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Illinois Spoonpluggers
Dedicated to the teachings of E.L. “Buck” Perry
The Father of Structure Fishing May Meeting Notes:
The next meeting of the Illinois Spoonpluggers will be on
Thursday, June 9th, 2011 at 7:15 PM at the Elk Grove Village
Public Library. Club meetings are held on the second Thursday
of the month.
Club Notes:
Jim Perillo Will be putting in a Club order to Bucks baits. Please
contact Jim for more info
Fishing Reports:
Jim Shell, Casey Shell, Mike Lynch & Bob Roles spent some
time fishing a couple of Central Illinois Reservoirs. Fishing was
tough with unsteady weather & water but by following the basic
SP guidelines they still manage to catch some nice fish including
a 20”+ Sauger and a 4lbs Bass. Brett Christenson had some fun
bounching his plugs off the bottom in southern Wisconsin where
he pick up a nice Muskie working a deep hole while the rest of
the Muskie guys were up beating the shallows.
Get Your Head Out of Your “Hat” By Jim Duplex First, let’s set the record straight and stop tip toeing around the 800 lb gorilla in the room: if you catch a fish, any time, any place you are Spoonplugging; even if you’ve never heard of Spoonplugging or Buck Perry! You were in the right place, at the right time, fishing in the right manner; that’s what Spoonplugging is all about! Spoonplugging is not speed trolling. Spoonplugging is not fishing with a Spoonplug. Spoonplugging is using all the lures in your tackle box correctly so as to be at the right place and time, fishing in the right manner to consistently catch the fish. So get over it already. Secondly, the Spoonplug is the most unique tool in the fishermen’s tackle box. It is the only bottom bouncing/free running lure that goes down and stays down. The Spoonplug was created to map the bottom of the lake and trigger the fish to strike; in other words, to find ‘em and catch ‘em. In addition, it will quickly and accurately tell you what’s down there: weeds, muck, marl, sand, rocks, etc. No other crankbait has ever been designed to do this. Thirdly, and most important of all to you and me, Spoonplugging is the only method/system devised to locate the fish. And just like real estate, fishing is all about location, location, location. Buck made the statement that if you want to get good at fishing, stop listening to the so called “experts”. As a matter of fact, he didn’t consider himself an expert because he always felt there was more to learn. But I’m weak. I will occasionally read a fishing article and I’ll watch a fishing program now and then. If I can’t be out there catching a fish, I enjoy reading and watching others’ doing it. What I’ve found out over time is that all good fishermen are Spoonplugging! All the “experts” are using Spoonplugging tactics and techniques. They all know about Spoonplugging. Most of them have second hand information but all their knowledge is based on the guidelines first established by Buck Perry. They simply would not be successful otherwise. There’s currently a video on the website regarding a 2008 bass tournament where a world record catch was made. In the video, the pro is using Spoonplugging knowledge, tactics, .and terminology. He describes fishing a point, using markers, bouncing his lure on the bottom to trigger the strike, and throwing a jump bait to take additional fish. The lures, rods, reels, and even the hooks are described in detail, as if the credit for the catch could be attributed to them. No where does he tell of how he determined where the fish were located. Don Dickson said it best, catching fish is the easy part; finding the fish is the hard part. But how does this relate to Spoonpluggers, especially to those in the National? Well, we still have folks who are skeptical. You know them. They’re the “yeah, but…” people. Yeah, but I know somebody. Yeah, but I read somewhere. Yeah, but I saw. Here’s what I have to say to them; get you head out of your “hat”! Open your eyes and “just do it!” Oh yeah and one more thing, just because you use Spoonplugs doesn’t make you a Spoonplugger! SPOONPLUGGER WEB SITES:
Spoonpluggers of America:
Buck’s Baits:
Discussion Board, links, and more: Newsletter Editor: Mike Lynch 708 655 7667