amily News F - St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School


amily News F - St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School
St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School
Coming Events
Christmas Eve Mass
December 24, 2014
8:00 p.m.
Class of 2014
Pizza Party
January 9, 2015
1:30 p.m.
Catholic Charities
Variety Show
January 25, 2015
2:00 -.4:00 p.m.
Cougar Club Auction
January 16, 2015
7:00 p.m.
Spring Musical
Friday – Sunday,
March 6-8, 2015
Friday & Saturday,
7:30 p.m.
Sunday, 2:00 p.m.
Family News
We Welcome New Assistant Principal, Mrs. Claire Gohn
St. John’s is proud to announce the appointment of Mrs. Claire
Ficarra-Gohn, a Farmingdale resident, as our new Assistant Principal
of Student Services. Prior to her arrival, Mrs. Ficarra-Gohn was
the Assistant Principal at Holy Trinity D.H.S. where she had taught
English and Technology. She began her own Catholic education at
St. Charles Borromeo Elementary School and continued at St. Savior
High School, both located in Brooklyn.
Mrs. Gohn stated, “I am very excited to be a part of the St. John’s family. I feel a wonderful
sense of pride and ownership amongst the students, teachers, administrators, staff, parents
and alumni that permeates throughout the school community. There are amazing things
happening here, and I am proud to be a part of the team that is integral in helping our
young people become kind, compassionate life-long learners.”
Mrs. Gohn earned her B.A. from Siena College, an M.S. from St. John’s University and a
M.S. Ed. from Fordham University. She has taught at Monsignor Farrell High School in
Staten Island, Holy Trinity Diocesan High School in Hicksville and St. John’s University in
Queens. She is a NYS Certified Secondary School Administrator and she enjoys working
with the students, families and faculty in her role as Assistant Principal.
Ms. Nan Doherty said, “We are thrilled to welcome Mrs. Gohn to St. John’s. She has already
become an integral part of the life and energy of our school.”
Career Day
March 13, 2015
8:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Thanks for the amazing support from our
students, families and friends and our many
alumni. You helped us “Celebrate our Drive”
with your many emails. As a result of your
efforts St. Johns has been awarded a $25,000
grant from State Farm which will be used to
support our S.A.D.D. program and also the
Library Renovation Project.
Men of Vision
Gentlemen’s Dinner
June 16, 2015
6:30 p.m.
For more information
or to register:
631-587-8000 x 125
Fall 2014 / Winter 2015
YouDid It!
thank you, thank you, thank you
Alumni Reunion & Homecoming Weekend Recap
In anticipation of our Alumni
Reunion & Homecoming Weekend,
the school was abuzz with the
excitement of celebrating and
welcoming our Alumni back to
campus. Our pep rally kicked off
the weekend’s festivities
On Saturday, Sept. 27th, the Powder
Puff game was held where faculty,
students and alumni played a funfilled game of flag football for a good
cause, raising $400 in donations for
the Maurer Foundation. Their mission
is to save lives through education that
focuses on breast cancer prevention
and healthy lifestyle choices.
On Saturday evening the Cougar Café was transformed into a festive oasis to welcome back our
milestone reunion classes of ’74, ’79,’84, ’89, ’94, ’99, ’04 and ’09 and their fellow alumni. It was a
chance for those who attended to reminisce, reconnect and rediscover St. John the Baptist.
The celebration continued on Sunday
starting with the celebration of Mass, followed by a pancake
breakfast and pre-game festivities, including the naming of this
year’s Homecoming Queen and King, Elizabeth Annunziato
and Christopher Cantanno.
This year we introduced our “Alumni VIP Tent” which was a great place for
classmates to have the chance to mix and mingle while grabbing a bite to eat.
They had a great viewing area from the tent as well as special seating in the end
zone. At half-time Alumni were led onto the field by the Cougar mascot. It was a
special sight to see our past bridged with the present as current students greeted
and thanked our alumni.
A customized SJB bike, provided by Sue
Cunningham ’83, was raffled off and Will
Cardone ‘16, was the happy winner. The
proceeds from the bike raffle are donated
to SJB in memory of LeRoy Homer ’83,
a September 11th hero.
Mark Del Priore ’74, summed it up well, “Unfortunately not all could make the reunion.
To those of you who was great seeing everyone. If you have not been back to the school recently, put it on your to-dolist. I say with great pride, “St. John’s is amazing. I am extremely grateful to say I’m an alum!”
This weekend was a special event for all involved. It is our hope that this is the start of a great tradition where alumni will
come back to remember and also see the St. John’s community today.
To view more pictures, please visit and click on the link provided.
*Alumni Reunion and Homecoming Weekend for next year is October 2, 3, 4, 2015!
he 3rd ALUMNI ART EXHIBIT is to be held in the Student Art Gallery in the Fall of 2015.
are interested in participating or have any questions please contact Bonnie Abbondola at or call (631) 587 8000 ex 202.
A Note from Alumni Relations: Get Involved-Volunteer!
The Alumni Reunion & Holiday
Weekend is a great way to reconnect with
old friends. We encourage the Classes of
1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 1990, 1995, 2005
and 2010 to join the Reunion Committee
to make your reunions a success! A great
reunion needs a great committee! Join
your Reunion Committees by sending an
email to or sign up
online at, just click on
the Alumni tab and then click on the Get
Involved – Volunteer tab.
The Office of Alumni Relations uses social media to engage alumni and
friends. The following online communities are available for classmates to
connect, find and share news. So join today!
Cougar Corner: Alumni website at
Twitter: SJB Alumni Relations@ CougarsSjb at
Facebook Page: St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School
Office of Alumni Relations.
LinkedIn: Office of Alumni Relations St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School
On a beautiful day, Friday, October 3rd, 110 golfers
hit the links at Rock Hill Country Club for some golf
and in the process they helped raise more than $55,000
for SJB. Thanks to the hard work of our good friend
and honorary Chairman, Mike Racanelli ’80, and his
Assistant, Christine Armano. It was one of our best
outings in years. At the cocktail party we discovered
the wit and humor of Mr. Doug Chapey who hosted
the Chapey Challenge. A total of 23 students were
on hand as volunteers and provided a fine example of
what a quality Catholic education looks like. School
Chaplain, Father Robert Ketcham, proved again that
he can hit the seven iron like a professional; taking on
all challengers on the difficult par 3 Hole No. 7.
2014 Golf Outing
Mark your calendar for the 2015 SJB Golf outing which will be held on Friday May 7th, 2016. Thank you to all our golfers and
sponsors. To view a list of event sponsors and photos from the day please visit and click on the link provided.
St. John the Baptist Diocesan High School Hosts
First Annual Research Symposium
On October 6th eight members of the St. John the Baptist GENESIS program presented their own research projects to
over 70 guests, students, family members and faculty at the our first Scientific Research Symposium. These students
are in their third year of the SJB GENESIS program. This program is designed to teach students the fundamentals
of reading, understanding and then conducting their own original research projects. The symposium served as their
first chance to showcase their original work. Students presented on a number of different topics spanning the range
of sciences from psychology to mathematics and even environmental chemistry. A summary of the presenters and
projects were:
Cecilia McCormick of Islip:
A Correlational Analysis of SJB Graduating Classes
Olivia Terry of Bay Shore and James Gorman of Northport:
Soil Composition and Pollution in Long Island Bodies of Water
Brenden Belluardo of Holtsville:
The Social Context of Personality Traits
Alexandra Berti of Smithtown:
Social Media and Anxiety
Kaitlin Della Rocca of Massapequa:
The Production and Efficiency of Biodiesel
Chris Cantanno of Massapequa Park:
Effects of Smartphone use and Social Networking on High School GPA
Christine Cassidy of East Northport:
The Influence of Social Media on Adolescent Interactions
Photo Caption: Bottom row from left to right: Mr.
Dave Erlanger, Christine Cassidy, Olivia Terry,
Alexandra Berti, Ms. Kimberly Bruno. Top row from
left to right: Cecilia McCormick, Kaitlin Della Rocca,
James Gorman, Brenden Belluardo, Chris Cantanno
and Principal Nan Doherty
GENESIS is SJB’s scientific research program. This selective program is designed to teach highly motivated and
accomplished students the fundamentals of research such as constructing literature reviews, identifying research topics,
designing research studies, writing hypothesis statements, implementing studies and summarizing their results. There
are approximately 40 students currently participating in this program. Principal Nan Doherty remarked, “We hope to
inspire the next generation of scientists and researchers by offering this opportunity to our students.”
Sr. Marie Happ Celebrates 50 years
This past September, Sr. Marie Happ OP, a 42 year member of the SJB faculty,
gathered with members of her religious community to begin her Golden Jubilee year,
celebrating fifty years as a Dominican Sister of Amityville.
Sr. Marie has taught all levels of Biology and served as the Chairperson of the Science
Department. She has also served as moderator of the Science Club and SJB’s National
Honor Society. She shared community life with many sisters over the past 42 years and
currently lives with Sr. Julia Murphy, OP.
Sr. Marie is a member of the Order of Preachers, which was founded by St. Dominic
de Guzman and approved by Pope Honorius II on December 22, 1216. St. Dominic
recognized the needs of his time, commissioning his followers to proclaim the Truth
(VERITAS) and preach the Gospel to all people. Today, this mission of preaching the
word of God is carried out through teaching, care for the poor, advocacy for justice, art,
music, care of creation, spiritual enrichment ministries, housing advocacy, etc.
Here at SJB, Sr. Marie’s call is to be among the young, to believe in them, see the Faith in
them and allow them to preach it with joy.
As Advent begins on November 30th and we celebrate the start of a new Church year, Pope
Francis has declared 2015 as the Year of Consecrated Life, honoring those women and men
who have dedicated their lives in service to the people of God. The Dominican family will also
begin a year-long celebration of the 800th anniversary of the founding of the Order.
We join with the Church in thanking Sr. Marie and all consecrated religious for their
continued fidelity and response to the call of their God. Ad multos annos!!!
Campus Ministry:My Fire Island Retreat Experience
One of the most memorable days I
have spent at SJB in the past four
years was the day I went on the
Senior Retreat. I have been on many
retreats before, even outside of
school, but this retreat will always
stick out the most to me. Most of
the students on this retreat weren’t
all friends with each other. We were
all in different social groups, clubs,
sports, and activities. But it was
absolutely amazing how we all came
together and were there for each
other, despite our social differences.
To start the day, we took a ferry to
Davis Park, Fire Island, and spent
the day in the beautiful Church of the
Most Precious Blood. We prayed,
talked, and had Mass together
throughout the day. During this day,
we talked about challenges that we
came across in our life, but to never
By Samantha Stemmle ‘15
give up. We went for an Emmaus
Walk, which is going out in pairs
with someone on the retreat we do
not know. We talked about struggles
we go through in our own lives and
realized the things we might have in
After our walk on the beach,
Campus Ministry had a surprise for
us. When we were filling out our
papers prior to the retreat, there was
a question which read “What faculty
member has impacted your life?”
The teachers whom we had written
down wrote us letters in return.
To be honest, reading the letters I
received from teachers helped me
to understand that not only do they
impact our lives, we have a huge
impact on them as well. This retreat
helped me to be more thankful for
what I have, as well as having a
better understanding of the impact I
might have on others.
Having the opportunity to be able
to spend the day at Fire Island with
some of my fellow students and
God made me realize how thankful
I am to be able to spend my four
years of high school in a Catholic
environment that gives the students
great opportunities to continue
practicing and learning about our
School News - School News - School News - School News - School News
2014 College Night
An annual event at SJB, College Night, was held on Wednesday,
October 1st. Representatives from 185 colleges and universities
were on hand to answer questions concerning their school’s
admission standards and financial aid policies to both our students
and their parents. This evening, sponsored by the Guidance
Department, has grown dramatically over the past ten years and
now necessitates the use of the entire gymnasium and cafeteria
to facilitate the large numbers of Junior and Senior students and
parents who attend. This Annual College Fair is the largest high
school fair on Long Island. Many of the representatives alter
their schedules and travel long distances to be part of the SJB
program. College Night is one of the resources offered to our
students in helping them decide upon a college to continue their
studies after graduation.
Catholics for Freedom of Religion
Art Contest
Pictured from left to right: Noelle Burns, Anthony Sabatelli,
Robert Venezia, Steven Jarymiszyn and Jeff Shen (not pictured)
Catholics for Freedom of Religion and the Diocese of
Rockville Centre sponsored an art and speech contest
on themes of religious freedom. Four SJB students won
for their artwork submissions. The art work selected
became an important part of the Fortnight for Freedom
rally held on June 28, 2014.
Blood Drive ‘14
On November 12th, we held our annual Blood Drive.
A total of 203 students and adults signed up and 130
pints of blood were donated. Our next drive is in March.
Thank you to all who participated.
Sold-out again!
At this year’s Taste for Education over 400 attendees
enjoyed tastings of food, desserts, North Fork wines
and local craft beers from more than 60 establishments
across Long Island. Floral arrangements were provided
by both The Bayport Flower House and Daisy Garden.
The Chapey Challenge Wheel presented by our good
friend, Doug Chapey, entertained the crowd. The
50/50 winner went home with $630. Big thanks to our
fantastic committee who work tirelessly on this event.
We look forward to next year’s TFE which is scheduled
for Tuesday October 20, 2015.
School News - School News - School News - School News - School News
All County Award Recipients
Over 100 Students Recognized as
Advanced Placement Scholars
We are proud to announce that 16 members of our
Performing Arts program have been named as AllCounty by the New York State Council of Administrators
of Music Education (NYSCAME). These All-County
awards were earned in the areas of Band, Orchestra and
Chorus. The award recipients are:
For the 2013-2014 school year, 105 SJB students have
been recognized by the College Board as Advanced
Placement (AP) Scholars. Of those who earned this
distinction, 48 were recognized as AP Scholars, 29 as
AP Scholars with Honor and 28 as AP Scholars with
Distinction. In addition to these impressive awards, three
students received the highest possible AP designation;
namely, National AP Scholar. This is the fourth year in a row in which St. John’s has
seen an impressive growth in both AP participation and
achievement. Since 2011, the number of AP Scholars at
St. John’s has doubled. In addition to this growth, 28.1%
of all 2014 graduating seniors earned a score of 3 on at
least one AP exam. We currently offer 13 AP classes and
we are exploring new courses and new opportunities to
offer more AP or other university level academic courses
and programs. Darius Penikas, Assistant Principal,
stated, “This is wonderful news, it confirms that our
efforts are yielding success; we are so proud of the
academic commitment, focus and work of our students
and teachers.”
Anna Gribbon
(Violin 2)
Nicholas Phillips
(Snare Drum)
Harry Gregg
Peter Schneider
Marissa Cunha
Isabella Ferraro
Alanna Mahon
Kim Blair Skylar deBoer Raymond Ebarb
Julia Harkin Allison Lane
Emily Lane
Nicolette Minella
Nicole Selg
Megan Strick
Ms. Kate Gordon Named Girls
Varsity Basketball Head Coach
We are proud to announce that Kate Gordon has been
named as the Varsity Head Basketball Coach.
As a native of East Islip, Ms. Gordon was an outstanding
basketball player earning many honors, including All
Long Island and All State, while amassing over 1000
points and 1000 rebounds during her high school career.
Ms. Gordon had a stellar career playing at Hofstra
University from 1994-1998 earning the distinction of
being the first Hofstra Basketball player to score 1000
points and grab 1000 rebounds in school history! In 2010,
she was inducted into their Athletic Hall of Fame.
Arriving with 15 years of coaching experience, she is a
Director and Coach for the Long Island Knights AAU
Basketball Program, the Director and Owner of the Kate
Gordon Basketball Camp, and an active member of the
local CYO program at St. Mary’s. She is also a veteran
Christopher Donohue, Chairman of the Performing Arts educator, having taught in the Brentwood UFSD for 12
Department, commented, “We are so proud of the hard years.
work and dedication our students put into their craft. It
is wonderful to see them being recognized by such a “Ms. Gordon’s experience and expertise is a perfect fit for
well-respected and incredibly competitive organization our strong tradition of girls’ basketball here at St. John’s.
like NYSCAME. This is the largest group of students We look forward to the upcoming season and continuing
our basketball tradition for years to come!” said Mrs.
that has ever been selected from our school.”
Bouklas, Girls’ Athletic Director.
Fall Sport Honors
All League
Jamal Butler, Jerome Brooks, Frank Guidice,
Daniel Driscoll, Nicholas Cipolla
Offensive- Jerome Brooks III, Defensive- Jamal Butler
Coaches Award
Matthew Conlon
All League
Chris Abruzzo, Aidan Keenan,
Aaron Klag, Nick Maldarella
All State
Chris Abruzzo, Aidan Keenan
Offensive- Aidan Keenan, Defensive- Chris Abruzzo
Coaches Award
Nick Lamentino
All League
Rory Hannigan, Sean Kildare, Tim Seeberger,
Chris Tinti, Devin Laudenschlager
All State
Rory Hannigan
Timothy Seeberger
Coaches Award
Sean Kildare
All League
Kate McCormack, Erin Endres, Emily Fiorillo,
Annie Fiorillo, Kelly Fielder, Guilianna Vullo
All State
Kate McCormack, Erin Endres, Emily Fiorillo,
Annie Fiorillo, Guilianna Vullo, Kelly Fielder,
Allison Schleier, Jenna Colucci
Kate Mccormack
Coaches Award
Erin Endres
All League
Teresa Crisci, Kristin Hess
Teresa Crisci
Coaches Award
Allison Grell
All League
Elizabeth Annunziato, Kayla Hill, Emily Meyer
Offensive- Kayla Hill, Defensive- Alannah Srsich
Coaches Award
Emily Conway
All League
Holly Habyan, Bridget Patch, Sara Plowman,
Sarah Yurgel, Megan Yaeger
Offensive- Bridget Patch, Defensive- Holly Habyan
Coaches Award
Sara Plowman
All League
Eliza Brant
All State
Eliza Brant
Eliza Brant
Coaches Award
Sheila Barabino
All League
Sarah Leheny, Marissa Zanfardino,
Jessica Mannetta, Kaeli Romero
Kaeli Romero
Coaches Award
Lauren Edwards
Sarah Leheny, Marissa Zanfardino
Coaches Award
Nora Burnett
James Cerone ’80 Football Memorial Award
Daniel Driscoll
Eileen Walsh Tobin ’72 Cross Country Memorial
Scholarship Award
Erin Endres John Fred ’72 Cross Country Memorial
Scholarship Award
Christopher Tinti
Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics Athletics
2014 College Signings
It is an exciting time as our top studentathletes are selecting their colleges.
The SJB community is proud to
celebrate their accomplishments. “We
are extremely proud of our studentathletes on their accomplishment.
We look forward to watching them
grow not only athletically, but in the
classroom as well.” said Athletic
Directors, Ralph Dalton and Lorraine
Bottom Row from left to right: Lorraine Bouklas,
Girls’ Athletic Director, Tom Archer, Sarah Koehler,
and Ryan Dalton. Top Row from left to right: Nan
Doherty, Principal, Andrew Mundy, Teddy Hollander,
Greg Koster, Tom Colombo, Sean Kildare,
Ralph Dalton, Boys’ Athletic Director.
Seated: Paul Usak and
Kayla Hill. Standing
from leftTo right
Ralph Dalton, Boys
Athletic Director, Nan
Doherty,Principal and
Lorraine Bouklas, Girls
Athletic Director.
For Adults only (21 & over)
7:00 p.m. in the SJB COUGAR CAFÉ
Admission: $15 per person
includes beer/wine/soda and hors d’oeuvres, wraps & desserts
Vacation Spots ~ Sport Camps ~ Restaurants ~ Theme Baskets ~ More!
(please return bottom portion – please post top portion on your refrigerator and we’ll see you there!!)
I would like to donate the following items(s)
Please describe your donation in as much detail as possible for the program
Donated by: _________________________________________________________________________
Company name (if applicable): ___________________________________________________________
Full Address: _________________________________________________________________________
City, State & Zip: ______________________________________________________________________
Phone number: __________________________________________________________
Your Company and/or Name will be prominently displayed at a table. $200 per sponsorship includes 2
admission tickets. Sponsorship Sign is to read as follows:
I have enclosed $_______ to help underwrite the evening
Any questions, please call SJB Athletic Office (631) 587-8000 x164
Please return to
1170 Montauk Highway - West Islip, New York 11795
All proceeds from the auction will benefit the continuing endeavors in improving our athletic complex
The Big Bucks Drawing benefits all student activities
Class of 1971
Patricia M. Sears has been appointed AARP Vermont State
President. She is the President and CEO of NEKTI Consulting, a
firm she founded with her husband, Steven L. Mason. They live in
Lowell, Vermont.
Class of 1978
The Rev. Robert Oliver is one of the two priests from
the United States, that has been named to key Vatican
roles by Pope Francis. He has been named to the new
position of Secretary of the Anti-Abuse Commission,
formally called the Pontifical Commission for the
Protection of Minors. Oliver has been working in the
Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for
the past two years.
Class of 1979
Head Coach Jim O’Brien is in his tenth season as
the head coach of the women’s soccer program and
has achieved a 96-58-30 record during that time.
O’Brien has currently tied the all-time coaching
mark set by his predecessor Maria Piechocki who
reached 96 in 2004. During his time, O’Brien has
won two MAAC Championships, reached two
NCAA Tournaments, and won MAAC Coach of
the Year in 2012. The Stags defensive unit has thrived under Jim
O’Brien since his first season in 2005. In those nine years, the Stags
have allowed 0.96 goals per game and have recorded 82 shutouts.
Fairfield has had the MAAC Defensive Player of the Year four times
since 2006, including three straight entering 2014.
Class of 1989
Thomas Gorman, a member of the Bohemia Fire
Department, was honored as the 2014 Firefighter
of the Year during the Firemen’s Association of the
State of New York’s annual convention in Albany
this past summer. “For me to have been chosen
for my actions is an overwhelming experience
and honor,” he said. Gorman has received similar
firefighter of the year awards from the Southern
New York Volunteer Firemen’s Association and the
Suffolk County Volunteer Firemen’s Association.
Class of 2004
Melody Katta Butler was recently nominated for the Long Island
Business News Healthcare Hero award for her work with Nurses
Who Vaccinate. She currently is a BSN, RN at Good Samaritan
Kevin Spann was named New Head Men’s
Basketball Coach at St. Joseph’s CollegeL.I. Campus. Spann, who hails from West
Babylon, began his collegiate coaching career
at Division II’s LIU-Post as an assistant
under Head Coach, Tim Cluess, in 2009 for a
team that went 23-6 and made an appearance
in the East Coast Conference Championship
game. Currently, he leaves the sidelines of St.
John the Baptist as the assistant coach of the
varsity and head coach of the junior varsity
squad. He takes over a Golden Eagle team
that finished the 2013-2014 season with a
9-17 overall record and suffered a quarterfinal
loss in the Skyline Conference Tournament.
Where Are You Now – Class Notes
Class of 2006
Siobhan Barclay Hood was married in
October 2011. She and her husband just
welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Mikaela
Anne Hood, on September 10th.
Class of 2007
Alessandro Jasper Da Luz was ordained to the Sacred Order of
Deacon by His Eminence Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan on
November 1, 2014 at the Saint Joseph Seminary, Dunwoodie. He
assisted at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the first time as Deacon
the following day at Christ the King Roman Catholic Church in
Jaclyn Taroni, is currently at Dartmouth College pursuing her PhD
in the Genetics area as a Computational Biologist.
Class of 2009
Olivia Galati was recently selected to be
inducted into the NYS High School Softball Hall
of Fame’s Class of 2015. The ceremony will be
held on June 20, 2015 at the Mudville Softball
Complex in Herkimer, NY.
Anthony Desperito was hired as Lynn University’s
men’s soccer assistant coach on July 1, 2014.
A three-year letter winner as a member of the
Fighting Knights, Desperito is responsible for
Florida recruiting operations and oversees camps
and administrative duties. Desperito posted eight
goals, nine assists and 25 points in 48 games played.
During Lynn’s run to the 2012 national title, Lynn’s
dynamic forward scored a goal against Mercyhurst in the semifinals
and the game-winner versus Saginaw Valley State in the national
championship match. He holds three degrees from Lynn University,
earning a BS in Sports & Recreation Management in 2012 and a
MBA with an emphasis in financial valuation and investment
management in 2013 and an MS in Criminal Justice in 2014.
Class of 2011
Three St. John the Baptist graduates: Carolina Boutureira (Arts),
Nelson da Luz (Engineering) and Lindsey Pamlanye (Education)
were inducted into Epsilon Sigma Pi, Manhattan College’s oldest
college honor society. Students who have completed six consecutive
semesters with a cumulative scholarship index of at least 3.50 are
SJB Family News
Publisher.....................Nan Doherty
Copy Editor................Rob Crossan
Assistant Editor..........Trish O’Donnell
Layout Editor.............Leone Mathon
Please help us locate your classmates. For a full listing of all missing alumni, please visit and click on the link under missing alumni which can be found on the home page.
Class of ‘70
Barbara Allison Roullard
Steven Alves
Bruce Arcuri
Geri Assip Phillips
Michael Bachmann
Donald Bartsch
Elizabeth Beauchamp
Patricia Bedell Pells
Carol Bell
Elaine Benoit
Roseanne Bertino Lulloff
Kevin Birmingham
Miriam Blazowski Pratt
Cynthia Bohenheimer Sheehan
Stephen Borland
Kenneth Brady
Michael Brennan
Paul Brennan
Bruce Brown
Judy Busch
Vincent Calamia
John Carr
Michael Carty
Geraldine Casillo
Karen Cassidy
Thomas Cassidy
Pat Catlett
Dermod Cavanaugh
Diane Chmurzynski
Cassidy Kim Clark
Thomas Coleman
Joseph Comande
Barbara Condit
John Connolly
Teresa Connor
Marylee Connors
Maria Conti
Robert Craig
Eileen Culhane
Pat Curley Crawford
Eileen Daniels Murray
Martin Deegan
Elizabeth Denlea
Vincent Derosa
John Diggins
Robert Dougherty
Kathleen Dour
Robert Duffy
Elizabeth Duhamel Haslam
Anne Dunleavy
Gail Edwards
Eric Eriksen
James Esposito
Joanne Estrema Cipollino
Ann Fagan Sigars
Francine Fehn Moddle
Peggi Fendler Chiaramonte
Grace Ferrara Kotsinadelis
Richard Fitzpatrick
Susan Fucarino
Patrick Garvey
Fred Gefers
John Geiger
Maryanne Ghosio
Gloria Gibbs
David Gilbride
Scott Gleason
Charles Glynn
Joanne Gobrick
Theresa Goetz
Raymond Goodman
Peter Grady
Patricia Graham
Sarah Griffis
James Grisoli
Martin Haist
Tim Halbin
Noreen Hannigan Magill
Kathleen Hapst
Mary Ann Hergenrother
Mary Herman Konig
John Holshoe
Kathleen Homann
Patricia Horrigan
John Horton
Robert Irwin
Frances Isabella Ryan
David Jackson
Chuck Jennings
Kerry Jones
Harry Kamper
Gerard Kean
Michael Kennedy
Patrick Kinney
Thomas Kipybida
Regina Kletchka Wilhelmy
Loni Kort
Jane Krumpelbeck
Maria La Piana Blanchard
Harry Lacast
James Lacombe
John Lantz
Kathleen LeBourdais
Marie LeBrun
Teresa Lynam
Robert Lynch
Anne Lyons
Loretta Makovy Roll
Laviero Mancinelli
John Marshall
Cathy Martinell Picht
Laura Matthes
Eileen Matthews
Brian McCue
William McDonald
Cathleen McGowan
Maureen McGuire
Eileen McLaughlin
Anne Meagher
George Megill
Stephen Messina
Cira Mikulas Walker
Monica Milas
Janet Miller Richards
Christopher Mills
Angela Montalbano
Annemarie Mullen
Cathie Mulligan
Cathleen Murphy
Peter Murphy
Nigel Norton
Michael O’Connor
Thomas Olsen
Katherine O’Rourke
James O’Shea
Patricia Ott
Kevin Owen
Morgan Owens
Michael Padden
Gary Padilla
Steven Pagnotta
Rodney Paris
William Parsons
Katherine Pedus Simmons
Patricia Pennisi Colyer
John Petito
Mary Phillips
Edward Pinna
Dorothy Prudente
Robert Puccio
Michael Reddy
John Regan
Patricia Reidy Lawrence
Paul Reilly
James Reuss
Maria Rimmel
Don Roberts
Michael Robertson
James Rode
Frederick Rossi
Warren Ruppert
John Russell
Kathy Ryan Russo
Catherine Ryan
Maureen Ryan
William Ryan
Kathy Schiff Lebourda
Pamela Schmidt
Josephine Schmitt
Nancy Schneider
Gary Scocozzo
Geri Seelig Booth
Thomas Sheehan
Christine Silber
Gail Sisto Lamb
John Skou
Richard Smith
Kathleen Smith
Patricia Smith
Richard Smyth
Edward Spano
Suzanne Stehlin
Walter Stillwaggon
Linda Strecker
Susan Sullivan Simon
John Surdi
Peter Susca
Karen Sutton Schuster
Gail Swenson
Joseph Szubinski
Thomas Tanel
Robert Taylor
Theresa Theiss Clark
Patricia Tiernan
Susanne Tiger
Michael Varacalli
Dominick Varipapa
Donna Wallace Behlen
John Walsh
Mark Walsh
Patricia Weber
Robert Westby
Kenneth Wurm
Nina Yuliano Pisharody
Michael Zammiello
Kathy Zampella Hocker
John Zubal
Class of ‘75
Elizabeth Affourtit Shanahan
Mike Alfredson
Sandra Alonso
Catherine Alvarado
Mary Andersen Samuels
Brian Arenare
Gerald Armstrong
Walter Austin
Joanne Azzara Dice
James Bechtold
Elizabeth Bennett Wiant
Michael Berardi
Virginia Bergman Lodolce
Melanie Blake Jackson
Patricia Bonacum
Ellen Brophy
Dolores Buhagiar Landau
Michael Burdish
Michael Burke
Claudia Cain Maloney
Peter Kelly
Annette Calise Dimartini
Kenneth Krieg
Mary Callahan Swidler
Debbie Kunsch Gordon
Nilda Calvo
John Laraia
Rich Capitelli
Thomas Layton
William Carcioppolo
Thomas Leonard
Yvonne Carmona
John Lewis
Barbara Carpin
Nicholas LoCasio
Sal Carsi
Robert Loeffler
Phillip Carthy
Lawrence Loiello
Timothy Caulfield
John Lundberg
Elizabeth Chapline
Regina Martin O’Donnell
Denise Chappel
William Maynard
Christian Colby
Kerry McGovern
John Coletti
Sheryl McGowan
Lisa Colleran
Francis McKenna
Christopher Corraro
Maura McMahon Bethon
Daniel Costello
Robert Melara
Thomas Courtney
Christine Miranda Camerlingo
Richard Craig
Lorinda Moeck Mitchell
Patricia Crunden Phalen
Tim Monahan
Thomas Cullen
William Mooney
Paula Curti Orobona
Marianne Muller Avanzato
Adrienne D’arrigo Small
Stephen Nitsch
Joseph Dawson
Patricia O’Brien Woods
Laurie De Bernardis
Kenneth O’Connor
Catherine De Vito
Donna O’Neill
Daniel Dember
Victoria Ott
Christine Dennis Insalaco
Susan Oyola
Dawn Depresca
Joseph Parisi
Barbara Dess Stein
Michael Parks
Thomas Donalds
Barbara Pasqualone Kaplan
George Donaldson
Michael Pellarin Pellarin
Dennis Donnelly
Maureen Pezzolf Thompson
Denise Dorsi Rossi
Ferdinand Pisacano
Adrienne Doty
Gayle Pizzarelli Mercurio
Eileen Downey
Anthony Pokorney
Margaret Durante
Karen Radtke Campbell
Robert Ehlers
Timothy Reilly
Christopher Eichele
John Reilly
Diane Englert
Francis Rimmel
Maria Estevez
Georgiann Damm
Debora Estrema
Robert Roser
James Farmer
Carol Ryan Hees
Timothy Farrell
Angela Sancineto Westby
Peter Fisher
William Santulli
Jeannette Fitzpatrick Parsley
Anthony Sappraicone
Geraldine Flynn
Lawrence Saxon
Catherine Fontana
Susan Schilling
Robert Fraser
Maureen Schmidt Provo
Thomas Furey
Gerard Schmidt
Harold Gannon
Joe Schneider
Linda Garrido
Noreen Slater
Joan Garry
Kenneth Smith
Michael Gillen
Mary Smyth
Gerald Gledich
William Stallone
Robert Gordon
Ann Stork
Georgianna Grassi
Kathy Strala Prinninni
Janice Grisoli Patel
Nancy Sullivan Sanchez
Clare Grosso Gabriellini
Doreen Tellekamp Rigoglioso
Eileen Grunaver
Terri Tully
Donnalyn Guarino
William Tusa
Stephen Habl
Pegeen Uihlein
Robert Hermida
Kathryn Varacalli Brower
Karen Hill
Michael Vasaturo
Salvatore Hodge
John Vatalaro
Kim Holland Heinz
Cynthia Vincennie Deperino
Dolores Hopper
Kevin Vrazel
Lori Hopper Troxel
Ellen Wennerholm
Diane Hromadka Chasin
Stephen Westby
Karen Jackson Pittleman
Peter White
Robert Janmaat
Diana Williams Wunk
Robert Janson
Walter Winicki
Lorraine Jemison
George Wissman
Marianne Johnston
Stephen Zilko
Patricia Kandies
Michael Zubiller
Maureen Kelly Deshrochers
The History Club
New Clubs at SJB
The History Club
A new club has been formed at SJB - The History Club.
This club is moderated by Social Studies teachers Mrs.
Patricia Rohling and Ms. Gina DeLapi. The purpose of
this club is to bring together students who enjoy not only
studying the past, but are interested in current events as
well. In addition, students can work to further develop
their historiography by researching and writing about
topics of interest. The club hopes to submit articles to
The Concord Review – the only quarterly magazine to
publish the academic research of high school students.
For students who are competitive, the History Bowl
will allow them to compete with other teams from the
region this winter. Students will begin to work with
sample questions. Students with an interest in current
events are invited to prepare an item for St. John’s
morning news. Students will research a topic, write
a concise description and then film their stories for
NOTE-ORIUS a new a cappella group moderated by
performing arts teacher Mr. Jared Berry. Approximately
70 students auditioned for this select ensemble in
September, and an inaugural 28 students were selected:
eight sopranos, eight altos, six tenors and six basses.
Note-Orius is SJB’s only co-ed vocal ensemble and the
school’s first a cappella based group. As of now, NoteOrius is set to perform at both the Winter and Spring Vocal
Concerts, and hopes to begin branching out with more
performances both at SJB and for the larger community.
In Memoriam
Eighteenth Annual Memorial Mass
Tom Butler, husband of Denise, former staff member, and father
to Thomas ‘01, Deanne ‘03, Brendan ’03, Courtney ‘05, Conor
‘06, and Kerry ’08 on July 24, 2014.
John (Jack) K. Gremse, brother of Patricia Callahan, faculty
member in the Religious Studies Department and uncle to James
Callahan ’10 in September of 2014.
Grace Anne Clarke, mother of Sarah Joyner, faculty member,
Social Studies Department and grandmother to Stevon Nicholas
’13 and Sophomore student Noah in August of 2014.
Rosemary Curran, mother of Mary Patterson, former faculty
member, Math Department in September of 2014.
On Saturday, November 2nd,
we remembered those
deceased members of our community.
Guided by faith, hope, and love;
let us continue to celebrate
their legacies and pray for them and their families.
The following names were placed
on The Tree of Life in our Chapel:
Julia Csadenyi, sister of Sr. Julia Murphy, OP, on October 28,
Jayne Carino Burke
James Robert Mahoney
Louis De Meo, father of Kathy Burns, faculty member in the Art
Department and grandfather to Mary Kate ’07 and Senior student
Noelle on August 18, 2014.
Matthew Carolan
Curtis P. Middleton
Connor John Coyle
Thomas O’Connell
Lawrence Donaghy
Joseph Pipitone
Jessica Ortiz ’11, sister of Angela ’07 and Christina ’14 on
October 29, 2014.
Elizabeth Geyer Godfrey
Marie Ricigliano
Raymond A. Sears Sr., father of Patricia ‘71, Andrea ‘72, Marilyn
‘75, Raymond and Timothy, on 3 July 2014. ‘Ray Sears’ was a
founding Bingo caller for a highly successful fundraising project
in the early years of SJBDHS.
Karen Walker-Jagielo
Eileen Walsh Tobin
Rose M. Koch
Robert J. Venturini
Rose M. Koch, former faculty member in the Music Department
and Choral Director from 1968-1986. Mother to John ’70, Anne
’72, the late Rose Marie ’73, Robert ’75, and Lynn ’80 on August
25, 2014.
Sr. Liz Stringer, OP, former faculty member, Science Department
on November 3, 2014.
Mary Wodhanil, mother- in-law of Lorraine Wodhanil, staff
member in the Library on Sept. 24, 2014.
Class of 1989
Class of 1981
Class of 2010
Class of 1978
Class of 1971
Class of 1970
Class of 1971
Class of 1975
Class of 1970
Class of 1976
Community Member
Class of 1972
Class of 1970
Paul Weber
Class of 1975
St.John the Baptist Diocesan High School
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Getting ready for...
2014 Men of Vision,
“Gentlemen’s Dinner”
Tuesday June 16, 2015 6PM
View Restaurant - Oakdale, New York
Our 50th year of providing outstanding
Catholic faith based education to nearly 20
thousand current and former students will
be celebrated in 2016. While this milestone
may seem a long way off, there is no time
like the present to start planning for this
momentous celebration. Beginning with the
launch of our Library Renovation project
it will culminate in 2016 with the ribbon
cutting and re-dedication of that project.
We have begun to plan our calendar now.
This year we are proud to honor
Artie Dromerhauser
Former Development Director
Robert Spina ’81,
Parent, Coach and Volunteer
Please contact the
Office of Institutional Advancement
if you would like more information.
587-8000 x 177