Newsletter - Satellite Beach UMC
Newsletter - Satellite Beach UMC
V ISION Page 8 Augu st 2016 The S AT E L L I T E B E AC H U N I T E D METHODIST CHURCH 450 Lee Avenue Satellite Beach, FL 32937 Vision Where there is no Vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18 Vis ion on August 2016 STEPHEN MINISTRY makes Satellite Beach United Methodist Church a more caring place. Ask about how you can be a part of a LifeTogether home group. Don’t be left out of this exciting ministry. Call the Church Office. The VISION NEWSLETTER DEADLINES August 19 the deadline for September September 16 is the deadline for October October 17 is the deadline for November Please email all news items to More Information about SBUMC OFFICE HOURS: 8:30 am-5:00 pm, Mon.– Thurs. OFFICE PHONE: (321) 777-0116 FAX: (321) 777-6772 W EB SITE: SUNDAY W ORSHIP SERVICES: 9:00 am - Contemporary 11:00 am - Traditional SUNDAY SCHOOL FOR ALL AGES: 9:45 am 10:10 am Our Church Staff Dr. Joe Jursa Eric Ruoff Kyle Henderson Georgia Garrett Joshua Dempsey Stephanie Hill Sharon Maslin Susan Siemer Shirley Huffman Senior Pastor Worship Band Director Office Administrator Senior Ministry Youth Director Children’s Ministry Choral Director Preschool Treasurer Satellite Beach United Methodist Church 2017 budget process for all ministry team leaders. The Stewardship Campaign for the coming years’ budgetthere will is run during the November Where no Vision, people leading up to Thanksgiving. Then from Thanksgiving to Christmas, perish. there are four short weeks filled with lots of activity. As I think about the coming months, I realize that it is time for summer to be over to make time for all the ministry opportunities we have this fall. I call them ministry opportunities because we have the opportunity to invite people to join us in making disciples for Jesus. Each activity we do, every time we invite the community to be here on the property, or we have contact with the community around us, we are given the opportunity of blessing them with the love of Christ. The WHY behind all the activities we do is to make disciples for Jesus Christ. Each activity or event we do this fall is a way in which we interact with the community and invite them into relationship with us and Jesus Christ. The activity or ministry is our method to share the love of Jesus with others. I pray you’ve had some good times of rest and We have finished the school drive and soon it relaxation during the summer vacation season. God will be August 3 when the teachers return to school is always at work through SBUMC, and God invites and August 10 for the students. Summer may not us into partnership in making disciples of all people. officially be over, but we will again be back into the Welcome to FALL. school year routine - Monday through Friday school or work, and then the two-day break over the weekend. As I look ahead at the fall schedule, SBUMC projects almost overwhelm me. The Scorps football season starts in August where we host 5th Quarter events for home games or Friday afternoon dinner for the away games for the Satellite High School football team. I hope lots of you will sign up in the lobby to support these events, knowing that your help is appreciated for all you do. Our fall Wednesday night dinner, learning time for kids, play time, and bible studies will begin in September. The choir has already begun their rehearsal for the Christmas Cantata, and it is only August. We look forward to their wonderful Christmas music. September will give way to the October Pumpkin patch. Also in October, we will begin the Dr. Joe Page 2 August 2016 V ISION A Look At Our Faithfulness June 2016 Please remember to pray for the needs in our church body and community. In our weekly worship bulletin, you will find recently occurring prayer concerns. The following prayer concerns are of a more ongoing basis. Men and women of our armed forces: *Rob Bird, *Jason Borondy, Ben Brown, Brian David Flores, *Chuck Fischer, James E. Harris IV, *Zach Heim, *Bill Intille, Sean Keane, Craig Lambert, Vance Lambert, Patrick Miller, Jeff Peppers, Justin Peppers, Andrew Peppers, Blake Rogers, Mike Taylor, Hanz Welo, Connor Whitson. Missionaries: John & Lynn Lehn, Croatia, Kathy Harris, Moscow; Jim, Kathy, Stephen and Hillary Mehl, Salvador; Pastor Victor, Mir Iglesia Metodista in Cuba; Larz & Karen, Asia; and Bobby & Katie Hamlett in Thailand. All storm and natural disaster victims throughout the world. Prayers of Concern: Johnny Adair, James Allen, *Charlotte Attride, *Jim Butts, *Michael Capozzi, Roy Carr, *Nancy Conover, *Fran Darnell, *Floyd Denney, Mar Ferrer, Beau Gibbons, *Fran Haase, *Emery Jones, *Gloria Keys, Lars Lofgren, *Joyce Marks, *Sandra McCoy, Eric, Tiffany & MacKenzie McCumbers, *Harry Maxwell, James Miles, Helen Patterson, David Pieschel, *Shirley Pollak, Joan Powell, *June Remington, Sandy Rowse, Kim Ruoff, Robin Saul, *Velma Smith, *Molly Sutherland, *Jim Tate, *Ace Taylor, Donna Taylor, *Ginger Thoms, *Gloria Tribou, *Mary Lou Tutt Long Term Care: Life Care Center, Palm Bay - Harry and Donna Maxwell; Sonata - Nancy Mabrey, Sandra McCoy, Nancy Conover; Brookdale - Marilyn Koss; Century Oaks - Bill Yeager; Month-to Date Budget Required Budget Received Variance Year to Date $ 40,762.60 $ 42,839.41 $ 2,076.81 $ 264,956.90 $ 285,090.92 $ 20,134.02 Extra Mile Giving - Missions Miscellaneous Missions Children’s Home Croatia Mission Thailand Mission Good Samaritan Cuba Missionaries Cuba General Fund UMCOR $ 295.00 $ 140.00 $ 450.00 $ 50.00 $ 892.00 $ 175.00 $ 122.00 $ 944.00 Total Missions Fellowship Hall Upgrade Capital Campaign Capital Improvements TOTAL $ 3,068.00 $ 357.16 $ 36,934.00 $ 80.00 $ 40,439.16 *denotes church family Sympathies of the congregation are extended to Nolan and Ruth Singletary on the death of her mother, Edith White on July 3, 2016. DONATIONS have been made to the CAPITAL CAMPAIGN in memory of: Sympathies of the congregation are extended to Joann Lyngass Tutt on the death of her husband, Bill Dean Tutt on July 11, 2016. DAVID DYER by: Jack and Ada Fields Don and Lil Moore Sympathies of the congregation are extended to Mark and Sharon Maslin on the death of Mark’s mother, Martha Maslin on July 18, 2016. ANONYMOUS DONATIONS have been made to the CAPITAL CAMPAIGN in honor of: Ron and Patsy Countryman YOUNG AT HEART FELLOWSHIP in honor of: Thank you to all who helped prepare for my Georgia Garrett and Don and Lil Moore estate sale and to all who worked so hard CUBA MISSION in honor of: at the sale on June 9, 10 and 11. Once Marj and Hollis Green again, everyone came to my rescue. CHILDREN’S HOME in honor of: Patsy Countryman and Mary Mutter took a lot of things to Patsy Countryman the Children’s Home, and the Associate Pastor at Sun Tree Church picked up the rest and delivered them to Love, Inc. NEW HORIZONS CIRCLE in honor of: I am now living with my daughter and thankful that everything went so well. In Christian Love, Thelma Witzleb Sandra McCoy, Laura Fowler and Fran Haase PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY in honor of: Gloria and Jewell Mitchell August 2016 V ISIO N Page 7 Preschool is quiet in July. Matt Henderson is busy shampooing carpets and stripping and waxing the tile, so our rooms will be clean and pretty when preschool starts. This August we will be opening our 6th classroom for the school year 2016-2017, and it will be a VPK (PreK) class in room Y8—thank you to Ron Countryman for putting together all the furniture for the room. Jessica Badders will be moving up from aide to teacher for that class and Melissa Matella will be joining her as an aide. We will be welcoming a new teacher, Lara Trinkaus, for the two-year old classes. Judy Allie will continue as her aide. Jennifer Hascall will be an aide for Mrs. Hicks, and Jennifer Resnick will be an aide for Mrs. Smith’s three-year old class. Emily Sharpe will assist in Mrs. Halsey’s VPK class. Susie Craddock will return to Mrs. Locke’s VPK class. We will have orientations August 3 & 4; “Meet the Teacher” visitations will be on Monday, August 8,. from 5:30-6:30 pm; and the first day of school is Wednesday, August 10. Preschool will host almost 80 students this year, and there are still several spots available. If you are interested, please contact Susan ASAP. Susan Siemer, Preschool Director 777-0116, X223 DINING OUT in AUGUST 2016 NIPPON THAI SUSHI BAR and THAI CUISINE on A1A (near Beachside Grille) is our restaurant of the month in August. Noi and Tommy welcome us back. The restaurant is open for LUNCH: Tuesday-Friday 11:30 am to 3:00 pm Saturday-Sunday 12:00 pm to 4:30 pm They are open for DINNER: Tuesday-Thursday 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm Friday-Saturday 4:30 pm to 10:00 pm Sunday 4:30 pm to 9:30 pm They are CLOSED on Mondays. Check the out online at for take-out orders, or for free delivery within a 3 mile radius and $20.00 minimum purchase. Enjoy this award winning restaurant for the month of August and write SBUMC on your bill to help the Fellowship Hall fund. This is how our new kitchen became a reality! Look for NIPPON THAI coupons in the Hometown News. Make sure to tell your server that you are from the church and write SBUMC on your bill. Our church receives 10% from the restaurant and that goes toward the Capital Campaign. Bon Appetit. . . everyone!! Page 6 V ISION VISION WEDNESDAY NIGHT DINNERS will be starting in September. Watch the bulletins for more information. There will be classes for adults, ladies, youth, and children. Augu st 2016 August 2016 A couple of angels have been at work in the communion closet in the Prayer Room. It has been freshly painted, a creative structure made for hanging the altar cloths and each cloth has been photographed and labeled. V ISIO N August 2016 S W E N R SENIO for the Young a Thank you. We are blessed. LUNCH AND A MOVIE The July lunch was at Beachside Grille and the food was excellent. We watched the movie “Gifted Hands,” a movie about Dr. Ben Carson. It was both educational and touching. What he has done is amazing in saving lives. Heart Georgia Garrett United Methodist Children’s Home Beyond 50 Ministries - ReFired Servants The talented quilting ladies of our church made several quilts and donated them to the Florida United Methodist Children's Home. The Children's Home gives every child their own new quilt when they become a resident at the Home. This helps the children feel like they have something special and provides a small sense of security for them. The staff at the Home were very grateful to our ladies for all of their hard work and generosity in making and donating these quilts. Mary Mutter and I had the privilege of transporting the quilts to the Children's Home. Thank you ladies for the beautiful quilts. The Children's Home Resale Shop would like to recognize and thank Thelma Witzleb for her generosity. Thelma donated many household items to their shop. This shop sells used items and all of the money goes to the Children's Home for expenses. Thank you for your Fifth Sunday giving in July to the Children's Home. Our last Fifth Sunday giving will be in October. As a reminder, our goal for the Fifth Sunday giving is $1.00 per member per month, or $12.00 per member per year. Finally, the Children's Home would like to thank the members of our church who donated back-toschool items to them. Without those donations, the children at the home may not have the school items they need. Thank you for your continued support of the Florida United Methodist Children's Home. You make a difference in a child's life! Patsy Countryman Music Ministry News New ministry being provided... Nursery and childcare will now be available for Chancel Choir rehearsals beginning Wednesday, August 3, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. We are looking for new singers, especially with young children, so now you can bring them to our wonderful nursery for excellent care during rehearsal. Christmas Cantata Christmas Cantata rehearsals will begin Wednesday, August 3 from 7:30 - 8:30 p.m. in the choir room. We're always ready for new singers, as well as those who have sung with us in the past. Come join us as we prepare for a wonderful Cantata in December. Sharon Maslin, Choral Director Page 3 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 t s u g Au ndar e l a C The date for this month’s lunch and a movie is Tuesday, August 16. We will meet at the Nippon Thai restaurant at 11:30 and then go to The Rock for a surprise movie. FUTURE TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES We are talking to Collette Travel Service to offer travel experiences for 55 and older seniors. The trips will be all inclusive (air fare, hotel, tours, and some meals). The following three trips are under negotiation: December 11, 2016 Spotlight on San Antonio Holiday—5 days August 9 13 15 24 25 26 28 31 Ken and Fran Darnell (59 years) Ada Fields Jim Tate, Kyle Henderson Ruth Lincoln, Frank and Gwen Armitage (58 years) Gwen Armitage Pat Moyer Olive Leonard, Peter & Myrtle Russell (51 years) Linda Shah, Harry & Donna Maxwell (69 years), Dr. Joe & Linda Jursa (43 years) We would like to celebrate YOU! Call the church office (777-0116) to be included in our Celebration Calendar. Spotlight on San Antonio Holiday 2017 Spotlight on NYC —5 days Canadian Rockies and Glacier Natl Park—7 days Watch the Vision for further details. FUTURE COCOA VILLAGE PLAYS I am negotiating the upcoming Cocoa Village Playhouse shows, and I want to know if you would like me to schedule six shows instead of the four shows I usually buy. They include: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, Meet Me in St. Louis, On the Town, Aida, Mary Poppins and Nunsense II. Please let me know if you prefer six shows by signing the list in the office, or calling me at 321-773-5535. “O sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things!” Psalms 98:1 Georgia Garrett, Senior Ministry Director Page 4 V ISION August 2016 August 2016 V ISIO N Page 5 FOCUS ON CUBA Cuba is experiencing a rice shortage! As rice is the mainstay of their diet--along with beans--this is hard to imagine. Pastora Betty tells me that the government brings in 2 or 3 sacks of rice for the whole town. Long lines form and they get very ugly--pushing, shoving and worse. She was somehow able to get a 50-lb sack and has been providing small bags to several people. As she was writing to tell me this, and send me some pictures, another 10 people showed up at the parsonage! Please keep them in your prayers. Your Missions Team has budgeted $550 per quarter which we send to Pastor Victor to provide a meal to the seniors every 2 weeks, and to help wherever needed. Church Family, I wanted to take a quick moment to share an update that will result in a small change for you. My time as youth director here at SBUMC is coming to a close. This month, SBUMC welcomes our new Youth Director, Joshua Dempsey. My last day will be August 14th, but I will continue part-time as the Contemporary Worship Director. I have had a wonderful experience walking alongside many of our youth in their walk with the Lord. Although I am sad to step away, I am doing as I have asked many of you to do during our time together—be obedient to God’s calling. He has called me to attend Asbury Theological Seminary full-time in efforts to obtain a Masters Degree in Divinity. This degree will prepare me for ordained ministry, so that one day I would be given the honor of serving the local church in a more pastoral role. Thank you for sharing your lives with me and allowing me to share in your journey. For some of them, it's the best meal they'll be able to get! In His Service, Eric Ruoff “But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus—the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God.” Acts 20:24 They have now bought three pair of work shoes to help some more missionaries. Shoes are hard to come by, expensive, not of good quality, and are very important to our missionaries, who spend a lot of time walking to their missions. With the help of his supporter, Victor now has the funds to try to find a bicycle for Yuri, the missionary whose mission is the furthest from Mir. It is so frustrating to have the money available and not be able to locate a bicycle to buy! Another small blessing we take for granted. Towels are expensive and hard to come by in Cuba and many people do not have even one. Pastor Victor was able to find some at a decent price using some of the funds we send. They also help provide some basic necessities, such as oil and soap, and sometimes money for medicine or transportation to Holguin to see a doctor. There are so many needs and they do wonders with the funds we provide. Every Quarter we send over-the-counter meds, especially children's and adult's vitamins, so we welcome your donations of these items on a continuing basis. I have not yet found anyone to head up an eyeglasses outreach. Please prayerfully consider if this is a need you can fill. If so, please contact me. Please keep the brothers and sisters of our sister church in your thoughts and prayers. Marj Green, 543-1419, It is time for a NEW CHURCH DIRECTORY! A preliminary meeting is scheduled August 24 with the associate from Lifetouch. Photographing will take place September 27-Octobet 1. Kyle Henderson, our office administrator will be the program coordinator. Volunteers are needed to assist in publicizing the program, scheduling photography appointments, greeting families as they arrive for their appointments, and preparing the layout materials. If you are able to help with this, please contact Kyle in the church office, 777-0116. IMPORTANT DATE TO REMEMBER! August 7 Back to School Party—4:00-6:00 p.m. We are pleased to announce that Joshua “Josh” Dempsey will be our new youth director effective August 1st. Joshua completed the Ramp School of Ministry in Hamilton, Alabama in 2015. Some of his experiences include doing volunteer work with Surfers with Autism and Special Olympics. He has traveled to Zanzibar, Africa on a mission trip. He also completed an internship as a student life pastor. He currently lives in Stuart, Florida and plans to relocate to our area. Please join Staff Parish members in welcoming Josh to our Satellite Beach United Methodist Church family. Patsy Countryman Staff Parish Chairperson Please come to the “Back to School Party” next Sunday at 4:00 pm to welcome our new Youth Director.
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