Annual Report 2008 - International Visegrad Fund
Annual Report 2008 - International Visegrad Fund
CZE POL SVK HUN SVK POL POL HUN CZE SVK CZE HUN 203 CZE CZ (ISO 3166-2) Czech Republik 203 348 HUN HU (ISO 3166-2) Hungary 616 POL PL (ISO 3166-2) Poland 703 SVK SK (ISO 3166-2) Slovakia 348 616 703 Annual Report 2008 Annual Report / Guideline to 2009 Programs List of sites of project partners (all grant projects approved in 2008) Békéscsaba Nădlac (RO) Horní Lesná Suchá Łapsze Niżne Pécs eve Frýdek-Místek Oravská Pińczów Svodín Praha Bratislava Budapest Rožnov Radhoštěm Tata Csömör Svidník Havířov Tinnyepod Dziećmorowice Ružomberok České Szentendre Wrocław Trenčianske TepMoszczenica Budějovice Komárom Jablunkov lice Soběchleby (UA) Žywiec HolIstebna OlomoucSárvár Lublin Uzhgorod Banská Bystrica Zakopane lóháza Sátoraljaújhely Pálháza Nitra (FR) Koniaków Brno Uherský Ostroh Nyíracsád Longueau Košice Staškov Horka Považská Bystrica Lanškroun Jaworzynka Trenčín Solymár nad Moravou Veľký Lapáš Turzovka Kraków Kecskemét Békés Szarvas Oświęcim Piliscsaba Košúty Čadca Katowice Győr Poznań Komárno Střelice Táplánypuszta Tatabánya NyíreKielce Kobiór Sajószentpéter Dobšiná Skalica Pezinok gyháza Postřelmov Bielsko-Biała Lučenec Vác Nysa HanLjubljana (SI) Montreal (CA) Drégelypalánk Borne dlová Csanádapáca Trnava Wien (AT) Karviná Abony Česká Sulinowo Ústí nad Labem Dunaújváros SzolVes Pardubice Stará Kutná Hora nok Chrudim Rybnik Ostrava Zvolen ZlínĽubovňa Závažná Poruba MarWarszawa Kalety Marmaţiei (RO) tin BudaörsPrešov Skačany Rajcza Sighetu Metylovice Mihálygerge Bačka Topola (RS) Valmiera (LV) Šariš Krosno Štúrovo Bystřice nad Olší Nyírtelek Veľký Lednice Eger Nagykovácsi Ráckeve Frýdek-Místek Oravská Lesná Oradea (RO) Liszki Šternberk Dobřichovice Levice VrPińczów SvodínLetná Tata Vysoké CsömörMýto Svidník Havířov Tinbice Legionowo Slovenská Ľupča nye Dziećmorowice České Streda Budějovice Piliscsaba Iža Kalisz Moszczenica Sopron Dunajská Lviv Komárom Jablunkov Olomouc Lublin Banská (UA) Jihlava MikołówIstebna Strážnice Gdańsk Siedlce DolBystrica Zakopane Uherský Ostroh Nyíracsád ní Benešov BohumínBrno Kazár Liptovský Mikuláš Zemné Longueau (FR) Košice Solymár Horka nad Moravou Białystok Mladá Boleslav Andrychów MosonmagLanškroun Veľký Lapáš Piliscsaba Katowice Keyaróvár Neusiedl am See (AT) ŁódźČadca Opava Kráľovský cskemét Žilina Győr Poznań Kobiór Sajószentpéter Chlmec Hradec Kielce Králové Karlovy Vary MisDobšiná Skalica Pezinok Ljubljana (SI)(AL) Montreal (CA) kolc Cieszyn Páty Svrčinovec Tirana Zenica (BA) Drégelypalánk Vác BorneDubnica Sulinowo Ústí nad Tarján Labem Novi Sad (RS) Sárospatak nad Váhom Dunaújváros Szolnok Rybnik Ostrava Tarnów Senec Karviná Kolín Gödöllő Třinec Spišská NováZvoVes len Zlín Závažná PorubaSzeged MartinMoravská Budaörs Třebová Skačany Mogilno Zvole Rzeszów Rajcza Metylovice Mihálygerge Bystřice nadTábor Olší Olsztynek Milówka Oravská Polhora Kapuvár Nyírtelek Turčianske Veľký ŠarišTeplice LedniceČeský Eger Těšín Oradea (RO) LiszBonyhád Chernivtsy ki Šternberk Dobřichovice Levice Vrbice Legiono(UA) Žiar nad Hronom Jeseník Hódmezővásárhely Berwo(DE) Letná Vysoké Mýto Sobota Slovenská Ľupča Piliscsaba lin Świdnik Rimavská Budakalász Frenštát Iža Kalisz Sopron Dunajská Streda Lviv (UA)Kyiv Jihlava pod Radhoštěm Legnica Salgótarján Liberec (UA) MikołówValašské Strážnice GdańskRožňava Siedlce Krásnohorská Dolní Benešov Terezín Meziříčí Bohumín Liptovský Dlhá LúkaKazár Perkupa JósvafőMikuláš Baku (AZ)Zemné Tbilisi Białystok (GE) YereMladá Andrychów Mosonmagyaróvár van (AM)Boleslav Dunaharaszti Nagykőrös Veľké Kapušany Neusiedl amKrems See (AT) Łódź OpavaBystrzyca KráľovskýKłodzka Chlmec Nowy Sącz (AT) Poprad Žilina Hradec Karlovy Vary Cieszyn Velyka Bigan Králové (UA) Thessaloniki (GR) Miskolc Encs Nový Bor Páty Svrčinovec (AL) Zenica (BA) Novi Sad (RS) Hnojník BerhidaTirana Balatonfüred Krotoszyn Zawoja Sárospatak Dubnica nad Váhom Tarján Tarnów Senec Benešov Debrecen Želiezovce Świętochłowice BlanKolín Gödöllő Třinec Nová Ves Mogilno Zv sko Detva Vilnius (LT) Spišská Kiskunfélegyháza Oščadnica 2008 annual report (guideline to 2009 programs) page 1 © 2009, International Visegrad Fund. Foreword Dear friends, Eleven deadlines, more than a thousand applications, several hundred approved pro jects and scholarships in eighteen countries, more than EUR 4.7 million spent and the launch of one new grant program. In memory of Jana Rathsamová If we spoke only in numbers, this is how the past year at the Visegrad Fund would be described. There is, obviously, much more to the activities of the Fund than numbers can tell. That is why I would like to ask you—in opening this Annual Report—to look beyond the numbers and picture the numerous, often grass-roots projects on local and regional levels that make up these statistics and stand behind Visegrad cooperation. In February 2008 we launched the Visegrad University Studies Grant (VUSG) with the aim of supporting Visegrad in academia. The program offers funding for the development of university courses and programs in, but also outside, the region. Altogether 9 courses and 3 study programs in various disciplines were approved within the first deadline. Also, we have successfully launched—and thanks to all of you also tested—our on-line application system, through which we currently manage all our programs (with the exception of the VUSG). This allows us to process more applications and saves us time and money (including costs of paper and energy), but most importantly it is hopefully a helpful tool for you, our applicants, guiding you through the application process and enabling you to access your account easily, quickly and from wherever you want. Last but not least, I’m also happy about new additions to our team, especially my colleague, Linda Kapustová Helbichová, who assumed the duties of Deputy Executive Director in 2008. ▶ Dear friends, I have been with the Fund for the past three years and I have had the chance to get to know our region and its peoples a bit more closely. It has been a wonderful time and an inspiring journey all the way. Of all that I have learned, one thing is very clear: although there are many different nations in this region, we have much more in common than may be evident at first glance, and definitely more than we ourselves sometimes want to admit. I was very happy to see that Homo visegradicus does exist! I would like to take this opportunity to thank everybody with whom I have had the chance to work during my mission. I am grateful to the secretariat of the Fund and to my colleagues at the four culture ministries and the four foreign ministries, specifically the National V4 Coordinators and the Fund’s Experts. I am especially thankful to my colleagues at the Slovak Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who provide the Fund with special care, with regard to its Bratislava seat. Wishing you all good luck and also wishing us all—as citizens of Central Europe—ever more mutual understanding and more and more quality, joint projects, which have great potential to convince even hostile and frustrated people of the fact that only cooperation, tolerance, empathy and camaraderie can ensure long-lasting satisfaction and happiness. Graphic design Eva Brezinová Kristóf Forrai Executive Director Typeset in Fedra / Fedra Sans / Fedra Condensed ® designed by Peter Biľak Bratislava, February 2009 3 page 2 page 3 Staff / Contact list of contents International Visegrad Fund Mezinárodní visegrádský fond / Nemzetközi visegrádi alap / Mędzynarodowy fundusz wyszehradski / Medzinárodný vyšehradský fond DIRECTOR/DEPUTY DIRECTOR: Kristóf Forrai Ambassador, Executive Director Linda Kapustová Helbichová Deputy Executive Director (from 2008) René Kubášek Deputy Executive Director (until 2008) SECRETARIAT (in alphabetical order): Kristína Ácsová Assistant to the Director Viktória Bódisová Project Controller Adriana Dvorská Project Controller Ľuboš Ďurič Financial Officer (from 2008) Miroslava Fekiačová Secretary Barbora Hromeková Program Manager – Small/Strategic Grants Judita Nagyová Program Manager – Standard Grants Dana Pekaríková Program Manager – VARP/VUSG/Scholarships Anar Rusnáková The Fund‘s Representative in Ukraine Jiří Sýkora V4 Public Relations Coordinator Soňa Trebatická Project Controller Zuzana Zentková Financial Officer (until 2008) 3 Foreword 4 Staff / Contact 6 About the Fund / Useful links 7 Abbreviations 8 Visegrad Scholarship Program (eligible countries) 10Overall trends 2000 – 2009 12 Project breakdown by receiving countries (2008) 14 Project breakdown by categories (2008) 16 Budget 2008 17 Budget 2009 TRUSTEES: Andrzej Jagodziński René Kubášek INTERNSHIPS: Katarína Hubová (SK), Autumn/Winter 2008/2009 Bogdan Kotyk (UA), Spring, Autumn/Winter 2008/2009 Oldřich Smola (CZ), Autumn 2008 Ágnes Vass (HU), Summer 2008 Sylwester Nerc (PL), Spring 2008 Géza Kovács (HU), Spring 2008 Martina Kurhajcová (SK), Spring 2008 Ana Uher (RS), Winter 2007/Spring 2008 BASIC INFORMATION ABOUT THE PROGRAMS 18 20 19 20 22 22 23 24 EXTERNISTS Dominik Martinický IT/Webmaster Eva Brezinová Graphic design Lucia Kleinedlerová Graphic design Róbert Paršo – STUPIDesign Graphic design, IT Small Grants Standard Grants Visegrad Strategic Program (Strategic Grants) Visegrad Strategic Program (Strategic Grants): 2009 priorities Visegrad University Studies Grant (VUSG) Visegrad Scholarship Program Visegrad Artist Residency Program (VARP) Visegrad Scholarship Program – map of 2008 / 2009 scholarships GRANTS / SCHOLARSHIPS / RESIDENCIES APPROVED IN 2008 CONTACT DETAILS International Visegrad Fund Kráľovské údolie 8 811 02 Bratislava Slovak Republic Tel.: +421 259 203 811, +421 259 203 802 Fax: +421 259 203 805 GPS: 48°08'40" N, 17°05'07" E 27 33 41 43 45 53 Small Grants Standard Grants Visegrad Strategic Program (Strategic Grants) Visegrad University Studies Grant (VUSG) Visegrad Scholarship Program Visegrad Artist Residency Program (VARP) 54 Visual identity of the Fund and of the Visegrad Group Bank account IBAN: SK29 1100 0000 0029 3600 0250 SWIFT: TATRSKBX (Tatra banka, a. s., Hodžovo nám. 3, SK-811 06 Bratislava 1) 4 page 4 5 page 5 ABOUT THE FUND ABBREVIATIONS The International Visegrad Fund is an international organization with the seat in Bratislava, founded by the governments of the countries of the Visegrad Group (V4)— the Czech Republic, the Republic of Hungary, the Republic of Poland, and the Slovak Republic—on 9 June 2000. The purpose of the Fund is to promote the development of closer regional cooperation by funding grant projects and by awarding scholarships and artist residencies. The main recipients of the funding are non-governmental, non-profit organizations in the region but also municipalities, local governments and individual citizens. The Fund is the only organization of the Visegrad Group. Its annual budget of € 5 million consists of equal contributions of the respective governments of the Visegrad Group countries. ▶ USEFUL LINKS International Visegrad Fund Country codes (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2) Calendar of events (list of currently-running projects supported by the Fund): AL Albania AR Armenia AZ Azerbaijan AT Austria BA Bosnia and Herzegovina BG Bulgaria BY Belarus CA Canada CZ Czech Republic DE Germany FI Finland FR France GE Georgia GR Greece HR Croatia HU Hungary LVLatvia MD Moldova MK Macedonia ME Montenegro PL Poland RO Romania RS Serbia RU Russian Federation SE Sweden SI Slovenia SK Slovakia UA Ukraine UKUnited Kingdom Visegrad Find (on-line notice board for project partner search) Official portal of the Visegrad Group Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Hungary Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Slovak Republic 6 page 6 assoc. association CE Central Europe /-an CEE (of) Central and Eastern Europe conf. conference CSR corporate social responsibility cult. (of) culture, cultural educ. (of) education, educational ENPEuropean Neighborhood Policy fest. festival int’l international nat’l national SEE (of) South Eastern Europe tradit. tradition /-al V4 (of) the Visegrad Group countries V4+ (a format of cooperation of) V4 countries and other countries w/ with w/in within WWI World War I. 7 page 7 visegrad scholarship program (Overview of eligible countries) RU BY Pl ▶ uA CZ SK MD HU HR BA Scholars from the Russian Federation are eligible for the In-Coming scholarships to the Visegrad Group countries. RS ME MK Al Scholars from the Visegrad Group countries are eligible for the IntraVisegrad scholarships (i.e. within Visegrad region), and also for the Out-Going scholarships to the following countries: Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia and Ukraine. (The same rules also apply to Kosovar universities.) 8 page 8 Scholars from countries in Eastern and Southeastern Europe and from the South Caucasus countries are eligible for the In-Coming scholarships to the Visegrad Group countries. Visegrad scholars can, correspondingly, study in these countries within the OUT-GOING scholarships. (The same rules also apply to Kosovar scholars and universities.) GE AM AZ (For more information on the program please see pp. 22–23; to see scholarships awarded for the academic year 2008/2009 please see pp. 45–50.) 9 page 9 Overall Trends 2000 – 2009 * 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 236 469 251 267 309 372 466 539 482 3,391 26 89 91 110 139 172 216 248 240 1,331 406,317 1,523,019 1,723,700 1,749,693 1,623,000 1,804,809 1,854,200 2,146,200 2,255,584 15,086,522 224 372 336 332 395 443 405 2,102 53 93 133 129 127 155 151 841 200,894 332,224 467,048 462,045 453,652 559,967 556,412 3,032,242 Number of Applications 8 11 14 13 46 Number of Grants 2 4 3 7 16 110,000 190,000 149,350 329,610 778,960 Indicator Deadline *2008 **2009 2000 – 09 altogether Standard Grants Number of Applications Number of Grants Allocated Money (€) Number of Applications Number of Grants Allocated Money (€) Visegrad Strategic Programe Allocated Money (€) Grants Total 26 89 144 203 272 303 347 406 398 2,188 2,855,517 3,141,606 18,897,724 1,146 2,081,917 2,090,168 2,376,864 2,497,852 Number of Applications 61 100 241 182 260 302 Total Scholarships 27 35 80 68 171 176 557 246,000 260,000 538,500 459,500 1,116,500 1,295,500 3,916,000 Allocated Money Grants Total (€) 406,317 1,523,019 1,924,594 ▶ Small Grants Visegrad Scholarships Allocated Money (€) Visegrad Artist Residency Programe Number of Applications 29 61 52 Number of Residencies 21 24 24 69 94,500 108,000 108,000 310,500 Allocated Money (€) 142 Visegrad Univesity Studies Grant Number of Applications 33 33 Number of Residencies 12 12 285,000 Allocated Money (€) 285,000 23,409,224 Money allocated total (€) *Since the launch of the on-line application system, total numbers of applications cannot be compared with the past rounds. As of 2008 incomplete or error applications are not considered. ** 2009 figures refer only to the 2009 Visegrad Artist Residency Program (i. e. September 2008 deadline). 10 page 10 11 page 11 Breakdown by Receiving Countries (2008)* projects by countries (2008) 1% 2% 5% Czech Republic Hungary Poland Slovakia Ukraine Serbia Belarus Other non-V4 8% 22% Small Grants (€) Standard Grants (€) Scholarships (€) VARP (€) VUSG (€) Total (€) % 135,585 536,896 188,500 40,500 80,000 981,481 21.87 HU 126,433 536,896 196,000 24,750 115,000 999,079 22.26 PL 148,914 536,896 176,500 13,500 45,000 920,810 20.51 SK 129,498 536,896 157,000 29,250 30,000 882,644 19.66 10,000 15,000 25,000 0.56 20,000 20,000 0.45 20,000 23,992 0.53 5,000 5,000 0.11 57,500 57,500 1.28 4,000 0.09 28,000 0.62 AL AM AT 3,992 BA BY DE 4,000 FR 28,000 HR 11,500 11,500 0.26 MD 5,000 5,000 0.11 MK 27,500 27,500 0.61 RS 7,990 22% 20% visegrad strategic program (2008) 65,000 72,990 1.63 RU 50,000 50,000 1.11 UA 344,000 359,000 7.97 30,000 0.67 CZ 4,488,496 100.00 HU € 50,000 15.98 SK € 94,610 UK Non-V4 total (€): * 15,000 30,000 Total (€) 556,412 2,225,584 1,298,500 108,000 285,000 719,482 br rece wn by eakdo iving c ountr ies € 185,000 The table represents total approved funding in 2008 divided by receiving countries; with the exception of the Visegrad Strategic Program (see p. 19), the table contains the sums approved within all grants, scholarships and artist residencies. 12 page 12 20% ▶ Country/Program CZ € 981,481 € 999,079 € 920,810 € 882,644 € 359,000 € 72,990 € 57,500 € 229,992 13 page 13 Breakdown of Small and Standard Grants by Project Categories Category 2000 2001 Cultural Cooperation 11 Cross Border Cooperation 6 Scientific Exchange and Research 3 Education 3 Youth Exchanges 3 Round Promotion of Tourism Total % 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Total In % 36 47 107 163 162 161 206 197 1,090 50.18 22 22 11 19 19 19 16 18 152 7.00 16 32 28 42 47 71 69 82 390 17.96 8 22 24 24 31 43 62 53 270 12.43 7 21 33 24 39 36 36 36 235 10.82 0 0 0 0 0 3 12 14 5 34 1.57 26 89 144 203 272 301 343 403 391 2,172 100 ▶ jects Number of approved pro rd grants within small and standa by project categories 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 YEAR Cultural Cooperation Cross Border Cooperation Scientific Exchange and Research Education Youth Exchanges Promotion of Tourism 14 page 14 15 page 15 Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Incomes (€) Incomes (€) Contributions of the member countries: 5,000,000 Contributions of the member countries: Czech Republic 1,250,000 Czech Republic 1,250,000 Republic of Hungary 1,250,000 Republic of Hungary 1,250,000 Republic of Poland 1,250,000 Republic of Poland 1,250,000 Slovak Republic 1,250,000 Slovak Republic 1,250,000 Surplus from 2000-2006 Unused amounts from 2007 Total (€) 290,000 Surplus (from previous years) 499,650 Total (€) 1,038,712 6,038,712 5,789,650 Small Grants Standard Grants Visegrad Strategic Program Visegrad Scholarship Program (Master's and Post-Master's) 400,000 1,564,000 112,000 Visegrad University Studies Grant 100,000 Visegrad+ (the Flexible Fund) 300,000 98,000 Secretariat (9.37%) 468,650 Total (€) 21% 21% 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,250,000 1,038,712 15,000 5,789,650 Planned Outlays (€) Small Grants Standard Grants Visegrad Strategic Program Scholarships (Master's and Post-Master’s) 16 512,000 2,200,000 300,000 1,884,000 Visegrad Artists Residency Program 112,000 Visegrad University Studies Grant 100,000 Visegrad+ 275,826 PR Budget 115,000 PR Budget (reserve) 30,000 Secretariat (9.49 %) 474,886 Bank charges 15,000 Visegrad Cultural Prize 20,000 Total (€) page 16 The Czech Republic The Republic of Hungary The Republic of Poland The Slovak Republic Surplus (from previous years) 21% 20,000 V4 Public Relations Bank charges total incomes of the fund in 2009 (in €) 21% 2,200,000 Visegrad Artist Residency Program Visegrad Cultural Prize 16% 512,000 ▶ Outlays (€) 6,038,712 17 page 17 SMALL GRANTS Small Grants are a vital part of the Fund’s grant program; they are ideal for projects smaller in scope and shorter implementation (up to 6 months). With 4 annual deadlines and easy, one-time financial settlement, Small Grants are often recommended to grass-root initiatives and to first-time applicants. Maximum funding supported as part of Small Grant projects is € 4,000. Contributions from the Fund cannot exceed 50 % of total project costs (including the applicant’s own in-kind contributions or in-kind contributions of other entities). Around 150 Small Grant projects are approved annually in the following categories: cul tural cooperation, cross-border cooperation, science and research, education, youth exchanges and pro motion of tourism. 1 March, 1 June, 1 September, 1 December € 512,000 max. 6 months The Visegrad Strategic Program was established just in 2005 to focus on priority topics closely connected to the foreign policy priorities of the Visegrad Group. Projects that apply for funding within Strategic Grants need to closely adhere to the priorities defined annually by the presiding country of the Visegrad Group (and posted on the Fund’s website). This program is therefore recommended only to applicants who have already had grant experience with the Fund and who have had long-term cooperation with Visegrad partners. It is strongly advised for potential grantees to contact the Fund for consultations prior to applying. Strategic Grants are reserved for projects in which all four V4 countries are represented. So far 16 grant projects have been approved as part of the Strategic Grant program, with 7 projects approved only last year and with average approved funding of around € 50,000 per project. ▶ DEADLINES: ANNUAL BUDGET: IMPLEMENTATION: WEBSITE: APPROVED PROJECTS: VISEGRAD STRATEGIC PROGRAM (STRATEGIC GRANTS) The implementation period for Strategic Grant projects is 12 to 36 months. Funding from the Fund cannot exceed 50 % of total project costs. 2009 priorities for the Visegrad Strategic Program (see p. 20 for details): STANDARD GRANTS Standard Grants are the Fund’s oldest grant program, operating since the Fund’s establishment in 2000 (more than 1,300 Standard Grant projects have been approved to date). The amount of funding for each project within Standard Grants is higher than € 4,001 (the average allocated to projects approved in 2008 was around € 9,000) and the contribution cannot exceed 50 % of total project costs. The longest possible period for implementation of Standard Grant projects is 12 months. (1) (2) (3) (4) SharingV4 Know-How with Neighboring Regions Good Governance in the Public Sector Building a Green Visegrad V4 Promotion: 2009 – an Important Anniversary in the Lives of V4 Countries DEADLINES: ANNUAL BUDGET: IMPLEMENTATION: WEBSITE: APPROVED PROJECTS: 15 February, 15 May € 300,000 12 – 36 months Almost 250 Standard Grant projects are funded annually in the following categories: cultural cooperation, cross-border cooperation, science and research, education, youth exchanges and promotion of tourism. Standard Grants open twice every year. DEADLINES: ANNUAL BUDGET: IMPLEMENTATION: WEBSITE: APPROVED PROJECTS: 15 March, 15 September € 2,200,000 max. 12 months To see the complete lists of grants approved in 2008 please see the following pages: Small Grants (pp. 27 – 31), Standard Grants (pp. 33 – 39) and Strategic Grants (p. 41). 18 page 18 19 page 19 2009 Priorities of the Visegrad Strategic Program (1) Sharing V4 Know-How with Neighboring Regions After having successfully concluded the EU accession process, V4 countries are willing to share the know-how stemming from their experience with the integration process with countries which are currently facing challenges of internal reforms and aspire to join the EU in the future. (2) Good Governance in the Public Sector ▶ Considering good governance as one of the key factors of democratic transformation process, V4 countries wish to foster all positive actions aiming at healthy decision-making mechanisms and implementation processes. With due regard for the rule of law and the ensuring of sustainable human development, projects may be addressing issues related to the management of public resources, anti-corruption campaigns, training for local administration officers in chosen fields of their activities and the promotion of human rights. (3) Building a Green Visegrad The aim of the Green Visegrad concept is to promote sustainable economic growth in industry combined with the reduction of energy consumption and CO2 emissions. Proposed projects should be able to offer solutions for economic development with energy efficiency improvements. A creation of virtual training classes, where lecturers and trainees from different V4 countries and external partners would share knowledge and experience is envisioned. (4) V4 Promotion: 2009—an Important Anniversary in the Lives of V4 Countries The end of the decade will be marked by 4 anniversaries crucial for V4 countries: the 5th anniversary of the accession into the EU, the 10th anniversary of the accession to NATO, the 20th anniversary marking the democratic transformation process and the 70th anniversary of World War II which was at the origin of the postwar geopolitical shift to a bipolar world. All activities financed under this strategic grant should have a strong educational purpose addressed not only to the youth of V4 region but to all young Europeans and countries in process of democratic transformation. The main goal should be the encouragement of promotion of freedom and democracy that should prevail on the European continent and in neighboring regions. 20 page 20 21 page 21 VISEGRAD UNIVERSITY STUDIES GRANT (VUSG) INTRA-VISEGRAD SCHOLARSHIPS for scholars from V4 countries to study at universities in any V4 country other than those of their citizenship. OUT-GOING SCHOLARSHIPS for V4 scholars to study at accredited universities in Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Serbia or Ukraine. The same rules apply to Kosovar universities. The Visegrad University Studies Grant is the youngest of all programs. It was established only in 2008 and had a single deadline so far (in February 2008). The program aims at supporting the development and launch of outstanding universi ty courses and programs which deal with specific phenomena related to the Visegrad Group countries. Two kinds of lump-sum contributions are available: € 15,000 for cour ses and € 50,000 for degree programs. Any public or private university in the world is eligible for the grant; however, the orga nizers need to secure at least two relevant guest lecturers from two different V4 countries (other than that of the applicant). November 2009 (to be specified on the website) € 100,000 + (depending on the interest) * Ukrainian scholarships and Belarusian scholarships (offering 128 and 80 semesters annually for scholars from Ukraine and Belarus respectively) are two separate sub-categories within the IN-COMING SCHOLARSHIP scheme. DEADLINE: ANNUAL BUDGET: WEBSITE: AWARDED PROJECTS: 31 January € 1,884,000 To see the complete lists of scholarships approved in 2008 please see pp. 45 – 50. ▶ DEADLINE: ANNUAL BUDGET: WEBSITE: APPROVED PROJECTS: IN-COMING SCHOLARSHIPS targeted at scholars from Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus*, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, the Russian Federation, Serbia and Ukraine* to study at any accredited university in V4 countries. The same rules apply to Kosovar scholars. To see the complete lists of VUSG projects approved in 2008 please see p. 43. VISEGRAD ARTIST RESIDENCY PROGRAM (VARP) VISEGRAD SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM The Visegrad Scholarship Program started in 2003 with the aim of supporting scholarly exchange in the Visegrad Group countries. The program’s first budget of about € 250,000 awarded scholarships to 80 scholars. As of the 2009 / 2010 academic year, the budget ex ceeds € 1.5 million and distributes 480 semesters of scholarships to scholars from 17 countries of Central and Eastern Europe, the Western Balkans and the South Caucasus. So far VARP has had only three rounds of deadlines and awarded altogether nearly 70 residencies. The length of the residencies is 3 months. They must be held in a V4 country other than that of the artist’s citizenship and permanent residence. Each artist and host institution receive a flat monthly stipend of € 750. “Visegrad scholarships” are unique in the freedom they offer to each scholar. As there is no list of applicable schools, scholars can choose to study at any college or university (or institute of given science academies) accredited by the respective education ministry of the given country. Funding is then allocated both to the scholar and the respective host university. Applicants are screened by a panel of independent experts from different fields in the arts. The selection process is carried out on the basis of proportionality of representation of the four V4 countries. Within the three distinct schemes (see below), applicants can apply for both Master’s and Post-Master’s levels. All scholarships are available for 1 or 2 semesters, with the exception of Master’s scholarships within the In-Coming scheme, which are offered for 1 to 4 semesters. DEADLINE: ANNUAL BUDGET: WEBSITE: 2009 RESIDENCIES: The schemes and applicable countries (applicable to both Master’s and Post-Master’s levels) follow: To see the complete lists of VARP projects approved in 2008 please see p. 53. 22 page 22 The Visegrad Artist Residency Program is one of the Fund’s youngest programs. Established only in 2007, the mission behind VARP has been to foster exchange of ideas and experiences in all forms of the arts in the region, through simple funding of artists in residence. 10 September (the 2009 deadline applies to 2010 residencies) € 108,000 23 page 23 map of 2008 / 2009 scholarships RU BY Pl uA ▶ CZ SK MD HU HR BA RS MK Legend: Each line in the map represents a scholarship approved for the academic year 2008 / 2009. The lines are meant to illustrate the exchanges of scholars between the countries eligible for scholarships. Thickness of the country borders represents the number of scholarships. (For a complete list of scholarships awarded in 2008 please see pp. 45 – 50; for an overview of eligible countries please turn to pp. 18 – 19.) Al 24 page 24 25 page 25 SMALL GRANTS – MARCH 2008 DEADLINE: small GRANTS 26 page 26 Organizer Language Teaching in Bilingual Communities of Slovaks… Association of Slovak Pedagogues on the Province Level Eastern European Countryside Magazine No. 14/2008 Nicolaus Copernicus University Multilanguage Glossary on the Bologna Terms University of Novi Sad On Unknown People: Old Wooden Architecture in Kashubia Kaszubski Park Etnograficzny im. T. i I. Gulgowskich International Choir Festival Kampanila '08 Virtuosi di Mikulov Art Association Town Country Project ADLINE – MARCH 2008 DE Granted Amount (€) Bački Petrovac RS 3,990 Toruń PL 2,600 4,000 Novi Sad RS Wąglikowice PL 3,998 Mikulov CZ 4,000 Vrútky SK 3,946 Borša SK 2,026 Wrocław PL 4,000 International V4 Winter Petanque Tournament Turčiansky-Ritomského Petanque Amateur Club International Children Cultural Festival Elementary School with Kindergarten PL-CZ-SK Meeting of Organiz. Working w/ the Roma Minority Foundation of Social Integration "Prom" Meeting of Cimbal Folklore Groups of the Wallachian Kingdom Town of Frenštát p. Radhoštěm Frenštát p. Radhoštěm CZ 4,000 Therapeutic Workshop under Protection: How to Do It? Psyche Foundation Tatabánya HU 4,000 Children's Home Fosterlings Present International Art Design Rodowo Foundation Sorkwity PL 4,000 13th Nógrád International Folklore Festival Balassi Bálint County Library and Cultural Institute Salgótarján HU 4,000 Bambiriáda 2008 The House of Children and Youth Zábřeh CZ 4,000 Folk Traditions as a Basis for Intercultural Dialogue in CE Fellowship of Orthodox Youth in Poland Białystok PL 4,000 4th International Festival Polanského Přelouč Elementary School of Arts Přelouč CZ 4,000 Int’l Meeting of Art Teachers: New Approaches to Teaching Art Basic School of Art Vítkov CZ 2,920 V4 Junior 2008: Viva la musica Antal Molnár Music School Budapest HU 4,000 The Fabulous World of Tales and Legends 2008 The Administrative District Starosty Mezinárodní svatojánský folklorní festival Bystřice 2008 Municipality of Bystřice nad Olší Youth Academy of Society Traditions: Europe of Cultures Country Association of the Young Common Foretime, Partnership Future T. G. Masaryk Elementary School Na prahu: the 3rd International Theatre Festival South Bohemian Theatre World Camp 2008 Orbis Institute 7th International Festival of Children and Youth Children Organization Fenix Let Them Fly 3 Żywiec PL 2,500 Bystřice nad Olší CZ 4,000 Lublin PL 4,000 Blansko CZ 1,500 České Budějovice CZ 4,000 Bratislava SK 4,000 Sládkovičovo SK 4,000 UTZ Bratislava SK 1,500 Crafty Goral Hands Municipality of Oščadnica Oščadnica SK 3,490 Literary Landmarks without Borders of the V4 Countries Hungarian Diary Publishing House, Ltd. Budapest HU 4,000 The Phenomenon of Puppet Theatre across Generations… The Association for Publishing of the Puppeteer Magazine 3,400 Know about Your Region: Scientific Quiz Municipality of Poprad Roma Life: Documentary Film Festival SISZA Communication, Ltd. Emerging Spirituality Re-Dial Association for the Study of Religions Praha CZ Poprad SK 1,496 Budapest HU 4,000 Szeged HU 4,000 ▶ Small grants 27 page 27 Culture-House of Nałęczów Nałęczów PL 3,980 Self-portrait (Quarterly on Good Space): Death in CE Malopolska Culture Institute Kraków PL 4,000 Global Challenges, Local Responses: Environ. Education in V4 Linum Foundation Nagykovácsi HU 4,000 XIII. Heritage Ethno (World-) Music&Contemporary Art Festival For The Youth, Public Benefit Association Szolnok HU 4,000 V4 Wood-Carving Symposium and Festival of Brass Music Obec Veľký Lapáš Veľký Lapáš SK 4,000 Common Tourist Guidebook of the Horne Kysuce Microregion The Town of Turzovka Turzovka SK 4,000 International Symposium of Frydlant Artistic Enamel Silvie Association Ostrava – Plesná CZ 4,000 CEE Conference on Software Engineering Techniques Brno University of Technology Brno CZ 4,000 Music Festival: "Are You Free?" Na'conxypan Civic Association Dunajská Streda SK 3,975 Crushed Spring: Prague 1968, photo album House of Terror Museum Budapest HU 4,000 Toys and Games in the 21st Century: Let’s Play Healthy… SNM, Museum of Puppet Cultures and Toys Modrý Kameň SK 4,000 Cooperative Schools – Cooperative Society Hugarian Pedagogical Assotiation Budapest HU 3,997 7th Sport Youth Meeting of Twin Towns Municipality Šternberk Šternberk CZ 4,000 The Day of the Nations of Central Europe Christian Senior Citizens' Union of Slovakia Bratislava SK 3,939 Conf. on the Role of Non-Public Education in V4 Countries Gen. J. Zietek Silesian School of Management At the Border Sputnik Photos PFD TRANZYT Anna Suska Centrala Central Europe Comics Art Michał Słomka Slovak-Hungarian Biodiversity Day 2008 Environ. and Cult. Assoc. for the Ipeľ Watershed Cultural Cooperation among Visegrad Countries Association of National Minorities of Szeged Athletic Cinema: Perspectives The Entropia Gallery Katowice PL 4,000 Perspectives of a Forgotten War: V4 Countries in WWI. Fortissimo Pécs HU 4,000 Warszawa PL 4,000 NEWNEW! LevelB Production, Ltd. Brno CZ 4,000 Skarżysko Kamienna PL 3,350 Reflecting Past of Post-Socialism in Theatre Színműhely Foundation Budapest HU 4,000 Poznań PL 4,000 How to Read a Tract Institute of Slovak Literature, SAS Bratislava SK 3,547 Debrecen HU 2,950 Trnava SK 4,000 Šahy SK 2,388 Autumn in the Great Forest Art Festival: Percussion Evenings Foundation for the Art of Future Szeged HU 4,000 Kelemantia 2008 Pro Archaeologia Classica Wrocław PL Middle Europe Records: Common Heritage/Common Future, Conf. Polish Archive Society Warszawa PL 4,000 Different or Common History? Comenius University, Faculty of Education Bratislava SK 4,000 2nd Colloquium of Library/Information Employees of V4+ Countries The Moravian Library Brno CZ 1,400 Central European Theatre Festival II. Košice Theatre Košice SK 4,000 Piknik Péter Andráskó Esztergom HU 4,000 Gypsy Festival CinéEuropa Film Association Lublin PL 4,000 Protimluv.Fest (Ostrava Literature Crossroads) The Irish Bull Ostrava CZ 3,765 Music under Polana Town Hriňová Hriňová SK 3,000 Integration 2008 Universitatis Varsoviensis Foundation Warszawa PL Total (€) DLINE TS – june 2008 DEA small GRAN Principles of Neurorehabilitation, Scientific Workshop Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University The Exhibition "Place in Heart" The Arsenal Gallery Artistic Confrontations in V4 Countries: Music over Borders Local Brass Band Rybnik Young Scientists at the 17th “3in1 Graphs” Workshop 2008 AGH University of Science and Technology Via Futuri 2008: Conf./Fair on Utilization of Solar Energyn Interregional Renewable Energy Cluster Association Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar as an Image of Cultural Policy in V4 Theatre Gallery by Night 2008 Studio of Young Artists Association Music Summer on the Borders of Three States Town Granted Amount (€) Praha CZ 4,000 Białystok PL 4,000 Rybnik PL 4,000 Kielce PL 4,000 Pécs HU 4,000 Praha CZ 4,000 Budapest HU 4,000 Municipality of Skalité Skalité SK 3,151 XII. Days of Istebna Communal Center of Culture: Public Library Istebna PL 4,000 From Sport by Historic Voyage to International Integration Junior High School in Grybów Grybów PL 1,470 Int’l Summer School of Land Art in Landscape Architecture Slovak Agricultural University in Nitra Nitra SK 2,600 Czechoslovaks in the Gulag and Czechoslovak Diplomacy ‘45 – ‘53 Doc. PhDr. Milada Polišenská, CSc. Praha CZ 4,000 5th CEE Conference on Phenomenology Institute of Philosophy, CAS Praha CZ 3,949 Carpathian Business Forum: Best Practices in Implementing CSR Carpathian Foundation Sanok PL 4,000 Folk Holidays 2008 Cultural Centre of Náměšť n. Oslavou Náměšť n. Oslavou CZ 4,000 3rd Summer School on European Information Law University of Wroclaw Wrocław PL 4,000 Painting and Photograph Meetings of V4 Countries Community Centre in Kobior Kobior PL 3,980 28 page 28 Total (€) 4,000 145,748 small GRANTS Project Organizer – september 20 08 DEADLINE Town Granted Amount (€) 17th Symposium on Application of Plasma Processes… Humboldt Club in Slovakia Bratislava SK 4,000 Festival of Science and Technology Amavet Bratislava SK 4,000 Borderland Music Confrontation: Xmas and New Year Concerts House of Culture, Rybnik – Niedobczyce Rybnik PL 4,000 Folklore Dancing Sedmikvítek Vysočina County Organization Havlíčkův Brod CZ 3,900 International Festival Opened Art Silesian Association Artist SAT Chorzów PL 4,000 Stay in Touch: Media Innovations and Influences in CE Protestant Academic Parish in Austria Wien AT 3,992 Street Gallery in Pezinok Town of Pezinok Pezinok SK 3,718 Imago: Magazine on Photography in Central and Eastern Europe Fotofo Bratislava SK 3,800 Practical Theology and Social Work: Mutual Inspiration among V4 Univ. of South Bohemia, Fac. of Theology České Budějovice CZ 2,800 The Citizen Factory Gymnasium of St. Ursula Bratislava SK 4,000 Hungarian Month of Photography 2008 Association of Hungarian Photographers Budapest HU 4,000 SMALL GRANTS – SEPTEMBER 2008 DEADLINE Organizer Country Project Country SMALL GRANTS – JUNE 2008 DEADLINE 1,210 160,269 ▶ International Festival of Modern Dance 29 page 29 Association for Hungarian Culture Budapest HU 1,600 V4DIS 2009: e-Tourism Association of Czech At (Czech @) Ostrava-Picture: International Festival of V4 Student Films Center of Culture and Educacion Ostrava CZ 4,000 Aarhus Convention in Practice: the NGOs' Perspective Environmental Law Service Visegrad Countries Film Review CINEMAHRAD Academic Cultural Association "Wagant" Wrocław PL 4,000 Im(migration) Forum Foreign Policy Association of Euro-Atlantic Youth Integration by Sport: The Visegrad Cup 2008 Municipality of Grybów Grybów PL 4,000 Junior Internet 2009 Together Czech Republic Multicultural Youth Workshop Association of Education and Culture SOLEIL Wrocław PL 4,000 V4 Countries for Development and New Cooperation… Rodowo Foundation Gravity2 Deai Sustainable Future and Architectural Policy in V4 Countries Association of Hungarian Architects 10th International Conference: Foundation of Buildings 2008 Association of Civil Engineers of Slovakia Through Tesin/Cieszyn in a Streetcar Regio Publishing Meetings of Theatres of Twin Cities Kazimierz Dejmek Nowy Theatre The Bohemian 3D Animation Workshops Bohemian Multimedia s.r.o. Praha CZ 3,951 11th Apostrof Prague: Fest. of Independent Theatres Theatre Lucerna MB Budapest HU 4,000 New Ornament Academy of Fine Arts and Design Trnava SK 4,000 The Role of V4 Countries in the ENP Eszterházy Károly College Bystřice CZ 4,000 We Are the Same Lower Secondary School No. 1 in Wola Rzędzińska Łódż PL 4,000 GLOBSEC 2009: Security and Visegrad Countries… Slovak Atlantic Commission Praha CZ 4,000 Beyond the Borders—VISEGRAD.NOW Cultural Centre Klub Zak 83,761 7th Int’l Interpretative Brasswind Competition Assoc. of Interpretative Brasswind Instruments Competition Old Neighbours: New Friendships (w/in Dialektus Fest.) Palantír Film Visual Anthropological Foundation International Forum of Mountain Rescuers small GRANTS Project – december 2008 DEADLINE Organizer XI. Int’l Table Tennis Cup for Handicapped Students Specialized Boarding Educational Institution Globe Games 2009 Tereza Association Town Jozsef Attila Circle, Literary Association of Young Writers Re:write! Silvia Szarková 5th International Juggling Festival Altergrawitacja House of Muses History: Dividing or Connecting Pan-European Union in Slovakia Bratislava SK 3,800 Promoting Participation in Licensing Procedures Energia Klub Association Budapest HU 4,000 Czechoslovak-Polish Relations in the Years 1918-1924 Matice slezská, local branch in Opava Summer School: A Metropolis with a Green Heart Comenius University HU 4,000 Border Speaking Institute for Applied History Frankfurt (Oder) DE 4,000 In the Eyes of the Neighbours: Stereotypes… University of Szeged Szeged HU 4,000 2nd Yeast Research in Visegrad Countries Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology Bratislava SK 4,000 Brno CZ 4,000 Bielsko-Biała PL 4,000 Győr HU 4,000 Budapest HU Cooperation or Defection: Game-Theory Study… Jakub Parusinski Festival for the Recognition of Traditions Crystal Foundation Way of Undestanding 2009 Free-Time Centre for Children and Youth Europe in Words and Sounds, Music/Poetry Meeting The Grazyna Bacewicz Music School Past, Present and Future of V4 4,000 Total (€) Békés HU 4,000 Frenštát pod Radhoštěm CZ 4,000 Trstená SK 4,000 University of Pécs Pécs HU 4,000 Constantine the Philosopher University Nitra SK 1,950 Budapest HU 2,400 Galanta SK 4,000 Toruń PL 3,686 4,000 Budapest HU 1,000 Nyírbogdány HU 4,000 Český Těšín CZ 4,000 Koszalin PL 1,140 30 page 30 4,000 Budapest 4,000 4,000 4,000 Association of Hungarian Architects PL SK PL Passive Houses and Low-Energy Buildings (Int’l Conf.) HU CZ 4,000 Gdańsk 4,000 Kielce Opava 4,000 SK SK Nyíregyháza Rovinka PL Bratislava Banská Bystrica Tihanyi Foundation Re: Verse — Writers' and Poets' Workshop Wola Rzędzińska Economy, civil organization 2,500 Education and Technics 4,000 EURODOC 2009: Meeting of the Youth SK Lex Informatica, Hungary 2009 HU 4,000 Batthyány Lajos College Fund Primary School of Rudolf Dilong 2,722 Eger PL CE Research Seminar/Batthyány Summer School 2009 DilongStar 2009 SK Poznań The College of Administration in Bielsko-Biała City of Frenštát pod Radhoštěm CZ Transmission Foundation World, Europe, Homeland Cultural Centre 4,000 Praha Bratislava 45-89 Comics behind the Iron Certain 4,000 Fest. of Cimbal Folklore Groups of the Wallachian Kingdom 4,000 4,000 CZ Festival of Folk Music World Music and Art of Dance PL PL Praha Youth Cultural Association 4,000 Sorkwity Krynica Studio 19 The Family Hope Association CZ Voluntary Moutain Rescue Emergency Service Gallery of Artists: Photographic Publication The Three Branches Bridge Project 4,000 Praha 4,000 3,950 International Youth Festival 2009 HU CZ SK Banská Bystrica 4,000 Budapest HU Šahy 89th Scout Board Cuprum 4,000 CZ Brno Granted Amount (€) Soaré Festival CZ Brno Budapest Country SMALL GRANTS – DECEMBER 2008 DEADLINE Total (€) Praha ▶ Danube-Svitava-Bodrog Cultural Youth Festival 3,486 166,634 31 page 31 STANDARD GRANTS – MARCH 2008 DEADLINE Standard grants page 32 Town Country 32 ADLINE – MARCH 2008 DE Project Organizer sittcomm.award CEE PhotoFund Perspectives in Educ. Process at Univ. w / Tech. Orientation in V4 Slovak University of Agriculture Humenné SK 7,000 Nitra SK 5,000 International Contest in Wind Instruments State School of Music of the 1st and 2nd Degree ActIv8 Association of Christian Youth Societies Non-Newtonian Fluids Warsaw Univ., Inst. of Applied Math. and Mechanics Warszawa PL 7,000 Application of Electronic Education at Universities of V4 Countries Constantine the Philosopher University, Faculty of Education Nitra SK 5,000 Turning Points and Breaklines: Conference Volume / Webpage University of Pécs Pécs HU 4,300 Salamander Days: Return to Multiculturality Town of Banska Stiavnica Banská Štiavnica SK 4,400 Gajdovačka 2008: VIII. International Pipers' Festival Orava Culture Centre Capacity Building of V4 NGOs for Particip. in Global Climate Talks AGREE. NET: Actions for Green and Renewable Energy Eurocultured Project spearfish International Meetings with Jewish Culture in Sopot 2008 ART2000 Foundation The 19th International Folk Festival "Bukovina Meetings" Granted Amount (€) Jastrzębie Zdrój PL 7,000 Praha CZ 15,000 Dolný Kubín SK 7,000 Brno CZ 8,000 Manchester UK 30,000 Sopot PL 6,000 Piła Arts Centre Piła PL 7,000 48th IFF for Children and Youth: V4 Feature Films Competition FILMFEST, Ltd. Zlín CZ 10,000 Visegrad Festival of the Youth Arts Cultural Centre in Nysa Nysa PL 5,000 Nu Jazz Dayz FM 2008 Hrachovka, Civic Organization Mořkov CZ 7,000 Theatre Criticism Today Creativ Media Literary Agency Budapest HU 5,000 Visegrad Children’s Artistic Coop. at the 13th Danube Carnival Duna Art Company International Multicultural Foundation Budapest HU 10,000 Istropolitana 2008: Int’l Fest. of Higher Educ. Theatre Schools Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts Bratislava SK 10,000 Migrations. Rethinking Contemporary Migration Events Masaryk University Brno CZ 10,000 Secret Weapon or Victims of the Cold War? CEE Émigrés Institute of Political Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences Warszawa PL 5,000 "You are what you eat, so show me who you are." Szűts József Primary School Kiskunhalas HU 4,100 The Days of Tradit. Culture: Creative Workshops for Children… Folklore Association of the Czech Republic Praha CZ 8,000 V4 Theatre – Theatre 4U Divadelná Nitra Association Nitra SK 10,000 International Filmworkshop Balatonalmádi House on the Field Cultural Association Budapest HU 10,000 Promotion of the Visegrad Anthology Hungarofest Kht., KultúrPont Iroda Budapest HU 12,500 Meeting of Departments of Fluid Flows and Thermodynamics University of West Bohemia Plzeň CZ 4,100 Summer Film Academy CineEuropa Film Association Lublin PL 10,000 ▶ TS STANDARD GRAN 33 page 33 Centre of Culture "Dom Narodowy" Activities of the Soviet Intelligence Services in CEE II. Institute for Study of Totalitarian Regimes Cieszyn PL 10,000 Fire-Dance Youth-Dance Festival 2008 Csapokert Community House Praha CZ 9,000 Via Sancti Martini: St. Martin Routes through HU, SK and CZ Agora, Cultural and Touristical Centre Aqua 2008: Central European Water Jamboree Debrecen HU 4,500 Szombathely HU Scouting Slovakia Bratislava SK 6,000 Apocalypse of Memory 7,000 Continuo Theatre Malovice CZ The Library of Rescued Memories Centropa Hungary Budapest HU 7,000 7,000 CEE Cinema at 38th Lubuskie Lato Filmowe Film Culture Club Zielona Gora PL 10,000 International Cimbalom Festival Fonó Music Hall Budapest HU 4,500 Jazz Prešov 2008: Example of Cultural Cooperation in Prešov PO ART Prešov SK 6,000 Slam Poetry 2008 Civic Association Fléda XXXI. Int’l Meeting of Folk Bands and Folklore Ensembles Folklore ensemble Gorole 12,000 The 8th Gömör-Torna Festival Aggtelek National Park Directorate Dealing with the Past in V4 as an Inspiration for South Caucasus? Association for International Affairs Visegrad Dialogue on New Music: Differences and Convergence Ostrava Center for New Music Evaluation of Cartographic Functionality in GIS Software Palacky University in Olomouc Olomouc Nu Dance Fest 2008 Contemporary Dance Association The Account of Heritage Bodrogköz Cultural Society The BlueBridge Project III. International Chopin and II. “Chopin+...” Piano Competition Brno CZ 6,000 Serbian Foreign Policy after Kosovo: Perspectives/Alternatives Centre for European and North Atlantic Affairs (CENAA) Mosty u Jablunkova CZ 7,000 Public Achievement Goes to the Visegrad Countries Education Society for Malopolska (MTO) Jósvafő HU 12,000 Nat’l History and State-Building after Communism in CEE Institute of Contemporary History Praha CZ 12,000 5th World Cup/6th Visegrad Cup/21st Trnava Cup Ostrava CZ 9,000 Let’s Get to Know Each Other: Summer in the Beskidy CZ 4,700 International Dissemination of a Deliberative Experiment Corvinus University SK PL 12,000 Praha CZ 10,000 MCT – Modelers' Club Trnava Trnava SK 8,000 Community Culture Center Rajcza PL 7,000 Budapest HU 7,000 III. Visegrad Marathon Visegrad Marathon Rytro Society Closer to Visegrad/Bliżej Wyszehradu Community Culture Center in Milówka Rytro PL 7,000 Milówka PL 5,000 Praha CZ 7,000 Pécs HU 7,000 Bratislava SK 4,500 Sárospatak HU 10,000 Workshop Foundation Budapest HU 7,000 East Silver: Year-Round Strategic Support of Documentary Films from V4 East Silver György Ferenczy Foundation Budapest HU 7,000 V4 Coop. to Prevent Preterm Birth, Low Birth Weight… University of Pécs The 4th BuSho Vision International Short Film Festival Gombolyag Foundation Budapest HU 7,000 The 4th International Song Festival Carpathia Rzeszów 2008 The "Maska" Theatre Rzeszów PL 21,000 Doc-Air: Documentary Films On-line Doc-Air Jihlava CZ 10,000 XVI. Int’l Early Music Festival in Jaroslaw: Songs of Our Roots Early Music in Jaroslaw Association Jarosław PL 5,000 Identifying Region. Contextualized Approach to Int’l Development Protect the Future Budapest HU 10,000 International Festival Ars Poetica 2008 Ars Poetica NGO European Forum on Volunteering Youth Council of Slovakia Bratislava SK 8,000 Barbakan Vresk Factory Normal Festival 2008 Inventura Stars of Visegrad Four International Antonin Dvorak Vocal Centre DRC Summer School on New Neighbourhood Policy in the EU IDResearch Ltd. Puppetry Festival Bábkarská Bystrica 2008 Puppet Theatre at the Crossroads The Seal of Visegrád: Regional Television Festival MTV, Hungarian Television Festival of Choir Music Hradec Králové Festival of Choir Music Fest Anca Anca NGO Research of Future General Practitioners/Family Physicians Foundation for Development of General Medicine The 35th Insko Summer Film Festival Insko Summer Festival Association Research, Conferences and Publication on Byzantology Serbian Church Foundationc 4th Int’l Meeting for Extraordinary Talented Children Soroptimist International Club Get Ready For Life! Chess Club Prievidza Region to Region: Connecting Young NGO Workers of SEE and V4 Central European University Accessible Tourism for Disabled People Assoc. of Persons w/ Physical Disabilities Our Shared History: Our Fate We Share (Art Fest./Exchange) Füred Drama Fundation Presentation of V4 Countries w/in the Colour Meeting Fest Earth Music Visegrad Frama III: The 1960s Arts Institute / Theatre Institute Village in the City Assoc. of Agrarian and Rural Youth Circles Visegrad CEE The Summer: Act, Share and Cooperate AIESEC in Poland Supporting Independent Thinking through Mathematical Educ. University of Rzeszow Rzeszów Symposium of V4 Animation Schools at AniFest ‘08 AniFest, Ltd. Praha Culture and Minorities NGO Word 21 Praha CZ Praha CZ 10,000 Panorama of Film Criticism Association of Czech Film Clubs Karlovy Vary CZ 7,000 Culture of Carpathian Countries Centre of Culture Prešov Bratislava SK 8,000 Banská Bystrica SK 20,000 Uherské Hradiště CZ 5,000 Prešov SK 15,000 Törökszentmiklós HU 11,000 Warszawa PL 12,000 Jihlava CZ 15,000 Brno CZ 10,000 Bratislava SK 8,000 Nitra SK 12,000 Węgorzewo PL 7,000 Budapest HU 7,000 Pécs HU 5,000 Music Festival in Cooperation of the Visegrad Four Zoltán Kodály Elementary Art School Banská Bystrica SK 10,000 The 5th Forum of the Regions Mazowieckie Voivodeship Budapest HU 10,000 The 12th Jihlava International Documentary Film Festival 2008 JSAF/Jihlava Amateur Filmmakers Company Hradec Králové CZ 8,000 Concentus Moraviae: Early Music from Visegrad International Center of Slavic Music Bratislava SK 9,000 Green Procurement and Green Office Management… Centre of Environmental and Ethical Education Živica Budapest HU 5,000 Return of Central European Cooperation Constantine the Philosopher University Ińsko PL 5,000 Węgorapa Folk Music Festival Folk Culture Museum Pilismarót HU 5,000 IV. International Polifilmfest Polifilm Workshop Foundation Košice SK 6,000 The 3rd Central European Theatre Festival "The Neighbours" Culture Center in Lublin Lublin PL 10,000 Prievidza SK 5,000 Eurotrialog Mikulov 2008 A.M.P. Praha CZ 5,000 Budapest HU 4,500 Midsummer Night Municipal Theatre Žilina SK 7,000 Vác HU 4,050 G4 – Central European Review of Design Svět tisku Publishing House, Ltd. Praha CZ 10,000 Balatonfüred HU 10,000 VI. International Guitar Festival "Visegrad 2008" Culture Initiative Support Association "Our City Wrocław" Wrocław PL 7,000 Praha CZ 7,000 Turzovka Summer 2008: Support of Cult. Heritage… The Town of Turzovka Turzovka SK 5,000 7,000 Praha CZ 10,000 Summer University for History Teachers of the Visegrad Countries Rákóczi Association Szolnok HU 7,000 Jadwigensis Festival 2008 The Commune of Krosno Odrzańskie Marki PL 7,000 The 7th Wroclaw Industrial Festival Industrial Art Association PL 7,000 Next Visegrad Music 2008 CZ 11,000 The Visegrad Group Nations' Youth Meet in Poland 7,000 Festival of Cultures: Like a Neighbor with a Neighbor Powiatm Strzelec Opolski 34 page 34 Žilina Nowy Sącz Budapest HU Krosno Odrzańskie PL 7,000 Wrocław PL 4,500 Atrakt Art Bratislava SK 8,000 "Sport for Kids & Youth" Association Warszawa PL 10,000 Strzelec Opolski PL 7,000 ▶ "Without Borders" Theatre Festival 35 page 35 The Polish Scouting and Guiding Association Art of Music M@M: Music at Museum Katowice PL 14,000 Bridges in Life Sciences: V4 Regional Networking... University of Debrecen Martin SK 10,000 Towards Regional Advocacy for Coop. in the Balkans... Institute for Democracy and Mediation Journal Listy The 7th Visegrad Festival "God Saw How Good It Was" – The Bible in Fine Arts Mora Ferenc Museum A. Dubček: Leading Figure of the Revival Process in 1968… Common Fight of Central European People in History… Debrecen HU 12,000 Tirana AL 10,000 Burian a Tichák, Ltd. Olomouc CZ 7,000 Visegrad Festival Association Wrocław PL 14,000 A New Paradigm of Christian Liturgical Music Institute of Musicology of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava SK 6,000 Slovak-Hungarian Visegrad Forum Slovak Foreign Policy Association Bratislava SK 12,000 Szeged HU 14,000 Visegrad Carnival: Professional Dance Ensembles’ Coop. Duna Art Company, Int’l Multicultural Foundation Budapest HU 10,000 The Municipality of Uhrovec Uhrovec SK The Regional Cultural Association Limes-Anavum Štúrovo SK 7,000 Food and Function 2009 Pamida, Ltd. 12,000 4,500 Seminar on the Future of the EU: Students without Boundaries Rakoczi Foundation Water without Borders Forum Regional Development Centre Šamorín SK 6,000 Artyč 2.0 – Research on Sharing Art Scenes in CE Academy of Fine Arts Winter School on the Explicit Methods of Number Theory Dr. Ákos Pintér Debrecen Coop. of V4 Jewish Organizations: Publishing V4 Jewish Almanac Chabad Lubavits Jewish Heritage Foundation Budapest HU 7,000 The Cultural Cooperation of V4 through Festival Lumen Domka: Association of Salesian Youth HU 5,000 Dissemination of Best Practice in Clinical Trial Management in V4 Univ. of Szeged, Albert Szent-Györgyi Clinical Centre Summer Dance Workshop 2008 Dance Centre Praha CZ 5,000 Scientific Networking / Exchange for Int’l Genome Wide Search... Polish Academy of Science, Institute of Human Genetics Partnership and Sustainability of the EU Funds in V4 National Society of Conservationists Visegrad Days 2008 Association Forsa Budapest HU 8,000 Early Melons Festival 2009 Early Melons Festival n.p.o. Košice SK 10,000 Nations and National Minorities: V. Theatrical Festival Theatre Thalia Veszprém Street Music Festival 2008 Veszprém Festival Agency, Ltd. Veszprém HU 7,000 Together for Culture and Art of V4 Countries Waldorf Pedagogical Association Nyíregyháza Panic Button Magazine Fly United Žilina SK 5,000 Fostering Global Responsibility: Development Knowledge… Center for Economic and Social Research There Are Origins of Visegrad Culture Centre of the Region Windows: Int’l Symposium for Preservation of Historic Windows 6B Architectural Publishing Comp. Visegrad Plus: Coop. with Ukraine (w/in XVIII. Economic Forum) Foundation of the Institute for Eastern Studies Art of Meeting – Meeting of Art Kana Theatrical Centre Cult. Cooperation, Meeting and Concerts w/ Foreign Partners Association for Culture and Music Coop Intermedia Research and Study Network Institute of Intermedia, FEE CTU Enlarging Europe – Passport Control VI. Mediawave International Visual Art Foundation Small Villages of V4: On the Common Way The Village Horné Chlebany Horné Chlebany Development of Artistic and Individuality Values… Charles University, Pedagogical Faculty Praha CZ Mitteleuropäisches Theaterkarussell 2008, Part 4 Theatre Brett/Company Brettschneider Wien AT CZ 9,000 Bratislava SK 5,000 Szeged HU 7,000 Poznaň PL 7,000 Bratislava SK 15,000 Košice SK 15,000 Nyíregyháza HU 8,000 Warszawa PL 13,000 PL 7,000 Music Joints Nations: Festival of Folk and Street Bands Regional Culture Center Łącko PL 6,000 HU 4,050 European/Regional Connection of the CEE Medieval Wallpainting Teleki László Foundation Budapest HU 12,000 Warszawa PL 16,000 Ex Oriente Film 2009 Institute of Documentary Film Szczecin PL 14,000 International Film Workshop Budapest House on the field Cultural Assotiation Nyíregyháza HU 7,000 Visegrad Days of Sport, Culture and Gastronomy Motive Praha CZ 5,700 Dragon Forum Arkana Studio Győr HU 7,000 V4 Democracy Report People in Need Foundation SK 4,100 FEST: Forum of European Students of Technology Pillar Foundation 11,000 V4 Day at the Eko Union of Węgorzewo 2009 Rock Festival Friends of the 1st Mazurian Artillery Brigade Assoc. 20,000 Neighbours(?!): a V4 Project of 'Svet a divadlo' Journal World and Theatre Life Road: Linkage Connection For Europe KIUT, Association of Regional Development Get movin' V4: 12th Cultural and Sport Meeting Weightlifting and Free-time Sport Club of Soroksar Pastorałka Żywiecka 2009/Żywiec Christmas Carol 2009 1,133,000 TS – september STANDARD GRAN Suburbanization in CE: Possibilities and Solutions Agora Central Europe Setkání/Encounter 2009: Int’l Festival of Theatre Schools Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts Estetika: The Central European Journal of Aesthetics Charles University, Faculty of Arts and Philosophy Annus Mirabilis: Commemorating the 1989 Transitions in CEE Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy Int’l Days of Manufacturing and Machining in V4 Countries 2009 Technical University of Košice 5th European Industrial Heritage: Common Potential of the EU The Czech Chamber of Certified Engineers and Technicians 2008 DEADLINE Town Country STANDARD GRANTS – SEPTEMBER 2008 DEADLINE 4,296 Praha Budapest Granted Amount (€) Praha CZ 6,000 Brno CZ 4,896 Praha CZ 9,500 Budapest HU 14,000 Prešov SK 10,000 Praha CZ 12,000 36 page 36 SK HU Bielsko-Biała Total (€) Project Košice Budapest Praha CZ 10,000 Budapest HU 10,000 Čebovce SK 8,000 Warszawa PL 18,000 Praha CZ 14,000 Budapest HU 10,000 Węgorzewo PL 10,000 Praha CZ 20,000 Záhony HU 25,000 Budapest HU 8,000 Town Centre of Culture Żywiec PL 7,000 With Common Past for a Better Future… Csongrád County Government Szeged HU 4,100 Social Inclusion: Innovation and Creativity in Diaconal Work Diakonia, Evangel. Church of the Augsburg Confession 15th International Festival of Local Televisions City TV Foundation Work-Life Balance Policy in V4 Poznan University of Economics Poznań PL 9,000 20th Jubilee of Vienna-Bratislava-Budapest Supermarathon Athletic Association of Pest County Budapest HU 18,000 Ex Libris Hlohovec: 12th Int’l Children Contest Ex Libris ad Personam Hlohovec SK 6,000 CZHUPLSK XXI: Progressive Architecture in V4 Union of Polish Architects, Krakow Branch Kraków PL 6,000 19th Central European Music Festival Music Centre Slovakia Bratislava SK 10,000 Life Bridges for CE: In the Spirit of Visegrad… The Wincenty Kadlubek Theological Institute Sandomierz PL 12,000 Channels of Transition: 2nd CZ-PL-SK Communication Conf. Syndicate of Journalists in the Czech Republic Praha CZ 9,000 V4 Architecture 1990 – 2007 Karel Kerlický Praha CZ 20,000 Quantum Technologies in V4 Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences Bratislava SK 12,000 10th International Festival Consonance 2008 Zdeněk Tofel Music Agency Ostrava CZ 6,000 Warszawa PL 9,000 Košice SK 15,000 ▶ The 9th Central European Scout Jamboree Silesia 2008 37 page 37 Brno University of Technology The 3rd International Choir Festival: Slovakia Cantat 2009 Dr. Milan Kolena, Bratislava Choral Agency Brno CZ 10,000 Bratislava SK 8,000 2nd International Carpathia Festival Vocal Workshops 2009 The Polish Radio Rzeszów Western-Eastern Europe: Centre-Periphery Dynamics University of Sorbonne, Nouvelle Paris 3 Historic Quarries SK-HU-CZ-PL Multiplace Networks 2009 Multiplace, civic association International Film Festival Crossroads of Europe Crossroads of Europe Association Bratislava SK 10,000 Lublin PL Rzeszów PL 20,000 Heavy Mental 13,000 FilmFrame, s.r.o. Bratislava SK Paris FR 20,000 5,000 Zawirowania V.: CEE Dance Theatre Festival Contemporary Theatre Foundation Warszawa PL 18,000 Comenius Univerzity in Bratislava Bratislava SK 12,000 Foodlawment World Organization of Hungarian Veterinarians Budapest HU 12,000 Conference of Water Managers in Industry Water Research Institute Bratislava SK 7,000 Visegrad Book Marks: Visegrad Female Authors on Audiobooks Tympanum, Ltd. Praha CZ 13,000 Visegrad Terra Interculturalis Slovak-Czech Club Praha CZ 8,000 Circus of Totality: V4 Series of Theatre Workshops… Iron Curtain Praha CZ 15,000 Visegrad Children’s Chess Festival Liptov 2009 Liptov Chess School (Liptov Chess Federation) Liptovský Mikuláš SK International Winter Youth Camp: Come together with Sport 2009 The Commune of Końskie Końskie PL 6,000 5 Years of the EU Eastward Enlargement: Effects on V4… Warsaw School of Economics Warszawa PL 20,000 10,000 International Conference on Colorectal Cancer Screening Hungarian ILCO Association Kaposvár HU Visegrad Summer School, 8th Edition Villa Decius Association Kraków PL 25,000 6,000 5th Annual Meteorit International Arts Festival 2009 Festival Meteorit, civic association Kolárovo SK 12,000 NGO Market 2009 Forum 2000 Foundation Praha CZ 8,000 XVII. Int’l Indoor Football Tournament of Deaf Children Under 16 Sports Club od Death Children, civil association Prešov SK 5,396 Visa Policy Towards Eastern Neighbors: Recommendations… Batory Foundation Warszawa PL 24,000 Customs Officers of the Lost Border/documentary film Lenka Zogatová Brno CZ 7,000 Art of Livin': Multimedia Festival of Contemporary Art Euforion, independent cultural organization Bratislava SK 8,000 Sperm Festival 2009: New Sounds of Europe Youth Cultural Diversity Forum, civic organisation Praha CZ Visegrad Magic Cube Typotex Electronic Publishing House, Ltd. Budapest HU 10,000 8,000 Agents & Provocateurs Public Endowment for Modern Art Dunaújváros HU 10,000 Hory a mesto/Mountains and the City 2009 Mountains and the City, civil association Fairy Garden Festival Civil Association For Our Town Praha CZ 11,000 Budapest HU Copenhagen Countdown: V4 Countries for Climate Protection Bratislava SK 5,000 V4 Totalitarian Past and Oral History (Series of Workshops) Post Bellum Dunajská Streda SK 7,000 Visegrad Animation Workshop Szimplafilm, Ltd. Messzelato Association Budapest HU 8,000 Total (€) March of Remembrance and Hope The March of the Living Foundation Budapest HU 8,000 Self Assembly and Structure of Light-Harvesting Antennas Hungarian Academy of Sciences Szeged HU 10,000 Week of Arts in Csongrád: Meeting of Nations and Cultures Culture Centre and City Gallery Csongrád HU 10,000 Society and Politics in Central Europe: 5 Years in the EU Political Science Discourse Association Törökbálint HU 6,000 The Effect of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution on CE Churches Hungarian Church History Foundation Szeged HU 12,000 Travelling Exhibition of a 10-Year-Old Art Camp The Municipality of Svodín Svodín SK 5,000 V4 Regions and Their Capitals: Getting to Know Europe Bratislava Self-Governing Region 15,000 Live Chess 2009 Chess Club Banska Stiavnica ENTER’09_Adapt! CIANT: Int’l Centre for Art and New Technologies Text and Image in the 19th and 20th Century Art Balogh Bertalan Art Foundation Cinema on the Border 2009 Centre of Culture and Social Life "Střelnice" Central European Theatre Festival Bratislava SK Banská Štiavnica SK 6,000 Praha CZ 21,000 Budapest HU 10,000 Český Těšín CZ 10,000 Kosice State Theatre Košice SK 10,000 18th Dialogue in CE: Limits of Democracy in Central Europe Bernard Bolzano Society Praha CZ 8,000 Opera in HD in V4 Cinemas Pro-AERO, o.s. Praha CZ 8,000 Outlook Visegrad Project Forum Project Forum SK 12,000 Greener and Smarter Transport Conference Office of the Zachodniopomorskie Voivodeship 20,000 CE Ethos or Local Traditions? Freedom, Responsibility... University of Silesia Gathering 2008 The Old Theatre in Nitra Without Borders Theatre Festival Association of Polish-Czech-Slovak Solidarity Public Support of Sturgeon Habitat Restoration in V4 Countries Environment Protection Association of Szigetköz International Fundraising Festival 2009 Czech Fundraising Center V4 Art Movie ACTV-RROM European Values of Anti-Corruption Sphere for Armenia… Armenian Young Lawyers Association International Workshop of the Bread and Puppet Theatre (USA) Little Brickyard Stop Association Szczecin PL Katowice PL 5,396 Nitra SK 15,000 12,000 Cieszyn PL Dunasziget HU 5,000 Praha CZ 12,000 Paris FR 8,000 Yerevan AM 20,000 Karcag HU 10,000 38 page 38 7,000 1,122,574 ▶ Open Situation Performance Presentation: Research Project 39 page 39 VISEGRAD STRATEGIC PROGRAM (STRATEGIC GRANTS) visegrad strategic program (strategic grants) Town Country Project Organizer Granted Amount (€) About People with People: Training of Public Participation in V4 Countries in the Area of Transparent Decision Making Centre for Community Organizing Ostrava CZ 75,000 Strengthening Educ. and Scientific Collaboration among Faculties of Economics w/in V4 and the Countries of SEE Technical University of Kosice, Faculty of Economics Košice SK 39,610 Public Funds, Public Values CEE Bankwatch Network Praha CZ 40,000 Young Experts of Visegrad for the Future of Europe: Sharing the Experience of European Integration with Neighbouring Countries National Fund for Students in Hungary Budapest HU 50,000 Total (€) 204,610 40 page 40 may 2008 DEADLINE Visegrad for European Serbia Pontis Foundation Urbanity: Visegrad City Self-Reflection and Perspectives of Central European Capitals Centre for Central European Architecture Visegrad Countries, the EU and Russia Slovak Foreign Policy Association Total (€) ▶ FEBRUARY 2008 DEADLINE Bratislava SK 30,000 Praha CZ 70,000 Bratislava SK 25,000 125,000 41 page 41 visegrad university studies grant (vusg) visegrad university studies grant (vusg) Name of the project CZ Palacký University, Olomouc (Philosophical Faculty, Dept. of History) Urbanization and Urban Society in the Visegrad Countries, 1300–2000 15,000 PL University of Opole (Institute of Polish, Dept. of Slavonic Studies) Literature in Exile of the Visegrad Group Countries and Other Slavonic Nations after 1945 15,000 CZ Charles University in Prague (Faculty of Arts, Dept. of Film Studies) Visegrad Cinema: Points of Contact from the New Waves to the Present 15,000 HU Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest (Faculty of Humanities, Institute of History) History of Relations between the States and Societies of the Visegrad Group Countries 50,000 CZ Charles Univ. in Prague (Fac. of Philosophy and Arts, Institute of Slavonic and East Europ. Studies, Seminar for Cen. Europ. Studies) Bachelor’s Degree Program in the Visegrad Studies (Central European Studies) 50,000 SK Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava (Dept. of Theory and History of Art) Visegrad Visual/Cultural Studies 15,000 HU Univ. of Debrecen (Centre of Arts, Humanities and Sciences, Dept. of Soc. Geography and Reg. Development Planning) Central European Relations: the Visegrad Four on the Way of Integration 15,000 SK Comenius University in Bratislava (Faculty of Education, Dept. of History) Central Europe in the 20th Century: Central European Regional History (History Learning and Teaching in V4 Countries) 15,000 HU Pázmány Péter Catholic University (Faculty of Humanities, Institute of Slavic and Central European Studies) Central European and Visegrád Studies 50,000 PL The Pontifical Academy of Theology in Kraków (Faculty of Church History) Religions and Churches In the history of Central Europe (the Visegrad Group countries) 15,000 UA Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University (Faculty of History Political Science and International Relations) Foreign Policy of Visegrad Countries in the Context of European and Euro-Atlantic Integration Processes 15,000 PL Jagiellonian University (Law and Administration Faculty, Chair for Criminal Law) Criminal Law of the Visegrad Group Countries 15,000 Total (€) 42 page 42 Granted Amount (€) ▶ Country Applicant 285,000 43 page 43 visegrad scholarship program 44 page 44 IN-coming scholarships Home Country Scholar Host Institution Host Country RS Vladimir Djordjević Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, Brno CZ BY Liudmila Zhaliapava Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Praha CZ MK Voislav Stojanovski Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Dept. of Criminal Law, Brno CZ MK Biljana Zupanoska University of Economics, Dept. of International Business, Praha CZ RS Ferenc Kiss Charles University, Environment Center, Praha CZ RU Maria Khokhlova Masaryk University, Faculty of Informatics, Brno CZ AL Dhurata Milori Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Praha CZ BY Yuliya Makarava Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Praha CZ BY Saida Ibrahimava Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Praha CZ BA Tanja Miletić Oručević JAMU, Theatre Faculty, Brno CZ RU Christina Zasorina Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, Brno CZ RU Jelena Djordjevic Palacky University, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Olomouc CZ RS Boris Bulatovic Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Praha CZ BY Maryia Miskevich University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Education, Plzeň CZ MK Bojana Trajkovska Corvinus University, Institute of Social and European Studies, Budapest HU RU Daria Sergeevna Ganina Corvinus University, Dept. of World Economy, Budapest HU HR Daniela Sirinic Central European University, Dept. of Political Science, Budapest HU RU Polina Leontovich Andrássy Gyula German Speaking University, Dept. of Diplomacy, Budapest HU RS Pëllumb Kallaba Corvinus University, Institute of Graduate International and Diplomatic Studies, Budapest HU RS Vigan Qorrolli Corvinus University, Institute of Social and European Studies, Budapest HU HR Suzana Miljan Central European University, Dept. of Medieval Studies, Budapest HU BY Dmitrij Koroteyew Corvinus University, Institute of International Studies, Budapest HU MK Miljaim Kariman Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest HU RS Žužana Šoti Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Dept. of Visual Communication, Budapest HU BY Alena Brel Eötvös Loránd University, Dept. of German Language, Budapest HU BY Yan Yeresko Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Dept. of Painting, Budapest HU RS Alexey Ponaryadov HAS, Institute of Surface Chemistry and Catalysis, Budapest HU BY Nadzeya Hadun Hungarian University of Fine Arts, Dept. of Painting, Budapest HU RS Maria Tarabanova Corvinus University, Institute of Social and European Studies, Budapest HU BY Aliaksandr Kalaskou Warsaw University, Faculty of Law and Administration PL RS Lotos Ćerimagić Academy of Fine Arts, Katowice PL AL Vladimir Lame University of Wrocław, Institute of International Relations PL RU Svetlana Vasilievna Kucheryavaya Warsaw University, Institute of Sociology PL ▶ visegrad scholarship program 45 page 45 BY Viktoryia Barkova Cracow University of Economics, Faculty of Economy and International Relations PL UA Oksana Balashova Corvinus University, ISES Koszeg, Budapest HU RS Filip Andrejević Leon Kozminski Academy of Entrepreneurship, College of Management, Warszawa PL UA Myroslav Voloshchuk University of Pécs, Dept. of Medieval and Early Modern History HU BY Volha Herasevich Adam Mickievich University, Faculty of Law and Administration, Poznań PL UA Sergiy Gladysh Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Dept. of Telecommunications HU RS Miroslav Ribarski Comenius University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Bratislava SK UA Oksana Ferkov University of Debrecen, Dept. of Medieval History and Early New Times HU MD Vadim Matui University of Economics, Faculty of National Economy, Bratislava SK UA Inna Korzhovskaya University of Debrecen, Dept. of Solid State Physics HU RU Vladimir Veselkov University of A. Dubček, Faculty of Mechatronics, Trenčín SK UA Ganna Rastrepina Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Nuclear Research, Debrecen HU RU Andrey Turygin University of A. Dubček, Faculty of Mechatronics, Trenčín SK UA Maryna Soroka University of Debrecen, Law History Dept. HU RS Ana Uher Comenius University, Faculty of Natural Science, Bratislava SK UA Viktoriya Cherkaska ELTE, Dept. of General Physics, Budapest HU RU Olga Trunova Comenius University, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Bratislava SK UA Sofiya Chovriy ELTE, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Budapest HU Substitutes UA Iulii Selianko Corvinus University of Budapest, ISES Koszeg HU RU Mikhail Tsyganov Masaryk University in Brno, Faculty of Social Studies CZ UA Iryna Rud Corvinus University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Budapest HU BY Pavel Varabyou Institute of Chemical Technology in Prague CZ UA Iryna Borzenko Adam Mickiewicz University, Institute of Political Science, Poznań PL MD Alexandr Svetlicinii Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Law CZ UA Svitlana Khalameida Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Faculty of Chemistry, Lublin PL UA Viktoriya Volod'ko University of Warsaw, Faculty of Economic Sciences PL UA Tetyana Usachova Jagiellonian University, Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Kraków PL UA Maryana Sabat Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Biochemistry PL UA Yuliya Gogol Collegium Civitas, Dept. of International Relations & Diplomacy, Warszawa PL UA Andriy Kobylyanskyy Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Faculty of Chemistry, Lublin PL UA Andriy Smyrnov Christian Theological Academy, Chair of Church History, Warszawa PL UA Yaroslav Kit Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Faculty of Humanities, Lublin PL UA Nataliya Naumenko Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Dept. of Economics & EU Integration, Lublin PL CZ UA Mar’yana Virag Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Medicine, Kraków PL Oksana Grebenyk Warsaw University, Chair of Psychology and Social Deviation PL Home Country UA Scholar Maryna Glushko UKRAINIAN SCHOLARSHIPS Host Institution University of Economics, Praha Host Country UA Olesya Shcherba Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Sociology, Praha CZ UA UA Andrii Barytskyi Czech University of Life Sciences, Dept. of International Relations, Praha CZ UA Andriy Dobryanskyy Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Faculty of Biology & Earth Sciences, Lublin PL UA Iryna Tyagur Technical University of Liberec, Dept. of Physics CZ UA Andrii Stefanyshy Maria Curie Sklodowska University, Institute of Earth Sciences, Lublin PL CZ UA Roman Pulyk Jagiellonian University, Medical College, Kraków PL CZ UA Taras Kavetskyy Jan Dlugosz University in Czestochowa, Institute of Physics PL CZ UA Iryna Machkur Jagiellonian University, Centre of European Studies, Kraków PL Natalija Bets Matej Bel University, Faculty of Political Sciences, Banská Bystrica SK UA UA UA Oleksii Redchenko Alona Sydorenko Anna Shamonova Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Botany, Praha Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, Brno Masaryk University, Dept. of Public Economics, Brno UA Galyna Okrepka Charles University, Institute of Physics, Praha CZ UA UA Valentina Koretskaya Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering CZ UA Bogdan Kotyk Comenius University, Faculty of Social & Economic Sciences, Bratislava SK UA Oksana Bosyuk University of Economics, Faculty of International Relations, Praha CZ UA Yuliy Hoydash Matej Bel University, Faculty of Education, Banská Bystrica SK CZ UA Svitlana Vitushkina University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, Faculty of Science, Košice SK CZ UA Natalia Odnoral Constantine the Philosopher University, Faculty of Arts, Nitra SK CZ UA Maksym Fershal University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, Faculty of Science, Košice SK Iryna Hoydash University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, Faculty of Medicine, Košice SK UA UA UA Igor Pokotylo Devyatka Victoriya Nataliya Kostyak Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Experimental Botany, Praha Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering Charles University, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Praha UA Sergiy Savchuk Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering CZ UA UA Mar'yana Pyrch Charles University, CERGE-IE, Praha CZ UA Adriana Rusyn University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik, Faculty of Medicine, Košice SK UA Nataliia Oleksandrova Technical University of Liberec, Faculty of Textile Engineering CZ UA Natalya Lazar Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of History, Bratislava SK HU UA Anatoliy Klyuchkovych Prešov University, Institute of Political Sciences SK HU UA Lesya Radkovska Comenius University, Faculty of Management, Bratislava SK HU UA Svyatoslav Sidak University of Economics, Faculty of International Relations, Bratislava SK HU UA Roman Fridmanskyy University in Sládkovičovo, Faculty of Law SK UA UA UA UA Erika Todyerishko Beylo Pai Kseniya Chopey Vladyslava Podzigun University of Debrecen, Dept. of History Szent Istvan University, Plant Protection Institute, Gödöllő University of Debrecen, Institute of Internal Medicine Corvinus University, Institute for Graduate International and Diplomatic Studies, Budapest 46 page 46 ▶ Ukrainian Scholarships 47 page 47 Intra-Visegrad Scholarships Technical University in Košice, Faculty of Metallurgy SK Ruslan Plekan Prešov University, Dept. of Physics SK Scholar Host Institution Host Country UA Ekaterina Koryakina University of Pardubice, Institute of Economics CZ CZ Lenka Kubelová ELTE, Institute of Art History, Faculty of Arts, Budapest HU UA Nadezhda Grigorenko Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering CZ CZ Lenka Drazanova Central European University, Dept. of Political Science, Budapest HU UA Dmytro Strunin Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Experimental Botany, Praha CZ CZ Šárka Hyklová Academy of Fine Arts and Design, Sculpture Dept., Bratislava SK UA Jozsef Tarpai Hungarian Academy of Sciences, North Hungarian Dept. HU CZ Vanda Vymazalová ELTE, Faculty of Education and Psychology, Budapest HU UA Oksana Kashyntseva Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute for Legal Studies, Budapest HU CZ Hana Mátlová Jagiellonian University, Dept. of Audiovisual Studies, Kraków PL UA Mykhaylo Trunov Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Chemical Research Center, Budapest HU CZ Tereza Dvořáková Academy of Performing Arts, Dept. of Humanities and Cinema Studies, Bratislava SK UA Olena Hrabovska Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Law and Administration, Poznań PL CZ Štepán Balík Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Polish Studies, Kraków PL UA Galyna Chyzh Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Educational Studies, Poznań PL HU Zsolt Simon Kraków University of Economics PL UA Kateryna Shevchuk (Zhuchenya) Jagiellonian University, Dept. of Aesthetics, Kraków PL HU Gergely István Spránitz Masaryk University, Faculty of Law, Dept. of Legal Theory, Brno CZ UA Valentyn Usachov Jagiellonian University, Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Kraków PL HU Gergely Romhány University of Warsaw, Institute of Political Science PL UA Olena Bilous Constantine the Philosopher University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Nitra SK HU Ágnes Boda University of Economics, Faculty of Business Administration, Praha CZ UA Viacheslav Glega Matej Bel University, Dept. of International Relations, Banská Bystrica SK HU Katalin Tóth Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Arts, Kraków PL UA Yaroslav Iolkin University of Economics, Faculty of National Economics, Bratislava SK HU Ákos Hangya Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Humanities, Kraków PL UA Mykola Sidak Comenius University, Faculty of Law, Bratislava SK HU Bettina Merényi Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Humanities, Kraków PL HU Zsolt Náday Wrocław University, Dept. of Polish Philology PL HU Eszter Borlay Jagiellonian University in, Faculty of Humanities, Kraków PL HU Nikoletta Sebestyrén Charles University, Institute of Political Studies, Praha CZ HU Anna Ludmány Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Humanities, Kraków PL HU Katalin Tomay Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Glass Dept., Praha CZ HU Bálint Varga Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of History, Bratislava SK HU László Fejes Masaryk University, Institute of Linguistics and Baltic Languages, Brno CZ HU Balász Kiss Comenius University, Dept. of Slovak History, Bratislava SK HU Peter Apor Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Ethnology, Bratislava SK HU József Viktor Demmel Comenius University, Dept. of Slovak History, Bratislava SK HU Máté Dávid Tamáska Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Arts SK Out-Going Scholarships Substitutes: OUT-GOING SCHOLARSHIPS Home Country Scholar Host Institution Host Country CZ Karel Marek Uzhhorod National University, Institute of State and Law of the European Countries UA HU Péter Marton University of Warsaw, Institute of International Relations PL HU Nóra Varady University of Belgrade, Faculty of Political Sciences RS PL Andrzej Paweł Mieszkowicz University of Economics, Dept. of International Business, Praha CZ HU Noemi Barcal University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Philosophy RS PL Katarzyna Jadwiga Templin Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Praha CZ UA PL Aleksandra Larek Charles University, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Praha CZ UA PL Szymon Piotr Brzeziński ELTE, Faculty of Humanities, Institute of History, Budapest HU Aneta Wróblewska Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Mathematics, Praha CZ HU HU Dávid Karácsonyi Mariann Polyák National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv National University of Uzhgorod PL Monika Sawczuk University of Zagreb, Grad. School of Economics HR PL PL Anna, Agata Pękalska Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University UA PL Andrzej Warzyński Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Praha CZ PL Maciej Duszynski Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University UA PL Daniel Pakuła University of West Bohemia, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Plzeň CZ PL Konrad Kolak Lvov University of Technology, Dept. of Marketing UA PL Gabriela Maria Gańczarczyk Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Czech Literature, Praha CZ RS PL Weronika Kasprzak ELTE, Faculty of Humanities, Budapest HU UA PL Dorota Szeligowska Central European University, Dept. of Political Science, Budapest HU Marcin Matyja University of Ostrava, Faculty of Science CZ Kamila Szymańska Charles University, Institute of Czech Literature, Praha CZ PL SK Anna Sołoninko Matej Kresac University of Arts in Belgrade, Faculty of Dramatic Art Kyiv Slavonic University, Rivne Institute of Slavonic Studies SK Milina Sklabinski University of Arts in Belgrade RS PL SK Zdenka Bolerácová Uzhgorod National University, Faculty of Law UA PL 48 page 48 ▶ Ivan Petryshynets UA Home Country INtra-visegrad scholarships UA 49 page 49 Przemysław Michał Żukiewicz Masaryk University, Faculty of Social Studies, Brno CZ PL Mirosław Kaźmierski Andrássy Gyula German Speaking University, Budapest HU PL Marta Lena Graban Prešov University, Institute of Russian, Ukrainian and Slavonic Studies SK SK Tomáš Rafa Academy of Fine Arts, Faculty of Sculpture, Warszawa PL SK Karol Margeta Palacky University, Faculty of Law, Olomouc CZ SK Jana Vršková Corvinus University of Budapest, ISES in Kőszeg HU SK Veronika Hengertnerová Corvinus University of Budapest, ISES in Kőszeg HU SK Terézia Holúbková Charles University, Faculty of Social Sciences, Praha CZ SK Marek Debnar Charles University, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Praha CZ SK Martin Palúch Charles University, Film Studies Dept., Praha CZ SK Ráchel Herrmannová Andrassy Gyula German Speaking University, Budapest HU SK Melinda Nagy Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Archaeological Institute, Budapest HU SK Juraj Žiak Jagiellonian University, Institute of Philosophy, Kraków PL SK Jana Škrlíková Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Praha CZ SK Tünde Ambrus Semmelweis University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Budapest HU SK Naďa Rácová Jagiellonian University, Dept. of History, Kraków PL SK Paulíny Dušan Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering CZ SK Lucia Nováková Warsaw University, Centre for Research on the Antiquity and SE Europe PL SK Richard Gregor Charles University, Dept. of History of Christian Art, Praha CZ SK Miroslav Michela Charles University, Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, Praha CZ ▶ PL Substitutes: HU Barbara Jagadics Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Glass Dept., Praha CZ HU Szandra Tátos Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Praha CZ HU Katalin Mráz Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Praha CZ PL Oliwia Julia Czarnecka Academy of Fine Arts, Dept. of Painting, Praha CZ PL Zuzanna Barbara Reda Charles University, Faculty of Social Science, Praha CZ SK Zuzana Koprnová Corvinus University of Budapest, ISES in Kőszeg HU SK Martin Faix Charles University, Dept. of International Law, Praha CZ 50 page 50 51 page 51 2009 VISEGRAD ARTIST RESIDENCIES (September 2008 deadline) visegrad artist residency program (varp) 2008) ▶ VISEGRAD ARTIST RESIDENCIES (SEPTEMBER 52 page 52 Country Artist Host Institution Country CZ Eva Koťátková Studio of Young Artists / FKSE – Stúdió Galéria HU CZ Magdalena Hrubá A4 – Association for Contemporary Culture SK CZ Václav Magid SPACE SK CZ Jakub Adamec Truc sphérique / Stanica SK CZ Šárka Radová Nemzetközi kerámia stúdió HU CZ Marketa Klicova Ateliers Pro Arts HU HU Miklós Mécs MeetFactory o. p. s. CZ HU István Csákány MeetFactory o. p. s. CZ HU Gyula Sopronyi CEE PhotoFund SK HU Miklós Suranyi Truc sphérique / Stanica SK HU Márta Rácz SPACE SK HU Hajnalka Tarr MeetFactory o. p. s. CZ PL Jan Zamojski DEAI / setkani (Open Studios) CZ PL Grzegorz Drozd DEAI / setkani (Open Studios) CZ PL Krystian aka Truth Czaplicki Galerie Klatovy-Klenová CZ PL Laura Pawela SPACE SK PL Konrad Dominik Smolenski Center for Contemporary Art Prague CZ PL Alicja Karska FUTURA – Centre for Contemporary Art CZ SK Michal Moravčík MeetFactory o. p. s. CZ SK Tomáš Džadoň Centre for Central European Architecture CZ SK Tomas Makara FUTURA – Centre for Contemporary Art CZ SK Katarina Mikuliková Janus University Theatre HU SK Martin Sedlák MeetFactory o. p. s. CZ SK Andrea Kalinová Impex – Contemporary Art Provider HU 53 page 53 Visual Identity of the International Visegrad Fund and the Visegrad Group New logos (from 2007): ▶ In 2005 the International Visegrad Fund launched a competition for a new logo of the Fund and a corresponding logo of the Visegrad Group. From more than 200 entries submitted to the Fund by students of graphic design from the Visegrad Group countries, the four-dot logotype was selected for its clarity, subtlety and wit. Lucia Kleinedlerová of the Bratislava-based Academy of Fine Arts and Design (VŠVU) is the author of the winning logos. Due to its original concept, the logo was awarded the ‘Best of Nation’ award by the European Logo Design Annual (Eulda) in 2007. The Colors The official colors of the logotype are black (PantoneTM Process Black; CMYK: 0/0/0/100; RGB: 0/0/0) and blue (PantoneTM DS 225-2 C; CMYK: 100/15/0/0; RGB: 102/153/204). The Typeface Futura group of typefaces is used in the logos of the Visegrad Group/International Visegrad Fund. The following typefaces are used in the visual identity program: Verdana | Fedra | Futura | Arial n do The logo of the Fund is available for download at . Also, both the Fund’s and the Group’s logos are downloadable from the official portal of the Visegrad Group . Old logo (2000 – 2006): u ot se page 56 List of sites of project partners (all grant projects approved in 2008) 56 Rytro Keszthely Markaz Dolole aSkalité Rzeszów Szeged Moravská Třebová Olsztynek ný Kubín Milíkov KónyKapuvár Starý PoddvoMilówka Oravská Polhora Tábor Bonyhád rov Topoľníky Bucharest Železná (UA) Žiar Turčianske Teplice Český Těšín A(RO) Chernivtsy Ruda Lutsk (UA) A Vlčnov Mielec Tornaľa nad Hronom Jeseník Hódmezővásárhely Berlin (DE) Riihimäki (FI) Sobota a Zalesie Górne Blatnica Świdnik Rimavská A Budakalász Frenštát pod Veszprém a Szombathely Frýdlant Radhoštěm Legnica Salgótarján Liberecnad Kyiv (UA) Ter OstravicíMeziříčí Kęty Karcag a Moldava nad ezín Valašské Rožňava Krásnohorská Dlhá SandomiLúkaBodvou PerkupaPákozd JósvafőNové BakuDvory (AZ) Tbilisi (GE) A Yerevan erz Slavičín Gilowice a Bruntál (AM) Dunaharaszti Nagykőrös VeľkéEszterKapušany Nowy gom Dunakiliti Šamorín Poniky Sącz Krems (AT) Poprad A Bystrzyca A Vítkov Kłodzka Velyka Hradiště Brenna Starý HrozenBiganUherské (UA) Thessaloniki (GR) Encs A Nový Bor Hnojník kovBalatonfüred Dunaalmás Belgrade (RS) AGliwice Berhida A Krotoszyn Zawoja Benešov Přerov Częstochowa Baia Mare (RO)Blansko RiDebrecen Želiezovce A Świętochłowice Det jeka (HR) Brod (HR)AOsijek (HR) Skalité va Vilnius (LT)Slavonski Kiskunfélegyháza Oščadnica Otrębusy Veľký Meder Žďár Kubín nad SázaRytro Keszthely Markaz A Dolný Milíkov Kóny Diósd Sorkwity London (UK) Nová Starývou Poddvorov Topoľníky Bucharest (RO) Železná a Szob Podivín Szaflary RudaĽubovňa Lutsk (UA) Vlčnov Mielec TornaľaHerRiihimäki (FI) encsény Kharkiv (UA) Leipzig Zalesie GórneČebovce BlatnicaaVeszprém A Szombathely Frýd Husinec-Řež SatuAMare (RO) nad Bod lant (DE) nadLitovel Ostravicí Kęty Karcag Moldava Holešov Siemianowice Śląskie Lysá nad Gilowice vou Pákozd Nové Dvory Sandomierz Slavičín Labem Żary Milevsko Piaseczno BardeBruntál Esztergom A Dunakiliti A Šamorín Poniky Vít jov Toruń a Żywiec Bydgoszcz Orzesze kov Uherské Hradiště A Brenna Starý Hrozenkov Du Klagenfurt (AT) a Opole Šaľa Telč Oronaalmás Belgrade (RS) Gliwice Přerov Częstochowa szlány Vištuk Plavecké Podhradie LouBaia Mare (RO) Rijeka (HR) Slavonski Brod (HR) Osijek ka u Litvínova Bełchatów (HR) Otrębusy Veľký a Meder A Žďár Csongrád nad Sázavou Diósd Subotica (RS) a Törökbálint Dunakeszi Sorkwity London (UK) Nová Ľubovňa A Szob Podivín Sosnowiec Grodziszcze aKharkiv München (DE) Szaflary Herencsény Čebovce (UA) Leipzig (DE) Kristianstad (SE) Zielona Góra Zalae- Siemiano Litovel Husinec - Řež Satu Mare (RO) Holešov Varaždin (HR) Chişinău (MD) Ho-Piaseczno wice gerszeg Śląskie Lysá nad Labem Żary Milevsko lice Prievidza Helsinki (FI) Hamburg (DE) Klagen Bardejov Toruń Żywiec A Bydgoszcz Orzesze Telki Saliby Kaposvár furt Malacky (AT) Opole ŠaľaDolné Telč Oroszlány Vištuk Plavecké Kyjov Sofia (BG) Kežmarok a KostrzynCsongrád Podhradie Louka ua Litvínova Bełchatów Schönsee a Slavonice a Przybędza Subotica (RS) A(DE) Törökbálint A Dunakeszi Sosnowiec Nagykanizsa Budakészi WielkoGrodziszcze München (DE) A Ostrów Kristianstad (SE) Zielona Plavecký Štvrtok(HR) Brzezie Tartu (MD) Ho Górapolski Zalaegerszeg Varaždin A Chişinău (EE) Wałbrzych Kiskunhalas Nové lice Prievidza HelsinkiSvit (FI) Hamburg (DE) Malacky Dolné Zámky Sopot a Podbrezová KunoviceKostrzyn Saliby Kaposvár Kyjov Sofia (BG) a Kežmarok Piešťany a Kanianka Banská aŠtiavnica Budakészi a Ostrów Wielkopolski Plavecký Štvrtok