

Yarım kg buğday
 1 kg toz şeker
1 su bardağı nohut
 1 çimdik tuz
1 su bardağı kuru fasulye
 3-4 adet karanfil
100 gr kuru kayısı, ufak ufak doğranmış ve
 20 su bardağı su
suda bekletilmiş
 1 tatlı kaşığı portakal kabuğu rendesi (isteğe
 100 gr çekirdeksiz kuru üzüm
 1 su bardağı kuru incir ufak ufak doğranmış ve
 1/2 çay kaşığı limon kabuğu rendesi (isteğe
suda bekletilmiş
 1 adet küp şekilde kesilmiş elma
 1 su bardağı fındık
Süslemek için:
50 gr kuş üzümü, ceviz içi, Antep fıstığı, tarçın, nar taneleri, susam, badem, gül suyu
Buğday, fasulye ve nohudu yıkayıp ayrı kaplarda bir gece önceden ıslatın. Ertesi gün buğdayı süzüp büyük bir
çelik tencereye alın. 20 su bardağı su ekleyip kaynatın. Üzerinde biriken köpüğü bir kevgirle alıp tencerenin
kapağını kapatın ve 30 dakika kaynatın. Fasulye ve nohudu süzüp ayrı kaplarda haşlayın.
Buğday taneleri iyice yumuşayıncaya kadar yaklaşık 4,5 saat kısık ateşte ara sıra karıştırarak pişirin. Buğdayın
pişmesine yakın nohut ve kuru fasulyeyi ekleyin. İyice kaynatın. Ardından sırasıyla kuru üzüm, karanfil ve dörde
bölünmüş kuru kayısıyı ilave edip karıştırın. Birkaç taşım kaynatın. Son olarak tuzu ve şekeri ekleyip 5-10 dakika
kaynattıktan sonra incirleri ve doğranmış elmayı ve karanfilleri katın ve bir taşım kaynatıp, ateşten alın.
Aşure piştikten sonra sıcakken kaselere boşaltın. Soğuyunca üzerini ceviz içi, Antep fıstığı, kuş üzümü, tarçın, nar
taneleri, susam, badem, portakal ve limon kabuğu ile süsleyerek servis yapın. İsteğe bağlı olarak gül suyu da
 1 apple (diced into small pieces)
500kg of wheat
 1 kg of sugar
1 cup of chick peas
 1 pinch of salt
1 cup of haricot beans
 3-4 cloves
100 gr of dried appricots (diced into small
 20 glasses of water
pieces and stayed in water to make it soft)
 1 teaspoon of orange zest (optional)
 100 gr of Sultana / Seedless raisins
 1/2 teaspoon of lemon zest (optional)
 1 cup of figs ( diced into small pieces and
stayed in water to make it softer)
 1 cup of hazelnut
Topping: 50 gr of currant, walnuts, pistachios, cinnamon, pomegranate seeds, sesame, almonds, rose water
How to prepare:
First wash wheat, horicot beans and chick peas and keep them wait in water in different bowls a night before.The
next day filter the wheat and put in a steel saucepan and add 20 glasses of water and boil. Take the foam that
occurs on the surface of water and boil for 30 minutes. Filter the horicot beans and chick peas and boil in different
saucepans. Cook and stir the wheat at a low heat for about four and a half hours till it softens well. Then add the
horicot beans and chick peas and boil well.Then add currants and dried apricots and stir and boil for a while.
Finally add salt and sugar and boil for 5 or 10 minutes more, then add the figs, apples and cloves and boil for a
while. Then divide the mixture in small bowls let them cool then decorate with walnuts, pistachios,currants,
cinnamon, pomegranate seeds, sesame, hazelnut, orange and lemon zest and serve. You can use rose water too if
you wish.
1/2 kg un
1 su bardağı sıvı yağ
2 kaşık yoğurt
2 yumurta
1 su bardağı süt
1 paket kabartma tozu
250 gr eritilmiş margarin (üzerine)
Ceviz veya Antep fıstığı (içine)
Nişasta (yufkaları açmak için)
Şurup İçin:
1 kg şeker
1 lt su
1 çorba kaşığı limon suyu
Unu bir kaseye döküp ortasını havuz gibi açın. İçine yumurtaları, sıvı yağı, yoğurdu, sütü, kabartma tozunu
ekleyin ve karışımı içten dışa doğru yoğurarak kulak memesi yumuşaklığında hamur tutun.
Kulak memesi yumuşaklığında yoğurduğunuz hamuru 50 eşit parçaya ayırarak hamurları (ceviz
büyüklüğünde) güzelce yuvarlayın. Hamurların üzerini nemli bir bezle kapatın.
Yuvarladığınız hamurlardan 1 tane alıp üzerine mısır nişastası serpip oklava yardımı ile bir küçük tabak
büyüklüğünde açarak kenarda bekletin.
Diğer kalan hamurları da aynı şekilde oklava ve mısır nişastası yardımı ile bir küçük tabak büyüklüğünde
açıp üst üste beşer beşer biriktirin. İlk beş parçayı nişasta ve oklava yardımı ile bir fırın tepsisi
büyüklüğünde yufka şekli verin.
Tepsinin içine, açtığınız ilk beş parça hamuru yerleştirip ceviz veya fıstığı serpiştirin. Hamurlar bitene kadar
aynı işleme devam edin.
Sonra istediğiniz baklava dilimi şeklinde kesip eritilmiş margarini baklavanın üzerine eşit bir şekilde
dökerek 180 ºC fırında kızarana kadar pişirin. Hazırlamış olduğunuz ılık şerbeti baklavanın üzerine dökün. 1
gece beklettikten sonra servise hazırlıyın.
1/2 kg of flour
1 water glasses of oil
2 table spoons of yoghourt
2 eggs
1 water glasses of milk
1 packet of baking powder
250 gr of melted margarine ( topping)
Walnuts or pistachios (inside)
Starch (to roll the dough)
For the syrup
1 kg of sugar
1 lt of water
1 table spoon of lemon juice
How to prepare:
Put the flour in a bowl and open the center of it like a pool. Add the eggs, oil, yoghourt, milk and the baking
powder and knead the mixture from outside to inside till it becomes as thick as an earlobe. Divide the dough 50
pieces at walnut-sized and roll up them. Cover the dough with a wet cloth.Then roll the each dough at a
small sized plate with a rolling pin by sprinkling corn starch one by one. Do the same with the rest of the
dough and and get five dough together onto eachother and roll again at the oven tray size with a rolling
pin by sprinkling corn starch. Get the five in one dough in the oven tray and sprinkle walnuts or
pistachios on it. Do the same with the rest dough.Then cut the dough in baklawa shape and pour melted
margarine on it and bake at 180 ºC till it roasts. Then finally pour the warm syrup and keep it waiting for one
night and serve.
Mix 1 kg of sugar and 1lt of water in a sauce pan and boil.
When the syrup boils, squeeze a few drops of lemon and then boil the syrup for 5 minutes more.
Take the saucepan off the stove and let it cool for a while.
 125 gr tereyağı
 2 su bardağı un
 2 su bardağı su
 1,5 su bardağı şeker
 1 kase ceviz veya çam fıstığı (isteğe bağlı)
Öncelikle bir tencerede suyu ve şekeri karıştırarak şurubu hazırlamak üzere tencereyi ocağın üzerine
koyun. Başka bir tencereye tereyağini alın ve iyice eridikten sonra unu ilave edin. Yaklasik 25-30 dakika
kadar unu orta ateste kavurun. Cevizleri ekleyin. Unun rengi sararıp hoş bir kavrulmuş un kokusu
gelmeye başladıktan sonra ılık şurubu ilave edin. Tahta kaşıkla hızlıca ve sürekli karıştırarak unun
pütürsüz bir şekilde şurupla bütünleşmesini sağlayin. Beş dakika kadar karıştırdıktan sonra tencerenin
kapağını kapatın ve 10 dakika kadar dinlenmeye bırakın. Bir kaşık yardımıyla helvayı tencerenin
kenarlarına bastırıp baskı yaparak resımdeki gibi şekil verin. Arzuya göre elinizle ya da bir kabın dibine
bastırark şekil verebilirsiniz. Uzerine tarçin serperek servis edebilirsiniz.
 125 gram butter
 2 cups flour
 2 cups water
 1 ½ cup sugar
 1 cup walnuts or pine nuts (optional)
How to prepare:
Firstly add the water and sugar in a pan and then heat the pan in order to prepare the syrup. Let the butter
melt in another pan and then stir in the flour. Cook stirring occasionally over medium heat for 25-30
minutes. Add the walnuts or pine nuts. Once the flour turns yellowish and smells good, stir in the warm
syrup. Stir continuously with a wooden spoon to get a smooth mixture of flour. After stirring for about 5
minutes, turn the heat off and close the lid. Leave aside for about 10 minutes. Shape with a spoon using
the sides of the pot. Take a big spoonful of halva and press it towards the sides of the pot to give an oval
shape. Place each piece of halvah over a serving plate. Sprinkle with cinnamon if desired.
 Yarım su bardağı yoğurt
 Yarım su bardağı sıvı yağ
 1 su bardağı su
 250 gr margarin
 1 yumurta, tuz
 1 çay kaşığı kabartma tozu
 4 su bardağı un
İç malzemesi için: 3 adet haşlanmış patates, ıspanak, soğan, tuz, kimyon, kırmızı pul biber, karabiber.
Üzerine: Yumurta sarısı, susam
Yapılışı: Unun ortasını havuz gibi açın ve bütün malzemeleri ekleyin. Kulak memesi yumuşaklağında
bir hamur yoğurun. Hamuru 20 adet küçük bezeye bölün. Her parçadan 10 cm büyüklükte küçük
yuvarlaklar açın. Her birine yağ sürerek üçer üçer üs üste koyun. Her bir üçlü gurubu ince bir yufka
şeklinde açın. Yufkanın kenarına iç malzemeden koyarak rülo şeklinde sarın ve yağlanmış tepsiye
yerleştirin. Üzerine yumurta sarısı sürüp, susam serpiştirin. 180°C derecelik fırında 40 dk. pişirin.
Ilındıktan sonra böreği keserek servis edin.
 ½ water glass of yoghourt
 ½ water glass of oil
 1 water glass of water
 250 gr of margarine
 1 egg, salt
 1 tea spoon of baking powder
 4 water glasses of flour
Filling Ingredients: 3 boiled potatoes, spinach, onion, salt, cumin, red pepper, black pepper.
Topping: Egg yolk, sesame
How to prepare:
Put the flour in a bowl and open the center of it like a pool and add all the ingredients. Knead the mixture
till it becomes as thick as an earlobe. Divide the dough into 20 pieces. Roll up the each dough at 10 cm
sized and get 3 in one dough and roll again like a filo pastry. Put the ingredients on the edge of the filo
pastry and roll up and place in the oven tray. Do the same with the rest dough. Then spread the egg yolk
on the pastry and bake in an oven at 180 ºC for about 40 minutes.When it gets warm, cut and serve.
• 250 gr kuzu eti
• 1 bardak aşurelik buğday
• 1 soğan
• Kırmızı biber
•Akşamdan ıslatmış olduğunuz buğdayı geniş bir tencerenin içinde kaynatın.
•İyice kaynayan ve ortalarından ayrılan buğdayları suyunu süzün buğdayları ezin ya da mikserle çırpın.
• Ayrı bir tencerede kaynayan etleri, et suyunun içerisinden çıkarın, tel tel olacak şekilde parçalayın.
•Ayrı bir tencerenin içine doğranmış soğanı koyun ve iyice kavurun. Kaynayan ve ezilen buğdayları
soğanların üzerine ekleyin, üzerine et suyunu ve tuzunu ilave ederek karıştırın.
• Yeterince et suyu koyduktan sonra (muhallebi kıvamında olmalı ) tel tel hazırlanan etleri buğdayın
içine ilave edin.
• Tahta kepçe ile keşkeği ezerek karıştırın ve iyice sakız gibi olacak kıvama gelinceye kadar pişirin.
• Servis tabaklarına hazırladığınız keşkeğin üzerine tereyağı ile kavurduğunuz kırmızıbiberli sosu
gezdirerek sıcak servis yapın.
• 250 gr. of lamb meat
• 1 water glass of buckwheat
• 1 onion
• Red pepper
How to prepare:
First wash the wheat and keep it wait in water in a bowl a night before. Then put it in a saucepan
and boil till it softens well. Then filter the wheat and mash or stir up with a mixer. In another
saucepan boil the lamb meat, then take out the meat and ravel it. In another saucepan roast the
chopped onion well. Add the wheat first and then the bouillon and salt and stir for a while. The
mixture should be at pudding consistence so be carefull about adding the bouillon. Then add the
lamb meat. With a wooden ladle stir up and mash the mixture and cook till it gets a gum
consistence. Roast the red pepper with butter and serve keshkek hot with butter sauce on it.
 6 jajek
 1,5 szklanki cukru
 1,5 szklanki mąki pszennej
 2 łyżeczki proszku do pieczenia
 Polewa czekoladowa
 0,5l mleka, 1 budyń waniliowy
 1 kostka masła lub margaryny
 1 paczka cukru waniliowego
 Kakao, olejek arakowy, sól
Przygotowanie ciasta
Białka ubijać z odrobiną soli na sztywną pianę. Dodając porcjami 1 szklankę cukru ubijać dalej. Następnie
dodać żółtka, wymieszać, następnie mąkę wraz z proszkiem do pieczenia i wymieszać. Ciasto wylać na
tortownicę i piec w temperaturze 180°C. Po upieczeniu ciasto przekroić na 3 krążki.
Przygotowanie kremu
Ugotować budyń na mleku i dodać 0,5 szklanki cukru i cukier waniliowy po czym wystudzić. Masło utrzeć
dodając małymi porcjami wystudzony budyń. Część przygotowanego kremu odłożyć do innego pojemnika i
dodać kakao.
Przygotowanie tortu
Krążki ciasta nasączyć wodą z cukrem i kilkoma kroplami olejku arakowego. Każdy krążek ciasta przełożyć
krem. Wierzch tortu i jego boki posmarować kremem. Na wierzch wylać polewę czekoladową a boki
obsypać pokruszonym biszkoptem. Następnie udekorować.
 6 eggs
 1,5 glasses of sugar
 1,5 glasses of wheat flour
 2 little spoon of baking powder
 Chocolate sauce
 0,5 l of milk, 1 vanilla custard (pudding)
 1 cube of butter or margarine
 1 package of vanilla sugar
 Cocoa, essence, salt
Dough preparation
White egg beats with salt. Add sugar and beats for some more time Then put the second part of the eggs,
mix it, and add flour, baking powder. Mix carefully. Dough pour on the cake tin and bake in the oven in
180°C. After baking cut into 3 pieces.
Cream preparation
Cook the custard/pudding. Add half of the glass of sugar and vanilla sugar. Let it get cooler. Triturate the
butter with the custard. Divide the cream into two pieces. Add cocoa to one of them.
Cake preparation
Each piece of dough soak of water, sugar and essence. At the top of each dough put some cream. Top and
sides of the cake spread with cream as well. On the top pour some chocolate sauce and sides - sprinkle with
crushed biscuits. Then decorate.
 3 łyżki stołowe masła
 Pół kubka pokrojonej cebuli
 2 kubki ostudzonych, rozgniecionych ziemniaków
 1 łyżeczka soli
 1 łyżeczka białego pieprzu
 3 jajka
 kubeczek śmietany
 3 szklanki mąki
 łyżeczka proszku do pieczenia
Przygotowanie farszu: Rozpuść masło i podsmaż na nim pokrojoną w kostkę cebulę – ok. 5 minut.
Następnie dodaj ziemniaki. Przypraw solą i pieprzem. Wymieszaj.
Przygotowanie ciasta: Połącz jajka ze śmietaną. Następnie dodaj przesianą mąkę oraz sól i proszek do
pieczenia. Połącz wszystkie składniki razem aż ciasto uzyska jednolitą konsystencję. Podziel ciasto na pół i
rozwałkuj. Wykrawaj okrągłe kształty (użyj małej salaterki, szklanki itp.). Na każdym wykrawanym krążku
umieść łyżeczkę farszu na środku, następnie zakryj farsz ciastem i ugniataj palcami brzegi ciasta zaczynając
od środka. Pierogi wrzucaj do garnka z gotującą się, lekko osoloną wodą. Gotuj do wypłynięcia 3-5 minut.
Podawaj w podsmażoną cebulką.
 3 tablespoons of butter,
 ½ cup chopped onion,
 2 cups mashed potatoes,
 3 eggs,
 1 cup sour cream,
 3 cups flour,
 ¼ teaspoon salt,
 1 tablespoon baking powder.
Potatoes filling: melt the butter in a skillet over medium heat. Stir in the onion, and cook until translucent,
about 5 minutes. Stir into the mashed potatoes, and season with salt and white pepper.
Dough preparation: beat together the eggs and sour cream until smooth. Sift together the flour, salt, and
baking powder; stir into the sour cream mixture until dough comes together. Knead the dough on a lightly
floured surface until firm and smooth. Divide the dough in half, then roll out one half to 1/8 inch thickness.
Cut into 3 inch rounds using a biscuit cutter. Place a small spoonful of the mashed potato filling into the
center of each round. Moisten the edges with water, fold over, and press together with a fork to seal. Bring a
large pot of lightly salted water to a boil. Add dumplings and cook for 3 to 5 minutes or until pierogi float to
the top.
 6-7 średniej wielkości ziemniaków
 ½ łyżeczki soli
 2 szklanki mąki
 1 jajko
Przygotowanie ciasta: Obierz i ugotuj ziemniaki w lekko osolonej wodzie. Odcedź wodę i rozgnieć
ziemniaki. Poczekaj aż ostygną. Dodaj resztę składników i ugnieć ciasto.
Podziel ciasto na 2-3 części i rozwałkuj to kształtu długiego walca.
Rozcinaj ciasto na średniej wielkości prostokąty. Wrzuć kopytka do gorącej lekko osolonej wody i gotuj 2-3
Kopytka podawać z sosem, bułką tartą i masłem lub z surówką z marchewki.
 6-7 medium potatoes
 ½ teaspoon salt
 2 cups flour
 1 egg
Dough preparation: Peel and cook 2-1/4 lbs potatoes (about 6-7 medium potatoes) in lightly salted water,
drain well, steam off moisture and mash well. Transfer to floured board to cool.
Add about 2 cups of flour, 1 egg and 1/2 teaspoon salt and quickly work ingredients into dough. Between
hands form into finger-thick strands and cut at an angle into 1” - 2” pieces.
Drop into boiling salted water, cover and when boiling resumes, cook 2-3 min. Remove with slotted spoon.
Serving Suggestions: Kopytka are a good go-together with stews and gravy-type dishes and can be a
vegetarian dish in themselves, garnished with butter-browned bread crumbs. In Polish households, kopytka
are often served with a chilled carrot salad made of grated carrots, sugar, raisins and sour cream.
 70dag mąki żytniej
 70 dag mąki pszennej
 4 dag drożdży
 5 płaskich łyżeczek soli
 2 płaskie łyżeczki cukru
 90 dag ciepłej wody
 ¾ litrowego słoika zakwasu
10 łyżek mąki żurkowej zalać ciepłą wodą, dobrze wymieszać i kisić 2-3 dni.
Zakwas przygotować na 2-3 dni przed pieczeniem chleba.
Sposób wykonania: Drożdże zalać 2 łyżkami wody, dodać cukier i łyżeczkę mąki, wymieszać i odstawić
do wyrośnięcia. Pozostałe składniki wkładamy do miski, dodajemy wyrośnięte drożdże i wyrabiamy ciasto
do dokładnego połączenia się wszystkich produktów, a następnie odstawiamy je do wyrośnięcia.
Przygotowujemy 3 blachy o wym. 31cm na 11 cm , smarujemy je tłuszczem.
Wyrośnięte ciasto rozkładamy w równych częściach do form, ponownie odstawiamy do wyrośnięcia.
Wyrośnięte ciasto przed pieczeniem smarujemy z wierzchu olejem. Chleb pieczemy w nagrzanym wcześniej
piekarniku do 180 stopni przez ok. 1 godzinę.
 70 pounds rye flour
 70 pounds wheat lour
 4 pounds yeast
 5 teaspoons salt
 2 tablespoons sugar
 90 pounds warm water
 ¾ litre leaven
10 tablespoons of flour pour warm water, stir and ensiling 2-3 days. It’s a good idea to prepare leaven 2-3
days before baking bread.
Dough preparation: Yeast pour 2 tablespoons of water, add sugar, a spoon of flour, mix it an leave it to
grow. All ingredients put to the bowl, add yeast and prepare the dough. Leave the dough for about 30
Prepare 3 baking sheets, put some oil or butter inside.
Dough put into baking sheets and place in the oven. You can oil the top of the dough. Bake the bread for
about 1 hour in 180 C.
 50 g drożdży
 1 łyżka cukru
 ¼ l ciepłej wody
 500 g mąki
 1 łyżeczka soli
 4 łyżki oleju
Sposób wykonania: Rozmieszać w kubku drożdże z cukrem do całkowitego rozpuszczenia.
Wsypać mąkę do miski, dodać olej, wodę, sól i rozpuszczone drożdże. Wyrabiać ciasto aż stanie się gładkie
i przestanie lepić się do brzegów, a następnie odstawić do wyrośnięcia.
Wyrośnięte ciasto kilka razy zagnieść i formować małe bułeczki. Położyć je na wysmarowanej tłuszczem
blaszce, posmarować bułki olejem, można posypać makiem lub kminkiem. Po 20 minutach wstawić je do
piekarnika nagrzanego do 180 stopni. Piec ok. 15 min (do zarumienienia się).
 5 pounds yeast
 1 tablespoon sugar
 ¼ l warm water
 50 pounds flour
 1 teaspoon sugar
 4 tablespoons plants oil
Dough preparation: Mix yeast and sugar in the mug until they completely melted.
Put flour, oil, water, salt and yeast to the bowl and prepare dough. Leave it for 30 minutes.
Knead the dough and form small rolls. Put the small, round pieces of dough on the baking sheet. You can oil
the top of the dough or put some poppy seed, cumin etc. After 20 minutes place them to the oven and bake
about 15 minutes in 180 C. (brown the rolls)
Základná škola s materskou školou
Spišská Teplica
kuchárka pšenica semien
Hrozienkový veniec
 75g masla
 ½ dl mlieka
 ½ balička čerstvého droždia
 1 vajce
 ½ dl krupicového cukru
 1 lyžica vanilínového cukru
 6 dl hladkej múky
 1/2 dl krupicového cukru
 1 dl hrozienok
 1 dl nasekaných mandlí
 1/2 lyžičky škorice
 V hrnci alebo v mikrovlnnej rúre rozpustite maslo či margarín a prilejete doň mlieko. Zmes by mala
byť vlažná ( asi 37 C )
 Do misy rozdrobte droždie a rozpustite ho v troche mlieka s tukom. Pridajte zvyšok tekutiny, vajce,
cukor a väčšiu časť múky. Zvyšok múky si odložte nabok na prácu s cestom
 Ručne alebo v kuchynskom robote vypracujte hladké cesto. Zakryte ho, postavte do tepla bez
prievanu a nechajte asi 30 minút kysnúť. Medzitým si pripravte všetky suroviny na náplň
 Cesto presuňte na pomúčenú dosku a prepracujte ho. Vyvaľkajte z neho obdĺžnik s rozmermi 30x40
 Cesto posypte náplňou a pozdĺžne ho zaviňte. Roládu položte na plech prikrytý papierom na pečenie
a stočte do kruhu tak, aby sa miesto spoja nachádzalo dole.
 Veniec zakryte a nechajte asi 30 minút kysnúť.
 Veniec potrite rozšľahaným vajcom a pečte asi 20 minút pri 200 °C.
Raisin wreath
 75g butter
 ½ dl milk
 ½ packet fresh yeast
 1 egg
 ½ dl granulated sugar
 1 table spoon vanilla sugar
 6 dl smooth flour
 1/2 dl granulated sugar
 1 dl raisins
 1 dl chopped almonds
 1/2 tea spoon cinnamon
 Mix the melted butter and the milk. The mixture should be tepid (about 37°C).
 Melt the yeast in a little milk , add a little butter . Add the rest of liquid, the egg, sugar and the bigger
part of the flour. The rest of the flour put away for later working with the dough.
 By hand or in a kitchen robot make smooth dough . Cover it and leave it on a warm quiet place to
rise for about 30 minutes. Meanwhile prepare all the ingredients for the filling.
 Remove the dough on the floured board and knead it a little. Roll it to the rectangle with the
proportions 30x40 cm.
 Put the filling on the dough proportionally and roll it. Put the roll onto a dish covered with a sheet of
baking paper and form it into the shape of wreath, so that the joining part is underneath the wreath.
 Cover the wreath and leave to rise for about 30 minutes.
 Spread the wreath with the beaten egg and bake for about 20 minutes at the temperature 200 °C.
Slivkový koláč
 230 g polohrubej múky
 110 g masla
 1 lyžica práškového cukru
 750 g sliviek
 20 g masla +15 g na vymazanie formy
 50 g polohrubej múky
 130 g práškového cukru
 3 vajcia
 2 dl smotany
 Pripravte si cesto: zmiešajte múku, maslo a cukor a pridajte asi 5 cl vody.
 Z toho cesta vytvorte bochníček. Zabaľte ho do potravinárskej fólie a odložte ho na 30 minút do
 Medzitým umyte slivky rozkrojte ich na polovice a vyberte kôstky.
 Vyhrejte rúru na 180 stupňov. Formu s priemerom 26 cm vymažte z maslom a vložte do nej hotové
cesto. Poprepichujte ho vidličkou.
 Cesto popražte 1 lyžicou múky a 2 lyžicami cukru a položte naň polovice slivák rezom smerom dolu.
 V miske rozšľahajte vajce ako na omeletu, pridajte zvyšní cukor, preosiatu múku a smotanu. Túto
zmes nalejte na slivky. Pečte približne 40 minút.
Plum flan
 230 g semi smooth flour
 110 g butter
 1 table spoon powdered sugar
 750 g plums
 20 g butter
 50 g semi smooth flour
 130 g powdered sugar
 3 eggs
 2 dl cream
 Mix flour, butter and sugar. Add about 5 cl water and made dough.
 Make a loaf, pack it to food foil and put it for about 30 minutes into a fridge.
 Meanwhile wash plums, cut them to halves and take out the pits.
 Heat up the oven at 180°C. Spread up the flan form with diameter 26 cm and put the dough into it.
Spike it with a fork.
 Cover the dough with 1 spoon flour and 2 spoons sugar and put the plums on it with their cut halves
 Whip an egg in a bowl, add the rest of sugar, sifted flour and cream. Pour this mixture onto the
plums. Bake for about 40 minutes.
Klasické šišky
 500g hladkej múky
 1 balíček sušeného droždia
 70g krupicového cukru
 75g zmäknutého masla
 2 vajcia
 2 lyžice rumu
 200 g marmelády
 štipka soli
 nastrúhaná kôra z citróna
 125 ml vlažného mlieka
V mise zmiešajte múku, droždie, cukor, soľ, citrónovú kôru. Pridajte mlieko, maslo, vajcia a rum.
Pomocou ručného šľahača vypracujte cesto. Prikryte ho, postavte na teplé miesto a nechajte asi 30
minút kysnúť.
Vykysnuté cesto vyklopte na pomúčenú dosku a vyvaľkajte z neho obdĺžnik s rozmermi 30x45 cm.
Pomocou pohárika z neho vykrajujte kolieska s priemerom asi 7 cm.
Na 12 koliesok naneste vždy po 1 lyžici marmelády a priklopte ich zvyšnými kolieskami. Kolieska
na okrajoch pevne utlačte prstami, aby pri vyprážaní marmeláda nevytiekla. Šišky zakryte a nechajte
ešte 30 minút kysnúť.
Vo veľkom hrnci rozpáľte tuk. Do rozpáleného tuku vložte vždy dve šišky naraz a vyprážajte ich asi
5 minút do zlatista. V priebehu vyprážania šišky dvakrát obráťte.
Hotové šišky dobre osušte na papierovej utierke. Na záver ich pocukrujte práškovým cukrom.
Classic shishkas
 500g smooth flour
 1 packet dried yeast
 70g granulated sugar
 75g soft butter
 2 eggs
 2 table spoons rum
 200 g marmelade
 a bit of salt
 grated lemon peel
 125 ml tepid milk
 Mix flour, yeast, sugar, salt and lemon peel in a bowl. Add milk, butter, eggs and rum. Make some
dough ( you can use whipper). Cover it and keep it on a warm place raising about 30 minutes.
 Raised dough put onto a floured kitchen board and roll it up till its proportions are 30x45 cm. Using
a glass cut out some circles with the diameter 7 cm.
 Put 1 spoon of marmelade onto 12 circles and cover them with the rest of the circles. Press the
circles on their sides with your fingers, so that the marmelade would not get out during frying them.
Cover the circles and leave them raise for about 30 minutes
 Heat some fat in a big pot. Put into it always 2 shishkas at once and fry for about 5 minutes till they
get golden colour. During the frying turn them twice.
 Dry well ready shishkas on a paper towel. Sugar them with some powdered sugar at last.
Klasické pšeničné pletenky
 50 g droždia
 21/2 dl mlieka s teplotou 37 0C
 2 vajcia
 1 dl krupicového cukru
 1 lyžička mletého kardamomu
 11 dl hladkej múky
 175 g margarínu izbovej teploty, soľ
 100 g masla alebo margarínu izbovej teploty
 3/4 dl krupicového cukru
 1/2 lyžica vanilkového cukru
Na potretie a posypanie
 1 vajce
 kryštálový cukor
 Do veľkej misy nalejte malé množstvo mlieka a rozpustite v ňom droždie. Prilejte zvyšok mlieka
a pridajte vajce, cukor, kardamom a 8 dl múky.
 Vareškou vypracujte hladké a vláčne cesto- malo by to trvať asi 5-6 minút.
 Cesto zakryte viečkom alebo čistou utierkou a nechajte ho asi 40 minút kysnúť, kým nezíska
dvojnásobný objem.
 Potom do cesta zapracujte margarín izbovej teploty, soľ a asi 3 dl múky. Cesto nechajte ďalších 2030 minút kysnúť pod viečkom alebo čistou utierkou.
 Cesto položte na pomúčenú kuchynskú dosku. Rozdeľte ho na dva diely, vyvaľkajte obdĺžniky s
rozmermi 25x40 cm.
 Zmiešajte všetky suroviny na náplň. Plnkou potrite pruh cesta uprostred. Po oboch dlhých stranách
urobte šikmé zárezy smerom doprostriedka. Jednotlivé pásiky striedavo prekladajte cez seba zo
strany do stredu. Pletenky potom zakryte utierkou a nechajte ich asi 30 minút kysnúť.
 Pletenky potrite vajcom, posypte kryštálovým cukrom a pečte asi 25 minút pri 200° C.
 Po upečení ich nechajte vychladnúť na mriežke zakryté utierkou.
Classic wheat seed-cakes
 50 g yeast
 21/2 dl tepid milk ( 37 0C)
 2 eggs
 1 dl granulated sugar
 1 tea spoon ground cardamon
 11 dl smooth flour
 175 g margarine, soľ
 100 g butter or margarine
 3/4 dl granulated sugar
 1/2 table spoon vanilla sugar
For spreading and covering
 1 egg
 granulated sugar
 Pour a little milk into a big bowl and melt the yeast in it. Pour the rest of the milk, add the egg, sugar,
cardamon and 8 dl flour.
 Make smooth and pliant dough with a wooden spoon – it should take about 5 or 6 minutes.
 Cover the dough with a clean dishcloth and leave it rising for about 40 minutes untill it doubles its
 Then knead the dough with the tepid margarine, salt and 3 dl flour. Leave it rising for 20 or 30
minutes under the clean dishcloth.
 Put the dough onto the floured kitchen board. Divide it into two pieces and roll them up into the
rectangles with the proportions 25x40 cm.
 Mix all the ingredients for the filling. Spread the mixture onto the central part of the dough. On both
the sides of the dough make diagonal cuts towards the centre of the dough. Different stripes ply one
over another one from the sides towards the centre. Cover the seed-cakes with the dishcloth and
leave them to rise for about 30 minutes.
 Spread the seed-cakes with a beaten egg, pour them with the granulated sugar and bake for 25
minutes at temperature 200° C.
 Then leave them to cool down on the grid covered with the dishcloth.
Kysnutý orechový závin
 2 dl svetlého trstinového cukru
 2dlnasekaných orechov
 75 g masla
Ďalšie suroviny:
 hladka múka na pomučenie pracovnej plochy
 1 vajce na potretie 2-3lyžice kryštálového
cukru na posypanie
 150gtuheho masla
 6dl hladkej muky
 2 lyžice krupicového cukru
 1 balíček čerstvého droždia
 2dl studeného mlieka
 2 lyžice hladkej múky
 Maslo nakrájajte na malé kúsky, dajte do misky s hladkou múkou a krupicovým cukrom a vypracujte
sypkú zmes podobnú posýpke.
 Droždie rozmiešajte v troche mlieka, aby sa rozpustilo. Prilejte zvyšok mlieka, nalejte ho na posýpku
a rýchlo vypracujte cesto. Položte ho na pomočenú pracovnú plochu, trocha ho premieste a rozdeľte
na 2 diely.
 Z každého dielu vyvaľkajte plát s rozmermi asi 25x35 cm, pláty položte na papier na pečenie
a pozdĺžne do nich urobte 3ryhy, ktoré plát rozdelia na tretiny. Krajné tretiny nakrájajte horizontálne
na 2 cm prúžky.
 Zo surovín na náplň vypracujte zmes a naneste ju na prostrednú tretinu cesta.
 Prúžky cesta z jednej strany prehnite cez náplň, okraje potrite rozšľahaným vajcom a potom cez nich
prehnite prúžky cesta z druhej strany. Oba konce stlačte tak, aby náplň nevytiekla a nechajte 2
hodiny kysnúť.
 Vykysnuté záviny potrite rozšľahaným vajcom, posypte kryštálovým cukrom a pečte 15-20 minút pri
Raised nut strudel
 150g firm butter
 6dl smooth flour
 2 table spoons granulated sugar
 1 packet fresh yeast
 2dl cold milk
 2dl chopped nuts
 75 g butter
Other ingredients:
 Smooth flour to flour kitchen board
 1 egg to spread the top
 2 or 3 table spoons granulated sugar to pour
 2 table spoons smooth flour
 2 dl light cane sugar
 Chop the butter to small pieces, put it into a bowl with some smooth flour and granuleted butter and
make loose mixture.
 Stir yeast in a little milk to melt it. Add the rest of milk, pour it onto the mixture and make some
dough quickly. Put it onto floured board, knead it a little and divide to two pieces.
 Roll out each piece to rectangle with propotions about 25x35 cm, put both the rectangles onto bakery
paper and make on them 3 gaps, which divide each rectangle to thirds. Side thirds cut horizontally to
2 cm wide stripes.
 Make a mixture using all ingredients for filling and put it onto central parts of the dough.
 Fold the stripes from one side of the dough over the filling and spread them with whipped egg. Then
do the same with the stripes from another side. Press the ends of the dough so that the filling would
not get out and leave it to raise for about 2 hours.
 Raised up strudels spread with the whipped egg, pour with the granuleted sugar and bake at 200 °C
for about 20 minutes.
CEIP Nuestra Señora de Cortes
un libro de cocina de una semilla de trigo
-Una taza de aceite frito.
-Una taza de zumo de naranja.
-Una taza de azúcar y otra de vino.
-La ralladura de un limón y aguardiente.
-Dos papelillos azules y dos blancos.
-La harina que admita la mezcla.
-Aceite de oliva en abundancia.
-Azúcar mezclada con canela.
Mezclamos los papelillos, la taza de zumo de naranja, el aceite de oliva, la harina, la ralladura de limón y el
aguardiente y los amasamos en un barreño. (Esto será la masa para hacer las viejas)
Dejamos reposar la masa unas horas y vamos sacando de ella bolitas, del tamaño de una ciruela, que
aplastaremos y estiraremos con las manos. Se va echando el aceite caliente después de hacerles un agujerito,
en su centro, para que no suban. Después de fritas, se dejan escurrir y se bañan en el azúcar con canela.
Las “Viejas” son un dulce típico que se preparan en carnaval.
-1 cup of fried oil.
-1 cup of orange juice.
-1 cup of sugar and 1 cup of wine.
-Lemon zest and brandy.
-Olive oil.
-Sugar with cinnamon.
We mix the orange juice, the olive oil, the flour, the lemon zest and the brandy and we knead it in a bowl.
This will be the mass to make “Viejas”.
We leave rest the mass some hours and we start making Little balls, like plums that we crash and stretch
with our hands. We make a little hole in the middle and we fry them. Once fried leave them drain and dip
them in sugar.
“Viejas” are a typical sweet made during carnival.
- 4 huevos
- 200 gramos de de harina
- 400 cl de leche
- 30 gramos de mantequilla
-20 gramos de azúcar
- Aceite para la sartén
Añadir una cucharadita de azúcar.
Hecha los 4 huevos, los 200 gramos de harina, 400 cl de leche y los 30 gramos de mantequilla en un bol.
Luego con la batidora se bate todo hasta conseguir una mezcla bien líquida.
Dejar en reposo una media hora en la nevera.
En una satén, echar una cucharadita de aceite, precalentar a fuego suave y echar un par de cucharaditas de
masa, extender y dar la vuelta cuando estén cocinadas.
- 4 eggs
- 200 grams of flour
- 400 cl of milk
- 30 grams of butter
-20 grams of sugar
- Oil for the pan
Add one spoon of sugar.
Add for eggs, 200 grams of flour, 400 cl of milk and the 30 grams of butter in a bowl. The mix all with the
mixer until get a liquid mass.
Let rest the mass for about half and hour.
In a pan, put a little spoon of oil, warm up and pour 2 spoons of mass , extend and turn when been cooked.
- 6 tiras de panceta.
- 8 o 10 pimientos verdes.
- 4 o 5 chorizos.
- 2 0 3 cabezas de ajo.
- 1 pan grande.
- Aceite de oliva.
- Sal.
- Echar bastante aceite en la sartén.
- Sofreir la panceta, retirarla y reservarla.
- A continuación, en el mismo aceite freir los pimientos, sacar y reservar.
- Después, echamos el pan en agua, lo escurrimos bien y lo vamos echando en la sartén sin parar de
removerlo hasta que el pan suelte todo el agua y rule. Se le añade un poco de sal.
- Para terminar se sirven en peroles de barro acompañadas del pimiento, la panceta, chorizo, pepino y uva.
- 6 slices of bacon
- 8 o 10 green peppers.
- 4 o 5 sausages.
- 2 0 3 head of garlic
- 1 big bread.
- Olive oil.
- Salt.
- Add pretty olive oil in a pan.
- Stir-fry the bacon and reserve.
- Next, in the same oil, fry the green peppers and reserve.
- Then, we put the bread in water, we drain the bread and we start pouring the bread in to the pan without
stopping stiring until the bread release all the water and roll in the pan. We add a little of salt.
- Serve in crockpots with the pepper, bacon, sausages, cucumber and grapes.
Ingredientes (para cuatro personas):
•¾ de litro de agua.
•Cucharada sopera de harina de titos por persona.
•3 dientes de ajo.
•¼ de kg. de hígado de cerdo.
•3 cucharadas soperas de aceite.
•Sal a gusto de la persona.
•Pimienta negra molida a gusto de la persona.
Primero cortamos el ajo en láminas y el hígado en trozos o tacos, los introducimos en una olla con agua y
sal, lo ponemos a cocer unos 45 minutos aproximadamente. Una vez cocido lo trituramos con la batidora,
por otro lado ponemos una sartén con aceite en el fuego. Una vez que está caliente, añadimos el pimentón y
la harina de titos, lo sofreímos un poco sin que se queme la harina ni el pimentón. Seguidamente añadimos
el agua con el hígado y el ajo triturado a la sartén y con una fridera le damos vueltas hasta que la harina se
quede expesa añadiéndole un poquito de pimienta molida. Ya está calentito y listo para comer.
Ingredients (for 4 people):
•¾ of a litre of water.
•One spoon oh wheat flour per person.
•3 garlics.
•¼ of a kilo of pig liver.
•3 spoons of oil.
•Black pepper.
How to prepare:
First cut the garlic in slices and the liver in small pieces, we put the garlic in a pot with water and salt, we
boil the for about 45 minutes. Once is cook we beat it with the mixer.
Apart from that we put a pan with oil on the fire. Once hot, we add paprika and flour, we stir-fry it without
burning it. Next we add the water with the liver and the garlic mashed up and we remove until the wheat is
ready. We add a little of black pepper. Is ready to eat.
180 gr de azúcar blanquilla
4 huevos
1 pizca de sal
200 gr de harina de trigo o repostería
50 gr de harina de almendra o almendra picada (opcional)
16 gr de levadura química tipo Royal
90 gr de aceite de girasol
180 gr de leche semidesnatada o entera, leche de avena, etc
Un chorrito de aroma de vainilla (al gusto)
Precalienta el horno a 180º con calor arriba y abajo o ventilador .Prepara un molde desmoldable de unos 24
cm de diámetro por 8 de alto y úntalo con mantequilla o spray desmoldante. Puedes espolvorear la base con
azúcar, pon encima pon las almendritas picadas y reserva.
Pon en el vaso los 180 gr de azúcar y hazlo glass, programa 30 segundos en velocidad progresiva. Separa el
azúcar en 2 cuencos, en uno pondremos 80 gr y en otro los 100 gr restantes.
Pon la mariposa y vierte en el vaso las 4 claras de los huevos -reserva las yemas- y una pizca de sal,
Programa 8 minutos, 37º, velocidad 3-1/2. Cuando empiecen a montar el merengue - a los dos minutos de
funcionamiento-, añade los 80 gr de azúcar por el bocal sin parar la maquina pero con cuidado. Reserva en
un bol grande.
En el vaso ya sin mariposa, vierte la harina de trigo, la levadura y el azúcar restante, tamiza 15 segundos en
velocidad 6.
Incorpora el aceite, la leche, el aroma deseado (vainilla o limón) las yemas, y programa 10 segundos en
velocidad 6.
Vierte en un cuenco la mezcla de harinas e incorpora ¼ del merengue. Mezcla para que la masa quede más
ligera. Ahora añade el resto del merengue y mezcla ya con movimientos envolventes para que el merengue
no se baje y airee nuestra masa.
Vierte la mezcla en el molde preparado e introduce en el horno 45 minutos a 180º o los primeros 30 minutos
a 180º y 20 minutos más a 165ºC. Comprueba con la ayuda de un palillo que está perfectamente cocido.
Retira a una rejilla, una vez frío, decora al gusto, con más almendra picada, almendras enteras y azúcar
180 gr of sugar
4 eggs
A little of salt
200 gr of wheat flour
50 gr of almond flour
16 gr of yeast
90 gr of sunflower oil
180 gr of milk
Warm up the oven at 180º. Prepare a mold and put butter inside.
Mix the sugar and separate in two.
Add the 4 egg white and one half of sugar, mix it for 15 minutes and reserve.
In a bowl put the flour, the yeast and the rest of the sugar and mix.
Add the oil the milk and the egg yolk, continue mixing.
Pour in another bowl the mix of the flour and the mix of the egg white and remove.
Pour the mass on the mold and cook in the oven for about 45 minutes at 180º
Istituto Comprensivo E. d'Arborea
Un libro di cucina di un seme di grano
 1 Kg. Farina di semola di grano duro
 500 ml. Acqua
 15 g. Lievito di birra
 10 g. Sale
In una ciotola sciogliete il lievito con poca acqua tiepida. Nella quantità d’acqua restante, versate invece il
sale e mescolate. Unite quindi le due soluzioni liquide alla farina e iniziate a impastare energicamente, fino a
ottenere un composto morbido e senza grumi. Dividete quindi l’impasto in diversi panetti e, una volta
coperti, lasciateli lievitare per almeno tre ore in un ambiente privo di spifferi e correnti d’aria fredda.
Preriscaldate il forno a massima temperatura. Dopo questa fase, riprendete i panetti e stirateli uno per volta,
in modo da formare delle sfoglie grandi e sottilissime (circa tre millimetri di spessore), che andrete a
sistemare a turno su una teglia precedentemente infarinata con semola di grano duro. A questo punto mettete
in forno caldo per pochissimi secondi, o almeno finché la pasta non si gonfierà formando un palloncino.
Infilzate allora questo rigonfiamento e tagliatelo in modo da ricavare due sfoglie. Seguite il procedimento
per ciascun panetto e, quando avrete finito, rimettete in forno tutte le sfoglie ottenute per alcuni minuti,
giusto il tempo necessario a farle asciugare e renderle croccanti.
Come avete costatato il pane carasau si ottiene mediante due fasi di cottura in forno. La prima, che va
realizzata regolando la temperatura al massimo (o quasi) per alcuni secondi o poco più di un minuto, è
necessaria per causare il rigonfiamento del disco. La seconda fase va invece realizzata a 180°C per circa 7-8
minuti, finché il pane non sarà sufficientemente asciutto. Questa doppia cottura, oltre a renderlo squisito,
permette una più lunga conservazione.
 1 kg. Durum wheat semolina Flour
 15 g. brewer’s yeast
 500 ml. water
 10 g. Salt
Dissolve the yeast in about 1/4 cup of the warm water, and let sit until bubbly. Pour the salt in the remaining
water and stir. Combine the flour with the yeast mixture and the salted water. Mix until you have a smooth
dough then divide the dough in several parts, cover them with a cloth and let them rise for 3 hours in a warm
Now, stretch the pieces of dough until they become very, very thin (3 millimetres). Preheat the oven to its
maximum temperature. Sprinkle some flour on a baking dish. Put a piece of dough in the baking dish and
bake each for few seconds. The bread will puff up very quickly. Once it is ready, cut it in half, horizontally.
Your purpose is to obtain thin sheets of bread. Bake again for a few minutes to make them crispy.
Repeat with the other pieces of dough!
As you see the Carasau bread goes through two stages of cooking in the oven . The first by adjusting the
temperature to the maximum for a few seconds is required to make the disc puff up. The second phase, at
180 ° C for about 7-8 minutes, is required to make it sufficiently dry . This double cooking, besides making
exquisite, gives the bread long life.
Ingredienti per l’impasto
 1 kg farina
 400 gr zucchero
 1 hg strutto
 50 gr burro
 5 uova
 25 gr di ammoniaca
 1 pizzico di sale
 4 bucce di limone grattugiate
 1 cucchiaio anice
 1 fialetta fiori d’arancio
Ingredienti per la glassa
 500 gr zucchero a velo
 5 albumi
 1 cucchiaio di anice
 1 fialetta fiori d’arancia
In una terrina, mettere la farina, lo zucchero, il sale, le uova il burro e lo strutto fuso, il limone e
l’ammoniaca sciolta nel latte. Lavorare bene l’impasto e lasciare riposare 2 ore.
Preparare delle palline con l’impasto e poggiarle a poca distanza l’una dall’altra, infornare in forno caldo per
15-20 minuti. Nel frattempo preparare la glassatura, in una padella molto capiente mettere lo zucchero
semolato, l’ acqua di fiori d’ arancio, l’anice, l’ acqua e portare a bollore. Lasciar evaporare l’acqua, dopo
un quarto d’ ora comincerà ad addensarsi e sul bordo della padella comincerà a formarsi una leggera linea
bianca, è lo zucchero che si rapprende.
Versate i pirichittos dentro la padella pochi per volta e fateli rotolare delicatamente fino a quando non
vedrete la glassa farsi bianca, toglierli staccarli l’ uno dall’ altro e lasciarli raffreddare completamente.
Ingredients for the dough
 1 kg. Flour
 400 g. sugar
 100 g. lard
 50 g. butter
 5 eggs
 25 g. baking ammonia
 1 pinch salt
 4 grated lemon rinds
 1 glass milk
 1 tablespoon anice
 2 ml. Orange blossom water
Ingredients for the icing
 500 g. icing sugar
 5 egg whites
 1 tablespoon anice flavor
 2 ml. Orange blossom water
Dissolve baking ammonia in milk. Take a bowl and mix flour, sugar, salt, eggs, lemon rinds with melted
butter and lard and add the ammonia. Mix thoroughly to obtain a smooth dough. Leave the mixture to rest
for 2 hours.
Now, flour your hands and roll the dough into long thin strips, then cut it into small pieces and shape it into
small balls. Place the pieces on a floured baking-sheet (wide apart) and bake in oven for 15/20 minutes.
In the meantime, prepare the icing.
Pour a glass of water into a pan, add icing sugar, orange blossom water and anice . Cook until the icing is
thick. Dip the biscuits into the icing and turn them quickly so they absorb the sugar. Put the sweets on a
cold, non-stick surface to cool.
 1 kg di farina 00 (meglio se farina di forza 380/400 W)
 170 g di lievito madre
 4 g. di lievito di birra fresco
 4 tuorli
 2 uova intere
 400 g. di zucchero
 1 fiala di anice fratelli rebecchio anitolo
 Acqua q.b.
Per la cappa a caldo:
 550 g. di zucchero semolato
 300 g. d’acqua
 2 albumi di uova medio
Giorno prima:
Prelevate 50 g. di lievito madre, tagliatelo a fette e mettetelo a bagno in poca acqua tiepida (150 g. circa)
zuccherata (un cucchiaino) per 10-15 minuti. Strizzatelo e impastatelo con lo stesso peso di farina, un
cucchiaino di tuorlo d'uovo e metà peso di acqua tiepida. Formate un panetto e incidete una croce sulla
superficie, poi mettetelo a lievitare poggiato su un telo in una ciotola. Rinfrescate il lievito altre due volte
con lo stesso peso di farina e metà d'acqua (es.: 50 g. di lievito e 25 g. d’acqua).
Primo Impasto:
Versate il lievito madre (170 g.) e il lievito di birra in una ciotola. Impastate aggiungendo poca acqua
tiepida. Aggiungete tutta la farina e continuate a impastare inserendo le uova. Inizialmente l’impasto sarà
molto appiccicoso, continuate a impastare energicamente versando lo zucchero a più riprese e facendolo
assorbire. Continuate fino a ottenere una pasta elastica e perlacea. In ultimo aggiungete l’essenza d’anice.
Sistemate la pasta in una ciotola molto capiente, che coprirete con la pellicola trasparente e una coperta.
Lasciate lievitare fino al raddoppio (8/10 ore).
Staglio dei panetti:
Prelevate la massa lievitata dalla ciotola e versatela su un piano unto con del burro fuso. Tagliatela con il
coltello in pezzi da 150 -170 grammi e disponeteli nel piano coprendoli con della pellicola trasparente.
Prendete un pezzo alla volta e formate delle pagnottelle lisce e ben chiuse sotto facendo roteare la pasta su
un piano. Sistemare le pagnottelle direttamente nelle teglie foderate con carta da forno. Coprite con un telo e
una coperta, facendo in modo che questi non tocchino le pagnotte. Lasciate lievitare per altre 8 ore circa.
Pre-riscaldare il forno a 165/170 °C (con un pentolino di acqua sul fondo che toglierete a metà cottura).
Spennellate di albume sbattuto i panetti. Fate cuocere per circa 35 minuti. Sfornateli e lasciateli freddare.
Procedete allo stesso modo per tutti i panetti. Preparate la cappa a caldo. Miscelate acqua con zucchero in un
pentolino e portate sul fornello a fuoco dolce. Lasciate cuocere fino a che si formerà lo sciroppo. Per
valutare qual è il momento giusto preparate un bicchiere con acqua fredda al suo interno e versateci una
goccia dello sciroppo, se la goccia scompare, lo sciroppo non è pronto, se invece forma una sorta di
gocciolina gelatinosa, lo sciroppo è pronto. Nel frattempo avrete montato a neve ferma gli albumi. Versate a
filo lo sciroppo negli albumi e sbattete con le fruste fino a rendere il composto bianco e fermo. Tenete la
ciotola con la cappa dentro un'altra ciotola contenente acqua tiepida in modo da non farla seccare!
Spennellate velocemente gli ous con la cappa e lasciate asciugare adagiandoli su un pezzo di carta da forno.
Ingredients :
1 kg strong white flour (better 380/400 W )
170 g. yeast (starter)
4 g. brewer’s yeast
4 egg yolks
2 eggs
400 g. sugar
1 vial of anisette
Water as needed
For the icing :
550 g. sugar
300 g. water
2 egg whites
Method :
Step 1, To be prepared the day before :
Put 50 g. of yeast(starter) in a pot with tepid water (about 150 g.) and a teaspoon of sugar for 10-15
minutes, until the yeast is dissolved. Make the dough by tipping the flour, yeast and a teaspoon of egg yolk
into a large bowl. Pour in most of the tepid water and mix the flour and water together until combined to a
slightly wet, workable dough. Form a loaf and carve a cross on the surface. Place it on a cloth, then put it to
leaven resting on a towel and leave to rise. After a while add the same amount of flour and water and mix.
Step 2, The Dough :
Pour the yeast starter (170 g) and the brewer’s yeast in a large counter. Knead by hand the dough for few
Add the flour and the eggs, then knead. Add the sugar and keep on kneading. If the dough is bubble-gum
sticky against the sides of the bowl or the counter, add extra flour a tablespoon at a time until it is no longer
sticky. The dough is kneaded when it is smooth, feels slightly tacky, forms a ball without sagging, and
springs back when poked. Finally add the vial of anisette. Form the dough into a ball and turn it in a bowl.
Cover the bowl and let the dough rise until doubled in bulk, about 8 hours.
Step 3, The Loaves :
Coat the counter with butter and turn the dough out on top. Divide the dough in two and shape each half
into a loose ball (150-170 g. each).Cover the balls with a plastic wrap. Shape each ball of dough into a loaf.
Transfer the loaves to the pans basket and cover with a clean towel. Let the loaves rise a second time for 8
Step 4, Baking:
Preheat the oven to 165/170 ° C (put a pan plenty of water and leave it until the loaves will be halfcooked).Place a few loaves far apart on a baking pan lined with parchment paper. Brush the loaves with
beaten egg whites Bake and cook for about 35 minutes. Remove the loaves from the pans and let them cool
completely. For the icing: Put the water and the sugar in a saucepan and warm the mixture up. The syrup is
ready when the temperature is about 115/116 ° C. Beat the egg whites until stiff, pour the syrup into the egg
whites and whisk until the mixture is white and firm. Hold the bowl in another bowl with warm water to
keep it from drying out. Brush the loaves with the glaze and let them dry.
 ½ kg. Farina di semola
 ½ kg. Farina di grano duro
 500/600 ml. Acqua
 10 g. lievito madre o lievito di birra
 10/15 g. sale
Mescolare il sale nell'acqua tiepida (500 ml.) con la farina e il lievito disciolto in poca acqua tiepida
(60 ml). Impastare a mano e lasciare lievitare l'impasto in una ciotola per 1 ora circa o fino al raddoppio
dell'impasto. Al termine della lievitazione rovesciare l'impasto sulla spianatoia infarinata e lavorarlo per
dargli la forma di un cilindro. A questo punto, tagliare in pezzi uguali da 150/200 g. l’impasto e lavorarlo
pochi minuti per formare delle pagnotte. Disponete le pagnotte su un telo in una cesta, ben distanziate o
l'una accanto all'altra separate dalle pieghe del stesso telo. Coprite con un altro telo e lasciate riposare 15/20
minuti. Ora prendete una pagnotta alla volta e schiacciatela con il palmo della mano e con il mattarello tirate
una sfoglia sottile di 2-3mm circa. Le forme che dovremo ottenere saranno rettangolari. La sfoglia del
pistoccu non deve essere mai troppo sottile. Le singole sfoglie così ottenute devono essere riposte tra gli
strati di telo di lino o cotone infarinati con la semola. Lasciamo riposare ancora qualche minuto o fino a
quando "su pistoccu" è pronto per la cottura. Ora mettiamo la pietra refrattaria nella parte bassa del forno e
facciamola scaldare impostando il termostato alla massima temperatura. Abbiamo la necessità di
raggiungere in camera di cottura una temperatura non inferiore ai 240°/250° C; è senz'altro più idoneo un
forno professionale che raggiunge facilmente temperature ancora più elevate. Accendiamo il grill una decina
di minuti prima d'infornare per scaldare anche la parte alta del forno. Infornare un pezzetto di sfoglia "di
prova". Se si gonfia subito il pistoccu è pronto per la cottura altrimenti lo lasciamo lievitare ancora qualche
minuto. Dopo la cottura attendiamo che il pane si raffreddi, lo tagliamo per metà in orizzontale con un
coltello e inforniamo per 4/5 minuti per biscottarlo.
Ingredients :
½ kg . Semolina flour
½ kg . Whole wheat flour
500/600 ml. water
Yeast ( or brewer's yeast ) 10 g.
Sale 10/15 g.
Mix the the flour with the salt (dissolved in 500 ml. warm water) and the yeast (dissolved in 60 ml warm
water). Knead by hand. Leave the dough rise in a bowl for about 1 hour or until doubled in size. At the end
of the rising overturn the dough on floured surface and work it in the shape of a cylinder. Cut into equal
pieces 150/200 g., knead the dough a few minutes to form loaves. Put the loaves on a towel (wide apart) in a
basket. Cover with another towel and let rest 15-20 minutes. Now take a loaf of bread at a time and roll it
out in a thin rectangular sheet of about 2-3mm. The sheet of pistoccu should never be too thin .Place the
sheets between the layers of a linen or cotton towel floured with semolina. Let rest for a few minutes or until
" pistoccu " is ready for cooking.
Preheat the oven to the highest temperature. Into the cooking chamber we need to reach a temperature of not
less than 240 ° / 250 ° C ; it is certainly more suitable a professional oven that easily reaches even higher
temperatures . Before baking, in order to heat the upper part of the oven, as well, turn on the grill ten
minutes. Bake a " test " piece of dough . If it immediately puffs up, the “pistoccu” is ready for cooking
otherwise, let it rise another few minutes. After cooking let the bread cool, cut it in half horizontally with a
knife and bake like a rusk for 4-5 minutes.
500 gr. di semola di grano duro
250 ml. lt di acqua
10 gr. di sale
100 gr. di lievito madre rinfrescato
1 pizzico di lievito di birra (facoltativo)
1 uovo
Il lievito madre
Dodici ore prima di impastare rinfrescate il lievito madre come segue: 50 gr. Lievito Madre + 50 gr. di
farina manitoba + 25 ml. di acqua. Formate una pallina e incidete una croce abbastanza profonda. Mettetela
in una ciotola con coperchio e in un luogo riparato a lievitare. Lasciatela riposare per 12 ore. Se non avete la
Pasta Madre, procedete nel seguente modo: impastate la farina manitoba (100 gr.), l’acqua (50 gr.) e il
lievito di birra fresco (1 o 2 gr.). Riponete la pasta in una ciotola con coperchio e in un luogo riparato a
lievitare. Lasciate lievitare per 12 ore.
Impasto a mano.
Sciogliete la pasta madre rinfrescata con metà dell’acqua che userete per impastare. Aggiungete la semola,
sciogliete nella restante acqua il sale e impastate per 20-30 minuti. L’impasto deve essere lavorato
lentamente fino a ottenere una pasta non troppo elastica e liscia. Adagiatelo sul tavolo da lavoro leggermente
infarinato e poi allungatelo a mano. Adesso formate i pani. Ogni pezzatura deve essere circolare o
semicircolare (con foro al centro e schiacciata alle estremità): tagliate un pane e appiattitelo, poi ripiegatelo.
Praticate dei tagli, decoratelo con la rotellina dentata e inserite l’uovo chiudendolo a croce con due lembi di
Il coccoi è dunque pronto per la lievitazione: adagiate i pani decorati su un telo di cotone e lasciateli riposare
per circa due ore, a temperatura ambiente, senza alcuna manipolazione. Infornate a 180° per 50-60 minuti o
fino a
raggiungere una lieve doratura.
 500 g durum wheat flour
1\4 l water
 10 g salt
 100 g refreshed yeast base
 1 pinch brewer’s yeast (optional)
 1 egg
The yeast base
Twelve hours before kneading, refresh the yeast base as follows: 50 g yeast base + 50 g manitoba flour + 25
ml. water. Form a loaf and carve a cross on the surface. Place it on a cloth, then put it to leaven resting on a
towel and leave to rise. Leave it to stand for 12 hours. If you don’t have the yeast’s base, go on as follows:
knead g 100 manitoba’s flour, 50 g water and 1 or 2 g brewer’s yeast. Put it in a covered bowl and leave to
rise. Leave it to stand for 12 hours.
Handmade dough
Liquefy the refreshed yeast’s base with half of the water you’ll use to knead. Stir in the flour, liquefy salt
with the remaining water and knead for about 20-30 minutes. The dough must be kneaded slowly to become
not too elastic and smooth. Then place it on a lightly floured worktop and stretch it. Now form loaves.
Every loaf must be round or half-round (with a hole in the center and double end pressed): Cut a piece of
loaf , press it and fold it.
Carve it with a little knife and scissors, decorate with the pastry wheel cutter and place the egg on the loaf
closing it in the shape of a cross with two strips of dough. The Coccoi is now ready to rise: place carefully
the decorated loaves on a cotton cloth and let them stand for about two hours, room temperature, without
any handling.
Bake in 180°C oven for 50-60 min or until golden light brown.
4 яйца
2 ч.чаши захар
3 ч.чаши брашно от лимец
1 ч.чаша кисело мляко
50 мл. олио
2 ванилии
1 бакпулвер
В дълбок съд се разбиват яйцата заедно със захарта. Към получената смес последователно се
добавят киселото мляко, олиото, бакпулверът и ванилиите. Последно е брашното от лимец, което се
добавя бавно и се бърка с дървена лъжица до пълното му поемане.
Получената смес се изсипва в намазнена и поръсена с брашно форма за кекс.Изпичаме на фурна
с вентилатор на 200 градуса до отлепване от стените на съда. Поръсваме с пудра захар.
4 eggs
2 tea cups sugar
3 tea cups eikorn flour
1 tea cup yogurt
50 ml. cooking oil
2 vanillin
1 baking powder
In a deep bowl, beat eggs with sugar. To the resulting mixture sequentially added yogurt, oil, baking
powder and vanilla. Last is the eikorn flour, which is added slowly and stir with wooden spoon until his
assumption. Pour the mixture into a greased and sprinkled with flour form cake. Bake in an oven with a
fan at 200 degrees. Sprinkle with powdered sugar.
6 яйца
400 гр захар
1кг брашно
250 гр прясно мляко
150 гр разтопено масло + 150 гр олио
42 гр мая
1 чаена лъжица сол
1 лимон
2 ванилии
100 гр орехови ядки
100 гр стафиди
100 гр шоколад
В купичка натрошавате маята и я заливате с няколко лъжици прясно мляко и 1 с.л. захар,
размесвате и слагате 1/2 с.л. брашно. В по-дълбок съд сипвате пресятото брашно и правите кладенче.
В него слагате разбитите яйца със захарта, солта, ванилиите. Сипвате маята и започвате да бъркате
продуктите с брашното. Постепенно добавяте топлото прясно мляко, маслото и олиото. И накрая
прибавяте орехите, стафидите и шоколадът - натрошен на дребни парченца. Изсипвате тестото на
масата и започвате да месите, за да може орехите, стафидите и шоколадът равномерно да се
разпределят из тестото. Готовото тесто мажете с олио и го покривате с найлон. Оставяте 2 часа да
втаса на стайна температура. След това го делите на 3 части и оформяте дълга лента и правите
плитка от тестото. Слагате козунака в тава, покрита с хартия за печене. Оставате да втаса около 20
минути. Когато тестото втаса, мажете го с разбит жълтък и ръсите със захар. Пече се на 180 градуса.
6 eggs
400 grams sugar
1 kg flour
250 grams of milk
150 g melted butter 150 g + oil
42 g yeast
1 teaspoon salt
1 lemon
2 vanillin
100 g walnuts
100 g raisins
100 g chocolate
In a bowl crush yeast and filled that with a few tablespoons milk and 1 tablespoon sugar mix and put 1/2
tsp flour. In a deep pan pour the sifted flour and doing well. Put the beaten eggs with the sugar, salt, vanilla.
Pour the yeast and start mixing products with flour. Gradually pour the warm milk, the butter and oil.
Finally add the walnuts, raisins and chocolate - broken into small pieces. Pour the dough on the table and
begin to knead in order walnuts, raisins and chocolate evenly distributed throughout the dough. Dough brush
with oil and cover it with plastic wrap. Leave 2 hours to rise at room temperature. Then divide into 3 parts
and shape a long strip and do a braid of dough. Put the cake on a tray covered with baking paper. Stay to rise
for about 20 minutes. When the dough rise, brush it with beaten yolk and sprinkle with sugar. Bake at 180
За тестото:
1 яйце
½ ч.л. сол
1 ч.л. захар
250 мл хладко прясно мляко
250 мл вода
2 с.л. олио
30 гр прясна мая
1кг брашно
За плънката:
1 средно голяма кисела зелка
100 мл олио
Замесва се тесто от всички продукти. Тестото втасва на топло място около 30 минути. Зелето се
нарязва и се запържва в 50 мл олио до слаба хрупкавост. Втасалото тесто се дели на 2 малки и 3
големи топки. Трите топки се разточват малко, намазват се с олио и се поставят една върху друга и
се точат заедно на 1 голяма кора, с по-голям диаметър от тавата. Двете малки топки се разточват на
тънки кори. Едната се разрязва на две и се разполага по ръба на тавата, като служи за набухване на
дебелата кора. Върху дебелата кора, в средата се слага пърженото зеле, което се покрива с втората
тънка кора. Започва нагъване на краищата на дебелата кора. Отгоре се поръсва олио. Оставя се на
топло да втаса около 50 минути. Пече се във фурна на 180 градуса до златист вид.
For the dough:
1 egg
½ tsp salt
1 tsp sugar
250 ml tepid milk
250 ml water
2 tablespoons cooking oil
30 g fresh yeast
1 kg flour
For the filling:
1 medium sour cabbage
100 ml oil
Knead dough from all products. The dough rises in a warm place about 30 minutes. Cabbage is cut and fry
in 50 ml oil until weak crispness. The risen dough is divided into two small and three large balls. Three balls
are rolled a little, and brush with oil and placed on one another and sharpen together as one large pastry with
a larger diameter of the pan. Two small balls are rolled very thin pastries. One is cut in two and placed along
the edge of the pan, serving as swelling of the thick pastry. On the thick pastry in the middle put fried
cabbage, which is covered with a second thin pastry. Starts folding the edges of the thick pastry. Sprinkle oil
on the top. Leave in a warm place to rise for about 50 minutes. Bake in oven at 180 degrees until golden
1 пакет точени кори
2 ч. чаши захар
125 гр масло
10 гр смляна канела
2 ванилии
1.5 кг ябълки
50 гр пудра захар
Ябълките се обелват и настъргват на едро ренде. Смесват се с канелата, ванилията и половината от
захарта. Маслото се разтопява в тиган.
Корите се разстилат. Всяка една се поръсва с масло и захар. На всяка кора се поставя от плънката и
се навива на фитил. Корите се редят в тава, намазват се с масло и се пекат на 180 градуса до
зачервяване. Изпечената баница с ябълки се посипва с пудра захар.
1 packet filo pastry
2 tea cups sugar
125 g butter
10 g ground cinnamon
2 vanillin
1.5 kg apples
50 grams of powdered sugar
The apples are peeled and grated. For the filling mix them with cinnamon, vanilla and half the sugar. Melt
the butter in a pan.
Spread the pastries. Each pastry is sprinkled with butter and sugar. Put the filling and make a rolled wick.
Peel lining in tray smeared with butter and bake at 180 degrees until browned. Baked Apple pie is dusted
with powdered sugar.
2 чаени чаши брашно
1 чаена чаша кисело мляко
1 кафена лъжица сода
1 щипка сол
1 яйце
150 гр натрошено сирене
50 гр масло
Начин на приготвяне:
Брашното се пресява и се сипва в купа за приготвяне на сместа. Содата се смесва с киселото мляко
и се добавя към брашното. Добавя се яйцето и солта и всичко се разбърква. Трябва да се получи
тесто, по-гъсто от от палачинково, като тесто за кекс. При необходимост се добавя вода (около 100
мл.). Изсипва се в намазнена тава(по възможност по-голяма, за да се получи тънък слой, като за
пица). Отгоре се сипва натрошеното сирене. Посипва се с парченца масло. Слага се в затоплена
фурна и се пече на 180 градуса до готовност.
2 tea cups white flour
1 tea cup yogurt
1 coffee spoon soda
1 pinch salt
1 egg
150 g crumbled cheese
50 g butter
The flour is sieved and poured into a bowl for the preparation of the mixture. The soda is mixed with the
yogurt and added to the flour. Add the egg and salt and mix everything. It should get dough thicker than
pancake’s dough. If necessary, add water (100 ml.). Pour into greased pan (possibly larger, in order to obtain
a thin layer, the dough of pizza). Top pour crumbled cheese. Dust it with pieces of butter. Put it in a heated
oven and bake at 180 degrees until ready.

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