Welcome to Kempenfelt our home away from home for the next


Welcome to Kempenfelt our home away from home for the next
Welcome to Kempenfelt our home away from home for the next couple of days. Our thanks go
out to the planning committee for finding this amazing location.
The MBC Board of Directors and Executive Director are happy to welcome everyone to MBC’s
2013 Annual General Meeting and National Conference. It doesn’t matter if you are a newbie
or veteran; there is lots of great information for your family, your Chapter and yourself. There
are so many opportunities to learn from the speakers, workshops and sometimes most
importantly each other. The sharing of information that happens at these weekends in
On Saturday morning, please join the MBC Board of Directors, Executive Director and other
national volunteers for the Annual General Meeting for Multiple Births Canada. This meeting
will give you information about what MBC has been working on, will continue to work on, our
plans for the future and how you can help. This is a great time to have your ideas heard, and
contribute to the running of this wonderful organization. Immediately following will be the MBC
and You workshop where the newest of resources and MBC information will be shared.
The MADA awards and Volunteer Recognition award will be given out at dinner on Saturday
night. We all know it is important to recognise the important work of some of our very
dedicated volunteers. After the awards it will be time to let down our hair and have some fun!
The Board and Executive Director will be available throughout the weekend to answer
questions, listen to ideas and offer advice. Please take advantage of this in-person time to get
to know your national team of volunteers and your fellow delegates. There will be many
opportunities to share information with other delegates and get information to take back to
your Chapters. These sessions are designed to give everyone a voice and a chance to find new
ideas or just different ways of doing things.
So take some time to relax is this beautiful setting, make new friends, enjoy good food and
have a great time. By the end of the weekend, we hope you go back to your families and
chapters invigorated and ready to take on new challenges.
Heather McAuley
Director and 2013 Conference Liaison for MBC
On behalf of the MBC Board of Directors and Executive Director
Thank you!
Simcoe County
Parents of Multiples
The MBC Board of Directors, Executive
Director, Volunteers and this weekend’s
delegates want to thank the
2013 Conference Committee and all
members of SCPOM and their families for all
the hard work, dedication and time they spent
preparing for this amazing weekend.
Congratulations on a
job well done!
About Multiple Births Canada
2012-2013 Board of Directors & Volunteers
Current MBC Board of Directors & Staff Bios
2012-2013 Affiliate Chapters
MBC Support Network Information
MBC History Timeline 1977-2013
MBC Past Conference History
Thank You to All
Multiple Births Canada Current Volunteers & Staff
Without Volunteers there would be no Multiple Births Canada!
Officers of the Board
Co-Chair – Sheila Catto
Co-Chair and Treasurer – Shirley Combden
Secretary – Nancy Young
Past Chair – Gail Moore
Board of Directors
Director of Support Services – Sheila Catto
Director – Heather McAuley
Director of Finance – Shirley Combden
Director of Information Management – Lori Oldfield
Director – Cherie Baruss
Executive Director – Kimberley Weatherall
Finance Assistant – Theresa Sanders
Advisory Board
Dr. Fiona Bamforth, MSc, FRCPC, University of Alberta Hospital, Edmonton, AB
Dr. Cathy Barr, Ph.D., Director of Research, Imagine Canada, past MBC Board Member, Guelph, ON
Dr. Jon Barrett, MBBch, MD, MRCOG, RFCS(C), Chief of Maternal Fetal Medicine Sunnybrook & Director of Ante Natal
Multiples clinic Sunnybrook/Women’s College Health Sciences Centre, Toronto, ON
Dr. Alan Bocking, MD, FRCSC, Professor & Chairman, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of Toronto
Laura Corbett RN, BScN, PNC © - Clinical Nurse Leader, Birthing Center II/Women’s Special Care Unit
Jane Denton, Director Multiple Births Foundation in UK
Dr. Audrey Huberman, Ed. D., Curriculum, Teaching & Learning, Private Practice, Toronto, ON, twin
Dr. Kerry Jang, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, University of BC, Vancouver
Dr. Louis Keith, MD, Professor of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Northwestern Univ. Medical School, Centre for the Study of
Multiple Birth, Chicago, IL, Past Co-President of ISTS, and monozygotic twin
Jean Kollantai, Founder, Center for Loss in Multiple Births (CLIMB), Anchorage, Alaska
Linda G. Leonard, RN, MSN, Twin/triplet specialist, University of BC, Vancouver
Patricia Malmstrom, MA, Director of Twins Services Consulting, Berkley, CA, and parent of twins
Pat Preedy, Ph.D., Multiple Birth Education Specialist, UK
Cheryl Wadasinghe, past MBC Board Member, Government Advisor, Nepean, ON
Support Networks
Breastfeeding Support Network Chair – Lynda P. Haddon
Father Support Network Chair – Eric Novak
Francophone Support Network Chair – Murielle Dietrich
Higher Order Multiples Support Network –Sheila Catto
LGBTQ+ Support Network – Tania Zulkoskey
Lone Parents Support Network Chair – Debbie Zen
Loss Support Network Chair – Lynda P. Haddon
Special Needs Support Network Chair – Theresa Meininger Sanders
Chapter Support Network Chair- Heather McAuley
Adult Multiples Network co-Chairs- Jennifer Shelswell and Janice Desroches
Preterm Birth Support Network Chair – Carolyn Leighton-Hilborn
(as of Sept. 20th, 2013 - changes may have occurred since printing)
Health and Education Committee
Jenna Kelland, Chair
Kim Krueger
Rose Czarnuch
Anna Rendell
Tania McNamara
Carolyn Leighton-Hilborn
Jennifer Stephens
Multiple Births Canada Volunteers
Chapter Clothing Sales (info update) – Lori Oldfield
Making a Difference Award Committee Chair – Theresa Sanders
& Committee members: Nicole Fisher, Pat Harber, Nancy Young,
Sheri Franklin and Darlene Nagy
Membership Coordinator – Theresa Sanders
Multiple Moments Acting Editor-in-Chief – Kimberley Weatherall
Multiple Moments Layout - Alison Pilz
Advocacy and Awareness Coordinator– Gail Moore
Volunteer Coordinator – Dawn Knuff
Volunteer Database Coordinator – Gerlinde Rup
Webmasters – Lori and D’Arcy Oldfield
Website Updates – Lori Oldfield
Additional Volunteer Support
Kimberley Weatherall – Developing partnerships, grant proposal research and writing, and securing national discounts and
affiliate programs
Murielle & Pascal Dietrich – French Translation Coordinators
Nicole Fisher – Multiple Moments Website Reviewer, Facebook Moderator
Jennifer Stephens – Multiple Moments Columnist and Book Review Contributor
HOM Support Network Committee and HOM Parent Support Contacts
Karen Neilson – HOM Database Support
Tara Bedard – Multiple Moments Copy Editor
Stacey Haggerty – Multiple Moments Copy Editor
Serena Engler – Multiple Moments Book Review Contributor
Elaine Nugent – Website Assistant
Laura Reid – Lone Parent Support Network Facebook Moderator
Paula Chorpitta – Breastfeeding Facebook Support Network Moderator
Carolyn Leighton-Hilborn - Preterm Birth Support Network Facebook Moderator
Sheila Catto – Higher Order Multiple Support Network Facebook Moderator
Theresa Sanders – Special Needs Support Network Facebook Moderator
Thank you for all you do…
Supporting Multiple Births Together!
(as of Sept. 20th, 2013 - changes may have occurred since printing)
Multiple Births Canada’s Current Board of Directors, Officers and Staff
Board of Directors
Sheila Catto, Co-Chair of the Board and Director of Support Services, joined
the MBC Board in fall 2008, and became chair in September 2010. She lives in
Saskatoon with her husband Steve Reid and their 13-year-old trizygotic triplets,
Katie, Maggie and Rob. Sheila has served as MBC Rep for the Saskatoon Parents
of Twins and Triplets Organization for 9 years, and also volunteers with her church
and the local School Community Council.
Shirley Combden, Co-Chair and Director of Finance, joined the MBC Board of
Directors in September 2010 after co-chairing the 2010 MBC National Conference.
Shirley resides in Edmonton, Alberta with her husband, Mike and their 22-year-old
son, Anthony and their 15-year-old dizygotic twins, Amber and Andre. Shirley has
been an active member of the Edmonton Twin & Triplet Club since 2000 and has
held many positions over the years including President, Vice President, Treasurer,
Secretary, Sales Director and Alumni Support. She currently holds the positions of
Past President with the ETTC. Shirley works for a number of not-for-profit
organizations in the Edmonton area.
Lori Oldfield, Director of Information Management joined the MBC Board of
Directors in September 2010 at the National Conference in Edmonton. She is
currently living in Morriston, Ontario, outside Guelph, with her husband D`Arcy, and
their four boys, 14-year-old Josh, 12-year-old Braydon and 7-year-old dizygotic twin
boys Allistar and Konnor. Lori joined Multiple Births Guelph-Wellington in 2005 and
has been a member of their executive since 2006. She has held the positions of web
design/webmaster for 2yrs, Newsletter Editor 4yrs and continues to hold the position
of MBC Rep for the last 4yrs. She started volunteering at the national level in 2008
and has held various positions including MADA Nomination Committee member for
2008 & 2009, MADA AV support since 2008, Silent Auction Coordinator for the 2009
Conference, and MBC Webmaster/Web Updates since late 2009. Outside of MBC
she has held positions on the Executive Board of the Local Co-Op preschool and
continues to hold a position with the local Softball Association.
Heather McAuley, Board Member and Chair of the Chapter Support Network,
joined the Board in May 2012. Heather has spent many years volunteering with the
Windsor/Essex POMBA chapter. She has been a member since the week after she
found out she was expecting boy/girl twins Matthew and Cassie in 2003. The twins
joined Maggie and Katie to create a loud household full of laughter. Heather enjoys
doing volunteer work in her community. She sits on the parent council of her
children’s schools, the Parent Involvement Committee at the school board level,
organizes the adult social activities and teaches prenatal classes for Windsor
POMBA and most recently chaired the 2011 MBC Conference committee. Heather is
an example of the saying, if you want something done ask a busy person.
Cherie Baruss, Board Member, joined the Board in September 2013. Cherie
Baruss is a wife to her husband of 11 years, Sag, and mother of 6.5 year old
boy/girl twins, Niklas and Addison. She practices law in and around enjoying each
age and stage with her 'babies' and works hard to keep family and work life
balanced. Cherie benefited so much from the resources and support other
multiple-birth parents and organizations provided that she is excited to share a bit
back into that community. Cherie's perspective on multiples is even that much
more unique because not only does she have beautiful twins of her own, but she is
a twin herself. In what little spare time exists in their busy young family, Cherie and
Sag are focused on providing an active and outdoor lifestyle for their family
including skiing, camping and hiking.
Wanda Bell, Board Member, joined the board in September of 2013. Wanda lives
in Spruce Grove, Alberta with her husband Doug, and their 15 year old daughter
Kenna and their nearly 13 year old monozygotic twin boys David and Bradley.
Wanda joined the Edmonton Twin and Triplet Club (ETTC) in 2000, shortly after her
boys were born. As a member of the ETTC, Wanda held many positions over the
years including Friendship, Area Rep, Special Events Rep, Sales Director and
Alumni Support. In 2010 she co-chaired the 2010 MBC National Conference in
Edmonton. Wanda, a former teacher, also enjoys being involved in her local
school. Currently she is secretary for the Parent Council and volunteers regularly at
various school functions.
Officer (Non- Board Member)
Nancy Young, Secretary, joined the national team in an Officer position in
September 2013. Nancy is married with three daughters, singleton Laura and
dizygotic twins Michelle and Rachel. Nancy lives in the small community of
Holland Landing, Ontario. She joined Newmarket POMBA in April 1991, when
she found out she was having multiples. As an active member of the local
club, she volunteered at many events and was an executive member for ten
years holding membership co-ordinator and vice-president positions. She has
been an active volunteer of Multiple Births of Canada for the past ten years,
helping at conferences and on the MADA committee since its inception. As
the girls grew up, she volunteered with many organizations, such as Girl
Guides, local girls activity club, and helped managed a local girl’s rep
basketball team. In her professional career, Nancy graduated from Centralia
College of Agricultural Technology (University of Guelph) as a Registered
Veterinary Technician. Currently, she is working in a small animal clinic as
the Practice Manager. Nancy shares her home with five cats and an active
chocolate Labrador retriever.
Kimberley Weatherall, Executive Director, lives in Orleans (suburb of Ottawa)
with her husband, Steve. They are now empty nesters after their 26-year-old
monozygotic twin daughters, Stephanie and Kristin moved out a year ago – one to
her own new home (Orleans) and the other to attend Grad school (Vancouver).
Kim began her volunteer career for the multiple-birth community with the Multiple
Births Families Association of Ottawa (formerly OTPA), where she held many
different positions before moving to the national level in 1998, to begin serving on
the MBC Board of Directors (at the time POMBA Canada). As a volunteer for MBC,
Kim was a Board member from 1998 – 2010 (with a one year break), Chair from
2004-2008, Past Chair, Privacy Officer, Director of Volunteer Management,
Director of Fund Development and quite a few more! Kim is the current Past Chair
and Board Member of the International Council of Multiple Birth Organizations
(ICOMBO) and a past Board Member of the International Society of Twin Studies
Theresa Sanders, Financial Assistant, currently lives in Innisfil, Ontario with her
husband Darrell and their twins, Alexander and Jessica who are now 10. Darrell
has his own business, and Theresa runs the office end doing all of his invoicing and
book-keeping. Theresa is also actively involved in a number of volunteer
organizations, including representing Easter Seals Ontario on the Special Education
Advisory Council for her local school board and is also a part of the Accessibility
Planning Committee for the board, and doing a number of positions within the
Children’s Treatment Network of Simcoe York including being a member of the
Family Engagement Council. Finally Theresa has been actively involved in the
Multiple Births community for many years, starting with her local chapter Simcoe
County Parents of Multiples (formerly the Barrie Twins Club) in 2004 and then
joining the national level with Multiple Births Canada in 2008. She currently is
Membership Coordinator, Special Needs Network Chair, Making A Difference
Awards Chair, and Financial Assistant (a few hours a month) for MBC.
2013-2014 Multiple Births Canada Affiliate Organizations
Chapter Name
Twins Plus Association of Brampton
Brant Multiples 'n More
Multiples in Bruce
Chatham-Kent Multiple Births
Durham Parents of Multiples
Edmonton Twin and Triplet Club
Multiple Births Guelph-Wellington
Fredericton Area Moms of Multiples
Kitchener-Waterloo POMBA
London Multiple Birth Association
Newmarket Parents of Multiple Births
Multiple Birth Families Association of
Saskatoon Parents of Twins & Triplets Organization
Simcoe County Parents of Multiples
Temiskaming Multiple Births
Thunder Bay Parents of Multiple Births
Windsor/Essex County P.O.M.B.A.
MBC Email Address
Supporting Multiple Births Together!
Support Network Information Sheet
Multiple Births Canada offers several Support Networks for families facing unique situations and challenges. These
Networks are intended to provide connections with other multiple-birth families in a similar situation, to share
concerns and areas of expertise with one another.
Breastfeeding Support Network
Higher Order Multiples Support Network
For families considering or experiencing breastfeeding
their multiples. The Breastfeeding Support Network
For families with triplets, quadruplets or more. The
HOM Support Network provides:
• referrals to breastfeeding support services
• experienced parent contacts across Canada
(where possible)
• series of 11 Fact Sheets on Breastfeeding
• quarterly articles in Multiple Moments
• monthly e-newsletter "The MilkyWay”
• private Facebook group
• New & Expectant Parent Support Kit
• support services to experienced, new and
expectant families of triplets, quadruplets,
quintuplets and more
• experienced parent contacts across Canada
(where possible)
• quarterly articles in Multiple Moments
• private Facebook group
Multiple Births Canada publishes and distributes the
booklet Nursing Your Infant Twins, Special Delivery:
Triplets, Quads & Quints and the pamphlets
Breastfeeding Twins, Triplets & Quads.
Multiple Births Canada publishes and distributes the
booklet Special Delivery: Triplets, Quads & Quints, the
pamphlet Breastfeeding Triplets or Quads, and several
Fact Sheets for higher order multiples.
Father Support Network
Francophone Support Network
Just for dads! The Father Support Network connects
dads to help provide support and share experiences.
Volunteer fathers write a quarterly article in Multiple
MBC publishes several Fact Sheets for fathers and
partners. As this network grows, more resources will be
Le réseau francophone: A network specifically for
French-speaking families. This network connects
families to help provide support and share experiences
with each other. Network volunteers write articles in
French for Multiple Moments magazine.
Members connect through a private Facebook group.
Multiple Births Canada has 11 publications translated
into French, and plans to develop more.
Special Needs Network
LGBTQ+ Support Network
For families where a multiple or sibling has a special
need. Special needs include physical or developmental
disabilities that put additional stress on the family,
including the challenges of raising a gifted child.
• quarterly articles in Multiple Moments
• monthly e-newsletter "All Children Are Special”
• private Facebook group
Multiple Births Canada publishes and distributes three
Special Needs Fact Sheets and the booklet Multiples
with Special Needs: A Parent Handbook and Resource
For lesbian, gay, bi-sexual, transgender and queer+
(LGBTQ) parents of multiple-birth children, or multiplebirth LGBTQ children, teens or adults. The LGBTQ+
Network offers support through confidential one-on-one
discussions by email, Skype or phone, referrals to
resources and community connections, and writes
quarterly articles for Multiple Moments magazine.
As this network grows, more resources will be
Revised September 2013
Support Network Information Sheet
Chapter Support Network
Preterm Birth Support Network
For affiliate organization volunteers looking for information
about issues related to running their organizations. Also
for individuals looking to start new MBC affiliate
organizations in their area.
This network offers a Resource Library on the MBC
website for Chapter volunteers, and a private Facebook
group to discuss common concerns and share best
practices. Chapter Exchange workshops at the annual
MBC conferences allow volunteers to connect and learn
from one another.
For families with preterm multiples (i.e. multiples born
before 38 weeks).
E-newsletter “Early Arrivals”
Private Facebook group
Quarterly column in Multiple Moments
This network connects families with similar
experiences, and offers a series of Fact Sheets for
expecting parents of multiples and new parents of
preterm infants.
Loss Support Network
Lone Parent Support Network
For families who have lost one, more or all of their
children. Also for adult survivors, grandparents, and
those supporting bereaved multiple-birth families.
miscarriage of a multiple pregnancy
loss of one or more multiples
raising the surviving multiple(s) or “twinless twins”
monthly e-newsletter "Forever Angels"
confidential e-mail Pen-Pal Angel Communication
between members
• quarterly articles in Multiple Moments magazine
Multiple Births Canada publishes and distributes 16
Loss Fact Sheets, and the booklets The Loss of a
Multiple: Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Infancy, The Loss of a
Multiple: Childhood/Teens, The Loss of a Multiple: The
Role of a Parents of Multiples Club. Membership in
MBC is not a requirement to be part of this Network.
For families in which the head of the household is a
lone parent, whether due to divorce, death, military
posting or by choice.
where to get help and support
stress reduction
cost of child care and schooling issues
giving your children individual attention
where to find time for working mothers/fathers, and
social life with children
• recommended reference materials, reading lists,
and organizations
• quarterly articles in Multiple Moments
• private Facebook group
Multiple Births Canada publishes and distributes the
booklet Single Parents of Multiples, a series of 5 Fact
Sheets and a Lone Parent Support Information Kit.
Adult Multiples Network
Growing up as a twin, triplet or higher order multiple can be a special, rewarding and unique journey – and there
may be some interesting challenges along the way. MBC’s Adult Multiples Network is a private network for
multiple-birth individuals to connect, share their experiences and support each other.
• Private Facebook group for adult multiples to share stories, pictures, questions and advice.
• Confidential e-mail connection with the Network Co-Chairs
• Quarterly newsletter article in Multiple Moments magazine
For more information or to join one or more of these Support Networks, please select your choice when
applying for direct membership, contact the desired support network directly (information can be found at
or please contact the Multiple Births Canada Business Office at
Revised September 2013
Second project “Multiple
Materials continued to be
produced and need for
bilingual content noted.
First conference hosted
by Lethbridge POTTA
coordinated by Sheryl
Double Feature
newsletter began in
Triplets, Quads and Quints
(TQQ) was formed. Now called
Higher Order Multiples Support
POMBA Bylaws finalized.
Double Feature revised with new
look and format.
Mission Statement created: “To
improve and promote the health and
well-being of expectant multiplebirth families and families with
multiple births, before, during and
after pregnancy”.
Initiated outreach to medical
professionals with a large
mailing to hospitals across
POMBA initiated outreach
mailing with a focus on
1977 1978 1979 1980 1981
1982 1983
Double Feature became
Multiple Moments with the
Fall issue.
Policies and Procedures
Manual developed.
Loss newsletter “Forever
Angels” launched.
National Zygosity Program
launched with University of
First 5 year Strategic Plan
and yearly Operational Plan
POMBA faced serious
challenge with the retirement
of all the Board members.
1988 1989 1991 1992 1993 1994
POMBA filed for Incorporation.
POMBA of Western Canada
and the Eastern Canada delegation united to create POMBA Canada.
Founder Sheryl McInnes.
First project “ The Impact of a
Multiple Birth on a Family”.
At 3rd ISTS Congress in
Jerusalem –COMBO was
created with Sheryl McInnes
voted in as Chair (19801983).
Next project “ Fathers of
Education Kit created.
POMBA formed two new
Support Networks - Lone
Parent and Special Needs.
Business Office relocated to
Ontario from Alberta.
Advisory Board created.
First leaflets produced in
POMBA/MBC international representation as part of
Council of Multiple Birth Organizations (COMBO)
COMBO– Delegates were sent to ISTS Congresses
in 1977 Washington, 1980 Jerusalem, 1986
Amsterdam, 1989 Rome and 1992 Tokyo.
Making a Difference
Awards created to honour
Sheryl McInnes.
Grant funding received via
Canadian Institute of Child
Health to conduct a
regional study “Prenatal
Needs Assessment” project.
POMBA formed Loss
Support Network.
Membership Fees raised to
POMBA was denied
Charitable Status.
1998 1999 2000
POMBA Canada
incorporated under new
name Multiple Births
The www.pomba.org website
was developed.
Winter Double Feature issue
dedicated to Sheryl McInnes
who passed away unexpectedly.
1998 COMBO– 2 delegates sent to ISTS Congress in
Finland. Theresa Cressatti returned as COMBO
Vice-Chair and Secretary 1998-2001.
Mapping the Future Project
concluded producing a
Business Plan and 3 year
Transitional Plan.
Completed outreach project to
non-affiliate groups.
Professional component added
to national conference.
Negotiated cap on Chapter of
$2500.00 per year.
MBC created two new support
kits - School and Professionals.
35th Anniversary of Multiple
Births Canada/POMBA.
Published 7 Fact Sheets in
partnership with Assisted Human
Reproduction Canada.
Launched LGBTQ+ and the
Chapter Support Networks.
100th Issue of Multiple Moments/
Double Feature.
Start of the EI case filed by Christian
Martin – still ongoing as of 2013.
Breastfeeding Support Network
and Kit developed.
Hosted the Chapter Development
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005
2006 2007
Board hosted Volunteer
Development Retreat.
New website launched along
with Volunteer Training
website funded by Volunteer
@ction Online.
Adult Support Network
Hired Executive Director.
Increase the support offered
through new publications
and other forms of media.
Increase membership through
our MBC Chapters, as Direct
Members and to our MBC
Support Networks.
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
30th Anniversary of Multiple
Births Canada/POMBA
Hosted the Volunteer
Development Retreat.
National Conference timing
changed to October
Became a Registered
Launched Facebook Group for
New website launched.
MBC partnered with Duchesnay
Inc. to translate resources.
New Membership structure
Implemented new 3 year Strategy
-Building the Future.
Charitable Status
application denied.
MADA - Media Award created.
2007 COMBO– 2 delegates sent to ISTS Congress in Belgium.
Kimberley Weatherall returned as COMBO Chair and Gail
Moore as COMBO Vice-Chair 2007-2010
Private members Bill C-464
for EI fairness defeated in
Gail Moore and Lynda Haddon
presented in the Czech Republic.
First National Multiple Births
Awareness Day held May 28th at
the Dionne Quints Museum.
Mapping the Future
(MF) funding
approved from Ontario
Trillium Foundation
Multiple Moments became
electronic and free to all
Launched the Preterm
Birth Support Network.
Future Plans
Increase outreach to areas not
serviced by multiple-birth
Increase awareness of MBC to
health care professionals (e.g.
Increase educational resources
Launched new poster and
Father Support Network
2010 ICOMBO - 2 delegates sent to ISTS
Congress in Seoul, South Korea. Kimberley
Weatherall continued as ICOMBO Chair.
2012 ICOMBO - Kimberley Weatherall represented
MBC in Florence Italy where she stepped down as
Chair, returning as Past Chair.
POMBA Canada and Multiple Births Canada
Over 35 Years of Conference History
2013 - Barrie, ON The Keys to Health and Happiness with Multiples
2012 - Mattawa, ON - Supporting Families…Empowering Volunteers Retreat and AGM hosted by Multiple Births Canada
2011 – Windsor, ON – Families Multiplied…Friendships Amplified
2010 – Edmonton, AB – Our Lives with Twins, Triplets or More…Where Friendship Begins
2009 – Collingwood, ON – Chapter Development Retreat & AGM hosted by Multiple Births Canada
2008 - Markham, ON – Supporting Canada's Multiple-Birth Community for 30 years hosted by Multiple Births Canada
2007 - Kitchener, ON – Focus on Families
2006 - Chatham, ON – Plowing Thru Parenthood
2005 - Mattawa, ON - 'Back to Basics' Volunteer Development Retreat & AGM hosted by Multiple Births Canada
2004 – Temiskaming Shores, ON – Multiples in Balance
2003 - Ottawa, ON – Multiple Survivors
2002 - Durham, ON – Multiples in Motion
2001 - Barrie, ON – Members Building Community
 1st official Conference as Multiple Births Canada
2000 - Niagara, ON – Born Together Friends Forever
1999 - Calgary, AB – Hats Off to Multiples
1998 - Halifax, NS – Making Time for Multiples
1997 - Edmonton, AB – Multiples, Fun, Facts & Fantasy
1996 - Brampton, ON – Multiple Mania
1995 - Victoria, BC – Multiple Benefits of Wellness
1994 - Montreal, QC – The More the Merrier
1993 - Regina, SK – Two or More…a World to Explore
1992 - Newmarket, ON – Multiple Choices
1991 - Winnipeg, MB – A Multiple Experience
1990 - Fredericton, NB – Making Family Times Count
1989 - Calgary, AB
1988 - Kingston, ON
1987 - Prince George, BC
1986 - London, ON
1985 - Edmonton, AB
1984 - Ottawa, ON
1983 - Vancouver, BC
1982 - Toronto, ON
1981 - Kelowna, BC
1980 - Montreal, QC
1979 - Winnipeg, MB
1978 - Calgary, AB
 1st official Conference as POMBA Canada
1977 - Calgary, AB
Annual General Meeting
Notice of Annual General Meeting & Proxy Form
Annual General Meeting Agenda
Minutes from the 2012 Annual General Meeting
Financial Review 2012-2013
Volunteer Positions Open for 2013-2014
2013–2016 Strategic Plan
P.O. Box 51003 I 375 Des Epinettes Ave.
Orleans, Ontario, Canada K1E 3W4
Tel. / Tél. : 1-613-834-TWIN(8946)
Toll Free / No. sans frais : 1-866-228-8824
Members of Multiple Births Canada/Naissances multiples Canada are hereby notified that the Annual
General Meeting of the Corporation will be held at the Kempenfelt Conference Centre, in Innisfil,
Ontario on Saturday September 28th, 2013 at 9:00 am EST. If you are unable to attend, please sign this
proxy form and return it to the Ottawa Office, or give to your attending Chapter representative. Note:
forms sent to the MBC Ottawa Office by mail must be received prior to seventy-two (72) hours before
the AGM. Any votes received by mail ballot after this time shall not be counted for the purposes of the
meeting. (Please send an email to the office indicating that the proxies have been forwarded).
The Chairpersons of the Board (Sheila Catto or Shirley Combden) must receive all motions for advance
posting for member consideration no later than September 22nd, 2013.
Sheila Catto, Co-Chairperson of the Board
Shirley Combden, Co-Chairperson of the Board
The undersigned member of Multiple Births Canada/Naissances multiples Canada hereby appoints
_________________________________________________ of _________________________________________________
(Name of person)
(City, Province)
or failing the person appointed above
_________________________________________________ of _________________________________________________
(Name of person)
(City, Province)
as the proxy of the undersigned to attend and act at the meeting of the members of the said Corporation to be held on the
28th of September, 2013 and at any adjournment or adjournments thereof in the same manner, to the same extent and with
the same power as if the undersigned were present at the same meeting or such adjournment or adjournments thereof.
Member’s Name
Postal Code
Phone Number
_______________________________________________________ Dated this day, the ________ of _____________, 2013
Please mail completed form to:
Multiple Births Canada/Naissances multiples Canada Business Office
Ottawa Office: P.O. Box 51003 375 Des Epinettes Ave. Orleans, ON K1E 3W4
or give it to your attending Chapter representative.
Proxies must be signed to be valid. Electronic signatures are not acceptable.
Multiple Births Canada
Annual General Meeting Agenda
Annual General Meeting
Saturday September 28, 2013
Kempenfelt Centre, in Simcoe County, ON
Order of Business
9:00 a.m.
Members sign in for Annual General Meeting – Credentials report prepared
Meeting opened – Welcome and Introductions
Instructions to Delegates
Credential Report
Number of members present and eligible to vote: _____ No. of Votes:___
Simple Majority (50% + 1) = _____ 2/3 majority = ____
Notice of Meeting produced and placed on file. Meeting called to order.
Motion to place on file
Approval of Minutes of the 2012 Annual General Meeting
Motion to approve
Financial Review 2013
Motion to place on file
Election of Board of Directors
Vote by acclamation
Other Business:
35th Anniversary
Charitable Status Update
Annual Report
Strategic Plan 2012-2013 – Transitional Plan Update
2013 – 2016 Strategic Plan
Call for Volunteers
National Multiple Births Awareness Day Update
EI Update
ISTS and ICOMBO Update
Conference 2014 Announcement and Presentation
Closing Remarks
Meeting Adjournment
MBC & You!
Multiple Births Canada
Annual General Meeting Minutes
Annual General Meeting
Saturday, September 29th, 2012
Canadian Ecology Centre- Mattawa, ON
1. Meeting called to order at 9:09 a.m. by Sheila Catto, Chair of MBC. Lynn Stadler (Secretary)
recorded the minutes. Sheila welcomed MBC members, introduced the Board of Directors, and
reviewed the highlights of MBCs Annual Report provided in the delegates’ packages. Sheila noted
there were no new additions to the agenda.
Motion: to approve the Agenda as presented - moved by Sheila Catto, seconded by Nancy Young,
vote was held until credential report completed. Motion carried.
2. Instructions to Delegates – Heather McAuley instructed delegates on voting procedures.
Oldfield and Theresa Sanders confirmed the count and the votes.
3. Credential Report – Heather McAuley
 Number of members present and eligible to vote: 63
 Total # of Votes: 147
 Simple Majority (50% + 1) = 74 Two-thirds majority = 98
4. Notice of Meeting placed on file.
Motion: to place Notice of Meeting on file – moved by Sheila Catto, seconded by Theresa Sanders.
Motion carried.
5. Approval of Minutes of the 2011 Annual General Meeting
Motion: to approve the minutes of the last AGM from Saturday, Oct 15. 2011 – moved by Sheila
Catto, second by Margaret-Lynn Percy. Motion carried.
6. Financial Review for the year ended March 31, 2012. Discussion led by Shirley Combden.
Shirley reviewed Balance Sheet and Statement of Revenues and Expenses.
Motion: to approve the Financial Statements as presented – moved by Shirley Combden, seconded
by Tanya Cuglietta.
Question from floor suggested an error in Balance Sheet. Motion tabled while Shirley reviewed and
found error in reporting and corrected item. Statement was amended.
Motion: to approve Financial Statement as amended, moved by Shirley Combden, seconded by
Tanya Cuglietta. Motion carried.
7. Proposed 2012/2013 Budget. Discussion led by Shirley Combden.
Shirley noted the Budget was created and approved previous to MBC becoming a Registered
Charity. It was noted that the 2012 Conference/Retreat was in a “break even” situation. There were
no questions from the floor.
Motion: to approve the 2012-2013 Budget as presented – moved by Shirley Combden, seconded by
Heather Scher. Motion carried.
Member Pat Harber noted the HOM donations from the book program are now finished.
8. Election of Board of Directors. Discussion led by Kim Weatherall, Acting Executive Director.
Kim outlined the positions that are vacant and the need for directors to fill them. Current positions
open include Secretary, Fund Development, Volunteer Management and Communications.
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Multiple Births Canada
Annual General Meeting Minutes
Kim noted the members seeking election: Sheila Catto (Director of Support), Shirley Combden
(Director of Finance), Lori Oldfield (Director), Heather McAuley (Director) and Erin Little (Director).
No additional candidates were nominated. Vote by acclamation. Officers will be chosen by the new
Board at their first meeting.
Motion: to accept slate as presented to elect the Board of Directors - moved by Kim Weatherall,
seconded by Gerlinde Rup. Motion carried.
9. Other Business
a. Charitable Application Update
 Kim Weatherall reviewed the “long” process to achieve Charitable Status (CS) and was
proud to announce the successful bid of MBC in becoming a Registered Charity. She
outlined the benefits of becoming a Registered Charity and noted July 27th, 2012 was the
official start date. Kim answered questions from the floor. Topics covered: the impact of
being a Registered Charity on Chapters, impact on membership fees (no change expected
this year) and the benefits of being a Registered Canadian Charity for donations, with
regards to tax deductions.
b. Strategic Plan Update- 2009-2012 Year 3
 Gail Moore reviewed the Year 3 plan achievements as submitted in the AGM delegates’
package. She highlighted MBC’s achievements in increasing awareness of multiple birth
issues, strengthening resources, increasing support, growing membership and sustaining
financial stability.
c. 2012-2013 Transitional Plan
 Sheila Catto reviewed the 2012-2013 Transitional Plan. She explained why the Board chose
to develop a one year plan while awaiting news from the CRA regarding the Charitable
Status application. She outlined MBCs strategic priorities in education, connecting,
accessibility for all, awareness, public education, financial and organizational sustainability.
She explained ancillary activities as they pertained to MBC. She noted the Board plans to
work on a new 2013-2016 3-year Plan and asked all members for input.
d. Call for Volunteers
 Kim Weatherall highlighted the national volunteer positions that currently need to be filled.
MBC is currently looking for an Editor for Multiple Moments, a Publications Co-ordinator (layout and graphic design and publishing experience an asset) and new members for the Health
and Education Committee.
e. National Multiple Births Awareness Day 2011 Update
 Discussion was ‘Tabled’ as time was becoming an issue. Update can be reviewed in the
Annual Report for 2011.
f. Organizational Update
Sheila noted the changes in the Office. The BSM position was changed to (Acting)
Executive Director (AED) for a term of 6 months which was extended to 2 years, to end
October 2012. The Board of MBC will then be ‘posting’ the Position of Executive Director
internally in the near future. Now that MBC is a Registered Charity, some of the funds raised
will be allocated to support the Executive Director position.
g. Website Update
 Lori Oldfield gave a brief update on the process of developing the new MBC website and
gave a presented an overview.
h. ISTS and ICOMBO Update
 Kim Weatherall presented on overview of these organizations, how MBC fits within them and
her role as a Volunteer with both. .
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Multiple Births Canada
Annual General Meeting Minutes
i. Assisted Human Reproduction Canada (AHRC) Update
Kim Weatherall outlined her role on the Patient Committee of the AHRC and the importance
of bringing multiple births and fertility issues to the group. She noted that the government
has ended the funding for the AHRC and the committee will no longer exist in this format as
of March 2012.
j. Conference 2013 Announcement and Presentation
 Simcoe County Parents of Multiples announced the date and location on the 2013
Conference and AGM to be September 27-29, 2013 at the Kempenfelt Centre, near Barrie,
Ontario. Next year’s theme for the Conference will be “Healthy Multiple Families”!
k. Last Minute Updates/Announcements
 Sheila Catto made announcements regarding changes to the schedule of the sessions
following this meeting.
10. Closing Remarks. Sheila Catto presented the closing remarks and thanked everyone for their
11. Adjournment. Sheila Catto adjourned the meeting at 10:40 a.m.
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Financial Statements
Year Ended March 31, 2012
Multiple Births Canada/Naissances multiples Canada
Statement of Revenues and Expenses and Surplus
Year Ended March 31, 2012
Conference Income - 2011 Special Meeting
Conference Income - 2011 (Fundraising)
Conference Income - 2011 Trillium Grant
Conference Income - 2010 (Fundraising)
Donation - Allocated to Honorarium
Donations/In-kind Donations
Allocation from Prior Years for ICTS
Book Program - Higher Order Multiples
Commission and Affiliate Income
ICTS Fundraising
Publications and Resources
Board of directors
2012 Interim Meetings
2011 Interim Meetings
2011 Conference Expense - Board
2010 Conference Expense
Business office
Honorarium - Regular and Additional
Telephone and Internet
Cost to Move Office
BSM Travel
AED Travel
Charitable Status
18,399 $
55,543 $
17,000 $
37,550 $
1,000 $
Cont. /
Multiple Births Canada/Naissances multiples Canada
Statement of Revenues and Expenses and Surplus
Year Ended March 31, 2012
EXPENSES continued
2012 Retreat
2012 Conference Grant
2011 Conference Grant
2011 Conference Trillium Grant
2011 Conference
2011 Special Members Meeting
2010 Conference
Multiple Moments
Electronic Communications
Project Expense
ICTS Congress
Dues and Memberships
Service Charges
(Gain) loss on sale of Capital Assets
Multiple Births Canada/Naissances multiples Canada
(Incorporated under the Canada Corporations Act)
Balance Sheet - March 31, 2013
Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Computer Equipment
Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities
Unearned Revenue - HOM Network
See accompanying notes
Approved on behalf of the Board:
Shirley Combden, Co-Chair and Treasuer
Sheila Catto, Co-Chair
Multiple Births Canada/Naissances multiples Canada
Notes to Financial Statements
March 31, 2012
1 Organization and nature of activities:
On December 15, 2000, Multiple Births Canada/Naissances multiples Canada
(hereinafter referred to as the "Organization" or "MBC") was incorporated without
share capital under the Canada Corporations Act. Its objects include providing
education and support for families of multiple births through a network of trained
peer volunteers; providing education and increasing awareness about multiple birth
issues and unique needs; and participating in, and furthering, research pertaining to
multiple births.
MBC operates without financial gain to its members. Any surplus is to be used in
promoting its objects.
2 Significant accounting policies:
The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted for non-profit organizations, as follows:
a) Revenue and expenses
Membership fee revenue is recognized on a straight-line basis over the membership
period of each member. Membership fees applicable to a membership period after
the balance sheet date are included in unearned revenues. Publication sponsorship
revenue is recognized in the year in which the sponsored publication is issued.
Funds received for the sponsorship of publications to be issued after the balance
sheet date are included as unearned revenue - HOM. All other revenue is
recognized in the year of receipt.
Expenses are recognized using the accrual basis of accounting.
b) Use of estimates
The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted
accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that
affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent
assets and liabilities (if any) at the date of the financial statements, and the reported
amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results may
vary from the current estimates. These estimates are reviewed periodically and, as
adjustments become necessary, they are reported in operations in the period in
which any such adjustment becomes known.
MBC Board of Directors/Volunteer
Positions Open for 2013-2014 Term
Multiple Births Canada is pleased to submit the following list of Board of Directors positions for 2013-2014. Please
note that Board of Directors members are first nominated, and then elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM).
All interested individuals are encouraged to submit their name if they feel they may have the experience and time to
commit as a Board Member. For more information, or to indicate your interest in a position, please contact Kimberley
Weatherall, Executive Director, prior to the AGM at kimberley.weatherall@multiplebirthscanada.org.
The Board of Directors seeking election at the 2013 AGM consists of:
Sheila Catto - Director of Support Services
Shirley Combden - Director
Lori Oldfield - Director of Information Management
Heather McAuley - Director
Cherie Baruss - Director
Wanda Bell - Director
The following are Board positions that need to be filled with a short explanation of suggested experience required. If
you are interested in holding a Board position and these are not areas of interest to you, a Director (without portfolio)
position is an option to consider.
Director of Fund Development (research and grant writing)
Director of Communications (publicity, social media, public relations)
Director of Publications (writing, design and document editing)
Director of Volunteer Management (human resources, not profit experience)
Director of Finances (financial reporting, charitable tax return, budget)
If you have any questions about the work carried out by the Board of Directors, the portfolios of any Board positions,
the Board’s composition, the nature of the time commitment involved, or Board operations, please do not hesitate to
contact the Chair at any time: mbcchair@multiplebirthscanada.org
Please note: Officer Positions such as Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, are voted in by the Board at the first
meeting after the AGM.
Other Volunteer Positions Available
There is much work to be done by MBC, and some of it cannot be done without additional National
Volunteers. We urgently need more help to move MBC towards its goals!
If you are interested in volunteering at the national level but don’t feel that a Board position is for you, there is a wide
variety of positions and responsibilities that require dedicated volunteers with a passion for multiple birth issues and
Multiple Births Canada. Volunteers are needed to work on committees or on specific projects - either as a leader or
as a member. Furthermore, if you are interested to volunteer and do not see a specific position that interests you,
please let us know what your skills, background and interests are; we will be sure to find something of interest to you.
Please contact Kimberley Weatherall, Acting Executive Director at office@multiplebirthscanada.org or Dawn
Knuff, Volunteer Coordinator at volunteers@multiplebirthscanada.org or speak with either of them during the 2013
AGM and Conference.
Multiple Moments (MM) Editor-in-Chief: Looking for a new Editor for Multiple Moments to organize the articles and
liaise with current and prospective writers, advertisers and the MM editing and layout team.
Publications Coordinator: Helping to coordinate the distribution of current publications, and working with the Health
and Education Committee to update and create new publications.
Discount / Affiliate Program Coordinator: Oversees the compilation of the discount list on a national level.
Coordinates contacts with potential and existing companies to verify and negotiate discounts offered.
Publications Layout / Graphic Designer: MBC is planning to transfer all of the educational publications over to new
templates and new electronic formats. Future assistance will be needed in the development of new PR publications
and media, as well as assistance with Multiple Moments magazine and the Annual Report as needed.
Writers / Editors / Review Team: Professionals in the area of health and education are needed to write, edit and
help to review new educational publications and other publications for content and also for language and style.
Support Network volunteers, Outreach volunteers: A number of the Support Networks could use assistance with
writing articles for and coordinating newsletters, making connections through social media, or responding to requests
for information and support from multiple-birth families in specific areas. For a list of Support Networks please consult
the information shared this weekend for a full list of Support Networks.
Chapter Development: Current or past volunteers with local Chapters are needed to help develop resources to aid
new and existing Chapters. Highest priority is to coordinate the changes needed to the Chapter Handbook to assist
new Chapters that are forming across Canada.
Marketing Volunteer: Promotes Multiple Moments and MBC through the use of print and electronic media. This
person will be self-driven and has marketing skills or would like to further develop them through a volunteer position.
Advertising Volunteer: Working with the Editor of Multiple Moments and the Directors responsible for Publications
and Website management, to liaise with current advertisers and secure new advertising for both Multiple Moments
and the website.
Website Administrators: Volunteers who are comfortable with computer software and are willing to assist with ongoing updates to the MBC website. No programming background is required and will work with current Web
Committee Members: These positions are project-driven and fluctuate with the need at the time.
Health and Education Committee: This existing committee is always looking for additional volunteers to
assist in the area of health and education related matters for MBC. Ideally these volunteers will have a
background (education, work or volunteer based) in the fields of health care or education. In addition,
volunteers should have a strong background in research and professional writing skills.
(NEW) National Multiple Births Awareness Day Committee (NMBAD): This committee will assist the
NMBAD Coordinator with all aspects of the planning and coordinating the annual awareness day activities,
liaising with Chapter volunteers where needed.
(NEW) Publications Committee: This committee will assist in the area of publications by updating current
publications and creating new publications as the need arises. It is essential that these volunteers be proficient
in word processing software, including Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop
or similar graphics software.
Editorial Committee: Volunteers with a background in editing or writing are needed to help edit current
publications as they are updated or assist with the writing of new publications.
French Translation Committee: This committee will translate MBC resources for our francophone community.
For more opportunities, please visit our Volunteer Opportunities page on the MBC website. Please contact Dawn
Knuff at volunteers@multiplebirthscanada.org or Kimberley Weatherall at office@multiplebirthscanada.org with any
questions you may have. We look forward to working with you in the future!
2013 - 2016
Table of Contents
Table of Contents…………………………………………......Page 1
Executive Summary………………………………….…….….Page 2
Strategic Priorities ………………………………..……….….Page 3
Strategic Priority #1: Operational Excellence……..Page 4
Strategic Priority #2: Connection………………..……..Page 5
Strategic Priority #3: Growth……………………...……..Page 6
Strategic Priority #4: Resources ………………...……..Page 7
Strategic Priority #5: Public Engagement…...……..Page 8
The Future for Multiple Births Canada……………….Page 9
Contact Us………………………………………………………….Page 10
Multiple Births Canada’s Charitable Objectives:
To promote the health of twins, triplets and other multiple-birth
individuals and their families by developing and providing
educational resources and programs for multiple-birth individuals,
their families, health providers and health organizations in Canada;
To undertake activities incidental and ancillary to attainment of the
above purposes.
Executive Summary
Multiple Births Canada's mission is to improve the quality of life for multiple birth individuals and their families in Canada.
We will fulfill our mission by strengthening MBC's capacity to provide public engagement, support, educational resources,
and connections, to individuals, families, Organizational Members (Chapters), and organizations that have a personal or
professional interest in multiple birth issues, in all areas of Canada.
Looking Back to Plan for the Future
Our previous 3-year plan from 2009 to 2012 culminated in MBC developing new bylaws and submitting an application to
become a registered charity in the spring of 2012. The Board created a one-year transitional plan for 2012 to 2013 while we
waited to hear the outcome of this application as the result would have a major impact on many areas of operations. In
September 2012, MBC was delighted to announce that it is now a registered Canadian charity with the ability to accept
donations and issue tax receipts, and apply for new sources of funding. This is an important factor for the Board of
Directors and Executive Director as we develop new policies and procedures, staffing and volunteer plans, and plans for
financial development.
Stakeholder Consultation
In February 2013 the MBC Board of Directors developed a wide-ranging survey for members, volunteers, past members, health care professionals, donors, advertisers and
other stakeholders. We asked for feedback about every area of MBC’s activities: publications, communications, local support organizations, national support networks,
website, prenatal education, awareness day, goals for the future. We received feedback from 67 respondents which has been very helpful to guide the Board and Executive
Director in developing this strategic plan.
Strategic and Operational Issues
From the stakeholder consultation a number of strategic and operational issues have been identified The following list represents some of the key areas of concern or areas
where it is evident that MBC should focus its attention to improve or expand its support and services.
1. Increased education and connection is needed for multiple-birth parents prior to giving birth to their multiples and during the early days of parenthood at both the local
and national levels of MBC.
2. Improved understanding of what Multiple Births Canada can provide to the multiple-birth community, how it is structured and what its Organizational Members
(Chapters), can provide to families in their communities.
3. Current members of Multiple Births Canada and Chapter Executive identified a lack of knowledge on where to locate many of the resources and supports that are available
to them.
4. Publications, including Multiple Moments must become easier to locate, to utilize (e.g. ability to download) and their overall appearance must become more engaging to
the user.
5. Families are requesting additional assistance through additional discounts, government support and through supports and services that meet the needs of all multiple-birth
6. Increased human and financial resources are essential for the organization to grow and fulfill its mission.
Overview of the 2013 - 2016 Strategic Plan
The following is an overview of the 2013-2016 strategic plan. For the next three years the MBC Board of Directors, Executive Director and volunteers will focus on achieving
the objectives of this plan to the best of their abilities, with the human and financial resources that are available to them. There will be times where opportunities will arise that
may alter the current plans but overall work completed will fall into the five main priorities: 1) Operational Excellence, 2) Connection, 3) Growth, 4) Resources, and 5) Public
Within each of these five categories we have identified the main objectives to strive to achieve. The next step is to look at the outcomes that are expected if each of the
objectives are achieved and then we have identified how we will work to achieve them.
Strategic Priorities
Strategic Priority #1: Operational Excellence
a) Achieve operational excellence in all areas of support and services offered within the
multiple-birth community to ensure maximum positive impact on the lives of multiple-birth
individuals and their families.
b) Build a stronger organization by strengthening our financial, human and organizational
resources to achieve our mission.
Expected Outcomes:
Multiple-birth individuals and families receive the necessary support from their local
organization (where applicable) and national organization, Multiple Births Canada.
 Increased one-on-one access nationally to support through toll-free telephone (longer
hours of support) and expanded resources on national website.
Resources, supports and services created to meet families’ individual needs in areas such as preterm births, breastfeeding, higher order
multiples, special needs, loss, lone parenting, francophone, father support, adult, LGBTQ+, children’s developmental stages, and multiple
languages, and in new areas where gaps or needs are identified.
Organizational Members receive resources and support from the national organization to help them excel in supporting multiple-birth
families in their communities.
Volunteers and staff receive the support, guidance and direction needed to fulfill their roles and develop new resources and activities within
their local and national organizations.
How will we achieve it:
Focus on the recruitment and retention of qualified and experienced volunteers and personnel.
Seek diverse forms of funding (e.g. grants, foundations, individual and monthly donations and corporate sponsorships).
Offer ongoing support and training to volunteers and personnel through workshops, webinars and other electronic tools.
Survey the multiple-birth community to gather knowledge about their ongoing and changing needs.
Strategic Priority #2: Connection
a) Connecting multiple-birth individuals and their families, volunteers, multiple-birth organizations and professionals with one another and with
the resources, supports and services they need.
b) Expand MBC’s expertise and capacity in an advisory role through the development of partnerships and connections with health and social
service providers, government agencies, educators and corporations in all areas of Canada.
c) Continue our commitment and engagement in discussions with international
organizations, sharing best practices and learning from similar support organizations.
Expected Outcomes:
Informed, confident and healthy multiple-birth individuals and families and volunteers.
Increased number of members and multiple-birth support organizations functioning in
areas currently unsupported, in addition to stronger and higher functioning existing
Increased activity and interaction on MBC’s social networks and website.
Increased and stronger relationships with outside stakeholders.
How will we achieve it:
Develop and distribute educational resources and programs for service providers, health
care and support organizations which serve multiple-birth individuals and their families in
Ensure health care providers have relevant information to share with new and expectant
parents, and information on how to reach their local and national multiple-birth support organizations.
Connect families with other multiple-birth families and to resources, support and services that they need.
Offer National Conferences, Volunteer Development Retreats, and electronic presentations and online meeting opportunities.
Continue to produce our national magazine Multiple Moments, increase readership and high-quality content related to the Canadian
multiple-birth experience.
Encourage more interaction through social networking between organizations, families and volunteers through the use of protected forums,
webinars and social media in addition to increased information offered in the Member and Chapter Executive Sections of the MBC website.
Continue active membership in ISTS and ICOMBO.
Strategic Priority #3: Growth
a) Expand the reach of Multiple Births Canada and the support and services offered, to have greater impact on Canada’s multiple-birth
b) As we grow and become stronger we will attract and support a diverse community of multiple-birth individuals and their families, and
those who will support them.
Expected Outcomes:
 An increased number of multiple-birth individuals and families who are supported
directly by MBC or one of its Organizational Members (Chapters).
 Increased number of Organizational Members (Chapters) and Direct Members in all
areas of Canada.
 Increased support and services offered by MBC and by other organizations and agencies and
communities in all areas of Canada.
 Increased human and financial resources for Multiple Births Canada.
How we will achieve it:
 Seeking funding to cover existing and new and innovative programs, supports and services.
 In
partnership with community organizations and corporate partners, develop
resources and supports specific to individual groups’ needs (e.g. culturally diverse
 Seek funding for translation of MBC resources to other languages.
 Continuously recruiting volunteers and staff with a wide range of experience, skills and pro-
fessional qualifications to assist in providing support services and enhancing MBC’s programs
and resources.
Strategic Priority 4: Resources
a) Develop and distribute educational resources , publications and programs for multiple-birth individuals and their families, service providers,
health care professionals and support organizations which serve multiple-birth individuals and their families in Canada.
b) Develop and expand MBC’s Support Networks, website resources, professional networks, research opportunities and strategic partnerships .
Expected Outcomes:
Develop resource materials, programs and workshops to target different cross-sections of the multiple-birth community: (i) particular challenges
and issues (e.g. higher order multiples, special needs, LGBTQ+, lone parents, mothers, fathers, caregivers; and (ii) different stages of
development (e.g. pregnancy, preterm births, breastfeeding, toddlers, school-age, adolescent,
adult multiples).
Increased high quality and easily accessible resources addressing a number of different topics and
Increased number of resources, Fact Sheets and other publications updated or created
Increased sales or distribution of MBC’s educational resources.
Develop new networks for professionals and service providers supporting the multiple-birth
Develop and encourage others to conduct surveys and publish research and articles on the
Canadian multiple-birth community and its unique experiences and needs.
How we will achieve it:
Expand the Health and Education Committee to include volunteers with backgrounds, education and expertise in areas that impact the
multiple-birth community.
Develop partnerships with topic experts that can assist with the review and development of existing and new publications.
Seek appropriate funding to finance the formatting and printing of resources to be distributed.
Create downloadable resources from our website.
Continue to enhance MBC’s website and develop new features, and make use of the latest technologies to connect the multiple-birth
community and its supporters.
Develop surveys that will target multiple-birth individuals in Canada to directly learn of their needs for information and resources, and share
their experiences as learning for others.
Promote resources through the website, emails, social media, publicity campaigns to partners and supporters (health care, educators,
Strategic Priority 5: Public Engagement
a) Engage multiple-birth individuals, their families, volunteers, health care professionals and
other Canadians interested in multiple-birth issues by creating awareness of the unique needs of
multiple-birth individuals and their families, and the supports and services offered by Multiple
Births Canada.
b) Leverage our knowledge and expertise to influence public policy to benefit multiple-birth
Individuals and their families.
Expected Outcomes:
Increased awareness of Multiple Births Canada and its Organizational Members (Chapters).
 Increased membership, increased use of MBC’s website and resources.
 Increased public discussion and understanding of the needs of multiple-birth families (e.g.
media stories, public policy dialogue).
New services and supports for multiple-birth families offered in the community by sources other than Multiple Births Canada (e.g. extended
Parental Leave, prenatal classes, social services, financial support).
Multiple Births Canada and its organizational members are recognized as leaders in the area of multiple-births by Canadian communities,
governments, service providers and media.
How we will achieve it:
Celebrate National Multiple Birth Awareness Day (NMBAD) on May 28th through the development of relevant themes, activities and awareness campaigns.
Promote medical and social research into multiple-birth issues.
Through media relations, encourage magazine and other news coverage, respond to media interviews, develop Public Service Announcements
and provide background information and research to journalists on request.
Continued dialogue and advocacy on public policy issues such as Employment Insurance - Parental Leave, health care and social services for
multiple-birth families.
The Future…
Multiple Births Canada faces many challenges and an equal number of
opportunities over the next three years as it works towards operational
excellence. With the continued support of the public, members, volunteers,
donors, partners and other key stakeholders, Multiple Births Canada will:
Grow and be an organization that connects all those with a
personal or professional interest in multiple births in Canada.
Transform, improve and evolve its programs, resources and services
to meet the needs of multiple-birth families, members and the broader community.
Increase and improve awareness of multiple-birth issues, and of the
support and services offered to all multiple-birth individuals and
families across Canada.
And MBC will accomplish this strategically within the context of the human
and financial resources available to the organization at that time.
Multiple Births Canada
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 51003
375 Des Epinettes Ave.
Orleans, ON K1E 3W4
Phone: 613-834-TWIN (8946)
Toll Free: 1-866-228-8824