December 2012 - ASH SA Central Branch


December 2012 - ASH SA Central Branch
SA Central Branch
Christmas Stockwhip Dec 2012
Seasons Greetings to you and yours for the festive Season!
The President & Committee wish you a safe and Merry Christmas
and a very Happy New Year with your Australian Stock Horses.
SACB 40th Anniversary Branch Show
by Melissa Morris
As we look back over the previous forty years, we recognise the milestone 40th year of our branch and
celebrate the past, present and future of our branch amongst our members. What better way to celebrate
than to hold a 40th Anniversary Branch Show at the lovely Strathalbyn polo grounds!
Conditions on the day were near perfect with blue skies, green turf and warm weather, which enabled some
great photographic opportunities and happy riders. We held a challenge and two ASH rings, one was designated for youth events. Ring 1 was where all the action was with huge entries in some classes. The judge
electing to work out the best five in each class in some cases, to be able keep the program moving.
Inside this issue:
40th Anniversary Show
Presidents Report
Foal Brag
Youth News
Show Results
Member News & Info
Campdraft News
Event Calendar
successful day in both the led and the ridden components winning best presented junior ASH, Champion Junior led ASH, Novice ASH working and ridden ASH working mare. The led ASH 2 year old colt or gelding was won by
- HSH/YOOROONA RAPIDS-HSH). Fenn family partnership’s MYARRA
Led ASH 3 year old colt or gelding and then went on to take out Reserve
Champion Junior led ASH. He was also successful winning the ridden ASH
hack stallion, Champion ridden ASH hack and also Supreme Champion ridden ASH.
It was a very successful day for the Fenn family partnership with their other
starting off the day with a 2nd in the led gelding class, then a first in the Ridden
ASH hack gelding, 2nd in open ASH working, 1st in ridden ASH working gelding and going on to win Champion working ASH and the open challenge.
Berragoon Frown & a very pleased Jessica Getson
Felicity Green had a productive day with LAKE EYRE COUGAR (ROPELEY PARK RUSTLER/MULOORINA APRIL FOOL) firstly winning best presented senior ASH, placings in Led gelding, Ridden ASH hack gelding and Open station/utility horse. Craig Fennell and
BOONDEROO TIMON (BOONDEROO BLACKWOOD- HSH/WOODVALE DIAMOND ) dominated the led section wining the led gelding 4 years and over, then going on to win the Champion senior led and taking out supreme Champion led ASH. Craig was also in the
placings in ridden events - Stockmans turnout, Novice ASH working, Ridden ASH working gelding and in the open challenge. Against
huge fields Chalani stock horses CHALANI MINERVA - HSH (MASTER HERBERT-HSH /CHALANI AURORA- HSH) featured frequently in the ribbons winning the led ASH mare 4 years and over, reserve
champion senior led ASH, a first in stockman’s turnout, open ASH hack,
ridden ASH hack mare, reserve champion ridden ASH hack, open ASH
working, Reserve champion working ASH and a second in the open challenge.
Versatile young colt Myarra Southern Star & Rachel Fenn
The SA ASHLA award was won by Jodie Middleton-Clark and ASHBORN’S
ECLIPSE- HSH) this combination also had a third in the encourage challenge. Melanie Johnson and GLENRAY RIVOLI REMINGTON (RIVOLI
station/ utility horse they also had a 2nd in the Ridden ASH hack gelding
class. Winning the encourage challenge was one of our new members
Katie Stock with Barilla Kitten and the youth challenge was won by Keelie
Jenner and Mickey. Cont.. Pg 2
SACB 40th Anniversary Show continued..
Numbers in youth events in SA have been low for some time. The SACB has been working hard to promote these events. We chose
to run a program that includes all levels of youth riders. This event however , did not attract the numbers that we had hoped for. But
the SACB hopes that the word will get around about all the fun and prizes that the riders shared and maybe next time we can get
more entries !!
Youth handler 13 and under 18 years, ASH hack rider under 18, Pleasure hack rider under 18 a 2 nd in Novice youth rider under 18.
Brodie’s second mount Indralee was successful in Youth ASH rider and ASH mount most suitable for pony club, youth ASH station/
utility horse – rider under 18 years, 2nd in youth ASH working rider under 18 years. Brodie won reserve champion with Indralee in
working junior rider under 18 and reserve champion youth rider. Brooklyn Timmins had a fantastic day on PAKAMASS ZIGZAG
(COMARA TIC TAC – HSH/HANNAFORD STUD JET SET) winning youth stockmans turnout under 18 years, youth ASH rider 13
years and under 18 years, youth ASH working – rider under 18 years and placings in Novice youth ASH rider under 18 years, Youth
ASH hack rider under 18 years, youth ASH pleasure hack- rider under 18 years, youth ASH station/utility horse – rider under 18 years
and the youth challenge. Brooklyn then went on to win Champion working junior rider and champion youth rider.
For more youth news from this show, check out the Youth News page and see the Results page for full details of all placings.
L-R Anita Brojatsch from Herbal Horse who is a major sponsor of SACB, our Judge-Mrs
Christine Roberts with Craig Fennell and Bonoderoo Timon– Supreme Led ASH Exhibit.
Picture perfect—Kim Ide had a great day
on the lovely Chalani Minerva.
L-R Kim Ide & Chalani Minerva Reserve Champion with the consistent
Rachel Fenn & Myarra Southern Star Champion Ridden ASH Hack.
ASHLA Ladies—L-R Jodie Middleton-Clarke on Ashborns Lady
Jane, Felicity Green on Lake Eyre Cougar and Kerry Micke on
Boongala Scartett. All the cleaning and preparation was worth it!
Presidents Report
Hi to all SACB and ASHS Members,
What better way to kick off the 2012/2013 show season than with our 40 th Anniversary celebration branch show.
We were graced with lovely warm weather and im sure everyone would agree the grounds were fantastic to ride on. We saw a
fantastic display of some of the best ASH’s that SA has to offer, with up to 15 in some classes – how do you choose?!!! Everyone
seemed to enjoy the day. It was a fun and relaxed atmosphere and one of the best ways to enjoy our Australian Stock horses.
I would like to say a huge thank you to all of our wonderful sponsors without you these events would not be successful, I am sure
all of the prize recipients were extremely happy.
Recipients if you haven’t done so, please remember to thank the sponsors!!.
Also a massive thank you to all of the volunteers/ helpers, judges and committee members who worked tirelessly prior to and
throughout the day without people like you who donate their time, these events would not exist.
We had a slightly smaller gathering at the October training day. Our branch coach Felicity had some of our newer members concentrating on their flatwork skills and working on what is required in the ASH show ring. Then in the afternoon a small group got to
have a go at some of the skills required in challenge events, like the keyhole, the gate and poles.
If there is anything else you would like to have a go at on these training days, please mention it to one of our committee members
and we will try and accommodate you.
The saddlery swap meet was also held at the beginning of November, whilst there were fewer stalls and visitors the day was still
successful in bringing in a profit for the branch. We are looking for suggestions on how to better promote the swap meet for next
year. So if any of you have ideas or would like to be involved please let us know.
Events coming up are the Festival all breeds on the 18th November and don’t forget that the SE branch are running their branch
show on the 2nd December – hopefully some of our members will head over and support that. High points shows are Northern
Hack and Halter at Mount Pleasant on the 9th December and Dilute show where we have a ring on the 16th December.
Royal Adelaide show information has just become available, whilst the event is not until March 2013 remember that the closing
date is 14th December.
I hope to see many of you out there and remember to
have fun!
My best wishes to you for a safe and merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!
Cheers Mel :)
Melissa Morris
ASHS SA Central Branch President
SA Central Branch Foal Brag
Congratulations to the new arrivals and their proud owners! All the waiting has been worth it!
There are some lovely Australian Stock Horse foals being born this season.
Below: Chalani Hamlet from Chalani Giselle by
Splashdance, black colt born 18 September.
Left: Filly from Myarra
Phoebe by Victorian
based stallion River
Dance born on 15
November. Named
Myarra Star Dance
Below: A colt, Roseborne Coolabah
born 9 September by Chalani Nightdance out of Chalani Acorn.
Above: Chalani Tempo, from Chalani Pivot by
Chalani Nightdance, black colt born 17 Sept.
And playing the waiting game is….
Tregalan Stock Horses who are expecting foals by Badgers Rocabilly Rambler for both
their mares, Broughtonvale Flare and Tregalana Indigo.
Meanwhile.. Skyview Stud is awaiting 2 foals this season, with Goldmine Champagne
Blush in foal to Chalani Nightdance and Marine Spirit in foal to Glacial Gold.
Above: Sunny River Timex from Glen Lee
Rivoli Swallow by Green Gully Rolex.
Chalani ASH Stud are expecting one more foal, due in December, from a recently
purchased mare from QLD, Caralta Paris who is in foal to McNamara Report. Paris is
to remain in NSW to foal.
Youth News
By Brooklyn Timmins
The Youth ring was in full swing on a beautiful spring day at the recent ASHS SA Central Branch 40 th Anniversary Show, with 5 competitors having a crack at handler, hack, rider and working classes. There we some new faces, some returning faces, some young
faces and some older faces, as for the horses well they were just long faces!
A new face was Keelie Jenner from Strathalbyn Pony Club who had never done a Station Utility Pattern in her life! Lucky her faithful
pony Mickey new what to do and carried her around the ring like she had been doing it for years. A returning face was Brodie Johnston and her horses Glen Lee Rivoli Remington and Indra Lea from all the way down the South East, who displayed some hard to
beat workouts in Hack, Rider and Working Classes. Some young faces include Henry Williams and Chloe Neale who both had great
fun and showed us how versatile there mum Rachel Fenn’s horse Dombarton Cabernet or Savvy as he is known. From the camp
draft arena to the show ring with little legs on top that could hardly touch his belly! An older face nearly time to move on from the
Youth ring was myself, Brooklyn Timmins. Whose horse Pakamass Zigzag had a very grumpy morning but ended up producing a
somewhat respectable work out and some quick haunch turns in the rider and working classes.
The day started off with the Youth Handler classes. We were judged under the watchful eye Mrs. Rosemary Vincent who offered
advice and little tips during the day which all competitors appreciated. The classes continued with Stockman’s Turnout, Rider, Hack
and working. A very important class that was also held was ASH most suitable for beginner rider-rider under 13yrs (May be led). This
showed another side of the Australian Stock Horse in there ability to have a young or more inexperienced rider; ride around without
any resistance or fuss. This truly showed one of the great attributes of the Australian Stock Horse. It was great to see lots of smiles
and laughs from all competitors as the day carried on. At one stage during one of the classes, it almost required a name change to
‘The Best Pigroot Class” as just about every horse had a bee in there bonnet for a few circles. Nevertheless, the horses got on with
the jobs at hand to produce some lovely workouts during the rest of the morning.
The afternoon saw the conclusion of the show classes and the commencement of the Youth Challenge. This saw myself, Keelie Jenner and Henry Williams tackle the showcase of ‘challenging’ events that is the Challenge. A keyhole, barrel race, utility pattern and
bending race were the challenges we faced. The bending race . A very speedy few runs came from the keyhole making that a good
one to grab some points. We then moved on the utility pattern which required much skill and patience for that darn green gate! The
final stage in the challenge was the barrel race. The fast clover leaf pattern every body loves. The youth stayed to watch some of the
greats in the open ring to show us how it is done. Big congratulations go to Keelie Jenner and Mickey for winning the Youth Challenge. In 2nd place Brooklyn Timmins and Pakamass Zigzag, 3rd Henry Williams and Dombarton Cabernet
Special thankyous from behalf of the youth competitors go to the committee for all there hard work, effort and sleepless nights putting
this show together, our judge Mrs Rosemary Vincent who is always offering a kind word and encouragement throughout the day, our
sponsor for there support of the youth classes, our steward Annika Danielsson and any other helper on the day or behind the scenes.
Results from Youth Ring:
Youth Handler –Handler under 13yrs (Handlers under 8yrs may be accompanied by adult
Keelie Jenner, Mickey
Youth Handler-Handler 13 and under 18 years
Brodie Johnson, Glen Ray Rivoli Remington
Youth Stockman’s Turnout-Rider Under 18yrs
Brooklyn Timmins, Pakamass Zigzag
Novice Youth ASH Rider –Under 18yrs
Keelie Jenner, Mickey
Brodie Johnson, Glen Ray Rivoli Remington
Brooklyn Timmins, Pakamass Zigzag
Youth News cont..
Youth ASH Rider-Under 13years
Keelie Jenner, Mickey
Henry Williams, Dombarton Cabernet
Youth ASH Rider- Under 18 years
Brooklyn Timmins, Pakamass Zigzag
Youth ASH Hack-Rider under 18yrs
Brodie Johnson, Glen Ray Rivoli Remington
Keelie Jenner, Mickey
Brooklyn Timmins, Pakamass Zig zag
ASH most suitable for beginner rider-rider under 13yrs
Mickey, Keelie Jenner
Dombarton Cabernet, Henry Williams
Youth ASH Pleasure Hack-Rider under 18yrs
Glen Ray Rivoli Remington, Brodie Johnson
Mickey, Keelie Jenner
Pakamass Zigzag, Brooklyn Timmins
A very successful day for Brooklyn
Timmins & Pakamass Zig Zag
Youth ASH Rider and ASH Mount Most Suitable for Pony Club-Rider under 13yrs
Keelie Jenner, Mickey
Henry Williams, Dombarton Cabernet
Youth ASH Rider and ASH Mount Most Suitable for Pony Club-Rider –
Rider 13yrs and under 18yrs
Brodie Johnson, Indra Lea
Youth ASH Station/Utility Horse- Rider under 18years
Indra Lea, Brodie Johnson
Pakamass Zigzag, Brooklyn Timmins
Mickey, Keelie Jenner
Youth ASH Working-Rider under 18 years
Pakamass Zigzag, Brooklyn Timmins
Indra Lea Brodie Johnson
Mickey, Keelie Jenner
Henry Williams riding the super quiet
Dombarton Cabernet
CHAMPION WORKING JUNIOR RIDER Under 18 yrs - Brooklyn Timmins –Pakamass Zigzag
RESERVE CHAMPION—Brodie Johnson -Indra Lea
CHAMPION YOUTH RIDER—Brooklyn Timmins - Pakamass Zigzag
Awarded to competitor who in the opinion of the judge displays good horsemanship and sporting behaviour on the day!
Show Results
SA Central Branch 40th Anniversary Show—Ring 1
Open ASH Hack
Chalani Minerva – HSH - Chalani Stock Horses
Chalani Auster - HSH – Cathy Beer
Chalani Opera – Belinda Battersby
Best Presented Junior ASH (3yrs and under) and Handler
Chalani Sunstream – HSH - Chalani Stock Horses
2nd Sunnyriver Rebellion - HSH - Felicity Green
Berragoon Frown - Jessica Getson
Ridden ASH Hack – Stallion
Myarra Southern Star - Fenn family partnership
Led ASH 2 year old Colt or Gelding
Chalani Sunstream – HSH - Chalani Stock Horses
Sunnyriver Rebellion – HSH – Felicity Green
Lochness Scout - Jodie Middleton-Clark
Ridden ASH Hack – Gelding
Dombarton Carbernet - Fenn family partnership
Glenray Rivoli Remington - Melanie Johnson
Lake Eyre Cougar - Felicity Green
Led ASH 3 year old Colt or Gelding
Myarra Southern Star - Fenn Family Partnership
Ridden ASH Hack – Mare
Chalani Minerva – HSH – Chalani Stock horses
Chalani Opera – Belinda Battersby
Boongala Scarlett - Kerry Micke
Led ASH 3 year old Filly
Berragoon Frown - Jessica Getson
Chalani Maia – HSH - Chalani Stock Horses
CHAMPION JUNIOR LED ASH… Berragoon Frown - Jessica Getson.
- Fenn Family Partnership
RESERVE CHAMPION - Myarra Southern Star - Fenn Family Partnership
RESERVE CHAMPION Chalani Minerva – Chalani ASH
Best Presented Senior ASH (4 yrs and over) and Handler
Lake Eyre Cougar - Felicity Green
Boonderoo Timon - Craig Fennell
Boonderoo Dawn – HSH – Claire Fennell
Novice ASH Working
Berragoon Frown - Jessica Getson
Chalani Minerva – HSH – Chalani Stock horses
Kardinia Indignate - Kirsten Aldersey
Led ASH Gelding 4 years and over
Boonderoo Timon – Craig Fennell
Dombarton Carbernet - Fenn Family Partnership
Lake Eyre Cougar – Felicity Green
Open ASH Working
Chalani Minerva – HSH – Chalani Stock horses
Dombarton Carbernet - Fenn Family Partnership
Boonderoo Timon - Craig Fennell
Ridden ASH Working – Stallion
Myarra Southern Star - Fenn Family Partnership
Led ASH Mare 4 years and over
Chalani Minerva - HSH - Chalani Stock horses
Boonderoo Dawn - HSH - Claire Fennell
Chalani Opera – Belinda Battersby
CHAMPION SENIOR LED ASH Bonderoo Timon – Craig Fennell
RESERVE CHAMPION Chalani Minerva – HSH - Chalani Stock Horses
SUPREME CHAMPION LED ASH Bonderoo Timon – Craig Fennell
Stockmans Turnout Rider 18yrs & over
Chalani Minerva - HSH - Chalani Stock horses
Boongala Scarlett—Kerry Micke
Boonderoo Timon—Craig Fennell
Ashborns Lady JaneHSH—Jodie Middleton Clarke
Lake Eyre Cougar — Felicity Green
Boongala Scarlett—Kerry Micke
Ridden ASH Working – Gelding
Dombarton Carbernet - Fenn Family Partnership
Boonderoo Timon – Craig Fennell
Kardinia Indignate - Kirsten Aldersey
Ridden ASH Working – Mare
Berragoon Frown - Jessica Getson
Chalani Minerva – HSH – Chalani Stock horses
Boongala Scarlett - Kerry Micke
Open Station / Utility Horse
Glenray Rivoli Remington - Melanie Johnson
Boongala Scarlett - Kerry Micke
Lake Eyre Cougar – Felicity Green
Dombarton Carbernet – Fenn Family Partnership
Chalani Minerva – HSH - Chalani Stock Horses
Novice ASH Hack
Myarra Southern Star - Fenn family partnership
Chalani Auster - HSH - Cathy Beer
Kardinia Indignate - Kirsten Aldersey
Myarra Southern Star – Fenn Family Partnership
Member News and Information
Property Identification Code (PIC)
All SA properties with one or more livestock (horses, cattle, sheep, pigs, goats, deer, alpacas, donkeys, mules, camels or llamas) must
be registered for a unique property identification code (PIC). Registration has been mandatory since January 2011.
PIC registration costs $76 for a two year registration period.
Contact: Biosecurity SA 1800 654 688 (free call)
Location: 33 Flemington Street, Glenside
At SACB we have instigated the PIC number to be included on all of our forms and ASH programmes from now on. This includes the training days, shows and any event where we will be using our Aust Stock Horses.
SACB committee have decided to act first so that in the event of another "EI" situation, we would be prepared and have records of our
members and competitors, horses etc. from now on. (you will notice a new release of the SACB branch show programme and the entry
form had been updated to include the PIC).
By introducing this now, we can run this until the end of 2012, as a grace period. As of 1st January, 2013 if the PIC is not on your entry form, we will return it along with the entry.
Looking for the photographer from the Branch Show?
If you are looking for that special piccy from the 40th Anniversary Branch Show - have a look at Sharon from
Sharanpa Photography was the official photographer on the day and she has many photos to chose from of all competitors. They are
locally based at Littlehampton in the Adelaide Hills and is a big supporter of Equine Events in our area. Sharanpa is also on Facebook so
you should be able to locate the proofs easily.. Or call her on 0412 004 514 or email Its easy to download an
order form from the website and place your order, just deciding on which photos will be the hard part!
Advertise in The Stockwhip Newsletter
A quarter page advertisement is free each year for SACB members and thereafter $10 for every ¼ of a page. $15 per 1/4 page for nonmembers. Contact Jenny Scheepers:
Seeking Sponsors for ASH Classes at the 2013 Adelaide Royal Show
With the good news of an increased programme of Australian Stock Horse classes, we are seeking additional sponsorship, to not only
entice more competitors, but to provide a great opportunity for business or individuals to promote their product or service in conjunction with
this event.
If you or you know of a person or business that would be interested in supporting the Australian Stock Horses at the 2013 Adelaide Royal
Show, please contact Felicity on 0408 373 450 or email and find out the sponsorship packages available.
Member News
General Rules to consider when in competition…..
With show season starting, make sure that you have all your paperwork in order… are you riding a gelding, but your registration papers still show your horse as a stallion? You will need to get this amended or you could be declined from entering an event
as a result.
It is up to you to follow through on horse transfers and registrations with the ASHS
When competing you should carry your ASHS membership card and horse registration/transfer with you to the event,
just in case you are asked to provide proof.
A polite reminder for judges & competitors not to be too familiar with each other whilst competiing, even though you may
know them personally, do not refer to one another on a first name basis, as this is unprofessional and not appropriate ASHS
Member conduct.
*** Hot Weather Policy update *** SACB run events only
If the weather forecast is for 38C or higher, as published in “The Advertiser” newspaper the day prior, any
SACB run event will be cancelled. This policy only applies to events run by the SACB in their entirety (does not
include events hosted by other organisations such as Agricultural or non-ASH breed societies). To be advised via
the SACB website, via phone/email where possible and printed on the programme.
SACB cannot guarantee entry refunds for events run by other organisations and as such, competitors must
make their own decision to compete in hot weather or not at those particular events.
SACB Facebook Page
We wish to advise all ASHS members, that the SACB Facebook Page is not to be used for Stud Advertising, as there are other
Facebook Pages that allow you to promote your stud. We request that the SACB page is to be kept for ASHS and SACB events & related
business only. We do encourage you to advertise, in this, your branch newsletter or the SACB website instead., and support the ASHS and
the SA Central Branch in that manner. Thank you.
2013 Royal Adelaide Show
The SA State Management Council of the Australian Stock Horse Society invites you to compete in the Australian Stock Horse events
at the 2013 Adelaide Royal Show.
On 1st – 3rd March 2013 at the Adelaide Show Ground, Wayville, South Australia (ASH Events are on 3rd March)
With a new extended programme of 25 sponsored led and ridden Australian Stock Horse events!
Including: Led events, ASHLA, Stockmans Turnout, Ridden Hack and Working Classes, Station/Utility Horse as well as the return of
the ASH Time Trial event!
And multiple chances to become a Royal Show Champion!
Champion & Reserve Champion Led ASH Colt or Stallion
Champion & Reserve Champion Led ASH Mare
Champion & Reserve Champion Ridden ASH
Champion & Reserve Champion Led ASH Gelding
Supreme Champion Led Australian Stock Horse
Champion & Reserve Champion Working ASH
Cash and prizes up for grabs!
2013 is the year to go to the Adelaide Summer Royal!!
For full details of the programme and entry form contact the Adelaide Show ground on (08) 8210 5211 or log onto the Royal Adelaide
Show website:
Or view the SA Central Branch website: for further information and updates.
Entries Close: Friday 14th December 2012 !!
Member News
Judges Accreditation Workshop for SA!
The ASHS Head Office has advised the date for the next Judges Accreditation Workshop for SA will be held in Adelaide on 20th &
21st July 2013.
We are seeking an expression of interest from all branch members if you would like to become an Accredited ASH Judge? As you are
well aware, we do not have many Judges in our State and we appreciate that some times our current Accredited Judges will not compete
and offer to judge so that a show can go ahead.
If you are interested please let Jenny Scheepers your Branch secretary know. Phone: 08 8536 8086
When we have more details and information on this Judges Accreditation event, we will then be able to contact you easily.
SACB Member Profile - Brooklyn Timmins
Age: 17
Suburb / Location: Nairne, SA
Occupation: Student /Farm Hand
Number of ASH you own: 1
Favourite Food: Madras Curry
Favourite Movie: National Treasure and Red Dog
Favourite Colour: Purple, Pink and Green
Favourite bit of tack: Saddle
Favourite holiday destination: Anywhere up north
Best Horse: At the moment it would be my stock horse, Pakamass Zigzag. He surprises me every day!
Best Award: Would have to be winning the ASHS National Youth Judging Final at Sydney Royal in
2011. Such and honour!
What I like to do when not riding: I show my own and other people’s cattle, which I love and it keeps me very busy. So when I am not in
the saddle I am breaking in cattle!
Sports: Netball and Tennis
Goals: To be in the Police Force and branch my small Angus Stud into the Limflex breed.
Pets: 2 horses, lots of cattle and my dog Turbo.
Person you admire and why: A very good friend of mine John Higgionson, who has helped and supported me throughout my whole life.
Anything else: I thoroughly enjoy being part of the SA Central Branch Committee and promoting SA Youth!
Thank you to Brooklyn for your profile!
The next Stock whip newsletter will
feature some other lucky branch member!
If you are interested in being our Member
Profile for the next newsletter, just let
one of our committee know .
It is a great way to introduce yourself
especially if you are new to our branch.
Member News
SACB Branch Training Days
Branch training days are held at Tilling Hill, Berry Road Echunga on a regular basis and is open to all ASHS members to attend.
Ride in a super indoor arena and increase your riding skills and further your ASH knowledge with our branch coaches.
For dates refer to the Events Calendar in this newsletter. Contact Jenny Scheepers SACB Secretary to register your interest.
Expression of Interest for SA Ladies Clinic
We are seeking an expression of interest from all ASHS ladies for the SA Ladies Clinic in 2013 over a weekend that will fit in with all members and competition dates.
We now take turns with the SE of SA Branch in running this event from year to year, to improve skills with our Australian Stock Horses
and try other disciplines, that we may not usually compete in, EG: polocrosse, dressage, novelties etc.
In 2013 the SA Central Branch will be responsible to run and co-ordinate this event.
We have previously run this with much success, however, to justify the cost of an Accredited ASH Coach we need to find out how many
ladies would attend, before we can go ahead and commit to dates, venues and booking an Accredited ASH Instructor.
If you are interested in attending the Ladies Clinic and would like to put your name on the attendee list or have some ideas that you would
like to share about running the Ladies Clinic please contact Jenny Scheepers 08 8536 8086 or email
Members Dressage News!
Congrats to Chalani Auster & Cathy Beer!
Chalani Auster has won the Adelaide Hills Dressage Club’s Horse of
the Year Award!
This is awarded to the horse accumulating the most points from any
AHDC day during the year, competing at any level.
Cathy says “he has had a good year having previously won the ASHS
State Management Council High Point Award for Dressage in
Right: A very happy Cathy Beer and
Chalani Auster with his new trophy rug!
Horse Deals Magazine - Sponsor Spotlight
Horse Deals Magazine is a fantastic supporter of our Australian Stock Horse events not only in SA but
throughout Australia. We thank them for their support with the Horse Deals goods and merchandise
for our raffles and prizes for our competitions. This is not just because a number of ASHS members
happen to work there! But because they take a genuine interest in the horse industry and we as
ASHS members cannot do without the monthly fix of the Horse Deals Magazine!
So next time you are selling or buying anything horsey, look to Horse Deals team for the best deal.
For more info on this great SA Business log on to
Equitana Stock Horse State of Origin Time Trial Challenge
Report by Rachel Fenn
Team SA! Consiting of Rachel & Savvy, with Lindsay & Rustler
Equitana was held this year at the Melbourne Showgrounds.
Lindsay Cadzow and I had the honour of being selected by SA
State Management Council to represent SA at the ASHS state of
origin time trial challenge that was held on the Tuffrock arena on
18th November at 3.15pm.
Dave and I set off on the 17th November with the two SA horses:
Binjali Rustler, owned by the Cadzow’s and my ever-trustworthy
Dombarton Cabernet (Savvy to his friends and family). Lindsay
and Kym Cadzow had a busy weekend with horses in the races in
Adelaide on the Saturday and they planned to drive through the
night to meet us at Equitana on the Sunday morning.
We decided to spend the night with Mat and Tristan Holz in
Modella Victoria in a hope to pick up some tips from someone who
has been very successful in time trials at a national level. So what
was Mat’s tip to me for the challenge?...... ‘go as fast as you can!’.
A man of few words, but hey, you can’t knock the reasoning behind it. We did set up a time trial at Mat and Tristan’s property and
gave the horses a couple of run throughs the day before. Dave took Rustler for a spin on the off chance he would have to step up as
the reserve rider should Kym and Lindsay run into trouble on their journey.
We arrived at Equitana early Sunday morning and were confronted by an A-list line up of riders for the challenge: Michael Hiscock
and Graham Rozinski riding for Victoria; Bill Peadon and Fiona Beer riding for NSW, Mat Holz and Adam Todd riding for WA, and
Jason Fry and David White were flying the banner for QLD. I was happy to be there flying the flag for not only SA but for the ladies
as well!
In the morning we had the opportunity to take in some of the Equitana atmosphere. There was a lot to see, and we managed to catch
an ASH breed demonstration put together by Gordan Nash and Mathew Holz. I was extremely disappointed to realise that my nerves
had seriously affected my ability to shop. But not to be deterred I managed to spend a quick few hundred at Angus Barrett Saddlery
before the competition.
Lindsay and I donned our red SA shirts and prepared the horses for the main event. It was a big thrill to ride out onto the arena and
be a part of the Equitana atmosphere. We then realised we had a very strong SA support crew at various spots in the crowd cheering
us on.
The challenge was in 2 rounds with SA drawing second in both rounds. I would ride first for SA, then Lindsay, and we would both ride
the course twice.
The course was TOUGH. It was tight and the ground was extremely slippery. Michael Hiscock went out first and his horse slipped
and slided at every obstacle. I remember thinking that I was going to have to ride smart to keep Savvy upright. When you see such
an accomplished horseman struggling, you have to be wary. Savvy ran the course as he always does, carefully and to the ground
conditions. Unfortunately, my foot knocked over a barrel and we had to add 3s onto our time. All the teams struggled through the
course, with Aaron Todd’s horse falling at the jump and being awarded a restart by the judge. Lindsay also hit some trouble in his
first run at the jump when Rustler lost his footing and sat down on his hindquarters. Thumbs up to Lindsay though as he managed to
stay in the saddle while Rustler stood up and completed the course.
SA did better in the second round. Savvy and I kept the course in tact, and Lindsay got extra crowd support for a maneuver where he
nearly managed to keep a drum up with his hand whilst racing through the course. Ultimately, WA won the challenge, with Bill
Peadon from NSW taking the prize for the fastest round. SA came in fifth place, but the scores were tight.
I want to say a big thank you to the SA Central Branch for their financial support in helping us to get over there, and State Management Council for accepting our nomination to attend. It was great to see SA riders involved in such a big event for our breed. I also
want to give big shout out to all the SA supporters in the crowd that day, your cheers helped get us through unscathed!
Left: Presentation of ribbons
to Team SA .
A great line up of Australian
Stock Horses !
Do you have an article or photo to contribute to the next branch newsletter?
The SACB Stockwhip Newsletter is for all ASHS Members to share and spread news of what they have been doing out and about with their
Australian Stock Horse. If you have a news item, photo or information that you would like to have included please email to
ashssacb@bigpond and mark the subject line: The Editor SACB Stockwhip Note: The next edition is due out in February 2013.
Campdraft News
Keith Campdraft Results
1 - Olivia Henzen - Couger
2 - Brett Cooley - Rose
3 - Jack Henzen - Jazz
4 - Brett Cooley - Oakie Dockie
4 - Olivia Henzen - High Life
6 - Lexie Belcec - Tommy
6 - Lexie Belcec - Couger
1 - Jack Henzen - Black & Cool
2 - Lexie Belcec - Tommy
3 - Olivia Henzen - Black Cinder
3 - Lexie Belcec - Couger
3 - Marron Thompson - Recall
6 - Jack Sutherland - Indy
6 - Dylan Chapman - Trigger
6 - Angus Edgar - Tully
1 - James Taylor - Tango
2 - Shannon aylor - Ollie
3 - Ben McEwin - Whisky
4 - James Taylor - Anzac
5 - Lauchy Clarke - Banjo
6 - Lauchy Clarke - Meg
1 - David Neale - Savvy
2 - Katie Stock - Barella Kitten
3 - Henry Clarke - Tierenette
4 - Sue Parker - Jess
5 - James Edgar - Josie
5 - Barry Taylor - Peppi Chex
5 - Peter Chapman - JD
5 - Lorelle Crow - Jumpin Jack
1 - Rob Cooley - Mobile Kosiosko
2 - Chevelle Dunston - Tipan
3 - Nicole Edgar - Dee
3 - Sarah Long - Oaks Rough Diamond
5 - Bill Willoughby - Little Jack
5 - Jeff Smith - Show Tme
1 - John Spencer - Joker
2 - Jeff Smith - Showtime
3 - David Murphy - Gunmetal
4 - Melissa Walmsley - Stylus
5 - Craig Osborne - Elcee
6 - Wayne Matten - Rubin
6 - Jeff Smith - Roxy
6 - Harold James - Puff & Smoke
Keith Campdraft was held on Friday
2nd—Sunday 4th November 2012. With a
number of regular SA Central Branch members attending and getting in the winners
circle! Congratulations to the Keith Campdraft Committee on another fun weekend!
This draft is getting bigger every year and
with the interest in campdrafting growing in
SA, this is surely a sport for all the family!
1 - Rob Cooley - Mobile Kosiosko
2 - Murray White - Macho
3 - Karen Carter - Mobile Shameless
4 - Jacinta Taylor - Freckles Katey Girl
5 - Shannon Taylor - Farrier
6 - Rod James - Drift
SA Central Banch and the SE of SA Branch
jointly sponsor this event as it is “half way”
between the branches, so the highest
placed ASH in the events held received a
ASH Sash and some prize money.
1 - Jeff Smith - Cadman
2 - Craig Love - Yorkey
3 - Murray White - Black Destiny
4 - Ben McEwin - Whisky
5 - Frank Balkin - Bullion
6 - David Murphy - Commando
1 - David Murphy - Mobile Rebbeca
2 - Harold James - Tango
3 - James Taylor - Anzac
4 - Darren Jewell - Equity
5 - Michael Spencer - Hunka
6 - Richard Clarke - Gossip
1 - Andrew Clarke - Banjo Bratt
2 - David Murphy - Mobile Rebecca
3 - Andrew Clarke - Stylish Meg
4 - Stacey Smith - Chantoozie
5 - Andrew Clarke - Destiny Oak
6 - Graeme Baulch - Booyah
This is a joint agreement between our
branches to ensure that our members who
are campdrafting are supported and rewarded in their chosen discipline.
The next campdraft will be the local
Fleurieu Campdraft to be held on January 26th & 27th 2013.
If you are interested in having a look at
what campdrafting is all about - this is the
one to check out.
There are food and drinks (including a bar
available and the Fleurieu Campdraft committee set the grounds up with great views
for the spectators.
So come along and cheer on your fellow
ASH members and enjoy a relaxing day
For more details on the campdrafting log
onto the Southern Campdrafting Associattion website:
Event Calendar 2012 / 2013
Closing Date
18th Nov
Festival All Breeds Show
Mt Pleasant
15-18th Nov
Not applicable
24th Nov
ASHS SACB Training Day
Tilling Hill
Not applicable
24-25th Nov
Western Vic Branch Show Challenge
Hexham Rec
Grounds near
Mortlake VIC
9th Nov
2nd Dec
SE of SA Branch Show
Penola Pony
Club Grounds
7th—9th Dec
Lower Lakes Stockmans Challenge
30th Oct
9th Dec
Northern Hack & Halter Show
Mt Pleasant
1st Dec
16th Dec
Dilutes Aust SA Championships
Polo Grounds
10th Dec
26th—27th Jan Fleurieu Campdraft
Opens 17th
10th Feb
Murray Bridge All Breeds Show
Murray Bridge
16th Feb
ASHS SACB Training Day
Tilling Hill
Not Applicable
24th Feb
ASHS SA State Futurity & Maturity
Show (hosted by SE of SA Branch)
1-3rd Mar
Adelaide Royal Show
Wayville Show
14th Dec
16th Mar
ASHS SACB Training Day
Tilling Hill
Not Applicable
For any show to be nominated as a Central Branch High Point Show and placings to count towards the Central
Branch High Point Trophies, it must run the standard SACB High Point programme. That and other ASHS
event programmes can be found on the SACB Website
Event Key
HP = High Point; S = Show; D = Dressage; C = Challenge; O = Other; CD = Campdraft
SA Central Branch Merchandise
Please complete form and return to:
Office use only- date rec.
ASHS SA Central Branch Secretary/ Treasurer:
Jenny Scheepers
407 Milang Road
Angas Plains SA 5255
Email: or Phone: 08 8536 8086 Mobile: 0438 368 083
Postal Address
Phone 1 #
Phone 2 #
Current ASHS Membership #
SACB Equestrian Vests (Poly Cotton with branch Logo) (please circle size/colour) Adult S M L XL XXL
SACB Polo Shirt Navy/Gold (please circle size required) Adult S M L XL XXL XXXL
$ 35.00
SACB Caps (please circle colour - one size) Navy/Gold Peak Navy/Suede Peak
$ 25.00
SACB Stubby Holders
$ 8.00
ASHS Polo Shirt Green/Gold Unisex (please circle size) Adult S M L XL XXL XXXL
$ 40.00
ASHS Polo Shirt Navy/White Mens (please circle size) Adult S M L XL XXL XXXL
$ 40.00
ASHS Polo Shirt Navy/White Ladies please circle size) Adult 10 12 14 16 18
$ 40.00
ASHS Polo Shirt Navy/Pink Ladies please circle size) Adult 10 12 14 16 18
$ 40.00
ASHS Woollen Saddle Blanket Green/Gold (please circle size) 27” 30”
$ 60.00
$ 40.00
SACB Polo Shirt (please circle size required) Child 8 10 12 14
ASHS Bandana
$ 95.00
$ 6.00
ASHS Black Satchel (for Registration & Membership records)
$ 10.00
ASHS Pattern Books
$ 10.00
ASHS Logo Stick Pins
$ 6.00
ASHS Computer Mouse Mat
$ 6.00
ASHS Lanyard
$ 6.50
$ 2.00
ASHS Caps (please circle colour - one size) Green/Gold Cotton Green/Suede Peak
$ 25.00
POSTAGE: FLAT RATE for all in SA (Australia Post 3kg Satchel) Collection of your order at the next branch event
can be arranged, confirm your preference together with your order/payment.
$ 9.90
BRANCH BUCKS: Deduct amount here if you have received SACB Bucks
Bucks - $
Please make cheques payable to ASHS SA Central Branch and post to address at top of form, or
Deposit EFT to Adelaide Bank -
Acc Name ASH SA Central BSB 610-101 ACC# 070452399
Our Branch Motto: “A commitment to excellence in breeding horses and building horsemanship”
SA Central Branch Committee
Melissa Morris
Committee Members
0422 298 603
Felicity Green
0408 373 450
Vice President
Malinda Watson
Amanda “Chook” Young
0417 848 517
0488 774 491
Secretary / Treasurer & Show Secretary
Jenny Scheepers
Youth & Assistant Recreation
08 8536 8086
Brooklyn Timmins
407 Milang Road ANGAS PLAINS SA 5255
0423 453 262
$10 per house hold Membership form and can be downloaded from the
SACB web site:
SACB Steward Vouchers !!!
SACB are offering $10 vouchers to volunteers who steward at High Point Shows, Challenges and SACB run events.
Vouchers can be used with SACB merchandise or entry fees at SACB run events such as the Futurity Show and Challenges. Or pay for
your yearly membership!
Imagine if you stewarded at several events, you could get yourself a free t-shirt or work up to a great looking branch vest!