Media Kit - Pacific Coast Sportfishing Magazine
Media Kit - Pacific Coast Sportfishing Magazine
BAD WEATHER BLUEFIN DEL REY DAYS SEE YOU AT THE PCS FESTIVAL CHECK OUT OUR 2016 EL NIÑO BUYER’S GUIDE! SHARKS AND YAKS YO FIND DUNUGR OWN EN CRABESS FISH ERY A BLUE THANKSGIVING NO KELP CALICOS NEW TACTICS BLUES ON TURKEY DAY WEEKEND? IT’S LOOKING THAT WAY! FROM MEXICO TO PANAMA HEY AMIGO! WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED IN OUR 2016 INSIDER’S GUIDE OIL RIGS OF LIFE GET READY TO RUMBLE! PCS FESTIVAL KICKS TO KEEP YOU IN THE GAME Off the Grid FEB 19-21! INSID E! 2 FORYOUR 1 TO TICKET FESTTHE IVAL FISHING ARTIFICIAL REEFS CAN BE A WASTE OF TIME, UNLESS YOU KNOW HOW TO UNLOCK THEIR SECRETS OFF THE SEASON FEB 19, 20, 21 FLOAT PLANE OPTIONS CAN TAKE YOU TO ALASKA’S HIDDEN HOLES GOING LONG! STRIKE! OUR 34TH ANNUAL ADVENTURE, FUN AND AMAZING GAMEFISH AWAIT LONG RANGERS BILLFISH TOURNAMENT PREVIEW FALL YELLOWS FISH THE UPWELLINGS LIVE BAIT CHRONICLES MANAGING YOUR BAIT TANK CAN BE THE KEY TO SUCCESS TO KEEP THE ACTION GOING INSHORE APPROACH TO OFFSHORE FISHING HOOP IT UP! $3.99 • OCT 2015 OOOOPAH! HOW TO ZIG WHEN THE MESSAGE BOARDS SAY ZAG PCSPORTFISHING.COM SEPT 2015 • $3.99 BEATING THE COMMERCIAL GUYS TO THE BIG BUGS PCSPORTFISHING.COM VARIETY ISLAND HAPPY TRAILS TO YOU, PACKY THE AMAZING SAGA OF RANCHO BUENA VISTA HEAVYWEIGHT BOUT Includes the Likes of John Wayne, a German Countess and General Eisenhower DO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT STUFF TO GO 16 ROUNDS WITH THESE MASSIVE BFT? MARK WISCH Make your photo frameable for the cover of PCS! LOVE THOSE LONG-RANGE MARLIN TRY THESE TIPS FOR DORADO, YELLOWS AND TUNA UNDER PADDIES BLUEFIN ON THE CORTEZ THE NEW NORMAL JUST ABOUT ANYTHING CAN HAPPEN THIS YEAR, BUT MEANTIME THE HALIBUT ARE BITING! LONG BEACH HARBOR RIPRAP FORGET THE BREAKWALL, IT’S ALL ABOUT GET TING RIPPED AS IN RAP TODOS SANTOS CALICOS BUT DON’T BRING YOUR SISSY TACKLE, THESE BASS ARE STREET TOUGH FOUR BASS... ONE BAIT? GOING NATIVE HANDLINE FISHING IN KONA IMPROVE YOUR DEEP GAME TRY THESE TIPS FOR TARGETING DEEP-HOLDING YELLOWTAIL BASS, BARRACUDA, BONITA RUN ’N’ GUN FOR TUNA PCSPORTFISHING.COM E BEST SEE TH MEET S BOATS & P CAPTTAIN YOU THE TO CAN GETIO N WHO TH E AC INTO INSIDE! YOUR THE DON OF DANA WHARF PUT THIS JUNGLE ISLAND ON YOUR BUCKET LIST FIRST CABO RUN! The Saltwater Magazine for America’s West Coast and Beyond PCS’S DREW LAWLER MAKES THE PASSAGE ON A 48-YEAR-OLD WOODY. FUN FISHING ASIDE, THEIR ‘CLOSE ENCOUNTER’ MAY SURPRISE YOU! TICKET YE ARS! The Saltwater Magazine for America’s West PRINCE OF A TUNA Also! CAN IT GET ANY BETTER? MARK WISCH SAYS ‘OH, HECK YEAH!’ H EVOLUTION OF LONG-RANGE TACKLE TARGET BIGGER FISH ON SLOPES AND WALLS GO WHERE FEW DARE TO FISH OCT 2014 • $3.99 Coast and Beyond ATIN G PCS’s BILL DePRIEST ON HIS QUEST FOR A TONNER (HA! WE THOUGHT SO!) MARCH 2015 • $3.99 APRIL 2015 • $3.99 FESTIVAL PCSPORTFISHING.COM CE L E B R YEARS! 2-for-1 SMALL BOAT BIG ROCKFISH // WARM-WATER OPTIONS + HOW WELL DO YOU KNOW YOUR BOAT TRAILER? PCSPORTFISHING.COM A GUIDE’S GUIDE TO SAN CLEMENTE ISLAND AND THEY’RE HUMONGOUS JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2014 • $5.99 PCSPORTFISHING.COM FAST BOATS AND LIGHT TACKLE INNOVATIONS MAKE CHASING TUNA FUN BIG COASTAL YELLOWTAIL THEY’RE HERE, THEY’RE LOCAL AL MEEEETT ISSUE! ANNUH T E FL BUYERS GUIDE 2014! ITS ISOLATION AND RARE FEATURES MAKE IT A MUST-STOP LOCATION FOR PRIVATE BOATERS THE THREE B’S ON SPINNING GEAR HEADLINES FESTIVAL SEMINARS MAY 30&31 IN MANY WAYS, WE’RE WELL INTO THE SEASON You just may amaze yourself with your catches PCSPORTFISHING.COM DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THE CCA? COASTAL ALBIE FARMS WINTER OF NO DISCONTENT MPA BASELINES SPRING INTO SUMMER ACTION NOW! REDISCOVERING CRANKBAITS DON’T LET THEM OUTSMART YOU WITH THESE 5 TIPS JULY 2015 • $3.99 PCSPORTFISHING.COM FISHING AGAINST THE CONDITIONS THERE’S GOLD IN THEM KELPS IT’S A KODAK MOMENT DUST OFF YOUR TUNA PLAYBOOK 3 SIMPLE SECRETS FOR SUCCESS SEE YOU AT THE PCS FESTIVAL MAY 30 & 31ST! BLUEFIN REG CHANGES? TALE OF TWO TAILS GET READY TO CRANK JOE ANGLER VS JOE COMMERCIAL THE REAL SCOOP ON A SEA LION ATTACK NEXT TIME YOU COME ACROSS A BOIL, “POP” ’EM! ARE YOU RUNNING OVER FISH TWO OR THREE MILES OUT FROM THE HARBOR? WHAT’S IN YOUR WAKE? UNDERSTANDING YOUR HULL AND ENGINE’S ROLE IN TEASING UP GAMEFISH MAKING TUNA POP! AUGUST 2015 • $3.99 MEDIA KIT 2016 SPORTBOAT ROUNDUP GO FLY A KITE LONG RANGE PIONEER TEST YOUR OLD-TIME LINGO WILD JUSTICE APPRECIATION FOR THE THIN GREEN LINE OF WILDLIFE ENFORCEMENT MAY 2015 • $3.99 POPPING IN PANAMA WOMEN OF THE WEST THESE GALS CAN OUT-FISH YOU PCSPORTFISHING.COM JUNE 2015 • $3.99 NOV/DEC ’15 • $3.99 SANTA BARBARA ISLAND SECRETS MOTHERSHIP KAYAK TRIPS PCSPORTFISHING.COM JAN/FEB ’16 • $3.99 NOT! BUT YOUR SENSE OF ADVENTURE WILL BE STIRRED BY OUR ANNUAL GUIDE TO ALASKA AND BC! MARCH ’16 • $3.99 BIGFOOT SIGHTINGS? PCSPORTFISHING.COM PCSPORTFISHING.COM THE FEATHER MERCHANTS OF YESTERYEAR H CALICO BASS TAGGING PROGRAM WAHOO TACTICS BOB HOOSE DUSTS OFF HIS PLAYBOOK FOR ‘NOW LOCAL’ WAHOO! 2 I I Like Us On Facebook FALL YELLOWS FISH THE UPWELLINGS TO KEEP THE ACTION GOING HOOP IT UP! BEATING THE COMMERCIAL GUYS TO THE BIG BUGS $3.99 PCSPORTFISHING.COM • Sportfishing got its start on the West Coast when the founder of the Tuna Club, Charles Holder, hooked the first tuna on rod and reel in 1898. And we still lead the U.S. recreational fishery today with the greatest variety of fishing. Our enormous fishery stretches from the wilds of Alaska, through the scenic inlets of British Columbia, down through thousands of miles of coastline including Washington, Oregon, California, Mexico and all the way to the Hannibal Banks off Panama, covering over 7,000 miles in all. We have the largest fleet of sportboats, we stage the most prestigious marlin tournaments and we have more fishing lodges and resorts than any other place in the world. We also boast tens of thousands of privately owned boats and yachts. Come grow your market share with us. Brand your products in Pacific Coast Sportfishing ... the West Coast’s leading saltwater magazine. ADVENTURE, FUN AND AMAZING GAMEFISH AWAIT LONG RANGERS OCT 2015 Pacific Coast Sportfishing is a media brand focused on delivering the very best in reading entertainment for saltwater fishing from Alaska to Panama, with a special emphasis on Southern California and Mexico. We cover “how to” techniques for the world’s most diverse and exciting fisheries, along with the tackle, equipment and boats you will need to enjoy the sport to the fullest. We also produce the Sportfishing FESTIVAL, Southern California’s highly acclaimed fishing, tackle and boat show for consumer enthusiasts. TEST YOUR OLD-TIME LINGO GOING LONG! BAD WEATHER BLUEFIN DEL REY DAYS SHARKS AND YAKS A BLUE THANKSGIVING BLUES ON TURKEY DAY WEEKEND? IT’S LOOKING THAT WAY! FROM MEXICO TO PANAMA HEY AMIGO! WE’VE GOT YOU COVERED IN OUR 2016 INSIDER’S GUIDE Off the Grid FLOAT PLANE OPTIONS CAN TAKE YOU TO ALASKA’S HIDDEN HOLES BIGFOOT SIGHTINGS? NOV/DEC ’15 • $3.99 PACIFIC COAST SPORTFISHING MEDIA SANTA BARBARA ISLAND SECRETS NOT! BUT YOUR SENSE OF ADVENTURE WILL BE STIRRED BY OUR ANNUAL GUIDE TO ALASKA AND BC! PCSPORTFISHING.COM VARIETY ISLAND OOOOPAH! HAPPY TRAILS TO YOU, PACKY MAKING TUNA POP! NEXT TIME YOU COME ACROSS A BOIL, “POP” ’EM! HEAVYWEIGHT BOUT DO YOU HAVE THE RIGHT STUFF TO GO 16 ROUNDS WITH THESE MASSIVE BFT? MARK WISCH We are sportfishing. AUGUST 2015 • $3.99 3 SIMPLE SECRETS FOR SUCCESS PCSPORTFISHING.COM FISHING AGAINST ARE YOU RUNNING OVER FISH TWO OR THREE MILES OUT FROM THE HARBOR? THE CONDITIONS Download Our New iPad App @ the iTunes Newsstand I I 3 EDITORIAL MISSION S ince our inception in 1981, Pacific Coast Sportfishing has been the definitive read for saltwater fishing. Our mission is to inspire our readers to spend more time on the water doing what they love to do – not that they need that much encouragement. We do this by giving them creative articles filled with information that will change the way they fish. Our dedicated team of saltwater journalists are comprised from among the most knowledgeable “We had to private boat and sportboat anglers and captains found along the Pacific subscribe to two Coast. And when you match this quality journalism with our superb copies because my photography, you get a magazine that they look forward to reading cover son got home from to cover many times over. school before I got “My wife asked me why I needed so many fishing rods? And since she’s an artist, I said for the same reason you need so many paint brushes.” 4 I I Like Us On Facebook It’s more than a passion. It’s quite home from work frankly an addiction. But a good and I’d never see addiction because it gets fathers and that copy again.” sons-and daughters-out spending quality time together, and that’s a good thing. It gets friends out of the office hanging with each other in good natured camaraderie. And that’s a good thing too. All of this means tremendous reader engagement. One wife stopped by our booth at a trade show and said matter of fact, “My husband keeps your magazine on his nightstand and reads it every night.” That’s what it’s all about ... dreaming of that next big catch. READER ENGAGEMENT ASK YOURSELF ... When you strip away all the buzz and facts and figures, you’re left with really just two important questions: 1.Are these the types of readers I need to grow my market share? 2.Do the readers spend enough time with the magazine to see my ad? Pacific Coast Sportfishing is literally off the charts in both these areas. We define the term “enthusiast.” Each of our articles has what we call “stopping power,” the ability to hold a reader on any given page for minutes at a time while they read and– reread the article to be certain they gleaned all they can from it. And of course the longer they stay on a page, the more meaningful ad impressions it delivers to you. HERE’S A SAMPLING OF ARTICLES DEVELOPED BY OUR EDITORS • What’s in Your Wake? • First Cabo Run! • Target Bigger Fish on Slopes and Walls • Go Where Few Dare to Fish • Fishing Christmas Island • Yellows Off La Jolla Kelps • Legendary Angler Ted Naftzger • Bodacious Trophy Bluefin • High Liner Secrets for Private Boaters • Alaska Your Way • Lovin’ Spoonful Jigs for Tuna! • A Rod for All Seasons • Oh to Fish Like a Bird … You Can! • Calico Bass Tagging • Wahoo Tactics • King for a Day PLUS EVERY ISSUE OFFERS THESE DEPARTMENTS AND COLUMNS: FROM THE BRIDGE: Our publisher’s page in which he offers insights gleaned from his extensive experience which includes releasing an estimated 1,300 pound black marlin, landing a 165 pound bluefin tuna off Southern California, and fishing the Pacific Coast’s amazing lodges from Alaska to Panama. PACIFIC ALMANAC: Our chief content editor’s page on the more whimsical and sometimes political side of fishing and quite frankly, whatever pops into his head when he sits down to write it. SHORT CASTS: Interesting catches and other short news items of interest to our readers. PACIFIC PALETE: Great recipes to cook your catch LOOKING ASTERN: Probably our most loved and turned to page recounting our storied history of fishing along the South Coast. LOCAL KNOWLEDGE: Tips and tricks to help you become one of the 10% of the anglers who catch 90% of the fish. BOAT REVIEWS: Each issue we send our team out on the high seas to put various boats through the paces. CHUMLINE: Our readers’ turns to sound off! TOURNAMENT LINES: We cover the winners circle from all the big game tournaments up and down the Pacific Coast. ELECTRONICS: One of our favorite sections because technology is always offering us advantages in our pursuit of fish. NEW ON DECK: Everything on, in or under your sportfisher KIDS CATCH: Investing time and copy in the next generation of tackle specifiers. TIDES AND TIMES: Before you ask for days off, consult the tides for the best dates to go fishing. EVENTS CALENDER: With 7,000 miles of coastline plus Hawaii to work with, there is always something going on somewhere. Download Our New iPad App @ the iTunes Newsstand I I 5 READER SURVEY What types of articles do you enjoy most in PCS? How to / Technique features Fishing Destinations Personality features on people Boat reviews Long range trips Engine / Electronic articles 30% 21% 9% 13% 16% 11% How many days a year do you fish? More than 30 45% 15 to 30 5 to 14 Up to 5 35% 16% 4% Methodology: Stark Services, an independent data fulfillment company, emailed this survey to the Pacific Coast Sportfishing subscriber email list in December 2015. Within three days Stark Services received 417 completed surveys. Stark Services compiled the data and forwarded the results to us. Any questions on how this data was compiled may be directed to Stark Services at 818-985-2003 attention Maricel Zabel. Which of the following do you plan on buying in 2016? Reel up to 2 Where are you considering taking a fishing trip in the next 12 months? 53% Mexico74% Central America 8% British Columbia 8% Alaska29% Hawaii12% Reel 3 or more 13% Rod up to 2 42% Rod 3 or more 12% Lures79% Other gear like bait nets, gaffs, etc. 53% If you are planning to buy a new boat in the next 12 months, what kind? Center console up to 22 feet 8% Center console larger than 22 feet Sportfisher up to 40 feet Sportfisher larger than 40 feet 7% 6% 2% If you are planning to buy an engine in the next 12 months, what kind? Outboards up to 150HP Outboards more than 150HP Diesel Engines 6 I I Like Us On Facebook If you are planning to upgrade your electronics in the next 12 months, what kind? Integrated GPS/Sounder/Radar 21% GPS and sounder only 15% Sounder only 3% Radio10% Satellite4% Do You Wear Clothing Made for Fishing? 9% 10% Yes82% 4% What type of Sportboat Trips have you done? Half day or day trips Overnight trips Short range trips Long range trips 76% 71% 66% 44% Do you own or would you consider owning a Condo or Second Home in the following areas? Greater Cabo/East Cape area Mainland Mexico Central America 21% 7% 8% SMALL BOAT BIG ROCKFISH // WARM-WATER OPTIONS YE ARS! The Saltwater Magazine for America’s West PRINCE OF A TUNA PCS’s BILL DePRIEST ON HIS QUEST FOR A TONNER Also! THE FEATHER MERCHANTS OF YESTERYEAR H CALICO BASS TAGGING PROGRAM PCSPORTFISHING.COM WAHOO TACTICS BOB HOOSE DUSTS OFF HIS PLAYBOOK FOR ‘NOW LOCAL’ WAHOO! CIRCULATION SUMMARY …Cost per thousand is a myth I n reality, advertising is all about cost per order, not cost per thousand. It’s about the customer who spends $2,000 a year on new tackle versus the guy who spends $200. If you think of the big, national fishing magazines’ circulation as a pyramid, it’s the top you’re after. You can spend a lot of money real fast reaching the base of the pyramid, but does it ever justify the huge expense? With Pacific Coast Sportfishing, you’re getting (and only paying for) the top of the pyramid. Our readers aren’t “armchair anglers”–They spend on average 29 days per year fishing! They spend $2,073 per year on tackle and on average, own one boat per household! DIGITAL CIRCULATION: With an all new platform of iPad/iPhone/Windows 8 app versions, the magazine can be read worldwide by hardcore anglers. And best of all, with our Interactive Digital App, readers can be taken directly to your site via the live link we embed into your ad. With facts like these, you can see how one of our readers is worth 10 readers from another magazine. Plus, our readers absolutely love us. “My favorite mag! All the other saltwater magazines are East Coast.” “I read PCS cover to cover every month. It keeps me up to speed on everything I need to know about our local waters. The extensive section you have on boats for sale was very helpful to me. I am not sure that I would have found my dreamboat without it.” “There may never be a better fishing magazine. It’s tailored exactly to what we fish for and how to do it, with the best pictures. Makes me glad to be a Californian.” “I have been a subscriber for a couple of years and love this magazine. I can't wait for it to come every month. I'm like a kid at Christmas.” JOE ANGLER VS JOE COMMERCIAL THE REAL SCOOP ON A SEA LION ATTACK “I love the magazine and have subscribed for years. The East Coast magazines miss way too much in our style of fishing.” “I really dig this magazine. From the tips to the boat advertisements to the special seasonal articles, it definitely is more directly informative.” THE AMAZING SAGA OF RANCHO BUENA VISTA Includes the Likes of John Wayne, a German Countess and General Eisenhower IT’S A KODAK MOMENT Make your photo frameable for the cover of PCS! REDISCOVERING CRANKBAITS You just may amaze yourself with your catches DUST OFF YOUR TUNA PLAYBOOK DON’T LET THEM OUTSMART YOU WITH THESE 5 TIPS JULY 2015 • $3.99 OCT 2014 • $3.99 CAN IT GET ANY BETTER? MARK WISCH SAYS ‘OH, HECK YEAH!’ H EVOLUTION OF LONG-RANGE TACKLE Coast and Beyond PCSPORTFISHING.COM Circulation Highlights Total ... 24,045 Print Subscribers*......... 11,220 Digital Subscribers........... 6,425 (iPad/iPhone/Windows 8 apps/pc reader/mobile web) Qualified Industry Requested........... 2,200 Newstand & Tackle Store........... 4,200 *Includes qualified trial subscriptions. Download Our New iPad App @ the iTunes Newsstand I I 7 The Sportfishing FESTIVAL E ach February Pacific Coast Sportfishing kicks off the fishing season with Southern California’s premier salt water trade show, the Sportfishing FESTIVAL. What began in 2009, the FESTIVAL has grown to become a highly acclaimed trade show that attracts the best brands in the industry for exhibitors, and arguably the most active, dedicated anglers in the Southern California market. The hallmark of the FESTIVAL is the seminar series that is held inside the main hall. Here you will find the west coast’s legendary captains sharing their knowledge onstage, with other legendary captains sprinkled in the audience absorbing what is being said. It’s a “who’s who” comprised of the giants in the sportfishing industry along with the private anglers whose names dominate the leader boards at the angling clubs and thousands of other saltwater anglers 8 I I Like Us On Facebook who come for the learning and camaraderie of seeing old friends and making new ones. The FESTIVAL is held at the Orange County Fair and Events Center adjacent to Newport Beach and offers easy access to Southern California’s most affluent coastal demographics within a 40 mile radius–over 8 million consumers in all. For exhibitors, the Fair and Event Center is a non-union facility and offers easy ingress and egress. There are also adjacent hook-ups for motor homes and trailers in a park-like setting for overnight stays as well as numerous hotels nearby. The Sportfishing FESTIVAL and Pacific Coast Sportfishing magazine in tandem offers advertisers the unique and powerful marketing opportunity for our readers to meet with your representatives face-to-face and build lifelong loyalties to your brand. It’s always a good idea to secure your location now for next year’s show. Abu Garcia Adamant Angler Adventure Travel Alliance AFTCO Alcom Marine Electronics Angler Wear Anglers Center Anglers Marine Arribe Avet Reels Aztec Manufacturing Baja Fish Gear Baja Pirates Baja Shores Sportfishing Ballast Point Brewery Ballyhood Berkley Bilge Pad Charkbait Chum Buddy Clark’s Outdoor Adventures Cousins Tackle Daiwa Dana Angling Club Dana Pt Jet Ski Dana Wharf Design a Deck Dove Island Lodge Fish Alert Fish and Fame Fish Trap Lures Fisherman’s Access Fisherman’s Depot Fishing for Freedom FishTrack Ford Trucks Kelp Clothing Kep Marine Kozwel Volvo Penta M & M Rods Make a Wish Tuna Challenge Malibu Kayak Reeb’s Lures Reliable Kill bags Rip Charts Rod Gaff San Diego Boats Sato Custom Rods Scent Blazer Sportfishing FESTIVAL exhibitors include these market leaders: Exchange Program Black Fly’s Sunglasses Bloody Decks/ Fishdope Blue Pacific Products Blue Water Bait Blue Water Jewelry Booyaa Boyce Photography Buoyweather Casta Designs Cedros Outdoor Adventures Freedive n Spear G. Loomis Rods Get the Gaff Grande Alaska Greg Trompas Charters Hardcore Products Hardcore Tackle Hobie Kayak IGFA Inside Sportfishing/SWBA Jimmy’s Outdoors Marina Pez Vella Maritime Expression Marlin Nation Maximum Angler MC Swimbaits Melton Tackle New Fishall Bait Co. NOAA OC Used Oil recycling Outbound Yacht Pacific Edge Pacific Pilothouse Parker Boats Pelagic Penn Reels Phenix Rods Picante PowerPro Precision Marine Hardware ProSoft Lures PSO/United Anglers Pure Fishing Radon Boats Raymarine Scheyden Eyewear Seasons Sportfishing Seeker Rods Shimano SoCal Offshore SOS Marine Sound Waves Terrafin The Outdoor Generation Two Harbors Catalina Ultra Sportfishing United Anglers United Composites Vessel Assist Wade Rods West Coast Marine West Coast Trailers Western Outdoor News Wholesale Fishing Shirts Whopper Stopper Woxoff Lodge Yamaha Your Guide Service Download Our New iPad App @ the iTunes Newsstand I I 9 EDITORIAL CALENDAR TACKLE & TECHNIQUES JAN/FEB 2016 Boat, Fishing Tackle & Accessory Buyer’s Guide Space: Nov 25 Materials: Dec 1 MARCH 2016 PCS Sportfishing Festival and Fred Hall Tackle & Boat Show Issue Space: Jan 12 Materials: Jan 16 APRIL 2016 Inshore Fishing Edition Space: Feb 9 Materials: Feb 13 MAY 2016 Guide to Engines Space: Mar 9 Materials: Mar 13 JUNE 2016 Guide to the Sportboat Fleet Space: April 12 Materials: April 19 JULY 2016 Offshore Fishing & Live Bait Edition Space: May 11 Materials: May 15 AUGUST 2016 ICAST Issue Space: June 15 Materials: June 19 SEPTEMBER 2016 Pacific Billfish Tourney Preview Space: July 13 Materials: July 17 OCTOBER 2016 Long-Range Fishing Edition Space: Aug 10 Materials: Aug 14 10 ELECTRONICS SPORTFISHER REVIEW Just in time for the beginning of the season, PCS compiles a comprehensive list of the top fishing boats and their features to help with that pressing decision of which boat is best for you. Engine & Boat: The New 300, 350 and 400 Outboards Electronics: A Look at Top Sportboat Electronics Sportfisher Review: Detailed findings from our latest fishing boat test/review OUR ANNUAL SPORTFISHING FESTIVAL SHOW ISSUE! Anticipation of the upcoming season, excitement within the fishing community reach a feverish pitch in March. This issue will be the official guide to PCS’s Sportfishing Festival and will have extra distribution at the show. This issue also gets lots of extra distribution at the Fred Hall Boat & Tackle Show. Engine & Boat: Diesel Options for Boats Under 40’ Electronics: Newest Trends in Fish Finders Sportfisher Review: Detailed findings from our latest fishing boat test/review Inshore, there are tons of fishing opportunities, from bottom structure to kelp beds and other spots. We focus on where to go and how to fish them when you get there. Engine & Boat: Twin vs Triple Outboards Electronics: Small Boat Radar Sportfisher Review: Detailed findings from our latest fishing boat test/review As water warms up along the Southland coast and local islands, migratory species are trickling in and Baja fishing is heating up. If this season is anything like last we were already catching giant bluefin right off the coast. Engine & Boat: Advancement in Diesel Engines Electronics: Integrated Systems Sportfisher Review: Detailed findings from our latest fishing boat test/review Just in time for the beginning of the season, PCS talks with South Coast landings to compile a comprehensive list of the sportboats and charter services operating out of them. Engine & Boat: Stearing Systems for Outboards Electronics: Sat TV for Your Sportfisher Sportfisher Review: Detailed findings from our latest fishing boat test/review Heading offshore and to the islands in search of big game fishing requires special equipment and knowledge; making bait, keeping it lively, and using it wisely. Engine & Boat: Diesel options for boats under 40’ Electronics: Side Scanning Fish Finders Sportfisher Review: Detailed findings from our latest fishing boat test/review Mid-year brings the ICAST show and a look at all the new tackle for the coming year. New concepts and improvements in boats, motors, electronics, tackle, and more. Engine & Boat: The New Inline Four Outboards Electronics: Tranducers Made for Fishing Sportfisher Review: Detailed findings from our latest fishing boat test/review As the peak season for fishermen rolls around, so do all kinds of billfish tournaments. Here’s a preview that spans them all, from the big-money events to the for-fun charity tourneys. This issue gets lots of extra distribution to tourney anglers. Engine & Boat: Fuel Effecient Diesels Electronics: Radio and Antenna Options Sportfisher Review: Detailed findings from our latest fishing boat test/review OUR ANNUAL MARLIN TOURNAMENT ISSUE! Our annual long-range preview highlights exciting multi-day trips aboard San Diego’s renowned fleet. Trip types, techniques, and comprehensive sportboat and charter schedules are covered. Engine & Boat: 5 Things You Should be Doing Now to Your Outboard I I Like Us On Facebook Electronics: Cartography Advancements Sportfisher Review: Detailed findings from our latest fishing boat test/review TACKLE & TECHNIQUES NOVEMBER 2016 Annual Pacific Northwest Travel Issue Space: Sept 12 Materials: Sept 16 DECEMBER 2016 Annual Below the Border Travel Issue Space: Oct 12 Materials: Oct 16 SPORTFISHER REVIEW ELECTRONICS OUR ANNUAL ALASKA & BC ISSUE! Everyone loves to take a fishing vacation. This issue focuses on travel destinations from Alaska and BC to Central America and beyond. From finding the right lodge to fish with or to book a charter boat for the day, we have it all. Engine & Boat: Diesel Repower Do’s and Don’ts Electronics: Big Boat Radar Sportfisher Review: Detailed findings from our latest fishing boat test/review OUR ANNUAL SOUTH OF THE BORDER ISSUE! Anglers get that rush by chasing species to far off destinations. This issue focuses on travel destinations from Baja California to Central America and beyond. From finding the right lodge to fish with or to just book a charter boat for the day, we have it all. Engine & Boat: Matching Outboards to Hull Speed Electronics: Underwater Lights Sportfisher Review: Detailed findings from our latest fishing boat test/review Advertising Rates & Mechanical Specifications Display Advertising Rates 12x 6x 3x 1x Spread............$3990....... $4510....$5115.... $5800 Full Page.........2595......... 2940......3335...... 3790 2/3 Page..........1920......... 2180......2470...... 2815 1/2 Page..........1475......... 1685......1780...... 1936 1/3 Page..........995........... 1140......1300...... 1475 1/6 Page..........570........... 650........735........ 840 Premium Positions Back Cover......$4515....... $5120....$5810.... $6600 Inside Back.....3750......... 4260......4850...... 5530 Inside Front....3995......... 4650......5310...... 6050 Page 3.............3970......... 4520......5155...... 5885 Inside Spread..6190......... 7015......7985...... 9080 Four-color: add $295 per insertion Spot color: add $195 per insertion Marketplace 12x 6x 1/6 Page........................... $450.................... $495 1/12 Page......................... 350...................... 395 Marketplace ads must: 1. Run in consecutive issues. 2. Be paid in advance six issues at a time. Mechanical Specifications Full page (with bleed) Full page (no bleed) 2/3 page vertical 1/2 page vertical 1/2 page horizontal 1/3 page vertical 1/3 page horizontal 1/6 page vertical 1/6 page horizontal 1/12 page 8.5w 8w 4.625w 4.625w 7w 2.25w 4.625w 2.25w 4.625w 2.125w x x x x x x x x x x 11h 10.5h 9.5h 7h 4.625h 10h 4.625h 4.625h 2.25h 2.25h Commission and Cash Discounts Agency commission is 15%. Terms are 2% discount if paid in 10 days; net 30 days on approved accounts. Cash with advertising copy will receive a 5% discount. Past due accounts are subject to 1-1/2% service charge per month. General Rate Policy Advertisers will be rate-protected for the duration of contracts in effect at the time rate changes are announced. Short rate will be charged when contract is not fulfilled. All advertisements must conform with the publication’s format and meet the necessary mechanical requirements. All advertisements are subject to publisher’s approval prior to insertion. Issue and Closing Dates Published monthly. Space reservations by the 10th two months preceding issue date (July issue, space by May 10th). Camera Ready by the 15th of month two months preceding issue date (July issue by May 15th). Ads requiring design or production must have all copy and images submitted by space deadline. Design and Production Advertising rates are based on camera-ready artwork. Expert design, production and scanning can be arranged and will be charged as follows: Design/Scanning: $75 per hour/$25 per image. Digital Requirements We can accept your files on CD or via Email or FTP (, or call for our FTP info or to provide your own FTP info) provided they are in the following formats: PDF, Quark, PhotoShop or Illustrator (all text to paths whenever possible). Be certain to include all art, fonts and a hard copy (or lo-rez jpeg) of ad for comparative purposes. Any PC, PageMaker or InDesign files MUST be saved as PDF, EPS, or TIFF files. Emailed files should be “Stuffed” and converted from 300dpi/CMYK files and resampled to 72dpi/RGB files. Please call or Email and alert us you are sending a file and be sure to include contact info. All ads should be hi-rez PDFs whenever possible. Printing Requirements Trim size: 8.25 x 10.75 (Keep important type/art within .5” of edges) Binding: Perfect Bound Colors: Four-Color Process Images: 300 dpi Download Our New iPad App @ the iTunes Newsstand I I 11 12 240 Newport Center Drive / Suite 205 Newport Beach, CA 92663 (949) 650-3474 I I Like Us On Facebook