Newsletter July 2015


Newsletter July 2015
DAY —PAGES 22, 23 AND 24
More Award winners on Pages: 5, 6, 19, 27 and 30
The Pride of Goffs Awards Evening
The Pride of Goffs Awards Evening took place on Tuesday 14th July.
We are very proud of our young people and, as ever, at Goffs we ensure the highest standards in all we do. The
celebration reflected our students’ many achievements and determination to be the best they can be in every aspect of
school life.
It was an amazing evening attended by many staff, parents and governors. Awards were given out across the evening for
students’ academic achievements, 100% attendance, contribution to the community, Anti-Bullying Advocates and for top
House prizes. Many congratulations to all our prize winners.
Congratulations to the students below who won the Principal’s Award for their Year group.
Jaden Rudd , Year 7
Daria Neagu, Year 8
Sam Edwards, Year 9
Katie Avril, Year 12
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 1
Letter from the
Dear Parents,
As I said this time last year, and so ends another school year. This one does seem to have gone by with particular
speed, however. It has certainly been a year of many successes. In terms of exams, the publication of the national
Performance Tables for the 2014 exam outcomes saw us ranked in the top 13% nationally for the progress made
from Year 7 – Year 11 in each student’s best 8 qualifications, a truly fantastic outcome. Our Sixth Form Value Added
score is the highest in the local area, with our Sixth Form students making better than average progress between
Year 11 and 13. In addition, we were awarded two further educational awards by the National Schools Network
(SSAT) for our performance in the 2014 exams.
All things exams aside, our House system is flourishing, our students are logging volunteering hours in their droves,
and we were awarded the prestigious Hertfordshire Anti-Bullying accreditation although it will of course always be an
area where we are never complacent.
Our projections suggest that we will be celebrating another superb set of outcomes in September and I look forward
to sharing them with you on our return.
The new build has started in earnest. When students return in September all of the hoarding will be up, staff will
have moved to a new car park off Dark Lane in order to free up the front of the school for construction, and the steel
frame of the new building will have started to be erected. Our contractors, InterServe, continue to be fantastic and
are keen to engage with the school as much as possible. As such they will be offering various work experience
placements next year, and doing some classroom delivery for us; for example teaching students about major project
management. I am hugely grateful for their commitment to the wider life of our school. I am also very grateful to
staff and students who have calmly and with no fuss adjusted to the changes needed to our current site as part of
accommodating our new build. As advised previously, the front layby of the school – where the buses drop off – will
remain available for parents to park in during the day if visiting, and access for parents/visitors will remain as current
through main reception.
As part of the natural cycle of staff development and relocations, we have some colleagues leaving us this year,
several of whom were on one year maternity contracts. I wish each of them every possible success and happiness in
the future and thank them for all of their work this year.
Particular recognition and thanks go also to Pete Dilworth and Pat Bennellick who retire this year after a lifetime of
service in the profession for generations of students.
My grateful thanks go also to Jodie Long and Sarah Speller who are both moving to new positions. Both colleagues
will be much missed. I have no doubt that they have successful futures ahead and wish them every possible success
and happiness. In turn, the school’s ongoing very careful succession planning makes these changes a seamless one
for the senior leadership of the school. Tom Sparks, Ben Pearce and Mark Ellis are all promoted to the position of
Vice Principal, with Caroline Legg moving to oversee the Sixth Form as Assistant Principal.
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 2
Letter from the Principal
Notwithstanding the many issues nationally with teacher recruitment, we have again recruited a superb set of staff
for next year and I look forward to introducing you to them in my September start of term letter.
Year 7 (morning only) and invited Years 12 and 13 (ie if asked to come in) will return to school on Wednesday 2nd
September 2015, with the rest of the school returning on Thursday 3rd September 2015 at the usual time/by
8.27am. All of next year’s term dates are up on the website for your information.
Please note that the usual policies on uniform, behaviour, attendance and punctuality will of course apply from the
first day back. Please can you ensure that uniform meets expectations, e.g. knee length skirts and black leather
shoes – no trainers. This will negate the need for any student to start the new school year in isolation whilst the
correct uniform is brought in. If you require financial assistance with uniform, please do contact our finance team.
I thank all of you again for all of your support and commitment to the school. I am enormously grateful. I hope that
you enjoy a peaceful and happy summer holiday.
Yours sincerely,
Alison J Garner
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 3
Anti Bullying Advocates
From September next year each form in Year 7 and Year 8 will be assigned at
least two Anti Bullying Advocates.
The ABAs will support forms during ATM by running presentations and activities which would include, for example:
Internet safety, Self image and ways to report bullying.
Year 6 Secondary Transfer:
Some Anti Bullying Advocates met up with the forms that they will be supporting when the Year 6 students came into
Goffs on 9th July 2015. They showed them around the school and delivered a presentation on the Anti Bullying
Advocate role.
House Games Challenges:
For one week only ABAs ran House games aimed at engaging students in positive activities and rewarding them
with House points.
Skipping Rope Challenge
The first House game was Skipping Rope
Challenge—the students had to see how
many skips they could do in 30 seconds. The
winning House was Eagle which received 100
House points.
Stacking Cups Challenge
The second House game was Stacking Cups Challenge—where
students had to stack a six cup tower in the quickest time. Falcon was
the winning House and was awarded 100 House points.
Charmaine Charles
Youth Worker
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 4
Pride of Goffs
Year 7 Award Winners
Loukas Vernadakis
Food Technology
Physical Education
Religious Studies
Jasmine Chastell
Ruby Sapsford
Nadia McCabe
Chase Fry
Maddie Phillips
Faye Gordon
Shakyra Dharmakeerthi
Aidan Harris
Lara Wollington
Ivy Wright
Shakyra Dharmakeerthi
Libby Burbidge
Shakyra Dharmakeerthi
Ruby Sapsford
100% Attendance Awards
Thomas Arno
Owen Barnard
Lucy Bester
Ethan Brewer
Alexandria Cecil
Morgan Curtis
Alfie Dewson
Chase Fry
Callum Gaffney
Benjamin Gibbs
House Awards
Nadia McCabe
Bill Styles
Millie Warmerdam
Renee Harding
Lara Wollington
Aspiration &
Achievement Award
Faye Gordon
Volunteering Award
Loukas Vernadakis
Director of Learning
Nadia McCabe &
Lara Wollington
Principal’s Award
Jaden Rudd
Vinnie Gidden
Faye Gordon
Samin Hamid
Jake Johnson
Joseph Kiely
James Martin
Owen Radley
Matthew Savidge
Chloe Teague
Rachel Ttofi
Loukas Vernadakis
Lara Wollington singing “Good Morning Baltimore”
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 5
Year 8 Award Winners
Food Technology
Physical Education
Religious Studies
Director of
Learning Award
Daria Neagu
Yasmine Abdelmoula
Zack Spence
Aimee Scottow
Farrin Haque
Daria Neagu
Rosie Featley
Shania Dharmakeerthi
Farrin Haque
Daisy Dewson
Kieran Bester
Farrin Haque
Chloe Gavin
Nicholas Mannan
Molly Pitt
Tilly Mackay
100% Attendance Awards
Anti-Bullying Advocates
Grace Hegley
Alexis Kay
Gabrielle Mason
House Awards
Nicholas Mannan
Holly Chandler
Oliver Bayliss
Lily Lancaster
Tammy Allum
Aspiration &
Achievement Award
Mitch Massiah
Volunteering Award
Oliver Bayliss
Principal’s Award
Daria Neagu
James Allen
Kieran Bester
Annabelle Clarke
Hannah Cookson
Kim Edgley
Max Fagg
Joshua Foster
Rebecca Foster
Chloe Gavin
Sibel Hamit
Louise Hunt
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 6
Adele Japal
Josef Kaya
Sonny Lambrou
Lily Lancaster
Nicholas Mannan
Francesco Orlando
Mickie Palfreman
Ibrahim Palit
Tiffany Pavlou
Gurveer Punny
Zack Spence
A Celebration of Creative Arts & Design
A’ Level Art & Photography
GCSE & A’ Level Textiles
GCSE & A Level Food
A’ Level Product Design
Students in the creative subjects brought the year to an end with an amazing display of talent in our final Arts and
Design Exhibition.
This is the second year at Goffs that we have combined work from across Art and Technology. The resulting display
was tremendous!
The exhibition opened on Thursday 16th July, with a celebration evening for all of our school
community. This involved displays of 2D and 3D art & design work, and a superb buffet
prepared and served by our A’ level food technology students. It was fantastic to see so
many of our students, past and present on the evening. We were also delighted to welcome
some of our younger students, who left feeling inspired for what they could achieve in the
Many congratulations to all students and staff involved. The resulting exhibition marks the
end of an incredible year and is a true testimony to the amazing talent we have in our
Mary Greenacre – Head of Art & Photography
Emily Bishop – Teacher of Art & Photography
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Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 8
Look out for more examples of the fantastic work throughout this Newsletter.
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 9
Year 7 Shakespeare
After a very successful turnout last year, we invited a Shakespeare
theatre company known as The Globe Players back to visit us. They
performed on the 8th May 2015 to over onehundred and twenty
students in Year 7 and the whole performance was, once again, a
complete success. The purpose of the visit was to consolidate all
knowledge gained from the previous term’s scheme of work called
‘Shocking Shakespeare’, as well as to allow the students to experience
the wonder, joy and humour of witnessing some of Shakespeare’s
plays in action on the stage.
The Year 7 students present were incredibly well behaved and were a
credit to us here at Goffs. Students found the event interesting,
engaging and beneficial to their learning. Below are some of the
testimonials from a selection of students who attended the event, as
well as some images that were taken on the day.
Some quotes from the students:
“They were entertaining [and] exciting” Fraser Chung.
“I enjoyed the Shakespeare play…because they made learning about
someone who isn’t incredibly interesting for some people, a fun
experience” Owen Barnard.
“My favourite part was the beginning; it had me on the edge of my seat”
Matt Savidge
“… it was good because at the end there was a Q&A session where
questions could be answered and [we could] understand things [we]
didn’t at first” Thomas Arno.
“I had never seen a Shakespeare play before so I may see one now if they
are all that good” Jake Johnson.
“I learned a lot from it” Lucia Angelides.
Wishing you all a fabulous summer.
Miss Everist
Teacher of English
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 10
Year 7 Poetry
For the last few weeks, the Year 7s have been working on developing a Poetry Anthology based around a theme of their
choice. They have worked hard to produce a variety of different poems such as haikus, ballads, sonnets, and limericks
and some have produced some truly incredible and creative work that shows a real dedication both to the art of writing
poetry and to presenting it in a manner that is both appropriate and engaging.
The students have worked extremely hard this entire half-term and, as a result, have produced some truly incredibly
work. Well done, Year 7!
I liked learning about poetry because I
got to write what I wanted, which was
quite fun. I felt that I did not feel as
under pressure as when I get a certain
subject to write about. I liked the poem
“Give” in particular because it was
creative. When we got to write our
own iambic tetrameter poem I found I
was better at it.
In this term we learned poems such as
“The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe, “Dulce
Et Decorum Est” by Wilfried Owen and
“Tich Miller” by Wendy Cope. Overall I
really enjoyed doing poetry this term.
Morgan Williams 7W1
I liked learning about poems because
before we started learning about poems I
didn’t know anything but now I know about
simile, onomatopoeia, assonance,
alliteration, and stanzas. Dulce Et Decorum
Est was a poem by Wilfried Owen and was
a poem about war. It was interesting
because I got to learn new things about
WW1. The title was sarcastic because it
meant it is a sweet and honourable thing to
die for one’s country. My favourite lesson
was when we learned about Limericks,
because they were funny and random. We
learned about a poem called Tich Miller. It
was about bullying and I learned a lot from
that poem. We learned loads of different
techniques, such as personification. Overall
I have enjoyed work this term.
Jessica Bender 7W1
A photograph of Christiana
Stylianides' work, which is
fantastic. She has done an
anthology on nature and has
presented her poems as leaves on a
paper mache tree.
Miss Papagiannopoulos
Teacher of English
I really enjoyed writing poetry and learning poetry this term. I enjoyed
writing my bullying poem and learning about the different types of
poetry. I also enjoyed being able to write what I want without having
someone tell me what I had to write.
My favourite poem was “The Raven” because I think it told its story
better than the other poems did, by setting mood and atmosphere.
Toby Eldred 7W1
I really enjoyed learning about poetry and putting together the poetry
anthology. I learned a lot of new techniques in poetry such as iambic
pentameter, onomatopoeic words and sonnets ending in rhyming
couplets. The poem I really liked was the Limerick as we got to write
our own one. My Limerick was about my pony. I also liked Dulce Et
Decorum Est which was a sarcastic title that really meant it’s a sweet
and honourable thing to die for one’s country. It is a poem by Wilfried
Owen, set and written during WW1. I enjoyed the poem because it
painted a vivid picture in my head about how dreadful the war was
and also how some people were forced into it.
I liked covering all the different types of poems and learning all the
different techniques.
Madison Phillips 7W1
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 11
Year 8 Trip to “Wicked”
On Thursday 11th June 2015, we took a group of 48 Year 8 students to see
the phenomenon 'Wicked', at the Apollo theatre.
Winner of over 50 major awards including a ‘Grammy Award’ and three ‘Tony
Awards’, 'Wicked' is the untold story of the witches of Oz. Long before
Dorothy drops in, two other girls meet in the land of Oz.
This is an annual event that takes place during the summer term and works
alongside our final Year 8 scheme of work, ‘The Book Project’. The trip helps
expose students to writing and sequencing a story successfully, the genre of
fantasy and the ability to adapt well known texts.
“Best production I have ever
seen” - Elisa Kana
“The songs were indeed
wicked; I actually cried.” - Daisy
All students had a fantastic time and were very well-behaved.
“I was simply blown away” - Jadan Hassan
We cannot wait to go again next year!
“I’m so inspired and would love to be on
stage one day” - Ellie Orton
Miss Stewart
Teacher of English
This year’s public speaking competition was again a great
success and we would like to say a huge well done to all of
the students who took part. It is a very nerve-wracking
experience, standing in front of all your classmates to deliver
a speech that you know you are being judged on, but our
speakers did a fantastic job.
Public Speaking
Students were presented with a topic a month prior to the competition, with Years 7 and 8 speaking about the
very current issue of smoking in public places, and Years 9 and 10 tackling the sensitive subject of organ donation.
After a fantastic flurry of verbal duelling, we are very pleased to announce that the following students were
the successful winners of this annual event:
Ibrahim Palit, Year 8: 1st place
Nicholas Mannan, Year 8 and Jake Hassan, Year 10: 2nd place
Lara Wollington, Year 7 and Caitlin Firn, Year 9: 3rd place
April Avakian, Year 10 and Daniel Harris, Year 9: outstanding contributions
Well done to you all! We look forward
to more impressive speeches next year and to
giving more trophies and prizes to the victors.
Miss Huseyin & Mrs Enstone
Winner of the Public
Speaking Competition—
Ibrahim Palit, Year 8
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 12
“Romeo and Juliet”
Year 10
Houston Education took over G1, turning it into a theatre production of
Shakespeare’s tragedy, “Romeo and Juliet” for Year 10 students.
Students were given the opportunity to dress up, wear masks and wield
very heavy swords!
One of the areas of focus was to think about language and how the
characters express their feelings through words, syllables and sounds. In
Act 3 scene 5, the well- known father- daughter scene, the actors made
students think about what Juliet says:
Juliet: “Well, thou hast comforted me marvellous much.
Go in: and tell my lady I am gone”.
And what her father says and how it conveys emotions:
Capulet: “How now, how now, chop-logic! What is this?”
We looked at each character in detail and students were
able to see that Juliet was feeling melancholic and
exhausted after her father’s onslaught. All the vowel
sounds express her mood. Capulet, however, is angry and
aggressive and the short words and harsh consonant
sounds reflect this.
Students found this absolutely fascinating and were able
to do further research on this idea in class. The morning
brought the play off the page and as a GCSE text, it really
helped students analyse language in their essays.
Mrs Collins
Teacher of English
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 13
It has been a busy year with regard to Literacy around the school.
This academic year, Goffs has seen a revamp of the Goffs Marking system used around
the school. Teachers were involved in the process to help incorporate marking symbols
that were useful for their subject. Students were also involved heavily in the process
and a competition was held for students to create a new design for the marking chart.
There were many great designs and it was difficult to pick just one winner, therefore
three winners were chosen: Shania Dharmakeerthi, Year 8, Grace Hegley, Year 8
and Chloe Willingham, Year 9. Congratulations go to them.
To further promote literacy within the school, 'What Your Teacher is Reading' posters were introduced into every
teacher's room. This helped to inspire discussion of reading with teachers from all subjects, as well as
recommendations for good reads among students and teachers.
For World Book Day, Goffs teamed up with Oxfam's 'Message in a Book' incentive where students donated unwanted
books, with hand written messages inside to promote the work Oxfam do in the UK and around the world. The
Manager of Oxfam said:
'We had such positive feedback with regards to the 'Message in a Book' and the contents of the letters themselves.
Massive thank you to all your students for getting involved and really Making a Difference'
Another successful Mother and Daughters event was
held on 13th July 2015. This was led by Goffs' Literacy
Leaders who contributed their time and effort to
creating engaging and fun activities for both students
and parents. Thank you Literacy Leaders for all your
hard work and dedication to literacy!
Last but not least, Goffs students were entered into the Young Writer's 'Poetopia' competition. Inspired by the
Divergent series, students wrote poems in a particular style depending on what 'faction' they belonged to. Students
wrote a selection of excellent poems which were published in their regional anthology!
With more emphasis being placed on students to have high levels of literacy, Goffs will continue to promote literacy
within lessons and around the school.
Miss Cole
Teacher of English
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 14
LRC Year 9
Author Visit
Bestselling American author Maria V. Snyder came to talk to all Year 9 students on Tuesday 24th March in G1.
Her books and short stories have appeared on the New York Times best seller list recently and we were very
fortunate to be able to have her visit us as she was on a 2 week whistle-stop tour of the UK.
Speaking mainly about where she gets her ideas for her stories and how laborious the editing process can be, she
also showed the students a video of couple of spoofs of her novels which were hilarious!
After answering some thought provoking questions from the audience she stayed on to sign and dedicate her books
that were on sale to students and staff courtesy of the bookshop in Hoddesdon “Books@hoddesdon”.
Miss Griffiths in Science particularly enjoyed meeting Maria as she is her favourite author and has a copy of all her
titles. Charlotte Brooks (9Q) commented, ” I enjoyed listening to her and I found her advice really useful”.
Year 9 students with their signed books
Mrs Mackay
To coincide with the Year 8 scheme of learning on poetry earlier this
term, we thought it would be a good idea to display some of them in the
LRC but we needed something attractive to display them on. Soon after
talking to Mrs Johnson and Mrs Swift, our artistically gifted teaching
assistants, about the idea of a tree, they volunteered to paint one on the
back wall of the LRC!
As it was coming to life, the Year 8s were writing their poems on green
leaves and sticking them to the branches.
As the seasons change, more poems will be written on National Poetry Day in October on yellow and brown leaves and in December we
will cover the tree in cotton wool and put white poems on it.
Mrs Mackay
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 15
Calling all A level English Students
As part of my drive to improve support materials for the 6th form next September I have recently added a number
of books to the Sixth Form section of the LRC in order to help English A level students understand their texts better,
including information on Freud and the Oedipus complex to better understand Hamlet.
Copies of all the American literature texts featured in the exam will be on the shelves as well for students to read
and compare.
In addition, an annual subscription to the brilliant English magazine “emagazine” will ensure that there is a hard
copy in the LRC for students to read, as well as online availability.
Finally we have a six month subscription to a database particularly relevant to English called the “Literary Reference
Center” (American spelling!) which is far better and quicker than trawling though Google for information.
There will be posters up in the LRC giving the website and log in details needed to access it.
Best Books of 2015
When students come into the LRC looking for a book to read for ATM or
English lessons or even to read in their own time, I’m often asked for a
“good book”. Of course, this depends very much on personal taste and
what some will devour with anticipation others will sneer at with
However, as a means of giving you an idea of some of the “good books”
we have in the LRC, I have put together a list of 6 titles some of which
have been recommended by students; appeared on the shortlist of a
prestigious young peoples’ prize winners list (the Carnegie Award) and
another chosen as a one of the Bookbuzz titles this year (a free book
selection for Year 7s to choose from and keep taking place in the LRC
lessons every Autumn term) and recommended by the top book charity,
Booktrust. The titles are on the following two pages.
All titles are in stock in the LRC.
Mrs R Mackay
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 16
Best Books of 2015
Years 7 and 8
“After Tomorrow”
Written by Gillian Cross
Armageddon Monday, the day that five banks crashed
simultaneously, changed everything. Now there’s no food
in the supermarkets, Matt’s Mum is growing or bartering
what they need to stay alive, and armed gangs are
hunting down hoarders. After their house is raided, Mum
decides enough is enough: her friend Bob can smuggle
them to France, where life may be better. But the plan
goes wrong when Matt, his younger brother and stepdad
are forced to leave Mum behind, and leave their home
with nothing but their clothes and Matt’s bike.
In France, they find themselves living in a refugee camp,
with no home, no money and no Mum.
Determined and resourceful, Matt uses his bike-fixing
skills to earn money and help his brother when he falls ill,
making new friends and shedding unreliable ones. There
is danger on all sides in this vivid, fast-moving and
compellingly believable post-crash novel.
“You Don’t Know Me”
Written by Sophia Bennett
What happens if you betray your best friend on TV, in
front of millions? When singers and best friends Sasha
and Rose reach the finals of competition Killer Act,
and are told that one of them must go, Sasha is forced
to make a decision that will change both their lives.
This engaging story from Sophia Bennett deals with
lots of contemporary issues that will resonate with
teen readers – social media, reality TV, online bullying, romance, music and bands . Yet it’s also, at its
heart, a story about loyalty and friendship, which
comes together with an uplifting message
about the power of creativity and self-expression.
Years 9 and 10
This is the harrowing tale of two brothers, Jammy and Sonny, whose
lives are changed forever after Jammy joins the army and is sent to
Afghanistan to fight for his country. We follow the boys as Jammy
returns home, profoundly affected by the terrifying things he has
witnessed. Their old way of life is broken and Sonny has to do all he
can to hold things together. But just how far will he go to save the
brother who has always put him first? Acclaimed author Phil Earle
packs a punch in this thought-provoking and moving tale of family,
friendship and the terrible impact of war.
Written by Phil Earle
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 17
Best Books of 2015
Cuckoo Song
Written by Frances Hardinge
When Triss wakes up from her accident she knows that something is wrong. She is
strangely, insatiably hungry; her hair is always full of leaves; her tears turn to
cobwebs; her younger sister seems to hate her. Her parents are whispering behind
closed doors and she still can’t remember what actually happened. Even her diary
is no help: when she opens it she finds all the pages have been ripped out. Her
quest to discover the truth will soon take her on a frightening adventure into the
sinister hidden underworld of the city.
HEROIC is the tale documenting the life changing experience of fighting in a war zone and how it impacts on the
whole family on Jammy’s return home.
CUCKOO SONG is an imaginative reworking of old tales of changelings: haunting, atmospheric and full of mystery.
Sensitive readers beware: there are some genuinely chilling and disturbing scenes here; however, ambitious readers
will relish this clever, complex and rewarding tale.
These two titles, very different in their content, are the best to have been published in the past year according to the
top reading charity BOOK TRUST.
Year 11 and above
“More than This”
Written by Patrick
Sixteen year old Seth drowns in the ocean and he
awakens – naked, bruised, thirsty, but alive in the
suburban English town where he lived as a child, before
the terrible event that led his family to relocate to
America, except that now the neighbourhood is
completely abandoned.
Seth heads out across the apocalyptic landscape in
search of answers – but all he finds are more
baffling questions.
Compelling, powerful and often painful, it may be Ness’s
darkest novel to date: yet even its most bleak moments
are carefully balanced with notes of humour and
hopefulness. Shortlisted for the prestigious Carnegie
Award 2015 for the best book written in combining
elements of a sci-fi thriller with the abstract and
philosophical, this is a bold and unusual story shot
through with melancholy. Patrick Ness has won at least
twice and his title contains some adult themes that are
unexpected at the beginning of the book.
Every day, A wakes up in a different body. They
could be male or female, gay or straight, alone or
surrounded by family and friends – but they are
always 16 years old, A’s own age. Over the years A
has established a set of boundaries to live by: don’t
get attached, don’t interfere, remember that the
next day you’re going to move on. All that changes
the day when A wakes up in the body of Justin,
meets Justin’s girlfriend Rhiannon, and falls in love.
This extraordinary novel defies
easy description. Raising
questions about identity,
difference, the boundaries of
gender and sexuality, and our
responsibility to others this is a
thought-provoking take on teen
romance. Readable and
engaging as well as complex
and clever, this is a novel that
will keep readers engrossed
right up until its poignant
“Every Day”
Written by David Levithan
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 18
Pride of Goffs
Year 9 Award Winners
Business Studies
Business Btec
Food Technology
Media GCSE
Physical Education
Physical Education GCSE
Physical Education Btec
Product Design
Religious Studies
100% Attendance Awards:
India Daniels
Georgia Butt
Rafaelle Sordillo
India Daniels
Abigail Lemmon
Millie Routley
Caitlin Firn
David Ware
Melike Temizturk
Marissa Kodikara
Nada Despinic
Charlotte Hunt
David Ware
Bayley Brace
Emily Sabatino
Daniel Harris
Lenny Taylor
Louise Harvey
Louise Harvey
Taylor Richardson
Thomas Boucher
Oliver Perkins
Naveed Iqbal
Mustafa Kurt
Georgia Butt
Tilly Cooke
Jada May
Katie Pinnell
Bethany Sizer
House Awards:
Kaiyan Ali
Bethany Sizer
Caitlin Firn
Maddy Deardon
Rhys Daniels
Lenny Taylor
Luke Smyth
Harvey Taylor
Aspiration &
Achievement Award:
Daniel Harris
Volunteering Award:
Charles Vellani
Director of Learning
Carlo Cusenza
Principal’s Award:
Sam Edwards
Jada May
Max Croker
Kaiyan Ali
Abigail Lemmon
Sasha Foley
Adam Arnfield
Alexander Atkinson
Jessica Backman
Matthew Brown
Rhys Daniels
Lewis Day
Nada Despinic
Daniel Harris
Charlotte Hunt
Connor Ingram
Naveed Iqbal
Marissa Kodikara
Sitharthan Koneswaran
Ece Kurt
George Lawrence
Chanel Melin
Alice Monti
Abigail O’Donnell
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 19
Luke O’Donnell
Katie Pinnell
Izel Polat
Daniel Spicer
Olivia Turner
Goffs Graduation
On Friday 22 May, the Year 13 class of 2008 celebrated the end of their time at Goffs with our traditional Goffs’
Graduation and Awards Ceremony. The day began with students donning Goffs blue gowns and mortar boards,
complete with customised blue tassels and 2015 badges. They then made their way to the Performing Arts studio for a
whole year photo, which made a wonderful memento of a very special group of young people.
The Leavers’ Assembly included words of advice and appreciation by Principal, Ms Garner and Mrs Wilson, Director of
Learning for Year 13. Formal awards were then presented for Sporting, Dramatic and Musical achievement, as well as
for contribution to the school and for academic commitment.
After some amusing anecdotes and memories from Mr Ellis, Director of Sixth Form, Head Boy, Gary Kemp and Head
Girl, Rebecca Huwen took centre stage. They reminisced about their time at Goffs, remembering key moments and
personalities, as well as thanking staff for their support.
The assembly was completed by the Top Team who had organised their own special student awards. These ranged from
best couple and worst car, through to the person most likely to make a million. The recipients were awarded with
suitably creative and well-chosen prizes.
The day was rounded off with a delicious buffet, featuring a graduation cake designed by ex-student, Leanne Briggs.
Students are now looking forward to their Leavers’ Prom at De Vere, Theobalds and a well-earned rest from studying.
Awards included:
Graham Brewster Cup (in recognition of good work
for Sixth Form issues) – Elise Hayden
Outstanding Progress at KS5 – Jasmine Collins
Contribution to Music – Rebecca Huwen
Contribution to Drama – Christelle Elwin
Coulshed Cup for Sport – Summer Murchison
Parker Cup (for outstanding commitment to school
life throughout their time at Goffs) – Amber Forrow
We are really proud of the young adults that our Year 13 students have become, and of all their achievements
throughout their time at Goffs. On behalf of all the staff, we wish them the very best of luck with their results
this summer and for their future education and careers.
The Sixth Form Team
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Drama Review
It’s been another busy year for the Goffs Drama Department, with intensive rehearsals starting way back in
September for this year’s production of ‘Little Shop of Horrors’. A full set was hired in, along with Audrey II, who
enjoyed eating the students night after night. Audiences were thrilled with the blood thirsty show and once again we
had full participation from each year group both onstage and behind the scenes.
The A Level groups were lucky enough to experience workshops from
both ‘Splendid Theatre Productions’ and ‘Frantic Assembly’ and were able
to use what they had learned in their own practical exam pieces. As well
as numerous theatre visits, we enjoyed a half term trip to Disneyland,
Paris, where Mrs Cowen was presented with a Maleficent hat as a ‘thank
you’ (no idea what the students were trying to say!)
Both GCSE groups and BTEC Performing Arts have been busy working on
all their practical exams this year, with the standard of performing
continuing to get better and better.
KS3 have been enjoying a variety of practical topics, with a particular highlight for Year 7 being ‘The Haunted Lift’.
There have been some spooky goings on in Mrs Cowen’s and Miss Holland’s lessons, with everyone blaming the ghost
girl, Susie for the mishaps.
Watford Palace Theatre came to us again to hold their annual auditions for their Youth Theatre production, which was
‘Peter Pan’ and once again we had one our students being selected from schools across Hertfordshire to take part. We
have been very proud to have at least one student from Goffs get into WPT for the student productions for the past
four years.
We’ve also been lucky enough to have been approached by Warner Bros for their open casting call for ‘The Conjuring
II’ which has proved to be very popular amongst our students. We have previously hosted an open audition for ‘Pan’
and it was a testament to the talent of our students to have been approached again.
Mrs Cowen and Miss Holland wish you a very happy holiday and are already looking forward to next year; especially
rehearsals for December’s production of ‘Blood Brothers’ (start brushing up on your Liverpool accent!)
Mrs Cowen
Head of Drama
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Curriculum Enrichment
Years 7 & 8
It’s been a busy year for Languages but we saved the best for last with our Years 7 & 8 Curriculum Enrichment
Day. We have such a range of diverse cultures at our fingertips yet we might not know as much about them as we
We designed a day to rectify this and decided to Celebrate Cultural Diversity at Goffs with four different sessions.
Italy – Mr Emmot created an amazing session on Ancient Rome where students pretended to be gladiators and
Turkey – who knew that Turkey have a day dedicated just to
children? National Chidren’s Day is a bank holiday in Turkey
and is celebrated every 23rd April. Among the activities on
this day, children are sent to replace all of the very important
people in government, even the President and the Prime
Minister! During this day these children discuss and make
changes to the policies that affect them such as education and
the environment – they also get lots of sweets! Our students
collaborated on making their very own Children’s Day and had
lots of fun, and sweets, in the process.
To celebrate Brazil, we invited the London School of Capoeira to
Goffs and they did some amazing sessions with a demonstration of
Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics
and music and everyone joined in.
Miss Andreou and her Saturday Greek School colleague
led the Greek Dance sessions as this is a huge part of
Greek culture.
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Curriculum Enrichment
Years 7 & 8 continued
Everyone had a great time and learned so much about the cultures at our school as part of promoting
understanding of other cultures and acceptance.
Finally as an added bonus, the highlight of the day was
a group of Krav Maga instructors coming along to teach
some children’s self-defence and fitness. This was so
popular they might be back in the future for more
Curriculum Enrichment Days, and maybe even an after
school club.
Mr Holding
Teacher of French & Spanish
Year 9 – The Enterprise Challenge!
The year group took part in the National Enterprise Challenge on Enrichment Day.
The National Enterprise Challenge is run annually and is an exciting and engaging inter-school competition open to
all UK secondary schools with challenge ambassador - Theo Paphitis.
The challenge was set by Alton Towers and gave the students a real insight into the world of business. The year
group performed amazingly and the teams showed strategic vision, creativity and collaborative group work which
resulted in a vast number of brilliant ideas which were presented to a very high standard.
The winning team with “App Trap”: Lucy Badcock, Oliver Mason,
Maddy Deardon, Bayley Brace and Rosie Grant
The runners up with “Jack in the Box” were: Tamara Ibraham,
Shannon McIntosh, Sean Vaughan and Daniel Spicer.
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Year 9 –
The Enterprise Challenge—continued
The Challenge Team gave outstanding contribution places to Caitlin Firn and
Kian Hartstean for their enthusiasm and tireless commitment to the day.
The team represented Goffs School at the National Finals on 8th July 2015
at Alton Towers.
Unfortunately they did not make the final round; however, the students’
performance was outstanding and innovative. The judges were extremely
impressed and I was extremely proud.
Well done to those students for all their hard work, effort and commitment!
Miss Allen, Director of WRL / Enterprise Education
Year 10
Year 10 covered a variety of topics including, Healthy & Unhealthy Relationships,
Internet Safety, LGBTQ Awareness and finished the day off with a Trade Show.
We had a number of guest speakers who spoke to the students about these
subjects making them more aware of the on-going issues a teenager may
It made them think about their future and how to keep themselves safe when
embarking on new relationships.
Mrs Lawrence
Director of Learning: Year 10
Students at the Trade Show
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Year 12
UCAS and Careers
Approximately 70% of Goffs Sixth Form students will go onto
higher education with the remaining 30% seeking
At this stage, a number of the students are understandably
still unsure of their future pathway. In order to provide them
with advice and guidance there were two presentations to
the whole cohort; the first of which was by Interserve, the
company building our new school! Interserve were able to
introduce a range of different job roles that exist within
their organisation, the pathways to those jobs and the skills
that employers are looking for when they recruit. The
second presentation was by the University of Hertfordshire
which focused on writing Personal Statements – valuable for
both university and apprenticeship applications.
The Year 12s then had the opportunity to start researching
and planning for when they leave Goffs using either or
The best part of the day was when some of our alumni
returned to have 1-1 interviews with a number of the Year
12s providing “real-life” advice on gap years,
apprenticeships and time at university. There was a real
buzz in the room and it was fabulous to see how our past
students have grown into such positive and confident young
A very productive day all round with much information
available to the students to help them start making their
post 18 choices.
Mrs N Shivalkar
Teacher of Business Studies and Economics
Director of Learning: Year 12
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Dance Show
On Thursday 18th and Friday 19th June, 70 students from Goffs took part in the Dance
Show to help raise money for our school Charity, Isabel Hospice. The students performed
dances that they had learnt in the School Dance Club sessions, as well as Dances that they had choreographed
themselves. The range of styles was one of the biggest that Goffs has even seen, varying from Ballet, Street, Musical
Theatre, Commercial , and Modern. Every Goffs Dance Show has a theme and this year’s theme was “Goffs to the West
The talented students performed numbers that were worthy of being on the West End Stage. Included in the
production was an amazing Matilda Medley, a recreation of Annie, a remix of the Lion King and songs from the
successful story Grease. As well as selling tickets, refreshments and raffle tickets were also sold and the show managed
to raise £1270 for Isabel Hospice, a massive achievement.
A big well-done to all of the students who took part in the production; their commitment to every rehearsal was
inspiring and they put on an incredible show. They have set the bar extremely high with their amazing talent and
everyone is already looking forward to the Christmas Show.
Carla Ball
Head of Dance
Director of Aspiration and Achievement
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 26
Pride of Goffs
Year 10 Award Winners
Business Studies
Business Btec
Drama Btec
Food Technology
Health & Social Care
Leisure & Tourism
Media GCSE
Physical Education
Physical Education GCSE
Physical Education Btec
Product Design
Religions Studies
100% Attendance Award:
Molly Matthews
Connor Fitzgerald
Amber Doolan
Bryony Evans
James Brimmicombe-Wood
Georgia Beels
Jake Hassan
Laila Fagg
Jordan Moreley
Emma Carvall
Isabel Adams
Rebecca Finch
Esra Kurt
George Sexton
Connor Fitzgerald
Charlie Welch
Chloe Day
Tara McCormack
Megan Sheridan
Geran Elwin
Jordan Woodford-Smith
Boris Dubicki
Charlie Hopkins
Alexandra Ioannou
Kira Scales
Kira Scales
Nicola Hopkins
House Awards:
Lily Whyman
Chloe Dedman
Tegan Wollaston
Connor Fitzgerald
Jena Manzi
Aspiration &
Achievement Award:
Thomas Fitzsimmons
Volunteering Award:
Nadine Bakali
Director of
Learning Award:
Chloe Flynn
Principal’s Award
Allie-Georgia Aylott
Eleanor Lord
Jamie Salmon
Joe Lannigan
Callum Bowden
Lucy Down
Cameron Brown
Alex Coombe
Megan Dedman
Laila Fagg
Aleefa Haque
Terry Kemp
Connor Fitzgerald being presented with
his award by Miss Long, vice Principal
Byron Lal
Jodie Mateides
Danielle McGuire
Angelo Rosario
Luca Santangelo
Megan Simmons
Metin Unlu
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Sixth Form
During week beginning 29th June 2015, Goffs welcomed the new
Year 12 cohort for their induction into the Sixth Form. Students took
part in taster lessons in their chosen subjects, where they enjoyed
experiencing a range of analytical, verbal and creative challenges,
and finding out about course content and assessment. They also
attended sessions on how to develop the right study and time
management skills, with some top tips from our current Year 13
New Sixth Form students found out more about Goffs School’s G-Involved volunteering programme and its role in
helping students to develop life skills such as independence, leadership and confidence.
Mr Emmott gave a presentation on the Extended Project which enables students to carry out independent research in
an area of their choice, as well as gaining additional qualification to give them the edge in university and careers
The launch of the new Sports and Business Academies is now well underway, with large number of students signing
up for additional coaching, training and entrepreneurial opportunities.
It was lovely to see so many of our Year 11 students back again after their GCSE exams, and to see them welcome our
applicants from other schools. We all know that Goffs Sixth Form is a friendly place, so it was good to hear one of our
new students tell us that she felt as if she had been with us since Year 7.
Although we sent the students away with plenty of work to get them ahead for next year, we wish them a welldeserved Summer break and we look forward to working with such an enthusiastic group of young people in
Any students wishing to apply to Goffs Sixth Form should email Maxine Padgham at as soon
as possible. Senior staff will be in school from 20-21 August to advise and support students during the Results and
Enrolment period.
More examples
from the
Creataive Arts
and Design
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 28
A Review of
Year 12
For the students of Goffs Sixth Form, Year 12 has been an exciting and challenging year. In the beginning
it was clear that the ‘leap between Year 11 and Year 12’ was much bigger than anticipated, and it took
some time for the students to adjust to what was now expected of them. By, February, however,
students began to realise the changes they had to make and started to work a lot more at home and
eventually in all of their non-teaching sessions. As the AS exams loomed closer all students felt the
pressure and although at first it was difficult, with the help and support from teachers and support staff,
by the end of the exams, students knew that they had done their best and that was important.
As well as exams, Goffs Sixth Form also welcomed a new leadership team, aptly named ‘Top Team’.
After a long selection process a new Head Boy (Joseph Goldsmith) and Head Girl (Lois Attard) were
chosen. This team will continue into Year 13. The Team has a vast number of ideas as to how they can
further improve Goffs and make the school a community. So far, the team has raised £423.06 for Red
Nose Day, by selling cakes and red noses, and on Thursday 8th July a Tea Dance was held, in aid of Isabel
Hospice in which both staff and students entertained members of the local care homes with tea, cakes,
entertainment and dancing. The team has so many ideas for the future and can’t wait to get started on
more in Year 13!
On top of this, the extra curricular activities surrounding the Sixth Form have been plentiful. With the
completion of the school musical, Little Shop of Horrors, in November, which was a resounding success
the Drama department are now preparing for the new show, Blood Brothers. There have been theatre
trips, which have all helped the year 12 Theatre Studies students and prospective Theatre Studies
students too. The students involved in their Duke of Edinburgh have started their practice expedition
and will be completing the actual expedition before the end of the Summer Term. There were also the
Ski trip and Disney trip in February, which was loved by all students and on July 20th, after the Year 12s
work experience, all students (including Year 12s this year) with good attendance took a trip to Thorpe
Park as a reward.
I know that I cannot speak for all of Sixth Form, but I feel that this year, though challenging, has been an
interesting and rewarding year with many successes and well used opportunities. I wish all the best for
the last Year 13s leaving and for the Year 12s joining in September. I hope that we as Year 13 will make
it the best year we can and then leave as successful and rounded individuals.
Lois Attard
Head Girl
Amber Redican, Year 13
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 29
Pride of Goffs
Year 12 Award Winners
Business Studies
Business Btec
Food Technology
Physical Education
Physical Education Single
Physical Education Double
Product Design
Religious Studies
Science Btec
Jessica White
Rebecca Humphry
Orthodoxia Athamou
Charlotte Mundy
Jay Andrews
Chloe Clapson
Rhianna Osborne
Robert Ottolangui
Marc Young
Robert Ottolangui
Tom Bradley
Stephen Pink
Bethany Turner
Amy Bell & Aston Hickford
Alex Adams & Lauren Day
Ben Welch & Ben Larwill
Bethany Turner
Zoe Parrianen
Ellie Francis
Madison McMahon
Georgina Farmer
Ben Naidu
James Smith
Nick Brown
Imogen Ward
100% Attendance Awards:
Lee Cowdery
Dominique Fenton
Louise Joyce
Daniel Limrick
Anesu Mutsau
Andreas Nicou
Bethany Turner
Top: Dilan Kalayci Year 13
Bottom: Jodie Willett, Year 13
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 30
House Awards:
Imogen Ward
Stephen Pink
Jason Abraham
Chloe Stanley
Takunda Chikasha
Volunteering Award:
Laura Carvell
Director of
Learning Award:
Ben Naidu
Principal’s Award:
Katie Avril
Junior Maths
Farrin Haque 8A and Daisy Dewson 8E both
qualified for the next stage.
7w1 Junior Maths Challenge
Certificate Winners
On Thursday 30th April 2015, all the students in the top
Maths sets in Years 7 and 8 participated in the Junior
Mathematics Challenge. This is a 60 minute exam consisting
of 25 multiple choice questions which encourages students
to think logistically and solve some difficult Mathematical
All the students performed brilliantly,
achieving 2 gold, 15 silver and 13
bronze certificates. A big well done
to Farrin Haque 8A for getting the
top score in the school and to Lloyd
Waterson 7U for getting the top
score in Year 7. Also, for the first
time ever Farrin Haque 8A and Daisy
Dewson 8E managed to qualify for
the next stage. This means that the
scores they achieved were in the top
25% in the country and they did a
more challenging version on Tuesday
9th June 2015. Daisy managed to
achieve a Merit Certificate which put
her in the top 10% in the country. A
massive well done and thank you to
all of you who took part.
Lloyd Waterson 7U achieving top
grade in Year 7.
8w1 Junior Maths Challenge Certificate Winners
7e1 Junior Maths Challenge
Certificate Winners
8e1 Junior Maths Challenge
Certificate Winners
Mr Vyras
Head of Maths
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 31
Years 7 & 8
Charity Events
Years 7 & 8 have been working very hard to raise money for different charities and have earned lots of House
points for their Houses.
Bench Ball Tournament
Zain and Sami Moutwafiq organised a charity bench
ball tournament to raise money for Great Ormond
Street Hospital. Lots of year 7 students took part and
there was a great sense of community spirit. £253 was
raised for charity.
Year 8 Sweet Sale
Sophia Warder, Abigail Smith, Yasmine Abdelmoula, MillieWestfield,
Adele Japal, Lauren Gray and Ceren Koypinur raised £120 for ‘Every
Mother Counts’ charity by holding a lunch time sweet sale in our
school shop. This was a very popular event and the girls worked very
hard to set this up.
Year 7 & 8 Zumbathon
On Monday 13th July, we held a Zumbathon at Goffs school to raise money for ‘Every Mother Counts’ charity.
Staff, students and parents attended and it was a fantastic event and lots of fun was had by all. An astonishing
£200 was raised during the evening.
Thank you to everyone who helped and took part in the above
charity events.
Miss McBride
Director of Learning: Years 7 & 8
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 32
Sports Week
Sports Week at Goffs took place during the week of 22nd 25th June.
It was an extremely successful week where all students in
Year 7 through to Year 10 took part in at least two sporting
activities. Each year group had a designated Sports Day and
students were able to win points to contribute to their
House system through participation as well as winning.
The days began with a dodge ball competition for the boys
and a rounder’s competition for the girls in their individual
forms. They then swapped and competed in the other sport.
During Periods 3 and 4, the students were able to put
themselves forward to compete in the field events: long
jump, high jump, shot putt, triple jump, javelin and discus.
There were a lot of great results from students and the
contribution to the competition was exceptional. After
lunch, all students got the opportunity to cheer their House
on whilst the track events took place.
During the week, Goffs students showed that sport can be
fun and have a great competitive nature. Well done to all
students, especially those who put themselves forward to
compete for their House in the harder events.
The breakdown of forms and Houses are as follows:
Year 7:
1st = 7Q
2nd = 7I
2nd = 7Y
4th = 7T
4th = 7L
6th = 7A
7th = 7E
8th = 7U
1st = Eagle
1st = Falcon
3rd = Hawk
4th = Phoenix
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The overall house winner was:
1st place = Eagle with 890
2nd place = Hawk with 862
3rd place = Falcon with 803
4th place = Phoenix with 718
Sports Week Continued
Year 8:
1st = 8I
2nd = 8E
3rd = 8Y
4th = 8A
5th = 8Q
6th = 8T
7th = 8U
7th = 8L
1st = Falcon
2nd = Hawk
3rd = Eagle
4th = Phoenix
Year 9
1st = 9Y
2nd = 9Q
3rd = 9T
4th = 9E
5th = 9I
6th = 9L
7th = 9U
8th = 9A
Year 10
1st = 10T
2nd = 10E
3rd = 10Q
4th = 10U
5th = 10L
6th = 10A
7th = 10I
8th = 10Y
1st = Eagle
2nd = Hawk
3rd = Phoenix
4th = Falcon
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1st = Eagle
2nd = Hawk
3rd = Falcom
4th = Phoenix
House News
Final House Points Totals
Points this year
Money raised for Isabel
Although it was a hard fought battle, huge congratulations must go to Eagle House who are for an impressive
second year in a row the winners of the whole school House Point competition.
Not only have Eagle secured the most House points but they have also claimed this year’s House Charity trophy
and are the overall Sports Day winners.
House Captain Tegan Wollastonsaid, “Like our House song, we were just simply the best”.
Mr Denchfield said, “We are really proud of the achievements of many of the students in Eagle house this year.
They have risen to every challenge that has been given to them and are a credit to our school community. We
look forward to next years competition and the success that it will undoubtedly bring us again. (but I bet the rest
are quaking in their boots! particularly Phoenix house.... )”
In total our House System has raised £1327.08 for Isabel Hospice this year which is a fantastic achievement;
many thanks to all staff and parents who have supported our charity events throughout the year.
New House Captains:
Miss Huseyin has been appointed as Director of the House System for next year. Her main role will be to
support the House Captain team to co-ordinate house events throughout the year.
House Captain
Katie Avril
Daniel Harris
Vice House
Megan Murphy
Charity Captain
Games Captain
Isabel Turner
Daria Negue
Oliver Baylis and
Toby Lashmore
Elysia Pottle and
Rhys Colins
Elias Gougos
Laura Carvall
Abigail Budd
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 35
More House News
House Events Calendar 2015-2016
28th September 2015: House Rugby
2nd October 2015: House Bake Off
30th November 2015: House Quiz
1st February 2016: The Voice Competition Opens
14th March12016: Inter form Free Rice
19th May 2016: House Battle of the Bands
Miss Legg
Associate Assistant Principal/HoD Geography
This year 12 students have been chosen to be part of Goffs
School Cadets programme.
The students have been travelling up to St Edmunds College
every Wednesday and taking part in drills and learning how
to use a rifle safely.
In July, 10 students went on a week long summer training
camp where they gained team building skills, learnt how to
patrol as a group and look out for danger, learnt how to
take a rifle apart and how to put it together again, and long
range shooting.
All students came back with life skills which they can use.
We are all very excited about next year. We will be extending the programme to two cohorts from Goffs from
Years 9 and 10. This year’s cohort will be going into their second year and some of them will be promoted to
leaders of the group. Students will continue to develop their skills for a range of activities.
Aziz Rahman
Youth Worker
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Attendance and
Our current attendance has improved this year:
Current attendance:
CONGRATULATIONS to Year 7 again for being top attendees – WELL DONE!
Well done also the whole of Year 8, Year 9 and Year 10 for maintaining and further improving their attendance since
May 2015. Year 11 students are, of course, no longer in school.
Our very popular attendance school trip to Thorpe Park took place on 20th July and I know that everyone had a
fantastic time. Our attendance is staying at a fantastic level; your on-going support is very much appreciated in
encouraging your child to attend school every day.
Our punctuality is excellent, so thank you to all the students and parents for your support in ensuring that students
arrive at school on time. Please remember the gates close at 8.27, so I always advise all students to be in by 8.25am.
Calling/emailing once you have received an absence text:
Please ensure that you either email ( or call Mrs Grote on 01992 424200 ext. 230 to explain all
absence texts received.
Please note Mrs Speller’s letter regarding the new level of attendance for the next school year – 96% and above is
excellent. Also less that 90% will now be considered as Persistent Absence and may necessitate legal actions.
Enjoy the summer and let’s hope it is a warm and sunny one! Either way I wish
everyone a very restful holiday.
Mrs Francoise Grote
Student and Parent Support Officer
01992 424200 ext 230
Goffs July Newsletter 2015 - Page 37
Dates for the Next Half Term:
Thursday 10th September 2015
Year 11 Parent Information Evening
Year 10 Parent Information Evening
Wednesday 16 September 2015
Thursday 24th September 2015
Monday 28th September 2015
Secondary Transfer Evening
(school closes early)
Aspiration & Achievement Evening
Tuesday 28th September 2015
Iceland Parent Information Evening
Wednesday 30 September 2015
Italian Trip Parent Information Evening
Thursday 1st October 2015
Year 7 Meet the Tutor/Parent Information
Language Aptitude Test
Raising Achievement and Outstanding Lessons
Saturday 10th October 2015
Thursday 15th October 2015
Year 12 Parent Information Evening
Year 13 Parent Information Evening
Rebecca Dawson, Year 13
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