Easter Newsletter


Easter Newsletter
Much has happened on the new build site since Interserve’s
arrival in February. The first operation was to make way for
the new school, which was achieved by relocating and
refurbishing 3 modular buildings, closely followed by the
demolition of the existing Sixth Form Block and swimming
Following installation of concrete foundations and holding
down bolts during the months of June, July and August,
erection of the structural steel frame commenced in the
sports hall area. The structural steel frame will continue to go
up throughout the rest of 2015 with a target completion date
of the end of February 2016. More trades are due to arrive
shortly and site will continue to get busier as the new build
really starts to take shape. The project remains on track for
delivery during the autumn term 2016.
April 2015—moving and refurbishing the
mobiles for English
Ben Salisbury
Project Manager, Interserve
May 2015—the demolition of the
Sixth Form Block and swimming
September 2015—the
structural steel frame
takes shape
August 2015—Concrete foundations are
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 1
Anti Bullying Advocates
Anti Bullying Advocates this month have been going into ATMs to promote the recruitment of
new advocates.
New recruits need the following characteristics:
And would be involved in planning activities:
Following the success of over 100 students taking part in the Mini Games at lunchtimes at the end of last term, the
Anti Bullying Advocates feel that continuing to do this strengthens the House community spirit and brings the
community together.
Mini games include Jenga and Speed staking and will be running during Week 2 lunchtimes near the table tennis
tables or in G1 during wet lunchtimes.
As part of their action plan this year, the Anti Bullying Advocates
want to work on:
Promoting Anti Bullying Advocates as a volunteering and personal
skills development opportunity
Recruiting more Anti Bullying Advocates
Raising awareness of what happens after an incident is reported
As part of the school’s zero tolerance approach to bullying,
campaigning and raising awareness of Anti Bullying issues
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 2
English Department
Schemes of Work for Years 7, 8 and 9:
Over this half term, students in Years 7-9 have been working through the following schemes:
Year 7: ‘Stardust’ - a creative story writing unit where students go on an almighty adventure to the fantasy
world of Trengen. This scheme of learning develops writing skills.
Year 8: ‘Jeepers Creepers’ - a gothic unit of work which delves into haunted schools and urban legends. This
scheme of work develops reading skills.
Year 9: ‘Wish You Were Here’ – a travel writing scheme which gives students the opportunity to take an
imaginary trip around the globe. This scheme of work develops reading and writing skills required at GCSE
Miss N Stewart
Teacher of English
Literacy News:
Our set names in English have now changed and have begun to be deployed with our new Year 7 cohort. The
set names now go as follows: Dickens, Rowling, Dahl and Russell. We felt as a department that our sets
needed to be more relatable to a love of the English subject so were, therefore, changed to the names of
iconic writers. We will be holding a number of competitions relating to these authors throughout the year
with an aim to grow an appreciation for literature and the authors behind some of the texts we study.
As of September this year, Year 7 and 8 students now have separate literacy lessons in the LRC. These lessons
focus on spelling, punctuation and grammar, all of which now have a 20% weighting in the new English GCSEs.
These lessons also give students to chance to test their knowledge on their current reading book using our
Accelerated Reader software new for 2015/16. This software allows us to test
students’ reading comprehension with the intent to accelerate their reading levels.
Through the STAR reading programme, as parents you will able to log into the
Accelerated Reader software and see what progress your child is making within their
LRC lessons and reading development.
Miss Everist, English Teacher, Whole-School Literacy Co-ordinator
English Teacher
Whole School Literacy Co-ordinator
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 3
KS4 Update
Year 10 & Year 11:
This half-term, Year 10 students are continuing to work on their GCSE skills for the new AQA specification. We
would like to take this opportunity to remind you that they will be examined at the very end of Year 11, with no
coursework or controlled assessments.
Year 10
Topic Title and
Language Paper 1.
Narrative and descriptive aspects of
literary fiction.
What students will be learning
How you can specifically help your
Students will learn how to write creatively
and imaginatively using a stimulus as an
inspiration. They will learn to how to use
similes, metaphors and other descriptive
techniques in their writing to ensure they
engage the reader throughout. They will be
marked on their ability to:
1. Show an awareness of their purpose
and audience.
2. Organise and construct their information and ideas.
Use a variety of sentence structures and
write with accuracy.
Students will be asked to write imaginatively and descriptively so you can
help them by encouraging them to
read a range of texts. For example on
a daily basis read a newspaper, magazines and a book of their choice over
the half term. This sill helps them to
appreciate a variety of forms and
writing styles.
You can support your child by encouraging them to visit the BBC Bitesize
revision pages- http://www.bbc.co.uk/
Assessment: Students will have to write a
descriptive or narrative piece (45 minutes).
This half-term, Year 11 students are continuing to work on GCSE skills for the current AQA specification. We would
like to take this opportunity to remind you that this year is crucial in terms of your child’s achievement. It is therefore
imperative that they are fully prepared for their course and ensure that they come to school fully equipped and ready
to learn, with a highlighter if possible. They will need to retain any notes made during the forthcoming lessons for
future exams and therefore, organisation is key to their success.
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 4
KS4 Continued
Topic Title and
Revision for
What students will be learning
How you can specifically help your child
Students will be learning reading and
writing skills to prepare them for their
English Language exam.
You can support your child by encouraging them
to visit the BBC Bitesize revision pageshttp://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/gcsebitesize/
Mrs Enstone
Associate Assistant Principal
Miss Zorpides
Associate Head of English
Mrs Collins
Teacher of English
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 5
Anyone fancy a bit of
This year we will be hosting a number of SALAD days: Speaking and Listening
Active Development Day (SALAD).
The aim of a SALAD Day is that students have at least one lesson that is centred around
speech or expressing oneself verbally. I wanted to introduce this initiative to Goffs as we
feel that a high level of spoken literacy is just as important as high written and reading
literacy levels.
I introduced the concept by requesting that all staff aim to plan for at least one of their
lessons on the 2nd October to be a SALAD lesson, ie. a lesson centred on the students
speaking and expressing themselves.
I cannot thank the staff body we have here at Goffs enough for their support in
this initiative on the actual day. It is down to their participation that led to
students now walk into lessons asking, ‘are we doing another SALAD lesson!?’
or ‘can we do more SALAD lessons another day?’ After speaking to some
teachers about their experience of SALAD Day they all agreed that any lessons
centred around SALAD were very successful.
One lesson consisted of students in groups of four finding a topic in a
newspaper that they then had to turn into a debate or argument. One
lesson had students creating a History Snakes and Ladders board game in
pairs, allowing students to discuss what questions they were going to add
and where. Another History lesson consisted of the teacher dressing up as
Henry VII and his class given the role of the King’s council. The lesson went
on to consist of the council advising Henry VII on the problems he had in
taking over the throne of England and how he should solve them.
Overall, our first SALAD day was a success and will definitely be happening
again in the future. Once again, many thanks to all of the staff here that
made this initiative possible and a massive thank you to the students for
Miss S Everist
English Teacher
Whole-School Literacy Coordinator
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 6
LRC 2015
Bookbuzz Titles
All Year 7s have now had the opportunity to choose one of these 12 FREE books chosen from a list of specially
recommended titles and are looking forward to receiving them after half term. I am looking forward to seeing
their reviews, the best of which will receive house points and a prize.
Mrs Mackay
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 7
A Level Photography News
Six of our A level Photography students recently had the
amazing opportunity to work alongside a professional
photographer in his Cheshunt-based studio. Ray Lowe kindly
offered his time and expertise to help our students in the
run-up to their final AS and A2 examinations by inviting
them to work in his studio for a day.
Here are two students’ accounts of the experience:
Joe Chapman (Former Year 12)
I was really pleased to be given the opportunity to work with a professional
photographer in his studio. Ray worked closely with me throughout the day
and taught me a great deal about complex camera settings and different
lighting techniques. It was really exciting to have hands-on experience with
professional equipment and learn about real-life preparations needed in the
setting up of a photoshoot. My exam title, ‘Creative Use of Light’, involved
photographing coloured liquids dispersing into water. During the day I was able
to experiment freely and explore the properties of different liquids and
coloured lighting effects to achieve the results that I wanted.
Sophie Green (Former Year 13)
I found the day incredibly beneficial. Ray took the time to listen to
what we wanted from the workshop, and led each of us through
our own personal ideas for the photoshoots. I was extremely
grateful to be given the opportunity to work in a professional
photographic studio with lighting and camera equipment that I
would not have otherwise had access to. At the end of the session
I was also able to talk to Ray about my plans to undertake a degree
course in photography at Falmouth University.
I was really pleased with the work I
produced and later applied the skills that I
learned back in the classroom, achieving
some very successful macro photographs
for my A2 exam piece. I feel really
fortunate to have had this experience,
especially given my plans to be a
professional photographer in the future.
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 8
A Level Photography News
Once again, the Art department are extremely grateful to Ray for his time, expertise and generosity in
supporting our sixth form photography students. This continues to build on the success of the previous year
when he ran an excellent series of workshops at the school for our AS students. We very much hope he will
continue his association with the Art & Photography department at Goffs School, for the obvious benefit to all
our photography students.
Miss Greenacre
Head of Art & Photography
National Poetry Day LRC Celebrations
Thursday 8th October 2015
In order for everyone to have the opportunity to celebrate NPD, the LRC was
the focus of whole school poetry writing at lunchtime.
Everyone who entered the LRC had to be willing to write a poem on a yellow
or red leaf (as it is now Autumn and the leaves are changing colour) and add
it to our LRC POET-TREE painted on the back wall by Mrs Swift and Mrs.
Johnson. The reward was some finger food and sweets.
In addition , four brave members of staff volunteered to take part in a
poetry flashmob in the LRC half way through the lunch break much to
everyone’s surprise!
Mrs Garner came along too and spoke to some of the poem writers
declaring what a brilliant idea the poet-tree was!
Mrs Mackay
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 9
Summer School
Selected Year 6 students were chosen to take part in a
Summer School in July. This was a fantastic opportunity
for our new Year 6 students to get to know each other,
before starting Goffs in September, through fun team
activities. Students were taken to the Top Events
activity centre and took part in archery, the high ropes
course and zip wire, as well as other fun games.
Students also took part in a Zumba session and football
coaching during the week and there were many
opportunities for students to win some fantastic prizes.
We were also visited by a very inspiring poet who
helped our students to create some fantastic work and
helped to further develop their Literacy skills.
We finished the week with a talent show and an awards afternoon
with everyone receiving a certificate and winning prizes. Some
students were awarded with vouchers for their fantastic
contribution during the week. Well done to all of our enthusiastic
students who got involved and made the Summer school a very
enjoyable week.
Leon Joseph 7I
Casey Antonuccio 7Y
Lucy Smith 7T
Miss McBride
Director of Learning: Year 7
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 10
Year 7 Transition Projects
I would like to congratulate all Year 7 students for making a very positive start at Goffs School. The enthusiasm
of our students has been tremendous and is something that I expect to continue throughout the year.
Well done to all students who worked extremely hard over the summer break to complete their Summer
Transition Projects. It was clear to see that a remarkable amount of time and effort went into their work.
The Summer projects give the students a fantastic opportunity to start thinking about some of the work that
they will be doing when they start at Goffs. The work is linked to the work that the students study in their first
term and gives them a good understanding of the topics they will be exploring.
It was a hard decision to make when judging the projects as they were of a very high standard, but the 2015
Year 7 Transition Project winners are:
Finlay Knight
Mason Fry
Holly Marshall
Hannah Stone
Millie Rudd
Daisy McKenna
Lucy Smith
Nyshaea Solomon
These students have been awarded with a £10 voucher and they were also invited to spend some time with Mrs
Garner on Tuesday 20th October to show off their fantastic work. Students were provided with refreshments and
were awarded with certificates for their outstanding projects.
Miss McBride
Director of Learning: Year 7
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 11
Sports Report
The Goffs girls have got off to a flying start this year, with the U16 and U14 squads both playing fantastically in recent
national tournaments. Impressively, the U16s are finalists and the U14 squad made it through to the quarter finals.
Monday 12th October was a particularly busy day for netball, with Goffs hosting a friendly tournament at home
against St Marys, Sheredes and Berkhamsted for Years 7 and 8. With 4 games running concurrently – whilst Miss
Edwards took a 5th team to an away game - the turn out was impressive to say the least. Congratulations go to all the
girls, with a special mention to the Year 8 B team who won all 3 of their matches and to all of the sports leaders, other
students, friends and family who came out in the cold to cheer on the girls.
Year 9 have reason to celebrate also, after an impressive performance at a friendly tournament hosted by St Marys on
the 28th of September. Winning 2 of their 3 games, the squad worked collaboratively to overcome missing players and
showed each other huge amounts of support.
A fantastic start to the year girls, well done!
Miss Huseyin
Year 9 Netball Manager
School Sports Website
The PE department are consistently trying to utilise new technologies to effectively communicate with parents. To
that end, we have recently launched a new website with all fixture information on it, which can be found on the
following link; https://goffsschoolsports.secure-club.com/default.aspx
Students and parents can keep up to speed with clubs and fixtures. Each student will receive an email when they
are selected for a school team and they can confirm their availability up to 48 hours before a match. Everyone can
also follow the PE department on twitter @goffspedept to find out about results and performances.
We have always encouraged parents to come and support the Goffs students in their competitive sporting
experiences. However, in line with our safeguarding policy, parents are not permitted on to the school site
prior to the end of our school day at 3pm. All parents coming to spectate will be required to sign in at the back
gate (via the staff car park) or at front reception. They will be issued with a sticker that must be displayed at all
times. Please stay in view of the fixture you are attending and depart at the end of the game when the
member of staff responsible can open the back gate for you. Thank you for your support with this process.
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 12
Goffs Sports Academy
The current Year 12s are the first cohort of students to join the Goffs Sports Academy. The students receive
elite coaching; Leadership opportunities, including coaching and officiating awards; strength & conditioning
guidance, and academic mentoring. We currently support students in the following sports: Football, Netball,
Dance, Rugby, Canoeing, Martial Arts and Golf, although we welcome applications from students in any sport.
The Football squad receive coaching twice a week from qualified coaches. Martin Prickett is an A license coach
who currently works with Watford FCs Academy players. Martin has been really impressed with the quality and
dedication of the current group of Year 12 players. The team has progressed to the 4th round of the English
Schools Football Association Cup with victories against Sutton Grammar School, St Bonaventures School
(Newham) and Vandyke Upper School (Leighton Buzzard). Since the Enfield Grammar fixture the 2nd XI (Sixth
Form) have played two County league fixtures. They recorded 4-1 victory against Longdean School and lost 4-0
to Roundwood School.
All of the football students have been completing their voluntary hours by helping coach and manage the
younger students during their House sport competitions. Two of the sports academy students were attached to
each Year 7 form and they coached the students, then selected and managed each form during the 3 week
We have recently set up a link with Cheshunt Golf club enabling the GSA students to receive 1 to 1 coaching
from a golf professional. This will also benefit the younger golfers at Goffs School who in the summer will have
an allocated time slot to attend the driving range and receive coaching from the golf pro and the GSA golfers.
We have a group of students who have been selected for the elite GB Canoeing programme. They attend the
white water centre for elite coaching several times a week. As part of that arrangement a strength and
conditioning coach comes in once a week to develop each student’s fitness.
October 2015 Football Report
The GSA Boys Football 1st XI are through to the 3rd round of the U18 ESFA (national) Cup after a 2-1 victory versus
Sutton Grammar School, with goals from Ross Marshall Cooper and George Quarrington-Carter, and a 1-0 triumph v
St. Bonaventures with Ben Quarrington-Carter scoring the winner. The 2nd XI have recorded two wins in their first
two matches. 3-1 versus Enfield Grammar School and 4-1 against Longdean.
The Year 11s won their first ESFA match 3-0 v Simon Balle. Goals from Kane Reynolds, Corey Harris and Brett
The Year 10s put in an incredible performance v Burlington Danes school and were 8-0 up at half time with Alfie
Lampe x2 , Hakan Yalcinoz, Kray Bennett and Kai Batty x 4.
Mr Seller
Director of Sport
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 13
October 2015 Football Report
The Year 9 boys have had a successful start to the season winning 5-3 versus Nobel school in the County Cup.
Year 8A started their County Cup campaign off with a 5-1 win at home against Barclay School. Goals from Freddie
Brown (2), Vinnie Giddon, Owen Radley and Luca Fusco sealed the win.
From a very strong year group, the Year 8B squad have started this term very well undefeated in the two games they
have played, scoring 10 goals and conceding 0 the last of which was a 6-0 win in the national cup to the Harris
Academy in south London.
Year 7 Rugby Tournament 1st October 2015
On 1st October, 15 enthusiastic Year 7 students took part in a Rugby tournament at Cheshunt RFC. The main aim was
to improve their knowledge and understanding of the game, but also encourage them to join their local rugby club to
play on a regular basis.
We started the tournament against Turnford, with tries coming from Kieran Lines, Riley Wilsher and Kasim Akarsu.
The performances in the game were fantastic, especially as it was the first time most of the boys had played a game
of Rugby. The final result was 15-0.
Leventhorpe were up next, which resulted in a 15-5 loss. However, in this defeat came exceptional performances
from all on the pitch especially Michael Sweiry who from his first touch of the ball charged through their entire team
to successfully score Goffs’ only points of the game.
Following this result the team, freshly galvanized, took on John Warner where Kieran Lines on 3 separate occasions
ran through the opposition defence to score 3 deserved tries which resulted in a positive 15-0 win.
Our last game came against Broxbourne which was met with defeat. However, exceptional performances by all
involved proved the potential this year group has in rugby.
Word soon spread back at school about the Year 7’s performance in the tournament, which has resulted in a number
of new recruits joining training on Thursday which is very encouraging!
Mr Stanger
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 14
News from the MFL
Language Results
We are very pleased with another set of very good GCSE and A’ level results this summer
across the languages. At GCSE , 92% of students achieved A*-C grades. At A2 level, 100%
of students achieved A*-C with 62% of entries graded at an A.
Community Languages
We are also very proud of the 12 students who achieved GCSE A/A* grades in the
languages they speak at home, which this year included German, Turkish, Chinese and Greek.
At A2 , Natalia Fantetti achieved a B in Modern Greek. Special congratulations also go to
Shania Dharmakheethi in Year 9 and Luis Aguilar in Year 10 who achieved A* in early entries in
German and Spanish respectively.
We look forward to an increasing number of non-curriculum language entries which this year will
include Polish, Portuguese, German, Greek and Turkish.
Trips & Visits
In order to enrich our students’ cultural and language learning experiences, we are offering a
range of visits this year which have run successfully in previous years. These trips will include visits
to the Amiens Christmas market, France (December - Year 7), Paris , France (July, Year 8) and Spain
(April - Year 9 & 10)
The Sagrada Familia in
Amiens Christmas market
The Eiffel Tower, Paris
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 15
MFL Continued
European Week of Languages 28th September - 2nd October
Through a week of activities we had the chance to celebrate different languages and cultures
especially those in our community and to encourage language learning. There was a real language
buzz round the school !
Saying hello in many languages:
From the school gates in the morning to their lessons throughout the day, students were greeted in
various languages . By the end of the day, many students were doing this themselves !!
The Language Voice Competition (ATM):
For a form prize and House points, students had to listen to teachers speaking another language
and guess who and what! The results were as follows:
Scores per House:
206 points – winning 1000 House Points
158 points
140 points
128 points
The top 3 form scores
1st 9T
36 points – winning 100 points each for EAGLE AND a box of chocolates
2 13L
35 points – winning 50 points each for FALCON
Lunchtime language Lessons :
We offered a programme of lunchtime lessons in a wide variety of languages delivered by our many students
who speak another language. This proved to be very successful, with a subsequent plan to set up weekly clubs
initially in
Chinese and Turkish. House points were awarded to those students who prepared materials and taught lessons
and also to those who attended and got involved!
Lessons :
Language lessons, amongst many different activities, gave students the opportunity to listen to songs and
people speaking other languages, as well as find out about cultures. Outside of languages, many teachers linked
activities in their lessons to the week’s theme so students were able to see the importance of languages as a
Overall, an exciting week and we hope to offer other activities during the year in order to continue to promote
our school’s language and cultural ethos!
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 16
Operation Christmas Child
Shoebox appeal 2015
Goffs School will be taking part in this year’s Operation Christmas Child running until Friday 13th November.
This program brings joy and hope to children in desperate situations around the world through gift filled
shoeboxes. Since 1993, millions of shoeboxes have been packed, shipped and delivered across the globe to over
80 million children.
All students and staff are invited to bring in a decorated shoebox. The shoe box should be handed into the school
shop or to Quiet Study Room 2. A £3 donation needs to be handed in with the shoebox to cover transportation
costs. Items that can be included in a shoebox must be new, below are some suggestions:
New small toys: games, puzzles, soft toys, balls, cars etc.
School supplies: pencils, pens, erasers, sharpeners, felt pens, paper colouring books, notepad etc.
Toiletries: soap, flannel, toothpaste, toothbrush, comb, brush (no bottles)
Something to wear: hat, scarf, gloves, necklaces, jumpers etc.
Sweets: lollipops, chews, toffees, boiled sweets (no chocolate).
If you would to make a shoe box at home, please follow the instructions overleaf and refer to the leaflet given to
Find any empty shoebox
(The shoebox ideally should be medium size)
Wrap the lid and box separately in wrapping paper
Decide if your gift is for a boy or girl
Decide the age range of the boy or girl 2-4 years, 5-9 years or 10-14 years old
Wrap the box in Christmas wrapping paper
Stick the correct boy or girl sticker on the lid
Things to put in the shoe box
Toys: soft toys, tennis balls, jigsaw, yo-yo, building blocks etc.
Educational supplies: pens, pencils, erasers, pencil case etc.
Hygiene items: toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, comb hair clip etc.
Other items: sweets, gloves, scarf, sunglasses, cap, hat, jumper etc.
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 17
Things NOT to put in the shoebox
No food: especially chocolate. Only exception, non-chocolate sweets
No medicine: or vitamins of any kind
No war related items: toy guns, soldiers or knives of any kind
No fragile items: glass containers, mirrors etc.
No liquids: including blow bubbles, shampoo, bubble bath or aerosols etc.
No dangerous items: sharp objects, scissors or razors
No hand-knitted stuffed toys without a CE mark
Include your donation
Please include a cash or cheque donation of £3 per shoebox for transportation costs
Bring in decorated shoebox with donation and leave at school shop.
We need to receive the shoeboxes in school no later than Friday, 13th November so that we can take them to the
nearest drop off point for delivery.
If you want any further information about the amazing work of this organisation, please look at
www.operationchristmaschild.org.uk. We appreciate your support in supporting this valuable project and hope
that together we can bring some joy to the lives of children who would otherwise have nothing this Christmas.
If you have any queries please contact Ms Legg, Assistant Principal, Sixth Form, via email at
Jordan Mayne (Deputy Head Boy)
Habiyah Balesa
Operation Christmas Child Co-coordinators
Amnesty International Goffs School
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 18
The House
This year we have a new Director of House System, Miss Huseyin, who will be working alongside your
House Captains to deliver a range of fantastic whole school events, fundraisers, competitions and socials.
This year’s House Captains are:
Tegan Wollaston (Eagle)
Daniel Harris (Falcon)
Katy Avril (Hawk)
Connor Fitzgerald (Phoenix)
The House Team will also be working with the school’s Leadership Team plus members of our Student
Parliament to ensure as many students as possible have the opportunity to get involved.
If your child is interested in events planning or wants to get involved, they are welcome to join the House
Party on Wednesday lunchtimes in M6 between 1.25pm-1.55pm. Alternatively, if your child would like
somewhere to hang out and play games after a stressful day of lessons, Charmaine and Aziz, our Youth
Workers, offer House Hangout from 3.15pm-4.15pm in M6 every Monday.
A huge thank you to all staff who encouraged their forms to take part in our food collection for Broxbourne Food Bank, they are more than grateful for our contributions. We collected an impressive 55kg of
food and were blown away by the generosity shown by some of our students.
Goffs Termly House Point Rankings by House
Points at 16th October 2015:
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 19
Points this Term
Attendance and
We are very excited to share with you our progress with attendance over the last 5 years!
Thank you to all parents/carers who support and encourage their child to attend school
every day!
Our current attendance:
October 2015
Year 7
Year 8
Year 9
Year 10
Year 11
CONGRATULATIONS to Year 7 again for being top of the pile – WELL DONE!
Attendance is closely monitored, especially for anyone who falls below 95%. To this end parents will
receive letters to inform them of their child’s current attendance, with the reiteration of our attendance
Of course if there is a serious medical condition, please keep Mrs Francoise Grote informed at all times.
We do not penalise for medical appointments. However please be mindful that they still count as an
absence, hence we ask that appointments are made early before school or after school where possible.
Goffs October Newsletter 2015 - Page 20
Attendance and Punctuality
Again we are proud to see that punctuality has improved over the last 5 years, again thank to all your on-going
support. The following chart shows the proportion of late marks by year:
Congratulations to Year 8 who so far have been the most punctual year group – well done!
Just to remind you, all students must arrive in school before 8.27am. Students who arrive after the gate is closed
will receive a 45 minute detention after school on the same day. If students fail to arrive for their detention this
increases to 1hour the next day. Failure to attend again would result in a Saturday detention being issued.
Good attendance and punctuality will be reflected in any references we have to give for any future education or
employment for your child.
Mrs Francoise Grote
01992 424200 ext. 230
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