
Republicans, it’s time to unite. We can pull together by focusing on our numerous points
of accord. We value individual liberty, personal responsibility, and freedom of choice.
We all respect meaningful work and charitable assistance, without creating dependency,
of course. We can connect long enough to offer health care proposals that meet the needs
of all Americans.
What are some Republican healthcare proposals? I listed some last week, but to recap and
to add a few ideas, health care premiums should be tax deductible for everyone. Young
people especially need catastrophic insurance, but we can all use Health Savings
Accounts. Even David Goldhill, the Democrat, writing in the Atlantic Monthly, promoted
Health Savings Accounts. Also we should all be able to buy insurance across state lines.
Competition reduces price.
President Obama tried to trick the young and healthy into bearing most of the cost for the
aged and sick. That won’t work. Obama also ignores the undeniable truth that people are
most aware and cautious of spending when it’s their own money. A Republican approach
to healthcare would include a pool for people with pre-existing conditions to help them
with premium costs. That’s fair and reasonable.
American entrepreneurs have always used their talents and skill and ingenuity to advance
medical treatments. Yet Obama chose to tax medical devices. When you tax anything,
you get less of it. A Republican plan would throw Obama’s device tax into the ash heap
of history.
This is the wrong time to quarrel over minor issues. If we allow the Socialists/Democrats
to win in 2014, we lose our voice (as happened in 2008). Like it or not, elections have
consequences. The next time you look askance at a candidate who is not pro-life enough
for you, or not pro-gun enough for you, remember that we do agree on most issues.
There’s a more practical reason. You’ll have more luck lobbying a McSally, Martin or
Kais than a Ron Barber. Think about it.
Top down planning is imploding right before our eyes. This is our time. This is our
chance. Reason can prevail.
Tuesday, November 19th at 11:30 am
Sabbar Shriner Temple, 450 S. Tucson Blvd – Lunch $11
Wednesday, November 20th at 6:30 pm
Presents Guest Speaker
Supervisor, District 4, Ray Carroll
Golf Links Library, Community Room, 9640 E. Golf Links, Tucson
REPUBLICAN CLUB OF GREEN VALLEY/SAHUARITA Meets Friday, November 22 at 9:00 am Friends in Deed, 301 W Camino Casa Verde, Green Valley Guest Speaker: AZ Corporation Commissioner Susan Bitter-­‐Smith *************************
We congratulate our announced candidates in the CD2
Race for Congress – 2014
Shelley Kais
Ed Martin
Martha McSally
Monday, November 25th at 11:00am Social/11:30am Meeting
Viscount Suites Hotel, 4855 E. Broadway
Guest Speaker: Shelley Kais
LD 2 District Meeting – Saturday, Nov 16
LD 3 & LD3 Joint District Meeting – Saturday, Nov 16
LD10 District Meeting – Saturday, Nov 16
Pima GOP Dinner with Matt Salmon – Saturday, Nov 16
For details and venue on these and all events, go to
Operation Care Package
For the past few years, a few volunteers, local businesses, KNST Radio, friends
and families have joined forces to send care packages to our troops in
Listen to KNST Radio 790-AM (6-9:00am) for remote drop off locations in Tucson
for Operation Care Package efforts in Tucson.
Make a CASH donation or donate supplies and join this great opportunity to
acknowledge our troops!
Contact Operation Care Package volunteers
for additional information, a pickup and/or a collection box for your office, church,
school or community function.
Who Does Ron Barber Stand With:
Bill Clinton or Barack Obama? WASHINGTON – Former President Bill Clinton has joined the chorus calling on President Obama and
Democrats in Congress to keep their commitment and ensure Americans can keep their current insurance
plans. After President Obama admitted that his infamous “if you like your health care plan, you can keep
it” claim is actually false, even some of Obama’s supporters have demanded answers from the
It’s time for ObamaCare supporter Ron Barber to stop making excuses for President Obama, and explain
what he is doing to fix this mess and give Arizona families answers as to why they can't keep their current
healthcare plan like Obama promised.
“Now, even Bill Clinton is calling out President Obama and Democrats in Congress for their broken
promises,” said NRCC Communications Director Andrea Bozek. “ObamaCare supporter Ron Barber has
been part of the problem. While Arizona families are losing their healthcare coverage Barber remains
silent and refuses to acknowledge his responsibility in this ObamaCare mess."
President Obama Apologized Yesterday For His Misleading Healthcare Promise. “President Barack Obama
offered an apology Thursday to those Americans who have been told they’re losing their health insurance plans,
contrary to his promise that no one would be forced off a plan they wanted to keep.” (Jennifer Epstein, “President
Obama: ‘I Am Sorry’,” Politico, 11/7/13)
Bill Clinton Said That President Obama Should Honor His Commitment to Those Who Want to Keep Their
Health Care Plan. “Former President Bill Clinton said that President Obama should honor his oft-repeated pledge
and allow people to hang on to health care plans that are being canceled as a result of the Affordable Care Act.”
(Aamer Madhani, “Clinton to Obama: Let Americans keep canceled health plans,” (USA Today, 11/12/13) Ron Barber Voted Against ObamaCare Repeal. (H.R. 45, Roll Call Vote # 154, 5/16/13)
************************* IN MY OPINION…
Tucson conservatives need to get off Huckelberry’s back
Conservatism is currently in a growth pattern while liberals have calcified into
lockstep. The GOP and conservative movement’s internal differences accrue to
them in the long term while the Democrats have degenerated into cult followers.
Breaking the Obama mantra appears even harder than leaving Scientology or
the Mob. Like Gen. Patton said, “When everybody’s thinking alike nobody’s
An expanding movement attracts zealots, many ignorant of the basics involving
the cause in which they enlisted. To compensate for their late arrival some
acquire militancy out of all proportion to their knowledge. These fanatics drag
down their own movement, their surly manners run off normal people and they
are easy marks for sharpies and frauds
Ann Coulter, hardly the voice of tact, calls them Pitchfork Republicans. They’re
hustled by everyone from gypsy talk show hosts to flaky business hacks with a
flash roll. They need to redirect current energies toward storming the correct
This starts locally with dumping the bogus theory that there’s some unified
political machine dominating both Tucson City Hall and Pima County
government. Both governing bodies have Democratic majorities but while local
Democrats may be on the same national and state pages, here they’re about as
unified as Arizona’s native tribes when Europeans came.
This has bred absurd attacks against Pima County and its CEO Chuck
Huckelberry. While Chuck isn’t exactly one of ours, he ain’t one of them. Here’s
how you tell.
• The Tucson City Council opposes the F-35 program, Pima County supports it.
• Tucson banned “Big Box” stores, Pima County didn’t.
• While Mayor Rothschild was signing on with NYC’s Mayor Bloomberg on gun
control, Pima County maintains several shooting ranges, aided the Tucson Trap
and Skeet Club expansion, and has no-hassle gun shows at the Fairgrounds.
• As the Tucson Council dithers, Chuck and Pima County are actively supporting
the proposed Interstate-11 corridor for the Guaymas route to the new Picacho rail
yard, a huge economic boon to Southern Arizona. Interestingly, that puts Chuck
on the same page with GOP Sen. Al Melvin’s gubernatorial campaign.
Detect a trend yet?
Another issue Al and Chuck share is animal welfare. Both have publicly set the
goal as no-kill shelters. Using a massive volunteer effort, Pima “Rabies Control”
is now a genuine Animal Care center with placement rates moving from 40
percent to over 70 percent. My close four-legged friends Frank, Guido and
Maggie thank Chuck and Al. If this doesn’t matter to conservatives, for shame on
The relationship between Pima County and Raytheon, our largest private
employer, has also been misunderstood and misrepresented. When the county
purchased land next door, some claimed a pay-off to the developer, failing to
notice that the same developer had been denied two attempts to rezone the
property for subdivisions. That land will eventually house new high tech
industries compatible with Raytheon.
The nabobs of negativism also fail to grasp the tax assessment lawsuit between
Raytheon and Pima County. It’s the result of murky statutes that force Raytheon
to appeal their assessment each year and can be resolved by one court case.
Both sides favor this method of resolution, as was explained by the Arizona Daily
Star’s able Tim Steller several weeks ago.
But the most repulsive behavior by some of the ideologically impaired is the
personal attacks claiming “corruption” who then present no real evidence. These
smears resemble those used by the dirt bags that lied about Supervisor Ray
Carroll and others in the 2012 campaign using phony “confidential sources.”
Some charge those pursuing these personal smear campaigns guilty of
“McCarthyism” but I find that unfair.
Senator Joe got some of it right.
Listen to Emil Franzi on “Inside Track” every Saturday from 1 to 4 p.m. on KVOI, 1030AM.
Submitted to us by Ed Miller…
You'll likely never see these people featured in the main street media.
This is quite surprising!
NRA Support from where you'd least expect to see it----Obama didn't see this coming.
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