Issue 5 - 8 April 2016
Issue 5 - 8 April 2016
news The THE LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL Upcoming Events APRIL WEEK 11A Fri 8 Last day of Term 1 WEEK 12B Mon 25 Tues 26 ANZAC Day Drumline March at Kingscliff RSL March at Tweed Heads First day of Term 2 Wed 27 Primary Hockey - CIS Thurs 28 Fri 29 Sat 30 Cross Country Years 3 - 12 Cross Country Preschool - Year 2 Edutest Scholarship Testing Lindisfarne Phone Numbers Mahers Lane Campus Years 5 - 12 (07) 5590 5099 Sunshine Avenue Campus Preschool - Year 4 (07) 5523 1143 Absentee Line (07) 5590 5927 LINDISFARNE UNIFORM SHOP OPENING HOURS APRIL SCHOOL HOLIDAYS CLOSED Monday 11 April - Friday 15 April OPEN DAYS Monday 18 April 7.45am - 1.30pm Tuesday 19 April 1.00pm - 5.00pm Thursday 21 April 7.45am - 1.30pm Monday 25 April - CLOSED news Term 1: Week 11A 8/04/2016 Primary Edition From the Head of Primary Term 1 Thank you I would like to thank all of the wonderful volunteers who have so selflessly given of their time to support the children – our Support A Reader tutors, classroom helpers and the hard working gardeners who have done such an amazing job establishing the new and relocated vegetable garden beds. Enjoy a well deserved rest during these holidays and I look forward to seeing you all next term. Farewell Mrs Guerin As we come to the end of Term 1, it is time to farewell our Acting Principal, Mrs Kitty Guerin. I would like to thank Mrs Guerin for her support and leadership over the past three terms. We look forward to welcoming our new Principal, Mr Stuart Marquardt and his family to the School next term. Best Wishes Mrs Campton We wish Mrs Skylie Campton all the very best for the imminent birth of her baby. Skylie leaves us on Friday to begin her journey into motherhood. We welcome Mrs Michelle Perkins who will be teaching Kindergarten Geckos in Skylie’s absence. Easter Week Fundraiser Thank you to all the families who supported the exchanging of Easter egg giving to a gold coin donation for the Kids in Need organisation in the week leading up to Easter. A total of $200.50 was raised for this worthy cause. ANZAC Day ANZAC Day is of great significance to many people around the world. It is particularly important in the Australian calendar. Not only is it a time to remember those who landed on the beaches at Gallipoli at dawn on 25 April 1915, but it is a time to remember and reflect on all those affected by war and conflict over the years. As this important day approaches, I thought it would be interesting to see what our children think ANZAC Day was all about. Here are some of their thoughts: ‘It is about the people who fight for the war.’ Poppy, KT ‘It is about people who died in the war and so we can celebrate how they saved our island, Australia.’ Lucas and William, 1JH ‘It is about the teddy bears and the army who fought the war. We eat ANZAC cookies – YUM!’ Leo, 2D © The contents of this newsletter are subject to copyright. For permission to reproduce any article or extract, please email The LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL ‘It is a day to celebrate the Australian and New Zealand soldiers who fought for our lives and our country; for what is right for us and for a better and happy country. They ate ANZAC biscuits because they were the only thing that would last a long time.’Jamie 3W and Arlia 3T ‘It is about the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps and to celebrate all the people from Australia and New Zealand who died in the war.’ Nelson, 4A ‘I reflect on how tough it must have been for soldiers and how it’s difficult for anybody who wasn’t there to understand. ANZAC Day is a significant day for citizens of Australia and New Zealand because it is a day where we pay respect to those who sacrificed their lives for us.’ Thomas, 5D ‘ANZAC Day is about remembering the people we lost in the wars. It’s also about remembering the courage and bravery of all the people who fought for our freedom.’ Ella, 6FG ANZAC Day March – Monday, 25 April Students and parents wishing to participate in the ANZAC day march are required to assemble on the corner of Boundary and Coral Street, Tweed Heads, (the Eastern corner of the Jack Evans Boat Harbour). Please note, this is different to previous years. Students need to arrive by 10:00am ready for a 10:20am start. The proceedings usually conclude by 12:30pm. Full formal school uniform is required (including hats and ties). It is suggested you also carry a bottle of water. Term 2 and 3 Uniform A reminder ties are a compulsory item of the School uniform across Terms 2 & 3 for students Year 3 onwards. Refer to attachment on how to tie a tie. Brain Builder Awards Congratulations to this fortnight’s Brain Builders: Dylan Marshall Rodan Harper Preston Duggan Benjamin Dowker James Warner Monique McDougall Archie Wilson Leo Lush Thomas Cunnah Phoenix Lacey Shakyah Jordan Student Led Conferences Promote a Growth Mindset Student led parent teacher interviews, which have replaced the more traditional model of parents and teachers discussing a student while he or she is not present, place learning centre stage. Students prepare by reflecting on their academic and social news growth, work habits and behaviour. Together with their teachers, they set goals that are personally meaningful and achievable. Across Preschool to Year 6 we are promoting a culture of learning that incorporates the core values of student voice and ownership, ongoing assessment and the importance of the reflective process. All of which strongly promotes a growth mindset. In a growth mindset, students believe that their abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work – brains and talent are just the starting point. This view fosters a love of learning and resilience that is essential for great accomplishment. Michele Chandler Head of Primary Staff Profile Ms Michelle Perkins, Kindergarten Geckos Teacher I am delighted to have been offered the very special role of Kindergarten Teacher, as Mrs Skylie Campton prepares to welcome her new baby! outdoor space! I intend to provide the Kindergarten Geckos with a sense of continuity following their successful first term, as well as lots of new and exciting learning experiences utilising the fabulous new I have had the pleasure of working and studying in Early Childhood Education for the past 12 years and experienced many different settings from primary schools, early learning centres and out of school hours care. Early Childhood Education is not only my profession - it is a passion. I enjoy celebrating childrens’ achievements and facilitating them to reach their full potential in all aspects of their lives. I have two children, Ava and Garrett, with husband Craig. Most of our spare time is enjoying family time in the great outdoors; camping, travelling, swimming and surfing. I also have personal interests in reading, visual arts and sustainable living. I am looking forward to meeting all of the Lindisfarne community! The LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL From the Chaplain news ELC News Harmony Week Celebrations “Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?” By the time you read this newsletter, the answer to that question (if there is holidays) will be yes!! When we came back from Easter weekend it seemed that many people had started easing into holiday mode, and then had to be jolted out of it again because we still had nine days of term left. The false start to holiday mode and the resulting tiredness during last week indicated that many people were well and truly ready for a break. Research published recently on the ABC website suggested on average adults sleep for 7.2 to 7.3 hours. Yet when people were let sleep until they couldn’t sleep anymore, the average was 8.25 hours. So with a lot of us potentially an hour short of shut-eye every day of our normal routines, the end of term might be a time to pay homage to sleep’s remarkable restorative powers. It can be challenging, especially when parents still have to work every day, but even when parents are on holidays too, it seems that quite often we try to pack so much into our holiday breaks that we come back from holidays needing a holiday! Take some time these holidays to sleep and truly rest from activity, and give your body the top-up it probably needs and deserves. I hope and pray that your holiday time proves to be restful and renewing. Last week, the Preschool children celebrated Harmony Week by doing activities that focused on the message ‘everyone belongs’. Hiromi ‘Mimi’ (Mikiyo’s mum) talked to us about how different colours can represent emotions, with orange being the colour of harmony. It represents happiness, sunshine, and respect for others. She taught us how to use wool to make colourful pom poms to create a group artwork. She discussed cultural diversity and that it is important to be nice to each other and respect differences in others. The Preschoolers also had a visit from a local Indigenous Australian - Lucas Proudfoot, who showed the children how to play the didgeridoo and shared some interesting facts about the origin of the instrument and how they are made. The children had lots of laughs dancing to the rhythm and creating body movements to mimic dingoes, kangaroos and emus. “Be still and know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10 God Bless. Rev Chad Jo Hetherington Director of Early Learning Centre The LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Last week the ‘Gardening Angels’, a group of dedicated parents and grandparents, led by Kate Rogers and Sasha Chong, came again to move soil, install irrigation and make paths so that the garden beds are ready for cultivation at the start of Term 2. Many thanks to this wonderful band of volunteers as well as to Boyd’s Bay Landscape Supplies for helping with soil, cracker dust and mulch, Andrew Tribe for moving all the cracker dust with his bobcat and Justin Enright and Michael Stanton-Cook for helping out with the edging and irrigation of the garden beds. news Stage 3 News At the conclusion of this week, our Stage 3 Swimming program will end. It has been a worthwhile experience for students as they improved their skills and confidence in the water. Behaviour at the pool is a credit to all students who conducted themselves respectfully and engaged with staff enthusiastically. Thank you to all parents and guardians who attended our Stage 3 Open Classrooms last week. Year 6 investigated irreversible changes through a series of experiments in the Science Laboratories, including making delicious ice cream to observe the changes in state, while Year 5 explored heroes in narratives and short films and shared personal stories about heroes in their own families. We will host Open Classrooms again in Term 2, please keep an eye out for details next term. Finally, student led conferences conclude this week. Parents, students and their teachers have sat together over the past two weeks and reflected on the term that was and together, have negotiated and set goals for Term 2. We warmly thank all parents who attended these sessions, we value your support and input. I wish everyone a restful break. I hope the next two weeks allows you the time to relax before School resumes again on 26 April. Sarah Rolfe Stage 3 Coordinator The Year 3 and 4 classes also had the opportunity get muddy and work towards preparing our garden bed. Not only did they learn how to be safe with a shovel, but also how to manoeuvre a wheel barrow full of soil. A number of students also became experts at searching and finding nut grass roots from the recycled soil before it was placed in the new gardens. It was a fabulous day and all the children are to be commended for their amazing teamwork. They are all very excited about being able to get out into the garden again soon! CAPA News Private Instrumental/Vocal/Speech and Drama Tuition Any student who is not continuing private lessons in Term 2 are to ensure they provide written notification immediately to either Ms Tina Ross, Coordinator of Performing Arts P-4, or Tania Wilhelm, Administration Assistant Creative and Performing Arts twilhelm@lindisfarne.nsw. If no notification is received it is assumed lessons will continue in Term 2 and you will be invoiced accordingly. Early Learning Centre – Speech and Drama Groups Mrs Kim Shepherd will commence speech and drama groups for children in Preschool and Kindergarten in Term 2. If you have not yet lodged an The LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL application form, please do so immediately to ensure your students place. Forms can be obtained from the Sunshine Avenue Administration or emailing Mrs Tania Wilhelm at Charlotte Lush Director of CAPA Sports News Cross Country The Cross Country for students in Years 3 - 12 and those students in Year 2 who turn eight (8) years of age this year, will be held at the Mahers Lane Campus on Thursday, 28 April (Week 1, Term 2). Students participate in the age category of the age they turn in the 2016 calendar year. An outline of the primary events is listed below. Please note times are subject to change: 9.20am 10 year girls 9.40am 10 year boys 10.00am 8/9 year girls 10.20am 8/9 year boys (Senior school age races in between these times). 1.40pm 11 year girls 2.00pm 11 year boys 2.15pm 12 year girls 2.30pm 12 year boys All students from the Sunshine Avenue Campus will come to school as normal and will then travel by bus to the Mahers Lane Campus. This is to assist with duty of care. After the event, all students in Years 2, 3 & 4 will then travel back to the Sunshine Avenue Campus. Morning tea will be held when the students return, approximately 11.30am. The P and F Association will have a stall selling home baked goods and coffee throughout the morning. Soccer Congratulations to James Hillman, Finn Armstrong, Riley and Finnegan Wagner who represented the NCIS at the CIS Soccer Championships on Monday. news The team beat CSSA – the defending Champions 2-1 with James scoring one of the goals. They then drew v HICES 1-1 but lost to IPSHA 3-0. More goals followed from Riley and James with a 4-0 win over SASSA. Touch On Tuesday, 3 May the NCIS Touch Championships are to be held at Hepburn Park, Lismore. Lindisfarne will field both an Open Primary Boys and Girls teams. Swimming Flynn Southam competed in the Primary NSW Swimming Championships for Lindisfarne, NCIS and CIS on Wednesday. He qualified fifth fastest for the 50m final and finished fifth in the State with a new Personal Best of 30.60 seconds. Gay Maynard Director of PDHPE Enrolments & Scholarships Enrolments Enrolments for 2017 are now open. The Admissions Officer will be making contact with current families with children registered for enrolment into the School in 2017. Should your child/children not be registered please submit an enrolment application as soon as possible. Enrolment application forms can be downloaded from Please refer to the application checklist located on the back page as full documentation is required at the time of submission. Scholarships Lindisfarne offers Academic Scholarships for current students who are entering Year 5 and Year 7 in 2017. Current students entering Year 7 next year can also apply for Music & Performing Arts Scholarships. Scholarships are also available for new students considering Lindisfarne for 2017. All students, both new and current, are required to sit an academic exam conducted by EduTest as part of their scholarship application. Scholarship Applications close Friday, 22 April 2016. For further information visit www.lindisfarne.nsw. or contact the Admissions Officer on (07) 5590 5099. Front row: Second left James Hillman, Finn Armstrong, GK, Far right Riley Wagner with brother Finnegan inside of him. Simon McKinley Director of Marketing & Enrolments The LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL P & F News news Sunshine Avenue Coffee Van Alastair from 11th Hour Coffee will be back at the Sunshine Avenue Campus every Tuesday morning commencing Term 2, Week 2 (3 May) from 8.00am. Mother’s Day Stall - Gift Wrapping On Wednesday, 27 April the P&F Mother’s Day stall is having a gift wrapping day at the Sunshine Avenue Campus from 9.00am. If you, or a member of your family, are able to spare some time on that day to help wrap approximately 500 gifts, please contact Petria Gorrie on 0414 834 416. Outdoor Learning Verandah - Furniture The deck is nearly complete! It provides a tranquil space under the trees. The P&F has approved a further $10,000 to fit-out the verandah with outdoor weatherproof tables, seats, mats, umbrellas, storage and benches, ready for use at the beginning of Term 2. Kate Rogers President, P&F Association The LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL HOW TO TIE A TIE THE HALF-WINSOR KNOT for standard shirt collars 1 3 5 Start with wide end of tie on your right and extending a foot below narrow end. Bring up and turn down through loop. Then, up through loop... 2 4 6 Cross with end over narrow and turn back underneath. Pass wide end around front from left to right. And down through knot in front. Tighten carefully and draw up to collar. news The LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL news ARATHON M ’S LEADING AUSTRALIA TEAM! JOIN OUR TEAM NAME: LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR TEAM PIN: LAGS2016 See Mr Bedford for more details!!! N MARATHO N O H T A R A M F HAL 10KM RUN ENGE L L A H C M 5.7K SH A D R O I N U J D TIMES THE GOO START AT .au gol h t a r a m t s dcoa The LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL news Community News has pleasure inviting to participate in Caldera Environment Centre’s World Environment Day Festival (supported by Tweed Shire Council) 10.00am - 3.00pm Sunday, 5 June 2016 Knox Park Wollumbin Street, Murwillumbah Close Monday, 23 May 2016 or phone (02)66702523 This event is an opportunity to showcase local youth ideas, artwork, perspectives, projects, green thumbs, talent and initiatives. Student displays can be manned or unmanned on the day. Suggestions are welcome. The theme this year, ‘Join the race to make the world a better place,’ as well as being the ‘Year of the Pulses’. Anyone is welcome to come along to celebrate the day! The LINDISFARNE ANGLICAN GRAMMAR SCHOOL news Free admission Gallery open Wed–Sun 10am – 5pm (DST) FREE activities for Families and Children at Tweed Regional Gallery & Margaret Olley Art Centre Wednesday – Sunday 10am–5pm Visit Animal Self, enjoy the new interactive iPad app in the Margaret Olley Art Centre, pick up the MOAC Kids Guide and explore, look, think, learn and draw using the guide. Sunday 10 April 1.00 & 2.00pm The Artist at Work: Watch Kirsten Coelho throwing ceramics on the potter’s wheel. Sunday 17 April 12 noon–2.00pm Create a simple Portrait in Print using household materials. School Holidays Creative Workshops – Contact the Gallery for full details $5 discount for multiple workshop bookings or additional children Thurs 14 April, 10.00am–2.00pm Journey of a Lifetime collage book for 8-14yrs, $50 T: (02) 6670 2790 | Tues 19 April, 10am–12.30pm Bug Sculpture for 5-8yrs, $35 2 Mistral Road, South Murwillumbah NSW 2484 | Tues 19 April, 1.00–4.00pm Animal Heads Sculpture for 9yrs and up, $40 W: CUDGEN HORNETS Tuesday 19 April 2016 10am-2pm FOR GIRLS AND BOYS AGES 5 TO 13 YEARS $40 PER CHILD A RUGBY LEAGUE COACHING CLINIC TAUGHT BY NRL STAFF AND TITANS. ENJOY LUNCH, MORNING TEA, RECEIVE A NRL FOOTY PACK, TITANS MEMBERSHIP AND MEET THE GOLD COAST TITANS PLAYERS. PLEASE BRING A HAT, WATER BOTTLE AND WEAR JOGGERS NUMBERS ARE STRICTLY LIMITED Proudly supported by: 3 Wommin Bay Road, Kingscliff Online Registration Contact 0418 621 259 or #PlayNRL
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