachtsman, together with those who want to use their yachts for both of these activities. ILS SA DURABILITY RA CI NG G IN ILS A S 170 DURABILITY Onesails’ Millenium is the only technology in the world which is able to make sails of unlimited size in one single piece and using continuous carbon yarns. Another notable plus that Onesails makes available to boat owners is the possibility of their deciding personalised colours to customise their own sails. Onesails holds the world record for the biggest one-piece mainsail ever made. This was constructed in 2007 for the legendary J Class “Shamrock V” with a 43 metre luff. In 2009 we broke our own record with the delivery of one piece sails for superyachts of over 130 feet in length. RACING ASYMMETRIC SPINNAKERS TWS A0 32 VMG A1 28 RUN SPI/HVY A4 24 AP A2 A5 A3 20 SPI/HVY RCR 110 A3 A5 A0 8 A1 4 TWA 100 A2 12 VMG 90 A4 16 RUN AP The diagram alongside will guide your choice of the material best suited to meet your requirements of performance and durability for both Cruising and Racing. 16 FFR RCR WHICH SAIL IS RIGHT FOR YOU The Onesails specialists are always available to provide you with advice and suggestions on the sails best suited to meet your specific requirements. SPI BLACK TECHNORA W NE CR UI S Research is one of Onesails defining aspects, and CFD is the design tool it uses in its everyday work. SUPER YACHT It shares the same Carbon Grand Prix ingredients but with a crowded yarn layout to make the sails tough and ready to face the hardest weather conditions of ocean navigation. In addition, to get extra durability, Millenium Super Yacht is available with a special taffetà protection on both sides of the sail. DYNEEMA ICAD research programmes include long term projects focussed on innovation in sail aerodynamics and short term projects to design ideal sails for individual yachts. ICAD also carries out research for Boeing and other aerospace clients, thanks to its development of one of the most advanced and powerful CFD programmes in the world. TWS CRUISING DOWNWIND SAILS ASY PERFORMANCE CFD allows fluid movements to be resolved through the use of computers. This allows optimisation of sail shapes, sail plans and sail construction. CARBON GRAND PRIX It’s probably the best available continuous yarn technology on the market for grand-prix and hi-performance racing sails. The “resin free” lamination process allows the production of sails 15-30% lighter and more durable compared to other available continuous string technologies and, above all, is not affected by delamination the most common flaw in analogue products. CARBON DOWNWIND SAILS BY ONESAILS The sail that is undergoing the most significant development today is the spinnaker. Spinnakers where originally created as bag-shaped sails to catch wind exclusively downwind. Now, with the help of better fabrics and sailmaking technology, spinnakers are both far more efficient downwind and so closewinded that they encroach on conventional headsails at 45° apparent wind. Through experience with nearly identical boats the key to offwind speed has been determined by spinnaker shape as much as by spinnaker size. This is especially so on any point of sailing high of a dead run. Onesails make a broad range of hi-performance spinnakers for racing and cruising boats. The design of every spinnaker is customized for the boat in order to give truly superior performance. The programme used to determine shape also takes into account displacement to ensure that the shape matches the boat. At Onesails, our design team would like to talk to you about customizing spinnakers to fit your boat. Their in depth experience ranging from America’s Cup to small one design sailboats ensures that they have the knowledge to provide you with the right advice. We are attempting here to make it easier for you to realize the full potential of your new sail(s). The sail selection guide below “Faster Off the Wind” will give you a summary of when to use which spinnaker. 120 130 140 150 160 170 TWA 170 160 150 140 130 120 110 100 90 THE ONESAILS FLAT FURLING REACHER. THE “ALLROUND” SAIL FOR CRUISING. OneSails has created the “Flat Furling Reacher” (FFR), a furling downwind sail with a wide range of uses that is easy to hoist and gybe. The FFR can be used between true wind angles of 50° to 160° depending on the wind strength and can be used on any boat with a spinnaker halyard and a suitable tack point forward of the forestay. WHY CHOOSE ONESAILS MILLENIUM SAILS HAVE THREE YEARS WARRANTY AGAINST DELAMINATION. .1 EXCLUSIVE TECHNOLOGY MILLENIUM, PERFORMANCE IS A MATTER OF TECHNOLOGY THE NEXT GENERATION OF SAILS The major manufacturers have not changed their basic process in the last 15 years. Laminate sails are still built using yarns which are impregnated with resin and a scrim on both sides which is coated in resin to hold the membrane together It is this resin that breaks down over time as the sail is hoisted, tacked and folded after racing or cruising. This causes delamination, the two sides of the membrane come apart and the sail loses structural strength as there is nothing to support the yarns in place. The resin also adds weight to the sail, initially this weight can be offset by the extra strength but as the resin breaks down the weight remains for less strength. The Millenium technology (Intl’ Patent Pending) doesn’t need resin in the production of the sails and this has a number of advantages. When the yarns are impregnated with the resin and it sets, the yarns will become very hard in tension. As the sail moves and the yarns are bent and twisted, they will start to breakdown and the overall strength of the structure will be reduced. If the resin is removed, the carbon will remain soft, this means as the sail moves there is no difference in tension across the strand as the individual fibers that make up the strand can move independently. MILLENIUM LAMINATION 9 tons at 120° C. Removal of the extra yarns plus the significant mass of the resin in a laminate sail, results in a reduction in overall weight of at least 15-30%. The Millenium skins are loaded into a vacuum bag which is pressurized to -0.95 bar, this equates to no less than 9 tons per square meter across the entire sail. The entire skin and bag is then loaded into a computer controlled oven. When the pressure and heat are applied to the sail the two layers of polymer react and fuse together to form a new layer of material in an irreversible process. This seals the two layers of Mylar® together and encapsulates the carbon threads. It is important to note that the polymer “fuses” together and is not merely “stuck” together, the resulting film is soft and flexible, delamination is not an issue anymore as there is no resin between the skins to break down over time. Millenium is a major advance from “mould production” sail technology, which has demonstrated many limitations arising from: low temperature and a non uniform heating process acting on only one side of the sail (the main cause of delamination) and being physically limited in both size and shape of the “one piece” sails because of the size and design of the mould. Scrim Yarn Scrim Resin Scrim Tension VEKTOR COST EFFECTIVE CONTINUOUS STRING TECHNOLOGY .2 PERFORMANCE CONTINUOUS THREADS STRUCTURE IN DYNEEMA, CARBON, PENTEX OR GLASS. Features like weight, shape control and deformation resistance means better performance in respect to a traditional paneled sail where seams and junctions are the weak parts under load. .3 QUALITY Sails are designed and manufactured to the very highest standards from carefully selected components to ensure the very highest quality and durability. .4 DESIGN The best sail shape is the result of analysis and experience. OneSails is at the forefront of the sailmaking industry, continually investing in research and development to ensure that the very best sail shapes are available. The success of this approach is confirmed by the vast array of racing trophies OneSails clients have won, competing at National, International and World Championship level .5 SERVICE CONVENTIONAL LAMINATION Scrim Tension Dry yarns A core activity for every OneSails Loft is providing first class service, support and assistance. As part of our service commitment, each OneSails Loft has a team of experts on hand to ensure that we can deliver on our service pledge. In addition to a growing number of principle Lofts, the OneSails Group has an extensive network of service centres strategically placed around Europe’s coast line. Vektor represents the development of more than twenty years of experience in the construction of sails from a grid of continuous yarn on an adhesive film. AUSTRIA Schwechater Straße 35 A 2322 ZWÖLFAXING bei Wien Tel. +43 1 7065454 Fax +43 1 7065454-22 e-mail: IRELAND Crosshaven c/o Cork Tel. +353 21 4831 505/4 Fax +353 21 4831 700 Mob. +353 87 2550 649 e-mail: SLOVENJA Bac pri Materiji 28/a 6242 Materija Tel. +386 (0)5 618 11 00 Fax +386 (0)5 618 11 09 e-mail: CROAZIA Uvala Baluni bb (ACI marina) 21000 Split Tel./Fax: +385 (0)21 398 676 Mob. +385 (0)91 286 66 33 e-mail: ITALY - FIRENZE Via Dei Confini 285 50010 Capalle (FI) Tel. +39 055 8951219 Fax +39 055 8952634 e-mail: SPAIN Muelle viejo s/n Edificio Espigon Consiga 07192 Palma de Mallorca Tel. +34 971 425 970 Mob. +34 664 406 868 e-mail: GREAT BRITAIN - SOUTH Hamble Point Marina Hamble SO31 4JD Southampton Tel. +44 (0)2380 458213 Fax +44 (0)2380 458228 e-mail: ITALY - LA SPEZIA Via Pratolino - Zona ind. 19037 S. Stefano Magra (SP) Tel. +39 0187 631515 Fax +39 0187 63152 e-mail: GREAT BRITAIN - EAST Suffolk Yacht Harbour Levington IP10 0LN Ipswich Tel. +44 (0)1473 659878 Fax +44 (0)1473 659197 e-mail: ITALY - VERONA Via dell’industria 22/24 37012 Bussolengo (VR) Tel. +39 045 6767792 Fax +39 045 6767849 e-mail: HUNGARIA RET U. 5/1 Balaton Foldvar HUNGARY Tel. +36 84 34 0705 e-mail: MALTA MRA026C Industrial Estate Marsa Tel. +356 21 238760 e-mail: This technology shares components and techniques used in the manufacturing of the Millenium sails and this permits the production of sails with an optimum cost / performance relationship for both cruising and racing sails. Whereas in Millenium the structural grid, under pressure and temperature, is fused to the layers of Mylar® that form the laminates, in Vektor the grid is applied with reinforced fibre tape at high pressure to the film that constitutes the sail, in turn reinforced with the secondary grid at high pressure. Vektor differs from similar products in the market because the reinforced tape of Vektor is made up of individual continuous yarns rather than multiple yarn clusters. This permits the complete utilization of the structural capacity of the fibres used in the grid with wide freedom of lay-out and complete control of the shape-holding in all the areas of the THE NETHERLANDS Huizermarina Ambachtsweg 59 1271 AL Huizen Tel. +31 35 712 00 09 VEKTOR FIBRE LAYOUT TURKEY 10040 SK. No. 22 AOSB Cigli / IZMIR Tel. +90 (232) 328 16 29 Tel. +90 (232) 328 16 30 Fax +90 (232) 328 17 12 e-mail: Compression OneSails reserves the right to change descriptions, modify, or substitute products without notice in this product guide One is copyright property of OneSails International; other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. OneSails International copyright 2011. All rights reserved. PRODUCT GUIDE sail on the strength of the wide microdistribution and independence of each structural element. General parameters of the sail being equal (particularly the weight) a better structure is achieved for the efficient distribution of the loads. The very latest innovation introduced exclusively by Onesails is the use of Dyneema™ as the fibre for the structural grid, which guarantees characteristics distinctly superior to the aramid fibres both in terms of durability and of performance. With greater stretch resistance and strength, together with a significantly reduced weight. As well as Dyneema™, Vektor sails are available with the structural grid in a range of yarns including carbon, Pentex and glass to deliver the appropriate performance required. This last product represents an optimum price / performance relationship and allows access to continuous yarn technology (a one piece sail) at competitive prices and conditions with respect to sails constructed with traditional panel technology. CONVENTIONAL FIBRE LAYOUT Small tapes driving one yarn Tape Outer yarns Yarn Base scrim Glued yarns Compression MILLENIUM AND VEKTOR ALLOWS US TO PRODUCE SAILS WITH MORE SHAPE STABILITY THAN OUR COMPETITORS. GREATER SHAPE RETENTION MEANS BETTER PERFORMANCE AND IMPROVED DURABILITY. For over 10 years the OneSails design team have developed exclusive technology to make continuous thread sails (in one piece) a reality for cruising and racing boats. Yarn THE TECHNOLOGY THAT SAVES YOU MONEY UK. Rev. 06.2011 MILLENIUM TECHNOLOGY ALLOWS THE CREATION OF UNIQUE CUSTOM SAIL MATERIALS WHICH DO NOT SUFFER FROM DELAMINATION WITH USE AND OVER TIME One wide tape driving up to 5 yarns Base scrim Outer yarns Inner yarns Inner yarns When bending, multi tapes structure keeps the same tension between outer and inner yarns. When bending, single tape structure causes different tension between fibres, most of the load is on the outer yarns. Tape Yarn