memory is
memory is
ADVERTISING PSYCHOLOGY 6. MEMORY AND LEARNING MEMORY IS the process in which information is (1)encoded, (2)stored and (3)retrieved. “memory foodstep:” ENGRAM Memory helps us to overbear the troubleful situations of our life.... Memory centrals (Broadman Fields) Memory Storage “HD” + “RAM” SM Sensor Memory STM Short Time Memory REPETITION!!!! LTM Long Time Memory 2005 DDBO Three psychological laws of memory ► positivity effect Emotions boost the memory. Informations connected to emotions are preferred. ► priming effect Previous experiences impact the memory. Also the subliminal perceptions “prepare”the better remembering . ► sleeper effektus . The permanent repetition moderates the verity perceptions. “ If it is said often, it will be seemed true!” Frequent Repeating: PARROTING » SUGGESTION » BRAINWASH Mind control (also known as - brainwashing, - coercive persuasion, - thought control, - thought reform) - an impairment of autonomy, - an inability to think dependently. Urbán Ildikó, művelődésszervező it was screened 15 274-times, during 297 days, on the 24th April 81-times. Advil, Algoflex, Algopyrin, Aleve, Aspirin, Panadol, Quarelin, Saridon, Tylenol “Share Of Voice” Hadache relief pills 27.week 2013 Advil Ultra Algoflex Forte Panadol Ibustar HIJACKING Replay reputation sympathy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Number of repetition Reaching the IMPREGNATION POINT further repetitions destroy the reception BRAND HIJACKING STRATEGIES OF REPETITION CORRELATION BETWEEN REPETITION AND MEMORY recall KAMPÁNY CAMPAIGN FOLLOW UP FRONT LOADED CAMPAIGN CORRELATION BETWEEN REPETITION AND MEMORY recall KAMPÁNY CAMPAIGN FOLLOW UP “BACK LOADED” CAMPAIGN CORRELATION BETWEEN REPETITION AND MEMORY recall KAMPÁNY CAMPAIGN FOLLOW UP “SINUS” CAMPAIGN CORRELATION BETWEEN REPETITION AND MEMORY recall 30 sec. mp. SPOT sec. 5 mp. REMINDER Repeating a 5 sec. detail of the spot results the best efficiency 3. INTER MEDIA REPETITION emlékezet TV SPOT RÁDIÓ SPOTOK Repeating only the audio part of the commercial results the best efficiency Questions to psychological investigators: ! Is a memorable advertisement a good advertisement? !How can we make an advertisement memorable? MEASUREMENT OF MEMORY THE MEASUREMENT OF ADVERTISING EFFECTIVITY Marketing goal INCOME __ C change Cost REALIZATION Communication goal RECALL __ C change Cost MEMORY Psychological goal ATTITUDE __ C change Cost IMAGE, ATTITUDE THE MEASUREMENT OF ADVERTISING EFFECTIVITY MEASURING THE MEMORY RECALL RECOGNITION requires to retrieve previously learned information Spontaneous Calling back without help Directional Calling back with help indicates whether we have encountered a stimulus Direct Calling back by reminding correct-false invoking a known thing Indices of Memory Brand / (advertisement) awareness Share the members in the group who know about the brand or ad Brand / (advertisement) recall - Share the members of the group who remember (spontaneously or supported) to the brand or ad Brand / (advertisement) associations Share the members of the group who can recall attributions and associations related to the brand or ad Top of mind Share the members of the group who invoke and mention the brand or ad first and foremost Special Indices of Memory • Ad awareness How is the advertisement present in the senses of the consumers? • Brand position What is the analyzed brand’s position to compete other brands or ads? • Claimed Recall After hearing the brand name, how many people declare that they have seen an ad related to it? • Recognition Based on the narrative of a commercial, how many recognize the original one? • Brand Linkage How obvious is the association between the brand and the ad’s attributes? • Related Recall Can the audience also recall the arguments and messages of the ad after hearing the brand’s or product’s name? • Related effectiveness How does the ad affect the different target groups? • Response curve How do repetitions raise the efficiency of the final output? SUPPORTED RECALL Do you watch ads on a regular basis? Did you see any ads yesterday? Do you remember any of them? Was there any hairspray commercials amongst them? Taft! Can you mention any other hairspray ads? Taft! What did it offer? Maybe a commercial related to the weather of big cities? What did it offer? What was the brand? Taft? ta, t á l ét s n? é t á r e o d r hi nap s k o on últ hó p m y sa az elm l e M otta hall Vizsgált ELSEVE FRUCTIS DOVE HEAD & SHOULDERS MELINDA NIVEA NIZORAL ORGANICS PANTENE PRO-V SCHAUMA SYOSS WU-2 egyéb AVON BABA CAOLA CAMOMILLA FA FABULON GABI GLISS KUR HERBÁRIA JOHNSON’S PH 5.5 L'OREAL NEUTROGENA ORIFLAME PALMOLIVE SANARA SCHWARZKOPF VELMETINA WASH AND GO VIVALITY WELLA BOOSTING OF EMORY BOOSTING MEMORY 1. MNEMOTECHNICS 2. OPTIMIZATION 3. CONNOTATION Mnemotechnic HURT 123 1-877- 4878-123 Mnemotechnic INFORMATION OPTIMIZATION ➧ News values determine how much prominence a news story is given ➧ Redundancy information that is expressed more than once ➧ Entropy the expected value of the information FRESH NOW FISH HERE AVAILABLE Creativity for better memorizing Creativity for better memorizing 5 5+6 6-4 Creativity for better memorizing 5x5 9 5-1 Creativity for better memorizing 5 3+3+4 3 Creativity for better memorizing 5 10 Memory boosters: SLOGAN! LOGO Timeless? Synonym? OPEN HAPPIENESS IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING JUST DO IT Memorable? MAKE, BELIVE MORE THAN A CAMERA CONNECTING PEOPLE THINK SMALL FINGER LICKIN’ GOOD COCA COLA ADIDAS NIKE LEWIS SONY NIKON NOKIA VOLKSWAGEN KFC I AM LOVIN’IT MC DONALDS MELLS IN YOUR MOUTH... SAVE MONEY, LIVE BETTER M and Ms WALMART QUALITY NEVER GOES OUT OF STYLE Timeless? Synonym? Memorable? WHERE THERE IS NO TOMORROW DARE TO BE TENDER STRONGER THAN DIRT SHARE MOMENTS DON’LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT THE BEST A MAN CAN GET WE BRING GOOD THINGS TO LIFE LET’S MAKE THINGS BETTER WE TRY HARDER FEDEX MILKA AJAX KODAK AMEX GILETTE GE PHILIPS AVIS BE STUPID! DIESEL BECAUSE YOU’RE WORTH’S IT SOLUTION FOR A SMALL PLANET L’OREAL IBM Köszönöm a figyelmet!