Spring - Deep Foundations Institute
Spring - Deep Foundations Institute
DFI DEEP FOUNDATIONS ITUTE ST EP FO U DE TIONS DA I N N Spring 2010 Peribonka Dam Cut-off Wall Plunges 116 m Deep at Canadian Site The Magazine of the Deep Foundations Institute N TIONS DA I COVER STORY: 8 N DFI Challenging Cut-off Wall at Canada Dam ITUTE ST EP FO U DE CONTENTS DEEP FOUNDATIONS The Magazine of the Deep Foundations Institute (DFI) is published four times a year: Winter, Spring, Summer and Fall by DFI. 326 Lafayette Avenue, Hawthorne, NJ, 07506, USA T: 973.423.4030 F: 973.423.4031 Email: staff@dfi.org Bauer Foundations, Canada, faced many obstacles to complete a 116-m-deep plastic cut-off to halt seepage at the Peribonka Dam near Quebec. TECHNICAL FEATURE: 47 Type 2 Micropiles in Las Vegas In a rare U.S. application, Type 2 micropiles were incorporated in the foundation of a Las Vegas hotel and resort. DBM and Terracon worked on the project. DFI ACTIVITIES: 13 Executive Director Theresa Rappaport trappaport@dfi.org Winter Planning Meeting, Educational Trust update on DFI Student Chapters, 11th DFI International Conference in London, DFI Europe and more. Executive Editor Virginia Fairweather vfairweather@dfi.org Managing Editor Emeritus Manuel A. Fine mfine@dfi.org DFI Executive Committee President, Rudolph P. Frizzi Vice President, James A. Morrison Secretary, Robert B. Bittner Treasurer, Patrick Bermingham Past President, Seth L. Pearlman PEOPLE, PROJECTS, EQUIPMENT: 31 Profile of George Filz, the Practical Professor Company news and promotions, Schnabel Engineering rehab at Thomas Jefferson Memorial, Spartan Specialties soil nail solution, Manitowoc in China. CONTINUED: 73 Challenges at the kcICON Bridge in Kansas City, McCook Reservoir grouting (Nicholson Construction), more product news. Other Trustees David Borger Maurice Bottiau Dan Brown Bernard H. Hertlein Matthew Janes James Johnson Douglas Keller Samuel J. Kosa Kirk A. McIntosh Raymond J. Poletto Arturo Ressi di Cervia John R. Wolosick Michael Wysockey Regular Features: President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Executive Director Update . . . . . . . . . . 7 New Members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 European News. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Technical Committee Reports . . . . . . . 55 FHWA Forum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Q&A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Calendar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Advertisers’ Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Awareness of a “Bigger Picture” ver the past months, I’ve been highly aware of inter-generational interaction and sustainability. It would seem obvious that the two should go hand-in-hand — the former being critical to realize the latter. I’ve been looking for points of critical awareness — the proverbial “ah-ha” moments — in my day-to-day interaction with my family, co-workers, clients and DFI colleagues. My thoughts circle back to building a sustainable structure/ organization, build on past experience to improve on the future, and the importance of mentoring in these processes. The recent DFI Winter Planning Meeting, and a subsequent trip to a National Historical Park in the southwestern U.S., brought me some insight that I’d like to share with you. Our Winter Planning Meeting consisted of three parts: our committee reports and discussion, review and discussion regarding the details of running our organization, and a planning session where new ideas regarding the future of the DFI were presented and considered. It was great to hear our committee chairs sharing the latest trends and innovations in their reports, and to take part in the vibrant discussion among the trustees and committee chairs. The committee members collaborated, the trustee liaisons mentored, and the committee chairs pulled it all together. I’m truly humbled and honored to have a front-row seat observing the leaders (and our fellow DFI members) shaping the positive evolution of our organization and industry. Wise planning and guidance by our preceding trustees and headquarters staff built a strong foundation for the DFI. My fellow trustees and I say “thank-you” to them as our current work in guiding the growth of our organization could not be the success it is without all their hard work. Last, the planning portion of the meeting. Thanks to my fellow trustees and the committee chairs for their frank ideas, discussion and comments, without the “idea skeet” that O can kill potential good thoughts before they get very far. Look in this and future issues of our magazine and journal, at our meetings and seminars, and other media, as the DFI collaborates with new organizations around the world and increases visibility and return to our members. The meeting reinforced my belief that ours is a collaborative organization, built on a strong financial and administrative base, with a willingness to openly discuss and prepare for future events that will impact our industry. It’s a couple hours drive from the nearest town, then another 20 miles of dirt road, to reach the Chaco Culture National Historical Park, a designated World Heritage Site, in the remote northwestern area of New Mexico. Quoting the National Parks Service: “From AD 850 to 1250, Chaco was a hub of ceremony, trade, and administration for the prehistoric Four Corners area — unlike anything before or since. Chaco is remarkable for its multistoried public buildings, ceremonial buildings, and distinctive architecture. These structures required considerable planning, designing, organizing of labor, and engineering to construct. The Chacoan people combined many elements: pre-planned architectural designs, astronomical alignments, geometry, landscaping, and engineering to create an ancient urban center of spectacular public architecture — one that still awes and inspires us a thousand years later.” The committee members collaborated, the trustee liaisons mentored, and the committee chairs pulled it all together. Rudolph P. Frizzi, P.E., G.E. President rfrizzi@langan.com I could only imagine the dedication and effort of the Chacoan people to create such a wonderful city in, what is still today, such a remote area. The buildings of Pueblo Bonito and other Chaco structures evolved (and endured) over time, by families building upon structures built by their ancestors. There are different building patterns, but each is an improvement on the former. Mentoring, collaboration, a model for a long-lasting, sustainable construction? I think so. I was amused when the Park Ranger told me that the (only) decades-old Park visitor center was about to be completely torn down and rebuilt because it was in such poor condition (brought on by, get this, a poor foundation!). I hope the new designers and builders look to the spirit of the Park to guide them in their work. My daughters also experienced a part of a National Park visit that I encourage you and your families to enjoy. It’s called the “Junior Ranger” program, where parents and kids can explore, interact and learn about the Park in a fun way. The Park Rangers were great, taking time to share their knowledge of the Park and its history with me and my family. My DFI Winter Planning Meeting experience and visit to Chaco reinforced the value of spending time with others, even if it means taking a long journey, and taking the time to plan and discuss collective thoughts and experiences. Sometimes, we need to go out of our way, but the reward can be new and exciting discoveries, interaction, and learning. The benefits are multiple generations collaborating to openly share information for the collective better good, and to create a stronger institution, whether it be a business, organization, city or family. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 5 this is GroundControl Casagrande USA offers a modern, highly regarded line of large and small bore drilling and piling rigs, hydromills and hydraulic clam shells, continuous flight augers, and related equipment such as grout pumps, desanders, and more. Plus, they have a world class team of mechanical, sales and support personnel, with immediate availability to make your projects as productive as possible. Casagrande USA – The Tools and The Team You Need. Large Bore Piling Rigs From the B105 to the massive C850, Casagrande USA large bore piling rigs drill shafts up to 285 feet deep and 118 inches in diameter. This comprehensive line offers the driller equipment for varying ground conditions and shaft requirements. Applications include caissons, secant pile walls, augercast piles, soil mixing and more. Minipile and Anchor Rigs Hydraulic crawler drills are offered in a wide range of configurations for use in micropile and tieback installation, soil nailing, geothermal well drilling, jet grouting, rotary percussion drilling and additional applications. Individual models offer select features such as dual rotary heads, an advanced articulating mast for front-of-wall drilling, and digital radio remote control. Diaphragm Wall Equipment Hydromills, cutter soil mixing technology (CSM), and guided and rope-suspended hydraulic clamshells provide secure, productive installation of slurry and diaphragm walls, barrettes and deep cut-offs. These units can be mounted on Casagrande base carriers and approved crawler cranes. WhAtEvER thE gRounD conDitions With cAsAgRAnDE usA you’RE in contRoL Casagrande USA, Inc. 973-579-1906 1-866-939-CUSA 22 Van Sickle Rd. Lafayette, NJ 07848 www.casagrandegroup.com EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR UPDATE Strengthening DFI’s Infrastructure The world recently witnessed two catastrophic earthquakes, both with devastating effects on lives. Though the earthquake in Chile was of a larger magnitude, the earthquake that hit Haiti a month earlier resulted in a much higher death toll and greater damage to the city of Port-au-Prince. Though there may be many reasons why a lesser magnitude earthquake did more damage, one of those identified is the difference in the countries’ infrastructures and building code requirements. After Chile’s 1960 earthquake, they developed seismic design codes and building requirements, later revised in 1993 based on technological advances and research. This attention to lessons learned and Chile’s preparedness for future seismic events saved many lives this year and emphasizes the importance of creating a solid infrastructure and plan to mitigate future disaster. There is a analogy, on a different scale, to DFI’s efforts to strengthen its own infrastructure. We are planning for the future needs of members and the deep foundations community. Currently DFI is in the throes of upgrading its IT system. The purpose is to ensure that all the new initiatives being explored and implemented by its leadership will work effectively and efficiently. The database, which will drive the website and provide a mechanism for tracking and recording important member data, will be a more powerful tool. What will be provided on the front end to members and industry visitors is THE spot, dfi.org, where they can conduct their membership business and access a wealth of resources. Social Media DFI is also taking the leap into the use of social media which will become an extension of the new website. The buzz on social media is that it’s powerful, it’s costeffective, and it provides another way of communicating with everyone. DFI’s Task Force on New Technologies formed at the end of 2009, approached their assignment with purpose and research. The first question they asked themselves was what DFI’s goals are and how will getting involved in social media/networking be a means to achieving them. It was clear that the primary goal is to provide more value to the DFI member. To that end, becoming more visible and accessible globally would be an asset; providing relevant information and resources is another; and connecting industry members and providing a forum for discussion, debate and collaboration in an affordable way was yet another. Their next step was to explore how social media could create these opportunities. They identified several avenues that would allow members to take an active role and get involved more easily in DFI, not just by joining and paying dues, but by fully participating and shaping the future of DFI to work effectively for them. The group also agreed that communicating to members and the industry at large via this new media would not replace the current methods, such as personal verbal contact between staff and members, face-to-face meeting opportunities via For DFI this means a larger network of people providing each other with more options and opportunities. It also will allow member feedback which will lead to DFI the provision of better member services. DFI LinkedIn is a tool for fulfilling our mission of affiliating everyone concerned Theresa Rappaport Executive Director trappaport@dfi.org with the planning, design and construction of deep foundations, improving and extending knowledge of new ideas and practices, encouraging participation in deep foundation activities and disseminating information on support of structures via deep foundation methods. RSS Feeds, Twitter, You Tube Future uses of social media for DFI that are being explored include RSS news feeds for one, to populate DFI’s website with relevant deep foundations news articles so you don’t need to search the worldwide web for this information. Twitter is also being explored Twitter is being explored for quick updates on committee and Institute activities. seminars and conferences, mailed and emailed outreach. Rather it would be used in addition. The Task Force decided that the place to start is with a DFI LinkedIn Group, which has been established with sub-groups for its 15 technical committees. The main group will allow members and non-members to network with each other and get involved in the various DFI activities as they become available. The sub-groups will provide a virtual meeting place and collaborative forum for the committee members to stay on task with their projects on a more regular basis. for quick updates on committee and institute activities, and we are exploring YouTube for educational videos and Wikis for collaborative docu-ment creation. We will listen to member needs and requests to make sure we’re providing the value they seek so I encourage you to give us your feedback and make known to us what’s working and what isn’t so we are prepared for the future. Our goal is to create an infrastructure that provides a way for you to take advantage of all that DFI has to offer. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 7 Peribonka Dam River Challenging Cut-Off Wall at Peribonka Dam Owner Hydro-Québec and designer SNC-Lavalin faced problems with water seepage at the 80-m-high dam along the Peribonka River in Québec, Canada. The solution was a plastic cut-off wall in unusually complex ground conditions through deep alluvial deposits that form the dam foundation. The wall, now successfully completed, is exceptionally deep, about 116 m at one point. The bedrock, where it was keyed, underlies coarse highly permeable alluvial deposits, and formed a buried valley with steeply sloped flanks, creating further difficulties. Contractor Bauer Spezialtiefbau GmbH, based in Germany, constructed the cut-off wall through its Canadian subsidiary, Bauer Foundations, Canada, Inc. Bauer incorporated a variety of geotechnical construction techniques and methods that were stretched to new limits. Constructing the plastic concrete cut-off wall with a trench cutter was a pioneering accomplishment in the complex ground conditions. Site Investigation The soil investigation performed in 2003 showed an extremely deep 60-m-wide valley in the bedrock underlying the riverbed alluvium. The canyon-like fold, a glacial gully, was filled with cobbles and boulders, with dimensions of up to 1 m within a sandy matrix with zones of high permeability. There were further challenges, such as the almost vertical flanks and overhangs of the bedrock, and concentrated boulder zones. In addition, the granite and anorthosite at the site had Sebouh Balian measured strengths in the range Regional Director of 120 to 180 MPa, and occasionDr. Mazin Adnan ally in excess of 200 MPa. Peribonka Contract The alluvial layers encounTechnical Director tered and the open talus BAUER Spezialtiefbau structure further jeopardized GmbH, International AUTHORS: Division, Schrobenhausen, Germany 8 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 the open cut-off trenches. The investigators expected sudden losses of the supporting fluid that would destabilize the boulders above the cutter frame. Furthermore, in-situ stability of boulders and large cobbles had to be ensured. To mitigate the risk of instability, Bauer Foundations, Canada, grouted the alluvial zones in the gully section, creating a section 10 m wide with a depth of 120 m along the dam axis. The grouted soil body had the advantage of preventing erosion. Besides the cutoff wall and the alluvium grouting, some other challenging geotechnical measures were: • Intensive drilling in the glacial gully section to identify the contour of the bedrock, as well as the location of large boulders in the dam axis limited hydro-fracturing of the soil to open additional paths towards the talus pockets. Bauer performed limited gravity grouting, where the boreholes were filled with stable but low viscosity mix to allow the grout penetration through a wide front over the complete borehole. In general, the classical grouting sequence with primary and secondary tubes was applied. The strict requirements for the quality of the work and the tight work schedule necessitated the use of automatically controlled grouting units. Three-dimensional plotting of the grout distribution, based on inclinometric measurements and systematic recording of all parameters, was an effective real-time support for the work. Cut-off wall in progress • Bedrock consolidation grouting • Soil improvement by vibro compaction of the alluvium layer and the dam base to mitigate the extent of settlements and risks of liquefaction due to seismic activity • Installing a ground water lowering system during construction to control potential rising river water levels Grouting Procedures Bauer used “tubes à manchette” to grout the alluvia within the glacial gully. The main concern here was the risk of a limited penetration range of the grout and the grout intake quantities. Locally limited zones seemed to be suitable for permeation grouting with conventional cements. However, in some of the alluvia, the portion of the middle size sand fraction (with D<1 mm) exceeded 15%. In these areas, the soil could prove unsuitable for permeation grouting. The major risks regarding the stability of open trenches, and hence the safety of the cutter, were related to those zones. Because of these circumstances, Bauer modified the refusal criteria for grouting works, allowing General site view Plastic Concrete Cut-off Wall Cut-off walls were constructed in several areas of the dam. Here we considered only the exceptionally deep wall in the glacial gully of the main river valley. This wall’s width ranged from 1,500 mm to 1,200 mm, with 116 m maximum depth, with a total area 12,000 m2. The trench excavation took place in zones previously treated by cement grout. We took special measures to maintain the workability of the supporting fluid. This was due to several factors: the relatively high water/cement ratios of the grout; the low temperatures of the ground; the comparatively short time period between the finishing of grouting works and the excavation of the panels; and the large volumes of panel joint overcuts. The viscosity rapidly increased to very high levels, due to the sensitivity of the bentonite to cement contamination. This increase exacerbated the need to control the rheological properties of the supporting fluid to facilitate slurry circulation between the cutter pump at the bottom of the deep trenches and the desanding unit. Technical solutions such as the dosing mechanism integrated into the cutter frame enabled Bauer to introduce the additives at the right location in the vicinity of the cutter pump, i.e., at the deepest level of the trench under the excavation. At the same time they closely monitored the degree of slurry liquefaction to maintain sufficient supporting effect. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 9 Site plan view Bauer had to maintain immense quantities of supporting fluid reserves in this operation. The storage basins for the fresh excavation and concreting slurry were covered for protection during the cold months. The bentonite in basins was continuously agitated by pumps and high-speed impellers. In addition, heating elements had to be installed to prevent the slurry mixed into the plastic from freezing. One of the most important mechanical properties of plastic concrete is its ability to follow the deformations of the dam and the soil layers underneath its base caused by the rising water head when the reservoir is filled. The designer always wishes to have a low modulus of elasticity in the plastic concrete. Usually the required compressive strength of the hardened plastic concrete does not exceed the few bars required for sufficient stability against mechanical erosion. Therefore, it is usually not very difficult to find a reasonable compromise between both parameters (strength and E-modulus), despite the comparatively narrow correlation between these two parameters. However, due to the dimensions of the Peribonka Dam, the cut-off wall underneath was exposed to considerable stresses. These were due to the weight of the dam and the height of the acting water head; both required higher compressive strengths. That is why this project called for extreme fine tuning of the clayey components, and the water/cement ratios of the mixes had to hit the narrow envelope of the correlation range. The required high plasticity restricted the aggregate portion in the plastic concrete mix. The high fluid phase content of the mix, in addition to the required flowability, resulted in adjustments to limit the bleeding typical for such mixes placed under the considerable hydrostatic pressures associated with deep panels. Based on the originally assumed rock profile in the glacial gully, we expected that the wall would reach a depth of more than 120 m at its deepest point, and constructed a cutter prototype especially for the project. Two more standard cutters were also mobilized. The wall depth necessitated additional measures for the verticality control to ascertain interlocking of the panels. Considering the complicated soil conditions, Bauer adapted the cutter direction control plates to allow longer stroke lengths, thus increasing the correction efficiency. Besides standard online monitoring and logging systems for parameters such as the deviation in both axes, depth, penetration progress, torque of each wheel and retention force acting at the hook, the largest cutter was further equipped with a gyroscope that monitored eventual rotations in the panel excavation. 10 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 Dam longitudinal section Advanced Cutter Technology As a technical solution, within easier reach of the currently available technology, the cut-off wall was originally designed with a limited rock keying of the individual panels, over less than a half of their length, to facilitate its execution in the gully section against very steep rock slopes. The resulting “windows” underneath the non-embedded panel base were to be subsequently treated by cement or chemical grouting, depending on the groutability of the soils found. Bauer proposed an alternative which, making use of advanced cutter technology, allowed for a full embedment of the panels into the rock to avoid the risks associated with such deep “windows,” though this option would bring the project into pioneering territory. To ascertain a better compliance with the requirements regarding the overcut joints of the adjacent panels, Bauer developed a specific methodology. By starting panel construction at the deepest point of the gully we could utilize the completed panels successively as abutments for the following panels. This allowed better control of the cutter frame verticality during cutting into the Cut-off wall in progress steep rock surface. Since the plastic concrete, with its specified 28 days compressive strength, could not serve as abutment with sufficient strength to counteract the rock influence on the opposite side of the cutter frame, it was replaced at greater depths by structural concrete with strengths in the range of 30 MPa. Such a sacrifice of the concrete plasticity could be afforded at greater depths, since the cut-off wall there was not exposed anymore to deformations. The methodology was verified on trial trenches at a location outside the dam axis with similar rock surface slopes before it was put into practice. The wall paneling was designed with the overlap between the panels increased to 60 cm in critical zones instead of 30 cm. Also, in such complicated areas as zones with significant multi-axial slope inclinations of the rock and sizable boulders, some of the panels were rotated to a position perpendicular to the dam axis. This rotation could accommodate larger deviations in the alignment normal to the main wall direction. Beside the preventive design and quality control measures described here, real-time adjustment of the adjacent trenching was systematically implemented, based on careful monitoring. the specified criteria. To increase the safety of execution and to take into account the accumulation of unfavorable conditions, the nominal panel overlap in the most critical areas of the wall was increased to 60 cm. The deviation and torsion of the cutter frame were monitored by real-time measurements conducted by the two inclinometers and the gyroscope installed on the cutter frame, enabling the cutter operator to correct any deviations during the excavation. Finally, the alignment of the trench was controlled by ultrasonic cross-hole measurements. The overlap section of each panel was carefully analyzed based on the comprehensive joint record to consider the necessary measures needed before commencing with the excavation of the adjacent panel. Several control points were established to verify the specified embedment of the panel base into the rock. We also used the results of the rock surface detection obtained during the drilling for the preliminary panels, and the additional interpolation between the rock surfaces encountered in the primary panels to verify the rock embedment of the secondary panels. The oil pressure of the gear Alternative rock key solution Panel Verticality The special concerns of this project included the high risk of joint defects between adjacent panels. This was due to the extreme ground conditions and depth, and the quality of panel embedment in rock. An absolute prerequisite for wall integrity was strict control of panel verticality. This was especially important in the case of deep cut-off panels, where the smallest deviations lead to reduced overlap and in the worst case, to gaps between adjacent panels. The variation of the wall thickness between 1.2 and 1.5 m was designed on the basis of the depth of the relevant dam section. Specifications called for a minimum overlap of 20 cm between adjacent panels and a minimum wall thickness of 70 cm to achieve the required integrity of the wall. Even such a marginal deviation from the verticality as 0.5% would have exceeded the limits required to meet box for both cutter wheels was also monitored. Finally, samples of the excavated material separated at the coarse sieve of the desanding unit were systematically inspected and sampled to confirm the rock key quality. Conclusion Bauer completed the plastic concrete cut-off wall in October 2006. The civil works were completed in October 2007 and the first generator was put into service in December 2007, to the full satisfaction of the owners. Piezometric monitoring continues to ascertain the behavior of the cut-off wall. The plastic cut-off wall at Peribonka demonstrates that it is now possible to install highly reliable plastic concrete barriers against water seepage in extremely challenging geotechnical conditions well beyond the reach of other currently available techniques. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 11 Ground engineering never got any easier. Atlas Copco has put together a complete package that deals with all things geotechnical. When you have a foundation project – no matter the application, location, or size of the project – Atlas Copco offers the equipment and technical expertise to help develop and execute the plan. Any way you need a hole drilled, be it hammered, augured or driven, we have the drill rig to power your job or tooling to lead your drill string. The next time you’re bidding a project that needs soil stabilization, casing advancement systems, or just a big or deep hole you can be assured Atlas Copco is there with the right equipment. • MAI self-drilling anchor system • Large or small down-the-hole hammers • Symmetrix overburden drilling systems to 36” • Cluster drills to 72” • Auxiliary products like air compressors, generators, pneumatic and hydraulic hammers • Casing and tooling • Core drilling supplies • Or just the technical advice to put the plan together, we can make it work. Some of the largest (and smallest) contractors in the country call on Atlas Copco when putting a project together…you can too. Committed to Your Superior Productivity 800-732-6762 Atlas Copco Construction Mining Technique USA LLC 800-760-4049 Atlas Copco Construction Equipment LLC 800-465-6719 Atlas Copco Construction and Mining Canada Inc. www.atlascopco.us • www.atlascopco.ca DFI ACTIVITIES Winter Planning Meeting: Pondering the Future The DFI Board of Trustees and chairs of the institute’s technical committees explored possible long-range actions at the Winter Planning Meeting in February in Tucson. On less theoretical matters, they looked at budgets, membership, publishing and committee progress. DFI’s budgets are in order, the membership continues to grow, and seminars and short courses continue to flourish, in spite of the continuing troubled economy. Notably, the Helical Foundations and Tiebacks Committee began 2010 with a highly-successful seminar, drawing 100 attendees to Las Vegas in February. DFI now has 15 technical committees. At the WPM, the Committee on Deep Foundations for Landslides/Slope Stabilization was announced. The chair is J. Erik Loehr, of the University of Missouri. The new group has 17 members, who include 7 consultants, 5 contractors, 2 suppliers and 3 academics. Before reaching official status, a request for participation in a task force to decide if a committee should be formed was distributed to DFI members. This request followed the show of interest in the 2009 Slope Stabilization Using Non-Earthworks Methods seminar series. The first report by Chair Loehr will appear in the summer issue of this magazine. During 2009, DFI committees programmed 13 stand-alone seminars, including Super Pile ’09, plus two short courses that preceded the annual conference, and, of course, all held their respective committee meetings at the conference as well. Looking ahead, three committees are holding seminars just before the 35th DFI Annual Meeting and Conference in Hollywood this October. One is a seminar on Sustainability, the first effort by the committee, which was created in 2008. The other two seminars will be presented by the committees on Seismic and Lateral Loads and on Ground Improvement. The chairman for the Hollywood meeting, Francis Gularte, reported to the WPM attendees on papers and the program so far for the event. In 2011, the 36th Annual Meeting will be in Boston, and the trustees selected Houston as the venue for 2012. Sikko Doornbos, president of DFI Europe reported on the group’s progress, and Educational Trust Chair, Dick Short, also recounted activities during 2009. Short announced that a meeting with a professional fundraiser had been arranged for late March, after this issue went to press. Publications On the publications front, the committee on Augered Cast-in-Place Piles will publish its update to the Inspectors’ Guide to ACIP Piles, the Tiebacks and Soil Nailing Committee will publish its guide specification on soil nailing and the committee on Seismic and Lateral Loads is sending its final draft of its Seismic and Lateral Load design and testing guidelines to the DFI TAC (Technical Advisory Committee). Other committees are making progress with specifications, manuals and webinars. An informal survey on the DFI magazine was discussed and many suggestions were offered, among them “lessons learned” case histories and historical articles. The DFI Journal is gaining traction, and the number of papers in the pipeline is increasing. It continues to be financially sound, according to Dan Brown, editor. Plans are moving forward to offer the Journal electronically at no charge to members starting this year. For 2010, two issues will be published, one each in May and November. Breakout Brainstorming The attendees were divided into four groups, all of which exchanged ideas and offered opinions on four main subjects. One was how DFI can expand globally, and another was how DFI can improve collaboration with other organizations. Enhancing the member experience and evaluating the current structure of DFI were the others. Within the last category was the prioritization of tasks for DFI’s new Technical Activities Manager, Mary Ellen Bruce (page 19 of the winter 2010 issue). She has a long list of potential duties and areas of interests to address, the results of the attendees will help clarify her role and the relative importance of various areas. The final results of the breakout groups’ suggestions will be ranked and actions will be discussed by the Board of Trustees. 2010 DFI Outstanding Project Award If your company completed an Outstanding Deep Foundation Project, nominate it for the 2010 DFI Outstanding Project Award! Eligibility: Judgment Criteria: Submission Requirements: • Nominator must be a DFI member, corporate or individual • Size, scope and challenges of the project • One page project summary • Degree of innovation and ingenuity exercised • Up to 10 prints and electronic files of project photos • Uniqueness of the solution to the difficulties of the job • Completed application form • Full project must have been completed within the last 3 years Nominations being accepted. Deadline: May 31, 2010 • $50 application fee See www.dfi.org/opa.asp for further inforFOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 13 mation andDEEP nomination form. 50 years of experience, an unmatched industry safety record and peace of mind, it’s all yours by simply calling LG Barcus & Sons. At L.G. Barcus and Sons we’re proud to be recognized as an industry leader in every form of deep foundation construction. For over five decades–demanding engineers, consultants, general contractors and owners have built their trust on BARCUS. When you demand cost effective solutions, an unmatched safety record and unparalleled service call L.G. Barcus and Sons. We’re the foundation of success. BARCUS AugerPiles TM • Jobs from one pile to thousands • Prebid analysis of foundation alternatives • Value Engineering Services • Low Headroom Piles • Omega Displacement Piles • No Vibrations • Pile Testing CORPORATE OFFICE: 1430 State Ave., Kansas City, KS 66102 • 913-621-1100 • 1-800-255-0180 • FAX 913-621-3288 REGIONAL OFFICES: Albuquerque • Atlanta • Beaumont/Port Arthur • New Orleans • Philadelphia • www.barcus.com Serving the Following States: AL, AZ, AR, CO, DE, DC, FL, GA, ID, IL, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, MD, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NE, NJ, NM, NC, ND, NY, OH, OK, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, WV, WI, WY. Compression Piles & Tension Piles • Earth Retention Systems • Design Build Services • Restricted Access/ Lowheadroom Installations 1 2 3 4 AUGER CAST COMPRESSION PILES 1. University of Louisville Parking Garage Louisville, Kentucky AUGER CAST PILE EARTH RETENTION SYSTEMS 2. Pedestrian bridge spread footing underpinning utilizing augercast pile cutoff wall with tiebacks and concrete walers. Aultman Hospital - Canton, Ohio 3. Pedestrian bridge and five story building footings underpinning utilizing augercast pile cutoff wall with tiebacks and concrete walers. Children's Hospital - Akron, Ohio 4. Internally braced augercast pile cutoff wall. Federal Building Addition - Wheeling, West Virginia For more information call toll free 800 272 4928 14 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 or go to www.augercastpiles.net DFI Educational Trust Report I am pleased to announce that DFI now has two active student chapters. The first, as announced in Deep Foundations Fall 2009 issue, is the Chapter at U.C. Berkeley which has 21 members. The second has just been established at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The DFI at UIUC Chapter will be supported by faculty advisor and long-time DFI member Dr. James Long, P.E., and led by Ph.D. student Andrew C. Anderson. They will hold their first event on April 9 with a lecture by DFI President Rudy Frizzi titled “NonDestructive and Full-Scale Testing, Evaluation, and Re-Use of Deep Foundation Systems,” followed on April 10 with the University’s Awards Convocation. Frizzi will attend the convocation to award the Educational Trust’s Berkel and Company Contractor’s Scholarship to students to be selected. The chapter plans to hold monthly meetings and will pursue additional activities including lectures and jobsite visits to fulfill their mission to promote the study and practice of deep foundations. The Student Chapter at U. C. Berkeley has an ambitious agenda for the spring semester. The chapter sponsored a symposium titled “Foundation Design and Construction in the 21st Century,” that featured seven outstanding speakers from different sectors of the industry. The symposium was presented to the engineering department students, DFI members and the at large community of practicing engineers and contractors on March 12, 2010 in the theater located in the new CITRIS building, and was videobroadcast for students at the University of Illinois. The theme of the symposium encompassed foundation design and construction with respect to the following: • The evolution of more efficient methods of design and construction in the first decade of the 21st century. • Inventory of the current technologies and how they rate. • Restraints against progress. • The influence of the green technologies. • Current technologies that are setting examples. • Abundant and diminishing natural resources. • How can innovation change our engineering and problem solving approach to achieve the goals of the 21st century? • Educating engineers to solve the challenges in the future. The symposium began with an introduction by Student Chapter President Cristina D’Costa Ferrer and a welcome from Dr. Juan Pestana, Geotechnical Department chairman. Keynote Speaker, David Sherwood, senior principal with Bachy-Soletanche in London and Paris set the tone with his presentation “Recent Advances and Current Trends in Foundation Engineering.” Other presentations by prominent engineers and contractors included: AUTHOR: Pont de Gard • Bob Bittner: The Challenges of Marine Foundation Construction • Dan Brown: Designing and Building Bridge Foundations for our Infrastructure • Patrick Bermingham: Meeting the Design and Construction Challenge with Innovation • David Coleman: Foundation Construction in the Urban Environment • Arturo Ressi di Cervia: Reflections on our industry • John White: Manufacturing Diesel Pile Driving Equipment in China As the Berkeley Chapter Advisor, I will take 12 student members to Europe on May 20 for a 10-day trip to attend the DFI-EFFC International Conference in London. The conference includes site visits to observe various projects under construction and completed mega-projects such as the Thames River Flood Barrier System. The tour begins before the International Conference in Southern France at Avignon where the students will visit examples of ancient Roman civil engineering construction. They will also study the construction of the huge Cirque de Arles, a classic example of a pile-supported structure built by the Romans and nearby at Nimes, the famous Pont de Gard and viaduct. Sponsors are being sought for the Student Chapter’s European trip from the DFI membership. The students are each paying the first $1,000 of the approximate $3,800 fare that includes travel and lodging. This event has attracted a great amount of attention from other engineering students on campus and will no doubt contribute greatly to future interest in the DFI Student Chapter and to the deep foundation profession. Those interested in contributing should contact staff@dfi.org. Also anyone interested in supporting the DFI Chapter of UIUC should contact DFI headquarters. Monetary support, as well as volunteering to provide a lecture to the chapter students and other civil engineering students, to make your jobsite available for a student field trip or to sit on the DFI at UIUC Chapter Advisory Board are all welcome and encouraged. Richard D. Short Chairman dshort@sloperepair.com DEEP FOUNDATIONS •SPRING 2010 • 15 Put infrastructure spending on a solid foundation. Monotube® Piles. Solid Economics In the infrastructure space across America, it’s estimated that more than 8,600 projects are shovelready and simply awaiting funding to get underway. Coincidentally, polls show we Americans are strongly in favor of major investment in our aging infrastructure. However, concurrent with this favorable opinion is a strong demand for accountability and measurable efficiencies in how our tax dollars are going to be spent. We as corporate citizens, whether manufacturer, designer, engineer or contractor, have a serious interest in this. Monotube tapered steel foundation piles have consistently delivered capital-saving measurability for more than 80 years. Using conventional equipment, a Monotube requires a shorter driven length to achieve design load capacity, fewer man-hours and less energy to install than competing products. We have numerable test site data proving Monotube pile’s superior performance and it’s yours free for the asking. America is about to embark on a historic expenditure of taxpayer dollars. We at Monotube Pile Corporation know we can help you keep costs in check. Give us a call today because, as always, we’re ready to deliver solid economics. Request our Free Catalog P.O. Box 7339 • Canton, OH 44705-0339 / Ph. 330.454.6111 • Fax 330.454.1572 Executive Office: 5002 Second Avenue • Brooklyn, NY 11232 Email: monotube@neo.rr.com / www.monotube.com. 16 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 Conference Highlights October 12th: Pre-Conference Events Sustainability: Save Money and Save the Planet Ground Improvement Technology and Applications Practical Deep Foundation Design and Construction for Seismic and Lateral Loads Exhibit Hall Preview Reception DFI Technical Committee Meetings October 13th: DFI Technical Committee Meetings Welcome Lunch Keynote Lecture Session I: Deep Foundations Welcome Reception October 14th: Session II: Ground Improvement/Earth Retention DFI Business Meeting Luncheon Hal Hunt Lecture on Communications Session III: Infrastructure/Local Projects Award Banquet (separate ticket required) All proceeds benefit the Educational Trust Scholarship Programs and are 100% tax deductible Distinguished Service Award presentation Outstanding Project Award presentation October 15th: Session IV: Innovative Technologies/Sustainable Design Exhibition Reach design and construction industry leaders Be seen by 500+ expected deep foundation professionals and decision makers Over 80 booths in hall. Limited number still available Companions Program Three day program including a full day tour on Oct 14th of the sites and attractions in and around Hollywood, Los Angeles and Santa Monica, a Welcome Tea, two breakfasts and participation in the Welcome Reception. Location Renaissance Hollywood Hotel & Spa 1755 N. Highland Avenue Hollywood, CA 90028 www.renaissancehollywood.com Direct: 323-856-1200 Toll Free: 866-835-7681 (Reservations) DFI Special Hotel Rate $255.00 This discounted room rate is for DFI Attendees and is subject to a cut-off date of Monday, September 20, 2010 and availability. For more information or to register call 973-423-4030 or visit www.deepfoundations2010.org DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 17 Five Strategically Located Facilities SPIRAL WELD STEEL PIPE PILING Northwest Pipe Co. manufactures spiral weld steel pipe piling at five ISO Certified production facilities located nationwide to provide prompt material delivery to the most remote construction sites. Three of the Northwest mills are also API certified. L.B. Foster Piling and Northwest Pipe Co. work together as Northwest Pipe will soon open two new steel pipe mills with approximate yearly capacity of 150,000 tons each. Pipe piling is readily available from these strategically located mills in sizes ranging from 18" to 156" OD and 0.188" to 1.00" wall thicknesses. Shipping is available by truck, rail and barge. Quality piling from L.B. Foster and Northwest Pipe is ideal for: • Bridges • Terminals • Caissons • Piers • Marinas • Offshore platforms 18 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 Manufactured by Northwest Pipe. Delivered by L.B. Foster. strategic partners to provide quality spiral weld steel pipe piling for the most demanding projects. This experienced team can accommodate the widest variety of job specifications and deliver from production facilities located throughout the United States. Since Winter 2010 NEW MEMBERS CT = Contractor ED = Educator ME = Materials/Equpiment S = Service EA = Engineering O = Owner Joshua Adams EA jcadams@UniversalEngineering.com Universal Engineering Sciences Jacksonville FL USA Andrew F. Brengola P.E. CT abrengola@nicholsonconstruction.com Nicholson Construction Company Hudson MA USA Jeff Glennon jeffgnyc@aol.com Valsen Marine LLC East Hills NY USA CT Aaron McConnell P.E. amcconnell@hayesdrillinginc.com Hayes Drilling Inc. Olathe KS USA CT Jesus Alamo jesusalamogp@gmail.com Gruas Del Puerto Manzanillo Colima MEXICO ME Jeff Bump jeff.bump@fctg.com Viking Foundation Products Minneapolis MN USA ME Ade Gumilar ade.t.gumilar@gmail.com GES Bandung Jawa Barat INDONESIA EA Malcolm McPherson P.E. mmc@valsenmarine.com Valsen Marine LLC College Point NY USA CT Ken Andrews P.Eng. kenandrews@ca.inter.net Amcon Limited Eastern Passage CANADA EA Michael Burmahl mburmahl@braunintertec.com Braun Intertec Cedar Rapids IA USA EA Rick Hanke P.Eng. RHanke@malcolmdrilling.com Malcolm Drilling Co. Inc. Kent WA USA CT Mark Mernik mark.mernik@fctg.com Viking Foundation Products Minneapolis MN USA ME OW Henry Burton hburton@degenkolb.com Degenkolb Engineers Oakland CA USA EA David Hill dhill@jfwhite.com J.F. White Contracting Framingham MA USA CT Frederick Morell fgm2015@yahoo.com Tutor-Saliba Corp Burlingame CA USA CT Michael Atwood P.E. matwood@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. Boston MA USA EA John Bush P.E. johnbush@piletech.co.nz Piletech Auckland NEW ZEALAND EA Nabil Hourani P.E. nhourani@HNTB.com HNTB Boston MA USA OW Matt Nagy mnagy@pile.com GRL Engineers Inc. Cleveland OH USA EA Sam F. Baki P.E. bakis@zhi.com ZHI Inc. San Antonio TX USA CT Daniel Connolly P.E. dan@connollyengineering.com Connolly Engineering Pllc Pleasant Valley NY USA EA Selim Ikiz P.E. ikizselim@zetas.com.tr Zetas Zemin Teknolojisi A.S. Istanbul TURKEY CT Thomas W. Nolan P.E. tnolan@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. East Hartford CT USA EA Mark Balfe mbalfe@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. Boston MA USA EA Jason Cumbers P.E. cumbers@sme-usa.com Soil & Materials Engineers Inc. Kalamazoo MI USA EA Turhan Karadayilar P.E. karadayilart@zetas.com.tr Zetas Zemin Teknolojisi A.S. Istanbul TURKEY CT Osciel Plaza oplaza@mtac.com Moretrench Windermere FL USA CT Michael J. Barbetta P.E. mbarbetta@sthe.com S. T. Hudson Engineers Inc. Camden NJ USA EA David J. Depaco P.E. M.S. ddepaco@malcolmdrilling.com Malcolm Drilling Co. Inc. Irwindale CA USA CT Ozkan Kasimogullari P.E. kasimozkan@zetas.com.tr Zetas Zemin Teknolojisi A.S. Istanbul TURKEY CT Erkki Poyhonen erkki.poyhonen@piling.fi Finnpiling Oy 70100 Kuopio FINLAND CT Luca Barison CT LBarison@nicholsonconstruction.com Nicholson Construction Company Cuddy PA USA Damon Desantis ddesantis@macleanpower.com Maclean-Dixie LLC Franklin Park IL USA ME Fatih Kulac P.E. kulacfatih@zetas.com.tr Zetas Zemin Teknolojisi A.S. Istanbul TURKEY CT Andrew Saint saint.adfwest@gmail.com American Deep Foundation & Shoring West Inc. Gladstone MO USA CT Debnath Bhattacharya P.E. hashnu.hanah@gmail.com Desman Associates New York NY USA EA John T. Difini P.E. jdifini@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. East Hartford CT USA EA Bruce Lane mountainlane@msn.com Precision Measurements LLC Rhododendron OR USA EA CT Andrew Blaisdell P.E. Ablaisdell@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. Portland ME USA EA John Digenova P.E. JDiGenova@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. Manchester NH USA EA Carrie Anne Layhee P.E. clayhee@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. Rochester NY USA EA Todd Saint tsaint@adfwest.com American Deep Foundation & Shoring West Inc. Gladstone MO USA EA Rudolph Bonaparte Ph.D. P.E. lmurphy@geosyntec.com Geosyntec Consultants Atlanta GA USA EA James Dillon P.E. kcarney@tioga-construction.com Tioga Construction Co. Inc. Herkimer NY USA CT Jean Louis Locsin jlocsin@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. Boston MA USA EA Robert F. Scherzinger Jr. bobscherzinger@smgengr.com Smith Monroe Gray Engineers Beaverton OR USA EA Don Bortle Jr. bort33@buffalodrilling.com Buffalo Drilling Co. Inc. Clarence NY USA CT Dylan Doss dylan.doss@gmail.com Edminster Hinshaw Russ and Associates Inc. Houston TX USA EA Alan Lutenegger P.E. Ph.D. lutenegg@ecs.umass.edu University Of Massachusetts Amherst MA USA ED Kevin Scott P.E. kscott@bhate-geo.com Bhate Geosciences Corp. Birmingham AL USA CT Ron Boyer rboyer@langan.com Langan Engineering and Environmental Services Elmwood Park NJ USA EA EA Steven E. Gately P.E. SGately@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. Boston MA USA EA Derek Martowska E.I.T. dmartowska@langan.com Langan Engineering and Environmental Services Elmwood Park NJ USA Richard Sedlacek richard.sedlacek@topgeo.cz Topgeo Brno spol Ltd. Brno CZECH REPUBLIC Derrick Shelton P.E dshelton@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. McLean VA USA EA Brad Arcement P.E. Brad.J.Arcement@usace.army.mil U.S. Army Corps Of Engineers Vicksburg MS USA DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 19 DFI ITUTE ST EP FO U DE TIONS DA I N N Super Pile 2010 June 10-11 Astor Crowne Plaza, New Orleans, LA, USA Five DFI technical committees are hosting this super event to present an overview of pile foundation construction. • Augered Cast-in-Place Piles • Marine Foundations • Micropiles • Testing & Evaluation • Drilled Displacement & Driven Piles Visit dfi.org for concurrent sessions and exhibit opportunities Shawn Sheridan shawnsheridan3@aol.com Sherco Services LLC Glen Cove NY USA CT Alec D. Smith Ph.D. P.E. asmith@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. Boston MA USA EA Damian Siebert P.E. dsiebert@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. Boston MA USA EA Brian Keith Smith P.E. smithegr@bellsouth.net Smith Engineering Co. Inc. Bossier City LA USA EA Timothy C. Siegel P.E. tcsiegel@knology.net Berkel & Company Contractors Inc. Knoxville TN USA EA Joseph Sopko Ph.D. P.E. jasopko@groundfreezing.com Layne Christensen Company Port Washington WI USA EA Stacey Housley Simpson shsimpson@ttlusa.com TTL Inc. Tuscaloosa AL USA EA Peter Speier P.E. pspeier@malcolmdrilling.com Malcolm Drilling Co. Inc. San Diego CA USA CT Bruce R. Spiro P.E. bspiro@cti-consultants.com CTI Consultants Inc. Norfolk VA USA EA John Starcevich P.E. jstarcevich@malcolmdrilling.com Malcolm Drilling Co. Inc. Kent WA USA CT Scott Tebben st@cdiservicesmi.com CDI Services Grawn MI USA CT Shea Thorvaldsen sthorvaldsen@valsenmarine.com Valsen Marine LLC College Point NY USA CT Mark Tigchelaar P.Eng. mark@geosolv.ca Geosolv Design/Build Inc. Gormley ON CANADA CT Alex Trahan alextrahan@gmail.com UC Berkeley Berkeley CA USA ED Calvin Tsao ctsao@gerwick.com Ben C. Gerwick Inc. San Francisco CA USA EA Aderson Vieira Ph.D. amvieira@terracon.com Terracon Consultants Inc. Tempe AZ USA EA Ted Walker ted.walker@globaldrilsup.com O.C.I. Division / Global Drilling Suppliers Inc. Cincinnati OH USA ME Mark Wathen mwathen@macleanpower.com Maclean-Dixie LLC Birmingham AL USA ME Erin Wood P.E. ewood@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. Portland ME USA EA Betsy Woodruff ME eawoodruff@hps.hubbell.com AB Chance/Hubbell Power Systems Centralia MO USA Dan Yang P.Eng. P.E. dyang@b-t.com Buckland & Taylor Ltd. North Vancouver BC CANADA EA Ed Zamiskie P.E. ezamiskie@haleyaldrich.com Haley & Aldrich Inc. Parsippany NJ USA EA Michael Zeman mzeman@djscheffler.com D. J. Scheffler Inc. Vancouver WA USA CT Alireza Ziaei aziaei@pile.com GRL Engineers Inc. Cleveland OH USA EA Not all foundation construction projects require a complex solution. If you need ground improvement or deep foundations, let’s talk. Chances are that our ground improvement services can save you time, money and complications. Why Settle? Call Us First: 800.326.6015 www.menardusa.com Often the Best Solution Is Simple and Affordable. Ground Improvement Specialists DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 21 www.loadtest.com SIDNEY LANIER BRIDGE Brunswick, GA NEW MILLENNIUM BRIDGE Panama ST. ANTHONY FALLS BRIDGE (I-35) Minneapolis, MN GOLDEN EARS BRIDGE British Columbia, Canada ARTHUR RAVENEL BRIDGE Charleston, SC MY THUAN BRIDGE Mekong River, Vietnam Proud Recipient of the 2009 BEN C. GERWICK AWARD “For Innovation in Design and Construction of Marine Foundations” Specializing in bi-directional load tests using the award winning Osterberg Cell (O-Cell®) World Leaders In Deep Foundation Load Testing 800-368-1138 Gainesville, FL • Baltimore, MD London, UK • Dubai, UAE Singapore • Seoul, Korea Course: State-of-the-art design of pile foundations Course date: 21 - 23 June 2010 Worldwide buildings and many other constructions are built on pile foundations. Recently, considerable progress has been made in the field of understanding, modelling and testing of pile foundations, leading to the use of more advanced models in pile design. Deltares, the Dutch Institute for water and subsurface issues, organizes a three-day course presenting the complete scope of pile design and pile behaviour from the principles to state-of-the-art knowledge on modeling and testing. The different aspects of pile design and behaviour will be discussed by selected, wellknown instructors from universities and industrial companies all over the world. Subjects: • pile design according to Eurocode; • axially loaded piles; • pile load tests; • laterally loaded piles; • open-ended steel piles; • piles under variable and cyclic loads; • piled rafts; • installation effects; • pile design with Finite Element Models. Course leaders • Prof. Mark Randolph • Prof. Frits van Tol sales@deltaresacademy.com www.deltaresacademy.com (registration) www.deltares.nl | info@deltares.nl | +31 88 3357500 feb2010.indd 1 2010 22 Deltares • DEEP Academy FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 9-2-2010 11:46:56 Safety is our attitude for life Micropiles • Caissons • Driven/Drilled Piles • Augercast Piles Ground Anchors / Tiebacks • Excavation and Drainage Rock / Soil Nailing • Grouting • Sheet Piling Bridges and Complex Structures • Concrete Foundations Lock and Dam Construction • Steel Erection Demolition/Brownfields Redevelopment 1000 John Roebling Way Saxonburg, PA 16056 Office: 724-443-1533 Fax: 724-443-8733 www.braymanconstruction.com DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 23 LONDON The DFI and EFFC 11th International Conference in the DFI series: r % de % 10 Rea 10 full te 4 D VE DFI eive he uo J-A SA ial Rec off t e. QDFI g ec r! nt rat O- rin Sp ffe ou te R iste O c a e g s d di leg co re n de rity he io w pr DFI Readers save 10% off the full rate! Download your copy of the conference brochure today at www.geotechnicalconference.com GEOTECHNICAL CHALLENGES IN 2010 URBAN REGENERATION 26th - 28th May 2010, ExCeL London Featuring global experts from the UK, Europe, USA, Australia and South East Asia: 5 reasons why you should attend: Be inspired by expert presentations from Pan-European speakers on today's hottest issues Join an extensive exhibition showcasing the latest advances in geotechnical engineering Experience first hand examples of regeneration in practice with technical tours to the Canary Wharf Crossrail Station, 2012 Games Construction Site, Battersea Power Station and Thames Barrier Optimise your learning by participating in interactive panel debates, poster sessions and extensive presentations Meet and network with hundreds of consultants, geotechnical engineers and contractors to share best practice and explore new opportunities on an international scale Save up to 20% on your flight to the event Join our network on LinkedIn by searching for Geotechnical Challenges in Urban Regeneration Special DFI Reader Offer! SAVE 10% off the full delegate rate! Please quote priority code RO-DFIJ-AD4 when registering news@geotechnicalconference.com + 44 (0)20 7554 5816 Gala Dinner Sponsor: Sponsor Partners: Professor Tom O'Rourke, Cornell University USA Alan Powderham, Mott MacDonald UK Professor Frits Van Tol, Delft University of Technology and Deltares THE NETHERLANDS Professor David White, University of Western Australia AUSTRALIA Professor Malcolm Bolton, University of Cambridge UK Professor Colin Leung Chun Fai, National University of Singapore ASIA Plus many more leading industry experts! View the full speaker line up at www.geotechnicalconference.com Event Partners: Produced by: EUROPEAN NEWS DFI Europe Report The DFI Europe Board held its 16th meeting in December 2009 at the offices of Franki Geotechnics NV/SA, in Saintes, Belgium. Sikko Doornbos, president, thanked Maurice Bottiau (board member and president of the European Federation of Foundation Contractors) for hosting the meeting. Tony Butcher, corresponding board member since his retirement from BRE, editor of the European Section of Deep Foundations and chairman of the Lexicon Task Group, reported via email on the task group’s progress. Work continues with a new Portuguese column from José Matos e Silva and a new Italian column from Marica Romano. Matos e Silva has also looked at the French translations. There are gaps in the Spanish translations, and the Dutch translations will be completed by board members and Peter Middendorp, a task group member. The draft will be circulated to all board members for an assessment of its acceptability as a DFI Europe Lexicon. Online publication is scheduled for release in April 2010. The Lexicon will be a user driven document, continually being updated through the Lexicon Task Group. The board will investigate creating a new committee on monitoring that would consider instrumentation and monitoring, including vibrations, deformations, noise and environmental aspects. The next special course being organised is “Special Course on Pile and Pile Group Behaviour.” The Organising Committee includes: Frank Haehnig, Adriaan van Seters and Henk de Koning. This course will be bilingual English/German, and the content, venue and dates will be set by the Organising Committee. The board decided to look into linking with the ECSMGE (European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering), to be held in Athens on 13 - 19 September 2011, for a DFI Europe sponsored short course. Bottiau and de Koning reported on behalf of the Organising Committee for the DFI-EFFC 11th International Conference: Geotechnical Challenges in Urban Regeneration (London 26-28 May 2010) that applications were well above those for the 2006 International Conference in Amsterdam at the same stage. de Koning said “The Young Engineers Programme, created to allow engineering students, graduate engineers and geotechnical specialists with not more than 10 years post graduation experience an opportunity to attend the conference at a discounted rate as well as provide travel assistance, gives a unique aspect to the event.” Fifty-two young engineers out of 125 applicants were accepted for the program, funded by 15 sponsoring companies. Of the 85 papers that were accepted for publication on a CD-ROM, only a portion will be presented during the conference. The published-only papers could be the basis of other DFI Europe events between conferences. Doornbos outlined the student exchange plan. The mutual benefits for students and hosting companies would be: exchanging knowledge, experience and technology; improving languages and insight regarding national cultural differences; networking; and exposure of DFI in Europe. The plan: DFI Europe members will be contacted to offer apprenticeships for 3 to 6 months for a foreign student. Responses would be managed in a DFI-controlled database and the opportunity offered to a number of selected technical universities. DFI will bring the company and student together; then the final contract will be completed and agreed upon by the company and student independently. Participants will provide DFI with evaluations of their experience. John Patch presented his view of the role of DFI Europe compared to the Institute as a whole. Some remarks were: • There are great differences and backgrounds between the U.S. and Europe • We are in favour of working with organisations like EFFC and ISSMGE • There are not many consultants in our group, though they are a strong part of the industry • It is not easy to attract or find the right people to become involved as members • DFI has a role to build a bridge between academics and contractors • In Europe, there is a different approach for academics called to the courts as experts • In Europe, Codes of Practice and Standards are written by committees set up by national bodies that have members from all parts of the industry Everybody shares Patch’s assessment in general. The board therefore agreed to put the review of DFI Europe’s Mission Statement on the Agenda for the next meeting. William van Impe explained a new federation FedIGS (Federation of the International Geo-engineering Societies), founded by the three learned societies ISSMGE (International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering), ISRM (International Society for Rock Mechanics and IAEG (International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment), on the principle that each participating group, will retain its identity and autonomy. After the 9/11 tragedy, ISSMGE offered help to the United Nations, but they didn’t even know of its existence. That prompted the idea of the FedIGS to fulfill the role of a stronger umbrella to communicate what geoengineering means. It covers nine sectors and important world players with van Impe as the first chairman. One goal will be to improve the impact of Geotechnical Engineering on the society. The first International Congress of FedIGS will be held in Hong Kong in October 2012. Patrick Bermingham believes that DFI should become a member, and Rudy Frizzi, president of DFI and Theresa Rappaport, executive director, will consider his request. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 25 Pile Extraction and Sustainability Piled foundations on land are almost exclusively concrete. Marine piles, both coastal and offshore, are very largely steel. Such consistency across the construction industry, by qualified engineers, suggests that concrete piles are right for on-land applications and steel piles are right for marine applications. Why do we use concrete piles almost exclusively on land and steel at sea? Is corrosion of steel on land a much bigger problem than it is at sea? Not likely. Is the explanation based on science, knowledge or logic, or is it just a “short term, cheap today” decision? Sustainability Criteria Canary Wharf AUTHOR: Dave Brown, Managing Director Dawson Construction Plant Ltd Milton Keynes, U.K. Sustainability may be defined as not exhausting natural resources or causing severe ecological damage. The ability to recycle must be an important component of such a definition. If everything we use can be recycled, sustainability will be achieved. Sustainability in piled foundations comes down to a choice between steel or concrete. Timber, aluminum and plastics are not significant alternatives at this point in time. So which is the more sustainable product, steel or concrete? Both materials perform their function as piles by taking on a specific shape. That shape is achieved by forming the material when in a fluid or plastic state, when it has no structural strength, and then allowing it to set, during which it acquires its structural strength. Concrete setting is a chemical reaction and is therefore irreversible. Steel going hard is a physical reaction, as in cooling, which is not only entirely reversible, it can be reversed an indefinite number of times. Factors to consider when evaluating a pile foundation’s sustainability are: 1. Extent of damage to site including whether damage is reversible 2. Carbon footprint 3. Transport of muck away to landfill 4. Impact on surrounding community, including noise and vibration 5. Re-usability of foundation 6. Cost of extraction/demolition 7. Value/liability of materials following extraction/demolition 8. Cost of supply and installation 9. Speed of construction Sustainable solutions can be less expensive in the short term and offer big savings in the long term. Regarding sustainability and steel, one must consider whether piles can be extracted for further use or remanufacture. Dawson Construction Plant has designed and developed an innovative extracting machine that is a stand-alone device with an extracting force of 1,000 tonnes. It fits directly over sheet piles, ‘H’ beams and tubes, and by using the ground as a reaction force, it can be used in any location even when access is restricted; as a result it has far greater capacity to remove piles than many other techniques. The following job sites show the flexibility and versatility of the sort of work that has been completed. At Canary Wharf, London, Contractor Dawson-WAM selected the X1000 Pile Extractor to remove more than 1,500 sheet piles at the Canary Wharf development in London. The 22 m (72 ft) long Corus LX25 piles had been driven as pairs to refusal with a 7 t hydraulic drop hammer some 6 years earlier. Extraction had to be undertaken safely, without vibration and at low noise levels. Production was impressive, with a pile being fully extracted in 30-35 minutes. The project posed an additional challenge because the piles sat in 10 m (33 ft) of dock water. Dawson used a pre-fabricated frame sitting on the dock bed, to enable the X1000 to work above water level, which resulted in offsafe and silent extraction. At Easington, England, the main contractor, Jan De Nul, carried out construction works for a gas pipeline landfall. The offshore pipeline is the world’s longest, at 1,200 km. The steel piling included several beach cofferdams and two parallel lines running out to sea. All the piles required extraction after the pipe was laid. The longest were AZ36-630 crimped pairs at 24 m, driven to refusal with a Dawson HPH 6500 impact hammer. The X1000 operated for several months, and its ability to apply up to 1000 t of static pull force made it possible to extract all the required piles. Easington, U.K. 26 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 27 28 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 RELY ON DSI ® HREADBAR 4 & #28 CR T #2 ! now available son for details l DSI salesper loca Contact your DYWIDAG THREADBAR® Anchors DYWIDAG Multistrand Anchors Investors attach great importance to the fastest possible completion of ground engineering projects. DYWIDAG Geotechnical Systems match these requirements perfectly. Our innovative, high-quality DYWIDAG Systems are world-renowned for their reliability and performance. DSI is the global market leader in the development, production and supply of DYWIDAG Geotechnical Systems to civil engineering companies. In line with our strong service approach, we are always committed to satisfying our customers’ demands. GEWI ® Piles (Micropiles) DSI Hollow Bar Anchors Ductile Iron Piles DYWIDAG Rock Bolts DYWIDAG Soil Nails DYWIDAG Tierods Headquarter Construction America DYWIDAG-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL USA INC. w w w.dsiamerica.com www. dsicanada .ca DYWIDAG-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL USA INC. 320 Marmon Drive Bolingbrook, IL 60440, USA Phone (630) 739-1100 dsiamerica@dsiamerica.com DYWIDAG-SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL CANADA, LTD NORTH CENTRAL Bolingbrook, IL Phone (630) 972-4036 NORTH WEST Kent, WA Phone (253) 859-9995 NORTH EAST Long Valley, NJ Phone (908) 850-3532 MID EAST Toughkenamon, PA Phone (610) 268-2221 SOUTH CENTRAL Mansfield, TX Phone (817) 473-6161 WEST Long Beach, CA Phone (562) 531-6161 SOUTH EAST Tucker, GA Phone (770) 491-3790 CENT.AM. Phone (973) 831-6560 ALASKA Call North West HAWAII Call West CANADA WEST Surrey, BC Phone (604) 888-8818 CANADA EAST Gormley, ON DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 29 Phone (905) 888-8988 Get Down to Business. Every Day. The 2500. • Drill depths to 80’ (24.4m) with 2 kellys and up to 120’ (36.6m) with 3 kellys. • Single load transport. • Independent raising cylinders. • Typical drill diameters range from 36” to 76” (90cm to 193cm). • Short mast available for low-headroom applications. • Operator friendly hydraulic winches and joy stick controls. • Available mounted on a truck or crawler undercarriage. Model 2500 2500CM Auger Drilling, Inc. 2500TM Short Mast Can Fer Construction Company 2500CM Wylie Drilling & Drainage, Inc. Made in America...Best in the World. 30 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 watsonusa.com PEOPLE, PROJECTS AND EQUIPMENT George Filz: Professor of the Practical George “doesn’t live in a bubble.” So says Stefano Valagussa, referring to George Filz, the Charles E. Via, Jr. professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. That colorful comment sums up the thoughts of many practitioners in the deep foundation industry. Filz, adds Valagussa, is exceptional in that he is “one of a few professors linking theory to actual construction practice.” Both engineers are among those working with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) on levee projects in New Orleans, Filz as a consultant and Valagussa with the contractor. According to Mike Duncan, Emeritus professor, also in civil and environmental engineering at Virginia Tech, the levee project is one of “a handful of projects in the country with unprecedented challenges.” Filz’s academic admirers and roster of awards (which include the J. James R. Croes medal and the Thomas A. Middlebrooks award from ASCE) attest to his intellectual achievements. He has been at Virginia Tech since he entered the Ph.D. program in geotechnical engineering on the advice of Professor Duncan, who became his dissertation adviser. Another geotechnical luminary, Wayne Clough, who was dean of the College of Engineering at the time, hired him as a professor after he received his Ph.D. in 1992. Filz’s much-appreciated practical approach to engineering is due in part to the eight years he spent in the private sector before returning to academia for his Ph.D. To begin his story at the beginning, he was a math major at college when, one summer, Filz and a buddy built a two-story storage structure and loading dock for his father’s business. That got him interested in engineering, and he graduated with degrees in both math and in engineering. Filz acquired some unusual practical experience right after his undergraduate studies. Chicago Bridge and Iron came to his campus recruiting students to work on a natural gas liquefaction and re-vaporization plant near Jubail in Saudi Arabia. He spent several months in that desert environment “in the middle of nowhere.” He then returned to Oregon for his master’s degree in geotechnical engineering. Next, Filz worked for about seven years at two engineering firms in Oregon, first at a small specialty geotechnical firm, Squier Associates, and then at a large multidisciplinary firm, CH2M Hill. He considers himself fortunate to have practical experience in two very different kinds of engineering firms. He says his professional experience helps him in the classroom — he doesn’t have to tell students about something he read in a book; instead, he can say “I did it.” Filz also believes his practical experience helps him focus on research topics “that will produce useful results.” Filz says he has the “luxury” to contribute to private practice, where there are people who don’t have time for research because of other work demands. “I can bring reflection to the challenges they face, which gives me a unique opportunity to contribute to private practice.” New Orleans and Deep Soil Mixing Filz takes pride in seeing his research used in practice, as exemplified by his work in New Orleans. Neil T. Schwanz, who is regional geotechnical technical specialist for the USACE, St. Paul District, of the Corps of Engineers, worked with Filz to develop design procedures for the Corps’ levee reconstruction program. He says Filz has “a unique talent for describing complex issues in easy to understand terms, and his thorough knowledge of soil behavior and deep foundations, coupled with his ability to focus on critical issues, make him extremely valuable.” Tom Cooling of URS, who is the lead geotechnical designer for the LPV 111 levee project in New Orleans, says “George gave us alternative approaches for deep mixing that made design more efficient, and also offered great insights to estimate settlement of the levee spanning deep mixed elements.” “Filz’s deep mixing work is the benchmark for the technology,” says Valagussa, whose firm, Treviicos, is a joint venture partner for the project with FUDO of Japan. Donald Bruce of Geosystems, the joint venture’s consultant, says “Filz is absolutely meticulous in his work.” Bruce mentions another of Filz’s characteristics, saying “he’s not self-aggrandizing in the least.” Practitioner David Weatherby, of Schnabel Foundations says Filz is the “clearest-thinking researcher in the U.S. on reliability of soil-cement as a composite material.” Having watched him at meetings, Weatherby says Filz is an excellent consensus builder, he understands what wastes time, and what is needed. Asked about the practical projects of which he is especially proud, Filz mentions two. One is the New Orleans work where the results of his research integrating reliability and numerical analyses for deepmixing-method support of embankments and levees on soft ground are being applied. The other was the challenge of determining the cause of a one-meter settlement of a high-pressure water main that supplies 40 % of the fresh water supply to Bogota, Columbia. Wide Spectrum Filz’s research covers a wide range of geotechnical work. For example, he is working with the Virginia DOT on integral bridges, which experience less corrosion DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 31 and require less maintenance than bridges with joints. When the abutment piles for integral bridges extend through MSE wall backfill, lateral pile displacements induced by bridge expansion and contraction can impose large stresses on the MSE wall components. His research helps engineers design to mitigate these stresses. Another research challenge is posed by crawler vehicles that transport extremely heavy NASA rockets to the launch pads. John Schmertmann (of Schmertmann and Crapps) selected Filz for the difficult task of evaluating the effects of these loads on the “crawlerway” over which the rockets will travel. Schmertmann says George Filz was his first choice, he says, adding that Filz is employing a “computer-assisted observational method,” based on the late Ralph Peck’s assessment of the crawlway in 1969. Academic Assessments Mike Duncan says Filz always has his students’ interests at heart. “He will spend any amount of time to help students understand,” he says, adding that Filz has carved out a record of research that is “both 32 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 cutting edge and practical.” Colleague James Mitchell, also at Virginia Tech, says Filz is academically at the top, and he “knows how to use what he knows.” Filz counts Duncan and Mitchell as his role models, along with William Knocke, who was the Civil Engineering department head at Virginia Tech from 1995-2009, including the time in 2007 when 32 people were killed in a shooting on campus. “Bill Knocke led us through that,” says Filz. Among other achievements, “when Knocke started as department head, the Civil Engineering Department at Virginia Tech was ranked about 18th in the country. When he completed his tenure, the department was in the top ten.” That was a “phenomenal achievement, considering that every other CE department in the country was trying to move up at the same time,” says Filz. Geotechnical engineering is becoming more popular at Virginia Tech, says Filz. This academic year, the program has over 50 geotechnical graduate students. Filz also co-directs Virginia Tech’s Center for Geotechnical Practice and Research (CGPR) with Mike Duncan. The Center exemplifies practical research. The CGPR has over 20 members, which include consulting firms, construction companies and governmental agencies. At annual meetings, the member organizations discuss and prioritize their most important engineering needs, which guide the Center’s activities for the next year. Members also present lectures on their practice to the students. The CGPR meetings provide numerous opportunities for interaction between CGPR members and Virginia Tech students, and these lead to career-long connections that benefit all. Future Foundations Looking ahead, Filz says “there are huge needs for deep foundation construction in U.S. infrastructure, both for rehabilitation and new construction, especially in coastal areas. Deep foundations systems are becoming more complicated. We need to optimize these systems to make them cost-efficient, time-efficient and safe. There are great opportunities for innovation to address the infrastructure challenges we face.” Virginia Fairweather GEOSCIENCES TESTING AND RESEARCH, INC. • Wave Equation Analysis (WEAP) and Drivability Studies • Dynamic Pile Testing using PDA and CAPWAP • Integrity Testing using PET and CSL Testing using CHUM • 3D Tomography Analyses of Shafts • Static Load Testing and Instrumentation • Earth Support System Design and Analysis • Construction Engineering Services 55 Middlesex Street, Suite 225, N. Chelmsford, MA 01863 Tel: (978) 251-9395 • Fax: (978) 251-9396 Web: www.gtrinc.net • E-Mail: les@gtrinc.net 1.800.331.0175 | shaftdrillers.com/dfi1 DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 33 Monumental Repair Project The Jefferson Memorial Those strolling through Washington, D.C. this spring admiring the cherry blossoms, the memorials and the architectural masterpieces, may be surprised to see large cranes and construction equipment reflecting off the Tidal Basin waters. Work is underway on emergency repairs to the Thomas Jefferson Memorial North Plaza and Seawall. Recent settlement and lateral movement of the seawall and plaza prompted the National Park Service (NPS) to close a portion of the Memorial to the public due to safety concerns. The work at the Memorial is one of the first large projects undertaken in D.C. under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act 2009. AUTHOR: Darrell Wilder, P.E., Associate Schnabel Engineering West Chester, Pennsylvania History The site where the Jefferson Memorial stands today was originally part of the tidal flats of the Potomac River, and was filled over the years to form the West Potomac Park Historic District. Ever since the 34 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 Memorial’s construction from 1939-1943, the North Plaza and adjacent seawall have been subject to continued settlement. The last wedge of fill was added to the southeast shore of the Tidal Basin during construction. This allowed the Memorial to be placed at the southern terminus of the cross-axis that links the U.S. Capitol Building and the Lincoln Memorial in one direction and the White House and the Thomas Jefferson Memorial in the other. The weight of this more recent fill caused consolidation of the soft soil deposits beneath it and significant differential settlement with respect to the eastern half of the Memorial site constructed on older fill. The Memorial is founded on a network of deep foundations and grade beams, arranged radially. The main structure, and surrounding stylobate and terrace walls, are supported by 443 cast-in-place Raymond piles, 88 24-in concrete caissons, and 103 16-in concrete caissons. This system of deep foundations protects the Memorial structure from settlementinduced damage. The surrounding roads and grass areas are on grade. By 1965, settlement of the North Plaza had reached about 3 ft, which prompted its reconstruction as a structural slab-on-grade beams and piles in 1969-70. The Ashlar seawall, which separates the North Plaza from the Tidal Basin, to the north of the Memorial is supported by vertical and battered timber piles. Investigators believe that the timber piles did not reach rock and, consequently, the wall was also susceptible to settlement. Settlement of the surrounding on-grade areas has continued. Since mid-2006, the NPS detected significant settlement of areas on grade and of the Ashlar seawall, particularly on its west side. Lateral movement of the North Plaza has also taken place. This movement is believed to be the consequence of changes in the ground water regime in the area and consequent consolidation of the soils with depth. Investigation Schnabel Engineering, LLC, (Schnabel) of West Chester, Pa., was contracted by the NPS in September 2006 to investigate the area surrounding the Memorial. The investigation included an extensive instrumentation program, consisting of piezometers, inclinometers, extensometers and optical survey. Monitoring of these instruments is ongoing. A report prepared by Schnabel for HNTB Federal Services Corporation, Washington, D.C., presented in January Installation of timber piles to support the Ashlar seawall 2008, concluded that the settlements observed are likely due mainly to a drop of the piezometric head deep at the rock interface. As the soft soils consolidate under this drop in piezometric head, the ground surface settles. Near the edge of the North Plaza, there is also a horizontal component to the movement due to unbalanced loading conditions. The instrumentation at the site has revealed that lateral and horizontal movements within the soil take place to a depth of about 60 to 70 ft. Lateral movement measured in the inclinometers is taking place at a rate of approximately 1 in per year. Settlement at the seawall has reached approximately 5 in, most of which has likely occurred since late 2006. Obstacles A number of possible remediation options were carefully considered. Based on alternatives and recommendations developed by Schnabel, the NPS selected a movement mitigation scheme that includes demolition and reconstruction of the seawall on caissons and pipe piles. The scheme will provide resistance to both future vertical and lateral movement of the North Plaza and new seawall. Lateral movements of the subsurface soils are likely to generate forces not only on the new seawall foundation elements but also the existing H-Piles that support the North Plaza. The new seawall Settlement of the Ashlar seawall with respect to the North Plaza (photo courtesy of Schnabel) foundation system will support the new seawall and resist the anticipated lateral forces by acting as an “A Wall” system. As the soil tends to move laterally, lateral forces develop against the caissons. The battered piles restrain the lateral movement as they go into compression. Eventually, as the soil movements increase, the vertical caissons will work in tension. Additionally, the transition zones (from pile-supported slab to slab-on-grade) to the Historical Tidbits • The Thomas Jefferson Memorial is managed by the National Park Service under its National Mall and Memorial Parks unit. • The Memorial ranked fourth on the List of America’s Favorite Architecture by the American Institute of Architects in 2007. • It was designed by John Russell Pope in 1935. Pope was also the architect of the National Archives Building and original (west) building of the National Gallery of Art. • Prior to construction of the Memorial, the site was a bathing beach and swimming in the Tidal Basin was permitted until 1925. • It is the home of the National Cherry Festival and Easter Sunrise Service. east and west have been designed to accommodate future settlement of the surrounding Memorial grounds without exceeding wheelchair accessibility standards. Aside from technical difficulties with installing caissons and pipe piles in a multitude of locations, splays and inclinations; the greatest challenge of the project will likely be the restoration of the North Plaza and seawall to match the original construction. To this end, each facing and capping Ashlar stone must be removed, catalogued, carefully stored and then repositioned back on the new seawall like a giant jigsaw puzzle. Maintaining the “historical fabric” of the Memorial is paramount to the NPS. The extensive measures to document, protect and reinstall the original Ashlar blocks will ensure that the aesthetic character of the Memorial is not impacted by this project. Project Update Clark Construction Group, LLC, of Bethesda, Md., was selected by NPS to perform the emergency repairs under a competitive, negotiated acquisition. The agency gave notice to proceed in December 2009 with the expectation that a majority of the work would be completed by May 2011. Since December 2009, Clark has begun installation of the temporary work platforms and cofferdams and has started the process of removing the historical fascia features. Caisson and pipe pile installation are slated to begin in the summer of 2010. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 35 14.1’ RCD bit for shaft drilling The first step is the hardest. Take it with confidence. Take it with Aker Wirth. Aker Wirth GmbH Our representative in North America Aker Wirth – the world market leader in RCD. Innovative drilling solutions for on- and offshore applications. Since March 2009, Aker Wirth has been part of Aker Solutions, the global provider of engineering and construction services, technology products and integrated solutions to the energy, process and mining and metals sectors. © Copyright 2009 Aker Solutions 36 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 DSI Underground Systems American Commercial Division www.akersolutions.com/akerwirth Soil Nail Walls in Sands, Outdoors and In The Battle Creek, Mich., Public School District is building a multi-million dollar addition to its senior high school. The addition is designed to connect two existing buildings, each close to 100 years old. Well into foundation construction, the owner had to select measures for protecting the two buildings while excavating to extend the basement of the older building. The four-story brick buildings were constructed in 1908 and 1923 on spread foundations supported on sand soils. Settlement due to undermining and ground loss was the primary concern. Soil nail walls and microfine cement permeation grouting made this excavation possible. Because this approach was so successful, the owner decided to use it inside the building to construct a new pool. The 1908 building had been constructed with a full basement. The architect, TMP Architecture, Inc., Portage, Mich., and the structural engineer, JDH Engineering, Inc., Grand Rapids, Mich., designed a matching basement in the new addition to allow utilities to extend from the 1908 building, through the basement addition, and up to the existing utility corridor in the 1923 building. The owner needed a cost-effective temporary earth retention solution to protect the existing buildings while making the excavation for the basement. Challenges The site geology consists of glacial outwash deposits of sand and gravel and postglacial alluvium overlying weathered sandstone of the sedimentary Marshall formation at depths of about 40 ft. The soils are generally clean, loose to medium dense (N<20 blows per ft) sands with gravel, occasional cobbles and boulders. The backfill zone of the 1908 basement and some other surficial areas consisted of siltier urban fill material containing debris and cinders. The project team, including Soil and Materials Engineers Inc., Kalamazoo, Mich., (SME) faced several challenges in designing the temporary earth retention for the proposed construction. First, to reach the basement of the 1908 building, View of 1923 school building in Battle Creek with the new addition in the background constructing the addition’s basement required an excavation up to 14 ft below the existing 1923 building foundations. Second, an excavation extending 6 ft below the floor level was required to extend the utility corridor into the 1923 building. Third, the bearing soils for the new foundations required stabilization so the new loads would not cause excessive settlements of the existing footings. Sheet piling would be a typical alternative for earth retention. However, if sheet piling were installed behind the proposed basement wall, the sheets would have extended from the face of the existing basement wall to within a few feet of the 1923 building. SME considered sheet piling a high-risk option particularly because of the vibrations and the potential effects on the loose granular soils and old, brick facades. The firm initially suggested two options for protecting the existing buildings: one was a temporary tangential AUTHOR: Steve Maranowski, President Spartan Specialties, Ltd Sterling Heights, Mich. augercast pile wall, the other was permeation grouting to stabilize the soils below the existing foundations and behind the location of the proposed basement wall. The project team discussed the alternatives with the owner’s representative (Skanska Schweitzer, A Joint Venture) and selected permeation grouting. The owner solicited bids from specialty contractors. One of them, Spartan Specialties, Ltd, Sterling Heights, Mich., included an unsolicited alternative with its bid; using soil nail walls for the deep excavation to reduce the amount of permeation grout needed. The owner’s representatives adopted this approach because it provided the additional security of structural inclusions (the soil nails) to stabilize the excavation and lowered construction cost. SME facilitated the new approach by modifying the initial basement-excavation design (including a 7-ft-wide grout zone) to be a soil nail wall with a 3-ft-wide, permeation grout curtainwall. SME designed the grout curtain-wall to limit sloughing of the granular soils along the face between the time when the excavation was made and the soil nails and shotcrete face were installed. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 37 holes with 4,000 psi grout, then applied wire mesh and a 4-in-thick gunite facing in three 5.5 ft vertical lifts. Spartan completed the temporary soil nail wall in about four weeks, permitting basement-wall excavation to proceed. Spartan bid on the earth retention and the permeation grouting for underpinning under a performance specification that phase of the project was even more challenging, because it required Spartan to Spartan Specialties began by grouting build a second, similarly sized soil nail wall inside the 1923 building and along the inside the building in about half the time it exterior foundations. Shortly after comtook them to complete the outdoor wall. pleting the grouting, they installed a single A 15-ft-deep excavation was required row of grout tubes to a depth of 17 ft for the adjacent to newly constructed, interior, face of the soil nail wall at the basement block walls. New floor slabs were in place location. SME designed the soil nail wall to behind the walls and three feet above where the first row of soil nails was placed. Spartan Figure 1. Compressive strength of grouted sand samples versus time installed a single row of 2,000 1,900 grout tubes along the wall 1,800 extending to depths of 1,700 about 15 ft over about 50 ft 1,600 in plan view to grout the 1,500 face of the wall. This time 1,400 1,300 they used four rows of soil 1,200 nails, with the upper row 1,100 designed to prevent lateral 1,000 movement of a new 900 foundation wall situated 800 700 near the top of the pro600 posed excavation. Spartan 500 installed the upper row 400 through the foundation 300 wall and angled the nails to 200 100 avoid damaging the new 0 utilities already in place 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 behind the wall. Spartan Days Curing (since grouting) added a shotcrete accelerant to the gunite mixture, outlined areas on the plans where they were which resulted in compressive strengths of responsible for stabilization. As part of the 50% of the 28-day design values in about specifications, the grouted soil zones were 48 hours. The rapid set-up allowed the required to have an average minimum excavators to continue without delay. 28-day compressive strength of 500 psi with Conclusion no samples less than 300 psi. SME made several attempts to correlate the grout Using the soil nail wall facilitated strength to the in-situ grouted soil strength construction of the new basement and in the field, but eventually Spartan grouted foundations without loss of ground or a test area and excavated to obtain samples damage to the existing buildings. Soil nail for testing. Figure 1 indicates that the cominstallation, shotcreting, and excavation for pressive strength of the grouted soil samples the indoor pool area were completed was around 600 psi at 28 days. The strength successfully in February 2010. The design The outdoor soil nail wall extending out data for the grouted sand were valuable. team addressed several issues during from the 1908 building, with the partially They confirmed the material properties to construction, including access constraints, constructed basement walls in-place evaluate the performance of the grouting. schedule challenges and the need to modify The data also provided historical informaextend (in plan view) from the foundation designs on the fly. During construction, the tion for grouting and soil nail projects of the 1908 building to the building line of design team’s willingness to work with the requiring excavations in this soil type. the 1923 building. Spartan used 4 rows of specialty contractor’s input helped the Because of the success with the 18-foot-long, 1.25-in-diameter, Williams B7X owner to reduce earth-retention costs by basement excavation, Skanksa Schweitzer Geo-Drill Bars at 5 ft on center. The about 15%, and, even more important, wanted to use a similar method for the pool specialty contractor completed the face of saved time, maintained the project schedule excavation inside the new addition. That the wall by grouting the 4-in-diameter drill and protected the existing buildings. Compressive Strength (psi) Indoor/Outdoor Soil Nail Walls 38 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 We build the barriers that keep clean water clean. Grout Curtain, McCook Reservoir Stage I Chicago, IL The support you need to protect your vital resources. The McCook Reservoir will store the wastewater overflow that would otherwise threaten the City of Chicago’s drinking water. To create a seal in the fractured limestone around the reservoir, Nicholson constructed a grout curtain using its computerized GROUT I.T. system which measures, records and graphically displays grouting parameters in real time. At Nicholson Construction Company, we specialize in deep foundations, earth retention, ground treatment and ground improvement techniques that help you achieve your project goals. Nicholson...the support you need. 1-800-388-2340 nicholsonconstruction.com DEEP FOUNDATIONS EARTH RETENTION GROUND TREATMENT GROUND IMPROVEMENT An Award-Winning Geotechnical Division Geotechnical Engineering Subsurface Investigation Soil and Rock Mechanics Shoring and Underpinning Design Pile Load Testing and Inspection Vibration Monitoring Construction Materials Testing Third Party Inspections Survey Layout 70 Pleasant Hill Road Mountainville, NY 10953 Tel: (800)829-6531 Fax: (845)534-5999 www.tectonicengineering.com DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 41 DFI People and Companies Dave Birkhauser retired from Manitowoc Cranes and Grove at the end of 2009, after a lifetime in the lifting industry. As senior vice president of sales for the Americas region, he oversaw all sales for Manitowoc’s four brands – Manitowoc crawler cranes, Grove mobile cranes, National Crane boom trucks and Potain tower cranes, and was responsible for sales in Latin America. He began his career as a sales representative for America State Equipment, a Manitowoc distributor. In the mid 1980s Krupp asked him to manage its North American organization. Birkhauser was senior vice president of sales and marketing, when it was purchased by Grove Worldwide in 1995. When Manitowoc bought Grove in 2002, he became senior vice president of sales for the Americas region. David Maher Rempe, 72, of Champaign, Ill. died Feb. 8, 2010, after a 15-year battle with prostate cancer. He was born in 1937, in Yonkers, N.Y., and graduated from Cornell University in 1960 with a degree in civil engineering. Rempe spent a number of years working on overseas construction projects, taking time out to travel around the world. In 1968, he came to Champaign to attend graduate school at the University of Illinois. After completing his Ph.D. in civil engineering in 1975, David developed a business as an independent geotechnical consultant. He contributed to construction projects worldwide, including the Pentagon, the NASA launch pad at Cape Canaveral, and the Baltimore Ravens stadium. He was active in DFI for many years, and was also involved in many charitable and civic causes, and was on the board of the local Habitat for Humanity chapter. Edward Dutton Graf, a pioneer in grouting and foundation engineering, passed away of lung disease on December 16, 2009 at Kaiser Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii, two weeks shy of his 85th birthday. A native Californian, Ed Graf was a World War II navy veteran, engineer, contractor, 42 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 inventor, consultant and pilot. He was studying business and engineering at UCLA when World War II began. His NROTC training was accelerated, and he was commissioned as an Ensign two years later, and assigned as an officer of a wooden hulled sub chaser. He served in New Guinea, New Britain, the Philippines, Admiralty Islands, Leyte Gulf and Borneo. At age 20, he took over as skipper. Following World War II, he completed his engineering degree at UCLA in 1948. In 1957, he formed the Pressure Grout Company. Over the next 31 years, as owner, Graf was involved in soil stabilization and underground water shutoff projects for building and civil projects all over the world. He was inventor and co-inventor of six issued patents for pressure grouting. Graf was an annual Geotechnical Engineering lecturer at the University of California at Berkeley and Stanford University. Ground Improvement Specialists Menard, specialists in ground improvement, has a new corporate identity. Following the merger of its parent company, Freyssinet Group, with Soletanche Bachy, the new identity is part of consistent branding among all companies in the Soletanche Freyssinet Group, headquartered in France. According to Seth Pearlman, president of Menard and a former president of DFI, the new logo reflects the firm’s position as the U.S. branch of Menard, an international specialty ground improvement contractor, and as a part of a global network of geotechnical resources. The Soletanche Freyssinet Group includes Menard, Reinforced Earth and Soletanche Bachy, geotechnical and specialized civil engineering companies; and Freyssinet, specialists in prestressing, and cable-stayed structures and structural repair. Joseph M. McCann has been appointed executive vice president of Moretrench, Rockaway, N.J. After graduating from Villanova University in 1970, McCann joined Moretrench and was appointed vice president in 1981. He has been responsible for the design, cost estimation, installation, operation and maintenance of numerous large and complex projects involving construction dewatering and groundwater control, groundwater remediation, and ground freezing for new and remedial construction. Among notable projects on which he worked are Lock and Dam 26; ground freezing for Boston’s Big Dig; and most recently, ground freezing under complex a connector tunnel 140 ft below ground for the East Side tunnel of the Willamette River CSO project in Portland, Ore. In his new role, McCann will become more involved in Moretrench’s corporate operations, particularly in the area of employee ownership; Moretrench is a 100% employee-owned company (ESOP). Langan Engineering and Environmental Services took part in a National Geographic television show that dealt with a “haunted” penitentiary near Philadelphia. The producers wanted an accurate 3dimensional model of the prison and approached Langan, and four other firms, to participate in the segment, which was aired in February and March. The show presented a scientific investigation of the former prison, now a museum, for the presence of paranormal activity. Since the closing of the prison in 1971, many visitors and staff have reported hearing voices, people crying and screams coming from a number of cells. Some people have even seen ghostly figures. Langan provided 3-Dimensional Laser Scanning services to measure the dimensions of three cells in the more “haunted” portions of the former prison. The other investigative groups used motion sensors, night-vision and infrared cameras, and acoustic triangulation systems to help solve the ghost mystery. Joseph Romano, senior associate, Survey and Mapping Services, at Langan says that “laser scanning has revolutionized the way we conduct surveys.” No ghosts were found at the building. Alice Arana, P.E., was promoted to senior associate at Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers (MRCE). She has B.S. and M.S. degrees from Columbia University, both in civil engineering. Arana joined the firm in 1988 and her areas of expertise include underpinning and excavation support systems, pile and caisson foundations, secant piles and slurry walls. She was project manager of the New South Ferry Terminal in New York City, among other structures. Two other MRCE engineers were promoted to the Associate level—Sitotaw Y. Fantaye, who was a lead structural engineer with the New York City Transit Authority for eight years before joining MRCE in 2005, and Ira A. Beer, P.E., who joined MRCE in 1999 after working on the Central Artery project in Boston. Bruce Kabalen was promoted to manager, marketing communications for Link-Belt, Lexington, Ky. Kabalen spent 12 years in the marketing communications department. He and his team created Link-Belt Preferred, the crane industry’s most comprehensive customer information web portal. Kabalen has been a major contributor to Link-Belt’s promotional events including multiple ConExpos and CraneFests, international events like Bauma, and tradeshows in the U.K. and Russia. His new responsibilities include oversight of advertising, publications, public relations and training. Kabalen is a graduate of the University of Kentucky. Andy Brengola, P.E., the new district manager of Nicholson Construction Company’s New England district office in Hudson, Mass., oversees Nicholson’s New England construction operations and business development efforts. He has a B.S. in civil engineering from Syracuse University and a M.S. degree in geotechnical engineering from Tufts University. Prior to joining Nicholson, he was the New England area manager for Hayward Baker and worked for Haley and Aldrich in Boston. He is a registered professional engineer in Maryland and a member of DFI. Stefano Valagussa has been promoted to president and chief executive officer of Boston based, TREVIICOS. Valagussa expects the firm to continue to expand both its traditional foundation work and its growing geotechnical work on soil stabilization, barrier wall and other complex type underground projects. He assumes the role formerly held by Ricardo Petrocelli, who has been named chairman of the board of TREVIICOS. SPECIALIZED DRILLING EQUIPMENT & TOOLING HEAVY . CIVIL. PHONE (972) 272 272-6461 272-9194 6461 / FAX (972) 272 9194 TOLL FREE (800) 527 527-1315 WWW.SMHAINCO.COM DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 43 Managing Uncertainty Underground Geostructural Solutions Delivered Nationwide City Creek Center Salt Lake City, Utah Mike Walker P.E. 781.721.4057 Giovanni Bonita, Ph.D., P.E. 202.828.9511 44 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 Grove GTK1100 at Wind Project in China The first Grove GTK1100 in Asia, at work on a wind farm installation in Inner Mongolia, China The first Grove GTK1100 crane in Asia completed its first job, helping to build major wind farm installations in Inner Mongolia, China. The high-telescoping crane was used to install 92 wind turbines with tower heights of over 70 m and turbine sections of up to 75 t – all in desert conditions. Zhu Jingcheng, chairman of China Power Equipment Installation Engineering Co. Ltd., (CPIE), which owns the crane, said the GTK1100 was the only choice for the project. Manitowoc delivered the GTK to CPIE in June 2009, along with two of the company’s most experienced service men. The crane’s first job was to install two Shengguotongyuan 1.5 MW windmills with 77.5 m towers and turbines weighing 75 t in Ganqika, Inner Mongolia. The men and equipment then traveled to the Zhurihe CHNG Wind Farm in late October, 100 km from Tong Liao City where CPIE was contracted to install 90 wind turbines in a three-phase program. Phase I of the project involved the GTK1100 and several Grove GMK7450 all-terrain cranes installing 33 wind turbines with capacities of 1.5 MW. An additional 33 windmills of 1.5 MW capacity were installed in Phase II. All these turbines weighed 60 t and had tower heights of 70 m. In Phase III 24 windmills with a 2 MW capacity were installed. CPIE is the first company to transport the GTK with its superstructure attached, which reduced the number of trailers for transporting it from six to four. Traveling in this configuration meant that a smaller assist crane could be used as the maximum load is 17.5 t for the GTK1100’s outriggers. The Grove GTK1100 was designed with a focus on wind power and other tall-height installations. Manitowoc’s engineers combined a superstructure from the 450 t capacity GMK7450 allterrain crane with an 80 m five-section telescoping tower and a hydraulic chassis. The GTK1100 lifts loads of up to 95 t to heights of up to 115 m at radii of up to of 11 m. In addition to the GTK, CPIE owns several other Grove all-terrain cranes and has been using them for a range of wind turbine installations. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 45 46 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 TECHNICAL FEATURE Type 2 Micropiles at Las Vegas Site he Cosmopolitan Resort Hotel and Casino project in Las Vegas incorporated some unique and specialized design and construction techniques below ground. Although the building towers stretched 60 and 63 stories high, the project included 5 levels of below ground parking, requiring a deep excavation extending up to almost 70 ft below Las Vegas Boulevard. In addition to the deep excavation support system, the building design loads required more foundation support than conventional shallow foundations were predicted to provide on the local site soils. The site is in the central portion of the Las Vegas Valley, a representative sedimentfilled basin within the Basin and Range Geologic Province of the Southwestern U.S. Historically, consolidation of the sediments appears to have been limited to the effects of desiccation and fluctuations in the groundwater level. Fill ranging from approximately 1 to 12 ft in thickness was present across the site. The natural soils beneath the site generally consisted of clayey sand and sandy clay. There were also thin layers of fine to coarse, non-cohesive silty sand and silty gravel. The coarsegrained soils were encountered with consistencies ranging from loose to very dense. The consistency of fine-grained soils ranged from soft or medium stiff to very stiff or hard. Based on visual examination, there was weak to moderate cementation in most of the soil profile. Many thin to thick layers of strong cemented soil and caliche were encountered within the depths explored (250 ft). Core samples of the caliche and moderately cemented soil were cut and tested for unconfined compressive strength, with results ranging from 1,110 to 10,400 pounds per square inch (psi). The natural moisture content and Atterberg limits test results generally indicate a decreasing liquidity index with increasing depth. However, the liquidity index was relatively low throughout the soil profile, indicating low historic past pressures T AUTHORS: Walter E. Vanderpool, P.E. Terracon Consulting Engineers Robert A. Carnevale DBM Contractors, Inc. Ground Improvement Micropiles or Drilled Shafts Options Cosmopolitan tower erection and compressible conditions in the noncemented strata. Fine-grained medium stiff to stiff layers were moderately to highly compressible and made up approximately 15 to 30% of the soil profile from approximately 30 to 250 feet below grade. The design team used a large database of soil index properties from the site in the design of the ground improvement micropiles. The strength and compressibility properties of the soil profile were estimated from boring logs, SPT N values, laboratory test data, and correlation with the CPT and pressure meter database. The shear wave velocity of the soil profile was measured by down-the-hole techniques and by background micro-tremor methods. The geophysical test data, in addition to the geotechnical exploration and laboratory test data, were applied in the design of ground improvements to characterize the ground stiffness and estimate the additional stiffening needed to transfer the structure loads to deeper, broader based and stronger materials, in order to reduce total settlement, and to limit excavation rebound and differential settlements. Drilled shafts and micropiles were evaluated for the deep foundation support, with the micropile option prevailing based on performance, cost, installation schedule and site logistics. The micropile option presented a unique opportunity to save a large amount of schedule time by concurrently installing the small-diameter elements from the existing grade while the completion of the slurry wall panels for the deep excavation support system was ongoing, allowing immediate commencement of foundations once the deep excavation subgrade was reached. On this project, groundwater depths of 16 to 19 ft below ground surface, column loads of up to 15,000 kips/column, excavation and spoils handling and disposal, site congestion, and schedule constraints did not permit construction by a standard sequence. The design team considered and rejected top-down construction with drilled shafts, based on the very large column loads. Initial predictions indicated that drilled shafts of 8 to 10 ft diameter drilled to depths greater than 160 ft below existing grade would be required to support the column loads. Risks associated with constructability within the structural design tolerances were also a concern. Structural analysis for the mat foundations indicated the contact bearing pressures ranged from 4 to 23 ksf with an average contact pressure of 12 to 13 ksf. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 47 Ground model predictions for settlement under the indicated foundation loading resulted in up to 5 in of total static settlement; tolerable differential settlement below the mat, however, had to be less than 1.5 in and no more than 0.75 in between adjacent columns. The premise for the ground improvement micropiles was to provide adequate soil strengthening to make up the difference between the in-situ stress (7 ksf at level of mat foundation from soil overburden) and the design stresses of the structure. This premise resulted in the installation of small-diameter elements on relatively close spacing to reinforce the existing soil conditions beneath the mat foundation. Because these micropiles were intended to reinforce the soil block, they did not require structural connection to the foundation system, saving time in both permitting stage and construction, and costs of structural connections. The deep excavation combined with ground improvement micropiles installed prior to mass excavation, controlled excavation heave, and stiffened the founding soil profile and mat foundation in combination with the compensation. Type 2 Micropiles Type 2 micropiles differ from Type 1 micropiles by their passive loading of the soil. They are not structural elements of the foundation system; the solution is a true soil-structure interaction process. The Type Instrumented site plan showing the micropile locations and types bonded length for more accurate determination of unit bond strength. The deepest test bond zone was between 160 and 180 ft below original grade (90 to 110 ft below bottom of foundations). The shallowest test bond zone was between 120 and 140 ft below original grade. Each test pile bond zone was instrumented with 4 vibrating wire embedded strain gauges grouted into the hollow bar prior to installation. Four of the test piles sustained a tensile test load of 305 kips (90% of test bar G.U.T.S.). Foundations must be designed for the localized concentration load from the tops of Type 2 micropiles. 2 micropile design load is determined from the total structure load, the contact pressure, necessary settlement reduction, micropile length and micropile grid spacing. Site specific instrumented load testing of the micropiled soil profile by multiple, incremental test piles are required to accurately evaluate bond strength and bond shear. The design and construction team performed five tension load tests for the Cosmopolitan ground improvement design. Each test pile was limited to a 20 ft 48 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 One test pile was extracted 8 in after a sustained test interval of 182 kips. One test pile pulled 3.5 in of residual displacement at the 213 kip test load, but supported the 305 kip test load with a final residual displacement of 6.2 in of displacement. Three test piles sustained the maximum test load (305 kips) at a residual displacement of 1.6 to 3.1 in. The average residual displacements after the 182 kip and the 213 kip load increments were 0.5 in and 0.6 in, respectively. The design team thoroughly reviewed 29 load tests by the Osterberg method on drilled shafts 2 to 8 ft in diameter; 3 Osterberg load tests on barrette (LBE) panels 2.5 ft by 10.3 ft in dimension; 10 years of unpublished daily observations from over 100 embedded strain gauges; and 13 instrumented, incremental micropile load tests in the Las Vegas Valley. The results indicated that the incremental bond creep limit (peak bond stress at the incipient localized-yield bond shear strain) will occur at a shear displacement in the immediate vicinity of the grout-soil boundary, at a relative displacement of 0.15 to 0.3 in for strong to weak soils, respectively. The Type 2 micropile is subject to three modes of yielding or failure: (1) plunging, (2) buckling and (3) punching. Soil strength and compressibility throughout the micropile length and in the tip region govern plunging. Resistance is modeled in the manner used for drilled shaft deep foundation design. Buckling is governed by the lateral restraint provided from the soil, and this can be a governing condition where a heavily loaded, slender, lightly reinforced micropile penetrates a weak strata sandwiched between two very strong strata. The buckling limits of micropiles can be reasonably estimated based on the ADSC white paper “Buckling of Micropiles” (see references). Punching is governed by the “head space” and the soil properties between the top of the micropile and the bottom of the mat, footing or floor slab. The foundations must be designed for the localized concentrated load from the tops of the Type 2 micropiles. A “head space” is selected to develop a deformation (settlement) of approximately 5% of the gross micropile diameter. The head-space deformation allows the micropile to develop the maximum soil-related end bearing capacity and develop the maximum side-shear capacity near the top of the micropile. A head space of approximately one pile diameter has been used in several successful published case histories with stone columns and drilled shafts of up to 3 ft in diameter (see references). With the exception of the design check for consolidation settlement beneath the micropiled region, the design is based on elastic methods. Bond lengths are matched Risk associated with constructability within the structural design tolerances were a concern. to boundary soil conditions, and bar yield strength is selected to exceed the soil ultimate bond strength while still allowing elastic compression of the full bonded zone. Settlement analysis for the reinforced soil block is performed based on the soil properties near the pile tip and below the reinforced soil block. The Type 2 micropile lengths are adjusted in design to limit the combined headspace deformation, elastic shortening of the micropiled soil block and consolidation settlements below the reinforced soil block to less than the limiting settlement criteria for the structure. The micropile reinforcement and cross-section are selected based on design loads, buckling considerations and micropile grid spacing. Predicted total settlements (about 1.5 to 2.0 in) were greater than for largediameter shafts but fell within acceptable differential settlement tolerances. Micropile construction started with the preproduction test program described earlier. The test bars were cyclically tension loadtested to verify the ultimate grout-soil adhesion. The results of these preproduction tests were a primary component of the final design of the ground improvement micropile approach. Typical design was based on 8-indiameter drill holes, filled with 4,000 psi grout and the micropile tendon, generally based on a steel cross sectional area of 7.2 sq in. Design specifications called for precise pile lengths and minimum steel 400 Cosmopolitan Final Ground Improvement Bar (GIB) Installed 11/15/2006 300 Steel erection start 7/2007 Micro-Strain 200 Level B5 Floor slab poured 9/24/07 100 Level P5 - 7 foot thick Transfer plate concrete placed 12/10/07 Last Foundation Concrete 10/25/07 0 Mat Pour #1 12/2/06 -100 Steel framing complete to grade 6/28/08 Mat Pour #2 12/16/06 Structure top-out 1/23/2009 Mat Pour #3 1/6/07 GIB Z,21 @ 2040.1’ MSL zero reference12/16/06 2:28 AM (During mat concrete placement over Z,21) -200 9/2/06 12/23/06 4/14/07 8/4/07 11/24/07 3/15/08 7/5/08 10/25/08 2/14/09 6/6/09 Monitoring data DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 49 reinforcement area, based on plan location and building load concentration. In general, production micropiles consisted of 7-indiameter pipe coupled with oversize coupling sleeves. The tops of the micropiles were designed to terminate 6 to 12 in below the bottom of mat foundation. This proved to be one of the quality control challenges since DBM completed drilling from the existing site subgrade, about 70 ft above the top of pile elevation. Excavation to subgrade confirmed the micropile reinforcement was fully encapsulated in grout. Performance Settlement performance was better than predicted. When the excavation reached subgrade, the design team located the tops of the test pile bars. In each location the vibrating wire strain gauge signal cables were accessible and all of the 20 instruments were still responding in their normal range of values. All of the instruments were logged for a short period. However, four were lost during mat foundation construction, and eight additional instruments were lost during construction above the mat. In addition, one instrument was placed in the final micropile installed for the mat foundations in November, 2006. Nine instruments remained accessible and were logged throughout construction of the parking levels and tower construction to approximately floor level 50. Logging continued 12 times daily with results in a range consistent with expectations. The instruments were abandoned as the parking levels were completed and placed in service for employee parking. Settlement monitoring through top-out of the towers in January 2009 indicated West Tower settlements of 0.84 in and 1.08 in at the west and east ends, respectively. For the East Tower, the settlements were 0.48 in and 0.72 in at the northwest and southeast corners, respectively. GIP drilling Super Pile 2009 Recap This brief article presents some highlights of the discussion on use of Type 2 micropiles at a high-rise project in Las Vegas. For more details, visit the DFI website for the full presentation and conference handout. In addition, see the article in Foundation Drilling Magazine (ADSC) May 2008 edition, for discussion on the design-build deep excavation support system. Other references follow: [1] Cadden, A.W., Gomez, J.E., “Buckling of Micropiles – A Review of Historic Research and Recent Experiences.” ADSC-IAF Micropile Committee 2002 [2] D. Wilder, J. Mikitka, and J. Gomez, (2008), “Stone Columns at Trenton Water Treatment Facility-Suitable Alternative to Remove and Replace for Mat Slab.” [3] S. Lee, Y. Park, and J. Moon, (2008), “An Approximate Nonlinear Analysis of Vertically Loaded Piled Rafts in Layered Soils.” [4] W. Paniagua, E. Iberra, and J. A. Valle, (2008), “Rigid Inclusions for Soil Improvement in a 76 Building Complex.” [5] A. Eslami, M. V. Karami, and M. M. Eslami, “Piled-Raft Foundation (PRF) Optimization and Design with Connected and Disconnected Piles.” References 2 through 5 are in the proceedings of DFI’s 33rd Annual & 11th International Conference on Deep Foundations. 50 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 51 When it’s a Question of Deep Foundations... ...Ask Fugro Services: Geotechnical and Geological Engineering; Wave Equation Analysis (WEAP); High Strain Testing (PDA); Low Strain Testing (PIT); Crosshole Sonic Logging (CHA); Noise Monitoring; Vibration Monitoring; and Static Pile Load Tests. Local Expertise. Worldwide Strength. Fugro Consultants, Inc. Tel: 888.241.6615 www.fugroconsultants.com Austin TX Baton Rouge LA Beaumont TX Columbia MD Dallas TX Fort Worth TX Houston TX Lake Charles LA Los Angeles CA New Orleans LA Pasadena TX Phoenix AZ San Antonio TX Waco TX 52 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 ledcor foundations The Ledcor Group of Companies GeoConstruction deep foundations: Drilled Shafts • Driven Piles Continuous Flight Auger Piles • Auger Cast Piles Concrete Foundations specialty retention structures: Sheet Piles Secant Walls • Earth Retention Systems access shafts: Secant and Tangent Pile Walls Sheet Pile Cells • Vertical Drilled Shafts edmonton: (780) vancouver: (604) t h i n k 462-4211 • calgary: (403) 263-0592 681-7500 • foundations@ledcor.com s a f e t y , w o r k www.ledcor.com s a f e l y ! DBM Contractors, Inc. Donald B. Murphy Contractors, Inc. Geotechnical Design & Construction Design/Build Earth Retention Foundation Support Slope Stabilization Ground Improvement Dewatering Serving the western U.S.A. Headquarters Federal Way, WA 800-562-8460 Regional Offices Northern, CA 408-885-0620 Southern, CA 760-233-5888 1-800-562-8460 • www.dbmcontractors.com DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 53 54 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 COMMITTEE REPORTS Codes and Standards Committee The IBC code development cycle is transitioning to a three-year cycle with no interim editions. The final action hearing for the 2012 Code will be held in Dallas, Texas, May 14-23, 2010. The deadline for public comment was February 8, and the final action agenda was posted March 15, 2010. This creates a two-year period of little activity at the national level. The committee believes that DFI members should use this time to become active at the state level. After all, the national code probably is not used in an unabridged form anywhere. The state, county or municipal version controls your project. You should also consider the long delay between the approval of a code change at the national level and its implementation at the local level. Some state codes are still based on the 2003 IBC. It can take eight years for an approved code change to reach your locale. By working at the local level you can reduce that time lag by several years. In Connecticut, we are working with the local structural engineers’ coalition on the new state building code, to be based on IBC 2009. Indications are good that we will be able to add a comment to the Davisson Offset Limit criteria noting that it was developed for driven piles. Our committee is looking to recruit members in states such as California, which are very active in the code development process. The intent is to work with structural engineers at the grass roots level, developing relationships and becoming more embedded in the process. The International Code Council planned to release the International Green Construction Code (IGCC) in March. This Larry Johnsen Committee Chair office@hellerjohnsen.com will be the first ever green code for traditional and high-performance buildings. You can obtain more information on IGCC activities at www.iccsafe.org/igcc. The Codes and Standards Committee began in January 2010 to hold four meetings per year, three of which will be teleconferences. So, no one will have an excuse for missing one of our dynamic meetings. Soil Mixing Committee I was very pleased to see the turnout at the Soil Mixing Committee meeting held in conjunction with the DFI Conference in Kansas City last October. More than 26 people attended, which is more than any other meeting I have been to in the 7 years I have been associated with the committee. This is truly a sign of the interest level the industry has in soil mixing. During the meeting in Kansas City, the committee put together a few tasks groups to: 1. Put the finishing touches on the completion of incorporation of the reviewing committee’s comments on the DFI Guidelines document for Soil Mixing 2. Start reviewing and researching the quality control aspects of soil mixing to parallel similar efforts made in Asia The committee also discussed forming a subcommittee or task group to evaluate the size of the soil mixing market. Again, this is similar to what is done in Asian markets. This exercise would make it possible to truly understand the size of the market. This bit of research could also spawn additional interest among universities or other interested groups, such as private industry sectors or government bodies such as the USACE or FHWA. This product data exercise may be best done by an outside consultant, since many contractors are somewhat reluctant to be the first to dip their toe into the water. The committee is also developing a one and a half day workshop. Day one will appeal to a wide audience and include an overview on soil mixing applications, limitations, advantages, disadvantages, equipment and techniques, case histories, design and QC/QA. Day two’s half day session will delve further into the nuts and bolts of design. It is tentatively Dennis W. Boehm Committee Chair dwboehm@haywardbaker.com planned for New Orleans this September with George Filz, Virginia Tech; Tom Cooling, URS; Peter Cali, USACE and Eddie Templeton, Burns Cooley Dennis Inc. developing the program. So, last, as always, I challenge our committee members to become more involved in the true aspects of our industry and to foster a stronger relationship between those who practice soil mixing and those who design and specify it. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 55 Testing and Evaluation Committee As testing and evaluation is essential to the completion of successful deep foundation projects, the DFI Testing and Evaluation (T&E) Committee strives to educate the industry on the importance of proper testing and evaluation techniques and technology. At our last meeting held at the 34th Annual Conference in October 2009, the T&E Committee decided to refocus our efforts in 2010 to educate owners, contractors, engineers, and the public on the advantages of proper testing and evaluation and potential consequences of not performing these tasks. To achieve this goal, the committee is working on the following initiatives: 1. Continuing to have a significant presence in planning and attending the DFI Super Pile seminars. The next seminar is scheduled in New Orleans, June 10-11, 2010. Additional Super Pile 2010 details can be found at dfi.org. The T&E Committee is also assisting in the planning of Super Pile 2011 in Charleston, S.C. 2. Developing a draft guideline for the selection of qualified testing firms to aid owners, contractors and engineers. The committee is collecting information on current testing and evaluationrelated specifications from state DOTs, such as crosshole sonic logging tomography (CSL) use. Undergraduate civil engineering students at The Citadel are spearheading data collection. 3. Assisting state DOTs that do not have specifications for deep foundation testing and evaluation develop them. 4. Educating state DOTs with regards to recent advances in techniques and technology relating to deep foundation testing, instrumentation and evaluation. The Testing and Evaluation Committee is comprised of 19 industry professionals with extensive knowledge and experEdward Hajduk Committee Chair ed.hajduk@thecitadel.edu ience relating to testing, instrumentation, evaluation and design of deep foundations and their affects on adjacent structures. If you have a question regarding deep foundation testing, instrumentation and evaluation, please submit it at our committee website: http://www.dfi.org/commhome. asp?commfield=TEST. 5. Exploring the use of internet technologies (e.g., wikis, social networking sites, etc.) to assist the industry in finding information relating to deep foundation testing and evaluation. ACIP Pile Committee The ACIP Pile Committee’s last meeting was held in conjunction with DFI’s Annual Conference in Kansas City, in October. The next meeting will be in New Orleans, La., on the evening preceding the Super Pile conference (June 9). Response to the call for abstracts has been good with many focused on projects in the Gulf Coast region. Super Pile 2010, chaired by Mike Moran of Cajun Deep Foundation, is shaping up to be an impressive event. The committee has been working with DFI’s Codes and Standards Committee to address code modifications/amendments proposed at the International Code Council’s (ICC) public hearings. In the fall of 2009, a draft document was prepared, summarizing the committee’s position relative to several proposed amendments/modifications. George Piscsalko of Pile Dynamics subsequently presented the committee’s position in Baltimore, Md. at the ICC public hearings. The committee will continue to follow the progress of the ICC’s code development cycle and provide input to the code modification process. The committee’s major initiatives for 2010 include developing an action plan to facilitate obtaining AASHTO approval for both ACIP piles and drilled displacement piles. Several committee members have already expressed interest in the first phase of the process, which is envisioned to entail Load Resistance Factor Design calibration of ACIP and drilled displacement piles. The AASHTO approval process is envisioned to be a cooperative effort and the committee welcomes any suggestions from industry members, Departments of Transportation, federal agencies and other city, county or state agencies. The committee continues its effort to draft and eventually publish a drilled displacement pile bulletin under the direction of the drilled displacement pile Matthew E. Meyer. Committee Chair mmeyer@langan.com subcommittee members. As a cooperative effort with the Testing and Evaluation Committee, the committee will further investigate non-destructive testing of ACIP piles to facilitate expansion of sections of subsequent versions of ACIP Pile Committee publications. An updated version of the AugeredCast-In-Place Inspector’s Manual has been completed by Past Chairman Chris Shewmaker. Order your copy of the second edition at www.dfi.org. I look forward to seeing many of you at Super Pile 2010 and the next ACIP Pile Committee meeting. And if anyone has an interest in participating in the committee’s activities, please send a letter of interest to DFI headquarters. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2009 • 57 58 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 p i l e p r o t e c t i o n t o p s Underground Solutions p i l e p r o t e c t i o n ...for Buildings and Beyond t o p s It’s good to be on TOP We have been providing superior “tops” for over a decade to major drilling companies nationwide. • Our galvanized tops can be shipped & stored with no effect from moisture. • The nesting of tops inside of one another will save valuable storage space, plus shipping costs. • Our snap lock seams take seconds to assemble. • Pre-cut lengths save valuable labor time and waste. Haley & Aldrich has a 50+ year tradition of specialized capabilities in the geosciences, including: • • • • • Geotechnical and environmental engineering Site/Subsurface characterization Environmental regulatory compliance Geothermal energy Construction monitoring • Colored safety hem on the top also works as a stiffener. 20 + offices nationwide 617.886.7400 HaleyAldrich.com DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 59 Helical Foundations and Tiebacks Committee The Helical Foundations and Tiebacks (HFT) Committee is comprised of helical foundation Howard Perko Committee Chair hperko@magnumpiering.com manufacturing companies, installation contractors and specialty foundation design firms, as well as university faculty involved in helical pile research. The goal of the committee is to share knowledge and collaborate on initiatives that serve the helical foundations and tiebacks industry as a whole by developing universal standards, facilitating research, hosting educational seminars and increasing public awareness. The committee hosted a successful seminar in Las Vegas in February, chaired by Steve Petres of McLean/Dixie. Over 90 registrants attended the seminar and heard presentations on helical piles in the building codes, load tests, new design techniques, case histories and lessons learned. The next HFT seminar is being planned in Houston in March 2011. The committee invites proposals for seminar presentations on any topic regarding helical piles or helical anchors. More information about the next HFT seminar can be found on the committee’s page of www.dfi.org. The last committee meeting was held February 1, immediately preceding the seminar. The committee is busy planning the 2011 annual seminar, completing a series of standard specifications, finishing a university slide presentation, proposing a research investigation for the FHWA, writing a state-of-practice paper for the DFI Journal, and working on an industry sponsored call for university helical pile research. The standard specifications and slide presentation are currently being reviewed by the DFI Technical Advisory Committee and should be ready for publication in the coming year. The committee is also involved in reviewing and providing feedback to the New York City Department of Buildings in writing the helical pile building code memorandum. The committee’s next meeting will be held at the DFI Annual Conference in Hollywood, Calif. We welcome participation. Anyone interested should write to DFI headquarters. Drilled Shaft Committee The committee held its annual meeting in October 2009, during the DFI Annual Conference in Kansas City. There was a large turnout of 28 people and lively discussion on several interesting topics. Frederick C. Rhyner, P.E. Committee Chair frhyner@mrce.com We plan to sponsor a one-day seminar on drilled shafts on July 12, 2010 in Minneapolis, Minn. Based on participant surveys from the short course held last year, we will focus on topics of current interest, namely Design Using LRFD Codes, and case histories of the drilled shafts on the I-35W bridge project, among others. Another area we are exploring is the topic of proper use of slurries and bottom cleanliness standards for inspection. We are forming a joint subcommittee with 60 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 ADSC to investigate and propose a new slurry specification to cover the range of slurry products on the market today, specifically for use in drilled shafts. The members of the joint subcommittee will include representatives from slurry manufacturers, contractors, design engineers and researchers. We plan to have a document ready by the end of 2010. Alan MacNab reported via email that the new Guide Specification for Drilled Shaft Construction was voted on and approved by AASHTO on July 1, 2009 in New Orleans. Congratulations, Alan for seeing this through to completion! Dan Brown reported that the FHWA drilled shaft manual is undergoing final edits to address the last round of comments, and he expected that the manual would be published in the first quarter of 2010. The committee had a long, healthy discussion about load test interpretation. The IBC presently mentions three acceptable methods for interpreting load tests, one of which is the Davisson Offset Limit method. Some committee members believe the Davisson method is too conservative for drilled shafts, while others do not. DFI has established a special Task Force, led by Willie NeSmith, to study the Davisson criteria and get feedback from the relevant committees, including ours. Dan Brown suggested that the Task Force might author a series of papers on load test interpretation that could be published in the DFI Journal. I suggested that the Task Force could update the DFI publication, Interpretation of Static Load Tests, written by Bengt Fellenius in the early 1990s. All agreed that static load tests on drilled shafts are rare in the U.S., but some have been done. The Osterberg load cell test is more common for drilled shafts. Stay tuned for more developments on this controversial topic. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 61 Iron Works, Inc. Serving the Drilling Industry MAILING ADDRESS: 257 Caroline Street, Punxsutawney, PA 15767 SHIPPING ADDRESS: Mitchell Avenue, Big Run, PA 15715 814-427-2555 • USA/Canada 800-927-0560 • FAX: 814-427-5164 www.starironworks.com • e-mail: sales@starironworks.com WE MANUFACTURE ACCESSORIES FOR ALL DRILLING APPLICATIONS • Mini-Micro Pile Threaded Casing • Metric Threaded Casing • Drill Rods • Equalizer/Balance Rods • Grout Equipment Tremie Pipe, Hoppers Racks and Rods • Rotary Stubs 62 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • Fishing Tools • Overburden Systems • Percussion Hammers and Bits • Drop-Off Bits • Drag Bits • Swivels/Flushing Heads PROVEN DEEP FOUNDATIONS EXPERTISE Ben C. Gerwick, Inc. has extensive experience with marine foundation design and construction for port and waterfront facilities. Our engineers work together to integrate soil-structureinteraction behavior, field testing, and monitoring into their investigation and design efforts. The results of this collaboration help to: quantify geotechnical project risks, develop costeffective design and construction strategies, and troubleshoot problems during construction. Learn more at www.gerwick.com Contact: Michael Holloway, PhD, PE Contact: Patrick Durnal, PE Senior Foundation Engineer Senior Foundation Engineer miho@gerwick.com ptd@gerwick.com (415) 288-2786 (415) 288-2736 DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 63 Photo: Shaw E&I Slurry Wall/Trench Committee The committee met during the DFI Annual Conference in Kansas City. The meeting was very productive, and we see membership growing with four new members in the last few months and others asking to join. An effort will be made through the company websites of current members to promote DFI and the Slurry Wall/Trench Committee. Between April and May we will hold several conference calls to follow-up on our different projects, but will hold no formal committee meeting before July to reduce cost and save time. Seminars Cut-off Wall Seminar, Sacramento, Calif. • The committee is planning a one-day seminar on cut-off walls/dam repair, tentatively July 22, 2010; back up date is June 24. • Focus of the seminar will be information sharing and technology transfer on specific regional projects, and plans for levee rehabilitation (as opposed to a teaching course on slurry wall practices for cut-offs). • Target attendance includes primarily owners and their representatives. • We will invite presentations and participants from USACE, Sacramento Area Flood Control Authority (SAFCA) state engineers and other local agencies including FHWA, dams regulators (local environmental protection agency), ASDSO member organizations, etc. Publications Guide to Selection of Cut-off Methods • This will be a new DFI document • Deadline for committee comments on draft is April 1, 2010 • Deadline for submittal to TAC is April 30, 2010 Guidelines for Structural Slurry Walls • This document will be an update (photographs, references, etc.) to the 2005 DFI document. • Goal is to begin working on revisions to this document after Guide to Selection of Cut-off Methods document is submitted to TAC at the end of April 2010. • A sustainability section is to be developed for inclusion. Task force: Jesús Goméz (Schnabel Engineering), Ray Poletto (Mueser Rutledge) and Giovanni Bonita (GEI Consultants). Laurent LeFebvre Committee Chair llefebvre@nicholsonconstruction.com DFI Presentation on Slurry Walls • This presentation will be an overview of slurry wall practices from design through quality assurance. The target audience is university geotechnical engineering departments. Live presentations at universities will be made by committee members (we estimate seven or eight per year). • Goal: Final document available for use by June/July 2010 seminar in Sacramento, Calif. Editor’s Note Committee Reports in this issue of Deep Foundations are: • • • • • • • ACIP Pile Codes and Standards Drilled Shaft Helical Foundations and Tiebacks Slurry Wall/Trench Soil Mixing Testing and Evaluation. The other eight DFI Technical Committee Reports will appear in the summer issue of the magazine. Virginia Fairweather, Executive Editor 64 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 65 TRU 12™ Pipe Piling: Great Performance for Less Cost. L.B. Foster Piling provides the cost savings of actual 12" pipe piling to customers in North America. Our new TRU 12™ piling is manufactured to meet the same performance requirements as standard 12.75" pipe piling. Domestically produced TRU 12™ ERW pipe piling has an actual 12" OD diameter width with up to a 1/2" wall. New TRU 12™ is an innovative piling solution that can meet demanding project budgets and requirements. TM TRUE 12” PIPE PILING TRU 12™ is a trademark of L.B. Foster Company. 66 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 OUR SMALL 3/4" INNOVATION PROVIDES BIG SAVINGS New TRU 12™ Pipe Piling is More Cost Efficient than 12.75" Piling. TRU 12” Piling vs. sTandaRd 12.75” Piling steel weight per linear foot 6% less construction fill per foot 12% less pipe per truck 6% more cetco.com constructiondrilling.com CETCO. Efficient, cost-effective solutions. CETCO SERVICES PROVIDE A CUSTOM SOLUTION TAILORED SPECIFICALLY TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF YOUR PROJECT. SLURRY SCHOOLS & TRAINING SLURRY COST ESTIMATIONS SLURRY PROGRAMS ON-SITE SLURRY ENGINEERING CONTACT CETCO FOR INFORMATION ON HOW WE MAY ASSIST YOU. Right Photo by Tim Davis; Courtesy of Flatiron 800.527.9948 847.851.1800 DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 67 Taking the Lead in over 40 countries around theworld “ Berminghammer supplied complex project specific pile tipping equipment outfitted with B-6505HD hammers. Berminghammer's engineering and creative abilities are really shining through on every pile that is tipped and driven on site today.” – Mark Mallett, Project Manager, FLATIRON LEADER SYSTEMS IMPACT HAMMERS STATNAMIC LOAD TESTING TECHNOLOGY REVERSE CIRCULATION DRILLS CUSTOM FOUNDATION EQUIPMENT SITE SUPPORT PROJECT PLANNING Wellington Street Marine Terminal Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8L 4Z9 Tel: 1.905.528.7924 | Fax: 1.905.528.6187 Toll Free: 1.800.668.9432 (in Canada and USA) www.berminghammer.com | www.berminghamfoundationsolutions.com FHWA FORUM DFI and FHWA Form a Training Partnership To address the full life-cycle of the highway transportation system, NHI offers hundreds of courses in a broad range of topics including structures, pavements and materials, traffic operations, (DFI) recently established a partnership to combine resources to construction and maintenance, hydraulics, freight, real estate, envideliver geotechnical engineering training courses focused on ronment, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), planning, civil transportation facilities. NHI, the FHWA National Geotechnical rights, highway safety, site and personal safety, communications, and Team and the DFI will develop a training delivery and outreach of course, geotechnical. Within geotechnical engineering, NHI curprogram specifically targeted at the DFI membership. The goals rently offers twenty-four (24) courses on the design, construction and objectives of the cooperative partnership are to: and inspection of structural foundations and geotechnical features. • Establish a framework for coordinated delivery of FHWA In serving the transportation community, NHI has traditionally National Highway Institute geotechnical engineering training on partnered with other organizations to provide training resources to multiple platforms through the DFI customers, partners and learners. NHI has provided training to • Promote the coordinated effort to build the professional Federal and state agencies, local governments and private organcapacity of practitioners designing, constructing and inspecting izations in every state, and to numerous international audiences. deep foundations for roadways, bridges and other transNHI also works with groups such as the University and Grants portation structures Programs and Affiliate Programs to support the educational needs of the transportation workforce. • Advance the common mission of the FHWA and DFI of training The newly created partnership between NHI and the DFI will and education for practicing engineers; technicians; contractors; offer selected courses from the NHI Geotechnical Curriculum. The deep foundations material, equipment and service suppliers and NHI/DFI course curriculum and cost structure were not finalized at manufacturers; and other geo-professionals the time this column was written, but we expect that the courses will Many of you are familiar with NHI through one of the many complement the current educational program and events developed reference manuals developed and widely used for design and and offered by the DFI. Periodically, we will evaluate the success of construction of geotechnical features. Examples include delivered courses and will solicit information from the DFI FHWA-NHI-10-040, Drilled Shafts — Construction Procedures and membership on training needs, potential course updates and L R F D D e s i g n M e t h o d s ; F H WA - N H I - 0 5 - 0 4 2 / 0 4 3 , modifications, and opportunities for training on alternate platforms. Design and Construction of Driven Pile Foundations; We also anticipate that there will be opportunities to involve the DFI FHWA-NHI-06-019/020, Ground Improvement Methods; and membership in future development and delivery activities. FHWA-NHI-07-071, Earth Retaining Structures. All of these I expect this partnership to create new and exciting opporpublications were completed by NHI as part of geotechnical tunities for the FHWA National Geotechnical Team. A major benefit engineering training course development. is that we will be better positioned to provide consultants and contracNHI was established by Congress in 1970 as the training and tors with necessary technical guidance for design and construction education arm of FHWA. Over its 40 years, NHI of highway facilities. As state and local resources has helped to improve the performance of the and budgets continue to become smaller, outtransportation industry through instructor-led sourcing and innovative contracting mechanisms training, distance learning and blended education will be more popular as means to do more with platforms. To achieve its mission, NHI provides less. Consultants and contractors will need to be leadership and significant resources to guide the better prepared to perform work for transportation development and delivery of transportationowners, and partnerships like this will be essential. related training. The goals of NHI are to train the The FHWA National Geotechnical Team and current and future transportation workforce; NHI are very excited to be partnering with DFI in transfer knowledge quickly and effectively to and this capacity, and we hope that the membership among transportation professionals; and provide will take advantage of the fantastic training training that addresses the full life-cycle of the opportunities. If you have any questions about highway transportation system. NHI or any comments that you think would improve our partnership, please contact me. Silas C. Nichols, P.E. he National Highway Institute (NHI) of the Federal Highway TAdministration (FHWA) and the Deep Foundations Institute AUTHOR: Senior Geotechnical Engineer FHWA Office of Bridge Technology silas.nichols@dot.gov DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 •69 R E N TA L • SALES • SERVICE T R U S T , I N N O VA T I O N & E X P E R T I S E . . . THE FOUNDATION OF SUCCESS. For more than 90 years, Equipment Corporation of America has been a premier distributor of Foundation Construction Equipment. Our success and longevity is a direct result of the relationships we’ve built by using high quality equipment and best-in-class service. Find out how we can build a foundation together. 1.800.PILE.USA -or- www.ecanet.com EQUIPMENT CORPORATION OF AMERICA B U I L D I N G F O U N DAT I O N S S I N C E 1 91 8 AUTHORIZED DEALER: PITTSBURGH 70 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 PHIL ADELPHIA WASHINGTON D.C. TORONTO Your True Project Partner © 2010 Skyline Steel, LLC. Skyline Steel is a wholly owned subsidiary of ArcelorMittal, the largest and most globally integrated steel company. A premier steel foundation supplier serving the US, Canada, Mexico, Caribbean and South American markets, Skyline Steel is a whollyowned subsidiary of ArcelorMittal, the world’s largest and most respected steel company. Skyline Steel has over twenty sales offices across two continents and a robust infrastructure comprised of manufacturing, coating, and fabrication facilities; dozens of stocking locations; an efficiently-coordinated supply chain; and exclusive engineering support. Collectively, these functions support a dynamic sales team that supplies hundreds of thousands of tons of steel foundation products to the industry every year. Pipe: Spiralweld and Rolled & Welded Threaded Bar Steel Sheet Pile • Wide Range of Lengths, Diameters and Thicknesses • Grade 75 and Grade 150 Threaded Bars ideal for: Tie Rods; Rock Bolts, Roof Bolts, Anchor Bolts; Soil Nails; Micropile Reinforcement; Threaded Bar Cages; Tie Backs; Soil and Rock Anchors • Widest Range of Hot Rolled and Cold Formed Steel Sheet Pile Available in the Industry • Custom Lengths • Accepted by DOTs in Seismically Active Areas • Spiralweld Pipe is Structurally Equal to API Pipe* • Threaded Bar Accessories • Z-piles, Flat Sheets, Combination Walls • Domestic & Foreign • Multiple Corrosion Protection Options *According to full-scale university study conducted in 2009 Skyline Steel’s flagship products include H-piles, pipe piles, hot rolled and cold formed steel sheet piles, threaded bar, micropiles, accessories, structural shapes and connectors. Of the products we manufacture and supply, 80% are made from recycled steel and are 100% recyclable. www.skylinesteel.com/dfi | 973.428.6100 | technical hotline: 1.866.875.9546 Unmatched Product Range Material Availability Manufacturing Capabilities Innovative Applications and Engineering Expertise DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 71 Y E S T E R D A Y , T O D A Y A N D T O M O R R O W 1959 2009 CELEBRATING 50 YEARS OF SERVICE & COMMITMENT. Auger Pressure Grouted Piling Construction Auger Pressure Grouted Displacement Piling Construction Sheeting and Shoring Earth Retention Systems Ground Improvement Berkel & Company Contractors, Inc. prides itself on being the industry leader for the construction of Auger Pressure Grouted (APG) Piling and Auger Pressure Grouted Displacement (APGD) Piling, along with providing Sheeting, Shoring, Earth Retention Systems and Ground Improvement Services. Visit our Web site at www.berkelandcompany.com 913.422.5125 KANSAS CITY • ATLANTA • BALTIMORE • ORLANDO • HOUSTON • LOUISVILLE • SAN FRANCISCO • WASHINGTON D.C. (913) 422-3588 (770) 941-5100 (410) 439-9101 (352) 365-4308 (281) 344-1090 (502) 225-0053 72 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 (415) 495-3627 (301) 587-5111 PEOPLE, PROJECTS AND EQUIPMENT Design and Construction Challenges at the kcICON Bridge The Christopher Bond Bridge is a cablestayed structure that will span the Missouri River and create a new gateway into Kansas City, replacing the existing Paseo Bridge. Also known as kcICON, the name of a larger area project, the bridge will open in 2011. The bridge has 7 spans totaling 1,715 ft, with a 550 ft main span and a 452 ft back span. The main pylon foundation is in the river, near the navigation channel, and subjected to significant vessel impact forces. This layout was efficient because the robust main pylon support could be readily proportioned to resist lateral forces from barge impact, and the more lightly-loaded approach pier foundations could be located away from potential vessel collision. The trade-off was the fact that marine construction was required for the largest foundation unit. The approach piers utilized individual drilled shafts under each column. Support for the main pylon of the bridge consists of large-diameter, cast-inplace drilled shaft foundations embedded into shale bedrock. The shafts beneath the approach bents are embedded into bedrock at Bents 1 through 4, and founded in overburden soils above the deeper rock at Bent 5. Base grouting was used on drilled shafts at the approach piers. The overburden soils are predominantly loose to medium-dense, poorly graded, rounded sand with gravel. There were also some thin, low-plasticity clay layers at the site. Cobbles and boulders also exist, particularly in the 15 to 20 ft above the top of bedrock. The soil overburden is approximately 55 ft thick. The majority of the bedrock was shale with lesser amounts of limestone at depth. The bedrock is from the Pleasanton Group of Pennsylvanian Age and weathered in the upper 3 to 5 ft. The shale included some limestone laminations and occasional 1 to 2 in coal seams. Most core runs had full recovery and, excluding the weathered portion near the surface of the bedrock, the majority of the rock quality designations (RQD) measured in the bearing stratum exceeded 70%, with only two exceptions that measured 60 and 65%. Unconfined compression results in the bearing stratum ranged from 800 to 3750 psi. A highly-weathered, relatively soft shale layer appeared in all 15 borings with coring. The top of this 6-ft-thick soft shale layer lies about 30 ft beneath the shaft. While the recovery in this zone was high, the RQDs were very low, as were the unconfined compression strength test results. Some layers within this zone oozed hydrocarbons. Conditions were similar for the approach bents. However, the top of rock elevation varied, declining towards the north (Bents 2 through 5). Boulders were present atop the rock and more prevalent at locations where top-of-rock elevation was lower. Some boulders were hard granitic rock, likely as a result of glacial deposition. All of the soil overburden was neglected during design of the main pylon foundations because of scour. For the approach structures, the scour generally extended to the shale bedrock at Bents 1 and 2 in the river, and shallower to the north at Bents 3 and 4. Bent 5 is on the opposite side of a Federal flood control levee, so scour at that location is not anticipated. AUTHORS: Dan Brown, Ph.D., Dan Brown and Associates PLLC, Sequatchie, Tenn. Paul J. Axtell, P.E., Dan Brown and Associates PLLC, Overland Park, Kan. Main Pylon Foundation The main pylon foundation consists of a single footing, approximately 116 ft by 48 ft in plan, supported by a group of 8 drilled shafts (Figure 1). The drilled shafts are constructed with a permanent steel casing extending into the top of the shale bedrock, with a 10.5-ft-diameter socket extending into the shale formation. Each shaft design provides a required axial resistance of approximately 10,000 kips. This single, large pile cap with multiple shafts provides a robust and reliable foundation that is not sensitive to scour, DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 73 and constructed following the and that has strength that specific plan details. The exposure substantially exceeds potential Test Shaft time of the excavation was intenvessel impact or lateral load tionally extended to four days to demand. The permanent steel simulate the worst possible concasings provide additional strength, Cap ditions for construction of a productility and confinement for the Seal duction shaft. bending stresses in the drilled shafts and facilitated construction by Axial Performance providing a stable environment in The O-cell is the only practical which to construct the rock socket. Steel method for load testing drilled Casing The multiple shafts provide alluvium shafts with such large axial resisreliability as a redundant founDrilled tance; however, verifying axial dation system. Shale Shafts bedrock resistance was complicated because Although somewhat smallerthe engineers expected the base diameter shafts could have satisfied resistance of a production shaft to the flexural strength demands, Figure 1. Schematic diagram of main pylon foundation exceed the side resistance available designers selected the largeas a reaction. Therefore, they selected a bearing formation were tested for slake diameter shaft to the necessary axial scaled prototype test shaft 6 ft in diameter, durability (ASTM D 4644). These tests provide resistance within the rock of Stratum II and so as to more closely balance the side and a measure of the relative susceptibility of thereby avoided the softer deeper strata. base resistance at the target tip elevation. the shale to deterioration under agitated Using fewer larger shafts also provided a The excavation tools used for the load conditions similar to drilled shaft minimum footprint dimension so the test shaft replicated the methods used for construction in the presence of drilling required navigation clearance could be the production shafts. These tools included fluids. The tests were performed on samples maintained with the minimum span length. digging buckets and augers to excavate the rock socket, followed by the use of a “backscratcher” to scarify the sidewall of the rock Natural Slake Durability Rating Sample socket prior to final clean-out with a Moisture Durability Based on Shear Content Index Strength Loss hydraulic pump. Video inspection of the shaft base was conducted with a mini Shaft (%) Type Id(2) Type DRs Inspection Device (mini-SID) for the load (%) test shaft and the first two production shafts at the pylon. The contractor also River Water 8.3 II 72.2 Intermediate 61.9 used the mini-SID on the first two shafts at Polymer 8.3 II 98.2 Hard, more 78.6 the approach piers to verify that the Slurry durable procedures achieved the desired level of base cleaning. Figure 2. Slake durability test result The O-cell test was conducted on a A 6-ft-diameter test shaft was tested in 30-ft-deep rock socket, with sonic caliper of shale exposed to both Missouri River the center of the main pylon to evaluate the testing to indicate the actual as-build water and polymer drilling fluid. The design values of side shear and end bearing dimensions. Three 26-in-diameter O-cells polymer was POLY-BORE™ Borehole in the rock socket using the O-cell load test (approximately 3,600 kip per O-cell) proStabilizing Agent mixed per the manumethod. Although 10.5-ft-diameter provided the required bi-directional loading. facturer’s instructions at the target density duction shafts were planned, the somewhat The O-cells were set 20 in above the tip, with and viscosity. Soda ash was used to achieve smaller-diameter test shaft provided a 4 levels of strain gages above to evaluate the the proper pH in the mixing water. balance between the anticipated base and distribution of side shear along the shaft. The test results suggest that the polymer side resistance in an O-cell test with load The O-cell test indicated that at the slurry appears to preserve the integrity of cells placed at the base of the shaft. The test maximum upward displacement of 0.2 to the shale better than river water alone. The shaft rock socket was drilled using similar 0.3 in, the shaft mobilized a unit side shale was not expected to experience tools, installation and inspection techniques resistance of 12 ksf in the 4 ft of the socket significant decomposition if polymer slurry as was used on the production shafts. immediately below the tip of the casing, was used to drill the rock socket. The design team was concerned about and 16 ksf in the remainder of the socket. A To demonstrate the installation plan deterioration of the shale in the presence of unit base resistance of 275 ksf was mobiland to provide site-specific measurement various drilling fluids. To evaluate potential ized at a downward displacement of 1.5 in. of axial performance under the as-built deterioration, core samples of rock from the conditions, a load test shaft was designed 74 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 Figure 3. kcICON River Bridge profile The test was successful in that the shaft was installed in a manner similar to the method planned for the production shafts without any complications, the measured data appeared to be reliable, and the test mobilized values of side shear and end bearing that approached the geotechnical strength limit condition. The displacement required to mobilize the base resistance is typically proportional to shaft diameter, and so the variation in diameter between the test and production shafts must be considered. The measured unit base resistance was obtained at a displacement of 1.5 in, or approximately 2% of the diameter of the test shaft. For a 10.5-ft-diameter shaft, similar values would be anticipated at a displacement approximately 2.5 in (2% of the 10.5 ft diameter) in the production shaft. Although typical design guidelines for geotechnical strength are based on a larger displacement value of 5% of diameter, the measured unit base resistance was taken at a more conservative displacement for design purposes because of the creep movements observed at this pressure and because of the large-shaft diameter. The shale bearing formation at the test location had unconfined compressive strengths in the rock near the base of the test shaft of approximately 2,000 psi (288 ksf). Therefore the nominal base resistance (at a displacement of 2% of the shaft diameter) was approximately equal to the unconfined compressive strength. The shape of the load versus displacement relationship suggests that greater base resistance was likely available at larger displacement. To allow for the potential variation of unconfined compressive strength across the footprint of the main pylon foundation, a lower value of 165 ksf (0.6 times the maximum tested value) for base resistance was used for design of the production shafts. The values of maximum base resistance at Bents 1 through 4 were correlated with typical values of unconfined compressive strength at those locations. Although the maximum side resistance occurred at a displacement smaller than the displacement at which the maximum base resistance was mobilized, the test data showed no evidence of strain softening. Therefore strain compatibility was not a factor in combining side and base resistance. This tendency is likely related to the dilation at the shaft/rock interface because of the rough interface surface. Load test measurements in similar (even softer) shale materials from nearby projects referenced by Miller (2003) showed ductile behavior at significantly larger displacements. Thus, the designers considered the maximum unit side resistance mobilized in the load test as the maximum available side resistance for design in rock of similar strength characteristics. The load test results showed that a maximum unit side resistance of 12 ksf was appropriate for the upper 4 ft of shale beneath the tip of the permanent casing, and 16 ksf was appropriate for the remainder of the Stratum II shale within 30 ft below the tip of the permanent casing. This assessment is consistent with the slightly lower rock core compressive strengths recorded in the upper part of Stratum II. The average unconfined compressive strength, q u, of the rock along the length of the test shaft socket was around 1200 psi (170 ksf), and thus the measured unit side resistance, ƒs , of 16 ksf correlates to ƒs = 0.86√ q u, where ƒs and q u are in units of atmospheres of pressure. The service load capacity for the 8 drilled shafts supporting the pylon is approximately 9,700 kips for corner shafts and 9,500 kips for non-corner shafts. The drilled shafts design is based on the use of a socket into the shale of Stratum II, with a factor of safety of 2.0 on side and 3.0 on base resistance. The higher factor of safety on base resistance is included because of the greater influence of potential variability in rock strength and the presence of softer shale strata at greater depth. Based on the design values outlined above, a 20 ft rock-socket below the casing provided the required resistance to support the design loads with the target factors of safety. The side resistance above the casing tip was ignored due to possible scour, weathering within the shallow zone and the effect of casing installation. Each of the five approach bents includes five columns supported on individual drilled shafts. The foundation scheme at Bents 1 through 4 includes a permanent casing at the surface (10 to 20 ft) and uncased drilled shafts extending 4 ft into shale bedrock (considered as a “seating socket”). The foundations at Bent 5 are similar to Bents 1 through 4, but the shafts bear in sand above the shale bedrock. During the subsurface exploration at Bent 5 (after the contract award), the rock was found to be deeper and overlain by a large cobble and boulder field on the order of 20 ft thick, directly above bedrock and approximately 110 ft beneath the surface. These conditions presented a significant risk of difficulties during construction, and so the plan to bear on rock was modified to accommodate the conditions. To provide the necessary axial resistance in the soils above the bedrock, the design for the 5 shafts at Bent 5 utilized base-grouting to DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 75 Drill rig and “back-scratcher” tool enhance the base resistance of the shafts bearing in granular soils. Two of the five base-grouted shafts were installed with sister-bar strain gauges so that an indication of axial side resistance could be observed during the grouting operation as grout pressure applied force to the base of the shaft. The base grouting was accomplished via the crosshole sonic logging tubes, connected across the base of the shaft with a sleeve-port tube to form three independent grouting circuits. Several of the drilled shafts at Bent 5 encountered boulders near the base of the excavation, and two of the shafts constructed within areas with boulders required significantly more grout than the others. In summary, the design-build system worked well, encouraging collaboration between construction and design resulting in foundations for the kcICON bridge that provided reliability and met the goals of cost-effectiveness and scheduling. The main pylon foundations incorporated a reasonable exposure limitation on the shale bedrock thanks to a load testing program, which addressed construction and design objectives. Using polymer slurry and the 76 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 “back-scratch” tool ensured an adequate bond between the concrete and the rock socket. The base cleaning methods were developed using downhole inspection tools and verified with the load tests. The design of the drilled shafts for the approach structure incorporated base grouting to minimize the construction risks associated with deep bedrock overlain by boulders at some locations. Acknowledgments The authors thank the owner, Missouri Department of Transportation, and the joint-venture contractor, Paseo Corridor Constructors, for their dedication to quality with this project. Massman Construction performed the load test and main pylon shaft installation, Hayes Drilling constructed the drilled shafts for the approach foundations, LoadTest performed the O-cell test, Olson Engineering performed the CSL tests, and Applied Foundation Testing performed the base-grouting. In addition to their work on the portions of the project other than the river bridge, Terracon provided independent review of the geotechnical design. ContraCtor: “Do you have a rig that Can Drill a 20’ DiaMeter shaft?” Bay shore: “aBsolutely, our loDril Dh100.” Model LōDril DH100-65 Recently a contractor needed to drill 20’ diameter shafts to 60’ in congested urban work sites. None of their operators had ever drilled a shaft before, and they needed to start in 10 weeks. Bay Shore Systems delivered a customized LōDril DH100 configured for a quick and simple one piece move and a 65’ drilling depth. It was delivered in just 8 weeks. See the video at bayshoresystems.com. Break Ground w w w. b a y s h o r e s y s t e m s . c o m 1-888-569-3745 DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 77 78 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 79 Inlet for Flushing Air Inlet for Hammering Air Outlet for Water and Cuttings Outlet for Exhaust Air Casing, up to 54” RC Hammer UnderReaming Bit 80 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 Aerial view of McCook Reservoir Computerized Grouting at McCook Reservoir When the computerized cement grouting project underway at the McCook Reservoir near Chicago is completed in January 2012, the reservoir will have the longest and deepest double-row grout curtain in the country. Nicholson Construction, Cuddy, Pa., completed Stage I of the grout curtain work at McCook in 2008. That contract was for $39 million, and the contract for Stage II, awarded in late 2009, is about the same price. Luca Barison, project executive, offers a few numbers: the contract includes 7,000 linear ft of doublerow grout curtain, 4,000 lf of which will be installed next to the open face of the quarry. There will also be 153,000 lf of overburden casing, and the overburden ranges between 43 ft and 53 ft. Grout holes will go to 315 ft in rock, and there are 419,000 lf of rock drilling with water-activated hammers. The McCook Reservoir is just part of the much larger Chicagoland Underflow Plan (CUP), which is part of TARP, the Tunnel and Reservoir Project. TARP work began in the 1970s and is scheduled to be complete in 2019, at an estimated total cost of over $5 billion. The USACE is overseeing McCook and two other combined sewer overflow reservoirs that are part of the CUP work, McCook and two others, because they have been designated as flood control projects. In addition to the grout curtain work around the reservoir perimeter, the McCook Reservoir is expected to cost an estimated $528 million including excavation, tunneling, shafts gates and other elements, plus a groundwater pollution system that includes the overburden cut-off wall. Grouting Evolution Nicholson used its proprietary SoletancheBachy Grout. I.T. computerized grouting control and data collection system for Stage I work at McCook, and will use it again for Stage II. Tim Flaherty, engineering geologist for the Corps, comments on the growing use of computerized grouting control systems in the U.S. He says there are currently four such major proprietary systems, including Nicholson’s. He notes the advantages of such systems, while making it clear that the Corps does not officially endorse any product. One of the first applications of computerized grouting was Patoka Dam in Indiana, in 2000. It was “revolutionary,” he says. “It was the first real-time test with balance-stable grout.” Formerly, grouting was costly in terms of administration, time-consuming, says Flaherty, adding that “you had to compile the raw data manually, and figure out where the next hole should be and how deep.” Density of the grout was another issue. With automated systems, he says, “you get closure analysis, proper refusal, residual permeability and it’s all figured out for you.” With the computerized grouting systems that are integrated with CAD, he says, “you get defensible data and higherquality grouting.” Several systems include integration with CAD, and Nicholson’s Grout I.T., being used at McCook Reservoir, is just one of them. Flaherty also comments on the Corps’ “Best Value” bid evaluations. The Corps uses boards for RFP selection that look at the cost-benefit of the proposals. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 81 may cause damage to the walls of the hole. On smaller projects air-driven hammers are still used, however, according to Barison, the USACE has been using them less and less on their large grouting projects. The rock drills that Nicholson is using at McCook are manufactured by Cubex Ltd, based in Canada. Although these drills are more expensive than typical rock drills, says Barison, they include all the features required for the proper functioning of the water hammer technology, including a filtration system to remove particles from the water that could damage the hammer. They are also automated and setup for drilling grout holes in rock to depths of over 400 ft. When Nicholson reviewed different drilling options and equipment for the project, the Cubex drills with Wassara water hammers were the best overall solution, says Barison. Sonic drilling was used on Stage I, but not for the Stage II grouting project, for which top-drive rotary percussion drills proved to be more advantageous in the overburden material. Installation of overburden casing for grout holes Sometimes technical capability outweighs cost, he says. Nicholson performed Stage I of the McCook Dam grouting work, and “sharpened their pencils” for the RFP. Price was the dictator in the Stage II contract award, and there was “strong competition,” according to Nicholson’s Barison. Barison notes other unusual aspects of the McCook work, saying that use of water hammers is a new technology for drilling grout holes in fractured rock. The traditional method has been to use an airdriven hammer or coring. The air has the tendency to push the drill cuttings into the rock fractures, creating more difficulties during the grouting process, he says. The water hammer satisfied the Corps’ preference for water flushing to remove drill cuttings from the borehole coupled with a higher penetration rate in rock. Water hammers also produce lower uphole velocity of return water, and instantaneous production performance. These attributes improve drilling and hole quality compared with conventional down-thehole air hammers, he says, noting that high pressure and high-volume compressed air 82 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 Engineering & Design Deep Foundations Over 50 Years Specializing in Design-Build. GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING & CONSTRUCTION Safe • On Time • Within Budget www.goettle.com (513) 825-8100 12071 Hamilton Ave., Cincinnati, Ohio 45231 Earth Retention Marine Construction Cincinna ti • For t Wor t h • New Or lean s • Pit t sbur gh DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 83 84 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 Illini Drilled Foundations, Inc. Geotechnical / Structural Instrumentation and Systems In a world all too full of uncertainties, you can count on us for the peace of mind that comes from a job well done. Committed to safely providing quality work and dependable service at competitive prices. Pile testing systems Testing and monitoring systems for piles, shafts and deep foundations: Pile Integrity (ASTM D5882) Cross Hole Ultrasonic (ASTM D6760) Geo Instruments, 24 Celestial Drive Suite B, Narragansett, RI 02882, USA Tel: +1 800-477-2506, Fax: +1 401-633-6021 sales@geo-instruments.com | www.geo-instruments.com www.illinidrilling.com info@illinidrilling.com Whether your next project involves auger cast piles or drilled shafts, limited access or low headroom work, is out for bid or still in design.... Give us a call at (217) 442-8765. We’d be happy to serve you. DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 85 Wireless Pile Integrity Tester Unveiled Pulse echo integrity testing has long been used to quickly verify the integrity and length of deep foundations. Pile Dynamics first developed an instrument to perform this test in 1991 — the Pile Integrity Tester (PIT). In fact, the term “PIT test” is often used in lieu of “pulse echo test.” The method is also known as low strain dynamic foundation testing, a term used in the ASTM document that standardizes it (ASTM D5882). The PIT test involves placing an accelerometer on the foundation and hitting it with a hand-held hammer. The accelerometer sends data to the PIT; records are visually evaluated immediately, and later analyzed in further detail. Pile Dynamics recently launched the PIT-X, a palm-size Pile Integrity Tester, and works with a wireless accelerometer. All functions available on the latest edition of the PIT-V model are the same, including a built-in Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) feature that is helpful to detect the length of short foundation elements in the field. PDI has also updated the PIT post processing/data analysis software, PIT-W, having recently launched PIT-W 2009 in both standard and professional versions. Dam Repair Contract to GZA GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc., was retained by the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority (MWRA) for work on six of the Commonwealth’s dams. GZA is the prime engineering firm for the $1.5 million design contract to provide engineering assessment, final design and construction phase services for upgrades to six of MWRA’s secondary water supply dams located throughout the metro Boston region. 86 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 The most notable modification will occur at Foss (No. 3) Reservoir Dam in Framingham, Mass., where the100-year-old structure will be retrofitted with a 7-foot-high, concretereinforced fuse gate required to safely pass the spillway design flood. To protect against overtopping under design flood conditions at Foss Dam, as well as at Weston Reservoir Dam, GZA plans to raise the dams through a combination of earth fill and concrete par- apet wall structures. Other design repairs are for Sudbury Dam and Wachusett Open Channel Dam, both in Southborough, as well as Waban and Chestnut Hill Reservoir Dams in Newton, all slated for 2011. The Foss Reservoir Dam and the Weston Reservoir Dam are scheduled for completion in 2013. Peter Baril, P.E., principal at GZA, will serve as prime engineer and Jonathan Andrews, P.E., as project manager. Three Reasons to Specify the IBO*® Micro Pile *Injection Bored //FASTER //STRONGER //BETTER IBO®/TITAN Micropiles • One step fast installation • Simultaneous drilling and grouting • Smaller equipment at lower cost • Low overhead and limited access installation • Ground improvement (densification) • Higher skin friction • Total corrosion protection Also available in Solid Bars. www.micro-piles.com Toll Free 1.888.818.4826 DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 87 ADV.2009.02(7,5x10) 27-10-2009 8:44 Pagina 2 www.treviicos.com C M Y CM MY CY CMY K securing the past maintaining the present Diavik Diamond Mine., Canada Tuttle Creek Dam, KS WTC Transportation Hub East Bathtub Slurry Wall, NY building the future dam rehabilitation • slurry walls • cutoff walls • secant piles • caissons • jet grouting • soil mixing • soil improvement • auger cast piles Headquarters: 38 Third Avenue • Charlestown, MA 02129 • Phone 617.241.4800 main brands: 88 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 Q&A COLUMN Software for Soil Nail Wall Design Q To the Tiebacks & Soil Nailing Committee from Luis Castillo of SOILTEC, S.A. Hope this answers your questions. Also, please note that GEC #8 is an FHWA document and available from their website. Can you recommend good software for soil nail wall design? A Frederick Slack Richard Goettle, Inc. Three that come to mind are SNAILZ, GoldNail and UTEXAS. Each has different features/characteristics that you may find useful. Be sure you understand the design process behind any new computer program you use. Understand the input data you use and the results the program provides. Check a previously successful design with the new program. Be sure you can fully understand and trust your use of the new program. A Terence P. Holman Moretrench The previous reply is entirely correct. There are many programs out there, but they ultimately do not have to arrive at the same solution or margin of safety/stability. One important thing to recognize is that the calculation model working in the background is what leads to most of the differences between the software programs. Most of the dedicated soil nailing design programs do not have the most robust slope stability engines in the background. I will frequently perform a design for both internal and global stability using SNAIL or GoldNail and check it with a general slope stability program like SLIDE5 or UTEXAS. Editor’s Note: The excerpt from the document provided was 8 pages in length and cannot be fully reproduced here, however, the section dealing with the length of the rebar cage follows: “Reinforcing steel for CFA piles typically consists of two different sections: 1) a top section that consists of a full cage configuration of multiple longitudinal bars and transverse spirals or ties; and 2) a bottom section that consists of a single longitudinal bar along the centerline of the pile that extends the full length of the pile. The top section of the reinforcement must extend to a depth that is below the area where large bending moments take place. It is recommended that the depth of full cage reinforcement be set to the inflexion point in the displacement profile (i.e., second point of zero displacement with depth) obtained from the lateral load analysis.” Structural Design of ACIP Pile Shaft Q Jacobus Gertenbach, an attendee at a DFI Augered Cast-in-Place Pile Short Course commented on the course One thing I felt was missing from the course is the structural design of the ACIP pile shaft, with particular reference to minimum cage lengths. The GEC #8 is not very clear on the topic. Although I agree with what is said in the document, it is difficult to explain that to a structural engineer. Can you point me in the right direction on this matter or refer me to a publication that gives a rule of thumb? A Matthew Meyer Langan Engineering & Environmental Services Attached is an excerpt from GEC #8 regarding the structural design of ACIP Piles. This can be used as an initial guide to the structural design of ACIP Piles. The concept for design of the pile member under combined loading as well as the suggested procedure for determining the required length of the full section reinforcing cage is included in the attached document. • Diaphragm/Cut-Off Walls • Micro Piles • Soil Mixed Walls • Drilled Shafts/Caissons • CSV/Ground Improvement • Secant Walls • Flood Control Systems • Driven Ductile Piles • Earth Support Systems • Drilled Displacement Piles BAUER Foundation Corp. 1-800-270-0313 EMAIL: info@bauerfoundations.com WEBSITE: www.bauerfoundations.com LEADERS IN FOUNDATION SOLUTIONS DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 89 Soil Anchor Drilled Bulb Diameter Q Zenon Markewycz Skyline Steel I am in the process of designing soil anchors that will be pressure grouted into medium sands. I would like to know if there is any general practice or “rules of thumb” that can be used to determine the diameter of the drilled bulb size in relation to the diameter of the threaded bar that we are using? For example, say I have a 1-inOD threaded bar, what would be an approximate drilled hole diameter for the pressure grouted bulb? A Frank Amend Geobrugg North America The post tensioning institute has a manual that we use to design the diameter and length of the grout column. You need to know what your pull-out resistance needs to be and then you can take the friction of your grout/ground interaction layer to determine the diameter and length required with a safety factor. A Terence P. Holman Moretrench The decision of what design diameter to assume for tieback anchors is a function of a number of variables. The initial diameter, prior to any pressure grouting, regrouting or post-grouting, is related to the drilling technology and selected diameter of the drill casing and inner drill bit. This, in turn, can be a decision based on the type and size of the anchor tendon(s) to be inserted into the casing, among other factors. Typical casing OD sizes used in practice are 114 mm, 133 mm and 152 mm for conventionally-sized bar and strand tendon anchors. It is suggested that you contact a supplier and fabricator of tieback anchors for specific details based on their product line. Your stated 1 in threadbar would easily fit into a 114 mm casing if not a smaller casing, depending on whether a regrout tube is needed. The various types of pressure grouting used in tieback anchor construction are not typically used to increase an assumed uniform bond zone diameter, but rather to increase lateral stresses, grout penetration and create an irregular load transfer surface. A practical design and specification would indicate the service anchor load to be achieved, minimum free stressing and bond length, a minimum diameter, the anchor tendon type and required level of corrosion protection, and the test load and acceptance criteria. The final determination of the anchor configuration, design and grouting method should be left to a specialty contractor as a decision based on drilling technique, ground conditions, etc. The Q&As are selected from the DFI Committee website forum pages. The information and opinions are those of the committee member respondents and do not necessarily represent the position of the entire committee or the DFI. 90 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 CONSOLIDATED PIPE & SUPPLY CO., INC. STRUCTURAL DIVISION -Steel Pipe -All Sizes and Specifications -Cut to Length -Tested Material -Mill Certification -Coating and Lining to all Specifications -Applications for: Piling, Foundation, Marine, Bridge, Tunnel Bore Casing, Micropile -Sheet Piling -Prompt Delivery CONSOLIDATED PIPE & SUPPLY 1205 HILLTOP PARKWAY BIRMINGHAM, AL 35204 WATS BUS. FAX Cell 1-800-467-7261 (205) 323-7261 (205) 251-7838 (205) 739-1211 BRIAN ROGERS brogers@consolidatedpipe.com CONSOLIDATED PIPE & SUPPLY CO., INC. “DEDICATED TO SERVICE” DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 91 92 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 GEO-INSTRUMENTS PIEZOMETERS WMPBX SYSTEM GEOTECHNICAL INSTRUMENTATION AND SYSTEMS FOR MONITORING MOVEMENT WIRELESS TILTMETERS OF STRUCTURES AND SOIL AMTS SYSTEM INCLINOMETERS STRAIN GAUGES WISE NETWORKS CRACKMETERS LASER SCANNING ARGUS WEB BASED MONITORING SOFTWARE AGENTS FOR: PILETEST SOIL INSTRUMENTS JEAN LUTZ WWW.GEO-INSTRUMENTS.COM NARRAGANSETT RI SEATTLE WA T. 800.477.2506 F. 401.633.6021 DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 93 CALENDAR AD INDEX American Commercial/DSI . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 American Piledriving Equipment . . . . . . . . 40 Anderson Drilling. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 Atlas Copco. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Atlas Tube. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Bauer Foundation Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Bay Shore Systems, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Ben C. Gerwick, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Berkel & Company Contractors, Inc . . . . . . 72 Bermingham Foundation Solutions . . . . . . 68 Brasfond Fundacoes Especials SA . . . . . . . . . 4 Brayman Construction Corporation . . . . . . 23 Casagrande USA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Center Rock Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 CETCO Construction Drilling Products . . . . 67 Con-Tech Systems Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Consolidated Pipe and Supply. . . . . . . . . . . 91 Dahil Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 DBM Contactors Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Deltares. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Dywidag Systems International USA, Inc.. . 29 EE Cruz & Company, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 Emeca/SPEusa, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Equipment Corporation of America . . . . . . 70 Foundation Technologies, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 85 Foundation Testing and Consulting, LLC . . 44 Fugro Consultants, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 GEI Consultants, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Geo-Instruments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85, 93 Geokon, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 GeoSciences Testing and Research, Inc. . . . 33 Goettle, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 GRL Engineers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Grout Systems Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Haley & Aldrich Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Hardman Construction, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Hayward Baker Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Hennessy International, Inc. . . . . . . . . 21, 45 Illini Drilled Foundations, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . 85 ICE, International Construction Equipment . . 64 Kelly Tractor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 Langan Engineering & Environmental Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 L.B. Foster Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18, 66 L.G. Barcus and Sons, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Ledcor Group of Companies . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Loadtest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Maeda USA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Magnus Pacific Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Mait, SpA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 McKinney Drilling Company . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Menard (DGI-Menard) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Moffatt & Nichol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Monotube Pile Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Morris-Shea Bridge Company, Inc. . . . . . . . 95 Mueser Rutledge Consulting Engineers . . . 83 Municon Consultants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Naylor Pipe Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Nicholson Construction Company. . . . . . . . 39 PDSCo, Inc (Polymer Drilling Systems) . . . . 56 PennDrill Manufacturing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Pile Dynamics, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 Pileco, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Pile Protection Tops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 RST Instruments, Ltd. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Shaft Drillers International . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Skyline Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Star Iron Works, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 Steven M. Hain Co., Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Subsurface Constructors, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Soilmec North America, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Tectonic Engineering & Surveying Consultants, P.C.. . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Timber Piling Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Treviicos Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Underpinning & Foundation Skanska. . . . . 65 Vibroflotation & Geotechnical Nigeria Ltd 84 Viking Helical Anchors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 VMS-Profound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Watson Drill Rigs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Williams Form Engineering Corp. . . . . . . . 46 WIRTH/Aker Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 94 • DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 DFI Events May 2010 6-7 Soil Nailing & Tieback Earth Retention Seminar Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort, Phoenix, AZ 26-28 DFI-EFFC International Conference: Geotechnical Challenges in Urban Regeneration The ExCel Center, London, U.K. June 2010 10-11 Super Pile 2010 Astor Crowne Plaza, New Orleans, LA July 2010 12 Drilled Shafts Specialty Seminar Embassy Suites Bloomington, Minneapolis, MN 12 DFI Educational Trust 5th Annual Golf Outing Chartiers Country Club, Pittsburgh, PA TBD Slurry Walls for Cutoffs Seminar Sacramento, CA September 2010 17 CSCE/DFI 13th Annual Geotechnical Seminar The Hawthorne Inn, Berlin, CT TBD Deep Mixing Short Course New Orleans, LA October 2010 12 Sustainability Seminar: Save Money and Save the Planet Renaissance Hollywood Hotel & Spa, Hollywood, CA 12 Practical Deep Foundation Design and Construction for Seismic and Lateral Loads Short Course Renaissance Hollywood Hotel & Spa, Hollywood, CA 12 Ground Improvement Technology and Applications Renaissance Hollywood Hotel & Spa, Hollywood, CA 12-15 35th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations Renaissance Hollywood Hotel & Spa, Hollywood, CA Go to www.dfi.org/conference.asp for up-to-date information on DFI Events. Industry Events A complete list of industry events can be found at www.dfi.org/events.asp DEEP FOUNDATIONS • SPRING 2010 • 95 DFI ITUTE ST EP FO U DE TIONS DA I N N Deep Foundations Institute 326 Lafayette Avenue Hawthorne, NJ 07506 USA 973-423-4030 Fax 973-423-4031 PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID FOLCROFT, PA PERMIT #100 Permeation Grouting Used in Construction of Cut-off Wall in Alluvial Soils
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