newsletter - St Charbel`s College


newsletter - St Charbel`s College
Early Stage 1 Coordinator
Ms Marie-Claire Hawwa
Term 2 is well under way and we have noticed a growth spurt in Kindergarten! Amazingly all students have returned from the holidays a little
taller and a little wiser!
The Kindergarten Human Society and Its Environment unit this Term is Places We Know and Like to Visit and the students will be attending
their first school excursion to Manly Ocean World and Manly Beach on Wednesday the 26th May. This will give the students the opportunity to
see the city, the beach, the park and the aquarium and to build knowledge and vocabulary associated with these special places.
Just a reminder that as the cold weather sets in please ensure that your child is warm enough at school and that their name is on all jumpers
and jackets. If your child presents with a runny nose, a cough or headache etc please keep them at home until they are well again. This will
prevent sickness spreading. Happy Mother‟s Day!!
Stage 1 Coordinator
Ms Sue Durham
Anzac Day is a very important part of Australian history and I am always pleased to see St Charbel‟s College embrace Australian traditions
by commemorating such events. This year, the SRC presented a beautiful paraliturgy with photos, prayers and
music which made it a very reverent, solemn occasion. Thank you to all involved. The cross shown here was a
Year 2 Anzac Day activity.
Term 2 has seen the start of our weekly themes on Values. Week 1 „s theme was “Manners” and “Respect”. It is
not just up to us at school to promote these values in our children. The home is the first place of learning and I‟m
sure parents are aware of the importance of having good manners and showing respect. Here are some views on
our theme from members of Year 2A.
Listen, follow the rules, play nicely, use manners.
Listen to each other, look after our bodies, don‟t hit or push anyone.
Respect God, our parents and teachers, each other, the environment, rules.
Remember to always say “please”, “thank you” and “may I?”
Good things for ALL of us to remember! Looking forward to promoting more values as the term progresses.
Stage 2 Coordinator
Mrs Mary Anton
Congratulations to the following students who received Achievement Awards in Term 1. It is pleasing to see the smiling faces
of students when they come up to receive their award. I am looking forward to handing out many more awards this term. Keep
up the good work!
Initiative in the Classroom: Monier Khalil, Jesse McGahan, Danielle El-Azzi, Antonio El-Kazi, Micha Chaghoury and Paloma
Initiative in the Classroom in ARABIC: Bianca Love, Maribelle Matar, Nathan El-Azzi, Maggie Al-Alam, Tania Estephan and Mariam
Excellent Conduct: Mary Azzi and Jivan Saliba. Selena Chidiac and Peter Abou-Saleh. Tia Najem and Chris Ters. Perla Sadaka and
Mathew Khalil. Rochelle El-Helou and John Chalita. Christine Antoun and Charbel Azzi.
Stage 3 Coordinator
Miss Elizabeth Woodin
Welcome back to the start of Term 2 which promises to
be a very busy and exciting term for the students of
Stage 3.
Year 5 NAPLAN – Good luck to all students as they
prepare to write the National Testing exams. Thank you
to all the teachers for their hard work in preparing the
students and thank you to the students themselves for
their enthusiasm and co-operation.
Year 6 Excursion to Stanwell Tops – A very exciting
time for the Year 6 students as they pack their bags for
their two night excursion! Thank you to all parents for their prompt payment of
costs. We will have some excellent photos in next month‟s newsletter. We are
abseiling, carting, swinging on a giant swing and climbing vertical ropes. We
can‟t wait!!
Reports and Assessment – Students will be assessed continuously
throughout the term in preparation for the end of semester report. Please
ensure that your children are organised, have a proper work space at home,
and are coping with the workload. Feel free to make appointments with
teachers should this not be the case. Students: Keep working, the end is in
ANZAC Day – Thank you to the members of the SRC for their hard work in preparing the ANZAC Day ceremony.
Easter Competition – Thank you to all students for their participation in the Colouring-In Competition. The SRC had a very difficult job of
judging the entries. Well done to all the winners and thank you to the SRC for their wonderful organisation.
Term 2, Week 3 - 4 May 2010
Rector’s Message
R ev F r A n toi ne T ar a b ay
Dear parents and guardians,
Welcome back to Term 2. I trust that
the holidays were a welcome break
and that families were able to enjoy the
time together and we look forward to
the many exciting learning experiences
planned for the term ahead. As always,
we encourage all the parents to be
active partners in their child‟s learning.
As you have mostly likely noticed, the
Multi-Purpose Hall is coming along.
Over the holidays, the first phase of the
laying of concrete was completed. The
expected date of completion is December 2010. This project will
provide a much-needed indoor space for sports and activities for our
students. We appreciate your cooperation and your compliance with
all the safety procedures to ensure your safety.
Over the holidays, it was announced that Venerable Brother
Estephan Nehme will be beatified on the 27th of June 2010 following
the unanimous vote of the panel of physicians and specialists that
reviews canonization cases at the Vatican. This decision by the
Pope is a precious spiritual gift to the Church of Lebanon and to the
Maronites and the Church as a whole. Brother Estephan lived an
exemplary life of a devoted and loving monk filled with devotions and
sacrifices for others.
The month of May is, in a particular way, dedicated to Mary, the
Mother of God and our Mother. When Jesus, dying in agony on the
Cross, said to St John, "This is your mother", he was not merely
entrusting Mary to John's care, but also making Mary the spiritual
mother of all followers of Christ. She is an example of perfect
There could not be a month more suited to celebrate Mother‟s Day
than the month of Mary. On this occasion, I would like to wish all
mothers a Happy Mother’s Day! We pray for all mothers that they
may fully embrace their immense role in the lives of their children
and families.
"The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world."
-- William Ross Wallace
Issue 4
Principal’s Message
R ev F r Jo se ph S lei m a n
Welcome to Term 2 and I hope that
you and your family had a pleasant
Easter break. There is so much to look
forward to in Term 2: Year 6 Camp,
Sports Carnivals, excursions, Primary
disco dance and many other activities
to name a few.
On the 28th April, our Secondary
School students enjoyed a fun-filled
day at The Crest in Bass Hill for their
Athletics Carnival. Teachers and
students had a great time as they competed in different sports. Our
appreciation goes to the Sports Department and all the High School
teachers for organizing this day. Congratulations to the Green team
and good luck to the other teams in the coming years!
On another note, our Year 3 students have started preparing for their
First Holy Communion which will take place on the 12 th of
September 2010. Our school places great importance on the First
Holy Communion because the reception of the Eucharist is one of
the most important events in any child‟s faith development. We keep
them in our thoughts and prayers.
A new procedure that has been put in place at the beginning of this
term is the locking of all school gates between 9.00am and
3.00pm. This is to ensure the safety and security of all our children.
If you need to access the premises between those times, please go
to the front office for a visitor‟s pass.
The month of May is already here, a month which the Church has
long dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. This is the month during
which Christians, in their churches and their homes, venerate the
Virgin Mother and ask for God‟s immense graces through Her
intercession. On this occasion, I would also like to wish all mothers a
Happy Mother’s Day! May all the mothers, in the image of Mary,
lead their families to Holiness and dedicate some daily time to pray
together as our Holy Mother asks in her apparitions in Fatima, „Pray,
pray a lot…‟. May She who experienced the cares and hardships of
earthly life and the sorrows of Calvary, come to aid the needs of the
Church and all Her children.
“Say the Rosary every day...
Pray, pray a lot and offer sacrifices for sinners...
I'm Our Lady of the Rosary.
Only I will be able to help you.
...In the end My Immaculate Heart will triumph."
Our Lady at Fatima
142 Highclere Avenue, Punchbowl NSW 2196
Email: Tel: 9740 0999 Fax: 9740 0900
Deputy Principal Secondary School
Mr Jaim e Rod rigu ez
Primary LOTE Report
Miss Roly Maroun
As we begin Term 2 of the academic year we prepare ourselves for a term of hard work. We begin with an evening with Year 12 parent/
teacher interviews on Tuesday 4th of May. We invite all parents of Year 12 students to take this opportunity to discuss the progress of their
child. This is a precious opportunity to plan strategies to help Y12 students succeed in their HSC endeavours. Teachers will be available to
speak to parents from 3.30pm till 7.00 pm.
The athletics carnival has been a success in bringing students together to share in the spirit of their House colour and participate in the
events. We thank the Sports coordinator, Mr Zalloua, as well as all the teachers for the coordination and running of this event.
I had the opportunity to attend a P&F meeting last week and it was great to see the enthusiasm of some parents to support the work of the
school. I would encourage all parents in our community to take part in the initiatives organized by the P&F, knowing that their efforts ultimately
benefit all our students. It may be worth reminding parents that we have a common purpose in mind, namely, the success of our children.
.‫تصميم بطاقاث دعوة لمناسباث مختلفت‬
.‫إخبار بعض القصص عن الحيواناث‬
.‫وصف الطبيعت في كل فصل من فصول السنت‬
I pray that wisdom and strength of our Lord may be with all of us this term.
Deputy Principal Primary School
Mr Joh n K lum pp
It is good to be back at school for Term 2. The beginning of term has been made all the more easier for us all, with a long weekend the second
week back.
I hope that we all enjoyed the time off and had a chance to relax, because there will be many events to keep us busy again this term:
* Year 6 camp for three days
* Mother‟s Day stall
*Mother‟s Day mass and morning tea
* NAPLAN testing for Years 3 & 5
* Year 3 Communion meeting
* Primary school athletics carnival
* Allwell testing for Year 6
As well as the usual excursions and sporting events throughout the term (and don‟t forget report at the end of term).
Please support your children where possible and please come along and enjoy any events that you can.
Looking forward to seeing everyone again this term.
Counsellor's Corner
Ms Rebe cca A r ida
Behaviour Management
At times, as parents, we find it difficult to manage our child‟s behaviour. This may be due to our child either choosing to ignore our requests or
responding to our requests in a less desirable manner. The following is a short list of strategies we can use to reduce unwanted and increase
wanted behaviours:
As soon as the unwanted behaviour occurs, stop what you are doing and gain your child‟s attention.
Clearly and firmly tell your child to immediately stop what they are doing and then calmly provide them with an explanation of a more appropriate behaviour.
If your child complies with your instructions, praise cooperation and/or provide a reward.
If your child does not comply, warn them that there will be consequences and explain what the consequences are.
If they still choose not to comply, provide the consequence immediately (no give and take). Some consequences include, removing TV/
internet/phone privileges or providing time out (child is asked to sit in a corner with his/her face to the wall for 10mins).
*Please note that it is important to reward and punish your child consistently. This helps your child learn which behaviours produce a desirable
outcome and which don‟t.
P & F Corner
Mr Joe Labban– President
Welcome back everyone! We are pleased to say that the 1st stage
of the playground paintings was started in the Primary undercover
assembly area. The feedback from parents is very positive and the
kids just love them. The P & F would like to thank all parents for
their generosity during our fund raising activities which have allowed
us to further contribute to our great school.
Next Major Event:
Primary School Dance:
Friday 30th April ~6.30pm to 10.30pm
Mothers Day Stall: Thursday 6th May
Mothers Day Mass and Morning Tea: Friday 7th May
Next P & F meeting:Tuesday 18th May 7.30pm . All welcome
I look forward to hearing your suggestions/comments in person, by
the following phone or email: 0413 64 11 69
School Fees
May 2010
Mon, 3-Wed 5 Year 6 Camp
Tues, 4
Year 12 Report Card Evening
Mon, 10 Year 7 Vaccinations
Tues 11– Thurs 13 Naplan
Mon, 31 Primary Athletics Carnival
Bankstown City Council
Come and Try ‘JOGGING AND WALKING’ free of charge throughout the month of May 2010 and find out more information about
jogging and walking in your local area.
Everyone who registers and takes part in a „Come and Try Jogging
and Walking‟ session throughout the month of May will receive a
FREE Active Bankstown Gift.
For more information about „Sport A Month‟ please visit or call Council on 97079641.
Bankstown City council has teamed up with Sydney South Area
Health Service (SWSAHS), Bankstown Sports Cycling Club, Bike
South West, Bicycle and Cycling NSW to host a FREE cycling event
in the Bankstown Local Government Area on Saturday 8 May 2010.
Everyone is welcome, no matter what age or cycling ability. The
event will commence at 9.00am.
For more information about the „Bike around Bankstown‟ event,
please contact Council‟s Recreation Officer on 97079641.
NSW GOVERNMENT ~ Transport & Infrastructure
MyZone fares and tickets Student Travel passes
Second instalment for school fees is now due.
Payments may be paid in cash, cheque, EFTPOS,
credit card or directly into our bank account.
Arrangements may also be made via Centrelink.
Well it‟s that time of year again when our school seriously starts talking
about walking!
Not only is walking a wonderful way to get you where you want to be, but it
also gets your health – and your child‟s health on the right track too. So
that‟s why this year our school is participating in National Walk Safely to
School Day on Friday 7 May 2010. Walk Safely to School Day asks that
we all consider our transport habits and try to incorporate more walking as
part of a healthy, active way to get around. And although walking all the
way to school isn‟t realistic for many of us, it‟s quite easy to figure out how
you can build a walk into your family‟s daily routine.
You can teach your child the healthy habit of walking more by:
‐ Walking with them the whole way to school
‐ If they get the bus or train, walk past your usual stop and get on at the
next stop
‐ If you have to drive, park the car a few blocks away from the school and
walk the rest of the way.
Regular exercise like walking with your child not only helps them (and you!)
beat chronic problems like obesity, heart disease, behavioural and mental
health issues and diabetes. It also gives you a great opportunity to teach
your child safe ways to behave around roads and traffic.
Remember, Active Kids are Healthy Kids so get planning your own Walk
Safely to School Day journey for Friday 7 May 2010!
For more information, visit
Learn Music on Keyboard at School
A BIG thank you to the P&F who have
supplied the funds to purchase: two
SmartBoards on Year 3 L & C, as well
as Year 2 S and for the organisation
of the playground paintings that the
children are enjoying every day
* Music theory * Instrument playing
* Ensemble practice * Fun music games
* 45 mins lesson weekly, small group
* Instrument not required initially
*$22 (gst incl.) per session
* Music material included
Smart Kids Love Music!
Call to enroll: 9411 3122 (VIP Music est. 1984)
The NSW Government is introducing an easier and simpler fare
and ticket structure for public transport starting on 18 April 2010
called MyZone.
The School Student Transport Scheme (SSTS) and the concessions currently available for students will not be affected.
However, school students travelling outside the valid hours of their
school pass will need to buy a concession MyTrain, MyBus, MyFerry or MyMulti ticket.
For more information about any aspect of MyZone, including fares,
ticket types, ticket travel boundaries or where you buy tickets please
visit our website at or call 131500.