Dr. Joe - Satellite Beach UMC
Dr. Joe - Satellite Beach UMC
V ISION Page 8 May 2014 The S AT E L L I T E B E AC H U N I T E D METHODIST CHURCH 450 Lee Avenue Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Vision Where there is no Vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 Address Service Requested Monthly Mailer Vis ion on May 2014 Everyone is catching the fever!! Ask about how you can be a part of a LifeTogether home group. New groups are now forming. Don’t be left out of this exciting ministry. Call the Church Office. STEPHEN MINISTRY makes Satellite Beach United Methodist Church a more caring place. UPCOMING NEWSLETTER DEADLINES The Vision newsletter deadline is on the following dates listed for each month. Coming up... May 16 is the deadline for June June 20 is the deadline for July July 18 is the deadline for August Please email all news items to caroll@sbumc.net, or drop it in the newsletter envelope in the church office. As always, your input is both welcome and appreciated! More Information about SBUMC OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 am-5:00 pm, Mon.– Thurs. 8:30 am-Noon, Friday OFFICE PHONE: (321) 777-0116 FAX: (321) 777-6772 EMAIL: Office@sbumc.net W EB SITE: www.sbumc.net SUNDAY W ORSHIP SERVICES: 9:00 am - Contemporary 11:00 am - Traditional SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES: 9:45 am Our Church Staff Dr. Joe Jursa Senior Pastor Mary Williams Children’s Ministry Director Eric Ruoff Music & Youth Director Georgia Garrett Senior Ministry Director Tim Liscum Organist Kyle Henderson Office Administrator Jennifer Borondy Bookkeeper Susan Siemer Preschool Director “I have seen the Lord.” Those were Mary Magdalene’s words to the disciples on that Easter Resurrection morning. It was not a theological debate about the possibilities of resurrection. Her words were not some discourse on the meaning of resurrection. She did not spend a great deal of time in justifying what she said or defending herself. She said, “I have seen the Lord.” We live in a world gone crazy with information. Watching Jeopardy the other night, I got to thinking about just how old is Vanna White? She has been turning letters for over 30 years with that show and if they are not photo shopping something she still looks really nice. I went to my phone to get the bio on her and found out she was born in 1957. In seconds I had all kinds of information. People in this age are information rich. We can find about anything within seconds or minutes. We can find so much information within a short time that we have to find a way to sort it all out in order to make sense of it all. The Guinness Book of World Records was written to settle disputes as people sat in pubs in England drinking beer. Today we don’t need the latest copy to find out information—just access to the internet. A while back Warren Green sent me an email with photos of Google’s information storage facilities. There were water towers in the massive warehouse of computer processors, just to cool the capacitors! While we can get information, we still desire contact with real people who may not have the information, but have experience in exactly what Satellite Beach United Methodist Church interests us. Mary Magdalene had experienced the resurrected Jesus. She had seen him and had a conversation. Where there is no Vision, the people “I have seen the Lord,” is still a powerful perish.will argue facts or points of statement. People view, but the experience of people is still vitally real, personal and not open for debate, without calling into question the character of the person making the statement. People want to know people who have seen the Lord. They still want to know that He encounters people. While they may not yet be at the place where they can believe, there is this desire within each of us to a connection with God. People want what they have seen in the lives of others who have walked with Jesus. With Easter having just passed, are you comfortable declaring with Mary, “I have seen the Lord?” The celebration of Easter has come and gone, but the impact of the resurrection on the lives of people has not. People still want and need to know that Christ is alive, and that he can make a difference in their life. Jesus overcame death, why would he not be able to overcome whatever they face within their lives. Cancer is less than death. Job loss, divorce, relationship with children or parents, surgery or just the daily grind of life all pales in comparison with death. Jesus came to set us free. That freedom is not just from death, but from everything that holds us captive in fear, anxiety or dread. People need to know Jesus is alive, so that they too may find the freedom that comes in knowing Jesus. Dr. Joe Page 2 May 2014 V ISION Please remember to pray for the needs in our church body and community. In our weekly worship bulletin, you will find recently occurring prayer concerns. A Look At Our Faithfulness March 2014 The following prayer concerns are of a more ongoing basis. Men and women of our armed forces: *Rob Bird, *Jason Borondy, Brian David Dice, *Chuck Fischer, James E. Harris IV, *Zach Heim, *Bill Intille, Sean Keane, Craig Lambert, Vance Lambert, Patrick Miller, *Dave Moore, Jeff Peppers, Justin Peppers, Andrew Peppers, Blake Rogers, Mike Taylor, Hanz Welo. Missionaries: John & Lynn Lehn; Croatia; Kathy Harris, Moscow; Jim, Kathy, Stephen and Hillary Mehl, Salvador; Pastor Maikel, Mir Iglesia Metodista in Cuba; Larz & Karen, Asia; and Bobby & Katie Hamlett in Thailand. All storm and natural disaster victims throughout the world. Prayers of Concern: James Allen, Roy Carr, *Don Comber, Helen Gabriel, Bill Huston, Jan Johnson, *Linda & Rich Krebs, *Ed Levka, *Joyce Marks, *Sandra McCoy, *Harry Maxwell, James A Miles, *Mickey Mutter, Helen Patterson, Caroline Siemer, Donna Taylor, *Mary Lou Tutt Long Term Care: Life Care Center, Melbourne - *Ed Levka, Caroline Siemer; Life Care Center, Palm Bay - Harry & Donna Maxwell; Emeritus - *Rosalee Cooper; Century Oaks - Bill Yeager; Palm Bay Home –Geneva Yeager *denotes church family ONLINE GIVING SBUMC is pleased to announce a convenient new way to make your regular offerings. Coming soon is our new electronic giving program where you can easily set up a recurring giving schedule or make one-time contributions. Here is a Quick Response (QR) code for SBUMC. When you scan this barcode-like QR code image with a smartphone’s QR decoder, it will instantly connect you to our mobile version of our web page. To individuals who are familiar with QR codes, it will provide a quick, easy way to access our web page without having to type out a long web address and locate our link. Month-to Date Year to Date Budget Required $ 48,269.25 $ 125,500.05 Budget Received 51,797.63 131,351.78 Variance $ 3,528.38 $ 5,851.73 Extra Mile Giving - Missions Miscellaneous Missions $ 275.00 Children’s Home $ 2,093.00 Croatia Mission $ 210.00 Thailand Mission $ 50.00 Good Samaritan $ 682.00 Cuba Missionaries $ 885.00 Cuba General Fund $ 510.67 Blankets $ 218.00 UMCOR $ 100.00 Total Missions Dream-Fellowship Hall Upgrade Capital Improvements TOTAL manity in Melbourne. Page 7 May is the last month of the school year. It will be very busy with Moms N’ Muffins, Block Week and Water Day. April was full of spring learning—baby birds hatched in nests outside the preschool building, caterpillars turned into butterflies, and ladybugs flew. Our VPK class did their skit and the whole school performed in the preschool music program. Preschool Registration has commenced, and we will give tours of our school to parents of the community. We have classes for students as young as 18 months. Mrs. Matella teaches our toddler class (18–24 months) on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and our two-year-old class on Monday, Thursday and Friday; Mrs. Hicks leads our 3-day class on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday; Mrs. Smith leads our 5-day class for three-year-olds; and Mrs. Halsey and Mrs. Locke lead our 5-day VPK classes. Call Susan Siemer at the church or check out our webpage at the churches website. www.sbumc.net/preschool. Susan Siemer, Preschool Director $ 5,023.67 $ 1,141.00 $ 180.00 $ 6,344.67 Mrs. Hicks’ class egg hunt Mrs. Smith’s class egg hunt The sympathy of the congregation is extended to: Barbara and Ken Bernhart on the death of his sister, Mary Craig, on April 11, and to: the family of Lorraine Conklin, who passed away on April 26, and to: Barbara and Alyssa McNabb on the death of her mother, Dorothy Bresnaham, on April 27, 2014. MOTHER’S DAY FLOWERS We would like to honor ALL mothers by having beautiful potted flowering plants on the altar. You may purchase one for $10.00 in honor of, or in memory of your mother. Please complete the form below and bring it to the office by Sunday, May 4: In Memory of __________________________________ In Honor of ___________________________________ The BEST thing my Mother ever taught me was: The MISSIONS BUDGET sent $550 to the Jim Russo Prison Ministry in Bradenton, FL and $200 to Habitat for Hu- V ISIO N May 2014 _____________________________________________ Given by: _____________________________________ This information will be in the Mother’s Day bulletin. You may take the plant home as you leave either service Mrs. Hicks’ class practices skit Mrs. Matella’s toddlers egg hunt DINING OUT in MAY Suntree café looks forward to hosting SBUMC in May. Donna and her staff always treat us well and the food is always delicious. They have supported our dining-out program since 2007. Their hours are every day from 7 am to 2 pm. On Friday night they have a New England Seafood night from 4 to 8 pm. Remember to tell your server that you are from the church and sign SBUMC on your bill. give Donna a “Hi” and thank her for always inviting us back and being generous to us by allowing us to come every day of the week for our 10% church discount. We want to remind you that Beachside Grille on AIA gives us 10% every time we eat there if you write SBUMC on your bill. Bon Appetit………everyone!! Page 6 VISION V ISION May May 2014 2014 Mason Williams has created a remarkable first novel of delicate beauty. The story of love and friendship, loss and hope, carries a lyrical quality that raises it high above many in its genre. A delight.” —Davis Bunn, bestselling author Jeannie Mitchell is living an uneventful life in a quiet town until she befriends an unusually perceptive young woman, Crystal Arthurs. Crystal is a blond haired, green eyed wisp of a girl with a hidden past that somehow includes the loss of her father and mother. The two begin a tenuous friendship that ultimately throws Jeannie’s carefully crafted world into turmoil. But as Jeannie’s friendship with Crystal turns into a closeness that excites and terrifies them both, Jeannie learns that secrets have a life of their own, and hers are only beginning to unravel. J. Mason Williams is a lawyer, musician and writer living in Cocoa Beach, Florida and attending Satellite Beach United Methodist Church. He was urged to turn this story into a novel by best-selling author T. Davis Bunn, to whom he is eternally grateful. S W E N R SENIO for the Beyond 50 Ministries— ReFired Servant I can do everything through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13 Maydar n e l a C Here is the link to And Angels Hovered paperback version: http://www.amazon.com/And-Angels-Hovered-Mason-Williams/ dp/1495477843 We also need volunteers to visit the hospital, nursing homes and those at home. The next Pastoral Care Team meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 14 at 1:30 pm in the church library. FOCUS ON CUBA Cuba needs more of us to step up and do more than send check and goods. Coordination of all the information takes time and effort and although Marj Green does a super human job, she needs time to recharge. Can you find an hour or two per week or month to do some paper work or work out some problem with transportation, communication or logistics? Please let Marj or myself know if you can help. The pay is lousy, but the rewards are eternal! Shirley Pollak, 773-2013 WHEN WE NEED GOD”S LOVE MOST…………. When is the time that we need God’s love most? Of course we need that love every second of our lives. But there are times when His love is especially precious to us. Times like when we lose a loved one, or when life becomes so confusing that we do not know where to turn, or when life just becomes meaningless and depression starts setting in. At times like these, it is very important to have someone in your life who cares. Our congregation has trained lay people, Stephen Ministers, who offer a ministry of Christian caring. This ministry has served our church and our community for 19 years, and is here to serve you. May 12 20 24 26 30 May and Bob Small (56 years) Marilyn Koss Ruth Singletary Susie Dyer Jill Comber SATURDAY, MAY 24, 12:45 p.m. COCOA VILLAGE PLAYHOUSE La Cage Aux Folles "The inspiration for the hit film THE BIRDCAGE, is a glittering, fast-stepping extravaganza set to hilarious and heartfelt storytelling.” Gorges and Albin, two men partnered for better-or-worse, get a bit of both when Georges’ son announces his impending marriage to the daughter of a right wing politician. Their family business, a drag nightclub, just adds to the hilarity. Payment of $26.00 for play and transportation due by Wednesday, May 14. The church bus leaves at 12:45 pm. The play starts at 2:00 pm, and we enjoy a Dutch treat supper after the show. We will return at approximately 7 p.m. TUESDAY, JUNE 17, 11:30 a.m. SUMMERTIME LUNCH AND A MOVIE Join us for this season’s first summertime lunch and a movie. Lunch will be at a local restaurant. I’m considering “Hula Moon” (in front of Lowe’s) followed by a surprise movie shown at The Rock. Reservations required by June 7. Please sign up in the church office. JULY 2014 WOO HOO !!! As always make sure your payment is in 10 days before each activity. Contact me or the church office if you are unable to attend. If I don’t hear from you, I will call the first person on the waiting list. If you are not sure if you have signed up for an activity, check the reservation book in the office or the sign up sheets at the YAH Luncheons. On May 18 we will be commissioning three new Stephen Ministers, Sherry Meaders, Ravi Shah, and Joe Williams. We look forward to them sharing their newly learned caring skills with people in our congregation and our community. If you or someone you know needs to feel closer to God right now and needs help feeling His love and care, please contact our pastor, Dr. Joe (777-0116) or Mary Mutter (777-0509). Colossians 2:2a YOUNG AT HEART LUNCHEON Please join us as we host guest speaker, Brevard County Sherriff, Wayne Ivey. He will help you think ahead and be mindful of what to watch for, so you do not become a victim. Sheriff Ivey has been a Law Enforcement Officer for over three decades. He is a graduate of the FBI National Academy and has a Bachelor’s Degree from Daytona State College in Management and Supervision. Sheriff Ivey’s background in law enforcement is inclusive of Management, Criminal Investigations, Narcotics, Patrol Services, Public Integrity Investigations, and Corrections. Reservations required by Thursday, May 15, Call your reservation caller or the church office. $8.00 is payable to Georgia or the church office or at the door. If you have a last minute cancellation, please call the church office no later than 11:00 am Friday, May 16, so that we do not have to charge you for the meal. GONE FISHIN !!! th “My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding.” Page 3 TUESDAY, MAY 20, 11:30 a.m. Georgia Garrett You are invited to a book signing and launch party!!! On May 2, 5:307:30 p.m. at Squid Lips, 1477 Pineapple Avenue, Melbourne, FL 32935 The PASTORAL CARE TEAM will be sending packages overseas this month. If you have any APO addresses for family or friends, please call the church office at 777-0116. V ISIO N May 2014 We would like to celebrate YOU! Call the church office (777-0116) to be included in our Celebration Calendar. “Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25 Page 4 V ISION May 2014 May 2014 V ISIO N Page 5 EASTER PARTY with RESURRECTION RABBIT What a wonderful day it was when Jesus conquered death, once and for all. It was a gift, given so that we might live as God’s deeply loved, forgiven children, full of hope and joy! It was, and is, a Happy, Happy Day indeed! Alleluia!! One of the best ways to appreciate the gift of Christ’s love is to share it with others. I feel so very blessed to be in ministry with you and want you to know that I appreciate you so much. Thanks for helping me expand the Lord’s kingdom and for glorifying the Lord, especially at Easter. Praying Easter blessings for you, Mary 0:O) Mary Williams, Children’s Director SAVE THE DATE – VBS’ WOW- Workshop of Wonders is June 8-June 12 from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. Registration forms available in the church office. Louverture and Asa Jones Lucas Jursa WOW! Grab a hammer, find a paintbrush, and put on your creative thinking cap! At Workshop of Wonders (WOW) VBS, kids will imagine and build with God! At WOW VBS, discover how the ordinary becomes extraordinary with God. ExpeUpcoming rience the love of Jesus. Start an adventure. Use your imagination and creativity Camp Son ‘N Fun Topics: to build your faith. Meet people from the Bible who used what they had to produce something amazing with God. Use your heart, mind, and imagination to participate May 4 Doubting Thomas in the creative life of God, the one who works wonders. This is a Church-wide event serving our community families. A light dinner will be served, and we are currently developing some adult classes for Mom and/or Dad to attend while the kids are VBS’ing. Help is needed in many areas to pull this off— decorations, crafts, snacks, science projects, WOW group leaders and preschool leaders. Please let Mary Williams know if you can help. May 11 Mother’s Day Road to Emmaus May 18 Ascension (end of school) May 25 Put on Armor of God Psalms 77:14a “You are the God who works wonders.” Shannon Lueck, Jordan Pitman, Aria Jones Evan and Mia Ratkus Easter Egg Hunt Begins ! SBYOUTH! Ada Fields and Michele Everett Susie Dyer and family Easter Crafts Table Disciple Hunt irector Eric Ruoff, D Power Hour—Every Sunday Morning — 10:15-11:00 a.m. Youth Worship is 4:00 p.m. Sunday ... Live Band, Food, Message and more...at the Rock Check out our youth website at www.sbyouth.net
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