Meeting Agenda - Hampton Roads Transportation Planning
Meeting Agenda - Hampton Roads Transportation Planning
February 4, 2014 MEMORANDUM #2014-13 TO: Hampton Roads Transportation Operations (HRTO) Members & Guests BY: Robert B. Case, PE, PhD – Principal Transportation Engineer RE: HRTO Subcommittee Meeting – February 11, 2014 An HRTO Subcommittee meeting will be held from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. on Tuesday, February 11, 2014, in the Regional Board Room, Regional Building, 723 Woodlake Drive, Chesapeake. Note: Immediately following this HRTO meeting, VDOT and Iteris are providing HRTO members an overview of the recent update to the regional ITS architecture. The overview is expected to last from 11:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and lunch will be provided. 1. Public Comment Period 2. Summary Minutes of December 10, 2013 Meeting Minutes of the previous HRTO meeting are attached. Attachment 2 Recommended Action: Approval 3. HRTO Leadership for 2014 and 2015 9:30 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. At a recent HRTO meeting, Dan Rydzewski (HRTO Chair) appointed Robert Lewis (Suffolk) to chair an ad-hoc nomination committee to recommend an HRTO Chair for 2014 and 2015 to be installed at the end of the December 2013 HRTO meeting. Robert Lewis (Suffolk) will present his committee’s recommendations for 2014/2015 HRTO leadership. Recommended Action: Vote on the recommendation presented. 4. HRTPO Staff Updates 9:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Rob Case (HRTPO) will update HRTO concerning: a. HRTPO Board approval of river crossing closure procedures. b. Status of HRTO’s request for 1) a dummy email address for disseminating Outlook river crossing closure times, and 2) a webpage with closure files. c. Status of HRTO’s proposed Operations Strategic Plan for Hampton Roads. Sam Belfield (HRTPO) will update HRTO concerning the 12-11-13 RCTO-TIM meeting. Recommended Action: Per discussion. 5. FHWA Regional Traffic Signal Operations Assessment 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Following a request from HRTO and TTAC in October 2012, the FHWA conducted an assessment of local traffic signal operations. The report was presented to HRTO at its October 2013 meeting. In January 2014, HRTO staff transmitted comments from Norfolk and Suffolk to Richard Denney (FHWA). Richard Denney (FHWA) will present the findings and address HRTO comments. Recommended Action: Per discussion. 6. FHWA NHI Training: Evaluating the Performance of Traffic Signal Systems 11:00 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. In response to the above FHWA traffic signal assessment, Frank Hickman (Virginia Beach) has arranged for FHWA to offer the class “Evaluating the Performance of Traffic Signal Systems” (see attached flyer). Frank Hickman (Virginia Beach) and Richard Denney (FHWA) will present details. Attachment 6 Recommended Action: In order to reserve a spot, indicate your desire to attend. 7. Next Meeting Schedule, Location, and Agenda Items 11:15 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. The next HRTO meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 8, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. location TBD. The 2014 HRTO Co-Chairs will lead a discussion of the next meeting’s agenda. Members are requested to suggest agenda items for the next meeting which will help HRTO fulfill its information sharing/receiving, collaboration, advisory, and project prioritization roles. RBC/kg Attachments HRTO Subcommittee: Kevin Abt, VPA Darin Bracy, WATA Alesia Cain, HRT Kamlesh Chowdhary, HRT Ken Coody, VDOT Randy Cooper, NN Michael A. Corwin, P.E., VDOT Kevin Eppley, CH Jeffrey Florin, VPA Brian C. Fowler, NO Steven Froncillo, CH Franklin Hickman, VB Jacqueline M. Kassel, P.E., NN Stephen P. Kopczynski, YK Robert E. Lewis, P.E., SU Ric Lowman, P.E., VB Tal Luton, JC Oliver Rose, VDOT Daniel A. Rydzewski, P.E., NO W. Leon Sisco, WATA Eric Stringfield, VDOT Ed Taylor, SU Martin Willson, HA James Wright, PO John Yorks, HA HRTO Invited Guests: Joel Acree Jocelyn K. Bauer R. Stephen Best, CH Tim Breslin, CH Chad Brooks Robert Buckham, VSP Leah Bush, VDH A. Call, HA Jimmy Carter Mecit Cetin, ODU Jonathan Clark, Open Roads Dwayne Cook, VDOT Marc Copeland Steven Cover, VB Scott Cowherd, VDOT Barbara Creel, WATA Kevin Crum William P. Dent, WM Fire Leon Dextradeur, VB Doug Draper, CH Michael Felix, NO Rusty Fitzhugh, VDOT Eric Fly, Seamcorp Robert K. Gey, VB George Glazner, NN James Gray, HA Cynthia Hall, NO John Hendrickson, PBQ&D Steve Hetrick, AG Jeffrey B. Holland, CBBTC Robert T. Holloway, Jr., PQ John Horner, Open Roads Copy: Sam Belfield Rob Case Dwight Farmer Chuck Houck, NO Amanda Jacobs, JC Daniel E. Jenkins, FHWA Alan Jensen, P.E., NAVY John Kaoudis, NN Raymond Khoury, VDOT Charles Lavene, Norfolk Airport Stephen D. Little, Transdyn Glenn McBride, VDH Jake McCoury, VSP Ryan McLane, ERC Mike Miller, VDOT Joe Moore, NN Jessie Neal, VDOT Mark Outlaw, SU Shawn Pillow, VSP Earnest Poole, VSP Matthew Riethmiller Iris Rodriguez, FHWA Safety Officer, NN Mark Sawyers Mark Solesky, CH James Stanek, VDOT Gregory S. Staylor, CH Chris Swartz, HA Ted Tynes, VSP Charles E. Vidrine, NAVY Scott S. Williams, NN Jeff Wise, NO Nick Wooten, HA Kevin Wyne, PQ Keith Nichols Camelia Ravanbakht DRAFTMinutesoftheDecember10,2013HRTOSubcommitteeMeeting RegionalBuilding,Chesapeake,9:30am Attendees RobertCase,HRTPO FrankHickman,Va.Beach KeithNichols,HRTPO DanielRydzewski,Norfolk BrianFowler,Norfolk RobertLewis,Suffolk RobertTrachy,VDOT SusanBaldwin,HRT EricReddeck,EGH ScottCowherd,VDOT SamBelfield,HRTPO MartinWillson,Hampton MikeMiller,VDOT SteveKopczynski,York 1. PublicCommentPeriod ErikReddeck(EveryoneGoesHome)enquiredaboutthestatusoftheregionalsignalpre‐ emptionplan.Hewasinformedthattheprogramisstillon‐trackbuttheprogram administrationissuestillneedstoberesolved.Thefundingallocationisstilloneyearout. Erickalsohadageneralcommentabouttheoveralleffectivenessofthe“2tenthsmile markers”beingusedontheHighRiseBridge. 2. MinutesofOctober8,2013Meeting Nomodificationsoftheminutes–approved. 3. PlansforRegionalOperationsCenterunderSercoLeadership BrianFariello(Serco)wasunabletopresentduetoweather. 4. FHWARegionalTrafficSignalOperationsAssessment FrankHickman(Va.Beach)spokeonthepossibilityofgettingFHWArepresentativesRick DennyandPaulOlsonherefortheFebruarymeetinganddoingatwodaysignalsystem effectivenessclassaswell.Thebodyagreedwiththeproposal.RobCaseaskedfor Attachment 2 commentsontheRegionalTrafficSignalAssessmentreportbyJanuary15,2014toforward themtoRickDennyforreviewpriortotheFebruarymeeting. 5. HRTOLeadershipfor2014and2015 RobertLewis(Suffolk),chairofad‐hocnominationcommittee,ledthediscussion.Brian Fowler(Norfolk)hasagreedtobeaco‐chair,andMikeMiller(VDOT)indicatedthatVDOT wouldsettleonaVDOTco‐chairforHRTObytheFebruaryHRTOmeeting.Itwasdecided thereforethatDanRydzewski(Norfolk)andFrankHickman(Va.Beach)willserveuntilthe Februarymeeting. 6. HRTPOStaffUpdates RobCase(HRTPO)indicatedthat: a. VDOT’slatesthurricaneevacuationtrafficcontrolplanincludesleavingtheMMMBT openduringevacuation(asrecommendedbyHRTOmotionandVCTIRstudy). b. HRTPOwillprepareadummyemailaddressforusagebythefiverivercrossing operatorsincommunicatingplannedrivercrossingclosures. c. TheTPSsubcommitteeofHRTPO’sTTACapprovedtheusageof$400,000inRSTP fundsfordevelopmentofaregionaloperationsstrategicplan.HRTPOstaffwilllead thiseffort,coordinatingwithHRTOmembers. 7. Real‐TimeSystemManagementInformationProgram(RTSMIP) ScottCowherd(VDOT)andLarryTrachy(VDOT)ledanFHWA1201GapAnalysis discussionregardingfederalandstateagenciesprovidinghighwaystatusinformation.Itis atwostageimplementation:1)allinterstatestobedonebyNovember2014;2) MetropolitanRoutesofSignificance(asidentifiedbystatesincollaborationwithlocal agencies)byNovember2016. Informationtobemadeavailableis: ‐ Constructionlaneandroadclosures ‐ Roadorlaneblockingtrafficincidents ‐ Hazardousconditions&roadorlaneclosuresduetoadverseweather ‐ Traveltimes(inmetropolitanareas/greaterthan1millionpeople) Thediscussionfocusedonfindingregionalmunicipalpointsofcontacttobeginthe establishmentofthisinformationflow. Attachment 2 8. NextMeetingSchedule,Location,andAgendaItems DanRydzewski(Norfolk)ledadiscussionofitemsforthenextmeeting.Thefollowing weresuggested: HRTOleadership RickDenney(FHWA)presentingtheFHWAregionalsignalreview. BrianFariello(Serco)presentingSercoplansforHamptonRoads. ArepresentativefromCBBT. ArepresentativefromERC. ArepresentativefromUVa’sSmartTravelLab AnupdateonSJR277fromSteveKopczynski ThenextHRTOmeetingisscheduledforTuesday,February11,2014from9:30–11:30 a.m.,attheRegionalBuilding. Attachment 2 Evaluating the Performance of Traffic Signal Systems (FHWA-NHI-133124) Description A two-day course aimed at helping agencies evaluate and prioritize their traffic signal system investment decisions and day-to-day operations in support of agency objectives. This course begins by exploring stakeholder objectives and resources; it then investigates setting effective performance measures, gathering required data, and managing and using measures. The overall goal for the course is to assist agencies in the development and implementation of a process for measuring and communicating the performance effectiveness of traffic signal systems, at both the project and program levels. Participants will gain insight on several key learning points, including: • How agency and community transportation objectives can be connected to effective performance measures • How system performance measures can be used to assist agencies in evaluating and prioritizing investment decisions related to both day-to-day and long-term operation of their traffic signal system. • How to identify, engage, and consider the foals of various stakeholders in the decision-making process. At its conclusion, course participants will be able to: • Engage stakeholders. • Document stakeholder objectives and resources • Select measures of effectiveness • Develop a strategy for performance measurement • Build performance management into your program • Track performance • Report outcomes Target Audience Professionals responsible for the planning, design, management or operation of traffic signal systems. This includes engineers, and technicians (advanced) of state/local agencies, consultants, and FHWA Operations staff. Where Advanced Technology Center, Room H178 1800 College Crescent Virginia Beach, VA 23453 When Wednesday - Thursday March 5-6, 2014 8:30am – 4:30pm Cost Free, Sponsored by FHWA Arterial Management Program Class Size 30 Participants CEUs 1.2 Units Interested in Participating? Email soon: Frank Hickman ( Rick Denney ( Attachment 6