Welcome back! - Ville de Deux
Welcome back! - Ville de Deux
L’EXPRESS DEUX-MONTAGNES B U L L E T I N O F T H E C I T Y O F D E U X - M O N TA G N E S • A u g u s t - S e p t e m b e r - O c t o b e r - N o v e m b e r 2 0 1 4 Welcome back! New City Council and You Details on page 3 Discover the Fall Leisures Program and the ACDM Program! WoRD FRoM thE MAYoR Dear fellow citizens, Summer is drawing to a close and fall is already in the air. Children will be heading back to school very soon, which is why I’m asking drivers to be extra careful and obey speed limits, especially in school zones. Manon Robitaille District # 1 / Grand-Moulin Deux-Montagnes was buzzing with activities this summer, making our city a young and dynamic place where the living is good. The first edition of the Business Celebration, celebrated on June 7th, generated a lot of excitement on Oka Road, to the delight of our local merchants! The July 1st celebrations also drew large crowds at Central Park, as did the third edition of the Cité Karine Gauthier District #2 / du Lac des Arts, held this time at the Olympia. These colourful and top quality events reflect the vitality and creativity that thrives within our territory. I am deeply grateful to our numerous volunteers for their great generosity and support and for offering their time and energy to make every event a resounding success. Thank you for your dedication! Micheline Groulx Stabile District #3 / de l’Olympia To conclude, I hope you enjoy the last few days of summer in the presence your loved ones and have a chance to sample the many local delicacies of the fall season. Frédéric Berthiaume District #4 / de la Gare Denis Martin, Mayor Michel Mendes District #5 / du Coteau SUMMARY The nex edition of the L’Express will take place in Decembre. City council and you .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 Municipal news .................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Safety and regulations....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Public works and urban planning .................................................................................................................................... 6 Recreation and community life ......................................................................................................................................... 7 The green page ................................................................................................................................................................. 11 The bibliopage .................................................................................................................................................................. 13 Margaret Lavallée District # 6 / du Golf BULLETIN OF TH E CITY OF DEU X-M ON TAG N ES 2 AUGUST - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2014 CitY CouNCiL AND You MuNiCiPAL NEWS Karine Gauthier Councillor - Du Lac District It was one year ago already that I walked down the streets of the Du Lac district to introduce myself and gain a better understanding of the concerns expressed by my fellow citizens. First and foremost on their minds was the municipal tax burden. It is precisely this reason that made me run for city council. After nine months in office, my goals have not changed – to avert or minimize municipal tax increases and ensure a better quality of life for citizens. Since my election last November, two elements stand out. First, preparing the 2014 budget was a major undertaking, especially since we had just been elected. Some important decisions had to be made. We made a round of cuts and did some restructuring to avoid a steep increase in municipal taxes. My motto is to do more with less, and I appreciate the efforts of municipal staff who stood by us during this tedious process. I was struck by the strength of community spirit in Deux-Montagnes, and I encourage people to give their time to one of the many wonderful organizations active in our territory. I would also like to pay tribute to DeuxMontagnes’ vibrant business community and encourage all citizens to shop local first. Fellow citizens, it is an honour for me to represent you. Feel free to send us your suggestions, questions or comments by email via the City’s website: http://www.ville.deux-montagnes.qc.ca/commentaireset-requetes/ Let me assure you that I will continue to put a lot of energy into eliminating sources of recurring financial losses that do not provide added value to the city. I would also like to give notice of my intention to develop our city’s various water bodies in the near future. They are a valuable resource and we must do all we can to promote our assets. Enjoy the fall season! KARiNE gAuthiER kgauthier@ville.deux-montagnes.qc.ca 450 473-1145 poste 302 BULLETIN OF TH E CITY OF DEU X-M ON TAG N ES Automated Message System - AMS portal To provide citizens better access to relevant information, Ville de DeuxMontagnes has implemented an automated message system, commonly known as the AMS portal. The service allows citizens to receive important public safety alerts from the City by phone. The portal contains the contact information of people who wish to be notified in the event of specific situations such as boil water advisories, sheltering, evacuation, water main breaks, street closures, major works in specific areas or other situations deemed important for DeuxMontagnes citizens. Note that information contained in the SAM portal is confidential and will not be used for telemarketing purposes. hoW to gEt oN thE LiSt: 1) Visit www.ville.deux-montagnes.qc.ca and click on the AMS icon in the right column of the home page. 2) Enter your landline or cell phone number in the appropriate field. You will receive a call moments later that will provide you with a password. We strongly recommend that you enter your landline phone number. If you do not have a landline, you may enter your cell phone number. 3) Log on to the AMS portal with the assigned password. 4) Complete your profile by entering your contact information in the AMS portal. Thereafter, you will receive all important notices from Ville de DeuxMontagnes that affect your area. For questions about the sign-up process, please contact the Communications Department at 450-473-1145 ext. 235 or at communications@ville.deux-montagnes.qc.ca CoMMENtS AND quERiES? Feel free to send us your suggestions, questions or comments by email via the City’s website: http://www.ville.deuxmontagnes.qc.ca/commentaires-et-requetes/ 3 AUGUST - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2014 MuNiCiPAL NEWS 2014 Dragon Boat Race On Saturday, June 21st, the Mille-Îles River was the site of the third annual dragon boat race, a fundraising event organized by the Sercan Foundation. Aboard one of the 46-feet-long boats was an enthusiastic and fun-loving team consisting of City Councillor Micheline Groulx Stabile, firefighters and other employees from Ville de Deux-Montagnes, as well as members of the Paravie training centre. The event helped the City team raise and donate $5,500, which will go to support Sercan services and the Maison de Soins Palliatifs de Saint-Eustache. Congratulations to the rowers who took 3rd place! The Business Celebration proves a roaring success! Celebrated under bright sunny skies on June 7th, the Business Celebration turned out to be a big hit! The mission of this unifying event is to increase awareness of local businesses in Deux-Montagnes. Somewhat like an open house, it was an opportunity to obtain coupons and samples while enjoying food and drinks. As part of the celebration, shopfronts and parking lots featured balloons, inflatable games, face painters for the kids, music and animation for everyone to enjoy! This amazing day culminated with a draw for three beautiful fruit baskets and a number of gift certificates, worth about $600 each. Ville de Deux-Montagnes would like to thank the organizing committee for this great event and all the businesses who participated in the first-ever Business Celebration. Hopefully this will be the start of a long tradition! Mikaël Kingsbury Park Reminders On April 10th Ville de Deux-Montagnes held a ceremony in honour of Mikaël Kingsbury, silver medalist at the Sochi Olympic Games and freestyle skiing world champion in all disciplines. On this special day, city mayor Denis Martin announced that the park located on Croissant Mathys had been renamed Mikaël Kingsbury Park in tribute to the young athlete and Deux-Montagnes native. BULLETIN OF TH E CITY • August 31st, September 1st and 2nd,2014 : Garage sales allowed throughout the City • Next City Council meetings: August 14th, September 11th, October 9th and November 13th, starting at 7:30 p.m. at 803 Oka Road • September 9th: Deadline for the 4th tax instalment • October 14th: Municipal offices closed for Thanksgiving • October 15th: Temporary car shelters can now be installed. • November 1st: Overnight street parking forbidden • November 2nd: Set your clocks back one hour! OF DEU X-M ON TAG N ES 4 AUGUST - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2014 SAFEtY AND REguLAtioNS Time change Chimney sweeping – Carbon monoxide detector Battery change Make sure to have your chimney swept before the start of the heating season. If your home is your primary source of heating, more than one cleaning will be necessary during the season. Be careful not to burn any material other than solid fuel. When changing the clocks on the night of November 1st to 2nd, don’t forget to change your smoke alarm batteries at the same time. For more information, feel free to call us at 450-473-2730 or visit our website at www.incendiedeux-montagnesste-marthe-surle-lac.com We also wish to remind you that a carbon monoxide detector must be installed if you have a fireplace (wood, pellet, gas) or if a garage is attached to the house. End of Season BBQ Storage Do you typically store your barbecue in the shed? If so, it’s not a good practice because moist air promotes rust Tanks: For safety reasons, never store them indoors (house, garage or shed). They must be kept outdoors year-round. Once the unit is cleaned, it can be stored in a heated garage. Remove the cover and tank. The easiest option is just to leave it outdoors, protected under its cover. the Big Evacuation Tips • remove any tank older than ten years • replace any rusted or dented tank • never throw a gas tank in the garbage. Bring it back to the tank supplier for proper handling Fire Prevention Week Wednesday, october 8th at 7 p.m. The 24th edition of Fire Prevention Week will run from October 5th to 11th this year under the theme "Sitôt averti, sitôt sorti!" Its goal is to increase your chances of escaping unharmed from a fire by following the steps below: Take part in The Big Evacuation during Fire Prevention Week. The Big Evacuation is an event where people all across Quebec, especially families, are asked to take part in a fire drill on the same day and at the same time. Citizens, tenants and landlords are encouraged to conduct a fire drill in their homes with their families. We will be driving around City streets with lights and sirens activated on that day to encourage citizens to take part in the home evacuation exercise. Check your smoke alarm + Prepare an evacuation plan + Conduct a fire drill Among the places we’ll be visiting that week is your Sénécal et filles IGA grocery store at 850 Oka Road, on Tuesday, October 7th between 3 p.m. and 7 p.m. We’ll be handing out leaflets and answering your questions. Be sure to take part! The Ministère de la Sécurité Publique provides various tools and scenarios to help you prepare and implement your evacuation plan. h t t p : / / w w w. s e c u r i t e p u b l i q u e . g o u v. q c . c a / s e c u r i t e incendie/prevenir-incendie/semaine-prevention-incendies/grandeevacuation.html BULLETIN OF TH E CITY OF DEU X-M ON TAG N ES 5 AUGUST - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2014 SAFEtY AND REguLAtioNS Immobilization of a road vehicle Reminder of the Highway Safety Code on the Stopping of Road Vehicles No one can stop a road vehicle in the following locations: 1) On a sidewalk and a median; 2) Within 5 meters of a fire hydrant and a stop sign; 3) Within 5 meters of a police or fire station; 4) In an intersection with a clearly identified pedestrian crossing and within 5 meters thereof; Violation: Section 386 of the Highway Safety Code, $30 fine + fees = $57 PuBLiC WoRKS Our four-legged friends School Zone Safety We have received several complaints from citizens concerning dogs being off-leash in City parks. We would like to remind everyone that dogs are banned from children's playgrounds. In all other parks, dogs must be kept on a leash at all times. The only place in the city where dogs are allowed off-leash is the dog park, located on Boulevard Du Lac between 15th and 13th Avenue. With the start of the new school year, the Deux-Montagnes Regional Police Department (SPRDM) will be stepping up patrols to ensure the safety of hundreds of children as they make their way back to their classrooms. Playing with a dog with a ball or Frisbee is prohibited everywhere else in the municipality, even if it is a very friendly dog. A local contractor will be installing bag dispensers for dog waste around the Polyvalente Deux-Montagnes, along with trash bins to dispose of the waste. This is a pilot project at no cost to the City. We strongly encourage you to pick up your pet's waste. It's a matter of respect and civic pride. Thank you for your cooperation! We remind you that several police officers will be present every day in school areas at the beginning and end of classes. They will be actively enforcing the law and issuing tickets to all offenders. Secondary suite or bachelor apartment Parents who drive their children to school generate a significant increase in school zone traffic. The Police Department is reminding parents to obey "drop-off zone" signs to ensure that roads around schools are kept clear. Police, parents and school administrators – let’s all do our part to make school zones safe for pedestrians! Over the years you may have set up a secondary suite or bachelor pad in your basement. If you have not informed the City about it, the property could be illegal even if it is mentioned in your tax bill. The Urban Planning Department needs to make the appropriate adjustments to your property file. 2013 Annual Report The SPRDM has released its 2013 annual report. Anyone wishing to view it can do so by visiting http://www.ville.deuxmontagnes.qc.ca/services-municipaux/service-de-policeregionale/ . News releases from the past several months are also posted. Happy reading! General Rules: • Only one secondary suite per house • Maximum 3 ½ • Separate entrance required Denis Racicot, Director You can rectify your situation by obtaining a permit from our Urban Planning Department, located at 625 20th Avenue. BULLETIN OF TH E CITY OF DEU X-M ON TAG N ES 6 AUGUST - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2014 RECREAtioN AND CoMMuNitY LiFE FORAINS ABYSSAUX SCHOOL OF CIRCUS ARTS FALL CouRSES MouNtAiNviEW SChooL, FRoM SEPtEMBER 13th to DECEMBER 13th, 2014. • Ages 4-6: $140, 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. • Ages 7-12: $168, 10:30 a.m. to noon • Intermediate (ages 13-18 years or with experience): $210, noon to 2 p.m. • Adults: $168, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. RENCoNtRES Et ACtivitéS PouR LES MAMANS DE LA RivE-NoRD Tous les vendredis, de 9 h à 11 h 30 à la Maison du citoyen de Deux-Montagnes Informations : Julie 514 295-6987 ou matineesme@gmail.com Halte-garderie pour les 9 mois à 5 ans. Info and registration by phone or email until September 12th. Hélèna Courteau: ecoleforains@videotron.ca 514-892-3271 or 450-623-3271. Line dancing classes for beginners and intermediates starting Wednesday, September 10th, 2014. 12-course session held at 141 Grand-Moulin Road in Deux-Montagnes. • Open House on September 3rd, 2014. It is important that you register in person. • Evening dances on September 20th and October 25th, 2014 at 99 de la Mairie Street, Sainte-Marthe-sur-le-Lac. • End-of-session supper celebrating Christmas on November 29th, 2014. IInformation: Colette Lecompte, 450-491-5774 or Francine Turcotte, 456-623-0786. Email: danseencoeur@videotron.ca 11th Big ChALLENgE BREAStFEEDiNg Saturday, October 4th, 2014 from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Place St-Eustache. Challenge at 11 a.m. Maternity lounge onsite. Featuring exhibitors, workshops and conferences. For nursing mothers, pregnant women and area families. TéLéVISION DES BASSES-LAURENTIDES Regional television dedicated to you! Keep up to date on regional news and upcoming events in the Lower Laurentians. TVBL reflects your region. Channel 09 for Videotron cable subscribers and online at www.tvbl.ca. WOMEN’S TIME OUT Craft Fair on November 15th, 2014 at the Legion, 141 Grand Moulin Road. Tea Room, draws and products for sale Information : Gertrude Dore, 450-472 1393. UNIVERSITé DU TROISIèME âGE COURONNE NORD 2014 FALL PRogRAM AuDitEuR LiBRE FoRMuLA Wide variety of workshops, courses and conferences for ages 50 and older! To view the program and register: http://www.usherbrooke.ca/uta/crn/ Information: Ginette Boyer, 450-473-2031 or Nicole Côté, 450-491-0735 BULLETIN OF TH E CITY OF Cours d’éveil musical, d’initiation à la musique et de chant. For details see the program of the Association Culturelle de Deux-Montagnes Information: Karoline Selhorst, 514-290-6636 or Maria José Cruz, 514-974-1056 cabaneamuse@gmail.com www.cabaneamuse.weebly.com Contact us for our instrumental courses (violin, flute, clarinet, piano) and singing courses! CLUB DES ARCHERS DE DEUX-MONTAGNES Come and try archery for free on Monday, September 8th and Wednesday, September 10th, from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. PRESENtS: «MoLièRE EN uNE FARCE EN DEuX CoMéDiES» Saturday, November 29th at 8 p.m. at the Polyvalente Deux-Montagnes. Information/tickets: 450.623.3131 lch@lacomediehumaine.ca www.lacomediehumaine.ca Information: Robert Filiatrault, 450-622-6067 www.archers-deux-montagnes.com ASSOCIATION DE RINGUETTE DE DEUX-MONTAGNES C.E.S.A.ME. REgiStRAtioN FoR thE 2014-2015 SEASoN: AuguSt 15th At oLYMPiA 6 P.M. MENtAL hEALth CENtRE FoR ChiLDREN Early September 2014 (Franco-Anglo) • Early stimulation workshops, ages 3 to 5 / Long Live Discipline workshops • Parent-child workshops / Family support Information: 450-623-5677 or www.cesamedeuxmontagnes.com LE LUDUSIUM The Deux-Montagnes Game Club launches its fourth season in September 2014. Free admission for opening game night. Fees for Deux-Montagnes residents: • Pre-mosquito: $100 • Mosquito: $800 - $530 (VDM subsidy) = $270 • Other Category: $320 Payment by postdated cheque available: September 20th and October 20th. Open House: August 22nd, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., at the Deux-Montagnes Olympia. Girls ages 4 and up welcome! Helmet and skates mandatory. Information: Annie Bélisle, 514-516-8633. Information: www.ludusium.org DEU X-M ON TAG N ES 7 AUGUST - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2014 RECREAtioN AND CoMMuNitY LiFE SOCIéTé D'HORTICULTURE ET D'éCOLOGIE DE DEUX-MONTAGNES Free for members $5 for non-members DéPANNAGE SAINT-AGAPIT AgAPé BRuNCh Saturday, September 20th at Legion Hall, 141 Grand Moulin Road, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Tickets: $10. Enjoy a delicious breakfast while supporting the neediest people in our region! CoNFERENCES (iN FRENCh) At thE PEtitE égLiSE ARt CENtRE At 7:15 P.M. S O.S. JEUNESSE • September 3rd: Les plantes grimpantes; comment les choisir, les utiliser, les planter? - Julie Boudreau • October 1st, 2014: Nature et jardins de l’Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande - Larry Hodgson • November 5th, 2014: Taille et entretien des arbres et arbustes - Stefan Sobkowiak Bowling night on October 18th, 2014, from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. at Bowling-du-Parc, 66 Industriel Blvd, Saint-Eustache. $20/ticket. • Paperbacks: $0.50. Hardcover books and oversized softcover books: $1.50Children’s books: $0.25. • All profits will be reinvested into the community. To meet ever-increasing needs, we will accept donations of nonperishable food items in aid of Agapé Christmas Baskets Information: Thérèse Olivier, 450-472-8740, Betty or Martin Hensen, 450-473-1932, Dave Byers, 514-602-7054. CLUB SOCIAL HERITAGE • July 11th and 25th, and August 8th: Community supper at 7 p.m. and Karaoke at 8 p.m. Information: Linda Provost 450-473-5014. • August 22nd: Corn roast, hot dogs and hamburgers for sale. Karaoke night. All profits will be used to pay for the roof renovation. Kitchen volunteers are welcome! Information: Jean Arsenault, 514-571-2233 or sochorecodm@gmail.com CLUB INFORMATIQUE 64 NORD • September 5th and 19th, October 3rd and 17th: Community supper at 7 p.m. and Karaoke at 8 p.m. A PLACE WhERE EvERYoNE CAN EXChANgE AND LEARN. • September 8th: Darts League Activities resume on September 10 . Workshops run from 7:30 p.m. to 10 p.m., every second and fourth Wednesday of the month at room Annette Savoie, 200 Henri Dunant. $5 per night or $30 for an annual membership card th PANDA BLSO ANNuAL MEMBERShiP CARD: $5 iNDiviDuAL / $7 FAMiLY ENgLiSh CoNFERENCES • October 2: Strategies That Promote Success in the Classroom and During Homework Time, by Susan Hayut, M.Ed. Psychologist • October 30: What is ADHD? by Peter Gantous, Clinical Psychologist • November 27: ADHD in Adolescence, by Dr. Lili Hecktman M.D. F.R.C.P. For information or support contact Lisa Agombar at 514 713-5353 or lagombar@pandablso.ca www.pandablso.ca DEUX-MONTAGNES LIONS CLUB • September 9th: Exercise program for seniors. Registration at 9:30 a.m. • September 17th and October 15th: Bingo at 1 p.m. $6.50 MEgA gARAgE SALE September 20th, 111 13th Avenue, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. To donate items, contact Art Glover at 450-473-2503 Table rentals: $10. Contact Owen or Nancy Ryder at 450-974-4167. Delicious cooked foods and sweets will be on sale, including Pat Glover’s famous cabbage rolls! French fries and hot dogs also for sale. Come and support the Lions! • November 1st: Halloween Costume Party, 8 p.m. Music by Double Image. The Club is open on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 2 p.m. Come play a round of pool or darts with us! Welcome to all! Room available for rent (birthday, wedding or other). Information: 514 978-1491. 40th ANNivERSARY oF thE LioNS CLuB! On November 1st, the Lions Club will celebrate 40 years of faithful service to the community! Join us for this wonderful evening! International atmosphere and menus from various countries. The celebration will take place at the Legion, 141 Grand-Moulin Road. Tickets: $15. Call Lorraine McKenna at 450-472-0070. Doors will open at 5:30 p.m. Come celebrate with us! 11th giANt BooK FAiR October 18th and 19th, 2014, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Veterans Hall, 141 Grand Moulin, Deux-Montagnes Over 30,000 French and English books, sorted by category B U L L E T I N M U N I C I PA L D E L A V I L L E D E D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 8 EXCEL GYM – ZODIAK Artistic gymnastics courses, cheerleading, parent-child activities for early childhood, children's parties and open gym on Saturday nights. Registration for the fall session online at www.excelgym-zodiak.ca Informations: 450-623-2987. AOÛT - SEPTEMBRE - OCTOBRE - NOVEMBRE 2014 RECREAtioN AND CoMMuNitY LiFE PATINOIRE DANIÈLE SAUVAGEAU OLYMPIA – 2014-2015 SEASON August 11, 2014 to May 31, 2015 ADULT FREE SKATE (only) Starting August 18 Monday and Wednesday ......................... 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Tuesday ...................................................... 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. FREE SKATE (forall) Starting August 21 Thursday AND Friday ................................ 3:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday ...................................................... 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. SPECIAL SKATING ATTENTION: regular skating cancelled (Labour Day and Thanksgiving) Monday, September 1st and Monday, October 13th Morning .................................................. 9:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. Afternoon ................................................. 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Don’t forget… Places available! Certain days of the week as well as Saturday and Sunday evenings 10 p.m. RINK RESERVATION Anne-Marie Robitaill : 450-473-1005 (21) olympia@ville.deux-montagnes.qc.ca thE NEW SESSioN BEgiNS tuESDAY, SEPtEMBER 2nd, 2014 LES CouRS oNt LiEu à LA PoLYvALENtE DEuX-MoNtAgNES NEW SESSioN – JuDo (Judo Québec membership & judogi) Registration by phone: contact Johanne Hébert 450-623-8307 or by email: judosphere@videotron.ca Age Level 3 to 5 years old Pre-judo 5 years old + Beginner 8 years old + Begin & Inter. 5 years old + Parent-Child 10 years old + Inter. et Advan. 10 years old + Youg Compet. Monday tuesday Wednesday thursday Friday Saturday 6:30 to 7:30 pm 6:30 to 7:30 pm 6:30 to 7:30 pm 7:30 to 9 pm 7:30 to 9 pm 7 to 8:30 pm 6:30 to 8 pm 7 to 8:30 pm 1 course 12 weeks 2 courses and + 12 weeks 8:30 to 9 am $60 9 to 10 am $80 $110 10 to 11 am $80 $110 11 to noon $110 $110 $155 $155 NEW SESSioN – AiKiDo MoChiZuKi (Aikido Mochizuki membership) Registration by phone: contact Martin Letendre 450-974-8069 or email: shionage@gmail.com Age Level tuesday thursday 1 course 12 weeks 2 courses 12 weeks 14 years old + Beginner 8 to 9:30 pm 8 to 9:30 pm $110 $155 14 years old + Intermediate 8 to 9:30 pm 8 to 9:30 pm $110 $155 B U L L E T I N M U N I C I PA L D E L A V I L L E D E D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 9 12-week session + a free trial, course free for 3rd member of the same family. AOÛT - SEPTEMBRE - OCTOBRE - NOVEMBRE 2014 RECREAtioN AND CoMMuNitY LiFE ASSoCiAtioN CuLtuRELLE DE DEuX-MoNtAgNES PEtitE éCoLE JAuNE Registration will take place Friday, August 29th, from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, August 30th, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Information: acdm@videotron.ca ACDM : FALL 2014 CouRSE BEgiNNiNg END WEEK BREAK tELEPhoNE CoSt EquiPMENt Oil and acrylic painting Oil and acrylic painting Theatre (9-11 years) Teen theater + Spanish Beginner / Intermed stained glass beginner 1:30 pm to 4pm 6:30 pm to 9 pm 5:30 pm to 7 pm 7:05pm to 8:35 pm 7 pm to 9 pm 7 pm to 9:30 pm September 8 September 8 September 15 September 15 September 8 September 8 November 17 November 17 Dec.13 & 14 Dec.13 & 14 November 10 November 27 10 10 14 14 10 8 October 5 to 11 October 5 to 11 October 10 to 15 October 10 to 15 450-491-6735 450-491-6735 514-571-7164 514-571-7164 450-491-6735 450-491-6735 $200 $200 $150 $165 $180 $180 $100 $100 tuESDAY English Homework Help English Specialized visual arts 8-12 years ** Acrylic painting children 8-14 years Theatre 6-9 years Theatre 6-8 years 7:30 pm to 9 pm 7:30 pm to 9 pm 16 h 30 à 18 h 6:15 pm to 7:45 pm 3:30 pm to 4:45 pm 6 pm to 7:15 pm September 9 September 9 September 23 September 9 September 16 September 16 November 11 November 18 November 11 November 11 Dec.13 & 14 Dec.13 & 14 10 10 8 10 14 14 450-491-6735 450-491-6735 450-491-6735 450-491-6735 514-571-7164 514-571-7164 $120 $120 $110 $140 $135 $135 Free workshop 9 am to 12:30 am Watercolor 1 pm to 4 pm Drawing (initiation) 7-11 years 4:30 pm to 6 pm Drawing teen + adult 6:30 pm to 9 pm Adult theater 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm French second language (base) 1:30 pm to 3 pm OR French second language (semi-private lesson) 7 pm to 8:30 pm Jewellery 7 pm to p:30 pm September 10 September 10 September 10 September 10 September 17 September 10 December 10 November 12 November 5 October 29 Dec.13 & 14 November 19 13 10 8 8 14 10 450-491-6735 450-491-6735 450-491-6735 450-491-6735 514-571-7164 450-491-6735 $36 $175 $80 $180 $200 September 10 October 29 8 450-491-6735 $180 $65 Spanish Beginner / Intermediate Introduction to Music 5-6 years Beginner clarinet 9-15 years Singing group 6-10 Chant 9-15 years Beg. & Inter. Recorder 7-15 years Piano 7 years and older: Beg. & Inter. Violin all levels and 7 years 7 pm to 9 pm 3 pm to 3:45 pm 5 pm to 8:30 pm 4 pm to 5 pm 5 pm to 8:30 pm 5 pm to 8:30 pm 3 pm to 9 pm 3 pm to 9 pm September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 September 11 November 13 November 13 December 18 November 13 December 18 December 18 December 18 December 18 10 10 15 10 15 15 15 15 450-491-6735 514-974-1056 514-974-1056 514-974-1056 514-974-1056 514-974-1056 514-290-6636 514-290-6636 $180 $110 $235 $110 $235 $235 $225 $225 inclus clarinette inclus inclus flûte/bec $20 violon Clay sculpture Theater 9-11 years Theater 9-11 years Knitting beginner and intermediate 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm 5:45 pm to 7:15 pm 7:30 pm to 9 pm 7 pm to 9:30 pm September 12 September 12 September 12 September 19 October 24 Dec.13 & 14 Dec.13 & 14 November 21 7 14 14 10 450-491-6735 514-571-7164 514-571-7164 450-491-6735 $125 $150 $150 $120 Emergent Literacy 3-5 years ** 9:15 am to 10 am October 4 Childrens musical 2 and 3 years 10:30 am to 10:55 am September 20 Musical awakening children 4 and 5 years 11 am to 11:30 am September 20 Stained glass painting (2 Saturdays) 9 am to 4 pm see dates with prof. Computing (2 Saturdays) 9 am to 4 pm see dates with prof. Theater 3-5 years 9 am to 4 pm September 13 November 22 November 8 November 8 8 8 8 Dec.13 & 14 14 450-491-6735 514-290-6636 514-290-6636 450-974-4087 450-974-4087 514-571-7164 $80 $80 $80 $125 $125 $150 MoNDAY SChEDuLE WEDNESDAY For children ages 4 to 11 Sunday, October 26th, from 1:30 p.m. to 4 p.m. at the PEJ. For Halloween we will also have the free workshop for children ages 4 to 11: thuRSDAY Theme: Partager pour découvrir Mini-workshops where course teachers express their creativity through sculpture, painting, drawing, etc., in addition to sharing their knowledge in English and Spanish, theatre and music. At the Petite école jaune (PEJ) FRiDAY ACtivitiES «viENS PEiNDRE tA CitRouiLLE» WoRKShoP SAtuRDAY Anyone wishing to enroll in a course or courses must have the membership card of the association for $ 15 per person, valid from September 1st 2014 to August 31th 2015. "Family" card is available at a cost of 20 $. JouRNéES DE LA CuLtuRE, SEPtEMBER 26th, 27th AND 28th September 16 October 10 to 15 October 10 to 15 October 5 to 11 October 5 to 11 October 10 to 15 October 5 to 11 October 10 to 15 October 10 to 15 October 10 to 15 $60 inclus inclus $100 voir/prof. $35 voir/prof. inclus inclus inclus voir/prof. ordi. ** Courses offered by a resource teacher for children with mild intellectual disabilities and learning disabilities. B U L L E T I N M U N I C I PA L D E L A V I L L E D E D E U X - M O N TA G N E S 10 AOÛT - SEPTEMBRE - OCTOBRE - NOVEMBRE 2014 thE gREEN PAgE Do you have an ash tree where you live? Watch out for the emerald ash borer! We talked a lot about the emerald ash borer recently, since this insect is becoming increasingly common and causing considerable damage to ash trees. But do you know how to identify an ash tree? In Quebec, there are four main species of ash, three of which are native; the White Ash or American White Ash (Fraxinus americana); the Red Ash or Northern Ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica); the Black Ash (Fraxinus nigra) and the Common or European Ash (Fraxinus excelsior). The latter is often integrated into landscaping since it is very resistant to a variety of climatic conditions. Here are some of its distinguishing features that will help you identify one: • leafy tree that can grow up to 10 to 20 metres high depending on the variety and species • opposite, pinnately compound leaves with 5 to 9 leaflets or 7 to 11 leaflets attached to a central stem (leaflets are the individual small leaves) Your tree may look like ash although it isn’t, hence the importance of proper identification. The Manitoba Maple, Cork, Hickory and Walnut trees are often confused with ash. • oval-shaped leaf with pointed tip (see image 1) • it bears samaras 2.5 cm to 6 cm in length, in groups or clusters, sometimes persistent in the tree in winter. (image 2) The Manitoba Maple is the one that most resembles ash because it is the only other tree with compound opposite leaves, along with lobed and toothed terminal leaflets that look a bit like a maple leaf. However, its fruits are winged samaras (helicopters) and always occur in pairs. • smooth, light gray bark when the tree is young, dividing into thick ridges with a diamond-shaped pattern when older. The black ash, for its part, has a softer and cork-like texture. (image 3) The cork tree, rather rare in our province, bears a cluster of small black berries, and its bud is not as apparent as on the ash. The walnut and hickory resemble an ash tree, but have alternate compound leaves and bear nuts. The walnut and hickory resemble an ash tree, but have alternate compound leaves and bear nuts Once you have identified your trees, and they are indeed ash, check for signs of emerald ash borer. Consider planting another tree in case your tree has to be cut down one day, or take preventive measures. iMAgE 1 : FEuiLLE BULLETIN iMAgE 2 : SAMARES EN gRouPE OF TH E CITY OF It should be noted that any treatment with an insecticide called TreeAzin must be done before any signs of damage are visible or else it will already be too late. iMAgE 3 : éCoRCE DEU X-M ON TAG N ES 11 AUGUST - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2014 Description of the Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus planipennis) : green with copper highlights. It attacks only ash trees. The adults emerge from the bark in May and June. The female can then lay 65 to 90 eggs on the branches of nearby trees in mid to end July. Visual signs of infestation: Galleries under the bark, premature yellowing of leaves, presence of fine sawdust at the base of the tree, D-shaped holes measuring 3-4 mm on the bark of the trunk, epicormic shoots (suckers) growing from the trunk and treetop thinning. Ash trees abound in the woodlands, parks and private lots of Ville de Deux-Montagnes, which is why the City has put out information on EAB for several years, stopped planting this type of tree, is installing traps to monitor the insect and is planning to take an inventory of ash trees in public spaces. We invite you to watch the following http://www.rncan.gc.ca/science/video/1430 A parking entrance or sidewalk without asphalt video: A Visual Guide to Detecting Emerald Ash Borer Damage http://cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/pubwarehouse/pdfs/26857.pdff Source: Natural Resources Canada If you need to build or improve your home driveway or sidewalk, consider greener materials that are better for the environment. If you think you have detected suspicious signs of infestation in your ash trees, please contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) or visit their website for more information: www.inspection.gc.ca/phytoravageurs. Asphalt absorbs and retains a lot of heat and contributes to the formation of heat islands. Being non-porous, it also contributes to stormwater runoff. To reduce ambient heat buildup from the surface you want to pave, your best bet is to choose materials that are light in colour, absorb less heat and allow water to pass through. One option is to use permeable paving blocks. They resemble typical paving blocks, but are installed with gaps at the corners that are filled with very fine gravel, rather than the usual polymeric sand, allowing water to pass through. Grass reinforced with a plastic honeycomb structure can also be a good option. Just put the structures on the bedding layer, add potting soil in the cells and lay sod over it. Some of these structures are made of concrete and will be apparent. However, the ground cover may not be durable enough for high traffic areas. A mixed solution can be used by installing asphalt or concrete grid pavers surrounded by greenery. By greenery we mean grass or ground cover that can tolerate a bit of trampling. BULLETIN OF TH E CITY OF DEU X-M ON TAG N ES 12 AUGUST - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2014 thE BiBLioPAgE this section is specifically devoted to activities at the DeuxMontagnes Municipal Library the following activities are mainly offered in French. Some activities are free and price rates apply to non-members. You must obtain a pass for all activities. Required registration can only be done on-site. Youth ACtivitiES MoNARChS iNvADE thE LiBRARY times, the caterpillar retreats into the cocoon it has woven for itself. Two weeks later, it has gone through metamorphosis: the caterpillar has become a butterfly and is ready to fly. You can observe the emergence of several cocoons in the library at the beginning of September and look at the various stages of the butterfly’s metamorphosis. Come visit us at the beginning of September to find out the date of their arrival! LES hEuRES Du CoNtE Je veux un animal de compagnie ! With Isabelle Larouche Regular schedule at the library (from Sept. 1st, 2014 to May 31st, 2015) Monday to Friday: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1pm to 8 pm Saturday and Sunday: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1pm to 4:30 pm information: 450-473-2702 http://bibliotheque.ville.deux-montagnes.qc.ca Le dodo des toutous With Isabelle Larouche Your favorite stuffed animal spent all night at the library! He had fun with his new friends and laughed a lot! But your stuffed animal would like to stay a bit longer for storytime… You’ll have to show him how it’s done… You’ll have to explain that it’s important to stay seated and listen carefully. You and your stuffed animal will then be able to enjoy the great adventures that we can discover in books! Friday, November 14 at 6:30pm. Registrations beginning October 26 For 3 to 6-year-olds. Maximum 20 children per activity Length: 45 minutes Cost: Free for members / $5 for non-members Pyjamas and stuffed animals are welcome Des histoires pour rigoler, en attendant Noël With Isabelle Larouche You have many friends and many of them can be found at your favorite library. It’s normal…They love stories, just like you! But would you have a dog or a cat or a dragon as a friend? And if mom didn’t agree? How do you tame a cat that doesn’t belong to anyone? And what happens when our best friend doesn’t come back? Friday, September 19 at 6:30pm. Registrations beginning August 18 For 3 to 6-year-olds. Maximum 20 children per activity Length: 45 minutes Cost: Free for members / $5 non-members Pyjamas and stuffed animals are welcome Prelude to Storytime on November 14 : Le dodo des toutous If you like funny stories, you’ll find them at storytime. After all, it’ll soon be Christmas… and you just can’t wait! But in the meantime, come to the library to find comic books with your friends! They’ll help you spend some very joyful moments. Promise! Friday, December 19 at 6:30pm. Registrations beginning November 16 For 3 to 6-year-olds. Maximum 20 children per activity Length: 45 minutes. Cost: Free for members / $5 non-members Pyjamas and stuffed animals are welcome uNE MuSiStoiRE DE LA CABANE à MuSE une poule pour izzy Pippik This is a difficult time in Shaina’s village. She would really like to help the villagers, but she doesn’t know how. Everything changes with the arrival of the beautiful merchant’s hen, Izzy Pippik. A story based on an old tale that speaks of helpfulness, honesty and determination. Live show in a small Kamishibaï- style paper theatre, with added music and sound effects to delight children. Thursday November 13, children registered for storytime on November 14 are invited to bring their stuffed animal to the library between 1pm and 7:30pm for the stuffed animals bedtime. They will remain at the library overnight and the children can pick them up the next day during the stuffed animals parade. During the storytelling activity we will hear stories about what the animals did during the night at the library accompanied by photographs. Facilitators: María-José Cruz and Karoline Selhorst BULLETIN 13 OF TH E CITY OF DEU X-M ON TAG N ES Friday, November 28 at 6:30pm. For 4 to 8-year-olds Maximum 30 children Length: 30 minutes Free activity for members, $5 for non-members AUGUST - SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER - NOVEMBER 2014 un bleu si bleu Manu et vampirus uNE MuSiStoiRE DE le froussard! LA CABANE à MuSE Puppet show with Marc-André Berthold Les fabulateurs Vampirus organizes a party at home for his birthday. He asks each of his friends to give him a horror story… that won’t scare him! Crochu and Verrue are stymied. It’s not easy to find skeleton, ghost or monster stories for a scary vampire. Will the two friends succeed? With Manu’s help, the children will find stories filled with witchcraft and enchantment…that won’t give Vampirus the jitters. A young boy is living in a big, grey city. He has a strange and wonderful dream about a color: blue. A blue that is both deep and bright, a shade of blue that does not exist in a paint box. So, armed with a notebook and a paintbrush, the young boy goes in search of the color in his dream: A blue so blue that it is very difficult to find…Live performance in a small Kamishibaï-style paper theatre including music and sound effects to delight all children. Facilitators: María-José Cruz and Karoline Selhorst Friday, September 26 at 6:30pm. Friday, October 24 at 6:30pm. Length: 30 minutes – For 4 to 8-year-olds Maximum 30 children – Cost: Free for all Length: 45 minutes – For 3 to 7-year-olds. Maximum: 60 participants Cost: Free for members / $5 non-members CAFé-LECtuRE : LES tENDRES JEuDiS the 16th edition of Library Week Facilitator: Mireille Brodeur A book club for adults to share their “must read” lists, read and discuss selected topics over a nice cup of coffee! Reading…a pleasure to be shared! Every last Thursday of the month. Maximum 20 participants will be held this year under the theme More than a place, an occasion! and takes place from October 18th to October 25th. This is an ideal opportunity to plan a family outing to your library that contains hidden treasures where everyone stands to gain and escape by making a few discoveries…Here is an overview of our planned activities for the week: Thursday, September 25 and Thursday, November 27 from 10am to 11:30am Free for members / $5 for non-members. Literary evening éCRiRE PouR DiRE With Kim Thúy Meet the exuberant author of the novels Ru and Mãn. An evening with Vietnamese flair that promises to be rich in personal thoughts. Facilitator: Mireille Brodeur A writing club to have fun, share, to use words to express yourself…Come share your passion at these bi-monthly meetings. Tuesday, September 9 and Tuesday, November 11 from 10am to 11:30 am. Tuesday, October 21 at 7pm. Length: 60 minutes For the general public Cost: Free for members $5 non-members Rien ne me fait peur ! With Isabelle Larouche Fall has arrived and the leaves are changing colors. With the arrival of cooler days and Halloween, many of your friends are starting to shiver. But storytime hour friends are also as brave as a big, brown bear. They aren’t afraid of mom’s infamous handbag or a small owl that cries in the night. Come and discover other great stories with us! Thursday, October 23 at 6:30pm. Registrations beginning September For 3 to 6-year-olds. Maximum 20 children per activity Length: 45 minutes Cost: Free for members / $5 non-members Pyjamas and stuffed animals are welcome L’Express Deux-Montagnes Hôtel de ville de Deux-Montagnes 803, chemin d’Oka, Deux-Montagnes (Québec) J7R 1L8 Téléphone : 450 473-2796 www.ville.deux-montagnes.qc.ca L’Express editions are emailed to citizens on the mailing list of the City's website and downloaded on the home page. B U L L E T I N M U N I C I PA L D E L A V I L L E D E D E U X - M O N TA G N E S Maximum 20 participants Free for members / $5 for non-members. EXhiBitioNS D CE EDWARD ISLAN MEMORIES OF PRIN Thibodeau rc-André exhibition is a Photographs by Ma and animal photograph ape dsc lan , ure nat nce Edward ive This twenty-f summer of 2011 to Pri that was taken in the trip a of e ctiv pe ros ret vince to discover. Island: A Canadian pro mber 2 to October 26 Exhibition from Septe PASSioN FRuit rrier Works by Maude Ca e in visual and d with a teaching degre ate du Maude Carrier gra artist and a in 2011. She is both an media arts from UQAM ryday items. eve by d pire approach is ins teacher whose artistic nat mi ion to transform we can sense her deter Throughout her work, and shapes come lor Co ts. aesthetic objec mundane subjects into original way. to life in a striking and er 27 to November 23 tob Exhibition from Oc Coordination, research and writing: Collaboration: Valérie Sauvé Johanne Labranche, Johanne Chaput, Mélissa Brault, Martin Pelletier, Christopher Harding et Denis Berthelette Traduction: Traduction Alain Gélinas Inc. Graphic design: Robert Devost Graphiste Inc. Print: Imprimerie commerciale Legal deposit: Bibliothèque nationale du Québec L’Express de Deux-Montagnes is entirely printed with vegetable inks on paper made from post-consumer fiber from wellmanaged forests and FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified www.fsc.org. 14 AOÛT - SEPTEMBRE - OCTOBRE - NOVEMBRE - DÉCEMBRE 2014