Annual activities - Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio
Annual activities - Parco Nazionale dello Stelvio Annual activities 2016/2017 in Trentino PARCO NAZIONALE DELLO STELVIO NATIONAL PARK STILFSER JOCH SCHOOL SPECIAL Guest-house “Casa del Parco” Excursions for schools THE FAMILY DISTRICT VAL DI SOLE A PARK FOR CHILDREN SUMMER Naturalistic evenings Weekly program in the Peio Valley Weekly program in the Rabbi Valley Details Special for children Discovering the Park Diary of the excursions In the Park without a car – Shuttle-bus timetables Summer special in the Peio Valley Summer special in the Rabbi Valley Exhibitions AUTUMN Red deer rutting and naturalistic excursions WINTER Footprints in the snow Excursions with snowshoes - December Excursions with snowshoes - January Program until Easter AND FOR ALL THE YEAR... The thermal baths in the Park The Park for everyone Park’s facilities In the Park you can visit too… 4 5 8 9 10 12 16 20 24 26 28 30 32 34 35 36 38 40 41 41 42 43 44 50 HOW TO REACH STELVIO NATIONAL PARK The National Park has three entrances that are all within easily reachable through the national road system. The most well-known road leading to the Park is reached by leaving the motorway (A 22) at the exit for S. Michele all’Adige (coming from Brennero) or for Trento Nord (coming from Modena – Verona), driving across Val di Non and, after the town of Cles at the crossroads of Mostizzolo, turning left into Val di Sole. Just before reaching Malè, there is a crossroads on the right hand side, which leads to the Rabbi Valley. In order to get to Peio, you have to go on after Malè, following the sign-posts for the Tonale Pass, and, just before Fucine, turns right into the Peio Valley. In the vicinity of the above-mentioned motorway exit, there is also the railway line Verona-Brennero; alternatively, in Mezzocorona (or before in Trento), you may take the electric railway which leads directly to Malè. From there, there is a public bus service to Peio or Rabbi. The national roads from Merano (across the Palade Pass) or from Bolzano (across the Mendola Pass) also afford easy access to the National Park. The second access route to the Park lies in the South, following the road which leads from Madonna di Campiglio to Folgarida and Dimaro. The third access route leads from the West across the Tonale Pass, and is particularly suitable for visitors arriving from Lombardy or Switzerland. Following the national road, after Fucine, there is a crossroads on the left that leads to Peio. If you want to go to Rabbi, stay on the national road and, after Malè, turn left to the Rabbi Valley. For those who like to move about by mountain-bike, there is a cycle path running the length of Val di Sole, from the Mostizzolo bridge to Cogolo (Peio Valley). BRENNERO PEIO COGOLO Ossana Tonale Ponte di Legno RABBI BOLZANO Malé Dimaro Marilleva San Michele all’Adige Folgarida TRENTO Madonna di Campiglio ROVERETO VERONA MILANO BERGAMO BRESCIA BOLOGNA VENEZIA Michele Pietrangelo Characteristic of the mountain people of this land is a genuine love of nature, the determination to preserve its features uncontaminated, a sensitivity opposed to artificiality, to blind and destructive exploitation. Stelvio National Park was created for this reason and the Trentino part of it reflects this characteristic by promoting its conservation and also its offer to those who intend to visit it with respect, humbleness and gratitude. The Park’s territory covers about 1300 square kilometres around the Ortles Mountain and, apart from the province of Trento, also involves the provinces of Bolzano, Sondrio and Brescia. It is an area of conifer forests, torrents and lakes, with a rich alpine fauna including deer, rock goats, chamois and roe-deer and, soaring high in the sky, the golden eagle. Vast panoramas characterize the landscape and give the Park a distinctly original appearance. In every season the continual changes of horizon and forms of life offer the guest natural and unusual colours, those not yet greyed by the pollution of the town. This is why visitors seek in this land the habitual white of winter with its life, its silences and meditative moments when, at dusk, the shadows of the trees darken the last reflections of the snow. Then the green of spring with the first buds on the wild cherry trees and the reawakening of the woods. In summer the blue of the alpine lakes prevails and the variegated palette of the meadows in flower, while the mountains with the high glaciers blaze in the evening sun. However, autumn is the prince of colour. The wild berries, the leaves of the bushes and trees that continuously invent amazing colours and the larches that turn a sunny yellow illuminating the margin of the woods. Seeking colours, seeking water, wandering along different paths, from village to village, from refuge to refuge, discovering oneself at last, enjoying the freedom in the contact with nature far from the influences of fashion, habits and fears. Visiting the Park is also meeting people in the mountains, establishing relations, learning from the inside the history, traditions and customs of an ancient population that has conserved its own deep-rooted identity over the centuries, despite the diverse vicissitudes of its history… To live in total harmony with nature does not mean to love it and approach it in a purely sentimental way. It means to approach it with love, it is true, but also with respect and awe. 3 SCHOOL SPECIAL GUEST-HOUSE “CASA DEL PARCO” In Rabbi Fonti The guest-house “Casa del Parco” is a backing for schools and for preconceived groups of excursionists, who would like to take part of the Park’s excursions and activities. The guest-house is divided into rooms which have from 4 to 12 beds with a total of 45 beds. It is organized like a refuge, comfortable and essential. PRICE PER PERSON: OVERNIGHT STAY - With sheets and blankets provided by the Park € 11.00 - With own sheets € 6.00 (Sleeping bag sheets for sale at € 10.00) € 25.00 - Breakfast, packed lunch and dinner are available at nearby hotels at a fixed price EXCURSIONS FOR SCHOOLS The Stelvio National Park, like in a classroom, becomes a place that allows promoting an in-depth analysis about the knowledge of its area through educational and didactic activities. The workshops deal with different topics linked to the environmental peculiarities (from the geology of the 4 Park to the strategies of animal species’ conservation) and to the historic and cultural knowledge, with the aim of raising awareness about the importance of participated and shared conservation policies. The learning activities occur from September to June and, depending on the topics, involve schools of all levels. In winter there is the possibility to make excursions with the characteristic snowshoes. Below are some examples of workshops that can be personalized depending on the availability of each class. Beside the daily excursions, it is possible to organize didactic paths where outdoors activities flank classroom lessons. In case of visits that last more than one day, stage and focused analyses are realized combining learning laboratories along with thematic excursions or game and sport activities. All workshops will encourage children to adopt a serious and responsible behavior towards the environment. LEARNING WORKSHOPS WITH THE PARK’S STAFF/ PARK GUIDES • discovering fauna: through the identification of markings of presence or by animals’ spotting • the world of high altitude: life strategies of animals and plants that settle the upper layers of the woods • research in the Park: educational path to discover the monitoring and researching methods used inside the Protected Area • the mountain’s forests: an analysis on the forest species and the management of woods in the Alpine environment • the rocks of the Park: how the mountains have been modified during the long time from their origin to the last glacial expansions • human being and mountain: a journey to discover the places and facilities that have allowed men to live in these alpine valleys • the Great War: life and death on the mountain during the conflict of the First World War PRICES: -- Full-day learning workshops: € 2.50 -- Half a day learning workshops: € 1.50 The prices are referred to the workshops realized with the Park’s staff only, for the activities where the participation of the Guide is also expected, it is necessary to quote the charge of the excursions with the Park Guides. 5 SCHOOL SPECIAL GUIDED VISITS TO THE FACILITIES OF THE PROTECTED AREA WITH THE PARK’S STAFF • guided visit to the Animal Wildlife Center in Peio • guided excursion to the Malga Covel or Malga Talé in Peio • guided visit to the dairy of Peio Paese to watch the processing of milk or to the farms • guided visit to the War museum in Peio (info: 3487400942) • guided visit to the Venetian sawmills in Rabbi • guided excursion to the hay barns and to the Casèl (dairy) of Somrabbi in Rabbi • guided excursion to the Park Game and to the Stablét Visitor Center in Rabbi • guided visit to the Ruatti Mill in Pracorno di Rabbi (info: 0463-903166) PRICES: -- Full-day: € 2.50 plus the entrance ticket of the facility -- Half a day: € 1.50 plus the entrance ticket of the facility SPORTS AND RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES WITH THE PARK GUIDES • orienteering • rock-climbing • Tibetan bridge PRICES: -- Full-day sport activities: € 11.00 - € 17.00 -- Half a day sport activities: € 8.00 - € 14.00 6 EXCURSIONS WITH THE PARK GUIDES • excursion “following the tracks of the red deer and other animals” • excursion to the Malga (high-altitude summer farm where dairy cattle is grazed in summer) and to the highaltitude environment • excursion to the Pian Palù Lake in the Peio Valley • excursion to Malga Termenago – Cadini waterfall – Covel in the Peio Valley • excursion to the Saènt waterfalls and to the Monumental Larches in the Rabbi Valley • excursion to the Ragaiolo waterfall and to Malga Fratte in the Rabbi Valley PRICES: -- Full-day excursions: € 5.00 -- Half a day or evening excursions: € 3.00 -- Full-day excursions with snowshoes: € 7.00 -- Half a day excursions with snowshoes: € 4.00 -- Evening excursions with snowshoes and hot drink on the return: € 6.00 Enjoy your visit to the Park Ask for information at the: STELVIO NATIONAL PARK - TRENTINO SECTOR Via Roma, 65 38024 COGOLO DI PEIO (TN) tel. 0463.909770 E-mail: 7 The Trentino Area of Stelvio National Park has joined the Family District Val di Sole by activating a series of initiatives for families who will stay in Val di Sole. 5 changing tables are available at the Animal Wildlife Center and at Malga Talé in Val di Peio and at the guesthouse “Casa del Parco”, at the playing and learning Area of Còler and at Malga Stablét in Val di Rabbi. At the starting point for excursions it is possible to rent carrycot-backpacks for free for carrying children during excursions discovering the Park. In the new annual work program, activities for family have been extended, such as guided visits of the structures, simple and short excursions and workshops for children. There is a reduction of 50% for children up to 14 years who are accompanied by an adult paying for the entrance to the Animal Wildlife Center and Malga Talé in Peio. This facilitation is also applied to trips organized throughout the whole year by the Trentino Area of Stelvio National Park. Marmots | Diego Cottino 8 A PARK FOR CHILDREN It is possible to know the Park and the area which surround us in a simple and enjoyable way, through games and laboratories. In an unusual and relaxing setting, above all ... | ... through practical activity and manual skills, children will understand new and different things. Looking at nature with different eyes, they will appreciate simple things and they will learn to love and respect them. From June 20 to September 9, the schedule includes more than 130 laboratories dedicated to little boys. THE HISTORY OF THE TREE CALLED TEMEL … to have a toy made of natural materials … ORIENTEERING … let’s not lose ourselves … TRAVEL DIARY … to bring home a piece of Park … POTATOES’ PRINTS … to decorate your own souvenir with a special stamp … THE BEE AND ITS WORLD …t o fly in an organized and charming universe … AN AFTERNOON WITH AN ARCHAEOLOGIST … for a return to the origins … SOFT IDEAS … to dive in a soft and wadding world … WATCH OUT FOR THE PARK’S ANIMALS … to seek out the inhabitants of the woods and sky … For details about the various workshops, see pages 24 and 25. 9 SUMMER NATURALISTIC EVENINGS At 21.00h - ADMISSION FREE • in COGOLO at the CONGRESS HALL OF THE PARK OFFICES (Via Roma, 65); • in PEIO FONTI at the THERMAL BATHS’ AUDITORIUM on July 14 and August 4; • in RABBI FONTI at the VISITOR CENTER; • in SAN BERNARDO in the ROOM OF THE RECTORY on August 23. Wednesday, July 6 in Cogolo How are the glaciers in the territory of the Park? Glaciological Committee Trentino SAT Wednesday, July 6 in Rabbi Fonti Herbs for beauty and health Olga Casanova Wednesday, July 13 in Cogolo Birds of the Alpine environment Franco Rizzolli Wednesday, July 13 in Rabbi Fonti Family horticulture: sowings, transplanting and favourable associations, techniques for a correct management of a vegetable garden Gianluca Zadra - Fondazione Edmund Mach Thursday, July 14 in Peio Fonti Montozzo boundary line The War Museum of Peio Paese Wednesday, July 20 in Cogolo Herbs for beauty and health Olga Casanova Wednesday, July 20 in Rabbi Fonti Frozen, insects in the ice kingdom Mauro Gobbi Wednesday, July 27 in Cogolo Family horticulture: sowings, transplanting and favourable associations, techniques for a correct management of a vegetable garden Gianluca Zadra - Fondazione Edmund Mach Owl | Vincenzo Iacovoni 10 Wednesday, July 27 in Rabbi Fonti The magic world of mushrooms Mycological Group “G. Bresadola” Val di Sole Wednesday, August 3 in Cogolo Frozen, insects in the ice kingdom Mauro Gobbi Wednesday, August 3 in Rabbi Fonti The nocturnal bird of prey of Stelvio National Park Luigi Marchesi Thursday, August 4 in Peio Fonti Mountain artillery The War Museum of Peio Paese Wednesday, August 10 in Cogolo The magic world of mushrooms Mycological Group “G. Bresadola” Val di Sole Wednesday, August 10 in Rabbi Fonti Nature, naturally together Valter Pallaoro and Annamaria Pernstich Wednesday, August 17 in Rabbi Fonti Birds of the Alpine environment Franco Rizzolli Thursday, August 18 in Cogolo The nocturnal bird of prey of Stelvio National Park Luigi Marchesi Tuesday, August 23 in San Bernardo di Rabbi The magic world of mushrooms Mycological Group “G. Bresadola” Val di Sole Wednesday, August 24 in Cogolo Nature, naturally together Valter Pallaoro and Annamaria Pernstich Wednesday, August 24 in Rabbi Fonti How are the glaciers in the territory of the Park? Glaciological Committee Trentino SAT Wednesday, August 31 in Cogolo The magic world of mushrooms Mycological Group “G. Bresadola” Val di Sole Wednesday, August 31 in Rabbi Fonti Little valuable fauna of the Park: amphibians and reptiles Sandro Zanghellini Autumn | Valter Pallaoro e Annamaria Pernstich 11 SUMMER WEEKLY SCHEDULE IN THE PEIO VALLEY… Bookings: by 18.00h on the day before or by 11.00h for afternoon and evening activities at the Park Information Point. The Organisation declines any responsibility for damages to persons and things before, during and after the excursions. In case of rain the walk could be cancelled. There may be some changes in the programme. At the Park Information Point in Cogolo it is possible to rent free of charge the rucksack to carry children during the excursions discovering the Park. Ask for information, security deposit € 10.00. MONDAY • at 9.00h in Peio Fonti - meeting point: Tourist Information Office LAKE PIAN PALÙ - MALGHE PALUDÈI AND GIUMELLA Easy full-day excursion. Fontanino (1660m), Lake Pian Palù (1800m), Malga Paludèi (2106m), Malga Giumella (1950m). Participation fee: € 5.00. Own transport. Packed lunch. Return at about 16.30h. From June 27 to September 5. • at 14.30h in Cogolo at the Park offices AN AFTERNOON WITH AN ARCHAEOLOGIST Between prehistory and history: life, technology and discoveries of mankind. Laboratory for children from 4 to 12 years of age. Duration: about two hours. Participation fee: € 3.00. From June 27 to September 5 (except on July, 4) (see “special for children”). Lago Pian Palù | Cristina Anselmi 12 Larcher Refuge | Francesco Palazzese TUESDAY • at 8.30h in Cogolo - meeting point: Park Information Point LARCHER REFUGE AND ROUND TRIP OF THE LAKES Easy to moderately difficult excursion with a Park Guide. Malga Mare (1983m) - Pian Venezia - Cevedale lakes (highest altitude 2700m) - Larcher Refuge (2608m). Participation fee: € 8.00. Own transport. Packed lunch or lunch at the refuge. Return at about 17.00h. From June 21 to September 6. • at 9.30h in Cogolo at the Park offices SOFT IDEAS Laboratory to learn to work the wool, for adults and children from 7 years of age. Duration: about two hours. Participation fee: € 6.00. From June 28 to September 6 (except on July, 5) (see “special for children”). • at 21.00h in Peio Fonti - meeting point: Tourist Information Office AND THE STARS ARE WATCHING… Evening astronomical walk in the Park with an astrophysicist. Duration: about two and a half hours. Participation fee: € 5.00. From August 2 to September 6. In case of rain the excursion will be replaced by a thematic evening at the Park offices in Cogolo. WEDNESDAY • at 8.45h in Cogolo - meeting point: car park-bus stop THE WOOD OF CAPERCAILLIES By bus from Cogolo to Peio Paese. Excursion and guided visit to the Visitor Center of Malga Talé, dedicated to the Galliformes. Return to Cogolo along the river Noce at about 16.00h. Packed lunch. Participation fee: € 5.00 plus the cost of the bus-ticket from Cogolo to Peio Paese. From June 22 to September 7 (see page 45). Malga Talé 13 SUMMER • from 17.00h to 19.00h Val de la Mare WATCH OUT … FOR THE PARK’S ANIMALS!!! Under the guidance of the forest rangers you may watch the movements of the Park’s animals. Observation point at the bridge leading to Malga Pontevecchio. Activity free of charge. From June 22 to September 7. • at 21.00h in Cogolo at the Park offices NATURALISTIC EVENING From July 6 to August 31. Admission free (see pages 10-11). THURSDAY • at 8.00h in Peio Fonti - meeting point: square where cable car leaves THE PARADISE FROM MONTE VIOZ Difficult excursion with a Park Guide. Doss dei Gembri (2315m) – Mantova al Vioz Refuge (3535m). Participation fee: € 12.00 plus cable car / chair lift ticket. Packed lunch or lunch at the refuge. Return at about 17.00h. From June 30 to September 8. • at 9.30h in Cogolo/Pegaia - meeting point: church EXCURSION OF NORDIC WALKING with an instructor A walk with proper Nordic walking sticks through the wonders of the Park. Duration: about two and a half hours. Participation fee: € 5.00, which includes the hire of the poles. From June 23 to September 8 (except on July, 7). • at 15.00h in Peio Paese - meeting point: church THE MARVELS OF PIANA DI COVEL Excursion to Malga Covel to watch the milking of the goats. Duration: about three hours. Participation fee: € 4.00. From June 23 to September 8. • at 15.30h in Peio Paese - meeting point: car park-bus stop ORIENTEERING Activity for adults and children from 10 years of age. Duration: about two and a half hours. Participation fee: € 3.00. From June 30 to September 8 (except on July, 7) (see “special for children”). Lago Nero and Monte Vioz in the background 14 Malga Covel • at 21.00h in Peio Fonti at the Thermal Baths’ Auditorium HISTORICAL EVENING Thursday, 14 July and Thursday, 4 August. Admission free (see pages 10-11). FRIDAY • at 9.30h in Peio Fonti - meeting point: Tourist Information Office DISCOVERING THE GREAT WORLD WAR The hidden emplacements of Pian de la Vegaia: an exciting adventure back in the past. Own transport up to Malga Frattasecca - military path - Pian de la Vegaia. Packed lunch. Return at about 15.30h. Participation fee: € 5.00. From June 24 to September 9. • at 14.30h in Cogolo at the Park offices THE HISTORY OF THE TREE CALLED TEMEL Creative activity for children from 6 to 12 years of age. Duration: about two and a half hours. Participation fee: € 3.00. From June 24 to September 9 (see “special for children”). • from 17.00h to 19.00h Val de la Mare WATCH OUT … FOR THE PARK’S ANIMALS!!! Under the guidance of forest rangers, you may watch the movements of the Park’s animals. Observation point at the bridge leading to Malga Pontevecchio. Activity free of charge. From August 5 to 26. SATURDAY • timetable and meeting point depending on the planned excursion THEMATIC EXCURSION From July 9 to September 3. For participation fee, duration and difficulty see “details”. Watch out… for the Park’s animals 15 SUMMER WEEKLY SCHEDULE IN THE RABBI VALLEY… Bookings: by 18.00h on the day before or by 11.00h for afternoon and evening activities at the Park Visitor Center. The Organisation declines any responsibility for damages to persons and things before, during and after the excursions. In case of rain the walk could be cancelled. There may be some changes in the programme. At the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti it is possible to rent free of charge the rucksack to carry children during the excursions discovering the Park. Ask for information, security deposit € 10.00. MONDAY • at 14.30h in Rabbi Fonti - meeting point: Visitor Center TRAVEL DIARY Recreational, naturalistic activity and short walk to discover the secrets of the woods and meadows of Stelvio National Park. For children from 4 to 12 years of age. Duration: about two hours. Participation fee: € 3.00. From June 27 to September 5 (see “special for children”). • from 17.00h to 19.00h Val Saènt WATCH OUT … FOR THE PARK’S ANIMALS!!! Under the guidance of forest rangers, you may watch the movements of the Park’s animals. Observation point at the Visitor Center Stablét. Activity free of charge. From August 1 to 29. Malga Caldesa Bassa 16 Venetian Sawmill TUESDAY • at 10.00h in Rabbi Fonti - meeting point: Visitor Center THE “MALGHE” OF THE RABBI VALLEY: OUR LANDSCAPE’S GUARDIAN Malga Terzolasa – Malga Samocleva – Malga Caldesa Alta - Malga Caldesa Bassa. Duration: about five hours. Participation fee: € 5.00 plus shuttle-bus: € 3.00 (single ticket). From June 28 to September 6. • at 14.00h in Rabbi Fonti - meeting point: Visitor Center WATER AND WOOD: VENETIAN SAWMILLS Guided visit to the Venetian Sawmills “dei Braghje” and “dei Bègoi” with the activation of the latter. Participation fee: € 4.00. From June 21 to September 6. On request and for groups, the sawmill “dei Bègoi” will be put in motion in the presence of a Park Guide - € 2.00 per person. • at 14.30h in Rabbi Fonti at the Visitor Center AN AFTERNOON WITH AN ARCHAEOLOGIST Between prehistory and history: life, technology and discoveries of mankind. Laboratory for children from 4 to 12 years of age. Duration: about two hours. Participation fee: € 3.00. From June 28 to September 6 (see “special for children”). WEDNESDAY • at 9.00h in Rabbi Fonti - meeting point: Visitor Center DISCOVERING MONUMENTAL LARCHES Easy to moderately difficult excursion with a Park Guide. Own transport up to the Còler car-park. Malga Stablasolo (1539m) – Dos de la Cros (1800m) – Path of Monumental Larches (highest altitude 1900m). Packed lunch. Participation fee: € 8.00. Car park and shuttle-bus are free. From June 22 to September 7 (see page 49). Monumental Larch 17 SUMMER • at 14.30h in Rabbi Fonti at the Venetian sawmill “dei Braghje” SOFT IDEAS Laboratory to learn to work the wool, for adults and children from 7 years of age. Duration: about two hours. In case of bad weather, this activity will take place at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti. Participation fee: € 6.00. From June 29 to September 7 (see “special for children”). • at 21.00h in Rabbi Fonti at the Visitor Center NATURALISTIC EVENING From July 6 to August 31 and on Tuesday, August 23 in San Bernardo. Admission free (see pages 10-11). THURSDAY • at 14.00h in Rabbi Fonti - meeting point: Visitor Center THE “MILKY WAY”: GUIDED VISIT TO THE CASÈL (DAIRY) - MUSEUM OF SOMRABBI Itinerary: Rabbi Fonti - Somrabbi - Rabbi Fonti. Duration: about three hours. Participation fee: € 4.00. From June 23 to September 8 (see page 47). • at 14.30h in Rabbi Fonti at the Visitor Center POTATOES’ PRINTS Creative activity for children from 6 to 12 years of age. Duration: about two hours. Participation fee: € 3.00. From June 30 to September 8 (see “special for children”). • from 17.00h to 19.00h Val Saènt WATCH OUT … FOR THE PARK’S ANIMALS!!! Under the guidance of forest rangers, you may watch the movements of the Park’s animals. Observation point at the Visitor Center Stablét. Activity free of charge. From June 23 to September 8. Diary of Somrabbi 18 Evening excursion FRIDAY • at 7.40h in Rabbi Fonti - meeting point: Visitor Center KNOWING PARK’S ANIMALS The marmot gives alarm to the others, the red deer retires in the thick wood, the chamois are use the sky as a mirror, up there in the immensity, the eagle flies over the mountains… Return at about 15.00h. Participation fee: € 5.00 plus shuttle-bus € 5.00. From July 8 to September 9. • at 14.30h in Rabbi Fonti at the Visitor Center THE BEE AND ITS WORLD Laboratory for adults and children from 6 years of age to discover the fascinating habitat of bees and their extraordinary life. Duration: about two hours. Participation fee: € 3.00 (inclusive of a taste of honey). From July 1 to September 9 (see “special for children”). • at 21.00h in Rabbi Fonti - meeting point: Visitor Center AND THE STARS ARE WATCHING… Evening astronomical walk in the Park with an astrophysicist. Duration: about two and a half hours. Participation fee: € 5.00. From August 5 to September 9. In case of rain the excursion will be replaced by a thematic evening at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti. SATURDAY • timetable and meeting point depending on the planned excursion THEMATIC EXCURSION From July 9 to September 3. For participation fee, duration and difficulty see “details”. Marmot | Marina Pieri 19 SUMMER DETAILS… THEMATIC EXCURSIONS Marco Salina ON THE TRACKS OF THE GREAT WAR historical excursions The full-day itinerary involves the Austro-Hungarian Fort “Barba di Fior”, the military war cemetery near San Rocco hill and the War Museum “Peio 1914 – 18: the war on our front-door”. This historical excursion offers visitors the possibility to observe, at a close distance, some real testimonies relating to an event that one hundred years ago involved the Peio Valley and its mountains in a dramatic way: the First World War. Moderately-difficult, full-day excursions in the Peio Valley: Saturday, July 16 - Going back to the past “Montozzo: challenged passage” Saturday, August 6 - Going back to the past “Val Ombrina: no man’s land” € 10.00 “GOING TO TAKE A WALK” ON THE GLACIERS glaciological excursions Careser – Dorigoni Franco Benetti Franco Benetti Meeting at 6.30h at the Park Information Point in Cogolo. The route follows all the marks left by the glaciers’ movements during the millennia. The marks come in the form of lakes, roche moutonnée, peculiarly-shaped valleys, typical flora and fauna of the glacial environments. There are wonderful landscapes from the bottom of the valley until the most important peaks, where there are still imposing glaciers fragmented from numerous crevasses. Equipment needed: heavy boots, waterproof jacket, fleece, long technical fabrics trousers, gloves, woolen hat, rucksack, food, water bottle, sunglasses, sunscreen, trekking sticks could be helpful (crampons, harness and ice-axe are not necessary). Difficult, full-day excursions: Saturday, July 9, August 13 and September 3 € 25.00 including the return by minibus from the Rabbi Valley to the Peio Valley Cima Cevedale Meeting at 16.30h at the Park Information Point in Cogolo and 20 Andrea Maestri climb to the Larcher Refuge for dinner and overnight stay. In the morning climb to the Cima Cevedale. High-difficult climbing expedition, mostly on glaciers. It is difficult because of the difference in height and for the altitude reached. The use of technical materials like crampons, harness, ice-axe and clothes suited for high altitudes is required. The route passes through huge moraines, derived from the glaciers digging, and then continues on the glacier, with an itinerary fit to avoid the numerous crevasses present, till the summit Monte Cevedale (3769m). From here, it is possible to observe the majestic ice tongues, that still slop down the Forni Valley. Equipment needed: crampons, iceaxe, harness, heavy boots, rucksack, water bottle, warm clothes and jacket, spare underwear, gloves, woolen hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, food. Difficult excursions in the Peio Valley: Saturday and Sunday, July 30 and 31 and Saturday and Sunday, August 27 and 28 € 20.00 plus fee for the overnight stay at Larcher Refuge on Saturday evening Meeting at 13.30h at the departure of the cable car in Peio Fonti. By cable car and chair lift until Doss dei Gembri (2315m) and from there by the comfortable military path you climb on the mountainous ridge in direction of Monte Vioz (path SAT nr. 105). The final part of the path, after 3000m, is rather demanding, with numerous hairpin turns in the middle of rocks below “Mantova al Vioz” Refuge. A pleasant restorative stop lets you observe the panorama of surrounding peaks and, if the weather conditions allow, it is possible to reach the peak of Monte Vioz (3645m), where you could watch a magnificent sunset. Dinner and overnight stay at the refuge and in the morning you set out for the peak observing the crack of dawn. Soon you move in level (at the same height) to Punta Linke, arrival point of some cableways of the First World War. Punta Linke was a crucial point for military supplies of troops stationed on the mountainous ridges and it was recovered by the Superintendent of the Archaeological Heritage of the Province of Trento, becoming the highest archaeological site Mauro Bordoni Monte Vioz and Punta Linke 21 SUMMER Marco Angeli in Europe. The tunnel and the underground shacks were freed from ice, which kept them sealed and preserved until today, and therefore we can now see the military environment of the early twentieth century in all its details. After the proper explanations and illustrations by the Guide, you will return to the Mantova Refuge for a short snack and in the afternoon, by the same path, you will descend to Peio Fonti. Equipment needed: heavy boots, waterproof jacket, fleece, long technical fabrics trousers, gloves, woolen hat, rucksack, food, water bottle, sunglasses, sunscreen, trekking sticks could be helpful (crampons, harness and ice-axe are not necessary). Difficult excursions in the Peio Valley: Saturday and Sunday, July 23 and 24 and Saturday and Sunday, August 20 and 21 € 20.00 plus cable car/chair lift ticket and the fee for the overnight stay at Mantova Refuge on Saturday evening Cima Sternai Marco Caldognetto Meeting at 13.30h at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti and climb to the Dorigoni Refuge going through Malga Stablasolo, Saènt waterfalls and Prà di Saènt. Dinner and overnight stay at the Refuge. In the morning you follow the path that leads to the first Sternai lake (2596m). You cross the river and continue along the path with cairns. After some grassy slopes, turn right above the Saènt waterfalls and following the cairns you will reach the beginning of the Sternai glacier that you climb diagonally up to 3114m. From there you will continue always on the ridge, skirting on the left side the black dihedral angle at the bottom of the summit. The final stage, equipped with anchors for the assurance, presents short passages on rocks of 2° UIAA. Equipment needed: crampons, iceaxe, harness, heavy boots, rucksack, water bottle, warm clothes and jacket, spare underwear, gloves, woolen hat, sunglasses, sunscreen, food. Difficult excursions in the Rabbi Valley: Saturday and Sunday, July 30 and 31 and Saturday and Sunday, August 20 and 21 € 20.00 plus fee for the overnight stay at Dorigoni Refuge on Saturday evening 22 and Cima Meeting at 8:00h at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti and transfer by shuttle-bus to Malga Samocleva (1892m) until the vegetation’s limit. From here, following at first the road and then the marked trail, you can reach after about an hour the Stella Alpina Refuge (2425m), then the lake Lago Corvo maggiore (2464m). The excursion then continues on path no. 145 to Cima Collecchio (2957m). These last 500 meters of altitude gap are rather winding, but getting to the top and enjoying the beautiful scenery makes you forget the strain. The view that stretches at 360° is extraordinary from every single point of view: you can turn toward the Val d’Ultimo, the Dorigoni Refuge with the Lakes of Sternai, or toward the peaks Vioz, Palon de la Mare and Cevedale or even beyond, toward the further sharp shape of Gran Zebrù. The climb, even if it is almost 3000m, doesn’t present any technical difficulty, except for, perhaps, the effects of high altitude. Difficult excursions in the Rabbi Valley: Saturday, July 9 and 23; and September 3 € 12.00 plus fee for the shuttle-bus € 5.00 round trip THE MUSHROOMS’ REALM mycological excursions Cinzia Candelaresi Laghi Corvo Collecchio The aim of these excursions is to study and generally to get to know mushrooms that will be collected in the morning and identified with the help of an expert in the afternoon. Easy excursions (9.00h-16.00h) in the Rabbi Valley: Saturday, August 6 and 27 € 8.00 (payment includes the permit for collecting mushrooms) SPECIES OF MEADOWS AND WOODS botanical excursions The Park’s flora, a little treasure chest of biodiversity. An excursion to discover the plant species, which characterize the meadows and woods of Rabbi Valley and also to study in details the use of those plants species in the past, the present and possible evolution. Easy excursions (10.00h-15.00h) in the Rabbi Valley: Saturday, July 16 and August 13 € 5.00 23 SUMMER SPECIAL FOR CHILDREN THE HISTORY OF THE TREE CALLED TEMEL Creative workshop dedicated to construction, playing and to children’s manual creativity. With small pieces of wood we will assemble together the tree “Temel” and with colored cardboard we will give shape to his friends, small animals of the wood (minimum 5 – maximum 12 participants). In the Peio Valley, every Friday, from June 24 to September 9, at the Park offices in Cogolo (Via Roma, 65), at 14.30h. € 3.00 ORIENTEERING Have you ever heard about the “Wood’s sport”? So, come on and try orienteering! An entertaining sport that lets you stay in touch with nature, does well to your body and mind (it’s suitable for people of all ages!). In the company of an instructor, you will learn to orient yourself using a particular map, you will discover the secrets behind not getting lost and for planning a route enjoying yourself! You could also learn to walk among the numerous paths in the Stelvio National Park using an excursion map. Comfortable clothes and trekking shoes are recommended. Orienteering is beautiful, you use both your brain and your legs! In the Peio Valley, every Thursday, from June 30 to September 8 and the meeting point is at the car park-bus stop in Peio Paese, at 15.30h. € 3.00 TRAVEL DIARY Every walk into the woodland is actually a journey made of thousands of discoveries and endless emotions. Step by step you will be able to explore the secrets of the woods and meadows of Stelvio National Park, discover the habits of the animals that live in our mountains and understand the meaning of the word biodiversity. It will be an opportunity to stimulate the curiosity of children, who will take note with drawings and thoughts of all the discoveries on their travel diary, a booklet that could be useful in many other adventures! (minimum 5 – maximum 12 participants). In the Rabbi Valley, every Monday, from June 27 to September 5 and the meeting point is at the Visitor center in Rabbi Fonti, at 14.30h. € 3.00 POTATOES’ PRINTS With your rabbit friend you will create your own adventure. A stamp made of potato will be used to decorate the “Frame of the forest” that you will be able 24 Gianni Bulgarelli to hang in your bedroom to remember your holidays in the Park (minimum 5, maximum 12 participants). In the Rabbi Valley, every Thursday, from June 30 to September 8, at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti, at 14.30h. € 3.00 THE BEE AND ITS WORLD During this laboratory, adults and children will learn the huge virtues of this special insect and its characteristics (structure, how they communicate, etc.). Participants will discover the flawless and disciplined organization of the beehive and the partition of the bees’ different tasks. Furthermore, different products will be presented: different kinds of honey depending on flowers, propolis, royal jelly, beeswax, etc. The world of bees is wonderful and it won’t stop to teach and amaze us. Held by the Beekeepers’ Association of Valli di Sole, Pejo and Rabbi (minimum 5, maximum 20 participants). In the Rabbi Valley, every Friday, from July 1 to September 9, at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti, at 14.30h. € 3.00 children - € 1,50 adults inclusive of a taste of honey AN AFTERNOON WITH AN ARCHAEOLOGIST Between prehistory and history: life, technology and discoveries of mankind. We spend an afternoon together while discovering archeology, from prehistory to the beginning of human beings’ history. A journey through the development of materials and technology, but also across the evolution of our mind through art, personal beauty and writing. Children can experience in first person how stones, bones, shells, clay and metals were shaped in order to achieve objects of every day’s usage, personal ornaments, painting and sculpture works (minimum 5 – maximum 20 participants). In the Peio Valley, every Monday, from June 27 to September 5, at the Park offices in Cogolo (Via Roma, 65), at 14.30h. In the Rabbi Valley, every Tuesday, from June 28 to September 6, at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti, at 14.30h. € 3.00 SOFT IDEAS Using natural materials, children (and not only children…), during this laboratory are going to realize nice small animals and wool’s toys (minimum 5 – maximum 12 participants). In the Peio Valley, every Tuesday, from June 28 to September 6, at the Park offices in Cogolo (Via Roma, 65), at 9.30h. In the Rabbi Valley, every Wednesday, from June 29 to September 7, at the Venetian sawmill “dei Braghje”, in case of bad weather, this activity will take place at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti, at 14.30h. € 6.00 25 SUMMER THE EXCURSIONS: DISCOVERING THE PARK Stelvio National Park may be visited by following its many footpaths, which lead up from extensive coniferous woodlands to the alpine pastures. Several mountain passes connect the numerous valleys, and large glaciers take you to the highest peaks with their enchanting views. The Park Guides have lived in this area for many years and are experienced mountaineers who have learnt to observe every detail that these places hide. Our love of nature, as well as our great experience gathered in many years of climbing in the mountains of the entire Alpine range, have turned us into professionals who know the most interesting and panoramic places. Most importantly, however, we always choose our itinerary on the basis of the prevailing weather conditions and according to the visitors’ interests. Apart from our technical abilities and our knowledge of local culture, which are indispensable to anyone who takes the responsibility of leading people into these mountains, we are fully-qualified Park Guides and, therefore, we can show interested visitors both naturalistic and anthropic aspects of Stelvio National Park. 26 LEGEND of the excursions • • • • EASY ROUTE range of altitude 300m, 4-6km total walking distance, about 4 hours’ walking time. Botanical route: fee € 5.00; times: 10.00h - 15.00h. Mycological route: fee € 8.00 which includes the permit for collecting mushrooms; times: 9.00h 16.00h. EASY TO MODERATELY DIFFICULT ROUTE range of altitude 500-600m, 6-8km total walking distance, about 5-6 hours’ walking time. Fee € 8.00; times: 8.30h/9.00h - 17.00h. MODERATELY DIFFICULT ROUTE range of altitude 800-1000m, 8-10km total walking distance, about 6-7 hours’ walking time. Fee € 10.00; times: 8.00h - 17.00h. DIFFICULT ROUTE range of altitude 1200m, 10km total walking distance, about 8 hours’ walking time. Fee: € 12.00 plus shuttle bus ticket (Laghi Corvo and Cima Collecchio); € 12.00 plus cable car / chair lift ticket (Mantova al Vioz Refuge), € 20.00 plus overnight stay (Cima Cevedale, Cima Sternai and Punta Linke), € 25.00 (Careser-Dorigoni). NOTE: 50% reduction for children up to 14 years of age who are accompanied by an adult. Bookings: by 18.00h on the day before the date of the chosen walk at the Park Visitor Centers. Equipment: walking boots, rucksack, parka-coat and flask. Colours | Luca Arduini 27 SUMMER JUNE Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday 21 PEIO 22 RABBI 28 PEIO Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes Discovering Monumental Larches 29 RABBI Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes Discovering Monumental Larches 30 PEIO Mantova al Vioz Refuge JULY Tuesday 6 RABBI Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes Discovering Monumental Larches Thursday 7 PEIO Mantova al Vioz Refuge Saturday/ Sunday Saturday 9 PEIO Glaciological excursion Careser-Dorigoni Laghi Corvo and Cima Collecchio Tuesday 12 PEIO Wednesday 5 PEIO 9 RABBI 13 RABBI Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes Discovering Monumental Larches Thursday 14 PEIO Mantova al Vioz Refuge Saturday 16 PEIO Historical excursion Saturday 16 RABBI Botanical excursion 19 PEIO 20 RABBI Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes Discovering Monumental Larches Thursday 21 PEIO Mantova al Vioz Refuge Saturday/ Sunday Saturday 23 PEIO 24 23 RABBI Monte Vioz and Punta Linke 26 PEIO 27 RABBI Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes Discovering Monumental Larches Thursday 28 PEIO Mantova al Vioz Refuge Saturday/ Sunday Saturday/ Sunday 30 PEIO 31 30 RABBI 31 Glaciological excursion Cima Cevedale Glaciological excursion Cima Sternai Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Tuesday Wednesday Cima Vioz | Umberto Zanella 28 Laghi Corvo and Cima Collecchio AUGUST Tuesday Wednesday 2 PEIO Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes 3 RABBI Discovering Monumental Larches Thursday 4 PEIO Mantova al Vioz Refuge Saturday 6 PEIO Historical excursion Saturday 6 RABBI Mycological excursion 9 PEIO Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes Tuesday Wednesday 10 RABBI Discovering Monumental Larches Thursday 11 PEIO Mantova al Vioz Refuge Saturday 13 PEIO Glaciological excursion Careser-Dorigoni Saturday 13 RABBI Botanical excursion 16 PEIO Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes Tuesday Wednesday 17 RABBI Discovering Monumental Larches Thursday 18 PEIO Mantova al Vioz Refuge Saturday/ Sunday 20 PEIO 21 Monte Vioz and Punta Linke Saturday/ Sunday 20 RABBI 21 Glaciological excursion Cima Sternai 23 PEIO Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes Tuesday Wednesday 24 RABBI Discovering Monumental Larches Thursday 25 PEIO Mantova al Vioz Refuge Saturday/ Sunday 27 PEIO 28 Glaciological excursion Cima Cevedale 27 RABBI Mycological excursion 30 PEIO Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes 31 RABBI Discovering Monumental Larches Saturday Tuesday Wednesday SEPTEMBER Thursday 1 PEIO Mantova al Vioz Refuge Saturday 3 PEIO Glaciological excursion Careser-Dorigoni Saturday 3 RABBI Laghi Corvo and Cima Collecchio 6 PEIO 7 RABBI Larcher Refuge and round-trip of the lakes Discovering Monumental Larches 8 PEIO Mantova al Vioz Refuge Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Lago Corvo 29 SUMMER IN THE STELVIO NATIONAL PARK WITHOUT A CAR SHUTTLE-BUS TIMETABLE PEIO: summer shuttle-bus “Val di Pejo” In the Peio Valley, a daily shuttle-bus is available with the purpose to simplifying the transfer from one village to another, particularly for the hamlets Celentino, Strombiano and Comasine to reach the more touristy centers of Cogolo, Peio Fonti and Peio Paese. The timetables of the shuttlebus are pre-arranged according to the need of people who effect the thermal treatments in Peio Fonti, who visit the War Museum in Peio Paese, Grazioli House in Strombiano and the ethnographic Museum “Small alpine world” in Celentino. Every day from Monday to Saturday from June 27 to September 3. Daily ticket price: € 3.00 per person. Free for facilities’ guests which adhere to Consorzio Turistico Pejo 3000, for residents and for people who undergo thermal treatments in the Thermal Baths of Pejo. Transport is organized from Consorzio Turistico Pejo 3000, Municipality of Peio and Thermal Baths of Pejo. For the timetable, please check the website RABBI: shuttle-bus Còler - Stablasolo Every day there is a shuttle-bus in Rabbi Valley running from Còler to Stablasolo, where it is possible to take the path to the Saènt waterfalls, the most spectacular “water’s jumps” of the Stelvio National Park. Continuing, you can reach the plain of Saènt, idyllic alpine pasture, kingdom of the marmot and point of departure of “The path of Monumental Larches”. The shuttle bus (from the car park to Malga Stablasolo) operates daily from June 25 to September 4, plus the weekends September 10-11 and 17-18. Timetable: from 8.00h to 19.00h. Frequency: every 30 minutes. Bus ticket price: € 2.00 (single price per round trip). Car- park at the “Ramoni al Còler” daily from June 25 to September 4, plus the weekends September 10-11 and 17-18. Timetable: from 7.00h to 19.00h. Parking ticket: € 3.00. Malga Stablét 30 RABBI: shuttle-bus to Malga Monte Sole and Malga Cercen Wednesdays and Fridays, from June 29 to September 9 DEPARTURE Tourist Office at San Bernardo 1st STOP Car-park Plan 2nd STOP Church at Rabbi Fonti 3rd STOP Car-park Fontanón ARRIVAL Malga Monte Sole ARRIVAL Malga Cercen Bassa 7.40h 7.43h 7.45h 7.55h 8.15h 8.45h 9.50h 10.50h 8.48h 9.53h 10.53h 8.50h 9.55h 10.55h 9.00h 10.05h 11.10h 9.15h 10.20h 11.25h 9.20h • The first course on Friday and the first and the second courses on Wednesday are from and to Malga Cercen, the other trips are from and to Malga Monte Sole. • Fridays, the first two courses are reserved for the participants of the Park’s activities (unless seats are free). RABBI: shuttle-bus to Malga Samocleva and Malga Caldesa Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, from June 28 to September 10 DEPARTURE Tourist Office at San Bernardo 1st STOP Car-park Plan 2nd STOP Church at Rabbi Fonti 3rd STOP Piazzola di Rabbi 4th STOP Car-park Cavallar ARRIVAL Malga Samocleva ARRIVAL Malga Caldesa Bassa 8.00h 8.03h 8.05h 8.14h 8.20h 8.30h 8.30h 9.00h 9.03h 9.05h 9.14h 9.20h 9.30h 9.30h 10.00h 10.03h 10.05h 10.14h 10.20h 10.30h 10.30h 11.00h 11.03h 11.05h 11.14h 11.20h 11.30h 11.30h • Tuesdays, the courses are from and to Malga Samocleva. • Thursdays, the courses are from and to Malga Caldesa Bassa. • Saturdays, the first two courses are from and to Malga Samocleva; whereas the last two trips are from and to Malga Caldesa Bassa. • On the occasion of the mycological exhibition there are some courses, from and to Malga Caldesa Bassa, with the same timetable, on Sunday, August 28. • The third course on Tuesday and the first trip on Saturday are reserved for the participants of the Park’s activities (unless seats are available). Return from the Malghe (Samocleva, Caldesa Bassa, Monte Sole and Cercen) is between 17.00h and 19.00h, and it must be booked in advance before 15.00h by telephoning: 0461-493639. Single ticket: € 3.00 per person. Return ticket: € 5.00 per person. Children of less than 1m height, who are accompanied by an adult, travel free of charge. NOTE: The ticket must be bought at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti (0461-493639) and the journey booked. In case of bad weather, the ticket is not refundable. ONLY 8 passengers per trip. 31 SUMMER SUMMER SPECIAL IN THE PEIO VALLEY July: From July 3 to 10 LIVING WATER A rich experience around the world of water in the Peio Valley between nature, culture and relaxation. The water, in its different shapes, generated social life and the economy of the mountain territory of the Peio Valley. During this week we suggest a program with meetings, activities and experiences for knowing the past and the present of our community: • exciting thematic and didactic excursions; • interesting guided visits and cultural evenings, conferences, concerts, original laboratories for children, discovery of the ancient works and evocative handcrafted traditions and much more. An initiative of: Thermal Baths of Pejo, Museum “Small alpine world”, Municipality of Peio, Consorzio Turistico Pejo 3000 and Stelvio National Park. Sunday, July 24 “CAMINA E MAGNA” (WALK AND EAT) 11th edition A cultural and gastronomic trial between the Valley’s paths and villages. An initiative of: Municipality of Peio, Consorzio Turistico Pejo 3000 (0463-754345), local voluntary Associations. August: Wednesday, August 3 and 24 IN THE LIGHT OF SUN Astronomical walk in the Park with an astrophysicist to discover the mysteries of the sky and to observe our Star, the Sun, with the aid of a telescope. Meeting at 15.00h at the car park-bus stop in Peio Paese. Duration: about two and a half hours. Participation fee: € 4.00. Information and bookings at the Park Information Point in Cogolo (0461-493638). Vipera berus | Paolo Panarotto 32 Wednesday, August 10 THE NIGHT OF SAINT LORENZO: STARS AND MOON Stars, constellations and planets in the Stelvio National Park. Excursion to Malga Covel in the company of an astrophysicist and telescope observations. Packed dinner. Meeting at 18.30h at the church of San Rocco/sports field. Participation fee: € 5.00. You need to be equipped with headlamp (you can rent it at the Park Information Point). Information and bookings at the Park Information Point in Cogolo (0461-493638). Sunday, August 14 A MIDSUMMER NIGHT’S STARS Astronomical walk to Malga Covel and telescope observations in the company of an astrophysicist Packed dinner. Meeting at 18.30h at the church of San Rocco/sports field. Participation fee: € 5.00. You need to be equipped with headlamp (you can rent it at the Park Information Point). Information and bookings at the Park Information Point in Cogolo (0461-493638). September: Friday, 2 – Saturday, 3 – Sunday, 4 COMMEMORATION OF KAISERSCHUTZEN Friday, September 2 at the Thermal Baths’ Auditorium in Peio Fonti, at 21.00h: historical evening with choir. Saturday, September 3: independent alpinist excursion with the laying down of the crown at Piz Giumella and at 21.00h at the Thermal Baths’ Auditorium in Peio Fonti: historical evening. Sunday, September 4 at the graveyard in San Rocco Peio Paese: at 9.00h memorial to the fallen in war. Holy Mass at 10.00h and than ceremony. From Thursday, September 8 to Sunday, 11 AGRICULTURE FESTIVAL Rich program of guided visits to the farms, excursions, activities and demonstrations, documentary and film shows, agricultural shows and exhibitions, the “smalgada” of the cows to Cogolo and hamlet’s Palio. Thursday, September 8 the Return of flock from Malga Covel to Peio Paese for the shearing. Edited by the farmer Association of the Peio Valley and local voluntary Association. 33 SUMMER SUMMER SPECIAL IN THE RABBI VALLEY July: Sunday, July 31 WALK THROUGH THE RABBI FARMSTEADS Non-competitive contest into the wonderful landscape of the Stelvio National Park. An initiative of: Rabbi Vacanze and Sci Club Rabbi. Information: Rabbi Vacanze (0463-985048). August: Sunday, August 14 “CERESETUM” A walk between roads and farmsteads of the hamlet Ceresé, to relive history and flavours of yore in Rabbi. An initiative of: Rabbi Vacanze, Rabbi Valley Associations and Municipality of Rabbi. Information: Rabbi Vacanze (0463-985048). Wednesday, August 17 and 31 IN THE LIGHT OF SUN Astronomical walk in the Park with an astrophysicist to discover the mysteries of the sky and to observe our Star, the Sun, with the aid of a telescope. Meeting at 15.00h at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti. Own transport up to the Cavallar car-park. Duration: about two and a half hours. Participation fee: € 4.00. Information and bookings at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti (0461-493639). September: Sunday, September 18 – Rabbi Fonti THE “DESMALGHJADÅ” FROM CERCEN - 12th Edition The return of cows and sheep from the summer’ pastures on the Alps, festively decorated for this great day. “El disnar del malghiar”: lunch with typical specialties. Local street markets and many other activities (parade, shows, traditional dance etc.). An initiative of: Sci Club Rabbi and Malga Cercen. Summer in Campisòl | Fausto Ceschi 34 EXHIBITIONS From June 25 to September 11 Malga Talé “A life on the edge” Photographic exhibition dedicated to the rock ptarmigan, edited by the Stelvio National Park. Opening time: 9.30h-12.30h and 14.30h-17.30h, daily except on Wednesday From August 19 to 21 In the room of the rectory in San Bernardo di Rabbi “The magic world of mushrooms” Exhibition edited by Mycological Group “G. Bresadola” Val di Sole. Opening time: 15.30h-19.00h and 20.30h-22.30h Admission free. From August 26 to 28 Park offices in Cogolo (Via Roma, 65) “The magic world of mushrooms” Exhibition edited by Mycological Group “G. Bresadola” Val di Sole. Opening time: 15.30h-19.00h and 20.30h-22.30h Admission free. Saturday, August 27 and Sunday, 28 Malga Caldesa bassa “Identifying mushrooms” Exhibition edited by Mycological Group Anaune “G. Luchi”. Opening time: 9.00h-17.00h Admission free. Rock ptarmigan | Luciano Casagranda Mushrooms | Davide Biagi 35 AUTUMN MAGICAL COLOURS RED DEER RUTTING CAMOUFLAGED IN THE NATURAL ENVIRONMENT TO OBSERVE THE RED DEER’S COURTING RITUAL Many animal species live in the Park. The most imposing animal is the red deer, a hoofed animal which is active at dusk and dawn, and may be observed in woodland clearings. In autumn, its courting behaviour is fascinating to watch: strange sounds, colours and odours intermingle with vocal contests, all of which aim to conquer the female harem. It is a truly fascinating experience to watch this ritual in the Peio and Rabbi valleys, where the red deer density is amongst the highest in the Alps. The walks do not present any particular difficulties, but they do require a certain familiarity with day trips in the mountains. FOLLOWING RED DEER TRACKS Guided walks aiming to help participants to understand the behaviour of red deer in its natural habitat. • Sunday, September 25 PEIO – full-day excursion ITINERARY: own transport up to Malga Pontevecchio (1762m), Malga Verdignana (2076m), Lago Lame (2277m) and return to Malga Mare. Meeting at 6.30h at the Park Information Point in Cogolo. Return at about 15.30h. • Friday, September 30 PEIO – evening excursion ITINERARY: Malga Frattasecca (1550m). Meeting at 20.30h at the Tourist Information Office in Peio Fonti. Return at about 23.00h. Red deer rutting | Anna Floriana Garofalo 36 • Sunday, September 18 and October 2 RABBI – full-day excursion ITINERARY: area of particular naturalistic interest to be decided in the Rabbi Valley. Meeting at 6.30h at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti. Return at about 15.30h. • Friday, September 23 RABBI – evening excursion ITINERARY: Malga Fratte (1482m). Meeting at 20.30h at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti. Return at about 23.00h. • Sunday, October 9 RABBI – full-day excursion ANIMALS AND COLOURS OF THE WOOD IN AUTUMN ITINERARY: own transport up to Fontanon car park (1549m), Malga Monte Sole (2048m), Malga Villar (2020m), Malga Cercen (1969m). Meeting at 8.00h at the Visitor Center in Rabbi Fonti. Return at about 17.00h. Own transport and packed lunch. Clothing: rucksack, parka-coat, woollen jumper, walking boots. Bookings by 17.00h of the previous day or by 11.00h for the evening excursions at the Park Visitor Centers. Participation fee: evening excursion: € 5.00 full-day excursion: € 10.00 For group bookings, the walks may be organized on different days. The Organisation declines any responsibility for damages to persons and things before, during and after the excursions. In case of rain the walk could be cancelled. There may be some changes in the programme. At the Park Visitor Centers in Cogolo and in Rabbi Fonti it is possible to rent free of charge the rucksack to carry children during the excursions discovering the Park. Ask for information, security deposit € 10.00. Black grouse | Denis Bertanzetti 37 WINTER 2016-2017 IN THE SNOW… IN SILENCE… VERY SLOWLY FOOTPRINTS IN THE SNOW Daytime excursions - full-day or half a day and evening excursions with snowshoes (“ciaspole”). Apart from being an opportunity to learn how to walk through the snow with this traditional footwear, it is an occasion to get to know the naturalistic aspects of the Park. TIMES and MEETING POINT: • For the full-day excursions, departure at 9.00h from the Visitor Center in Rabbi and at 9.30h from the car-park at the bus stop in Peio Paese. Return at about 16.00h. Packed lunch at Rabbi; packed lunch or possibility to eat at the refuge at Peio. • For the morning excursions, departure at 9.00h from the Visitor Center in Rabbi and from the car-park at the bus stop in Peio Paese. Return at about 12.30h. • For the afternoon excursions, departure at 14.00h from the Visitor Center in Rabbi and at 14.15h from the car-park at the bus stop in Peio Paese. Return at about 17.30h. • For the late-afternoon excursions, departure at 15.00h from the Visitor Center in Rabbi. Return at about 19.00h. Own transport. • For the evening excursions, departure at 20.45h from the Visitor Center in Rabbi and at 21.00h from the square where the cable-car leaves in Peio Fonti. Return at about 23.30h. Fox | Paolo Mignosa 38 PARTICIPATION FEE INCLUDING EQUIPMENT HIRE For full-day excursions: € 15.00 per person. For half a day excursions: € 10.00 per person. For evening excursions: € 12.00 per person. Additional information for participants: • Itineraries pass through the Rabbi and Peio Valleys. The exact route is determined for each occasion on the basis of the prevailing snow and of the general weather conditions. • The excursions do not present any technical difficulties, but they do require a minimum of experience with regard to walking in the mountains. • For group bookings, the walks may be organized on different days. • Bookings by 17.00h of the previous day or by 11.00h for the evening excursions at the Park Visitor Centers. • The Park declines all responsibilities for possible accidents happening during activities. • At the Park Visitor Centers in Cogolo and in Rabbi Fonti it is possible to rent free of charge the rucksack to carry children during the excursions discovering the Park. Ask for information, security deposit € 10.00. RECOMMENDED CLOTHING: Parka-coat, gloves, woollen hat, sunglasses, walking boots or heavy winter shoes (with laces - no moon boots). Alpine ibex | Diego Bonafè 39 WINTER 2016-2017 EXCURSIONS WITH SNOWSHOES December 2016 Thursday 8 PEIO Evening excursion with snowshoes Friday 9 RABBI Late-afternoon excursion with snowshoes Saturday 10 PEIO Full-day excursion with snowshoes Sunday 11 RABBI Morning excursion with snowshoes Friday 23 PEIO Evening excursion with snowshoes RABBI Late-afternoon excursion with snowshoes Saturday 24 PEIO Full-day excursion with snowshoes RABBI Morning excursion with snowshoes Monday 26 PEIO Afternoon excursion with snowshoes RABBI Evening excursion with snowshoes Tuesday 27 PEIO Morning excursion with snowshoes PEIO Evening excursion with snowshoes RABBI Late-afternoon excursion with snowshoes Wednesday 28 PEIO Full-day excursion with snowshoes RABBI Evening excursion with snowshoes Thursday 29 PEIO Morning excursion with snowshoes PEIO Evening excursion with snowshoes RABBI Late-afternoon excursion with snowshoes Friday 30 PEIO Afternoon excursion with snowshoes RABBI Evening excursion with snowshoes Saturday 31 PEIO PEIO RABBI RABBI Full-day excursion with snowshoes Evening excursion with snowshoes * Full-day excursion with snowshoes Evening excursion with snowshoes * NOTE: for the excursions of 31 December 2016, the participation fee amounts to € 20.00, which includes sparkling wine and “panettone”. Stoat | Christian Simon 40 Chamoises | Andrea Izzotti January 2017 Sunday 1 PEIO Afternoon excursion with snowshoes RABBI Late-afternoon excursion with snowshoes Monday 2 PEIO Morning excursion with snowshoes PEIO Evening excursion with snowshoes RABBI Full-day excursion with snowshoes Tuesday 3 PEIO Full-day excursion with snowshoes RABBI Evening excursion with snowshoes Wednesday 4 PEIO Evening excursion with snowshoes RABBI Late-afternoon excursion with snowshoes Thursday 5 PEIO Morning excursion with snowshoes RABBI Full-day excursion with snowshoes Friday 6 PEIO Afternoon excursion with snowshoes RABBI Evening excursion with snowshoes Saturday 7 RABBI Afternoon excursion with snowshoes Sunday 8 PEIO Full-day excursion with snowshoes RABBI Morning excursion with snowshoes From January 9 to April 17, 2017 Every Tuesday: evening excursion in Peio Every Wednesday:morning excursion in Peio evening excursion in Rabbi Every Thursday: afternoon excursion in Peio Every Friday: late-afternoon excursion in Rabbi Every Saturday: afternoon excursion in Rabbi Every Sunday: full-day excursion in Peio morning excursion in Rabbi Monday, April 17: morning excursion in Peio late-afternoon excursion in Rabbi Hare | Mauro Mariotti 41 AND FOR ALL THE YEAR... THE THERMAL BATHS OF PEJO 1390 m a.s.l. CURE AND REST IN CONTACT WITH NATURE The Thermal Baths of Pejo, completely renovated in the structure and indoors, open from June 6 to October 8 and from December 19 to April 2, 2017. The spring of the mineral water from the Antica Fonte (Ancient Spring), the Fonte Alpina (Alpine Spring) and the Nuova Fonte (New Spring) lies in the high mountains of the OrtlesCevedale group in the heart of Stelvio National Park. The cold, bicarbonate, alkaline and ferrous water is used for the treatment of high blood pressure, anaemia, organic problems, skin diseases, gastric troubles and metabolic illnesses. The treatment is mainly based on the mineral water; there is inhalation treatment, balneotherapy, inhalation of the gases from sulphur-rich water, phototherapy with ultraviolet lamps, as well as physiotherapy practised in the water. The Thermal Baths, with their Congress Center, also offer “Fitness and Well-being”, thereby combining a holiday in the mountains with the beneficial application of mineral water. The Health Center offers swimming pool, gym, collective whirlpool, water massage, water treading, Turkish bath, aromatic baths, as well as therapeutic and relaxing massages. Via delle Acque Acidule, 3 – 38024 PEIO FONTI (TN) tel. 0463-753226 – fax: 0463-743207 – THE THERMAL BATHS OF RABBI 1222 m a.s.l. SINCE 1666 THE THERMAL CURE OF THE EMPRESS Opening times: from May 23 to September 24 The Ancient Spring’s water, is renowned since ancient times like “elisir naturale”. It is a mineral water, abounding in mineral salts, acidulous, chalybeate, sodium and containing bicarbonate. The carbon dioxide content, which is amongst the highest in Europe, leaves numerous mineral elements in solution, thereby lending the water its well-known therapeutic characteristics. Traditional treatments include: rheumatic illness, circulation problems (venous, lymphatic and arterial), disturbances of the micro cycle (cellulite), rhinitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis, anemia and gastrointestinal system diseases. The new thermal center, which is recognized by the Italian National Health Service and the Italian National Institute for Health at the Place of Work for the treatment of these diseases, thereby combines the quality of its water with the beautiful surroundings of Stelvio National Park, allowing the visitor to have the traditional thermal treatment as well as to enjoy several “regenerating” programs, with great attention to the cellulite’s treatment. at Rabbi Fonti, 162 – 38020 RABBI (TN) tel. 0463-983000 – fax: 0463-985070 – 42 THE PARK FOR EVERYONE There are two fascinating walks, suitable also for disabled people, in the Peio and Rabbi valleys. Animal Wildlife Center: from the path you may observe red and roe deer, born and brought up in this area, at a close distance. The presentation in the Visitor Center offers another opportunity to get to know the characteristics of the most important animals that live in the Park. PEIO 2 The path of the sawmills and woods: here you may visit an ancient, water-driven, Venetian sawmill, amongst the roaring noise of the Ragaiolo waterfall, and follow a trail which gives you the opportunity to get to know the many naturalistic aspects of the Park. RABBI 5 43 AND FOR ALL THE YEAR... PARK’S FACILITIES INFORMATION POINT IN COGOLO COGOLO 1 At the Information Point in Cogolo, where brochures and publications edited by the Park are available, the staff give our visitors useful information about proposals, programmes and activities of the Park. You can also buy gadgets and souvenirs about the Park. Times of opening: daily, from 9.00h to 12.00h and from 15.00h to 18.00h. In summer, from June 27 to September 11, daily with this timetable: from Monday to Friday: 9.00h - 12.00h and 15.00h - 19.00h Saturday and Sunday: 9.00h - 12.00h and 15.00h - 18.00h Information: tel. 0461-493638 - Piazza Municipio, 4 – Cogolo di Peio (TN) ANIMAL WILDLIFE CENTER PEIO 2 The Animal Wildlife Center of Peio, situated on the road between Peio Fonti and Peio Paese, is home to red and roe deer. The “Red Deer House” consists of a modern information office and a characteristic Visitor Center, where even our youngest visitors may discover the characteristics of the animal species present in the protected area, their behaviour and how they have adapted to the rigid winters. Entry: € 1.00 per adult, € 0.50 for children under 14 years of age (and pupils). Times of opening: daily, from 10.00h to 12.00h and from 14.30h to 17.00h. In summer: from June 18 to September 11, daily with this timetable: 9.00h - 13.00h and 15.00h - 19.00h. Information: tel. 0461-493641 At Runcal – Peio Fonti (TN) 44 MALGA TALÉ PEIO 3 After the reconstruction of Malga Talé, it was decided to use it as a framework for a particular topic: the Tetraonidae-family and its complex adaptation strategies to the environment. The easily accessible building is situated on a pasture ground that is particularly favoured by these mysterious wild birds. On an adjacent clearing, in the surrounding spruce woodland and on the highest peaks, you may find capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse and ptarmigan. The informative exposition that has been set up inside Malga Talé follows the technique of bird-watching: the visitor is the protagonist of a journey that will lead him to discover, by observation, the Galliformes in their natural habitat that has been reconstructed using sounds and images. The tracks left by these elegant birds in the woodland and on the snow, their feeding habits, techniques of camouflage, dimorphism and the courting ritual of the black grouse all represent a fascinating topic. The itinerary is suitable for disabled people. Entry: € 2.00 per adult, € 1.00 for children under 14 years of age (and pupils) Times of opening: in summer, from June 25 to September 11, daily except on Wednesday, from 9.30h to 12.30h and from 14.30h to 17.30h. 45 AND FOR ALL THE YEAR... THE VISITOR CENTRE OF RABBI RABBI 4 In the Visitor Centre, where brochures and publications edited by the Park are available, the staff give our visitors useful information on programmes regarding the Park’s activities and excursions. Apart from the room used for meetings and the projection of videos, there is another room that is reserved for displays where the visitor may observe the shapes and colours of the most common animal species in the Park. The centre of the display is the reproduction of an eighteenth century Venetian sawmill, situated on the banks of the Torrente Rabbiés, which passes close to the Visitor Centre. The virtual journey across the Park also includes a collection of photos showing protected plant species, as well as information panels that describe the reproductive cycle of mushrooms and characteristics of eagle and of birds from the Tetraonidae-family. The visitor then enters the adjacent room where he finds drawings representing the four seasons, showing the mountain peaks that surround Val di Rabbi. In front of the drawings, a landscape has been reproduced during the various seasons, also showing the footprints left by the animals passing by. On entering the room, the visitor is struck by background sounds: gurgling water, the cries of the alpine chough and the whistle of the chamois give the visitor the illusion of being part of a real life scene. Times of opening: daily, except on Wednesday, from 9.00h to 12.00h and from 14.00h to 17.00h. In summer, from June 27 to September 11, daily with this timetable: from Monday to Friday: 8.00h - 12.00h and 15.00h - 19.00h Saturday and Sunday: 9.00h - 12.00h and 15.00h - 18.00h Information: tel. 0461-493639 – 46 VENETIAN SAWMILLS RABBI 5 In the past, sawmills with a water-wheel were very common. Water energy was utilized to cut tree trunks into floorboards and beams. Today, very few of these ancient sawmills are still functioning. In the 13th century, this type of sawmill was introduced to the Trentino from the nearby Republic of Venice, where they were already common; hence the name “Venetian Sawmill”. In the Rabbi Valley, the waterdriven sawmills are, however, of more recent origin (the 18th century). With these sawmills, timber sawing became easier, quicker, more precise and much less exhausting. The muscular strength of two or three men was replaced by water energy, and a single workman - the sawyer - sufficed to carry out the various phases of the work. In the Rabbi Valley, this particular industry flourished until the 1960s. In the Rabbi Valley there are two Venetian sawmills at Fonti/ Plan: the sawmill “dei Bègoi” and the sawmill “dei Braghje”, both have recently been restored by the Park’s work force. Their working mechanisms were also overhauled, now both sawmills are fully functioning and they will be put in motion on request for groups or on the occasion of the guided visits “Water and wood: Venetian sawmills” on Tuesdays, from June 21 to September 6. CASÈL (DAIRY) OF SOMRABBI RABBI 6 In this ancient dairy, which was built in 1858, an exhibition has been set up containing 127 utensils, once used to transform milk into cheese. In the entrance hall, the visitor’s attention is focused on a huge open fireplace and copper cauldrons, which are the symbol of the museum. Large wall panels describe and show pictures of the most important steps of the milk processing. Times of opening: the dairy is open during the guided visit “The milky way” on Thursdays, from June 23 to September 8, or on request by groups consisting of a minimum of 10 persons. 47 AND FOR ALL THE YEAR... PLAYING AND LEARNING DISCOVER THE PARK PLAYING RABBI 7 Getting to know the Park and enjoying yourselves is a fascinating adventure that, in the Val di Saènt, is tinted with the colours and sounds of nature. Making discoveries and new experiences by using one’s senses is the theme of “The Park Game”, in an area for playing and learning that has been created to give boys and girls an opportunity to experience fully the sensations produced by a contact with nature. The activities in this games area make use of very different materials: iron, air, stone, wood and water that are part of the protected area’s environment and help to describe its territory, plants and animals. How do the players in this game move about? They take on the shapes of the animals that live here, such as red deer, marmot, eagle and… man. The information available on notes and information panels stimulates the children’s fantasy, and they will learn to observe the environment and to find out more about the Park. The area for playing and learning is located on the very spot where masses of detritus, which was washed down the slope, accumulated after the landslide in September 1999, devastating the Val di Saènt. From June to September. 48 THE VISITOR CENTER STABLÉT RABBI 8 The Visitor Center Stablét is dedicated to the life and behaviour of marmots, a very common rodent that lives on high-altitude alpine grassland. The Center was set up in an old summerfarm in the mountains, which was restored and equipped for the purpose. With the help of simple descriptive panels, visitors discover the physical particulars of marmots and gets to know their way of life. The images show the winter hibernation, “waking-up” in spring, the family life organization and the daily “work” of this charming rodent. A large model illustrates the interior of a typical marmot den, the small living-space which is its retreat. For more information, the Center has a small room where visitors may watch a video about marmots. The Visitor Centre is placed at the feet of the well-known and spectacular Saènt waterfalls, of Prà di Saènt, also called “The marmots’ meadow” and near to the “Path of the Monumental Larches”. Times of opening: the Visitor Center Stablét is open daily, from June 25 to September 11 from 10.00h to 17.00h. THE “PATH TO THE MONUMENTAL LARCHES” RABBI 9 This educational-naturalistic path has been created to offer visitors the possibility to get to know, and to appreciate, some of the natural characteristics in the upper Val di Saènt of the Rabbi Valley. However within a landscape containing such a varied and rich flora and fauna, a similar initiative in any case addresses many different topics. In particular, the path offers visitors the opportunity to see around twenty huge centuriesold larch trees which grow on a steep rocky slope above the pasture of Saènt (Prà di Saènt). The path leads up the slope, passes the biggest and most interesting trees, and finally comes out by the main footpath going up to the Dorigoni Refuge. Apart from these majestic trees, the path also offers other attractions and interesting moments. Every one of the old trees has a name: “Big Arch” (“Grande arco”); “Larch of the Eagles” (“Il larice delle aquile”); “Two Lives” (“Due vite”); “Dinosaur” (“Il dinosauro”); “Five Trunks” (“Cinque tronchi”); “The Loner” (“Il solitario”); “He’s Still Alive” (“Eppur vive”); “Totem” (“Il totem”) and so on, which tells the visitor something of the special characteristics of each tree, and all the data worth knowing for each tree is presented on a panel. Guided easy to moderately difficult excursions “Discovering the Monumental Larches”: every Wednesday from June 22 to September 7. 49 AND FOR ALL THE YEAR... IN THE PARK YOU CAN VISIT TOO… WAR MUSEUM PEIO 10 The museum was founded in Peio Paese in July 2003, the highest Town hall of the entire Hapsburg Empire (1579m). The objective of the exhibition “Peio 1914-1918: the war on our front-door” is to bring back to life an important chapter of our community’s history. As a visitor, you are not merely confronted with a collection of war relics and weapons, but are also invited to embark on a travel back in time to understand and discover a world not so far from today’s reality, but so often unknown. Objects from daily life, equipment, weapons, documents, photographs, books and videos will help us remember, so that we may never forget a past that is not as distant as it might seem. Times of opening: daily from June 18 to September 18: • from June 18 to July 31 and from August 29 to September 18 and during the Christmas holidays: from 10.00h to 12.00h and 16.00h to 19.00h; • from August 1 to 28: from 10.00h to 12.00h and from 15.00h to 19.00h. Groups should telephone: 348-7400942. Entrance fee offer at your discretion. E-mail: – RUATTI MILL PRACORNO DI RABBI 11 For at least seven centuries the waters of the river Rabbiés set in motion the big wheels of the Mill. Connected to the productive structure are living rooms and others premises which all offer a little understanding of the every day life in Rabbi Valley. On the wheels of the Mill, the Virgin of Caravaggio, painted in the 1830, protects the wayfarer and Santa Caterina with a wheel protects the miller. The setting up offers the visitor a sort of memory spot, where an overview on the rural society, the peasant economy of Rabbi Valley is generally unveiled. Times of opening: • from June 4 to July 3 Saturdays and Sundays: 10.00h-12.00h and 14.30h-18.30h; • from July 4 to September 18 Every day: 10.00h-12.00h and 14.30h-18.30h. Every 30 minutes, guided visit to the Mill. Laboratory about old grinding (activity for children from 4 to 12 years of age): Wednesdays, from June 29 to August 31 (14.30h). Laboratory about legends of the Rabbi Valley (activity for children from 4 to 12 years of age): Thursdays, from June 30 to September 1 (14.30h). Laboratory about weaving (activity for children from 4 to 12 years of age): Fridays, from July 1 to September 2 (14.30h). Charge: entry to the mill: € 4.00; guided visit: € 5.00; laboratory: € 6.00. Information and bookings: RUATTI MILL IN PRACORNO in the days and times of opening Tel.: 0463-903166 – 339-8665415 E-mail: 50 2 10 9 3 8 1 7 5 11 4 6 LET US RESPECT NATURE When you visit the Park, remember... 1. Do not underestimate the dangers of the mountains; clothes and equipment should be light, comfortable and functional; and choose your boots carefully. 2. Respect all no thoroughfare signs and avoid using your car unnecessarily. 3. Respect the Park’s tranquillity, and walk in silence. 4. Keep to the roads and paths and do not walk on the grass. 5. Do not pick or damage plants, flowers or mushrooms, and do not collect minerals. 6. Do not disturb the wild animals. 7. Keep your dog on a leash. 8. Do not light fires outside the designated barbecue areas, and do not camp. 9. Do not leave your litter behind; always take it back down to the valley with you. 10. Never leave your group unless absolutely necessary, and in that case tell them where you are going. 11. Collaborate in the conservation and protection of ecosystems and of the beauty of this landscape; respect the law regarding the protection of the environment! Any contravention of these laws is severely punished by the authorities. 118 TRENTINO EMERGENZA In case of accident, also in the mountains, always dial “118” Mountain Rescue: Peio: Stefano Dalla Valle 348-0005368 Rabbi: Franco Zappini 340-8199720 In case of fire, dial “115” Visitor Center Rabbi at Rabbi Fonti 38020 RABBI - TN Tel. 0461-493639 E-mail: Times of opening: daily, except on Wednesday, 9.00h - 12.00h and 14.00h - 17.00h. In summer, from June 27 to September 11, daily with this timetable: Mondays to Fridays: 8.00h - 12.00h and 15.00h - 19.00h Saturdays and Sundays: 9.00h - 12.00h and 15.00h - 18.00h Animal Wildlife Center in Peio At Runcal 38024 PEIO FONTI - TN Tel. 0461-493641 Times of opening: daily, 10.00h - 12.00h and 14.30h - 17.00h. In summer, from June 18 to September 11, daily: 9.00h - 13.00h and 15.00h - 19.00h Head Office of the Stelvio National Park - Trentino Section Via Roma, 65 38024 COGOLO DI PEIO - TN Tel. 0463-909770 E-mail: website:; Times of opening: Mondays to Thursdays: 8.00h - 12.00h and 14.00h - 17.00h; Fridays: 8.00h - 12.00h For organizational reasons, the opening hours of the Visitor Centers are indicative only. It is recommended to check the times by phoning the Centers or Head Office. OTHER USEFUL ADDRESSES: Forestry Office in Peio At the Animal Wildlife Center Runcal 38024 PEIO FONTI - TN e-mail: Forestry Office in Rabbi at Rabbi Fonti 38020 RABBI - TN e-mail: Cover photo: Squirrel - Claudio Oldrini. Information Point Peio in Cogolo Piazza Municipio, 4 38024 COGOLO DI PEIO - TN Tel. 0461-493638 E-mail: Times of opening: daily, 9.00h - 12.00h and 15.00h - 18.00h. In summer, from June 27 to September 11, daily with this timetable: Mondays to Fridays: 9.00h - 12.00h and 15.00h - 19.00h Saturdays and Sundays: 9.00h - 12.00h and 15.00h - 18.00h PHOTOS by Erika Albertini, Fausto Ceschi, Tiziano Mochen, Cristina Moreschini, Paolo Moreschini. Photographic Archive: Alpine Guides Val di Sole, Trentino Sector of Stelvio National Park and Vioz Refuge. FOR ALL INFORMATION AND BOOKINGS CONTACT: