Animal Welfare Court - National District Attorneys Association
Animal Welfare Court - National District Attorneys Association
Animal Welfare Court Honorable Maria Felix Justice of the Peace Pima County Justice Court Kendrick Wilson Deputy County Attorney Pima County Attorney’s Office Adam Rossi Deputy County Attorney Pima County Attorney’s Office History I. Inclusion of stakeholders: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. County Attorney’s Office Judge Felix Justice Court Staff Pima Animal Care Center Officers Arizona Game and Fish Department Pima County Sheriff’s Department Defense attorneys i. ii. iii. Ensure that the process is not ex parte Surprisingly helpful input Often “deputized” to help their clients realize the criminal nature of their behavior History II. Incorporation of the AniCare Treatment Modality a. Identification i. Intentional cruelty – need for intervention ii. Hoarders – need for supervision iii. Unintentional cruelty/neglect – need for education b. Treatment III. of different types of offenders offered through Perceptions counseling The specialty court begins Animal Welfare Specialty Court in Pima County Justice Court I. Counseling services a. Perceptions Counseling – only provider in Tucson b. Spanish programs available for non-English speakers c. Regular reports to Judge Felix for post-conviction Defendants d. Regular review hearings to assess compliance with treatment e. ATOP and ACE AniCare To learn more about the AniCare program, register to view NCPAA’s AniCare webinar at or visit Animal Welfare Specialty Court in Pima County Justice Court II. 1. National Interest Dr. Kenneth Shapiro, Executive Dir., Animal & Society Inst., Ann Arbor MI AND (12/9/11 training) 2. Beatrice Friedlander, Managing Dir., Animal & Soc. Inst., Ann Arbor, MI 3. Tamara Ward, Comm. & Soc. Svs. Coord. Juv. Justice Svs, Albuq., NM 4. Allie Phillips, Director, National Center for Prosecution of Animal Abuse /Child Abuse, Alexandria, VA 5. Ret. Judge Martha Grace, MA (to train) 6. Pam Russel (Priscilla), Policy Analyst, National Counsel of Juv. & Family Court Judges, Reno, NV 7. Debora Lowther, Program Dir. & Administrator, Perception Counseling, Tucson, AZ Types of Cases I. Identifying more serious misdemeanor offenses a. b. c. Intentional Cruelty Hoarders Unintentional Cruelty/Neglect Types of Cases II. Intervention – Protecting the Community i. ii. III. Identifying Cases to Review for Felony Charges i. IV. Prevent Recidivism Prevent Graduation in Species A.R.S. §13-2910(A)(8-11)(13), animal fighting, and assault Specialized pool of defense attorneys Types of Cases V. Post-Conviction Issues a. Supervision by PACC i. ii. b. Officer specialty in these cases Feelings of officers then compared to now Regular Review Hearings i. ii. Addressing lack of empathy in offenders Updates from PACC and Perceptions Counseling to determine compliance with terms of probation Current Specialty Court Statistics I. Defendants currently in the AniCare program II. Completion of the Program III. Fines/Probation/Jail IV. More Female than Male Defendants V. Most are between 25 and 40 years of age Future Issues I. Class Six Felonies vs. Class One Misdemeanors a. Misdemeanor charges in the specialty court eligible for bench trials More efficient handling of cases in the specialty court Judge Felix is specialized with these type of cases – familiar with AniCare treatment modality Avoid “reinventing the wheel” b. c. d. I. Introduction of Specialty Court Probation Officers II. Expansion to Other Courts Contact Information Honorable Maria Felix Justice of the Peace Pima County Justice Court Kendrick Wilson Deputy County Attorney Pima County Attorney’s Office Adam Rossi Deputy County Attorney Pima County Attorney’s Office Need help? Allie Phillips Director, National Center for Prosecution of Animal Abuse Deputy Director, National Center for Prosecution of Child Abuse National District Attorneys Association 99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 330 Alexandria, VA 22314 703-519-1674 Upcoming NDAA Webinar How Forensic Veterinarians Help Prosecute Animal Abuse Cases Thursday, May 23, 3-4pm ET Rachel Touroo, DVM Director of Veterinary Forensic Sciences, ASPCA