CSIRO AusAID Alliance NTB Sekaroh Scenario Planning Workshop
CSIRO AusAID Alliance NTB Sekaroh Scenario Planning Workshop
Climate Futures and Rural Livelihood Adaptation Strategies in Nusa Tenggara Barat Province, Indonesia Dampak perubahan iklim terhadap mata penghidupan masyarakat di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia Sekaroh Futures and Livelihood Adaptation Strategies: Workshop Report 13th November – 14th November 2013 BACKGROUND The islands of Eastern Indonesia have some of the highest levels of poverty and food insecurity in the country. Livelihoods are primarily rural and dependent on ecosystem goods and services provided by terrestrial and marine habitats, and are highly sensitive to climate change. Currently no method exists to assess the vulnerability of livelihoods in these islands to climate or other drivers of change such as population growth, or to design ‘no regrets’ adaptation strategies which lead to benefits even in the absence of change. This project aims to meet this need by developing an approach in the islands of Lombok and Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) Province. A research partnership has been established between the AusAID‐CSIRO Alliance, University of Mataram (UNRAM), BMKG (Indonesian Meteorological, Climatological and Geophysical Board), the Research Institute for Agricultural Technology (BPTP) and the NTB Government’s Climate Change Task Force. One of the most vulnerable areas obtained from the results of previous workshops is in typology 1 (fishermen typology) located in Sekaroh Village, District of Jerowaru. This location also has other subsistence such as forest products, agriculture, farming, embankment, and tourism potency. However, infrastructures condition which is inadequate and low human resources, compounded by the uncertain climate conditions, the village is very vulnerable to climate change and subsistence. Subsistence condition in Sekaroh Village can be seen on pictures in appendix, complete with maps and other supporting information in all the hamlets of Sekaroh Village. Workshop of Sekaroh Village Adaptation Planning was held in Sekaroh Village’s hall, District of Jerowaru, East Lombok on Wednesday 13 – Thursday 14, November 2013. The workshop’s participants consisted of PT. ESL, CSIRO, UNRAM, East Lombok Regency Government, local LSM and Sekaroh communities. Workshop of Sekaroh Village Adaptation Planning aims to: 1 Identify the future vision of Sekaroh Village 2 Identify the level of vulnerability in every hamlet 3 Identify the adaptation strategies priority and scheme of works proposed to Sekaroh Village SUMMARY OF WORKSHOP DAY 1: Wednesday, November 13 8:30 Session 1 Session 2 Session 3 5:00 : Opening and Introduction : What is supporting factors of subsistence alteration in Sekaroh? : How does the future of Sekaroh? : What is the impact caused by future alteration toward subsistence in Sekaroh? : Finish DAY 2: Thursday, November 14 8:30 Session 4 : Flashback of Day 1 : How does the capacity of adaptation in Sekaroh? Session 5 Session 6 5:00 : What is adaptation strategy priority of subsistence in Sekaroh? : How does this adaptation strategy compared with development program (scheme of work)? : Finish The workshop was attended by 31 Participants, 11 Collaborative and Management team, 3 Australian team, 1 Observer, Guest and Mass Media representative. No Name Dinas/Instansi/Badan/Lembaga KEPALA DINAS KEBUDAYAAN DAN PARIWISATA LOMBOK TIMUR DINAS PERTANIAN DAN PETERNAKAN LOMBOK TIMUR 1 GUFRANUDDIN 2 RUSMAN YAMIN 3 URIP SOPYAN, S.IP 4 MIHARJA HARIS, S.AP 5 SABRI 6 MIRZA SOPHIAN BADAN KETAHANAN PANGAN LOMBOK TIMUR 7 H. M. MANSUR KADES SEKAROH 8 AMIN ABDULLAH LSM, LPSDN 9 AHMAD TURMUZI LSM, AMPEL 10 L. MUKARRAF YAYASAN GUMI PAER LOMBOK 11 JUMASE KANTOR CAMAT JERUWARU 12 SUHIRMAN KANTOR CAMAT JEROWARU 13 MANSUR BPD DESA SEKAROH 14 SARUJI KADUS 15 MASDAN PJS KADUS TELONE 16 LALU AGUS DINAS KEBUDAYAAN DAN PARIWISATA LOMBOK TIMUR 17 MASTARIADI LPMM LOMBOK TIMUR 18 L. AFDALUDDIN SOHRI KANTOR DESA SEKAROH CAMAT JEROWARU BADAN PEMBERDAYAAN MASYARAKAT DAN PEMERINTAHAN DESA, LOMBOK TIMUR DINAS KELAUTAN DAN PERIKANAN LOMBOK TIMUR 19 JUFRIANTO KANTOR DESA SEKAROH 20 NURHAYATI KADER POSYANDU DESA SEKAROH 21 YULIANA PAUD-AL HISROH 22 MARDIANAN PAUD PENGOROS 23 MULAWARMAN KPH RINJANI TIMUR 24 BQ. HARTINI KADER POSYANDU SEKAROH 25 MUNAWAR KADUS PENGOROS 26 KAMARUDDIN TOKOH PEMUDA DESA SEKAROH 27 SA’AMUDDIN KADUS ARO INAQ 28 ABDUL KALAM, S.SOS KANTOR CAMAT JEROWARU 29 L. HAMZANWADI KANTOR CAMAT JEROWARU 30 MULYAWARMAN LKMD SEKAROH 31 SAHAR KADUS UJUNG KETANGGE 32 L. KHAERUDIN KADUS 33 NURHAYANI KADER 34 L. PUTRANOM PEMUDA 35 NURMIN KADER 36 L. SUPRIADI PERAWAT PUSTU DESA SEKAROH 37 TAJALLI YAHYA YAYASAN GUMI PAER LOMBOK 38 KAMARUDDIN HKM 39 HERMANTO HKM 40 NASRUN KANTOR DESA SEKAROH 41 SIRAJUNNASIHIN YAYASAN GUMI PAER LOMBOK 42 SURIATI KANTOR DESA SEKAROH 43 SALMAN JAFAR KANTOR DESA SEKAROH 44 MQ SURIATI LKMD DESA SEKAROH 45 JUMALIN KANTOR DESA SEKAROH 46 SYAMSUL BAHRI BABINSA Collaborative Team No 1 Name PROF. YUSUF SUTARYONO, PHD Dinas/Instansi/Badan/Lembaga AKHYAR UNIVERSITAS MATARAM 2 DR. KETUT PUSPADI BALAI PENGKAJIAN TEKNOLOGI PERTANIAN NTB / CENTER OF AGRICULTURE TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT 3 DR. ALIS MUKHLIS UNIVERSITAS MATARAM 4 PROF. KOMANG DAMARJAYA UNIVERSITAS MATARAM 5 MURSHAL GHAZALI UNIVERSITAS MATARAM 6 LUKITA CESARIA IBUNDANI UNIVERSITAS MATARAM 7 MAURIEK PUTRANTA UNIVERSITAS MATARAM 8 WAYAN EKA SUPARWATA 9 ADI RIPALDI. SP.MAHG BADAN METEOROLOGI KLIMATOLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA KEDIRI / Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics BADAN METEOROLOGI KLIMATOLOGI DAN GEOFISIKA KEDIRI / Bureau of Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics CSIRO and Australian Team No 1 Name JAMES BUTLER Dinas/Instansi/Badan/Lembaga CSIRO 2 MICHAELA CSIRO Observer and Facilitator No 1 Name ALEXIS ANDERSON Dinas/Instansi/Badan/Lembaga PT. ECO SOLUTIONS LOMBOK 2 PUTRAWAN HABIBI PT. ECO SOLUTIONS LOMBOK 3 NANDA PT. ECO SOLUTIONS LOMBOK 4 ULFA ANDERSON PT. ECO SOLUTIONS LOMBOK DAY 1 Session 1: What is incentive factors of subsistence alteration in Sekaroh Village? The first session is the first step to introduce and brainstorm the participants to the presentation members about incentive factors of alteration in Sekaroh Village either in relation to environment alteration, economy or social (subsistence alteration) viewed from global scale, NTB, District of Jerowaru up to the scale of the village. From this session, participants will understand the meaning of the incentive factors of the village. Table 5. The presentations are: Title Presenter Subsistence in Sekaroh H. Mansyur (Head office of Sekaroh) Global future, climate change, rising of sea Adi Ripaldi (BMKG NTB) level in Jerowaru especially in Sekaroh Village Demographic trend, economy, culture and Ketut Puspadi (BPTP NTB) food endurance in the Regency of East Lombok The next step is identifying the incentive factors of subsistence alteration in Sekaroh Village and ranking the supporting factors based on the level of importance. In this activity, participants are divided into four (4) groups consisted of various stakeholders wherein each group is facilitated by a collaborative team. From the activity, it is obtained the list of incentive factors of subsistence alteration which have been ranked based on the level of importance. Sequentially, the incentive factors are: 1) Infrastructure, 2) Human Resources, 3) Natural Resource, 4) Climate, 5) Economiy, 6) Politics, and 7) Technology. It can be completely seen in the table below. Table: Incentive factors of alteration No. Category Incentive factors of alteration 1 Infrastructure Irrigation and water for agriculture Rural transportation facility Health facility/posyandu arket electricity Availability of clean water to all hamlets Printing of new fields Reservoir Roads Fishing gear Sport facility and infrastructure Groundwater bag Farm business roads Economic facility (cooperation, KUBE, public Bank) 2. Human resource 3. Natural resource 4. Climate change Pustu construction Road construction (Aro inak s/d Tanjung Ringgit) Public health infrastructure Flowing of Pandan Dure water to Sekaroh Construction of boarding school Center of integrated information service Center of Sekaroh government service Communication facility Independent village of energy Shopping center Village landfills Life skill Vocation/labor Education level Religious education Youth activity Public awareness of environmental impact is less Public health KB program Education of SD, SMP, SMK, BLK Skill education (farmer women) Marine ecosystem is threatened (mangroves and coral reefs was damaged) Terrestrial ecosystem is threatened (burned and cut forests, excavated chalk) Quality of sea water Forest damage Mangrove forest Fresh water Agriculture Arrangement of environment Husbandry Reforestation Natural potential (beauty of nature) increasing of plant species Sawah garam Environmental conservation of land/sea Turtle conservation Fishery Illegal logging Illegal grazing Status of endangered flora and fauna Destructive fishing (bombs, putas etc.) Lack of rainfall Climate information Disaster Detection Getting heat Reduction of Carbon gas usage 5. Economy 6. Politic 7 Technology 8. Culture Business capital/productive Cooperation Investment/foreign investment Public market Vocation Safety (for investment and tourism) Tourism TPI/PPI Investor Agribusiness center Seaweed Dependence on moneylender and barter pattern Home industry Comprehension of politics Good program management system Government’s concern in program Attitude and behavior of rural government Political will Stakeholder involved Reproduced cultivation Salt pond, shrimp, and seaweed No product processing Appropriate technology Agriculture Intensification Food technology Teknologi pengolahan pangan Counseling of agriculture, plantation, forestry, fishery, husbandry and handicraft. Information technology and mass media Technology in changing salt water into fresh water Alternative energy center Farmers management system Fishery technology Agricultural production facility Coastal cultivation technology Reducing mating divorce Addition of art tools Cultural site preservation Security Dependence on certain groups or figures Lack of gender role PKK activity Cooperation among inhabitants Contest/event Mutual cooperation Community organization Recitation of Imtaq Society describes incentive The society ranks incentive factors of alteration in Sekaroh factors of alteration in Sekaroh Village. Village. Session 2: How does the future of Sekaroh? Activities in this session aim to identify the future vision of Sekaroh Villager in 2090 based on the real situation nowadays. Participants are divided into four groups and write their statements regarding to the vision of subsistence in the village in 2090. Each group presents their vision back to plenary and discuss about it. It is then refined to create a vision. Each group is assisted by a collaborative team in a discussion group. From the discussions and the presentations from each group, it is obtained a vision of Sekaroh Village in 2090 as follows: 1) Prosperous society, educated and skilled, physically and mentally healthy with nature sustainable as well as preserve culture and religious values, safe and orderly conditions of Sekaroh Village, supported by adequate infrastructure and stable political conditions. 2) Prosperous society and free of poverty, intelligent, skilled, dignified, safe and peaceful. Healthy, independent, civilized and cultured society according to the religion, the village which is free from pollution and disasters supported by the infrastructure of adequate roads and water 3) Green and sustainable Sekaroh supported by infrastructure of water, electricity, irrigation, roads, and adequate health, the existence of safe and prosperous Sekaroh for creating a job from the presence of tourism and investment. Modern Sekaroh village with the availability of telecommunications technology, information and processing facilities that can support sustainable tourism. It also entirely is run by customary law. Sekaroh village society must be resilient in confronting natural disasters, and 4) Sekaroh village community with the proper subsistence, prosperous, independent and modern metropolitan The next activity is introducing planning scenario and explaining two most important incentive factors have been ranked. This activity use diagram axes scenario in the theme of priority of incentive factors wherein its characteristics are positive and negative. Above the each label, written some key issues identified as incentive of alteration in session 1 by participants: 1) Infrastructure and Human Resources: (a) Water, roads and electricity, (b) Schools and markets, (c) Field work, and (d) population growth. 2) Climate and natural resources; (a) rising in sea level (in meters), (b) climatic conditions (drought, erosion and storms), (c) reforestation and illegal logging and (d) natural resource conditions. Picture: The most important issues of the incentive factors of alteration in the village of Sekaroh The next step is explaining the scenario with provided narration and pictures for the year 2100. Participants are divided into four groups work and they then describe the scenario that has been decided based on axis obtained by each group. The participants then develop the descriptive narration for each scenario along with the data from session 1 presentation and/ their local insight. In developing scenario narration, the participants are able to characterize values, condition and incentive from their scenario. This activity is helped by collaborative team in each group to give participants’ acknowledge about scenario perspective made. Each scenario is provided a name as follow: 1) green Sekaroh, 2) Colonized Sekaroh, 3) Save Sekaroh, and 4) Metropolitan Sekaroh, Subscription of Disaster. Each group then present their scenario to plenary forum The people and Head Office picture subsistence Representing his group, the head of scenario of Sekaroh community in the future tourism dept. explains subsistence scenario of sekaroh community in the future Picture. Scenario 1, prosperous Sekaroh, prosperous peaceful community Tidak lupa juga telah berdiri juga hotel-hotel yang ramah lingkungan Scenario 1 is the optimistic scenario of the future in Sekaroh village. This condition is illustrated by the rapidity of development of infrastructure in Sekaroh that support the subsistence such as facilities and transportation infrastructure (land, sea and air), electricity (Sekaroh is not dark anymore) and schools even get to college. Economic facilities such as market, mall, and banks have been built up to meet the needs of community so that the people do not need to get exit the village to meet his need in daily life and achieve a sense of security. There has also been built up hotels that are environmentally friendly surrounded by green vegetation and the condition of the beaches is still beautiful. Sekaroh Village will be still green either of agricultural or of forest thus Sekaroh can realize his goal that is green Sekaroh, peaceful and prosperous society. Picture. Scenario 2, colonized Sekaroh This scenario describes the human resource condition that is not ready to accept the changes and poor infrastructure despite having good and clean natural resources. This condition is depicted with low human resource condition because of low educational facilities and infrastructure, so that the vocation is filled by people from outside the village. Schools and markets were deserted due to the damaged roads that cannot carry the people along with their agricultural products, then which tourism is not well developed. The result is like what happen today, in which foreign investors get in (hotel) but his/her education is still low (no biased foreign language), so that all the vocations is filled by people outside Sekaroh. Scenario 3. Save Sekaroh This scenario is a scenario that describes condition of Sekaroh Village which is very extreme, that is the condition of infrastructure and human resource is still low, coupled with climatic conditions and natural resources that are vulnerable to damage so what we have to do is "save Sekaroh 1. If water, roads and electric are not good then are not repaired, then the public protests and requests for the reparation. But it is not repaired well up to 87 years so they plant bananas in potholes. Sekaroh become dark and just be luminous if there is no moon night and houses become not good 2. School and market are less even are not exist: such as current school (i.e. in hamlet of Aro Inaq) wherein buildings and equipment (benches, tables and blackboards) are not good and teachers who sometimes do not come causes teaching and learning conditions become not optimal. The market does not exist, so that the people selling anywhere and it makes unsafe and untidy. 3. The level of uncontrolled population causes population is very dense yet do not have jobs and fewer vocation, so much going on unemployment and starvation because no one can be harvested as well. 4. The rising of sea water up to 1 meter and flooded so many locations in Sekaroh become submerged, damaging infrastructure and surrounding nature. 5. Drought, erosion and storm: there is no more remaining natural resources. Trees, wood, are all cut to the sake of tobacco, so that the land becomes barren, no more cattle left due to lack of food and water due to storms, drought and erosion. 6. Illegal logging is rampant more and more, the land becomes dry and barren, no water anymore and many people who regret this incident and could be doomsday. From this condition, we then must choose to save Sekaroh and do not let this condition occur in 2100 even though we, in this workshop are no longer in 2100. Picture. Scenario 4 Metropolitan Sekaroh, subscribes to disaster This scenario describes the conditions of Sekaroh Village which has a very full infrastructure (metropolitan) such as hotels, bungalows, roads and electricity. In addition, there is conditions of advanced technology and high human resource leads to Sekaroh village to be very advanced. Nevertheless, the nature condition is vulnerable to disasters and climate change that is like a flood, raising of sea level and tsunami results a lot of fallen trees and extinct animals. Then, there are natural disasters such as earthquake and flood so that the building condition become damaged and many people undergone squalor and have lost relatives, shelter and employment. This will happen if the people are not environmentally friendly and no longer obey the provided rules. Session 3: what is the impact caused by future alteration toward subsistence in Sekaroh? Activities in this session are began by presenting the impact which occurs in environmental products and services in 2030 that were caused by human resources and climatic factors in the District of Jerowaru (the data obtained from Planning Scenario of Jerowaru District, 21 to 22 December 2011). Furthermore, participants were asked to determine two (2) services and environmental products which is most affected in 2030 in the entire hamlets in Sekaroh. Table. Products and ambient Services which is most affected in 2030 in all hamlets in Sekaroh No Name of The most important product Impact hamlet and ambient service 1 Aro Inaq 1. Dry land, Corn 1. Land utilizing change (rising of 2. Dry land, Goat population) 2. Land utilizing change (rising of population) 2 Pengoros 1. Dry land, Corn 1. Land utilizing change (rising 2. Beach, tambak garam of population) 2. Rising of sea level 3 Transmigrasi 1. Dry land, Corn 1. Land utilizing change (rising 2. Dry land, Goat of population) 2. Land utilizing change (rising of population) 1. Exploitation (rising of 4 Telona 1. Perairan dalam/off population) shore 2. Exploitation (rising of 2. Perairan dangkal/in population) shore 5. Ujung 1. Dry land, Corn 1. Land utilizing change (rising of ketangge 2. Perairan dangkal, sea population) weed 2. Exploitasi (peningkatan populasi) 6. Ujung Gon 1. Dry land, Corn 1. Land utilizing change (rising 2. Dry land, Goat of population) 2. Land utilizing change (rising of population) 7. Sunut 1. Perairan dalam 3. Exploitation (rising of 2. Perairan dangkal population) 4. Exploitation (rising of population) DAY 2 Session 4: How does the capacity of adaptation in Sekaroh? This session begins with an explanation of meaning of adaptation capacity which is encouraged to know the adaptation capacity of all hamlets in Sekaroh Village by regarding to or considering the impact of product and ambient services of each hamlets. The next step is by determining the indicators of adaptation capacities (table), strengths and weaknesses of adaptation capacity in each hamlet and voting to determine the hamlet with lowest adaptation capacity (table). Adaptation Capacity Indicators Table No. Capital Indicators 1. Human Karang taruna (Youth Club) Place to learn Quran Farmers group Industry Skill Training Less education Farmer/Gardener Handyman Indonesian/Women Labor (TKI/TKW) Traditional Processing Education at least Senior High School Less Health Facilities Illegal logging Belia (young) Youth Religious leader Community leader School development (PAUD dan SMK) 2. Nature Rain fed land Mangrove forest and maintain it Beautiful beaches Beautiful islands Protected forest area The limestone Sawah garam Little bit wellspring Making well Reforestation No cutting down trees Changing planting pattern (rice become corn, chili, banana) Shrimp farm Corn Seeds of sengon buto Srikaya Farms Lading Sea and rain water 3. Finance 4. Physic 5. Social and Culture Wealth of sea Farmers group Joint business group Saving and loan cooperation cooperation Business capital Village-owned enterprises (BUMDES) Moneylender Gathering Low income level Household Industry Investor PNPM Bank Credit People’s reservoir Road/bridges Education facilities/school buildings sekolah Health facilities (polindes, posyandu, pustu) Sports facilities Tourism/hotel facilities Electricity network Kantor desa Forestry post Water tower/rain water tank Potency of sea water distillation into fresh water Normal well Kiosk/shop Vehicle/rural transportation infrastructure Market Boarding school Night watch post Collective cage Religious facilities Traditional art Mutual cooperation Community organization Youth organization 6. Politic 7. Institution Pengajian Group Environmentally conscious community Group formation Group empowerment Yasinan group Holding pengajian of Imtaq (Iman and Taqwa) Persatuan banjar Elderly guidance Remaja masjid Nyongkolan Rowah besiru tradition Demography Awiq-awiq Voting committee (pilkades dll) Rural government Publication of sporadic (yang tidak syah) Publication of SPPT (yang tidak syah) Son of the soil becomes legislative member Making the region become the center of tourism Pilkades Pilkadus Enlargement of village Enlargement of hamlet Pembentukan kabupaten Lombok Selatan Headman BPD LKMD PKK Kadus RT Penghulu Kiai/Ustadz Farmers group Joint work group Working on group HKm Group Gapoktan Pam Swakarsa Banjar Civil defense of village Night watch LSM (NGO) Posyandu Government Private Religious leadership Community leadership Table: Adaptation Capacity based on voting No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name hamlet of Weaknesses of Strengths of adaptation Vote the low adaptation capacity capacity adaptation capacity Aro Inak Brackish well water, The highest corn 22 less/no drinkable water, income, many small no toilets, many married trade businesses, dare under age, less borrowing money to education, low income moneylenders for going 5m/yr, no electricity, to Malaysia, husbandry illegal logging Pengoros Brackish well water, Gapoktan, workers and 12 less/no drinkable water farmers groups of salt, low education, less there is elementary and nature of mutual junior high school in cooperation, bad roads, one roof, husbandry inadequate markets, no electricity, illegal logging Transmigration Lack of fresh water, low The selection of Kades 21 education, no art are always safe, sports galleries, bad roads, lack facilities, village offices, of business capital, no PAUD, pustu, SMK, electricity, illegal logging HKM, husbandry Telona Fresh water, bad roads There is elementary and 22 (worst), less education, junior high school in low income, low capital, one roof, aquaculture, no transportation and husbandry electricity, illegal logging Ujung Ketangge Fresh water, worst Seaweed cultivation, 8 roads, education facility Agriculture, PLTS, cattle is only elementary and goats, husbandry school, low income, low capital, no transportation, lack of safety, illegal logging Ujung Gon Bad roads, low PLTS, fresh water wells, 9 education, no school, high corn production, corn, salt, husbandry illegal logging Sunut Heavily damaged roads, PLTS, shrimp 20 no water, no education cultivation, forest facilities, low levels of products, excellent education, no beaches (tourism transportation, high potential), pearl erosion, fishing, cultivation, historical deforestation due to sites, fauna, illegal logging. The people decides capacity in Sekaroh lighthouses, husbandry. adaptation Voting is to decide the lowest adaptation capacity in all hamlets in Sekaroh Village Session 5: What is adaptation strategy priority of subsistence in Sekaroh? This session begins with a presentation of CSIRO-UNRAM researchers and ESL about new subsistence innovations and adaptation strategies followed by a discussion between participants and presenters as an arena to learn about societies in this workshop. This presentation aims to give participants a consideration in determining adaptation strategies in each hamlet with different subsistence typologies and can be applied in adaptation strategies planning that are made. Table: New innovation and subsistence adaptation strategies Activity Title Presenter Presentation and discussion Adaptation strategy – mixed cropping Prof (UNRAM) Presentation and discussion Adaptation production Presentation and discussion Presentation and discussion Adaptation strategy – silvofisheries Pak Alis (UNRAM) Adaptation strategy -Eco-tourism Putrawan (ESL) strategy – sea Komang weed Ibu Alluh (UNRAM) Habibi Session 6 : How does this adaptation strategy compared with development program (scheme of work)? The next step is explaining the robust adaptation strategies concept (No. regret adaptation strategy) in order for the strategies built by the community can achieve the vision of Sekaroh community in 2090 which has been determined on day 1 session 2 and avoided from the worst scenario (Business as usual) although environmental products and services in Sekaroh is affected by climate change, exploitation and land-use change in 2030. Participants are divided into seven groups according to the number of hamlets in Sekaroh to determine adaptation strategies for each of the hamlet. Each working group is assisted by a collaborative team in discussions to determining the adaptation strategies. In the process of adaptation strategies is also used for adaptation capacity and assessment of environmental impacts of products and services towards subsistence in Sekaroh. Deciding adaptation strategy priority in People explaining adaptation strategy priority in each hamlet in Sekaroh, assisted by each hamlet in Sekaroh collaborative team Each working group presents the adaptation strategy that has been made to the plenary, and discuss with other participants and other stakeholders to convince people that the strategy made is a firm strategy that is by observing the risks that will occur in each subsistence scenario that has been made in the Session 2 Day 1. I order to find out how this strategy when compared to the rural development program, thus it uses the last column in the table to be coloured with markers with a system of 'traffic light', where red means never been done, green means has been done and blue means still in the planning phase. CONTACTS: FURTHER INFORMATION: Professor Yusuf Sutaryono University of Mataram Email: ysf_25@yahoo.com Mobile: (+62) 0818369007 http://www.ausaid.gov.au/hottopics/topic.cfm?I D=2707_8209_4232_9569_1218 Dr. James Butler CSIRO Climate Adaptation Flagship Email: James.Butler@csiro.au Mobile: (+61) 0437030120 http://www.csiro.au/multimedia/Indonesia-AndClimate-Change http://www.csiro.au/news/Improvedclimatechange-projections-SE-Asia http://www.rfdalliance.com.au/site