07_SEOsemSMO - The Sly Fly


07_SEOsemSMO - The Sly Fly
S E o / se m o p t i m e r i n g
g o o g l e se r p
(Search Engine Results Page)
(paid search areas)
Trends towards
product pushing
• Top (Ad) Positions 1-4
• Side (Slot) Posistions 1-10
o r g a n i c se a r c h
• Here’s ’The meat’
• Trends towards services
• Why pay if organically strong?
PPC = Pay Per Click
CPC = Cost Per Click
CPM = Cost Per Mille (1000)
CTR = Click Through Rate
Before we do anything else:
Please visit www.theslyfly.com
In fact ... please visit this site, when you’re
in front of a browser ...
©Charlotte F Czepluch • cfc@cphbusiness.dk
So – how much does an
AdWord cost?
Well ...................................
s e o o ff•pag e
link building
A link pointing towards your site is a vote ...
The more votes, the better your rank
Do NOT think for a minute – however –
that it is unimportant who votes for you!
1. Importance / Popularity / Credibility =
quality of your referring site
2. Relevance / connection
3. Anchor text
4. Seedning / Trustrank
– governmental
– education
– regulated businesses
– big brands (did I hear Wikipedia? Amazon?
LinkedIn? Or Pinterest?)
5. Not too much obvious switching / trading
6. Link age – this is debated ...
7. Social signals
8. Advertising > < Content
9. Structure (user-friendly / design)
10.C TR, CVR, Bounce rate
Best Practice
a) Go for the honest links – the ones that will give
you both traffic and conversion
b) Content Marketing is the road to ...
c) ... becoming an authority
d) Spread your activities:
a blogspot on ’how2’, UpLoad videos to YouTube,
Upload for PodCast directories
e) Pack and send press releases
f) Fit for RSS-feeds (feedage, feedzilla)
g) >400 words for article directories
h) Contact bloggers (individual effort!)
i) Link Assistant
j) Link to relevant Amazon-deals
k) Flickr
l) Online news services ... etc. etc. etc.
©Charlotte F Czepluch • cfc@cphbusiness.dk
’This is not about tricking anybody. It’s
about making your site the best it can be
to both surfers in pursuit of the information you provide, and search engines’
– Jill Whalen, lynda.com
S E O / se m • m y t h s
I must remember to send my site to google ...
Nope. Muhammed will come to you. Or rather:
google ‘Spiders & Crawlers’ will find and index you
in due time.
Only RANKING counts!
Nope. If good raking does not result in clicks (and it
won’t if your meta tags stink) or if your CTR is crap,
a top-ranking situation could end up costing you
money. Not kidding!
SEO? Best left to the IT-department!
Absolutely not. Not if we aim for generating traffic to our site, that is. SEO is all about KeyWords,
which is all about market research and copy
writing, which is all about branding, marketing
strategy, customer insights. That sort of thing.
And know-how like that is typically not found in
abundance in IT-departments.
Off page SEO? Can’t be important ...
(since I don’t know what it is). Hmmm ... a sad
attitude, because link-building is surging towards
the top of Google’s list for things that really-reall
counts when they rank you on their SERP. Really.
Content is King – but does not generate traffic?
Well :o) Nothing will better support a good SEO
strategy as a great Content Strategy. Good, well
nurtured content will encompass the right keywords, which will generate traffic, and met with
great content, the surfer will return ... etc.
©Charlotte F Czepluch • cfc@cphbusiness.dk
SEO & SMO are not related at all!
You could argue that. NOT!
Nothing – absolutely nothing – will boost traffic for
your site as a mean lean SMO machine!
Keywords must match P•R•E•C•I•S•E•L•Y!
Keywords must be E•V•E•R•Y•W•H•E•R•E!
No, acutually it’s better to wring your (long tail)
keywords, and make them fit titles, headers and
copy in a natural way. Surfers who are met with
strange word combinations, borderline unreadable
text, and unnecessary repeats is likely to never
return. Which results in crappy CTR. Which ... etc.
White Background • White
Text • Load Keywords
Place ‘strange’ keyword
copy ‘below screen’
Google algorithms, like
Penguin & Panda, took care
of such naughty trix a long
long time ago!
But I can safely go to link-sites,
and buy links (votes) for my
site, right ...? Google Penguin
does not like those! So little so,
that if you do it anyways it will
effect your rank negatively. !!
About 10% of my text should be keywords
A really dumb myth, which has proven impossible
to get rid of. There is no true keyword percentage.
There just isn’t.
OK - LOTS of content then??
Keywords in title tags is no longer important
Of course it is! Your Keywords HAVE to be represented in your title tags. And that’s the end of it.
OK. But I’m a little busy. Can I save time and just
remember one or two of the above ...?
Dont be daft. Punk :-)
K EY w o r d s
google adwords tool
for research
©Charlotte F Czepluch • cfc@cphbusiness.dk
google adwords
for planning and buying AdWord campaigns
google adwords editor
optimizing off line
Testing • testing
Off page
• LinkBuilding
• Sociale media integration
• Particularly Twitter & Facebook
On page (the ones you always skip ... admit it!)
• Tag pictures
• Page titles without company name
• Page descriptions
Other small things
• Analytics
• Mobile friendly
By the way ...
Plese like: www.facebook.com/pages/theslyfly
Please follow (twitter): @theslyfly
A couple of hours and a few likes later:
©Charlotte F Czepluch • cfc@cphbusiness.dk
more testing • testing
•Trial and error
•Dynamic webdesign
A / B / N when:
• traffic is low
• and so is CVR
• ... initial prioritization / ... conceptual level
MVT når
©Charlotte F Czepluch • cfc@cphbusiness.dk
• when data are plenty
• elements interact
• ... refinement / ... big, old sites
plu g - i n s • i n s ta l l at i o n
Install these PlugIns, Please:
• WordPress SEO by Yoast
• Jetpack by WordPress (by Automattic)
• Google Analytics for WordPress (by Yoast)
(in a little while ...)
just do it ...
©Charlotte F Czepluch • cfc@cphbusiness.dk
a n a ly t i c s • i n s ta l l at i o n
©Charlotte F Czepluch • cfc@cphbusiness.dk
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• Open a new browser window
• (i.e. DO NOT close your WordPress window)
• ... then click here :-)
©Charlotte F Czepluch • cfc@cphbusiness.dk
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©Charlotte F Czepluch • cfc@cphbusiness.dk